HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc_Boring_Locations_181022_v1.pdfPictom etr y, Ki ng C oun ty, K ing C ou n ty Date : 8/9/201 8 Notes: The informati on included on this map has been compi led by King County staff from a variety of sour ces and issubject to change wi thout notice. King County makes no r epresentati ons or w ar ranties, expr ess or impl ied,as to accurac y, completenes s, timeli ness , or ri ghts to the use of such infor mation. This document is not intendedfor use as a s urvey pr oduct. King County shall not be liable for any gener al, s pecial, i ndir ect, incidental , orconsequential damages incl uding, but not li mited to, lost revenues or lost pr ofits resulting fr om the use or misuseof the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or infor mati on on this map is pr ohibited except bywritten per mi ssi on of Ki ng County. Leg end Pa rcels Appr oxi ma te Cutoff Wall Locatio n ± .:;':' ...... : ... .... -......... ~-, .... "'-.. -...... --.. ~ .. ~.-....,. .. -- ... -....... , ...... ..., ............. -. .. -:~.-... : .. -~ .. ... ........... --.......... ---_ .. .' ,.,' _~~_-:.-l~ .. "\. .. _'"!--~."':.....,.."1:T~-_ .. ~. -.r.-::-:.~-r:,.. ,.~~.v.:~:-_ .. .J .. ''\.''.'' ....... 0 "- l •... . ' ','",, ... -............. ., .......... -..... \ I . \ 4 ... ~·· ..... • ........ , ..... ,".·_ ( ! t : \ '10' .r? ":--I : .... : \ . ~: .. ,i : ~ (.! ;.~.~ . \ ~\ ~ \ ~ ........ . \ I \ :rr::! ;2!: SEC. 13 T23N, R4E G7i7 0 0 0 ,.: t 2 + IS I. ""'1,500 ~ I I I I I I I '\ U:.~E.ND . 0 MANHOLE • FUEL CAP B-UTI LI TY pOLE '" SWITCH Cl SIGNAL wx. o JU~TION &l)(' ..... TELEPHO'IE BOl( • CATCH e,06.SIN cr I=IRE HYDRANT @< WATER VALVE. + CO~.~oNUMLNT -<> eoRE \-\OLE.." \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /' I I I I ------- \ \ \ \ I • IAIlOR~ ~'3 \YEL. 16.1 \ \ , \ I ---'-'Y-..-t--__ , I STHoL SI-\E;t:;, PILlIo.Ic:, CUT -OF-iO 'UALL o ~ . • o • CONTAII-IEP. CORPORATION OF AMERICA GE.NE.RAL !!'uILDING o o o .Ji r- + E I, ""'I. 000 ..... R£A MAP ~o 0 So \OQ ''100 -R'VA ~DA --G • .M,J(· CIVIL SITE PLAN EAST SIDE GREEN RIVER WATERSHED KIN6 COUNTY. WASHIN6TON .. ...,C-2 .. / '--,0:" :-':,. :.' .: , . .... . ;' ..... , ........... --..... .~ ..... .. " .~.,..-.. ---:,. .. --,.. •• ,., __ 0 ... , •••• \ I ....... -...... -\ \ IS- s- o- -0;,- -15- -'Z.5- -~- DO'We-LS MeLSON 'STUDS @ 24' D .C . $1 .. 11:'1;.; PILING SE C T IO N ® T YP. FOR VER T. SEAL PLAN -:.a;:\..E.: I": ~o' SE CT I ON i-IORI1.. 1"~501-0" VERT . I" • '20 '-0" BOND BRI:AKe.9!-. BOTiOM ® ." .<t. ---v-5I-lEE.T PILlI-Jq SHEET PIl\\.IG SECTION SECTION ED 11 --- ~~ Df C.OUTD-.Ol,. ~,",~e..,. \'1 \..\<Jc;:T / "'TEEl. ';\\EET R'-III"I CUT -o FF -..1 .. ,-1. ---.-------IS -s -·0 --s --I':, --to; 1,-t·'I'·o· I/~ .1"0' I· = SO' "~LA,'o( ~to.J 'T1LI!!:. \"'~IO p,.T .. ~t/1OQ FT. r ~~\l<.e.F ' ..... ;:JGGO .eoa..C> . .. , Ole-I E F'~l...O 420UND LillIS ~~~~..w,, ___ SECTI ON 0 'Z. '?o jPIj IOI'l~4~ 10 10;, Mi . sa 0 '!>o !;O;I ~ 'lJ> ROOFlN6 FEl.T O N TOP OF DRAIN TILE' MIN. DE'PTII '" '2.~ 100 10;,0 .... ..... _ IIIC _~, Ww. l",~_ •• ALUQ,IMC,-s....m.W"" U.s. DlPMrMINT Of AGalCUlTUlE sotl CONSBVATlOH SB.VlCf _ro CIVIL l!!..Ptl SECTIONS ~ .... -DETAILS ~ SHE ET NO .1 C"1C1lSo i<OA EAST SIDE "" ....... GREEN RIVER W" TEIlSHED G,h'<o ",": K:ING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ..-. .... ~~ --9'1 0 --{.~JU.' -,,~ MUoO-tHGt"'ift1WQ • ",,~ "'I...", I'l,N(H t:""~.' C~S u.w.NO . ... <to< ~'tGoII'UtOI"l l' u w",.u, ,o,"C-5", ..... , t .