HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/2006 - Minutes City of Renton �� � Park Board Minutes City Hall �O55 South Grady Way 5`h Floor-Room 511 May 16, 2QQ5---4:3� p.m. In Attendance: Members Staf� Others Micnael Q'Danin, Chair Terry Higashiyama Af Dieckman Cynthia Burns Sar�dy Pilat Pete Maas Ron Regis Jerry Rerecich Tim Searing Absent Troy Wigestrand CALL TO ORDER Chair, Michael O'Donin, called the May 1 fi, 2006, meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. APPROVAL OF M[NUTES Cynthia Bums made a motion seconded by Tim Seari6minutes appro�ed. (There was not a quorum in April, so the meeting was canceiled.) ANNOUNCEMENTS The Exhibit of Sacred Art will be �eld at the Renton Community Center. A private pre�iew invitation had been sent ou#to the board members and they were asked to RSVP to Sandy or Sonja. Cynthia Burns indicated she would attend the pre�iew. Ron Regis noted he had seen this exhibit in Mexico. CONSENT The following req�ests wer� made and reviewed for consideration by the Board: A. Gary 6agnell, Renton Sailing Club, requested to reserve one parking stal{ at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park for the American Red Cross certification class he teaches. The classes are four weeks in duration and held on Wednesdays Thursdays, and Fridays. Staff recommends approval of this req�est. I B. Chris#ina Marks and Jeremy Smith, Wal*Mart, requested ta have their annual company picnic at Liberty Park with approximateiy 100- 150 guests in attendance on Friday, August 11, 2006. Staff recommends appro�al contingent on provision of an insurance certificate prior to their e�ent and encouraging the�r empioyees to carpoof. C. Jennifer Cadwel! requested permissior� to �ave photos of her wedding party taken a#the Piazza on September 9, 2006, prior#o her reception at the Pavilion. The pictures would be taken from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. T�ere are approximately 20 in the bridal party including family members participating in the photo shoot. St�ff recommends approval of this request. D. Constance Galfagher requested to donate a tree and plaque ir� memory of Donald Gallagher, a long-time Renton resident. The request was made for Gene Coulon Park if possibfe. There is still a moratorium on accepting applications at Coulon Park but staff will recomm�nd approvaf of the request if the applicant will accep� an altemate lacation. Tim Searing made a motion to appro�e Consent items A-D as presented with staff recommendations. Cynthia Bums seconded the motion. All were in favor, motion carried, consent agenda approved. VII. OLD BUSINESS The foll�wing items were presented at the April meeting, however, since a quor�m was not preser�t, no action could be taken. A. Kelly Fiksdal requested to use the Piazza €or his daughter's wedding on Sunday, August 27, 2006. Approximatefy 10Q people are expec#ed for the 5:00 p.m. ceremony, The reception is at t�e Events Center and #hey wil! coordinate set-up and remo�al of the chairs. They ha�e re�iewed the park rul�s a�d will notify guests alcoholic be�erages are not permitt�d outside. They would, hawe�er, like to utilize low amplified music during the wedding ceremony. Staff recommends approval of the ceremony at the �ark, however, not the use of amplified de�ices. B. 5onja Mejiaender, Festivat Coordinator, request�d exclusive use of Liberty and Cedar Ri�er Parks for Renton Ri�er Days, Tuesday, �u1y 18, 200fi, through Sunday, Ju�y 23, 2006. Additionally, the use af the Community Center for the Senior Day actir►ities on Thursday, July 20, 2006, and the Banquet Room for the Renton Annual Art Show. 5taff recommends appro�al of this e�ent, � C. Sanja Mejlaender, Festi�al Coordinator, requested the use of Gene Coulon Memorial 6each Park to hos# the 2Q06 Freddie's Club of Renton Fabulous Faurth of July on Tuesday, July 4, 200fi, from fi:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. The 2006 event would be s�milar in size and scale to the 2Q05 event and inclt�de: a car show, a va�iety of free activities for kids such as inflatables and face painting, stage �ntertair�ment, a 25-minute fireworks display, an option for specialty food vendors, free off-site parking, free shuttle service from off-site parking areas to the event, several traffic monitors for the parking areas within tne park, and on-site Police and F�re Personnel during the event. Staff recammends approval. D. Tracy Bier, Renton Farmers Market Manager, requested assistance for the fifth yea� of the Farmers' Market. This year's schedule begins Tuesday, June 6, 2006, and runs thraugh September 19, 2006, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. They are requesting waiver of fees for use of the Piazza. The fees are estimated at $1,280. Staff recommends approval of tF�is event and fee wai�er provide�: 1) The City recei�es a completed Use Agre�ment Form and 2) vendor submits a current Certificat� af Insurance and Endorsement. StafF also reques#s no dumping of wastewater on #urf, in shrub b�ds, a# tre�s or in fountains and sidewalks must be kept clear. Boxes, carts and other items should be kept off the grass and shrub beds. E. Michael Labaz r�qu�sted to have his band play at Gene Coulon and Piazza Parks on various dates throughout the summer. Amplified speakers are not allowed in city parks. Therefore, staff does not recommend approving use of amplification. If the band can play wi#hout amplifiEd de�ices staff will work with group to find an appropriate lacation. F. Preach the Word Ministries reserved the Highlands Neighborhood Cer�ter on June 10, 2oa�, to hald a fundraising event and request�d to wai�e the fees. Staff does not recommend wai�ing the $135 in fees. G. Siarhei Nikishyn requested to plant a tree in a downtown park area ir� memory of his son Nikita. 5taff recommends approval of danating a tree at Bumett Linear Park and will coordinate the purchase with applicant. (Note: It is staff's in#ention to rev�sit the memorial policy in the near fu#ure and propose to the Board to eliminate plaques wi#h donations. However, sinc� current policy provides for plaques, we will appro�e a plaque.) � Cynth�a Bums made a motion to approve the consent items prEsented under Old Business. Ron Regis seconded the motion. All were in fa�or, mo#ion carried. �tems A-G were approved with staff recommendatian. NEW BUSINESS Terry Higashiyama reviewed a proposed amended agenda. She indicated she wou9d like to see the Park Board go to a new le�el of involvement. Staff would no longer bRng routine picnics and applications for the Board to review. To attain this goal wo�ald require a genuine commitment from e�eryone, but with so many exciting thmgs going on in thE City, including annexations, master plans for multiple sites, staff ne�ds the community involvement and participation, The new agenda would include time for the members to share information and feedback about activities they have attended. Staff would share information that had been sent#o Council, status updates on Capital Projects a�so wo�ld be reported on. We curren#ly have #wo vacancies we need to fill. Now is the tim� for each member to da a self evaluation and individua! assessment and decide if they are able to devote the necessary time and energy rnto the success of the Board. Terry indicated she wou�d like to have a retreat in early fall as a training session for Board and Commission Members throughout the City. Further discussion inc3uded mov�ng of the Piazza Summer Cinema to Liberty Park, revisiting the naming of the new park on Union A�enue, and the upcoming groundbreak�ng. We are stiil seeking applicants for the �acant board positions and Terry encouraged anyone who may know of interested parties to appEy. ADJOURNMENT Tim Searing made a motion seconded �y Ron Regis to adjourn the meeting. ,�If were in favor, motion carr�ed. Michael O'Donin, Chair, adjoumed the May meeting at 5:30 p.m. C� ��gr�at��� - - N:EXT RE+�U��.AI� ME�TIN� J U�N E 13, �04� Git�r Hal� Confe�enci�n� Cen�er �- 7�"' Floor �