HomeMy WebLinkAboutMFP17003544Justin Johnson 11-7-2017 Scott Warlick 11/7/2017 MFP17003544 Justin Johnson 11-7-2017monday through friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm MFP17003544 City of Renton Dept. of Community & Economic Development Phone: 425-430-7266 / franchise@rentonwa.gov This letter is in response to request for explanation regarding CenturyLink permit request to place fiber Aerial Variance on job N.252054 to provide fiber to CenturyLink customer order. This customer is currently being fed by an existing Ariel copper feed into their bldg. The most effective and cost efficient way to upgrade the customer to fiber is to over lash fiber to the existing copper lines to their utility room. This costs us approximately, $14,917 . If we were to replace this with an underground path, this would cost an additional $12,000 . This also allows for less ground, concrete disturbance, restoration, and traffic delay and congestion along the road connecting us to our customer. If this is acceptable to the City of Renton we will proceed as planned, otherwise we will revise the job to place underground to customer as requested. Thank You, Mike Gilliam CenturyLink Engineering CDFS Fiber Engineer 23315 66th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 206-733-8646 michael.gilliam1@Centurylink.com MFP17003544 DenisLawMayorCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentC.E.“Chip”VincentAdministratorNovember6,2017MichaelGilliamCenturyLinkEngineering2331566thAveSKent,WA98032Viaemail:Michael.Gilliaml@Centurylink.comSUBJECT:RequestforUndergroundingExemptionN.252054(1201MonsterAveSW)DearMr.Gilliam,TheCityofRentonhasreviewedyourrequestforCenturyLinktobepermittedanexemptionfromRentonMunicipalCode(RMC)4-6-090(C)whichstatesthatallnewelectricalorcommunicationfacilitiesshallberequiredtobeinstalledunderground,pursuanttothestandardsofthesectionofRMC.CenturyLinkproposestoinstallanoverheadconnectionbetweenfiveexistingPugetSoundEnergy(PSE)powerpolestoserveanexistingbusinesslocatedat1201MonsterAveSW.Accordingtoyourletter,thecustomeriscurrentlyfedbyanexistingaerialfeedintotheirbuilding.Therequeststatesthatthemosteffectiveandcostefficientwaytoupgradethecustomertofiberistoplaceoverheadfibertotheexistingutilityroominordertoresultinlessgroundandtrafficdisturbance.ANALYSIS:TheCityhasconsideredtherequestforanexemptionfromRMC4-6-090(D)(1)(g)iandii.CityofRentonMunicipalCode5-19-2.B.1and2statesthat“Exceptasotherwiseprovidedherein,anytelecommunicationscarrierswhodesiretoconstructinstall,operate,maintain,orotherwiselocatetelecommunicationsfacilitiesin,under,overoracrossanypublicwayoftheCity,andtoalsoprovidetelecommunicationsservicetopersonsorareasintheCity,shallfirstobtainafranchisegrantingtheuseofsuchpublicwaysfromtheCitypursuanttoSection5-19-3ofthisChapter.”CenturyLinkdoesnothaveafranchiseagreementwiththeCity,asitspredecessor-in-interestheldablanketgrantofauthority,datingbacktoterritorialtimes,andthereforehasuniquestatusascomparedtoothertelecommunicationspurveyors.PerErici.1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057•rentonwa.gov MichaelGilliamPage2of3November6,2017Schwalb,SeniorCorporateCounselforCenturyunk,RCWSection35.99.030statesthatacityortownmaynotrequirea“masterpermit”fromserviceprovidersseekingaccesstopublicrights-of-waywhohaveanexistingstatewidegrant,asCenturyLinkhas.Furthermore,theWashingtonStateConstitution,ArticleXII,Section19,grantstherighttoconstructandmaintainlinesoftelegraphandtelephonewithinthisstate.WhileweconcurthatVOWisallowedpertheRCWandWashingtonStateConstitution,cableserviceisnotarightgrantedwithoutafranchise.Therefore,thisanalysiswillfocusontheoverheadfiberproposedtobeinstalledforData/VOIP,andnottheprovisionoffuturecable.TheproposalwouldutilizefiveexistingPSEutilitypoles.Asminimumverticalheightclearanceof15’-6”wouldneedtobeprovidedfor,andexistingobsoletefiber(ifany)wouldneedtoberemoved;staffrecommendstheseasconditionsofapproval.Therefore,theCityisgrantinganexemptionwithconditions,perRMC4-6-090(D)(1)(g)iandiiwhichallowsforextensionsofexistingoverheadcommunicationfacilitieswhentherearecontinuingrequirementsforpolesanditisnotlikelythattherewillbeundergroundingintheforeseeablefuture;and,whenthereareexistingoverheadelectricalorcommunicationfacilitiesthatwillnotberemovedandthefacilitiesthatwouldhavebeenrequiredtoberemovedareparalleltothefacilitiesthatwillnotberemoved.DECISION:Therequestedexemptionfromundergroundutilityinstallationrequirements(RMC4-6-090(C)asrequestedbyCenturyLinkisapprovedsubjecttotheconditionsbelowastherequestcomplieswithexemptioncriteriaofRMC4-6-090(D)(1)(g)iandii.ConditionsofApproval:1.AseparatefranchiseagreementwithCityofRentonisrequiredforanyfiberprovidingcableservice,if/whenthatserviceisactiveandavailable.2.Anyabandonedorunusedfiberwouldneedtoberemovedatthetimethatconstructionistakingplace.3.Anyexistingheightviolationswouldneedtoberesolvedatthetimeofconstruction.Newaerialfibermusthaveaminimumverticalclearanceof15’-6”.4.Thetrafficcontrolplanrequiresseparateapproval.5.Theaerialfiberwillberequiredtobeinstalledundergroundinthefuturewhenotherutilitiesareundergrounded.1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WAp8057.rentonwa,gov MichaelGilliamPage3of3November6,2017Thisdecisiontogranttheexemptionwithconditionsissubjecttoafourteen(14)dayappealperiodfromthedateofthisletterperRMC4-8-110.AnyappealsoftheadministrativedecisionmustbefiledwiththeCityClerk,alongwiththerequiredappealfee,by5:00pmNovember20,2017.Sincerely,JenniferT.Henning,AICPPlanningDirectorcc:cE.“Chip”Vincent,CEOAdministratorGreggZimmerman,PWAdministratorBrianneBannwarth,DevelopmentEngineeringManagerScottWarlick,EngineeringSpecialistJustinJohnson,civilEngineerIIHolyPowers,DevelopmentServicesRepresentativePatMiller,ConstructionInspectionSupervisorMichaelFuget,centuryLinkviaemail:Michael.Fuget@centurylink.comCorbenEueldorf,CenturyLinkviaemail:Corben.Etteldorf@centuryllnk.com1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057rentonwa.gov Comments: MERGING TAPER LENGTH TAPER ("L") LANE WIDTH L MPH 10' 11' 12' SHIFTING 20 70 75 80 TAPER 25 105 115 165 1/2 L 30 150 165 180 35 205 225 245 SHOULDER 40 270 295 320 TAPER 45 450 495 540 1/3 L Project # N.252054 C.02 Designed for CenturyLink by Sharon Martos Traffic Control Supervisor TCS # 010745 Approved 06/07/2017 Phone 253-737-5198 sharon.martos@gmail.com Sharon Martos Comments: SIGN SPACING MPH "X" 45+ 500' 35 350' 30 200' 25 100' 150' Seattle 200' Sea Tac Comments: CHANNELIZATION SPACING MPH TAPER TANGENT 35 / 45 30' 60' 25 / 30 20' 40' ONE LANE TWO WAY TAPER 50' TO 100' max TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN JOB # N.252054 C.02 PERMIT # Date:06/07/2017 Author:Sharon Martos, Traffic Control Supervisor Project:N.252054 C.02 CERT:TCS # 010745 Designed for CenturyLink:By Sharon Martos Comments: General Requirements 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and CITY OF RENTON requirements. 2. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones with retroreflective material. 3. All signs are 48" x 48" B/O unless otherwise specified. 4. Alert affected local residents and businesses. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for lane width. 6. Work hours will be ____am to ____pm. MONSTER RD SW @ ACCESS RD HH 1201 UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN THE CITY OF RENTON TO ALTER THIS CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ANY FORM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM: SHARON MARTOS, TCS# 010745 sharon.martos@gmail.com N MONSTER RD SWACCESS RD Comments: ACCESS HH 1201 LOCATED BEHIND SIDEWALK ON THE NW CORNER OF MONSTER RD SW & THE ACCESS RD, NORTH OF LONGACRES DR SW. THIS IS SHOULDER WORK. PARKING RESTRICTED IN WORK AREA. SPOTTER WILL ASSIST IN WORK AREA. HH 1201 WORK AREA 8 X 40 ROADWORKAHEADW20-1RO A D WO R K AH E A D W2 0 - 1 ROADWORKAHEADW20-1BE PREPAREDTO STOPW20-7bBE PREP A R E D TO S T O P W20- 7 bW20-7aW20-7aW20 - 7 a LO N G A C R E S D R S W Legend Work Area Cone flagger symbol truck www.invarion.com MFP17003544 Comments: MERGING TAPER LENGTH TAPER ("L") LANE WIDTH L MPH 10' 11' 12' SHIFTING 20 70 75 80 TAPER 25 105 115 165 1/2 L 30 150 165 180 35 205 225 245 SHOULDER 40 270 295 320 TAPER 45 450 495 540 1/3 L Project # N.252054 C.02 Designed for CenturyLink by Sharon Martos Traffic Control Supervisor TCS # 010745 Approved 06/07/2017 Phone 253-737-5198 sharon.martos@gmail.com Sharon Martos Comments: SIGN SPACING MPH "X" 45+ 500' 35 350' 30 200' 25 100' 150' Seattle 200' Sea Tac Comments: CHANNELIZATION SPACING MPH TAPER TANGENT 35 / 45 30' 60' 25 / 30 20' 40' ONE LANE TWO WAY TAPER 50' TO 100' maxMONSTER RD SWACCESS RD Comments: AERIAL FIBER PLACEMENT. WORK TRUCKS WILL TRAVEL WITH TRAFFIC. A0561421 LOCATED ON THE NW CORNER OF MONSTERR RD SW & ACCESS RD, NORTH OF LONGACRES DR SW, SOUTH TO A0561404. THIS IS A ONE LANE 2-WAY MOVING OPERATION WITH FLAGGERS. FLAGGERS WILL HOLD ALL TRAFFIC FOR CROSSINGS. FLAGGERS WILL ASSIST PEDESTRIANS.ROADWORKAHEADW20-1W20-7aX X X X MO N S T E R R D S W ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b W20-7a W20-7a W20-7a TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN JOB # N.252054 C.02 PERMIT # Date:06/07/2017 Author:Sharon Martos, Traffic Control Supervisor Project:N.252054 C.02 CERT:TCS # 010745 Designed for CenturyLink:By Sharon Martos Comments: General Requirements 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and CITY OF RENTON requirements. 2. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones with retroreflective material. 3. All signs are 48" x 48" B/O unless otherwise specified. 4. Alert affected local residents and businesses. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for lane width. 6. Work hours will be ____am to ____pm. MONSTER RD SW @ ACCESS RD A0561421 - A0561404 AERIAL UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN THE CITY OF RENTON TO ALTER THIS CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ANY FORM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM: SHARON MARTOS, TCS# 010745 sharon.martos@gmail.com N L O N G A C R E S D R S W Legend Work Area truck flagger symbol www.invarion.com MFP17003544 Project # N.252054 C.02 Designed for CenturyLink by Sharon Martos Traffic Control Supervisor TCS # 010745 Approved 06/07/2017 Phone 253-737-5198 sharon.martos@gmail.com Sharon Martos Comments: SIGN SPACING MPH "X" 45+ 500' 35 350' 30 200' 25 100' 150' Seattle 200' Sea Tac Comments: MERGING TAPER LENGTH TAPER ("L") LANE WIDTH L MPH 10' 11' 12' SHIFTING 20 70 75 80 TAPER 25 105 115 165 1/2 L 30 150 165 180 35 205 225 245 SHOULDER 40 270 295 320 TAPER 45 450 495 540 1/3 L Comments: CHANNELIZATION SPACING MPH TAPER TANGENT 35 / 45 30' 60' 25 / 30 20' 40' ONE LANE TWO WAY TAPER 50' TO 100' max TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN JOB # N.252054 C.02 PERMIT # Date:06/07/2017 Author:Sharon Martos, Traffic Control Supervisor Project:N.252054 C.02 CERT:TCS # 010745 Designed for CenturyLink:By Sharon Martos Comments: General Requirements 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and CITY OF RENTON requirements. 2. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones with retroreflective material. 3. All signs are 48" x 48" B/O unless otherwise specified. 4. Alert affected local residents and businesses. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for lane width. 6. Work hours will be ____am to ____pm. JACKSON PL SW @ MONSTER RD SW HH 1500 UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN THE CITY OF RENTON TO ALTER THIS CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ANY FORM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM: SHARON MARTOS, TCS# 010745 sharon.martos@gmail.com Comments: ACCESS HH 1500 LOCATED ON SHOULDER ON THE NW CORNER OF JACKSON PL SW & MONSTER RD SW. THIS IS SHOULDER WORK. PARKING RESTRICTED IN WORK AREA. SPOTTER WILL ASSIST IN WORK AREA. N HH 1500 WORK AREA 8 X 40 JACKSON P L S W MONST E R R D S W NO PARKING 7AM - 6PM FROM TO TOW AWAY AREA PHONE 684-5444YOUR COMPANY NAME 555-5555 R7-T38ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1SHOULDERWORKW21-5Legend Work Area Cone truck Spotter www.invarion.com MFP17003544 Project # N.252054 C.02 Designed for CenturyLink by Sharon Martos Traffic Control Supervisor TCS # 010745 Approved 06/07/2017 Phone 253-737-5198 sharon.martos@gmail.com Sharon Martos Comments: SIGN SPACING MPH "X" 45+ 500' 35 350' 30 200' 25 100' 150' Seattle 200' Sea Tac Comments: MERGING TAPER LENGTH TAPER ("L") LANE WIDTH L MPH 10' 11' 12' SHIFTING 20 70 75 80 TAPER 25 105 115 165 1/2 L 30 150 165 180 35 205 225 245 SHOULDER 40 270 295 320 TAPER 45 450 495 540 1/3 L Comments: CHANNELIZATION SPACING MPH TAPER TANGENT 35 / 45 30' 60' 25 / 30 20' 40' ONE LANE TWO WAY TAPER 50' TO 100' max TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN JOB # N.252054 C.02 PERMIT # Date:06/07/2017 Author:Sharon Martos, Traffic Control Supervisor Project:N.252054 C.02 CERT:TCS # 010745 Designed for CenturyLink:By Sharon Martos Comments: General Requirements 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and CITY OF RENTON requirements. 2. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones with retroreflective material. 3. All signs are 48" x 48" B/O unless otherwise specified. 4. Alert affected local residents and businesses. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for lane width. 6. Work hours will be ____am to ____pm. SW 16TH ST @ LONGACRES DR SW MH 125 UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN THE CITY OF RENTON TO ALTER THIS CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ANY FORM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM: SHARON MARTOS, TCS# 010745 sharon.martos@gmail.com Comments: ACCESS MH 125 LOCATED IN ISLAND OF INTERSECTION SW 16TH ST & LONGCRES DR SW THIS IS A ONE LANE 2-WAY WITH FLAGGERS. FLAGGERS WILL ASSIST PEDESTRIANS.SW 16TH STJACKS O N P L S W LONGACRES DR SWMONSTER RD SWAC C E S S R D ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEA D W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b BE PREPAREDTO STOP W20-7b BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b W20-7a BE PREPAREDTO STOP W20-7b W20-7aW20-7a W20-7a N MH 125 WORK AREA 10 X 60 Legend Work Area Cone flagger symbol truck www.invarion.com MFP17003544 Project # N.252054 C.02 Designed for CenturyLink by Sharon Martos Traffic Control Supervisor TCS # 010745 Approved 06/07/2017 Phone 253-737-5198 sharon.martos@gmail.com Sharon Martos Comments: SIGN SPACING MPH "X" 45+ 500' 35 350' 30 200' 25 100' 150' Seattle 200' Sea TacMONSTER RD SWACCESS RDComments: ACCESS PED ;OCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MONSTER RD SW, NORTH OF LONGACRES DR SW. THIS IS A ONE LANE 2-WAY WITH FLAGGERS. M O N S T E R R D S W ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b W20-7a W20-7a Comments: MERGING TAPER LENGTH TAPER ("L") LANE WIDTH L MPH 10' 11' 12' SHIFTING 20 70 75 80 TAPER 25 105 115 165 1/2 L 30 150 165 180 35 205 225 245 SHOULDER 40 270 295 320 TAPER 45 450 495 540 1/3 L Comments: CHANNELIZATION SPACING MPH TAPER TANGENT 35 / 45 30' 60' 25 / 30 20' 40' ONE LANE TWO WAY TAPER 50' TO 100' max TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN JOB # N.252054 C.02 PERMIT # Date:06/07/2017 Author:Sharon Martos, Traffic Control Supervisor Project:N.252054 C.02 CERT:TCS # 010745 Designed for CenturyLink:By Sharon Martos Comments: General Requirements 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and CITY OF RENTON requirements. 2. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones with retroreflective material. 3. All signs are 48" x 48" B/O unless otherwise specified. 4. Alert affected local residents and businesses. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for lane width. 6. Work hours will be ____am to ____pm. MONSTER RD SW @ LONGACRES DR SW PED UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN THE CITY OF RENTON TO ALTER THIS CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ANY FORM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM: SHARON MARTOS, TCS# 010745 sharon.martos@gmail.com N PED WORK AREA 10 X 40 L O N G A C R E S D R S W Legend flagger symbol Work Area Cone truck www.invarion.com MFP17003544 Project # N.252054 C.02 Designed for CenturyLink by Sharon Martos Traffic Control Supervisor TCS # 010745 Approved 06/07/2017 Phone 253-737-5198 sharon.martos@gmail.com Sharon Martos Comments: SIGN SPACING MPH "X" 45+ 500' 35 350' 30 200' 25 100' 150' Seattle 200' Sea Tac Comments: MERGING TAPER LENGTH TAPER ("L") LANE WIDTH L MPH 10' 11' 12' SHIFTING 20 70 75 80 TAPER 25 105 115 165 1/2 L 30 150 165 180 35 205 225 245 SHOULDER 40 270 295 320 TAPER 45 450 495 540 1/3 L Comments: CHANNELIZATION SPACING MPH TAPER TANGENT 35 / 45 30' 60' 25 / 30 20' 40' ONE LANE TWO WAY TAPER 50' TO 100' max TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN JOB # N.252054 C.02 PERMIT # Date:06/07/2017 Author:Sharon Martos, Traffic Control Supervisor Project:N.252054 C.02 CERT:TCS # 010745 Designed for CenturyLink:By Sharon Martos Comments: General Requirements 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and CITY OF RENTON requirements. 2. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones with retroreflective material. 3. All signs are 48" x 48" B/O unless otherwise specified. 4. Alert affected local residents and businesses. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for lane width. 6. Work hours will be ____am to ____pm. LONGACRES DR SW @ JACKSON PL SW HH 1400 UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN THE CITY OF RENTON TO ALTER THIS CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ANY FORM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM: SHARON MARTOS, TCS# 010745 sharon.martos@gmail.com Comments: ACCESS HH 1400 LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF LONGCRES DR SW, SOUTH OF JACKSON PL SW. THIS IS A ONE LANE 2-WAY WITH FLAGGERS. FLAGGERS WILL ASSIST PEDESTRIANS.SW 16TH STJACKS O N P L S W LONGACRES DR SWMONSTER RD SWAC C E S S R D ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEA D W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1BE PREPA RE D TO STOP W20-7b BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7b BE PREPAREDTO STOP W20-7b W20-7a W20-7a W20-7a N BE PREPAREDTO STOPW20-7bHH 1400 WORK AREA 10 X 40 RO A DWO R K A H E A DW2 0 - 1 ROADWORKAHEADW20-1B E P R E P A R E D T O S T O PW2 0 - 7 b W2 0 - 7 a Legend flagger symbol Work Area Cone truck www.invarion.com MFP17003544 TOWN:RNGE:SECT:POF MH125 LRE13, 119-120/PLACE NEW 24 CT FROM MH125 THRU HH1400-RTOWN:RNGE:SECT:1201 MONSTER AVE. SWN.252054W26226RNTNWA01WORK AREACentury Link24N4E24Drafted by: Mountain LTD /AFT 05/16/17RENTON, WA 98057(100' C IL) THRU HH1500 TO PED. UP RISER 5 POLES-DOWN RISER INTO HH1201THEN TO MPOP.MFP17003544 TOWN:RNGE:SECT:TOWN:RNGE:SECT:Century Link1201 MONSTER AVE. SWN.252054W26226RNTNWA0124N4E24Drafted by: Mountain LTD /AFT 05/16/17RENTON, WA 98057MFP17003544 TOWN:RNGE:SECT:TOWN:RNGE:SECT:Century Link1201 MONSTER AVE. SWN.252054W26226RNTNWA0124N4E24Drafted by: Mountain LTD /AFT 05/16/17RENTON, WA 98057PROPOSED HOAPOLE NUMBER(S) - CTL/PWR/OTHERSTATIONSCIPROPOSED HOAPOLE NUMBER(S) - CTL/PWR/OTHERSTATIONSCIPROPOSED HOAPOLE NUMBER(S) - CTL/PWR/OTHERSTATIONSCIPROPOSED HOAPOLE NUMBER(S) - CTL/PWR/OTHERSTATIONSCIPROPOSED HOAPOLE NUMBER(S) - CTL/PWR/OTHERSTATIONSCIMFP17003544 TOWN:RNGE:SECT:TOWN:RNGE:SECT:Century Link1201 MONSTER AVE. SWN.252054W26226RNTNWA0124N4E24Drafted by: Mountain LTD /AFT 05/16/17RENTON, WA 98057MFP17003544