HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_On-Hold_Letter_Solera_180924.pdf September 24, 2018 Jeremy Febus 1601 5th Ave, Ste. 1600 Seattle, WA 98101 SUBJECT: "On Hold" Notice PR18-000333 Solera / LUA18-000490, SA-M, CU-H, MOD Dear Mr. Febus, The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on August 7, 2018. During our review, staff has determined that additional information is necess ary in order to proceed further and the tentatively scheduled October 9, 2018 public hearing date is postponed to a date to be determined following a complete resubmittal of the items below. The following information will need to be submitted before December 26, 2018 so that we may continue the review of the above subject application: 1. The application materials do not include the level of information needed to determine if the proposal qualifies as a Planned Action under the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS Ordinance 5813. Please review the EIS mitigation document (Ord. 5813, Attachment B) in its entirety to ensure the documents you provide comply. The following Planned Action items referenced in the EIS mitigation measures are needed to continue review:  Planned Action applicants shall identify in their applications the source of earth material to be used in construction and shall consider earth material reuse and provide information to the City regarding why earth material reuse is not feasible if it is not proposed. The SEPA checklist response “Up to 30,000 cubic yards of unsuitable fill material may be removed from the site, and up to 15,000 cubic yards of structural fill material may be imported and placed on-site. The source of fill will be determined prior to construction” is not adequate.  Planned Action applicants for residential developments shall provide information regarding the feasibility and applicability of indoor air quality measures.  A report is needed to document feasible GHG measures : development applicants to consider the reduction measures shown in Table 6 of the mitigation document for their projects, and as part of their application explain what reduction measures are included and why other measures found in the table are not included or are not applicable. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible GHG reduction measures.  Planned Action applicants shall consider recycling and reuse of building materials when redeveloping sites, and as part of their application explain what measures are included.  Planned Action applicants shall consider trip-reduction measures and energy conservation, and as part of their application explain what reduction measures are included and which ones are not included (based on Exhibit B Tables 6 or Table 10 of the mitigation document).  The application does not explicitly address effects on adjacent properties. Specifically, the Planned Action EIS identified the potential for shading impacts as a possible adverse impact. The applicant shall provide a shading/shadow study to demonstrate whether the requested additional building height will result in adverse shading impacts on adjacent properties. Specifically, the study should address potential shading conditions at the following locations:  NE 12th Street frontage, including the Highlands Library;  Sunset Terrace interior park, located south of NE 10th Street;  NE Sunset Boulevard, including sidewalks on both sides of the street and building frontage east of NE Sunset Boulevard;  Sunset Court Park, located west of the study area; and  All internal open spaces and pedestrian walkways. 2. The applicant has opted to meet the Low Impact Development (LID) Performance Standard as outlined in Section of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. The project will be required to match the developed discharged rates to pre-developed durations from 8% of the 2-year peak flow to 50% of the 2-year peak flow, assuming historic site conditions for the entire site. The TIR does not appear to adequately demonstrate compliance with the LID performance standard. Total area inputs for the pre-developed conditions must match the total area inputs for the post-developed conditions. The entire site basin shall be modeled as forested for predeveloped conditions, and may model the bioretention facilities explicitly, utilizing design infiltration rates. Compliance with the LID Performance Standard will be reviewed for the entire site at the point of compliance. Implementation of the LID Performance Standard for the entire site shall be in accordance with Section 3. The traffic analysis does not include analysis of the entrance/exit from the proposed frontage road along NE Sunset Blvd. The analysis shall include turning movements, sight distance, analysis of the proximity of the access points t o the existing intersections and the existing site access for the gas station at the northwest intersection of NE 10th Street/NE Sunset Blvd. 4. The site access discussed in the traffic study at Kirkland Ave NE is not identified on the site development plans. The City will not allow access to the site via Kirkland Ave NE. 5. An updated Traffic Impact Analysis addressing items 3 and 4 will be required in order to continue review of the project. At this time, your project has been placed “on hold” pending receipt of the requested information and the October 9, 2018 public hearing is postponed to a later date following the resubmittal. Please contact me at (425) 430-6593 or mherrera@rentonwa.gov should you have any questions. Sincerely, Matt Herrera, AICP Senior Planner enc: Sunset Planned Action Ordinance 5813 – https://bit.ly/2Q3GGk1 (Please note that bitly URLs are case-sensitive) cc: Greater Hilands, LLC C/O JSH Properties; Mark Gropper / Owner(s) Corey Watson / Applicant Paul Russo; Gary Kriedt; Dan Benapfl / Party(ies) of Record