HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAP_kingco_imap_femafloodmap_20180419_v1.pdfP icto m etr y Inte rn ati onal Co r p ., Kin g C o unty Thu nd e r Hill s /R en ton FEM A Flood Zon e s Date: 4 /19 /2 0 18 Notes: ±Th e informatio n in clu de d on this map h as b ee n co mp iled by K in g Co un ty staff f rom a variety o f so urces a nd is subject to chan gewithout n otice . K in g Co unty make s no repre sen tat io ns or warra nt ies, e xpress or imp lie d, as t o a ccuracy, co mplete ne ss, timeline ss,or rig hts to the use o f such inf orma tion . This d ocument is no t inten de d fo r use as a survey p ro du ct. K ing Co un ty sh all no t b e lia blefor a ny gen eral, sp ecia l, ind irect , incidental, o r con seque ntial d ama ges in clud ing, bu t n ot limited to , lost re ven ue s or lost pr o fitsresulting from t he use or misuse of the informa tion con ta ined on th is map. A ny sale o f this map or inf orma tion on this ma p isprohibited except by written p ermission o f K in g Co un ty. Leg end FEMAprelimina ryfloodway FEMAprelimina ry 100 -ye ar floo dp lain FEMAprelimina ry 500 -ye ar floo dp lain