HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/2008 - Minutes Ci�y of Ren ton Board of Park Commissioners _:��- ., � J + •r� � .�•� Mee ting Mi�r u t`es Ap ri I 22, 2008 4:30 p.m.—City Hall — 7�" floar Conferencing Center !. CALL TO ORDER The April 22, 2008, m�eting was called to order by Chair, Tim Searing, at 4:30 p.m. In Attendance Members: Tim Searing, Cynthia Burns, AI Di�ckman, Michael O'Donin, Ron Regis, Troy Wigestrand Staf� Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betfach, Jerry Rerecich, Kelly Beymer, Terry Flatley Absent: Larry Reymann II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Michael O'Donin made a motion, seconded by Cynthia Burns, to appro�e the agenda as presented. All were in favor, agenda approved. Ill. APPRQVAL OF MINUTES Troy Wigestrand noted (on Page 3 of the minutes) a reference was made ta a discussion by Terry Flatley, Parks Manager, and he was not present a# that meeting. Troy thought Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, had fed thE discussion. A motion was made and seconded to appro�e the minutes with correction noted, a!I were in favor, motion carried, minutes appro�ed. !V. BOARD COMMUNICATION Michael O'Donin inquired how tF�ings were going at the Skatepar�c. Leslie and Terry Higashiyama indicated that the ligf�ts were compl�t�d and users are at the park until i i:00 p.m. nightly. We still ha�e a big problem wi#h graffiti. V. CITY CDUNCiL C�MMUNICAT�ON Leslie updated the Board on impro�ements occurring at Bumett Linear Park. Todd Black, Capital Project Coordi�ator, is overseeing the project. Th� work includes a widened and relocated walkway, a new seating area with reloca#ed, refurbished artwork, entry signage, and new irrigation and landscaping. Se�eral trees are being removed and fi�e new trees will be planted in mare appropriate large, open areas. The work is scheduled until mid-July. VI. DISCUSSEON/ACTION tTEMS Terry Higashiyama explained th� 5#rategic P�an was a �lan developed in accordance with our accreditation process. This plan is our 'working plan'. The plan was updated to reflect the new City of Re�+ka� Park Board MFr�ut�s April 22, 2008 Page 2 af 3 division of specia[ e�ents and volun#eers. Staff requested a motian to approve the plar�. Several m�mbers did not receive the plan in the maiE and asked to defer the vote until next month after they had a chance to re�iew the plan. Item deferred until May meefing. Ke�ly Beymer, Golf Course Ma�ager, did a presentation on maintenance practices utilized at the Maplewood Golf Course. She co�ered the Enrrironmental StEwardship Pragram as well as the Audubon Cooperatsve Sanctuary Program. The Maplewood Golf Course �nitiated this pragram, modeled after Portland's nationally approved plan, in 2001. This Environmental Stewardship Program �tilizes an Integrated Pest Management approach. This process uses various methods to meet our objectives. The fi�e primary elements of the program are prevention; monitor�ng; establishing threshold [evels; treatment, maximizing the use of natura! methods to control pests; and evaluation by documenting all observations, treatments and results. The Audubon Cooperati�e Sanctt�ary Program addresses five key environmental areas includir�g wildlife and habitat management, chemical use, water conservation, water quafity management, and outreach and education. The Golf Course and City recognize the importance of sound environmental stewardship and are committed to optimiz�ng its practices to protect and en�ironment. There was also discussion regarding acquiring a new maintenance shap by moving ti�e previous living quart�rs from Fire Station 13 to the golf caurse. The golf course staff has been housed in sub- standard conditions for a number of years and this wi�l be a vastly impro�ed un�t for them to �ase until a new facility can be built. Kelly extended the invitation of a tour to whoever wou[d be interested any time. Cynti��a Bums inquired about normal' wear ar�d tear related to the age of the facility in �he restaurant and around tY�e building. Kelly indicated w� woufd be getting new lobby fUrniture and addressing other maintenanc� issu�s. Jerry Rerecich, Recreation D°[rector, r�oted this year would be ti�e first time both the Senior and Cammuni#y Centers would be closed for two weeks for maintenance. We need more and more revenues to keep up with the major maintenance on these buildings. VII. ADMINISTRATQRS REP�RT Terry Higashiyama, Administrator, expla�ned that from March until approximately December the workload wauld be redistributed to make an effort to keep up with the numerous projects we curr�ntly are working on. Terry Flatley would be sp[it from working as a forester and overseeing Capital Projecks. Leslie Betlach is working on several teams including the I 405 Coordination WSDOT#eam, the Par�cs and Trails Plan, the Open Space Plan. In an effort to balance the workload Kel�y will assume some of�he day-to-day maintenance operations. Terry explained our staffing has been so lean for many years it's hard to catch up now. We wil� do a Capital �mprovement Project power point presentation at an upcoming meeting to review some of these projects. lill. OLD BUSINESS Off Leash Tas�C Force Terry Higashiyama gave an update on the Off-Leash Task Force noting the commitment and enthusiasm this group of 18 has shown. They are very anxious to go forward with #his project. The [ast meeting they had speak�rs from two ci#ies, Seattle and Bellevue, that alerted them to potent'sa! City of Renton Park Board Minutes Apri! 22, 2008 Page3af3 problems and what they have learned from completing this process in their respective cities. AI Dieckman is represen#ing the Park 6oard, two staff members from t�e Police Department and Dana Appel, Parks Maintenance are on the Committee also. Additional meetings are schedul�d thru June and at that time Terry hopes the Committee will bring a recammendation to the Park Board. NEW BUSlNESS Future Agenda Items Election of a �ew Chairperson will be helc! in June. Formerly the Board has c�osen to rotate this position among all the members. Terry Higashiyama indicated it was up to the board members if they chaose to do #his again or not, staff cannot be in�olved. Perhaps the members could discuss this prior to the June meeting. Arbor/Earth Day will be celebrated at 9:Q0 a.m. at Heritage Park with over 150 �o�unteers planting over �,7Q0 plants. Terry Higashiyama a�so reminded everyone of the Volunteer Dinner and to RSVP if they planned to attend. Tim indicated he did not receive an in�itation. Terry asked 5andy to email Tim the information. ADJOURNMENT Michael O'Danin made a motion seconded by Troy Wigestrand to adjourn the meeting. AlI were in favor, mation carried. The April 22, 2008, meeting was adjaurned at 5:42 p.m. Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday May �3, 2008 G 4:30 P.M. Main Library Conference Room