HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, August 13, 2018 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) Jerene Battisti Day - August 13, 2018 4. PUBLIC HEARING a) Interim Control for Multi-Family Housing in Residential Targeted Areas. 5. APPEAL a) Planning & Development Committee Report: Wilson Park 1 INABILITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON APPEALS DURING COUNCIL MEETINGS: State law requires that the City establish a process to handle appeals from application of environmental and developmental rules and regulations. The Renton City Council, feeling it was best for the elected representatives to handle the appeals rather than require citizens to go to court, has retained appellate jurisdiction to itself. The courts have held that the City Council, while sitting as an appellate body, is acting as a quasi-judicial body and must obey the rules of procedure of a court more than that of a political body. By City Code, and by State law, the City Council may not consider new evidence in this appeal. The parties to the appeal have had an opportunity to address their arguments to the Planning & Development Committee of the City Council at a meeting previously held. Because of the court requirements prohibiting the City Council from considering new evidence, and because all parties have had an opportunity to address their concerns to the Planning & Development Committee, the City Council may not consider oral or written testimony at the City Council meeting. The Council understands that this is frustrating to citizens and is outside the normal process of open discourse provided to citizenry during the audience comment portion of the City Council meeting. However, this burden of not allowing Council to be addressed concerning pending appeals is outweighed by the quick, inexpensive and local appeal process provided by the Renton City Council. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 7. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting. • Each speaker is allowed five minutes. • When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: Pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of August 6, 2018. Council Concur b) AB - 2178 City Clerk recommends granting a 20-year latecomer agreement, File No. LA- 17-001, in the amount of $188,408, to Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram for sewer main extension on SE 132nd St., and authorize staff to finalize the latecomer agreement per City Code, including directing the City Clerk to notify affected property owners. Refer to Utilities Committee c) AB - 2195 Transportation Systems Division recommends adoption of a resolution authorizing the temporary complete closure of SW 19th St. between 100 SW 19th St. and 204 SW 19th St. for a period of up to 10 calendar days between September 4 and September 30, 2018 to construct the Rolling Hills Creek culvert tie-in as part of the I- 405/SR 167 Interchange Direct Connector project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers; Microsoft Enterprise Licenses True-up Renewal; Consortium Fiber Optic Project - Feasibility Study Eastside Rail Corridor* b) Public Safety Committee: Alarm System Regulations - False Alarms* c) Utilities Committee: Renton Hill Utility Replacement Project Change Order #1 (CAG-17- 174); Falcon Ridge Lift Station Project Bid Award (CAG-18-120); Downtown Utility Improvement Project - Phase 2 Preliminary Engineering & Design 10. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No. 4350: Consortium Fiber Optic Project - Feasibility Study Eastside Rail Corridor (ERC) (See item 9.a.) Ordinance for first reading: b) Ordinance No. 5886: Alarm System Regulation (See item 9.b.) 11. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 5:00 p.m. - 7th Floor - Council Chambers Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings DenisLawMayorWfiereas,Jerene(Rutherford)BattistihasbeenanintegralpartoftheRentoncommunity,includingherchildhoodandteenyears,andwasvaledictorianforthe1963graduatingclassofRentonHighSchool;andWfiereas,Jerenehadadistinguishedcareerinlibraryservice,andwastheChildren’sandTeenServicesLibrarianforCityofRentonLibrariesfrom1993until2007,sharingherloveofbooksandreadingwithagenerationofchildrenthroughherfamousstorytimesandthespecialbondshehadwiththechildrenandteens;andWficreas,shecontinuedtopositivelyinfluenceyoungpeopleintheareasofreadingandlearningasTeenServicesCoordinatorwithKingCountyLibrarySystemuntilsheretiredinJune2018;andt4lfiereas,herdevotiontoyouthadvocacyextendedtoservingontheBoardofSeattleChildren’sHospitalfor15years,plusservingonRentonTechnicalCollegeFoundationBoardfor12years,fouryearsasitsChair;and‘Whereas,JerenehasbeenanactiveparticipantinRentonRotaryfor20years,andhasthedistinctionofbeingtheimmediatePastPresident;and‘Whereas,hercontinuedcommitmenttoservicehasinspiredmanytoseekopportunitiestogivebacktoourRentoncommunitywheneverpossible;D”[ow,therefore,I,DenisLaw,MayoroftheCityofRenton,doherebyproclaimAugust13,2018,tobeJereneBattistiDayintheCityofRenton,andIencourageallcitizenstojoinmeinthisspecialobservance.InwItnesswhereofIhavehereuntosetmyhandandcausedthesealoftheCityofRentontobeaffixedthis13thdayofAugust,2018.DenisLaw,MayorCityofRenton,WashingtonProctamationRentonCityHaIl,7thFloor1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.govAGENDA ITEM #3. a) INTERIM CONTROLS FOR FEE WAIVERS & PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONS IN RESIDENTIAL TARGETED AREAS (MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING INCENTIVES) RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING August 13, 2018 AGENDA ITEM #4. a) •On June 25, Council adopted an interim control prohibiting the acceptance of applications for fee waivers or property tax exemptions for multi-family housing in residential targeted areas. •State law requires a public hearing within 60 days of adopting a moratorium. •This public hearing meets this requirement and provides an opportunity for public comment. PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM #4. a) NEED FOR INTERIM CONTROLS •The City has docketed a legislative review of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-1-210 Waived Fees regarding the eligibility and standards for fee waivers. •The City has also docketed a legislative review of RMC 4-1-220, Property Tax Exemption for Multi-Family Housing in Residential Targeted Areas. •The region is currently experiencing a housing shortage, particularly for affordable housing.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) NEED FOR INTERIM CONTROLS •A primary purpose of the Multi-Family Housing Incentives has been to encourage owner- occupied and/or rental housing in eligible zones in the Downtown or Sunset Area, two high- priority redevelopment areas for the City. •Actual and/or proposed residential development in the Downtown and Sunset Area has increased substantially since the Multi-Family Housing Incentives were adopted.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) •For the Council, Planning Commission, and staff to advance potential amendments to the Multi-Family Housing Incentives without the potential of applications being received that may not be in the City’s interest. PURPOSE OF MORATORIUM AGENDA ITEM #4. a) •Receive comments tonight •Continue work program Develop and present proposal to Planning Commission and Council Committee Throughout process provide opportunity for public comment Public can check City website and/or provide email address for meeting notification NEXT STEPS AGENDA ITEM #4. a) August 6, 2018 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MINUTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, August 6, 2018 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Ed Prince, Council President Randy Corman Ryan McIrvin Ruth Pérez Armondo Pavone Don Persson Carol Ann Witschi ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Robert Harrison, Chief Administrative Officer Shane Moloney, City Attorney Megan Gregor, Deputy City Clerk Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator Cailin Hunsaker, Parks & Trails Director Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Carrie Olson, Farmers Market Coordinator Interim Chief Ed VanValey, Police Department Commander Kevin Keys, Police Department AGENDA ITEM #8. a) August 6, 2018 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES PROCLAMATION a) Farmers Market Week - August 5 - 11, 2018: A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring August 5-11, 2018 to be Farmers Market Week in the City of Renton, encouraging all citizens to join in recognizing the many benefits of our local Farmers Market. Farmers Market Coordinator Carrie Olson accepted the proclamation with thanks. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a) b) Community and Economic Development (CED) Administrator Chip Vincent introduced Policy Advisor John Flanagan from the Governor's office, who presented the Governors Smart Community Award (GSCA), and he introduced Lloyd Skinner, chair of the Washington State American Planning Association who recognized the City's work related to the Civic Core Plan. Department of Commerce 2018 GSCA Award Presentation: Celebrated an effort by the City of Renton, Renton School District, and Renton School Board of Directors who worked together to build the Satori Elementary school that serves the North Renton Neighborhood. 2018 Planning Awards Program Presentation: Renton's Downtown Civic Core Vision and Action Plan received this award due to a number of reasons including its emphasis on urban design issues, activating of public spaces, integration of community values, and the dynamic nature of the plan. Additionally, Mr. Skinner congratulated the Mayor and City Council on the receipt of the award and thanked them for their support. c) Public Safety Outcomes of 4th of July activities: Interim Police Chief Ed VanValey and Chief Rick Marshall from Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA) provided an update on what measures were taken between July 4-5, 2018 to control illegal use of fireworks within the City limits. It was noted that the Police Department responded to 146 firework complaints; of those calls 26 warnings were issued along with 4 citations, and 116 were either settled by contact or police were unable to locate the reported activity. In addition, the RRFA collected 600lbs of Fireworks, which is 5 times more than was collected last year. Additionally, the Renton Regional Fire Authority will be turning the fireworks over to the Port of Seattle Bomb Squad for safe destruction at no cost. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Robert Harrison reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2018 and beyond. Items noted were:  The second annual Cruz the Loop event will take place Saturday, August 18th from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. It will be an evening of live music, food, classic cars, and the vintage cruise around the Renton loop. Pre-registration is required as spots are limited. Registration is now open, so get your spot early. For more information, visit http://rentonwa.gov/cruz. CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #8. a) August 6, 2018 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of July 16, 2018. Council Concur. b) AB - 2192 City Clerk reported appeal of the Hearing Examiner's final decision regarding the Wilson Park 1 Preliminary Plat (LUA-09-140) filed by Robert & Doravin Wilson, accompanied by required fee. The consideration of the closed record appeal by the City Council shall be based solely upon the record, the Hearing Examiner's report, the notice of appeal and additional arguments based on the record by parties (RMC 4-8-110.F.6.). (No new evidence or testimony allowed.) Refer to Planning & Development Committee. c) AB - 2194 City Clerk reported the results from the July 31, 2018 bid opening for the Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement and Force Main Improvements project to Road Construction Northwest, Inc., in the amount of $926,502.50; and transfer $250,000 from the Thunder Hill Interceptor Rehabilitation project to this project to cover the budget gap. Refer to Utilities Committee. d) AB - 2184 Administrative Services Department requested authorization to execute the En Point Technology purchase order in the amount of $157,730.17 for the renewal of Microsoft Enterprise Licenses True-up. Refer to Finance Committee. e) AB - 2187 Administrative Services Department requested approval to execute Consortium Project Agreement 73, an interlocal agreement with the members of the Community Connectivity Consortium, regarding the Eastside Rail Corridor (ERC) fiber optic feasibility study. City of Renton share of the cost is $10,000. Refer to Finance Committee. f) AB - 2189 Administrative Services Department recommended adopting a resolution to amend Resolution 4217, to revoke the City's former Administrative Services Administrator's permissions to make amendments, changes, and alterations to the "Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) Transaction Authorization Form" and authorize the Administrative Services Administrator, by title, to make the appropriate amendments, changes and alterations to said form. Council Concur. g) AB - 2180 Police Department recommended adoption of an ordinance that repeals and replaces Renton Municipal Code 6-3 that updates language and processes needed to support a modern burglar alarm reduction program, including holding alarm users responsible for their use of alarm systems. Refer to Public Safety Committee. h) AB - 2185 Transportation Systems Division submitted the Main Ave S (S 3rd St to Mill Ave S) project; and recommended acceptance of the project subject to receiving the required certifications. Council Concur. i) AB - 2188 Transportation Systems Division recommended adopting a resolution authorizing the temporary complete closure of East Valley Road between 1701 East Valley Road and 2501 East Valley Road, and SW 19th St. between 200 SW 19th St. and 204 SW 19th St. for up to four calendar days between August 24 and August 27, 2018 to construct the Rolling Hills Creek Culvert crossing as part of the I-405/SR 167 Interchange Direct Connector project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. j) AB - 2190 Transportation Systems Division requested ratification of the Indemnification Agreement and First Addendum with The Boeing Company, allowing them to occupy a portion of Renton Municipal Airport's Taxiway "B" for up to 90 days. Council Concur. AGENDA ITEM #8. a) August 6, 2018 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES k) AB - 2191 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a resolution to adopt the annual updates to the 2019-2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee; Set Public Hearing on 8/20/2018. l) AB - 2181 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Change Order No. 1 to CAG-17- 174, with Laser Underground & Earthworks, Inc., in the amount of $302,406.79, for the rebuilding of Cedar Ave S. Refer to Utilities Committee. m) AB - 2186 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with Murraysmith, Inc., in the amount of $683,735, for design services for Phase 2 of the Downtown Utility Improvement project. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No. 4349: A resolution was read revoking the City Council's delegation of Iwen Wang as the authorized individual delegated to administer City monies in the Local Government Investment Pool, and designating the Administrative Services Administrator, by title, as the authorized individual. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:27 P.M. Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor,CMC, Recorder Monday, August 6, 2018 AGENDA ITEM #8. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar August 6, 2018 August 9, 2018 Thursday 4:00 PM Utilities Committee, Chair Witschi – Council Conference Room 1. Renton Hill Utility Replacement Project – Change Order 2. Downtown Utility Improvement Project, Phase 2 Preliminary Engineering & Design 3. Falcon Ridge Lift Station Bid Award 4. Emerging Issues in Utilities 5:30 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair McIrvin – Council Chambers 1. Wilson Park I Appeal August 13, 2018 Monday 3:30 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson – Council Conference Room 1. Microsoft Enterprise Licenses True-up Renewal 2. Consortium Fiber Optic Project 73 – Eastside Rail Corridor Feasibility Study 3. Vouchers 4. Emerging Issues in Finance 4:30 PM Public Safety Committee, Chair Pavone – Council Conference Room 1. Alarm Ordinance Revision 2. Emerging Issues in Public Safety 5:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince – Council Chambers 1. Inclusion In Purchasing Presentation 2. Public Records Act – JLARC Report 3. Sunset Neighborhood Plan AGENDA ITEM #8. a) AB - 2178 City Council Regular Meeting - 13 Aug 2018 SUBJECT/TITLE: Latecomer's Agreement Request: Final Approval for Sanitary Sewer Extension on SE 132nd St (Varma & Ram, Petitioners) File: LA-17-001 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Utilities Committee DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: City Code allows the City to grant a latecomer agreement when sanitary sewer facilities are installed by a developer, in order to ensure that each property benefiting from the new facility be assessed its fair share of the costs. On June 5, 2017, Council granted preliminary approval of a latecomer agreement request (LA-17- 001) to Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram. Following construction and determination of actual costs, staff presents the latecomer agreement for final approval by Council. Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram have installed the agreed upon improvement and transferred title of these improvements to the City. The final autho rized cost is $188,408. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. Latecomer Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Grant a final 20-year latecomer agreement (LA-17-001) to Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram for a sanitary sewer main extension on SE 132nd St., in the amount of $188,408, and authorize staff to finalize the latecomer agreement per City Code. AGENDA ITEM #8. b) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M August 13, 2018 Ed Prince, Council President Members of Renton City Council Denis Law, Mayor Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Rohini Nair, Plan Review (x-7298) Varma/Ram, Latecomer Agreement LA-17-001 Sanitary Sewer Extension SE 132nd Street ISSUE: Does Council wish to grant final approval for a 20-year latecomer agreement (LA-17-001) Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram, for the installation of 538 lineal feet of sewer main along SE 132nd Street west of 156th Ave SE? RECOMMENDATION: Grant Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram request for a latecomer agreement and give final approval for a latecomer agreement to extend the sanitary sewer main along SE 132nd Street west of 156th Ave SE. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: On May 4, 2017, Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram submitted an application for a latecomer agreement. This latecomer agreement would allow the applicants, Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram, to recover a portion of the costs associated with extending sewer main along SE 132nd Street west of 156th Ave SE. On June 5, 2017, Council granted preliminary approval of the Varma/Ram latecomer request. At that time, the estimated cost of the proposed sewer was $188,408.00. Latecomer agreements are contracts between the City and a developer for construction of public works facilities and authorize reimbursement of a developer by other property owners who did not contribute to the origin a I cost of the facilities and who subsequently tap into or use the facilities. The proposed latecomer agreement would AGENDA ITEM #8. b) Varma/RamLatecomerAgreement LA-17-001 Page 2 of 2 AUgust 13, 2018 require the owners of benefiting properties to pay an equitable share of the cost of these facilities if they decide to use these facilities. The propeties to be included in the proposed latecomer agreement did not previously have sewer service available. The facility installed is a local service facility, and as such, will only benefit the properties directly adjacent to the new main. Because the only benefiting parcels are those that front the facility, we have established a direct benefit charge only. For this area, we chose to calculate the benefited area utilizing a per unit connection method. This method takes the number of expected connections (fourteen) and divides the cost of the sewer improvements equally to determine an assessment amount. As allowed by City code, developers may ask for reimbursement of a per unit portion of the original costs for public works facilities they install and turn over to the City. Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram have extended sewer to serve properties that did not have sewer service available. Thus, having installed all of the agreed upon improvements, and having transferred title to all of the improvements to the City, the developer has completed all of the actions required of him to finalize this latecomer agreement. The final cost of the installed sewer is $188,408.00 which is the same amount as the preliminary estimate. The number of expected connections is 14. Therefore, the assessment, based upon the final cost, is $13,457.71 per unit connection. CONCLUSION: City code allows that when sanitary sewer facilities are installed by a developer that the City grant a latecomer agreement in order to ensure that each property that benefits from the new facility be assessed its fair share of the costs. Following construction and the determination of actual costs, staff presents the latecomer agreement for final approval by Council. Therefore, we recommend that Council approve staf's request to grant a final 20-year latecomer agreement (LA-17-001} to Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram for the installation of 538 lineal feet of sewer main along SE 132nd Street. Attachments cc: Denis Law, Mayor Jennifer T. Henning, Planning Director Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director David Christensen, Wastewater Utility Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager File AGENDA ITEM #8. b) Page 1 Return Address:  City Clerk’s Office  City of Renton  1055 South Grady Way  Renton, WA 98057          Title:  LATECOMER’S AGREEMENT Property Tax Parcel Numbers:    142305‐9092; 144260‐0100; 144260‐0110;   144260‐0120; 144260‐0130; 142305‐9100;  142305‐9093; 142305‐9116; 142305‐9115;   142305‐9114; 142305‐9079  Project File #:  PRM27‐00049, LA‐17‐001  Grantor(s): Grantee(s):  1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 1.  Kushal S. Varma; and   2.  Kajal A. Ram  Complete legal description is in Exhibit “B”of this document.  ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION:   A portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette  Meridian, King County, Washington, as described in Exhibit “B”.    THIS LATECOMER’S AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) made and entered into this    day of   ______,  20 , by and between the CITY OF RENTON, hereinafter referred to as the “Grantor” or “City,” and  KUSHAL S. VARMA and KAJAL A. RAM, husband and wife, hereinafter collectively referred to as the  “Grantee” or “Developer.” The City and Developer are collectively referred to herein as the “Parties”; and    WHEREAS, on August 24, 2017 the Developer sold the property to the current owner Sierra Homes, Inc.,  however the Developer retained the rights to enter into this Agreement with the City and to collect the  latecomer  fees collected by the City pursuant to this Agreement; and  WHEREAS, the Developer has installed certain utility systems and appurtenances thereto at, near, or  within the described property and has connected same to the City’s utility system so that such  improvements now are an integral part thereof; and  WHEREAS, no other property owners or users have shared in the cost and expense of construction of such  improvements, and the Parties hereto having in mind the provisions and terms of Chapter 35.91 RCW (the  Municipal Water and Sewer Facilities Act), specifically RCW 35.91.020 (Contracts with owners of real  estate for water or sewer facilities—Requirements—Financing—Reimbursement of costs); and  WHEREAS, the Developer has paid all the costs and expenses for the installation of said improvements;  and  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) PRM27‐0049: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION ON SE 132ND ST   (VARMA & RAM PETITIONERS) LATECOMER AGREEMENT (LA‐17‐001)  Page 2   WHEREAS, the owners of record of the benefited properties listed in Exhibit ”D” received the following  notices:  A. A Notice of Potential Assessment on June 8, 2017; and no appeal was filed within twenty (20)  days of the notice mailing; and   B. A Notice of Potential Final Assessment on ________, 2018; and no appeal was filed within  twenty (20) days.    NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND COVENANTED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS  FOLLOWS:  1. The Developer hereby acknowledges and covenants that at the time of preliminary approval  of this Agreement by the Renton City Council it was the owner of the property described in Exhibit “A”  and the Developer further agrees and covenants that it has not assigned any rights to collect the  latecomer’s fees described herein to any other party.  Developer hereby acknowledges and covenants that on August 24, 2017, the Developer sold the property  to the current owner Sierra Homes, Inc., however the Developer retained the rights to enter into this  Agreement with the City and to collect the latecomer fees collected by the City pursuant to this  Agreement.  2. The Developer has installed the following described improvements (hereinafter  “improvements”), to wit:   A. 538 Linear Feet of 8” PVC Sewer Main; and    B. 2 – 48” Diameter Manholes.     and such installation made according to plans and specifications approved by the City, made in full  compliance with the Developer’s obligations under this Agreement, and all applicable codes and  regulations of the City. Developer acknowledges all improvements are subject to inspection and approval  of the City.    Developer covenants that said improvements are fit for the use for which they are intended. Developer  guarantees the workmanship and materials in said improvements for a period of two (2) years after the  date of acceptance by the City.  3. The Developer further covenants and warrants that all expenses and claims in connection  with the construction and installation of the improvements, whether for labor or materials or both, have  been or will be paid in full, all at the Developer’s expense, and the Developer covenants and agrees to  hold the City harmless from any liability in connection therewith.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) PRM27‐0049: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION ON SE 132ND ST   (VARMA & RAM PETITIONERS) LATECOMER AGREEMENT (LA‐17‐001)  Page 3   4. The Developer further certifies that the total cost of said construction as herein above  specified is $188,408.00.  The legal descriptions of the benefitted properties which comprise the  latecomer boundary are attached hereto as Exhibit “B”. The map of the latecomer’s boundary is attached  hereto as Exhibit “C”. The Final Assessment Roll detailing the benefited properties’ legal descriptions and  the amount of the assessment for each property is attached hereto as Exhibit “D”.   5. The total amount of the cost of said improvement shall be employed to determine the pro  rata reimbursement to the Developer by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original  cost of such improvement, and who subsequently taps into, or hooks up to, or benefits from said facilities,  which tap or hookup shall include connections to lateral or branches connecting thereto, all subject to the  laws and ordinances of the City and the provisions of this Agreement.  Total Cost associated with latecomer work:  $188,408.00  The method of assessment to be used:    Per Unit Connection  Number of Units (including developer share):  14  The pro rata cost is:      $13,457.71 per Unit  The portion of the cost Developer responsible for: $13,457.71  The portion of total cost that may be reimbursed: $174,950.29  6. Criteria for Triggering of Latecomer Assessment: The assessment from this Agreement will  be triggered when a property within the latecomer boundary area benefits from the facility either through  connecting to the sewer main or by utilizing the sewer main to fulfill a condition of further developing  their property.  7. It is hereby found and determined that the construction and installation of said improvements  is in the public interest.  8. The Developer hereby agrees and covenants that the City shall verify and approve all contracts  and costs related to the improvements.  9. The Developer hereby agrees and covenants, at its sole cost, to convey, transfer, and assign  unto the City all rights, interest and title in and to said improvements and all appurtenances and  accessories thereto, free from any claim and encumbrance of any party whomsoever; City agrees to  accept and maintain said improvement as part of its present system upon approval thereof by the  Administrator of the Public Works Department or his/her authorized representative and after inspection  of said construction. The Developer further agrees and covenants to execute and to deliver unto the City  any and all documents including Quitclaim Deeds and Bills of Sale that may reasonably be necessary to  fully vest title to the City and to effectuate this conveyance and transfer, at its sole cost.  10. The Developer agrees and covenants to pay unto the City such service charges or other  charges as may be imposed by the City for use of the improvements for which this agreement is granted.   AGENDA ITEM #8. b) PRM27‐0049: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION ON SE 132ND ST   (VARMA & RAM PETITIONERS) LATECOMER AGREEMENT (LA‐17‐001)  Page 4   11. The City reserves the right, without affecting the validity or terms of this Agreement, to make  or cause to be made extensions to or additions of the above improvements and to allow service  connections to be made to said extensions or additions, without liability on the part of the City.   12. No person, firm, or corporation shall be granted a permit to use or be authorized to tap into  the facility during the period of twenty (20) years (unless extended by the City Council) from the date  hereof, without first paying unto the City, in addition to any and all other costs, fees, and charges made  or assessed for each tap, or for the main facilities constructed in connection therewith, the amount  required by the provisions of this Agreement except such charges shall not apply to any extension of the  main facility. Furthermore, in case any tap, hookup, or connection is made into any such contracted facility  without such payment having been first made, the legislative body of the City may cause to have removed  such unauthorized tap, hookup, or connection, and all connections or related accessories located in the  facility or right‐of‐way, and dispose of such unauthorized material so removed, without any liability on  the part of the City whatsoever. It is further agreed, and covenanted that upon expiration of the terms of  this Agreement; to wit: twenty (20) years (unless extended by the City Council) from date hereof, the City  shall be under no further obligation to collect or make any further sums unto the Developer.  13. The decision of the Administrator of the Public Works Department or his/her authorized  representative in determining or computing the amount due from any benefited owner who wishes to  hookup to such improvement shall be final and conclusive in all respects.  14. It is further agreed and understood that the improvements constructed and paid for by the  Developer have been connected to the utilities system of the City, and upon acceptance by the City  through its legislative body, said extension and/or improvements shall be and become a part of the  municipal utilities system.  15. This Agreement shall be placed for record with the King County Recorder’s Office within thirty  (30) days of final execution of the Agreement, at Developer’s sole cost.  16. Before the City will collect any latecomer’s fee, the Developer will, at its sole cost, transfer  title to all of the improvements under this Agreement to the City.    17. The Developer covenants and agrees to be responsible for notifying the City if the rights  hereunder are sold or transferred, and to whom the latecomer’s fee should be paid. The Developer further  covenants and agrees to be responsible for keeping the City informed of its correct mailing address.   A. Pursuant to RCW 35.91.020(6) and RMC 9‐5‐11 The Developer agrees and covenants that it  shall every two (2) years from the date this Agreement is executed provide the City with  information regarding the current name, address and telephone number of the Developer.   B If Developer fails to comply with the notification requirements herein stated within sixty (60)  days of the specified time, the Developer hereby assigns to the City the benefit and right to  the latecomer’s fees and the City may collect latecomer’s fees owed to the Developer, which  shall be deposited in the City’s capital fund.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) PRM27‐0049: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION ON SE 132ND ST   (VARMA & RAM PETITIONERS) LATECOMER AGREEMENT (LA‐17‐001)  Page 5   C. Pursuant to RMC 9‐5‐11 should the City be unable to locate the holder of this Agreement in  order to deliver a latecomer fee, the City shall undertake an independent investigation to  determine the location of the Developer. Should the City after a good faith attempt to locate  the Developer be unable to do so, then the latecomer’s fee shall be placed in the Special  Deposit Fund held by the City for two (2) years. At any time within the two‐year period the  Developer may receive the latecomer’s fee, without interest, by applying to the City for that  latecomer’s fee.  After the expiration of the two‐year period, all rights of the Developer to  that fee shall expire, and the City shall be deemed to be the owner of those funds.  D. Pursuant to RMC 9‐5‐10 when the City has received the funds for a latecomer’s fee, it will  forward that fee, less an administration and collection fee as described in Section 18 below,  to the Developer within thirty (30) days of receipt of the funds. Funds received by negotiable  instrument, such as a check, will be deemed received ten (10) days after delivery to the City.  Should the City fail to forward the latecomer’s fee to the Developer through the City’s sole  negligence, then the City shall pay the Developer interest on those monies at the rate of  twelve (12%) percent per annum. However, should the Developer not keep the City informed  of its current correct mailing address, or should the Developer otherwise be negligent and  thus contribute to the failure of the City to pay over the latecomer’s fee, then no interest shall  accrue on late payment of the latecomer’s fee.  E. Notices: All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to the following addresses:     City of Renton:    City Clerk  City of Renton  1055 South Grady Way  Renton, WA 98057    Developer:    Kushal S Varma & Kajal A Ram  2609 NE 5th CT  Renton, WA 98056  Receipt of any notice shall be deemed effective three (3) days after deposit of written notice in  the U.S. mail with proper postage and address.    18. The City shall collect an administration and collection fee at the time funds are collected under  this Agreement.  The amount of the fee retained by the City when funds are collected will be a percentage  based upon the following:  A. If the portion of total cost that may be reimbursed is $20,000 or less, the City will retain a fee  equal to fifteen percent (15%) of each amount collected under this Agreement.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) PRM27‐0049: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION ON SE 132ND ST   (VARMA & RAM PETITIONERS) LATECOMER AGREEMENT (LA‐17‐001)  Page 6   B. If the portion of total cost that may be reimbursed is more than $20,000 but not more than  $100,000, the City will retain a fee equal to ten percent (10%) of each amount collected under  this Agreement.  C. If the portion of total cost that may be reimbursed is more than $100,000, the City will retain  a fee equal to five percent (5%) of each amount collected under this Agreement.  19. This Agreement is granted for a period of up to but not to exceed twenty (20) years. This  Agreement will expire at the end of the period of time established by the City Council unless the City  Council agrees to extend it in accordance with RCW 35.91.020(4) as it exists or is hereinafter amended.  20. By instituting this Agreement, the City does not agree to assume any responsibility to enforce  this Agreement. The recorded Agreement will be a matter of public record and will serve as a notice to  the owners of the benefited properties should connection to the improvements be made.  The assessment  roll listing the benefited properties and the pro rata potential latecomer charge for each will be on file  with the City.  The Developer has responsibility to monitor those parties connecting to the improvement.   Should the City become aware of such a connection it will use its best efforts to collect the latecomer’s  fee, but shall not incur any liability should it inadvertently fail to collect the latecomer’s fee.  21. Indemnification: The Developer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless from  any and all liability resulting from:  A. Any claims asserted by any third party:   1.  To said improvements and all appurtenances and accessories thereto, which  improvements are to be free from any claim and encumbrance of any party  whomsoever; and   2. To the right to receive the latecomer fees collected pursuant to this Agreement.  B. Regarding the accuracy of the legal descriptions contained herein. The City is relieved of all  responsibility under this Agreement for collecting from properties not properly included in  the descriptions set forth in this Agreement.   22.  Laws, Venue, Jurisdiction, Severability: This Agreement is entered into under the laws of the  State of Washington, and Washington law shall apply to the interpretation thereof.  Venue and Jurisdiction to enforce all obligations under this Agreement shall lie in King County  Superior Court.  In the event a court of competent jurisdiction declares any material provision of Agreement  invalid, unconstitutional, or otherwise unenforceable, any Party may elect to terminate the remainder of  this Agreement. In the event a non‐material provision of this Agreement is declared invalid,  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) PRM27‐0049: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION ON SE 132ND ST   (VARMA & RAM PETITIONERS) LATECOMER AGREEMENT (LA‐17‐001)  Page 7   unconstitutional or otherwise unenforceable, such provisions hereof as are not affected by such  declaration shall remain in full force and effect.   22. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties and may only be modified  by the written agreement of the Parties.     CITY OF RENTON      By:           Denis Law, Mayor  ATTEST:    By:          Jason A. Seth, City Clerk        STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS  COUNTY OF KING  )    I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Denis Law is the person who appeared before me, and who  signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged as the  Mayor of the City of Renton to be to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes  mentioned in the instrument.      _______________________________________________  Notary Public in and for the State of Washington   Notary (Print) ____________________________________  My appointment expires:___________________________  Dated: __________________________________________                      AGENDA ITEM #8. b) PRM27‐0049: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION ON SE 132ND ST   (VARMA & RAM PETITIONERS) LATECOMER AGREEMENT (LA‐17‐001)  Page 8    DEVELOPER             By:     _____  Kushal S. Varma    By:     _____  Kajal A. Ram      STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS  COUNTY OF KING  )    I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kushal S. Varma signed this instrument and acknowledged it  to be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.       _______________________________________________  Notary Public in and for the State of Washington   Notary (Print) ____________________________________  My appointment expires:___________________________  Dated: __________________________________________        STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS  COUNTY OF KING  )    I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kajal A. Ram signed this instrument and acknowledged it to  be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.       _______________________________________________  Notary Public in and for the State of Washington   Notary (Print) ____________________________________  My appointment expires:___________________________   Dated: __________________________________________        Exhibits:    Exhibit “A” –Legal Description of Developer’s Property  Exhibit “B” –Legal Descriptions of Benefited Properties Which Comprise the Latecomer Boundary   Exhibit “C” – Map of Latecomer’s Boundary  Exhibit “D” –Final Assessment Roll  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) Exhibit "A" Legal Description of Developer's Property PARCEL 7 TL# 142305-9092 Current owner : Sierra Homes Inc. ( previous owner at time of preliminary latecomer: Kushal Varma & Kajal Ram) That portion of the South Quarter of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows; Beginning at the North quarter corner of said section; Thence along the centerline of said section South 0°28’50” West, 1133.20 feet; thence North 88°11’32” West, 30 feet; thence South 0°28’50” west 78.77 feet to the true point of beginning for this description; thence continuing South 0°28’50” West 42.98 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 35.00 feet, an arc distance of 55.80 feet, through a central angle of 91°21’02”; thence North 88°10’08” West 89.17 feet; thence North 0°28’50” East 78.76 feet; thence South 88°11’32” East 125.00 feet to the true point of beginning. AGENDA ITEM #8. b)   LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF BENEFITED PARCELS WHICH  COMPRISE THE LATECOMER BOUNDARY ‐ Page 1 of 5  Exhibit “B”  Legal Descriptions of Benefited Properties Which  Comprise the Latecomer Boundary    PARCEL 1    KC Tax Act # 1442600100    15413 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719     Lot 10, Cedar Crest Estates, According to the Plat thereof Recorded in Volume 95 of Plats, page  54, Records of King County, Washington.    PARCEL 2            KC Tax Act # 1442600110    15421 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719  Lot 11, Cedar Crest Estates, According to the Plat thereof Recorded in Volume 95 of Plats, page  54, Records of King County, Washington.    PARCEL 3    KC Tax Act # 1442600120   15429 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719  Lot 12, Cedar Crest Estates, According to the Plat thereof Recorded in Volume 95 of Plats, page  54, Records of King County, Washington.    PARCEL 4  KC Tax Act #  1442600130   15437 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719   Lot 13, Cedar Crest Estates, According to the Plat thereof Recorded in Volume 95 of Plats, page  54, Records of King County, Washington.    AGENDA ITEM #8. b)   LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF BENEFITED PARCELS WHICH  COMPRISE THE LATECOMER BOUNDARY ‐ Page 2 of 5  PARCEL 5    KC Tax Act #  1423059100   15515 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719   The west 75 feet of the east 200 feet of the following described property:    That portion of the southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of  Section 14, Township 23  North, Range 5 East, W.M, in King County, Washington, described as follows:    Beginning at a point North 89°55'44" West 30 feet and North 00°28'02"  West, 1,132.57 feet  from the center of said Section 14; Thence continuing parallel to the east line of said Southeast  quarter of the Northwest quarter North 00°28'02" West 157.51 feet, more or less; to an  intersection with a line 30 feet Southerly and parallel to the North line of said Southeast  quarter of the Northwest quarter; Thence along said parallel line North 89°06'36" West,  1,249.03 feet; Thence 30 feet Easterly of and parallel to the West line of said subdivision, South  00°33'02" East 157.07 feet to a point which bears North 89°05' 16" West from the point of  beginning; Thence south 89°05'16" east 1,248.79 feet to the point of beginning.    PARCEL 6    KC Tax Act #  1423059093   13203 156th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98059‐6719  The East 125 feet of the North 78 ½ feet of the East 200 feet of the following tract of land; That  portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North,  Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows; Beginning at a point  North 88°55’44” West 30 feet and North 0°28’02” West 1132.57 feet from the center of said  section 14; Thence continuing parallel to the East line of said Southeast quarter of the  Northwest quarter. North 0°28’02” West  157.51 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a  line 30 feet Southerly and parallel to the North line of said Southeast quarter of the Northwest  quarter; Thence along said parallel line North 89°06’36” West 1249.03 feet; Thence 30 feet  Easterly  of and parallel to the West line of said subdivision South 0°33’02” East 157.07 feet to a  point which bears North 89°05’16” West from the point of beginning; Thence South 89°05’16”  East 1248.79 feet to the true point of beginning.    Parcel 7    KC Tax Act #  1423059092  15522 SE 132nd Street,  Renton, WA 98059‐6719  AGENDA ITEM #8. b)   LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF BENEFITED PARCELS WHICH  COMPRISE THE LATECOMER BOUNDARY ‐ Page 3 of 5  That portion of the South Quarter of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest  quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington,  described as follows; Beginning at the North quarter corner of said section; Thence along the  centerline of said section South 0°28’50” West, 1133.20 feet; thence North 88°11’32” West, 30  feet; thence South 0°28’50” west 78.77 feet to the true point of beginning for this description;  thence continuing South 0°28’50” West 42.98 feet; thence along a curve to the right having a  radius of 35.00 feet, an arc distance of 55.80 feet, through a central angle of 91°21’02”; thence  North 88°10’08” West 89.17 feet; thence North 0°28’50” East 78.76 feet; thence South  88°11’32” East 125.00 feet to the true point of beginning.    PARCEL  8    KC Tax Act # 1423059116       15514 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719  Lot D of Lot Line Adjustment Application recorded under Auditor's File No; 8410010783, being a  portion of the following:    Lot 4 of King County Short Plat No. 484056, recorded under King County Recording No.  8409130561, being a portion of the South half of that portion of the South half of the Northeast  quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; In King  County, Washington, lying North of the South 30 feet of said South half,  TOGETHER WITH the South 30 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said  section  EXCEPT the West 595.72 feet;  EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at the North quarter corner of said section;  thence along the center line of said Section South 00°28'50" West, 1133.20 feet; thence North  88°11'32" West, 30.01 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING for this description; thence South  00°28'50" West, 121.75 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 35.00 feet, an  arc distance of 55.80 feet, through a central angle of 91°21'02"; Thence North 88°10'08" West,  89.17 feet; Thence North 00°28'50” East, 157.53 feet, Thence South 88°11'32" East; 125 feet to  the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.    EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning North 88°10'08" West, 488.91 feet and  North 01°49'52" East, 30 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; Thence North 01°49'52" East,  157.35 feet; Thence North 88°11'32" West, 83.30 feet, Thence South 01°49'52" West, 175.31  feet; Thence South 88°10'08" East, 83.30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING  and EXCEPT  the East 30 feet of the remainder thereof.    AGENDA ITEM #8. b)   LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF BENEFITED PARCELS WHICH  COMPRISE THE LATECOMER BOUNDARY ‐ Page 4 of 5    PARCEL 9    KC Tax Act # 1423059115       15430 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719  Lot C of Lot Line Adjustment Application recorded under Auditor's File No; 8410010783, being a  portion of the following:    A portion of Lot 3 of King County Short Plat No. 484056, recorded under King County Recording  No. 8409130561, being a portion of the South half of that portion of the South half of the  Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,  W.M.; In King County, Washington, lying North of the South 30 feet of said South half,  TOGETHER WITH the South 30 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said  section  EXCEPT the West 595.72 feet;  EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at the North quarter corner of said section;  thence along the center line of said Section South 00°28'50" West, 1133.20 feet; thence North  88°11'32" West, 30.01 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING for this description; thence South  00°28'50" West, 121.75 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 35.00 feet, an  arc distance of 55.80 feet, through a central angle of 91°21'02"; Thence North 88°10'08" West,  89.17 feet; Thence North 00°28'50” East, 157.53 feet, Thence South 88°11'32" East; 125 feet to  the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.    EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning North 88°10'08" West, 488.91 feet and  North 01°49'52" East, 30 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; Thence North 01°49'52" East,  157.35 feet; Thence North 88°11'32" West, 83.30 feet, Thence South 01°49'52" West, 175.31  feet; Thence South 88°10'08" East, 83.30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING  and EXCEPT  the East 30 feet of the remainder thereof.      PARCEL 10    KC Tax Act #  1423059114       15418 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719  Lot A of Lot Line Adjustment Application recorded under Auditor's Fl1e No; 8410010783, being  a portion of the following:    AGENDA ITEM #8. b)   LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF BENEFITED PARCELS WHICH  COMPRISE THE LATECOMER BOUNDARY ‐ Page 5 of 5  Lot 2 and 3 of King County Short Plat No. 484056, recorded under King County Recording No.  8409130561, being a portion of the South half of that portion of the South half of the Northeast  quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; In King  County, Washington, lying North of the South 30 feet of said South half,  TOGETHER WITH the South 30 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said  section  EXCEPT the West 595.72 feet;  EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning at the North quarter corner of said section;  thence along the center line of said Section South 00°28'50" West, 1133.20 feet; thence North  88°11'32" West, 30.01 feet to the TRUE POINT of BEGINNING for this description; thence South  00°28'50" West, 121.75 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 35.00 feet, an  arc distance of 55.80 feet, through a central angle of 91°21'02"; Thence North 88°10'08" West,  89.17 feet; Thence North 00°28'50” East, 157.53 feet, Thence South 88°11'32" East; 125 feet to  the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.  EXCEPT that portion described as follows: Beginning North 88°10'08" West, 488.91 feet and  North 01°49'52" East, 30 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; Thence North 01°49'52" East,  157.35 feet; Thence North 88°11'32" West, 83.30 feet, Thence South 01°49'52" West, 175.31  feet; Thence South 88°10'08" East, 83.30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING  and EXCEPT  the East 30 feet of the remainder thereof.      PARCEL 11      KC Tax Act # 1423059079         15416 SE 132nd Street, Renton, WA 98059‐6719  Lot B of King County Lot Line adjustment number 984076, under King County recording number  8410010783, in King County, Washington  Situate in the County of King State of Washington.      AGENDA ITEM #8. b) Affected Parcels Varma.Ram Latecomers AgreementNOTE: Lots 1 thru 7 & 11 max 1 unitLots 8 thru 10 max 2 unitsExhibit "C"MAP OF LATECOMER BOUNDARY AGENDA ITEM #8. b) Exhibit “D”  CITY OF RENTON   FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL  VARMA / RAM SE 132ND STREET, SEWER LATECOMER  LA‐17‐001/PRM‐27‐0049  Type: Sanitary Sewer Improvements Total Cost:  $188,408.00      Latecomer PRM‐27‐0049: Collection Line   Total  Cost: $188,408.00   Total Units/ Connections 14   Cost per Unit / Connection: $13,457.71    Property  Identification  Name/Address of Owner Assessment  Amount  Assessment Method and   Number of Units  FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ‐ Page 1 of 7  Parcel # 1 LESLIE, ANNETTE MARIE  15413 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1442600100     Legal Description: LOT 10, CEDAR CREST ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN  VOLUME 95 OF PLATS, PAGE 54, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.  Parcel # 2 BOSSE, MITCHELL E  15421 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1442600110     Legal Description: LOT 11, CEDAR CREST ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN  VOLUME 95 OF PLATS, PAGE 54, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.  Parcel # 3 MILLETT, CLINTON EARL &  SANDRA  15429 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1442600120     Legal Description: LOT 12, CEDAR CREST ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN  VOLUME 95 OF PLATS, PAGE 54, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) CITY OF RENTON   FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL  VARMA / RAM SE 132ND STREET, SEWER LATECOMER  LA‐17‐001/PRM‐27‐0049  Property  Identification  Name/Address of Owner Assessment  Amount  Assessment Method and  Number of Units  FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ‐ Page 2 of 7  Parcel # 4 BERAVOL, POOJITHA, &  BHATNAGAR, ANANT  15437 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1442600130     Legal Description: LOT 13, CEDAR CREST ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN  VOLUME 95 OF PLATS, PAGE 54, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON.  Parcel # 5 ENGEL, TERRY W &  CHRISTIE A  15515 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1423059100     Legal Description: THE WEST 75 FEET OF THE EAST 200 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED  PROPERTY:    THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF   SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M, IN KING COUNTY,  WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:    BEGINNING AT A POINT NORTH 89°55'44" WEST 30 FEET AND NORTH 00°28'02"   WEST, 1,132.57 FEET FROM THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE  CONTINUING PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE  NORTHWEST QUARTER NORTH 00°28'02" WEST 157.51 FEET, MORE OR LESS; TO  AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE 30 FEET SOUTHERLY AND PARALLEL TO THE  NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER;  THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 89°06'36" WEST, 1,249.03 FEET;  THENCE 30 FEET EASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID  SUBDIVISION, SOUTH 00°33'02" EAST 157.07 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS  NORTH 89°05' 16" WEST FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH  89°05'16" EAST 1,248.79 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) CITY OF RENTON   FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL  VARMA / RAM SE 132ND STREET, SEWER LATECOMER  LA‐17‐001/PRM‐27‐0049  Property  Identification  Name/Address of Owner Assessment  Amount  Assessment Method and  Number of Units  FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ‐ Page 3 of 7  Parcel # 6 BURGESS, JULIE M  13203 156TH AVE  SE,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1423059093     Legal Description: THE EAST 125 FEET OF THE NORTH 78 ½ FEET OF THE EAST 200 FEET OF THE  FOLLOWING TRACT OF LAND; THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF  THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5  EAST, W.M.. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS;  BEGINNING AT A POINT NORTH 88°55’44” WEST 30 FEET AND NORTH 0°28’02”  WEST 1132.57 FEET FROM THE CENTER OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE  CONTINUING PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE  NORTHWEST QUARTER.  NORTH 0°28’02” WEST 157.51 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO  AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE 30 FEET SOUTHERLY AND PARALLED TO THE  NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER;  THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 89°06’36” WEST 1249.03 FEET;  THENCE 30 FEET EASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID  SUBDIVISION SOUTH 0°33’02” EAST 157.07 FEET TOA POINT WHICH BEARS  NORTH 89°05’16” WEST FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89°  05’16” EAST 1248.79 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.     Parcel # 7 SIERRA HOMES INC.  15522 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1423059092     Legal Description: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH QUARTER OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE  NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14,  TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON,  DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE NORTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID  SECTION; THENCE ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION SOUTH 0°28’50”  WEST, 1133.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°11’32” WEST, 30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH  0°28’50” WEST 78.77 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR THIS  DESCRIPTION; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 0°28’50” WEST 42.98 FEET; THENCE  ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 35.00 FEET, AN ARC  DISTANCE OF 55.80 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91°21’02”; THENCE  NORTH 88°10’08” WEST 89.17 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0°28’50” EAST 78.76 FEET;  THENCE SOUTH 88°11’32” EAST 125.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) CITY OF RENTON   FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL  VARMA / RAM SE 132ND STREET, SEWER LATECOMER  LA‐17‐001/PRM‐27‐0049  Property  Identification  Name/Address of Owner Assessment  Amount  Assessment Method and  Number of Units  FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ‐ Page 4 of 7  Parcel # 8 TACHER, MICHAEL   15514 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71  (Maximum  amount  $26,915.42)  Per unit connection  (maximum 2 units)   KC Tax Act # 1423059116           Legal Description: LOT D OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S  FILE NO; 8410010783, BEING A PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    LOT 4 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 484056, RECORDED UNDER KING  COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8409130561, BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF  OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE  NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST,  W.M.; IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTH OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF  SAID SOUTH HALF,  TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE  NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION  EXCEPT THE WEST 595.72 FEET;  EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTH  QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID  SECTION SOUTH 00°28'50" WEST, 1133.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°11'32" WEST,  30.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE  SOUTH 00°28'50" WEST, 121.75 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT  HAVING A RADIUS OF 35.00 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 55.80 FEET, THROUGH A  CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91°21'02"; THENCE NORTH 88°10'08" WEST, 89.17 FEET;  THENCE NORTH 00°28'50” EAST, 157.53 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 88°11'32" EAST;  125 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.    EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING NORTH 88°10'08"  WEST, 488.91 FEET AND NORTH 01°49'52" EAST, 30 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST  CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 01°49'52" EAST, 157.35 FEET; THENCE NORTH  88°11'32" WEST, 83.30 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 01°49'52" WEST, 175.31 FEET;  THENCE SOUTH 88°10'08" EAST, 83.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING   AND EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET OF THE REMAINDER THEREOF.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) CITY OF RENTON   FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL  VARMA / RAM SE 132ND STREET, SEWER LATECOMER  LA‐17‐001/PRM‐27‐0049  Property  Identification  Name/Address of Owner Assessment  Amount  Assessment Method and  Number of Units  FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ‐ Page 5 of 7  Parcel # 9 TACHER, MICHAEL G. &  SHAUNNA J.   15430 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71  (Maximum  amount  $26,915.42)  Per unit connection  (maximum 2 units)   KC Tax Act # 1423059115           Legal Description: LOT C OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S  FILE NO; 8410010783, BEING A PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    A PORTION OF LOT 3 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 484056, RECORDED  UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8409130561, BEING A PORTION OF THE  SOUTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST  QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,  RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.; IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTH OF THE  SOUTH 30 FEET OF SAID SOUTH HALF,  TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE  NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION  EXCEPT THE WEST 595.72 FEET;  EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTH  QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID  SECTION SOUTH 00°28'50" WEST, 1133.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°11'32" WEST,  30.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE  SOUTH 00°28'50" WEST, 121.75 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT  HAVING A RADIUS OF 35.00 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 55.80 FEET, THROUGH A  CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91°21'02"; THENCE NORTH 88°10'08" WEST, 89.17 FEET;  THENCE NORTH 00°28'50” EAST, 157.53 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 88°11'32" EAST;  125 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.    EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING NORTH 88°10'08"  WEST, 488.91 FEET AND NORTH 01°49'52" EAST, 30 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST  CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 01°49'52" EAST, 157.35 FEET; THENCE NORTH  88°11'32" WEST, 83.30 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 01°49'52" WEST, 175.31 FEET;  THENCE SOUTH 88°10'08" EAST, 83.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING   AND EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET OF THE REMAINDER THEREOF.       AGENDA ITEM #8. b) CITY OF RENTON   FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL  VARMA / RAM SE 132ND STREET, SEWER LATECOMER  LA‐17‐001/PRM‐27‐0049  Property  Identification  Name/Address of Owner Assessment  Amount  Assessment Method and  Number of Units  FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ‐ Page 6 of 7  Parcel # 10 GODSOE, CARL T. &  KATHLEEN R.   15418 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71  (Maximum  amount  $26,915.42)  Per unit connection  (maximum 2 units)   KC Tax Act # 1423059114           Legal Description: LOT A OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S  FL1E NO; 8410010783, BEING A PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    LOT 2 AND 3 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 484056, RECORDED UNDER KING  COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8409130561, BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF  OF THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE  NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST,  W.M.; IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING NORTH OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF  SAID SOUTH HALF,  TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE  NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION  EXCEPT THE WEST 595.72 FEET;  EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTH  QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID  SECTION SOUTH 00°28'50" WEST, 1133.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°11'32" WEST,  30.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE  SOUTH 00°28'50" WEST, 121.75 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT  HAVING A RADIUS OF 35.00 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 55.80 FEET, THROUGH A  CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91°21'02"; THENCE NORTH 88°10'08" WEST, 89.17 FEET;  THENCE NORTH 00°28'50” EAST, 157.53 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 88°11'32" EAST;  125 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.  EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING NORTH 88°10'08"  WEST, 488.91 FEET AND NORTH 01°49'52" EAST, 30 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST  CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 01°49'52" EAST, 157.35 FEET; THENCE NORTH  88°11'32" WEST, 83.30 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 01°49'52" WEST, 175.31 FEET;  THENCE SOUTH 88°10'08" EAST, 83.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING   AND EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET OF THE REMAINDER THEREOF.  AGENDA ITEM #8. b) CITY OF RENTON   FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL  VARMA / RAM SE 132ND STREET, SEWER LATECOMER  LA‐17‐001/PRM‐27‐0049  Property  Identification  Name/Address of Owner Assessment  Amount  Assessment Method and  Number of Units  FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ‐ Page 7 of 7  Parcel # 11 KELLONIEMI, DANIEL &  HOLLY   15416 SE 132nd Street,   Renton, WA 98059‐6719  $13,457.71 Per unit connection  (maximum 1 unit)   KC Tax Act # 1423059079               Legal Description: LOT B OF KING COUNTY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 984076, UNDER KING  COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 8410010783, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON  SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING STATE OF WASHINGTON.    AGENDA ITEM #8. b) AB - 2195 City Council Regular Meeting - 13 Aug 2018 SUBJECT/TITLE: Temporary Complete Closure of SW 19th Street RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee DEPARTMENT: Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Jim Seitz, Transportation Director EXT.: 7337 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: There is no fiscal impact to the City by adopting the resolution. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) I-405/SR167 Interchange Direct Connector project will install a new culvert that carries Rolling Hills Creek under East Valley Road. This culvert connects into an existing City of Renton 60-inch concrete storm pipe through a 120-inch saddle manhole at approximately 100 SW 19th Street in the center of the roadway. In order to construct the 120-inch saddle manhole safely and efficiently, SW 19th Street between 100 SW 19th Street and 204 SW 19th Street must be completely closed. This will allow heavy equipment to safely occupy the intersection to excavate, set and tie- in the manhole to the existing 60-inch storm line. Travel in each direction along East Valley Road will be maintained, as well as access to nearby businesses. An alternative route for affected residents and business clients will be available for use during the closure. The temporary complete street closure is anticipated to occur for a period of up to 10 calendar days between September 4 and September 30, 2018. EXHIBITS: A. Vicinity Map B. SW 19th Street Closure Limits C. Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution authorizing the temporary complete closure of SW 19th Street between 100 SW 19th Street and 204 SW 19th Street for a period of up to 10 calendar days between September 4 and September 30, 2018 to construct the Rolling Hills Creek culvert tie-in to the existing 60-inch storm line as part of the WSDOT I-405 / SR167 Interchange Direct Connector project. AGENDA ITEM #8. c) Exhibit A Vicinity Map T e x t Project Site AGENDA ITEM #8. c) TC80 FILE NAME TIME DATE DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ. ENGR. REGIONAL ADM.REVISION DATE BY SHEET OF SHEETS P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX DATE DATE LOCATION NO.CONTRACT NO. JOB NUMBER REGION NO. STATE FED.AID PROJ.NO. WASH PLOTTED BY PLAN REF NO LaddB 7/26/2018 8:31:58 AM c:\pwworking\nai\laddb\d0321988\TC-80.dgn 48" 48" CENTER LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5C W1-4(L) 48" 48" W20-1 48" 48" AHEAD WORK ROAD MPH 35/45 25/30 TAPER TANGENT 30 20 60 40 RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS 35 / 40 MPH 350' 45 / 55 MPHRURAL ROADS 500 60 / 65 MPH 800RURAL HIGHWAYS 25 / 30 MPH 200' î€ URBAN STREETS 25 MPH OR LESS 100'  SIGN SPACING = X (1) 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 10 12 550 605 660 60 11 105 125 150 205 270 450 500 165 225 295 495 550 180 245 320 540 600 115 65 70 MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH = L (feet) Posted Speed (mph) - - -- - 720 660 -- NOT TO SCALE 1. NOTES 2. 3. 4. 5. LEGEND TEMPORARY SIGN LOCATION CHANNELIZING DEVICES PROTECTIVE VEHICLE - RECOMMENDED TEMPORARY SIGN LOCATION (5' MOUNTING HEIGHT) ROADWAY CONDITIONS. (2) THIS SPACING MAY BE REDUCED IN URBAN AREAS TO FIT RAMPS, AT-GRADE INTERSECTIONS AND DRIVEWAYS. (1) ALL SPACING MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE INTERCHANGE RESIDENTAL & BUSINESS DISTRICTS RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS (feet) WIDTH LANE SPACING (feet) CHANNELIZATION DEVICE KEEP RIGHT 24" 30" B/W R4-7B AREA WORK L/2 DEVICE SPACING 1/2 DISTANCE FOR OPPOSING TRAFFIC DEVICES B R LONGITUDINAL BUFFER SPACE = B SPEED (MPH)25 30 35 40 45 LENGTH (feet)250 305 360 BUFFER DATA 155 200 TRANSPORTABLE ATTENUATOR ROLL AHEAD DISTANCE = R 150'100'172'123'100' 9,900 TO 22,000 lbs. HOST VEHICLE WEIGHT > 22,000 lbs. HOST VEHICLE WEIGHT < 45 MPH 45-55 MPH > 55 MPH < 45 MPH 45-55 MPH > 55 MPH PROTECTIVE VEHICLE (WORK VEHICLE) = R NO SPECIFIED DISTANCE REQUIRED 74' 48" 48" CAUTION USE EXTREME MOTORCYCLES W21-1701 48" 48" CAUTION USE EXTREME MOTORCYCLES W21-1701 48" 48" BUMP W8-1 48" 48" BUMP W8-1 B. LADD B. LADD N. SCHRADER C. CHEN L. ENG 07/27/18 EAST VALLEY ROAD LANE CLOSURE DIRECT CONNECTOR I-405 / SR 167 INTERCHANGE REV 0 - RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST VALLEY RD.SW 19TH STFLAGGING STATION WHEN FLAGGING AT NIGHT. AND W20-7A SIGNING AT APPROPRIATE SIGN SPACING. PROVIDE ILLUMINATED FLAGGERS SHALL BE USED FOR ONE WAY OPERATION. PROVIDE W20-7B ALL SIGNS ARE BLACK ON ORANGE UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. WITHIN WORK AREA LIMITS. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF ONE ACCESS POINT FOR EACH BUSINESS SIGN W1-4. FOR SPEED LIMIT OF 30 MPH OR LESS USE SIGN W1-3 IN LIEU OF RECOMMEND EXTENDING DEVICE TAPER (L/3) ACROSS SHOULDER. X L/3 X X X L/2 20' L/2 W20-1 48" 48" AHEAD WORK ROAD X X X TYPE 3 BARRICADE BLACK ON WHITE R11-2 48" 30" CLOSED ROAD BARRICADE MOUNT ON TYPE 3 ADDITIONAL SIGNING SEE DU24 FOR PROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERDERETSIGERSTATEOFWASHNIGTON47019REDA RHCS .J SALO HCINAGENDA ITEM #8. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. ______      A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING  THE TEMPORARY TOTAL CLOSURE OF SW 19TH STREET BETWEEN 100 SW  19TH STREET AND 204 SW 19TH STREET.      WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Transportation (“WSDOT”) plans  to install a new 120” saddle manhole that connects Rolling Hills Creek to the existing  conveyance system; and  WHEREAS, this construction activity will require temporary total street closure  along SW 19th Street, between 100 SW 19th Street and 204 SW 19th Street; and  WHEREAS, pursuant to City Code section 9‐9‐3 the City Council is to authorize such  closures by means of a resolution;  WHEREAS, the City wishes to provide full and adequate notice to the public of the  extent and nature of such closure;   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS  FOLLOWS:  SECTION I.  The City Council does hereby authorize the temporary total closure  of SW 19th Street, between 100 SW 19th Street and 204 SW 19th Street, for up to 10      AGENDA ITEM #8. c)   RESOLUTION NO. ________      2    calendar days, anytime during the periods of September 4, 2018 to September 30, 2018, to  allow WSDOT to install a new 120” saddle manhole.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of _________________, 2018.       __________________________________   Jason A. Seth, City Clerk           APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _________________, 2018.       __________________________________   Denis Law, Mayor           Approved as to form:      __________________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney    Date of Publication: ____________    RES:1781:8/3/18:scr    AGENDA ITEM #8. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. _______    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE  MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE  CITY OF BELLEVUE, CITY OF KIRKLAND, CITY OF REDMOND, KING COUNTY,  BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT 405, LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND  RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT, ENTITLED “CONSORTIUM PROJECT AGREEMENT 73,”  REGARDING THE EASTSIDE RAIL CORRIDOR (ERC) FIBER OPTIC FEASIBILITY  STUDY, WITH SUCH STUDY BEING A PROJECT OF THE COMMUNITY  CONNECTIVITY CONSORTIUM WHICH WAS PREVIOUSLY FORMED BY  INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT.     WHEREAS, in 2011, the City of Renton, together with other local governments and state  agencies, and pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, entered into the Interlocal Agreement  Establishing the Community Connectivity Consortium, which entity was formed under the  authority of RCW 35.21.730 through 35.21.759 (“Consortium”); and  WHEREAS, since its creation, several other jurisdictions have joined the Consortium, and  the current members are the Cities of Renton, Algona, Auburn, Bellevue, Federal Way, Kent,  Kirkland, Milton, Newcastle, Pacific, Redmond, Seattle, and Tukwila, King County, Bellevue  College, Bellevue School District, Federal Way Public Schools, Lake Washington School District,  Northshore School District, Renton School District, University of Washington, Evergreen Hospital,  Valley Medical Center, NORCOM, South Sound 911, Valley Communications Center, and South  Correctional Entity (SCORE); and  WHEREAS, the purpose of the Consortium is to acquire, construct, operate, manage and  maintain a regional communications network that meets the needs of community institutions,  including but not limited to government agencies, hospitals, schools and universities; and  AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______  2  WHEREAS, the Consortium has periodically executed project agreements for specific  regional projects, some of which do not require participation by all members of the Consortium;  and  WHEREAS, presently, certain members of the Consortium, namely the Cities of Renton,  Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, King County, Bellevue School District 405, Lake Washington School  District, and Renton School District (“Project Agreement Members”), intend to enter into  Consortium Project Agreement 73, which provides for participation in the Eastside Rail Corridor  (“ERC”) Fiber Optic Feasibility Study and defines each participating member’s contribution to the  study (“Project Agreement”); and  WHEREAS, the ERC passes through certain Consortium member cities, and a potential  development of fiber optic infrastructure in the ERC could benefit the Project Agreement  members.  As such, the participants in the Project Agreement intend to each contribute funds  toward the completion of the study; and  WHEREAS, the City of Kirkland, acting as the lead agency in the Project Agreement has  agreed to collect and aggregate payments from project participants towards the payment of  project funds.  The Project Agreement memorializes the financial commitments of the  participants, and when executed, will allow the City of Kirkland to execute the final professional  services agreement anticipated in the Project Agreement;   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______  3  SECTION I. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into an interlocal  agreement with the Project Agreement members entitled Consortium Project Agreement 73,  attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by this reference.   PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _____________________, 2018.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk         APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _____________________, 2018.        ______________________________  Denis Law, Mayor            Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney    RES:1778:7/18/18:scr     AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______  4                  EXHIBIT “A”  CONSORTIUM PROJECT AGREEMENT 73  AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 1 of 21 Consortium Project Agreement 73 City of Kirkland 123 5th Ave Kirkland, WA 98033 City of Bellevue 450 110th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 King County IT CNK-IT-600 401 Fifth Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98104 Lake Washington School District P.O. Box 97039 Redmond, WA 98073 City of Redmond 15670 NE 85th St Redmond, WA 98052 City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Renton School District 300 SW 7th St Renton, WA 98057 Bellevue School District 405 12111 NE 1st St Bellevue, WA 98005 Community Connectivity Consortium %Bellevue Information Technology 450 110th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98004 Provides for named C3 members’ participation in the Eastside Rail Corridor (ERC) Fiber Optic Feasibility Study and defines each participating member’s contribution to the study. AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 2 of 21 Table of Contents Consortium Project Agreement 73 ........................................................................................... 1  King County IT CNK‐IT‐600 401 Fifth Avenue, Suite 700 Seattle, WA  98104 ...................................... 1  Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2  I. Project Description ........................................................................................................... 4  A. Project Number ....................................................................................................................... 4  B. Project Name ........................................................................................................................... 4  C. Project Description .................................................................................................................. 4  D. Lead Agency/ Project Manager ................................................................................................ 5  E. Participating Agencies ............................................................................................................. 5  F. Agreement Term ..................................................................................................................... 5  II. Description of Project ....................................................................................................... 5  Scope of Work ................................................................................................................................. 5  A. Responsibilities of Lead Agency and Project Manager .............................................................. 6  B. Responsibilities of Project Participants .................................................................................... 6  C. Payment by Project Participants .............................................................................................. 7  III. Apportionment of and Limitation on Liability ............................................................... 7  I. Liability ....................................................................................................................................................... 7  II. Worker Insurance ...................................................................................................................................... 8  III. General Liability Insurance. ..................................................................................................................... 8  IV. Disclaimer, Third Party Components, and Exclusion of Damages .................................. 9  V. Project Schedule ............................................................................................................. 11  VI. Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................ 11  A. Modifications or Amendments .............................................................................................. 11  B. Counterparts ......................................................................................................................... 12  C. Authority ............................................................................................................................... 12  VII. Approvals ................................................................................................................... 13  City of Kirkland .............................................................................................................................. 13  City of Bellevue .............................................................................................................................. 13  Community Connectivity Consortium ............................................................................................. 13  Project Agreement 73 Approvals (continued): .................................................................................................. 14  Bellevue School District 405 ........................................................................................................... 14  King County ................................................................................................................................... 14  City of Redmond ............................................................................................................................ 14  AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 3 of 21 Project Agreement 73 Approvals (continued): .................................................................................................. 15  City of Renton ................................................................................................................................ 15  Renton School District ................................................................................................................... 15  Lake Washington School District .................................................................................................... 15  Addendum 1 – Statement of Work (CTC) ................................................................................ 16  Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 17  Project Tasks ...................................................................................................................................................... 17  Project Communications .................................................................................................................................... 21  Deliverables ........................................................................................................................................................ 21    AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 4 of 21 I. Project Description A. Project Number 73 B. Project Name C3 participation in ERC Fiber Optic Feasibility Study C. Project Description Following an RFP and negotiations, the City of Kirkland contemplates engaging Columbia Telecommunications Corporation (CTC) to perform a feasibility study to access the viability of building a high-capacity fiber optic infrastructure that runs the length of the Eastside Rail Corridor (ERC). The City of Kirkland, acting as the Lead Agency in this Project Agreement has agreed to collect and aggregate payments from project participants towards the payment of project funds to CTC. This Project Agreement memorializes the financial commitments of the participants, and when executed, will allow the City of Kirkland to execute the final Professional Services Agreement with CTC. The ERC passes through several C3 member cities, and a potential development of fiber optic infrastructure in the ERC could benefit these C3 members. As such, the participants in this project agreement agree to contribute funds toward the completion of the feasibility study. Some segments of the C3 Fiber Optic System currently traverse fiber routes whose traffic is restricted by agreements to non-commercial, public, education and governmental agency use only. Utilization of potential alternate fiber optic routes identified in the ERC could allow C3 members to increase their scope of usage. The work to complete this study is fully defined in the Scope of Work (SOW) negotiated between the city of Kirkland and CTC. Participating Agencies benefit from this study in the following ways:   Receive a copy of final deliverables  Better informed on options to achieve a major north-south fiber infrastructure route that is unrestricted, a major C3 goal  Ability to shape business and infrastructure strategies that can enhance each participating agency’s mission and contribute to the broader region’s resiliency AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 5 of 21 D. Lead Agency/ Project Manager City of Kirkland/King County E. Participating Agencies City of Kirkland City of Bellevue Bellevue School District 405 City of Redmond City of Renton King County Lake Washington School District Renton School District F. Agreement Term This agreement will commence on the date of acceptance by all parties named in Section VII – Approvals and will terminate 60 days following delivery and acceptance of the final CTC Feasibility Study by the city of Kirkland. II. Description of Project Scope of Work The Scope of Work (SOW) for this project is fully set out in the agreement between the City of Kirkland and Columbia Telecommunications Corporation (CTC) which is incorporated in this document as Addendum 1. The SOW included in this document is a DRAFT SOW. Signatories to this Project Agreement agree that the Lead Agency and Project Manager have authority to approve the final SOW and make adjustments as needed throughout the life of that contract as long as the changes do not result in substantial material changes to this Project Agreement. CTC will deliver a feasibility study that focuses on the opportunities and long-term vision of the study participants’ utilization of the ERC as well as the expected development costs and timelines to utilize the ERC as a fiber optic infrastructure corridor. AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 6 of 21 The study will deliver the following items: 1. A conceptual technical plan 2. A fiber engineering and cost estimate 3. A high-level business model A. Responsibilities of Lead Agency and Project Manager 1. The Lead Agency is responsible to coordinate the payments towards the project from each participant. 2. The Lead Agency is the responsible party for all matters relating to the contract with CTC. 3. The Project Manager will assist the Lead Agency by working with CTC to coordinate the project schedule. CTC will be responsible for submitting changes to the project schedule to the Lead Agency. 4. The Lead Agency will approve changes to the project scope in its contract with CTC where the Lead Agency determines that these changes are beneficial to the outcome of the project. 5. The Lead Agency may make reasonable changes to the project’s scope and deliverables, as recommended by CTC, without amendment to this Project Agreement so long as these changes do not incur an increase to the project cost or financial commitment of a Project participant. . 6. The Project Manager will assist the Lead Agency by working with CTC to coordinate stakeholder meetings and presentations. 7. The Project Manager will assist the Lead Agency by coordinating all ERC document requests between CTC and Project Participants. 8. The Project Manager’s overall function is to assist the Lead Agency in its administration of the Lead Agency’s contract with CTS. However, it is understood that the Project Manager is not an employee of the Lead Agency and shall remain under the supervisory authority of King County Information Technology, Regional Services, I-Net Business Manager. B. Responsibilities of Project Participants Project participants will contribute towards the completion of the study in the following manners: 1. Participate in stakeholder interviews with CTC to contribute their insights, needs and concerns 2. Provide (where permitted and applicable) any relevant maps, studies, documents or data to CTC for review as part of their work. 3. As needed, participate in conference calls or meetings with CTC and other participants to provide feedback and insights to CTC as part of their study. 4. Participate in the study’s final review process AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 7 of 21 C. Payment by Project Participants The project participants agree to contribute the amounts shown in the table below toward to overall cost of the ERC Feasibility Study. C3 agrees to allocate up to $10,000 as contingency funds for this project to be applied in the event that change orders or contract costs exceed $99,000. Release and payment of C3 contingency funds must be agreed to in writing as an addendum to this agreement by the City of Kirkland, King County, and C3. Payment of contingency funds must also be reported to the C3 Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled C3 Board Meeting. The participants agree to make their agreed payments within 30 days of invoice receipt from the City of Kirkland. All payment obligations associated with this Project Agreement 73 shall be complete prior to December 31st, 2018 Project Participant Contribution City of Kirkland * $18,000 Lake Washington School District $10,000 King County $25,000 City of Bellevue $10,000 Bellevue School District $10,000 City of Redmond $10,000 City of Renton $10,000 Renton Schools $6,000 C3 Consortium (Contingency Funds) UP TO $10,000 Total (Including Contingency Funds) $109,000 * The City of Kirkland’s contribution of $18,000 includes a $10,000 contribution towards the project from the Pacific NW GigaPop (PNWGP). The partnership between PNWGP and the City of Kirkland is solely between the PNWGP and the City of Kirkland and is noted here to clearly define the overall contribution of the City of Kirkland. III. Apportionment of and Limitation on Liability I. Liability 1. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, each party shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other parties, including their officers, officials, employees, agents, and regents, from and against any claim alleging harm, damage, injury, or loss to any person or property to the extent such claim arises AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 8 of 21 out of or results from its own, or its employees' or agents' negligent acts or omissions, whether during construction or after completion of the project. 2. If a party uses contractors or subcontractors for work pursuant to this Agreement, then either (a) the party agrees that its obligations in Section I above will include responsibility for claims arising from the performance of such contractors and subcontractors, or (b) the party will include in its contract with any such contractor or subcontractor a provision requiring the contractor or subcontractor to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other parties, including their officials, employees, and agents from and against any claim arising from the contractor's or subcontractor's performance. 3. The indemnity in Section I above is specifically and expressly intended to constitute a waiver of each party's immunity under the Washington Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, (a) only between and with regard to the parties, (b) only for work done by a party, and (c) only to the extent necessary to provide the indemnified party or parties with a full and complete indemnity of claims made by the indemnitor's employees. The parties acknowledge that these provisions were specifically negotiated and agreed upon by them. 4. Kirkland’s liability shall be limited to providing the service(s) described in this Project Agreement. Kirkland shall not be liable to any third party having a contractual relationship with CTC. II. Worker Insurance Each party to this Agreement shall ensure that it and all persons performing work on its behalf, including without limitation project suppliers and subcontractors, maintain in effect at all times during the Work, coverage or insurance in accordance with the applicable laws relating to worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance (including, but not limited to, the Washington Industrial Insurance Act and the laws of the state in which any such person was hired), regardless of whether such coverage or insurance is mandatory or merely elective under the law. Each party shall furnish such assurance and evidence of such coverage or insurance (such as copies of insurance policies and Certificates of Compliance issued by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries) as Participating Agencies may request. III. General Liability Insurance. Each party to this Agreement shall maintain in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement, a minimum of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) liability AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 9 of 21 insurance for property damage and bodily injury, and shall cause its agents, contractors, and subcontractors to maintain the same with regard to work under this Agreement. In satisfying the insurance requirements set forth in this section, a party may self-insure against such risks in such amounts as are reasonable for a municipality or agency of its size or shall obtain a coverage agreement through a Risk Pool authorized by Chapter 48.62 RCW which shall provide liability coverage to the party for the liabilities contractually assumed by the party in this Agreement. At the time of execution of this Agreement, and prior to commencement of performance of any of the Work, each party shall furnish, upon request, a Certificates of Insurance as evidence that policies providing insurance (or self-insurance) with such provisions, coverages and limits are in full force and effect. Lead Agency will insure that CTC includes King County as an additional insured party on their Certificate of Insurance as evidence that policies providing insurance (or self-insurance) with such provisions, coverages and limits are in full force and effect. IV. Disclaimer, Third Party Components, and Exclusion of Damages A. DISCLAIMER. ALL SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES PROVIDED BY A PARTY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, , AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". THE PARTIES ACCEPT SUCH ACTIVITIES, SERVICES AND THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT "AS IS," WITH NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON- INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING FROM STATUTE, COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, OR USAGE OF TRADE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, NO PARTY HAS ANY OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY OR DEFEND ANY OTHER PARTY AGAINST CLAIMS RELATED TO INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS B. EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, IN NO EVENT WILL ANY PARTY BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER PARTY OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY LOST PROFITS (WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT) OR LOSS OF DATA, COVER, SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, OR FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGE TO BUSINESS, REPUTATION, OR GOODWILL), OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY TYPE HOWEVER CAUSED, WHETHER BY BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR ANY OTHER AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 10 of 21 LEGAL OR EQUITABLE CAUSE OF ACTION, EVEN IF THE PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE OR IF SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE. AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 11 of 21 V. Project Schedule The Project Schedule shown below represents a draft project schedule, assuming that the project begins on September 4, 2018. As noted in the SOW, many of the project tasks listed below will be performed in parallel. The Project Schedule included in this document is a DRAFT Project Schedule. Signatories to this Project Agreement agree that the Lead Agency and Project Manager have authority to approve the final Project Schedule and make adjustments as needed throughout the life of that contract as long as the changes do not result in substantial material changes to this Project Agreement. Task Begin End Project Kick-off Meeting 9/4/18 9/7/18 Conceptual Technical Plan 9/7/18 Stakeholder Outreach 9/7/18 Engagement with permitting authorities and other agencies and governments Fiber Engineering and Cost Estimate Survey and document fiber routes Cost estimates Develop scope and responsibilities for portions of the route Development of a High-Level Business Model Business case analysis Benchmark pricing Data collection with potential customers Study Delivery Study Draft Review Process Final Study Acceptance Project Completion 12/31/18 VI. Miscellaneous A. Modifications or Amendments No modification to or amendment of the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 12 of 21 to this Agreement. The parties expressly reserve the right to modify this Agreement, from time to time, by mutual agreement as called for in the Project Agreement Template Policy. B. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which so executed will be deemed to be an original and such counterpart together will constitute on and the same agreement. C. Authority Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other parties that it has the right, powers, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to fully perform all of its obligations hereunder. AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 13 of 21 VII. Approvals IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Project Agreement on the respective dates indicated below. City of Kirkland __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) City of Bellevue __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) Community Connectivity Consortium __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 14 of 21 Project Agreement 73 Approvals (continued): Bellevue School District 405 __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) King County __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) City of Redmond __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 15 of 21 Project Agreement 73 Approvals (continued): City of Renton __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) Renton School District __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) Lake Washington School District __________________________ ______________ Signature Date __________________________ Name (Printed) __________________________ Title (Printed) AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 16 of 21 Addendum 1 – Statement of Work (CTC)   July 6, 2018 Ms. Brenda Cooper Chief Information Officer Information Technology Department City of Kirkland 123 5th Ave. Kirkland, WA 98033 Subject: Revised expanded scope of work for Eastside Rail Corridor Feasibility Study Dear Brenda: As you requested, I’ve revised our scope of work to reflect your comments and those of your colleagues. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to talk further. We look forward to working with you and your colleagues on this important initiative. Best regards, Joanne S. Hovis | President    AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 17 of 21 Overview  The project stakeholders (collectively referred to here as “the ERC Partners”) seek to assess the viability of building a high-capacity fiber optic infrastructure that runs the entire length of the Eastside Rail Corridor (ERC) to the northern border of King County, including the Redmond spur.1 This statement of work outlines the tasks that CTC Technology & Energy (CTC) proposes to undertake on the ERC Partners’ behalf to comprehensively examine the project requirements and opportunities, and to identify a fiber implementation plan and business model and sources of funding. CTC proposes to develop a technical and business analysis, conceptual designs and cost estimates, and a business model to help guide the project future steps.   The goal of this effort is to enable the ERC Partners to capitalize on the construction within the ERC right-of-way and to bring a valuable resource to the ERC owners. CTC will provide the strategic analysis, recommendations, and constraints the ERC Partners need to understand whether such an initiative is realistic and feasible in terms of both technical and financial requirements. The ERC Partners’ consideration of this project is forward thinking. The development of the ERC project presents a unique, time-sensitive opportunity to share costs on a significant fiber backbone in a region where a lack of adequate fiber access may have a negative impact on local businesses and economic development. The feasibility study will not include examination or assessment of property rights or property interests along the ERC. CTC’s will use our extensive knowledge of the experiences, best practices, and results of similar initiatives in other communities nationwide for this study. Project Tasks  Following a project kick-off meeting to introduce stakeholders (including representatives of any stakeholders that the ERC Partners’ project team chooses) and to establish the project’s goals and schedule, our engineer and business planner will review any relevant maps, studies, documents, or data that these stakeholders can share with us. Our review will focus on understanding the opportunities and long-term vision, as well as the expected development timeline and processes.   Based on this initial information gathering, we will proceed with the primary project tasks—a series of interrelated steps that will be conducted in parallel, but that we list separately here for ease of review. 1 See, for example: “Creating Connections: Recommendations on the Eastside Rail Corridor  from the Regional Advisory Council,” October 2013. See also: “Eastside Rail Corridor from the  Regional Advisory Council,” http://www.kingcounty.gov/operations/erc‐advisory‐council.aspx   AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 18 of 21 Task 1: Conceptual Technical Plan In this task, we will identify the required infrastructure and other technical considerations for providing services along the corridor and to adjacent areas. We will develop a high- level design and cost estimate for deploying a future-proof middle-mile fiber network that not only has sufficient capacity to meet the ERC Partners’ technical requirements for fiber-based broadband connectivity in this area, but also features excess fiber capacity that will enable future use and the corresponding long-term revenue that such future uses might provide. Stakeholder Outreach As a prerequisite to developing the fiber conceptual design and cost estimate, we will have on-site discussions with project stakeholders to establish a clear definition of the broadband connectivity requirements that the project will address, and to identify geographic and other considerations (e.g., underground construction) that will guide the network design. Drawing on our experience supporting numerous broadband network developments for many cities, counties, states, and non-profit entities, we will also seek to meet with representatives of other potential stakeholders and partners that might in the future want to partner on construction or become a fiber lessee. We will also engage with representatives of permitting authorities and other agencies government regarding the issues of planning fiber infrastructure deployment during other capital projects as a way to minimize costs. (We have in the past worked with ERC team members to develop long-term planning strategies for installing conduit for telecommunications.) We will address important factors such as:  Developing ongoing relations and agreement with telecommunications providers  Installing shared access points  Creating shared equipment hubs  Ensuring proper maintenance support This task will create the foundation for the following tasks and the recommendations we present in our final deliverable. Throughout this task we will be in regular contact with ERC Partners’ staff. Fiber Engineering and Cost Estimate We will develop a fiber plan (i.e., a map illustrating the potential placement of fiber throughout the corridor and adjacent target areas), a conceptual design, and a budgetary cost estimate for the fiber construction. We will identify candidate locations for last-mile service interconnection, recommend splice points, and determine whether there would need to be a peering point for service providers and municipal customers. AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 19 of 21 The primary focus of our conceptual design will be to develop a cost estimate for building fiber in the ERC to meet the needs of potential current and future users, with specific attention paid to optimizing economic development and supporting competitive services. We will develop a high-level design that is optimized to support the needs of the ERC Partners and other potential stakeholders, as well as to enable the ERC Partners access to fiber for future uses. The design will thus include excess fiber in the backbone to enable the ERC Partners to explore options for future expansion and service provisions. To survey candidate fiber routes and develop cost estimates, CTC engineers will perform both  filed surveys and a desk survey of candidate fiber routing using ERC Partners‐provided maps,  Google Earth, and other data sources.   We will include in our engineering analysis existing infrastructure (including rights‐of‐way  access and locations for network hubs and other necessary infrastructure) that we believe the ERC Partners can use to support the backbone deployment.   Among the issues we will address are the regulatory and permitting costs required to start construction, and a high-level assessment of how long construction might take.  We will provide estimates in the form of a cost range, with the lower-end estimates representing most likely costs, and the higher-end representing budgetary estimates with suitable contingencies included. Budgetary estimates will include any studies or permits that are likely to be necessary. Our planning will also seek to ensure that the ERC Partners understand the scope of what it will need to build so that the infrastructure is future-proof and does not require retrofitting to move to new technologies. This will include addressing questions such as how the responsibility for specific portions of the construction might be divided among the ERC Partners, other public and non-profit stakeholders, and others that may share an interest in the initiative. To be clear, we will not be providing a blueprint-level network design. Rather, we will be providing a conceptual design and system-level overview of the potential infrastructure—which in turn will become a roadmap for future decisions, including detailed engineering and contracting for the fiber build-out along the ERC. Task 2: High-Level Business Model In collaboration with the ERC Partners, we will conduct meetings with potential private partners. For those potential partners that are local, the meetings would ideally be face to face; we would generally reserve telephone discussions for companies in other parts of the country that we have worked with on behalf of other municipal or county clients. The goal of this effort will be to determine whether there is a potential strategy to offset AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 20 of 21 the ERC Partners’ risk by sharing costs or enabling private sector deployment—or by some other mechanism that achieves the public sector goals of this initiative (i.e., meeting public sector communications needs, enabling use of excess fiber for last-mile deployment, and increasing the attractiveness and viability of the ERC) while mitigating public sector risk. We will then develop a business case analysis and high-level business model that provides recommendations and guidance on the likely roles of the ERC Partners and other stakeholders’ in project funding, ownership, and operation of the network infrastructure defined in the previous tasks.2 Our business planning will also include benchmarking pricing based on dark fiber pricing we see in comparable markets elsewhere. We will develop a financial model to determine the viability of the effort as a breakeven enterprise. In other words, we will seek to determine whether the revenues from dark fiber leases would potentially cover the ERC Partners’ costs, and whether it would be possible to make this effort work financially by offsetting costs through public – private partnerships of various sorts. The proposed business model will reflect our understanding of the ERC Partners’ position— driven by a mission to enhance community economic growth and job creation, but interested in identifying private sector motivation to develop this infrastructure. To the extent that we identify a public sector role, we will focus on also identifying a cost recovery model (whether short- or long-term) over time. We will also attempt to collect data through interviews with potential fiber customers, property developers, and the commercial real estate community along the corridor; we will gauge their interest in gaining access to new competitive service providers on a wholesale or retail basis and to gain insight into related issues of importance to these sectors. (We would request the ERC Partners’ help in making those connections, and would undertake one or two group meetings with these stakeholders if possible.) Throughout this task, we will be focused on developing the cost and revenue inputs for our high-level financial analysis. Customer insights gathered in this stage can also be further leveraged at a later time for marketing purposes. Drawing together all of the research, analysis, and recommendations developed in the previous steps, we will then prepare a high-level financial model that describes, based on a range of clearly identified assumptions, the potential revenue (if any) that the ERC Partners or a partner might see over the course of its fiber construction and operations. We will pay particular attention to evaluating the ERC Partners’ risk over time, and to 2 CTC is not qualified to provide legal advice. We recommend that the ERC Partners and other  project stakeholders seek qualified legal counsel on any issues related to local or state laws or  regulations as they relate to network planning.  AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) C3 Project Agreement 73 Page 21 of 21 answering the overarching question of whether there is a reasonable potential for cost recovery. To complement the financial and business model analysis, we will also develop a high- level strategic analysis of how this infrastructure, if it were deployed, would address many of the digital and broadband equity concerns of the public sector partners. To this end, we will review their digital inclusion and equity plans; conduct up to six calls with the stakeholders; and seek to build into the pricing plan and business recommendations strategies that would hopefully help to move the needle on digital equity matters. Project Communications As we discussed extensively on the phone, we commit to scheduling biweekly check-in calls with your project team to provide timely feedback and insight into what we find during our engineering process. We will also establish a file-sharing mechanism (e.g., SharePoint, Dropbox, FTP) for the ongoing, two-way transfer of data and maps. One of the goals of these ongoing communications will be to enable your project team to track emerging risks and challenges as we identify them—and to ensure that the final report does not include any surprises in terms of potential construction risk. While it is impossible to predict whether we will uncover any significant issues (such as significant environmental concerns) that might make the project financially infeasible, flagging any such issues early on will create the opportunity for an off-ramp for the project. That is, you will not have to proceed with subsequent stages of planning if we identify an issue that you determine might be a showstopper. Deliverables Our final deliverable will be a technical and business strategy with a conceptual network design, construction cost estimates, and fiber plan (map). We will identify strategic points of presence and describe potential business models (including a list of plausible partners). Our written report will include a clear and concise narrative supported by charts, tables, graphics, and maps, as appropriate. We will attribute and provide sourcing for our research. We will provide the ERC Partners’ identified reviewers with an electronic draft of our report for initial review. We will incorporate feedback and edits from reviewers within one week of receipt, and will deliver an electronic version of the final report. We will also present our strategic plan and recommendations via teleconference and in person at up to five meetings, to be scheduled following acceptance of the report. AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, REPEALING AND  REPLACING CHAPTER 6‐3 OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, AMENDING ALARM  SYSTEM REGULATIONS, AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND ESTABLISHING  AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     WHEREAS, excessive false alarms unduly burden the City of Renton Police Department’s  limited law enforcement resources; and  WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to establish reasonable expectations of alarm  users, and alarm companies, and to ensure that alarm users are held responsible for their use of  alarm systems; and  WHEREAS, the Council deems it necessary to replace the current RMC Chapter 6‐3  (Burglar Alarms) relating to false alarm regulations; and  WHEREAS, the Council has determined that it would be beneficial to delegate the  enforcement responsibilities for excessive false alarms;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Chapter 6‐3 of the Renton Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety and  replaced with the following language:  CHAPTER 3  ALARM SYSTEM REGULATIONS  SECTION:  6‐3‐1:    Purpose  6‐3‐2:    Definitions  6‐3‐3:    Authority; Funds  6‐3‐4:    Alarm Permit Required  6‐3‐5:    Duties Of An Alarm User  6‐3‐6:    Duties Of An Alarm Company  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  6‐3‐7:    Violations  6‐3‐8:    Suspension Of Response  6‐3‐9:    Reinstatement Of Response  6‐3‐10:  Appeals Process    6‐3‐1 PURPOSE:  It is the intent of this chapter to reduce the number of false alarms occurring  within the City and to minimize the resulting waste of City resources by providing  for corrective administrative action to hold alarm users and alarm companies  responsible for proper use of alarm systems.  6‐3‐2 DEFINITIONS:  The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the  meanings ascribed to them, except where the context clearly indicates a different  meaning:   A. Alarm Administrator: Person or persons designated by the City to  administer the provisions of this chapter.  B. Alarm Company: Person or company, firm, and/or a company engaged in  the selling, leasing, installing, servicing or monitoring alarm systems.  C. Alarm Dispatch Request: A notification to a law enforcement agency that  an alarm, either manual or automatic, has been activated at a particular alarm  site, which results in a request for law enforcement action.  D. Alarm Permit: A permit issued to an alarm user allowing the operation of  an alarm system within the City.   E. Alarm Signal: A detectable signal, audible or visual, generated by an alarm  system, which is intended to elicit a response from the City.   AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  F. Alarm System: Any single device or assembly of equipment designed to  signal the occurrence of an illegal or unauthorized entry, or other illegal activity  requiring immediate attention, and to which law enforcement is requested to  respond by an alarm company, but does not include motor vehicle or boat alarms,  fire alarms, or alarms designated to elicit a medical response.   G. Alarm User: Any person, corporation, partnership, proprietorship,  government, or educational entity or any other entity owning, leasing, or  operating an alarm system, or on whose premises an alarm system is maintained  for the protection of such premises.   H. Alarm User Awareness Class: A class conducted for the purpose of  educating alarm users about the responsible use, operation, and maintenance of  alarm systems and the problems created by false alarms.  I. Automatic Dial Protection Device: An automatic dialing device or an  automatic telephone dialing alarm system that includes any system which, upon  being activated, automatically initiates to the Renton Police Department a  recorded message or code signal indicating a need for law enforcement response.   J. Cancellation: The process by which an alarm dispatch request response is  terminated when the alarm company (designated by the alarm user) notifies the  Renton Police Department that there is not an existing situation at the alarm site  requiring police response.  If cancellation occurs prior to police arriving at the  scene, no fine will be assessed.  K. City: The City of Renton, Washington, or its designee.   AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  L. False Alarm:  1. A false alarm  includes the following:  a. The activation of an alarm system through mechanical or electronic  failure; malfunction; improper installation; negligence of alarm user, his/her  employees or agents that either directly or through a third party/object summons  law enforcement personnel; and  b. Upon inspection by the Renton Police Department, evidence  indicates that no unauthorized entry, burglary, or other such crime was  committed or attempted in or on the premises which would have activated a  properly functioning alarm system.  2. A false alarm shall not include:  a. An alarm which can reasonably be determined to have been caused  by conditions of nature;   b. Other extraordinary circumstances not reasonably subject to  control by the alarm user;   c. An alarm in which an alarm dispatch request response from the City  is cancelled by the user’s alarm company before the City arrives at the alarm  location; or  d. Intentional activation of the alarm system because of the  reasonable, but mistaken, belief that a crime is being or about to be committed.   M. Permit Year: A twelve (12)‐month period beginning on January 1st of each  year which the alarm permit is issued.    AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  N. Runaway Alarm: An alarm system that produces repeated alarm signals  that do not appear to be caused by separate human action or that produces three  (3) separate false alarm signals within a twenty‐four (24) hour period.   O. Verify: An attempt by the monitoring company, through telephone  verification, or its representative, to determine whether an alarm signal is valid  before requesting law enforcement dispatch, in an attempt to avoid an  unnecessary alarm dispatch request. Telephone verification means, at a  minimum, that a second call be made to a different number if the first attempt  fails to reach an alarm user who can properly identity themselves to determine  whether an alarm signal is valid before requesting law enforcement dispatch.   P.  Violator: Any alarm user that violates any provisions under this chapter  including but not limited to any alarm user upon whose property a false alarm  occurs.   6‐3‐3 AUTHORITY; FUNDS:  A. Responsibility for administration of this chapter is vested with the Chief of  Police.  B. The Chief of Police shall designate an alarm administrator to carry out the  administrative duties and functions described in this chapter.  C. The Chief of Police has the authority to review and recommend to the City  Council false alarm fees set forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule.   D. The Chief of Police has the authority to delegate the City’s rights and  responsibilities delineated by this chapter to a third party.  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  6  6‐3‐4 ALARM PERMIT REQUIRED:  No person shall own, lease or operate an alarm system without first obtaining a  permit for such alarm system from the City.  A separate alarm permit is required  for each alarm site.  A fee is required for the initial alarm registration.  No fee will  be charged for annual renewals. Each alarm permit shall be assigned a unique  permit number, and the alarm user or alarm company may be required to provide  the permit number to facilitate law enforcement dispatch and enforcement of this  chapter. Each alarm permit shall expire on December 31 of the year issued and  must be renewed annually by submitting an updated application to the City.  A  late fee will be assessed if the renewal is more than thirty (30) days late. An alarm  permit cannot be transferred to another person or alarm site.    A. Application: Each alarm user has a duty to obtain an application from the  City and apply for each permit on a form provided by the City.  B. Transfer of Possession: When the occupancy or possession of the  premises at which an alarm system is maintained is transferred, the alarm user  obtaining possession of the property shall file an application for an alarm permit  within thirty (30) days of obtaining possession of the property. Alarm permits are  not transferable.  C. Reporting Updated Information: Whenever any information provided on  the alarm permit application changes, the alarm user shall provide correct  information to the City within thirty (30) days of the change.  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  7  D. Multiple Alarm Systems: If an alarm user has one (1) or more alarm  systems protecting two (2) or more separate structures having different addresses  and/or tenants, a separate permit shall be required for each structure and/or  tenant.  E. Failure to Register, Renew, or Update Information: Failure to initially  obtain or renew a permit under this chapter or report any updated information  within thirty (30) days of change shall result in a fine as set forth in the City of  Renton Fee Schedule.  F. Unpermitted Alarm Signal: If an alarm signal is originated from the  property of an alarm user who does not possess a current permit and such signal  results in an alarm dispatch request, the alarm user shall pay a fine for failure to  register as described in RMC 6‐3‐4.E, in addition to any other applicable fines and  fees.  6‐3‐5 DUTIES OF AN ALARM USER:  A. Comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter;  B. Maintain the premises and the alarm system in a manner that will reduce  or eliminate false alarms;  C. Provide the permit number to the alarm company to facilitate dispatch;  D. Refrain from manually activating an alarm for any reason other than the  occurrence of an event that the alarm system was intended to report. An alarm  user must not manually initiate a False Alarm;  E. Obtain an alarm permit for each alarm system;  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  8  F.  Renew permit(s) annually;  G. Update the City with any changes to information contained on an alarm  permit application within thirty (30) days of the change.  H. Failure of alarm user to comply with the duties of this chapter may result  in a fine as set forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule.  6‐3‐6 DUTIES OF AN ALARM COMPANY:  A. Any person engaged in the alarm business in the City shall comply with the  following:  1. Obtain and maintain the required state, county and/or city license(s).  2. Provide the City most current name, address, and telephone number  and other available information of the alarm user or a designee, who can be called  in an emergency, twenty‐four (24) hours a day, and contact a key holder or other  emergency contact who will be requested to respond immediately if necessary.  B. Ninety (90) days after enactment of this chapter, each alarm company  shall, on all new and upgraded installations, use only alarm control panels which  meet current industry standards.  C. Prior to activation of the alarm system, the alarm company must provide  to each alarm user:  1. Instructions explaining the proper operation of the alarm system; and  2. Written information of how to obtain service from the alarm company  for the alarm system.  D. Any alarm company doing business within the City of Renton shall:  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  9  1. Attempt to verify, by calling the alarm site and/or alarm user by  telephone, to determine whether an alarm signal is valid before requesting  dispatch. Telephone verification shall require, at a minimum, that a second call be  made to a different number, if the first attempt fails to reach an alarm user who  can properly identify themselves to attempt to determine whether an alarm signal  is valid, except in the case of a panic, silent, duress or burglary and/or robbery‐in‐ progress alarm, or in cases where a crime‐in‐progress has been verified by video  and/or audible means.  2. Provide each address and alarm permit number to the communications  center to facilitate dispatch and/or cancellations.  3. Communicate any available information about the location of the  alarm.  4. Communicate a cancellation to the law enforcement communications  center as soon as possible following a determination that a response is  unnecessary.  E. Failure of an alarm company to comply with the duties under this chapter  may result in a fine as set forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule.  6‐3‐7 VIOLATIONS:  A. It shall be a violation of this chapter:  1. For a false alarm to occur on an alarm user’s property;  2. To install, maintain, or use an audible alarm system which sounds  continually for more than fifteen (15) minutes;  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  10  3. To install, maintain, or use an automatic dial protection device that  reports, or causes to be reported, any recorded message to the Renton Police  Department;  4. To fail to obtain a permit for an alarm system;   5. To fail to provide updated information to the City as described in this  chapter; or  6. To fail to comply with any other requirement of this chapter.  B. The alarm user will be responsible for violations under this chapter  whether or not the alarm user individually caused the violation to occur.  C. It shall be a violation of this chapter for an alarm company to violate any  requirements of this chapter.   D. Any violation of this chapter shall result in a fine, as determined by the City  of Renton Fee Schedule.  6‐3‐8 SUSPENSION OF RESPONSE:  A. The City may discontinue response of City emergency services if the City  determines that:  1. There is a false statement or omission of material fact made to the City  or contained in a permit application.  2. An alarm system meets the definition of a runaway alarm.  3. An alarm system has generated in excess of eight (8) false alarms  during any calendar year.  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  11  4. The alarm user has failed to make payment of any fine or fee assessed  under this chapter within ninety (90) days of the assessment.  5. An alarm user commits any other violation of this chapter.  6‐3‐9 REINSTATEMENT OF RESPONSE:  A. The City may resume City emergency services response upon the alarm  user submitting satisfactory proof of compliance of one (1) or more of the  following:  1. Proof that the alarm system has been inspected and the measures  taken to ensure the alarm system is in good working order. Measures taken may  require the alarm user to repair, upgrade or modify the alarm system to be  compliant with this chapter.  2. Proof the alarm user has been retrained on the use of the alarm system  and procedures for contacting the alarm company in the case of false activation.  3. The alarm user successfully completes an online alarm user awareness  class and test.  4. All fees and fines are paid in full including a reinstatement fee as set  forth in the City of Renton Fee Schedule.  6‐3‐10 APPEALS PROCESS:  A. If the City assesses a fine, suspends, denies the issuance, renewal or  reinstatement of the alarm permit, the City or its designee shall send written  notice of the action and a statement of the right to an appeal to the aggrieved  party.   AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  12  B. Any party fined in accordance with this chapter may appeal an assessment  of a fine, a suspension of an alarm permit, or other enforcement action to the City  by mailing the appeal to the address as shown on the notice within fifteen (15)  days after receipt of the notice. The appeal must set forth in writing the reasons  for the appeal and any evidence that should be considered. The failure to give  notice of appeal within fifteen (15) days shall constitute a waiver of the right to  contest the violation(s) or enforcement action(s).  C. If a hearing is requested, written notice of the time, place, and manner of  the hearing shall be mailed to the address of the alarm user as contained in the  alarm permit, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the hearing, which shall  be held no more than thirty (30) days after the request for hearing is filed.  D. The appeal shall be administered by the Chief of Police or his/her designee  (Hearing Officer). The alarm user and a representative of the Police Department  shall have the right to present written and/or oral evidence. If the Hearing Officer  determines, after the presentation of evidence, that any violations have occurred,  the Hearing Officer shall issue written findings and record the findings in the alarm  user’s record within thirty (30) days, and the fines shall be paid, including an  additional appeal fee. If the Hearing Officer determines that no violation has been  committed, the appeal fee and associated fine, if already paid, shall be refunded  within thirty (30) days, and no finding of violation may be entered on the alarm  user’s record.  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b) ORDINANCE NO. ________  13  E. The appeal decision made by the Hearing Officer may be appealed to the  King County Superior Court within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the  decision is issued.   SECTION II. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or work of this  ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court or competent jurisdiction,  such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other  section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance.  SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after  publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall  consist of this ordinance’s title.      PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2018.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2018.                         Denis Law, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:2006:6/20/18:scr  AGENDA ITEM # 10. b)