HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_First_Amendment_Sewer_Easement_Agreement_181001_v1i� 64 1 t f f if• . After'Reoording Return To: P7a.'- la,:�hai�-bers-'.:., Windeerp Real' -Estate 81 :0 15�d' Place N.,W #,1.00-:.2016 1013001 083 ' Issaquah, WA 98027' ��� CHICAGQ TITLE AMND Si •�0 PAGE-061 OF 009 �. Ch�C ., stk� ;'.. - 10113/2016 14:37 �;�j �j�j .' KING COUNTY , WA 'Ref .:::FIRST AMENDMENT SEVVER EASEMENT AGREEMENT GrantGrantors}:'Ruth Bilf, a sing}e woman Grantees}: , �`Tri Minh -Phan and.Diep 11i�ii��n, husband and wife Abbreviated.Legal Description: LoAs", A � B:K�.ng Cowity LL'A Nsu. $9���$:0�8; Lot.44:Blk. 2 & Ptn. Lof.-.3 Blk. 1-:'-Ce&r River IP2ivq .Aqre Tracts, YOLI 6, Pg. 521) Ding Cqunty, AGO TM-.: INS 0 Full Legal Degci�ption�: See pages 7 of this��doc�im�.nt .�� ������'�HIC COMP� � teaspl�Cedbd OC�O� Assessor's Tax Phrcel,--Nos.: 1463400021- 1463400060'.-: kcept no 10ility ...ffiloamracyofd of, Rqferencp Noy: of R'614t6d Do(i.:s,; 20160712001676 .. This FIR;ST.AME-NDMENIT TO SEWER EASEMENT AGREEMENT (this "First Amendment") is made �'and .ente"red:.into,."as of' (.d - /­; 2016, by Ruth Bill, a single woman ("Grantor"), and Tri Minh Phan and Dieu N pyqn, h0band and wife ("Grantee"). - ��... t ITALS A IN Grantor and Gra-fflee'�T6:ogfties..fo that certain.Sewer Easement Agreement recorded on July 12, 2016 under King CountrRecording N�o. 2YI 607120Q'I676 (the "Sewer Easement"). The Sewer Easement affects the Grantor's Prop erty- -de sc fibed:on EXEIMIT...:A�d� �'Gi�antee's Property described an -771— EXHIBIT B. Ruth Bill previously signed the Sew'&- senienfboth. herself' nd..as Personal Representative of the Estate of George Bill, but Grantor'S`Property had since been":. -transferred solely into Ruth Bill's ownership. . B. Robert L. Fattore and Deborah A. Fattore"own" the.property,that. i's thi'mediately north and east of the Grantor's Property, known as King County Tax Pdrcel:Nos � 14f 540QQj 5 and -1.4634U0Q.1,7 (the "Fattore Proper�,.y,"). The Fattore Property is legally described on EXHIBI.T D.to'..--the original SOwOr ` Easement. Grantor added the Fattore Property to the Sewer Easement in4"n attempt to' oAq:r its "neighl�or . potential benefits of the Sewer Easement. The Fattores have since indicated.'tha"t the}r;.da.v�rnot� sh tolully participate in the Sewer Easement. The Fattores are not party to the Sewer Easement, did %o'oVg'i vd:any Page I - r � , aonsid.eration to either Granter or grantee for any potential benefits in the Sewer Easement and have not ,..commenqed any development in reliance on the Sewer Easement. CW. "Grantor and Grantee (collectively, the "Parties"') now wish to remove the Fattore ` Property.frpm the, -Sewer Easement and to otherwise amend and clarify the Sewer Easement on the terms �'And:,conditiohs sa forth..below. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this First Amendment shall hav'e th'e meanings givewn tothem in the -Sew Easement. 2' AMENDMENT NQ.w,, THEREFORE, f6f the mO%tdafbenef'fs.:set::forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the Parties hereby" amorid".,tifie Sewer Ea:seM. ent as follows: 1.6 Future Connections. (a) The FattorePropefty_-fs hem"by.-removed 2 from th4� Sewer,Eas�ment entirely. As such EXHIIB IT D of the Sewer Easement;.and all ref'ereryces- to ENHDBff D aM:.th'e Fattore Property in the Sewer Easement are hereby deleted,''...... ...`� (b) The final sentence of Sectioft..-3(b)of the Sewer Easemq*ht, jvfii6h­-reads "Grant�.e shall design its Sew'ef`facilities for any potential future &onne':ctidh-:of Grantor's Oroperty and the prap� �y described on EXHIBIT D," is deleted and replaced with the fbilowing sentmces: "Sublect to City of Renton requirements, �rantee shall design any Sewer Fac'ffitie�`constructed hereunder:to include, a minimum-., inc.� 'r�ain line installed at a depth within the Permane�n�t E�senaenr-Area that.t`easonably enables,future.:=connection from Grantor's Property. Grantee has no obfigation.-tn insta'11.Aby larger main line nog to construct and side sewer or other connections from such main line,. any;l'arger line and any future, connections Grantor wishes to construct or to make shall be at Graf tors sole post and per City of Renton re4uirerrients: :,Qr-arnteefitakes no representations or warranties regard rig�"a�y.' main line or other Serer Faci��i�ties thaC�it:�constructs, including none regarding their operation or condition. The foregoing, however, will npt;dirO1'n1*5h-Gr�Antee's obligations under Section 2 of the Sewer Easement to construct any Sewer F�cjji!tJes--it e��cts_€o cpnstruct and,16-perform any other work that Grantee undertakes under this Agreement at its sole cost and' exPeaS`e, in a good and workmanlike manner, and in accordance with all applicable Laws and'..perni t'.requxfernents:"-:...:., I No Obit 6"On..Nothing in the S.eWer'Eas&nent shall require Grantee to use the Sewer Easement or to construct any Sew" er Vacilil ies. The obligation��unOer the Sewer Easement shall only commence if Grantee elects to use�:.the Sewer Easement r ghts:'to deVElop Grantee's Property. Grantee shall be Free to elect not to develop' anfi&'s.:Property.andlQr free to.,,ele&-not to use the Sewer Easement, in Grantee's sole and absolute discretion. The Sew" er Easernent shall automatically terrrinate in full if Grantee has not commenced installing any Sewer Faciliti�s in"the:Per�anerifEas�ment Area within 5 years after the date that the original Sewer Ease'.irti�'.?nt::wa-S.-reio.-ord�dIF 3. Successors and Assigns. The benefits and.burdens of.the Sewer basement, as amended by this First Amendment, shah be binding upon and inure to 'the benefit af,f'he o-w�er(s)-of Grantor's, Property and Grantee's Property and their respective successors and. assigns arid:Shalt��ni� : as cc ve;nant� .... with all such lands. Page 5' M"scellaneous.iAmendment may be executed in counterparts. Grantee shall a-11 t t record tFirst Amendm nt.,. ,.. amended this First Amendment, all other .1.: t OdOnditionsthe Sewer Easement remain un n ire full force armed effect and the Sewer t ' ' amended is hereby ratified and affwm. If any conflict exists between the tenteni s of this R`rst--'-Amfn4rnent ''and the tees of the Sewer Easement, the te s of this First Amendment L LLGNA T UjON FO L L 0 WING PA I ti 1 ' 1 L �11 1 L S L' r 1 1 5' S f L i 1 ti r' 1 ' r Page 3 ti; IN Wp.,- WESS � LL• � �J�.I•, L WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed effective on the date first above written. GRANTOR: • .LLB , - III �5!1� Page 4 ti;. iN wrINESS WHEREOF, this Agmement was execs effeefive on the daW first above written, L BY: 45ec- �r,cl( Ruth Bill, a singe woman III r' • Li1_ • _ 1 ' r , • i . r5• L' 5' Page 4 i } STATE'OF WASHfNGTON ')SS. 'COUNTY OF KING . I, a Notary. Public in and for the State of W h r ntoy do hereby certithat Ruth Bill personally appeared ' l fiO: i s the`the`p e rso n that executed the within and fo rego ing instrument in her p ersona s i ng le ca ac i ty, and she a lii L�dgedthe fors i °i'r. trurn nt t b th f"r a and olug a t rid deed f h- ta' herself, , for the and purposes 1'.1.5r1' •,. the rein: ntl n, , .. L I I •..; . , 1' d and%bfficial�seal day of 92016. IP 00 ' S * a R'9 '46� +, %OkafPfint N -me v�OTAR * 'NOTARY in and for the State of Washington4 MEW �JPU�:'*-r I.' MOW' Cl' poor '' F :Coni mmsl n expires: (P 9do -06 22OWN F '. STATEOVA f s s'*'' ' ' L' • ', ' ' 1 COUNTY KIN I, beig.a Notary Public in and for or-Waghington, do h�r . " certify tha' ' f '. r'i Minn Phan andDiep Nguyen, a magi � u1personallyappearedore nee an 'are 'porsonS--that---'e':'-xet.cd thi . within ' ' n d: forego i'ng instrument, aid ackn6W-ledged said instrument to be cif "free and: 1ah act and for the ark purposes therein ment�toned G-- IVENund& Y. hand and ffii l seal this day 2.016 .' P rm t Name L' NOTARY PUBLIC resi d ing at: 5' 1 'My commission expires: '. ti'.1•til- r' 1 ' r a Page in and for the e of'Washing�vn; "VOOSTATE Of WASHIN ON ) )SS. .� CQi7NTY Of.,KMG ) -- J."A -Notary Public in and for State -of Washington, do herebyVh"ify dW Rirth Bill personally appeared `before me and is the person tJeat execut e within and Foregoing instrument in her pmonal single capacity, and she acknowledged the foregoing.instrumont ro., the fife and voluntary act and deed of herself for the uses and purposes theiein: mentioncd,. 61VtN.u`nder`my hand officiaf--Wl this �_ y of , 2016. Prim Natpe -- NOTARY.-PUBUC in and for e State of W ington; residing af: My. -."commission expires!.INS. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) 1, being i Notary Public in and for the State ofwwfi:i nxtog do,.:hemtiy cortify that Tn..Minh Phan-.=d Diep Nguyen,, a married couple, pemnally appeared before me' and are Elie persons that ex8cute� the withip'and"fiuegoing instrumenti, and acknowledged said instrument to be their fiet:-arid voluntary act'itfiddeed,--, for the usbs acid purposes therein mentioned'; ::. 'GIVEN under my hand and official seal this �h day of QG�%9e1�. 20-16.I.' BREANNA:BRAUN N ;:PUBLIC :- `',STAiE OFASWHINGTON MY EXPges M,ry 17, W20 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Wathiogton; residing at: &�ErTIV71,, I/V P_ -My-commission expm': fyvu .4 r' ' r Page L0# t f r! it � 1111-116 EXHIBIT A Leval Description of Grantor's ProlRertv .:THE SOUTH I 10"THE WEST HALF OF LOT 3, TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH HALF - •-'" OF LOT 4, ALLINmBLOCK 1, CEDAR -RIVER FIVE ACRES TRACTS, AS RECORDED IN VOL LIME:16 OF: PLATS, PAGE S2,• RECQRDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ALSO K-mmNOWmN-m ASm:LOTmm B OFm...mKING COUNTY LOTm LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 8908008 APPROVED NOVE'm MBER 30mm', 1989D M. 'm Im m. AND ALSO KNOWN AS KING COUNT Y TAX PARCEL NO. 146340-0021 . 1 ■ 1 ■' r 1 .L' J 1 5• 5 f L � L 1 ti i . I 1 I • � � . I ' � 5 � 5 1 ' L' �� - EXHIBIT B LeEal Descriation of Grantee's Prol!erty, LOT.4 IN .13LOCK 2 OF CEDAR RfVER FIVE ACRE TRATS,, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VO.UME 16 OF PLAT$,,,, PAGE 52, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SI.TUATE IN COUNTY F KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ALSO KNOWN AS- ICING COUNTY TAX P CV:L NO. 1463 40-0060. �55• 1 1 • L � 1 • S 5 . I11• � .I�5 .51' L• �� 7 ti� I . - ti "� 5 •. - L' r � .r5• .5!1. olm