HomeMy WebLinkAboutFreestanding Signs Height Limits - IKEA Sign (11/18/2002) t. -v� e w ' "q€;40 o. CO,.01100C3 wE ir _� � 1e £ �su�G c •- c? f$ pS' w C1 ( , ratcdv Q Lo ' r -ern rn m m ,°,) , ��i f r, TE ii)-ei OZL7'7,..,2".,C)i5 .,---7,,,, 4".,'°:-,,, t £pEtc.0. 40- ,t, '_ 'e m3 p . '''' it it'' .„...,z4i. .--ww.-.7g, - e' s �E t � ' c __E. o ,.„, -; L. cti; t_ : � . 3 : m z 4 mom: .. / aM y ijiqi •r,. _ 6 �ck-�� ji,� .� m � & = p• tom • 13�4' [�.cp =O Qtl .CDs �y. z, p r ���p r • CO ,� CO U -D j rn c an o c a) o � Soc a) 0 m m 3 rn `, sWL a) a) >. > O m ` m c m m o -0 n7 c v O vai � co � 0om 0 0 o ` N y C U w ch )U O y C U C o >, c c C) '- �)L V .... O O m Y c 6o .• o � v) U O m O O O 0 M � � moUo o cq so. c 0 0o m o cc 4- t a) E ` o -J 00 to Q O CO p O F— o E c c' *c a) N v Q w mt m cfn a� U o - 70 !n bq f9 C 7 Cl) O Cl) N N O V o �• to p�� O c w (O 5 ` O) '` �' C4- • C f6 �� alt co C [CO O.O LO O 'J �.. O co s O3 pcNva? � o 0 ` z a. m ~' a ins. rn `moco o � moo. 1 �'' x . � wv) m n� o o w Q a) E� aiEtwm o CO rn '‘-m s OQ � � � oo = � c:,_ r CO L - ` 3 C o OA CO - t26 a E Cl) a) O O L.'' LL E ►� � �c � � in € 3 °) o LL O `� Q 3 3 u>oi 3 c s 0 0 �' o o0eee1eeaaitrAasisl >, a> ccooa) 3a c� to o >� \ O o� > c) N a C) a) .0 a) o ami CO n ���'.\P�,S-•. OO!`�� to 14 L..- as O-O a) N O a) F- ai C (gyp C co •n O I . N, :". v, c o a) a) o 0 o 0 o m_co m iy 2 4 G r. ZIC o t" c CO a) 0a c o i ( < o a c`o 03 c 3 .- @ •o a i m ''''',�x11t11111%t��```` m m a) nc a? c w 0 co FL- Q - yr CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4990 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 4, CITY-WIDE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON," TO ALLOW FREESTANDING SIGN HEIGHT OF 115 FEET, FOR BIG BOX RETAIL DEVELOPMENTS OF 350,000 SQUARE FEET IN BUILDING AREA OR MORE, IN THE EMPLOYMENT AREA VALLEY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-4-100.E.5.e.ii of Chapter 4, "City-Wide Property Development Standards,"of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: ii. Big Box Retail Uses with over 350,000 square feet of total building area located in the Employment Area Valley: Big box retail uses with over 350,000 square feet in total building area located in the Employment Area Valley may install: • Large Freestanding Signs: One on-premises freestanding sign not to exceed one hundred fifteen feet (115') in height and seven hundred(700) square feet per face, and another such sign not to exceed forty feet (40') in height and four hundred (400) square feet per face; and • Roof Signs: One roof-mounted sign per building of up to four hundred (400) square feet not to exceed twenty feet (20') in height above the parapet wall and not to exceed two (2) such signs per retail center; and 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 9 0 Nee • Additional Freestanding Signs: Two (2) on-premises freestanding signs per street frontage, no more than eight feet (8')tall and no more than one hundred(100) square feet per side. SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9 t h day of December , 2002. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of December , 2002. Je Tanner, Mayor Approved a to form: Lawrence J. Warren, ity Attorney Date of Publication: 12/13/2002 ORD.1014:11/08/02:ma 2 December 9,2002 ''r'' Renton City Council Minutes `r»' Page 473 Ordinance#4989 An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for the year 2003 for Finance: 2003 Property Tax both general purposes and for voter approved bond issues. MOVED BY Levy NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4990 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4, City-Wide Property Development Planning: Employment Area Standards, of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code to allow a Valley,Freestanding Sign freestanding sign height of 115 feet,for big-box retail developments of 350,000 Code Amendment square feet in building area or more,in the Employment Area Valley. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT [1 THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4991 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3,Environmental Regulations and Planning: Urban Center Overlay Districts,of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code to apply Design Overlay Regulations, Urban Center Design Guidelines to multi-family projects of two to four units, Application to Small Multi- and to properties rezoned from Commercial Office(CO)to Center Downtown Family Projects (CD)and Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM-U)as a result of the South Renton Neighborhood Plan. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4992 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-3-050 of Chapter 3,Environmental Utility: Aquifer Protection Regulations and Special Districts; Section 4-4-060 of Chapter 4,Property Code Amendments Development Standards; Section 4-8-120 of Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions; and Section 4-9-015 of Chapter 9,Procedures and Review Criteria;of Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Code by amending aquifer protection regulations. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Stating that she attended the Maplewood Glen neighborhood sign dedication, Development Services: Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported a problem concerning the blockage Temporary Signs Obscuring of the new neighborhood sign by temporary real estate signs. MOVED BY Established Neighborhood KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE Signs ISSUE OF TEMPORARY SIGNS NEAR ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD SIGNS TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Fagan— Councilman Clawson noted the receipt of a letter from Rick Fagan,Director of Temporary Office Space Fagan Recovery Solutions, 23220 Maple Valley Hwy., Suite 204,Maple Donation Valley, 98038, concerning the recent closing of the Cedar Hills Substance Abuse Treatment Center due to King County's budgetary constraints. Mr. Fagan reported that while he is negotiating with King County to acquire the facility, temporary office space is needed; and he requested that the City donate temporary office space. Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry, Mayor Tanner reported that Community Services Administrator Jim Shepherd will respond to Mr.Fagan's letter informing him of the City's inability to provide the office space; however, he commended Mr. Fagan on his efforts to continue the treatment center. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler suggested that the Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department may be able to assist Mr. Fagan in obtaining an office space donation. December 2,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 462 PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/09/2002. CARRIED. Planning: Employment Area An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4, City-Wide Property Development Valley,Freestanding Sign Standards,of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code to allow a Code Amendment freestanding sign height of 115 feet, for big-box retail developments of 350,000 square feet in building area or more, in the Employment Area Valley. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/09/2002. CARRIED. Planning: Urban Center An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3,Environmental Regulations and Design Overlay Regulations, Overlay Districts,of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code to apply Application to Small Multi- Urban Center Design Guidelines to multi-family projects of two to four units, Family Projects and to properties rezoned from Commercial Office(CO)to Center Downtown (CD) and Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM-U)as a result of the South Renton Neighborhood Plan. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/09/2002. CARRIED. Utility: Aquifer Protection An ordinance was read amending Section 4-3-050 of Chapter 3,Environmental Code Amendments Regulations and Special Districts; Section 4-4-060 of Chapter 4,Property Development Standards; Section 4-8-120 of Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions; and Section 4-9-015 of Chapter 9,Procedures and Review Criteria; of Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Code by amending aquifer protection regulations. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/09/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4988 An ordinance was read providing for the 2002 year-end Budget adjustments in Finance: 2002 Year-End the amount of$8,263,407. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY Budget Adjustments CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Nelson opened nominations for 2003 Council President. Council: 2003 Council MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ELECT President Election(Keolker- COUNCILWOMAN KEOLKER-WHEELER AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT Wheeler) FOR 2003. CARRIED. Council: 2003 Council Council President Nelson opened nominations for 2003 Council President Pro President Pro Tem(Persson) Tem. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ELECT COUNCILMAN PERSSON AS COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM FOR 2003. CARRIED. Community Services: Library MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL REFER Staffing,Non-Resident THE FOLLOWING TOPICS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation Fees,Human COMMITTEE: 2003 LIBRARY STAFFING, 20%NON-RESIDENT Services Funding RECREATION FEES INCREASE,AND THE HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING REQUEST BECAUSE OF KING COUNTY CUTBACKS. CARRIED. December 2,2002 "r.r Renton City Council Minutes N...' Page 461 s $3,112,154.54,and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* In response to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the completion date,Chief Administrative Officer estimated that Fire Station#12 will be constructed by the end of 2003 or early 2004. *MOTION CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utility: Aquifer Protection in the recommendation of staff that the Council adopt the proposed Code Amendments amendments to the City's aquifer protection regulations. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 462 for ordinance.) Planning&Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the proposed Urban Center Design Overlay Regulation Code Planning: Urban Center amendments. The Committee recommended that the Code amendments be Design Overlay Regulations, approved and the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. Application to Small Multi- MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL Family Projects CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 462 for ordinance.) Planning: Employment Area Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Valley,Freestanding Sign report regarding the proposed large freestanding Sign Code amendments in the Code Amendment Employment Area Valley. The Committee reviewed the proposed amendments 1 L and associated issue papers and exhibits on November 7, 2002. There was a 'f public hearing held on November 18, 2002,and public hearing comments were closed on December 2,2002,after the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) process was completed. The Committee recommended that the Code amendments be approved and that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 462 for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3604 A resolution was read approving the Geneva Court Final Plat consisting of Plat: Geneva Court,Talbot Rd approximately 3.63 acres located in the vicinity of 5310 Talbot Rd. S. (FP-02- S(FP-02-114) 114). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3605 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Freight Action agreement with the Freight Action Strategy(FAST)Partnership,Phase II, Strategy(FAST)MOU entitled "Memorandum of Understanding Among the Principal Parties of the FAST Corridor." MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/09/2002 for second and final reading: Finance: 2003 Property Tax An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for the year 2003 for Levy both general purposes and for voter approved bond issues. MOVED BY . il ' , BY MY COUNCIL Date /a—7 46142 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT December 2,2002 Proposed Large Freestanding Sign Code Amendments in the Employment Area Valley (RMC 4-4-100E.5.e.ii.) (Referred November 4, 2002) The Planning and Development Committee reviewed the proposed Large Freestanding Sign Code Amendments and associated issue papers and exhibits on November 7, 2002. There was a public hearing held on November 18, 2002 and public hearing comments were closed on December 2, 2002 after the SEPA process was completed. Planning and Development Committee recommends that the code amendments be approved and that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. 4 athy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair e t e rr'13rier , e Chair mg Parker,Member cc: .-Sup_cnrupeorftivv Gregg Zimmerman,P/B/PW Administrator Alex Pietsch,EDNSP Director Neil Watts,Development Services Director P&D Committee Report on large freestnd signs\ Rev 01/02 bh November 18,2002 - Renton City Council Minutes Page 437 There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING.* Responding to Councilman Parker's inquiry, City Attorney Larry Warren explained that if the election results are favorable for the annexation,the Council would still need to adopt an ordinance approving the annexation. Mr. Parker clarified that if Council moves forward with the resolution this evening, Council still has the option to delay or back out of the annexation. *MOTION CARRIED. Advancement to Tydico MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL Annexation Resolution SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE RESOLUTION ON THE TYDICO ANNEXATION. CARRIED. Resolution#3596 A resolution was read calling for the annexation,by election, of contiguous Annexation: Tydico, 136th unincorporated territory to the City of Renton lying in an area generally Ave SE s bounded by the City of Renton corporate boundary, including NE 3rd Pl.,if extended,to the north,and NE 2nd St.,if extended,to the south, and Bremerton Ave. NE(136th Ave. SE), if extended, to the east. (Tydico Annexation) MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL REFER THE TYDICO ANNEXATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION. CARRIED. Planning: Employment Area This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Valley,Freestanding Sign accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Code Amendment to consider the proposed City Code amendments to allow additional height for the freestanding IKEA sign at SW 41st St.,and to limit applicability to big-box retail uses of a certain size in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation. Sue Carlson,Economic Development Administrator,explained that the freestanding IKEA sign has become obscured by the East Valley 13 (ACT III) Theatre and nearby trees. Since IKEA was unable to negotiate with the neighboring property owner to trim down or cut the trees,Ms. Carlson stated that IKEA has asked the City to amend its Sign Code to raise its existing freestanding sign height. Gil Cerise, Senior Planner, stated that existing City Code that is applicable to large retail uses over 450,000 square feet of developable property, allows a freestanding sign height of up to 60 feet. The existing 50-foot-high IKEA sign, which stands on the northeast corner of the IKEA site, is situated to direct customers arriving from the SR-167 southbound off-ramp and from westbound traffic on SW 41st St. Mr. Cerise indicated that the proposed City Code changes will raise the maximum freestanding height to 115 feet, which would allow visibility of the sign above mature growth tree lines. Continuing,Mr. Cerise explained that the proposed amendment would also limit the applicability of the 115-feet freestanding sign height to big-box retail uses in buildings over 350,000 square feet in the EAV. He displayed pictures of different views of the IKEA sign at its current height and at a simulated height of 112 feet. Mr. Cerise concluded by saying that staff recommends Council adopt the City Code revisions, and pointed out that Council action will November 18,2002 `r"' Renton City Council Minutes Noe Page 438 be delayed until the end of the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) appeal period on December 2, 2002. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported that the Planning and Development Committee agrees with the City Code amendments as proposed; however, it cannot make its recommendation to Council until the SEPA appeal period has ended. Public comment was invited. Bjorn Bayley,co-owner of IKEA, 13436 NE 36th St.,Bellevue, 98005, expressed his concern about the visibility of the current IKEA sign,and stated his appreciation for the City's assistance with this matter. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC = HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Valley Community Players presents the comedy "The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of A Christmas Carol" at Carco Theatre. The show runs through December 8th. * For the eighth consecutive year,members of the Rotary Club of Renton and City of Renton employees are volunteering to serve Thanksgiving dinner at the Renton Senior Activity Center on Thursday,November 28th. Seniors must call the Senior Center prior to November 26th to make meal reservations and travel arrangements. * The Renton Police Department will participate with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission's "Drive Hammered/Get Nailed" enforcement campaign between November 18th and December 1st. AUDIENCE COMMENT Greg Perez, 325 Stevens Ave.NW,Renton, 98055, stated that he wants to lease Citizen Comment: Perez— a building located within Renton's Center Downtown(CD)zone at 809 S. 4th Center Downtown Zone St. and open an auto shop. He asked Council to consider changing the uses Amend Request allowed in the CD zone to permit auto repair. Mayor Tanner stated that there was very little chance that the CD zone would be changed to allow that use. Councilman Corman recommended that Mr. Perez contact Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department staff for assistance in finding an appropriate site. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of November 4, 2002. Council concur. November 4, 2002 Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Tanner reappointed Jerri Everett,2525 Morris Ave. S.,Renton, 98055; Commission Michael O'Halloran,4420 SE 4th St.,Renton, 98059; and Ava Hammond, 10610 Woodley Ave. S., Seattle,98178; each to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term expiring 12/31/2005. Council concur. AJLS: CitySource Printing & Administrative,Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended approval Distribution(Renton Reporter) of a contract in the amount of$73,680 with the Renton Reporter to print and • MIL *Nrc0� PUBLIC HEARING HANDOUT November 18,2002, City Council Chambers, 7:30 PM APPLICATION NAME: Freestanding Sign Code Amendment modifying height and applicability of freestanding signs governed by Section 4-4- 100E.5.e.ii. of the Renton Municipal Code. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Due to issues associated with obscuring a freestanding sign by nearby trees, a proposal has been developed to allow freestanding signs for certain types of large-scale retail-oriented developments to have a freestanding sign height of 115 feet. This would allow visibility of this sign above mature growth tree lines for the types of trees planted along public rights-of-way. In order to avoid proliferation of this type of sign in all areas of the City, applicability of the new 115 foot freestanding sign height is proposed to be limited to big-box retail uses in a building of over 350,000 square feet in the Employment Area Valley. This would limit applicability to an area of the City where residences are not allowed and to buildings and uses that are not out of scale to the height of the proposed sign. RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the code revisions allowing one freestanding sign of a maximum of 115 feet for big-box retail uses in buildings over 350,000 square feet in the Employment Area Valley, as presented. Employment Area Valley Freestanding Sign Code Amendment November 18,2002 City Council Public Hearing Freestanding Signs Existing Code • Existing code applicable to"large retail uses over 450,000 square feet of developable property potentially dedicated to retail sales." • Allows a freestanding sign that can be up to 60 feet in height Existing IKEA Sign • Existing freestanding sign on northeast corner of IKEA site. • Situated to direct customers arriving from: —SR-167 southbound off-ramp —Westbound traffic on SW 41st Street • 50 feet in height 1 *00 Existing Freestanding Sign M% �°" �wew, .ems :` f `�Via{7,1 t �� u+s? -e ".:§� ,���-��� � it �� Existing View (2002) fp "a a � P tt4tief 1�MPet f`'�P f P uzrt.,, Trees Blocking Freestanding Sign • Globe Maples —Grow to a height of 20 to 25 feet at maturity. —Existing trees are very close to maturity. • IKEA has attempted negotiation with neighboring property to trim down or cut trees. —No success in solving view obstruction problem. 2 Code Amendment Proposal • Raise maximum freestanding sign height from 60 feet to 115 feet. • Modify applicability to reduce number of potential properties where this new height is applied. Limit to: —Big-Box Retail Uses —In buildings over 350,000 sq.ft.in area —In the Employment Area Valley Existing View SW 41st St/SR-167 Off-ramp . P'‘i!! F$ N B^9 � ... - Projected View SW 41st St./SR-167 Off-ram , 41) # ' . 1 ` 2 %. g ., • 7 l- r r ,, .,i ,� * . _ 3 imommingimmir %ow -460 Existing View W 41st St/East fillc Road , • rtt, ma44- xip Projected View SW 41st St/East Valle Road r , , Existing View SW 41st St - mid-block to IKEA 4. , - 4 ...., T........, . Projected SW 41st St - mid-block View 1KEA,:, ,.,....„,,..o . . • ;i,..., LOICSA, '.4.,:l..:::'::- . ' :, ,i.",..,.„;,41 r-,--.. :':-'..:: ‘ 1..§,...•.q.„'.i.:4:.7'.-...,1-2.".„-:''' 4 '''''''''' '''''!"''''''. - ....:;,•'...'''.',....1:,.;T:,i':::.....",'..."-''''..:..'''...'11,,...„,..,: ' . .., . -,,,,:,-.;:,...,,.... ..-‘":„;....7,7::::--7.T..--.7.77,;;:,...,....,:iiri4....&ftr,.. .„.•:' 1 t St./Lind Ave. SW 4 s Existing View S. ; -•,-,.cv4;',''''':.-'- . ' -.. ,,,,,,.. ,.--.,•.,',•:. -.'.• •:r- m KEA 4,,,,„,4,5i',' ' , ' '-'1'-'----'..4,,,,*..--•'6A„„„,_,*---t -r- '••:.,, .„. ' - ..,„, ,,i:,,,-,-#--'''''t,;.<,,Ea'1•••-•!.. '''...°''.'''''. '' le,..f.......,-..-• - .:-..4k,`'‘,. • -d ,.,;o1, i... . • ;,„;...: ,i,:••':;'.... •,,.;;-:<,..-.. ---r-- .. s. ‘., .F.. . .,, ,...„....„...... . ••- ''''''-:----- ..,...„..--.. ..-7, „.,,...---- - - ....-. • . . ProjectedView .SW , 41 ts St./Lind Ave. S. rj,„,,,,,smar ILF:ja .-.•c•..i tiha.— •• • ,,„,.., ,.. ..;..„ , r,-',41:-$5:•:.1. ' •-,„,•,-;`,,,,,%`.,..-4s.;,;-i"-1,.--:,`,.' ,. '..4V,O.,,r:::::-‘:4'.,.'".77•, '',', - -'1,'.01:1'f'','°•;-T,''':?:', it- ",..,:.;. .:. ,-':. -' . ' I .,,I, ' ',:•-• .. -v.'', ..2,:- `: —_—_ . - 5 Staff Recommendation • Allow new maximum large freestanding sign height of 115 feet. • Limit applicability to Big-box retail uses in buildings over 350,000 sq.ft.in the Employment Arca Valley. • SEPA is in process with DNS issued on November 12. • A final decision can be made on this issue on December 2. s^a RLY 6 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 18th day of November, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,to consider the following: Proposed City Code amendments which would allow additional height for the large freestanding IKEA sign at SW 41st Street near the southbound SR-167 approach, and to limit applicability to big-box retail uses of a certain size in the Employment Area Valley. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act,and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. eel/mkt Wattilf' Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published South County Journal November 8,2002 Account No.50640 /1(.(13-z., e...4-4-:\es (-a L+L tip ter- s e- Suzann Lombard - parties of record for s'^n code amendment Page 1 From: Gil Cerise To: Suzann Lombard Date: 11/5/02 2:17PM Subject: parties of record for sign code amendment Suzann, Here are the names for the sign code amendment: Bjorn Bayley IKEA 600 SW 43rd St. Renton, WA 98055 Anders Berglund IKEA 600 SW 43rd St. Renton, WA 98055 That's it. It looks like I'll have to provide you with a paper copy of the map, since I cannot find an electronic copy of one. Gil LOCATIONS OF POSTINGS FOR: Proposed Code Amendments to allow additional height for the large freestanding IKEA sign at SW 41 st St. near the southbound SR-167 approach 1. 3 (W_ 2. 0 (56-1 ) 3. S kf i �r�'J 5 (Al , 4. !a Qy- �.- . L' 11 . . 5. z/ll nj - IL Calla(/ pc6 6. s_LU coy E-VA i 7 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING I o / � !I Ali hereby certify that43 copies of the attached notice were posted by me 'regarding the property described bove on the 8 day of rVt7J .. , 20d& . rl� SIGNED k/(91.- SUBSCRIBED ALND. VI"'SWORN TO BEFORE ME this day of , 20 Oa- . . .. 11.;,:#00444;:fitt 10 Amnia,"re SIGNED: �• `o 4 Printed ame: uzQnn la -4) t NOTA PUBLIC in and for th State Of �•e Washington, Residing At S. e.. •Sts '.4 My Commission Expires: c ti 4 it ,fir v i I O IN �o To s\ SW 27 ST I S28S Fyn 5 = A �Q SW29ST o < ry e F Q t ,SW 30 ST l• SW 31 S3 oo P.' SW34ST S17 - 3 0 _ w y 5O= J Sr/ 0 a� 1 SW-39 ST of s h 174 `\9� JTv S 37 S7 ST Or SW38S � Y �� t_CT t ` of 3 ; Dr 1' ¢ OSW 41 ST • S 177 ..) VALLEY ?a, Q,_'' 3 MEDICAL - O n l I l SW 43 ST CENTER S 180 ST 1 h ' LA B .,...., ..... NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 18th, 2002, AT 7:30 P. M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING : City Code amendments to allow additional height for the large freestanding IKEA sign at SW 41st Street near the southbound SR- 167 approach. I , 6 _. vim, _ SW27ST A ati I = S 28 S 28-4 3"l0 16 7 = A time • SW29ST o <- c .,' - t : ♦ SSW 30 ST ¢ r SW31 ST m a w SW34ST S17 cn t Ai h ,, i.,. • �c o a' m. S mac := ` o ;' $W 39 ST a' �r 36 174 r jT ' I' S 37 ST ST V SW38S1 x •- J CT f m 94 Dr Q SW 41 ST S 177 -' N-r VALLEY ?, Orillia < 4,. ` MEDICAL SW 43 ST CENTER I S 180 ST 1 h All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description & further information available in the City Clerk's Office -425-430-6510 ■ The removal, mutilation, destruction, or ' concealment of this notice is a misdemeanor arn n • punishable by fine and imprisonment. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 18th day of November, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Proposed City Code amendments which would allow additional height for the large freestanding IKEA sign at SW 40 Street near the southbound SR-167 approach, and to limit applicability to big-box retail uses of a certain size in the Employment Area Valley. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published South County Journal November 8, 2002 Account No. 50640 • November 4,2002 Nye Renton City Council Minutes Page 425 transportation issues at the next HCA meeting on November 20th, 7:00 p.m., at the Renton Housing Administration Building. Citizen Comment: Zammit— Karen Zammit, Renton resident, expressed her appreciation for the human Childcare Funding Assistance services that Renton provides and for the proposed increase of$30,000 in human services funding for 2003. However, she indicated that there are many Renton parents that need help paying for childcare in order to continue working,especially since King County and the State are cutting back on their childcare programs. She listed the choices parents are facing now that they have lost their childcare assistance including the inability to pay rent or other bills, rationing food, and leaving children home alone. She suggested that Renton subsidize some childcare slots for low-income resident families at childcare facilities located at the Federal Aviation Administration building or Renton Technical College. Ms. Zammit concluded by saying that investing in children and families is more important than investing in capital improvements. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF CHILDCARE FUNDING ASSISTANCE TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION DURING BUDGET DELIBERATIONS. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of October 28, 2002. Council concur. October 28, 2002 CAG: 02-118, Traffic City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/11/2002 for CAG-02-118,Traffic Management Center, Fredhoes Management Center construction (City Hall 5th floor); four bids; engineer's Building Const Co estimate$140,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Fredhoe's Building Construction Company, in the amount of $168,733.56. Council concur. Development Services: Finch Development Services Division recommended acceptance of the dedication of Short Plat,ROW Dedication, additional right-of-way at the corner of NE 6th St. and Index Ave. NE to fulfill NE 6th St &Index Ave NE a requirement of the Finch Short Plat(SHP-01-020). Council concur. Planning: Employment Area Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Valley,Freestanding Sign submitted proposed amendment to City Code to allow additional height for the Code Amendment large freestanding IKEA sign at SW 41st St., and to limit applicability to big- -VW box retail uses of a certain size within the Employment Area Valley land use n designation. Refer to Planning &Development Committee; set public hearing on 11/18/2002. Annexation: Tydico, 136th Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Ave SE recommended a public hearing be set on 11/18/2002 to consider prezoning and proposed resolution calling for an annexation election for the Tydico Annexation; 9.46 acres generally bounded by NE 3rd Pl. to the north,NE 2nd St. to the south, and Bremerton Ave. NE(136th Ave. SE) to the east. Council concur. Budget: 2003 Annual City of Finance and Information Services Department recommended a public hearing Renton be set on 11/18/2002 to consider the 2003 annual City of Renton Budget. Council concur. Plat: Piele, NE 4th St(PP-02- Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Piele 068) Preliminary Plat; 22 single-family lots on 4.46 acres located on 5300 and 5308 NE 4th St. (PP-02-068). Council concur. CI'r4 OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: s ° Submitting Data: For Agenda of: November 4, 2002 Dept/Div/Board.. EDNSP Staff Contact Gil Cerise Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Large Freestanding Sign Code Amendment requested Correspondence.. by IKEA to achieve visibility from southbound SR-167 Ordinance off-ramp and SW 41st Street approach to store. Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Photo attachment Information Draft Code Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning & Development Committee and set a Legal Dept Public Hearing date for November 18, 2002. Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... 0 Transfer/Amendment 0 Amount Budgeted 0 Revenue Generated 0 Total Project Budget 0 City Share Total Project.. 0 SUMMARY OF ACTION: EDNSP is proposing an amendment to Renton Municipal Code section 4-4-100E.5.e.ii. The proposed amendment regards allowing additional height for the large freestanding IKEA sign at SW 41' Street near the southbound SR-167 approach to allow long-term visibility above the mature growth tree line, and to limit applicability to big-box retail uses of a certain size in the Employment Area Valley. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council forward the attached issue paper, photo attachments,ind draft code to the Planning & Development Committee for consideration and that November 18, 2002 be set as the date to hold a Public Hearing on this matter. Rentonnet/agnbi11/ bh CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: October 29, 2002 TO: Toni Nelson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Sue Carlson, EDNSP Administrator (../i U STAFF CONTACT: Gil Cerise, x6578 SUBJECT: Sign Code Amendments Requested by IKEA ISSUE: The existing large freestanding IKEA sign on SW 41st Street has become increasingly obscured from SR-167 and surrounding streets by trees and development that has been constructed near the IKEA store site since it opened in the 1990s. IKEA has approached the City with a proposed sign height that it believes will adequately meet its needs for visibility from SR-167. RECOMMENDATION: • Amend the sign code to allow a maximum large freestanding sign height of 115 feet. This will allow IKEA to raise its sign above the tree line and make it visible from the southbound SR-167 off-ramp. • Reject IKEA's proposal for adding a 362.5 square foot per sign face for AMB Property Corporation to the same pole structure. The property owner can utilize 82 square feet 9f sign face for an additional sign face on the same pole structure under existing code. • Amend the applicability section of RMC 4-4-100E.5.e.ii. to limit large freestanding signs of up to 115 feet in height to big-box retail uses over 350,000 square feet in total building area located within the Employment Area Valley. IKEA is the only big-box retail store with more than 350,000 square feet in building area within the Employment Area Valley. • Set an open public hearing date before the City Council for Monday, November 18, 2002. Action is to be delayed until the end of the SEPA appeal period on December 2, 2002. October 29, 2002 Page 2 BACKGROUND SUMMARY: Existing Conditions. Renton Municipal Code currently allows up to two large freestanding signs for a large retail use over 450,000 square feet of developable property potentially dedicated to retail sales. This issue focuses on the first large freestanding sign allowed per this section of code (RMC 4-4- 100E.5.e.ii.). The large freestanding IKEA sign is located on the corner of SW 41" Street and Lind Avenue. The IKEA building is 32 feet high. The large freestanding sign stands at the northeast corner of the building site at a height of 50 feet. The existing Renton Municipal Code allows up to 60 feet in large freestanding sign height. The existing freestanding sign consists of a sign face of 618.75 square feet per sign face as well as a smaller sign frame of approximately 64 square feet per sign face. Under Renton Municipal Code, all signs on the same pole structure are considered one sign for purposes of calculating maximum sign face area. Therefore, the combined sign faces are approximately 682.75 square feet, below the 700 square foot maximum sign face limitation for large freestanding signs. Tree Types and Heights. The trees located along SW 41' Street between IKEA and the southbound SR-167 off-ramp are Globe Maples. These trees are currently obscuring the large freestanding IKEA sign from potential customers arriving from southbound SR-167 and those traveling westbound on SW 41' Street. This type of tree typically grows to a height of 20 feet to 25 feet at full maturity. The trees in this location are near full maturity and will not grow much taller. IKEA Proposal. IKEA proposes to raise the existing sign to 112 feet, 6 inches in order to make it visible above the tree line from the nearby southbound SR-167 off-ramp and along SW 41S` Street. In addition, IKEA proposes to include one of the property owner signs (AMB Property Corporation) on the same pole structure. The proposed AMB Property Corp. sign is 362.5 square feet per sign face. The two sign faces (IKEA and AMB Property Corp.) are considered one sign by Renton Municipal Code definition because they are on the same pole structure. Therefore, the proposed total sign face for this large freestanding sign is 981.25 square feet. Potential Code Amendments. The Large Retail Uses Over 450,000 Square Feet of Developable Property Potentially Dedicated to Retail Sales provision of the Sign Code would need to be modified in two ways in order to allow the new IKEA sign as proposed. 1. The maximum height of the large freestanding sign would have to be amended from 60 feet to 115 feet. 2. The maximum area of the sign face for the large freestanding sign would have to be amended from 700 square feet to 1,000 square feet. Additional Code Amendment Limiting Applicability to IKEA Building. If amended, there is concern that the applicability of this section of sign code may allow too many properties developing into large, big-box retail uses to utilize 115-foot tall large freestanding signs. Under existing language, properties that have more than 450,000 square feet of developable property potentially dedicated to retail sales may build these large freestanding signs. The following are some example projects that may be able to use this code section to build large freestanding signs: , October 29, 2002 Page 3 Approximate Proposed Project Site Area Building Area Fry's Electronics 522,720 sq. ft. 151,000 sq. ft. Grady Retail Project 696,960 sq. ft. 135,000 sq. ft. (IKEA shown for comparison) IKEA 668,500 sq. ft. 390,240 sq. ft. Staff suggests an additional code amendment that will modify the applicability for RMC 4-4- 100E.5.e.ii. to restrict it more clearly to the Valley. The suggested code amendment would make this section of code applicable only to big-box retail uses in the Employment Area Valley that have more than 350,000 sq. ft. in total building area. This new language restricts application of this type of sign to big-box retail sites with large building areas in the Employment Area Valley. The rationale for this restriction is that the taller and larger signs will be more in scale with nearby large big-box retailers that are attempting to be a regional draw attracting business from nearby freeways. As currently drafted this section of sign code would only apply to IKEA. There are three other buildings that are large enough to qualify for this provision within the Employment Area Valley. However, none of them are classified as big-box retail uses. IKEA is the only big-box retail use with over 350,000 square feet of building area within the Employment Area Valley. Conclusion: The Administration has determined that trees have limited the visibility of IKEA's existing signage from SR-167 and SW 41st Street. When the store was built,the City determined that 60 feet was an acceptable height under the existing conditions at that time. Now that these conditions have changed, the height limit should be reviewed and height limitations changed to allow a 115 foot tall sign that will remain above full-growth tree line and clearly visible for approaching customers. This increased sign height should not be available to every large big-box retailer in the City, however. Therefore,changes should be made to limit this type of sign height to large big-box retail uses located within the Employment Area Valley. The Administration suggests denying the proposal to allow a 362.5 square foot sign face for the property owner. If the property owner wants to place an additional sign face on the IKEA pole structure, it has approximately 80 square feet of additional sign face that it can utilize under existing code. Large retail sign issue paper.doc/ 4-4-100 SIGN REGULATIONS E. SIZE,NUMBER AND HEIGHT OF PERMANENT SIGNS: 5. Additional Signs Permitted in Commercial and Industrial Zones: Except in the City Sign Regulation Area, the following shall apply in all commercial and industrial zones: e. Large Retail Uses: Property dedicated primarily to retail sales may install oversized signs as follows in lieu of signage permitted under subsections E5a(i),Business Signs, and E5d, Shopping Centers, of this Section. (Ord. 4577, 1-22-1996) ii. Big Box Retail Uses with over 350,000 square feet of total building area located in the Employment Area "ValleyDevelopmen H „dreflThousand (450 nnm Sguurc Feet: Big box retail uses with over 350,000 square feet in total building area located in the Employment Area Valley Properties with over four hundred fifty thousand(150,000)square feet in developable property potentially dedicated to retail sales may install: • Large Freestanding Signs: One on-premises freestanding sign not to exceed one hundred-fifteen sixty-feet(60115') in height and seven hundred-(700) square feet per face, and another such sign not to exceed forty feet(40') in height and four hundred(400) square feet per face, and; • Roof Signs: One roof-mounted sign per building of up to four hundred (400) square feet not to exceed twenty feet(20') in height above the parapet wall and not to exceed two (2) such signs per retail center, and; • Additional Freestanding Signs: Two(2) on-premises freestanding signs per street frontage, no more than eight feet(8')tall and no more than one hundred(100) square feet per side. (Ord. 4577, 1-22- 1996) 1 Existing Proposed i, - i'4 11 :t4,../4-..--).: i j ji - ) 4 / :,. I '41.ter ,� 4 h a_ _,•, t'.� ......... +•! -..,,.. di m. . M1 1 jy; w ,.kk�e, c e SW 41st St/Southbound SR167 offramp SW 41st St/Southbound SR167 offramp •-it(.;• ' 410.'%''' ':'S' i ., , n k !1 'tit 44. '. • - 44ll{,r "<. it0.:.-f 1 ! • -�'n '.+,va. ak ., y� f .. . I.Q _..W > A .I sa, . Ilikt .,, Aiiii , ,, SW 41st St/East Valley Road SW 41st St/East Valley Road 1 . .., . r � P , m . , .... • •, I ,f ``',l . °' ;ter.~ �s ` + c r . _if SW 41st St SW 41st St 111 INCUR* ill .------ Pik6 a,1r» .. .. J . �./ A11i. �.^. ... ...._..p..gym: SW 41st St/Lind Ave S SW 41st St/Lind Ave S ;��; Ikea existing proposed and =am-i, .�I�/ 10 Sin co rnpa ri so npictures This document graphic representation and is intended for 'j• city purposes only.. The sign heights in the proposed pictures column ore an estimation and are not drawn to any scale. 22 October 2002 This map is for discussion purposes only.