HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoratorium on New Dev/Highlands Sub-area - Aberdeen Av NE (5/2/2005) — o I,- �:_ tm 1..\ r v o U GOa COT m H � o iiid -. fs 7 s- a r-ki 1 g m "' c s - y 0 1, Oo Z oo C O o eir LA r rn v to j m t9.0 o rl 0 z n H ▪ . x ID rn 0 Cj o '7t m ti RES©n '1 b / _ ; C1c FIRSTCLAJ ( CiZ 4 ` 2' v • iif a"7t `r1 C E3 Z .�-3 O v - U1 r--i a"r Z c • 0 C 0 ° 1. Est DXI C� ®s alipa.11,..A.. 4 • ,44,1 00 �a as �:i. ,'r9'aaa `' 1 .:(424Q ,---4L r:.,'' .I �..,.. 1 May 14,2007 , , Renton City Council Minutes Page 173 Ordinance#5284 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for approximately Annexation: Leitch, R-4 14 acres, generally located south of the south side of SE 136th St. on the north, Zoning west of the middle of 140th Ave. SE, if extended, and on the east side of 140th Ave. SE to 143rd Ave. SE on the east, annexed within the City of Renton from R-4 (Urban Residential-four dwelling units per acre, King County zoning) to R- 4 (Residential-four dwelling units per acre, Renton zoning); Leitch Annexation. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5285 An ordinance was read adopting, on an emergency basis, the Highlands Study Comprehensive Plan: 2006 Area amendments to the City's 2004 Comprehensive Plan, maps, and data in Amendments, Highlands Study conjunction therewith, and declaring an emergency effective date of 5/14/2007. Area MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5286 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4-2, Zoning Districts - Uses and Planning: CV Comp Plan Standards, Chapter 4-3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, Designation, R-14 & CV Chapter 4-4, Citywide Property Development Standards, Chapter 4-7, Zones, Design Regulations Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 4-8, Permits - General and Appeals, Chapter 4-9, Permits- Specific, and Chapter 4-11, Definitions, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code by changing the zoning regulations implementing the Center Village Comprehensive Plan designation, including the Residential-14 (R-14)zone and Center Village (CV)zone, enacting design regulations, and declaring an emergency. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5287 An ordinance was read amending City Code and changing the zoning Rezone: Highlands Study classification of certain property within the City of Renton (Highlands Study Area, R-10 to R-14, CPA Area) from R-10 (Residential-ten dwelling units per acre) to R-14 (Residential- 14 dwelling units per acre)zoning, and declaring an emergency (LUA-06-128; CPA 2006-M-06). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #5288 An ordinance was read amending City Code and changing the zoning Rezone: Highlands Study classification of certain property within the City of Renton(Highlands Study Area, R-10 to RM-F, CPA Area) from R-10 (Residential-ten dwelling units per acre)to RM-F (Residential Multi-Family)zoning, and declaring an emergency(LUA-06-128; CPA 2006- M-06). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Pro Tem Nelson noted that with the adoption of the ordinances related to Planning: Highlands Area the Highlands area concerned parties may now move ahead. Redevelopment, Study Area In response to Councilmember Corman's inquiries, Councilmember Briere Zoning&Land Use Changes confirmed that the Highlands-area moratorium has expired, the new zoning is now in place, and a duplex can be rebuilt as it is a conforming use. Councilmember Persson thanked the Planning and Development Committee for their efforts on this matter. Councilmember Briere announced that phase 2 of the Highlands Task Force is being formed, and a letter was sent to interested citizens that includes an application, which is due by May 23. She stated that if anyone is interested in serving, information can be obtained from the City's May 14,2007 r.' Renton City Council Minutes Page 174 website or the Council Liaison. Ms. Briere explained that the task force's charter includes reviewing issues within the Highlands area itself, identifying and prioritizing needs, and receiving education regarding what the City can and cannot do. AUDIENCE COMMENT In response to the inquiry of Howard McOmber, 475 Olympia Ave. NE, Citizen Comment: McOmber- Renton, 98056, Councilmembers confirmed that the moratorium in the Highlands Area Moratorium Highlands area has ended. Citizen Comment: Pham- Shelley Pham, 13633 6th Pl. S., Burien, 98168, spoke on behalf of The Seattle Official Newspaper Times on the topic concerning designation of The Seattle Times as the City's official newspaper. Ms. Pham pointed out that readers do not have to subscribe to The Seattle Times to be able to read the public notices on the newspaper's website. She noted the flexibility of the publication deadlines as the newspaper prints seven days a week. Regarding the publication rates, Ms. Pham indicated that The Seattle Times reaches a larger audience. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO AND ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 40 MINUTES TO DISCUSS TWO ITEMS OF LITIGATION WITH NO OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED WHEN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION IS ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Time: 8:14 p.m. Executive session was conducted. There was no action taken. The executive session and the Council meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. 1.444,u • l�[/G -t- n Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann May 14, 2007 December 11,2006 Renton City Council Minutes . Page 442 There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Planning: Highlands Subarea This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Plan Study Area Moratorium accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing to consider the continuation of the moratorium on new development in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Study Area. The moratorium, which was declared on 11/13/2006, terminates on 5/13/2007. Planning Manager Rebecca Lind stated that the current R-10 zone does not effectively implement the Comprehensive Plan. Many existing lots can be subdivided at a standard that is below the single-family lot size standard included in the Highlands Zoning Task Force recommendation. She indicated that this lower density subdivision is not consistent with the Center Village Comprehensive Plan designation or proposed zoning. Additionally, Ms. Lind stated that the task-force-recommended design guidelines are not in place. Pointing out that the Highlands land use and zoning package has been appealed, Ms. Lind explained that the moratorium achieves the following: allows time for the resolution of the SEPA(State Environmental Policy Act) appeal, eliminates the need for interim zoning changes to the R-10 zone, and supports the goal of achieving more efficient land use in the Highlands. She noted that the moratorium can be removed early if the new zoning is in place. Public comment was invited. Kirk Moore, 1901 Harrington Circle NE, Renton, 98056, stated that the original moratorium was due to expire prior to implementation of the new land use and zoning amendments that the task force and staff worked hard to develop. He emphasized that the moratorium only prevents the subdivision of R-10 zoned property and does not prevent property improvements. Mr. Moore said the proposed R-14 zoning restricts lot sizes to 5,000 square feet,while R-10 zoned lots can be subdivided to 3,000 square feet. He indicated that the task force reluctantly requested the moratorium. Mr. Moore pointed out the possibility of changing the R-10 zoning to allow 5,000 square foot minimum lots,which could be done in place of the moratorium. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2006 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Renton Youth Symphony Orchestra performs its Holiday Concert at Carco Theatre on December 16. * The 2007 Winter/Spring "What's Happening..." brochure of recreation programs is now available. ��Y O �-eNITO'� HIGHLANDS MORATORIUM PUBLIC HEARING December 11, 2006 The City Council is considering a limited term moratorium on subdivision of property for new single-family residential development or accessory uses, including plats, lot line adjustments, and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Study Area. The area of the moratorium is shown on the attached map. Approval and construction of single family housing within the identified study area, without review of the Comprehensive Plan policies, may undermine the benefits of coordinated planning, and may foreclose or irreparably damage long-term Comprehensive Plan goals. A moratorium is required to provide adequate time for the City to complete pending State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) appeals and to prepare and present proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning, and present such changes to the City Council for review and adoption. This moratorium shall be in place for six months. Council Hearing Handout 12-11-06.doc c Mill E■ ca fin ~- :N RUM IL 1i11 iiii � •MEI NE 2 ■ir■i■■■■ ■■■■■■�. mum logrAir -•1ri' �Imne Ili•RP C■ 11II= �V'ti ��` IIII In �.%A■ril riui1ir 1fl 13rii1$I —I I I I I I 111101 ` y� Idl �k f us ■ IIL�a.maw ■ �■11■ ■ NE 2Oth Z. ,,.L/ A ' AlKr/ - I 1. ��� ■fin ■■ ■�j� w %I� 'I/ /9• 04 x,. 0E- iron ■■ Cis � i ■ z re / �I /►' 4/ ' ■:��■ a lbw I > ïiit4 r %9 �e■ ■■i3 i A 1■ o :/g■ ■■ IIIF;i ■■ ■■ ■■ ��i 'A :11 ■■ eA . 1t�i1_NE 16th St._ •' w ��'%ii� 1 /A // � _ — . 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December 11, 2006 '7- Renton City Council R Public Hearing z r Need for Moratorium Proposed Changes Appealed • The current R-10 zone does not effectively Highlands Land Use and Zoning Package implement the Comprehensive Plan —Citizen's Taskforce recommended a • Many existing lots could be subdivided package of land use and zoning • Lower density subdivision not consistent changes with the Center Village Comprehensive —SEPA for the proposed changes has Plan Designation or proposed zoning been appealed • Design Guidelines are not in place to —Moratorium would allow time for require quality development resolution of the appeal Moratorium Applicability Recommendation • Moratorium applies Implement a six- month zoning moratorium: to all R-10 areas in —Allows time for SEPA appeal to be Highlands Study resolved Area , . —Eliminates need for interim zoning • Prohibits changes to the R-10 zone —Supports thegoal of achievingmore subdivision for PP single family land efficient land use in the Highlands uses —Can be removed early if new zoning in place 1 ,'� (� �� y r— IL 0i. p O P �� LA © O cLA al C/) C/) 0 -6. 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CD CCD GP CD ?r . • • c td_.c ;, .74..5 r �.,..9 0 5 8*o T zr O .r 5y ire C5 vsc m �o"�-- 8.: c O O •' • 54.ad �y•�coP. ' 5c o h Ls:0wn "c 'T 5 cc c: a xc o c, T 5 ��o-q o y p py aq'C R '• v o..' a o - P k 2 cn o ,-, .c w CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the l lth day of December, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Declaring a moratorium on new development in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Study Area and establishing a termination date for the moratorium All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. 'L v�• UJ a - Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal November 24, 2006 Account No. 50640 11/28/2006 - Notice sent to 293 Parties of Record per attached labels. J. Seth cc: Rebecca Lind, Long Rance Planning Manager RESOLUTION 3840 , Nor f 1 y � f / rr w 4-71 s- -II 7 % € 'i :_� Lei,, I . ' a ,y,;f�'' {�, 41 p TT77 ff ,4,"/d :._ __:,,:lz,j1-1:::4_,,,&.:,:c,/::::t,,A.,...1,,,,4.,.., ,,,,,, • e .,Jr t t S 'T - a, -. ` r r -py^ ` Y - + +l , i j ,. ^y am r' y4a1 4 .,� .. .. ' $� i t'' re ;1.-.1.d r L- rf rrr 2 _ ar r € ----, :' rr '4-C} N.# �s I 4 €t Y,"/ - ..1 -.. L g"'"'"'. --s . ?,, +r t ,`t=! i ,s'�., r �e F ��,r--, h ;._. n---i...,T,' , � ci- 'V.- 'i !,. r ..ti-:,. -*Irta--irtsr*,'' , -'7---1..',..., -.•-,,-„,..7,,,' // ,4..„.„'-„L•-- ;; " "'..........4 t'''''-r-t7-,....--1,...,........, ,, -,---77....-di t----t-*'T_74 ---------' ' i b f k Pi r s ., ;:. `� �� r.,•...1g �"%j'r ��,+7,-g`-.> �X #.. ?t , i 4 . 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BAUER OTTO E JR or Current Resident BAUTISTA GERONIMO A& BURROWS DAVID W+SUSAN T or 17211 190TH AVE SE ENRIQUETA S or Current Resident Current Resident RENTON WA 98058 8911 INVERNESS CT NE 1620 ROLLING HILLS AVE S SEATTLE WA 98115 RENTON WA 98055 092305916204 092305917004 227000006006 CAMARENA JOSE MEZA+MARIA DE CASTILLO SERGIO COVARRUBIAS or CHAKRA 1 LLC or Current Resident LA TORRE or Current Resident Current Resident 6947 COAL CREEK PKWY SE#228 3317 NE 12TH ST 1170 MONROE AVE NE NEWCASTLE WA 98059 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 245720019703 082305923003 722780064506 CHAU LINH M or Current Resident CHEN HONGMIN+FANG ZHENG or CHRISTENSEN RONNY or Current 850 HARRINGTON AVE NE Current Resident Resident RENTON WA 98056 2326 NE 11TH CT 625 INDEX AVE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780079504 722780082508 722780092002 CRUEGER JOAN M or Current Resident DANIELSON LESTER I or Current DANIELSON LESTER I or Current PO BOX 332 Resident Resident SNOHOMISH WA 98291 2204 NE 24TH ST 2204 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 227000015007 722780089008 722780080007 DE ROJAS PATRICIA SANCHEZ ET AL DOWNS JUDITH or Current Resident EAGLE DON C or Current Resident or Current Resident PO BOX 82 2936 2938 NE 6TH ST 8515 NE 135TH ST SEATTLE WA 98111 RENTON WA 98056 KIRKLAND WA 98034 722780078001 230920018002 722780071501 EISENHAUER RICHARD D or Current ELIZABETH PLACE HOMEOWNERS ENGELAND MARIE J or Current Resident Resident ASSN or Current Resident 2914 NE 6TH ST 1506 LIBERTY DR 2412 NE 13TH ST RENTON WA 98056 LEXINGTON NE 68850 RENTON WA 98056 722780090501 722780061007 722780072004 EVANS HAYES JR or Current Resident FAULKNER RODNEY+KELLY or FINCH SCOTT&SAVITHA or Current 2805 NE 8TH ST Current Resident Resident RENTON WA 98056 2915 NE 6TH ST 6457 LK WA BLVD SE RENTON WA 98056 NEWCASTLE WA 98056 722780060009 092305919406 722780087507 FIRST HORIZON HOME LOANS or FREEMAN JEFFREY C/O CURTIS GAROT EUGENE O+JOAN L TRUST or Current Resident WEST REALTY or Current Resident Current Resident 4000 HORIZON WAY 222 QUEEN ANNE AVE N PO BOX 5001 IRVING TX 75063 SEATTLE WA 98109 KENT WA 98064 2270000.14000 ... 227000011006 .ter 230920004002 GATCHALIAN DELFIN E+DAISY W or GOZZIP PAUL SR+ANELITA or Current GREEN PATRICIA A or Current Resident Current Resident Resident 1218 DAYTON PL NE 2403 NE 11TH CT 1154 EDMONDS PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780066006 227000005008 245720019802 GUILLEN HENRY or Current Resident HANAN KEVIN A+LEA R or Current HARRIS JOHN F&LINDA L or Current PO BOX 3284 Resident Resident RENTON WA 98056 1178 EDMONDS PL NE 1115 N 35TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 082305914507 722780077003 227000001007 HEDINGTON RHONDA L or Current HICKS DANTON or Current Resident HINTZ LORI or Current Resident Resident 668 INDEX PL NE 1194 EDMONDS PL NE 2021 S 244TH PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 DES MOINES WA 98198 722780066501 722780068507 722780076609 HOFF LINTON or Current Resident HUMPHRIES SCOTT W or Current ILES JOHN H or Current Resident 551 INDEX AVE NE Resident 2913 NE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98056 634 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780079009 722780088000 230920011007 JAEGER ROBERT F or Current Resident JOHNSON BRADLEY H+JOHNSON JOHNSON CHRISTOPHER D or Current 2304 NE 10TH PL JAMES V or Current Resident Resident RENTON WA 98056 PO BOX 157 2412 NE 13TH ST MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 RENTON WA 98056 092305918309 722780062005 722780082003 JOHNSON SCOTT+BARBARA or Current JONES TROY+JANA or Current Resident KELLER RUSSELL L or Current Resident Resident 547 INDEX PL NE 18711 EDGECLIFF DR SW 5164 150TH PL SE SEATTLE WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98166 BELLEVUE WA 98006 722780081500 092305913508 092305912401 KHATIBI MAHMOUD M or Current KINDLE VERLA L or Current Resident KOE ROBERT L or Current Resident Resident 3419 NE 12TH ST 11717 64TH AVE S 2805 194TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98178 SAMMAMISH WA 98075 722780083100 227000013002 722780060504 LAFRANCHI VICTOR+GLORIA or LEE TAE S+KIM HAE JIN or Current LEIGHTON RONALD I+CALLY A or Current Resident Resident Current Resident 801 GRANT AVE S 2406 NE 11TH CT 14112 SE 167TH ST RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98058 230920013003 230920010009 230920003004 LELAND PAUL or Current Resident LEWIS DESI D or Current Resident LEWISON CHRISTIAN L+ANNA J or 1205 N 27TH PL 2408 NE 13TH ST Current Resident RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 1222 DAYTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 722780061502 245720019901 082305909408 LONG ARTHUR F or Current Resident LOPEZ RUBEN F or Current Resident LUKOWSKI DAVID G+JACKIE L or 12201 SHOREWOOD DR SW 8920 5TH AVE S Current Resident SEATTLE WA 98146 SEATTLE WA 98108 1164 CAMAS AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 722780065008 230920015008 230920016006 MATHEWS STEVEN L+DEBORAH G or MAYFIELD NIVEA PRIETO& MAYI DIEUDONNE+BIBIANE or Current Resident STEPHEN RUSSELL JR or Current Current Resident PO BOX 58771 Resident 2432 NE 13TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2428 NE 13TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780063508 245720019307 722780070503 MCCANE JOHNNIE M or Current MCCLINCY TIMOTHY W or Current MCCORMICK RESIDENTIAL RENTAL Resident Resident LLC or Current Resident 2801 NE 6TH PL 4604 NE 4TH 191 MAPLEWAY DR RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98059 SELAH WA 98942 722780073002 227000009000 722780069406 MCCREADY KRAIG A+SHELLEY R or MOSQUEDA RICARDO D or Current NGO LE GIA+VU ANH XUAN THI or Current Resident Resident Current Resident 626 INDEX AVE NE 1162 EDMONDS PL NE 640 INDEX AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780088109 722780089503 092305917301 NGUYEN MINH CHAU PHUC+DANG NICULESCU OFELIA or Current Resident OBRIEN DONALD E+MARYLYNN E or DUC or Current Resident 11002 SE 176TH ST#H303 Current Resident 667 INDEX PL NE RENTON WA 98055 3327 NE 12TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780072509 230920007005 230920017004 PADERES ALBERT+JILL or Current PARKER NICHOLAS R or Current PATULOT SILVINO P or Current Resident Resident Resident 2436 NE 13TH ST 5428 NE 2ND CT 1209 DAYTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98056 722780069000 722780091509 227000016005 PENALOZA WILLIAM or Current PENALOZA WILLIAM or Current PEREZ JOSE+FABIOLA HERNANDEZ Resident Resident or Current Resident 16213 142ND AVE SE 2823 NE 8TH ST 2415 NE 11TH CT RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780087002 230920008003 722780088505 PERSSON TERRY G&BILLIE C or PHIPPS PATRICIA J or Current Resident PIEDAD PEDRO B+FLORIDA D or Current Resident 1213 DAYTON PL NE Current Resident 2821 NE 8TH PL RENTON WA 98056 2311 SE 21ST ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 245720019109 245720019208 722780093000 POON WUNCHOW FRANK or Current POON WUNCHOW FRANK or Current POWERS DORIS JEAN or Current Resident Resident Resident 5360 COL DE VARS PL NW 5360 COL DE VARS PL NW 2806 NE 7TH ISSAQUAH WA 98027 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 RENTON WA 98056 230920006007 082305919506 227000007004 PRIDDLE MATTHEW+JENNIFER or PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC or REED KEVIN+REBECCA or Current Current Resident Current Resident Resident 1204 DAYTON PL NE 611 NW 3RD ST 1170 EDMONDS PL NE RENTON WA 98056 BELLEVUE WA 98009 RENTON WA 98056 245720019000 227000002005 722780083001 ROSE GARDEN APARTMENTS LLC or RUIZ FRANCISCO J+LOPES-RUIZ or RUSSELL KEVIE L or Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 2608 NE 7TH ST 15445 256TH AVE SE 1190 EDMONDS PL NE RENTON WA 98056 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 RENTON WA 98056 7227800,67004 Nor, 722780080502 082305922807 SAECHAO CHAN FO+MUANG WEUN SATEREN MARK A+KATHERINE A or SHANE MICHAEL C or Current Resident or Current Resident Current Resident 513 CEDAR AVE S 3220 S DAWSON ST 2925 NE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE WA 98118 RENTON WA 98056 230920001008 722780090006 722780064001 SINAMBAN RICARDO+LEONETTE or SIRISISANGPHA YAOCHIEN THUNG SMITH JEFFREY S+SUSAN S or Current Current Resident or Current Resident Resident 2430 NE 12TH ST 7210 S SUNNYCREST RD 16611 SE MAY VALLEY RD RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98178 RENTON WA 98059 722780067509 227000010008 722780091004 STEWART DANIEL R or Current Resident STILES JOHN C+MARGARET E or SULKY PAULETTA J or Current Resident 576 HARRINGTON AVE NE Current Resident 2815 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 1158 EDMONDS PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780065503 227000012004 722780068002 SYRBU VYACHESLAV+NATALYA or TANG EDWARD H+YVES or Current TAT ANNIE H or Current Resident Current Resident Resident 1027 108TH AVE SE 1917 JONES AVE NE 2412 NE 11TH CT BELLEVUE WA 98004 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 245720019505 722780077508 722780078506 THAN VANANH+DUC VAN or Current THOMPSON KEITH A+BEVERLY A or THOMPSON KEITH+BEVERLY or Resident Current Resident Current Resident 15509 SE 179TH ST 660/662 INDEX PL NE 660 INDEX PL NE RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 230920002006 230920014001 227000008002 TRAN TOAN THANH or Current Resident TRELOGGEN LAURIE L or Current TURNER MATTHEW A+SOKHUNTEA 2435 NE 13TH ST Resident or Current Resident RENTON WA 98056 2424 NE 13TH ST 1166 EDMONDS PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 082305910406 082305922708 722780076500 VAN DUINE DAVID W or Current VAN NARO+NANY KHONN or Current WAY BACK INN FOUNDATION or Resident Resident Current Resident 2335 NE 12TH ST 2308 NE 11TH CT PO BOX 621 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98057 230920009001 082305914705 722780072103 WELLING S LUKE or Current Resident WENDLING FRED L or Current Resident WIEBER ELLA+ERIC or Current Resident 1223 DAYTON PL NE 2331 NE 12TH ST 608 INDEX AVE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 227000004001 230920005009 230920012005 WOEHRLE TODD or Current Resident WONG CONNIE+YIM HUNG or Current WONG YIN HA or Current Resident 1182 EDMONDS PL NE Resident 2416 NE 13TH ST RENTON WA 98056 P O BOX 214 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98057 722780071006 722780174008 722780192505 YU YAN Z or Current Resident A&D QUALITY CONSTRUCTION or AGNEW TERENCE J+SANDRA H or 639 INDEX PL NE Current Resident Current Resident RENTON WA 98056 220 SW SUNSET BLVD#E-202 1551 HILLSIDE DR SE RENTON WA 98055 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 .722780159504 722780182001 334390032103 BAILEY LOLA M+BAILEY LOLA M or BERGMAN CLAUDETTE C or Current BRICKSHIRE ESTATES LLC CIO Current Resident Resident JOHNSON SCOTT L or Current Resident 2911 NE 116TH ST 2208 NE 12TH ST 5164 150TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 BELLEVUE WA 98006 722780181508 722780171509 722780000500 BUNDY SHYLO R+SARGENT KIMBE or CALLAHAN P or Current Resident CARY KARAN E or Current Resident Current Resident 3708 NE 10TH ST 2009 HARRINGTON CIRC NE 4735 NE 4TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98059 722780180500 722780184007 722780185004 CONRAD KEVIN or Current Resident CROTHAMEL FREDERICK W CROTHAMEL FREDERICK W 1427 INDEX AVE NE JR+CHERIE A or Current Resident JR+CROTHAMEL CHERIE A or Current RENTON WA 98056 2951 74TH AVE SE Resident MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 2951 74TH AVE SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 722780183504 722780184502 722780173000 CROTHAMEL FREDERICK+CHERIE or CROTHAMEL FREDERICK+CHERIE or CROTHAMEL FREDICK or Current Current Resident Current Resident Resident 14205 SE 36TH ST SUITE 100 14205 SE 36TH ST SUITE 100 1408 INDEX AVE N#1410 BELLEVUE WA 98006 BELLEVUE WA 98006 RENTON WA 98056 722780179502 722780173505 722780163506 DAO EMILIE or Current Resident DELGADO MARTIN+VERDUZZO HER FAKHARZADEH M HADI or Current PO BOX 40462 or Current Resident Resident BELLEVUE WA 98005 1418 INDEX AVE NE#B PO BOX 78404 RENTON WA 98058 SEATTLE WA 98178 722780182506 722780197504 722780194006 FLETCHER KATIE G or Current Resident FRANZ JULIA BISBEE or Current GAROT EUGENE O+GAROT JOAN L or 4711 84TH AVE SE Resident Current Resident MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 1721 HARRINGTON AVE NE PO BOX 5001 RENTON WA 98056 KENT WA 98064 722780197009 722780170501 722780007505 GAROT EUGENE O+JOAN L TRUST or GELINAS DANIEL R+JENNIFER M or GOODMANSEN RON J E or Current Current Resident Current Resident Resident PO BOX 5001 2821 NE 13TH ST 2916 91ST AVE E KENT WA 98064 RENTON WA 98056 EDGEWOOD WA 98371 722780193008 722780183108 722780196001 GUSTMAN WALLY H or Current HAWTON JENNIFER or Current Resident INA R SPARKS FAMILY LLC or Current Resident 1308 HARRINGTON AVE NE Resident 1719 INDEX AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 1633 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780164009 722780171004 722780158605 KAHLON GURMINDER S+RANDEEP or KELLER RUSSELL L or Current Resident KHALSA JAGJIT SINGH&TARVINDO Current Resident 18711 EDGECLIFF DR SW or Current Resident 31628 13TH AVE SW SEATTLE WA 98166 2817 NE 16TH ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 RENTON WA 98056 722780199104 722780159009 722780000203 KHIMMIXAY SYLVIA or Current KOLEVA ELENA or Current Resident KUPFERER KANON L+JESSICA or Resident 2901 NE 16TH ST Current Resident 1815 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 2016 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 7227801,74503 722780177001 , ,; 722780175005 LEUNG SUN WING ET AL or Current LEWIS BONNIE J or Current Resident LONEY BRUCE A+JAYNE R or Current Resident 1520 HARRINGTON AVE N E Resident 3010 171 ST AVE S RENTON WA 98056 1520 INDEX AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98144 RENTON WA 98056 722780160502 722780161005 722780161500 LUO XUE LING or Current Resident LUO XUE LING or Current Resident LUO XUE LING or Current Resident 15014 SE 139TH PL 15014 SE 139TH PL 15014 SE 139TH PL RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 722780162003 773610000905 773610001002 LUO XUE LING or Current Resident MAGNUSON JAMES C or Current MAGNUSON JAMES C or Current 15014 SE 139TH PL Resident Resident RENTON WA 98059 523 UNION AVE NE 523 UNION AVE NE RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 722780163001 722780199500 722780180005 MANDAVILLE CRISTIN+TODD GIL or MAYTON BRUCE PAUL or Current MILLER RICKIE J+DEBRA K or Current Current Resident Resident Resident 1409 JEFFERSON AVE NE PO BOX 58079 16637 ISSAQUAH HOBART RD SE RENTON WA 98056 TUKWILA WA 98138 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 722780175500 722780156500 722780004502 MLP BESAW FAMILY LP or Current NESSELRODT RALPH C SR or Current NGUYEN HUYEN THU T+TRINH or Resident Resident Current Resident 15907 NE 65TH ST PO BOX 3059 1924 HARRINGTON CIR NE REDMOND WA 98052 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780000104 722780176508 722780185509 NGUYEN LIEN H or Current Resident NORIEGA JOSE ANTONIO or Current PACECCA ROCCO or Current Resident 2018 HARRINGTON PL SE Resident 3870 80TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98056 1544 INDEX AVE NE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98056 722780199005 722780176003 722780172002 PATRICK VICKI K or Current Resident PEDERSEN FLORENCE J or Current PEPIN KENNETH W or Current Resident 1813 HARRINGTON AVE NE Resident 32002 88TH AVE NW RENTON WA 98056 17016 27TH ST E STANWOOD WA 98292 LAKE TAPPS WA 98391 722780179007 722780170006 722780000401 POWERS PATRICK H or Current Resident PUREWAL BALBIR S or Current Resident QUINTOR RAFAEL SANCHEZ+JOSE or 1523 INDEX AVE NE 10905 167TH AVE NE Current Resident RENTON WA 98055 REDMOND WA 98052 2020 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 722780014006 722780165105 722780162508 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY or RUSSO PAUL A+CATHERINE I or SECREST ROBERT G or Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 3106 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 970 HARRINGTON NE 1217 JEFFERSON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780157508 722780199203 722780199302 SEWELL BERT or Current Resident SHANE MICHAEL C+DELLA M or SHANE MICHAEL C+DELLA M or 22539 SE 47TH PL Current Resident Current Resident SAMMAMISH WA 98075 513 CEDAR AVE S 513 CEDAR AVE S RENTON WA 98055 3046 RENTON WA 98055 3046 7227801.69503 �... 722780181003 722780183009 SORENSON RODNEY H$T or Current STAHLECKER ALICE MAE or Current STIMACH JANET L or Current Resident Resident Resident 1920 S SPOKANE ST 2800 NE 12TH 1419 INDEX AVE N E SEATTLE WA 98144 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 722780196506 722780198502 722780198007 THORESEN ALAN W or Current Resident VANBUREN AARON E+ERIC M+CAM VANBUREN ERIC M+CAMILLE G or 17805 SE 259TH ST or Current Resident Current Resident COVINGTON WA 98042 1204 PIERCE PL NE 1204 PIERCE PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780172507 722780157003 334390032509 WALKER WILLIAM L&JOYCE M or WIDELL JOHN RICHARD or Current WOODS MICHAEL G JR or Current Current Resident Resident Resident 1517 UNION AVE NE 2733 NE 16TH ST 1301 EDMONDS AVE NE RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 722780164504 722780160007 773610000301 YUEH LYDIA or Current Resident ZAYTSEV ANDRIY or Current Resident 1995 MANN LTD FAMILY PNRSHI C/O 16545 41 AVE NE 500 MONROE AVE D MANN or Current Resident SEATTLE WA 98155 RENTON WA 98056 17437 SE 102ND ST RENTON WA 98059 773610001606 722780023502 722780201504 ADAMS LESLIE E&IRIS A or Current ALDER REBECCA or Current Resident ANDERSON MYRON L or Current Resident 3112 NE 14TH ST Resident 1209 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 PO BOX 1385 RENTON WA 98056 TONASKET WA 98855 722780012000 722780156005 722780148507 BAACK CHARIS L or Current Resident BALDRIDGE H L or Current Resident BALDRIDGE HOWARD L or Current PO BOX 2798 1526 JEFFERSON AVE NE Resident RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 1526 JEFFERSON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 722780022504 042305911101 773610000509 BARKER JOHN V+KERRY A or Current BEACH RONALD or Current Resident BROWN MARGUERITE or Current Resident 1333 MONROE AVE NE Resident 120 214TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 1309 MONROE NE SAMMAMISH WA 98074 RENTON WA 98056 722780005004 722780195508 722780150503 CALHOUN JERRY or Current Resident CAPPERAULD VICTORIA L or Current CARTER DEAN E or Current Resident 2008&2004 HARRINGTON CIR Resident 42918 SE CEDAR FALLS WAY RENTON WA 98056 28046 121 ST AVE SE NORTH BEND WA 98045 KENT WA 98030 722780001003 042305918601 722780014501 CASTRO JOSE M or Current Resident CITY OF RENTON or Current Resident CITY OF RENTON or Current Resident 2017 HARRINGTON CIR NE 1055 S GRADY WAY 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 722780002506 722780024005 722780016506 CONLEY ALBERT+PEGGY L or Current DALPAY JAMES W JR+JULIE A or DO CHUONG A or Current Resident Resident Current Resident 1945 KIRKLAND PL NE 2732 S JUDKINS PO BOX 2436 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98144 RENTON WA 98059 042305904205 ,eas, 773610002000 773610002505 EVERGREEN PLACE CIO DELOITTE& EVERGREEN PLACE CIO DELOITTE& EVERGREEN PLACE C/O DELOITTE& TOUCHE LLP or Current Resident TOUCHE LLP or Current Resident TOUCHE LLP or Current Resident 925 FOURTH AVE SUITE 3300 925 FOURTH AVE STE 3300 925 FOURTH AVE STE 3300 SEATTLE WA 98104 SEATTLE WA 98104 SEATTLE WA 98104 722780013503 042305912604 722780021001 FACILITIES&OPERATIONS CTR FENG WEI or Current Resident FISHER KENNETH L+CATHERINE L or OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIR or 1401 MONROE AVE NE Current Resident Current Resident RENTON WA 98056 PO BOX 22636 300 SW 7TH ST SEATTLE WA 98122 RENTON WA 98055 722780002001 722780001508 722780192000 FJELD DAVID W&KATRINA A or FLETCHER JONATHAN M or Current FLETCHER KATE or Current Resident Current Resident Resident 4263 E MERCER WAY 25014 89TH AVE E 2500 81ST AVE SE#104 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 GRAHAM WA 98338 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 722780005509 722780155502 722780153002 FLETCHER STEVE L or Current Resident GELASHVILI TSIURI+GEORGE or GIBBONS NONA M or Current Resident 2024 HARRINGTON CIR NE Current Resident PO BOX 2767 RENTON WA 98056 1518 JEFFERSON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780011507 722780150008 722780003009 GREISING GERI N+PAUL L or Current GUARINO ANTHONY+MICHELLE or HEDRICK RICHARD C JR or Current Resident Current Resident Resident 2010 KIRKLAND PL NE 1429 KIRKLAND AVE NE 2009 HARRINGTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780019500 722780201009 773610004600 HOUSING AUTHORITY CITY OF HUNT GEORGE R or Current Resident JOHNSON GLENDA L or Current RENTON or Current Resident 1911 HARRINGTON CIRC NE Resident P O BOX 2316 RENTON WA 98056 1216 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780018007 722780158506 722780193503 KACHEL RICHARD or Current Resident KAZACHENKO VIORIKA or Current KUMAR SUBHASHNI D or Current 7940 BEN HOGAN DR Resident Resident LA VEGAS NV 89149 2815 NE 16TH ST 2102 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780195003 722780021506 722780007000 LALANGAN IRENEO or Current Resident LIMING LOREN D or Current Resident LONEY BRUCE&JAYNE or Current 1150 MONROE AVE NE 3102 NE 15TH PL Resident RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 16920 NE 100TH ST REDMOND WA 98052 773610003503 773610000806 722780152509 MA KENNETH M or Current Resident MAGNUSON JAMES C or Current MCMILIAN SHERRY&KELLY 1400 MONROE AVE NE Resident SANDRA or Current Resident RENTON WA 98056 523 UNION AVE NE 37307 ENCHANTED PKWY S RENTON WA 98059 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 722780154505 722780200506 773610005003 MITCHELL DENNIS+DIANE or Current MOORE KIRK+LINDA or Current MOSMAN MICHAEL J+DIANE M or Resident Resident Current Resident 1500 JEFFERSON AVE NE 1901 HARRINGTON CIR NE PO BOX 3324 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98027 REDMOND WA 98056 7227801,54000 722780202007 722780006507 NGUYEN DAVE S or Current Resident NICULESCU OFELIA or Current Resident NIEULESCU OFELIA or Current Resident 1422 JEFFERSON AVE NE 1923 HARRINGTON CIR NE 10825 SE 200TH ST#B202 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 KENT WA 98031 722780202502 773610001507 722780194501 NOVINSKI C R or Current Resident OSSENKOP DENNIS G or Current PACECCA ROCCO or Current Resident 2019 HARRINGTON PL NE Resident 3870 80TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 3316 NE 12TH ST MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98056 722780153507 722780012505 722780152004 PACECCA VINCENZO A or Current PAULUS GERALD J&EUNICE B or PETERSON CHARLES A+DIANE C or Resident Current Resident Current Resident 3870 80TH AVE SE 1617 JONES AVE NE 16954 151ST AVE SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98058 722780148002 722780200001 773610004105 PETERSON JOHN S or Current Resident PURGANAN ISMAEL G+ADORACION RASMUSSEN EDWIN+PATRICIA A or 1007 N 36TH or Current Resident Current Resident RENTON WA 98055 1837 HARRINGTON AVE NE 1300 MONROE AVE N RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 773610004006 773610004501 773610005508 RASMUSSEN PATRICIA A+EDWIN RASMUSSEN PATRICIA A+EDWIN RAVENSCRAFT JAY O+JILL M or FRANKLIN or Current Resident FRANKLIN or Current Resident Current Resident 1300 MONROE AVE NE 1300 MONROE AVE NE 16812 NE 11TH PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 BELLEVUE WA 98008 722780019005 722780008008 722780014006 RENTON HOUSING AUTH or Current RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY or RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY or Resident Current Resident Current Resident 3017 NE 16TH ST PO BOX 2316 970 HARRINGTON NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780018502 722780020003 722780015508 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY or RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY or RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 or Current Current Resident Current Resident Resident 2900 NE 10TH ST 2900 NE 10TH ST 435 MAIN AVE S RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 722780008503 722780009006 722780010004 RYAN PROPERTIES or Current Resident RYAN PROPERTIES or Current Resident RYAN PROPERTIES or Current Resident PO BOX 336 PO BOX 336 PO BOX 336 RENTON WA 98057 RENTON WA 98057 RENTON WA 98057 722780151006 773610003602 773610003008 SALAZAR JORGE A GUERRERO+CA or SCHREVEN W H or Current Resident SCHREVEN WILLIAM+MARY or Current Resident 1324 MONROE AVE NE Current Resident 1409 KIRKLAND AVE NE RENTON WA 98055 1324 MONROE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 722780009501 722780013008 722780151501 SCOTT BRECK+CHRISTINE E GRA or SECREST VIRGINIA or Current Resident SIENKIEWICZ WLADYSLAW or Current Current Resident 3106 LAKE WASHINGTON LVD NO Resident P 0 BOX 336 RENTON WA 98056 1401 KIRKLAND AVE NE RENTON WA 98057 RENTON WA 98055 :722780152608 722780148101 722780003504 SMITH JEANETTE or Current Resident STEWART MARY C or Current Resident SYRBU VYACHESLAV G+NATALYA 15714 SE 25TH ST PO BOX 1552 or Current Resident BELLEVUE wa 98008 WINTERHAVEN CA 92283 1908 HARRINGTON CIR NE RENTON WA 98056 722780155007 722780006002 722780023007 SZULKOWSKI KINGA B or Current THUERINGER DARVIN or Current THUERINGER DARVIN G or Current Resident Resident Resident 11729 SE 93RD ST 405 WILLIAMS AVE N 9601 S 248TH ST NEWCASTLE WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 KENT WA 98031 722780203005 722780010202 722780020508 TRAN JIMSON PHU+DANG HUONG or UNDSDERFER DAVID S or Current VANBUREN ERIC M+CAMILLE G or Current Resident Resident Current Resident 2023 HARRINGTON PL NE PO BOX 3463 1204 PIERCE PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780191507 722780004007 722780158001 VANBUREN ERIC M+CAMILLE G or VANORNAM RICHARD R or Current WEG LLC or Current Resident Current Resident Resident PO BOX 2701 1204 PIERCE PL NE 16503 145TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98058 722780010509 722780147509 722780011002 WILLIAMS GERALDINE WILSON or WILLIAMS GERALDINE WILSON or ZIMMERMAN MARK E or Current Current Resident Current Resident Resident THE HIGHLANDS THE HIGHLANDS 4600 NE 12TH ST#4 SHORELINE WA 98177 SHORELINE WA 98177 RENTON WA 98059 722780022009 722780149000 722780149505 ZIMMERMAN MARK E or Current ZIMMERMAN MARK E or Current ZIMMERMAN MARK E or Current Resident Resident Resident 4600 NE 12TH ST APT 4 4600 NE 12TH ST APT 4 4600 NE 12TH ST#4 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98059 722780204003 722780165501 722780165584 CITY OF RENTON or Current Resident DALRYMPLE LENNICE A or Current DALRYMPLE LENNICE A or Current 1055 S GRADY WAY Resident Resident RENTON WA 98055 1209 JEFFERSON AVE NE 1209 JEFFERSON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780168505 722780169008 FINCH SCOTT+SAVITHA or Current SORENSON RODNEY H$T or Current Resident Resident or Current Resident 6457 LK WA BLVD SE 2800 NE 13TH NEWCASTLE WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 or Current Resident or Current Resident or Current Resident or Current Resident or Current Resident or Current Resident CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the l Ith day of December, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Declaring a moratorium on new development in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Study Area and establishing a termination date for the moratorium All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. 1c3,�ryvyt�tc. �• GUGU� Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal November 24, 2006 Account No. 50640 RESOLUTION 3840 t 4i' 3a.� , 5 f L , • !t P.< s - t P , d / g f : ./,';‘,,,p).<,..;„),..,,,,7„, ,<;;;;.„,, 7, ‘ 1. 4, ,..?„,,,,,,-'.7,' ,,,,,,,,,,/,/ t•.• t -,-• cit f„,. X. ?•',/z:/..; G :.:, e„,;(,, ,/--,, ' t. NE i �t > 'd psi . r °� ... C f• Eti -4 . 1 ' , z`i',,-,'_'1' -,.,'' ', - :71",..;,e`'„64 .'-:; go fr Highlands Subarea ,000 2il 000 I. Subdivision tvitoratorium Area November 2006 g*?e '.. Ont 74404.tkinkiknour c.E POliiti CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 384 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R-10 ZONE WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS STUDY AREA, ESTABLISHING A HEARING DATE OF DECEMBER 11, 2006, AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS,the City of Renton has expended substantial time and energy on its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated policies; and WHEREAS,the City of Renton has identified a study area for refinement of the Comprehensive Plan with a sub-area plan in the Renton Highlands to further its economic development objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial funds developing a preliminary vision and evaluating market factors for redevelopment in the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, the R-10 zone is currently mapped on a number of properties within the Highlands sub-area plan study area; and WHEREAS, the density allowed currently in the R-10 zone allows a minimum of 4 units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the uses in the R-10 zone allow single-family detached housing and lower density duplexes that are not consistent with broad redevelopment objectives for the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, construction of lower density development in the form of single-family units removes developable land from the stock of land for development or redevelopment, thereby frustrating the City's economic development efforts; and 1 • 110 RESOLUTION NO. 3 8 4 0 WHEREAS,the City of Renton wishes to encourage quality infill development at densities that support redevelopment of the Center Village; and WHEREAS, approval and construction of single family housing within the identified study area, without review of the Comprehensive Plan policies, may undermine the benefits of coordinated planning, and may foreclose or irreparably damage long-term Comprehensive Plan goals; and WHEREAS, a moratorium is required to provide adequate time for City staff to prepare and present proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning, and present such changes to the City Council for review and adoption; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION IL There is hereby declared a limited term moratorium on the permitting of subdivision of property for new single-family residential development or accessory uses, including plats, lot line adjustments, and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Study Area. The area of the moratorium is shown on the attached map. SECTION IH. There is hereby established a public hearing date on the 11"'day of December, 2006, for the City Council to take testimony on this moratorium and to consider the modification, revision, or termination of this moratorium. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise modified by the City Council, which period may be extended or renewed for one or more additional periods, but only if a subsequent public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal, to support such renewal. 2 '"' RESOLUTION NO. 38 4 0 `". PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13 t h day of November , 2006. 3O1t4 x: 4. &z z -> Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 13 t h day of November , 2006. Kathy Keo er, Mayor App ed as to form:71A Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1223:11/13/06 3 • t RESOLUTION 3840 , ' PLC , r, � ` '_ ; . f , } „� r 1r • . e„' - ,,,, /7„::.,e/ +" .n e 1 i f " g i a'/ tFt�pir`...,%to ,, % p; ,J�" rfyy!'f.:t � f;f ,- • NE 161h St r .� ,, ),-+T zr a , l�r f d, trs ' c . 1 5 .ter Z; Y .A}1 i'f;}`�' i Y , e 0 im0 2o()() J Highlands Subarea 1 ..Subdivision Moratorium Area November 2006 . -: Fixsitrtttis Ikr*iiio imtftttl,Ndghlseri �t.AA Pketae+ng i. i.L } ifft e hl;11 Titan,h�3ti, tIMP(t {g[°etttrei November 13,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 392 3. Renton Hill Neighborhood Association-Annual printing expenses for a newsletter printed twice a year and distributed door-to-door($427). 4. Summerwind Homeowners Association- Annual printing and postal expenses for quarterly newsletter($279). 5. Tiffany Park Homeowners Association -Annual printing for a newsletter printed twice a month and distributed door-to-door($89). 6. Tiffany Park Neighborhood Association- Annual printing expenses for a newsletter printed twice a year and distributed door-to-door($532). The second round of applications total $4,485 leaving a remaining budget of $32,746. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED TO REFLECT THE CORRECTION TO ITEM 2. AS FOLLOWS: DELETE THE WORDS "door to door" AND INSERT THE WORDS "through mail." CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3840 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on new development in the R-10 Planning: Highlands Subarea zone within the Highlands study area, establishing a public hearing date of Plan Study Area Moratorium 12/11/2006, and establishing a termination date of 5/13/2006 for the moratorium. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5227 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-17-3 of Chapter 17, Pawnbrokers, Legal: Pawnbroker Daily of Title VI(Police Regulations) of City Code by clarifying the transmission Transaction Requirements requirements of the pawnbroker's daily record of transactions. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE Planning: Kennydale TOPIC OF THE KENNYDALE BLUEBERRY FARM TO COMMITTEE OF Blueberry Farm THE WHOLE.* Council President Corman stated that many people have suggested that the City should purchase the property as a park, and he pointed out that Council has not deliberated that issue. Councilwoman Nelson noted that Council has discussed the matter in executive session. Mr. Corman indicated that a significant policy decision such as this should not just be discussed in executive session. Discussion ensued regarding the appropriateness of discussing this topic on the Council floor. Mayor Keolker suggested that before going forward with the matter, a legal opinion be obtained. Assistant City Attorney Fontes concurred. *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL TABLE THIS MATTER UNTIL A RULING IS OBTAINED FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT In response to Howard McOmber's inquiries, 475 Olympia Ave. NE, Renton, Citizen Comment: McOmber- 98056, Mayor Keolker explained that the current Highlands moratorium expires Highlands Subarea Plan Study tomorrow,the new Highlands moratorium was declared tonight, and the public Area Moratorium} ,hearing on the new moratorium will be held on December 11. Citizen Comment: Moore - Kirk Moore, 1901 Harrington Circle NE, Renton, 98056, explained that the Highlands Subarea Plan Study Highlands Zoning Task Force requested the Highlands moratorium,which only Area Moratorium affects the R-10 zone, to allow time for the implementation of the land use and -November 13,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 393 zoning regulations. He noted that when the ordinances take effect, R-10 will be removed as an implementing zone, effectively eliminating the moratorium. Councilman Clawson clarified that the moratorium only applies to subdivision of property for new single-family residential development or accessory uses, including plats, lot line adjustments, and site plan review entitlements in the R- 10 zone within the Highlands study area. Citizen Comment: Petersen - Inez Petersen, PO Box 1295, Renton, 98057, recommended the implementation Council Rules, Character of Council rules pertaining to character attacks during Council meetings. Attacks Citizen Comment: DeMastus- Sandel DeMastus, Highlands Community Association Vice President and Highlands Zoning Task Force Highlands Zoning Task Force Member, PO Box 2041, Renton, 98056, stated that she is very proud of the task force's accomplishments. Additionally,Ms. DeMastus complimented the new Renton Magazine, which is published by Councilman Law. Citizen Comment: Hicks- Barbara Hicks, 1835 NE 20th St., Renton, 98056, said most of the information 2006 Comprehensive Plan pertaining to the Kennydale Blueberry Farm rezone request was based on the Amendments, Kennydale applicant's desire to sell the property,and financial need should not be a reason Blueberry Farm for granting a rezone. Ms. Hicks commented on the property's environmental features,noting that historically it has been unbuildable. Ms. Hicks indicated that the critical areas ordinance does not always protect properties when people are determined to fill in a wetland or remove a creek flow. Citizen Comment: Rider- Susan Rider, 1835 NE 20th St., Renton, 98056, displayed photographs of 2006 Comprehensive Plan properties containing filled-in wetlands, saying the action occurred under Amendments, Kennydale critical areas protection. She also showed photographs of the Kennydale Blueberry Farm Blueberry Farm, noting that it is suited for Resource Conservation zoning. Ms. Rider expressed her support for the blueberry farm as a park. On another topic, she suggested that written lyrics be provided for the caroling activity at the City's holiday lighting event. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:06 p.m. 69114 U, J Zd a etOi —' Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann November 13, 2006 November 13,2006 — Renton City Council Minutes Page 392 3. Renton Hill Neighborhood Association-Annual printing expenses for a newsletter printed twice a year and distributed door-to-door($427). 4. Summerwind Homeowners Association- Annual printing and postal expenses for quarterly newsletter($279). 5. Tiffany Park Homeowners Association -Annual printing for a newsletter printed twice a month and distributed door-to-door($89). 6. Tiffany Park Neighborhood Association -Annual printing expenses for a newsletter printed twice a year and distributed door-to-door($532). The second round of applications total $4,485 leaving a remaining budget of $32,746. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED TO REFLECT THE CORRECTION TO ITEM 2. AS FOLLOWS: DELETE THE WORDS "door to door" AND INSERT THE WORDS "through mail." CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3840 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on new development in the R-10 Planning: Highlands Subarea zone within the Highlands study area, establishing a public hearing date of Plan Study Area Moratorium 12/11/2006,and establishing a termination date of 5/13/2006 for the moratorium. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5227 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-17-3 of Chapter 17, Pawnbrokers, Legal: Pawnbroker Daily of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code by clarifying the transmission Transaction Requirements requirements of the pawnbroker's daily record of transactions. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE Planning: Kennydale TOPIC OF THE KENNYDALE BLUEBERRY FARM TO COMMITTEE OF Blueberry Farm THE WHOLE.* Council President Corman stated that many people have suggested that the City should purchase the property as a park, and he pointed out that Council has not deliberated that issue. Councilwoman Nelson noted that Council has discussed the matter in executive session. Mr. Corman indicated that a significant policy decision such as this should not just be discussed in executive session. Discussion ensued regarding the appropriateness of discussing this topic on the Council floor. Mayor Keolker suggested that before going forward with the matter, a legal opinion be obtained. Assistant City Attorney Fontes concurred. *MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL TABLE THIS MATTER UNTIL A RULING IS OBTAINED FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT In response to Howard McOmber's inquiries,475 Olympia Ave. NE, Renton, Citizen Comment: McOmber- 98056, Mayor Keolker explained that the current Highlands moratorium expires Highlands Subarea Plan Study tomorrow, the new Highlands moratorium was declared tonight, and the public Area Moratorium hearing on the new moratorium will be held on December 11. Citizen Comment: Moore- Kirk Moore, 1901 Harrington Circle NE, Renton, 98056, explained that the Highlands Subarea Plan Study Highlands Zoning Task Force requested the Highlands moratorium, which only Area Moratorium affects the R-10 zone, to allow time for the implementation of the land use and November 13,2006 44.0.0 Renton City Council Minutes Page 391 Utility: Photogrammetric Utility Systems Division requested approval of an agreement with Aero-Metric, Aerial Mapping,Aero-Metric Inc. in the amount of$104,487 for Phase III of the 2006 Photogrammetric Aerial Mapping Project(digital terrain model update and orthophotography production). Council concur. Utility: N 26th St/Park PI N Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a utility easement granted Storm System Project, SI VI by SI VI, LLC, owner of the Belle Vista Apartment complex, for the N. 26th St LLC Utilities Easement and Park PI. N. Storm System Improvement Project in the amount of$46,500 and $1,000 per damaged or removed tree. Council concur. CAG: 03-112,Maplewood Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-03-112, Maplewood Water Treatment Water Treatment Facility and Facility and Golf Course Improvements; and requested approval of the project, Golf Course Improvements, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$1,600.55, and release of Mid-Mountain Contractors retainage bond in the amount of$496,353.39 to Mid-Mountain Contractors, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.e. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Item 6.e. recommended adoption of a resolution that declares a six-month moratorium on Planning: Highlands Subarea new development in the R-10 zone within the Highlands study area, and sets a Plan Study Area Moratorium public hearing date on 12/11/2006. `k Council President Corman expressed concern regarding the length of the � moratorium. Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes explained that the existing moratorium expires tomorrow (11/14/2006), and a new moratorium is being requested. She noted that the moratorium can be rescinded prior to the six- month term upon implementation of the new land use and zoning regulations. Mayor Keolker pointed out that the Highlands Zoning Task Force requested the moratorium to allow time for the implementation of the regulations. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE ITEM 6.e. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. (See page 392 for resolution.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Community Services recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Committee appointment of Heather Nugent to the Library Board for a term expiring on Appointment: Library Board 6/1/2011. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. EDNSP: 2006 Neighborhood Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Program Grants second round of the 2006 neighborhood grant projects. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the following grant award: Tiffany Park Neighborhood Association- Continue development of a pocket park on Seattle Public Utilities-owned right-of-way in Renton. The area is approximately a quarter of an acre and is bordered by Puget Dr. SE, Beacon Way SE, and SE 16th St. ($858). The Committee further recommended approval of funding for the following administrative newsletter applications: 1. Earlington Neighborhood Association - Annual printing for six newsletters a year distributed by newsletter box at mailbox kiosk($300). 2. Kennydale Neighborhood Association - Annual printing of quarterly newsletter distributed deer-to-deer through mail ($2,000). OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDr .c3ILL AI#: Submitting Data: For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. EDNSP November 13, 2006 Staff Contact Rebecca Lind (x 6588) Agenda Status Consent Subject: Public Hearing.. X Highlands Development Moratorium Correspondence.. Ordinance Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: New Business X Letter to Mayor from Chair of Highlands Area Citizens Study Sessions Zoning Task Force Information Resolution Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur to set public hearing on December 11, Legal Dept X 2006 Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $0 Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted $0 Revenue Generated Total Project Budget $0 City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City appointed a Highlands Area Citizen's Zoning Task Force to review and make recommendations on a proposed land use and zoning package. The Task Force has completed their review and will present their report to the Committee of the Whole on November 13, 2006. Implementation of the proposal, however, requires a public hearing process. During the middle of this public hearings process, the current development moratorium in the Highlands will expire. The gap between the expiration of the moratorium and the implementation of new regulations will only be a few weeks. This short window would allow projects to vest under the current regulations. Such projects will be inconsistent with the proposed zoning and land use changes. As a result, the Task Force has requested that the City implement a new moratorium prohibiting the subdivision of property for single family land use, set to expire January 1, 2007. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the City Council: • Adopt the proposed moratorium by resolution; and • Set a public hearing on the proposed moratorium for December 11, 2006. C:\DOCUME-1\B Walton\LOCALS—I\Temp\moratorium agenda bill.doe U CIT 7 OF RENTON Ca' Economic Development, Neighborhoods and ♦ ••� ♦ Strategic Planning NKathy T� Keolker,Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator November 7, 2006 Mayor Kathy Keolker Renton City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Madam Mayor: Thank you for appointing the Highlands Area Citizen's Zoning Task Force. The Task Force has made significant progress and plans to submit its final recommendation tomorrow,with a presentation scheduled before the Committee of the.Whole on November 13. There is one recommendation,however, that merits attention separate from our formal report. It has come to our attention that the development moratorium,which has been in place for the last year and a half, is set to expire in the middle of November. The Task Force has a recommended land use and zoning package that is ready for public review. However, by the time the public hearing process is completed on the proposal,the development moratorium will have expired. Although it is only a matter of a few weeks between the expiration of the moratorium and potential implementation of new regulations, it still allows enough time for projects to vest to regulations that are inconsistent with the proposal. For this reason,the Task Force is asking you, and the City Council, to consider implementing a moratorium that would prohibit the subdivision of lots for single-family development. This moratorium would apply to all property zoned Residential-10 du/ac (R-10) in the Highlands and would expire January 1,2007. This will allow ample time to get new zoning regulations, on which the Task Force has worked so diligently, in place. Thank you for your consideration. c �'►11 Kirk Moore Chair,Highlands Area Citizen's Zoning Task Force cc: City Council 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE This paper contains 50%recycled material.30%post consumer l III/ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R-10 AND RM-F ZONES WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS SUB-AREA PLAN STUDY AREA, ESTABLISHING A HEARING DATE, AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial time and energy on its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has identified a study area for refinement of the Comprehensive Plan with a Sub-Area Plan in the Renton Highlands to further its economic development objectives; and WHEREAS,the City of Renton has expended substantial funds developing a preliminary vision and evaluating market factors for redevelopment in the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, the R-10 and RM-F zones are currently mapped on a number of properties within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area; and WHEREAS, the density allowed currently in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow a minimum of 4 units per net acre and a minimum of 7 units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the uses in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow single-family detached housing and lower density duplexes that are not consistent with broad redevelopment objectives for the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, construction of lower density development in the form of single-family or duplex units removes developable land from the stock of land for development or redevelopment, thereby frustrating the City's economic development efforts; and 1 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the City of Renton wishes to encourage quality infill development at densities that support redevelopment of the Center Village; and WHEREAS, approval and construction of lower density housing within the identified study area, without review of the Sub-Area Plan policies, may undermine the benefits of coordinated planning, and may foreclose or irreparably damage long-term Comprehensive Plan goals; and WHEREAS, a moratorium is required to provide adequate time for City staff to prepare and present proposed changes to the Sub-Area Plan and zoning, and present such changes to the City Council for review and adoption; NOW,THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the permitting or construction of residential development, including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits, building permits, plats, lot line adjustments and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 and RM-F zone within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area. The purpose of the moratorium is to provide adequate time for staff to draft, review, and present to the City Council, and for the City Council to review and adopt changes to the Comprehensive Plan policies concerning the appropriate density and use of land within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area. SECTION III. There is hereby established a public hearing date on the 11`h day of December, 2006, for the City Council to take testimony on this moratorium and to consider the modification, revision, or termination of this moratorium. 2 w RESOLUTION NO. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise modified by the City Council, which period may be extended or renewed for one or more additional periods, but only if a subsequent public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal, to support such renewal. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2006. Kathy Keolker, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1223:11/8/06 3 June 5,2006 r✓ Renton City Council Minutes Page 182 either included or excluded. Ms. Lind reviewed the differences between the Renton and King County development standards for the area, noting that Renton does not allow multi-family uses. Ms. Lind reported that once the BRB makes its decision, King County will set the annexation election date within 30 days. She noted that the earliest possible election date is November 2006 or in early 2007. In conclusion, she stated that staff recommends that Council extend the existing sewer moratorium for an additional six months. Councilman Persson said he sympathizes with developers who are willing to develop to Renton standards,but cannot do so under King County regulations. He suggested that Council send a letter to the King County Council in efforts to resolve the development issues. Economic Development Administrator Pietsch indicated that the Administration has had extensive discussions with King County about the need for an interlocal agreement that addresses these issues. He noted that even if King County were willing to enter into an interlocal agreement, the agreement process may take longer than this particular annexation process. However, Mr. Pietsch pointed out that an interlocal agreement that covers Renton's entire PAA is needed; therefore,a letter from Council would be helpful. Public comment was invited. Gwendolyn High, President of CARE, 13405 158th Ave. SE,Renton, 98059, indicated that although CARE is doing everything it can to more forward with the annexation, the process is at a standstill until the BRB holds its public hearing. She encouraged the City to keep pursuing the interlocal agreement with King County,pointing out that CARE has also been working on this matter as a parallel effort. Ms. High urged Council to extend the moratorium. Garrett Huffman, South King County Manager of the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties, 335 116th Ave. SE, Bellevue, 98004,voiced his objection to the sewer moratorium extension. He emphasized that affected parties are frustrated with not being able to develop in the area, and he recommended letting the moratorium lapse so they can move forward with their projects. Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd.N., #3,Renton, 98056, objected to having to provide her personal information. She pointed out that the City is involved with too many projects, and recommended that the City pull back and concentrate on just a few. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 189 for resolution.) AUDIENCE COMMENT Fred Crothamel, 2951 74th Ave. SE, Mercer Island, 98040, indicated that he Citizen Comment: Crothamel - submitted a letter regarding the Highlands area redevelopment, which is listed Highlands Area Mofa-b r+tcm on the Council meeting agenda under Correspondence. Mr. Crothamel stated Redevelopment that he has initiated arrangements with a developer, and is waiting for the rezoning to take place and the moratorium to end so that he can carry out the City's vision for the Highlands area. He asked the City not to consider the use of eminent domain. June 5,2006 Nape Renton City Council Minutes Page 183 Mayor Pro Tern Corman expressed his belief that the City intends to complete the work on the rezone and lift the moratorium. He said at this point,the Council has expressed that it probably is not going forward with eminent domain. Councilman Clawson countered that without eminent domain, property owners would be in a position to charge whatever they want for right-of-way, for example, if it were needed by the City or the State to expand a road. He noted that the City has not yet decided whether it will acquire properties for development, and stressed that the use of eminent domain is a last resort. Citizen Comment: Petersen- Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N., #3, Renton, 98056, expressed Highlands Area concern regarding the City's potential use of eminent domain, saying that if a Redevelopment declaration of blight is adopted for the Highlands area, eminent domain becomes a tool. She emphasized that she not want that tool to be used. Councilman Clawson pointed out that if not for eminent domain, I-405 and the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport would not exist. He stressed that the City has no intention of taking land for private use, which is prohibited by law. Mr. Clawson indicated that the City is considering the assemblage of properties for the purpose of preserving affordable housing and improving the housing stock in the Highlands area, which is a public purpose. He stated that property would not be acquired without just compensation and without going through the proper process. Mr. Clawson expressed his hope that the City would never have to condemn anyone's property. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 5/8/2006. Council concur. 5/8/2006 Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 5/15/2006. Council concur. 5/15/2006 Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 5/22/2006. Council concur. 5/22/2006 Appointment: Airport Mayor Keolker reappointed the following individuals to the Airport Advisory Advisory Committee Committee: Kennydale neighborhood primary representative Marleen Mandt, 1408 N. 26th St.,Renton, 98056(term expires 5/7/2009); Kennydale neighborhood alternate representative Colleen Ann Deal, 1415 N. 35th St., Renton, 98056(term expires 5/7/2009); Highlands neighborhood primary representative Michael O'Halloran,4420 SE 4th St.,Renton, 98059 (term expires 5/7/2007); Talbot Hill neighborhood primary representative Jennifer Ann Rutkowski, 515 S. 47th St., Renton, 98055 (term expires 5/7/2008); Talbot Hill neighborhood alternate representative Beverly Freer, 1300 S. Puget Sound Dr., Apt. 231,Renton, 98055 (term expires 5/7/2008); South Renton neighborhood primary representative Robert Moran,425 Wells Ave. S., Renton, 98055 (term expires 5/7/2008); West Hill neighborhood primary representative Roger Lewis, 415 Seneca Ave. SW,Renton, 98055 (term expires 5/7/2009); Renton Hill/Monterey Terrace neighborhood primary representative Michael Schultz, 150 Monterey Dr. NE, Renton, 98056 (term expires 5/7/2007); Airport Leaseholders primary representative Michael Rice, Aerodyne LLC, 300 Airport Way, Suite 100,Renton, 98055 (term expires 5/7/2008); Airport Leaseholders alternate representative Kurt Boswell, May 22,2006 Renton City Council Minutes 'Now Page 169 * The Renton Farmers Market begins Tuesday, June 6th, at the Piazza. The market takes place every Tuesday from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. and runs through September 19th. * The Reuse It!Renton, Stop &Swap event will be held on June 3rd at the Renton Memorial Stadium south parking lot. AJLS: Community Leadership Mayor Keolker announced that the City was recently awarded the Community Award, WA Association of Leadership Award by the Washington Association of School Administrators in School Administrators recognition of Renton's support of education. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave.NE, Renton, 98056, stated that the Citizen Comment: DeMastus- comment she made at the April 24th Council meeting regarding the l lth Highlands Community District legislators and the Highlands Community Association was taken out of Association, Senator Prentice context in the letter entered into the record at the May 8th Council meeting Letter from Senator Margarita Prentice. Citizen Comment: Petersen- Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N., #3, Renton, 98056, objected to Various having to give her name and address prior to commenting at the Council 71+ C ft meeting. She expressed her disappointment that her request for an individual Councilmember vote was not allowed on the matter of the Highlands Subarea Plan Study Area Moratorium extension at the May 8th Council meeting. Ms. Petersen also expressed her desire to know how Councilmembers vote on various matters, and her desire for an immediate way of communicating if she thinks any comments made at Council meetings are inaccurate. Citizen Comment: Colee- Jeff Colee, 330 Park Ave. N.,Renton, 98055, asked for a waiver of the$100 fee Variance Fee Waiver Request, to apply for a variance for his eight-foot-high fence that separates his house Fence Height from his neighbor's house. Pointing out that his neighbor feeds feral cats, Mr. Colee explained that he erected the fence to prevent the feral cats from using his property as a litter box, as his wheelchair comes in direct contact with the waste. He indicated that other eight-foot-high fences exist in his neighborhood, and he has been working with animal control in regards to the cats. Mr. Colee reported that he has received an order to correct from the City, and requests a variance fee waiver as he is low-income and cannot afford the fee. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. AJLS: Renton River Days Fee Administrative, Judicial and Legal Services Department requested the Waivers& Banner Installation following: waiver of permit fees for 2006 Renton River Days activities endorsed by Renton River Days Board of Directors; waiver of City Center Parking garage fees from July 21 to July 23; and authorization to install River Days banners on City light poles from June 12 to July 24. Council concur. CAG: 05-114, Riverview Park Community Services Department submitted CAG-05-114, Riverview Park Bridge Renovation,Marine Bridge Renovation; and requested approval of the project, commencement of Vacuum Service 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$9,535.85 to Marine Vacuum Service, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Human Services: 2007/2008 Community Services Department recommended approval of the 2007/2008 Funding Criteria for CDBG& Human Services funding criteria for allocation of Community Development General Fund Allocation Block Grants and General Funds. Refer to Community Services Committee. Y _ _ The LasTnet�Word George F: Will �( • ii,?.did-o-r* , Legal Theft �; ,, „ .. : . 333„. , 3 , ...._ . , :;:„...;,,, , InNorwood _ . :,. . ,..,... : ,_ . t . ORWOOD,OttiO—IN THIS TOWN,WHICH IS r '-_: surrounded 1) Cincinnati,there is a field stir- `'�,� rounded In a high chain-link fence.Across a street on one side of the field is a residential _ neighborhood of modest homes.On another side is an up- ` scale shopping center with a Starbucks,and Birkenstock '} and Smith&Hawken stores.The field used to he a neigh- 44. - . horlxxid with 99 houses and small busi- interests,Sonic or whose enhanced riches potential taxpayer.But occasionally tsionalh a ricsses,but almost all the structures have can he siphoned away by taxes.Such lc- Supreme Court decision disgusts acid been destroyed.One or the homes that gaiized theft---.theft In government--does alarms so many people that there is a po- remain- the developer oldie shopping not use a gun,it just abuses the power of litical recoil and broad social stirring. center wants to level all so he can expand eminent domain.and it was declared con- Dred Scott r.San find(18 )and Roe r. his domain was firr 35 tears the first stitutional by the U.S.Supreme Court in Wade(19 3)were such decisions.The and only home owned by Carl and joy keno v.New London last year kelp decision is proving to be the let (fallible,who are both in their mid-fats. The Fifth Amendment includes this thing that has happened since the New Now they live across the Ohio River in clause:"...nor shall private property be Deal to energize the movement to Kentucky,in die basement of their(laugh- taken[or public use,without justcompen- strengthen property rights. ter's house as they wait for the Ohio sation"(emphasis;Hided).-File Framers of The Gambles'plight- a quiet.blue- Supreme Court to decide their home's the Bill of Rights did not scatter adjectives collar couple's life in ruins just as then arc fate.\or s o od's government seized it to promiscuously:They-said pubite use in or- tattering re tireincnt-vividly illustrates enrich itsclfiry enriching a taxpaying de- der to restrict government to"takings" what happens when property rights be- tcloper who has a$125 million project. come too attenuated toprutcet the indittd- tI The Gambles say that when the city This abuse shows What ual's zone of soverei t t against govern- ofli red them money fin-their house,they ntetrt power.Because such abuses are • • were not interested."We had everything proliferating nationwide.people arc pees_ we wanted right there.says joy,who happens when property : ,� . curing state legislatures to trod ricl the does riot drive but could walk to see her rights become too seizure of property simply to give local gu - i mother in a Norwood nursing home: � en -�l1'lli}tre'1Y'r•5 ty tllcyhrt c.cnon,a;h \\ "\Vc loved that house- that Bonne: attenuated to protect revenues -tlrr revenues they say they need. �` Past tense. Norwo od's government,in individualsathe precious hind's lift projects benefiting from such the developersoiler to pay the cost of the • seizure BIM,the nations ninth largest j study that._surprise!--enabled the city to zone of sovereignty. hank,has said it will not lend to developers declare the neighborhood"blighted'and who benefit from the lxncerof ern irrent do- "iieteriiorrtirig"NEWSWEE K reader,stroll only for things direetlt owned by or pri- main wielded to enrich there. around your neighborhood. Ikr you see ntarily used by the general public,such as Reeling from the lite-shattering effects any broken sidewalk pavement?Any roads.hridgcsand public buildings.In ofan uncircumseribe-el power(deminein standing water in a road?Any weeds? 1954.the concept of"public use"was ex- domain,the(?ambles are hoping for res- Such factors--never mind that sidewalks ;Knitted to include curing urban blight. cue In their state Supreme Court,hetiire and roads are government's resp onsibib- The Ado ease arose in Nev London, which they are represented by the histi- tt.__v ere cited by the developer's stuck to Conn.,v lwir the city government em- tute for justice,a merry hand of lib rtari-. justify \onyond's forcing the Gambles powered a private entity to condemn an litigators.'l'lic Gambles have the digni- and their neighbors to sell to the developer property .a modest middle-class neigh- fits stoicism of uncomplicated people put I so he could build condominiums,office horhooxl-and give it to a private develop- upon by sophisticated people nimble with buildings and stores. er whiff would pay more taxes.The court complex sophistries.Carl says,"1\e're Norwood s behavior is part of a nation- ruled 5-4 in favor of New IAondon- paving a lot each month for storage"of al pattern: From 1998 through 2002.state A1'k demonstrated that anyone who their possessions that do not fit in his and local governments seized or threat- owns a modest home or small business daughter's basement near the town Of Ins cued to seize more than 10,000 homes, owns it only at the sufferance ofa local dependence.Ky.Independence is what businesses,churches and pieces of land, government that might,on a whim ofra- becomes tenuous when property rights not for"public use"but to enrich private pacity,seize it to enrich a more attractive become attenuated_ 94 NEWSWEEK APRiL 24. 2006 Rezone from RESIDENTIAL-10 to 1i CENTER VILLAGE-RESIDENTIAL Rezone from1.11 IMINIIIP t base 30 fiu/ac bonus „to RESIDENTIAL-10 to r� RESIDENTIAL N MULTI-FAMILY-URBAN I+ AI 111 i x, G ac AMIN [liii �� iii . IN .7 Q AO 11111 co I IlriPil Rezone from RESIDENTIALId ._, 11F Lj� gli rI Illibm'd111111 L_ A `� MULTI-FAMILY to CENTER VII I AGE illotzf,,,:. ,,, ,-,..-, -��4 .„ _ _ Allan Oro III • ..m... nu ::: : • III MI - _ill; ''''=4::'limn NMI - ■■ I IIIII mii 4,1111.1 - ` - - :- '' :.:::-'. ' ' - MI III Initial OAF III11111 ►MI 111 Blinnr, i ■w■■1 tin , _ f'.;.j. ---4:E,:::.-- a liir• Ali -- Rezone from elm RESIDENTIAL ReIIIII mains CENTER VILLAGE ■ MULTI-FAMILY to CENTER _ .€ks be e.&.80:�bonus J' I VILLAGE-RESIDENTIAL ge O� _ ■: := ��,4,8 mac base� � h � � r / 1_,- ii_m_ -i-E- m. Al mm ,_, -., ,L , MEIN wRililliI l l Rersne froth COMMERCIAL ■ S t ■■I■ 1 ,r NEIGHBORHOOD to CENTER VILLAGE ': OJ�`(� 1 = r' 1 � ism #1 El > film Ito ".„ <r"" 41 6- Highlands Subarea Proposed Rezones Draft 2 Current Proposal a,,-�. °� 't ",�`&S April 20, 2006 Al n,naasoa c.na 2O npanoos 1?-?;-/2-6 0 a, Page 1 of 2 HCA's vision for a "Modified Urban Village" in the Highlands • x - tFtt i S'yr - A- Every duplex can look like the one above. And you've seen citizens at the podium during previous public hearings with similar pictures. Every rundown duplex has the potential to become like this. The HCA believes its"Modified Urban Village"Proposal is a wonderful and workable compromise which allows the neighborhood and the City to begin moving ahead with redevelopment of the Highlands,which is what we all urgently desire. We believe this plan is really the BEST option for all parties. With that being said, here are the fourteen(14)points of the HCA's "Modified Urban Village" Proposal: 1. First and foremost,there would be no need for a Declaration of Blight and the door to eminent domain which a Declaration of Blight opens. 2. Flexible zoning will allow private property owners to decide their own futures. 3. Single family dwellings and duplexes would be within code, zoning would not create any non conforming property. 4. Higher densities would be defined in a way to co-exist aesthetically with the single family dwellings and duplexes, probably not as high as Mayor Koelker wants. 5. Property owners would have the option to develop to higher densities, remodel their existing property, or voluntarily sell to a developer if that is their wish. And in some cases, property will remain "as is" because no improvement is needed. 6. Property owners would work with the City and others to remove identified blight. 7. From the money set aside for the City's"development partner, "the City would create low interest loans for the low-income elderly to upgrade their properties. Note: We assume there are more low income widows and widowers than slumlords, and these elderly citizens depend on rental income to live and do fir►' 44110 Page 2 of 2 not have anything left over for improvements. These are the same citizens who do not want to be removed from the homes where their roots and memories are. 8. The Non profit builders that Councilman Clawson has mentioned might be a good resource to help our honored and elderly low-income citizens. 9. Once the blight is identified and removed, both property owners and tenants would work to maintain the property. The HCA would be the glue to hold neighborhood together. 10. Ideally, property owners would enter into a Neighborhood Covenant, and many have already signed a petition to do so. This petition was presented at the May 8th city council meeting,but its importance was missed entirely. 11. The "Modified Urban Village"Proposal places responsibility on the City of Renton to initially bring the alleys and sidewalks up to code. .. ., k°8• t Note: People have been paying taxes in that area for over 50 years. Certainly the City can now put some of that money back into the area by assuming the initial cost of removing this blight. Property owners would assume ;~ ` maintenance after that, . 12. This proposal would require the City of Renton to coordinate with the Section 8 housing authorities to ensure their tenant selection and location processes do not create problems in the Highlands. 13. It would require that the City of Renton to allocate police patrols in numbers commensurate with the population, something that has not been done in the past. 14. And lastly, if the Code Enforcement process is"too expensive"as city leaders have indicated, then the City of Renton should review and improve this needed service until process is cost efficient. All new programs need some initial tweaking to run efficiently; and to stay efficient, programs need an ongoing review to keep them cost efficient and value-added. April 15, 2006 invt _2-ne -1.7 te(.s.-eit ..!_ ('_( z 1 ,/'1.1.-7C-57 t-ii,iiii rfi frl t'e cinelk-4" . , c5Iid-l)-04/1, Thelast Word_GeargeE.Witt TheftLegal ..r.' Newsweek article Oil the Keio decision ..,. 'Als to correct impression n onlifoo I left by Councilman Clawson's comments at the 5115/06 council meeting ORW001:),01-110—IN THIS'DOWN,VITHICti L,S surrounded byCincinnati,there is a fie/d sur- minded bY a high-chain. --link,,fence-_Acr°5s. a ' Ill on the same SUbjeCgt. illilla I i street on one side of the field is a residential - neighborhood of modest homes.On another side is an up- scale .e. , - . - shopping center with a Starhucks and Birkenstock ,.., . , and Smith&Hawken stores.The field used to be a neigh- :-' " - -I horhood with 94 houses 1111d Mall'alai- intemsts,some of whose enhanced rights potential taxpayer.Elm occasionally a nesses,but almost all the stnicturms haw tan be siphoned aveay by taus.Such le- Supreme Court de ion disgusts and been destroyed.One of the hems that gafiaad dtcK-•theft by goverrunent--does alarms so many people that there is a po- remain-the devoupve orthc shopping not use a gun,it ju.st abuses the power of litical recoil and bread social-stirring, center warm to Inver all so he can expand miasma domain-And itwasdedarad can- DrrdSeerr A Salford(lilFt-7)and Roe A his domain-was for 3.5 years the firm atiortional hy dte U.S.„Supreme Court in tirade(I on)wme such decisions.The and only name paned by Carl and joy ./Ctto it NrueLondon lain year. &to decision is proving to be the best Gamble,who are both in their mid.60*. The Fifth Amendment includes this thing that has happened since the,New Now they live amess the Ohio River in dame:-.,nor shall private property be Deal to energize the inovt-ezent to fikrmicky,in the baserrient°film'r dough- taken forpublic tor_without just convert- strengthen property right& ter's imose,as theywait for the Ohio sante(emphasis added).The.Primers of The Gambia plight-a(pea.blue- Supreme Court to decide their home!, the 0111 of nights did not scatter adjectives collar couples life in ruirtsjust asthey are fate Norwocafs government seized it to pronistoousiy:They saidpubik use in or- enteriogretiremern--vividly illustrates enrich itself Lev enriching a taxpaving de- der to restrict government to"takings" what happenstriten property right:she- . . veloper who has a$12.5'trillion potrject. _ come WO iatailtiated tO EMT3teetthe iTaiiVid- _, The Gambles say that when the city Thi Mule...as, i, alliterate es sovemiguty iagarist grown offered them money for limit-house,thee I'S"4‘141.°‘`.ni WW""11“1 mot power-BWOWSe Sad)abuses am vivre not interested."We had everything hAnn uidinn nrnnarh, proliferating tiationwide,pep ie am pees- wewantcd,right thme,"saysjoy,wit° "'rt.'"I'.14''Ps"", susingstatelegislatures to firrbiti the does not dtive but could walk to sec her n become too rights seizure of pmpertysinnly togivc tonal pc- mother in a Norwood musing home. enunents--who newt.say they have enough 'We loved that house-that home:" attenuated to protect tmnuest—the revvnues theysw they need, Past tense.blorWOOWS government,in ,L, _i. ,_____„, And Congressmay forbid theme offederal a remarkably incestuous deal.acceptod the intoviotim s precious hinds for plojects benefiting frown such the developer's offer to pay the cost Lithe ... • seizures.Burl;the netimn's ninth hugest said,that_imrinise_mabied the awn, zone OT sovereiguty bank,hag said it will' not lead to developers „ declare the neighborhood-hhghted"and who Impart:tenant rbe power ofeininent do- 'deteriorating'NEWSWEE..K.tradEE.Strea marital-things directly owned by or pri- main wielded to enthit them. , , around your neighborhood,Do you sec nuttily used by the general public,such as Reeling from the liloshattering effects any broken sidewalk pavement?Any roads,bridges and public buildings,In dal)1111ratlart.Sabed power ofemblent standing water in a road?Any weeds? 1954,the concept of-public use"was ex- domain,the Gambles are hoping far les- Such fismors--never mind that sidewalks parided to imitate curing urban bright. tee by their gateSuprerrie Court,b-efore and roads aregawenrnent's xi:swan:drift- 'Iltc.Kdit caste arostin New London, which thev are r.,p,, entol be the insti- . ty—Ware oiled by thr developer's study to Conn.,When the city goverrunent CItt- insofar Justice,a merry hand of libenari . . Justi IV Norwood's forcing the Gambles pttwereda private entity to condemn an litigators.The Gambles have the digni. and their might/on to sell to thedevrloper property-a modest iii Idle-class neigh- lied stoicism ofuncomplitated.pepie put so he amid WU.condominiums.afilm horhood-and give it to a private develop- upon by sophiaicated people nimble with buddinp and stores. Cr Wha*Mkt pa v nurre taxes.The court complessophistries,Cartsas„-Were , Norwood's behaykte is part of a-nation- ruied,5-4 in favor of New London-. paying a lot each month for storage„ot al pattern:From 1998 through 2002,state Kok demonstrated that anyone who their possessions that do not fit in his and total governments seized or threat- owns a modest home or small business daughter's basement near the town of lo- coed to seize more than 10,000 borne& owns it only at the sufferance ofa local dependence.Ky.Independence is what businesses,chterdres and pieces of land, gown/neat that might,on a whim elm- becomes tenuous when properly tights not fol."public use but to enrich prhare parity,sem' e it to enrich a mitre attractive become attenuated. 94 NEWSWEEK APait.24. 20116 *.. r ,- z li' - 0 «;: ® o I WQ f -- Cr_ CO 5C Lux s f` Q LL Q I }} F.) F- G Ir LC fY ` 4 lit Z a id m 1. 0p04 Z'W 0W L; W IL LI '4•0 200 ,it- Ot-t- s z a lz W 41 iCZfil L to d 0 -'' l� 4- 1+J r Z F' .T. 0 . fir'' w .fir 3 U 00 L I oCro w W Q 0 c I aCn - (I) x al0 5, W -0W "N"" H CC - an t U © O V) 0 in 3I o IA—__ ---\ --- _—__-_ ______—----- F ___ ill' �.rl 41101 II 1I — ry I�ICI -- I II ti = +�,,I ICI 3 ',' 111 �I y� �I t� z '- ,I O U. �,II �' _ I II �Hi ."• CI W_ l cA u. Uw Q v1 0 Iowan J /�� �,/ F� Li �7 (11 H^ _ E'^ ,1 I I II�I SST,'. i• i �J li .itc ,1 i 11I �T� III i`, >r} I I CU ^I ) t ' 1 fl II N m II , u. I, ^/ III • i� vg I' s. I C = ~may- "' 11 r 1 b+b O S I n r 1 d \ wo V ri _�, •0 i > p. Kh< W N w 2 .�., 1 ti � � �.,� b w wow 1, m • I1 u z m 0 V, ri O; 0 �,i a 1 I a J y IIII — I C — I so +fit ; a;e 4 0ti I . cI - _ $ ram, ,� ,i� — rF '1 a in W ii 0 1 11r ' }' 0 lap 0 Et CI 0 � -.a wait Q tR _' * -t OWC9 113 i Z p 3 W DI Di 2. Le hiHz ( aLI 0 Q w o I- 0 ti .. 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C a Cl ,� w Cl 0 on 3 - O ,z, a°i a. o c a ,—, .— . .b 4° (� .-, R; a�V1 . 0 uUv4H -o g 3 Fa o coZa CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3805 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING FACTS, EXTENDING A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R-10 ZONE WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS SUB- AREA PLAN STUDY AREA, AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has previously declared a moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands' Sub-Area Plan Study Area; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial time and energy on its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has identified a study area for refinement of the Comprehensive Plan, with a Sub-Area Plan in the Renton Highlands to further its economic development objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial funds developing a preliminary vision and evaluating market factors for redevelopment in the Highlands Study Area; and WHEREAS, the R-10 and RM-F zones are currently mapped on a number of properties within the Highlands Sub-Area Study Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has continued to expend time and money in drafting a zoning proposal for the Highlands Study Area to achieve higher density, quality infill development, and integrated development; and WHEREAS, the City has performed environmental review on proposals to change the zoning in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands' Sub-Area Plan Study area; and WHEREAS, an appeal has been filed by the Highlands Community Association from the Environmental Review Committee's declaration of non-significance for such zoning; and 1 Nise RESOLUTION NO. 3805 IS WHEREAS, the City Council has received a recommendation to enact the proposed rezoning from the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to extend the moratorium to provide adequate time to have a hearing on the appeal of Highlands Community Association, and receive a decision, before the Council takes final action; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to extend the moratorium to keep the status quo until the City Council can determine the best course of action and not allow development which may be contrary to zoning and development regulations which the Council may wish to adopt; and WHEREAS, platting of single family lots results in development which does not meet the density and use requirements of the Center Village Land Use Designation, and under current R-10 zoning does not meet quality development standards in the Community Design Element; and WHEREAS, single family detached uses are allowed in the R-10 zone but not in the RM-F zone; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared an extended moratorium on the permitting or construction of new single-family residential development or accessory uses, including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits, building permits, plats, lot line adjustments, and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Sub-area Plan Study Area. Permits for maintenance and expansion of existing single family uses are 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3805 `_ exempted from the moratorium. The area of the extended moratorium is shown on the attached map. The purpose of this extended moratorium is to provide adequate time for the hearing and decision on the Highlands Community Association's appeal of the Declaration on Non- Significance adopted by the Environmental Review Committee, for the City Council to consider the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and for the City Council to make a decision about the appropriate zoning in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study area; and to maintain the status quo until those decisions can be made. The moratorium shall be in place for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise modified by the City Council, which period may be extended or renewed for one or more additional periods, but only if a subsequent public hearing is held, and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal, to support such renewal. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this . 8th day of May , 2006. s`j e Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 8th day of May , 2006. —"ea/4 0.4,--16, Kathy Keolker, Mayor Appro s to form: • Lawrence J. Wane , City Attorney • s RES.1182:5/8/06:ma ' Date of Publication: 5/12/2006 (summary) 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3805 ii1 - pmo'■ - f$11.' VP P II IM i = 1 ■aggl,11Pri wsvatMES II i1iiii rii i/ morel: gRu g R a sir ■�i1* M�; _' -{ _ iRi iei;IGni�i■ 6 .. . . 1 Ith.-t7-77 i _em-- Kw.! dim u p (H 11Tm (1� F-8 r___ � / l' _ / ®]� m® MA ILiU 111111121011/11 i'rd Si _- a' ■� R a ■� noise !! �_ I I { ��a': • a dIii raves=MI . 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" limn © II�i lMU ima �� NI < •111=KIN■IMEMIii I d �� a� .es lot, n �a,' to 43 �� ■. �� \rMimi �Piiiissima aV S 1 t f1rl a riii Lim NI 4'■��— i In ii1 I At �r S t moo iiiliilili 1j1 ■u 1111111I,'! IN am a�n��ta iiinal.: ■ E :fir`" ■. ■ AIM m1■l ar tl r ■: • 0 1 •� :V� o ill: IIE■ 4 mm 11IIp(t tr Jt 11 c■ • �� i 1 r nu;�'�w�b R 8 !�w ws _ i� �I R_8- EN 6il t/II I j pit e% es.- r ifit• `" NE t, S . �000 ■,u Zia a i, Ip lid-ma' �a II"'��8' s �a� I\' � �: cr. LI lllii • • r' 1111N7i7 :La s ► DAM 3 � w ' r,� i ii=•ImaI:rag -t_(P) IN ���z� 1: a uu� I o �JI��u1 � i . �le Mil um a i�1 r 3 6. MIME it'll \,3 11111 a ,st al Sill■ ;3\,T:e'--,Li j#8 4121;)4!° 1 IC iFHIGis ���\\ ) ' ■ ill- A. o R M �Qb�® ., �iV - Ise.° at / G'Ct‘w , :•re' _ S . RM F IIc' ■t 1r • r- R- ■y ■� iA -- PM-r HHi m e • A Ylliii -<.I ■ I L P i r n = nHighlands Subarea Moratorium Gti „,,, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Included in MoratoriumS' • Alex Pietsch,Administrator G.Del Rosario 'N'tG{ 8 May 2006 May 8,2006 Noire Renton City Council Minutes .rr` Page 151 MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE 4/17/2006 MINUTES AS AMENDED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Harvey Adams, Davis Real Estate Group, 27013 Pacific Citizen Comment: Adams- Hwy, S.,PMB #353, Des Moines, 98198, requesting reimbursement in the Water Line Oversizing amount of$22,926.58 for oversizing the water line at NE Sunset Blvd. for the Reimbursement, Cottages at Cottages at Honey Creek subdivision at the City's request. MOVED BY Honey Creek BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval Finance Committee of Claim Vouchers 248018 -248436 and two wire transfers totaling Finance: Vouchers $3,139,825.63; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 63193 -63383, one wire transfer, and 609 direct deposits totaling$1,989,948.77. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Limited Term Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Positions Hire, Construction concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor to use Management&Inspection approved funding for the SR-169 HOV Improvements and Duvall Ave.NE Services projects to create and fill three limited term positions to provide construction inspection and construction management services for these projects. The three limited term positions are for two construction inspectors and one Civil Engineer III. The positions are expected to be needed for 12 months, with the total cost projected to be $279,500. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3805 A resolution was read establishing facts, extending a moratorium on new Planning: Highlands Subarea development in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Subarea Plan study area, Plan Study Area Moratorium and establishing a termination date of 11/14/2006 for the moratorium. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3806 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a local Transportation: Renton agency agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation to Bicycle Route Connection accept grant funding to produce a map identifying a bicycle network within the Plan, WSDOT Grant City of Renton. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3807 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: Springbrook Creek agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation regarding Wetland Mitigation Bank joint funding for preparation of an existing land rights map and lot line Sundry Site Plan, WSDOT adjustment map for the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank Site, generally referred to as the "Sundry Site Plan." MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/15/2006 for second and final reading: Annexation: Akers Farms, An ordinance was read annexing approximately 14.02 acres generally located 108th Ave SE&Puget Dr S immediately south of SE 160th St. and north of SE 164th St., east of 108th Ave. SE and west of 110th Ave. SE, if extended(Akers Farms Annexation). May 8,2006 Name Renton City Council Minutes Page 152 MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/15/2006. CARRIED. Annexation: Akers Farms, R-8 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Zoning 12.99 acres, generally located immediately south of SE 160th St. and north of SE 164th St., east of 108th Ave. SE and west of 110th Ave. SE, if extended, annexed within the City of Renton as R-8 (Residential-eight dwelling units per acre)zoning; Akers Farms Annexation. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/15/2006. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Expressing his concerns regarding the conflict surrounding the Highlands Planning: Highlands Area redevelopment effort, Council President Corman made a motion proposing a Redevelopment resolution be adopted, which indicates that there will be no further consideration of eminent domain or designation of blight areas in the Renton Highlands redevelopment planning effort. Discussion followed regarding the proposal, including the lack of advanced notice for the resolution, the need to review the State Community Renewal Act and the use of eminent domain,and community concerns and inconsistencies regarding the issue of eminent domain. As a point of order,Assistant City Attorney Fontes noted the lack of a second for Mr. Corman's motion. Discussion then ensued regarding the Council workshop on May 17th on the North Harrington Neighborhood Redevelopment Strategies. It was noted that the topics proposed for discussion concern the zoning proposal,non-conformity, affordable housing, and the Community Renewal Act, and that the workshop agenda is open for Council input. It was also noted that the workshop provides the opportunity for obtaining more information about the issues, and the opportunity to discuss public comments received thus far. AUDIENCE COMMENT In response to Brett Hawton's inquiries, 1308 Harrington Ave. NE, Renton, Citizen Comment: Hawton - 98056, it was confirmed that there is a possibility that zoning for existing single Highlands Area family homes in the Highlands area will be legal and conforming, and spot- Redevelopment zoning was addressed. Citizen Comment: DeMastus - Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, noted that the Highlands Area Highlands Community Association's meeting concerning the Highlands Redevelopment Redevelopment is being cablecast on community access channel 77. Citizen Comment: Petersen- Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N., #3, Renton, 98056, indicated Highlands Area that the Landlord-Tenant Act could have been used all along to address the Redevelopment inadequate landlords in the Highlands area. She disagreed with the way citizen comments were summarized in the April 17th Council meeting minutes,and y questioned which Councilmembers voted for the moratorium extension. Vt4\ �ad� Additionally,Ms. Petersen stated that a declaration of blight is the vehicle that 1 �' allows eminent domain, and she commented on the Highlands Community Association's sincere efforts of behalf of the Highlands residents. Councilman Clawson pointed out that the City has no authority under the Landlord-Tenant Act, and remedies must be handled through the nuisance or code abatement process. May 8,2006 Renton City Council Minutes N.," Page 149 Citizen Comment: McOmber- Howard McOmber, 475 Olympia Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, stated his Highlands Area displeasure with the current R-10 zoning in the Highlands area,but pointed out Redevelopment that the proposed zoning is worse. He recommended simple, clear,creative, and friendly zoning text. Mr. McOmber noted that the Highlands Community Association has worked hard to improve the area, and wants to work with the City towards that effort. Additionally, he asked that the issue of eminent domain be taken off the table. Citizen Comment: Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct., Renton, 98058, encouraged elected Quesenberry-Mayor's Office officials to cooperate with the police department in regards to the graffiti Graffiti Incident incident that occurred in the Mayor's Office on April 17th. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reported that the City of Kent's police department is now investigating the graffiti incident following preliminary work by Renton's police department. He said to his knowledge, everyone who has been contacted by the police departments have cooperated fully with the investigation. RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 10:48 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:58 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Citizen Comment: Haugen - In response to an inquiry by Virginia Haugen, 2503 R St. SE, Auburn, 98002, Various Council President Corman indicated that a deck higher than 18 inches off the t� +.6)irt\�Aot 5 a:kV-1 ►�� ground is most likely allowed under the alternate Highlands Subarea Plan study area moratorium. Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes clarified that due to circumstances related to conforming uses, allowance of a deck improvement is on a case-by-case basis. On another subject, Ms. Haugen disagreed with the spending of her tax dollars to send participants to the Integrated Emergency Management Course in Maryland. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Council President Corman, item 9.a.was removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 4/24/2006. Council concur. 4/24/2006 Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Keolker appointed Patricia Pepper, 28934 229th Pl. SE, Black Diamond, Commission 98010, to the Municipal Arts Commission to fill a vacated three-year term expiring 12/31/2008. Refer to Community Services Committee. Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Keolker reappointed Michael O'Halloran, 4420 SE 4th St., Renton, Commission 98059, and Jerri Everett, 2525 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055, each to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term expiring 12/31/2008. Council concur. Appointment: Park Board Mayor Keolker reappointed Tim Searing, 2100 SE 2nd Pl., Renton, 98056, and Ron Regis, 824 Jefferson Ave.NE, Renton, 98056, each to the Park Board for a four-year term expiring 6/1/2009. Council concur. Appointment: Planning Mayor Keolker reappointed Nancy Osborn,4635 Morris Ave. S.,#F,Renton, Commission 98055,to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring 6/30/2009. Council concur. May 8,2006 Renton City Council Minutes ,_ Page 148 that Puget Sound Energy may have facilities within the vacation area. Concluding,Ms. McFarland stated that staff recommends approval of the vacation request. Ms. McFarland read correspondence from the petitioner's representative Matt Weber, AHBL, Inc., expressing support for the proposal and pointing out that the area has never been used as a pedestrian walkway. Mr. Weber indicated that the vacation will relieve the City of liability in having a walkway that is not needed, goes nowhere, and contains steep slopes. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUEST TO VACATE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A UTILITY EASEMENT BE RETAINED OVER THE ENTIRE RIGHT-OF- WAY; NO GRADING OR FILLING BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA; AND THE PETITIONER PROVIDE SATISFACTORY PROOF THAT OUTSIDE UTILITY COMPANIES HAVE RECEIVED AND ARE SATISFIED WITH ANY EASEMENTS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THEIR FACILITIES WITHIN THE AREA. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2006 and beyond. Items noted included: * The King County Northwest Natural Yard Days program is underway through May 15th. King County, in partnership with local government agencies, cities, and local water providers, supports this program to encourage the use of environmentally preferable yard care products. * The 2006 Spring Recycling Day is scheduled for May 13th at Renton Technical College's north parking lot. Public Safety: Integrated Mayor Keolker announced that many City officials and staff attended the Emergency Management Integrated Emergency Management Course in Maryland last week, which was Course funded by the Federal government. Councilwoman Briere stated that she was impressed by City staffs performance during an earthquake exercise. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bimal Kumar, 2102 NE 23rd St.,Renton, 98056, indicated that although the Citizen Comment: Kumar- vision for the Highlands area has been approached in the wrong way,the effort Highlands Area must not be discontinued. He emphasized that a middle ground can be reached Redevelopment that addresses the neglected duplexes, and also allows people to keep their homes. Citizen Comment: Petersen- Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N., #3, Renton, 98056, commented Various that the Integrated Emergency Management Course referred to during the iV` �,� Administrative Report was a waste of taxpayer money. She asked that Heidi Beckley's comments made during Audience Comment at the Council meeting of ��}n� ak�� 4/17/2006 be stricken from the meeting minutes. Regarding the graffiti incident that occurred in the Mayor's Office on April 17th, Ms. Petersen urged the Council and Mayor to take lie detector tests. In regards to the moratorium, she indicated that it is unclear as to what is now allowed and not allowed for single-family homes and duplexes. May 8,2006 Renton City Council Minutes � , Page 144 comment made by Sandel DeMastus regarding the Highlands Community Association at the April 24th Council meeting. Senator Prentice indicated that the 11 th District legislators have not taken a position on the matter of the Highlands area, as their responsibility is district-wide on matters handled legislatively. Correspondence was read from: John A. Hansen and Sue Hansen, 1108 Anacortes Ave. NE, Renton, 98059; Jerri Broeffle, 850 Monroe Ave.NE, Renton, 98056; Joan Crueger, PO Box 332, Snohomish, 98291 (property at 624-626 Index Pl. NE); and Scott Johnson, 5164 150th Pl., SE, Bellevue, 98006 (property at 2624 NE 9th Pl., 1317 Edmonds Ave. NE and 3323 NE 12th St.). Comments included: support for the Highlands redevelopment effort; support for rezoning the area and more affordable housing; and concern that the entire matter has been poorly dealt with, that what has been done to date has not accomplished the City's goal of a center village, that the City has not effectively reached out to citizens and business owners, that the use of eminent domain be removed from the planning process,and that potentially hazardous situations such as pipelines and old mines need to be assessed in the land use planning. Additionally entered into the record was an informal petition signed by seven individuals, submitted by Howard J.McOmber, Sr.,475 Olympia Ave.NE, Renton, 98056, requesting that the City partner with them to revitalize the North Harrington community. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:51 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:00 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Highlands Subarea accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing Plan Study Area Moratorium to consider extending the moratorium,which expires May 14th, on new �i development in the R-10 (Residential -ten dwelling units per acre)and RM-F TT (Residential Multi-Family)zones within the Highlands Subarea Plan study area. Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Administrator, stated that staff recommends a moratorium extension to provide adequate time for resolution of the appeal of the SEPA determination on the Highlands Subarea rezoning proposal,which has stayed Council's ability to enact the zoning proposal. Rebecca Lind,Planning Manager,explained that the moratorium was enacted to achieve the following planning goals: study the Highlands neighborhood and develop zoning consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and prevent new development that is inconsistent with future land use from becoming vested. Ms. Lind pointed out that once a new project is vested, it is allowed to develop under the regulations in effect at the time of application. She displayed an example of a development project that vested prior to the moratorium declaration, and noted features that are inconsistent with the proposed design guidelines. Continuing, Ms. Lind listed property improvements that are allowed and not allowed under the moratorium. She reported that new zoning is needed for the May 8,2006 �� Renton City Council Minutes „so. Page 145 Highlands revitalization regardless of any further action for the following reasons: it is required by the Comprehensive Plan, it provides incentive for investment, it creates standards for the creation of quality housing, and it creates a permanent stock of affordable housing. Ms. Lind noted that Council should consider amending the Comprehensive Plan if low density development in the Highlands is desired. Ms. Lind stated that staff recommends a moratorium extension to allow time for the resolution of the appeal,and to prevent low quality development that is inconsistent with future land use. She proposed that the moratorium area be amended to only include the areas zoned R-10 north of NE Sunset Blvd.,and the RM-F-zoned area along Glennwood Ave. Ms. Lind explained that the excluded areas do not contain the large, easily subdivided lots, and some are zoned multi-family. She indicated that the single-family platting,and the duplex properties that are inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan's vision are concentrated in the amended moratorium area. Ms. Lind reviewed the proposed rewording of the moratorium resolution, noting that implementation of the provision was discussed with the Development Services Director. Ms. Lind acknowledged Council's reluctance to extend the moratorium again, and asked that at a minimum, Council consider a moratorium that bans the subdivision of property to create additional new single-family building lots. She explained that further fragmentation of the land will make it more difficult to do anything in the future. Mr. Pietsch stated that two moratorium extension resolutions were prepared, pointing out that the alternate resolution only prohibits the subdivision of land. He noted that although the moratorium time period is six months,the moratorium can be lifted upon resolution of the appeal and the zoning proposal. In response to Councilman Clawson's inquiries,Ms Lind stated that the progression of the subject appeal process is as follows: Hearing Examiner, Growth Management Hearings Board, and Superior Court. In regards to property improvements, she indicated that projects will be reviewed on a case- by-case basis based on non-conforming rules. Under the moratorium, staff intends to treat the use exactly as it would treat the expansion of a non- conforming use. Pointing out that a lot has happened since the moratorium was enacted,Council President Corman commented that the entire community is probably aware of what is going on, and Council has said that it does not intend to use eminent domain to take anyone's property. If citizens know what the plans are, if citizens are going to take charge of their own destiny, if the City is going to enact zoning that will increase the property values, Mr. Corman questioned what is wrong with citizens choosing to build at the current density. He indicated that the best financial decision is probably to wait and build when the new zoning is in place; however, citizens are relaying that they want the choice. Mr. Corman noted that citizen's fear the moratorium is being used to keep property values down. Public comment was invited. Howard McOmber,475 Olympia Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, stressed that owners should have a certain amount of freedom and creativity to do what they want with their property. He expressed his displeasure with the proposed cottage style housing, saying that the zoning proposal needs to be more flexible and May 8,2006 _. Renton City Council Minutes Page 146 allow owners more choices. Mr. McOmber stated that the moratorium extension ties property owner's hands, and owners should have the right to do want they want with their property as long as it does not adversely affect anyone else, and it is the right economic choice for them. He claimed that the purpose of the moratorium is to hold down property values. Rebecca Alder, 3112 NE 14th St., Renton, 98056, supported extending the moratorium for the reduced area as proposed by staff. She noted that a lot of work has been conducted on the Highlands redevelopment and it is still in process. She further noted that the zoning is just the first step, and that other steps concerning definitions and design will follow. Ms. Alder asserted that more time is needed to accomplish the zoning. Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. N., #3, Renton, 98056, commented on a variety of statements made on various City fliers. In regards to the appeal, she indicated that if the City voluntarily conducts an Environment Impact Statement,then the appeal can be dispensed with. Regarding the moratorium, Ms. Petersen stated that if the City has no plans to use eminent domain,then a declaration of blight is not needed. She pointed out that if a blight declaration is not needed,then why not end the moratorium and allow citizens to improve their property. Ms. Petersen asked that Council end the moratorium, form a City and citizen coalition, and go back to the drawing board to determine what works for everyone. Bimal Kumar,2102 NE 23rd St.,Renton, 98056, stated that the vested development referred to during the staff presentation is his project, and he described how he originally wanted to develop his property. Mr. Kumar pointed out that although the vision of the Highlands area is not wrong,the disrespect of the residents is wrong. He commented on the case-by-case determination by staff on renovation projects, as well as the allowed property renovations under the moratorium, questioning why they would be permissible on dilapidated buildings. Discussion followed regarding Mr. Kumar's project, vested projects, the proposed zoning, and allowed development under the existing R-10 zoning. Liz Cunningham, 8502 S. 119th St., Seattle, 98178, expressed her displeasure with the Highlands redevelopment process and the moratorium, and suggested that the City make use of the Landlord-Tenant Act to deal with landlords of run-down properties. Gary Williamson, 2011 Harrington Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, asked that Council keep its word and not extend the moratorium. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Corman, seconded by Persson, Council resolve not to extend the moratorium at this time.* Council President Corman commented on the zoning proposal,pointing out that many community members have indicated that the original plan is not quite the right plan. He stated that he does not want to zone single-family out of the area, and noted that if the existing uses are going to remain conforming then there is no reason to have a moratorium. Mr. Corman indicated that a few odd May 8,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 147 projects may result; however, most residents will hold off on projects until the zoning is in place if properties are not non-conforming. Councilman Persson expressed two concerns: extending the moratorium when the prior extension was to be the last time, and allowing people to fix up their properties, which would most likely be addressed with a limited moratorium. Councilman Clawson commented on all of the time spent studying the Highlands redevelopment, the need for affordable housing, and the importance of the area. He expressed his favor for at least extending the moratorium to prevent subdivision. Councilman Law expressed concern that the Comprehensive Plan calls for a different density in the area, and he noted the progress being made on the zoning proposal. He voiced support for the alternate moratorium that bans only the subdivision of the properties,pointing out that it provides opportunity to fine tune the rezoning and to protect the progress made thus far. Councilwoman Nelson voiced her fear for residents who want to redevelop their single-family housing, and her fear that if nothing is done, the area is going to get worse. She indicated that unless an effort is made, new stores and developers will not be attracted to the area. Ms. Nelson stated her support for the alternate moratorium that bans only the subdivision of properties. In response to Council President Corman's concerns regarding non-conforming uses, Ms. Lind explained the difference between an existing legal use, which is conforming, and a legal non-conforming use. *Motion to not extend the moratorium failed. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL EXTEND THE MORATORIUM WITH THE ALTERNATE RESOLUTION.* Responding to a request for clarification,Ms. Lind explained that the alternate resolution enacts a moratorium on new single-family subdivision in the R-10 zone north of NE Sunset Blvd. She pointed out the lack of need for a moratorium in the RM-F zone, as new single-family development is not allowed in that zone. Ms. Lind confirmed that a duplex and a single-family footprint can be expanded. *MOTION CARRIED. Vacation: Walkway, NW 6th This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in St&Rainier Ave N, AHBL, accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker opened the public hearing VAC-06-001 to consider the street vacation petition submitted by Matt Weber, AHBL, Inc., on behalf of JDA Group LLC and I.D. Kline Corporation, LLC for a 163-foot- long and ten-foot-wide walkway between NW 6th St. and Rainier Ave. N. (VAC-06-00 1). Karen McFarland, Engineering Specialist, stated that City facilities contained within the subject area include an eight-inch sewer main and a twelve-inch water line. She explained that the petitioner plans to use the area in the future development of the adjacent parcels. Ms. McFarland reported that the petition did not receive any objections from City departments and outside agencies; however, the Utilities Systems Division requested that an easement be retained over the entire right-of-way, and that grading and filling not be allowed within the easement area. She pointed out C><SY O� 6RA '� HIGHLANDS MORATORIUM EXTENSION PUBLIC HEARING MAY 8, 2006 The City enacted a moratorium on redevelopment in the Highlands in May 2005 to allow time to develop policies and new development standards (zoning) and begin a public outreach program to gain property owner, business owner, and resident input and support for new policies and zoning for this area. The new proposed zoning will result in land use actions and densities needed as an incentive for redevelopment in line with the City's adopted Business Plan and Comprehensive Plan. The existing moratorium expires on May 14, 2006, unless extended by the City Council. A zoning text and zoning map amendment proposal was drafted by staff, and processed for environmental review under the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) by the City's Environmental Review Committee. Proposed zoning was reviewed by the Planning Commission, and forwarded to the City Council Planning and Development Committee. However, an appeal has been filed by the Highlands Community Association from the Environmental Review Committee's Declaration of Non-Significance for the proposed zoning. The City Council cannot take action on the proposed zoning proposals prior to resolution of the appeal. It is recommended that the moratorium be extended for a period not to exceed six months to provide adequate time for the hearing and decision on the Highlands Community Association's appeal of the Declaration of Non-Significance adopted by the Environmental Review Committee, for the City Council to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and for the City Council to make a decision about the appropriate zoning in the R-10 and RM-F zones with the Highlands Subarea Plan Study area; and to maintain the status quo until those decisions can be made. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Sub Area Plans\Highlands\Moratorium\Council Hearing Handout 05-08-06.doc -.1. sows air iiksi g MN liell11111 ilk ____,,,„.., II ��fl ■ 'i ■ , moll. +61 air/ Is IM15:1.+w►s. �� •� �■ iL��l L t R-8 - e<P> 11S ■11E1■ III 31 a■ �1 ■aiiill� i■■L11ri ■ ■.alrp• .I - IIII! IIL ��■ ww ■■ PRIM§ PPPI"lllU�IIII\�ice■ 2i ■■ 11�1■L'1 •DaigilailIIi1� ► tig N- MIMI �; ■N. 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Alex Pietsch,Administrator 0 G.Del Rosario ` 25 April 2006 Highlands Development Moratorium Extension May 8, 2006 Renton City Council Public Hearing Background Moratorium Purpose • Six month Development Moratorium enacted in The Moratorium was enacted to achieve the May 2005. following planning goals: • Study the Highlands Neighborhood and develop • Moratorium extended another six months in zoning consistent with the Comprehensive Plan November 2005. • Prevent new development that is inconsistent • Moratorium will expire May 14 if no action is with future land use from becoming"vested". taken. The Moratorium was not tied to economic development objectives. Moratorium Purpose New development"vested"prior to adoption p of the Development Moratorium Once a new project is`vested"it is allowed to a` a —"T R� �9 7 Front develop under the regulations in effect at the z.-„ ,, t1 Elevation time of application.Noble Manor v.Pierce County l Rear 9levation ° • No design regulations currently in place, tl E resulting in low quality development. I r'11 (1, _ • Current zoning may not be consistent with 4 _ 1-' site «. ti {-�° Plan- Comprehensive Plan. - Iw 4 1� Three qs `mayr-rt Single ' i �. Faml 1 411110 41110 Ending the Moratorium Highlands Revitalization • The Moratorium was to end with adoption of new Extension of the Moratorium does not prevent zoning for the Highlands. people from improving their properties: • Environmental Determination for the zoning proposal has been appealed. • Many of the properties in the Highlands are suffering from decades of delayed maintenance. • New zoning will not be in place when Moratorium ends on May 14. • Properties in the Highlands could have been • Resolution of the appeal could take 1 month,or improved under the Development Moratorium. 1 year,depending on the outcome of the appeal. Highlands Revitalization Moratorium Denial New zoning is needed for Highlands revitalization, • Moratorium denial will result in more of the same regardless of any further action: low quality,poorly planned development already prevalent in the Highlands. • It is required by the Comprehensive Plan. • Development vested before the new zoning is • It provides incentive for investment. likely to be inconsistent with future land use. • It creates standards for the creation of quality • It will take longer to see revitalization. housing. • Council should consider amending the • It creates a permanent stock of affordable Comprehensive Plan if they wish to allow low housing. density development in the Highlands. Moratorium Extension Community Concerns • Allows time for the appeal of the zoning proposal Some citizens have expressed concerns about: to be processed. • Community Renewal • Eminent Domain • Prevents new development from being low • quality and inconsistent with future land use. "Blight' • Displacement • Allows people to make many property • Affordable Housing improvements. These are important issues and moratorium extension • Is a key component of timely revitalization of the provides additional time to understand them,without Highlands. perpetuating undesirable land uses. 2 Staff Recommendation • Approve the extension of the Development Moratorium for the Highlands until new zoning is in place. : • At a minimum,ban the subdivision of property in the Highlands. Allowed Improvements Permitted Improvements Unregulated Improvements Roofing Permits: Re-roofing • for structures that • for single family homes require them Decks: Interior Remodel Permits: • decks less than 18'high • may not enlarge the Sheds and outbuildings: building • structures less than 200 ft • plumbing permits • driveway repaving • mechanical permits • painting • electrical permits • window replacement • structural permits Landscaping Removal of dead or • -installation of landscaping dangerous trees • -maintenance of landscaping 3 4%0, `'•''' Revised May 3, 2006 fcY • •Nr-cp'� FAQ Sheet Frequently Asked Questions about Highlands Redevelopment VISION What area of the Highlands is being discussed? The area, identified as the 'Highlands Subarea," is located between NE 6th Street and NE 21st Street AND between Edmonds Avenue and Monroe Avenue (see Highlands Subarea map). What is the vision for the Highlands Subarea? The Highlands "Center Village" is envisioned as a dynamic urban area. • New housing would attract current and future residents from all income levels. • This housing would be built around a redeveloped commercial core, with parks and community facilities within walking distance. • Future housing types would include apartment and condominiums built over commercial uses and surrounded by quality townhomes, multi-family, and cottage developments. • The neighborhood would have sidewalks and landscaped pathways providing easy access to goods and services. • Existing residents would have the opportunity to relocate within the area as neglected and potentially hazardous housing is replaced by safer, permanently affordable housing for seniors, low-income families, and first- time homebuyers. The portions of the Highlands Subarea outside the "Center Village" are envisioned to continue as primarily single-family areas, with pockets of existing small scale multi-family development. The area's schools, churches, and city facilities will continue to be a presence in the community. When was the vision for the Highlands Subarea developed? The vision was created through a public process when the City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1993, refined in 2000, and readopted through public process in 2004. Why is the City focusing attention on the Highlands now? There is growing poverty and crime in the Highlands area. Much of the housing is in poor condition and the rate of ownership in the area is declining. Statistics show that the Highlands has disproportionately higher rates of serious crimes such as 1 wirild Revised May 3, 2006 murder, car theft, and substance abuse than the City as a whole. The City wants to support investment in the Highlands to help improve these conditions. REDEVELOPMENT What happened to the 2000 Redevelopment Plan? Businesses will only come to an area if there is a market to support them. Market analysis done on the Hi-Lands Shopping Center showed there were not enough households or sufficient spending patterns to support the revitalized neighborhood shopping center that was envisioned after public input in 2000. However, the study also showed that a small increase in households would provide an attractive market for new businesses. What has the City done to revitalize and redevelop the Highlands? • Instituted the REACT program to clean up problems in the neighborhood. • Studied both the residential and commercial market to better understand the opportunities and options for change. • Researched the physical, social, and economic conditions in the neighborhood. • Drafted proposed zoning regulations to improve revitalization opportunities. How will redevelopment improve the Highlands and preserve affordability? • By increasing the total number of housing units and partnering with home- ownership programs, there will be additional opportunities for affordable home ownership and rental units. • Additional housing units will also bring more families with a mix of incomes to the neighborhood, encouraging new businesses to locate there. • The City's proposal would require new housing developments to build affordable units in order to preserve affordability. • Without the proposed zoning, developers cannot be required to provide any affordable housing units. REZONING Why are some properties being rezoned and others not? The City's blueprint for present and future land use is called its "Comprehensive Plan." The Comprehensive Plan designates much of the Highlands Subarea as "Center Village." The proposed changes to zoning are consistent with the policies established in 1993 and 2000 for the Center Village (see Highlands Subarea Proposed Rezones map). Won't a rezone increase the number of housing units and affect traffic? The effect of additional units on traffic was studied. The analysis revealed that while there will be more cars if more people live and work in the Highlands, there would be no noticeable increase in congestion under the proposed rezoning concept, with the exception of the intersection of Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 12th Street. This intersection would need southbound and westbound left turn pockets to accommodate increased traffic volumes. Improvements of this type would occur when actual development is proposed. 2 Revised May 3, 2006 What other zoning and land use changes are expected? Some changes may be proposed to expand the Center Village designation in the Comprehensive Plan. These changes would require amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and may be proposed later in the year. What determines the "Center Village" designation in the Comprehensive Plan? • Although it was originally called "Suburban Center," the essential vision and polices of the Center Village designation were first adopted through public process in 1993 with the City's first Comprehensive Plan. • The purpose of the designation was to redevelop existing low-density suburban areas into higher-density urban neighborhoods. • The urban village is intended to be pedestrian friendly and transit oriented with neighborhood-focused commercial development and medium- to high- density housing. If my property is to be rezoned, what does that mean? Perhaps the biggest change will be that your property may become more valuable. In many cases, a rezone that allows greater density results in at least a small increase in land value because the land has the potential to be developed for a higher density use. But the current rezoning proposal will also result in existing single-family and duplex units being considered "non-conforming uses." What is the effect of being considered "non-conforming?" Existing development that is inconsistent with underlying zoning is "grandfathered." • Non-conforming uses that were legally built and constructed are allowed to continue. • Non-conforming uses can be maintained (for instance re-roofed or remodeled on the inside), but cannot be expanded (adding a second story or more rooms). • Non-conforming uses, if destroyed by fire, for example, can only be rebuilt to the same square footage that existed before and within two years of being destroyed. • Non-confirming uses may also be changed in a way that makes them consistent with the required zoning rules. Why doesn't the City want new single-family homes and restoration of the existing duplexes? The adopted Vision in the Comprehensive Plan "Center Village" calls for townhouse and multi-family housing in the Core area proposed for Center Village and Center Village-Residential zoning. Single-family would continue to be allowed in parts of the study area outside the Center Village. Proposed Zoning Changes: CV-R = (Center Village-Residential): Allows townhouses and cottages with a base density of 14-18 dwelling units per acre. This means that existing single- family homes and duplexes will be considered non-conforming uses (see above). Property owners who can consolidate at least one acre of property and provide affordable housing are eligible for the Flex Bonus. 3 evised May 3, 2006 ■ Flex Bonus = Single-family homes can be built and higher density is allowed, up to 30 dwelling units per acre. CV = (Center Village): Allows townhouses, flats, commercial uses and mixed residential, and commercial uses with a base density range of 20-60 dwelling units per acre. Property owners who provide affordable housing can build at densities up to 80 units per acre. R-10 = (Residential-10 units per acre): The area that will remain zoned R-10 in the Highlands Subarea will be subject to a change in development regulations. Detached and semi-attached homes will be prohibited in the R-10 zone within the Highlands Subarea. This means that existing single-family homes and duplexes will be considered non-conforming uses (see above). RM-U = (Residential Multi-Family Urban): Allows townhouses and flats within the density range of 25-75 dwelling units per acre. This zoning is proposed for properties east of Kirkland Avenue. Why does the zoning proposal keep changing? Change in a zoning proposal is a normal and expected part of the planning process. Once regulations are drafted, they are reviewed by many different groups including the public, the City Council, the Planning Commission, and City staff. Each group has the opportunity to make comments on the proposal. It is this collaboration that results in changes to the zoning proposal. Does this rezoning mean that my property will be condemned? No. This rezoning proposal has nothing to do with the condemnation of property. Rezoning allows property owners who want to develop their property to invest in the neighborhood by building housing that is consistent with land use plans for the area. DECLARATION OF "BLIGHT" Is the City going to declare the Highlands as "blighted?" If an area is to be declared "blighted," the City Council must determine that conditions in the area warrant that designation. At this time, the City Council has not made a decision to proceed with a declaration of blight. Cities are not allowed to buy property unless it is for a public use. By declaring an area "blighted" and adopting a Community Renewal Plan, the City would be able to purchase properties for the purpose of removing the "blight" under Washington's Community Renewal Act (Chapter 35.81 RCW, http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=35.81). The Community Renewal Act enables cities to remove blight through public/private redevelopment forcing landlords to make repairs to rental units, and/or to providing relocation assistance to families living in the area. What area could potentially be included in a blight declaration? Properties in the North Harrington Redevelopment Core are included in a preliminary review (see Highlands Subarea map). This includes: 4 Revised May 3, 2006 • Sunset Terrace, • The commercial areas on the north side of Sunset Boulevard (west of the intersection with NE 12th), • The Glennwood area, and • Properties between NE 12th and the Kirkland-Harrington Loop, between Harrington and Kirkland. This does not mean that every property in the boundary is considered blighted or potentially feasible for redevelopment. The boundary was drawn around a concentration of poor conditions and is subject to change. No plan exists to move forward with a blight declaration now. City Council discussion and decision would be needed before that could occur. How did the City rate the conditions of houses in the Highlands? In 2005, properties were rated only to make general correlations and assessments about the study area, not to make assessments as to the value or worth of individual homes. City staff evaluated the condition of each property based on what could be observed from the street. Property condition ratings were then used to compare housing conditions to other information collected. These ratings have not been formally adopted by the City Council, nor will they be. The following information was found using this method: • Blocks with the worst housing conditions tended to have more police cases. • Blocks with the worst housing conditions had more calls for fire and aid service. • Blocks with the best housing conditions had more homes occupied by owners. Won't a Declaration of Blight lower property values? • Property that is in the vicinity of neglected and dilapidated properties is already devalued. • Redevelopment in the neighborhood and the removal of poor housing should increase property values. • In general, property values may be raised slightly by the proposed rezone independent of and prior to any declaration of blight. Is the City going to use eminent domain to condemn people's homes? • There is no plan to remove all of the existing housing in the North Harrington Redevelopment Core. • If the City were to adopt a Community Renewal Plan, it MAY be interested in working with property owners willing to sell their properties and participate in the redevelopment process. • The vision for redevelopment will only occur in a timely fashion if several parcels can be assembled and be redeveloped in larger chunks. • If an area is declared "blighted," the City could use the tool of eminent domain under the Washington Community Renewal Act to buy individual properties at fair market value. No decision has been made to use this tool and it requires separate decisions by the City Council. 5 41101 tevised May 3, 2006 • This would only be used as a last resort after all efforts to consolidate property through the private marketplace are exhausted, and then, only if a specific property were essential to redevelopment. • Each property acquired through the use of eminent domain would require a separate process, establishment of fair market value, and City Council action. If my property were condemned, where would I live? The redevelopment envisioned for the Highlands cannot succeed without creating new housing options for existing residents. The City would work with the Renton Housing Authority and other non-profit affordable housing providers to create a variety of attractive and affordable housing options. Existing residents would have the first opportunity to take advantage of these new opportunities. CONSOLIDATION OF PROPERTY Why does the City support consolidation of property? Larger pieces of property will be easier to develop. The proposed zoning standards create an incentive to consolidate land through a density bonus. In the future, the City MAY have an interest in buying property in the Highlands so that parcels of property can be consolidated for redevelopment. However, redevelopment of individual parcels could occur under proposed zoning without any consolidation, and without any use of the Community Renewal Act. DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE I received some information about an environmental determination of non- significance. What was that about? Any time the City makes a change in its zoning regulations, it must review the changes to determine what the environmental impacts might be. The analysis compares existing zoning rules with proposed zoning rules. At this stage, the action before the City is only the change in rules, not the actual development of property. These notices provide basic information about the determination and alert the public that the City is asking for public comments. How can the City say that the redevelopment of the Highlands is "non- significant?" The use of the term "non-significant" has a technical meaning and in no way indicates that the redevelopment of portions of the Highlands is not meaningful to the City. The City's Environmental Review Committee made a determination that the proposed change in zoning regulations does not have a significant effect on the environment, and does not require preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Additional environmental review would occur when actual development of property occurs. OPTIONS FOR REDEVELOPMENT Why can't the City just fix the physical or health problems in the Highlands? • Many of the problems can only be addressed through voluntary compliance of the property owner. • In 2003, the King County Health Department sent letters to the neighborhood about potential asbestos, lead-based paint, and indoor air 6 "' Revised May 3, 2006 quality hazards in many homes. Even though they offered free home assessments, only three property owners participated. • The City can only address other issues, such as junk in the yard, when it becomes bad enough to be a "nuisance," as defined by City Code. • The Washington State Constitution prevents the City from entering homes to inspect conditions. Why doesn't the City just assign more police to the area? • The City has already dedicated several police officers to the area. • There is already a disproportionate amount of resources devoted to crime in the Highlands. • As long as the physical conditions of the neighborhood reflect neglect, non- intentional or otherwise, criminals will view the Highlands as a good place to do business. Why can't we just let the free market redevelop the Highlands? • The Highlands has been in a slow decline for many years and redevelopment has not occurred, despite the fact that the existing zoning on many properties already allows a substantial increase in density. • Market analysis shows that some property owners can make more money renting dilapidated property than they can from investing in high-quality redevelopment, and since more than 60% of the existing units in the Highlands Subarea are rentals, many owners do not have an incentive to improve conditions. Without City intervention, there will be fewer and fewer affordable rental units as property values rise and rents increase. What will happen to the people who live in the area today if redevelopment occurs? • It is the policy of the City Council to increase the amount of affordable housing in the community. • A coordinated redevelopment effort will allow the City to work with the Renton Housing Authority and other non-profit affordable housing providers to create new, higher quality replacement housing that will remain affordable over time and allow current residents to have first priority for new housing. • The City's current policies would require replacement and expansion in the numbers of affordable housing units by 30%. • A coordinated redevelopment effort may also allow existing property owners to swap their land for newly constructed units. • Existing residents will be given the first opportunities to move into new subsidized developments that are safer, higher quality, and possibly more affordable than their existing homes. OPTION A & OPTION B There has been talk in the community about "Option A" and "Option B;" what are these options? Two possible implementation strategies were presented to the City Council during its March 2006 workshop. Both strategies start with rezoning consistent with the Land Use Vision for the area. 7 41109 Revised May 3, 2006 • "Option A" implements the revised zoning by utilizing the Community • Renewal Act. This would bring about improvement of the poor physical, social, and economic conditions in the area more quickly through a coordinated redevelopment effort where parcels are combined into larger pieces for redevelopment and creation of higher quality, safer, permanently affordable housing. • "Option B" implements the revised zoning incrementally, pursues code enforcement, and allows market forces to eventually redevelop the area. Existing conditions would persist until piecemeal redevelopment occurs. Development would occur on smaller parcels and affordable housing would be harder to achieve as individual parcels redevelop. Affordable housing would tend to be lost over time due to gentrification. Are "Option A" and "Option B" related to the land use concepts on display at the Highlands Planning Open House Last Fall? No. Those land use concepts were completely different from the Council discussion on redevelopment strategies. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT It seems like the City is moving too fast in its planning efforts. • The City adopted the essential Vision for the Center Village in the Highlands in 1993, although it was then called "Center Suburban." • The City began studying redevelopment of the Highlands in 2000. • In 2000, the City expanded the Center Village land use designation, but redevelopment did not happen. • The City began a new approach in late 2004, and has been studying and working on the Highlands Redevelopment Initiative ever since. • All property owners were invited to participate in this new planning effort in Spring 2005. • At this time, the results of the City's planning efforts are being released for public review through a series of public meetings. What public input has there been into the City's recent work on the Highlands Subarea so far? • The City sent all property owners in the Highlands a survey about potential redevelopment in Spring 2005. • In Summer 2005, the City invited property owners to a series of focus groups. • In November 2005, the City held a public Open House at the Highlands Community Center. • From January 2006 through April 2006, the Planning Commission held public meetings on Subarea planning and zoning. • Residents and property owners have been sent several notices by the City, inviting comment on the development moratorium, the environmental review for the proposed zoning changes, and public hearings for the proposed zoning changes. 8 ` Revised May 3, 2006 Why did the City enact a development moratorium for The Highlands? • The City enacted a moratorium on development because the existing zoning is not consistent with the vision established in the Comprehensive Plan. • The moratorium gave the City time to figure out how best to achieve redevelopment and revitalization of the neighborhood. Under the rules of the moratorium, property owners can remodel, clean up, and otherwise improve existing structures. However, they cannot subdivide, expand, or build new units. When does the moratorium end? The moratorium is scheduled to expire May 14, 2006, unless extended by the City Council. How can I get involved in the Highlands planning effort? • Attend Planning Commission and City Council meetings where the Highlands Subarea is an agenda topic. • All property owners are sent notices when required by state or local law, such as a Notice of Application when a project begins environmental review or when a public hearing is held to collect input. • If you wish to receive notification of project milestones, you should contact Judith Subia (below) to be added to the parties of record list for the Highlands Subarea. Judith Subia at jsubia@ci.renton.wa.us or (425) 430-6575 There has been a lot of speculation about the Highlands planning effort. Where can I get additional and accurate information? Highlands Redevelopment: www.ci.renton.wa.us/ednsp/highland.htm Planning Commission: www.ci.renton.wa.us/ednsp/pcinfo.htm You can also come into City Hall (6th Floor) and talk to a strategic planner about it, or call us on the phone at (425) 430-6575. 9 a... IIIIIIII.� ■ c sal Biz,.', _.l■■ �■ 2 N ► �� i vinri imb itel --It. �4�s1 ■... ■ ..r ■//■ ■rmilim l�U:imilionh . ��f■ e�:��!L91L ■iii: 1111 r er■� - i - ■ NE 1 �� ♦ 1.a1r�� . i 'I a ..mi i i� ■■■■■ ■11A1111■■■■ in i111 I-. . ■ ■■■■■ ■uu ■ ■■I ■� -u�il© =1'�' z ■� 11= �1■Mil IiI1!I _ ,■ IR 0 gli■ 11 1111/ll//illli sio 4£ v �. ©r]FIlnkli. ■11111\� S1 !!41!P \gyp11►�►I� %1$*I ilgi �iIII. ��_ � 1 ■ ■ra ��■lami> ■ .- .i =am NMI all i I��i1lli 1 Ca NE 20th Ti _ �� nu/FIEiIiE/I ism 11111/ ', c> 11: / ��1 E WI IIIII III: 1.1 illllllllllr iunr, 1111 r za '... ■ lira 2 m mi. mom '_ i i'II;:Ii! ._■ III II Ell! • 4r4r� MIL■ won_ 111111i1 ■■■■iI ' t.' 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Study Area Study Area ♦0• , Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning + AiexPietsch,Administrator North HarringtontCore G.Del Rosario Redevelopmen „IL• 2 May 2006 6 1 1 ,r _F l I I c— Rezone from RESIDENTIAL-10 to l • CENTER VILLAGE-RESIDENTIAL Rezone from RESIDENTIAL-10 to 14-18 du/ac base&30 du/ac bonus 4= , ,____ '1"'"i.Vh14/44,154,Z^ 0,,1/4 -, „,,w„, RESIDENTIAL L_ MULTI-FAMILY-URBAN 0 Omax 75 du/ac oll -d---' (----- '41.'Z,'„,,,,,,z''' ,,t,t',:l ZiA-.'',•°!!' `5,9711,....':4, Fp AL .111, IIIV� ��J r lam" � -->- -)'47 , Q %'Rezone from RESIDENTIAL Q) /[ MULTI-FAMILY to CENTER VILLAGE r = Max 60:du/ac base&80 du/ac bonus i• (r, '.,-, -- ' -'" P 0 \ r-Th , 111Pir ___ rzitifiT „„ ,. 4 , _ : — \(E( i ' NI/ ;, 1111 �I , U I Remainsw , CENTER VILLAGE Rezone from RESIDENTIAL Max du/ac base&80 du/ac bonus I MULTI-FAMILY to CENTERf'VILLAGE-RESIDENTIAL (,` t 0� �_ ��— I 1 -18 du/ac base& 30 du/ac bonus I � , 4. sir, . 1 Ip — �� _ Rezone from COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD to CENTER VILLAGE 0)\-X\ Max 60 du/ac base&80 du/ac bonus 0 5 • Highlands Subarea Proposed Rezones Gti,c •• Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning +de)+ Alex Pietsch,Administrator G.Del Rosario 4'L' .1•-r 20 April 2006 AR O What should be the Renton Highlands' Future? Nrr* Today, the Renton Highlands community suffers from declining conditions. We need your involvement to create a healthy, vibrant community. What the Comprehensive Plan For more than 10 years, the City of Renton has Says: been working to bring about revitalization of the Renton Highlands. An initial vision for the • The Highlands is designated as a neighborhood was developed with the input of "Center Village,"a higher density the community as part of Renton's residential area centered around a Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan community and commercial core. designates a portion of the Highlands as "Center • This designation envisions a diverse Village." But it takes more than a plan to create neighborhood that would be a better community for all. It will take a walkable, with sidewalks, and combination of public and private actions to landscaped pathways providing improve and revitalize the Highlands easy access to goods and services. community. • A"Center Village" designation In response to communityconcerns, the Cityis means rezoning portions of the P Highlands neighborhood to provide committed to making a significant investment to greater housing supply and support improve the quality of life for people who live neighborhood businesses and and work in the Renton Highlands. $1.5 million transit. has already been set aside as a "down payment" These• rezones would carry with to improve City services and facilities, and to them a requirement for new attract more private dollars to the development to provide for quality neighborhood. affordable housing. The City is also considering rezoning parts of the Highlands to implement the "Center Village" by encouraging low-density suburban land use to evolve over time into a compact higher density urban residential village. This is the only action that is currently before the City Council. Another idea that has been suggested is utilization of tools provided in the Washington State Community Renewal Act. This law gives local government the authority to stimulate redevelopment by purchasing property from willing sellers at fair market value, providing relocation assistance, and in limited cases, using eminent domain to acquire property through condemnation. No decision has been made to use this tool, and there is no plan developed that calls for its use. There are many arguments for and against this idea. The Council will consider whether to use this tool in the coming months, and make a decision only after a full public participation process. May 2, 2006 Get Involved! The City began study of redevelopment in the What is on the table Highlands In 2000 with a focus on business, but it right now? became apparent that housing redevelopment is 9 necessary to recruit businesses to better serve the community. In 2005, the City began to explore • The City is considering a rezone of options for housing redevelopment. some properties in the Highlands, as provided for in the City's The results of the City's studies are available on the Comprehensive Plan.This rezone will allow for more development City s website or from the Department of Economic of housing and a wider variety of Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic housing types. Planning. The City Planning Commission studied the proposed zoning and completed Its • This rezoning proposal has recommendation In late April. That proposal is now nothing to do with any property before the City Council. condemnation. In fact, the proposed rezone is more likely to create an increase in land value. We cannot go further without hearing from the people who have a stake In the Highlands future. • The City intends to make significant investments to improve Want to get more involved? neighborhood facilities and safety. • THE CITY HAS NO PLANS TO USE • Attend City Council meetings where the EMINENT DOMAIN. In the Highlands Subarea is an agenda topic. unlikely event it is used, the City would be required to fully justify • If you wish to receive notification of project how the public interest is served, milestones, contact Judith Sublet on a parcel by parcel balls and jsubia@ci.renton.wa.us or (425) 430-6575 Council action would be necessary. Property owners would to be added to the "parties of record" list for the receive fair market value. Highlands. • All decisions about the area will • Write us at: follow full involvement by the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, community. NEIGHBORHOODS,AND STRATEGIC PLANNING 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON,WA 98055 Want more information? www.ci.renton.wa.us/ednsalhighland.htm Copies of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can be found on the City's website and at the following locations: Highlands Library, Fire Station 12, Highlands Community Center, North Highlands Community Center, Renton Housing Authority, McKnight Middle School, Highlands Elementary School, King and Bunny's, & Hilands Barber Shop You can also come to City Hall (6th Floor) during working hours to talk to a member of the planning staff, or call (425) 430-6575. May 2, 2006 New- O,et ALLOWED PROPERTY RENOVATIONS IN THE HIGHLANDS UNDER THE DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUM ALLOWED BY PERMIT Roofing Permits: -for structures that require them Interior Remodel Permits: -building permits may not enlarge the building -plumbing permits -mechanical permits -electrical permits Removal of dead or dangerous trees ALLOWED (NOT REGULATED) Re-roofing: -for single family homes Decks: -permits for decks less than 18"high Sheds and outbuildings: -for structures less than 200 sq. ft. Driveway repaving Painting Replacing windows Landscaping: -installation of landscaping -maintenance of landscaping NOT ALLOWED Building permits: -that result in enlargement of the existing structure(s) -decks 18"or higher off the ground -car ports -garages -new structures 200 sq. ft. or larger Grading permits Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Permits Subdivision Lot Line Adjustments Pool or Spa Permits H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Sub Area Plans\Highlands\Moratorium\Allowed renovations under the moratorium.doc ti- NNW Neer'D li.1 0 44. 43 .(_. 0 ,,.1 to en 1::=> c .. t`f rei 0 0.-1 — N . - ta I o 111 li f , kl ,• a #.•4 L , ,,t*4 rg 9 ca 1-• r d. 0 0.. .=. 2C( 0 I UJ MO IIJ in 0 z cc, rzo o c:, u_ , • niL CI 0 0 CC a lie :. ',.°-'T, ,,,,, „Allif- 441,,,, (.-• C=0 ci,-. Z 0.4 IN I k ti/LI •'• • LIJ >c0 •Nt, 34 CC Cft — •o, izmx S's,..„7:,,,..,"/" ..,_ . 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D13.1 o y = 3 r is O ° cl N _ Z i� ; o d b 4 U Q O .^! V CSC fT� 4.4 a) w -0 bq , 48 „3 a CD „� x CI Q xa C 3 e4m1 CI ' ? [� tC �O w W ..�s u d Q bA U �, E O r +fir 0 0 co_ad co 01 1-4 Cr V 013=-,.."1.,Nt6:!...-. ... u) o -" 11 o o 11 1 - xt u� a 4 rI At ,r 0rl — i Ut c10f O s: ZO O LT. ^ O =firVA i s OWC !.V ? C ft�' O �` Ow O Ur € fC r �i - to ��" ..M �� 3 p - ", ..k- c:12 e:74. 0 4=.• LI r,,‘ Ads .,,• WO _..'4..j 5 Yl y. LLI 42 WJ Zllf:f M _- is 01 ;MHz :v fIJD C) Li i o w — O �w � ` `S > s 5f O %1t ar jr s �s 13 "+r" a`�"� .ash j 1.1 Ear S , �I) U .= r h' G4 W ,' Q. 0 cti U ^� lit lira a z °' o Doti o Q LU U are " . Q 4 ,. - U ' tv co a) Q w .4 W � .�: .. Z a) w ' p C�1 T v 4r al W j rT1 u . d a� d Nr : 40 E O E O OC R03 ' 0 i CC „` ' S co rco IC�1 (A %¢� Cu_ Cl) a: 0(M(n cC Irl til i 11 ij 11 O0 4/28/2006 Notice sent to 300 Parties of Record, per attached mailing list. D. Evans cc: Judith Subia, EDNSP CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 8th day of May, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055,to consider the following: Extending beyond May 14, 2006, the existing moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area in order to allow adequate time prior to adoption of a zoning text amendment and rezone proposal for: 1) resolution of an appeal of SEPA Determination; 2) consideration of public testimony to be given at a Public Meeting scheduled for May 8, 2006,regarding redevelopment of the Highlands area; and 3)review of staff and Planning Commission recommendations. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal April 28, 2006 and May 5, 2006 Account No. 50640 , , • gourd a if0 Eon: LIJ Ilimmij ' k_ vliP ill .01:1 NI It=ma am.= NIP -;.6.111 Km= 4.1 Ill I wri mg t A mi.. mom_- N .,M IIMII m ! w.,,imf j. 11111.111111k rou Rc OM rallalLUIL m or, mi dim ohm, - - ..., -• mg wir11,112 It kern milli 11113 III NE 1 rill JINN 'maim. milimmilka,4 isi mu NPROBVINVIIIIIIIIIIILIk -...imillpil ‘41.0frelr, 11311/05 Thrio i R C IgrR c it14 iwitiala ri *A'.1- a Idi mom Emillil.filia lag MEI CPA EN R 'E wicsimMORIIIIIIIIiti, di vo Vral#1 r' Wsra7 EV , sins IMM .11111 Sogi mows min NV .111 .°6 # a 44 illiEliall mil 811. ilin LT...iilliim73 oltni.:1 .1111,672, P-8 MO I. in II > 0 ski R-8 VOL.#:%.A-tegg ft "if14 LIMEIIIIIIVIIII IINd IRIAN 11111111A11111rIlla 11111111111161111111.1 AfrOA ZIS Vii 1: mlbootwilan tim oN9FctlirAm II" Ili sPliguil . t mii Aim DA a : a diii•aamani III g lam Erg c°, -1 1-411 -L R-10 Lit st st A i' *1 k 'n1 II S II 21 -.-4 a---) 4111111111151 ikv-31" °°' ''' TI4 -71 ftlPirlit ...... im :nal Etibm-z- in It se giNIE 0,'_ I. :Lion - fill Via • _ au • ! 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(5t,1 ter ,"(. /1)L 2. 426b kUc. 6. 2c B zt� wig !(� r" jam' 3.h e r evt a-7 t Sou 4/ti le, 7.£/I ( ,r~.- r..,rtc,t,i-,,,,? A-the "tie 4./..)a, ! ,r-t- 5. 5, r 8.14A•euzz fauyt ibeedeierw6?,,r9e. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) hereby certify that ' copies of the attached notice were posted by me regarding the property described above on the 2$ day of Apr, / , 2006. SIGNED SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this o2gil' day of At( , I , 2006. frrrrdd..,, SIGNED: Atiko-1/4--44- 004i to , :00 Printed Name: v►re.� _ Va. h S No/4,,,,r m N NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State Of �' Washington, Residing At s1 DA,,�, 'e G ` �� My Commission Expires: (( -! `l- 0 t ,o,y 0 . NoTIGE ,.... + IR + .4 ,,,,, , .,Nrr0 RENTON N CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 8, 2006 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Extending beyond May 14, 2006, the existing moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area 114 -: :unman : ■ i= mi ■a ■■ ��■. ■IIIF.]IIIII i1st St ��v' .i urr iaarnai o�€ r. 1r!1/mil E .■t on 1 ■. R-10 �� �� 1•■YL■gar rani Lain i N 'L" Llpl . � U Uri i i �{ III'! W110��■i 1lia■■Nom lowIr.Enoownmu AMIE 110 Om UM ��il'Amv. ims 1 l,.�I ..;...imem� 8 /• 1■Ia�IU1' R z num ea ■ �nd._I al ■a to las .�1=11 ■ i...,.■ o ►� \� © -�' i�a la. �aIca• € C ,a'!��. �' ■ �� r.� -\ ■■g 111111 p ■W _ADM , b ) d\a E. lin .II!!Iir]: l R a c cv WMEM= •, . II ` ,,- .11 WM Um..10,- a wiripto AW.: �r J■■ �� ��--. 2, . II% gy� m' �� mu �' Wiik �' �lerr+ '�`+ 900 c�z �� BL1■■■v■ r ■y+au III MA minitlt Walt ;M-r W'�11Y/W -. V 4' 401 RM 11�■i� aim ■2 - ■1�i■.IL j■• Irc1•01� i■ ill.a Ike UP G N� i •\, .,.. _ „..a. rm 111M-1r t E MIL �� y� 0. 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Complete legal description & further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 • The removal, mutilation, destruction,or concealment of W this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and n '■ imprisonment. NOTICE + 4i 1.71R'eP i\Tc-c0 RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 8, 2006 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Extending beyond May 14, 2006, the existing moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area ::lIl r411 ini cc, irm -LILr',ist st ' 40',A.MS .L-LwILL-4-4EL--4- mg a g.161111 Noin"" ---t-n, 'MITgij'Abilid au c-2_ lia usiiiij, .._ rai I 1.41.1 i 69 NE 20th .. v. IMO 1: ,0 lin mum Nos 't- Ill le= - rad' /4/ ..a..,......„. 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'4, 111 l'• .41•31j g \ tt- sie •rt 414 po s L('-D, ..&*.A al [toll • RI 0 NI vt..4, 1 e 44itati A g. ..•" : • dr • .,.77__ _ 3 6 I Num . lib , llictt OJOS.IF\ NA• •.7.1 I • • 1111170 c to.frAta. 0,44 01 Mg nca going;R,Inplicir Isla Ile .•. 402„ - a.. .„ AI , iii....amh, --),IN-Ir.um 4 mow sil ik, torg Silk 14. italcao Iwo> II v is •• 1-Ig@ IL.'f 3111.0 a \_L.___) PIP p4a ra mown HE mei-a',• . es n itY trl VII la Mir" I iti s*.4";-'C 1 , 104 4 S4 ' i. RI v. •• • M 1.2,2 3 ,pm• All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description & further information available in the City Clerk's Office-425-430-6510 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of arn i n W this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and ! imprisonment. y r .rsav ;, .2 � ems _EaOE2 'd CSS m� �y•'� m i Sr:,n co 3'CI... Z ^"o c 8 C0 c6° o C v a 8 :b " P ya.[v°Oo 2 a 0. < °.� o o `V > pow a3i,`2 3 c.0�`° 0 0 Q'G-f p c., c.. co 0 p x+ y, b4 o 0. o e>CI o q •'o-''" .2 m a'-- 'n Z roo.- 4 o'" o^Cro' 0 'iN ' aF.) �4.- .> OxC��c o�x-.. ? o o 06�" 0 °: '•0� .n 0 y> �. El c6 .0.G [b N w.2 ..o cC P.-c m cd vi W� U ,� ro row 0 c, -�, o bn ti bn�'C �'i� opw. N-8''> 0 0..•y co o� 2'g a �•C C o m �y �'" •^, o pP. � m a> oo ��, ttyy +' �� c. o'v �, oN CCUos., u o y�y.+W ] Cw�,-mG C6�°,.o q o�w F. 0fi, �•� o c s pt.06 Y� ,,:::,,,z,...., ,,,Cw [.., o o q' 5 N s. C tiA o 0 CD Cbb d .2� h Ct, z C,?,x.Ccq UWU o o.o s. k o� dg C��y 6v`E ''IIiIjI.Ia •Si.s. 011t�VtitfII/ ` • b cn _ .... •vv) 0 a.) bA w0 O '0 0 N w '.� J O' j O O E� .d c a) � ". r Q ,n•I0 H O ��i C'j. cq SA aao en, r O E E3 a F T s~ o U F = y .va o 78 c 3 v o >' '7) 01 C.) 04 _ o G = o = oo. w ob Z o O Q. ca ,n3 N Z l e U o 0 C 0.• c a 0 ° c cop c C> >, o al.) O ,a - bq • d w d C Z Q 3 : o i cl 0 C .� .c c bo Ey O c a '" oPi CI CI v " c 4; w° p ON NCI 4"9 E 0 0 Q b bA w ° �? 4- ° OCnu }C C w E� w a o y o a 0 s~ CCA W Z " oz o >, o k • = `' z u.. .. o o 41,1, :i: 0* r-, Z 0 'U 0 OOUCl) H .� '0 C 3 H O ` ti 1 V] =1ZP. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 8th day of May, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Extending beyond May 14, 2006, the existing moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area in order to allow adequate time prior to adoption of a zoning text amendment and rezone proposal for: 1) resolution of an appeal of SEPA Determination; 2) consideration of public testimony to be given at a Public Meeting scheduled for May 8, 2006, regarding redevelopment of the Highlands area; and 3) review of staff and Planning Commission recommendations. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal April 28, 2006 and May 5, 2006 Account No. 50640 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 8th day of May, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Extending beyond May 14, 2006, the existing moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area in order to allow adequate time prior to adoption of a zoning text amendment and rezone proposal for: 1) resolution of an appeal of SEPA Determination; 2) consideration of public testimony to be given at a Public Meeting scheduled for May 8, 2006, regarding redevelopment of the Highlands area; and 3) review of staff and Planning Commission recommendations. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. 80/44,a; ll/GLtet Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal April 28, 2006 and May 5, 2006 Account No. 50640 April 24,2006 +.t Renton City Council Minutes 'IN" Page 135 of Renton as R-8 (Residential -eight dwelling units per acre)zoning; Falk II Annexation. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5207 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance 5142 by changing the timing to Annexation: Merritt II, SE 3/31/2007 for effectuating Phase II of the Merritt II Annexation to the City of May Valley Rd&Coal Creek Renton. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT Parkway THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Discussion ensued regarding the public meeting and public hearings scheduled Planning: Highlands Subarea for May 8th. Responding to Council inquiry, Economic Development Rezoning Appeal of SEPA Administrator Alex Pietsch clarified that the appeal of the SEPA determination Determination on the Highlands Subarea rezoning proposal puts on hold any action that staff could bring forth for Council's consideration regarding the proposal. City Attorney Larry Warren confirmed that Council is not restricted from discussing the matter as it is a legislative rather than a quasi-judicial topic. Community Services: Hanging Councilwoman Nelson reported that the hanging flower baskets are scheduled Flower Baskets to be hung in downtown Renton the week following Mother's Day(May 14th). AUDIENCE COMMENT In response to Inez Petersen's question, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd.N., #3, Citizen Comment: Petersen - Renton, 98056, about the public hearing on the appeal of the SEPA Highlands Subarea Rezoning determination on the Highlands Subarea rezoning proposal, City Attorney Appeal of SEPA Warren explained that the appeal will be sent to the Hearing Examiner who Determination establishes a public hearing date. Following consideration of the matter,the r { Hearing Examiner will then issue a decision. Ir�1 � In response to Ms. Petersen's inquiry regarding the need for a public hearing on the moratorium in the Highlands, Councilwoman Briere explained that a moratorium extension is being considered as the appeal process could take a significant amount of time to resolve. Following discussion regarding the public meeting and public hearings scheduled for May 8th, Council President Corman confirmed the order in which they will be held as follows: first, the public meeting on overall development of the Highlands area, second, the public hearing on the Highlands moratorium extension, and third, the pubic hearing on the AHBL walkway vacation request. Citizen Comment: DeMastus - Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, commented that Highlands Community the Highlands Community Association is growing fast, and has over 250 Association members. She added that supporters of the association include Senator Margarita Prentice, and Representatives Zack Hudgins and Bob Hasegawa. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:29 p.m. &rlA1,,a J C.(/�t�:•c.o" Bonnie I. Walton,CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann April 24, 2006 April 24,2006 Renton City Council Minutes Page 133 f transfer,and 609 direct deposits totaling$1,947,403. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: 2005 Carry Forward Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending adoption Ordinance of the ordinance authorizing carrying forward appropriated funds not expended in 2005. This ordinance increases the annual 2006 Budget by$12,623,585. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance be presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 134 for ordinance.) Transportation(Aviation) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an Sound Transit: Rainier Ave S, interlocal agreement with Sound Transit to release their initial funding Hardie Ave SW& SW 27th contribution of$2,530,000 for the Rainier Ave. S., Hardie Ave. SW, and SW St/Strander Blvd Funding 27th St./Strander Blvd. projects. The Committee further recommended that the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 134 for resolution.) CAG: 06-023,Airport#790 Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Building Construction, Lincoln recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to accept the low bid Construction submitted by Lincoln Construction, Inc. for the Airport Quonset Hut Building #790 Construction project in the amount of$129,851. The Committee further recommended authorizing a fund transfer from the Airport's Airside/Landside Separation Fund in the amount of$118,420 to cover the cost of the contract, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE . COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning& Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report Committee recommending that a public hearing be set on 5/8/2006 to consider extending Planning: Highlands Subarea the existing moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones Plan Study Area Moratorium within the Highlands Subarea Plan study area. The purpose of this extended moratorium is to provide adequate time for resolution of the appeal of the SEPA determination on the Highlands Subarea rezoning proposal before the City Hearing Examiner, to allow the City Council to consider public testimony, and to review staff and Planning Commission recommendations concerning the appropriate density and use of land within the Highlands Subarea Plan study area,prior to adoption of a zoning text amendment and rezone proposal.* Councilwoman Briere stated that due to the filing of the appeal by the Highlands Community Association, it is prudent to extend the moratorium until the appeal goes through the process. *MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Ar rwT I3 BY 4.i CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT Date a A40(0 April 24, 2006 Highlands Sub-Area Zoning Amendments (Referred March 14, 2005) The Planning and Development Committee recommends setting a public hearing May 8, 2006 to consider extension of the existing moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area. The purpose of this extended moratorium is to provide adequate time for resolution of the appeal of the SEPA determination on the Highlands Sub-Area Rezoning proposal before the City Hearing Examiner, and to allow the City Council to consider public testimony and to review staff and Planning Commission recommendations concerning the appropriate density and use of land within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area prior to adoption of a zoning text amendment and rezone proposal. t Tern Brie , Chair atoyloveJ Dan Clawson, Vice Chair l Marcie Palmer, Member cc: Jay Covington Alex Pietsch Neil Watts Gregg Zimmerman PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEMoratoriumApri124.doc\ Rev 01/06 bh We. wog () Zo , cr - o y a axycnn0 o C, m 7yyro 0 ' cr co o C • Nc ° (10 b9 CD ' O O n a co mC CM b Z ;' Do Ln g CAw lor 0' o crZ o 5 oo as a o :b Z a s CD a AD a o , a 5' n ►1 '� CD 0. O< Cr pr AD CD cr tE. z• CD Cfq Nr CA CA <. 'd CD CD 0 ,, cA 0 `C w ;.h d a. a CD •, PaC a p.i• v) a o C Da �o f7 a s o oCFOa w NNW �-+� :h Z a O c�D co .4, r(IQ 0 o C 1 P " 5. <• a 0 o fD �n �• ' CCDD 0 —AD "� �' c CDC:f x - 0 m~ oB0%Ao110 K `< �. C o• a a Z rt. oA + C i.� N tTJ o r"' ... r» P CDD ccn .1 C r» CD G J= ‘0 'a w D 3a " dQ �- Cl..41. `C CD CD bQ CD CD .... z id m G .bb r*w cxc]�o c. o C�Cd�o w � o ��' oa' o tD �pZZ m 0t,"0 o4a o o 0 �•90 mb t4Jws- �.• 0AD Fo 1�-]0-i m P� .r O mci3 =74c. r. y ati �O o co .— .o r' a.2 0,c)°0 0 O tAiytyn nDa w b,a a 5c.zm ,p FD 0 a0 nDra cn c spa'p„'"'n Cf)it 8m S'o�'l'o m ] ti 21 wG a <-.w o co p� 'ti0 iv b , wamm co coon 'm n.0 ' a.° c3 'o-'�'� 5'o o a'o" ci"" ,. (14 rnG a . x�v ?; n,�.,Y 5 0� �i7m m Na �Cn ma 0m ..t7�m 8 c. m • --con ma.cZD d < o o� l.�p»"p w h7 m •m a.P '4 P•a pa-o ".rTn Mo D'' '"a Z o :" o c a " c)o .-a°Et Z a a ° m � o Q a GI, 55 't y ° m.opa2' P-m m CD1 0 . --. °4 o c <*. Q� FA t O t'1 ,� fi r 'd z Y J CCD H o H o a 'H n o ° H b c o t , CE' � xti = CD °Cr cfl CD C Co ' o a-4-1 cn u D ° ° a ' CD CD •I 0 G. y � G.• o a = n co o . . UV c 1—i �' °O ° o m c c°o n v, ca. o S'Dx 0 an 8 Q' ' 5 � � � � a O o � G3 CD �. �, AD G p, oQ G. o . A• C a,cm A 8 ° o ° b O an 7c) Z °,,, ,O.r o C 'v o z aQ cr o C - n cn `'-- tolgii,„ = AD "i °=bd �` °= cn = ° a Z y, �a S r n o b :� . N 0 C o CD 0 on 0(IQ °G . •• so /�^�t G o ''�' 5- = cro 'ems cn '~3 '�I �••••.•..•••f O )4% 'S G-'-G CD CD UQ CD N Q= . va-E.0 W m O p 0.o"o a n d CIS N -vt, o. <D .0 5- b., ` vnata7 '< A C G P+ w 0 o S, d tt i ND pp ' n ft < 5, o: �4 a'�! of �x:c mzOm�! r x - gp ( P.,),.A 1��.' tcm ' q 91occo 0 CD 'dCDF,r�g`c og . ND� 0 O O c. ng � " �� a' F CW8G z- z a0 ;�, ce4a. �5 � a p ft, ~ r � C c.ac m t a .o0 m CA � e a._ K h 4 , -p CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 17 R 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING FACTS, EXTENDING A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R-10 AND RM-F ZONES WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS SUB-AREA PLAN STUDY AREA, AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has previously declared a moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial time and energy on its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has identified a study area for refinement of the Comprehensive Plan, with a Sub-Area Plan in the Renton Highlands to further its economic development objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial funds developing a preliminary vision and evaluating market factors for redevelopment in the Highlands Study Area; and WHEREAS, the R-l0 and RM-F zones are currently mapped on a number of properties within the Highlands Sub-Area Study Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has continued to expend time and money in drafting a redevelopment plan for the Highlands Study Area to achieve higher density, quality infill development, and integrated development; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to extend the moratorium to provide adequate time for the City staff to prepare and present the proposed changes to the Sub-Area Plan and zoning, and present such changes to the City Council for review and adoption; and 1 } %iv RESOLUTION NO. 3 7 81 WHEREAS, it is necessary to perform environmental review of changes to the Comprehensive Plan, zoning, and development regulations, which review has not yet taken place; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION IL There is hereby declared an extended moratorium on the permitting or construction of residential development, including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits, building permits, plats, lot line adjustments, and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area, with the exception of portable buildings for the Renton School District, which are not covered by this moratorium. The area of the continued moratorium has been modified from the original moratorium. The area of the extended moratorium is shown on the attached map. The purpose of this extended moratorium is to provide adequate time for staff to draft, review and present to the City Council, and for the City Council to review and adopt changes to the Comprehensive Plan Policies concerning the appropriate density and use of land within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area. The moratorium shall be in place for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise modified by the City Council, which period may be extended or renewed for one or more additional periods, but only if a subsequent public hearing is held, and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal, to support such renewal. 2 "1' RESOLUTION NO. 3781 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of November , 2005. C n44.(c. GUGr e -) Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of November , 2005. 7S 04Z/ZA bjAkell Kathy K- a er-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: , "gr Ault t wrence J. Warre Pity Attorney RES.1142:11/10/05:ma Date of publication: 11/18/2005 (summary) 3 , Elja ■ O ■ =a m �N %mil � ■ a 1_ RESOLUTION NO. 3781 it. _ +• � *■um ■ NE w sic �.� ��i v R_8 -.Ira .1� IIU, ICI © k: ■■■■ ■Y■■■■i■I■■■■■■L� �► ■ '.'* . ■ „111 �L':!��S: � ;; ■■ICI ■■*■NIIIIII 11 I■ • ���_��■ .� �_,�I/�� MI .,�111■© :_1 11 I. ■�M ■urigiriJ■■■■ij j R C R C �A% C u 5;E MN �11111 cu =I i 1■■ 1L!, R-8 'veil �/� f �s - ■ w = : : ■ M;� ;■ .:�!.= L�1�■■■Il■1�1■1"li� . /o 'I�Li ■ �.I�� Fi 1111111■1�R11i77 r11F#QI11�,■ e,,,,. . ♦ = ©17110�� La1 r_, l 1 �l\i . �� Ilt: 1st St 4 �.� ."r � 1 ..ns .. Ind izum MEI WAN lift is _ . /avian min ■ .... YLIaI ;.. '-IIi EN-- NE 20th ii . •• F , ' 11111■ ■ x � IIIIII ■� ;�. Iii illik IIII1ILI ! iIIII_ 0111111% ;'1�� R-1 ► -gr r - ■R RC id. rid EN = . f��i ■ - .e ir1_ rim- ■■■■■� is , s '� fi ` pre EN imi• ♦ .. ■ ■■■■ 11111 ■■■■1►i ■ •II ! Ism• ri, '47 / I?4 Irl � (.,„ mi ... Dmwalal aw1 1; © E o cu aft,g Vmi 1 Y1 ■ �■ ■■ ■a■ ■■i 1f11111 ■1;■ ■gym•Nom . '�:5 a ' • ■■■J ■�. 4• -suelow ■w - tt ■ Fa: la .► 'ael I " I,r■■ l� _! iMiv ■ r R-8 C P; ■■ �N ,ate IIMmis. ; a gun ramolimi Ell ' ,ffar a Wr Afi Elul Num pi- losii ■■i51 V ■j la: inos tow is tSE * Ji Ri, M MOO 67:14Lki _.ici'll VI pow— . —II. Ap ,,,,_, A _ in uguswri. sem 0" El rim ■■■11 ■. III t its! E owl 0.14 Vali R M- ' t,QLfiliiiJ�it `rrv■i■� '� ` ' a :la dliiinitina a El :� .� 1Pli y °i �� �a■i Gi��ft . ■ �1 e __. Eg.- 9!h Si I �� ik a, i mon =1 . r stir M. c>• ■■■ 111l1111�� 4111 VW um A m on xem"mmr., ;Jr ■ ��� /^_ e■ �•. `� ��.we Listret41P.460 Niel ;, 9 t 81 `a UEFA e�IE r.:. r■ Ellm aim Q ■ ���� �: ■ al PA e ::•. ►?i• .. 1 IRE � �i ■■.IRI11IiIrn■■■■■■ 122 :�� 1111 &Nal two- •wt." 4 R 8( ) � � r �� i .. m. MiiO4irselaZIAG;;*/is w Pit E- L 01,77 opt," i am • •_,To.:_--__A. ii ��J:y �k�?.��.. a �� �� �1 p;? ! dipo • .�1. t. Ati (P)• /w‘e40j�. ■ v .• - re 13131I111111 ■•earl■ E ■owl mow I ,'�■ii.. /2' :�:v4,a,.- � 1 E a '�� a 111111iY1111 1111C)r9 1 40 'j� -Arlf]•��4,0 -, -/ I. D ■■■ vim ■11111!11. 11113i1']:1■ME • is ii, �'� ••I\ r wa1■illl 11■i:'� i , '� ©L \■■■yc� ;�a7 it `V al i' !IiLj4*i S.14lltila r z Ei O ■ ,. c" ■hi • rn R M-F 1 Ili : a� G�, � , D mar44 Mill .1 MIN . ft[.�4R_ offMgrer. ■3 ir zMilli R M I' 1 m e • R isiliiir�_aill ■,. ■ IL(P) 1 ■,� Highlands Sub-Area Moratorium R-10 and RM-F Zoned Parcels Mai Included in Moratorium CD' Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning ♦ ♦ Alex Pietsch,Administrator Area A Boundary G.Del Rosario Area "B" Boundary Ap.tO 14 November 2005 November 14,2005 w.. Renton City Council Minutes 'I•se Page 399 Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Denise Bisio to the Appointment: Municipal Arts Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term that expires 12/31/2007, Commission replacing Diana Hagen who resigned in 2004. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3781 A resolution was read establishing facts,extending a moratorium on new Planning: Highlands Sub-Area development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Plan Study Area Moratorium study area, and establishing a termination date of 5/14/2006 for the moratorium. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:16 p.m. 11 Bonnie I. Walton,CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann November 14, 2005 November 14,2005 Nor Renton City Council Minutes Nor Page 395 There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler noted that Committee of the Whole will discuss this matter next Monday at 5:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend; however, comment will not be accepted. Planning: Highlands Sub-Area This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Plan Study Area Moratorium accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker-Wheeler opened the public hearing to consider a six-month extension of the moratorium on new f- development in the R-10(Residential-ten dwelling units per acre)and RM-F (Residential Multi-Family)zones in the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area generally located between Aberdeen Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, and between NE 23rd St. and NE 5th Pl. Rebecca Lind,Planner Manager, stated that a modification is proposed to properties affected by the original moratorium. She explained that during the last six months, several property owners in the R-10-zoned area on Monroe Ave. NE presented new information regarding the existence of covenants restricting the use of these properties. As a result, staff recommends that the R- 10 area located on Monroe Ave. NE, which is subject to the covenants, be excluded from the extended moratorium. Ms. Lind reported that exclusion is also requested of a R-10-zoned area that is part of a condominium development in the northern portion of the study area. In addition, she indicated that continuance of the exemption from the moratorium is still recommended for Renton School District properties,R-8- zoned single-family neighborhoods,and commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed-use residential and commercial development at higher densities. Continuing,Ms. Lind explained that the moratorium extension will allow time for staff to continue work on the sub-area plan, and to complete the analysis of various land development and zoning options. She noted that an open house will be held on November 15th, where information will be presented regarding existing housing stock and conditions,ownership characteristics,existing infrastructure, and conceptual land use alternatives. Public comment was invited. Keith Thompson,660 Index Pl. NE,Renton,98056,reported that he owns three properties in the area, including his residence, and favors increased density in the Highlands. Mr. Thompson expressed concern about the moratorium extension, saying that he is reluctant to make the financial investment to improve his properties, if in a short period of time he will be tearing his buildings down. He stated his plan to retire next year, and noted the financial interest he has in his properties, and his concern as to how he is going to plan for and invest in the development of his properties during this process. Heidi Beckley, 806 Index Ct.,NE,Renton, 98056,expressed her support for the moratorium, noting that planning ultimately leads to more livability. Glenda Johnson, 1216 Monroe Ave. NE.,Renton, 98056, stated her agreement with the removal of the properties affected by the restrictive covenants from the moratorium area. November 14,2005 , Renton City Council Minutes ,.,e Page 396 Councilman Persson and the Mayor sympathized with Mr. Thompson's concerns with regards to planning. Economic Development Administrator Alex Pietsch noted the future possibility of the upzone of Mr. Thompson's property. Councilwoman Nelson noted the possibility that the moratorium may end prior to the six-month term. Councilman Corman encouraged property owners to continue to maintain and improve their properties. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 399 for resolution.) Budget: 2006 Revenue This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Sources &Preliminary Budget accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker-Wheeler opened the public hearing to consider the 2006 revenue sources and preliminary budget. Michael Bailey, Finance and Information Services Administrator, stated that the total 2006 Budget is approximately$171.2 million, and of that, approximately$72 million is the General Government budget provided mostly by taxes. He explained that the property tax limit the City is able to assess is $3.60 per$1,000 of assessed valuation; however, the 1% increase in total taxes on the existing tax base causes the actual levy amount to drop. Mr. Bailey noted that the City began to control the growth in property taxes prior to State Initiative 747. Mr. Bailey reported that the City's total tax assessed valuation increased by just over 10%,and over the last decade it has increased an average of 9%per year. The City receives 27%of the total property taxes collected within the City, and allocates those taxes to a variety of services. In regards to sales tax,Mr. Bailey stated that the City receives less than 10% of the total sales tax collected within the City, and sales tax receipts have grown 43% over the past ten years. Additionally, he noted that utility taxes have experienced a slow but steady climb over time. Continuing,Mr. Bailey explained that the expenditure of the funds to provide services are tied to Renton's Business Plan. The proposed 2006 Budget maintains existing service levels,contains no new taxes,does not require reserves to balance, and updates user fees. The budget proposal adds the following: three police officers; one fire inspector; one fire support staff; matching funds for a Federal grant for a potential of three additional firefighters; Municipal Court security measures; and costs associated with the new Maplewood Water Treatment Facility, which includes two staff positions. In conclusion,Mr. Bailey stated that in the non-general government areas, user fees are the exclusive source for paying for services. In order to pay for the increased cost of those services, some utility rate increases are proposed. Public comment was invited. Heidi Beckley, 806 Index Ct.,NE,Renton, 98056, stated that the Renton public library has been without a director for one and one-half years,and she asked that the position be added to the 2006 Budget. Pointing out that the City has advertised to replace the Museum Supervisor,Ms.Beckley suggested that rather than hiring a Museum Supervisor, the Library Director position be filled first. She expressed her appreciation for the museum, but noted that in a City services survey,citizens rated the importance of the library higher than the L maf, DY1 r{i1/e S icie, S`SY O mit -eNrsO� HIGHLANDS MORATORIUM EXTENSION PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 14,2005 The City enacted a moratorium on redevelopment in the Highlands in May 2005 to allow time to develop policies and new development standards and begin a public outreach program to gain property owner, business owner, and resident input and support for a new subarea plan for this area. The sub-area plan will result in land use actions and densities needed as an incentive for redevelopment in line with the City's adopted Business Plan. The existing moratorium expires on November 16, 2005, unless extended by the City Council. The original moratorium was intended to reduce development pressure on properties in the Highlands study area while the City prepared the subarea plan and new zoning. The current zoning does not allow the higher densities needed to simulate a larger redevelopment effort. While many properties are built out with older housing stock, some existing lots are large enough to subdivide at lower densities that perpetuate a land use pattern inconsistent with the adopted City goals and vision for the Center Village Land Use Designation. The current R-10 zoning in the study area allows single-family detached uses in areas that will be evaluated for higher density as part of the Highlands Subarea Plan. The RM-F zoning allows stacked flats and lower density multi-family development. Recent project applications are vesting at a lower density than the zoning currently allows. The City currently has no tools available to discourage these low-density subdivisions and building permits. Additional time is needed to analyze zoning options and present an overall strategy to the City Council for decision making. Extension of the moratorium for an additional six months allows continued progress toward completion of a redevelopment strategy. It is recommended that the moratorium be extended for an second six-month period to allow work to continue on the subarea plan and implementation strategies. Staff further recommends that the R-10 zoned area located on Monroe Avenue, that is subject to single family covenants, be excluded from the extended moratorium. In addition, public school properties, single family zoned properties, and commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed-use residential/commercial development at higher densities, were exempted from the original moratorium and these exemptions would continue. H:\EDNSP\Comp Plan\Sub Area Plans\Highlands\Moratorium\Council Hearing Handout 11-14-05.doc - im� i ■:� �--- ■�■�:� .Ih -. �:i'r.� -y-tom � ��.. _ �ri ■ tc ■116 ■ iz ■■■■ ■■ .■111�1 �►-O _II 1 �■ s i■RN ■ - i ■■111■11i J I■ �:1lII Mir epos ■■■. ■ R C ` �I rig i• .. ■ ■ ■lli NE ■�1■ ,T a!!ll:r• /■ Manna a't R e ! Pi$1EJLiiHIIV1IhIdR■ iiii�11�i1J■■■■111/ RCR g J..= L•171v■1111Ni rr 11,111 111111111\ff r d ■ ,7.-�/ -11E�/ ��■h ,� ,: WnAli• ■�.■ ■ m■e ■rm �" ■ 11NI a' !i1Un- Egg. 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DEst 4 7 �bri m, R YiasaimNeArun i3II ILCP) z ■�■ rA RMRHighlands Sub-Area Moratorium $' R-10 and RM-F Zoned Parcels T NMIncluded in Moratorium • • Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Area "A" Boundary ♦®, Alex Pietsch,Administrator 1•' G.Del Rosario Area "B" Boundary N.rO 14 November 2005 Public Hearing Highland Study Area Moratorium City Council t r November 14, 2005 Proposal: Continue the Moratorium in designated R-10 and RM-F Should the City continue to restrict areas redevelopment within the Highlands Moratorium covers new development: • Grading permits Study Area during preparation of • Land clearing the Highlands Sub-Area Plan? • Tree cutting permits • Building permits • Plats • Lot line adjustments • Site plan review entitlements Areas Exempted from expanded moratorium �B• f, • Portions of the Larger Sub-area Plan Study Area "B"exempted —R-10 zoned area west on Monroe —Covenants restrict the use to single family residential v 1 —R-10 zoned area to the north developed with a condominium project 6 t r_, • Areas previously exempted —R-8 zone —School District properties, Commercial properties High ands Sub-Area Moratorium 1 Need for Moratorium Sub-Area Plan • The current zoning does not allow the higher • The City needs time densities needed to simulate a larger -To develop policies and new development standards redevelopment effort -To conduct a public outreach program • Some existing lots are large enough to subdivide -Gain property owner,business owner.and resident at lower densities input and support for the plan • Lower density perpetuates a land use pattern inconsistent with the adopted City goals and vision for the Center Village Land Use Designation Public Process Recommendation • Public meeting Open House • Extend the moratorium for six months • Planning Commission workshops - Eliminates need to prepare interim zoning • Council Committee of the Whole briefings -Work with property owners to achieve support of the new land use and zoning concepts -Goal: Support for higher density and more efficient land use Status of the Surrounding Single Extension of the Moratorium in the Family and Commercial Areas Highlands Study-Area is Needed • The study area also includes • The City needs time to develop new standards R-8 single-family neighborhoods that reflect the City's vision for the Highlands, -Commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed- and to work with property owners to implement use residential/commercial development at higher its goals densities • Relieve pressure from immediate development -The recommended moratorium would not include in the area these areas and would not affect commercial businesses or mixed-use projects • Improve the City's ability to market property as a result of the new zoning and policy direction 2 r Tuesday November 15th Hi hlands CommunityCenter 800 Edmonds Ave 6-8 PM '" • Data about existing housing stock and . conditions • Information about ownership characteristics _ • Existing Infrastructure ;; • Conceptual Land usea 3 ��y O ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ± �, : NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC 411, ,z PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: November 9, 2005 TO: Terri Briere, Council President RECEIVED Members of the Renton City Council NOV 1 0 2005 VIA: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor p�,� � Renton City Council FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator r`""` STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind (ext. 6588) SUBJECT: Moratorium on Residential Development in the Highlands Study Area ISSUE: Should the City continue the existing moratorium on redevelopment within the Highlands Study Area during preparation of the Highlands Sub-Area Plan? RECOMMENDATION: • Adopt a resolution extending the moratorium on new development including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits,building permits, plats, lot line adjustments, and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the area shown on Exhibit 1 Highlands Sub-Area Plan Moratorium Map. • Modify the moratorium area by excluding R-10 zoned properties located on Monroe Avenue that are encumbered by covenants restricting uses and lot sizes supporting medium density single family land use. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The City Council adopted two policies in the 2005 Business Plan that directly address priorities for the Highlands. Goal#2 states, "Promote Neighborhood Revitalization. " Strategy#3 states, "Create opportunities for new investment in the Highlands and South Renton neighborhoods. " The City enacted a moratorium on redevelopment in the Highlands in May 2005 (Resolution No. 3754, 5-16-2005) to allow time to develop policies and new development Terri Brier,Council Presidesi.r N..r Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 3 November 9,2005 standards and begin a public outreach program to gain property owner, business owner, and resident input and support for a new sub-area plan for this area. The sub-area plan will result in land use actions and densities needed as an incentive for redevelopment in line with the Business Plan. The existing moratorium expires on November 16, 2005, unless extended by the City Council. The original moratorium was intended to reduce development pressure on properties in the Highlands study area while the City prepared the sub-area plan and new zoning. The current zoning does not allow the higher densities needed to stimulate a larger redevelopment effort. While many properties are built out with older housing stock, some existing lots are large enough to subdivide at lower densities that perpetuate a land use pattern inconsistent with the adopted City goals and vision for the Center Village Land Use Designation. The current R-10 zoning in the Highlands Study Area allows single-family detached uses in areas that will be evaluated for higher density as part of the Highlands Sub-area Plan. The RM-F zoning allows stacked flats and lower density multi-family development. Recent project applications are vesting at a lower density than the zoning currently allows. The City currently has no tools available to discourage these low-density subdivisions and building permits. Work is progressing on the Plan, with the first community open house scheduled for the evening of November 15, 2005. The City staff anticipates working with the Planning Commission and the public for the next six months to further refine zoning and infrastructure investment strategies. Additional time is needed to analyze zoning options and present an overall strategy to the City Council for decision-making. The original work program for this project assumed adoption of an interim zoning to guide development in the short term. However, upon further research and analysis, the staff recommendation is to proceed with the final zoning and redevelopment solution rather than using time to develop an interim strategy. Such an interim strategy could result in more piecemeal development and would not achieve the vision for this area. Extension of the moratorium for an additional six months allows continued progress toward completion of a redevelopment strategy. During the last six months, several property owners in the R-10 zoned area on Monroe Avenue (in the eastern portion of the original moratorium area) presented new information to the City about existing covenants restricting the use of these properties to single family residential with a 6,000 square foot minimum lot size. Land use in these areas will not be changed by any new plan or policies of the City calling for higher density development. As a result, staff recommends that the R-10 area located on Monroe Avenue, subject to these covenants, be excluded from the extended moratorium. In addition, public school properties, R-8 zoned single-family neighborhoods, and commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed-use residential/commercial development Terri Brier,Council Presided Members of the Renton City Council Page 3 of 3 November 9,2005 at higher densities were exempted from the original moratorium and these exemptions would continue. CONCLUSION: An extended moratorium in the Highlands is needed to relieve pressure from immediate development in the area. The City needs additional time to develop new standards that reflect the City's vision for the Highlands, and to work with property owners to implement its goals. Implementation of interim standards at this time would undermine the City's longer-term effort and would result in piecemeal development that would not meet the goals of the Center Village Land Use Designation. �Ih �■ \ /I —i is �y+t.� J _ ■�■ ■■ .■Illy e - II - - - ■11 ■■III■11i i II 1 k - �7 ■11■ „� .l!!11. RC � i►`� PUC�f7It Y - - NE 74 I■��■ ■Y■i■i■■ �� Re - Ii!ui: ■�11� ■■ w■ ■■ !■il'i I!R�! !■i1n■i■ � V� 140 is la BE �© ■ 11 ;■ ■�l.L■ Y11►Li11'Iiii�l■.Hill•, R C R C �� •• `\\ �■ mow CIIIII �; ■rijU��111 pall�i■ 11,1� 11�1\■111111\ i�� R 8ECO IN! ► i itrfaS too�. W■ rig ■a ��% !!lei/�� �� Al■1■ I 1 w w r� R e L r_, i 1 rl bra �,., • ��� II{' .,t raw V' - TS. ■ as ■ 1■� �o ��u. 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N 2 /9-161 f C ft 5 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) § COUNTY OF KING I 5 A-P1"--- her by certify that )2__ copies of the attached notice were posted by me regardi, g he property described above on the `/ day of NOV. , 2 OD . SIGNED k SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this C 't day of 4 o utdo(,/' , 20 0 . SIGNED: ,pc,A4 (7/ cc-('- 6 I, r I *s. .g �+ •% Printed Na e: .Jr� ' /4, Ye c-/:4 : NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State Of (D ,, 4i/s0o o= Washington, Residing At ��i9;Z'"41,z;3;A 9 save. My Commission Expires: -Z 7 ' eJ . NoTieE c.)\,(v,k-sl 0. ..„,,, • ife . .., �..,,NTo RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 14, 2005 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Extending or renewing the time period for a moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the ;44, Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area. r= .uUet.•1. =! mr:ror.•. :\.Liu, :Aiwa.uue• "a.o. oto v"09•.1111►i 11111, 112 L . 1111 1�11111NI 11:. .i �,;\v. s.. ''LYi I• \ I:P �. , � is — Iss4vI r:,ii :1.e.: Imo +iC :u I !: ! iI;J Il /� . .4%• FCPr ..................... lj�1j..�O : inr '11 qil fti F :. 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Complete legal description&further information available in the City Clerk's Office-425-430-6510 W a r n ifl The removal, mutilation,destruction,or concealment of this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. N + ` Y CO Name NoTicE I+ �'NrVO RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 14, 2005 AT 7:00 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Extending or renewing the time period for a moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the , I4, Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area. tom6wnu1 riff.i jjJi ! & #714-'..�.■is... ri A QY r�r";23:rr -:\t g�.1 i� rimpo aYwml lead n. : ►14•VS!e•..a���I MI YI2..C OM""" rile fft a rh 0,: .,, •� yt1.•411 11 N/: u1/,r��♦� '- IC..0 1 r,,+^ r3 11111111i 03 ' 111 1 ,4,11.\.1: L tlii Ai iI lima E::!MIME� A/g i.463 ;Era linT<n1P C4 :..INC::V Eta■q N :NZ: r.en.. 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Complete legal description& further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 The removal, mutilation,destruction,or concealment of Warning ! this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 14th day of November, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time of a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Extending or renewing the time period for a moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502. cat.t. . 1e IVal i Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal November 4, 2005 Account No. 50640 11/3/2005 Notice sent to 14 Parties of Record, per attached labels. D. Evans cc: Rebecca Lind, EDNSP . ,_. 4 .IIr aim 1■1 ■ • q+t. ■ mop .4,13 .■■■ u+� ■■�■ ■■ .■■1 1 - B(P) ree 0— Iramom NE a .4 sui �/111■■.. RC �I 141411 inflow • '• L t , R-8 wigwam IIII lux . III- mei:a X. era ■u� R C c:► �111-© • ■ gl IN I�rIW�■■� Iga R C 41 ;1 VP/0g 11111N■ :: ° > . 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IL(P) , rn Highlands Sub-Area Moratorium ' 1' R-10 and RM-F Zoned Parcels o' Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Included in Moratorium ♦\ ; Alex Pietsch,Administrator 0 0fit. Area "A" Boundary G.Del Rosario Area "B" Boundary • I November 2005 Impression antibourrage et a sechage rapide 1111111111 www.avery.com . ry a AVE ® 51600 Uti',;;ez le gabarit 51600 �ilm. 1-800-GO-AVERY Kathleen Ossenkop Iris Adams Glenda Johnson 3316 NE 12th St 1209 Monroe Ave NE 1216 Monroe Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Keith Demps Fred Crothamel Keith Thompson 2308 NE 24th St 2951 74th Ave SE 660 Index P1 NE Renton,WA 98056 Mercer Island,WA 98040 Renton,WA 98056 Ron Christensen Ed Rasmussen Owen Dennison 625 Index Ave NE 1300 Monroe Ave NE 316 Occidental Ave S, Ste 320 Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Seattle,WA 98104 Delores Gibbons Bimhl Kumar David Main Renton School District 2102 NE 23rd St 40305 302nd Ave SE 300 SW 7th St Renton,WA 98056 Enumclaw, WA 98022 Renton,WA 98055 Garrett Huffman James Magnuson Master Builders Assoc. 523 Union Ave NE 335 116d'Ave SE Renton,WA 98059 Bellevue,WA 98004 ®09L5®A�13Ad CA w Aa3AV-09-008-I. �� ®09L5 31d1dW31®IGaAV as fl ori(aane nnnnnnMIME 6ul;uud sail a6pnws pue wer i/a-/-4ie)een QSe4 a - 33)6 iv i /1 / 1)79 lao9 Mpiiraellveo, iVE i Re✓tlon 986-r‘ glendt --bIgOl a!4 /y10o ro cqve, NE, / e-47An 9M5-6 e/ - erivs, 3 08. 4/6 .244v*k S / lee47L,04 K3,,a- , Fred & '/ a l e/, d 9_ / - 7411' Ale. 5 ferce 9�'o�0 ei P�fvr� g8f> � ��e/ R. NV, /P � "�p�osdh �6� -� � 9�os6 S>Le it�ce s" `1 a( Xve loon C4ri � �e�tfoh 9�d� �Gi� le�'n'1 uSSen 1 /3Oo �D�lroe live. Ng i ems/Ave5' �i`e 3aa Se�'� 98/dA' neeii ` � add her TPA, gd�,r�SS�e� r Cll o�2s 1e ° 9 ��.s ���o �s ,�, �, egos-� `� hl rear vl o, NE a3 S / �t e`r 1�s� Main, �o.�os_ - 30.21d Ave. SE, �✓tur iclaL07 �eoaz "bawd � � J // /- o°ldeRs /lsso y 3gs a s brie s'e, Lill vvzoa afreff ,Jai c 9 Ma n us on, 6-a3 L6110 4ae tie ec4 ion ge69 ..7 ,y /e3- From: Judith Subia -U To: Lind, Rebecca; Walton, Bonnie /'O,e ,Jd a' �//J Date: 11/1/2005 2:56:40 PM �"� Subject: Re: Highlands Sub-Area Moratorium Bonnie, Our department does not have a parties of record for the moratorium. Please send your notice to everyone that spoke to Council, per your Council minutes. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Judith >>> Bonnie Walton 10/28/05 3:59 PM >>> Okay, that is good. With that approach, please provide your parties of record labels list by the first part of next week so my notice can go out to reach citizens by next Fri. We will compare your list to the Council minutes to ensure we included everyone who spoke to Council on this issue already this year. Thank you. Bonnie, x6502 >>> Rebecca Lind 10/28/05 3:49 PM >>> Yes I agree with that approach. We may have a few additional people who specifically requested to be part of the party of record list, but there is no need to notify all residents of the areal. >>> Bonnie Walton 10/28/05 3:01 PM >>> Have you made a determination yet as to the number of persons who will be in the parties of record list for the referenced public hearing notice?? I am thinking that the mailing should include those people who came to speak on this issue at the last public hearing and thereafter, but necessarily to everyone who lives in that Sub-Area boundary. Do you agree? Bonnie, x6502 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 14th day of November, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time of a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Extending or renewing the time period for a moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502. NT//VYI.C� U Ja Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal November 4, 2005 Account No. 50640 N. ■ IL. � ,T : !!Ilc+: R C ■■ ■■u�li Una11111 1■1� - - NE 2 R ri Y!■■!■■ r■■■■■wI �� i. R-e ■ 111 ■�11' ■■ ■■ :pi ■*!!L7!lRII■!!■■\� v ■ �us C0wt1 .� III� ��■ , _ ■■ I�IIW■■■■illy►/ R C � ■� C�11111© i I ■■ ■■ R-g RA vei �--�W W■ ENE .a ��ENV AMIN .11.E►/� �� ■■ ■it■ 11.9. r'FtV4t} �gNa. IIw,IIIa r, R8 ai - ; �1 n 11 , ■ ,m ma ■ --im m �.. .r -I NFl nldlG da lira Is - ■W as ■ ■��. ■ ��■ ■■s!E EI►11■■ .r �. w �, rom IT BE mil_sm. imi YL��.� Mho I��■11■ ■■■ �� NE loth ��� ■���imp �u■i :fie J■ ■■■11■ Min I • iin � MN mu 11111 Min ■� E.P. ■all ■�Imo■im.'I IN.inimi �,fii'IA R-I _� R C . ■ Elm =■ ■■ INe�;;;N ■■■■■u . ° , gm a i.vpastit mom III ji ■s,.. 1Q m ■■••�� �`� E uni 3 �� � l ,. I AIM M 113 ■■Ink � e■■i WelgeelMa MIN 1 x,r ,x iW R �r Y11: In �ina Aa iIiII ■i��1) ..niiii�r �� 1::::,:,;,,,,r4,0;; ■ ����� NI�� ira 111 1 =SEE; ,;, Ci l :1N. ; 'MOM° :: 7 2-t - ll-3 .g: , ��-� ,o -- re - a ■ A El K min . �( i-- "lik-mwe'MINT51 1 • EMI r M. ■ J t 1 • �■�o ■EEEE. ■w r. 1 ► ■■ i @Ill R 8<PUI - ■■ �� ,,, !� - ilk,„,._ IN Tr id riAt-f , I , ,,,„ um=r1 " Issosigt:' -.1 1' :,,s' 4 INIPPA IKEA gpi tv al v iv SI pi/ a 47 ,,z,. A 4 . W MP] I i. , 1 hI'..iiii sy quo thri �= .,� . ., ,,,,. , 900 ;Au ArtcmP 11 '' ,41:- v4110 r � ,p4 ■• � ■ammo `II ciI iii • NE 1 on wo in , OP PI 01iiiiP li I `9 t4 "4 mtplu M F '��I1III.9I1■IIVW4 _meow 1.. �� !mon � ��� � t II��G�W■�In" EN 51 !r ■■ ■■■ ■►_a : St wM II I I l ■111111"� w3 i1.Ia1�r�1. w� ■ \ • 9Zr L■ Cm• t sV�,i�� �,� �'' n r... G■ _ ■ � �! IOW if■!� ■ ■��■■�� Al 1 R-8(P) o I. w4 eal d/ rip ►.! t� ■.,. _ ter. �, ■e, , o,�. :Pats 11114110 4 ►�� 111111111 E t� S 1. - .. ., - �a ■cs'v,� I�,g �� � Alta ► - ■*e♦e. W;Ilimili; ��IIIII/C�►�. �oi1�l�I. di o �V'►� I 1:��I Ili.y t� ,m A�� Y PI aVE- am/■ �� • Mai �. €fit "' `i — �,. ;;(�s'� .4. s. 40 Mai l L(F) Pd= . , �t���111� ' 'ik-al m ■ ♦ •�'•, �1.' f]1 � _ y ■■■ tom ■IIe11111 IIIL;;IJtlp i ■cis �os� IiP1 ■�■yi 8� . �� �i 7• ,. V �ul�y7L1! ■■ rlr%� is m o r �� ♦ ��� all Gc> � .� 11� Ian ■hil ■ s �;�, ■► tV' `,�1•, �R �a�lmw►ill � Lali !a rt� I L C P) z Al■ R M-F =°� A!'�!1 • —"I' • r n Highlands Sub-Area Moratorium R-10 and RM-F Zoned Parcels Included in Moratorium on.,, �� Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Area "A" Boundary + £R♦ Alex Pietsch,Administrator G.Del Rosar o Area "B" Boundary �NT�� I November 2005 October 24,2005 `", Renton City Council Minutes """' Page 370 RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3778 A resolution was read setting a public hearing date on 11/21/2005 to vacate a Vacation: Rosario Ave SE, portion of Rosario Ave. SE,north of SE 2nd P1. (James Jacques;VAC-05-004). Jacques,VAC-05-004 MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance#5161 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 80 acres located east of Annexation: Park Terrace, SE Anacortes Ave. NE, if extended, south of 112th St., if extended, north of SE 112th P1&Anacortes Ave NE 122nd St., if extended, and west of Hoquiam Ave. NE, if extended(Park Terrace Annexation). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5162 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for approximately Annexation: Park Terrace, R-8 63 acres of property annexed within the City of Renton generally located south Zoning of SE 112th St., if extended,and east of Anacortes Ave. NE, if extended,north of SE 122nd St., if extended,and west of 144th Ave. SE, if extended, from R-4 (Urban Residential four dwelling units per acre; King County zoning), R-6 (Urban Residential six dwelling units per acre; King County zoning), and R-8 (Urban Residential eight dwelling units per acre; King County zoning) to R-8 (eight dwelling units per net acre)zoning; Park Terrace Annexation. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5163 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification for approximately Annexation: Park Terrace, R- 3.4 acres of property annexed within the City of Renton generally located south 10 Zoning of SE 112th St., if extended, and east of Anacortes Ave. NE, if extended,north of SE 113th St., if extended, and west of Duvall Ave. NE, if extended, from R-6 (Urban Residential six dwelling units per acre; King County zoning)to R-10 (ten dwelling unit per net acre)zoning; Park Terrace Annexation. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5164 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Lyons Ave. NE, located Vacation: Lyons Ave NE, approximately 144 feet south of NE 4th St.,on the westerly half of the road, for Bales, VAC-04-002 a distance of approximately 100 feet(Steve Beck& Core Design [Bales] VAC- 04-002). MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5165 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of N. 14th St. located east of Lake Vacation: N 14th St, Pool Washington Blvd. N. and Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park(Pool Brothers Brothers Construction, VAC- Construction, LLC; VAC-05-001). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED 05-001 BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. • NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL SET A PUBLIC Planning: Highlands Sub-Area HEARING ON 11/14/2005 TO CONSIDER EXTENDING OR RENEWING Plan Study Area Moratorium THE TIME PERIOD FOR A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R-10 AND RM-F ZONES WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS SUB-AREA PLAN STUDY AREA. CARRIED. RECEIVED C(C)1 -/NTrv)0 PLANNINGBUILDING/ Renton City Council PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • MEMORANDUM DATE: August 23, 2005 TO: Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: ,Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,��'' Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerm dministrator STAFF CONTACT: Neil Watts, x-7218 SUBJECT: Highlands Moratorium - David Main Building Permit Request During the audience comment period at the June 20, 2005, Renton City Council meeting, David Main requested approval to proceed with obtaining a building permit to construct a new single-family house within the Highlands moratorium area. Mr. Main had discussed the proposed construction project prior to the moratorium being placed by Council. As staff was unaware of the moratorium at that time, Mr. Main was informed that his proposed house met the code requirements for the area, and he submitted his building permit, which staff accepted. During the review of the building permit, it was discovered that the building permit application occurred several days after the beginning of the moratorium, and that the new house site was within the moratorium area. Mr. Main was advised that the building permit could not be issued until the moratorium was lifted. The City Attorney has been consulted on this request. After a review of vesting law and recent court cases regarding permit vesting, the City Attorney advised staff to proceed with review, approval and issuance of the requested building permit. The permit was vested upon original acceptance of a complete building permit application by permit intake counter staff. Mr. Main has been contacted, and is proceeding with the construction of the new single-family house. Referral#05023-C cc: Jay Covington,CAO Bonnie Walton,City Clerk Alex Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator Neil Watts, Development Services Division Director Development Services Division File July 11,2005 Irme Renton City Council Minutes , , Page 246 w projects to the Sound Transit project list and for Sound Transit to provide funding for these projects. The two Sound Transit committees supported going forward with this proposal. The proposal will be presented to the Eastside Transportation Partnership and the South King County Transportation Board in August in the hopes of bringing it to the Sound , Transit Board for action in September. AUDIENCE COMMENT James Magnuson, 523 Union Ave. NE,Renton,98059, stated that he is unable Citizen Comment: Magnuson - to obtain building permits for his subdivision project at NE 12th St. and Highlands Sub-Area Plan Monroe Ave. NE due to the moratorium on new development in the Highlands Study Area Moratorium, Sub-Area Plan study area. He noted that restrictive covenants established in Exemption Request 1949 restrict the lot size on the property; thus,potential future higher density requirements will not affect the property. Mr. Magnuson requested an exemption from the moratorium. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler stated that the Administration is currently reviewing the issue of the restrictive covenants, and assured that Mr. Magnuson's situation will also be reviewed. Councilman Persson expressed the need to resolve this issue. Mayor Keolker- Wheeler confirmed that the Administration will report back to Council as soon as possible with a proposed solution. Citizen Comment: Johnson - Arland "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#306,Renton, 98055,expressed Wells Ave S Speeding Traffic concern regarding the speeding traffic on Wells Ave. S. by the Spencer Court Apartments where he lives. He suggested the installation of a crosswalk or a stop sign to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler stated that the matter will be investigated. Citizen Comment: Temple - Eric Temple,625 S. 4th St.,Renton,98055,thanked the City for entering into Pavilion Building Lease, the lease with the Spirit of Washington for the Pavilion Building. He pointed BNSF Rail Corridor Purchase out that a number of people have expressed interest in using the facility. by King County On another subject, Mr. Temple noted that King County representatives will brief Committee of the Whole on July 18th on the issue of King County's potential acquisition of a rail corridor from Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)Railway. Mr. Temple indicated that he has discussed the issue with King County several times, and feels an understanding has been reached with regards to the Spirit of Washington Dinner Train. He expressed his support for the King County Council's action to enter into exclusive negotiations with BNSF to purchase the rail corridor. In response to the Mayor's inquiry concerning high capacity transit,Mr. Temple stated that overhead trackage rights are to be part of the negotiations. Councilman Corman indicated that some sections of the rail corridor are appropriate for high speed rail in the future; however, it is not appropriate for the section that goes through downtown Renton where high speed rail would be better placed to run along the freeway corridor. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler expressed her concern regarding high capacity transit running through downtown Renton,and stated that Council will be provided with background information on the matter prior to the Committee of the Whole meeting. To: Renton City Council July 11, 2005 Re: Magnuson Sub Division Owner: James Magnuson 523 Union Ave. N.E. 98059 Phone: 425 254 0687 The project to sub divide a half acre parcel on 12th and Monroe began in 2003. The property would support four lots as per code. However after researching Title documents I found that there was a covenant established in 1949 that restricted the property to no less than 60 foot wide lot frontage as well a minimum of 6,000 square feet lot size. I was able to work with the City of Renton and Engineers to establish the maximum potential for the property. The final land approval was granted in 2005 with three total building lots using maximum density calculations. This includes setbacks for ingress, egress, wall set back and utility easements_ The Moratorium that is in place will not affect the property if the city does decide to implement higher density requirements in the Shepard Heights area. The Shepard Heights area should have been excluded from the moratorium because of the restrictive covenant. In 2004 the covenant was challenged in King County Court as invalid because the City of Renton had jurisdiction on property codes. The challenge failed and the covenant remained in force. To my knowledge I was grand fathered in as far as the moratorium was concerned. I was wrong. I went in to pay for building permits and was told I could not obtain permits until December 2005. It is my request to the council to ask the moratorium committee to review my situation. Because this sub-division has restrictive covenants on it the maximum density requirements have already been meet. T ank you, 1714-(164A'V)----- es Magnuson k 150.00' 62.56' 87.42' , 0103 as COQN )17 5 N 7 (n 1 °ram v o i N a • ._•iw vo�! 12.3 \ 87.40' • n 0 co C7 s7?J(/1 �"no m 'Tt =�o i 75.D3' Ca r -i, b =j =n 70 z z n N TWO S7,01-' ✓ r COCD COxLfz ice! c o o -r)C� o o Iv - Z7 -� ©// r � . ;� =c' V)CIm 4`� � h N 1-9 CI =Din E. u D-iv) a 20�v) A e _•l)L .20 P O 1 i 74.95' /5.00' 14 9.95' y t R& A.)E'i 1�1 ,...„, ...., --_ 9W OV 'Q iv°\"/ -- \ ,S6 6t1 .0 0' i' i - a__J .f -5 ft I f- ! "LA[15 "1-0 LL_1,i---c L,_1(/1 12 ---E LA(;,(...,) ---- '-' ' I, Cu 1, ._ c crl LA , •-a.=> -CD 4-1_ C) E3 0 • 1<3 co/a) -77 j CO E . LA (T. f <W Co f > C_J rf >-LA I_Lr --1-1—_. N'-- 4 b.f72$©/ -E-,--- I VI Cu E O\ E I:YL.S eu # , .. ../.c? 4' ' , , 1 A 1 0 t ni f , , :4. , ; -'‘ •..- -_,- -, t _ / .0 i'1. 0 5'0 \\iC)E--1 f•-----,c, h i ,,,_ co,,,i) 1. I , •._..,I --,6 i CA. - ooL A . 4 7.-t C 1 I. i! i : r I 2 1,'L 8 ,es 29 4i ,00'0g 1, June 20,2005 +44n Renton City Council Minutes '"1"" Page 224 MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL: SUPPORT R-4 ZONING CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY LAND USE DESIGNATION,ACCEPT THE WEDGEWOOD LANE ANNEXATION, AND CONCURRENTLY IMPOSE R-4 ZONING ON THE NON-STREET PORTIONS OF THE ANNEXATION SITE. CARRIED. (See page 226 for ordinances.) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2005 and beyond. Items noted included: * A community meeting to discuss the future Heather Downs Park will be held on June 28th, 7:00 p.m.,at the Highlands Community Center. On June 30th, an open house will be held at the future park site located on Union Ave. NE between NE 3rd Ct. and NE 2nd P1. from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. * The City's swimming beaches will be open for the season from June 25th through September 5th,from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. * Conveniently rid your house, garage,and yard of unwanted junk during the one-day-only Neighbor-to-Neighbor Curbside Cleanup on June 25th. Solid Waste: Clean Sweep Mayor Keolker-Wheeler pointed out that the one-time Neighbor to Neighbor Renton Events Curbside Cleanup is the last opportunity to participate in the Clean Sweep Renton program events. Councilwoman Palmer noted the participation of the Kennydale Neighborhood Association in the Neighborhood Association Cleanup event over the weekend. AUDIENCE COMMENT David Main,40305 302nd Ave. SE,Enumclaw, 98022, requested a hardship Citizen Comment: Main- exemption from the moratorium on new development in the Highlands Sub- Highlands Sub-Area Plan Area Plan study area. He explained that he submitted an application to replace Study Area Moratorium,_ a destroyed home located on Monroe Ave. NE with one single-family dwelling exemption Request and was informed that he is unable to proceed with the project until the moratorium ends. Mr. Main pointed out that the plat has covenants attached that precludes any lot in the subdivision from being smaller than 6,000 square feet and narrower than 60 feet. Mr.Mann stated that the purpose of the moratorium is to review the area for possible density increases. He indicated that if it were not for the covenants recorded on the plat, two or three properties would be allowed on the site per current Renton zoning. Noting the economic hardship of not being able to develop his property,Mr. Mann suggested amending the moratorium to allow for hardship exemptions. Gregg Zimmerman,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, stated that this situation seems to be an unintended consequence of the City's moratorium action. The moratorium was implemented to prevent subdivisions and activities in the R-10 zoned areas while the City reviews policies and new development standards. He explained that the moratorium provision that does not allow the issuance of building permits was mainly for those particular types of vested subdivisions. Mr. Zimmerman suggested that the matter be reviewed Alex Pietsch,Economic Development Administrator, stated that when the moratorium was invoked,he was unaware of the covenants underlying the June 20,2005 'rr' Renton City Council Minutes +.r+' Page 225 subject subdivision. Noting the possibility of downzoning the subdivision to R- 8 to better match the underlying covenants, Mr. Pietsch agreed that the matter should be reviewed. The Mayor noted that the covenants may be in conflict with the Growth Management Act. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. On another subject, Mr. Main complemented the City on its vision,pointing out that he intends to move back to Renton within the next five years. Citizen Comment: Huffman- Garrett Huffman, Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Highlands Sub-Area Plan Counties,335 116th Ave. SE,Bellevue, 98004, expressed support for the City's Study Area Moratorium, review of Mr. Main's exemption request from the Highlands area moratorium. Exemption Request CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 13, 2005. Council concur. June 13, 2005 CAG: 05-078, S 4th St& City Clerk reported bid opening on 6/14/2005 for CAG-05-078, S.4th St. and Burnett Ave S Traffic Burnett Ave. S. Traffic Improvements; three bids,engineer's estimate Improvements, Valley Electric $172,165.95;and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Valley Electric Co., in the amount of$178,085.30. Council concur. Human Resources: Salary Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended the Adjustments of Four Positions following: reorganization,title changes, and salary adjustments of two positions in the Housing Repair Division; salary adjustment for the Police Manager position; and title change and salary adjustment for the Civil Engineer III position in the Utilities Division. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: 2006-2011 TIP Transportation Systems Division submitted the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)and the Arterial Street Plan. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee; set a public hearing on 7/11/2005 to consider the TIP. Airport: WorldWind Transportation Systems Division requested approval of an airport sublease from Helicopters Operating Permit AirO,Inc. to WorldWind Helicopters, Inc., and approval of an operating permit &Sublease and agreement with WorldWind Helicopters, Inc. Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. Airport: Aero-Copters Transportation Systems Division requested approval of an airport sublease from Operating Permit and Sublease AirO, Inc. to Aero-Copters, Inc., and approval of an operating permit and agreement with Aero-Copters,Inc. Refer to Transportation(Aviation) Committee. Utility: Johns Creek Outfall Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a concurrence letter with Stormwater System Washington State Department of Transportation for the proposed Johns Creek Concurrence,WSDOT Outfall stormwater system. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. � cn C" �3 0 .-3 = a. cn 0 o � s� � O b 0 0 G co o ^", G' w o x 0-' G o o n ;,. C o (\,,,,„ O c`< 1 y4 , — c I 51 G iiii CD co �' o' opa -1 = • (D O a O �t G O p CD O• O v, Z 7 v, O ri 0, 's A, 5' v,',� O0 O O CIA �y1 J' cm n N O ... A, 0 0 x CCDD z Pam, � ` ~ � *0 *It .11 cr cD B co coco N O N co Q- l7 .� ¢- C h��.��yI N O coit7 t) O - 0. 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S" 7 bra LA " co 0 ?•Oa G C N •, .� o co G G O O (IQ co CD -• ° .1-% r '?,• Z a`< CDD ccoo UGa ocD cD E. ba . . :mow i 4 s '', O r 1110 ``�` " cop ;y crq ., ' = a om D x ° Otic 0 ° rm • . c�woo4 �o w '' O ? oo-y o t7p o �CC ' ccn ° w , pz , t , �wf yy c cn� a cw w �"v '2.a. �5.c?Oo� Z?7�'TJ n p w w� ; ,nx �,° 5'°v nz� m• t-ZOZ o o o� o .c- w z '< t"-3 a ^D 0 4 cn o w 'c -<O N o C C c.,.., =o 5-� w'Do .G.;J w V z.�z �. cm C0.GG 'c �f°°° w ...o o .- ..0 c o . -- o... op m Z g. �o Cj % m5, (G- GCS ' '£' •�`" ' tt '` CIT' OF REIN-TON Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator RECEIVED May 23, 2005 MAY 2 4 ZQ05 Renton City Council Mr. Jay Hansen, Vice President, CM(C n � , CWCapital LLC 15375 Southeast 30th Place, Suite 290 F, Bellevue,Washington 98007 , CI T Fr C SUBJECT: HARRINGTON SQUARE Dear Mr. Hansen: I am writing to express the City of Renton's support for the Harrington Square project as proposed by Colpitts Development. This project is widely anticipated with support of the Mayor, City Council, and the Highlands community. I encourage you to support this project with capital financing. The City has targeted the Highlands neighborhood, which surrounds the development site,for redevelopment.In fact,Harrington Square fulfills key strategies of the City's 2005-2010 Business Plan: "Continue aggressive redevelopment efforts Downtown and in the Highlands" and" Create opportunities for new investment in the Highlands and South Renton neighborhoods." The addition of more than 200 market-rate apartments in an urban form will establish the Highlands area as a significant opportunity for further investment. Please do not hesitate to call on me if you need any assistance. The City and I personally look forward to seeing the Harrington Square project move forward. Sincerely, ?Mkt( Alex Pietsch cc: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,Mayor Renton City Council 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 R E N T O N ��. AHEAD OF THE CURVE LJ This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer O Nave ~ I.It LA © C.G \) it. 47> s---k.-' ..," 6' ..7 .1,...t C/) y — c. �- Vi 0 0 4 0,-., :. m a a II P oft g _c___ -t. m :::, Eil-1 Zm C 0 eD o pg r . ' • �0) co ' N � o � CA r Noo c `^ ogm ^'yb ¢�; � ta15x1;ollf Ti N• OC • °° �.3 3;4 z � r �rw Co oYo vp yA oh,' RST C!A n �tST r, o =_, CLAF ril + `ri a -3-sQ a { ® yT i fi 00II cis _ (40 xi - ,:j o ., l! my.) /1 o „,,„,,,,x .4,1) -...- -* Nzia :1.1,773 1.zt.-.Vitt i �EOO _ II M e,rn ' c —4 ii) .xvi 4 m 4 ..„......01k) c, ,, I." - It! IQ ":... I 2A1 3=3 in 7c1n '11 :::.- 0 2 0 0, ...., tit 10 o o i ::' 11[1 .r:*--:.-:'-.-.-.;';:7,43'-i131. *ai.i.„i, N m m � -- --n� 0 4 n t.y Zt +. GT7 First class mail % UNITED STATES , ,ORM 3547 fee due 70 [ISPS Postage and Fees Paid POSTAL SERVICE Restricted Data Permit No. GIO p CITY OF RENTON _- .9r: -`-_:_1 4 Office of the City Clerk (.? ' �t-r �` " 11405'05 i V:. 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OLD: 1150 SUNSET BLVD NE APT 126 RENTON WA 98056-2982 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: PO BOX 41 RENTON WA 98055-9998 CARNATION WA 98014-0041 05/09/05 14:38 93003400281 62 c1:1 proc 20050508 eff:20050425 * ;_ IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII First class mail UNITED STATES Postage and Fees Paid aPOSTAL SERVICE 'ORM 3547 fee due 70 ,4,40 USPS Restricted Data Permit No. GIO a © CITY OF RENTON :;=2x;--w ? ''a fib• 4T':'-{.Y 4. _a Office of the City Clerk - v. -, _ I c�l,�if.• >.. , 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 A { ptT 0 5'0 5 � :.: ;( ? - .O:IETEP ' ' .,,'7f. U.S.POSTAGE 'v.._s` 71d'l193 t ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED jihtavtei > vtioprnetl- CITY OF RENTON 7003 ,MVi t vk1 t IV 7if 4i.ce 8B1 JAY 1150 SUNSET BLVDNE#715 MAY 1 7 2005 / y f� RENTON WA 98056 L (( CITY RECEIVED 'S OFFICE • Q_ev vb 51 C-1E1SHF SSOSS 11.1..1..1.11....1.1..1.1...1.1..1.1.11...11...1.1.11 ' 1.11 JAY BAILEY TO THE POSTMASTER OF ,�.1z. OLD: 1150 SUNSET BLVD NE APT 315 RENTON WA 98056-2986 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 2712 WALNUT AVE SW RENTON WA 98055-9998 SEATTLE WA 98116-2534'' 05/11/05 14:48 9500540034633 c1:1 proc:20050510 eff:20041223 II1 1I1 I11 I1 EE11 1 11 II I I I1 1 I I 1 1I1 I1 IEI 1111 I I I III 11 tl III First class mail 011 . UNITED STATES FORM 3547 fee due 70 0 Postage and Fees Paid POSTAL SERVICE Restricted Data Permit No. GIO 6 p CITY OF RENTON F*r r —•' r"'---"A' A. Office of the City Clerk " `.; It 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 0 rt { tltT 0 TO 5 ,yea, 0,j -,, '] 0, -'•-!-ems 1kfl U.s.POSTAG; i lL - (ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 111 3thlet nt 1 Ito i in CITY OF RENTON Yi w 1001 PH AN! PHUOC to�aY� N MAY 1 6 2005 L . il RENTON N A 98 56 h#_/Id�_V/`'1 RLNTON WA 98056 EIV CITY CLRERKISE)FFICE n` iStiP c- f 9 O e/ �IV�� - G 56 11.1.,1..(.11,..,1.1..11....11..�1.11.1....11...11..,.11...111 -- CHUNG DUC PHAMEti. TO THE POSTMASTER OF OLD: 1931 KIRKLAND PL NE RENTON WA 98056-3293 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 334 KIRKLAND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055-9998 RENTON WA 98056-4070 05/09/05 14:38 9300340028159 c1:1 proc20050508 eff:20050207 IIuiuiIu.iillim1111.11111.111I.1.11ultultuIEIEIIIIIIIIIIiiiI 1)74 is:Ati '"' Amends RES 3750 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 7 5 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R-10 AND RM-F ZONES WITHIN 'IRE HIGHLANDS SUB-AREA PLAN STUDY AREA, AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR TM',MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial time and energy on its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has identified a study area for refinement of the Comprehensive Plan with a Sub-Area Plan in the Renton Highlands to further its economic development objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial funds developing a preliminary vision and evaluating market factors for redevelopment in the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, the R-10 and RM-F zones are currently mapped on a number of properties within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area;and WHEREAS, the density allowed currently in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow a minimum of 4 units per net acre and a minimum of 7 units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the uses in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow single-family detached housing and lower density duplexes that are not consistent with broad redevelopment objectives for the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, construction of lower density development in the form of single-family or duplex units removes developable land from the stock of land for development or redevelopment, thereby frustrating the City's economic development efforts; and Stile 1400 RESOLUTION NO. 3 7 54 WHEREAS, the City of Renton wishes to encourage quality infill development at densities that supports redevelopment of the Center Village; and WHEREAS, approval and construction of lower density housing within the identified study area without review of the Sub-Area Plan policies, may undermine the benefits of coordinated planning, and may foreclose or irreparably damage long-term Comprehensive Plan goals; and WHEREAS, a moratorium is required to provide adequate time for City staff to prepare and present proposed changes to the Sub-Area Plan and zoning, and present such changes to the City Council for review and adoption; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION H. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the permitting or construction of residential development, including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits, building permits, plats, lot line adjustments and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 and RM-F zone within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area; with the exception of portable buildings for the Renton School District, which are not covered by this moratorium. The area of the moratorium is shown on the attached map. The purpose of the moratorium is to provide adequate time for staff to draft, review, and present to the City Council, and for the City Council to review and adopt changes to the Comprehensive Plan policies concerning the appropriate density and use of land within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area. SECTION III. This moratorium shall be in place for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise modified by the City Council, which period may be extended or renewed 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3754 for one or more additional periods, but only if a subsequent public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal, to support such renewal. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16th day of May , 2005. &x44 : Ili/attend Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of May , 2005. ,ri/ ,era - Kathy -olker-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: ence J. Warre ity Attorney RES:1113:5/16/05:ma Date of Publication: 5/20/2005 (summary) 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3754 n 11iiieii ■ �■lottoNt♦, � �. �, Pf1Li4II 111111/ , F ;�/s= P; 1-1 /rr1 11 F. / fii/.� .,�AiCA�9A...m iii rim, • ..s. /Ivo. ....,:f ..,-...4..,,';, ,',.. 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No Q :►if file7?IIUF YAM F I \II/ e eq rn osimmia.eavionvigoloa"a �m� MIMIminion silliciongsimina .11: NUN `:-ili umemeni 11111l1111 °11111,11a11111113111111 s ■■■ ��s. 11111N111 s111l9i111`r111111i ��.i 111111111l III III N11111.lot go s -7� : ui r*0*.� bah.at 9th es ■NI NTERN!11111111111 ;: =ai�11 — g ii.aitiiiiiiiiiat-0 sr:, 111111 ,,,:, 1111111€1 111111,11111 1111111 tr.. �.`"V� iW�1 11111!11i:1 iiihnuili1 11111L9 O 1111a: maw*. mill/ ■■■T■uitil /1111111/ 1uu1u1IP■'4IU i :: 1�Iw M� ©i►ri mow .= _Ills;1i . ►��;7;G �,�■ ra■a NolliMIN ■...it,:■ ■� . ;, z EN O �.� C Op 1111,a■ '�'���g�� ha I►L �L�S ww G�i�' r, ■E =11 ■■■tin �� % -ot ...... r, minas in �.� o D �6 ligoril .iIi lite 1lzilYii► its■ i � �I rriii"i • f sili//ik/■1■■/ ■ N E 4 f h S t , Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area ,ecy 04, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning S' ..1 . Alex Pietsch,Administrator 0 1 y o00 2000 G.Del Roso Ott N COZ ari20 Apri12005 ... ...:ik?):�4.):•::�:�:r'r. :•};t May 16,2005 `row Renton City Council Minutes ''40+" Page 183 Utility: Surface Water Utility Utility Systems Division requested authorization to hire a Surface Water Utility Civil Engineer III Hire up to Civil Engineer III at up to Step E of the salary range. Refer to Finance Step E Committee. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Added A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on new development in the R-10 Resolution#3754 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area, and Planning: Highlands Sub-Area establishing a termination date of 11/16/2005 for the moratorium. MOVED BY Plan Study Area Moratorium LAW, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION i 1 AS READ. CARRIED. C1" The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/23/2005 for second and final reading: Annexation: Honey Creek An ordinance was read annexing approximately 27.5 acres generally bounded East, Union Ave NE by 126th Ave. SE on the west;Union Ave. NE on the east; SE 100th St., if extended, on the north; and SE 102nd St. (NE 22nd St.) on the south(Honey Creek East Annexation). MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/23/2005. CARRIED. Annexation: Honey Creek An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of property East,R-8 Zoning annexed within the City of Renton generally bounded by 126th Ave. SE on the west; Union Ave. NE on the east; SE 100th St., if extended, on the north; and SE 102nd St. (NE 22nd St.)on the south from R-6(Urban Residential - six dwelling units per acre; King County zoning)to R-8 (Residential -eight dwelling units per acre)zoning; Honey Creek East Annexation. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/23/2005. CARRIED. Annexation: Maplewood East, An ordinance was read annexing approximately 26.14 acres generally located at SE 136th St& 156th Ave SE the northwest corner of 156th Ave. SE and SE 136th St. (Maplewood East Annexation). MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/23/2005. CARRIED. Annexation: Maplewood East An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of property Annexation,R-4 Zoning annexed within the City of Renton generally located at the northwest corner of 156th Ave. SE and SE 136th St. from R-4(Urban Residential -four dwelling units per acre; King County zoning)to R-4(Residential -four dwelling units per acre)zoning; Maplewood East Annexation. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/23/2005. CARRIED. Annexation: Merritt II, SE An ordinance was read annexing approximately 133 acres located south of SE May Valley Rd &Coal Creek May Valley Rd. and east of Coal Creek Parkway(Merritt II Annexation). Parkway MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/23/2005. CARRIED. May 16,2005 *are Renton City Council Minutes Page 177 must be very strict in the implementation of its codes and regulations, especially those that will relieve the serious and complex surface water issues. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING. CARRIED. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL: SUPPORT R-1 ZONING CONSISTENT WITH THE 1998 PREZONING OF THE SITE; SUPPORT R-4 ZONING CONSISTENT WITH THE 1998 PREZONING OF THIS SITE TO R-5; ACCEPT THE MERRITT II EXPANDED ANNEXATION; AND CONCURRENTLY IMPOSE R-1 AND R-4 ZONING ON PARCELS A AND B IN PHASE I CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. CARRIED. (See pages 183 for ordinances.) PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Highlands Sub-Area accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Keolker-Wheeler opened the Plan Study Area Moratorium public hearing to consider the six-month moratorium on new development in the R-10 (Residential - 10 dwelling units per acre)and RM-F(Residential Multi-Family) zones in the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area generally located between Aberdeen Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, and between NE 23rd St. and NE 5th Pl. Rebecca Lind, Planner Manager, explained that the City is beginning a new sub-area planning process for the Highlands that will result in land use actions and densities needed for redevelopment. This is in line with the 2005 Business Plan. The purpose of the moratorium is to provide time for staff to: develop policies and new development standards; conduct a public outreach program; and gain property owner, business owner, and resident input and support for the plan. Ms.Lind reported the staff recommendation to exclude Renton School District property at Hillcrest School from the moratorium, and noted that the resolution has been revised to that effect. Continuing,Ms. Lind indicated that the subject area's current zoning does not allow the higher densities needed to stimulate a larger redevelopment effort. Some existing lots are large enough to subdivide at lower densities, which perpetuate a land use pattern inconsistent with the adopted City goals and vision for the Center Village Land Use Designation. She stated that the current R-10 zoning allows single-family detached uses in areas that will be evaluated for higher density as part of the Highlands Area Sub-Area Plan. The current RM-F zoning allows piecemeal development of underutilized parcels that undermines implementation of the overall development effort. Ms.Lind stated that staff recommends continuing the six-month moratorium, with review in October. She reported that the study area includes R-8 single- family neighborhoods and commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed-use residential and commercial development at higher densities. She noted that the moratorium does not include these areas, and does not affect commercial businesses or mixed-use projects. Ms. Lind concluded that a moratorium is needed for the following reasons: to provide time to develop new standards that reflect the City's vision for the Highlands, and to work with property owners to implement its goals; to relieve pressure from immediate development in the area; and to improve the City's ability to market property as a result of the new zoning and policy directions. May 16,2005 'time Renton City Council Minutes Page 178 Councilman Corman noted that live fire training is to be conducted on a duplex in the vicinity of Kirkland Ave. NE and NE 16th St., and he inquired if the potential redevelopment of the property will be affected by the moratorium. Ms. Lind stated that she will investigate the matter. Public comment was invited. Kathleen Ossenkop, 3316 NE 12th St., Renton, 98056, stated that she has lived in the area since 1966, and she enjoys her unique street and current life style. She noted the existence of covenants registered with King County in 1949 that limit each parcel on her block to 6,000 square feet. Ms. Ossenkop expressed her concern that increasing the density will negatively affect the quality of life of the residents. Pointing out that the City does not have the infrastructure to support high densities and that more single-family residences are needed, she recommended that the area's zoning remain the same. Iris Adams, 1209 Monroe Ave. NE,Renton, 98056, pointed out that she has lived in the area since 1965, and stated that she is against high density and wants the single-family housing to remain. She also expressed concern about the potential of high-density development on a property that neighbors hers. Councilman Corman stated that the point of the study is to evaluate the density levels. As a Highlands resident, he relayed that he is interested in learning how to encourage redevelopment in areas where aging World War II duplexes exist. Mr. Corman encouraged residents to specify what improvements they want to see in the area, saying that he is convinced the area can be improved. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler emphasized that the subject of the public hearing is the moratorium, and not the development specifics. She pointed out that the moratorium will provide time for the City to conduct the study. Glenda Johnson, 1216 Monroe Ave. NE,Renton, 98056, favored the moratorium, and welcomed the study. She encouraged sensitivity, establishing higher density where it makes sense, and maintaining the character of the neighborhoods. Keith Demps, 2308 NE 24th St., Renton, 98056, voiced his support for the moratorium. He stated that he is a developer and has plans for projects in the area in the upcoming months. Mr. Kemps inquired as to whether he can move forward with his projects. Zanetta Fontes,Assistant City Attorney, explained that vested projects are allowed, which means that the project application must have been accepted by the City prior to the declaration of the moratorium. Discussion ensued regarding the timing of Mr. Demps'projects, the permit process, and the types of projects. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler stated that staff will review Mr. Kemp's issues. Councilman Corman indicated that it is not the City's intent to cause harm, and pointed out that more development options may become available as a result of the study. Fred Crothamel, 2951 74th Ave. SE,Mercer Island, 98040, indicated that he owns five duplexes in the subject area, and voiced his support for higher density. Mr. Crothamel stated that he is in favor of rehabilitating the area and increasing the amount of affordable housing. May 16,2005 *awe, Renton City Council Minutes Nile Page 179 • Keith Thompson, 660 Index P1. NE, Renton, 98056, voiced his support for the moratorium, and pointed out that he owns three properties in the area. While he supports higher densities, he expressed concern that he may be forced to do something with his properties that is beyond his financial capability. Mr. Thompson acknowledged that many properties in the area are not properly maintained, and stated his appreciation for the City's efforts to address code compliance issues. He noted,however, that people choose to live in the duplexes because the rent is affordable and the density is lower. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler assured that regardless of the zoning that is established in the area,property owners will not be required to redevelop unless they choose to do so. Councilman Corman acknowledged that the duplexes provide families with an affordable, "single-family" type lifestyle, and pointed out that his concerns involve those structures that are dilapidated. Ron Christensen, 625 Index Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, stated that he is provided an income from his property, that his property is well maintained, and that its value has increased over the past five years. Mr. Christensen suggested that the City consider sidewalk improvements and underground wiring. Ed Rasmussen, 1300 Monroe Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, pointed out that the density level of the area was changed as a result of a past rezone. He stated that while he is not against progress, he is concerned about how his neighborhood will be affected. He noted that the covenants on the plat in which he lives are still in force. Mr. Rasmussen also expressed his concern that property taxes will increase, forcing people to move out of the area. Owen Dennison, 316 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 320, Seattle, 98104, representing the Renton School District, spoke in support of the revision to the resolution to exclude the Hillcrest School project from the moratorium. He explained that the project is non-residential and will not affect the long-term plans for the area. Bimhl Kumar, 2102 NE 23rd St.,Renton, 98056,expressed concern regarding the time and money the City has already spent on Highlands area planning. He also expressed his concern that people may be displaced. Mr. Kumar noted that he demolished a duplex(lot#34) on Index Ave. NE, and he wants to continue to develop the property. He voiced his frustration with the progress of his project. In response to the Mayor's inquiry, Mr. Kumar stated that he supports the moratorium. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 183 for resolution.) RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:05 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:12 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present except Clawson, previously excused. Annexation: Honey Creek This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in East,Union Ave NE accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker-Wheeler opened the public hearing to consider the proposed annexation and R-8 zoning of 27.5 acres located west of Union Ave. NE and south of SE 100th St. (Honey Creek East). ♦ PUBLIC HEARING HANDOUT Highlands Sub-Area Plan Moratorium May 16, 2005 The City Council adopted two policies in the 2005 Business Plan that directly address priorities for the Highlands. Goal#2 states, "Promote Neighborhood Revitalization." Strategy#3 states, "Create opportunities for new investment in the Highlands and South Renton neighborhoods." The City is beginning a new sub-area planning process for the Highlands that will result in land use actions and densities needed as an incentive for redevelopment in line with the Business Plan. However, in the short term, underutilized land in the area is coming under development pressure due to the rising cost of land in the vicinity. The current zoning does not allow the higher densities needed to simulate a larger redevelopment effort. While many properties are built out with older housing stock, some existing lots are large enough to subdivide at lower densities that perpetuate a land use pattern inconsistent with the adopted City goals and vision for the Center Village Land Use Designation. The current R-10 zoning in Highlands Study Area allows single-family detached uses in areas that will be evaluated for higher density as part of the Highlands Sub-Area Plan. The Residential Multi-Family (RM- F) zoning allows stacked flats and lower density multi-family development. Recent project applications are vesting at a lower density than the zoning currently allows. The City currently has no tools available to discourage these low-density subdivisions and building permits Piecemeal development of underutilized parcels will undermine implementation of the overall redevelopment effort. New low-density residences and/or small-scale multi-family buildings with a long remaining economic life will perpetuate existing patterns of development and conflict with the anticipated sub-area plan. To complete work on the plan, the City needs time to develop policies and development standards and begin a public outreach program to gain property owner, business owner, and resident input into and support of the plan. The Planning Commission will be working on the plan through November 2005. Three public meetings are anticipated including a visioning session and two "open house" meetings, in addition to Planning Commission workshops. Council Committee of the Whole briefings are scheduled monthly during plan preparation. The plan will to be transmitted to the City Council in December 2005. Recommendation It is recommended that the moratorium be established for an initial six-month period, with a review in October, to determine progress toward new zoning standards. At that point, with property owner buy-in of the new land use and zoning concepts, it is anticipated that property owners will support the opportunity for higher density and more efficient land use and will be willing to wait for the new zoning. The study area also includes R-8 single-family neighborhoods and commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed- used residential/commercial development at higher densities. The recommended moratorium would not include these areas and would not effect commercial businesses or mixed-use projects. • — ZTr 11� _ � � � S ``�1 1 °' --� NE 24 1 -11-4_ ''-,,, ,' T.,',„ -, - ,, ,____:-___. _ ,_ ._, .__ H :- til LJ_ d L I --7 _14- 411 - . ,---,-, -\--=, i 1--,'::::7,'-j' 1,,, -_---_,i 1 �, 1� [T1TnT���� I INN �y Ni--, _ k III -r as d • f3rd1 L-' - �' r� : �,-;. .r6 I S y 2 �/ i _ I _ — II ' NM Ofthl, h F?1►1i 1 1 i� NE 20th le imiNIII 1 1 Hi tua- �• ■ IOW- N ft no mum_ ft own INEM MI =II PJII1H _— .� ■■ i■ ri« . �III� i�1. ■ a • . P a �■ �, ill o 0-' 11 �� 8 �� Iiit i" mime ■ s � --� me ) c1411 �i� � : �� , c "Iss-- 13Z 11h I'L61 ![-1 �- U PA 9W �mom � e'er , 0/ , �■i>crl7■ 1, £Wig i� . 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N n 11 IIIIfI[1)♦iN11f EIA 1 - ! m �� 4111CJy11 1�1 12 •` wa - -II I Iu(�. c• r ` �� az �imamulzils ■■�i■1 '-' oJ- 9' Gt> 9 Sod 4��� �o gill������ `►� �� �� _uIll f Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area Moratorium Affects R-10 and RM-F Zoned Properties c " 3{ Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 0 1 000 2000 S' * Alex Pietsch,Administrator G.Del Rosario .......::::..:�.....�:};...., 'FNTO' 3 May 2005 -...-....... ......r'r.;.;.,.''� --...-- ��" HighlandPublicCounc StudyCity AreaHeariMoratorium il ng May 16, 2005 Proposal: Establish a Moratorium Should the City restrict in R-10 and RM-F zones redevelopment within the New development defined as: Highlands Study Area during • Grading permits preparation of the Highlands Sub- • Land clearing • Tree cutting permits Area Plan? • • Building permits • Plats • Lot line adjustments • Site plan review entitlements — —, School District Exemption **" l . �> 1 s x h' xra,, • Exclude Hillcrest School •21 1. a * , • Use is not residential ' "I . a • School improvements needed over next 6 l} ' 4 1 7144i.:•,,Ilitp. months due to )I ° 4t —Increased enrollment , —Changes in attendance area boundaries ' "" �`F .�� �� �l� ,,,fir t v • McKnight Middle School already excluded / `` 4 <»,f -In R-8 zone ? e 1,R. *.4 , $c a 1. .t g 7 �� u 1 2005 Business Plan Highlands Sub-Area Planning Process • Two policies address priorities for the Highlands • Result in land use actions and densities needed as an incentive for redevelopment in line with the • Goal#2"Promote Neighborhood business plan Revitalization" • In the short term,underutilized land in the area is • Strategy#3"Create opportunities for new coming under development pressure due to the investment in the Highlands and South Renton rising cost of land in the vicinity neighborhoods" Need for Moratorium R-10 Zoning • The current zoning does not allow the higher • Allows single-family detached uses in areas densities needed to simulate a larger that will be evaluated for higher density as part redevelopment effort of the Highlands Sub-Area Plan • Some existing lots are large enough to • Recent project applications are vesting at a subdivide at lower densities lower density • Lower density perpetuates a land use pattern inconsistent with the adopted City goals and • The City currently has no tools available to vision for the Center Village Land Use discourage these low-density subdivisions and Designation building permits RM-F Zoning Recent Development In the Study Area • The RM-F zoning allows stacked flats and lower density multi-family development • Since 1999 • Piecemeal development of underutilized parcels will -R-l0 Zone 13 projects undermine implementation of the overall •64 new single-family units redevelopment effort -RM-F Zone 1 project • • New low-density residences and/or small-scale 4 new condominium multi-family buildings with a long remaining economic life • Perpetuate existing patterns of development and conflict with the anticipated sub-area plan 2 • Recent Development, continued Sub-Area Plan • The City needs time —To develop policies and new development standards '`_ • —To conduct a public outreach program —Gain property owner,business owner,and resident € input and support for the plan New Old_..�..-.., Public Process Recommendation • The Planning Commission will be working on • Initial six-month moratorium the plan through November 2005 —Review in October,to determine progress toward • Public meetings are anticipated new zoning standards —Visioning session and two"open house meetings —work with property owners to achieve support of —Focus group sessions with property owners the new land use and zoning concepts —Planning Commission workshops —Goal: Support for higher density and more efficient land use —Council Committee of the Whole briefings Status of the Surrounding Single Family and Commercial Areas A Moratorium in the Highlands Study-Area is Needed • The study area also includes • The City needs time to develop new standards — R-8 single-family neighborhoods that reflect the City's vision for the Highlands, —Commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed- and to work with property owners to implement use residential/commercial development at higher its goals densities • Relieve pressure from immediate development in —The recommended moratorium would not include the area these areas and would not affect commercial • Improve the City's ability to market property as a businesses or mixed-use projects result of the new zoning and policy direction 3 First class mail % UNITED STATES ,, 3547 fee due 70 A ,, Postage and Fees Paid POSTAL SERVICE ,- USPS Restricted Data Permit No. GIO a © CITY OF RENTON •=-" --7=:2, =_._,�' ._n Office of the City Clerk ..:.; / \ .- {+ 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 0 171 I, nu 4 5h1, 11'r.l a: ? - lFb,a A ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED --- mg1'a u.s.posrane g Hie)h,(laM d 5 7,WLWineAr CITY OF RENTON t� �Url - Ci AY 1 6 2005 1"`ti -FAY"• Notice- 1 0 fi A 3233 NE 1i WQ.MA C 1 3233 NE WI y212 RE WA 98o56 I CITY CLERKS OFFICE FWD t Ci/DN 41P L'—ID3i'fP 9005o ILLd,ddL.„LLdI,„d[,d.Jl„dJJ.JL,,,ldddd rt••= WILMA MUTCHIC - - TO THE POSTMASTER OF { .. OLD: 3233 NE 12TH ST APT 212 RENTON WA 98056-3475 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: PO BOX 64549 RENTON WA 98055-9998 TACOMA WA 98464-0549 -05/09/05 14:38 9300340028164 c1:1 proc:20050508 eff:20041012 11 I ' — I ' III 1 I I I III II I 1 11 11 1 1111 1 11 t l l it 1 11 1 II ll 1 1 11 1 11 111 I First class mail PUNITED STATES FORM 3547 fee due 70 0 Postage and Fees Paid POSTAL SERVICE LISPS Restricted Data Permit No. GIO 6 © CITY OF RENTON .v • r :'""'wi'.=`_= � t ; Office of the CIt Clerk .-:5 `r?• '0 _ 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 u: t tlt19 5'D 5 �';.:" :. ::Q ,,..,.F... 4YER ,,,..-n,..• ja7 93 u.5.POSTAGE I! ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 1.491(tIalptic -DGteJo poL' . • CITY OF RENTON lap{ot {art win -pr-i- 354770 RT - MAY 1 6 2005 LES ROBERT L y r �� 4 23001oNFERSO13 ST NE#225 1}�I11� REpTIONWA98056 + RECEIVED CITY CLER'R'S OFFICE e +� 61/1)NI79 C-IDSMP 58056 11.1,d.ddL,..IiI,.n,d,d,.d1d„.Ib,6..II.,.Id.d,I,1 • % • ROBERT LOUIS LEE JR TO THE POSTMASTER OF ;1-r OLD: 2300 JEFFERSON AVE NE APT F225 RENTON WA 98056-8378 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: PO BOX 2863 RENTON WA 98055-9998 RENTON WA 98056-0863 05/09/05 14:38 9300340028152 cl:1 proc:20050508 eff:20050125 II111111111II111t11111IIIIItI1lIlll1III11I111111I11III111I1111 First class mail laUNITED STATES ,ORM 3547 fee due 70 Postage and Fees Paid POSTAL SERVICE USPS Restricted Data Permit No. GIO 6 © CITY OF RENTON .. �.��'�,- : ,s' rt Office of the City Clerk _. j' T%' ;_ rt `!" ( ''9 0,352 A 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 W } ,11r 0 5'0 5 'ra .p t i I47199 O.3•POS TAG E b ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED H-911 laved S bew,to pit CITY OF RENTON ivt()%rttFUG 1(.0)14(.4 ( vfl 813020061004 MAY 1 6 2005 ttt HUGS NS ETBERT I�fA l�yt!p 1150 SUNSET 9BL 805E 225 ( ` L.Li RENTON WA98056 RECEIVED CITY CLERICS OFFICE ,I_ t,Pf C-rGSMF seOSE lid,d..I,II,,,,I,I.,II,,,,1.11,1,.1,.1„I,I„1,1,11 II,I ROBERT HUGGINS TO THE POSTMASTER OF1 OLD: 1150 SUNSET BL VD NE APT 225 RENTON WA 98056-2985 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 3035128THAVE SE RENTON WA 98055-9998 BELLEVUE WA 98005-4329 05/09/05 14:38 9300340028163 c1:1 proc:20050508 eff:20050401 —-- "llttlltllllllltllltllllilllltllllllililltlltltlltllltlllllll First class mail UNITED STATES FORM 3547 fee due 70 0 Postage and Fees Paid 1 0POSTAL SERVICE USPS Restricted Data Permit No. GIO 8 p CITY OF RENTON t;i;r; =?.�;::- Office of the City Clerk - 1 '% •t ca ill+%'�V 1055 South Grad Way-Renton Washington 98055 a.- (111 0 5'0 5 ;sr :0 5 5 2 Y (r::}`a 1 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ` "-f'. 'rB:4cm "`:..?(•..:0 7187in U.3.P03TA0: c ylaid s VGio pole/ilk CITY OF RENTON IJ EL013001 002 GAB►tIELLE 3233 NE 12TH ST UNIT 203 MAY 1 6 2005 E I,D p(�(�/ �FinU( A 161 Xj� RENTON WA 98056 . N RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE run te/ CID1‘)()S? C—Z St1F Si3055 11,1„I„htl,,,Jd,dl„uuthd,ddl II.IJ.u,IIII.,.I EISENHARDT TO THE POSTMASTER OF I.''~ OLD: 3233 NE 12TH ST APT 203 RENTON WA 98056-3461 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 30826 8THAVE SW RENTON WA 98055-9998 FEDERAL WAY WA 98023-4605 05109/05 14:3 8 9300340028165 ci:1 proc:20050508 eff:20040827 l l l l Ill i 11111 1 t l l l l l l l l ll I 1 II 11 I 1111 t It 1 1 t II t It / I! tt t I It I IJ ttt UNITED STATES First class mail `"'' ORM 3547 fee due 70 ¢ ..... Postage and Fees Paid POSTAL SERVICE USPS Restricted Data Permit No. G10 4 p CITY OF RENTON =�;-' _.- ,/.:;_ _:;7.— �,a, rt < y :r Office of the CityClerk ='`"' e 6 `v,. a e 1.�s..r;, 12 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 g N ( Sal 0 5'0 S/1 ,1.i_ <;0.3 n?, (.- t. ! r3'lETCH -5�. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED _ ! 7 I37 19a I u.S.r•o S T n n c` CRY OF RENTON 1411 h laod5 be ve I°fi 1enf MKar{or l u,1.r1 T N N o+I t o 813020007007 MAY 1 2 2005 IEIGIITf CONDOMIIQIUM YATES WOOD-MCDONALD INC Rif lnt rd SEATTLE WA 98109 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FWD tCIV �DN5f C-i SilF 513103 11,6,1,d,...IIIhlsI,Ih.,,I1,.II..,I,IIf IIII.•.•1.1.1 _ •yti YATES WOOD&MACDONALD TO TIIE POSTMASTER OF OLD: PO BOX 19320 SEATTLE WA 98109-1320 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 425 PONTIUS AVE N STE 203 RENTON WA 98055-9998 SEATTLE WA 98109-5450 05/08/05 15 23 9202580047063 cL l proc:20050507 eff:20040701 11,1ui uiLII. Tili.ltlulilt,IJluIuIIiLJILLJJIulliii First class mail UNITED STATES FORM 3547 fee due 70 0 Postage and Fees Paid frail POSTAL SERVICE USPS Restricted Data Permit No. G10 6 ® CITY OF RENTON �T r-----�-? -,-__�.=- - it .t► Office of the City Clerk :: f ",•' w�—g 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 ti sq ; a.110 5'0 5 %s�.il . ,;i Vi y Il j �P ,iercr. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED `' 't.. m u.s-rosr.:a_ CITY OF RENTON t4(9klaV1417 Flo p�� Ro(ob‘(Itkin4Q GLOVE 1 Rs MAY 1 6 2005 GLOVER G06 A 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#13107 9 hLc, tri\A)tk� RENTON WA 98056 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FWD ti C(;1)14'19 C—Yuar`lr' 98056 fld.J.J.IL.:dd.d6d..6.d1.1:.d11 IIL..Id.LI • •% GLOVER TO THE POSTMASTER OF :: OLD; 2300 JEFFERSON AVE NE APT B107 RENTON WA 98056-8370 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 6008 NE 1ST CT RENTON WA 98055-9998 RENTON WA 98059-8551 05/09)05 1438 93003400281 58 c1:1 proc20050508 eff20040809 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I First class mail UNITED STATES a ORM 3547 fee due 70 f „ USPS Postage and Fees Paid POSTAL SERVICE Restricted Data Permit No. GIO p CITY OF RENTON -.a I.Z. `;4 —= Office of the City Clerk =' J Yi? "` r n 7 4l+' i 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 Ill US c r- l All 0 5'0 5 ..'r�r r 0 ? s r.' PB ' .04....-. 714;19a O.S.PO37.1GE ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 1410,(a nth MOO f i,t CM(OF RENTON y Nh�tce Ritual 722780B s�GE}r+fltn4Av PODD� GTON PL MAY 1 2 2005 202 Nva,98056 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE V q/bVif i c-rusrtE-- sass n.I.d..1.n...d,h.u...dd..n.n.,.d.,r.,l.m m ____ _ 711:11)DCMYtY __ TO THFrPOSTMASTER OFpi, OLD: 2020 HARRINGTONPL NE RENTON WA 98056-2304 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 1332 DUVALL AVE NE APT E50 RENTON WA 98055-9998 RENTON WA 98059-4359 05/08/05 15:23 9202580047058 c11 proe:20050507 eff:20050420 -lilt` i1Iln1tl1It1ItltltltIIIIt,I,InI,IItltlttltll,Ilt,tl UNITED STATES First class mail POSTAL SERVICE FORM 3547 fee due 70 0Postage ost a e and Fees Paid Restricted Data Permit No. GIO a p CITY OF RENTON e �, '= > > —..�., Office of the City Clerk W c '� ,' . ri, 1: r�, - am." 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 w w IAa►0 5 0 5 +%1� Q, ��^ r_ � C ,,,k r..� 7�ll19a U.s•POS7.GE ° ADDRESS 0ERVICE REQUESTt CITY RENTON 0101 q,vutc It /etopp1.6, PoYa�o�rlukim �t8504 MAY 1 6 2005 `(� '+��'1 f� � 27500 G Ny� lvli 1 VV✓" � SD1Tf1 EWA9 sez- RECEIVED ,Beill�I)G""S°03 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE rWO U/ toNt-ig CA T.:Pi`iF TEUOS du1u61Ln1Ln.bto1u11I Idd.I.,..Ndd...dll Q GREGG BMRJR SMITH , TO THE POSTMASTER OF a. , OLD: 13715 SE 23RD LN BELLEVUE WA 98005-4025 1055 S GRADY WAY NEW: 6811 RIPLEYLNN RENTON WA 98055-9998 RENTON WA 98056-1529 05/09/05 14:38 930034002 8156 c1:1 proc20050508 eff:20050418 I i l l l l i I l l l l i i l l i i l l i l l l l 1 Inn , ,uttnitlntnlltttttnln ut CD o (11 o 0 4 n33 ca vp a F� .) in a H in (a U AD (t < i ,T 0 0 in 73 0eD -� m co o el N. c„ ..... m E.: r in " g {: v ITT O n1 }} ! r�f9 A in 0 -3 c ra "5 g O ice'{ a..� El z OOo O J r+ i zoo z ° � W � o DI I� pmZo a gyro ;ID � xoo oz w u ,Iz la- > Z t``‘ ; g ox 0 .-j nz ,�� y, , FIRST x • 10 II10 m vDD : ax • d C-IV t� A „r.,-- $ : • U Zninn ,a .bn W 3-i O en ¢ �O� 0N. ,..,ft At z-,-;.x 44.14 A---' Cz0 mm - ,i ' � 1 1 Dxm c� .a rn 41 ,5 c� ua t! : - a£ O m70� i 1T1 m ►� IJ n GTIit;.-1 i 11 -n ca b, U a satrtrtaaztaRs}Q#aP, a to sv.**4- *-¢tom;**#4. y to y01 1 � II - IL #. o W tit © t lit .4111111114 tit C �; p ;1 N w -- % m -, g % mom. 33 a: . % Z 0c/a n � 7: mo # --i o A iij WW '� N � ,. a ✓ � N 4�l!) 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N 1 A �,y O,R (} E S 0€l a.. x FIRST CLAF1.1 x FIRST CLA r. o •an _ ai as v to � 0 ZFma m 41:1 i- :61) if� C b •• _` a t m o c> V. w m r `: t — to 111142 r o 3 o .. vi4,,,.. ? 4 z-- -I -I cr• ''') f., = -4 .4 I -w ,`vio.��" ! 4 µ Wax : �' - _, wv` I &' rillz" n.'0 -< -- •`® 10 DXa+i : nxl -� �Z � ` Is ` von 0 0 012 c M w• 10. #a o Q � ►— as w o O Nu �n p i+ CJ7 co@ 0 cn UN; I -4 Lai li ~ F+ a».asss* t7E 4 • LU U_ i o N WO LL1 c\l > 0 to .-i W tx UW f cis U U HI irk -1 ter: rt.i.I i 'erl , „.1 '= .i C C i , r2 b I g ji �. l ""+"c\ te V -� fro', ii '1 - a_ ' . 'w4 °lit er = :�+ i i ,.? �' � R .� Q} .> 69 Ali- ® gE. .t- . .. -›- > ci I i. E , Q p .a O QE- " L / GZ W O e " 34 2 ' gg i I , :. N. 0) coQ Q ,111) z rT,. 4: O < �. E 00 W V . CI W I R 4: 1— O. r t W 's cl W w P E- 1-1 o a 3 U L v ; . \\ 0 �= \`' COen -� a ct w - '� . aDIAI t -c) 0 0 v ;; ® CITY >F RENTON Noe Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,Mayor Alex Pietsch,Administrator PUBLIC NOTICE Highlands Sub-Area Plan Moratorium May 10, 2005 722780182506 FLETCHER KATIE G 4711 84TH AV SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 You should have already received notice that on May 2, 2005, the City Council enacted a development moratorium in the Renton Highlands for property zoned R-10 and RM-F. Property owners were notified of the opportunity to comment on this moratorium at the City Council meeting on May 16, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the 7th floor of City Hall located at 1055 S. Grady Way. Adoption of this moratorium supports the sub-area planning process for the Highlands. Consistent with goals from the 2005 Business Plan, the sub-area planning process for the Highlands is intended to promote neighborhood revitalization. Providing opportunities for higher density development to stimulate a market driven redevelopment effort will do this. The current zoning in the Highlands perpetuates a land use pattern that is inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and which undermines redevelopment efforts. To complete work on the sub-area plan, the City needs time to develop policies and development standards and begin a public outreach program. Without the moratorium in place, the City has no way to discourage development during the sub-area planning process that may be incompatible with the future redevelopment effort. The entire Highlands Study Area includes the areas zoned R-10, RM-F, some R-8 neighborhoods, and some commercially zoned areas. Only the R-10 and RM-F areas are subject to the six-month moratorium. The Hillcrest school will be excluded from the moratorium as well. In October, the City Council will review the moratorium in light of the progress toward the new sub-area plan. In the mean time, staff will be working on evaluating land use policies, establishing criteria for the redevelopment area, drafting zoning and development regulations for redevelopment, identifying a strategy for infrastructure investment, and determining approaches to implementation and phasing. There will be numerous opportunities for public involvement including open houses and focus groups. There will also be regular briefings presented to the City Council's Committee of the Whole and to the Planning Commission. As part of the public outreach effort for the Highlands sub-area plan, the City is trying to get property owners involved in the process. Please review the enclosed questionnaire and response sheet. Returning the response sheet will ensure that you will receive future informational mailings to interested parties regarding the Highlands sub-area plan. Even if you do not wish to be included in the interested parties mailing list, return of the questionnaire will assist in data collection efforts. The information in the questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential and any identifying information will not be used in conjunction with the responses. If you have any questions about the Highlands sub-area plan, please contact the Economic Development,Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department at (425)430-6575. 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE a • t-,-.:ri tialriT,D1 '''Ll,;,, , s<i;,\---.x._,:.\:,--.-- ,-, 4-,--,„,,,...-14,\ '''---r ,i 4 -,.•. :1- •Tr..-:-.1- •--,-..' \\ ',:- --•‘,- \ -1-1 ,.J ...fylr_ ‘;•----- t. -.-...-------1 7---41 'F"-e.i. ='-' "'''4'".• ' -4-'1 1 NE 1240-r, 751,10,_Li- , l'11.1.i_i_,L.7i.1...L.U._-,..- x.:.) ii,:-.:,'/-c*--,,if N'‘.„'.,-\, ,----',-fl.______i \',:,x.'•", 1 , ., ..._ . ...,i,, 1...-1 1 ! , , i '_,,,.} L-...---- , ,..-.,-- ..,1--1-•, i."1-1-1-1-ErT:T.LTT f n , ‘ i \,1. r• ._1_4-17.V1 'Ili' -1 ..... 1 ET-1 t___.- ti-i--4-4.LitiFTizirplih+-11-1'7"t' 171 1 ri":"7.71:ii 1---..-..--1 i--i- _ILL]Li..'d,:t_LL, J-i.._i_d_1 ;› .14.3.1,- '.\I/1.- lt. \ e.•.:.t.'1="L" • ' ' ri ..,4„--Ji-,, '--- t----T1-1 i--- 1'..-1.-' [Trill rITTITiTTITI-1- Fli''' \----\ •,,a,„..."---."..., :\ e....s.,-., ,,,,,\., ..s..!,-. 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C .sioor' i 1 1 \C411.-./ :?' `--- I i t . ov..), ,-.,,*;,' .,:i-,.,::•::'. 14 , - k • ligir '''', .k. • '''''' a • AIN • , a LI"'OirePlil C: = • \,,,\_____ ,.. ) - ' .' 1',,-- II 01, • #. ,• . r --) It•• ' AA mai ...mk- * .. • . IP ct) ,.... - •, lirq ' 1 . .s1 \II/I , ' ' SQ' 46t. .'4 './C1*(/ -:'/f- .11 21111.W._.•If MM i .Y1, ( - • :41.‘ass '. fr"0,4tV(IFIE4 1 a th/44 r\77,7'7(,---%,--cA-\ "" s• -4-'• ' A • ighlands Sub-Area Plan Study Area Moratorium Affects R-10 and RM-F Zoned Properties 0 1000 2000 a Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning • 'Alex Pietsch,Administrator . + eit . G.„ Del R005osario o'r 3 HIGHLA )S SUB-AREA PLAN QUEST, NNAIRE Do you reside in the Renton Highlands? ❑ Yes ❑ No How many properties do you own in the Highlands Study Area? (See enclosed map) ❑ 1 ❑ 2-3 ❑ 4 or more What are the addresses of those properties? (Attach additional sheet if necessary) Please check as many answers as apply. My Highlands property is valuable to me because: The Highlands is my home and my community ❑ The Highlands is an affordable place to live ❑ The rents generated on the property contribute to my income ❑ I have invested in the area in anticipation of redevelopment ❑ I want to tear down existing housing and rebuild ❑ I want to subdivide my property ❑ Other Please check as many answers as apply. The follow statement(s) describe my feelings about redevelopment in the Highlands: ❑ The neighborhood is just fine the way it is and should be left alone ❑ Redevelopment will give me a greater return on my investment ❑ Redevelopment will help to clean-up parts of the neighborhood that need it ❑ Redevelopment will give provide a good opportunity for me to sell property ❑ I worry that redevelopment may affect my current plans for my property ❑ Redevelopment will provide more options for development of my property ❑ The Highlands will be less affordable after redeveloping ❑ My property will be worth more after redevelopment ❑ There may be pressure to make property improvements that I don't want to make or can't afford to make ❑ I worry that nothing will really happen with the redevelopment plan ❑ The City should let market conditions redevelop the Highlands ❑ Other XXXXXXXXX -Cut here if you don't want to receive further mailings- XXXXXXXXX ❑ I wish to be added to the Interested Parties list and receive future mailings about the Highlands Sub-Area Plan project. ❑ I would be willing to participate in a focus group discussion with other property owners. Name Mailing Address City State ZIP Phone Number( ) Email address Confidential Questionnaire-Information from this questionnaire is for City staff review only. Identiing information will not be used in conjunction with the responses. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 16th day of May, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time of a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Moratorium on new development in the R-10 (Residential 10 dwelling-units/acre) and RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) zones in the Highlands Study Area, located generally between Aberdeen Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, and between NE 23rd St. and NE 5th Place. (For details, call 425-430-6575.) All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502. 134171414e24. 'G Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal May 6, 2005 Account No. 50640 5/5/2005 Notice sent to 578 Parties of Record, per attached labels. D. Evans cc: Rebecca Lind, EDNSP NOTE: These 2 labels have incomplete addresses and were not used for this mailing. 722780105507 082305913707 UNITES, STATES STATE OF WASHINGTON 800 00 I - NE 24 - 1�4�h Pt' "! 111 --- II gliniVen_ ` VOI-�� _ �jI17T�_� i I Him i © life iv: �, II _ lir111! , 1st St 4111 we V., 11.110441 �� Cl•1grmJ1g ma 11111 �L'J� l� r�i■i NE 20th ry 1a .- . _!� .— oo IIiA r ■■ omlull. a ■ .,9 MN'ion � - c�11/ iI' ..$0,-(war II■ e / _ : aft b.ooer E- ■■■■. F■ awi/ C Elm L.J.IEmp3 ■��mall •1111/ � ■■ a i19R! y s-79,,,,liffil 6%; 11 .,:-. 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98075 813020071003 813020054009 780130029009 BLANKSTON JULIAN BOERS TREVOR BOURASLAN JINAN 1150 SUNSET BV NE#327 1150 SUNSET BL NE#126 3233 NE 12TH ST#214 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780167002 382530009002 354770041003 BOWERS SANDRA BRAATEN RYAN K BRADLEY TRACY L 1135 HARRINGTON AV NE 1160 MONROE AV NE#B3 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#J142 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 814345001006 813020075004 354770007004 BRAN ROSA MARIA BRITTON WILLIAM BROWN GARY E 3059 E SHOREWOOD DR#683 1150 SUNSET BL NE UNIT 119 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#A-203 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 773610000509 780130021006 354770064005 BROWN MARGUERITE BROWNE MICHAEL L BROWNELL RICHARD N+CATHERIN 1309 MONROE NE 12604 2ND AV S 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#F 223 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98068 RENTON WA 98056 388832005002 813020038002 780130033001 BUENBRAZO RODERICK BUI DONNY X BUI LAN CONG 1907 KIRKLAND PL NE 1150 SUNSET BL NE#214 3233 NE 12TH ST#303 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 245720019604 813020023004 722780005004 BURROWS DAVID W+SUSAN T BUSTOS MARIO ALBERTO ARANA CALHOUN JERRY 1620 ROLLING HILLS AV S 1150 SUNSET BLVD NE UNIT 307 2008&2004 HARRINGTON CIR RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780171509 092305905702 092305916204 CALLAHAN P CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH CAMARENA JOSE MEZA+MARIA DE 3708 NE 10TH ST 1032 NE EDMONDS AV LA TORRE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 3317 NE 12TH ST RENTON WA 98056 813020060006 722780195508 722780135504 CAMPBELL WAYNE E CAPPERAULD VICTORIA L CARLTON VISTA LLC 14620 SE 213TH 28046 121ST AV SE 2103 LAKESHORE DR KENT WA 98042 KENT WA 98030 MANSON WA 98831 Ati3AV-09-008-L ®091S wege6 al zesiii;fl ®09I S®AMBAV 0 wo)tiane•AWAMIME apideJ a6etpas a la a6e.unogpue uoissaidwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing smiim www.avery.com C:\ AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® ... .. 1-800-GO-AVERY 722780150503 722780000500 %110813020034001 CARTER DEAN E CARY KARAN E CASTANEDA CARLOS E ACRE 42918 SE CEDAR FALLS WY 2009 HARRINGTON CIRC NE 1150 SUNSET BL NE#210 NORTH BEND WA 98045 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780001003 354770020007 227000006006 CASTRO JOSE M CASTRO ORLANDO CHAKRA 1 LLC 2017 HARRINGTON CIR NE 2300 JEFFERSO AV#D116 6947 COAL CREEK PKWY SE#228 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 NEWCASTLE WA 98059 813020009003 245720019703 354770071000 CHAN-WONG KAM Y CHAU LINH M CHAVEZ JOAN H 801 RAINIER AV N#212 850 HARRINGTON AV NE 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#G-130 SEATTLE WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813729004008 780130006007 354770050004 CHEN HENG-PEI CHESAK DAVID+ROXANNE CHEUNG CHI-CHUNG+WONG 2200 NE 10TH ST#B 3233 NE 12TH ST#106 REBEKAH SAU WA RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#K147 RENTON WA 98056 388832012008 722780168000 813020004004 CHHUM THAN+DAYNA P CHIN PROPERTY COMPANY INC CHMIELEWSKI JESSICA 2810 SW 106TH ST 20029 HW 99#202 1150 SUNSET BLVD NE#104 SEATTLE WA 98146 LYNNWOOD WA 98036 RENTON WA 98056 722780064506 813020079006 CHRISTENSEN RONNY CHU PHILIP This label intentionally left blank 625 INDEX AV 4247 S EDDY ST RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98118 354770037001 813020002008 722780129507 CLINGAN KRISTIN L COCHRANE LINDA K COLE LETTY E 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#I 138 1150 SUNSET BL NE#102 1073 HARRINGTON AV NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780166509 388832014004 722780002506 COLLODI FLORIO+PATRICIA A CONDIT GRAHAM A CONLEY ALBERT+PEGGY L 3709 JONES AV NE 3137 NE 20TH PL 2732 S JUDKINS RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98144 722780180500 042305918809 092305917004 CONRAD KEVIN CORMAN CATHERINE L COVARRUBIAS SERGIO 1427 INDEX AVE NE 2216 HARRINGTON PL NE 1170 MONROE AV NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 388832011000 354770070002 813020055006 CRANE LORI M CRESTO MARY H CRIPPEN EARL 3134 NE 19TH PL 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#G129 1150 SUNSET BL NE#B3-127 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 A2i3AV-09-008-L ®091.S Wege6 al zasiii111 ®09LS ®A213AV 0 woYAaanewwwMIMI aPidea a6etpas a 40 a6eaanogiwe uo!ssaadwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing IMES, www.avery.com CA Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® 1-800-GO-AVER" AVERY®5160® 230920008003 722780185004 722780184502 CRITTENDEN MARK CROTHAMEL FREDERICK W CROTHAMEL FREDERICK+CHERIE 1213 DAYTON PL NE JR+CROTHAMEL CHERIE A 14205 SE 36TH ST SUITE 100 RENTON WA 98056 2951 74TH AV SE BELLEVUE WA 98006 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 722780173000 722780079504 722780138003 CROTHAMEL FREDICK CRUEGER JOAN M DALPAY PROPERTIES L L C 1408 INDEX AV N#1410 PO BOX 1455 PO BOX 2436 RENTON WA 98056 MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 RENTON WA 98056 722780165584 092305918606 722780154505 DALRYMPLE LENNICE A DANG FRANK P DANIELSON LESTER I 1209 JEFFERSON AV NE 968 EDMONDS AV NE 2204 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780179502 227000015007 814345002004 DAO EMILIE DE ROJAS PATRICIA SANCHEZ ET DEMEKE DEREJE+TEKIU ELSA PO BOX 40462 AL 1153 HARRINGTON AV NE BELLEVUE WA 98005 8515 NE 135TH ST RENTON WA 98056 KIRKLAND WA 98034 382530012006 922590009002 722780181508 DENGYIN XU DESHAW ERIC DEXPRO LLC 1160 MONEROE AV NE#2C 955 EDMONDS AV NE#201 PO BOX 25926 RENTON WA 98004 RENTON WA 98056 FEDERAL WAY WA 98093 813020080004 354770003003 354770043009 DICKEY RAFAEL DINKINS BYRON DIXON JAN M 1150 SUNSET BL NE#220 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#A103 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#J-240 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 388832002009 354770038009 227000013002 DO LAN K DO MY DOLLEMAN RICHARD L 1925 KIRKLAND PL NE 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE 2406 NE 11TH CT RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 388832004005 722780089008 354770031004 DOUANGPHACHANH KHEMPHONE DOWNS JUDITH DOYLE CHRISTOPHER 1913 KIRKLAND PL NE PO BOX 82 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#H232 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98111 RENTON WA 98058 206750008008 382530002007 780130016006 DRESSLER LOIS J DU THANH KIEN DUBOSE EDGAR L+LINDA 20502 SE 287TH ST 1160 MONROE AV NE STE 2A 3233 NE 112TH ST#201 KENT WA 98042 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020048001 780130024000 388832003007 DUKE PAULINE ANN DUNCAN DONALD L&MARY J DUNCAN KELLY J 1150 SUNSET BL NE 10119 128TH AV SE 1919 KIRKLAND PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 A113AV-09-008-L ®091.51uege6 al zasiiiln 009IS®AU3AV CI wo)tienewumn MOM apidea a6eyp9s a la a6e.unogilue uoissaadwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing Immo www.avery.com n AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® ..m.w. 1-800-GO-AVERY NS 44111.° 813020015000 722780080007 813020074007 DUNGEY PHILIP A+WINNIE W EAGLE DON C EDWARDS BOBBY G 2312 SE 2ND PL 2936 2938 NE 6TH ST 14311 124TH AV NEB 19 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 KIRKLAND WA 98034 813020008005 780130018002 722780078001 EDWARDS JAMES EISENHARDT GABRIELLE EISENHAUER RICHARD D+ARDITH 1150 SUNSET BL NE#108 3233 NE 12TH ST UNIT 203 161 BLACK FOREST DR RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 PLOVER WI 54467 230920018002 922590008509 813020077000 ELIZABETH PLACE HOMEOWNERS ELZIG BETTY/LESTER ENG LORENA E ASSN 2405 NE 10TH ST 1150 SUNSET BL NE#217 2412 NE 13TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 722780071501 722780151006 722780090501 ENGELAND MARIE J ERICKSON ROBERT E&MARIE P EVANS HAYES JR 2914 NE 6TH ST 1407 G ST SE 2805 NE 8TH ST RENTON WA 98056 AUBURN WA 98002 RENTON WA 98056 722780163506 354770035005 722780061007 FAKHARZADEH M HADI FALKNER KRISTIN M FAULKNER RODNEY+KELLY PO BOX 78404 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#1136 2915 NE 6TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020064008 780130005009 813020057002 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC C/O FENKNER TINA LEA FERN JOHN GMAN MTG CO 3233 NE 12TH ST#105 1150 SUNSET BL UNIT 221 500 ENTERPRISE RD STE 150 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 HORSHAM PA 19044 206750005004 722750054008 722780168505 FESER MALCOM D FIELDS TOMMY M+BRENNA M FINCH SCOTT+SAVITHA 2301 NE 10TH PL 2611 NE SUNSET BL 6457 LK WA BL SE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 NEWCASTLE WA 98056 722780021001 780130035006 722780192000 FISHER KENNETH L+CATHERINE L FITZHUGH WILLIAM A FLETCHER JONATHAN PO BOX 22636 3233 NORTHEAST 12TH ST#305 8460 SE 47TH ST SEATTLE WA 98122 RENTON WA 98056 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 722780001508 722780182506 722780005509 FLETCHER JONATHAN M FLETCHER KATIE G FLETCHER STEVE L 2500 81ST AV SE#104 4711 84TH AV SE 2024 HARRINGTON CIR NE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98056 722750060005 813020056004 780130010009 FLOTH KEVIN FORTUNE JOAN M FRANCIS JASON L+LINDA B 24700 214TH AV SE 1150 SUNSET BOULEVARD#128 3233 NE 12TH ST#110 MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 Aa3AV-O9-008-L 009LS luege6 at zasiii;B 009LS®JU3Ad 0 wontienewuwnn MIN apidea a6etpas a la a6e.unogilue uoissaidwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing Immo www.avery com CA AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® IIIIIIIIIIIMM 1-800-GO-AVER' 814345003002 722780197504 •..., 922590007501 FRANCUM LUIS R FRANZ JULIA BISBEE FREEMAN SCOTT A+STEPHANIE K 1157 HARRINGTON AV NE#3 1721 HARRINGTON AV NE 2321 NE 10TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 354770024009 813729002002 813020036006 GALLAGHER DONNA N GALLIANO RESIDENTIAL PROPER GARMAN GREG&SHANNON 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#D-216 P 0 BOX 3437 2436 SW 149TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 BURIEN WA 98166 722780194006 813020005001 227000014000 GAROT EUGENE O+GAROT JOAN L GARRETSON CHERYL GATCHALIAN DELFIN E+DAISY W TRUST 1150 SUNSET BL NE#105 2403 NE 11TH CT PO BOX 5001 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 KENT WA 98064 722780155502 722780153002 780130008003 GELASHVILLI TSIURI GIBBONS NONA M GILLESPIE RUBY A 1518 JEFFERSON AV NE PO BOX 2767 3233 NE 12TH ST#108 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780024500 354770004001 354770069004 GILLETTE KIMBERLEY D GLADNEY JENNIFER A GLASS RICHARD A 1324 KIRKLAND AV NE 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#A104 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#G-128 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020076002 722750059007 354770011006 GLEASON DALE&ANN GLENWOOD 906 L L C GLOVER GLENN A 10408 MEADOWLARK CT E 3437 60TH AV SW 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#B107 BONNEY LAKE WA 98390 SEATTLE WA 98116 RENTON WA 98056 722780167507 354770065002 227000011006 GOODMAN RONALD J&SHARON GOTTA RENEE D GOZZIP PAUL SR+ANELITA 2916 91ST AV E 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#F-224 1154 EDMONDS PL NE PUYALLUP WA 98371 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 082305913806 230920004002 722780011507 GRAHAM STELLA LORRAINE GREEN PATRICIA A GREISING GERI N+PAUL L 2320 NE 10TH PL 1218 DAYTON PL NE 2010 KIRKLAND PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 354770036003 382530004003 722780150008 GRIFE JASON GRISIUS DONA MARIE GUARINO ANTHONY+MICHELLE 2308 SE 8TH DR 1160 MONROE AV NE#4A 1429 KIRKLAND AV NE RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780066006 722780193008 388832018005 GUILLEN HENRY GUSTMAN WALLY H GUTIERREZ ELISEO+TINA M PO BOX 3284 1719 INDEX AV NE 3130 NE 20TH PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 ®0915®AlI3Ad DAIRAV-09-008-L 00915 wege6 ai zasiii;B woYA.19AMMM iMEN aPldea a6eypas a;a a6e.unoggue uo!ssaadwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing Mimi www.avery.com Di AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® =.1. , 1-800-GO-AVERY 382530017005 354770034008 722780026000 HAIMING CUI HALASZ GARRIEL&JESSICA HALLESY HAROLD W 1160 MONROE AV NE#5D 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#H235 830 SW CHANNON DR RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98166 082305907709 227000005008 922590004508 HAMBLIN TRAVIS HANAN KEVIN A+LEA R HANCOCK ROBERT D 2314 NE 10TH ST 1178 EDMONDS PL NE 2215 NE 10TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 388832016009 354770028000 245720019802 HANSARD JOSEPH D HANSEN MARY HARRIS JOHN F&LINDA L 3142 NE 20TH PL 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#H133 1115 N 35TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 780130042002 813020043002 780130002006 HARRIS NYCHOLLE M HARRIS SHAUNDA L HART AARON 3233 NE 12TH ST#312 1150 SUNSET BL NE 2-311 3233 NE 12TH ST#102 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020022006 722780183108 813020006009 HARUTUNYAN HUSIK HAWTON JENNIFER HAYES SHAREECE S 1150 SUNSET BL#306 1308 HARRINGTON AV NE 1150 SUNSET BL NW#106 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 082305914507 722780003009 082305915900 HEDINGTON RHONDA L HEDRICK RICHARD C JR HENISER HEATHER TAJ 2021 S 244TH PL 2009 HARRINGTON AV NE 2300 NE 10TH PL DES MOINES WA 98198 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020032005 227000001007 206750006002 HERNANDEZ LUIS E HINTZ LORI HIRES JESSIE K&JULIA A 1150 SUNSET BL NE#116 1194 EDMONDS PL NE 2217 NE 10TH PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 082305914002 722780066501 388832009004 HOBBS SHANNEN HOFF LINTON HOTTELL PAUL R 2326 NE 10TH PL 551 INDEX AV NE 3141 NE 19TH PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 922590002007 813020061004 008900009005 HUDGINS KRISTINE R HUGGINS ROBERT HUME INVESTMENTS LTD 2322 NE 10TH ST 1150 SUNSET BL NE 225 401 1124 LONSDALE AV RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 NORTH VANCOUVER BC V7M2H1 722780068507 722780201009 082305905901 HUMPHRIES SCOTT W HUNT GEORGE R HUNT JR ROBERT C+PHYLLIS A 634 HARRINGTON AV NE 1911 HARRINGTON CIRC NE 2210 NE 10TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 Aa3AY-O9-008-I. 009LS tpege6 al zasiiiIB ®091c ®A213AV 0 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98056 092305913508 092305912401 922590006503 KINDLE VERLA L KOE ROBERT L KRZYCKI R 3419 NE 12TH ST 11717 64TH AV S 2307 NE 10TH ST RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98178 RENTON WA 98055 Aa3AV-09-008-L ...1 ■ 009LS Wege6 a1 zasiii}B ®09L5 ®A213AV CI worAJane•MMM MEN apidea abet s a;a a6e.unoq ue uo!ssaadwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing immin www.avery.com �1 AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® �. 1-800-GO-AVERY ►�J 722780174008 NW 722780000203 S10813020030009 KUMAR SUBHASHNI B KUPFERER KANON L KWONG SO-YING 2102 NE 23RD ST 2016 HARRINGTON PL NE 5511 S BANGOR ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98178 722780083100 722780131008 722780139001 LAFRANCHI VICTOR+GLORIA LAITILA WILLIAM P+JENNIFER A LALANGAN IRENEO V+SUSAN M 801 GRANT AV S 1058 GLENNWOOD AV NE 1150 MONROE AV NE RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98057 RENTON WA 98056 388832007008 388832017007 780130036004 LAM TRANG LAW GAN CHIN LE NHUAH THI 3133 NE 19TH PL 3136 NE 20TH PL 3233 NE 12TH ST UNIT 306 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 354770066000 722780060504 230920013003 LEE ROBERT L LEIGHTON RONALD I+CALLY A LELAND PAUL 2300 JEFFERSON ST NE#F225 14112 SE 167TH ST 1205 N 27TH PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98056 722780174503 722780177001 230920010009 LEUNG SUN WING ET AL LEWIS BONNIE J LEWIS DESI D 3010 171ST AV S 1520 HARRINGTON AVE N E 2408 NE 13TH ST SEATTLE WA 98144 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 230920003004 722780021506 206750009006 LEWISON CHRISTIAN L+ANNA J LIMING LOREN D LINGLE HILLARY S 1222 DAYTON PL NE 3102 NE 15TH PL 2207 NE 10TH PL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 388832019003 042305933402 722780007000 LIU YONG FENG+PING HAO LOEBE DAVID A LONEY BRUCE&JAYNE 2012 NE KIRKLAND PL 2040 KIRKLAND PL NE 16920 NE 100TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 REDMOND WA 98052 722780175005 722780061502 813020063000 LONEY BRUCE A+JAYNE R LONG ARTHUR F LOOMER SCOTT A 1520 INDEX AV NE 12201 SHOREWOOD DR SW 1150 SUNSET BL NE#227 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98146 RENTON WA 98056 042305933204 354770055003 813729003000 LOONEY WILLIAM A LOREE THOMAS+BARBARA LUC VINH PO BOX 1435 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#E122 2200 NE 10TH ST#A TACOMA WA 98401 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 082305909408 354770060003 354770044007 LUKOWSKI DAVID G+JACKIE L MACDONALD RITA MAE MADDEN LENA 1164 CAMAS AV NE 2300 JEFFERSON AV#F123 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#J241 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 Aa3AV-O9-008-I. =mom ®09LS weqe6 el zesiiilf ®09IS®A213Ad CA woritaaAMARM =NMePidea a6e439s a;e a6eunoggue uoissaadwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing immi www.avery.com , AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® ® 1-800-GO-AVERY 773610001002 *."` 722780134002 813729001004 MAGNUSON JAMES C MALETTA DONALD M&M J MAO BORAVY NHEAN 523 UNION AV NE 1509 N 24TH ST 2204 NE 10TH ST UNIT#A RENTON WA 98059 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020059008 722780065008 092305905801 MAPLE-WORKMAN MATHEWS PROPERTY MATHIESON FLORENCE B DONA+WORKMAN DEVELOPMEN PO BOX 2025 15529 SE 176TH ST PO BOX 58771 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98058 354770047000 230920016006 813020027005 MATTSON JOEL P MAYI DIEUDONNE+BIBIANE MAYO TERI K 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE K 144 2432 NE 13TH ST 1150 SUNSET BL NE#111 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780199500 722780063508 780130026005 MAYTON BRUCE PAUL MCCANE JOHNNIE M MCCAUGHAN MAUREEN M PO BOX 58079 2801 NE 6TH PL 3233 NE 12TH ST#211 TUKWILA WA 98138 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 245720019307 722780070503 722780073002 MCCLINCY TIMOTHY W MCCORMICK RESIDENTIAL RENTAL MCCREADY KRAIG A+SHELLEY R 4604 NE 4TH LLC 626 INDEX AV NE RENTON WA 98059 191 MAPLEWAY DR RENTON WA 98056 SELAH WA 98942 922590001603 354770002005 813020067001 MCCREADY MARIAN R MCDONALD JAMES R MCKINNEY WILLIAM 2318 NE 10TH ST 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#A 102 1150 SUNSET BL NE 323 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780132501 780130019000 780130028001 MCPHERSON DOROTHEY R MEARS CHRISTOPHER M MECHAM RICHARD L 1140 GLENWOOD AV NE 3233 NE 12TH ST#204 3233 NE 12TH ST RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 354770039007 082305906909 813020021008 MERRELL JOSEPH J MERSAI TEIZI MESSIAH FA'IZAH A 2300 JEFFERSON AVE NE J 140 2404 NE 10TH PL 1150 SUNSET BL NE#305 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 722780180005 722780173505 042305930101 MILLER RICKIE J+DEBRA K MONTES JOSE MONTGOMERY MICHELLE L 16637 ISSAQUAH HOBART RD SE RODRIGUEZ+DELGADO MARTIN M 2025 KIRKLAND PL NE ISSAQUAH WA 98027 1418 A/B INDEX AV NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780200506 388832006000 354770042001 MOORE KIRK+LINDA MOORE PATRICIA D MORAN KATHRYNE F 1901 HARRINGTON CIR NE 1901 NE KIRKLAND PL 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#J143 RENTON WA 98027 KIRKLAND WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 A1J3AV-09-008-L ®09LS i!Jege6 ai zasiii}B ®091S®AU3Ad 0 worLianeMMM IIII ap!dei a6eq s a;a a6eJJnogp.ue uoissaidwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing ® www.avery.com a AVERY® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® ' iiii=' 1-800-GO-AVERY 11401 St 780130040006 227000009000813020049009 MORTIER KELLEY M MOSQUEDA 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CHAU PHUC+DANG 640 INDEX AV NE 2018 HARRINGTON PL SE DUC RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 667 INDEX PL NE RENTON WA 98056 722780133509 354770046002 354770049006 NGUYEN TRI MINH NGUYEN TUYEN D NICKSON SHELLEY R 2601 NE 12TH ST 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#J-243 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#K-146 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 722780202007 354770052000 780130015008 NICULESCU OFELIA NOBLE ESTHER NORDSTROM TERESA ANN 1923 HARRINGTON CIR NE 2300 JEFFERSON NE#E119 3233 NE 12TH ST#115 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780202502 354770067008 722750058009 NOVINSKI C R NYEGAARD LORI M OBERMEIT RICHARD 2019 HARRINGTON PL NE 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#226 28707 13TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 092305917301 722780164009 813020068009 OBRIEN DONALD E+MARYLYNN E ODREN JERRY+SHAREN OGDEN ROSEMARI A 3327 NE 12TH ST 11625 SE 88TH ST 1815 14TH AV#6 RENTON WA 98056 NEWCASTLE WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98122 AH3AV-O9-008-1 ®09t5 4peqe6 al zasm n 4)09IS®AtI3AV 0 WO 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98056 722780179007 230920006007 082305919506 POWERS PATRICK H PRIDDLE MATTHEW+JENNIFER PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC 1523 INDEX AV NE 1204 DAYTON PL NE 611 NW 3RD ST RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 BELLEVUE WA 98009 722780170006 722780200001 813020024002 PUREWAL BALBIR S PURGANAN ISMAEL G+ADORACION PURVIS JAY G 10905 167TH AV NE 1837 HARRINGTON AV NE 1150 SUNSET BL NE#308 REDMOND WA 98052 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020019002 773610004105 773610004501 RAMIREZ NORMA 0 RASMUSSEN EDWIN+PATRICIA A RASMUSSEN PATRICIA A+EDWIN 1150 SUNSET BL NE UNIT 303 1300 MONROE AV N FRANKLIN RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 1300 MONROE AV NE RENTON WA 98056 773610005508 780130009001 780130011007 RAVENSCRAFT JAY O+JILL M REDDY CHAD REDDY CHADA S 16812 NE 11TH PL 16277 SE 63RD ST 3919 SW 313TH BELLEVUE WA 98008 BELLEVUE WA 98006 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 227000007004 922590008004 354770019009 REED KEVIN REICHOW FAMILY LLC REID SHERRI 1170 EDMONDS PL NE 26409 148TH AV SE 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#D-115 RENTON WA 98056 KENT WA 98042 RENTON WA 98056 722780019005 722780140009 722780015508 RENTON HOUSING AUTH RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 3017 NE 16TH ST 970 HARRINGTON NE 435 MAIN AV S RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 All AY-O9-008-1 009LS 4Jege6 al zasiy;B ®09LS®AZ13AV 0 woYMane•iuuuuu apidei a6etpas a la a6eiinogll.ue uolssaidwl Jam and Smudge Free Printing NMI www.avery.com 0 AVE(Y® 516Q® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® ... ... 1-800-GO-AVERY 354770017003 354770018001 773610005003 O'LAUGHLIN MICHAEL J OLIVE DONALD J+OLIVE ANN G OLSCHEFSKI BRADLEY 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#C113 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#C114 R+ELIZABETH A ET AL RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 6947 COAL CREEK PW#257 NEWCASTLE WA 98059 773610001507 813020017006 722780194501 OSSENKOP DENNIS G OSTLUND MARIANNE R PACECCA ROCCO 3316 N E 12TH ST 1150 SUNSET BL NE UNIT 301 3870 80TH AV SE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 722780153507 780130014001 780130007005 PACECCA VINCENZO A PADERES GALEN PAGE MICHELLE M 3870 80TH AV SE 3233 NE 12TH ST#114 3233 NE 12TH#107 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 96805 780130013003 354770030006 230920007005 PALMER MARCUS L PARKE TERRI L PARKER NICHOLAS R 3233 NE 12TH ST#113 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#H135 1209 DAYTON PL NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 813020066003 354770006006 722780199005 PARKVIEW HOMES/EXCEPTIONAL PASICH CHRISTOPHER PATRICK VICKI K CHILDREN 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#A-202 1813 HARRINGTON AV NE P 0 BOX 65157 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 SHORELINE WA 98155 230920017004 722780160007 722780176003 PATULOT SILVINO P PAULUS GERALD J&EUNICE B PEDERSEN FLORENCE J 2436 NE 13TH ST 1617 JONES AV NE 17016 27TH ST E RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 SUMNER WA 98390 722780069000 722780172002 227000016005 PENALOZA WILLIAM PEPIN KENNETH W PEREZ JOSE+FABIOLA HERNANDEZ 16213 142ND AV SE 14800 250TH PL SE 2415 NE 11TH CT RENTON WA 98058 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 RENTON WA 98056 722780137005 922590005604 354770021005 PERRINE LINDA C PERSIAN GERALD R PERSINGER CAROL JEAN 1155 GLENWOOD AV NE 2303 NE 10TH ST 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#D117 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 722780087002 722780152004 722780132006 PERSSON TERRY G&BILLIE C PETERSON CHARLES A+DIANE C PETERSON JOHN S 2821 NE 8TH PL 16954 151ST AV SE 1007 N 36TH RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98058 RENTON WA 98056 813020052003 354770061001 780130017004 PETERSON KATHRYN L PETERSON KIMBERLY PETROV ANATOLY 1150 SUNSET BV NE#124 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#F124 1069 LYNNWOOD AV NE RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 09L5®A2��d Aa3AV-09-008-1 ®09LS luege6 al zasmil ® wo3 AJane•MMM apideJ a6e4pas a la e6eiinogliue uoissaJdwi Jam and Smudge Free Printing mom www.avery.com 1 AVE(�® 5160® Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® 1-800-GO-AVERY V 773610003008 Nr.► 780130044008 "'� 354770014000 SCHREVEN WILLIAM+MARY SCHWEDER NICOLE CHRISTIN SCOFIELD MARJORIE 1324 MONROE AV NE 3233 NE 12TH ST 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#C-110 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 722780009501 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SCHLEGELMILCH DANIEL+SUMEI SCHOUTEN DEENA 3233 NE 12TH ST UNIT 301 3143 NE 20TH PL 2300 JEFFERSON AV NE#D218 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 (� MAY-OD-008-1. ®09LS w!aege6 el zasii13f1 ®091.5 ®AZI V 3AV WOYLIane-Mnnnn1111•11111 apldea e6eyp9s g la e6eunoq ue uoissaadwl Jam and Smudge Free Printing www.avery.com Use Avery®TEMPLATE 5160® . 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(For details, call 425-430-6575.) 1. 13/6- /2/Otugog. /V. , 7. /COI - I Ndek 2. wrS `01A/ .g , 8. / 41; N, . 16T14 3. )\L . 9 ' /-) ci Iri N(7-)n) 9. 1410/9(ci„ivi . liw/0/0,/v CP'/!/ • 4. n,L Li P'' M De l- P'4 /) . 10. i l 1� ) 1�k,/a- ' f,& gu,2 . 5. sA;2 . l0 // g&m0wA5 11. /Ui .)e M 6. 1150- ‘,/e®n/wood, • 12. /�,�, l3 k►Qk�� N� . CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) § COUNTY OF KING ) I )/1)s , /c5')v hereby certify that i_>2 copies of the attached notice were posted by me regarding the property described above on the day of .4j2 . SIGNED SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this day of igt_Q , 2005" . iiim/h7441,4. SIGNED: /*I iis""'F+,; LN lPrinted Name: 2Z,orcal I- tV�.k S le� �°1^Rr % NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State Of PVBLIG :1.1.1 Washington, Residing At 07--A e_l f :?'•F„F19:S•\a�tit�+�‘ My Commission Expires: //-i 9-a 00i *4160, 0 TY ,,t NOTICE '''.NT0 RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 16, 2005 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Moratorium on new development in the R-10 (Residential 10 dwelling- units/acre) and RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) zones in the Highlands Study Area, located generally between Aberdeen Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, and between NE 23rd St. and NE 5th Place (For(For details, call 425-430-6575.) �i�'. �- NE Tl-t7 u 7sf11., \`,.I\ ��1tJ,,-,,,,,m\-, / :IIE. 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QQ out n=: 1mn nmw 11 111ortlf..[ .:4;.:Q1' !, I "✓1 S 1LC1 'lYIIII II.C19ii!:-,._ All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description& further information available in the City Clerk's Office_425-430-6510 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of WWarning ! this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. &E NOTICE � °.�N2 RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 16, 2005 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Moratorium on new development in the R-10 (Residential 10 dwelling- units/acre) and RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) zones in the Highlands Study Area, located generally between Aberdeen Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, and between NE 23rd St. and NE 5th Place. (For details, call 425-430-6575.) -li I fib ratme. ,„ '--- m U warn SSte: i ■u 1::1r 1 — rr pa oil IIII.n11110 ► %, ��1]�(CllGlla��--��--��. 1 1111�,u1! tutor i• r -��SL .� '■: P i_ ,III. r 1 �� 3 les 0,OP ...mid"Vfekt41% .°,1, P =u3 EP 4 EriI -- ■n o f r 4 4w {=s s ee r 5.;i 11.4 111112 = .1 n�� rvy 't �'' ■■■n -t_R .r ami 1 €i d1r`1, a,r i•' p v\ 1 1!.' LA kiii L Nati:kr c. n''V:"-, -5--.'mn,,I:'•'°.`•7004 - En it i --+MOM:Eu n ,•i n �� fir$ s w���:CND� \ (N€-I't st II,I1�__ f der:._°II hunt r ;.P,- 1.11 i 1- f16'-- -: .■..tz E,_sir rti�gX 'l 3{l,'y:.:hiE _ ■■e \ if No N! f .� . `• .Er��'I Will. AI y� ¢ eee111 �M.L�•'ow ri ��y" I O\ oril P,.'\\'TMr,4 m � . .�. �i Waal .N �\ �r°��d • i ■I E I no OM ,vs \t—\. , -1. 'RE T11111142 1.7,rei K.i 7rinnl. . 1'g:,01"5, - e 1 4l.. .. fauna rll�� 11111'p� ;" ��: =w - sh 9th .I11. 4pG ' ii:R: h'1' 1�i.n a�,rrl y: r■ •r. ■n.P ii■frY11r11 \ \ n..•te a■au r-- A11. ' 1a1 1 t 5.. � rr111 ;,I i~r , ' S 1 y' 11011 14 1\ \ \ iAFi d r L"• �d1 IG.i Ie \\\ 1■�f. 'L 7�.'�� r� 1I11 ] "-;A: PII'AIllllpA•irtoys •p.it 1 NI F • • �..—: aCaYP 1 u 1 s Or■ ni ■ All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description& further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 The removal, mutilation,destruction, or concealment of WWarning ! this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. *law -410- CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 16th day of May, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time of a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Moratorium on new development in the R-10 (Residential 10 dwelling-units/acre) and RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) zones in the Highlands Study Area, located generally between Aberdeen Ave. NE and Monroe Ave. NE, and between NE 23rd St. and NE 5ch Place. (For details, call 425-430-6575.) All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal May 6, 2005 Account No. 50640 i . Anis — r '. 11111 EN IN411111i ' wg: - ,..-4-1 Plamlarall WTI .1111111r 1 Y Let 1■ NE 2]It .1 1 ■I■ aims ■■ ■■. N ► :�n swirfri 1 I • , IIPI I.■��■■ mom .■ ■■ ■II eem�rn■■■■■• C ■. —I :: ■1 ■1►�NiIlil�ll■i111 ► ■� ■ 11�INp ■■�. .�, .,wok. WII!I� : ■Illllllli� st14, . .� _� IIL■,Iplii..A. ■ did■Ili i NE 20th ■ ; �' , .- -a - , - ■om :■ ■d a.: ■■■ ■i li c— = IN NM N ab. ■■ ■■d am! ■■■ „ .,,\:;.,. g - ---; IEIEPIIIII I I 2 •R , IIN. =UM INIMIIIIN co k se ,.:.,r, r • gp ,' a imam /0 ny roi IIM ill L �� a.l i7 le . • • n la w , 4I ,' E111 1 olo il.tm tea ctyi tal NIP '---P /01V-A0111": ipirm111112 \ '\ -5) ! no m a ran_illin N _ellJ 11,ir 1 C2 1 iLi1DII W.445 FEW p AA 4.i,I.rg7,;-:, r1 el1 o i ,font �IL i11�11I : -, I■■ �@ :t .,_._, .. e„,„‘„,m. mai 7 .,„ . . -__-„,, 4.1 Ed . laaLa 61 Will rag_ 01•1 OA iii 414 ■ ■•fI�■1<l!1 wig\ -40-iii la mi . cz,., .., . , ��,:•wra Frame/ oppom 900 ,,;, swim or da 404 3 NE v tee, : USSR w■ 0!� tom�� ■ ■ml�■TirP1■ ■m■ a NW"� ■�rl w■■� �, k4r#, mum imaging � am 10. Fa \ \ \ \ - ', 1 la eifitc-;151 ki, ' V.., * V Illm I'm m ■ ■[l1Pcu KW 'Pl = 1 a: . ph .. ..„ - wow. 01 ■IW�I■■ ■ a� \ \ �� �■��avi�� C I ` �.1 1■ : d E ■ 1■ic■■alloo ■■ N i �I'A I4.i ■ % ' Ni ini 11111111 ■11111•1111111� NI a. 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Del Ros no CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3750 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R 10 AND RM-F ZONES WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS SUB-AREA PLAN STUDY AREA, ESTABLISHING A HEARING DATE OF MAY 16, AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR'ME MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial time and energy on its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has identified a study area for refinement of the Comprehensive Plan with a Sub-Area Plan in the Renton Highlands to further its economic development objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial funds developing a preliminary vision and evaluating market factors for redevelopment in the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, the R-10 and RM-F zones are currently mapped on a number of properties within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area; and WHEREAS, the density allowed currently in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow a minimum of 4 units per net acre and a minimum of 7 units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the uses in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow single-family detached housing and lower density duplexes that are not consistent with broad redevelopment objectives for the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, construction of lower density development in the form of single-family or duplex units removes developable land from the stock of land for development or redevelopment, thereby frustrating the City's economic development efforts; and RESOLUTION NO. 3 7 5 0 WHEREAS, the City of Renton wishes to encourage quality infill development at densities that supports redevelopment of the Center Village; and WHEREAS, approval and construction of lower density housing within the identified study area without review of the Sub-Area Plan policies, may undermine the benefits of coordinated planning, and may foreclose or irreparably damage long-term Comprehensive Plan goals; and WHEREAS, a moratorium is required to provide adequate time for City staff to prepare and present proposed changes to the Sub-Area Plan and zoning, and present such changes to the City Council for review and adoption; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION IL There is hereby declared a moratorium on the permitting or construction of residential development, including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits, building permits, plats, lot line adjustments and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 and RM-F zone within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area; such moratorium area is shown on the attached map. The purpose of the moratorium is to provide adequate time for staff to draft, review, and present to the City Council, and for the City Council to review and adopt changes to the Comprehensive Plan policies concerning the appropriate density and use of land within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area. SECTION III, There is hereby established a public hearing date on May 16, 2005, for the City Council to take testimony on this moratorium and to consider the modification, revision, or termination of this moratorium. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3750 SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise modified by the City Council, which period may be extended or renewed for one or more additional periods, but only if a subsequent public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal, to support such renewal. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of May , 2005. levoitAui; J. £ Io. ttex.1 Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2nd day of May , 2005. '774(- Kathy K lker-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: awrence J. Warr City Attorney RES:1108:4/28/05:ma Date of Publication::: 5/6/2005 (summary) 3 RESOLUTION NO. 3750 in--men_ . .I I. . .....- . ■ ■■ ■I . V'' -411111! 1 t !ga a ii ■ ■■■■■ ■oII .. r ii ■ IIrr1�■■ 111illi•illii. a , r ■ i a.r ■L 1■ �■11■ ■a� ..� IIC C . ris "al mi ■■ ■ii �i 1■ C-r. "'� 1 . 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In addition, the Committee recommended concurrence in the Mayor's recommendation to authorize staff to amend the City Code to implement these changes. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Lease: Vykor, 200 Mill concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the lease amendment with Building(1st&5th Floors), Vykor, Inc. for a three to five year extension of tenancy on the first and fifth LAG-02-002 floors of the 200 Mill Building. The net proceeds to the City are $180,054.29 for the first three years, and $380,529.80 for the two extension years. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease amendment. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3750 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on new development in the R-10 Planning: Highlands Sub-Area and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area, establishing a Plan Study Area Moratorium public hearing date of May 16, 2005,and establishing a termination date for the moratorium of November 2, 2005. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY "*--01/4 PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.* Acknowledging that development in the Highlands was discussed during the Council Retreat, Councilman Clawson expressed his concern about the imposition of the moratorium and questioned the urgency and need for the action. Pointing out that Highlands community residents have expressed the need for improvements in the area,Councilman Persson indicated that the area's current zoning is not of a level to encourage quality infill development. He stated his support for the moratorium. Councilman Clawson inquired as to the number of proposed developments in the Highlands area nearing the permitting process. Economic Development Administrator Alex Pietsch stated that three pre-applications have been submitted within the past two months. He explained that the City needs time to develop new standards that reflect the City's vision for the area, which includes allowing higher densities to stimulate a larger redevelopment effort, and that subdividing lots at lower densities is inconsistent with that vision. Responding to Councilman Clawson's request, City Clerk Bonnie Walton reviewed the methods of notification for public hearings. Mr. Clawson emphasized the importance of informing people of the reasons why the City is suspending development in the Highlands area. *MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Nelson reviewed Renton School District announcements and School District: Activities activities, including: scholarship winners; the upcoming performance of the Renton High School Jazz Ensemble at the State PTA convention; and the participation of Sierra Heights Elementary School students in the second annual reading challenge. May 2,2005 'tore Renton City Council Minutes `ri"°` Page 158 Community Services: Park Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to Rules &Regulations Changes the Park Rules and Regulations restricting the presence of domestic animals, except service animals, at specific events held in parks upon approval of the Park Board. Refer to Community Services Committee. Annexation: Honey Creek Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department East, Union Ave NE recommended a public hearing be set on 5/16/2005 to consider the proposed Honey Creek East Annexation and R-8 zoning of 27.5 acres located west of Union Ave. NE(132nd Ave. SE)and south of SE 100th St. Council concur. Annexation: Maplewood East, Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department SE 136th St& 156th Ave SE recommended a public hearing be set on 5/16/2005 to consider the proposed Maplewood East Annexation and R-4 zoning of 26.14 acres located west of 156th Ave. SE and north of SE 136th St. Council concur. Planning: Highlands Sub-Area Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Plan Study Area Moratorium recommended adoption of a resolution that declares a six-month moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones in the Highlands Sub-Area Plan {� study area, and sets a public hearing on 5/16/2005. Council concur. (See page 159 for resolution.) Transportation: NE 3rd/4th St Transportation Systems Division recommended adoption of the final report on Corridor Improvements Final the NE 3rd and 4th Street Corridor Improvements Project that establishes the Report long range transportation plan for this corridor. Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Briere presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Committee of the Whole the Clean Sweep Renton program. The Committee recommended concurrence Utility: Clean Sweep Renton in the staff recommendation to approve the implementation of the one-time Program Neighbor-to-Neighbor Curbside Cleanup and the public education and outreach campaign portions of the Clean Sweep Renton program. The Committee also recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve appropriation of the one-time Neighbor-to-Neighbor Curbside Cleanup event projected to cost$299,225, and the associated public education and outreach campaign projected to cost$55,000, from the Solid Waste Utility fund balance in 2005. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Board/Commission: Council President Briere presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Organization & Process modifications to the organization and process of City boards, commissions, and Modifications committees. The Committee recommended concurrence in the Mayor's recommendations to: 1. Eliminate three advisory boards (Board of Ethics, Board of Adjustments and the Unfair Housing Practices Board) and one advisory committee (Transportation Advisory Committee); 2. Expand and rename the Human Rights and Affairs Commission into the Renton Advisory Commission on Diversity; 3. Provide for student representation on each board, commission, and committee(as appropriate); and (Try OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDAIILL AI#: Submitting Data: For Agenda of: May 2, 2005 Dept/Div/Board. Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Staff Contact... Rebecca Lind Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing. Moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F Correspondence. Zones in the Highlands Study Area Ordinance Resolution X Old Business... Exhibits: New Business... Issue Paper Study Sessions... Map of Study Area Information Resolution Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur Legal Dept.X... Finance Dept.... Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: A moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F zones in the Highlands Study Area is needed to relieve pressure from immediate development in the area and would improve the City's ability to market property as a result of the new zoning and policy direction. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution declaring a moratorium on new development in the R-10 and RM-F Zones in the Highlands Study Area and set a public hearing May 16, 2005 to take testimony on the moratorium and consider modifications to it. C:\Documents and Settings\mpetersen\Local Settings\Temp\MORATORIUM AGENDA BILL.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: April 15, 2005 TO: Terri Briere, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: ytt) Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator fcvt1C STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind(ext.6588) SUBJECT: Moratorium on Residential Development in the Highlands Study Area ISSUE: Should the City restrict redevelopment within the Highlands Study Area during preparation of the Highlands Sub-Area Plan? RECOMMENDATION: • Adopt a resolution establishing a moratorium on new development including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits, building permits,plats, lot line adjustments and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 and RM-F zones within the Highlands Sub- Area Plan Study Area. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The City Council adopted two policies in the 2005 Business Plan that directly address priorities for the Highlands. Goal#2 states, "Promote Neighborhood Revitalization." Strategy#3 states, "Create opportunities for new investment in the Highlands and South Renton neighborhoods." The City is beginning a new sub-area planning process for the Highlands that will result in land .use actions and densities needed as an incentive for redevelopment in line with the Business Plan. However, in the short term, underutilized land in the area is coming under development pressure due to the rising cost of land in the vicinity. The current zoning does not allow the higher densities needed to simulate a larger redevelopment effort. While many properties are April 20,2005 Page 2 built out with older housing stock, some existing lots are large enough to subdivide at lower densities that perpetuate a land use pattern inconsistent with the adopted City goals and vision for the Center Village Land Use Designation. The current R-10 zoning in Highlands Study Area allows single-family detached uses in areas that will be evaluated for higher density as part of the Highlands Sub-Area Plan. The RM-F zoning allows stacked flats and lower density multi-family development. Recent project applications are vesting at a lower density than the zoning currently allows. The City currently has no tools available to discourage these low-density subdivisions and building permits. Piecemeal development of underutilized parcels will undermine implementation of the overall redevelopment effort. New low-density residences and/or small-scale multi-family buildings with a long remaining economic life will perpetuate existing patterns of development and conflict with the anticipated sub-area plan. To complete work on the plan, the City needs time to develop policies and new development standards and begin a public outreach program to gain property owner, business owner, and resident input and support for the plan. The Planning Commission will be working on the plan through November 2005. Three public meetings are anticipated including a visioning session and two "open house"meetings, in addition to Planning Commission workshops. Council Committee of the Whole briefings are scheduled monthly during plan preparation. The plan is scheduled to be transmitted to the City Council in December 2005. It is recommended that the moratorium be established for an initial six-month period, with a review in October, to determine progress toward new zoning standards. At that point, with property owner buy-in of the new land use and zoning concepts, it is anticipated that property owners will support the opportunity for higher density and more efficient land use and will be willing to wait for the new zoning. The study area also includes R-8 single-family neighborhoods and commercially zoned areas that encourage mixed-use residential/commercial development at higher densities. The recommended moratorium would not include these areas and would not affect commercial businesses or mixed-use projects. CONCLUSION: A moratorium in the Highlands Study Area is needed to relieve pressure from immediate development in the area and would improve the City's ability to market property as a result of the new zoning and policy direction. The City needs time to develop new standards that reflect the City's vision for the Highlands, and to work with property owners to implement its goals. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE R-10 AND RM-F ZONES WITHIN THE HIGHLANDS SUB-AREA PLAN STUDY AREA, ESTABLISHING A HEARING DATE OF MAY 16, AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial time and energy on its Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated policies; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has identified a study area for refinement of the Comprehensive Plan with a Sub-Area Plan in the Renton Highlands to further its economic development objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has expended substantial funds developing a preliminary vision and evaluating market factors for redevelopment in the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, the R-10 and RM-F zones are currently mapped on a number of properties within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area; and WHEREAS, the density allowed currently in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow a minimum of 4 units per net acre and a minimum of 7 units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the uses in the R-10 and RM-F zones allow single-family detached housing and lower density duplexes that are not consistent with broad redevelopment objectives for the Highlands study area; and WHEREAS, construction of lower density development in the form of single-family or duplex units removes developable land from the stock of land for development or redevelopment, thereby frustrating the City's economic development efforts; and RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the City of Renton wishes to encourage quality infill development at densities that supports redevelopment of the Center Village; and WHEREAS, approval and construction of lower density housing within the identified study area without review of the Sub-Area Plan policies, may undermine the benefits of coordinated planning, and may foreclose or irreparably damage long-term Comprehensive Plan goals; and WHEREAS, a moratorium is required to provide adequate time for City staff to prepare and present proposed changes to the Sub-Area Plan and zoning, and present such changes to the City Council for review and adoption; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the permitting or construction of residential development, including grading permits, land clearing and tree cutting permits, building permits, plats, lot line adjustments and site plan review entitlements in the R-10 and RM-F zone within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area; such moratorium area is shown on the attached map. The purpose of the moratorium is to provide adequate time for staff to draft, review, and present to the City Council, and for the City Council to review and adopt changes to the Comprehensive Plan policies concerning the appropriate density and use of land within the Highlands Sub-Area Plan study area. SECTION III. There is hereby established a public hearing date on May 16, 2005, for the City Council to take testimony on this moratorium and to consider the modification, revision, or termination of this moratorium. 2 RESOLUTION NO. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place for a period not to exceed six months, unless otherwise modified by the City Council, which period may be extended or renewed for one or more additional periods, but only if a subsequent public hearing is held and findings of fact are made prior to each renewal, to support such renewal. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2005. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2005. Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES:l 108:4/28/05:ma 3 l—' i 117 L1 L1:J i i i 1 �1 i '� a� - r. 41-I r 1 1 ' fi 1rl fi� j j, i t �,, , /o _— _t _1!_L II �'� . iIp,i 1 al ■ s _�2 � Ali: �� r,,,1111 ..... tairlipillud arINI.:- wriPrialsreirame 1111'._ lip ' aAilitia Ili dintni IIILINIM , 573, ill .....10 ■u rt ► " :___ r ' ___ Minn LIMIT. r i3 • \ \\larnomiNEtr st �� I �E fi�Th iimi aplirre �YWW�WO�iiii �� RI l lthl l til"4 p�si NEE iW 900 ":eg 11 1• ■rnr rYYt i lobe mii rRrri • Batt I ms • 811111111116 OAG/■ ■M J . a - ■ � 11 9th • s ■nimiRmiINernnenn Ns l� rr�c rr , Fir E 't .. IE �15���ir ► i� r IN At ail ga op,IN* a ellll erg au e1!0arm • =it 1:8! '^ 41 zil 21: e pa sit, , u us a �e N Ugi f 1� i�Wh a 1 N(11.' 6.i *4 ao -) enll■■ m O ��®O0lf® *), ..."e At. %Va. I 1.1B411 an -,11 ittt, , , " MIIIIIIIIII a milli lb NE 4th St. 4th t 1 1///// a _ /� \ �'T�� rrm r Highlands Sub-Area Plan Study Areaif pti�.n Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning 1 + + Alex Pielsch,Administrator 0 1 000 2000 t G Del Rosario r 0 20 April 2005 ..............,..,,.......