HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/14/2006 - Minutes City of Renton �'s .�u Park Board Minutes City Ha�i 1 Q55 South Grady Way Conferencing Center March 14, 2006--4:3Q p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair Leslie Betlach Dave McNeal Cynt�ia Burns Kelly Beymer Ron Re�is Terry Flatley Troy Wigestrand Sandy Pilat Jerry Rerecich Absent Ralph E�ans Marge Richter Tim Searin CALL TO ORDER Chair, Michael �'Donin, called tY�e meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ar� announcement was made that Ralph Evans resigned from the Board. Also Ron Regis and Tim Searing's terms had expired. Ron i�dicated he would like to renew for another term. Staff will check with Tim and forward information to the Mayor's office. PRESENTATION Dave McNeal of JGM Landscaping introduced himself. He gave an overview of #he Tri-Park Master Plan that was pr�sented at a community workshop two weeks ago on February 28th. He explained the project purpose was to re-master plan Liberty Park, Cedar River Park a�� the Narco site to best meet the City of Rentan's park ar�d recreational needs, protec# the Ci#y's sole source aquifer and incorporate future impro�ements to the I-405 and SR169 corridors. This new plan will reflect tY�e dictates of the na#ural environment; recreational ne�ds of citizens, staff and elected officials; and par�c, utility and transportation requirements. Slides were shown illustrating #he exis#ing access ta Renton Hill and proposed access. �'his master plan is b�ing geared to serve the community for ti�e next 20-30 years. 5ame property purchased with grant money must be used specifically per outlined use by grant (passi�e) opposed to ha�ing sports fields. If we do not comply with grant requirements we would have to purchase the land back at today's market �alue. Potential expansion of aquatic center and phasing out of ballfields at Liberty Park were discussed. Leslie indicated we wo�l� not lose any fields until we had a replacement field to accommodate the leagues. Vision s#atement w�ll be the focus of the Master Plan. Leslie indicated one proposal tor Liberty Park was a teen center, but th�re is a lot of discussion to accur prior to any decisions being made. A�the Community Open House the attendees broken in#o groups. Their comments were distributed. The common ground seemed to be descr+bing cluster like facili#ies and making the trail system seamless, Anothe�open house will be held from 7:00—9:OD p.m. at the Renton Community Center o� April �gtn T�e goal is �o g�t as much public input as possible. Cynthia Burns and Ron Regis thanked Dave for the presentation. Leslie Betlach reviewed the consent agenda: A. WRPA Aquatic Section, Lisa Greenmun, requested to hold the WRPA 5ki11 Bui[der for Aquatics, at the Henry Moses Aquatic Center on June 4th from 8:Q0 a.m. unt�l 4:QQ p.m. and waiver of fees for use of the facility. The fee would be $1,50�. WRPA will waive the $2� class charge for all City staff. Anticipated attendance by City staff would be approximately 25 lifeguards. StafF recommends appro�al of this request. B. The VFVIl, Post #1263, has requested to use Teasdale Park on Saturday, April 15, 2006, from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon for an Easter Egg Hunt. Anticipated attendance is 1 a0-150 children. Staff recommends appraval of th'ss request. C. Betty Newman, Loyal 4H Dog Club, requested use of Riverview Park and the Cedar River Trail on Saturday, May 13, 2006, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:0� p.m. for a dog walk. This walk benefits King County Search and Rescue Dogs and last year raised approximately $5,000. Staff recommends approval of this $100 fee wai�er contingent on supplying an insurance certificate and complet�on o# paperwork. D. Margaret Harto, Kiwan�s, submitted a request on beF�alf of Division 32, to recei�e a partial refund for use of the Renton Community Center on February 25, 200fi. The group �tilized the banquet facilities and three meeting rooms. They ha�e requested a rEfund of $450 for the meeting rooms. Staff does not recommend au#horizing a refund. E. AI Sie�ert requested permissior� to stay at the tournament site of the American Bass Association at Coulon Park on Saturday and Sunday, July 29��' and 3�'h, and June 3rd and 4"' in his motor home. Staff recommenc�s approva�; howerrer, fees must be paid at pay box tor appropriate amount of tim� he is an site. (City cannot guarantee a�ailability of parking stalls}. F. Bohol Association of Washington State is having a potl�ck picnic at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park on 5unday, Aprii 16, 2006, for 100 people. They have req�aested to use a microphone for announc�ments and an amplified sound for a karaoke system. Staff does not recommend approval. G. Deanna Isadore, Concessionaire at Liber�y Park, requested an extension of her 3-year contract for the concession stand. Staff recommends approval of this request. (Concessionaire grossed $4,800 in 2405) Jerry Rerecich, Acting Recreat�on Director, explained tha# Ms. Isadore in��sted a considerable sum in an espresso maker. When the dri�e-thru chain, Big Foot Ja�a, opened across the street it considerably impacted her business. Despite fhat, she still wishes a 3-year extension on her current contract. Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to approve the consent agenda as stated. She also asked Sandy to ex�lain to the Kiwanis Club that in f�ature they would entertain a requEs# for wai�er of f�es, but are unable ta do that retroactively. Ron Regis seconded the motion, al! were in �avor, motion carried. Troy Wigestrand inquired about the free fishing day. APPR�VAL OF MINUTES Cynthia Burns made a motion to appro�e the February minutes as written. Troy Wigestrand seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried, minutes appro�ed. ADJOURNMENT� Troy Wig�strand made a mo#ion seconded by Ron Regis to adjourn the meeting. AI! were in fa�or, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 p.m. NEXT REGULAR MEETING April 11 , 2005 C� 4:3� pm Room 51 �----5th floor i w�