HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_KCESI2_Traffic_Analysis_181113_v1.pdf 3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121 P: 206.267.1065 www.kpg.com Memorandum To: Erik Waligorski, PE, Carollo Engineers, Inc. From: Michael Lapham and John Davies, KPG Date: 11/12/2018 Re: Draft Transportation Impacts and Mitigation for Eastside Sewer Interceptor Section 2 The project will rehabilitate a section of King County’s 96-inch Eastside Interceptor using the Linabond lining system. The project footprint is primarily along Logan Avenue N between Lake Washington Boulevard N and N 6th Street within City of Renton right-of-way. Construction will also impact Boeing property, other private properties, and short segments of N 6th Street and Burnett Avenue N. The project duration is estimated at eight months from April 2019 to November 2019. The project has three main phases: (1) installation of the sewer bypass system, (2) installation of the Linabond lining system that will be done primarily by accessing manholes, and (3) bypass system removal and restoration. This memo describes existing conditions, identifies the project’s impacts to the transportation system, and provides mitigation measures to help address the impacts. No long-term transportation impacts are expected after the project is completed. Existing Conditions Logan Avenue N connects to Lake Washington Boulevard N and I-405 at the north end, and to Airport Way and downtown Renton at the south end . At the Park Avenue N intersection, the street name changes from Logan Avenue N to Southport Drive N. Logan Avenue N has 5’-wide sidewalks on the east side of the street between Lake Washington Boulevard N and N 6th Street. The west side of the street does not include sidewalks along this segment. There are 5’-wide bicycle lanes in both directions along Logan Avenue N; these bicycle facilities make up part of the Lake Washington Loop Trail. The adjacent north-south streets of Park Avenue N and Garden Avenue N have continuous sidewalks on both sides of the street and neither of these streets have bicycle facilities. The King County Metro RapidRide F line operates along Logan Avenue N providing service between Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila and Renton. The F line has bus stops along Logan Avenue N at the intersections with N 10th Street and N 6th Street. Traffic counts at study intersections along Logan Avenue N were collected in early June 2018 for the AM (7:00-9:00), midday (1:30-4:00) and PM (4:00-6:00) peak periods. The midday peak hour volume captures shift changes at the Boeing plant, which increases volumes in the study area. Figure 1 shows the average weekday vehicle volumes for northbound and southbound Logan RECEIVED 11/28/2018 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION P a g e | 2 Avenue N north of N 8th Street. Both directions experience increased traffic during the AM, midday and PM peak hours with the highest volumes occurring during the PM peak hour. Figure 1. Average Weekday Traffic Volumes on Logan Avenue N, north of N 8th Street 2019 Traffic Operations The traffic analysis evaluates conditions in 2019 when the project’s construction impacts are scheduled to occur. The analysis includes traffic volumes from the nearby Southport development, which is scheduled to be completed in early 2019. Southport is a mixed-use development adjacent to Gene Coulon Park, north of the Eastside Sewer Interceptor Section 2 project footprint. The hotel and multi-family housing are currently in use, and the 700,000 square feet of office space is under construction. The development is accessible from Lake Washington Boulevard N. The City of Renton has a future Park Avenue N Extension Project that will provide a second a ccess to the Southport development, but this project is scheduled to be completed after 2019. Intersection level of service (LOS) is a measurement of the quality of traffic flow or traffic congestion at an intersection. Intersection LOS is defined by the seconds of delay experienced by vehicles traveling through the intersection. The intersection LOS ranges from A to F, with LOS A assigned when minimal delays are present and LOS F when lengthy delays occur. KPG used Synchro 10 software to calculate LOS and delay at five intersections within the project footprint and at three nearby intersections that will be impacted by detour traffic. The PM peak hour is typically when the highest volumes in the study area occur, except along Logan Avenue N where the midday volumes are often highest due to shift changes at the Boeing plant. Table 1 shows the existing AM, midday, and PM peak hour level of service (LOS) and seconds of delay at each study intersection. The intersection of Lake Washington Boulevard N/Garden Avenue N/N Park Drive will 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Vehicle VolumeTime of Day Northbound Southbound P a g e | 3 operate at LOS E during the PM peak hour. The rest of the study intersections will operate at LOS D or better during each peak hour. The results of the Synchro analysis are included in the appendix. Table 1. 2019 Intersection LOS and Delay (seconds) Intersection AM Peak Hour Midday Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Lake Wash. Blvd N/Garden Ave N/N Park Dr D (45) D (53) E (59) 757th Ave NE/Park Ave N/Southport Dr N B (19) C (29) C (23) Logan Ave N/N 10th St A (10) B (18) B (15) Logan Ave N/N 8th St C (25) D (42) C (26) Logan Ave N/N 6th St B (18) D (37) C (23) Park Ave N/N 10th St B (10) C (27) C (25) Park Ave N/N 8th St B (16) C (23) C (21) Park Ave N/N 6th St C (23) C (26) C (21) Note: Intersection LOS and delay calculated using Synchro 10. Project Footprint and Phasing The project footprint is along Logan Avenue N between Lake Washington Boulevard N and N 6th Street, and along a short segment of N 6th Street east of Logan Avenue N. The project duration is estimated at eight months from April 2019 to November 2019. The project has three main phases, which are anticipated to take place following the approximate schedule below: (1) installation of the sewer bypass system (2 months, April-May) (2) installation of the Linabond lining system that will be done primarily by accessing manholes (4 months, June-September) (3) bypass system removal and restoration (2 months, October-November) Figure 2 shows the project footprint and sewer bypass pipe sections. The 10 bypass pipe sections (Phase 1) are labeled A through J, and will be installed one section at a time from north to south on the corridor. The Linabond lining system (Phase 2) will be installed from the south to the north using four of the nine manholes, labeled RO2-01, RO2-02, RO2-04, and RO2-07. Linabond installation requires three manholes to be used at a time, one for installation access and the other two for ventilation. In addition, manholes RO2-03 and RO2-05 will each be used for two working days for rehabilitation of the manhole risers. RO2-08 is shown on Figure 2, but because no work is scheduled at th is location, no impacts or mitigation measures are included in this analysis. The bypass system removal and restoration (Phase 3) will be sequenced one section at a time upon the completion of the Linabond installation. P a g e | 4 Figure 2. Project Footprint and Phases P a g e | 5 The three project phases will result in the temporary closure, partial closure or relocation of transportation facilities such as travel lanes, driveways, bike lanes, sidewalks, bus stops and parking spaces. Phase 1 and Phase 3 are estimated to have the same transportation impacts, construction duration and mitigation because it will require the same construction areas and take approximately the same amount of time to install the sewer bypass system with temporary restoration as it will to remove the system and restore the impacted areas. Each section of the bypass system is expected to take between four and six days during installation and removal. Phase 2 transportation impacts will be limited to work areas for equipment and supply trucks at the manholes where installation and ventilation are occurring. Phase 2 will be completed in four segments, with approximately one month for the Linabond installation in each segment. Individual manholes may be in use during multiple segments of the installation. Transportation Impacts and Proposed Mitigation This section describes the transportation facilities that will be impacted by the project and recommends mitigation measures to help address each of the impacts. Mitigation measures may not maintain the same level of operations or capacity, but in each case alter native facilities or routes are provided. Table 2 describes the transportation facilities that will be impacted and recommended mitigation measures for the sewer bypass line installation (Phase 1) and removal and restoration (Phase 3). Each of the 10 sewer bypass sections (A-J) has its own row in the table that describes the pipe installation method and location, duration of installation, transportation facilities that are impacted, and recommended mitigation measures to address the impacts. Similarly, Table 3 describes the transportation facilities that will be impacted by the installation of the Linabond lining system (Phase 2) and recommends mitigation measures to help address the impacts. The table lists each of the manholes where the installation will occur. To minimize the length of time it takes to complete the project, noise variances to work outside of typical work hours will be requested from the City of Renton. The contractor will likely schedule two consecutive 7-hour shifts per day, Monday through Friday. As described in Tables 2 and 3, most of the transportation impacts will only be in effect for the period of time needed for the installations and removals/restorations, however, the following transportation facilities will be impacted for the duration of the project:  Bypass Sections C, D, E and G - the southbound bike lane on Logan Avenue N from Park Avenue N to N 8th Street will be closed and bicycles will share the southbound travel lane with vehicles. Add signage and “sharrow” markings to indicate that bicycles and vehicles will share the travel lane.  Bypass Sections C through I - The speed limit on Logan Avenue N from Park Avenue N to N 6th Street will be reduced from 35 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour through the construction zone. This speed limit reduction will impact RapidRide F operations through this segment of the corridor. P a g e | 6  Bypass Section I - The middle pedestrian walkway at the west side of Boeing parking lot E6 (northeast corner of Logan Avenue N and N 6th Street intersection) will be closed between Logan Avenue N and the parking lot. The pedestrian walkways at the north end and south end of the parking lot will remain open.  Bypass Section I - The westbound right turn lane at the N 6th Street/Logan Avenue N intersection will be closed. The intersection will continue to operate at LOS D or better during the AM, midday and PM peak hours. A pedestrian pathway/sidewalk on the north side of N 6th Street will remain open throughout construction.  Bypass Section J - The south leg at the N 6th Street/Burnett Avenue N intersection will be closed to traffic. Residential driveways on Burnett Ave N will be accessible only from south of the closure area. A pedestrian facility on the south side of N 6th Street will remain open through the work area. Impacts to Specific Land Uses Boeing has a number of manufacturing and office buildings, as well as parking facilities along both sides of Logan Avenue N. The Boeing manufacturing plant, on the west side of the street, will experience temporary lane reductions at their access points along Logan Avenue N during construction of the sewer bypass system and rehabilitation of manhole RO2-03. These will generally last 4-6 days and will occur mostly during nighttime hours. Impacted access points to the plant include the four intersections of 757th Avenue NE/Park Avenue N/Southport Drive N, Logan Avenue N/N 8th Street and Logan Avenue N/N 6th Street and the pedestrian access at Logan Avenue N/N 10th Street. The Renton Landing, located east of Logan Avenue N between Garden Avenue N and N 8th Street, is a mixed use development with multifamily residential buildings, ground floor retail and services, big box stores, entertainment, a parking structure, and several surface parking lots. During construction of certain sections of the sewer bypass, access to the parking garage and the southwest driveway will be temporarily restricted to right-in and right-out movements. The Southport development, consisting of office, hotel, residential, and retail uses, is located on Lake Washington Boulevard N, south of Gene Coulon Park. The site’s current access is from Lake Washington Boulevard N, north of N Park Drive. Several phases of the development are open, including the hotel and residences. The office phases of the project are scheduled to open in late 2018 and early 2019 and the related traffic volumes are included in this analysis. The new Sartori Elementary School is located southeast of the project footprint at N 4th Street and Park Avenue N. The school’s buses use Park Avenue N, Garden Avenue N, N 4th Street, and others streets to the southeast of the school. The project is expected to have limited impacts on the school’s operations. The project management team, including representatives from King County and its contractor, should coordinate with Sartori Elementary, King County Metro, and Boeing to manage and mitigate transportation impacts and concerns on an ongoing basis throughout the project’s duration by holding regularly scheduled meetings. P a g e | 7 Table 2. Transportation Impacts and Mitigation for Sewer Bypass Line Installation (April-May 2019) and Removal and Restoration (October-November 2019) Bypass Section Pipe Installation Method Pipe Location Duration of Installation Transportation Facility Closures or Reductions Mitigation and Traffic Control Notes Alternative 1 Alternative 2 A Overland Boeing Private property 4 days None None  Bypass staging site  Installation on ground surface B Shallow Trench Boeing Gate D-9 5 days Boeing Gate D-9 Keep 2 access lanes open (4 total lanes)  Weekend construction  Staged construction to maintain vehicle access  Coordination with Boeing to accommodate major deliveries  Weekday daytime construction  Staged construction to maintain vehicle access  Coordination with Boeing to accommodate major deliveries City of Renton to determine whether Alt 1 or Alt 2 is preferable C Racked behind Jersey barrier Bike lane/ shoulder 5 days Logan Ave N between Park Ave N and N 10th St  One southbound lane on Logan Ave N closed  When one southbound lane near N 10th St is closed, restrict southbound left turns  Southbound bike lane closed for project duration; mark “sharrows” as interim bicycle facilities  One westbound through lane closed before Park Ave N intersection  Reopen second westbound through lane at Park Ave N intersection, once construction area clears approximately 400 feet west of Park Ave N intersection  Restrict access to Landing parking garage to right-in and right-out  Provide signage to inform southbound drivers of construction ahead and to consider alternate routes  Reduce speed limit on Logan Ave N between Park Ave N and N 10th St from 35 mph to 20 mph for project duration  Request that Carollo stack 3 pipes vertically in racked area throughout this segment. D Shallow Trench Bike lane/ shoulder and road 6 days Logan Ave N and N 10th St intersection  Bypass trench location only leaves width for one north-south lane through intersection  West side RapidRide F bus stop relocated  Southbound bike lane closed for project duration; mark “sharrows” as interim bicycle facilities  Northbound bike lane closed for installation of bypass pipe  Nighttime work  Single alternating north-south lane through intersection construction with UPO  Close westbound N 10th St at Logan Ave N  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the southbound travel lane  Optional Detour Route 1 (see page 13) for southbound Logan Ave N traffic to Park Ave N and westbound N 8th St  Construction in 2 phases: (1) bus stop at existing location and (2) bus stop located at Boeing employee pedestrian entrance  Need to maintain pedestrian walkway to Boeing entrance from crosswalks and space for people waiting for bus  Request City of Renton to approve single alternating lane with UPO during nighttime construction in order to avoid full southbound closure of Logan Ave N and disruption of bus route, bus stop and emergency vehicle access  Installation footprint includes 8' wide trench and construction vehicles next to it.  Existing curbing along bike lane to be removed and replaced following construction  Coordinate with Metro regarding ADA access at temporary southbound bus stops  Coordinate with Boeing regarding pedestrian access to employee gate P a g e | 8 Bypass Section Pipe Installation Method Pipe Location Duration of Installation Transportation Facility Closures or Reductions Mitigation and Traffic Control Notes Alternative 1 Alternative 2 E Racked Bike lane/ shoulder 4 days Logan Ave N between N 10th St and N 8th St  One southbound lane on Logan Ave N closed  Southbound bike lane closed for project duration; mark “sharrows” as interim bicycle facilities  Access to Landing parking lot restricted to right-in and right-out  When one southbound lane near N 8th St is closed, restrict southbound left turns  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the southbound travel lane  Provide signage to inform southbound drivers of construction ahead and to consider alternate routes  Reduce speed limit on Logan Ave N between Park Ave N and N 8th St from 35 mph to 20 mph for project duration F Shallow Trench Road 5 days Logan Ave N and N 8th St intersection  Bypass trench location only leaves width for one north-south lane through intersection  Keep one eastbound lane and one westbound lane open  Southbound and northbound bike lanes closed  Nighttime work  Single alternating north-south lane through intersection construction with UPO  Staged construction to maintain one eastbound lane and one westbound lane for access to Boeing  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the northbound and southbound travel lanes  Maintain three pedestrian crosswalks at all times  Optional Detour Route 2 (see page 13) for southbound Logan Ave N traffic to southbound Park Ave N and westbound N 6th St  Optional Detour Route 3 (see page 13) for northbound traffic at Logan Ave N/N 6th St intersection to direct northbound traffic to eastbound N 6th St and northbound Park Ave N  Request City of Renton to approve single alternating lane with UPO during nighttime construction in order to maintain access for Boeing, bus service and emergency vehicles  Installation footprint includes 8' wide trench and construction vehicles next to it G Racked (west side) Overland (east side) Two location options: West side: Bike lane/shoulder East side: Private property – ITF Developments LLC 9 days (west side) 4 days (east side) Logan Ave N between N 8th St and vicinity of northwest entrance to Boeing parking lot West side:  One southbound lane closed  Keep one northbound lane and one southbound lane open  Southbound bike lane closed for project duration (Logan Ave N between N 8th St and N 6th St) East side: none West side:  Maintain one northbound and one southbound travel lane on Logan Ave N  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the southbound travel lane; mark “sharrows” as interim bicycle facilities  Reduce speed limit on Logan Ave N between Park Ave N and N 6th St from 35 mph to 20 mph for project duration East side:  Work area will not impact Logan Ave N  King County will determine availability of private property to select Alt 1 or Alt 2 P a g e | 9 Bypass Section Pipe Installation Method Pipe Location Duration of Installation Transportation Facility Closures or Reductions Mitigation and Traffic Control Notes Alternative 1 Alternative 2 H Shallow Trench Two location options: West side: Road East side: Boeing parking lot entrance 5 days (west side) 2 days (east side) West side: Logan Ave N approximately 500’ north of intersection with N 6th St East side: Northwest entrance to Boeing parking lot West side:  Keep one northbound and one southbound lane open on Logan Ave N  Northbound bike lane closed during construction  Southbound bike lane closed for project duration East side: Private driveway closed West side:  Nighttime work  Phased construction with two lanes closed at a time  Maintain one northbound and one southbound travel lane on Logan Ave N  East side sidewalk to remain open, detoured around construction work as necessary  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the northbound and southbound travel lanes; mark “sharrows” as interim bicycle facilities  Optional Detour Route 2 (see page 13) for southbound Logan Ave N traffic to southbound Park Ave N and westbound N 6th St  Optional Detour Route 3 (see page 13) for northbound traffic at Logan Ave N/N 6th St intersection to direct northbound traffic to eastbound N 6th St and northbound Park Ave N East side:  Close driveway on Logan Ave N  If Bypass Section G uses west side, Bypass Section H will cross Logan Ave N to the south of Boeing parking lot entrance  If Bypass Section G uses east side, Bypass Section H will cross driveway of Boeing parking lot entrance I Overland/ Shallow Trench  Boeing property - grassy area east of Logan Ave N sidewalk  Westbound right turn lane at N 6th St and Logan Ave N intersection 4 day installation  Logan Ave N (east side) between N 8th St and N 6th St  N 6th St between Logan Ave N and Burnett Ave N  Keep one northbound and two southbound lanes open on Logan Ave N and restrict southbound left turns as work zone approaches N 6th St (4 days)  Westbound right turn lane at N 6th St and Logan Ave N intersection closed for project duration  Middle pedestrian walkway closed between Logan Ave N sidewalk and Boeing parking lot for project duration  Pedestrian access to northbound RapidRide F bus stop will be maintained  Temporary sidewalk constructed in northeast corner of N 6th St and Logan Ave N intersection to maintain east-west sidewalk  Pedestrian access to Boeing parking lot along Logan Ave N is maintained at northwest and southwest pedestrian walkways  With the closure of the westbound right turn lane, the intersection will operate at LOS D or better during the AM, midday and PM peak hours P a g e | 10 Bypass Section Pipe Installation Method Pipe Location Duration of Installation Transportation Facility Closures or Reductions Mitigation and Traffic Control Notes Alternative 1 Alternative 2 J Standard Trench Road 6 day installation N 6th St/Burnett Ave N intersection  Keep one eastbound lane and one westbound lane on N 6th St open (6 days)  Burnett Ave N closed at N 6th St for project duration  UPO to provide traffic control at the N 6th St/Logan Ave N intersection during daytime work hours  Provide signage at the N 6th St/Park Ave N intersection to inform drivers of construction on westbound N 6th St and consider alternate routes  Provide signage for northbound and southbound Logan Ave N to inform drivers of construction at N 6th St/Logan Ave N intersection  Residential driveways on Burnett Ave N will remain open, drivers to use alternative routes to access homes  Transition to standard trench to cross N 6th St into the temporary road closure area of Burnett Ave N  Pedestrian walkway on south side of N 6th Street will be maintained Table 3. Transportation Impacts and Mitigation for Installation of Linabond Lining System (June-September 2019) Manhole No. Manhole Location Estimated Duration Transportation Facility Closures or Reductions Mitigation and Traffic Control Notes Alternative 1 Alternative 2 RO1-31A & RO1-32 Road 2 months N 6th St at Burnett Ave N (eastbound curbside lane)  Burnett Ave N will be closed south of N 6th St.  One eastbound lane closed on N 6th St during working hours  Maintain two westbound travel lanes on N 6th St (right turn lane closed for project duration)  Maintain one eastbound travel lane on N 6th St  Maintain south side pedestrian facility through work area Residential driveways on Burnett Ave N will remain open RO2-01 Boeing parking lot 2 months Boeing parking lot Closure of approximately 14 parking spaces Temporary signage and barriers around work zone RO2-02 Sidewalk 3 months Sidewalk along east side of Logan Ave N between N 8th St and N 6th St Closure of one northbound lane, one southbound lane, northbound bike lane and east side sidewalk  Maintain one northbound and one southbound travel lane  Create walkway around work zone in ROW  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the northbound and southbound travel lanes Racked bypass pipe on west side of Logan Ave N RO2-03 Road 2 days Northbound Logan Ave N at N 8th St intersection  Northbound lane closed on Logan Ave N  Northbound bike lane closed  Both westbound through lanes closed  North leg crosswalk closed  Nighttime work with UPO  Relocate northbound lane to replace one of the two southbound lanes  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the northbound travel lane  Convert westbound left turn lane to westbound through-left lane Two-day duration is needed for rehabilitation of manhole risers RO2-04 Logan Ave N northbound lane 3 months Logan Ave N between N 10th St and N 8th St  One northbound lane closed on Logan Ave N  Northbound bike lane closed  Shift northbound travel lane to replace one of the two southbound lanes  Provide signage to inform northbound and southbound drivers of construction ahead and to consider alternate routes  Maintain pedestrian walkway on east side of Logan Ave N  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the northbound travel lane Racked bypass pipe on west side of Logan Ave N P a g e | 11 RO2-05 Road 2 days Southbound Logan Ave N (curbside lane) south of N 10th St  One southbound lane closed on Logan Ave N  Southbound bike lane closed  Southbound RapidRide F bus stop located within work zone  Nighttime work  One southbound lane to remain open  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the southbound travel lane  Contractor to coordinate with King County Metro to determine relocation or temporary closure of southbound RapidRide F line stop  Daytime work  One southbound lane to remain open  Add signage that bicycles and vehicles will share the southbound travel lane  Maintain southbound RapidRide F line stop Two-day duration is needed for rehabilitation of manhole risers RO2-06 Boeing property - grassy area 2 months None Not applicable Not applicable RO2-07 Boeing Gate D-9 2 months Boeing Gate D-9 Not applicable Temporary signage and barriers around work zone P a g e | 12 Detour Routes The mitigation includes three detour routes to divert traffic around bypass sections where construction has reduced the number of travel lanes. In most cases, t raffic will not be required to use the detour route, but signs will be in place so drivers can choose an alternate route that is less impacted by the project. Figure 3 shows the three detour routes. Below are descriptions of each detour route.  Detour 1 (Bypass Section D) – traffic traveling southwestbound on Logan Avenue N will have an optional detour to take a left onto southbound Park Avenue N and then a right onto westbound N 8th Street.  Detour 2 (Bypass Sections F and H) – southwestbound traffic on Logan Avenue N will have an optional detour to make a left onto southbound Park Avenue N, then turn right onto westbound N 6th Street, and return to southbound Logan Avenue N.  Detour 3 (Bypass Sections F and H) – northbound traffic on Logan Avenue N will be detoured to use eastbound N 6th Street and then make a left onto northbound Park Avenue N. P a g e | 13 Figure 3. Detour Routes P a g e | 14 Traffic Operations with Proposed Mitigation This section analyzes traffic operations with the lane closures for the Sewer Bypass Sections and manhole installations, and with the recommended traffic mitigation. The analysis evaluates AM, midday and PM peak hour operations at intersections that are affected by reduced capacity or intersections that are impacted by the detour routes. It does not include an evaluation of traffic impacts that will occur at night or on the weekend when traffic volumes are lower. Bypass Section C maintains one of the two westbound lanes through the 757th Avenue NE/Park Avenue N/Southport Drive N intersection. One southbound lane is closed at the Logan Avenue N/N 10th Street intersection and the southbound left turn movement is restricted. Table 4. Intersection Operations with Bypass Section C Traffic Impacts and Mitigation Intersection 2019 AM Peak Hour 2019 Midday Peak Hour 2019 PM Peak Hour Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation 757th Ave NE/Park Ave N/Southport Dr N B (19) C (30) C (29) D (46) C (23) C (34) Logan Ave N/N 10th St A (10) B (16) B (18) C (22) B (15) C (23) Logan Ave N/N 8th St C (25) D (36) D (42) D (45) C (26) C (33) Park Ave N/N 10th St B (10) B (12) C (27) C (30) C (25) C (27) Park Ave N/N 8th St B (16) B (14) C (23) C (23) C (21) C (21) Note: Intersection LOS and delay calculated using Synchro 10. Bypass Section E will close one southbound lane on Logan Avenue N from N 10th Street to N 8th Street. One northbound lane and one southbound lane will be maintained by shifting northbound traffic into one of the closed southbound lanes. When the southbound lane is closed near the intersection with N 8th Street, southbound left turns will be restricted. This reduction in capacity and operations analysis also applies to work to be done on Manhole RO2-03. Table 5. Intersection Operations with Bypass Section E and Manhole RO2-03 Traffic Impacts and Mitigation Intersection 2019 AM Peak Hour 2019 Midday Peak Hour 2019 PM Peak Hour Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation Logan Ave N/N 8th St C (25) C (32) D (42) E (78) C (26) D (44) Note: Intersection LOS and delay calculated using Synchro 10. Bypass Section I will close the westbound right turn lane at the Logan Avenue N/N 6th Street intersection for the duration of the project. This reduction in capacity and operations analysis also applies to work to be done on Manhole RO1-31A. P a g e | 15 Table 6. Intersection Operations with Bypass Section I and Manhole RO1-31A Traffic Impacts and Mitigation Intersection 2019 AM Peak Hour 2019 Midday Peak Hour 2019 PM Peak Hour Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation Logan Ave N/N 6th St B (18) B (18) D (37) D (38) C (23) C (23) Note: Intersection LOS and delay calculated using Synchro 10. Bypass Section J will reduce the east leg of the Logan Avenue N/N 6th Street intersection to one lane in each direction. The west leg of the intersection will be reduced from a left turn lane, through lane and right turn lane to a shared left turn/through lane and right turn lane. During the 6-day construction period, a uniformed police officer will control the intersection. Table 7. Intersection Operations with Bypass Section J Traffic Impacts and Mitigation Intersection 2019 AM Peak Hour 2019 Midday Peak Hour 2019 PM Peak Hour Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation Without Project With Project & Mitigation Logan Ave N/N 6th St B (18) C (34) D (37) E (74) C (23) E (56) Note: Intersection LOS and delay calculated using Synchro 10. Conclusion The project will impact transportation facilities along Logan Avenue N and the construction footprint during the eight month construction period scheduled from April-November 2019. The project has made extensive efforts to identify the impacts and develop mitigation measures to help address the impacts to each mode of travel and stakeholders such as Boeing and nearby property owners. This analysis is based on the information available at the 60 percent design stage of the project. As project design moves forward, more detailed information may become available that may change the findings and recommendations of the analysis. This analysis will be augmented with traffic control plans for each phase of construction. 1 Brian Sliger Subject:FW: KC Eastside Sewer Interceptor Section 2 From: Chris Barnes [mailto:CBarnes@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 5:51 PM To: Michael Lapham <michael@kpg.com> Cc: Blake Costa <BCosta@Rentonwa.gov>; Flora Lee <FLee@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: KC Eastside Sewer Interceptor Section 2 Michael, sorry to take so long but we do have comments/requests listed below: We would like to have your 2018 June traffic counts and Synchro results printouts. Nighttime work around the Logan and Park intersection will not be allowed (without a City variance permit) due to the residential apartments on the corner of that intersection. A significant distance west of the intersection will be covered by this restriction, especially due to the movie theatre adjacent to Logan Ave. N. Table 4 needs to include the existing levels of service of the intersection for comparison to the proposed detour conditions. Detour 2 cannot use N. 10th Pl. as this is a private street and the businesses (movie theatres) front on that street with heavy pedestrian traffic. N. 10th St. has limited mobility due to the pedestrian crossing activity and parallel parking. Recommend that the main detour would use N. 8th Street. Driveways on the west side of Park Ave. N between N. 10th and N. 8th would adequate serve the traffic destined for the businesses there. N. 8th St. will move more traffic safely and efficiently along the detour route. With the bike lane closure, please recommend “sharrows” pavement marking and bike signs along the detour routes to share the lane with vehicles. The bike lanes are heavily used and cyclists need to be accommodated in as safe a manner as possible. Pedestrian pathway/sidewalk closure is okay as long as they have a TCP to show their detour plans to provide/maintain pedestrian access to/from the businesses and at the signals. Timing plans will have to be developed for Park Ave. Logan Ave. at the intersections along the detour routes to accommodate higher volumes throughout the day to up the green times. This usually means longer traffic signal cycle lengths and increased side street delays especially near N. 3rd and N. 4th streets near Sartori Elementary School. We need supporting data to answer the public’s complaints and questions. Indicate coordination with Satori, KC Metro and Boeing will have to be ongoing by King County project management and its contractor with regularly scheduled meetings. We can discuss these comments further as you work to address them. Thanks, Chris M. Barnes, Sr. Transportation Operations Manager City of Renton, WA 2 Ph. No. 425-430-7220 cbarnes@rentonwa.gov From: Michael Lapham [mailto:michael@kpg.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 1:50 PM To: Chris Barnes Subject: RE: KC Eastside Sewer Interceptor Section 2 Hello Chris, Have you gotten a chance to look at the Draft Transportation Analysis for the Eastside Sewer Interceptor Project? Hope you are well. Thanks, Michael From: Michael Lapham Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 10:46 AM To: Chris Barnes (CBarnes@Rentonwa.gov) <CBarnes@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Erik Waligorski <ewaligorski@carollo.com>; 'Brian Sliger' <bsliger@carollo.com>; John Davies <johnd@kpg.com>; Austin Wong <awong@carollo.com>; 'Matoya.Darby@kingcounty.gov' <Matoya.Darby@kingcounty.gov> Subject: KC Eastside Sewer Interceptor Section 2 Hello Chris, We are assisting King County and Carollo Engineering with the Transportation Analysis for the Eastside Sewer Interceptor Project. The attached Transportation Analysis identifies the project’s impacts to the transportation system and provides mitigation measures to help address the impacts. No long-term transportation impacts are expected after the project is completed. The project is scheduled for construction next year. The traffic operations modeling includes traffic volumes for the full build out of the Southport Development. We are moving forward with developing traffic control plans based on the mitigation measures identified in the Transportation Analysis. Please review the Transportation Analysis and let us know your comments. We highlighted (in yellow) three places in the mitigation table where we would like to get direction from the City for how to proceed. Two of the highlighted sections are requests to approve a single alternating lane with a UPO during night time construction. Thank you. Michael Lapham KPG | SEATTLE • TACOMA Interdisciplinary Design direct: 206 267 1065 cell: 206 595 7875