HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.2_Concurrence Review_2018_1031_BERK.pdf 1 Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Proposal .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Solora Proposal and Sunset Area Planned Action .......................................................................................... 2 Solara Planned Action Concurrence Review .................................................................................................... 4 Piha Site and Assumptions ................................................................................................................................... 4 Planned Action Concurrence Review .................................................................................................... 5 Ordinance 5813 Section II.D: Planned Action Qualifications ........................................................................ 5 (1) Land Use ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 (2) Development Thresholds ............................................................................................................................ 5 (3) Transportation - Trip Ranges and Thresholds ........................................................................................ 6 (4) Changed Conditions ................................................................................................................................... 7 Ordinance 5813 Section II.E: Planned Action Review Criteria ..................................................................... 7 Ordinance 5813 Attachment A: Planned Action Area ................................................................................... 9 Ordinance 5813 Attachment B: Planned Action EIS Mitigation Measures.................................................. 9 Earth .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Air Quality ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Water Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Plants and Animals .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Energy ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 Noise ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Environmental Health ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Land Use ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Socioeconomics ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Housing ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Environmental Justice ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Aesthetics .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Historic/Cultural .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Transportation ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Parks and Recreation ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Public Services ................................................................................................................................................. 29 Utilities .............................................................................................................................................................. 32 Ordinance 5813 Attachment C: Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan ............................................................. 35 Height and Conditional Use Permit Criteria ......................................................................................... 35 Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 2 Introduction Proposal The Solera Mixed Use Master Plan would provide approximately 672 multi-family residential units and 39,000 square feet of commercial space located on a 10.8 acres site at 2902 NE Sunset Blvd. Requested permits include: Master Site Plan Review, Preliminary Plat Approval, Conditional Use Permit, Street Modification Approval, and Concurrence with the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS. The subject property would contain two mixed use buildings along the NE Sunset Blvd frontage with six stories above grade and up to 85-feet in maximum height; this height exceeds the maximum zone height and requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The two mixed use buildings would contain approximately 521 multi-family units with ground floor commercial space. The subject property would also contain approximately 151 fee-simple townhomes under the unit lot subdivision provisions. Net residential density on the subject property would result in approximately 70 dwelling units per acre. The site would contain a total of 906 parking spaces located within the mixed-use buildings, townhome units, and a six-space surface lot. Exhibit 1. Solera Conceptual Landscape Plan Source: KPFF, WeismanDesignGroup, 2018 Solora Proposal and Sunset Area Planned Action The proposal is within the Sunset Area Planned Action Boundary. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 3 Exhibit 2. Renton Sunset Planned Action Area Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 4 Solara Planned Action Concurrence Review This document presents a review of the Solara proposal’s consistency with the Planned Action Ordinance 5813 (“concurrence review”). The purpose of the Planned Action Ordinance is to streamline environmental permitting under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for development that is consistent with the growth already evaluated in the 2011 Sunset Area Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and subsequent reevaluations in 2014 and 2016. Mitigation that is required to be considered a Planned Action is part of Exhibit B. We have structured our concurrence review by major sections of Planned Action Ordinance 5813, and the list of mitigation measures. We have also provided a review of the Conditional Use Permit criteria and whether there is sufficient information to evaluate the proposal’s consistency with the Conditional Use Permit criteria and by association the Planned Action Ordinance aesthetics mitigation measures. Piha Site and Assumptions A portion of the property (known as the Piha site, #11) is within the Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan Area, a subset of the Planned Action area. To ensure there is no conflict between the prior approvals for the Piha site under the Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan and the proposed Solora Mixed Use Master Plan, we assume amendment of the Renton Sunset Master Site Plan would be a condition of approval to be executed prior development authorization. Exhibit 3. Renton Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan including 2016 Sunset Court Amendment Area Source: Mithun 2014: City of Renton 2016 Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 5 This Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan Area was evaluated under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in coordination with the Planned Action SEPA review in the 2011 EIS and subsequent revaluations/addenda in 2014 and 2016. The federal nexus was due to federal funding and permits associated with Renton Housing Authority’s proposal to redevelop Sunset Terrace public housing. The Piha site is owned by the Renton Housing Authority though it is a separate property from the original Sunset Terrace development boundary. The Piha site was operated without federal funding and did not obtain or need federal permits. (Personal communication Mark Gropper, RHA, to Matthew Herrera, City of Renton, October 17, 2018) The Piha site was under consideration for replacement housing for public housing units removed from Sunset Terrace along with several other possible replacement sites in the Planned Action Area. There is capacity to include needed replacement housing on other sites. We assume for the purposes of this concurrence review that NEPA analysis and reevaluation is not required (no federal permit or federal funding is involved). In any case, the City should revise the 2016 Reevaluation if the Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan is revised to remove the Piha site since the 2016 Reevaluation includes a cumulative analysis of impervious area, density, parking, open space, and other topics including that site. Planned Action Concurrence Review Ordinance 5813 Section II.D: Planned Action Qualifications This section of the ordinance includes land use categories, development thresholds, and transportation thresholds that provide parameters and ranges for a development to be considered a Planned Action. (1) Land Use (a) The following general categories/ types of land uses are considered Planned Actions: single family and multi-family residential; schools; parks; community and public facilities; office and conference; retail; entertainment and recreation; services; utilities; and mixed- use development incorporating more than one use category where permitted. Concurrence Review: The Solera proposal includes mixed use development with multifamily residential and ground floor commercial spaces (e.g. retail, services, office as allowed by the zone), and complies with this section of the ordinance. (2) Development Thresholds Section II.D(2) of the ordinance identifies the net growth studied in the 2011 EIS and subsequent reevaluations in 2014 and 2016. See Exhibit 4. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 6 Exhibit 4. Development Thresholds Ordinance 5813 As planned actions are approved, the development would be subtracted from this “bank” of new development. The City of Renton has prepared an analysis of permits 2011-2017. There is capacity within the “bank” to add Solera as a planned action. Exhibit 5. Planned Action Development Bank, Permits Approved, and Remaining Development Balance Type Development Permitted 2011-2017 Planned Action Development Bank (net 2011-2030) Balance 2017 Solera Proposal New Balance Residential (dwelling units) 680 2,506 1,826 672 1,154 Schools (sq. ft.) 21,763 57,010 35,247 - 35,247 Parks (acres) 3.2 3.2 - - - Office/Service (sq. ft.) 31,503 776,805 745,302 - 745,302* Retail (sq. ft.) 56,779 476,299 419,520 (34,600) 454,120** Notes: *A 5,900 square feet bank building would remain on the site. **The SEPA Checklist indicates there is approximately 67,700 square feet of retail space that would be removed as part of the development. The proposed redevelopment includes about 33,100 square feet of ground-floor commercial space (excluding the bank that remains). This means there is a net reduction in existing retail space that can be restored to the Planned Action Development Bank. Concurrence Review: There is capacity for the proposed Solera development’s dwelling units and retail and service space. (3) Transportation - Trip Ranges and Thresholds This section of the ordinance includes a “bank” of new PM Peak Hour Weekday Vehicle Trips assumed based on the Planned Action Development Bank. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 7 Exhibit 6. Transportation PM Peak Hour Trips 2006-2030 Ordinance 5813 The City has calculated the total number of PM Peak Hour trips from 2006-2017 at 501. The proposal’s traffic study indicates total net new PM Peak Hour trips of 26 when the development is expected to open in 2022. Intersection levels of service would be consistent with the City’s level of service D maximum (no intersections above B or C). The City has tracked PM peak hour trips since approximately 2016 as part of its citywide transportation concurrency program, having banked 3,399 trips city wide for 2016-2035. This development would reduce the citywide trip bank slightly by 26 PM peak hour trips. Concurrence Review: The traffic model employed for the 2011 EIS had a base year of 2006 and a horizon year of 2030. The proposal’s traffic study indicates total net new PM Peak Hour trips of 26 when the development is expected to open in 2022, bringing the cumulative bank to 3,473 minus 501 previously approved – 26 project trips = 2,946. In summary, 1) the planned action development bank has not been depleted and has capacity for development beyond the Solera development, 2) the net contribution of trips is low compared to current and expected peak hour trip volumes on studied roads, and 3) traffic levels of service at intersections are met with the proposal added to expected 2022 volumes. (4) Changed Conditions Should environmental conditions change significantly from those analyzed in the Planned Action EIS, the City' s SEPA Responsible Official may determine that the Planned Action designation is no longer applicable until supplemental environmental review is conducted. Concurrence Review: The proposal is similar to the type of development studied in the EIS. There are no conditions that appear to have changed substantively compared to conditions reviewed in the EIS or assumptions made at that time. Ordinance 5813 Section II.E: Planned Action Review Criteria This section of the ordinance contains review criteria that the City should consider when determining a proposal is a planned action and does not require a SEPA threshold determination. (1) The City' s Environmental Review Committee may designate as " planned actions", pursuant to RCW 43. 21C.030, Guidelines for stare agencies, local governments -- Statements -- Reports -- Advice — Information, applications that meet all of the following conditions: (a) The proposal is located within the Planned Action area identified in Attachment A of this Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 8 ordinance; (b) The proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the Planned Action EIS and subsection II. D of this ordinance; (c) The proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of subsection II. D of this ordinance; (d) The proposal is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations; (e) The proposal' s probable significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS; (f) The proposal' s probable significant adverse environmental impacts have been mitigated by application of the measures identified in Attachment B, and other applicable City regulations, together with any modifications or variances or special permits that may be required; (g) The proposal complies with all applicable local, state and/ or federal laws and regulations, and the Environmental Review Committee determines that these constitute adequate mitigation; and (2) The City shall base its decision on review of a SEPA checklist, or an alternative form approved by the Department of Ecology, and review of the application and supporting documentation. (3) A proposal that meets the criteria of this section shall be considered to qualify and be designated as a planned action, consistent with the requirements of RCW 43. 21C.030, Guidelines for state agencies, local governments-- Statements -- Reports -- Advice– Information, WAC 197- 11- 164, Planned actions—Definition and criteria, and this ordinance. Concurrence Review: The site is in the Planned Action Area per criterion (1)(a). Consistent with criterion (1)(b) the proposed mixed uses with residential and commercial space are consistent with the Planned Action Ordinance proposed uses. Development levels are within the Planned Action Development Bank as illustrated in Exhibit 5 supporting criterion (1)(c); accordingly, it is presumed that traffic trips are within the trip bank. The City will determine consistency with the City’s plan and zoning regulations including a height increase under a conditional use permit as part of criterion (1)(d) and will confirm compliance with other City rules and regulations per criterion (1)(g). The type of mixed use development proposed is addressed in the Planned Action EIS, per criterion (1)(e); additional shade/shadow analysis confirms consistency with the EIS conclusions. Mitigation measures required submittal of information on some selected topics prior to development authorization such as air quality, energy, and others; upon review of the supplemental application materials, the proposal includes appropriate mitigating features related to air quality, energy, and other topics. Thus, the proposal can qualify as a planned action per criterion (1)(f). A SEPA checklist was submitted with the application per criterion (2). Based on the application as supplemented, the City has sufficient information to determine that the proposal qualifies as a Planned Action per criterion (3). Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 9 Ordinance 5813 Attachment A: Planned Action Area Attachment A of the Ordinance is shown in Exhibit 2 above, and the site is included in the Planned Action Area. Concurrence Review: The Solera development is within the Planned Action Area boundary and is eligible to be considered a Planned Action. Ordinance 5813 Attachment B: Planned Action EIS Mitigation Measures The Planned Action Ordinance Attachment B contains mitigation measures designed for inclusion in proposed projects to mitigate related impacts and to qualify as Planned Action projects. Additional project conditions may be imposed on planned action projects based upon the analysis of the proposal in relationship to independent requirements of the City, state or federal requirements or review criteria. Any applicant for a project within the Planned Action area may propose alternative mitigation measures, if appropriate and/ or as a result of changed circumstances, in order to allow equivalent substitute mitigation for identified impacts. Such modifications shall be evaluated by the City' s SEPA Responsible Official prior to any project approvals by the City. Earth Based on a review of the applicant’s revised checklist, the proposal is consistent with the following mitigation measure. The SEPA Checklist indicates no fill will be brought onsite. Additionally, the applicant has stated since the site is nearly entirely paved it lacks the potential for reuse of topsoil. However, any material suitable for compaction will be utilized. Based on this information, the City does not intend to condition the application regarding earth material reuse.  Planned Action applicants shall identify in their applications the source of earth material to be used in construction and shall consider earth material reuse and provide information to the City regarding why earth material reuse is not feasible if it is not proposed. The City may condition the planned action application to provide for earth material reuse where feasible. Exhibit 7. Earth Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan The following mitigation measures shall apply to development throughout the Planned Action Study Area.  Apply erosion-control best management practices (BMPs), as described in Appendix D of the City of Renton Amendments to the King Mitigation measures shall be the same as the Planned Action Study Area, except that there are no geologic hazard areas to avoid. There are no mapped geologic hazards. The SEPA Checklist indicates there is a steep slope of “40% for a rise of up to 6-ft for a portion of the frontage on NE Sunset Blvd.” The geotechnical report indicates this slope is the result of prior construction and is not a natural occurrence and no buffer applies. The proposal is subject to Renton surface water design standards. The revised SEPA Checklist indicates no fill will be brought onsite. Additionally, the applicant has stated since the site is nearly Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 10 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan County Surface Water Design Manual1.  Limit development in geologic hazard areas and their buffers, or require rigorous engineered design to reduce the hazard, as currently codified. Planned Action applicants shall identify in their applications the source of earth material to be used in construction and shall consider earth material reuse and provide information to the City regarding why earth material reuse is not feasible if it is not proposed. The City may condition the planned action application to provide for earth material reuse where feasible. entirely paved it lacks the potential for reuse of topsoil. However, any material suitable for compaction will be utilized. Air Quality Based on the Air Quality mitigation measures the following apply, some of which require information and some of which are conditions of approval as a planned action.  Construction contractors will be required to implement air quality control plans and BMPs listed in the left-hand column. The air quality control, dust control and other measures apply per the left column of the table below and should be conditions of approval.  The Piha property is part of the Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea at this time, and the following applies: Planned Action applicants for residential developments shall provide information regarding the feasibility and applicability of indoor air quality measures. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible indoor air quality measures. Since the Piha site will be privately developed it is not subject to indoor air quality measures, though it is recommended. Regarding indoor air quality, the applicant commits that the development will meet all City of Renton code requirements. For example, ventilation systems, exterior combustion air supply, and radon resistance will be required. Regarding Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Measures, the following applies to the entire property:  The City shall require development applicants to consider the reduction measures shown in Exhibit B, 1 City of Renton. 2010. City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual. February. Appendix D, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Standards. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 11 Section 2, Table 62 for their projects, and as part of their application explain what reduction measures are included and why other measures found in the table are not included or are not applicable. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible GHG reduction measures. The applicant has submitted a detailed list of GHG reduction measures including measures addressing landscaping, energy conservation, water conservation, and others. These sufficiently address the GHG reduction mitigation measure. Exhibit 8. Air Quality Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Construction Emission Control The City shall require all construction contractors to implement air quality control plans for construction activities in the study area. The air quality control plans shall include BMPs to control fugitive dust and odors emitted by diesel construction equipment. The following BMPs shall be used to control fugitive dust.  Use water sprays or other non-toxic dust control methods on unpaved roadways.  Minimize vehicle speed while traveling on unpaved surfaces.  Prevent trackout of mud onto public streets.  Cover soil piles when practical.  Minimize work during periods of high winds when practical. The following mitigation measures shall be used to minimize air quality and odor issues caused by tailpipe emissions.  Maintain the engines of construction equipment according to manufacturers’ specifications.  Minimize idling of equipment while the equipment is not in use. In addition to the mitigation measures for air quality described under the Planned Action Study Area, the following mitigation measures apply:  Should the phases of the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea occur concurrently rather than in a phased and sequential manner, the City and RHA will consider adding the Northeast Diesel Collaborative Diesel Emission Controls in Construction Projects – Model Contract Specifications or an equivalent approach3 as additional mitigation measures.  The City and RHA and other public or private applicants within the subarea should explore measures to improve indoor air quality beyond what is normally achieved by simply complying with building codes. For example, grant programs such as the Breath Easy Homes program could provide funding to foster construction methods that reduce dust, mold, and air toxics concentrations in the homes, such as the following:  use of low-VOC [volatile organic compounds] building materials and coatings,  enhanced building ventilation and room air filtration, and Construction contractors will be required to implement air quality control plans and BMPs listed in the left-hand column. The Piha property is part of the Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea currently, and the following applies (however, if privately developed and removed from the Sunset Terrace Master Plan would not be subject): Planned Action applicants for residential developments shall provide information regarding the feasibility and applicability of indoor air quality measures. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible indoor air quality measures. In any case City of Renton requirements would apply, such as: ventilation systems, exterior combustion air supply, and radon resistance will be required Regarding Greenhouse Gas Reduction Measures, the following applies to the entire property and to the applicant has documented feasible GHG measures in its application: 2 Exhibit B has been amended in 2014 and 2016 with additional tables in the Land Capacity section and description of alternativ es, but subsequent tables were not properly renumbered. Table 6 is referenced in Exhibit B Section 2 applicable to Air Quality. 3 Northeast Diesel Collaborative. December 2010. Diesel Emission Controls in Construction Projects, Model Contract Specificatio n. Available: <http://www.northeastdiesel.org/pdf/NEDC -Construction-Contract-Spec.pdf.> Accessed: March 14, 2011. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 12 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Where feasible, Applicants shall schedule haul traffic during off-peak times (e.g., between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) to have the least effect on traffic and to minimize indirect increases in traffic related emissions. This shall be determined as part of traffic control plans required in Section 14 of this mitigation document. Burning of slash or demolition debris shall not be permitted without express approval from Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA). No slash burning is anticipated for any construction projects in the Planned Action Study Area. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Measures Please see text and Table 11 below.  installation of dust-free floor materials and low-pile carpeting to reduce dust buildup.  Planned Action applicants for residential developments shall provide information regarding the feasibility and applicability of indoor air quality measures. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible indoor air quality measures. The City shall require development applicants to consider the reduction measures shown in Table 6 for their projects, and as part of their application explain what reduction measures are included and why other measures found in the table are not included or are not applicable. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible GHG reduction measures. The City shall require development applicants to consider the reduction measures shown in Exhibit B, Section 2, Table 6 for their projects, and as part of their application explain what reduction measures are included and why other measures found in the table are not included or are not applicable. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible GHG reduction measures. Exhibit 9. Potential Greenhouse Gas Reduction Measures (Ordinance 5813 Exhibit B, Section 2, Table 6) Reduction Measures Comments Site Design Plant trees and vegetation near structures to shade buildings. Reduces on-site fuel combustion emissions and purchased electricity, and enhances carbon sinks. Minimize building footprint. Reduces on-site fuel combustion emissions and purchased electricity consumption, materials used, maintenance, land disturbance, and direct construction emissions. Design water efficient landscaping. Minimizes water consumption, purchased energy, and upstream emissions from water management. Minimize energy use through building orientation. Reduces on-site fuel combustion emissions and purchased electricity consumption. Building Design and Operations Construct buildings according to City of Seattle energy code. The City of Seattle code is more stringent than the current City of Renton building code. Apply Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards (or equivalent) for design and operations. Reduces on-site fuel combustion emissions and off- site/indirect purchased electricity, water use, waste disposal. Purchase Energy Star equipment and appliances for public agency use. Reduces on-site fuel combustion emissions and purchased electricity consumption. Incorporate on-site renewable energy production, including installation of photovoltaic cells or other solar options. Reduces on-site fuel combustion emissions and purchased electricity consumption. Design street lights to use energy-efficient bulbs and fixtures. Reduces purchased electricity. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 13 Reduction Measures Comments Construct “green roofs” and use high-albedo roofing materials. Reduces on-site fuel combustion emissions and purchased electricity consumption. Install high-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. Minimizes fuel combustion and purchased electricity consumption. Eliminate or reduce use of refrigerants in HVAC systems. Reduces fugitive emissions. Compare refrigerant usage before/after to determine GHG reduction. Maximize interior day lighting through floor plates, increased building perimeter and use of skylights, celestories, and light wells. Increases natural/day lighting initiatives and reduces purchased electrical energy consumption. Incorporate energy efficiency technology such as super insulation motion sensors for lighting and climate-control- efficient, directed exterior lighting. Reduces fuel combustion and purchased electricity consumption. Use water-conserving fixtures that surpass building code requirements. Reduces water consumption. Reuse gray water and/or collect and reuse rainwater. Reduces water consumption with its indirect upstream electricity requirements. Use recycled building materials and products. Reduces extraction of purchased materials, possibly reduces transportation of materials, encourages recycling and reduction of solid waste disposal. Use building materials that are extracted and/or manufactured within the region. Reduces transportation of purchased materials. Use rapidly renewable building materials. Reduces emissions from extraction of purchased materials. Conduct third-party building commissioning to ensure energy performance. Reduces fuel combustion and purchased electricity consumption. Track energy performance of building and develop strategy to maintain efficiency. Reduces fuel combustion and purchased electricity consumption. Transportation Size parking capacity to not exceed local parking requirements and, where possible, seek reductions in parking supply through special permits or waivers. Reduced parking discourages auto-dependent travel, encouraging alternative modes such as transit, walking, and biking. Reduces direct and indirect VMT. Develop and implement a marketing/information program that includes posting and distribution of ridesharing/transit information. Reduces direct and indirect VMT. Subsidize transit passes. Reduce employee trips during peak periods through alternative work schedules, telecommuting, and/or flex time. Provide a guaranteed-ride-home program. Reduces employee VMT. Provide bicycle storage and showers/changing rooms. Reduces employee VMT. Use traffic signalization and coordination to improve traffic flow and support pedestrian and bicycle safety. Reduces transportation emissions and VMT. Apply advanced technology systems and management strategies to improve operational efficiency of local streets. Reduces emissions from transportation by minimizing idling and maximizing transportation routes/systems for fuel efficiency. Develop shuttle systems around business district parking garages to reduce congestion and create shorter commutes. Reduces idling fuel emissions and direct and indirect VMT. Source: Washington State Department of Ecology 2008b Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 14 Reduction Measures Comments VMT = vehicle miles travelled. Water Resources Water resources was a key topic in the EIS; an accounting of effective impervious area was tracked particularly for the NEPA analysis, applicable to the Piha site, and the impervious surface accounting should be adjusted at the time the Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan is amended. The primary mitigation measure is to comply with the City’s surface water standards and planned action area specific stormwater plan. All of the alternatives would involve redevelopment and reduction of existing pollution- generating impervious surfaces in the Planned Action Study Area. In addition, per the requirements of the stormwater code, the redeveloped properties would be required to provide water quality treatment for all remaining pollution-generating impervious surfaces. The net reduction in untreated pollution-generating impervious surfaces throughout the study area is, therefore, considered to result in a net benefit to surface water quality. Each of the alternatives would result in a slight increase in the effective impervious area of the Planned Action Study Area. Self-mitigating features of the Planned Action Alternatives are listed below:  Under Alternative 3, mitigation would be provided in advance or incrementally through the public stormwater infrastructure features including a combination of green connections, regional stormwater flow control, and possible public-private partnership opportunities for retrofits. Conceptual design and planning of the public stormwater infrastructure would be developed under a drainage master plan for the Study Area. It could be developed in advance of (likely through grants or city funds) or incrementally as development occurs depending on opportunity costs of constructing the improvements. The extent and form of the public infrastructure projects would be refined through the drainage master plan development and further design. The goal under Alternative 3 would be to provide sufficient advance public infrastructure improvements to balance the anticipated increase in effective impervious area. This strategy would only require that future developments implement flow-control BMPs, but could eliminate on-site flow control through a development fee or similar funding structure to compensate for the off-site mitigation provided by the public infrastructure investment.  The Preferred Alternative mitigation would be similar to Alternative 3. Harrington Avenue NE, including portions of NE 16th and NE 9th streets, has been identified as a high priority Green Connection project. This corridor would be enhanced by narrowing through-traffic lanes to calm traffic, create wide planter areas to accommodate large trees and rain gardens to mitigate stormwater runoff, and create wider sidewalks. This project would be implemented as a public infrastructure retrofit project pending available funds. The remaining green connections projects would likely be implemented as revised roadway standards to require incremental redevelopment of the frontage as redevelopment occurs (constructed either by future developers or the City, depending on Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 15 availability of funds). In addition to the Green Connections projects, the City will implement regional detention/retention improvements to provide advance mitigation for future increases in impervious area that could result from redevelopment. Locations of the regional facilities would include the western margin of the newly created park at Sunset Terrace and/or the northern corner of Highlands Park (beyond the outfield of the existing baseball/softball field). A drainage master plan will be developed for the Preferred Alternative.  The Reevaluation Alternative is similar to and in the range of impervious results for the Preferred Alternative and Alternative 3 and will be subject to the Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan, and associated street frontage improvements, and will be consistent with the City stormwater regulations. Exhibit 10. Water Resources Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Actions shall implement the City’s adopted Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan, and associated street frontage improvements, and be consistent with the City stormwater regulations in effect at the time of application. Planned Action applicants shall also demonstrate compliance with RMC 4-1-180 Charges for Equitable Share of Public Works Facilities. The applicant’s drainage plan indicates: This project is within the Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan (CH2M HILL, 2011) which requires the developer to install an 8 ft wide bioretention facility along the south side of NE 12th St. The LID Performance standard is being achieved through the use of bioretention facilities dispersed throughout the development. The Sunset Area Surface Water Master Plan, April 2011 indicates: Jefferson Avenue NE is a residential access street, like Harrington Avenue NE. The typical 2-lane street section used on Harrington Avenue NE will be used on Jefferson Avenue NE as well. It will have two 10-foot travel lanes in the center, with the rain gardens either on alternating sides or both sides of the street. Plants and Animals Exhibit 11. Plants and Animals  With implementation of proposed stormwater features or standards, no mitigation is required. Energy Energy conditions require consideration of trip-reduction measures and energy conservation measures, similar to and related to Air Quality mitigation measures. Supplemental information developed for Air Quality also addresses energy topics. No further analysis is required. The applicant has satisfied the mitigation measure. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 16 Exhibit 12. Energy Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Although the growth and development would result in increased energy demand in the Planned Action Study Area under all of the alternatives, expanding the beneficial transit- oriented development and high- density housing development within the study area would reduce regional energy usage. Therefore, all alternatives would provide a net benefit rather than adverse impact with regards to energy usage. However, to further reduce energy consumption, the City shall encourage future developers to implement additional trip-reduction measures and energy conservation measures. For example, energy and GHG reductions can be achieved through implementation of the following energy conservation techniques or equivalent approaches.  An energy reduction of 12% can be achieved by implementing sufficient strategies established by the Northwest Energy Star Homes program for multifamily residential buildings. The Northwest ENERGY STAR Homes program (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2010) is designed to help builders construct energy-efficient homes in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana to meet energy- efficiency guidelines set forth by the EPA.  An energy reduction of 10% would comply with Seattle Energy Code for non-residential buildings. See also Air Quality mitigation measures. The City shall require development applicants to consider trip-reduction measures and energy conservation, and as part of their application explain what reduction measures are included and which ones are not included (based on that are part of Table 6 or Table 10). The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible trip reduction and energy conservation measures. In addition to the mitigation measures described for the Planned Action Study Area, according to the King County proposed GHG reduction regulation, energy reductions can be provided with the implementation of the following basic requirements of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide for residential and non- residential building in the subarea:  30% energy reduction for residential dwelling that are 50% of average size; and 15% energy reduction for residential dwelling that are 75% of average size; and  12% energy reduction for office, school, retail, and public assembly buildings that are smaller than 100,000 square feet in floor area. The whole development is subject to this measure, which has been documented in applicant materials: The City shall require development applicants to consider trip-reduction measures and energy conservation, and as part of their application explain what reduction measures are included and which ones are not included (based on Exhibit B Tables 6 or Table 10). The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible trip reduction and energy conservation measures. See columns at left for sources of energy conservation measures. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 17 Noise Construction noise requirements apply to the whole development and can be made conditions of approval per Column 1. All commercial development is required to use low-noise mechanical equipment per Column 1and can be made conditions of approval. The EIS mitigation gives the City authority to condition use of double-paned windows or other treatments per the Energy Code to reduce traffic noise. This could be appropriate for buildings along SR 900:  Although traffic noise is exempt from City noise ordinance, based on site-specific considerations, the City may at its discretion require the new development to install double-pane glass windows or other building insulation measures using its authority under the Washington State Energy Code (RMC 4 5- 040). Exhibit 13. Noise Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Construction Noise To reduce construction noise at nearby receivers, the following mitigation measures shall be incorporated by Planned Action applicants into construction plans and contractor specifications.  Locate stationary equipment away from receiving properties.  Erect portable noise barriers around loud stationary equipment located near sensitive receivers.  Limit construction activities to between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. to avoid sensitive nighttime hours.  Turn off idling construction equipment.  Require contractors to rigorously maintain all equipment.  Train construction crews to avoid unnecessarily loud actions (e.g., dropping bundles of rebar onto the ground or dragging steel plates across pavement) near noise- sensitive areas. New Commercial Operation Noise The City shall require all prospective future developers to use low-noise mechanical equipment adequate to ensure compliance with the City’s daytime and nighttime noise ordinance limits where commercial uses are abutting residential uses and where there is a potential to exceed noise ordinance limits. Depending on the nature of the Mitigation measures described in the Planned Action Study Area would also apply to this subarea. Site design approaches shall be incorporated to reduce potential noise impacts including the following.  Concentrating park and open space uses away from NE Sunset Boulevard.  Where park and open space uses must be located near NE Sunset Boulevard, avoiding activities that require easily understood conversation (e.g., instructional classes), or other uses where quiet conditions are required for the primary function of the activity.  Allowing for balconies on exterior facing units only if they do not open to a bedroom. According to HUD noise guidebook, noise attenuation from various building materials are calculated using sound transmission class (STC) rating. Although the standard construction approaches can normally achieve the STC rating of more than 24 dBA as demonstrated in Final EIS Appendix E, the City shall require a STC rating of 30 dBA reduction for these first row residential dwellings because the HUD noise guidebook shows that the Construction noise requirements apply to the whole development per Column 1. All commercial development is required to use low-noise mechanical equipment per Column 1. The Piha site is part of the Renton Sunset Master Site Plan and was evaluated in relation to HUD Noise criteria in the 2011 EIS. In the 2014 Reevaluation, the analysis found that units on the Piha site were located away from SR 900, a current and future source of noise. If the prior site plan were amended and a new site plan approved with market rate units, the units on the Piha site would not be subject to HUD noise limits. In any case, that site was not found to have potential unacceptable noise levels. Elsewhere on the Solera site, the development would be market rate and not subject to HUD noise limits but located along SR 900 where high noise levels are found. The EIS mitigation gives the City authority to condition to install double-paned windows and use its authority under the energy code to help reduce noise: Although traffic noise is exempt from City noise ordinance, Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 18 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan proposed development, the City may require the developer to conduct a noise impact study to forecast future noise levels and to specify appropriate noise control measures. Compliance with the noise ordinance would ensure this potential impact would not be significant. Traffic Noise Mitigation Although traffic noise is exempt from City noise ordinance, based on site-specific considerations, the City may at its discretion require the new development to install double-pane glass windows or other building insulation measures using its authority under the Washington State Energy Code (RMC 4-5-040). sound reduction achieved by different techniques may be a little optimistic4. based on site-specific considerations, the City may at its discretion require the new development to install double- pane glass windows or other building insulation measures using its authority under the Washington State Energy Code (RMC 4 5-040). The onsite open space would be shielded from SR 900 by buildings. Environmental Health The site is required to meet state hazardous waste regulations; it appears the proposal has committed to acquiring necessary approvals from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The proposal is required to provide hazardous materials awareness training, implement a contingency plan, implement stormwater pollution prevention plan, meet laws regarding asbestos removal, removal of underground tanks (if applicable), and ensure due diligence regarding soil or groundwater contamination per measures in Column 1. Exhibit 14. Environmental Health Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan  Since encountering unreported spills or unreported underground fuel tanks is a risk when performing construction, contractors shall be required to provide hazardous materials awareness training to all grading and excavation crews on how to identify any suspected contaminated soil or groundwater, and how to alert supervisors in the event of suspected contaminated material. Signs of potential contaminated soil include stained soil, odors, oily sheen, or the presence of debris. The construction and operation mitigation measures identified for the Planned Action Study Area are applicable to the subarea. The proposal is required to provide hazardous materials awareness training, implement a contingency plan to meet state laws, implement stormwater pollution prevention plan, meet laws regarding asbestos removal, removal of underground tanks, and ensure due diligence regarding soil or groundwater contamination per measures in Column 1. The SEPA Checklist for the proposal indicates: “An area of soil contamination has been identified in the SE-central portion of the site as a result of a 4 HUD noise guidebook, Chapter 4, page 33”… use the STC ratings with a bit of caution and remain aware of the possible 2 -3 dB overstating that you may get with the STC rating system.” Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 19 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan  Contractors shall be required to implement a contingency plan to identify, segregate, and dispose of hazardous waste in full accordance with the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA)(WAC 173-340) and the Dangerous Waste (WAC 173-303) regulations.  Contractors shall be required to develop and implement the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, BMPs, and other permit conditions to minimize the potential for a release of hazardous materials to soil, groundwater, or surface water during construction.  Contractors shall be required to follow careful construction practices to protect against hazardous materials spills from routine equipment operation during construction; prepare and maintain a current spill prevention, control, and countermeasure plan, and have an individual on site designated as an emergency coordinator; and understand and use proper hazardous materials storage and handling procedures and emergency procedures, including proper spill notification and response requirements.  All asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and lead-based paint will be identified in structures prior to demolition activities in accordance with 24 CFR Part 35. If ACM or lead-based paint is identified, appropriately trained and licensed personnel will contain, remove, and properly dispose of the ACM and/or lead-based paint material according to federal and state regulations prior to demolition of the affected area.  If warranted, contractors shall conduct additional studies to locate undocumented underground storage tank (USTs) and fuel lines before construction of specific development projects (areas of concern include current and former commercial and residential structures) and will permanently decommission and properly remove USTs from project sites before former dry cleaning operation on the site. Existing buildings may contain hazardous substances such as lead or asbestos.” The site is required to meet state hazardous waste regulations. The SEPA Checklist indicates: “Contaminated soil will be removed and disposed of off-site at an approved disposal location as part of the overall site grading operation. An NFA will be obtained from Ecology.” Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 20 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan commencing general construction activities.  Prior to acquisition of known or potentially contaminated property, the City shall require appropriate due diligence be performed to identify the presence and extent of soil or groundwater contamination. This can help to prevent or manage liabilities for any long-term clean- up activities that might be ongoing during project operations. If contamination is discovered, the project proponent will comply with all state and federal regulations for contaminated sites. Land Use The proposal includes a transition of density from south to north. Dust control and construction traffic management will be required and could be applied as conditions of approval. Exhibit 15. Land Use Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Under all alternatives, the City shall require planned action applicants to implement appropriate construction mitigation measures, including but not limited to dust control and construction traffic management. The City should make efforts to minimize property acquisition that affects buildings as part of its refinement of study area streetscape designs while balancing Complete Streets principles. As part of the Planned Action Ordinance adoption process, the City should amend its Comprehensive Plan’s Transportation and Capital Facilities elements to ensure that planned public investments and their funding sources are accounted for and programmed. Construction mitigation would be the same as described under the Planned Action Study Area. The City and RHA should coordinate on future Sunset Terrace redevelopment and Planned Action Study Area streetscape improvements to ensure that property acquisition that affects buildings is minimized. The City shall require construction plans to:  Locate the majority of the most intensive non-residential development along or near NE Sunset Boulevard, where possible.  Implement proposed open space and landscape features to offset the proposed intensification of land uses on the site.  Provide new opportunities for public open space area.  As part of site design, emphasize transitions in density, with less intense densities where abutting lower- intensity zones. Regarding the entire development, dust control and construction traffic management will be required. The proposal includes transition in density with denser mixed-use commercial/residential uses along SR 900 and townhomes to the north including on the Piha site, current part of the Renton Sunset Master Site Plan. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 21 Socioeconomics No measures apply. Exhibit 16. Socioeconomics Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Mitigation measures to minimize dust, noise, aesthetics, and transportation impacts during construction are identified in Sections 2, 6, 12, and 14, respectively, of this Mitigation Document. These measures would address many of the construction-related impacts that could negatively affect the study area businesses. In addition, with the reconstruction of NE Sunset Boulevard, or with any new development, if access to businesses is affected, the following measures should be addressed by the City or WSDOT:  Provide detour, open for business, and other signage, as appropriate.  Provide business cleaning services on a case-by-case basis, as needed.  Establish promotions or marketing measures to help affected businesses maintain their customer base during construction.  Maintain access, as much as possible, to each business and, if access needs to be limited, coordinate with the affected businesses. Mitigation measures to address indirect impacts on housing affordability are addressed in Section 10 of this Mitigation Document. In addition to mitigation measures described for the Planned Action Study Area, the following mitigation measures apply:  Public housing tenants shall be provided relocation assistance under the Uniform Relocation Act.  RHA should consider phased demolition and reconstruction to minimize the need to relocate all the residents at the same time, or the new affordable housing development could be constructed prior to demolition to provide opportunities to relocate tenants within the subarea. The proposal does not involve changes to SR 900 by WSDOT. The proposal does not involve public housing tenant relocation; the Piha site is vacant. No measures apply. Housing No measures apply. Exhibit 17. Housing Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-4- 030(C) identifies construction hours intended to address noise in sensitive time periods. See Section 6, Noise, of this Mitigation Document regarding other noise mitigation measures for construction periods. Construction mitigation would be as described for the Planned Action Study Area. RHA has committed to replacement housing for the Sunset Terrace public housing units at a 1:1 ratio, consistent with the existing proportion of units by number of bedrooms. Such replacement See Noise analysis above. Relocation assistance is not needed for the Piha site; it is vacant. Federal funds. While the Piha site is part of the Renton Sunset Master Site Plan and was a potential housing Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 22 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan When federal funds are being used for a proposal, displaced tenants shall be offered relocation assistance in compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970, as amended. The City and RHA should apply for federal, state, and local funding programs described in Draft EIS Section 3.10, Housing, to promote new housing opportunities for low and very low- income housing. RHA should establish a local preference for rental assistance. For example, RHA could establish a priority list for Section 8 vouchers for displaced low-income tenants in the Planned Action Study Area (in addition to the relocation assistance to be provided by RHA to the Sunset Terrace residents). Unit replacement and relocation assistance for the family village would be the same as described for the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea. housing could occur on site and/or off site. During the time replacement housing is under construction, Section 8 vouchers, or equivalent measures, shall be used to relocate tenants. replacement site for Sunset Terrace, other sites were also considered potential replacement sites and have capacity to address the replacement at 1:1. Environmental Justice No measures apply. Exhibit 18. Environmental Justice Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan There are no specific mitigation measures related to environmental justice during construction or operation. During construction, mitigation measures related to noise, dust, traffic congestion, and visual quality shall be applicable to all populations. These measures are described in Sections 2, 6, 12, and 14, respectively, of this Mitigation Document. Mitigation measures during construction include the need for replacement housing for the residents of Sunset Terrace. It is likely that the tenants would be relocated under a potential Section 8 voucher strategy during construction. See Section 9, Socioeconomics, of this Mitigation Document. See other related topics for construction related mitigation. Aesthetics The application provides detailed architectural plans and renderings of the proposed project, illustrating the character, height, and scale of development throughout the study area. A supplemental shade/shadow analysis was provided. Based on the analysis:  The study shows early morning, mid-morning, early afternoon, and late afternoon shading conditions for summer and winter solstices and the spring equinox. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 23  The most pronounced shading effects are along the west side of Sunset Blvd and along Jefferson Ave NE in the interior of the site. These are most pronounced in winter, but there is some moderate shading in spring/fall, as well.  The only substantial off-site shading in the northeast corner – late in the day in winter, the Block A building will shade the gas station site across Kirkland Ave and portions of the commercial sites north and east of the gas station.  Even in winter, most of the areas experiencing shading will only be in shadow for a relatively brief duration (a few hours early in the day, a few hours late in the day, or a transitory period during the day). The shading study does not indicate that any locations will be in shadow for large portions of the day, except for interior alleys and the portion of the Jefferson Ave right-of-way north of NE 11th Street. The shading does not impact any public parks or public gathering spaces, and the effect on the pedestrian environment would be transitory and consistent with other urban mixed-use projects. Additional conditions are not proposed beyond consistency with applicable design standards. The shade/shadow analysis and conclusions would be appropriate to include in an addendum to the EIS. Addenda preparation and circulation procedures are addressed in WAC 197-11-625. See Exhibit 25 later in this document regarding conditional use permit criteria. The City will determine consistency with Conditional Use criteria. Exhibit 19. Aesthetic Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan In both the Planned Action Study Area and Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, mitigation measures will be necessary to minimize impacts associated with increased height, bulk, and shading. Future development occurring under any of the alternatives shall conform to the Renton Municipal Code design standards, including but not limited to the following:  Urban design standards contained in RMC 4-3-100,  Residential Design and Open Space Standards contained in RMC 4-2-115, and  Lighting Standards contained in RMC 4- 4-075. As described in RMC 4-3-100B3, portions of the Planned Action Study Area do not currently lie within an established Urban Design District, most notably those properties north of NE 16th Street and west of Kirkland Avenue NE, where the family village proposed under the Planned Action Alternatives would be located. To ensure that future redevelopment exhibits quality urban See Planned Action Study Area. Current city design standards address building modulation and roofline variation and are recommended for application in the Reevaluation/Addendum. The EIS mitigation measures presume consistency with the City’s design standards and codes. The proposal exceeds heights and would require approval of a conditional use permit. The Renton Sunset Site Plan similarly addressed a height increase, and the Reevaluation in 2014 addressed shade and shadow and other aesthetics to support the evaluation of the request. The application provides detailed architectural plans and renderings of the proposed project, illustrating the character, height, and scale of development throughout the study area. A shade/shadow analysis has also been conducted. See the discussion following the Planned Action Ordinance evaluation regarding conditional use permit criteria. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 24 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan design, the City should consider either including this area in Design District D or creating a new design district for this purpose. Prior to the enactment of new design standards, the City may condition development north of NE 16th Street to meet appropriate standards of Design District D in RMC 4-3-100. Historic/Cultural Shovel tests were conducted on the Piha site and no cultural resources were found. If there is significant excavation as described in Column 1, the City must require consultation with DAHP. It is unclear in the SEPA checklist if shovel tests were conducted for the application area more recently. The City must require compliance with inadvertent discovery per Planned Action Ordinance Attachment B, page 62: Attachment 1: Draft EIS, Cultural Resources Appendix J, Plan and Procedures for Dealing with the Unanticipated Discovery. Exhibit 20. Historic/Cultural Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan  In the event that a proposed development site within the study area contains a building at least 50-years of age that is not listed in or determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or Washington Heritage Register (WHR), the project shall be required to undergo review to determine if the property is considered eligible for listing.  It is recommended that the City adopt a historic preservation ordinance that considers the identification and treatment of historic resources listed in or determined eligible for listing in the NRHP or WHR, or locally designated. Until such time an ordinance is adopted, the City must enter into consultation with DAHP regarding potential impacts on historic resources in the study area that are listed in or determined eligible for listing in the NRHP or WHR.  For future projects that involve significant excavation in the study area the City must enter into consultation with Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) to determine the likelihood of and recommendations for addressing Since no native “A” horizon was identified at the Edmonds-Glenwood site and throughout the Sunset Terrace public housing complex, no further archaeological investigations are recommended for these areas. Although a buried, native “A” horizon was identified on RHA’s Piha site (east of Harrington Avenue NE), the potential for an archaeological discovery is very low. The project should proceed with no further archaeological investigations. If archaeological materials are discovered during ground disturbing excavations, the contractor shall halt excavations in the vicinity of the find and contact DAHP. If human skeletal remains are discovered, or if during excavation archaeological materials are uncovered, the proponent will immediately stop work and notify agencies as outlined in the Unanticipated Discovery Plan provided in Draft EIS Appendix J and as amended by Final EIS Chapter 4 (and provided as Attachment 1 of this Exhibit B). If the project would disturb an archaeological resource, the City shall impose any and all measures to avoid or substantially lessen the impact. If Most of the site was reviewed in the 2011 EIS Cultural Resources Report. The commercial shopping center was found ineligible as a historic site; this is confirmed by the SEPA Checklist and supporting documentation provided by the Solera applicant. Shovel tests were conducted on the Piha site and no cultural resources were found. If there is significant excavation the City must require consultation with DAHP. This could include properties not tested previously or areas outside the area of potential effect considered in 2011. In any case, the City must require compliance with inadvertent discovery per Planned Action Ordinance Attachment B, page 62: Attachment 1: Draft EIS, Cultural Resources Appendix J, Plan and Procedures for Dealing with the Unanticipated Discovery Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 25 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan potential archaeological resources. It may be necessary to complete archaeological testing prior to significant excavation in the study area, such as digging for footings or utilities. Archaeological project monitoring may be recommended for subsurface excavation and construction in high probability areas.  In the event that a future development project in the study area is proposed on or immediately surrounding a site containing an archaeological resource, the potential impacts on the archaeological resource must be considered and, if needed, a study conducted by a qualified archaeologist to determine whether the project would materially impact the archaeological resource. If the project would disturb an archaeological resource, the City shall impose any and all measures to avoid or substantially lessen the impact. If avoidance of the archaeological resource is not possible, an appropriate research design must be developed and implemented with full data recovery of the archaeological resource prior to the development project. The avoidance of archaeological resources through selection of project alternatives and changes in design of project features in the specific area of the affected resource(s) would eliminate the need for measuring or mitigating impacts.  Non-site-specific mitigation could include developing an educational program, interpretive displays, and design guidelines that focus on compatible materials, and professional publications. avoidance of the archaeological resource is not possible, an appropriate research design must be developed and implemented with full data recovery of the archaeological resource prior to the development project. The avoidance of archaeological resources through selection of project alternatives and changes in design of project features in the specific area of the affected resource(s) would eliminate the need for measuring or mitigating impacts. Transportation The development would be required to pay its fair share of transportation impact fees to address system improvements needed for its contribution to growth in trips. Construction mitigation measures would apply. See the prior discussion of Section II.D regarding transportation trips and levels of service. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 26 Exhibit 21. Transportation Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Operational Mitigation Planned Action applicants shall pay a Transportation Impact Fee as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment, payable to the City as specified in the Renton Municipal Code. Planned Action applicants shall provide a traffic analysis estimating trips generated by their proposed development and demonstrate conformance with the Planned Action Ordinance trip ranges and thresholds in Section 3(d) (4) as well as demonstrate conformance with the City’s concurrency requirements in RMC 4-6-070. When demonstrated by an applicant’s analysis that operational LOS standards reviewed in the EIS are exceeded at the following locations, intersection improvements shall be made by planned action applicants as appropriate to meet LOS D and in conformance with the City’s street standards in RMC 4-6-060:  Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 12th Street: an additional southbound left-turn pocket and westbound right-turn pocket would improve operations to LOS E, while added pedestrian- and bicycle-oriented paths or multi-use trails to encourage mode shifts would likely improve operations to LOS D.  At the Harrington Avenue NE and NE 12th Street intersection: the eastbound and westbound approaches could be restriped to increase the number of lanes and, therefore, the capacity of the intersection. With implementation, this intersection would improve to LOS D. Construction Mitigation Temporary mitigation during construction may be necessary to ensure safe travel and manage traffic delays. The following mitigation measures shall be implemented prior to or during construction within the Planned Action Study Area.  Prior to construction: o Assess pavement and subsurface condition of roadways being proposed for transport of construction materials and equipment. Ensure pavement can support loads. Adequate pavement quality would likely reduce the occurrence of potholes and would help maintain travel speeds. No permanent mitigation measures are recommended within Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea. The intersection operations under action alternatives are expected to be within the LOS D threshold. During construction, mitigation measures are those described for the Planned Action Study Area. Flaggers, advance warning signage to alert motorists of detours or closures, and reduced speed zones would likely benefit traffic operations. The transportation analysis indicates that the development would not cause city levels of service to be exceeded. The development would be required to pay its fair share of transportation impact fees to address system improvements needed for its contribution to growth in trips. Construction mitigation measures would apply per Column 1. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 27 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan o Alert landowners and residents of potential construction. Motorists may be able to adjust schedules and routes to avoid construction areas and minimize disruptions. o Develop traffic control plans for all affected roadways. Outline procedures for maintenance of traffic, develop detour plans, and identify potential reroutes. o Place advance warning signage on roadways surrounding construction locations to minimize traffic disturbances.  During construction: o Place advance warning signage on NE Sunset Boulevard and adjacent arterials to warn motorists of potential vehicles entering and exiting the roadway. Signage could include “Equipment on Road,” “Truck Access,” or “Slow Vehicles Crossing.” o Use pilot cars as dictated by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). o Encourage carpooling among construction workers to reduce traffic volume to and from the construction site. o Employ flaggers, as necessary, to direct traffic when vehicles or large equipment are entering or exiting the public road system to minimize risk of conflicts between trucks and passenger vehicles. o Maintain at least one travel lane at all times, if possible. Use flaggers to manage alternating directions of traffic. If lane closures must occur, adequate signage for potential detours or possible delays should be posted. o Revisit traffic control plans as construction occurs. Revise traffic control plans to improve mobility or address safety issues if necessary. Parks and Recreation The property proposes to meet onsite open space standards per City. City staff will confirm compliance with City open space standards. The applicant will be required to pay a park impact fee for the park system. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 28 Exhibit 22. Parks and Recreation Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan During construction, impacts adjacent to or in parks within the Planned Action Study Area, such as an increase in noise, dust, and access limitations, shall be mitigated as per a construction mitigation plan developed by Planned Action applicants and approved by the City. Planned Action Applicants shall pay a Parks and Recreation Impact fee as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment, payable to the City as specified by the Renton Municipal Code. The following four mitigation measures would help improve the availability or access to parks and recreation facilities in the Planned Action Study Area.  The City is initiating a parks, recreation, open space and natural resources plan for completion in 2011. That plan could identify alternative LOS standards and parks and recreation opportunities inside or outside of the Planned Action Study Area that could serve the local population.  The City is considering amendments to its development codes that would provide for payment of a fee-in-lieu for required common open space. As proposed, the fee-in-lieu option could be executed when development sites are located within 0.25 mile of a public park and when that park can be safely accessed by pedestrians. The City’s package of amendments also includes park impact fees.  The City and Renton School District could develop a joint-use agreement for public use of school grounds for parks and recreation purposes during non-school hours. Joint-use With the prevalence of public facilities in the Planned Action Study Area as a whole, and the addition of a central park and a library in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, there is opportunity to manage the current facilities in a manner that maximizes their beneficial parks and recreation uses for future population growth. The mitigation measures proposed for the Planned Action Study Area shall apply to the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea. The development proposed along NE 10th Street consists of 3-story townhomes and are not anticipated to impact the Sunset Court Park.5 The property proposes to meet onsite open space and will be required to pay a park impact fee for the park system. 5 The Piha site is part of the Renton Sunset Master Site Plan. The density was calculated as a whole including the park and without it since the original Sunset Terrace property included a park. It was in part the greater size of the park that allow ed consideration of the increased height and density on non-park sites. The removal of the Piha property from the density calculation does not appear to change the conclusion that remaining sites and the park that was once part of the property meet overall density calculations. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 29 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan agreements between the City and Renton School District could also be used to, at least partially, address the LOS deficiencies in existing recreation facilities.  The City could add parks and recreation facilities such as: o The City could convert current public properties no longer needed for their current uses to parks and recreation uses, such as the Highlands Library that is intending to move and expand off site. Draft EIS Figure 4.15-2 shows properties in public use. o The City could purchase private property for parks and recreation use. An efficient means would be to consider properties in the vicinity of existing parks and recreation facilities or where additional population growth would be greatest. Draft EIS Figure 4.15-2 shows locations where future demand could be greater and where the City could focus acquisition efforts. Public Services Police: The proposal is required to identify security measures in a construction mitigation plan prepared by Planned Action Applicants and approved by the City. This could be a condition of approval. In addition, the site plan should be reviewed by City police and public works staff to determine compliance with the following requirement:  Planned Action applicants shall design street layouts, open space, and recreation areas to promote visibility for residents and police. Fire: The fire and emergency medical services mitigation will be met by compliance with International Fire Code and City development regulations, as well as payment of a fire impact fee per city codes and the service provider. These can be conditions of approval. School: A school impact fee is required and can be a condition of approval. Solid Waste: Solid waste mitigation is also required:  The City shall require development applicants to consider recycling and reuse of building materials when redeveloping sites, and as part of their application explain what measures are included. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible recycling and reuse measures. The applicant has stated that a combination of age and condition of the existing buildings and hazardous material abatement makes recycling and reuse impractical for the site. Given lack of feasibility the City does not intend to condition the proposal to incorporate recycling and reuse of building materials. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 30 Exhibit 23. Public Services Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Police During construction, security measures shall be implemented by developers to reduce potential criminal activity, including on-site security surveillance, lighting, and fencing to prevent public access. Such measures shall be detailed in a construction mitigation plan prepared by Planned Action Applicants and approved by the City. Planned Action applicants shall design street layouts, open space, and recreation areas to promote visibility for residents and police. Street and sidewalk lighting would discourage theft and vandalism, and enhance security. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Developers will construct all new buildings in compliance with the International Fire Code and Renton Development Regulations (RMC Title 4), including provision of emergency egress routes and installation of fire extinguishing and smoke detection systems. All new buildings will comply with accessibility standard for people with disabilities, per the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Planned Action applicants shall pay a Fire Impact Fee as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of payment, payable to the City as specified in the Renton Municipal Code. Education During renovation of the Hillcrest Early Childhood Center, the Renton School District shall provide temporary transportation or take other equivalent measures to ensure accessibility of the early education program to area children who attend the program. Since the school district typically plans for a shorter-term horizon than the 20 years envisioned for the Planned Action, the district will continue to monitor student generation rates into the future and adjust its facility planning accordingly. The district will continue to implement existing plans to expand permanent student capacity at area schools. In addition, the district may utilize portable classrooms or shift attendance boundaries to address Police Mitigation measures described for the Planned Action Study Area also apply to this Subarea. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Mitigation measures described for the Planned Action Study Area also apply to this Subarea. Education No mitigation measures are necessary or proposed. Health Care No mitigation measures are necessary or proposed. Social Services RHA’s provision of community space that could be used for social services or community meeting space for community organizations would serve as mitigation. See the discussion under the Planned Action Study Area. RHA should maintain a community meeting space within or near the subarea during construction phase of Sunset Terrace redevelopment that allows for on-site social service programs to continue to meet within the subarea. Solid Waste Mitigation measures described for the Planned Action Study Area also apply to this Subarea. Public Library The King County Library System should continue to monitor growth within its geographic clusters, and adjust plans for facility sizing and spacing according to shifting trends in population growth. The proposal is required to identify security measures in a construction mitigation plan prepared by Planned Action Applicants and approved by the City. The site plan should be reviewed by City police and public works staff to determine compliance with the following requirement: Planned Action applicants shall design street layouts, open space, and recreation areas to promote visibility for residents and police. The fire and emergency medical services mitigation will be met by compliance with international fire code and City development regulations, as well as payment of a fire impact fee per city codes and the service provider. A school impact fee is required. Solid waste mitigation is also required to be considered – however, due to lack of feasibility demonstrated in the application, the City does not intend to require special building material recycling or reuse: The City shall require development applicants to consider recycling and reuse of building materials when redeveloping sites, and as part of their application explain what measures are included. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible recycling and reuse measures. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 31 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan student capacity issues that arise on a shorter term basis. The district will also continue monitoring growth in the number of English Language Learner students in the district, and plan additional capacity in that program to meet growing demands for that service, particularly in schools with high percentages of English Language Learners, such as Highlands Elementary. The school district imposes a school impact fee for new residential construction. This funding source can be used to help provide expanded school facilities needed to serve the growth anticipated under all alternatives (RMC 4-1-160). Health Care There are no mitigation measures needed or proposed for health care due to the negligible change in the number of beds. Social Services The City’s planned improvements to the streetscape and transit facilities that make walking, bicycling, and taking transit more viable modes of transportation would improve accessibility of social services located outside the Planned Action Study Area to area residents. RHA, Renton School District, and the City should work together to relocate the Friendly Kitchen community feeding program when the Hillcrest Early Childhood Center campus, the current site of this program, is redeveloped as part of a family village. Relocation should occur at an accessible location nearby to maintain service to the existing community that relies upon the Friendly Kitchen services. If possible, Renton School District and RHA should incorporate space for the continuation of the Friendly Kitchen Program within the family village. RHA and the City should consider developing a community center facility as part of Sunset Terrace redevelopment or the family village development or at another location in the Planned Action Study Area. The center would provide an accessible on-site space for a comprehensive range of social services for residents in the Planned Action Study Area, focused on alleviating poverty, Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 32 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan and addressing the needs of some of the more predominant demographic groups found within the Planned Action Study Area—seniors, individuals living with disabilities, those speaking English as a Second Language, and youth. Solid Waste The City shall require development applicants to consider recycling and reuse of building materials when redeveloping sites, and as part of their application explain what measures are included. The City may condition Planned Action applications to incorporate feasible recycling and reuse measures. Public Library The King County Library System should continue to monitor growth within its geographic clusters, and adjust plans for facility sizing and spacing according to shifting trends in population growth. Utilities The development will be required to implement water system and sewer system improvements per City plans, codes, and specifications. See Column 3 for more details. Exhibit 24. Utilities Mitigation Measures Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Water To mitigate the current and projected water storage deficit in the pressure zones that serve the study area, the City completed the construction of the 4.2-million-gallon Hazen Reservoir in the Highlands 565 pressure zone in March 2009. The City also completed a water distribution storage feasibility study to develop conceptual options and planning level cost estimates for expanding the storage capacity at two existing City-owned sites: the Highlands Reservoirs site and the Mt. Olivet Tank site (HDR, Inc. 2009). Financial strategies for the planning, design, and construction of the storage-capacity expansion have not been determined at this time. To mitigate the fire-flow requirements for the proposed level of development and redevelopment within the Planned Action Study Area, larger diameter Water The mitigation measures that are required in the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea are similar to those noted for the Planned Action Study Area. The water storage deficit would be met with an increase in storage at the existing Highlands Reservoirs site, and fire-flow requirements would require the new 12-inch-diameter pipe loop throughout this subarea and realignment of the Highlands 435 and Highlands 565 pressure zones. As noted previously, the City has recently installed a new 12-inch- diameter main for development adjacent to this subarea, and as development occurs in the subarea, the pipe network would need to be extended to serve the development. A more detailed discussion of needed system improvements is provided in Attachment 2. The development will be required to implement water system and sewer system improvements per City plans, codes, and specifications. Per the EIS mitigation measure, to mitigate the fire-flow requirements for the proposed level of development and redevelopment within the Planned Action Study Area, larger diameter (12-inch) piping is required throughout the Planned Action Study Area to convey the higher fire-flow requirements. The new water mains will be looped for reliability and redundancy of service, as required by City policies and water design standards. Local sewers may need to be replaced with upsized pipe to manage the increased wastewater load from the subarea. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 33 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan (12-inch) piping is required throughout the Planned Action Study Area to convey the higher fire-flow requirements. The new water mains will be looped for reliability and redundancy of service, as required by City policies and water design standards. The larger mains will be installed within the dedicated right-of- way in a north-to-south and east-to- west grid-style water system. Additional mains within the development sites will also be required to provide water to hydrants and water meters, and should be looped within the development site around buildings. To provide the water pressure requirements for multistory buildings and to support the pressure requirements for fire sprinkler systems, the new water mains will be connected to the higher-pressure Highlands 565 pressure zone. The options to address fire flow within the Planned Action Study Area are further described below. The Highlands 565 pressure zone typically has enough pressure to meet the pressure needs for fire-flow requirements for the proposed development and redevelopment in the Planned Action Study Area, but is limited in providing the fire-flow rate due to the size of the existing water mains that are generally smaller than 12 inches in diameter. The Highlands 435 pressure zone operates at lower pressures and has smaller-diameter pipes in this area of the pressure zone and, therefore, cannot meet both the pressure requirements and the fire - flow capacity (flow) requirements. The options developed to remedy fire -flow and pressure inadequacies are shown in Draft EIS Section 4.17, Figure 4.17- 1 and summarized below. A 12-inch-diameter pipeline loop shown in Draft EIS Section 4.17, Figure 4.17-1 was developed to extend the Highlands 565 pressure zone into the existing Highlands 435 pressure zone. This 12-inch-diameter loop was also extended north of NE 12th Street in the existing Highlands 565 pressure zone to improve the conveyance capacity throughout the Planned Action Study Area. This 12-inch-diameter loop improvement builds on the City’s recent extension of the Highlands 565 The NEPA Reevaluation/ SEPA Addendum (2014) provides a description of water system requirements for fire flow that are similar to the FEIS conclusions and that benefit from more specific master planning review. Wastewater Collection The sewers within the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea are also identified for replacement based on age and condition in the City’s Long Range Wastewater Management Plan. Based on the increased wastewater load within the Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea, the local sewers may need to be replaced with upsized pipe to manage the increased wastewater load from the subarea. A more detailed discussion of needed sewer system improvements is provided Attachment 2. The NEPA Reevaluation / SEPA Addendum (2014) provides a description of sewer main considerations that are similar to the FEIS conclusions and that benefit from more specific master planning review. The proposal is also required to comply with RMC 4-1-180 Charges for Equitable Share of Public Works Facilities. The SEPA checklist indicates: Basic municipal and franchise utilities will be extended from the project frontages, internal to the site. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 34 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan pressure zone into the Highlands 435 pressure zone to support fire-flow requirements for the Harrington Square Development. In addition to the 12-inch-diameter pipe loop shown in Draft EIS Section 4.17, Figure 4.17-1, additional piping improvements for each development served from the 12-inch-diameter loop are expected to be required to provide sufficient fire flow and pressure throughout each development. The sizing and layout of this additional piping will depend on the development layout, but will require that the development piping be looped around buildings and be sufficient in size to maintain the fire- flow requirements of the development. Planned Action Applicants shall implement improvements required for water service and fire flow consistent with City standards in RMC Title 4 Chapter 6 and RMC 4-5-070 International Fire Code and Fire Prevention Regulations. Planned Action applicants shall also demonstrate compliance with RMC 4-1-180 Charges for Equitable Share of Public Works Facilities. Wastewater Collection The local wastewater collection system n the Planned Action Study Area is scheduled for replacement based on age and condition as noted in the City of Renton Long Range Wastewater Management Plan (City of Renton 2009b). The local sewers have reached the end of their useful life and have been identified as high priority replacements due to leaks and current surcharging. However, the increased wastewater load with the development in the Planned Action Study Area could require that the local sewers be replaced with larger diameter pipe to provide sufficient capacity to the wastewater interceptors that serve the Planned Action Study Area. The locations where lines would be improved are identified in Draft EIS Section 4.17. Pursuant to RMC 4-6-040.B, any facility improvements identified by the current adopted long-range wastewater management plan (comprehensive sewer system plan) Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 35 Planned Action Study Area Potential Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Subarea Solera Mixed Use Master Plan that are not installed or in the process of being installed must be constructed by the property owner(s) or developer(s) desiring service. Planned Action applicants shall also demonstrate compliance with RMC 4- 1-180 Charges for Equitable Share of Public Works Facilities. Ordinance 5813 Attachment C: Sunset Terrace Master Site Plan The Renton Sunset Area Master Site Plan is included in Attachment C and is to be used as a conceptual guide to redevelopment in that portion of the Planned Action area, together with the land use studied in the NEPA reevaluation/ SEPA addendum published on June 10, 2016, and the use allowances of the Renton Municipal Code. Height and Conditional Use Permit Criteria The table below describes Conditional Use Permit review criteria in RMC 4-9-030 and application information that will help the City’s compliance review. Exhibit 25. Review of Aesthetic Information Needed to Support Review of Conditional Use Criteria Criteria Information Needed for Evaluation 1. Consistency with Plans and Regulations The proposed use shall be compatible with the general goals, objectives, policies and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations and any other plans, programs, maps or ordinances of the City of Renton. The application includes a detailed breakdown of uses proposed for the development. No additional information is required. 2. Appropriate Location The proposed location shall not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed location shall be suited for the proposed use. a. Location Criteria: Proximity of arterial streets which have sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development. Developments are encouraged to locate in areas served by transit. The application includes a detailed map showing the location of proposed uses and a breakdown of development square footages by use. Traffic and street capacity is not within the scope of aesthetic review. No additional information is required for aesthetic review. 3. Effect on Adjacent Properties The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. a. Effect on Adjacent or Abutting Properties: Building heights shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent and abutting property. When a building in e xcess of the maximum height is proposed adjacent to or abutting a lot designated R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14 or RM-F, then the setbacks shall be equivalent to the requirements of the adjacent residential zone if the setback standards exceed The application provides detailed architectural plans and renderings of the proposed project, illustrating the character, height, and scale of development throughout the study area. The Planned Action EIS identified the potential for shading impacts as a possible adverse impact. The applicant has provided this model and results have been addressed in the Planned Action concurrence review above. The City will review the application’s consistency with Conditional Use Permit criteria. Renton | Solera Mixed Use Master Plan Planned Action Concurrence Review 36 Criteria Information Needed for Evaluation the requirements of the Commercial Zone. 4. Compatibility The proposed use shall be compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. The application provides detailed architectural plans and renderings of the proposed project, illustrating the character, height, and scale of development throughout the study area. No additional information is required for aesthetic review. 5. Parking Adequate parking is, or will be made, available. N/A 6. Traffic The use shall ensure safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and shall mitigate potential effects on the surrounding area. N/A 7. Noise, Light and Glare Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use shall be evaluated and mitigated. N/A 8. Landscaping Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings, paving, or critical areas. Additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use The application provides detailed architectural plans, including a landscape and tree retention plan. No additional information is required for aesthetic review.