HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Mod Decision_170425.pdfDEPARTMENT OF MMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------• ..... Renton 8 MINOR MODIFICATION OF SONIC DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT APPROVAL D DENIAL DATE; PROJECT NAME; PROJECT NUMBER{S); PROJECT MANAGER; OWNER; APPLICANT; CONTACT; PROJECT LOCATION; SUMMARY OF REQUEST; EVALUATION FORM & DECISION April 25, 2017 Sonic Drive-in Restaurant LUA17-000182, MOD (AKA LUA16-000229, ECF, SA-A, MOD) Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Bonnell Family, LLC, P.O. Box 52946, Bellevue, WA 98015 Olympic Cascade Drive-Ins, 734 NE Matson St, Poulsbo, WA 98370 Michael Shreve, PB Architects, 5506 6th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108 749 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 1. Vehicle circulation at both the entry and exit curb cuts would change from two-way to one-way. The driveway entrance on the west property line (facing Wal-mart) has been changed to two lanes in, and the driveway cut at the south property line has been changes to one lane out. The change to the vehicle entry and exit configurations allows all the cars to enter and travel into and out of the site in one direction. 2. One parking stall has been deleted beneath the covered canopy and one parking space has been added in the south parking area resulting in no change to the parking count. 3. The direction of car travel, between the drive aisle and canopy parking, would be reversed making all travel towards the south exit. 4. Building addition for increased floor area. Includes a "pay" window and more storage area resulting in minor changes to the north and west building elevations. Project Description: Sonic Drive-in Restaurant received Administrative Site Plan approval of the original project on August 5, 2016 (LUA16-000229, ECF, SA-A, MOD; Exhibit 2). The applicant is requesting a minor modification to the approved site plan (Exhibit 3). The modification is being requested in order to ctiange the vehicle circulation at both the entry and exit curb cuts from two-way to one-way and add additional floor area to the building. The apfll"oved administrative site plan included a 2,668 square foot Sonic Drive-in restaurant with associated drive-thru, 11 canopy-covered drive-in hop stalls, 24 total parking stalls, landscaping, and infrastructure improvements Exhibits 5 and 7). The modification addresses the changes to the building, parking, and traffic Fp :"" City of Renton Department oJ __ mmunity and Economic Development Administr~.,,1e Modification Request Report & Decision Sooic Drive-in Restaurant LUA17-000182, MOD Report of April 25, 2017 Page 2 of 3 circulation. The site plan (Exhibit 4), floor plans (Exhibit 6), building elevations (Exhibit 8), and landscape plans (Exhibit 9) have been modified to reflect the changes. Under the current conditions, the site contains 31,302 square feet of area. The modification would maintain the site area, maintain the existing and proposed number oftrees, decrease the impervious area by approximately 200 square feet, increase the landscape area by approximately 200 square feet, and increase the building area by 69 square feet from 2,668 square feet to 2,737 square feet. The minor modification request would require the applicant to update the current Civil Construction Plans and the Technical Information Report (TIR) with the revised pervious and impervious areas for resubmittal with the Civil Construction Permit Application (Permit #U16006829), including an updated hydrologic modeling reports as needed. The approved site plan is set to expire on August 5, 2018. A site plan extension based on RMC 4-9-200J.1.b. for a single two (2) year extension may be granted for good cause by the Administrator. The above site plan modification request would not involve more than a 10 percent (10%) increase in area or scale of the development or change the boundaries of the original approved plan as the project would not extend beyond the original site boundaries of 31,302 square feet or scope ofthe originally approved site plan. The proposed modifications increase the building floor area and landscaping area, decrease the impervious area time spent by customers in the drive-thru lanes at peak times. The project would not have a greater impact on the environment and/or public facilities than the original approved plan. ANALYSIS OF REQUEST: RMC 4-9-ZOOH.2 addresses the modifications to Site Plan. Criteria Criteria Met a. In valve mare than a ten percent (10%} increase in area ar scale of the X development in the approved plan; ar b. Have a significantly greater impact an the environment and/or public X facilities than the approved plan; or c. Change the boundaries of the originally approved plan. X DECISION: The proposal satisfies 3 of the 3 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-200H.2 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the Sonic Drive-in Restaurant modification of the Site Plan, Project Number LUA17-000182, MOD, is approved. Jennif~~Planning D1rect Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton Department of __ mmunity and Economic Development Administrauve Modification Request Report & Decision Sonic Drive-in Restaurant LUA17-000182, MOD Report of April 25, 2017 Page 3 of 3 The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on May 9, 2017. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'h Floor, 425-430-6510. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Clark H. Close, at 425-430-7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov. Project Name: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MINOR MODIFICATION REPORT EXHIBITS Project Number(s): Sonic Drive-in Restaurant, Minor Modification LUA17-D00182, MOD Date of Meeting April 25, 2017 Exhibits: Staff Contact Clark H. Close Senior Planner Minor Modification Report See also LUA16-000229, ECF, SA-A, MOD) Project Contact/Applicant Michael Shreve, PB Architects, 5506 6th Ave 5, Seattle, WA 98108 Project Location 749 Rainier Ave 5, Renton, WA 98057 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Site Plan and Parking Modification Report for Sonic Drive-in Restaurant, File No. LUA16- 000229, ECF, SA-A, MOD Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Existing Site Plan Modified Site Plan Existing Floor Plan Modified Floor Plan Existing Elevations Modified Elevations Modified Landscape Plans RentOil 0 DEPARTMENT OF IUNITY -----.Renton© ANQ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: 0APPROVED [8l APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS D DENIED REPORT DATE: August 5, 2016 Entire Document ----------=------'--------------------- jf----:-:---c-c--:--:----=----- Sonic Drive-in Restaurant Available Upon RequestProjectName: Owner: Bonnell Family, LLC, P.O. Box 52946, Bellevue, WA 98015 Applicant: Don Morris, Cascade Development Group, LLC, P.O. Box 4584, Rollingbay, WA 98061 Contact: Michael Shreve, PB Architects, 5506 6th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108 File Number: LUA16-000229, ECF, SA-A, MOD -------- Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review and a parking modification for the construction of a new Sonic Drive-in Restaurant with associated drive-thru, canopy covered drive-in hop stalls, parking, landscaping, and infrastructure improvements. The proposed one-story building would be approximately 2,668 square feet in size. The site is located at 735 Hardie Ave SW at the intersection of Rainier Ave S and Hardie Ave SW. The site contains perimeter and internal landscaping with 16 significant trees and 64 surface parking stalls. The 0. 73 acre site is within the Commercial & Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation and the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification. Access to the site would continue to be provided internally from the Walmart Shopping Center. The proposal includes retention of 14 trees and a reduction to the existing parking stalls from 64 to 24 parking spaces. Per RMC 4-4-080 a maximum of 13 stalls are allowed onsite, thus the applicant is requesting a parking modification in order to exceed the number of parking spaces allowed onsite. The site contains high seismic hazards. 735 Hardie Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057 0.73 acres Project Location Map EXHIBIT 2 Admin Report 1--- 0o{~ Zl ~H Is: LUI"'''' :~ ffi.~j~~~ 0 _J -ii~;;; C' XX)(# 3'1::10.lS 01.l'itd 3181.l~3ANO:J 3Nl1Vil";13M.lS f:~0 DNI011n8 1N'lmffl:f.1.S3'H Nl·3A~O :>!NOS 0 B 2 co c X w 2\'AX;c: 31:iOJ.S L.'·:fi ;-;g:1~31i.t·lO:; :i.Nl":1'fv'3CJ.S c ~NJC"!:119 X':f1Sif1..'..S3!:: N!-3!SSO O!NOS o::t CD c ------- j _, X '.:: L21---------_,--c --w I i1I" I w~g I ~·~ •• 11 HI ~o~ i • : i:!!I Io ~ lE ~ ~ ~ I XXXX#3~0.1S ~ 1111rn,ll llll1I I, OUVd 3181l~:IANO:I 3Nlll'IY:ltl.1S UOONIOllnS 111 1 1111111 1ii' lHYHnY.1S31:t Nl·3All:t0 :::IINOS 1/NIM i I! I 1, • . I I i i" I I I I i-- L_ ~ I I - I I I I l [_ I k I I I lj.. e0 §, '-; ~ s1ij =1 • I a-_ , , i . ' I I''""" ~17 < ""' ,, 11-I ~\_, I I I I I I f ' l ! 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UJ UJ t:.--t @JJ ~ 0: ... 0 E; o:i: UJ ~ co DEPARTMENT OF --MMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITYOF ~ --------- Renton~ MINOR MODIFICATION OF SONIC DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT APPROVAL O DENIAL' CONCURRENCE PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER(S): PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER: APPLICANT: CONTACT: PROJECT LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: DATE 7 EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Sonic Drive-in Restaurant Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Bonnell Family, LLC, P.O. Box 52946, Bellevue, WA 98015 Olympic Cascade Drive-Ins, 734 NE Matson St, Poulsbo, WA 98370 Michael Shreve, PB Architects, 5506 6th Ave 5, Seattle, WA 98108 749 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 1. Vehicle circulation at both the entry and exit curb cuts would change from two-way to one-way. The driveway entrance on the west property line (facing Wal-mart) has been changed to two lanes in, and the driveway cut at the south property line has been changes to one lane out. The change to the vehicle entry and exit configurations allows all the cars to enter and travel into and out of the site in one direction. 2. One parking stall has been deleted beneath the covered canopy and one parking space has been added in the south parking area resulting in no change to the parking count. 3. The direction of car travel, between the drive aisle and canopy parking, would be reversed making all travel towards the south exit. 4. Building addition for increased floor area. Includes a "pay" window and more storage area resulting in minor changes to the north and west building elevations. Project Description: Sonic Drive-in Restaurant received Administrative Site Plan approval of the original project on August 5, 2016 (LUA16-000229, ECF, SA-A, MOD; Exhibit 2). The applicant is requesting a minor modification to the approved site plan (Exhibit 3). The modification is being requested in order to change the vehicle circulation at both the entry and exit curb cuts from two-way to one-way and add additional floor area to the building. The approved administrative site plan included a 2,668 square foot Sonic Drive-in restaurant with associated drive-thru, 11 canopy-covered drive-in hop stalls, 24 total parking stalls, landscaping, and infrastructure improvements Exhibits 5 and 7). The modification addresses the changes to the building, parking, and traffic circulation. The site plan (Exhibit 4), floor plans (Exhibit 6), building elevations (Exhibit 8), and landscape plans (Exhibit 9) have been modified to reflect the changes.