HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW Meadow Vue - MFP18001352Good afternoon, Our Plat Team has made the requested changes and I’ve attached the new design and TCP. Please let me know if anything else is needed. Thank you! Anish Kumar Permit Specialist Puget Sound Energy 253-208-2183 anish.kumar@pse.com <mailto:anish.kumar@pse.com> From: Kumar, Anish Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 11:47 AM To: Brown, Lee Subject: FW: Meadow Vue - MFP18001352 Hi Lee, Unfortunately this one got rejected by the City. See their comments below. My contacts w/the City are: Scott Warlick – 425-430-7291 Justin Johnson – 425-430-7216 Thanks, Anish From: Franchise Permits [mailto:franchisepermits@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 10:44 AM To: Kumar, Anish Cc: Franchise Permits Subject: FW: Meadow Vue - MFP18001352 Anish, This permit is being rejected. Please see the Email below from our engineer doing the review for the Meadow Vue development. He has some concerns regarding the plan along the 156th Avenue SE. I have included an updated set of plans for the Meadow Vue development. Please reference Permit# MFP18001352 when you resubmit. Feel free to give us a call Anish if you have questions or want to talk through this one. Franchise Permits -CED Franchisepermits@Rentonwa.gov <mailto:Franchisepermits@Rentonwa.gov> | Phone: (425) 430-7200 P Please consider the environment before printing this email From: Ian Fitz-James Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 4:22 PM To: Scott Warlick <SWarlick@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Justin T. Johnson <JTJohnson@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Meadow Vue - MFP18001352 Hello Scott, The plan in the plat interior looks good. However, I have some concerns regarding the plan along the 156th Avenue SE frontage. I believe PSE needs to relocate or install new poles along the 156th Avenue SE frontage due to conflicts between the existing pole locations and the proposed frontage improvements. The civil backgrounds for 156th Avenue SE frontage that PSE are using on their plans are about a year or so old. The design of the frontage improvements has changed. The pole location at the SW corner of the 156th Avenue SE and SE 139th Place intersection looks like it could be in conflict with a new curb ramp. The poles need to be relocated so that all proposed civil improvements and street trees are not in conflict. I’d send them the approved plans so that they can update their backgrounds and design accordingly. They could also contact the engineer, CPH Consultants, to get the most up-to-date CAD backgrounds. The contact at CPH is Bryce Bessette. His email is: bryce@cphconsultants.com. The approved plans can be found here: K:\Projects\2017\PR17000137_MEADOWVUE PLAT\C17002646\03.Approved Documents\Approved Plans and Reports <file:///\\energovfiles\Bluebeam\Projects\2017\PR17000137_M EADOWVUE%20PLAT\C17002646\03.Approved%20Documents\Approved%20Plans%20and%20Reports> Thanks, Ian Fitz-James, P.E. Civil Engineer III | CED IFitz-James@Rentonwa.gov | Phone: (425) 430-7288 From: Scott Warlick Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 3:02 PM To: Ian Fitz-James Cc: Justin T. Johnson Subject: Meadow Vue - MFP18001352 Ian, Here is another Franchise permit I received on Friday for Meadow Vue. Permit #MFP18001352 You can find the documents for this submittal here: K:\Franchise Permits\2018\PSE_ELECTRIC\MFP18001352 Scott Warlick Engineering specialist II | CED SWarlick@Rentonwa.gov| Phone: (425) 430-7216 P Please consider the environment before printing this email EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2018 THE COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PERMIT COUNTER WILL CLOSE AT 4:00 P.M. DAILY Permit Counter 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Financial Transactions 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Exercise extra caution when responding, opening attachments, and clicking links. bustible walls, over궘ᠫngs, doors, and wind귄ᠫs, and a minimum of 귰ᠫfeet from the back o긜ᠫcurb (or guard pos깈ᠫ will be required pe깴ᠫPSE standards). All 꺠ᠫnduits and vaults ar껌ᠫto be at least 5 fee껸ᠫaway from water, s꼤ᠫrm and sewer lines w꽐ᠫn paralleling them i꽼ᠫthe right of way, an꾨ᠫat least 1 foot when꿔ᠫrossing them. 8. A뀀ᠫ work is to be done 뀬ᠫ accordance with loc끘ᠫ municipal and count낄ᠫpermit requirements 낰ᠫ applicable. 9. Cu냜ᠫomer/Developer is re너ᠫonsible to provide, 넴ᠫstall and maintain a녠ᠫ secondary service c놌ᠫles, conduits and 놸ᠫossings from the ind뇤ᠫidual unit's meter b눐ᠫe to the designated 눼ᠫnnection point. 10뉨ᠫInclement weather co는ᠫitions may cause del닀ᠫs in construction ti달ᠫs and dates. 11. E댘ᠫAVATION: The custome덄ᠫis to provide all tr데ᠫching, backfill, vau뎜ᠫ excavations, compac돈ᠫon and restoration돴ᠫer this sketch and p될ᠫ PSE standards. A mi둌ᠫmum protective cover둸ᠫf 36" is required ov뒤ᠫ PSE's primary vol듐ᠫge equipment and 24"듼ᠫs required of PSE's 딨ᠫcondary voltage equi땔ᠫent. The customer 떀ᠫll provide any and a떬ᠫ shoring or they wil뗘ᠫside slope the trenc똄ᠫto 1:1. CIRCUIT LO똰ᠫING TABLE CIRCUIT:뙜ᠫRA -17 AS OF 61131뚈ᠫ A PHASE B PHASE뚴ᠫ C PHASE EXIST. PE뛠ᠫ LOAD 218 256 뜌ᠫ4 EST. NEW LOAD 뜸ᠫ.65 23.65 23.65 띤ᠫTOTAL 241.65 279랐ᠫ5 267.65 EROSION랼ᠫ SEDIMENT CONTROL RE럨ᠫIREMENTS EROSION &렔ᠫEDIMENT CONTROL SHAL례ᠫBE PER PSE STANDARD 롬ᠫACTICE 0150.3200 T뢘ᠫHNIQUES FOR TEMPORAR룄ᠫEROSION & SEDIMENT C룰ᠫTROL & ANY ADDITIO뤜ᠫL LOCAL JURISDICTION륈ᠫEQUIREMENTS. (LOCA르ᠫJURISDICTIONS MAY HA릠ᠫ ADDITIONAL REQUIREM만ᠫTS INCLUDING NOTES맸ᠫETAILING WHERE EROSI먤ᠫ OR SEDIMENT CONTROL멐ᠫTRUCTURES ARE TO B멼ᠫINSTALLED, CROSS SEC모ᠫON DETAILS OF THE TY뫔ᠫCAL EROSION STRUCT묀ᠫES, & SPECIAL REQUIR묬ᠫENTS FOR WORK IN SEN뭘ᠫTIVE AREAS.) FOREM뮄ᠫ (CHECK BOX WHEN COM뮰ᠫETED) ❑ PSE Equipm믜ᠫt LOCKED/SECURED & W밈ᠫk Area left in CLEAN밴ᠫAFE Condition. ❑ G뱠ᠫd, Cable, and Switch벌ᠫumbers INSTALLED & V벸ᠫIFIED. ❑ Field Cha볤ᠫes RED -LINED on As 봐ᠫuilt - Ma teria 봼ᠫ s-built- Materia뵨ᠫVERIFIED and CHANGES붔ᠫoted on Paperwork. 뷀ᠫ Total PRIMARY Cable뷬ᠫoted on As -built. 븘ᠫ Company IDW$ RECORD비ᠫ in correct Iocation빰ᠫn As -Witt. ❑ Indi뺜ᠫte correct FUSE SIZE뻈ᠫn As-Wik & VERIFY pr뻴ᠫer PHASE- ❑ Deviat뼠ᠫns noted on the As -뽌ᠫilt and their reason뽸ᠫ ❑ 1 certify that t뾤ᠫ work performed meet뿐ᠫPSE's standards and 뿼ᠫocedures and that 쀨ᠫl quality requiremen쁔ᠫ are met, Foreman'삀ᠫSignature Print Na사ᠫ vroject manager c샘ᠫtact Information: 섄ᠫnager. Marc Bayley 섰ᠫalf Phone: {253) 259셜ᠫ494 E -Mail: MARCU솈ᠫBAYLEY@PSE.COM Dev솴ᠫoper Yes x Yes PSE 쇠ᠫLocates Required" No숌ᠫo x 71 "outages 숸ᠫquired" Yes No x "쉤ᠫagging Required" Yes슐ᠫ No Vicinity Map 슼ᠫIA For contacts be싨ᠫw dial 1 -888 -CALL 쌔ᠫE (225-5773) =ALL.썀ᠫ11 TWO BUSINESS DAYS썬ᠫEFORE YOU DIG THIS쎘ᠫKETCH NOT TO BE REUE쏄ᠫ UPON FOR EXACT LOCA쏰ᠫON OF EXISTING FACIL쐜ᠫIES REAL ESTATEIEA쑈ᠫMENT PERMIT REQUIR쑴ᠫ CITY OF RENTON s 쒠ᠫsuo[-1i]blol ow-r`nV쓌ᠫI I - C010160 A ■uL 쓸ᠫA•�- G =:•• i L/ y'r씤ᠫl ..v.,.,� - : • �..앐ᠫ: .� 4OT� •' 170 $야ᠫ 30••� cry 6•�" •�; 얨ᠫ318057-1$&178 31$061엔ᠫ68207 -' t° �•; •.. 였ᠫ. 3� 75kVA 12Qf24t올ᠫ f '�•• I cv�#a97s왘ᠫ0-EH0812 318061 1661욄ᠫ . ST 3 NIA 2 우ᠫNIA NIA FUNCTION 웜ᠫONTACT PHONE NO DA윈ᠫ 60kYA 1201240v 1 윴ᠫd10158 37.8kVA 12G12읠ᠫ►r .318057-16622 i잌ᠫ." ••"••y 1{45 7잸ᠫ694 4 xg x �� . , 쟤ᠫ/VIA NIA NIA PRO점ᠫCT MGR Marc Bayley젼ᠫ y y {253] 259-049졨ᠫ9!12117 _-- 10159 좔ᠫ•. 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