HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Plan_Set_181129.pdfHOUSEGARAGESHEDLAWNLAWNLAWNLAWNLAWNASPHALTCONCRETEELMA AVENUE NEASPHALTCONCRETE GRAVELCONCRETE BRICKPATIOWOOD DECKWOODDECKNE 1ST PLACEASPHALTCONCRETE LANDSCAPINGCONCRETELAWN140TH AVENUE SE (UNDEVELOPED)NE 1ST COURTCOVEREDPARKINGRAISED PLANTER R A I S E D P L A N T E RSEPTIC AND RESERVEAREA PER AS-BUILTDATED JUNE 16, 2000SHEDGARDENKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR48 hoursSTATE CNONATGDMSON.LORAHRPGRNOEILANERETSIGDESOFESREEINN NWIFASHOUD145 SW 155th Street, Ste. 102, Seattle, Washington 98166Phone: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 244-4455Civil Engineering · Surveying · Land PlanningDUNCANSONPR:A-NNNNNNNC:LUA: SHEET_NUMBER AAANNNNNNN RENTONCEDAR RIVERELMA_SHORT_PLAT ELMA_SHORT_PLATELMA SHORT PLATPRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT134 ELMA AVE NERENTON, WA 98059 HOUSE GARAGE SHED LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWNASPHALTCONCRETEELMA AVENUE NEASPHALT CONCRETE GRAVEL CONCRETEBRICK PATIOWOODDECK WOOD DECK NE 1ST PLACE ASPHALTCONCRETELANDSCAPING CONCRETE LAWN 140TH AVENUE SE (UNDEVELOPED)NE 1ST COURT COVERED PARKING RAISEDPLANTERRAISEDPLANTERSEPTIC AND RESERVE AREA PER AS-BUILT DATED JUNE 16, 2000 SHED GARDEN NE 1ST STREET Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 48 hours 145 SW 155th Street, Ste. 102, Seattle, Washington 98166 Phone: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 244-4455 Civil Engineering · Surveying · Land Planning &70%#0510 ELMA SHORT PLAT TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 134 ELMA AVE NE RENTON, WA 98059 ELMA_SHORT_PLATELMA_SHORT_PLATAAANNNNNNNSHEET_NUMBERLUA:C:A-NNNNNNN PR:RENTON C E D A R R I V E R 1 inch = ft. (IN FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = ft. (11x17 SHEET) 20 40 HOUSEGARAGESHEDLAWNLAWNLAWNLAWNLAWNASPHALTCONCRETEELMA AVENUE NEASPHALTCONCRETEGRAVELCONCRETE BRICKPATIOWOOD DECKWOODDECKNE 1ST PLACEASPHALTCONCRETE LANDSCAPINGCONCRETELAWN140TH AVENUE SE (UNDEVELOPED)COVEREDPARKINGRAISED PLANTER R A I S E D P L A N T E RSEPTIC AND RESERVEAREA PER AS-BUILTDATED JUNE 16, 2000SHEDGARDENSAVE & PROTECT EX.TREE, ADD FENCESAVE & PROTECT EX.TREE, ADD FENCEXREMOVE EX. TREEOFF-SITETREESOFF-SITETREESSAVE & PROTECT EX.TREE, ADD FENCERELOCATE EX.ORNAMENTALFIR TREERELOCATE EX.ORNAMENTALFIR TREESITE PLANNINGLANDSCAPEARCHITECTUREA S P E NCONTACT: PAUL J. DIXASPEN DESIGN GROUPP.O. BOX 2394ISSAQUAH, WA 98027(425) 292-9845 (PHONE)PAUL J. DIXCERTIFICATE NO. 620STATE OF WASHINGTONREGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTReview OnlyTREE RETENTION NOTESEXISTING TREE INVENTORYNO.BOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEDRIPLINE STATUS1PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESIIDOUGLAS FIR30.0' (est.)RETAIN2ACER SP.MAPLE15.0' (est.)REMOVE3CRATAGEUS SP.HAWTHORN15.0' (est.)RETAINSIZE28" dbh.10" dbh 8" dbhEXISTING TREES HAVE BEEN SURVEYED, MEASURED AND IDENTIFIED ON THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY.TWO (2) SIGNIFICANT TREES RETAINED OUT OF 3: 66.7%134 Elma Avenue N.E.Renton, WA 98059ELMA SHORT PLATPROJECT ADDRESS505 5th Avenue South, #650Suite 650Pacific Bridge, LLCDEVELOPERSeattle, WA 98104S.E. 1/4 OF N.W. 1/4 OF SEC. 15, TWN 23 N, RANGE 5 EAST W.M.CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTONELMA SHORT PLATKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR48 hoursELMA_SHORT_PLAT ELMA_SHORT_PLAT ELMA_SHORT_PLATPRELIMINARY_SUBDIVISION_SUBMITTALPRELIMINARY_TREE_PLANAAANNNNNNNSHEET_NUMBER LUA:C:A-NNNNNNNPR:N O R T H N O R T H TREE PLANSCALE: 1" = 20.0'TREE DENSITY TABLEPROJECT DATAEXISTING TREE NARRATIVEProtection Measures During Construction:a. Construction Storage Prohibited: Applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or b. Fenced Protection Area Required: Prior to development activities, the applicant d. Impervious Surfaces Prohibited within Drip Line: The applicant may not installe. Restrictions on Grading within the Drip Lines of Retained Trees: The grade levelf. Mulch Layer Required: All areas within the required fencing shall be covered g. Monitoring Required during Construction: The applicant shall retain a certifiedh. Alternative Protection: Alternative safeguards may be used if determined to addTREE RETENTION WORKSHEETProtection measures in this subsection shall apply for all trees that are to be retained on site and off site. Off-site trees containing drip lines that encroachonto the site under construction shall be considered protected trees unless it is determined the abutting property owner is in compliance with Subsection Cof this Section, Allowed Tree Removal Activities. All of following tree protectionmeasures shall apply:or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained.shall erect & maintain a six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencearound drip lines of all retained trees or at distance surrounding the tree equal to one & one-quarter feet (1-1/4') for every one inch (1") of trunk caliper, whichever is greater or along perimeter of tree protection tract. Placards shall be placed onfence every fifty feet (50') with words: “NO TRESPASSING–PROTECTED TREES"or on each side of fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individuallyprotected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees.c. Protection from Grade Changes: If grade level adjoining to a tree to be retained is to be raised, the applicant shall construct a dry rock wall or rock well around tree. The diameter of this wall or well must be equal to the tree’s drip line.impervious surface material within the area defined by the drip line of any tree tobe retained.around any tree to be retained may not be lowered within the greater of the following areas:(i) the area defined by the drip line of tree, or (ii) an area around the tree equal to one and one-half feet (1-1/2') in diameter for each one inch (1")of tree caliper. A larger tree protection zone based on tree size, species, soil, or other conditions may be required. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012)completely and evenly with a minimum of three inches (3") of bark mulch prior to installation of protective fencing. Exceptions may be approved if the mulch will adversely affect protected ground cover plants. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012)arborist or licensed landscape architect to ensure trees are protected from development activities and/or to prune branches and roots, fertilize and wateras appropriate for any trees and ground cover that are to be retained.equal or greater tree protection. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5841, 6-12-2017)LOTLOT SIZEMIN. SIG.TREESREQUIREDNEWTREESRETAINEDTREESCOMPLIANT123455,605 s.f.5,364 s.f.6,747 s.f.6,746 s.f.6,701 s.f.2 @ 2" cal.2 @ 2" cal.1@ 2" cal.3 @ 2" cal.- 0 -- 0 -1 tree @ 28"- 0 -1 tree @ 8"YES223332 @ 6.0' ht.1@ 2" cal.2 @ 6.0' ht.YESYESYESYESA review of the existing trees located at 135 Elma Avenue N.E. has been conducted with the following observationsmade by Paul J. Dix, Landscape Architect.In evaluating the existing trees, visual assessment of the trees was performed in addition to the existingand proposedsite features that surround the existing trees including soil conditions.Various factors were evaluated at each tree that include the items listed below:1. Overall health and vigor of tree.2. Size of tree, height and canopy crown ratio.3. Density of tree canopy or needles.4. Injury to tree trunk, branching5. Insect or rodent burrowing activity.6. Disease, fungal infections, etc.7. Damage to tree roots8. Condition to root collar.9. Portion of tree that is dead, including branches.The site currently consists of a single family residence with covered parking carport, detached garage,sheds, patios,driveways and substantial garden areas. The garden areas consist of typical ornamental trees (and shrubs) plantedin the Pacific Northwest Region including Fir, Blue Spruce and fruit trees, none which are of significant tree size.The three (3) significant trees that are located on the subject site include the following:a) 28" d.b.h. Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas Fir)b) 10" d.b.h. Acer sp. (Maple)c) 8" d.b.h. Cratageus sp. (Hawthorn)Douglas FirMaple treeHawthorn This tree has a estimated height of between 55.0' and 65.0' with a canopy width of 35.0' to 45.0'. The tree trunk isstraight and shows no signs of leaning in any particular direction. No disease, rot or infestation was noted. Nosignificant damage to the trunk was observed with the exception of where tree branches had been cut in prior years creating a scar with some sap seepage. Smaller, dead branches occur within the canopy center plus a dead branch.The soil within the tree Critical Root Zone is compacted with a gravel driveway encroaching approximately 50% of theSouth area of the Critical Tree Zone. Furthermore, existing wood stockpiles are stacked within this zone and large logslaid horizontally in this area to define the gravel driveway. A Dump Truck was parked below the tree at the time of visittime of the site visit (October 5, 2018). The tree is in very good condition, does not pose a hazard except for the treeThis tree is in good condition with a height of 25.0' to 30.0' and a canopy width of 35.0' to 40.0' with an asymmetricalcrown. Since this tree is being removed, it was not observed in detail.This tree has a trunk that is approximately 15" off an adjacent 5.0' high concrete block retaining wall and 6.0' high solid wood fence set on top of the concrete block wall, located on property line. Due to the close proximity of the wall, the tree root structure is most likely compromised at that side of tree. The height of the tree is approximately 20.0' to 25.0' with a canopy width of 15.0' TO 20.0'. Moss is evident at the north and east sides of the trunk with a 6"wide x 18" high clear-through trunk cavity approximately 7.0' above finish grade. Minor bark damage from a unknown source was observed, but in general this tree is in good condition and should be retained.being isolated as a solitary tree and should be retained.NOTES:a)b)ONE (1) NON-SIGNIFICANT BLUE SPRUCE TREE WILL BE RETAINED.c)TWO (2) NON-SIGNIFICANT ORNAMENTAL FIR TREES WILL BE RELOCATED.d) LOT 2 5,364 s.f. LOT 1 5,605 s.f. LOT 3 6,747 s.f. LOT 4 6,746 s.f. LOT 5 11,234 s.f. TRACT "B" 4,534 s.f. TRACT "A" 5,835 s.f. N.E. 1st PLACEELMA AVENUE N.E.140th AVENUE S.E.(UNDEVELOPED)+ +++ 8.0'(w) LANDSCAPE PERIMETER BUFFER + V V *** ****************** *** *** *** *** *** ******* PROPOSED LIGHT POLE PROPOSED LIGHT POLE 25.0'22.5'10.0'(w) LANDSCAPE PERIMETER BUFFER NO STREET TREES ARE PROPOSED NORTH OF NEW DRIVEWAY DUE TO 25.0' CLEAR DISTANCE FROM LIGHT POLE. 3.0' dia. BARK RINGS AT EACH STREET TREE POTENTIAL LOCATION OF FUTURE 15.0' DRIVEWAY LAWN ONLY AT DRIVEWAY CLEAR LOW GROUNDCOVER AT DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE ** * * * *** *** * * ** EX. 8" DECIDUOUS TREE TO BE RETAINED. PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION.40.0'(INTERSECTION)(LIGHT POLE)10.0'(DRIVE)EX. 28" DOUGLAS FIR TREE TO BE RETAINED. PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION. AU, 23 sf AU, 25 sf AU, 25 sf AU, 23 sf AU, 40 sf FC, 42 sf GS, 33 sf AU, 30 sf GS, 38 sf AU, 18 sf FC, 35 sf GS, 37 sf AU, 32 sf FC, 32 sf GS, 45 sf AU, 30 sf FC, 40 sf GS, 107 sf LARGE, 20.0'(h) COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. SAVE & PROTECT FOR 1 OF 2 TREES IN FRONT YARD RELOCATE EX. ORNAMENTAL FIR TREE RELOCATE EX. ORNAMENTAL FIR TREE 1-PS 1-PS SIGHT TRIANGLE 1-PM POTENTIAL NEW LOCATIONS OF RELOCATED TREES 1-PS 1-PS 1-TC 1-PS SITE PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE A S P E N CONTACT: PAUL J. DIX ASPEN DESIGN GROUP P.O. BOX 2394 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 (425) 292-9845 (PHONE) PAUL J. DIX CERTIFICATE NO. 620 STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Revi e w O n l y S.E. 1/4 OF N.W. 1/4 OF SEC. 15, TWN 23 N, RANGE 5 EAST W.M. CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON ELMA SHORT PLAT Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 48 hours ELMA_SHORT_PLATELMA_SHORT_PLATELMA_SHORT_PLAT PRELIMINARY_SUBDIVISION_SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY_LANDSCAPE_PLANAAANNNNNNNSHEET_NUMBERLUA:C:A-NNNNNNN PR:N O R T H N O R T H LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 20.0' LANDCAPE NOTESLANDSCAPE SCHEDULE EVERGREEN TREES ORNAMENTAL GRASS / FERNS / VINES EVERGREEN SHRUBS DECIDUOUS TREES GROUNDCOVER PLANTS DECIDUOUS SHRUBS KEY ABR.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE KEY ABR.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE KEY ABR.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME KEY ABR.BOTANICAL NAME SIZE #ARIDCOMMON NAME A. BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY PACIFIC FIRE VINE MAPLE NORWEGIAN SUNSET MAPLE COLUMAR SARGENT PEAR SHORE PINE DOUGLAS FIR VIRESCENS RED CEDAR 2.0" Cal. 8.0'(h) 2.0" Cal. 2.0" Cal. 8'(h) Min. NATIVE YES * YES * NO NO YES YES YES * ARIDNATIVE YES *1 Gal. YES1 Gal. YES1 Gal. ARIDNATIVE NO1 Gal. YES2 Gal. FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS PENNISETUM OREINTALE 'KARLEY ROSE' POLYSITCHUM MUNITUM GAULTHERIA SHALLON ARCTOSTAPHYLOS u. 'VAN. JADE' BEACH STRAWBERRY PINK FOUNTAIN GRASS WESTERN SWORD FERN SALAL KINNIKINNICK SIZE #ARIDNATIVE SIZE #ARIDNATIVEKEYABR.BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME KEY ABR.BOTANICAL NAME SIZE #ARIDCOMMON NAME NATIVE RED FLOWERING CURRANT SALMONBERRY OREGON GRAPE 5 Gal. 5 Gal. 5 Gal. YES * YES YES * MOCK ORANGE 5 Gal.YES* * Cultivar of Native Plant * Cultivar of Native Plant * Cultivar of Native Plant * Cultivar of Native Plant * Cultivar of Native Plant Nurseryman's Association by the American Standard for Nursery Stock. = 3 tablets = 2 tablets = 8 tablets = 6 tablets Shrub Shrub 14. 2-5 gallon 1 gallon 15. 16. 2.0" cal. - 4.0" cal. 1.5" cal. - 2.0" cal. Deciduous tree Deciduous tree Apply fertilizer tablets as indicated in the following table: A lack of maintenance shall constitute a violation of local Municipal Code. by Owner or Lessee of the property as to pruning, watering or other Landscaped areas on private property shall be reasonably maintained requirements to create an attractive, safe appearance for development. 6.All plants shall meet the minimum size specified on the plan. One plant from each grouping shall be labeled, indicating the plant name and size. Tags shall then be removed after review. 9. 8. 7. 10. 11. 12. areas adjacent to conc. pads/walks to compact, then add additional bark Planting beds shall have a mix of 2"(d) layer of medium-ground bark, or gravel rock mulch where indicated. Rake beds smooth. Tamp-down An insecticide and fungicide application shall be performed w/ type to be selected by contractor and submitted in writing for review & approval. A pre & post-emergent herbicide shall be applied except at Stormwater Tract & Street Trees. Herbicide shall be Surflan AS tank-mixed w/Roundup (4 qt's. / acre. Adhere to all product manufacturer's directions in addition to all environmental regulations. Do not apply in areas that drain directly to critical sensitive areas. Do not apply when wind speed exceeds 5 mph. Stockpile plant material upon delivery to the site in a shady location, embedded in sawdust or mulch. Stockpile all plants near a source of water - water at least once a day to maintain healthy plant stock. All plants shall be installed per the planting details. Alternate staking methods may be proposed for review and approval. All plants shall be sprayed w/a anti-dessicant w/in the first 24 hours. 13.Install all plant material during favorable weather and within seasonal planting limitations. Do not install plants when daily high temperatures exceed 90°(F) degrees or low temperatures are below 32°(F) degrees. Flowering fruit trees may need to be dug after 3 consecutive nights of temperatures less than 45 (f) degrees in the Fall or as determined by to 1/4"-1/2" below finish grade of conc. surface. (where occuring) 2. 3. 5. 4. Plants shall originate from established nurseries located w/in region of project . Plants that are not available in size specified or quantity may be secured from outside the region if submitted for review and approval. will be accepted unless submitted in writing for approval. All plants shall be balled & burlapped or container grown as specified. No container grown stock will be accepted if deemed to be root-bound. All plastic root wrapping material shall be removed. No bare root stock Landscape contractor shall field locate all utility lines prior to the start of construction. The use of on-site utility plans as a part of this contract are available for review. a 1-year warranty from date of Substantial Completion. Contractor shall from City w/living plants of equal size to original plant. Plants are under Defective/dead plants shall be replaced w/in 6 months after notification 1.Plant material shall conform to guidelines established by the American = 7 tablets6.0' - 8.0' + high Evergreen tree 17. sidewalk or asphalt, a root barrier panel shall be added on the side of At on-site tree locations that are 4' or less to a utility structure, pipe, curb shall be Deep Root UB-24-2 24"(w) x 24"(d) ribbed panels w/intermittent the root ball that is closest to item that is to be protected. Barriers shall panel breaks as needed to allow groundwater to flow freely and not oversaturate rootball. Place root barrier panels in trench with vertical ribs facing toward rootball and align in a straight fashion. Keep top of root barrier's double-top edge at least 1/2" above finish grade. proper maintenance. Provide a written maintenance manual for complete maintain landscape under this contract for entire 1-year period to assure landscape & assist in transition of maintenance from Contractor to Owner. calendar year to the Owner to assure proper long-term maintenance of local nursery. Weather data will be from the nearest airport location to project site (Sea-Tac Airport, WA) 18. after installation for 2 weeks. Thereafter, Landscape Contractor shall Landscape Contractor shall provide watering of plants every other day water once a week for one year between April 15th-September 15th to coincide with the 1-year warranty period. New plants need to get fully established. There is no nearby water source - allow for a water truck. 19. capturing rainwater toward root zone. Add Soil-Moist polymers at plant Construct water saucers at each large shrub & tree location to assist in pits at a rate recommended by manufacturer. At steep slope locations, stake trees & provide water catchment (low berm) at low side of slope. 8'(h) Min. 6'(h) Min. # # EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY 5 Gal.YES Landscape Contractor shall submit a "Maintenance Manual" that will identify weekly, monthly, annual & biennial maintenance regimes. SEED / TOPSOIL SCHEDULE BARK MULCH FINE TO MEDIUM BARK, HEMLOCK / FIR, PLACED TO A MINIMUM OF 3". FORMAL LAWN (FULL SUN) 80% PERENNIAL RYE SEED 20% FINE FESCUE SEED SEED RATE: 3 lbs./1,000 s.f. PREFERRED SEEDING TIME IS SPRING & FALL. ASSURE PROPER WATERING DURING ESTABLISHMENT. PROVIDE TEMPORARY FENCING FOR MIN. 3 MONTHS TO KEEP PEDESTRIANS OFF LAWN. FORMAL LAWN SEED MIX PER "COUNTRY GREEN, INC." (www.COUNTRYGREEN.com). RS RS FC PA PM GS MA AU AG AC AT PS PC PM TP AMELANCHIER G. 'AUTUMN BRILLIANCE' ACER CIRCINATUM 'PACIFIC FIRE' ACER TRUNCAT. x PLAT. 'KEITHSFORM' PRUNUS SARGENTII 'CCOLUMNARIS' PINUS CONTORTA PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII THUJA PLICATA 'VIRESCENS' RIBES SANGUINEUM 'KING EDWARD VII' RUBUS SPECTABILIS MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM PL PHILADELPHUS LEWISII 'BLIZZARD' + V VO VACCINIUM OVATUM * NO1 Gal.MISCANTHUS SINENSIS 'GRACILLIMUS'MAIDEN GRASSMS TOPSOIL 4"(d) 3-WAY TOPSOIL PER "PACIFIC TOPSOILS, INC.: OR EQUAL WITH 2" OF WELL-ROTTED COMPOST TILLED INTO TOP 6" OF NATIVE UNDERLYING SOIL. 3 2 2 5 4 5 7 246sf 149sf 260sf NO 58 13 6 30 5 18 NO GREENSPIRE LINDEN 2.0" Cal.NOTCTILIA CORDATA 'GREENSPIRE'1 TREE RELOCATION 1. to new locations on-site. A large tree spade will be required for transplanting. The new locations are at site There are two (2) existing ornamental fir trees that are in excellent condition and are slated to be relocated locations that will experience minimal grading and utility work. Final locations of trees may vary per site and construction requirements. If required, a second tree pit shall be dug to accept tree during construction. 2. or after leaves have fallen in the Autumn. Root prune larger tree roots new trunk several months prior to transplanting, before buds appear in the Spring 3. shock. Keep the roots moist during transplanting. Lift plant from underneath - not by the trunk. Excavate tree pit at a ratio of 12" for every 1" of tree diameter. Water excavated tree pit to reduce transplant IRRIGATION 1. Gator Junior at Coniferous trees. Provide water "Tree Gator Bags" at each tree location. Use Tree Gator Original at deciduous trees and Tree 2. interval between April 15th and October 15 over the course of the first two (2) growing seasons until plants are Proposed plants are either native or drought-tolerant. However the plants will need to be watered at a regular fully established. 3. complete with backflow prevention and 1" meter. A 1.5" irrigation mainline shall be routed adjacent to new As a part of this contract scope, the Landscape Contractor shall provide a connection to the new water main planting beds with quick coupler valves added at 100.0' intervals. Temporary drip tubing/hoses shall be used to irrigate plants. Design of this temporary system shall be by the Landscape Contractor. 4. trees shall be planted with 14.0' high evergreen trees, Abies concolor and Picea glauca 'Blue Eyes' If transplanted trees do not perform well after installed in new location, the tree(s) shall be removed and new 2-TIMES ROOTBALL CONSTRUCT A WATERING BASIN OUT OF IMPORTED TOPSOIL AT PERIMETER OF SHRUB. SCARIFY SIDES & BOTTOM OF PLANTING PIT CONSTRUCT A 4"-6" LEVELING MOUND OF COMPACTED SOIL BOTTOM OF PLANTING PIT. TO STREET STORM SYSTEM OR APPROVED OUTFALL TO DOWNSPOUT STORM SYSTEM OR APPROVED CONC. CURB OR CURB & GUTTER PER PLAN. ROAD / STREET PLANTER STRIP 4'-0" dia. PLANTING PIT (3'-0" dia. AT BOTTOM OF PIT) TIGHTLINE EQUAL (NOT A WETLAND) 12'-0" SECTION OF 4" dia. SMOOTH-WALL PVC PERF. PIPE AT EACH TREE BEDDED IN MIN. 4"(d) PEA GRAVEL RNVRLOPE (NO FILTER FABRIC). INSTALL IN ROOT-WAY PARALLEL TO ROADWAY WITH TIGHTLINE BETWEEN. CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6"6" 3'-0" MIN. TO PIPE INVERT 2'-6" MIN. TO TOP OF GRAVEL 2" dia. x 6'-0" TREATED LODGEPOLE PINE TREE STAKES. STAKE TREES OUTSIDE ROOTBALL AND PARALLEL TO ROADWAY. 1" HEAVY CHAIN-LOCK TREE TIES OR SIMILAR. REMOVE AFTER (1) 1 YEAR. SET TREE STRAIGHT AND SET ROOTBALL ON TAMPED SOIL PEDESTAL. TOP OF ROOTBALL MUST REMAIN SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISH GRADE. BACKFILL PLANTING PIT HALF-FULL W/ IMPORTED SOIL, NO AMENDMENTS. TAMP SOIL TO STABILIZE ROOTBALL. COMPLETE BACKFILL OF PIT AND TAMP AGAIN. NOTES: PLANTING WITHIN PLANTING STRIPS OR ROOT-WAYS SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL SITE PREPARATION HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 1. STREET TREES SHALL BE 2.0" CALIPER OR LARGER.2. TREES SHALL CONFORM TO MOST RECENT ANSI 260.1 AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK. FIRST TREE LIMBS SHALL BE 5'-0" ABOVE GRADE OR HIGHER. NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED UNTIL THE CITY HAS 3. APPROVED THE NURSERY STOCK WITHIN DESIGNATED INSPECTION PERIOD. EXCAVATE HOLE INTO IMPORTED TOPSOIL TO 1" LESS THAN HEIGHT OF ROOTBALL AND 2-x ROOTBALL WIDTH. TAMP BOTTOM OF PIT UNDER ROOTBALL THOROUGHLY TO KEEP TREE FROM SETTLING. BUTTRESS AT BOTTOM 4. OF PIT NO LESS THAN 3'-0"(w) IF NEED TO REINFORCE LATERAL SUPPORT. DO NOT DAMAGE BALLED & BURLAPPED ROOT BALLS WHEN PLANTING. REMOVE ALL WIRE, STRING & BURLAP FROM TOP & SIDES OF BALL ONLY AFTER PLACING IN HOLE. COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL FABRIC FROM GROW-BAG TREES 5. CUT & SPREAD KINKED ROOTS TO ELIMINATE CIRCULATING OF ROOTS AROUND CONTAINER STOCK. CONSTRUCT SOIL WATER DAM AROUND PLANTING PIT TO HOLD WATER FOR DEEPER SOAKING AT LEAST 24" FROM TRUNK. PROVIDE 3"(d) LAYER OF COMPOSTED MEDIUM TO COARSE BARK MULCH, MIN. 24" RADIUS AREA AROUND TREE, PULL BARK 3" AWAY FROM TRUNK. PLACE OSMOCOTE PLUS 15-9-12 SLOW-RELEASE FERTILIZER OR SIMILAR AT MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATE OF APPLICATION EVENLY OVER THE SOIL OF THE PLANTING PIT. 6. NOTES (CONT.): WATER IMMEDIATELY & THOUROUGHLY TWICE PER WEEK DURING THE 1st MONTH, THEN ONCE PER WEEK THROUGH REMAINDER OF THE DRY SEASON. WATER A MIN. OF ONCE PER MONTH 7. DURING THE SECOND SUMMER SEASON. TO STREET STORM SYSTEM OR APPROVED OUTFALL. OTHER TO DOWNSPOUT STORM SYSTEM OR APPROVED PLANTER STRIP 4'-0" dia. PLANTING PIT (3'-0" dia. AT BOTTOM OF PIT) TIGHTLINE EQUAL (NOT A WETLAND) 12'-0" SECTION OF 4" dia. SMOOTH-WALL PVC PERF. PIPE AT EACH TREE BEDDED IN MIN. 4"(d) PEA GRAVEL RNVRLOPE (NO FILTER FABRIC). INSTALL IN ROOT-WAY PARALLEL TO ROADWAY WITH TIGHTLINE BETWEEN. 3'-0" MIN. TO PIPE INVERT 2'-6" MIN. TO TOP OF GRAVEL 1.5" x 1.5" x 8'-0" T-RAIL IRON STAKES INSTALLED OUTSIDE ROOTBALL WITH ONE STAKE LOCATED ON SIDE OF PREVAILING WIND. WOOD STAKES 1" HEAVY CHAIN-LOCK TREE TIES OR SIMILAR. CITY ARBORIST TO REVIEW AFTER (1) YEAR TO SET TREE STRAIGHT AND SET ROOTBALL ON TAMPED SOIL PEDESTAL. TOP OF ROOTBALL MUST REMAIN SLIGHTLY ABOVE FINISH GRADE, BACKFILL PLANTING PIT HALF-FULL W/ IMPORTED PLANTING TOPSOIL. TAMP SOIL TO STABILIZE ROOTBALL. FINISH BACKFILL OF PIT AND TAMP AGAIN. NOTES: PLANTING WITHIN PLANTING STRIPS OR ROOT-WAYS SHALL NOT PROCEED UNTIL SITE PREPARATION HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE W/ THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 1. TREES SHALL CONFORM TO MOST RECENT ANSI 260.1 AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK. FIRST TREE LIMBS SHALL BE 5'-0" ABOVE GRADE OR HIGHER. NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED UNTIL THE CITY HAS 3. APPROVED THE NURSERY STOCK WITHIN DESIGNATED INSPECTION PERIOD. EXCAVATE HOLE INTO IMPORTED TOPSOIL TO 1" LESS THAN HEIGHT OF ROOTBALL AND 2-x ROOTBALL WIDTH. TAMP BOTTOM OF PIT UNDER ROOTBALL THOROUGHLY TO KEEP TREE FROM SETTLING. BUTTRESS AT BOTTOM 4. OF PIT NO LESS THAN 3'-0"(w) IF NEED TO REINFORCE LATERAL SUPPORT. DO NOT DAMAGE BALLED & BURLAPPED ROOT BALLS REMOVE ALL WIRE, STRING & BURLAP FROM TOP & SIDES OF BALL ONLY AFTER PLACING IN HOLE. COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL FABRIC FROM GROW-BAG 5. TREES. CUT & SPREAD KINKED ROOTS TO ELIMINATE CIRCULING OF ROOTS AROUND CONTAINER STOCK. CONSTRUCT SOIL WATER DAM AROUND PLANTING PIT TO HOLD WATER FOR DEEPER SOAKING AT LEAST 24" FROM TRUNK. PROVIDE 3"(d) LAYER OF COMPOSTED MEDIUM TO COARSE BARK MULCH, MIN. 24" RADIUS AREA AROUND TREE, PULL BARK 3" AWAY FROM TRUNK. PLACE OSMOCOTE PLUS 15-9-12 SLOW-RELEASE FERTILIZER OR SIMILAR AT MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED RATE OF APPLICATION EVENLY OVER THE SOIL OF THE PLANTING PIT. 6. WATER IMMEDIATELY & THOUROUGHLY TWICE PER WEEK DURING THE 1st MONTH, THEN ONCE PER WEEK THROUGH REMAINDER OF THE DRY SEASON. WATER A MIN. OF ONCE PER MONTH 7. DURING THE SECOND SUMMER SEASON. ASSURE TREE IS SUFFICIENTLY SECURE IN GROUND (AT WINDY SITES) TO ASSURE LONG TERM SURVIVAL, TREE MAY NEED TO HAVE STAKES IN PLACE AN ADDITIONAL YEAR. MAY BE USED IN SHELTERED LOCATIONS WHERE BUILDING BLOCKS STRONG WINDS. THAN STREET TREE LOCATIONS, ONLY INSTALL DRAINS AT SITE LOCATIONS WHERE ADVERSE DRAINAGE OCCURS / HARDPAN / CLAY SOILS. SIMILAR TO HEIGHT OF TREE NURSERY. NOTE: AT WINDY SITES, ASSURE ALL STAKING AND TREE GUYING METHODS ARE USED SO TREE WILL BE SECURE UP TO 70 mph WIND SPEED. PRUNE DEAD / BROKEN BRANCHES. PRUNE TO SHAPE IF REQUIRED OR IN A HEDGE CONDITION. SECURE SHRUB IN AN UPRIGHT POSITION. ADD A SMALL WOOD STAKE TO SECURE PLANT AT WINDY SITES. LOOP "TIE" AROUND STEM TO SECURE, SHRUB, YET ALLOW FOR PLANT MOVEMENT. EXCAVATE SHRUB PLANTING PIT 2-x THE SIZE OF ROOTBALL. GENTLY BACKFILL w/IMPORTED PLANTING TOPSOIL, COMPACT LIGHTLY. REMOVE THE TOP 1/3 - 1/2 OF WRAPPED BURLAP. SET BASE OF SHRUB STEM AT ORIGINAL NURSERY GRADE. DO NOT COVER STEM w/BARK OR TOPSOIL. NOTE: WATER NEWLY INSTALLED SHRUBS IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING & AS NEEDED IN DRY OR WINDY WEATHER. MIN. 2"(d) BARK MULCH LAYER. SPACE GROUNDCOVER PLANTS PER LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE. 2"(d) LAYER OF MEDIUM SIZED BARK MULCH. ADD MULCH PRIOR TO PLANT INSTALLATION. PLANTING TOPSOIL PER PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES: PROVIDE GRANULAR HERBICIDE ABOVE & BELOW MULCH LAYER. PRE-EMERGENT SHALL BE PER RONSTAR, INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL. APPLICATION SHALL BE PER THE MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS & SHALL ADHERE TO ALL ENVIRONMENTAL CODES AND REGULATIONS. SPACING, UNO. TRIANGULAR SCARIFY TOP 6" OF SUBGRADE TO ELIMINATE ANY COMPACTED, SMOOTH SURFACES TO ALLOW IMPROVED WATER INFILTRATION 1. KEEP PLANTS MOIST & SHADED UNTIL TIME OF PLANTING. 2. INSTALL GROUNDCOVER PLANTS IN STRAIGHT, UPRIGHT POSITION 3. LEVEL TO FINISH GRADE. AT LOCATIONS WHERE CLAY SOIL IS PRESENT, BLEND IN IMPORTED SOIL, AMENDMENTS & ORGANIC COMPOST PER AGRICULTURAL SOIL LABORATORY RESULTS AND 4. RECOMMENDATIONS. AT LOCATIONS WHERE SANDY SOIL IS PRESENT, FOLLOW NO. 4 ABOVE WITH THE ADDITION OF 5. AGED MANURE. CL CL SIDEWALKCONC. CURB ORCURB & GUTTERCONC. DRIVEWAYR.O.W. LINE12.0' PERF. PIPE, TYP.12.0' PERF. PIPE, TYP.ROOTWAY 10.0' TREE PIT, TYP.10.0' TREE PIT, TYP.STREET TREESTREET TREEPLANTING PIT4.0' PIT(TYP.)CONTINUES TOUP-SLOPE TREESPVC SMOOTH-WALLTIGHTLINE BETWEENTREES, BEDDED INNATIVE MATERIAL12.0' SECTION OF 4"dia. PVC SMOOTH WALLPERF. PIPE BEDDED IN 3/8" dia. PEA GRAVELENVELOPE.CONNECT PIPE TO STORMDRAIN LINE OR DOWNSPOUTSYSTEM, OR APPROVED EQUAL.THE "PLANTING STRIP" IS THE ENTIRE AREA BETWEEN SIDEWALK & CURB WHERE NEW STREET TREES WILL BE PLANTED. THE "TREE PIT" IS THE EXCVATED AREA FOR THE TREE PLANTING. THE "ROOT-WAY" IS NOTES: THE LOOSENED PORTION OF PLANTING STRIP. 1. INSTALL CONTINUOUS 4" dia. SUBDRAIN LINE IN PLANTER STRIP UNDER ROOT-WAY AND TREE PIT, A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" FROM INVERT OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE (ADJUST HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL LOCATION AS REQUIRED FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE). USE SMOOTH WALL, PVC TIGHTLINE IN ROOT-WAY & 12'-0' SMOOTH WALL, PVC PERFORATED 2. PIPE IN TREE PIT. BACKFILL WITH NATIVE MATERIAL AROUND TIGHTLINE & 3/8" dia. PEA GRAVEL ENVELOPE AROUND PERF. PIPE. INSTALL (1) CLEANOUT FLUSH WITH FINISH GRADE AT APPROX. 300'-0" o.c. OR OAT HIGH END OF EACH SYSTEM. CONNECT TO APPROVED STORM DRAIN OR OUTFALL. AT EACH TREE PIT, EXCAVATE & REMOVE ALL NATIVE SOIL TO CREATE 4'-0"x10'-0"x2'-0" DEEP PLANTING PIT. BACKFILL w/IMPORTED PLANTING TOPSOIL OVER LOOSENED, NATIVE SUBGRADE TO AVOID INTERFACE. SLIGHTLY MOUND TOPSOIL BELOW ROOT BALL FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. EXISTING SOIL MAY BE USED / AMENDED AS BACKFILL ONLY IF 3. FREE-DRAINING AND ALLOWING AT LEAST (1) GALLON OF WATER TO DRAIN FROM PIT IN 4.0 HOURS. BETWEEN TREE PITS CREATE A CONTINUOUS ROOT-WAY IN THE CENTER OF THE 3'-0"(w) PLANTER STRIP BY SCARIFICATION OF EX. SOIL. AVOID DAMAGE TO SUB-SURFACE DRAINAGE DURING SCARIFICATION. SET SUBGRADE APPROX. 6"-10" BELOW FINISH GRADE. PLACE 4"-5" IMPORTED TOPSOIL. 4. PLACE BACKHOE BUCKET INTO SOIL 2'-0" DEEP. LIFT & CURL BUCKET HALF-WAY OUT OF ROOT-WAY AND ROP MATERIAL BACK IN PLACE TO MIX NATIVE MATERIAL AND IMPORTED TOPSOIL. ADD ADDITIONAL 2"-3" OF IMPORTED TOPSOIL TO FINISH GRADE AND RAKE SMOOTH. SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SHRUB INSTALLATION SECTION5 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE GROUNDCOVER INSTALLATION SECTION4 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE LAWN INSTALLATION SECTION3 NOTE: STORM LINES ONLY FOR STREET TREE LOCATIONS. COORDINATE STORM DRAIN LINES WITH CIVIL PLANS TO ASSURE COMPLETE INSTALLATION. NOTE: STORM LINES ONLY FOR STREET TREE LOCATIONS. COORDINATE STORM DRAIN LINES w/ CIVIL PLANS TO ASSURE FULL INSTALLATION. SCARIFY TOP 6" - 8" OF SUBGRADE TO ELIMINATE SMOOTH, COMPACTED SURFACE AND ALLOW WATER INFILTRATION. NOTIFY ARCHITECT IF IMPORTED TOPSOIL & AMENDMENTS, DEPTH PER PLAN. PLACE IN 2 LIFTS AND TILL WHEN DEPTH IS ADVERSE DRAINAGE CONDITIONS EXIST. EARTHWORK PER CIVIL PLAN & SPECIFICATIONS. ASSURE SUBGRADE DOES NOT BECOME OVERCOMPACTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. RAKE SURFACE / REMOVE DEBRIS. ESTABLISH FINISH GRADE BY SMOOTHING / LEVELING. ROLL GREATER THAN 4" TO MINIMIZE SOIL LAYERING. TO FIRM UP SOIL, DRAG W/ RAKE TO SLIGHTLY ROUGHEN SURFACE. REMOVE 1/2"+ RECESSES. SCALE: NOT TO SCALE CONIFEROUS TREE INSTALLATION2 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE DECIDUOUS TREE INSTALLATION1 L3.0L2.0 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE STREET TREE INSTALLATION6 L3.0L2.0 L3.0L2.0 L3.0L2.0 L3.0L2.0 L3.0L2.0 SITE PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE A S P E N CONTACT: PAUL J. DIX ASPEN DESIGN GROUP P.O. BOX 2394 ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 (425) 292-9845 (PHONE) PAUL J. DIX CERTIFICATE NO. 620 STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Revi e w O n l yAAANNNNNNNSHEET_NUMBERELMA_SHORT_PLATA-NNNNNNN LANDSCAPE_DETAILS PRELIMINARY_SUBDIVISION_SUBMITTAL ELMA_SHORT_PLAT ELMA_SHORT_PLATPR:C:LUA: Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR48 hoursSTATE CNONATGDMSON.LORAHRPGRNOEILANERETSIGDESOFESREEINN NWIFASHOUD145 SW 155th Street, Ste. 102, Seattle, Washington 98166Phone: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 244-4455Civil Engineering · Surveying · Land PlanningDUNCANSONPR:A-NNNNNNNC:LUA: SHEET_NUMBER AAANNNNNNNELMA_SHORT_PLAT ELMA_SHORT_PLATELMA SHORT PLATGENERALIZED UTILITIES, ROAD AND GRADINGPLAN134 ELMA AVE NERENTON, WA 98059 Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR48 hoursSTATE CNONATGDMSON.LORAHRPGRNOEILANERETSIGDESOFESREEINN NWIFASHOUD145 SW 155th Street, Ste. 102, Seattle, Washington 98166Phone: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 244-4455Civil Engineering · Surveying · Land PlanningDUNCANSONPR:A-NNNNNNNC:LUA: SHEET_NUMBER AAANNNNNNNELMA_SHORT_PLAT ELMA_SHORT_PLATELMA SHORT PLATPRELIMINARY DRAINAGE CONTROL PLAN134 ELMA AVE NERENTON, WA 98059 Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR48 hoursSTATE CNONATGDMSON.LORAHRPGRNOEILANERETSIGDESOFESREEINN NWIFASHOUD145 SW 155th Street, Ste. 102, Seattle, Washington 98166Phone: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 244-4455Civil Engineering · Surveying · Land PlanningDUNCANSONPR:A-NNNNNNNC:LUA: SHEET_NUMBER AAANNNNNNNELMA_SHORT_PLAT ELMA_SHORT_PLATELMA SHORT PLATSTREET PROFILE AND SECTION134 ELMA AVE NERENTON, WA 98059