HomeMy WebLinkAboutMotion SheetOCT 1, 2018 - CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - MOTION SHEET Agenda Placement Agenda Section Title/Item Motion Staff Contact Interested Parties 3.a) PUBLIC HEARING 2019 CDBG Proposed Allocations COUNCIL CONCUR Cliff Long Dianne Utecht 7.a) CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Council Meeting minutes of September 24, 2018. COUNCIL CONCUR Jason Seth Sandi Weir 7.b) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2235 Administrative Services Department submitted a leak adjustment request from R2R Investments, service address of 17800 Talbot Rd S., and recommended approving the utility adjustment in the amount of $6,083.03, due to a water leak. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Kari Roller Terri Weishaupt Jamie Thomas 7.c) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2236 Administrative Services Department submitted a utility leak adjustment request from Henry Friedman, service address of 534 Rainier Ave S, and recommended approving the utility adjustment in the amount of $2,581.85, due to a water leak. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Kari Roller Terri Weishaupt Jamie Thomas 7.d) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2230 City Clerk submitted 10% Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings petition, submitted by petitioner Howard McOmber with required fee, and requested a Public Meeting with the Initiator be set for October 15, 2018 to consider the petition. The proposed annexation site is bordered to the north by a parcel line near NE 4th St, parcel lines and 158th Ave SE to the east, parcel lines near SE 132nd St to the south, and parcel lines near 154th Ave SE (if extended) to the west. COUNCIL CONCUR; SET PUBLIC MEETING ON OCTOBER 15, 2018 Angie Mathias Jason Seth Li Li-Wong Judith Subia 7.e) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2231 Community & Economic Development recommended adoption of a policy requiring development of joint conduit banks throughout the City, which will allow the City to place conduits in trenches to support critical emergency systems. REFER TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE Justin Johnson Judith Subia 7.f) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2232 Community & Economic Development Department requested a review of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Following the review, the Planning Commission will present revision recommendations to Council. REFER TO PLANNING COMMISSION AND PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Angie Mathias Judith Subia 7.g) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2237 Community & Economic Development Department recommended revising Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-5, Building and Fire Prevention Standards, to update Private Smoking Clubs, Mobile Food Facilities, fire-suppression systems, and permit and fee requirements. REFER TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Craig Burnell Judith Subia 7.h) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2221 Community Services Department recommended approval of a small works contract with Allplay Systems, LLC, in the amount of $152,282.69, for the replacement of playground equipment at Teasdale Park. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Alan Wyatt Leslie Betlach Kelly Beymer 7.i) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2229 Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with the Washington State Department of Commerce to accept grant funds in the amount of $3,000,000 for Phase II design and construction of the Sunset Neighborhood Park, and to adjust the budget accordingly. City's match is $1,150,000. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Leslie Betlach Kelly Beymer 7.j) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2217 Executive Department recommended approval of the Washington State Military Department and the Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Contract E19-055, to accept $57,629 in grant funds, and approval to adjust the 2019 budget to account for the $22,629 in additional grant funds awarded. COUNCIL CONCUR Deb Needham April Alexander 7.k) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2233 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval of the 2019 HMA Administrative Services Agreement Fee Schedule for medical, dental, and prescription claims administered by HMA and Envision, RX, in the amount of $342,227, for both active employee and retiree plans. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Mary Ann Anthony Ellen Bradley-Mak 7.l) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2234 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommended approval of the 2019 Kaiser Permanente contracts, in the amount of $158,400, for active employees and LEOFF 1 retirees. REFER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE Mary Ann Anthony Ellen Bradley-Mak 7.o) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2225 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Addendum 10-18 to LAG-001-88, which transfers leasehold interest from Bruce J. Leven to the Estate of Bruce J. Leven. REFER TO TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Casey Boatman Harry Barret, Jr. Linda Moschetti 7.p) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2226 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a Local Programs State Funding Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation, which obligates $620,000 in grant funds for preliminary engineering services for the Bronson Way Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Painting project. REFER TO TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Derek Akkeson Jim Seitz Linda Moschetti 7.q) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2227 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a Local Agency Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation, which obligates $536,300 in grant funds for preliminary engineering for the Houser Way Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Painting project. REFER TO TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Derek Akkeson Jim Seitz Linda Moschetti r) CONSENT AGENDA AB - 2228 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a Local Agency Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation, which obligates $536,300 in grant funds for preliminary engineering for the Williams Ave Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Painting project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. REFER TO TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE Derek Akkeson Jim Seitz Linda Moschetti 7.m & 7.n) SEPARATE CONSIDERATION ITEMS 7.M. & 7.N. AB - 2241 Police Department requested authorization to hire a lateral police officer at Step D of salary grade pc60, effective November 1, 2018. COUNCIL CONCUR Ed VanValey Melissa Day Brian Sandler 8.a) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Chair Prince presented a report concurring in the following staff recommendations: Approve the City’s acceptance of estimated 2018 CDBG funds of $697,888 funds from HUD via a Joint Agreement with King County including the following contractual set-asides per the Joint Agreement: • County Administration: $ 69,789 • County Capital Administration: $ 13,958 • Housing Stability Program: $ 34,894 • King County Housing Repair Program: $174,472 Of the remaining $404,775, allocate $69,789 or the maximum allowable amount for Planning and Administration, leaving a discretionary balance of $334,986. For this discretionary balance of 2019 CDBG funding, allocate the full amount to the Downtown Streetscape Improvement Program for the Downtown/South Renton area. Adopt the recommended CDBG 2019 Contingency Plan as follows: • Any increases in entitlement or recaptured funds will go to the Downtown Streetscape Program. • Any decrease in entitlement will decrease the amount to the Downtown Streetscape Program. • Program Income will be allocated to Healthy Housing. • Any 2019 Downtown Streetscape Program funds not under contract by December 31, 2019 will be recaptured and reallocated to the Healthy Housing program. • Modify the CDBG 2016 and 2018 Action Plans as follows: • Use $76,320 of project C16753 Renton Façade Improvement Program 2016 dollars to fund the final additional scope for the Cortona Building including the costs for Environmental Review and Davis Bacon compliance. • The remaining funds in C16753 ($316,155.77) will be used to create the Renton Downtown Streetscape Improvement Project. • Cancel the 2018 project (C18352) Renton Burnett Sidewalk Improvements project and move the $334,986 of 2018 CDBG funds to the new Renton COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Cliff Long Dianne Utecht Judith Subia Downtown Streetscape Improvement Project. Total project funds equal $651,141.77. 8.b) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair McIrvin recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the amendments to RMC 4-5 updating references to the National Electrical Code. The Planning and Development Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Craig Burnell Judith Subia 8.c) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair McIrvin recommended concurrence in staff’s recommendation to approve a $25,000 award from the Housing Opportunity Fund to Homestead Community Land Trust to help support the development and construction of the Sunset Crest Townhomes to provide 12 affordable homeownership units in the Sunset Area. COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Mark Santos-Johnson Cliff Long Judith Subia 9.a) Ordinance(s) for first reading: Ordinance No. 5888: An ordinance was read amending subsections 4-5-060.A.2 and 4-5-070.C.3 of the Renton Municipal Code, by updating the Construction Administrative Code to apply to the 2017 National Electrical Code, updating the reference to the National Electrical Code in the Fire Code to be consistent with the Construction Administrative Code, and providing for severability and establishing an effective date. COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING Craig Burnell Judith Subia