HomeMy WebLinkAboutMFP17002097DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Franchise Permit: MFP17002097 IVR Number: 17002097 Permit Inrman Permit Name:Astound Broadband/Wave Address/Lcan :05/11/2017Aican Date :1823059251Parce Number :550 SW 7TH ST Permit Tye :05/15/2017Issue Date:Franchise Permit Wrk Cass :05/15/2018Eiran Date :Maor it Jb Number :#5763Franchise Tye :Cabe Insectr:Pat Mier 206-794-6162 Descrin:INSTALL CONDIT IN ROADWAY CROSSINGS prior to Cit CIP Proect. Cntacts Name Address PhneTyeBiing Astound Broadband/WaveAppicant Domonique Price Astound Broadband LLC dba Wave Broadband 401 Parkpace Center, Suite 500 Kirkand, WA 98033 B: (425) 576-8200ContactX CITY OF RENTON ROW 1055 S Grad Wa Renton, WA 98057-3232 Owner enera Cndins & Signature Permission is hereb iven or the work described o n this permit accordin to the condions hereon and accordin to the approved pans and specicaons pertainin thereto, subect to compiance with the Ordinance o the Cit o Ren ton. This permit and pans must be posted at the ob sit e at a mes . I hereb cer that no work is to be done ecept a s described above and in approved pans, and that w ork is to conorm to Renton Trench Restoraon and Street Overa Requirements . Ca (425) 430-7203 or o to: www.MBuidinPermit.com one workin da in advance to schedue an inspe cons and or ANY work in the Riht o Wa. Ca 8 1 1 to ocate underround uies at east two u bus iness das prior to an ecavaon . In accordance with RCW 19.122.033(4) the permit ho der is required to contact (Wiiams Northwest Pipe ine at 425.868.1010) (Ompic Pipeine at 206.510.0575)(Puet Sound Ener at 425 .457.5816) to request a consutaon with the transm ission pipeine compan prior to perormin an construcon or ecavaon acvies . This requirement to consut with the transmissio n pipeine compan is in addion to the requirement to Ca beore You Di a s required in RCW 19.122. (Date)(Sinature) Pae 1 o 2THIS PERMIT AND PLANS MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES Justin Johnson 5-15-2017 5-15-2017 MFP17002097 Holly Powers CITY OF RENTON TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN PROJECT NAME: PERMIT# CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: PHONE#: CONTACT NAME: PHONE#: ADDRESS: CELL#: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX#: PROJECT LOCATION: N/E/S/W OF: WORK TIME: APPROVED BY: WORK DATE: APPROVAL DATE: OFFICE COPY T- CONTRACTOR DEV. SERVICE, INSPECTION P. MILLER DEV. SERVICE, PLAN REVIEW B. BANNWARTH POLICE CHARLES KARLEWICZ FIRE FIRE MARSHALL FS #13 Permit Holder agrees to all the following: • Comply with all traffic regulations of the City of Renton and the State of Washington. • Prepare a traffic control plan and obtain City approval of that plan. That plan shall be implemented for all street and lane closures, and the plan shall be performed in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. • Notify emergency services (253-852-2121) twenty-four (24) hours before any street or lane closures. • Any lane or street closures not in conformance with the approved traffic control plan and/or without notification of emergency services may result in receiving a citation for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 through 47.36.220, 9A.36.050 Reckless Endangerment, and other applicable State and City codes. • Indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, including all costs of defense and attorney’s fees incurred in defending against same, arising from and related to implementation of the approved traffic control plans including claims arising from towing of private vehicles and the acts of the Permit Holder’s agents and employees. • The City of Renton shall be entitled, in its reasonable discretion, to settle claims prior to suit or judgment, and in such event shall indemnify and hold harmless the City for any such claims paid, including the City’s reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation costs incurred resulting from such claim. • In the event any claim or suit is brought against City within the scope of this Agreement, Permit Holder will pay for legal counsel chosen by the City to defend against same. • Flagger and sign placement are subject to revision by the City Inspector on site, if needed to address traffic or pedestrian safety or travel. • By my signature herein, I acknowledge all the above requirements. PRINT NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE: Mathew Badgley 5/9/2017 13237 - Parks Initiative - Renton - 7th St Crossings 13237 Astound Broadband, LLC Phil Fisk 425-988-3295 401 Parkplace Center # 500, Kirkland, WA 98033 pfisk@wavebroadband.com From 1201 SW 7th St to 550 SW 7th St, Re Reset FormPrint Form Matt Badgley Digitally signed by Matt Badgley DN: cn=Matt Badgley, o=Astound Broadband, LLC, ou=Wave Fiber and Design, email=mbadgley@wavebroadband.com, c=US Date: 2017.05.09 13:05:53 -07'00' 8:30 am - 7:30 pm Monday through Friday Saturday upon request Justin Johnson 5-10-2017 MFP17002097 SKETCH I -- NORTH -- I NOTES: • Work Zone Traffic Control shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and shown by sketch or reference to WSDOT. • The plan must be submitted to the City’s PW/Transportation Division for review and/or approval at least three working days prior to work. • Approved Temporary Traffic Control Plan must be at the work site during work hours. • Contractor or entity must call Renton School District (425-204-4455) or any public/private agency to be affected by a temporary lane or road closure. • Complete assistance and accommodation shall be provided to all kinds of pedestrian traffic when sidewalk or walkway is impeded. • Total road closure lasting more than 24 hours is subject to the approval by the City Council. • Any vehicle, equipment, barricade, or portable tow-away sign used within the work area must display a company logo or any legally acceptable sign showing the company name, address, and telephone number at a conspicuous place on the vehicle or equipment. In the case of Temporary No Parking Zones, all the following apply in addition to previous: • Contractor must complete form to show limits of Temporary No Parking Zone identifying barricade locations for vacate parking or curb lane usage. • Contractor must post notice of dates and time of Temporary No Parking Zone with at least two signs per block 72 hours in advance of effective date and time. • The cover sheet of this Traffic Control Plan form must be attached to each Temporary No Parking Sign on the project site. • Temporary traffic control devices must be removed immediately when work is done or no construction activities are going on. If deemed abandoned, City crews will remove and store them at the City’s maintenance shop (3555 NE 2nd Street). See attachments Potential Site distance issue, depending on equipment work with inspector for TCP at this intersection Potential Site distance issue, depending on equipment work with inspector for TCP at this intersection Pedestrian Control Person 5 Feet Extend and include Arrow Board 5 Feet Extend and include Arrow board 5 Feet extend and include Arrow Board 5 Feet extend and include arrow board 2 Police officers required for flagging Drilling should be located outside of existing Tree drip line as discussed at the onsite Pre-con Provide Pedestrian control People Pedestrian control person required extend and include arrow board 5 Feet Arrow Board 5 Feet Arrow Board 2 Police Officers Required Arrow Board Arrow Board Arrow Board