HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Text Amendments - Residential Uses in CA Zone (10/3/2005) r , Amends ORD 4963, 5100, 5124 5190 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5191 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 4-2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, CHAPTER 4-3, ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS, AND CHAPTER 4-4, CITY-WIDE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY CHANGING THE PROVISIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN THE COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL(CA)ZONE. WHEREAS, the City conducted review of the entire Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations of Ordinance 4260, performed analysis of needed revisions based on Growth Management Act compliance and developed a work program to implement needed updates of development regulations; and WHEREAS, the Residential Density Bonus District was eliminated within the Commercial Corridors; and WHEREAS, the prior Residential Density Bonus District provisions allowed attached residential units without a mix of commercial uses within the same building and platting of residential development greater than 150 feet from the primary arterial within the district; and WHEREAS, the City desires to re-instate the ability to plat attached unit developments within portions of the Commercial Corridor land use designation; and WHEREAS, the primary purpose of the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts is to provide opportunity for a wide range of commercial uses, however residential uses are allowed as part of the mix of uses in the zone; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that revisions are needed to the Title IV Development Standards to reinstate stand-alone residential uses in a limited way, and to modify 1 Ste ORDINANCE NO. 5191 Nei procedures and review criteria for those uses to ensure that development is consistent with the purpose of the Commercial Arterial zone; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-2-020.L of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: L. COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL ZONE(CA): The purpose of the Commercial Arterial Zone(CA)is to evolve from"strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning, incorporating efficient parking lot design coordinated access, amenities and boulevard treatment. The CA Zone provides for a wide variety of indoor and outdoor retail sales and services along high- volume traffic corridors. Limited residential uses may be integrated into the zone if there are permanent physical connections to commercial uses. The zone includes five designated business districts along mapped corridors with development standards designed to encourage concentrated commercial activity, a focal point of pedestrian activity along the corridor, and visual interest. Designated business districts include: Automall, Sunset Boulevard, Northeast Fourth,Puget Drive, and the Rainier Avenue. The CA zone is intended to implement the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan designation. Interpretation of uses and project review in this zone shall be based on the objectives and policy direction established in the Commercial Corridor land use designation, Objectives LU- DDD through LU-UUU, Policies LU-333 through LU-405 or the Employment Area-Valley land 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 use designation, Objectives LU-ZZZ through LU-BBBB, Policies LU-445 through LU-460, and the Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan. SECTION IL Subsection C, Residential, of Section 4-2-060, Zoning Use Table— Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations, of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown on Attachment A. SECTION M. Section 4-2-070.I, Commercial Neighborhood, of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts- Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown on Attachment B. SECTION IV. Section 4-2-070.K, Commercial Arterial, of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown on Attachment C. SECTION V. The Corridor Maps in Sections 4-2-080.G (NE 4th Corridor), 4-2- 080.1(Puget Corridor), 4-2-080.J(Rainier Corridor), and 4-2-080.H(Sunset Corridor) of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby deleted. SECTION VI. Subsections 14, 18, 19, 20, 44, 46, 47, 48, 68, and 69, of Section 4- 2-080.A, "Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables" of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts—Uses 3 400' ORDINANCE NO. 5191 and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows: 14. Except that when operations are predominantly conducted out-of-doors rather than completely enclosed within an enclosed structure, an administrative conditional use permit is required. 18. a. General Requirements: Subject to the density limits of the development standards for this zone and only permitted within a structure containing retail and/or on-site service uses on the ground floor except in the Employment Area Valley or Commercial Business Districts, as described below. b. Employment Area Valley: Residential uses are not permitted in the Employment Area Valley(EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. c. Commercial Business Districts: Townhouse units are allowed without ground floor retail within the building if located more than 150 ft. from an arterial in the NE 4111 Business District, Sunset Business District, and Puget Business District with an administrative conditional use permit, subject to the criteria in 4-9-030K. Residential units developed as part of a same building mixed-use project are allowed at a maximum of 60 du/acre if the requirements for mixed use development in the Business District Overlay at 4-3-040 are met . 19. Subject to the density limitations located in the development standards for this zone. CN zone- Additional: only permitted within a structure containing retail and/or on-site service uses on the ground floor. 20. Not allowed in locations within the Sunset Business District, the NE 4th Business District, and within the Puget Business District. 4 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 ..� 44. Permitted provided that the facility has a minimum setback of one hundred feet (100')from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel, otherwise an administrative conditional use permit is required. 46. Eligible for an administrative conditional use permit provided that the facility has a minimum setback of one hundred feet(100')from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel, otherwise a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit is required. 47. May be allowed by an administrative conditional use permit if the monopole II facility is to be constructed on property where wireless communication support structures presently operate, and the new monopole II facility will not exceed the height of the existing support structures. Prohibited if located within three hundred feet(300') of an RC, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, or R-14 Zone unless the Development Services Division determines that all residentially zoned property within three hundred feet(300')of the proposed facility is undevelopable due to critical areas regulations(RMC 4-3-050),then the new wireless support structure can be reviewed as an administrative conditional use. 48. Prohibited if located within three hundred feet(300') of an RC, R-1, R-4, R-8,R- 10, or R-14 Zone, otherwise may be allowed with a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit. 68. Within the NE 4a'Business District, within the Sunset Business District and within the Puget Drive Business District, a. uses are subject to the size restrictions of RMC 4-2-120.A, and b. within Puget and Sunset Business District, department stores are not permitted. 69. Within the NE 4th Business District, within the Sunset Business District and within the Puget Drive Business District, uses are subject to the size restrictions of RMC 4-2- 5 rr ORDINANCE NO. 5191 120.A. Within the Sunset and Puget Business Districts, only the following on-site services are permitted: Entertainment media rental, financial and real estate services, and repair services (excluding auto repair). Rental services require an administrative conditional use permit. SECTION VIL The subsection "Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations" of Section 4-2-120.A of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown on Attachment D. SECTION VIII. The subsections 2 and 16, of Section 4-2-120.C, "Conditions Associated with Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations", of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as shown on Attachment E. SECTION IX. Section 4-3-040.A of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: A. PURPOSE: These regulations establish development standards to implement the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan designation and establish "business districts." These regulations guide the redevelopment of strip commercial urban forms into more concentrated urban forms, provide for design guidelines for residential development within the district, enhance the pedestrian environment, make the commercial environment more attractive, improve the City's tax base, and result in a more successful business district. 6 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 SECTION X. A new Section, 4-3-040.B.5, of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby added, to read as follows: 5. Puget Drive Business District: The area(RMC 4-3-040K) along Benson Road South and Puget Drive South that is south of Interstate-405 and north of the intersection of Puget Drive South and Benson Road South. SECTION XL Section 4-3-040.F of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended, to read as follows: F. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR USES LOCATED WITHIN THE NORTHEAST FOURTH STREET, PUGET DRIVE,RAINIER AVENUE, AND SUNSET BOULEVARD BUSINESS DISTRICTS: 1. Northeast Fourth, Puget, and Sunset Business Districts: a. Maximum Front Yard Setback: Maximum front setback of 15 feet from the property line. In the NE Fourth Business District, the 15 ft. setback may be modified to accommodate the Boulevard Improvement Plan. When the 15 foot setback is modified, a 15 foot landscaped buffer shall be required within the enlarged setback. Required parking shall not be located within a modified setback. b. Public Plazas: Provision of a public plaza of no less than 1,000 sq. ft. with a minimum dimension of 20 feet on one side abutting the sidewalk at all arterial intersections in 7 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 the business district. In the NE 4th Business District,this includes any intersection with NE 4th Street. In the Sunset Business District, this includes any intersection with Sunset Boulevard. In the Puget Business District,this includes the intersection of Benson Road and Puget Drive. A landscape plan consistent with RMC 4-4-070 shall be required for the public plaza, showing at a minimum, street trees, decorative paving, pedestrian scaled lighting, and seating. c. Future Commercial Development Pads: For parcels that are not fully developed, designate appropriate areas for future pad development to occur in later phases. d. Parking: The maximum number of parking spaces provided for uses within the corridor designation is limited to the minimum requirement in section 4-4-080.F.10, Number of Required Parking Spaces. Garage structures shall not open directly onto a principal arterial or street. Parking lots shall be oriented to minimize their visual impact on the site. No more than 6 stalls may be consecutively clustered without an intervening landscaped area a minimum of 5 ft. in width and the length of the stall. e. Pedestrian Connections: 8 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 i. Location of Pedestrian Connections (1) A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided to connect the entry or entries of each detached building to the street in addition to sidewalks required in Section 4-6-060.F. (2) A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each parking field located on the back and/or side of a building to the entry or entries. (3) A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each side of a property or development abutting or adjacent to commercial and/or residential uses. (4) Space for the minimum required pedestrian connections above shall be reserved for future pad development and when the proposed development is abutting or adjacent to an unused parcel. ii. Design Standard for Internal Pedestrian Connections (1) Pedestrian connections shall be ADA accessible and a minimum of 5 ft. in width. (2) At least one of the following materials shall be used to define the walkway: pavers, changes in texture, or changes in the composition of the paving. 9 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 4.0 (3) The entry and exit of the walkway shall be defined with a trellis, special railing, bollards, or other architectural features, as approved by the Reviewing Official. (4)Planting strips required in 4-6-060.F shall be located between the road and the required sidewalk. Trees, shrubs, groundcovers, and perennial planting are required components of landscaping. Landscaping is subject to the requirements of RMC 4-4-070. (5) Bollards or other decorative features may be provided at the pedestrian access points between commercial and residential uses. Chains across vehicular or pedestrian access points are prohibited. f. Additional Standards for Stand Alone Residential Uses: Site design shall include design elements that support a quality mixed use business district. The following minimum standards shall be met, however, the Reviewing Official may require additional elements consistent with site plan review criteria when determined necessary to integrate commercial and residential uses within this district. Street Grid: The project shall use a modified street grid system where residential buildings are oriented to a street. A public street grid system within the project shall be provided. No cul-de sacs allowed. Hammerhead turnarounds may only be used if the ends are able to accommodate future connection as part of the modified street grid system. Emergency fire access shall be provided through public streets 10 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 or private easements connecting to the adjacent commercial or residential area. ii. Site design: Each unit shall address the public street, private street, or court with a private residential entry on the front façade of the structure designed to provide individual ground floor connection to the outside. iii. Residential Building Size: A maximum of 4 consecutively attached units shall be allowed. iv. Minimum Land Area: A minimum of 1,200 sq.ft. of land area per dwelling unit is required. Each dwelling shall have a ground related private useable outdoor space of at least 200 sq. ft. with a minimum dimension of 10 ft. v. Building Design Standards: Urban Design Regulations District B standards shall be required. See RMC Section 4-3-100. Distinctive building design shall be provided with a superior level of quality for materials, details, and window placement. A consistent visual identity shall be applied to all sides of building that can be seen by the general public. Buildings should integrate pitched roofs, dormer windows, etc. to illustrate residential massing. Variation of modulation of vertical and horizontal facades of a minimum of 6 ft. depth and 20 ft. length is required at a minimum of a 40 ft., interval to reduce overall bulk and add interest and quality. Facades may be articulated with bays, terraces, balconies, awnings, stoops, recessed openings, etc. Large"boxes" without articulation are not allowed. No parapet or roofline shall exceed 1/2 the 11 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 length of the building façade without a change in elevation. Building entries should be the most prominent feature of the façade, emphasized through the use of materials and architectural detail such as tower, projections, varied roofs, trellis work, pergolas, or covered entryways. vi. Walling and Fencing: Any walling or fencing shall use materials used in the architectural treatment of the dwellings. In addition, where fencing occurs between residential and commercial uses, a minimum of one pedestrian access point shall be required consistent with the standards above. vii. Additional Residential Parking Standards: parking must be within an enclosed structure located to the rear of the primary structure or in a detached garage with rear access. If this absolutely cannot be accomplished due to physical constraints of the site, then garages shall be designed to have minimum impact on streetscape appearance and function through the use of shared drives, architectural detailing, or facade design. The required guest spaces for attached residential uses may be surface parking. g. Additional Standards for Mixed Use(within the same building) Commercial and Residential Uses: Site design shall include design elements that support a quality mixed use business district. The following minimum standards shall be met, however, the Reviewing Official may require additional elements consistent with site plan review criteria when determined necessary to integrate commercial and residential uses within this district. 12 �► ORDINANCE NO. 5191 i. Access: Hammerhead turnarounds may only be used if the ends are able to accommodate future connection as part of a modified street grid system. Emergency fire access shall be provided through public streets or private easements connecting to the adjacent commercial or residential area. ii. Site design: Commercial space must be reserved on the ground floor of all mixed used buildings, at a minimum depth of 30 ft. along the street frontage on the ground floor in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business District Overlay. Residential uses shall not be located in the ground floor commercial space, except for a residential entry feature linking the residential portion of the development to the street. iii. Building Design Standards: Urban Design Regulations District B standards shall be required. See RMC Section 4-3-100. Distinctive building design shall be provided with a superior level of quality for materials, details, and window placement. A consistent visual identity shall be applied to all sides of building that can be seen by the general public. Variation of modulation of vertical and horizontal facades of a minimum of 6 ft. depth and 20 ft. length is required at a minimum of a 40 ft., interval to reduce overall bulk and add interest and quality. Facades may be articulated with bays, terraces, balconies, awnings, stoops, recessed openings, etc. Large"boxes"without articulation are not allowed. No parapet or roofline shall exceed 1/2 the length of the building façade without a change in elevation. Building entries should be the most 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 prominent feature of the facade, emphasized through the use of materials and architectural detail such as tower, projections, varied roofs, trellis work, pergolas, or covered entryways. iv. Additional Mixed Use Parking Standards: parking must be within an enclosed structure located under the residential portion of the building. The required guest spaces for residential uses may be surface parking. 2. Rainier Avenue Business District: This district shall have the following requirements: a. Access points are to be consolidated to properties. b. New billboards are prohibited. c. Freestanding signs are restricted to monument signs. d. Sidewalk width at the intersections of Rainier Avenue and SW Sunset Boulevard/South Third Street,Rainier Avenue and South Third Place, and Rainier Avenue and South Fourth Place shall be ten feet (10'), minimum. e. Maximum setback of fifteen feet(15'). Building setback for a primary use may exceed the maximum, provided that a designated area for a future pad development that will conform to the maximum setback is established through a recorded document. f. The number of parking spaces provided for uses within the district is limited to the minimum requirement. SECTION XII. The map in Section 4-3-040.H entitled "NE Sunset Boulevard Corridor Business District" of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of 14 •.► ORDINANCE NO. 5191 `�' Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended as shown in Attachment F. SECTION XIII. The map in Section 4-3-040.I entitled "NE 4th Street Corridor Business District" of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended as shown in Attachment G. SECTION XIV. The map entitled "Rainier Corridor Business District" in 4-3-040.J of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended as shown in Attachment H. SECTION XV. A new Section, 4-3-040.K, map of Puget Business District, of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby added as shown on Attachment I. SECTION XVL Section 4-3-100.B.3 of Section 4-3-100, Urban Design Regulations, of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby deleted. SECTION XVIL A new Section, 4-3-100.B.4, of Section 4-3-100, Urban Design Regulations, of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby added, to read as follows: 15 411110 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 4000 4. This Section shall also apply to Residential and Mixed Use Residential projects located in the Sunset, Northeast Fourth Street, and Puget Drive Business Districts. See RMC Section 4-3-040. SECTION XVIII. A new Section, 4-3-100.B.5, of Section 4-3-100, Urban Design Regulations, of Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby added, to read as follows: 5. Where conflicts may be construed between the design regulations of this Section and other sections of the Renton Municipal Code, the regulations of this Section shall prevail. SECTION XIX. Sections 4-9-030.K — P of Chapter 9, Permits — Specific, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows: K. SPECIAL DECISION CRITERIA FOR STAND ALONE RESIDENTIAL USES IN THE NE 4TH, SUNSET, OR PUGET BUSINESS DISTRICTS 1. Stand alone residential use may not be located within 150 ft. of an adjacent or abutting arterial street. This includes Sunset Boulevard, Duvall Avenue, Anacortes Avenue, or Union Avenue in the Sunset Business District; NE 4th Street, Union Avenue, or Duvall in the NE 4th Street Business District; and Puget Drive or South Benson Road in the Puget Drive Business District- as shown on the Business District Maps in Section 4-30-040. 2. A mix of commercial, service, and residential uses exist within a 150 ft. radius of the proposed residential use. 16 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 3. Commercial use of the property is not feasible for reasons including, but not limited to: lack of commercial frontage, lack of access, critical areas and/or critical area buffers, or property configuration. 4. Residential use will augment the primary purpose of the commercial arterial zone by adding a pedestrian oriented land use that provides a physical connection between residential and commercial uses. 5. The use provides a transition between commercial and lower density Residential-l0 and Residential-8 zoned areas and provides a visual, pedestrian, and vehicular connection from the residential zoned areas to the Commercial Arterial zoned areas. 6. Development standards from section 4-3-040F are met unless the applicant opts for a Planned Urban Development, subject to section 4-9-150. Pedestrian connection standards from this section must be met without modification. L. DECISION AND CONDITIONS_ The governing authority may grant, with or without conditions, or deny the requested conditional use permit. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant the conditional use permit upon making a determination, in writing, that the use is consistent with subsection G of this Section, Decision Criteria. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Examiner may limit the term and duration of the conditional use permit. Conditions imposed by the Zoning Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard to life or property will not develop. 17 4110 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 4410 M. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO BE COMBINED WITH SITE PLAN REVIEW: Where a use or development requires review under RMC 4-9-200, Site Plan Review, the site plan review and administrative conditional use permit shall be combined. N. FINALIZATION: (Reserved) O. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION: See RMC 4-8-100.H and I. P. MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED PLAN: (Reserved) SECTION XX. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of December , 2005. 1 /. Ja .:4 Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of December , 2005. 4'110Jty — t()L- Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Appr as to form: y� Lawrence I. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/16/2 0 0 5 (summary) ORD.1220 finaIIII:12/12/05:ma 18 • ORDINANCE NO . 5191 g N Z d sr co Z t- = Q 02 1 O W N w C1- to a 0 z O Z _ N G 3 C.) a a v 0 > CO V v as W V d a n N m 2 s Z Q N Q.' o ''N g 4 Z — J a CC aaa C tel d a n. 2 rk a Y.a. co — G = rn N re aa. E IL! _° 3 p co 211 ; i 1 '-', ,- 2' W O p t i r l i f k 4C uJJ1Ha ORDINANCE NO. 5191 • ATTACHMENT B War • 4-2-070 I COMMERCIAL Uses allowed in the CN Zone NEIGHBORHOOD(CN) are as follows: USES: TYPE: AD Offices AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL , general #17 RESOURCES RETAIL Natural resource extraction/recovery H Drive-in/drive-through, retail AC Eating and drinking establishments #22 ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Kennels, hobby AC#37 Horticultural nurseries H Pets, common household, up to 3 Retail sales per dwelling unit or business AC #60 establishment ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION RESIDENTIAL Entertainment Detached dwelling(existing legal) P Cultural facilities AD Attached dwelling P#198 SERVICES OTHER RESIDENTIAL,LODGING AND Services, General HOME OCCUPATIONS Home occupations AC#6 Bed and breakfast house, accessory AD Bed and breakfast house, AD SCHOOLS professional On-site services K-12 educational institution (public H #63 or private) Drive-in/drive-through service AC K-12 educational institution(public P 09 rya Services or private), existing Adult day care 1 P PARKS #22 Adult day care II P Parks, neighborhood P #22 Parks, regional/community,existing P Day care centers P #22 Parks, regional/community, new AD Family day care AC OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC HeaNhcam Services FACILITIES Medical institutions H Community Fealties Cemetery H VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES Religious institutions H Car washes AD #2 Service and social organizations H AD Vehicle fueling stations #110 Public Fealties Vehicle service and repair, small AD City government offices AD City government facilities H USES: TYPE: STORAGE OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Indoor storage AC #11 Medical and dental office AD 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 ATTACHMENT B Ord. 5100, 11-1-2004) INDUSTRIAL Sd�d Wa ie/Recycling Recycling collection station P UTILITIES Communications broadcast and relay H towers Electrical power generation and H cogeneration #66 Utilities, small P Utilities,medium AD Utilities, large H WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Lattice towers support structures H #48 Macro facility antennas #44 Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas #44 Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities #49 Monopole I support structures AD #46 Monopole II support structures #48 GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and as defined in chapter 4-11 RMC, where not otherwise listed in AC the Use Table TEMPORARY USE Model homes in an approved residential development:one model home on an existing lot #53 Sales/marketing trailers, on-site #53 Temporary or manufactured buildings P used for construction #10 Temporary uses P #53 (Ord.4773, 3-22-1999; Ord. 4786, 7-12- 1999; Ord.4803, 10-25-1999;Amd. Ord. 2 ATTACHMENT Cr ORD 5191 v4 4-2-070L 070K COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL(CA) Uses allowed in the CA Zone are as follows: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Natural resource extraction/recovery •H ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Kennels, hobby AC#37 Pets, common household, up to 3 per dwelling unit or business establishment AC RESIDENTIAL Semi-attached dwel!ipg Attached dwelling Flats or townhouses (existing legal) OTHER RESIDENTIAL, LODGING AND HOME OCCUPATIONS Group homes I H Group homes II for 7 or more H Home occupations AC#6 SCHOOLS K-12 educational institution (public or private) H#9 K-12 educational institution (public or private), existing P#9 Other higher education institution P Schools/studios, arts and crafts P Trade or vocational school H PARKS Parks, neighborhood P Parks, regional/community, existing P Parks, regional/community, new AD OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC FACILITIES Community Facilities Cemetery H Religious institutions H Service and social organizations H Public Facilities USES: TYPE: City government offices AD City government facilities H Other government offices and facilities H OFFICE AND CONFERENCE 1 ORDINANCE NO . 5191 ATTACHMENT C Conference center P#38 Medical and dental offices P Offices, general p Veterinary offices/clinics P RETAIL Adult retail use P#43 Big-box retail P#72 Drive-in/drive-through, retail AC Eating and drinking establishments P Horticultural nurseries H Retail sales P#68 Retail sales, outdoor P#15 Taverns P#20 Vehicle sales, large P#41 Vehicle sales, small P#20 ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Entertainment Adult entertainment business P#43 Card room P#52 Cultural facilities AD Dance clubs P#20 Dance halls P#20 Gaming/gambling facilities, not-for-profit H#20 Movie theaters P#20 Sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls, indoor P#20 Sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls, outdoor AD #20 Re+cmation Recreation facilities, indoor p Recreation facilities, outdoor H#20 SERVICES Serra, Genera/ Hotel P#20 Motel P#20 Off-site services P#38 On-site services P#ss Drive-in/drive-through service AC Vehicle rental, small P#20 Day Cara Sea Adult day care I P#22 Adult day care II P#22 Day care centers P#22 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 ATTACHMENT C NIrr+' ;,, , Family day care AC Healthcare Services Convalescent centers H Medical institutions H VEHICLE RELATED ACTMTIES Body shops H#31 Car washes p#22 Express transportation services AD #20 Parking garage, structured, commercial or public p#20 Parking,surface, commercial or public p#20 Park and ride, shared-use #109 Park and ride, dedicated cos Transit centers H#20 Vehicle fueling stations p Vehicle service and repair,small P Air Transportation Uses Helipads, accessory to primary use H#20 STORAGE Indoor storage AC #11 Outdoor storage p#64 Self-service storage H#26 Vehicle storage AD #38 INDUSTRIAL Industrial, Genera/ Laboratories: light manufacturing P#20 Laboratories: research,development and testing P#20 INDUSTRIAL(Continued) Manufacturing and fabrication, light H#20 • Solid Waste/Recycing Recycling collection station and processing center P#38 Recycling collection station P UTILITIES Communications broadcast and relay towers H Electrical power generation and cogeneration H#66 Utilities,small P Utilities, medium AD 3 • ORDINANCE NO. 5191 ATTACHMENT C Utilities, large H WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACIUTIES Lattice towers support structures Ad #47 Macro facility antennas P#44 Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#44 Minor modifications to existing wireless communication facilities P#49 Monopole I support structures P#44 Monopole II support structures AD #47 GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and as defined in chapter 4-11 RMC,where not otherwise listed in the Use Table AC TEMPORARY USE Model homes in an approved residential development:one model home on an existing lot P#53 Sales/marketing trailers, on-site P#s3 Temporary or manufactured buildings used for construction P#10 Temporary uses P#Ss 4 ATTACHMENT OW ORD 5191 401100 4-2-120A DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CN CV CA LOT DIMENSIONS None, except: 1,200 sq. ft. in the Sunset, NE Minimum Lot Size for lots 5,000 sq. ft. 25,000 sq. ft. B andPuget created after Nov. 10, 2004 Business DDistrictss . See maps in RMC 4-3-040 Minimum Lot Width/Depth for lots None None None created after Nov. 10, 2004 LOT COVERAGE 65% of total lot area 65% of total lot area 65% of total lot area or or 75% if parking is or 75% if parking is ° within theprovided within the 75 if parking is provided Maximum Lot Coverage providedwithin the building or for Buildings building or within an building or within an within an on-site parking on-site parking on-site parking garage. garage. garage. DENSITY(Net Density in Dwelling Units per Net Acre) None, except in the Sunset, NE Fourth, and Puget Business Districts. Minimum Net Residential None 10 dwelling units per See maps in RMC 4-3- Density9 net acre. 040 : 10 dwelling units per net acre. DENSITY(Net Density in Dwelling Units per Net Acre) (Continued) 20 dwelling units per net acre. Center Village 20 dwelling units per net Residential Bonus acre, except within the . District Sunset, NE Fourth, and Pursuant to RMC 4- Puget Business Districts, 3-095, up to 80 it shall be 60 dwelling Maximum Net Residential 4 dwelling units per dwelling units per units per acre for Density9 structure. net acre may be development with mixed granted for provision commercial and of: residential use in the same building. See a.A minimum depth maps in RMC 4-3-040 of 30 ft. and a minimum length • of 60 ft. of commercial use 1 ATTACHMENT D.ter ORD 5191 on the first floor of the primary structure, and b. Parking enclosed under or enclosed within the first floor of the primary structure. SETBACKS 10 ft. The minimum 10 ft. The minimum 10 ft. The minimum setback may be setback may be setback may be reduced reduced to 0 ft. reduced to 0 ft. to 0 ft.through the site through the site plan through the site plan plan development review Minimum Front Yard18 development review development review process provided process provided process provided blank blank walls are not blank walls are not walls are not located located within the located within the within the reduced reduced setback. reduced setback. setback. None, except 15 ft. in the Rainier Avenue, Sunset, 15 ft.15 15 ft.15 NE Fourth, and Puget Maximum Front Yard18 Business Districts. See maps and standards in in RMC 4-3-040. 10 ft.The minimum 10 ft. The minimum 10 ft. The minimum setback may be setback may be reduced to 0 ft. reduced to 0 ft. setback may be reduced through the site plan through the site plan to 0 ft.through the site Minimum Side Yard development review development review plan development review Along a Street18 process provided process provided process provided blank blank walls are not blank walls are not walls are not located located within the located within the within the reduced reduced setback. reduced setback. setback. 10 ft. landscaped 10 ft. landscaped 10 ft. landscaped setback Minimum Freeway setback from the setback from the P Frontage Setback property line. property line. from the property line. SETBACKS (Continued) None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if lot lot abuts or is lot abuts or is abuts or is adjacent to a adjacent to a adjacent to a residential zone, RC, R-1, Minimum Rear Yard18 residential zone, RC, residential zone, RC, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, or R-14, or RM-F. R-14, or RM-F. RM-F. None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if lot lot abuts or is lot abuts or is abuts or is adjacent to a Minimum Side Yard18 adjacent to a adjacent to a residential zone, RC, R-1, residential zone, RC, residential zone, RC, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, or 2 ATTACHMENT Dill° ORD 5 191 R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, RM-F. R-14, or RM-F. R-14, or RM-F. In no case shall a In no case shall a In no case shall a structure over 42 in. structure over 42 in. structure over 42 in. in Clear Vision Area in height intrude into in height intrude into height intrude into the 20 the 20 ft. clear vision the 20 ft. Gear vision ft. clear vision area area defined in RMC area defined in RMC defined in RMC 4-11-030. 4-11-030. 4-11-030. BUILDING LIMITATIONS None, except: a. In the NE Fourth 5,000 gross sq. ft. Business District: The maximum size 65,000 gross sq. ft. shall not be Maximum Gross Floor exceeded except by b. In the Puget Sunset Area of Any Single conditional use None and Business Commercial Use on a permit.2,9 These Districts:, 35,000 sq. Site restrictions do not ft. apply to residential Restrictions do not apply uses subject to net to uses subject to net density limitations. density limitations and grocery stores(see maps in RMC 4-3-040). None, except: a. In the NE Fourth 3,000 gross sq. ft.21 Business District: 65,000 gross sq. ft. The maximum size shall not be b. In the Puget Sunset and Business exceeded except by Districts:, 35,000 sq. conditional use ft. Maximum Gross Floor z•s None The total gross square Area of Any Single Office permit. These Use on a Site2, 9 footage of these uses restrictions do not shall not exceed 50% of apply to residential the gross square footage uses,which are of the site.2,9 subject to net These restrictions do not apply to residential uses, density limitations. which are subject to net density limitations. (See maps in RMC 4-3-040.) All commercial uses shall have their NA except in the Puget, primary entrance Sunset and NE Fourth Building Orientation and shop display NA Business Districts. See window oriented RMC 4-3-040 for toward the street standards. frontage. LANDSCAPING 3 ATTACHMENT D ORD 5191 10 ft., except where reduced through the site plan development review 10 ft., except where 10 ft., except where process. There are Minimum On-site reduced through the reduced through the additional landscaping Landscape Width site plan site plan standards for Required Along the development review development review pedestrian connections Street Frontage process. process. in the Puget,Sunset, and NE Fourth Business Districts. See maps and standards at RMC 4-3-040. 15 ft.wide sight- obscuring landscape strip.3,5 15 ft. wide sight- If the street is a obscuring landscape designated principal strip.3,5 arterial,1 non-sight- Minimum On-site If the street is a 15 ft.wide obscuring landscaping Landscape Width Along designated principal landscape buffer is shall be provided unless the Street Frontage arterial,1 non-sight- required3 unless otherwise determined by Required When a obscuring otherwise the Reviewing Official Commercial Lot is landscaping shall be determined by the through the site plan Adjacent8 to Property provided unless Reviewing Official development review Zoned Residential, RC,R-otherwise through the site plan process. There are 1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14,or determined by the development review additional landscaping RM Reviewing Official process. standards for through the site plan pedestrian connections development review in the Puget,Sunset, process. and NE Fourth Business Districts. See maps and standards at RMC 4-3-040. LANDSCAPING (Continued) 15 ft.wide landscaped visual barrier consistent with the definitions in 15 ft.wide 15 ft.wide RMC 4-11-120. A 10 ft. landscaped visual landscaped visual sight-obscuring Minimum Landscape barrier consistent barrier consistent landscape strip may be Width Required When a with the definition in with the definition in allowed through the site Commercial Lot is RMC 4-11-120. A 10 RMC 4-11-120. A 10 plan development review Abutting?to Property ft. sight-obscuring ft.sight-obscuring process. There are Zoned Residential, RC, R-landscape strip may landscape strip may additional landscaping 1, R-4, R I, R-10, R-14,or be allowed through be allowed through standards for RM the site plan the site plan pedestrian connections development review development review in the Puget,Sunset, process.3,4 process.3,4 and NE Fourth Business Districts. See maps and standards at RMC 4-3-040...3,4 4 ATTACHMENT DO' ORD 5191 HEIGHT 50 ft., except 35 ft.for residential use only buildings in the Sunset and NE Fourth Business Districts. See maps in 35 ft. 50 ft. except when RMC 4-3-040. Maximum Building In no case shall abutting lots zoned Heights may exceed the Height,14,16 except for height exceed the R-8, RMH, R-10, R. maximum height with a Public uses with a Public limits specified in 14, or RM-F,then 45 Conditional Use Suffix" (P)designation RMC 4-3-020. ft. Permit.16 In no case shall height exceed the limits specified in RMC 4_3- 020. Maximum Height for Wireless Communication See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. Facilities SCREENING Outdoor, Loading, Repair, Maintenance, Work, or Storage Areas; Surface-Mounted Utility and Mechanical See RMC 4-4-095. See RMC 4-4-095. See RMC 4-4-095. Equipment; Roof Top Equipment(Except for Telecommunication Equipment) Refuse or Recyclables See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. PARKING See RMC 10-10-13 and RMC 4-4-080. For the See RMC 10-10-13 See RMC 10-10-13 NE Fourth, Sunset, General and RMC 4-4-080. and RMC 4-4-080. Puget, and Rainier Avenue Business Districts, see RMC 4-3- 040. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS A pedestrian A pedestrian A pedestrian connection connection shall be connection shall be shall be provided from a provided from a provided from a public entrance to the public entrance to public entrance to street, in order to provide General the street, in order to the street, in order to direct, clear and separate provide direct, clear provide direct, clear pedestrian walks from and separate and separate sidewalks to building pedestrian walks pedestrian walks entries and internally from sidewalks to from sidewalks to from buildings to abutting 5 ATTACHMENT D ORD 5191 .._ building entries and building entries and retail properties. There internally from internally from are additional standards buildings to abutting buildings to abutting for the Rainier Avenue, retail properties. retail properties. NE Fourth, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts. See RMC 4-3-040 for maps and standards. SIGNS See RMC 4-4-100. There are additional General See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. standards for the Rainier Avenue Business District at RMC 4-3-040. LOADING DOCKS See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. Shall not be Shall not be See RMC 4-4-080. permitted on the permitted on the Shall not be permitted on side of the lot side of the lot the side of the lot Location within Site adjacent to or adjacent to or adjacent to or abutting a abutting a residential abutting a residential residential zone, RC, R-1, zone, RC, R-1, R-4, zone, RC, R-1, R-4, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, or R-8, R-10, R-14, or R-8, R-10, R-14, or RM.3 RM.3 RM.3 DUMPSTER/RECYCLING COLLECTION AREA Size and Location of Refuse or Recycling See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. Areas CRITICAL AREAS General See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. 6 ORDINANCE NO. 5191 ATTACHMENT E , 4-2-120C CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLES FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 2. The following table indicates the maximum requested size/standard change that may be allowed by conditional use permit. Increases above these levels may not be achieved by a variance or the conditional use permit process. APPLICABLE ZONE STANDARD CHANGE CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST PERMIT TYPE Uses restricted to 3,000 gross CN s.f.—increases: H Between 3,000—5,000 s.f. max. Uses restricted to 5,000 gross s.f.—increases up to: AD CN 10%or 500 gross s.f. 20%or 1,000 gross s.f. H Uses restricted to 35,000 gross s.f.—increases up to: AD Puget and Sunset Business Districts in the CA 20%or 7,000 gross s.f. Zone 40%or 14,000 gross s.f. H All of the CV Zone and Uses restricted to 65,000 gross s.f.—increases up to: AD NE 4th Business District in CA Zone 20%or 13,000 gross s.f. 40%or 26,000 gross s.f. H H = Hearing Examiner Conditional Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use 16. The following height requests may be made: APPLICABLE ZONE HEIGHT CHANGE REQUEST CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TYPE Puget and Sunset Business Districts in the Exceed height by less than 20 feet AD CA Zone All of the CV Zone and Exceed height of 50 feet AD NE 4th Business District in CA Zone Exceed height of 45 feet when abutting R-8 or R-10 Zone CA Exceed height of 50 feet H H = Hearing Examiner AD=Administrative Conditional Use In consideration of a request for conditional use permit for additional building height the Reviewing Official shall consider the following factors in addition to the criteria in RMC 4=9- 030, Conditional Use Permits, among all other relevant information. ORDINANCE NO . 5191 ATTACHMENT E a. Location Criteria: Proximity of arterial streets which have sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development. Developments are encouraged to locate in areas served by transit. b. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations and any other plan, program, map or regulation of the City. c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: Building heights shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. When a building in excess of the maximum height is proposed adjacent to or abuts a lot designated R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14 or RM-F, then the setbacks shall be equivalent to the requirements of the adjacent residential zone if the setback standards exceed the requirements of the Commercial Zone. ORDINANCE NO . 5191 4-3-040H ATTACHMENT F i�r� Vic1711 ■■a■■ 101 ■ t . I ail All .�1S pci I Mr le° IMPW,�� I ��� i i� 111 "di liastrar =MP al -fire���► h jr? n ■nni. N H Pi lb 10 litabeilelbp° * 4',,A11111111.!. . 8,_ 0 43.1 ennui re 4-4111 - -cn E ay!"B WM -" < mom ►►� � I � n� / 11I�';i Gil 1 �T•i7 w ...11g��.i �P= �� ■iit�r..��110 i lia a go ma ism ■■ n any • ' U H191 1 a:1 Mu ,il �/mMOON 4 mmrki ■■m 1 ■ I■_ II MI "1"'nef % intairl -fkk, ii 111111 V 4sarr ge 7 ' 1; Militilkill colon II* 4 Ni Ilb IN 111111111 aim End (/) i*ram El r,) - a • - I VII 2 01 at. Mr fko a 4t.,. n1a1 E.. V4�o too ■ x J, `—_ ■ •►ice • ni maw; I.r-.ea PP &A j Vm ■ i w ita i■ Wri. 0 Pi I lett•Ini it:44s : mil <IP --d 1� .. ■s '■ ■ ■ ■. ■ I I - 0.4 MINN ■ .NM7 I a lIaII 1 ■n:111kW lb M■ \■■orAi ■ ■ = 1 ■z 11111E1dAi' i , ■- y-. ■..1 / WN II ; II. III Ill ��=�,���. .: .1 — Ili... -- IMINWPREIRODEN BM to . co , - ;�p uaa , iffroundi n �����jj i1EI! �1■■'! _� a ■mo��*11 I ! �ir0 I � rrErg�,�r - ■ I 00 51 * es Mg my litm IIMI i. 1 osii -ea .■r iiiis 1 d I . ■I 22 III ta 11 el ct In* alIN V►r 2 6a41' Iwoo ■ MIN w■ iill 101° . Er EIr5Vnt OR 1��` a , .:•Ju ' --1 `= z ■■me is „ z 0 _ . n I I I I I I I I I ORDINANCE NO . 5191 4=3-040I ATTACHMENT G 1111611 i • ism mow limitai aim '.Est 0. wi 111► 4 IU u ii = is am mu: 1111 El 11 -�-� L III .isa -&--; migtm---mplimon i 3 ,ilpli ramp r w &_-_-{ JNNe__ u = r N an, I•1.I.l.Ua.180 �Jlit' • liirwli :iins Lk j A7Pila 4in 0-s, 44.7 I* ims Lk ham lug IN aWin ) I[I- I I 1 I .1 II (11) • 1 ii Id -- ..row ��■E1���ow _tj ja ii, la,y 11 I- I ¢ -I _ —_ T anb ucILn ae 49 ad 0 _gepoi Hijr__ ... ;.....' v,‹ WI -� U z LJ- .!IIPERIMI ff [TIM 2 -Cr-------- " �jle. N: 1E11111 Illllllllll n ,_ L CI win 1 Q-c (I) ♦ J C �•dPrim'any 10 ‘.! Q N ■ Em ,1, Cn � U I- : w z Ed Milli - Mroe Ave NE in mim 3J� any aoauoW N Kirkland Ave. NE U \Oqi0SLik J } ► ► I z U) III L 1- *.t Q .0 zi �mSIIIIA e b &Iiiii\J , -1-0 gl I III Ill ammo W V'n 71 Ea Iowan. mmilwrii , _ ,� 0 1 N I NXV�N �� ������ •,• ii,• Z UKU1NANLt NU . D191 4-3-040J ATTACHMENT H -1 Victo 10 A — — Q lL, siv a Q) cl CA, A ��� :______ S 2nd St ui .r ,• 1 1/ > 11 :4 ... CA S 3rd sr < mo rk *,4 — • wpm= T: .c.z2 i at v. • mprall11111 t -:3_- :—__ gig r ,,o. ... ... 4 .i44 - c E VAc%• C A _t__ r 000 -$6, oAlla P AO(:r- -7 . 0 _____ 410k\-\ p\i 0,___ e vel cp ••••0 -&m iras ill la 6-,-, , (s, arm At2 _ S W C '' C A 11. S th - S r A) AC Rainier Avenue Business District ), 0 Economic Development,Neighbohoodt&Strategic Plemiog 30 S.p..addiag?ublic" O.DA gwwnn ate• 305epbaW 2003 V 1%1l 1 l t 1l 11 v u 11 v • —..i i i ' 4-3-040K ATTACHMENT I Ef 2,0 minano i _ ri WI . - , f !Ill ■ ilikow 'enton Village PI __ • ,__, CD 11 1 _ 0 1._ E ‘4111 o / P' -2- -_? Igliuk r l- Q. 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Uv) b 0 3 r- � F� av� ` olaa, U December 12,2005 %re Renton City Council Minutes r.r+ Page 454 Ordinance#5191 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2,Zoning Districts -Uses and Planning: Residential Uses in Standards, Chapter 4-3, Environmental Regulations and Special Districts, and the Commercial Arterial Zone Chapter 4-4, Citywide Property Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Code by changing the provisions for residential uses within the CA(Commercial Arterial)zone. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:16 p.m. LdaJ Bonnie I.Walton,CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 12, 2005 December 5,2005 Renton City Council Minutes err/ Page 439 Rezone: Panther Creek An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Panther Creek Wetland, SR-167, R-8 to R-1 Wetland properties from R-8 (Residential -eight dwelling units per acre)to R-1 (Residential-one dwelling unit per acre)zoning; LUA-05-006, CPA 2005-M-1, Area P. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/12/2005. CARRIED. Rezone: Maplewood Addition, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Maplewood SE l lth St, R-8 to R-4 Addition properties from R-8 (Residential -eight dwelling units per acre)to R- 4(Residential-four dwelling units per acre)zoning;LUA-05-006,CPA 2005- M-1,Area K3. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/12/2005. CARRIED. Comprehensive Plan: 2005 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2,Zoning Districts -Uses and Amendments,R-1 and RC Standards of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code by revising land Zones uses in the RC(Resource Conservation) and R-1 (Residential -one dwelling unit per acre)zones. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/12/2005. CARRIED. Planning: Residential Uses in An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2,Zoning Districts -Uses and the Commercial Arterial Zone Standards, Chapter 4-3,Environmental Regulations and Special Districts, and f` Chapter 4-4, Citywide Property Development Standards, of Title IV fT (Development Regulations) of City Code by changing the provisions for residential uses within the CA(Commercial Arterial)zone. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/12/2005. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Budget: 2006 Property Tax An ordinance was read amending and reestablishing the property tax levy for Levy the year 2006 for both general purposes and for voter approved bond issues. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#5168 Following second and final reading of the above ordinance, it was MOVED BY Budget: 2006 Property Tax LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS Levy READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5169 An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-1-170 and 4-1-180 of Chapter 1, Utility: System Development Public Works Fees, of Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Code by Charges, Annexation Fee changing the fee schedules. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5170 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-9-060 of Chapter 9, Permits - Development Services: Specific, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code by allowing Deferral of Street application for a fee in lieu of street improvements. MOVED BY CLAWSON, Improvements SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. November 7,2005 Nor Renton City Council Minutes `"" Page 384 Utility: WRIA 8 and WRIA 9 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a one-year extension to the Interlocal Agreement Water Resource Inventory Area 8 (WRIA 8) interlocal agreement in the amount Extensions, CAG-01-004& of$11,303, and to the WRIA 9 interlocal agreement in the amount of$10,397 CAG-01-005 for salmon conservation planning. Council concur. (See page 385 for resolution.) MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the latecomer Utilities Committee agreement request by LandTrust,Inc. (LA-05-004). Dick Gilroy of LandTrust, Latecomer Agreement: Inc. has withdrawn the request for a latecomer agreement for sewer installation LandTrust, Sanitary Sewer along Hoquiam Ave. NE. Therefore, the Committee recommended the removal (Hoquiam Ave NE),LA-05- of this item from the Committee's referral list. MOVED BY CORMAN, 004 SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Committee regarding the evaluation of potential boundaries for the West Hill Potential Comprehensive Plan: Annexation Area(PAA). The Committee recommended referring the issue of Amendments, Inclusion of amending the Comprehensive Plan to include the West Hill in Renton's PAA to West Hill in PAA the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Residential Uses in Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Commercial Arterial Zone regarding City Code changes for residential development in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to: • Amend the purpose of the CA zone under 4-2-020 to acknowledge that limited residential use is appropriate when it is well integrated with surrounding commercial development. • Amend the use table at 4-2-060 and 4-2-070 to allow attached and semi- attached housing in the CA zone as an administrative conditional use subject to condition number 18. • Amend note 18 of the Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables under 4-2-080 to prohibit garden style apartments, and set the conditions that must be met to be eligible for residential development in the CA zone. • Amend 4-2-080 to eliminate maps duplicated in 4-3-040. • Amend the development standards for the CA zone at 4-3-120 to allow a 1,200-foot minimum lot size for attached residential plats, and change all corridor references to "Business District." • Amend 4-3-040 to create a Sunset, NE 4th, and Puget Business District overlay, including development standards for commercial and residential uses. • Amend maps in 4-3-040 to show the corrected Business Districts. • Insert Special Designation Criteria for residential uses in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts in 4-9-030. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. b { PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date 11- =a DOSS COMMITTEEE REPORT November 7, 2005 Code Changes for Residential Development in the Commercial Arterial Zone (Referred July 11, 2005) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation: • Amend the purpose of the CA zone under 4-2-020 to acknowledge that limited residential use is appropriate when it is well integrated with surrounding commercial development. • Amend the use tables at 4-2-060 and 4-2-070 to allow attached and semi-attached housing in the CA zone as an administrative conditional use subject to condition number 18. • Amend note 18 of the Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables under 4-2-080 to prohibit Garden Style Apartments and set the conditions that must be met to be eligible for residential development in the CA zone. • Amend 4-2-080 to eliminate maps duplicated in 4-3-040. • Amend the development standards for the CA zone at 4-3-120 to allow a 1200 ft minimum lot size for attached residential plats and change all corridor references to "Business District". • Amend section 4-3-040 to create a Sunset,NE 4th, and Puget Business District overlay, including development standards for commercial and residential uses. • Amend maps in section 4-3-040 to show the corrected Business Districts. • Insert Special Designation Criteria for residential uses in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts in 4-9-030. Dan Clawson, Chair Denis Law, Vice-Chair rY)(1anitlki- Yaliv6A_ Marcie Palmer, Member cc: evingtare. Alex Pietsch Rebecca Lind e Plito n 10, rt1 opr r frRECEIVED C Y�,v .I t"e;'i i 1 /-3 k 5 NOV 0 7 2005 ��y O ECONOMIC DEVELOP ME T Ci��rC®t1cil U E. s NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRAT �• . PLANNING DEPARTMENT ''OF Rtitirefs1 ��iN�p NOV 0 7 2 ric MEMORANDUM CUED (" CLERKSLFcE DATE: November 3, 2005 TO: Dan Clawson, Committee Chair Members of the Planning and Development Committee CC: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator p(►",'` STAFF CONTACT: Erika Colliding x 6578 SUBJECT: Public Hearing Follow-up on Proposed Changes to the CA Zone After listening to testimony at the public hearing on October 3, 2005 regarding the proposed changes for residential development in the CA (Commercial Arterial) zone, staff reviewed several aspects of the proposed code amendment. Charlotte VanLaningham testified by letter that lots less than 25,000 square feet should be exempted from the requirement to reserve frontage for commercial development. Staff strongly recommends against allowing such an exemption. Although it may be more challenging to develop small lots, in a commercial zone it is imperative to prioritize commercial uses over other uses. This is especially important because the Renton Comprehensive Plan directs the City to grow commercial districts through intensification and not expansion (Policy LU-335). If the City allows additional residential uses in the CA zone, it is very important to reserve lot frontage for commercial development. Steve Beck testified that in the CA zone in the NE Fourth Business District it would be difficult to fulfill the rear access parking requirement. Staff spent a lot of time considering possible alternatives and evaluating the lot arrangement in this corridor. Using the example site from the hearing testimony, staff applied the proposed standards to Mr. Beck's property. It was determined that for some properties the proposed code changes may reduce the number of units that can be built. However, the improvement to the pedestrian streetscape better fulfills the policies of the Comprehensive Plan(LU-349 which emphasize reduced curb cuts, LU-352 which emphasizes the importance of design guidelines, and LU-363, -364, -367 which emphasize pedestrian orientation). If a developer designs a superior site plan based upon front-loaded development, the City could process the application as a Planned Urban Development(PUD)under regulations at RMC 4-9-150. Planning and Development Sigunittee `' ` Page 2 of 2 November 3,2005 PUD regulations encourage innovation and creativity and allow modification of many underlying zoning standards,but the applicant must prove that the proposed site plan results in a public benefit. The proposed development must provide a benefit that would not result from the development of the site without the proposed PUD. Benefits must be in one of the following areas: critical area protection, natural feature preservation or enhancement,provision of public facilities, superior open space or recreational facilities, superior circulation or parking screening, superior landscaping, superior site or building design, or alley loaded development. PUD applications are approved by the City Council and are reviewed by City staff and the Hearings Examiner in order to ensure the project design is superior and the public benefit requirement is met. There are a variety of options for property owners in the Puget, Sunset, and NE Fourth Business Districts. Since the zoning is commercial, commercial uses still have priority in these areas. Opportunities for residential development are varied. Mixed use development with residential use over at least one floor of commercial development is allowed at 60 units per acre. Townhouse development is allowed behind the commercial frontage. Code requires the development to be rear loaded to provide a quality pedestrian streetscape. However, if superior design and a public benefit are demonstrated, a developer could modify the residential standards through the City's PUD process. This range of options provides for adequate protection of the commercial zone, implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, and flexibility for residential developers. h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\2005\ca residential\allow townhomes\council memo (051103).doc New' iYt level o mend p From: "Steve Beck" <stevebeck@johnlscott.com> Oommi 1�e To: <council@ci.renton.wa.us> 1 - 6. . 00 Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2005 9:48 AM U Subject: Commercial Arterial Zone Council Members Please take more time to research the end results of your proposed changes to the C.A. zone. Some of the restricted requirements proposed in the ordinance as they relate to lot design, Product/home design and road access layout do not achieve a finished product or better yet Hinder future value for today's young homebuyers. Single family detached homes with creative garages that are accessed from the front of the home are not allowed in the current draft changes. New duplex designs that are L shaped, that do not have a common attached walls, are not allowed under the current draft changes. There are many more reasons I could list but I am not a fast typist so it would take all night. Traditional or rear loaded town homes should not be the mandatory status in a progressive city, they are out of style and do not hold their value long term. New design technologies and the public demands high Quality great looking homes on small fee simple lots that are adjacent to commercial centers where walking to services will be normal rather than jumping into vehicles to drive. The new/first time homebuyer and empty nester needs a high quality home that can hold its value for years to come, not just the first five years. Renton needs to continue to be progressive and creative in its land/design ordinances like it has in the past. III Your staff has been provided with layouts and photographs of existing product that should be considered in the C.A. zone revisions. Please consider more progressive changes to the C. A. Zone. Thank You Steven Beck Consultant Amberwood L.L.C. ti/35 wE gelt sf f ggo64/ r From: "Steve Beck"<stevebeck@johnlscott.com> To: "'Citizens to Council Via Clerk"' <Council@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: Wed, Oct 5, 2005 11:02 AM Subject: RE: Commercial Arterial Zone Bonnie Thank You Steve Beck Original Message From: Citizens to Council Via Clerk [mailto:Council@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 11:51 AM To: stevebeck@johnlscott.com Subject: Re: Commercial Arterial Zone Dear Mr. Beck: Thank you for your email to the Renton City Council. Copy is being forwarded to all Councilmembers, Mayor Keolker-Wheeler and our EDNSP Dept. for review. Council held a Public Hearing on this issue last night, and the Planning and Development Committee will be meeting on this matter this Thurs., 10/6, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, 7th floor of City Hall. The meeting is open to the public, so you are welcome to attend if you would like. Your email is appreciated and will be considered. If I can provide further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502 October 3,2005 Renton City Council Minutes Page 337 PENINSULA OF LAND TO THE NORTH AND EAST; SUPPORT FUTURE ZONING CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO 10/17/2005 FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE ANNEXATION ORDINANCE AND THE R-8 AND R-10 REZONE ORDINANCES. CARRIED. Planning: Residential Uses in t This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in 'Commercial Arterial Zones accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker-Wheeler opened the public hearing to consider zoning code amendments pertaining to residential uses in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Rebecca Lind, Planner Manager, explained that the purpose of the amendments is to promote a better connection between the residential and commercial components of the CA zone. She reviewed the issues raised that led to these proposed changes, such as determining the purpose of residential development in the CA zone and whether stand-alone residential uses should be allowed. Ms. Lind noted that staff is working with the Planning and Development Committee and the Planning Commission on this matter. Ms. Lind reviewed the proposed CA zone changes, as follows: —Amend the purpose of the CA zone by stating "Limited residential uses may be integrated into the CA zone if there are permanent physical connections to commercial uses." —Allow attached and semi-attached housing in the NE 4th,Puget, and Sunset Business Districts, specifically limited to townhouse units with an administrative conditional use permit. —Disallow detached single-family units. —Reduce the minimum lot size for attached residential plats. This allows for the development of platted townhomes. Currently, the 5000 square foot minimum lot size prevents the development of a fee simple ownership residential product. —Create development and design standards for the NE 4th, Puget, and Sunset Business Districts in the Commercial Business District Overlay. Ms. Lind detailed the following changes to commercial and residential uses: —Include public plazas at major intersections. —Designate future pads for development. —Limit parking to minimum requirement. —Require pedestrian connections between the entry and the street,from the parking area to the entry, and to adjacent uses. —Require design standards set for pedestrian connections. Continuing, Ms. Lind reviewed the changes to the residential only uses, which include: compliance with Urban Center design standards,rear access parking within an enclosed structure, and a modified street grid system for dwellings fronting on the street. In regard to the mixed use areas, changes include: limiting hammerhead turnarounds,reserving 1st floor development for commercial development,conforming to Urban Center Design Guidelines District B standards,and providing residential parking below surface for the residential use. Additionally, Ms. Lind reviewed the added conditional use criteria for residential uses in business districts. She noted the recommendation that October 3, 2005 'rime Renton City Council Minutes `4,10' Page 338 residential uses may not be developed within 150 feet of the adjacent arterial, must be surrounded by a mix of uses, and must have a physical connection to other uses in the zone. Ms. Lind explained that the proposed changes tie the commercial and residential uses closer together, and still allow limited residential development in the business districts. She pointed out that as a conditional use, not every parcel, nor every project, will be suitable for residential development in the districts. Correspondence was read from Charlotte VanLaningham, Davis Real Estate Group, 1201 Monster Rd. SW, Suite 320, Renton, 98055, expressing concern regarding the proposed change that does not allow stand-alone residential projects to be developed within 150 feet of the adjacent arterial. She suggested that an option be included that allows the 150-foot rule to be waived administratively, and that the 150-foot rule not be applied when the parcel is less than 25,000 square feet. A memorandum was read from the Planning Commission requesting that if a development is to include residential as a conditional use, that there be a condition to have allocation for a public street grid for future use. Public comment was invited. Patrick Gilroy,LandTrust,Inc., 1560 140th Ave. NE, Suite 100,Bellevue, 98005, expressed his support for the changes to the CA zone, and commented that builders now prefer stand-alone townhouse development to stacked-flat development. Mr. Gilroy recommended allowing the Development Services Division some flexibility to work with design standards at the building permit stage. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE TWO ITEMS OF CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2005 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Washington State Department of Transportation will host an open house regarding SR-169 (Maple Valley Hwy.) on October 13th,from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Renton Community Center. Development Services: Mr. Covington reported that the abandoned Bagnariol Building at 421 Union Demolition of Abandoned Ave. NE was demolished by the owner on October 1st. Gregg Zimmerman, Bagnariol Building, Union Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, displayed photographs of the Ave NE building before and after its demolition. Stating that this building has been the subject of long-standing code compliance actions, Mr. Zimmerman emphasized that the demolition of the structure is a significant accomplishment for the REACT program. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 9/26/2005. Council concur. 9/26/2005 rwr ICY O 47). ♦ .0 PUBLIC HEARING COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) RESIDENTIAL CODE CHANGES October 3, 2005 The purpose of this code amendment is to better implement the Comprehensive Plan vision for the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone, which envisions the CA zone to be a vibrant, pedestrian- oriented district. In the proposed Amendment there is additional opportunity for residential development in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts. This change allows residential only, or"stand alone" residential uses in the Business Districts at a maximum density of 20 du/ac (dwelling units per acre) with an Administrative Conditional Use Permit. Under the specifications for approval of the Administrative Conditional Use permit, stand alone residential projects may not be developed within 150 ft. of the adjacent arterial, in order to protect commercial frontage in the CA zone for commercial uses. Additionally, the conditional use requires that the proposal meet Business District development standards, including standards for pedestrian connections and high quality design. A change in minimum lot size from 5,000 square feet to 1,200 square feet allows fee simple townhouse development. Residential development may occur as part of a mixed use project with a bonus density of a maximum 60 du/ac. Development standards for the Business District have been created to shape commercial, residential, and mixed use projects in these areas. In general, the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts are: limited to a maximum front setback of 15 feet, subject to the creation of public plazas at arterial intersections, required to reserve future commercial development pads, and subject to parking standards established to limit the impact of parking on the Districts. Pedestrian connections are required to link uses throughout the District, and are subject to design and landscaping standards. Residential only uses are required to: develop a public street grid and limit hammerheads, provide ground floor entries for units, reserve open space for each unit, limit buildings to 4 attached units, comply with District B standards from the Urban Center Design Guidelines, and provide rear access parking. Mixed uses are required to: limit hammerheads, reserve 1st floor development for commercial development, conform to District B standards from the Urban Center Design Guidelines, and provide residential parking below the residential use. Other changes include simplifying the naming of the affected areas. References would be changed so that "Business district" refers to the CA overlay zone and "Commercial Corridor" refers to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. Maps have been amended to reflect these changes as well. There will be corresponding changes to the terminology used in the Comprehensive Plan to ensure consistency. Those changes are being proposed as a Comprehensive Plan amendment and will be subject to a public hearing prior to the end of the year. Staff is recommending that Council adopt these changes to Title IV to provide better implementation of the Comprehensive Plan vision for the Commercial Arterial areas. Promoting the Commercial W ° Arterial Zone as a Walkable Community Title IV Amendment Public Hearing October 3,2005 Issues Policy Direction from the Planning and Development Committee •What is the purpose of residential development in the CA zone and does it comply with the Comprehensive Plan? • Consider platted stand-alone townhouse development to support an ownership housing product. Eliminate •Should the City allow stand alone residential uses in the CA zone? If so,should they be given the same priority as stacked flats unless part of a mixed use project. commercial uses? • Make stand-alone residential a conditional use. •If stand alone residential is desired,what type of uses should be allowed? • Require commercial and residential uses to be connected to promote an integrated,walkable •Should there be simplified language relating to community. Commercial Corridor designations? Recommended Code Changes Recommended Code Changes •Amend the use tables at to allow attached and • Amend the purpose of the CA zone to semi-attached housing in the CA zone acknowledge that limited residential use is appropriate when it is well integrated with •NE 4th, Puget,and Sunset Business Districts surrounding commercial development. • New purpose wording:"Limited residential uses may be •Allow townhouse units in the Business Districts integrated into the zone if there are permanent physical with an Administrative Conditional Use Permit. connections to commercial uses." •Does not allow detached single family 1 Recommended Code Changes Recommended Code Changes Amend the development Create standards for the CA zone to „t 1 #, development and reduce the minimum lot size for ', i deswit ign standards �','5 attached residential plats. _, for the NE 4t�', ' If 11 ` ....,o, Puget,and Sunset = / t This change allows for the creation of I. k Business Districts `` platted town homes in the CA zone. in the Commercial -- Currently,the 5000 sq.ft.minimum lot Business District size prevents the development of a Overlay. fee simple ownership residential product. Recommended Code Changes Recommended Code Changes Commercial and Residential: Residential: • Must include public plazas at major intersections. • Urban Center design standards. • Must designate future pads for development. • Rear access parking within an enclosed • Parking limited to minimum requirement,with design structure standards for landscaping. • A modified street grid system dwellings fronting • Pedestrian connections required between the entry and on the street. the street,from the parking area to the entry,and to • Planning Commission recommends public street system adjacent uses. • Design standards set for pedestrian connections. Recommended Code Changes Recommended Code Changes Mixed use: Add Conditional Use Criteria for Residential Uses in Business Districts: • Access standards limit hammerhead turnarounds • More than 150'from arterial intersections. • Minimum 30 ft.depth for 1 et floor commercial along arterial frontage • Must be surrounded by a mix of uses. • Subject to Urban Center Design Guidelines District B standards • Commercial use is not feasible due to:lack of commercial frontage,access,critical areas or buffers,or • Parking must be under residential development,surface property configuration. parking okay for guests. 2 Recommended Code Changes Conclusion Add Conditional Use Criteria for Residential Uses in •The proposed changes allow limited residential Business Districts,continued: development in the Business Districts. • Must have a physical connection to other uses in the •As a Conditional Use not every parcel,nor every project,will be suitable for residential • Provides a transition between purely commercial and development in the District. purely residential zones. •Residential uses need to be.more integrated with the commercial uses to fulfill the vision of the Commercial Corridor in the Comprehensive Plan. Conclusion 1 4 • Fairly prescriptive design and development standards are required. H=- • Both the Commercial and the Residential guidelines must be adjusted to strengthen the . physical and community connections in these Districts. • Less confusing terminology aids in the j implementation of the code. 3 davits' 410 g r o u p / ., /D� 9O5 September 30, 2005 CITY OF RENTON OCT 032005 Renton City Council RECEIVED C/o City Clerk CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1055 South Grady Way P�Qiltirc- � Renton, WA 98055 Re: Monday 10/03/05, Public Hearing, Proposed Changes—CA Residential Code, To: Renton City Council: It is our understanding that under the proposed change, minimum lot size changed to 1200 square feet. However, the proposed change does not allow stand alone residential projects to be developed within 150' of the adjacent arterial,in order to protect commercial frontage in the CA zone for commercial uses. A) Davis Consulting, Inc. and our clients have under completion and have completed a substantial number of projects in the CN and CA zones. We propose the Administrative Conditional Use Permit provide and allowances as follow: • When the project site is surrounded by existing residential it is our belief that the 150 foot rule cannot be universally applied. We request that the CA code change include an option that the 150 feet rule can be waived administratively. • When the parcel is less than 25,000 sf,the 150 foot rule does not apply. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions you may reach me at the office 425- 228-5959 or my cell 206-853-6004. Sincerely, Charlotte(4V,4&4— VanLanin gham Project Manager Davis Real Estate Group Cc: Rebecca Lind, Planning Manager Pizblkc Hearrrrt9 6ireFimeimce i9jenda Tfem S!6. (0( ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 0� NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC teefriAdi,6"- u ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT P MEMORANDUM 3 DATE: October N, 2005 TO: Members of Renton City Council Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor FROM: Renton Planning Commission SUBJECT: 2005 Commercial Arterial Zone Code Amendments The Renton Planning Commission met Wednesday, September 21, 2005 to review the Commercial Arterial Zone code amendment. The Commission reviewed the issue and suggested staff take the following recommendation to the Planning and Development Committee for its meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2005. RECOMMENDED ACTION: M/S (RQ/GJ)to accept Staff's Recommendation in the Commercial Business Districts issue paper dated 09/07/04,with the following condition: If a development is to include residential as a conditional use, there be a condition to have allocation for a public street grid for future use. MOTION CARRIED. For: Robert Bonner, Jimmy Cho, Jerrilynn Hadley, Gerrie Jackson,Nancy Osborn, Rosemary Quesenberry Against: None Absent: None Signed • Ra iometti, Chair Ren on Planning Commission h:\ednsp\planning comm\recommendations\2005\ca code amendment.doc 'ores lorese vow fi e J na+ a 5, tiw_ do 3 m Oxp ao, cti " c o�a ° .Q' q ,a.�a 1-1 Pa ° � . Wa � o� 3m ° �d Sx,4 :aG° onoo 4. xri W U m•0, g c j k C S Ca q cD N c9OC ` m it-z 4 = m3UWWot,y2 . N ° °� � " Qir q ›,'d'Q o+g toroas$ o 4 .�• .tc.�1 o° 8.8 . p ZZ 3,m °A5,zacg V'b d u w . R.=cqU z 0. ‘‘4,iyiiiSbibkiki cn 2 a> on a) a) >,-d • ° V y ,' G7 b SF" a) ,. . IPt Z Q o � d � s • • O G � p• �. � � ct ., f ..........•• O c:', tp , 0 W.r a,E W G �. • .2 OtiP d a; Q °� 3 a � w � 'a -5 o ° own c d 3O. d N d z H ; �, Z bA w :C ° N cn C U ,...1 • i"� 4 o E g)a ° a' 0E 4.6 d o o �" 4. 0 ° a 0 3 Z cn U cd o Z ° : a' ;.6„ 0o rn . on d v o c ° on cl zC U t) � o gi o � C � M > ( 3 x '"' tk mu' `" 3 c� O cn O a ti v i a) .n d � ° 0 � ° W `° ?, U 6 c p va a) 0 3- cd ... a) i-. C� w O W N o mi.u, Ucts o a� o c Wy V = '� N 0 O ' C .0 ° Vv ,0 y k ., O is -' Q� 11 [ p U 7 ti U U .- c O d abj �` C p O. eYC p y O U 7 \ Q \` - (1, w a -d cdi a •c o. a-i c•?, •Y flo a sus C on b Z ° ., 0 ,0 0 a> 1 o o 0 0 f� F � m '� 0 oU01DH 3 F o F- Wv0 .-, Z ( . 0 'September 19,2005 w Renton City Council Minutes Page 318 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Latecomer Agreement: concurrence in the staff recommendation to grant preliminary approval of the Wyman/Blood, Sewer application for a latecomer agreement request from Kevin M. Wyman and Extension (SE 132nd St),LA- Durwood E. Blood for a period of one year. The application for latecomer 05-003 agreement was submitted to recover the$60,290.92 estimated cost of sewer extension along SE 132nd St. at 152nd Ave. SE to allow development of two single-family residences without the need for a previously approved site sewage system. The Committee further recommended that Council authorize the preliminary assessment roll to be forwarded to the City Clerk, who will notify the affected property owners. If no protests are received, after construction of the facilities and approval of the final costs, Council can authorize preparation of the final assessment roll and latecomer agreement. In the event there is a protest for valid cause, a public hearing will be held to resolve any issues prior to proceeding with this matter. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Committee recommending a public hearing be set on 10/3/2005 to consider the zoning text Planning: Residential Uses in amendments residential uses in the Commercial Arterial zone. MOVED BY Commercial Arterial Zone CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3772 A resolution was read declaring the City's intent that certain capital Finance: Bond Proceed expenditures shall be reimbursed from the proceeds of tax exempt bonds or Reimbursement, S Lake WA other obligations in an amount not to exceed$15,000,000. MOVED BY LAW, Roadway &SW 27th SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS St/Strander Blvd Connection, READ. CARRIED. Capital Expenditures The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 9/26/2005 for second and final reading: Planning: Development An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-1,4-2,4-4,4-6 through 4-9, and Regulations (Title IV)Docket 4-11 of Title IV (Development Regulations) and Chapter 9-11 of Title IX &Amendments (Public Ways and Property) of City Code by clarifying zone density controls over zone lot size provisions and removing Green River Valley landscaping requirements; and by amending administrative, interpretation, and enforcement procedures; fees and fee refunds and waivers; binding site plan regulations; planned unit/urban development regulations; nonproject SEPA requirements; and definitions. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/26/2005. CARRIED. Planning: Growth An ordinance was read adding Section 4-8-110.A.7 and 4-8-110.I to Chapter 8, Management Hearings Board, Permits -General and Appeals, of Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Filing of Appeals Code regarding the filing of appeals to the Growth Management Hearings Board. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/26/2005. CARRIED. `n_ COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEt -/9 aoos COMMITTEEE REPORT September 19,2005 Zoning Text amendments Residential Uses in the Commercial Arterial Zone (Referred July 11, 2005) The Planning and Development Committee recommends a public hearing be set for October 3, 2005, to consider the Zoning Text Amendments Residential Uses in the Commercial Arterial Zone. Dan Clawson, Chair / ' 1/1 Denis W. Law, Vice-Chair IP Marcie Palmer, Member cc Alex Pietsch Rebecca Lind CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 3rd day of October, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time of a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Zoning Text Amendments - Residential Uses in the Commercial Arterial Zone All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal September 23, 2005 Account No. 50640 9/26/2005 - Notice sent to eight Parties of Record per attached labels . cc : Rebecca Lind , Planner Manager Jam and Smudge Free Printing • w ry.I ww.ave com AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® 1-800-GO-AVERY 0 Marc Rousso w David Halinen r Scott Dahlin J & M Land Development Halinen Law 169 Sunset Ct NW 1500 S 5th P1 10500 NE 8th St#1900 Issaquah, WA 98027 Renton, WA 98055 Bellevue, WA 98004 Ted Dahm Scott Cameron Samuel Park Advanced Underground Inc Cameron Real Estate Group LLC P2 Design Group 12708 195th P1 SE 4-102nd Ave NE, Suite 201 1402 Third Ave, #730 Issaquah, WA 98027 Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle, WA 98101 Kevin Wyman Richard Chan Mackenzie River Homes Inc 7683 SE 27th St #206 16540 SE 149th St Mercer Island, WA 98040 Renton, WA 98059 r ; _ t,,, ,, 1 4 1 i Atl3AV-OD-008-I. ■■ ®09154uege6 el zaslli;fl ®0965®AURAV C:\ uaortiaAp•MMMMMMIM apide a6epas a;a e6eaanogi;ue uoisseaduzi ! RECEIVED play' (11<`s )et,f ( ,osnet— EP 1 2 2g 5 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT,Renton City Council NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC vk" PLANNING DEPARTMENT �NT� MEMORANDUM DATE: September 12, 2005 TO: Dan Clawson, Committee Chair Members of the Planning & Development Committee CC: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Alex Pietsch Pon.IP STAFF CONTACT: Erika Conkling SUBJECT: Text and map amendments to the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan Designation. Changes to Title IV regarding Business Districts and Residential Uses. DESCRIPTION: Staff has been working on a code amendment to allow limited types of residential uses in the Commercial Arterial zone. This code amendment complies with the Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies for Commercial Corridors. However, in the process of producing the necessary code changes, it became apparent that corrections needed to be made to the Comprehensive Plan to clarify the terminology used to refer to the specific "Business District"portions of the Commercial Corridor. In addition to a change in nomenclature, the associated maps defining the Business Districts need to be corrected. These corrections should simplify the application of the development regulations in the Business Districts, which in turn ensures greater compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The issue analysis below describes the full range of proposed Title IV and Comprehensive Plan changes related to the issue of residential uses in Business Districts. ISSUE: 1. What is the purpose of residential development in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone and should residential uses be given the same priority as commercial uses in these districts? 2. Should the City allow stand alone residential uses within the CA zone in the NE 3ra/4th Corridor, Sunset Corridor, and Puget Corridor? h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\2005\ca residential\allow townhomes\memo to p&dc (050912).doc c Dan Clawson,Committee( R J Page 2 of 6 September 12,2005 3. If the City allows residential uses in the CA zone, what types of uses are desired: single-family, townhouses, cottages, garden style apartments, mixed use (residential and commercial in one building)? 4. Should there be simplified language relating to the Commercial Corridor designations? POLICY DIRECTION The City Council Planning and Development Committee reviewed this issue at the Committee level and gave the following direction: 1) Consider platted, stand-alone townhouse development to support an ownership housing product. 2) Eliminate stacked-flat residential uses unless part of a mixed use(in one structure) development. 3) Consider protection of commercial uses and treat residential uses with a conditional use permit requirement. 4) Require commercial and residential uses to be connected to promote an integrated walkable community. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed code changes to allow, and set standards for, platted townhouse development in the NE 4th Street Commercial Arterial zone: • Amend the purpose of the CA zone under 4-2-020 to acknowledge that limited residential use is appropriate when it is well integrated with surrounding commercial development. • Amend the use tables at 4-2-060 and 4-2-070 to allow attached and semi-attached housing in the CA zone as an administrative conditional use subject to condition Number 18,which limits residential uses to townhouses and mixed use development in the Sunset,NE 4th, and Puget Business Districts. • Amend Note 18 of the Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables under 4-2- 080 to prohibit Garden Style Apartments and set the conditions that must be met to be eligible for residential development in the CA zone. • Amend 4-2-080 to eliminate maps duplicated in 4-3-040. • Amend the development standards for the CA zone at 4-3-120 to allow a 1,200 ft minimum lot size for attached residential plats and change all corridor references to "Business District". • Amend section 4-3-040 to create a Sunset,NE 4th, and Puget Business District overlay, including development standards for commercial and residential uses. • Amend maps in section 4-3-040 to show the corrected Business Districts. h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\2005\ca residentiahallow townhomes\memo to p&dc (050912).doc Dan Clawson,Committee(.;,,,,.r Page 3 of 6 September 12,2005 • Insert Special Designation Criteria for residential uses in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts in 4-9-030. • Amend the Commercial Corridor section of the Comprehensive Plan to correct the "Business District"references and maps, and to add objectives and policies for the Puget Corridor. ANALYSIS: The heart of this issue has to do with the City's vision for its commercial districts and specifically those in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Renton's Comprehensive Plan envisions Commercial Corridors as urban districts with pedestrian-oriented amenities that will evolve from the former strip-oriented commercial sites scattered along major arterials throughout the City. Residential use is mentioned as part of a mixed-use development, but the Plan concentrates the goals and policies on traditional commercial uses. The vision focuses on creating opportunities for employment,business growth,providing public amenities, and supplying a wide range of goods and services. If this is the true purpose of the Commercial Corridor, then Renton's current land use regulations are not effectively implementing the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Development regulations allow stand-alone residential uses, such as garden-style apartments, to compete with commercial uses for prime land in some parts of the CA zone. This has been especially apparent near NE 4th Street where several residential developments have been built in the commercial area. Prior to the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update, the NE 3rd/4th, Sunset, and Puget Corridors were mapped as Community and Neighborhood Centers and zoned either Center Suburban or Center Neighborhood. Residential use was allowed along NE 4th Street and in two places along Sunset Boulevard as part of a Bonus Residential Overlay. The overlay provided an incentive for residential development in the centers by providing a density bonus for residential development that met specific site review requirements. Mixed-use residential development was allowed in the area adjacent to the arterial and stand alone residential uses (including apartments, townhouses, and single-family detached homes) were allowed in areas more than 150 feet back. Site review was supposed to ensure quality development,but the guidance provided in the development regulations did not provide a solid standard that could be effectively implemented. While the Bonus Residential Overlay provided an option for residential development, once built the residential uses did not produce the walkable,well connected, and vibrant commercial district envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. The commercial areas developed into small, strip shopping areas with surface parking in front of the stores. Residential development included freestanding apartments, townhouse, and small-lot single-family uses. No mixed-use residential/commercial projects were built. As a result, during the 2004 update,the Centers designation was eliminated and the strips were designated Commercial Corridors in the Comprehensive Plan and zoned CA. h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\2005\ca residential\allow townhomes\memo to p&dc (050912).doc Dan Clawson,Committee NW. Page 4 of 6 September 12,2005 In attempt to improve the vitality in commercial areas,the Commercial Corridor concept provides for attractive districts through additional land use and site planning requirements. As the regulations now stand, residential development is allowed as a part of mixed-use developments in the CA zone. Stand-alone residential development is allowed in the NE 3rd/4th Street, Sunset Boulevard, and Puget Drive Business Districts in the form of attached residential units on lots greater than 5,000 square feet. In other words,rental or condominium uses are allowed, at a maximum density of 20 dwelling units per acre(du/acre), but fee simple townhouses, cottages, and single-family homes are prohibited. Of the three districts, the NE 3rd/4th Business District has had the most pressure for residential development. Development of that area slowed during the sewer moratorium instituted in 1989 due to physical capacity limitations. When the moratorium was lifted three and a half years later, landowners were eager to pursue their development options. With the combination of strip-oriented commercial uses and deep lots along NE 4th Street,property owners considered the back portions of their property infeasible for commercial use. Several residential developments were built in the NE 3rd/4th District under the Bonus Residential Overlay, and more are proposed under the current regulations. There is less immediate pressure to develop residential uses in the Puget and Sunset Business Districts because they were never subject to development moratorium. Growth in these Corridors proceeded according to market conditions because land was never withheld from development. Commercial uses predominate,but the potential for stand- alone residential use in these Business Districts is the same. Given the boom in the housing market, there is the potential that allowing residential uses could fill up the small Commercial Arterial sites that have been specifically set aside to provide commercial activity in growing areas. The Comprehensive Plan states in Policy LU-335 that increased demand for commercial use should be accommodated through the intensification of the existing area and not expansion. If the Commercial Corridors are not to be expanded, it is especially important to preserve the land within them for commercial growth. Additionally,with the removal of the Bonus Residential Overlay, the design guidelines for residential development were also removed. There were never standards in place to address the integration of residential and commercial uses or to create pedestrian connections between uses. Without adequate development standards and limiting conditions,residential development in the CA zone undermines the goal of transforming strip commercial into a vibrant Commercial Corridor. Careful consideration should also be given to the type and amount of housing allowed in the Commercial Corridor. Given the size of the Business District, detached single-family homes would require too much land unless placed on very small lots. Garden-style apartment development, while limited to 20 du/acre,may be too large in size and scale to effectively blend into a commercial area or transition to single-family neighborhoods. Medium-density attached townhouse development could provide an ideal transition between busy commercial areas and residential zones. This housing type is conducive to h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\2005\ca residential\allow townhomes\memo to p&dc (050912).doc Dan Clawson,Committee 64,...r Page 5 of 6 September 12,2005 either owned or rented dwelling units and the proximity to the arterial is ideal for transit access. If townhouse development was allowed in the Business Districts, several code changes must be implemented. Allowing stand-alone residential projects as an administrative conditional use ensures that commercial uses are given a higher priority in the zone than residential use. Under the proposed conditional use language, specific requirements must be met for townhouse projects approval. These include locating the project in parts of the District that are less desirable for commercial development, and being able to meet strict design standards. Specific design standards implemented under the Business Districts Overlay improve the quality of both commercial and residential developments and ensure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Instead of loose guidelines, development standards must be explicitly enumerated for walkways, landscaping, and connections between commercial and residential areas, fencing,building design,parking, and street layout. Carefully crafted standards offer developers flexibility in site planning,but hold them to the commitment of building the Commercial Corridor as envisioned. These standards would need to include measures to ensure creation of a lively, well- connected Business District. Site plans should be required to connect residential development with commercial uses through a series of pedestrian pathways, internal streets, and public plazas to provide convenient ways for residents to access goods and services. Attractively landscaped,well-designed,pedestrian scale development could make the commercial area more inviting and attractive. Pedestrian accessibility and walkability would create a more vibrant commercial district. The mix of residential and commercial uses itself could provide a buffer between walled-off residential development and isolated commercial strips. The greater the number of physical connections between the residential and commercial areas, the stronger the community connections will be between the two areas. If developed according to well-crafted regulations,the pedestrian connections could become a community amenity. As a side note,the areas along NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget are called by a variety of different names throughout the Comprehensive Plan and the Development Regulations. In order to reduce the confusion, changes have been made so that the term"Corridor" applies to the lands designated for Commercial Corridor land use by the Comprehensive Plan. "Business District" is a specific area subject to a special overlay zone with additional development regulations and enhanced standards. Business Districts are the way in which the Commercial Corridor land use designation is implemented in the specific areas along NE 4th Street, Sunset Boulevard,Puget Drive, and Rainier Avenue. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE: This proposal meets the first three review criteria for Comprehensive Plan Amendments found in Title IV 4-9-020 (at least one must be met): 1. The request supports the vision embodied in the Comprehensive Plan, or 2. The request supports the adopted business plan goals established by the City Council, or 3. The request eliminates conflicts with existing elements or policies, or h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\2005\ca residential\allow townhomes\memo to p&dc (050912).doc Dan Clawson, Committee C1I` *410 Page 6 of 6 September 12,2005 4. The request amends the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate new policy directives of the City Council CONCLUSION: The requirement for residential development opportunities in the Commercial Corridor areas is met by allowing mixed-use developments. Allowing limited townhouse uses with strict development regulations balances the need to reserve room for future commercial development with the desire of property owners to build residential units in the NE 4th, Sunset, and Puget Business Districts. Adopting standards for both commercial and residential development ensures compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Clarifying the use of terms in referring to these areas makes the regulations easier to use and apply. CC: Gregg Zimmerman Neil Watts h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\2005\ca residential\allow townhomes\memo to p&dc (050912).doc CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CORRECTING CHAPTER 4-2, LAND USE DISTRICTS, CHAPTER 4-3, ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS, AND CHAPTER 4-4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" TO AMEND PROVISIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN THE COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, The City conducted review of the entire Comprehensive Plan and development regulations of Ordinance 4260, performed analysis of needed revisions based on Growth Management Act compliance and developed a work program to implement needed updates of development regulations, and WHEREAS, The Residential Density Bonus District was eliminated within the NE 4th Commercial Corridor, and WHEREAS, The prior Residential Density Bonus District provisions allowed attached residential units without a mix of commercial uses within the same building and platting of residential development greater than 150 feet from the primary arterial within the district, and WHEREAS, The City desires to re-instate the ability to plat attached unit developments within portions of the NE 4th Business District, and WHEREAS, The primary purpose of the NE 4th Business District is to provide opportunity for a wide range of commercial uses, however residential uses are allowed as part of the mix of uses in the zone, and Nise WHEREAS, The City Council finds that revisions are needed to the Title IV Development Standards to re-instate stand-alone residential uses in a limited way, and to modify procedures and review criteria for those uses to ensure that development is consistent with the purpose of the Commercial Arterial zone, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-2-020 "Purpose" is amended to read as follows: SEE ATTACHMENT A. SECTION II. Section 4-2-070L "Commercial Arterial" is amended to make attached and semi attached residential development an Administrative Conditional Use in the Commercial Arterial zone. An adjustment to Section 4-2-070I "Commercial Neighborhood," to fix the condition number for residential use in the Commercial Neighborhood zone is also needed due to revisions made for the Commercial Arterial zone. Corresponding amendments will also need to be made on the use tables in Section 4-2-060 "Zoning Use Table". SEE ATTACHMENT B. SECTION III. Section 4-2-080 "Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables" is amended as follows to standardize the Business District references and alter condition 18: SEE ATTACHMENT C. SECTION IV. Section 4-2-120 "Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations" and "Conditions Associated with Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations"are amended as follows: SEE ATTACHMENT D. SECTION V. Section 4-3-040 "Commercial Corridor Business Designations" is amended as follows: SEE ATTACHMENT E. SECTION VI. Section 4-9-030 "Conditional Use Permits" is amended as follows: SEE ATTACHMENT F. ATTACHMENT A ' 4-2-020 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS to be amended by the following revisions 4-2-020 PURPOSE AND INTENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS: L. COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL ZONE(CA): The purpose of the Commercial Arterial Zone(CA) is to evolve from "strip commercial"linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning, incorporating efficient parking lot design coordinated access, amenities and boulevard treatment. The CA Zone provides for a wide variety of indoor and outdoor retail sales and services along high-volume traffic corridors. Limited residential uses may be integrated into the zone if there are permanent physical connections to commercial uses. The zone includes four designated business districts along mapped corridors with development standards designed to encourage concentrated commercial activity, a focal point of pedestrian activity along the corridor, and visual interest. Designated business districts include: Automall, Sunset Boulevard-Corridor, Northeast Fourth Corridor, and the Rainier Avenue-Corridor. The CA zone is intended to implement the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan designation. Interpretation of uses and project review in this zone shall be based on the objectives and policy direction established in the Commercial Corridor land use designation, Objectives LU-DDD through LU-UUU, Policies LU-333 through LU- 405 or the Employement Area-Valley land use designation, Objectives LU-ZZZ through LU-BBBB, Policies LU-445 through LU-460, and the Community Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan. CA Residential Changes 4-2-020 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT B 4-2-070 I COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD(CN) Uses allowed in the CN Zone are as follows: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Natural resource extraction/recovery H ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Kennels, hobby AC#37 Pets, common household, up to 3 per dwelling unit or business AC establishment RESIDENTIAL Detached dwelling (existing legal) P Attached dwelling P#198 OTHER RESIDENTIAL, LODGING AND HOME OCCUPATIONS Home occupations AC#6 SCHOOLS K-12 educational institution (public H or private) K-12 educational institution (public P#9 or private), existing PARKS Parks, neighborhood P Parks, regional/community, existing P Parks, regional/community, new AD OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC FACILITIES Community Facilities Cemetery H Religious institutions H Service and social organizations H Public Facilities City government offices AD City government facilities H USES: TYPE: OFFICE AND CONFERENCE CA Residential Changes- 4-2-070I August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT B 4-2-070L COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL(CA) Uses allowed in the CA Zone are as follows: USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES Natural resource extraction/recovery H ANIMALS AND RELATED USES Kennels, hobby AC#37 Pets, common household, up to 3 per dwelling unit or business establishment AC RESIDENTIAL Semi-attached dwelling AD#18 Attached dwelling RAD#18 Flats or townhouses (existing legal) OTHER RESIDENTIAL, LODGING AND HOME OCCUPATIONS Group homes I H Group homes II for 7 or more H Home occupations AC#6 SCHOOLS K-12 educational institution (public or private) H#9 K-12 educational institution (public or private),existing P#9 Other higher education institution P Schools/studios, arts and crafts P Trade or vocational school H PARKS Parks, neighborhood P Parks, regional/community, existing P Parks, regional/community, new AD OTHER COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC FACILITIES Community Facilities Cemetery H Religious institutions H Service and social organizations H Public Facilities USES: TYPE: City government offices AD City government facilities H Other government offices and facilities H CA Resdential Changes 4-2-070L August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT C �.► to be amended by the following revisions 4-2-080 CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING USE TABLES: A. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 14. Except that when operations are predominantly conducted out-of-doors rather than completely enclosed within an enclosed structure, an administrative conditional use permit is required within 1,200 feet of Sunset Blvd. in the Sunset GerfidorBusiness District,within 4 00--feet of NE '1k' within-the NE 4th Business DistrictGerrider, and within the Center Village designation. 18. a. General Requirements: Subject to the density limits of the development standards for this zone—Only and only permitted within a structure containing retail and/or on-site service uses on the ground floor; oxcept in locations 1,200 ft. of 3'.414th Streets, Sunset Blvd., S. Puget ' except in the Employment Area Valley or Commercial Business Districts, as described below. b. Emplovment Area Valley: Residential uses are not permitted in the Employment Area Valley(EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. c. Commercial Business Districts: Townhouse units are allowed without ground floor retail within the building if located more than 150 ft. from an arterial in the NE 4th Business District, Sunset Business District, and Puget Business District with an administrative conditional use permit, subject to the criteria in 4-9-030K. Residential units developed as part of a same building mixed-use project are allowed at a maximum of 60 du/acre. 19. Subject to the density limitations located in the development standards for this zone. CN zone-Additional: only permitted within a structure containing retail and/or on-site service uses on the ground floor. 20. Not allowed in locations with 1,200 feet of NE Sunset Blvd. within the Sunset Business DistrictCerrider,within 1,200 feet of NE Pie-within-the NE 4th Business Districtsorrador, and within 1,200 feet of S. Puget Drive in the Puget Business DistrictGerrider. 44. Within 4 280-feet of NE 4th-in-the NE 4th Street Business DistrictCorridor and within the Rainier Avenue Business DistrictGerrider, permitted provided that the facility has a minimum setback of one hundred feet(100')from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel, otherwise an administrative conditional use permit is required. 46.Within 1,200 feet of Sunset Blvd.within the Sunset Boulevard Business DistrictCerrider, eligible for an administrative conditional use permit provided that the facility has a minimum setback of one hundred feet(100') from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel, otherwise a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit is required. 47.Within the Rainier Avenue Business DistrictCerrider, may be allowed by an administrative conditional use permit if the monopole II facility is to be constructed on property where wireless communication support structures presently operate, and the new CA Residential Changes-4-2-080 August 24,2005 ATTACHMENT C `a''` to be amended by the following revisions monopole II facility will not exceed the height of the existing support structures. Prohibited if located within three hundred feet(300')of an RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, or R-14 Zone unless the Development Services Division determines that all residentially zoned property within three hundred feet(300')of the proposed facility is undevelopable due to critical areas regulations (RMC 4-3-050), then the new wireless support structure can be reviewed as an administrative conditional use. 48.Within 200-feot of NE la-in-the NE 4th Business District Corridor and within the Sunset Boulevard Business DistrictCerrider,prohibited if located within three hundred feet(300')of an RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10, or R-14 Zone, otherwise may be allowed with a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit. 68. Within 1,200 feet of NE Pie-within-the-the NE 4th Business DistrictCerr-ider, 1,200 feet of Sunset Blvd. within the Sunset Business DistrictCorridor and within 1,200 feet of S. Puget Drive within the Puget Drive Business DistrictCorrider, a. uses are subject to the size restrictions of RMC 4-2-120A„ and b. within Puget and Sunset Business DistrictCorriders, department stores are not permitted. 69. Within 1,200 feet of NE Pi4th-Street-within-the NE 4th Business DistrictCorrider, within the Sunset Business DistrictCerrider and within the Puget Drive Business DistrictCerr-ider, uses are subject to the size restrictions of RMC 4-2-120A: a. Within Sunset and Puget Business DistrictCorridors, Only the following on-site services are permitted: Entertainment media rental,financial and real estate services; repair services(excluding auto repair).b. Rental services require an administrative F. NE 1t14-CORRIDO11 CA Residential Changes-4-2-080 August 24,2005 ATTACHMENT C ,....► to be amended by the following revisions O��SW,Pi mei ■AW „el sA1ialp i kw�J ui1 fl - 11114211114I ..kt&diII.... �1la.71v'- �, �►MIS rllRi 1 1 �j �M - . - Ilt moon: ��+ca .0 I4 11 Ril d QU19111Or rul[:a E t h 5; ►� \r P. gal a�od C+ls��r Ef �f/�r.J�nianu� IIUI�a .r.ggl/ �is,� ail I If ,q a 1■ ■N�I• Mk a�■_I` J�j1u�,rau., 11lICp?171►\\ '. ?_ �_�" !PAWL iss�� �� sas,t}ter, ,�t twanu a ltIUI it/a W ! -, �',�.s" r. r r 'r' ¢-1= 4111 �W .A �r `. . , ix,-,,::.:,-:xe ;�� .� r° t� �. ✓", fir'g'` e�iil�i1�i i. ■ e+ �"� li ,-.a a,, ;: +fir` ,+ !' > a"°°°I,,.. , SW■�\ ye �t^ at ��� '�� ¢ r+ o °'°-ter�"`��'�'`d.r°.,� r, � �.a- �`^ '� iri,,-„, Sao -:. , . . ..„ ,„...., ....„,.:.,....„:„.„:„:„.,,,...„..:,; ......:..,:.......„:„.„7„,„, a 4 .d' ".tr s*,,,* f ar ,f°'t="t " °"a ,,, 7,, .,...,,.,J0 �i! ■e a URI �e � I�r I!? -404111 i�� ro � �I / ttiC� keill 0 � rr4aQ �r� i►* .` men T ti �M i+C�rltii��<Ifa r?i]�a ► �� ����1o ����l �� �0 1� ► �i1rM�*ia+►� turd, NE 4th Street Corridor NE 4th 3tree#Ccunmarciat Cortidar F '�1 NE 4th Street Commercial Corridor Business Gltstrkt i CA Residential Changes-4-2-080 August 24,2005 ATTACHMENT C1400 to be amended by the following revisions I iiu1r`l _` te nton 'tllrg PI '�* im ,i�i P.> a I, -� r_lnirlphib, .,„,,,,\ F-3 b... -= ;;,,, - ''; 1. digi4 ' WRI'llirj1 kh. , A ,.VT 1 ,,,,- 1111111 r1/08;:': , I ufh• , cf5 4 s 1 E i CP itf!7) -. Lo hibi,... w o .1 i t aill fr. 411t Ilkk lor AIII: am Arrir s )_ �iiriYV r Puget Corridor idot Puget ConmettialCe. fi tl' CA Residential Changes-4-2-080 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT C w. ...- to be amended by the following revisions Iitl■.l' m N1/1?�1 ERlli11+ i/.11112 1 .ff b_illIdl,. as rinl 'l 11aralts 1I I-wall il�lsar hi.>arm.. •It II I ;au ' 'E. 1,'s!I Mier ILiA4l �a -,„. r iin[ saIgIM/ q6t1 i1srae� a I•L• '1•INI:lI er1iirl r / �JlEIl1{"' # x ■ •r.r..srz. um. A e..IIh� -= , ii 'U�.r■ ili a T,'r*��. .a l■ 1, �a ..IJI II I "im :' ;11 i L 1 •er ,, -tau/a +tu��l' i� ! . ..- -Z,d uIsiI,rI I7n PI• ''IlliJ 1 aSa111111 It3iU■ ...Malt i rl 1 6yl N ll v liititb ::,•114amm llII. , ML►p_ . !- t `• n — ,41-1 maS"di5ii! Fi. 441 iii it 1T' N -9-sailliririliiiiialinimili.1 rans,min:00.4 0,,,,rieW'\*-411:17:2:,;71.-1,:,...-1. rreiii; it,i.:,--i= _ rfz. i; ig fil c......„4 NII rw [� c� � �' 1 u [� 1 �rtl�ar 01.9 "",: M .l E 2, ti .. -- .. 11 �I•��T9I■6� 11-1-71\ all=uk 411,1 ...-. nil 5...' - . I, fiti iiii .t..._ ...... .■. ! I # ,flor w am,!■ . a c 1 ... ....,• .....11. r - '14' , .ri.-,,,, k ",, {� i J.. ima 11:',01111Migiiii Eliiiiira NW tr. t.walk e- ii. ..6. '''et .7.111, .4re VII ir Airlits �JI. � ��--_ -i ■� 1I to -c+ -7 ��'+,_. !! r/ xl'll�'� SAY`. -,A y✓,,! r r r fa, . ,.1. #4 Z.Z;: i'} 4. ref., fC � ''°`i 1 - /r WM -1, s."11 a 7.)4i/,1's4i4.-e.11 r. .glilr i #''�' '" " a'iXt1 4'J:y „miles r.3�O;`„ r :.r`'� "' �+l�_,- — N� _ IF 'T4 t'11,t,J .+ir° r r,f l .r'`J J' �s s� -y . 1" s ^s f k Ar t e i 1 ' �= 1■:ic''li E NIA' ilr- 4111 7irjr 4f, 4 r , ' , i: a' illy - mi/,,i lZ ` l r. r 11/11 44:41 tE -ell' ",' i s' j.✓,, r,f.1, r i f 14'11 M -N =s- ...:1 I+`L It . 4. '' s � ' Ejdi g ' � � � .., y` g - - -r. Ali E.di .//////fi'llr..*-11-1""'""Illiw---, 11111111iris !!!!;,. Y.4:yi widlIT51M "th st v � -, r, Rainier Corridor 1.1% Rditivir ettronettialCorrit x Malta CA1'YIr15 rddi Ccrria1.Bilh11R"Ss Disidot 11* CA Residential Changes-4-2-080 August 24,2005 ATTACHMENT C `ad Nu to be amended by the following revisions �� ■AI■��� " ! R 'P r11�� r� VFIJ ri■t ,�" :6 ■ i, 4010 a= �li�G�mPEr. m■/� t■ ♦ * •� ► ♦�/ ■ .1040.44 -.Emilia ■ ,■ ■■ �'f tk�r1�♦'�'►r'�t�ni���� �lll►!� � r"` t}�r IN .. ■■ !ct ■a�� i�/��i��IL'J61�/'�I11l � .4 '--'`4 I �'�1�1� �,�jj ralliiit::-: �, �� ■rya. �� , kit; �P € R `t� lilia Ith, --.. .::--: -- ,.,_.:-,--,--,: ,, - ,. --, , ITili, ..iiiija,R. =iiii-'-,- .,-,, -:---, 1 i tiriaii, ,„. _ „. ,,....., N>� ,r�U�� l fr" i ■IS iki . INM�II s' � `Elp II. � r =I al 711— Ica El ri smi ligulk 2 iltib dy D �/■�-m _ Wats: gin sSi e rig♦ ��� ■r • WIN 111M111111rean all rm 1....19 _Itilaini B.e. ill kra al .' t idgratimimili ru -iiii Sunset Corridorv.771 SunCommereielcorrsdor Sunsetset Commercial Corridor Business District CA Residential Changes-4-2-080 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: 4-2-120A DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS CN CV CA LOT DIMENSIONS None, except: 1,200 sq. ft. in the Sunset, NE Fourth, and Puget Business Districts. See maps in RMC 4-3-040 a.Within 1,200 ft. of NE 3rd/4th in the NE Minimum Lot Size for 4th Corridor, 5,000 lots created after Nov. 10, 5,000 sq.ft. 25,000 sq.ft. -ft. 2004 b. Within 1,200 feet of NE Sunset Blvd. and S. Puget Drive in the Sunset and Puget Corridors; maps in RMC 4 2 080E through J). Minimum Lot Width/Depth for lots None None None created after Nov. 10, 2004 LOT COVERAGE 65%of total lot area 65%of total lot area 65% of total lot area or or 75% if parking is or 75% if parking is 75% if parking is Maximum Lot Coverage provided within the provided within the provided within the for Buildings building or within an building or within an g on-site parking on-site parking building or within an on- garage. garage. site parking garage. DENSITY (Net Density in Dwelling Units per Net Acre) None, except in the Sunset, NE Fourth, and Puget Business Districts. See maps in RMC 4-3-040 Minimum Net 10 dwelling units per within, 1,200 feetf NE o None net acre. Residential Density9 Corridor, Sunset Blvd. and S. Puget Drive in the Sunset and Puget Corridors (see maps in J): 10 dwelling units per CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D %Pio `400 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: net acre. DENSITY (Net Density in Dwelling Units per Net Acre) (Continued) 20 dwelling units per net acre. Center Village Residential Bonus District Pursuant to RMC 4=3- 20 dwelling units per net 095, up to 80 dwelling acre, except within the . units per net acre Sunset, NE Fourth, and may be granted for Puget Business provision of: Districts, it shall be 60 Maximum Net 4 dwelling units per a. A minimum depth dwelling units per acre structure. of 30 ft. and a for development with Residential Density9 minimum length mixed commercial and of 60 ft. of residential use in the commercial use same building. See on the first floor of maps in RMC 4-3-040 the primary structure, and b. Parking enclosed under or enclosed within the first floor of the primary structure. SETBACKS' 10 ft.The minimum 10 ft. The minimum 10 ft. The minimum setback may be setback may be setback may be reduced reduced to 0 ft. reduced to 0 ft. to 0 ft.through the site through the site plan through the site plan development review development review plan development Minimum Front Yard18 p p review process provided process provided process provided blank walls are not blank walls are not blank walls are not located within the located within the located within the reduced setback. reduced setback. reduced setback. None, except 15 ft. see Overiayin the Rainier Avenue, Sunset, NE 15 ft.15 15 ft.15 Fourth, and Puget Maximum Front Yard18 Business Districts. See maps and standards in in;RMC 4-3-040,for properties i off_ 10 ft.The minimum 10 ft.The minimum 10 ft. The minimum Minimum Side Yard setback may be setback may be setback may be reduced Along a Street18 reduced to 0 ft. reduced to 0 ft. to 0 ft.through the site CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: through the site plan through the site plan plan development development review development review review process provided process provided process provided blank walls are not blank walls are not blank walls are not located within the located within the located within the reduced setback. reduced setback. reduced setback. 10 ft. landscaped 10 ft. landscaped 10 ft. landscaped Minimum Freeway setback from the setback from the setback from the Frontage Setback property line. property line. property line. SETBACKS (Continued) None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if lot lot abuts or is lot abuts or is abuts or is adjacent to a adjacent to a adjacent to a residential zone RC, R- Minimum Rear Yard18 residential zone, RC, residential zone, RC, , R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, 1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, R-14, or RM-F. R-14, or RM-F. or RM-F. None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if None, except 15 ft. if lot lot abuts or is lot abuts or is abuts or is adjacent to a adjacent to a adjacent to a residential zone, RC,Minimum Side Yard18 residential zone, RC, residential zone, RC, R- 1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, or RM-F. R-14, or RM-F. R-14,or RM-F. In no case shall a In no case shall a In no case shall a structure over 42 in. structure over 42 in. structure over 42 in. in in height intrude into in height intrude into height intrude into the Clear Vision Area the 20 ft. clear vision the 20 ft. clear vision 20 ft. clear vision area area defined in RMC area defined in RMC defined in RMC 4-11- 4-11-030. 4-11-030. 030. BUILDING LIMITATIONS None, except: a.Within 1,200 ft. of NE Corrider/withie 1,200 feet of Sunset 12. 5,000 gross sq.ft. d;ln the NE • The maximum size Fourth Business shall not be exceeded District:65888 Maximum Gross Floor except by conditional 65,000 gross sq.ft. Area of Any Single use permit.2,9 These None b.S. Puget Dr. within Commercial Use on a restrictions do not Sunset-and-Puget Site apply to residential Corr-iderin the Puget uses subject to net Sunset and density limitations. Business Districts:, 35,000 sq.ft. Restrictions do not apply to uses subject to net density limitations and grocery stores (see maps in RMC 4 2 080F CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D ' ` 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: through J).4-3-040). None, except: a. . In the NE Fourth Business District: 65,000 gross sq. ft. b. In the Puqet Sunset and Business Districts:, 35,000 sq. ft. 3,000 gross sq.ft.21 The maximum size shall not be exceeded 65,004.43-ress-sq—ft: except by conditional Maximum Gross Floor use permit.2•9 These b. Within 1,200 feet of Area of Any Single None S. Puget Dr. and NE Office Use on a Site2, 9 restrictions do not apply to residential uses,which are The total gross square footage of these uses subject to net density shall not exceed 50% of limitations. the gross square footage of the site.2,9 These restrictions do not apply to residential uses, which are subject to net density limitations. (See maps in RMC 4-3-0404 2 080G through-J.) All commercial uses shall have their See RMC 4-3-040 for primary entrance and standards for the Puget, Building Orientation shop display window NA Sunset and NE Fourth oriented toward the Business Districts.NA street frontage. LANDSCAPING 10 ft., except where reduced through the site plan development review process. There Minimum On-site 10 ft.,except where 10 ft., except where are additional Landscape Width reduced through the reduced through the landscaping standards Required Along the site plan development site plan development for pedestrian Street Frontage review process. review process. connections in the Puget,Sunset, and NE Fourth Business Districts. See maps and standards at RMC CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D `'Noe 4-2-120A& C to be amended by the following revisions: 4-3-040.. 15 ft.wide sight- obscuring landscape strip.3,5 If the street is a 15 ft.wide sight- obscuringdesignated principal landscape arterial,1 non-sight- strip.3,5 obscuring landscaping Minimum On-site If the street is a 15 ft. wide landscape shall be provided unless Landscape Width Along designated principal buffer is required3 otherwise determined by the Street Frontage arterial,1 non-sight- unless otherwise the Reviewing Official Required When a obscuring determined by the through the site plan Commercial Lot is landscaping shall be Reviewing Official development review Adjacent8 to Property provided unless through the site plan process. There are Zoned Residential, RC, otherwise determined development review additional landscaping R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R- by the Reviewing process. standards for 14,or RM Official through the pedestrian site plan development connections in the review process. Puget,Sunset, and NE Fourth Business Districts. See maps and standards at RMC 4-3-040... LANDSCAPING (Continued) 15 ft. wide landscaped visual barrier consistent with the definitions in 15 ft. wide 15 ft.wide RMC 4-11-120.A 10 ft. landscaped visual landscaped visual sight-obscuring barrier consistent with barrier consistent with landscape strip may be Minimum Landscape allowed through the site Width Required When a the definition in RMC the definition in RMC plan development Commercial Lot is 4-11-120. A 10 ft. 4-11-120.A 10 ft. p sight-obscuring sight-obscuring review process. There Abutting7 to Property are additional Zoned Residential, RC, landscape strip may landscape strip may landscaping standards R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R- be allowed through be allowed through for pedestrian 14,or RM the site plan the site plan connections in the development review development review Puget,Sunset, and NE process.3,4 process.3,4 Fourth Business Districts. See maps and standards at RMC 4-3-040...3,4 In the Green River Valley, an additional 2% Special Requirements of natural landscaping for Properties Located NA NA shall be required per the within the Green River Soil Conservation Valley Planning Area Service Environmental Mitigation Agreement. These areas should not CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: be dispersed throughout a site, but should be aggregated in one portion of the property. Where possible, the required 2% landscaping for adjacent properties should be contiguous.A drainage swale, planted with vegetation suitable for habitat, may be counted toward the 2% additional landscape requirement if the Reviewing Official determines that the proposed planting plan and swale design will function to meet the intent of these regulations, including but not limited to, that the facility slope and fencing design would not inhibit wildlife use. See RMC 4-4-070D6, Green River Valley Landscaping Requirements. HEIGHT 50 ft., except 35 ft. in the Sunset and NE Fourth Business Districts. See maps in RMC 4-3-040. Heights may exceed the 35 ft. maximum height with a Maximum Building 50 ft. except when Conditional Use IHeight,14,16 except for height n case exceedsh thel abutting lots zoned R- Permit.16 9 p 8, RMH, R-10, R-14, In no case shall height Public uses with a"Public limits specified in g Suffix" (P)designation RMC 4-3-020. or RM-F, then 45 ft. exceed the limits specified in RMC 4=3- 020. 35 ft. in the NE Sunset in RMC '1 2 080F through--J). Maximum Height for See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. See RMC 4-4-140G. CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: Wireless Communication Facilities SCREENING Outdoor, Loading, Repair, Maintenance, Work,or Storage Areas; Surface-Mounted Utility and Mechanical See RMC 4-4-095. See RMC 4-4-095. See RMC 4-4-095. Equipment; Roof Top Equipment(Except for Telecommunication Equipment) Refuse or Recyclables See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. PARKING See RMC 10-10-13 and RMC 4-4-080. For the See RMC 10-10-13 See RMC 10-10-13 NE Fourth, Sunset, General and RMC 4-4-080. and RMC 4-4-080. Puget, and Rainier Avenue Business Districts, see RMC 4-3- 040. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS A pedestrian connection shall be provided from a A pedestrian A pedestrian public entrance to the connection shall be connection shall be street, in order to provided from a public provided from a public provide direct, clear and entrance to the street, entrance to the street, separate pedestrian in order to provide in order to provide walks from sidewalks to direct, clear and direct, clear and building entries and separate pedestrian separate pedestrian internally from buildings walks from sidewalks walks from sidewalks to abutting retail to building entries and to building entries and properties, unless the General internally from internally from vial de buildings to abutting buildings to abutting re termine weul d retail properties; retail properties; unless-the-Reviewing uniess-the-Reviewing pedestrian. There are additional standards for that-the-requirement that4he-requirement would-duly wily the Rainier Avenue, NE endanger-the endanger-the Fourth, Sunset, and Puget Business pedestrian. pedestrian. Districts. See RMC 4-3- 040 for maps and standards. SIGNS See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. See RMC 4-4-100. General There are additional CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D firr✓ 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: standards for the Rainier Avenue Business District at RMC 4-3-040. LOADING DOCKS See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. See RMC 4-4-080. Shall not be permitted Shall not be permitted Shall not be permitted on the side of the lot on the side of the lot on the side of the lot adjacent to or adjacent to or Location within Site abutting a residential abutting a residential adjacent to or abutting a residential zone, RC, R- zone, RC, R-1, R-4, zone, RC, R-1, R-4, 1 R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, R-8, R-10, R-14, or R-8, R-10, R-14, or or RM.3 RM.3 RM.3 DUMPSTER/RECYCLING COLLECTION AREA Size and Location of Refuse or Recycling See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. See RMC 4-4-090. Areas CRITICAL AREAS General See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. See RMC 4-3-050. (Ord.4773, 3-22-1999; Ord.4777,4-19-1999; Ord. 4803, 10-25-1999; Ord.4851, 8-7-2000; Ord. 4917,9-17-2001; Amd. Ord.4963, 5-13-2002; Ord. 5018, 9-22-2003; Ord. 5028, 11-24-2003; Ord. 5100, 11-1-2004) 4-2-120C CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLES FOR COMMERCIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS 2. The following table indicates the maximum requested size/standard change that may be allowed by conditional use permit. Increases above these levels may not be achieved by a variance or the conditional use permit process. APPLICABLE ZONE STANDARD CHANGE CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST PERMIT TYPE Uses restricted to 3,000 gross CN s.f.—increases: H Between 3,000—5,000 s.f.max. Uses restricted to 5,000 gross s.f.—increases up to: AD CN 10%or 500 gross s.f. 20%or 1,000 gross s.f. H Uses restricted to 35,000 gross s.f.—increases up to: AD Puget and Sunset 20%or 7,000 gross s.f. Business Districts in the CA Zone 40%or 14,000 gross s.f. H CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT D ``r" 4-2-120A & C to be amended by the following revisions: Uses restricted to 65,000 gross NE 4th Corridor Business District in CA and CV s.f.—increases up to: AD Zone 20%or 13,000 gross s.f. 40%or 26,000 gross s.f. H H= Hearing Examiner Conditional Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use 16. The following height requests may be made: APPLICABLE ZONE HEIGHT CHANGE REQUEST CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TYPE Puget Gar-rider and Sunset Corridor Exceed height by less than 20 feet AD Business Districts in the CA Zone Exceed height of 50 feet AD CV and NE 4th Corridor Business District in CA Zone Exceed height of 45 feet when abutting R-8 or R-10 Zone CA Exceed height of 50 feet H H= Hearing Examiner AD=Administrative Conditional Use In consideration of a request for conditional use permit for additional building height the Reviewing Official shall consider the following factors in addition to the criteria in RMC 4=9- 030, Conditional Use Permits, among all other relevant information. a. Location Criteria: Proximity of arterial streets which have sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development. Developments are encouraged to locate in areas served by transit. b. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations and any other plan, program, map or regulation of the City. c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: Building heights shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property.When a building in excess of the maximum height is proposed adjacent to or abuts a lot designated R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14 or RM-F,then the setbacks shall be equivalent to the requirements of the adjacent residential zone if the setback standards exceed the requirements of the Commercial Zone. CA Residential Changes 4-2-120 August 24, 2005 ATTACHMENT E %' Amend the following sections: 4-3-040 COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR BUSINESS DISTRICT DESIGNATIONS: A. PURPOSE: These regulations establish development standards to implement aro intended to " the Commercial Corridor Comprehensive Plan designation and establish "business districts". These regulations guide the redevelopment of strip commercial urban forms into more concentrated urban forms, provide for design guidelines for residential development within the district, enhance the pedestrian environment, make the commercial environment more attractive, improve the City's tax base, and result in a more successful business district. B. APPLICABILITY: 3. Northeast Fourth Business District: That area (RMC 4-3-0401)ateng Street andwest of Monroe Ave NE on the-west-and 4E 4h Street east-df-Dtwallextendinq to Field Ave NE on the east. 5. Puget Business District: The area (RMC 4-3-040K)south of the 405 overpass between South Puget Drive and Benson Road South, and an area east of Benson Road South near Eagle Ridge Drive, and an area east of Benson Road South and north of Puget Drive. F. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR USES LOCATED WITHIN THE SUNSET BOULEVARD, NORTHEAST FOURTH STREET, PUGET, AND RAINIER AVENUE BUSINESS DISTRICTS. 21. Northeast Fourth, Sunset, and Puget Avenue-Business Districts: a. Maximum Front Yard Setback: Maximum front setback of 15 feet from the property line. In the NE Fourth Business District, tThe 15 ft. setback may be modified to accommodate the beulevacd Boulevard improvement-Improvement Pplan. When the 15 foot setback is modified, a 15 foot landscaped buffer shall be required within the enlarged setback. Required parking shall not be located within a modified setback. b. Public Plazas: Provision of a public plaza of no less than 1,000 sq. ft. with a minimum dimension of 20 feet on one side. abutting the sidewalk at all arterial intersections in the business district In the NE 4th Business District this includes any intersection with of NE 4th. In the Sunset Business District this includes any intersection with Sunset Boulevard. In the Puget Business District this includes the intersection of Benson Rd and Puget Drive. th, and NE 4 along-the-arterial, A landscape plan shall be I CA Residential Changes 4-3-040 August 24, 2005_1 ATTACHMENT E i.• •.r Amend the following sections: required for the public plaza, showing at a minimum, street trees, decorative paving, pedestrian scaled lighting, and seating. c. Future Commercial Development Pads: For parcels that are not fully developed, designate appropriate areas;for future pad • development to occur in later phases. d. Parking: The maximum number of parking spaces provided for uses within the corridor designation is limited to the minimum requirement in section 4-4-080F 10 Number of Required Parking Spaces. Garage structures shall not open directly onto a principal arterial or street. Parking lots shall be oriented to minimize their visual impact on the site. No more than 6 stalls may be consecutively clustered without an intervening landscaped area a minimum of 5 ft. in width and the length of the stall. e. Pedestrian Connections: i. Location of Pedestrian Connections 1. A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided to connect the entry or entries of each detached building to the street in addition to sidewalks required in Section 4-6-060F. 2. A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each parking field located on the back and/or side of a building to the entry or entries. 3. A minimum of one pedestrian connection shall be provided from each side of a property or development abutting or adjacent to commercial and/or residential uses. 4. Space for the minimum required pedestrian connections above shall be reserved for future pad development and when the proposed development is abutting or adjacent to an unused parcel. ii. Design Standard for Internal Pedestrian Connections 1.A minimum of 5 ft. in width 2.At least one of the following materials shall be used to define the walkway: pavers, changes in texture, or changes in the composition of the paving. 3. The entry and exit of the walkway shall be defined with a trellis, special railing, bollards, or other architectural features ,as approved by the Reviewing Official. 4. Planting strips required in 4-6-060F shall be located between the road and the required sidewalk. Trees, shrubs, I CA Residential Changes 4-3-040 August 24,2005 2 ATTACHMENT E ` ►' Amend the following sections: groundcovers, and perennial planting are required components of landscaping. 5. Bollards or other decorative features may be provided at the pedestrian access points between commercial and residential uses. Chains across vehicular or pedestrian access points are prohibited. f. Standards for Residential Uses: Site design shall include design elements that support a quality mixed use business district. The following minimum standards shall be met, however, the Reviewing Official may require additional elements consistent with site plan review criteria when determined necessary to integrate commercial and residential uses within this district. i. Street Grid: The project shall use a modified street grid system where residential buildings are oriented to a street. A public or private street grid system within the project shall be provided. No cul-de sacs allowed. Hammerhead turnarounds may only be used if the ends are able to accommodate future connection as part of the modified street grid system. Emergency fire access shall be provided through public streets or private easements connecting to the adjacent commercial or residential area. ii. Site design: Each unit shall address the public street, private street or court with a private residential entry on the front facade of the structure designed to provide individual ground floor connection to the outside. iii. Residential Building Size: A maximum of 4 consecutively attached units shall be allowed. iv. Minimum Land Area: A minimum of 1,200 sq.ft. of land area per dwelling unit is required. Each dwelling shall have a ground related private useable outdoor space of at least 200 sq. ft. with a minimum dimension of 10 ft. v. Buidling Design Standards: Urban Center Design Guidelines District B standards shall be required. Distinctive building design shall be provided with a superior level of quality for materials, details, and window placement. A consistent visual identity shall be applied to all sides of building that can be seen by the general public. Buildings should integrate pitched roofs, dormer windows, etc. to illustrate residential massing. Variation of modulation of vertical and horizontal facades of a minimum of 6 ft.depth and 20 ft. length is required at a minimum of a 40 ft., interval to reduce overall bulk and add interest and quality. Facades may be articulated with bays, terraces, balconies, awnings, stoops, recessed openings, etc. Large"boxes"without arictulation are not allowed. No parapet or roofline shall exceed 1/2 the length of the building facade without a change in elevation. Building entries should be the most prominent feature of the facade, emphasized through the use of materials and CA Residential Changes 4-3-040 August 24, 2005 3 ATTACHMENT E _Now, _ Amend the following sections: architectural detail such as tower, projections, varied roofs, trellis work, pergolas, or covered entryways. vi. Walling and Fencing: Any walling or fencing shall use materials used in the architectural treatment of the dwellings. In addition, where fencing occurs between residential and commercial uses, a minimum of one pedestrian access point shall be required consistent with the standards above. vii. Additional Residential Parking Standards: parking must be within an enclosed structure located to the rear of the primary structure or in a detached garage with rear access. If this absolutely cannot be acommoplished due to physical constraints of the site, then garages shall be designed to have minimum impact on streetscape appearance and function through the use of shared drives, architectural detailing, or façade design. The required guest spaces for attached residential uses may be surface parking. 3,.2. Rainier Avenue Business District H. NE SUNSET BUSINESS DISTRICT (map)new map I. NE 4TH STREET CORRIDOR BUSINESS DISTRICT (map)new map J. RAINIER GORRIDOWBUSINESS DISTRICT (map) K. PUGET BUSINESS DISTRICT (map) CA Residential Changes 4-3-040 August 24, 2005_4 ATTACHMENT F `iurr+' Amend section 4-9-030 with the following changes: 4-9-030 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS: K. SPECIAL DECISION CRITERIA FOR STAND ALONE RESIDENTIAL USES IN THE NE 4T11 , SUNSET, OR PUGET BUSINESS DISTRICTS 1. Residential use must be located more than 150 ft. away from Sunset Boulevard, Duval Avenue, Anacortes Avenue, or Union Avenue in the Sunset Business District; more than 150 ft away from NE 4th Street, Union Avenue, or Duvall in the NE 4th Street Business District; and more than 150 ft. away from Puget Drive or South Benson Road in the Puget Drive Business District- as shown on the Business District Maps in Section 4-30-040. 2. A mix of commercial, service, and residential uses exist within a 150 ft. radius of the proposed residential use. 3. Commercial use of the property is not feasible for reasons including, but not limited to: lack of commercial frontage, lack of access, critical areas and/or critical area buffers, or property configuration. 4. Residential use will augment the primary purpose of the commercial arterial zone by adding a pedestrian oriented land use that provides a physical connection between residential and commercial uses. 5. The use provides a transition between commercial and lower density Residential-10 and Residential-9 zoned areas and provides a visual, pedestrian, and vehicular connection from the residential zoned areas to the Commercial Arterial zoned areas. 6. Development standards from section 4-3-040F are met. Pedestrian connection standards from this section must be met without modification. L. DECISION AND CONDITIONS: The governing authority may grant, with or without conditions, or deny the requested conditional use permit. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant the conditional use permit upon making a determination, in writing, that the use is consistent with subsection G of this Section, Decision Criteria. (Ord. 4404, 6-7-1993)The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Examiner may limit the term and duration of the conditional use permit. Conditions imposed by the Zoning Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard to life or property will not develop. (Ord. 4584, 2-12-1996) 6M. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO BE COMBINED WITH SITE PLAN REVIEW: Where a use or development requires review under RMC 4-9-200, Site Plan Review,the site plan review and administrative conditional use permit shall be combined. (Ord.4404, 6-7-1993) MN. FINALIZATION: (Reserved) NO. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION: See RMC 4-8-100H and I. OP. MODIFICATIONS TO APPROVED PLAN: (Reserved) CA Residential Changes 4-9-030 August 24, 2005 July 11,2005 "am'' Renton City Council Minutes Now" Page 248 CAG: 05-089, City Hall P-3 City Clerk reported bid opening on 6/22/2005 for CAG-05-089, City Hall P-3 Parking Lot Resurfacing,Epic Parking Lot Resurfacing; one bid;engineer's estimate$100,000; and submitted Construction staff recommendation to award the contract to the sole bidder,Epic Construction,LLC, in the amount of$118,374.40. Refer to Finance Committee. Plat: Shamrock Heights II, Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions,of the Lyons Ave NE,FP-04-148, Shamrock Heights II Final Plat(FP-04-148); eleven single-family lots on 4.8 Release of Easements acres located west of Lyons Ave.NE,east of Jericho Ave. NE, and north of NE 4th St. Approval was also sought to release various utility and drainage easements related to the plat that are no longer necessary to the City. Council concur. (See page 250 for resolution.) Planning: Removal of Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department �1� Residential Uses from recommended approval to remove residential uses from the Commercial Commercial Arterial Zone Arterial zone. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. EDNSP: 2005 Neighborhood Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Grant Program recommended approval to fund five projects and four newsletters totaling $21,616 through its 2005 Neighborhood Grant Program, and approval to conduct a second round of funding with a deadline of 9/30/2005. Refer to Community Services Committee. Finance: Financial Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of the Management Policies Financial Management Policies to be included in the proposed 2006 Budget, and recommended approval of an annual review of the policies. Refer to Finance Committee. Police: Records Management Police Department recommended approval of an agreement in the amount of Software Maintenance,New $83,348 with New World Systems Corporation for the maintenance of the World Systems Corporation Police Department's records management software. Council concur. Police: Valley Special Police Department recommended approval of Addendum#1 to CAG-03-080, Response Team Interlocal Valley Special Response Team interlocal cooperative agreement,to assist Agreement Addendum, CAG- agencies in processing and responding to claims and lawsuits. Refer to Public 03-080 Safety Committee. Airport: Bosair Lease(LAG- Transportation Systems Division recommended denial of an addendum to LAG- 86-003),AcuWings Operating 86-003, airport lease with Bosair,LLC,to allow flight training services, aircraft Permit and Agreement rental, and pilot supplies sales; and denial of an operating permit and agreement with AcuWings,LLC. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Airport: Hangar Buildings Transportation Systems Division recommended approval to revert the Cedar Reversion to City Ownership River Hangar Limited Partnership's hangar buildings to City ownership, and to from Cedar River Hangar apply the City's monthly hangar rental rates to the Cedar River hangars. Refer Limited Partnership to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. Transportation: Maple Valley Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of the 2006 Program Hwy Improvements Project Project Funding Status Report for submittal to the Transportation Improvement Funding,TIB Board certifying committed Renton funds for the Maple Valley Hwy. (SR-169) Improvements project. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. CAG: 04-119,Monster Rd Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-04-119,Monster Rd. Bridge Bridge Repair,Mowat Repair; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay Construction Company estimate in the amount of$62,350,commencement of 60-day lien period,and release of retained amount of$23,935.55 to Mowat Construction Company, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. • Choir OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA t.L AI#: • Submitting Data: For Agenda of: 7/11/2005 Dept/Div/Board.. EDNSP Staff Contact Rebecca Lind Agenda Status Ext. 6588 Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Zoning text amendment to remove residential uses from Correspondence.. the Commercial Arterial zone Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Draft Ordinance Information Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning and Development Committee Legal Dept Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... N/A Transfer/Amendment N/A Amount Budgeted N/A Revenue Generated N/A Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project.. N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The proposed code amendment removes stand-alone residential uses from the Commercial Arterial Zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Eliminate stand-alone residential uses from the Commercial Arterial Zone. �Y 0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ti ® � NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC ' + PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 2005 TO: Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: .x' ,Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator p'? STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind, x6588 SUBJECT: Zoning Text Amendment to Remove Residential Uses From the Commercial Arterial Zone ISSUE: 1. What is the purpose of residential development in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone and should residential uses be given the same priority as commercial uses in these districts? 2. Should the City allow stand alone residential uses within the CA zone in the NE 3`d/4th • Corridor, Sunset Corridor, and Puget Corridor? 3. If the City allows residential uses in the CA zone, what types of uses are desired: single-family residential, townhouses, cottages, garden style apartments, mixed use (residential and commercial in one building)? RECOMMENDATION: Eliminate stand-alone residential uses in the Commercial Arterial zone. Continue to allow mixed-use development that can be implemented in compliance with the purpose of the Commercial Corridor in the Comprehensive Plan. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The heart of this issue has to do with the City's vision for its commercial districts and specifically those in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Renton's Comprehensive h:\ednsp\title iv\single zone amends\commercial\cazone\issue paper 7-1-05 removing residential from ca.doc • Terri Briere,Council Preside 411004 Page 2 of 4 July 1,2005 Plan envisions Commercial Corridors as urban districts with pedestrian-oriented amenities that will evolve from the former strip-oriented commercial sites scattered along major arterials throughout the City. Residential use is mentioned as part of a mixed-use development, but the Plan concentrates the goals and policies on traditional commercial uses. The vision focuses on creating opportunities for employment, business growth, providing public amenities, and supplying a wide range of goods and services. If this is the true purpose of the Commercial Corridor, then Renton's current land use regulations are not effectively implementing the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Development regulations allow stand-alone residential uses, such as garden-style apartments, to compete with commercial uses for prime land in some parts of the CA zone. This has been especially apparent near NE 4th Street where several residential developments have been built in the commercial area. Prior to the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update, the NE 3rd/4d', Sunset, and Puget Corridors were mapped as Community and Neighborhood Centers and zoned either Center Suburban or Center Neighborhood. Residential use was allowed along NE 4th Street and in two places along Sunset Boulevard as part of a Bonus Residential Overlay. The overlay provided an incentive for residential development in the centers by providing a density bonus for residential development that met specific site review requirements. Mixed-use residential development was allowed in the area adjacent to the arterial and stand alone residential uses (including apartments, townhouses, and single family detached homes) were allowed in areas more than 150 feet back. Site review was supposed to ensure quality development,but the guidance provided in the development regulations did not provide a solid standard that could be effectively implemented. While the Bonus Residential Overlay provided an option for residential development, once built the residential uses did not produce the walkable, well-connected, and vibrant commercial district envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. The commercial areas developed into small, strip shopping areas with surface parking in front of the stores. Residential development included freestanding apartments, townhouse, and small lot single-family uses. No mixed-use residential/commercial projects were built. As a result, during the 2004 update,the Centers designation was eliminated and the strips were designated Commercial Corridors in the Comprehensive Plan and zoned CA. In attempt to improve the vitality in commercial areas, the Commercial Corridor concept provides for attractive districts through additional land use and site planning requirements. As the regulations now stand, residential development is allowed as a part of mixed use developments in the CA zone. Stand-alone residential development is allowed within 1,200 feet of the NE 3rd/4`h Street, Sunset Boulevard, and Puget Drive Commercial Corridors in the form of attached residential units on lots greater than 5,000 square feet. In other words, rental or condominium uses are allowed, at a maximum density of 20 dwelling units per acre (du/acre),but fee simple town houses, cottages, and single-family homes are prohibited. H:\EDNSP\Title IV\Single Zone Amends\Commercial\CAzone\Issue Paper 7-1-05 Removing Residential from CA.doc Ten-i Briere, Council Presidbtie ,..r Page 3 of 4 July 1,2005 While there are three Commercial Corridor areas that allow this type of stand-alone residential use, the NE 3rd/4`h Corridor has had the most pressure for residential development. Development of that area slowed during the sewer moratorium instituted in 1989 due to physical capacity limitations. When the moratorium was lifted three and a half years later, landowners were eager to pursue their development options. With the combination of strip-oriented commercial uses and deep lots along NE 4`h Street, property owners considered the back portions of their property infeasible for commercial use. Several residential developments were built in the NE 3`1/4`h Corridor under the Bonus Residential Overlay, and more are proposed under the current regulation . There is less immediate pressure to develop residential uses in the Puget Drive and Sunset Corridors because they were never subject to development moratorium. Growth in these Corridors proceeded according to market conditions because land was never withheld from development. Commercial uses predominate and according to buildable lands data, there is only capacity for 22 residential units in the Puget Corridor and 67 units in the Sunset Corridor. However, both Corridors are subject to the same regulations as the NE 4th Commercial Corridor and the potential for stand-alone residential use in the CA zone is the same. What little land exists for commercial expansion could be diverted for residential use. Given the boom in the housing market, there is the potential for residential uses to fill up the small Commercial Arterial sites that have been specifically set aside to provide commercial activity in growing areas. The Comprehensive Plan states in Policy LU-335 that increased demand for commercial use should be accommodated through the intensification of the existing area and not expansion. If the Commercial Corridors are not to be expanded, it is especially important to preserve the land within them for commercial growth. Additionally, with the removal of the Bonus Residential Overlay, • the design guidelines for residential development were also removed. There were never standards in place to address the integration of residential and commercial uses or to create pedestrian connections between uses. Given the lack of development standards and development potential for residential uses like garden-style apartments, allowing even limited residential development in the CA zone undermines the goal of transforming strip commercial into a vibrant Commercial Corridor. Careful consideration should also be given to the type and amount of housing allowed in the Commercial Corridor. Given the size of the Commercial Corridors, detached single- family homes would require too much land unless placed on very small lots. Garden style apartment development, while limited to 20 du/acre, may be too large in size and scale to effectively blend into a commercial area or transition to single-family neighborhoods. Medium density attached town house or detached cottage development could provide an ideal transition between busy commercial areas and residential zones. These types of housing are conducive to either owned or rented dwelling units and the proximity to the arterial is ideal for transit access. Whatever type of residential use chosen for potential inclusion in the Commercial Corridor, the quantity of housing must be limited to give the opportunity for future commercial development. If stand alone H:\EDNSP\Title IV\Single Zone Amends\Commercial\CAzone\Issue Paper 7-1-05 Removing Residential from CA.doc Terri Briere,Council Preside 141110 Page 4 of 4 July 1,2005 housing developments were desired for the CA zone, limited town house or cottage developments with adequate design and development standards would be recommended. CONCLUSION: The requirement for residential development opportunities in the Commercial Corridor areas is met by allowing mixed-use developments. Stand-alone residential uses do not presently conform with the Comprehensive Plan because there are inadequate implementing regulations to achieve compliance. Given the housing market boom, there is a need to preserve the CA zone for commercial development, especially in the NE 3`d•/4`I'Corridor where there is pressure for residential development. There are three potential solutions: ➢ Protect the Commercial Arterial zone by removing stand alone residential from the use table. > If stand alone residential is desired within the commercial zone, it would be necessary to strengthen the standards and limits on residential development that would apply to all Commercial Arterial zoned property. Better implementing regulations may produce a Commercial Corridor that looks and functions like the district envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. If the tighter connection between residential and commercial uses is not desired,but residential development is desired in some areas, it would be advisable to rezone a portion of the CA zone (along the NE 34d/4`h Corridor)to a residential zone. H:\EDNSP\Title IV\Single Zone Amends\Commercial\CAzone\Issue Paper 7-1-05 Removing Residential from CA.doc Zoning Text Amendment"!Remove Residential Uses from the Cone DRAFT 4-3-080A 18. a. General Requirements: Subject to the density limits of the development standards for this zone. Only permitted within a structure containing retail and/or on-site service uses on the ground floor, except in locations within one thousand two hundred feet (1,200')of 3d/4t'Streets, Sunset Boulevard, S. Puget Drive, within the NE 1th, Sunset, and Puget Drive Coffit a n the Co ads „ nMC 1 3 040.. t1 i.1141T1U UJ JillTii �� b. CA Zone- Additional: Residential uses are not permitted in the Employment Area Valley.