HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Arborist_Reports_v1_20181127NE 6th Street and Ilwaco, Renton November 18 2015, revised 02.01.2016, 05.03.2016, 01.29.2017, 07.01.2018 Tuscany Construction LLC PO Box 6127 Bellevue, WA 98008 c/o Bob Wenzl SUBJECT: PROPERTY AT NE 6th STREET and ILWACO, RENTON, WA, EXISTING TREE EVALUATION I conducted a site visit at the above-referenced site on November 12th to evaluate the overall health of each tree per the City of Renton's Municipal Code Section 4-4-130. Following are the existing significant trees found on the site along with their species, dbh, overall health. See also Tree Retention Plan Sheet L-1. TREE RETENTION/REPLACEMENT CALCUALTIONS 1. TOTAL TREES: 53 2. DEDUCTIONS: A. Trees that are dangerous: 3 B. Trees in proposed public streets: 23 C. Trees in proposed private access tracts: 0 D. Trees in critical areas and buffers: 0 TOTAL EXCLUDED TREES: 26 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1: 27 4. Project is in the R-8 zone: 27 trees x 0.3 = 8 5. Quantity of trees proposed to be retained: 1 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: 7 (If line 6 is zero or less, no replacement trees are required) 7. Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of replacement inches: 84 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: 3 inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees: 28 trees NE 6th Street and Ilwaco, Renton NE 6th Street and Ilwaco, Renton NE 6th Street and Ilwaco, Renton PROPOSED TREES TO BE RETAINED: TREE #24: 20" caliper Douglas Fir, tree is in generally good health, extensive full foliage all sides. No observed damage that might be a factor in saving this tree. Existing lower branches should be removed as they had been previously been growing amongst closely spaced trees that have already been removed. Those lower branches are devoid of foliage and are unsightly. Removing those branches will not likely affect the overall health of the tree. The proposed sidewalk should be realigned per updated landscape plan to avoid as much root mass as possible. TREE SPECIES: Douglas Fir: Pseudotsuga menziesii Western Red Cedar: Thuja plicata Big Leaf Maple: Acer macrophyllum Maple: Acer, cultivar unknown Deciduous: unknown species Prunus: Flowering Cherry ASSUMPTIONS: 1. Only the numbered trees in this report have been examined. This report reflects the condition of the trees at the time of the site visit. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied that problems or deficiencies of the subject tree may not arise in the future. 2. All trees may fail at any time, with or without obvious defects, and with or without applied stress. A complete evaluation of the potential for this (a) tree to fail required excavation and examination of the base of the subject tree. Regards, VARLEY VARLEY VARLEY NE 6th Street and Ilwaco, Renton Jeff Varley Landscape Architect 12743 NE 170th Lane Woodinville, WA 98072 phone: 425-466-9430 email: varley_jeff@hotmail.com Greenforest Incorporated C o n s u l t i n g A r b o r i s t 4547 South Lucile Street, Seattle, WA 98118 Tel. 206-723-0656 August 17, 2015 Robert P. Wenzl, Tuscany Construction PO Box 6127 Bellevue, WA 98008 RE: Removal of Retained Cedar Tree at Meade Short Plat Dear Mr. Wenzl: I met with you and a Renton City planner earlier this week to discuss the preservation of a 10” DBH Western red-cedar tree standing at the NE corner of the referenced site. This project proposed to retain this young cedar tree; however, several extenuating circumstances challenge that objective. A large cottonwood tree was cut on the south side of the tree, and it is necessary to remove the stump. On the north side of the tree, trenching for the electrical utility, and excavation for a new sidewalk will reduce the grade by 4 feet well inside the tree’s dripline. This tree has a 15’ dripline radius. And although the tree is healthy, at about 16 feet from grade, the tree’s trunk divides at a tight angle into two co-dominant stems that are similar in size. The presence of this double leader is a sure setup for failure in future. Given the necessary site improvements in close proximity on both the north and south sides of this tree, and the presence of the double leader, I recommend the tree be removed and replaced with a defect-free tree suitable for the site. Sincerely, GreenForest, Inc. By Favero Greenforest, M. S. ISA Certified Arborist # PN -0143A ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #379 ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Favero Greenforest Digitally signed by Favero Greenforest DN: cn=Favero Greenforest, o, ou, email=greenforestinc@mindspring.com, c=US Date: 2017.09.29 11:10:19 -07'00'