HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoeing Aircraft Manufacturing Fac - Development Agreement (5/20/2002) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 8 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, EXPRESSING THE INTENT OF BOEING AND THE CITY OF RENTON TO WORK TOGETHER IN THE REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF THE RENTON PLANT SITE. WHEREAS, Boeing has announced that it is considering consolidation of its operations at the Renton Plant by moving north into the buildings closest to Lake Washington over the next 18 to 36 months and is committed to preserving its Renton Plant operations for airplane final assembly, design and integration; and WHEREAS, the City has approved a Development Agreement for the Renton Plant that, among other things, vests land use regulations applicable to Renton Plant development applications and establishes baseline vehicle trips; and WHEREAS, Boeing is evaluating the possible surplus of those land assets and buildings which are non-essential to its ongoing operations; and WHEREAS, Boeing and the City agree that the Renton Plant represents a significant redevelopment opportunity to enhance the City's employment and tax base; and WHEREAS, Boeing is committed to managing its real estate assets to create value for shareholders, employees and communities in which Boeing has long been a major presence; and WHEREAS, the City is committed to the revitalization of the North Renton Area consistent with appropriate long-range planning goals; and 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 8 9 WHEREAS, Boeing and the City agree that the Renton Plant is currently zoned and suitable for industrial uses, but that potential future redevelopment could consist of a higher range of land uses over time, with the mutual commitment of both parties and provided that costs associated with repositioning the site for uses other than airplane manufacture, including major on- and off-site infrastructure, are planned and funded on a collaborative basis;and WHEREAS, certain amendments to City policies and regulations may be necessary to accommodate the range of potential redevelopment alternatives; and WHEREAS, Boeing and the City agree that an appropriate vehicle for the evaluation of the range of alternative uses, and those policy and regulatory changes required to implement such uses on a phased basis based on incremental land surplusing decisions made over time, is through the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) environmental review process; and WHEREAS, Boeing and the City agree that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be completed to provide the level of environmental review necessary to address all potential impacts of implementation of the redevelopment scenarios and required policy and regulatory amendments related to the Property; and WHEREAS, the City has determined and Boeing concurs, that the consultants listed on Attachment A are qualified consultants from the City's roster and are hereby selected to assist the City in completing the EIS although nothing shall prevent the City from selecting additional consultants to assist; and WHEREAS, Boeing and the City agree that a Development Agreement will be made subsequent to the EIS process to guide potential future redevelopment of the Property; and 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 8 9 .... WHEREAS, Boeing and the City acknowledge that eventual redevelopment of the Renton Plant may be constrained by environmental impacts, infrastructure costs, corporate requirements,jurisdictional objectives or other factors; and WHEREAS, Boeing and the City agree that it is now appropriate to outline mutual short- and long-term goals, roles and responsibilities associated with review and evaluation of the Property; and WHEREAS, Boeing agrees that the following key activities and commitments by Boeing are necessary to support planning, environmental evaluation and possible future redevelopment of the Renton Plant site: • Actively lobby the State legislature to highlight the importance of transportation improvements to the Boeing Company generally and the City's effort to earmark dollars for Renton specifically; and • Cooperate with and fund the City's SEPA environmental review (EIS) of a range of redevelopment and consolidation alternatives that are consistent with Boeing's objectives for potential redevelopment of the Property and the City's long-range planning goals for the North Renton Area; and • Work with the City on a Development Agreement that would outline a mitigation framework(supported by the SEPA analysis above) that links planned infrastructure requirements with defined development thresholds on a phased basis; and WHEREAS, the City agrees that the following key activities and commitments by the City are necessary to support planning, environmental evaluation and possible future redevelopment of the Renton Plant site: 3 • RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 8 9 • Serve as the lead agency for an EIS addressing the impacts of alternative redevelopment and consolidation scenarios generated by Boeing and associated policy and regulatory amendments; and • Ensure that the environmental review is completed in a manner that is as time and cost-efficient as possible; and • Lobby for priority funding of interchange improvements along the I-405 Corridor and regional arterials necessary to support the range of redevelopment alternatives identified within the EIS; and • Contribute to public funding for the infrastructure, parks, open space, or other public services necessary to support future redevelopment scenarios of the Property that meet both parties' objectives. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Mayor and City Council hereby support the possible future redevelopment of all or a portion of the Renton Plant site in this manner, following the processes and assuming the responsibilities described above so long as such redevelopment is consistent with the City's long range vision and Boeing's operational, planning and development requirements. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of October , 2002. Wa Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 4 RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 8 9 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of October , 2002. .C:71;44.0 Je Tanner, Mayor APPROVED BY BOEING this day of , 2002. By: Its: Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren,- ity Attorney RES.934:10/1/02:ma 5 • RESOLUTION NO. 3' ".'9 t 44 U I 0 U x, Q Q J1----,--- i---- ---- - G -._ ----- Z J O U j X X W o 1 1 CC J O 1 > Z x• I x x x - W U 0 Cl) a x x x x x x x x x x H ' o z X x x a I F Q 2 x x x X x I W a o x x x z z I J _1 --- I I I O. 0 0 0 X x x X x X X >- _ I _ - — C) I W N x X F- u j ZZ W - — - , ! - J W Z Z N X x i X X 1 a -T 1- LLJ > Z N J X X X X X X U III cc o I- I 1 Z 0 X X 2 ° z 0 }0 Z ------I- ----- - I > $ x x x x x x x x x z z W W j cp 1 x x x x x x x W �� O 0 N- co co• Ln O -1- 0 N- CO V N o 0 0 c) o r V o O N CO I-- O N. 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Development Agreement Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released: (on page_of documents(s)) cv> c-* Grantor(s)(Last name first,then first name and initials): 1. The Boeing Company Grantee(s) (Last name first,then first name and initials): c 1. City of Renton Legal description(abbreviated: i.e. lot,block,plat or section,township, range) cam, Portions of Renton Farm Plat,Renton Farm Plat No. 2,Plat of Sartorisville,Renton Boiler Works Short Plat,Renton Farm Acreage Plat, City of Renton Short Plat, C.H. Adsit's Lake Washington Plat,and Government Lots 1,2, and 3— STR 082305 TAXLOT 55 PCL 1 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 115 PCL 2 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 880 PCL 3 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 19 PCL 4 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 9 PCL 5 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 37 PCL 6 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 105 PCL 7 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 152 PCL 8 BOEING, STR 072305 TAXLOT 1 PCL 9 BOEING, STR 072305 TAXLOT 46 PCL 10 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 11 PCL 11 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 187 PCL 12 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 79 PCL 13 BOEING, STR 072305 TAXLOT 100 PCL 14 BOEING, STR 082305 TAXLOT 204 PCL 15 BOEING. I X1 Full legal is on pages 8 through 17 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number Portions of the following: #756460-0055-04, #722300-0115-08, #722400-0880-00,#082305-9019-00, #082305-9209-00, #082305-9037-08, #722300-0105-00, #082305-9152-07,#072305-9001-01,#072305- 9046-08,#082305-9011-08,#082305-9187-06, #082305-9079-07, #072305-9100-01, #082305-9204-05. [03003-0 105/SB020080.05 1] 6/20/02 two *rio DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOEING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE BOEING RENTON AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACILITY I. PREAMBLE This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") between THE BOEING COMPANY ("Boeing"), a Delaware corporation, and the CITY OF RENTON ("City"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, is entered into pursuant to the authority of RCW 36.70B.170 through .210, under which a local government may enter into a development agreement with an entity having ownership or control of real property within its jurisdiction. II. RECITALS A. Boeing is the owner of certain real property, known as the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility ("Renton Plant" or "Plant"), located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, as more particularly described in Attachment 1, which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. ca c B. The Renton Plant consists of approximately 279 acres located at the south end of Lake Washington in the City of Renton. The majority of the Plant site is a located within the Industrial-Heavy ("IH") zoning district and is designated Employment Area-Industrial by the City's Comprehensive Plan. An approximately 21-acre portion along the site's eastern boundary is zoned IH and is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Employment Area-Transition (Interim). C. The Renton Plant was originally developed for construction of military aircraft during World War II, with the first Plant buildings completed in 1942. Major building construction occurred in the decades of the 1950s and 1960s. By 1989, the Renton Plant contained 69 major buildings with a total enclosed floor area of approximately 6.9 million square feet. D. In the late 1980s, Boeing planned an expansion of the Plant to accommodate projected production needs for the 1990s and beyond. For that proposal, the City of Renton issued an environmental impact statement ("EIS") pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") that disclosed and analyzed the environmental impacts of the addition to the Plant of new buildings and increased employees. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 [03003-0105/SB020080.051] 6/20/02 E. The EIS describes, among other alternatives, a "Proposed Action" to add four structures (the 4-80 building, expansion of the 4-82 building, a 16,000 square foot addition to the existing 4-86 building, and construction of a six-level parking garage) and 1,500 employees to support a forecasted production increase. Based on impacts of the Proposed Action, a "Mitigation Document," dated February 20, 1990 and revised March 7, 1990, was issued by the City's Environmental Review Committee ("ERC"). F. The EIS establishes that, without the expansion described by the Proposed Action, the Renton Plant generated 28,140 average daily vehicle trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips. The EIS estimates that implementation of the Proposed Action will result in the addition of as many as 3,015 vehicle trips per day and 435 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips per day. G. Boeing and the City agree that additional development of the Renton Plant should be regulated and mitigated in order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes. Accordingly, Boeing and the City wish to enter into a Development Agreement addressing certain aspects of Phase I and Phase II (as defined below) development and therefore agree as follows: act III. AGREEMENT 1. Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, "Phase I", described by the EIS as the "No Action Alternative," shall include Renton Plant development existing as of the date that the Mitigation Document was issued. "Phase II" shall consist of the Proposed Action as analyzed and mitigated by the EIS and the Mitigation Document, respectively, and/or such other plans for development or redevelopment of the Renton Plant site that may from time to time be approved by the City. 2. Vesting and Term of Agreement. The City's land use regulations in effect and applicable to project applications as of the recording date of this Agreement shall govern (a) the continued use and operation of Phase I for airplane manufacturing purposes and any other Boeing operation (b) Phase II development applications submitted to the City within 45 years from the recording date of this Agreement, so long as such applications are for airplane manufacturing uses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City reserves the authority under RCW 36.70B.170(4) to impose new or different regulations to the extent required by a serious threat to public health and safety, as determined by the Renton City Council after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been provided to Boeing. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 2 [03003-0105/SB020080.051] 6/20/02 visif 3. Land Use Regulations. For purposes of this Agreement, "land use regulations" means Comprehensive Plan policies and zoning standards in effect as of the date of this Agreement; provided, however, that Boeing may elect at its discretion that Comprehensive Plan policies and zoning standards adopted after the recording date of this Agreement shall apply to all or part of Phase II development. For purposes of this Agreement, the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the Renton Plant site is Employment Area— Industrial and the zoning designation applicable to the Renton Plant site is IH pursuant to the March 15, 2002 Zoning Map as adopted by the City Council. 4. Baseline Vehicle Trips. 4.1 Calculation of Future Traffic Impacts and Mitigation. Existing vehicle trips associated with Phase I, described by the EIS as the "No Action Alternative," (i.e., 28,140 average daily trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour trips) shall be considered to be vested and to form the "baseline trips" for purposes of the analysis of transportation impacts associated with Phase II development or redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. For example, and without limiting the foregoing, if Boeing elects to dispose of or redevelop all or a component of the Renton Plant site, all or a portion of the baseline trips may be assigned to that component of the site when calculating and determining the appropriate mitigation of future transportation impacts applicable to that component's redevelopment. cc= Therefore, only those traffic impacts that exceed the impacts associated with the "baseline trips" shall be subject to transportation mitigation. 4.2 Traffic Modeling. "Baseline trips" as described in Paragraph 4.1 above (i.e., 28,140 average daily trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour trips) shall be included in the City's traffic model for purposes of estimating future transportation impacts. 5. Other Mitigation Fees. With respect to impacts to public services other than transportation, future building demolitions at the Renton Plant site shall be eligible for "redevelopment credits," which shall offset any applicable mitigation or impact fees (including, but not limited to, mitigation fees for fire and water services) that would otherwise be assessed by the City on the basis of square footage of new floor area for each square foot of floor area demolished. 6. Mitigation Document. To the extent that this Agreement conflicts with the Mitigation Document, this Agreement controls. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 3 [03003-0105/SB020080.051 1 6/20/02 7. Recording. This Agreement, upon execution by the parties and approval of the Agreement by resolution of the City Council, shall be recorded with the Real Property Records Division of the King County Records and Elections Depaitiiient. 8. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of Boeing and the City of Renton and their successors in interest, and may be assigned to successors in interest to all or a portion of the Renton Plant property. Upon assignment and assumption by the assignee(s) of all obligations under this Agreement, Boeing shall be released from all obligations under this Agreement. 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. 10. Expiration. This Agreement, unless rescinded by Boeing or its successors in interest, shall become null and void 45 (45) years from the date of recording of this Agreement. AGREED this c2 day of G �� , 2002. a DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 4 [03003-0105/SB020080.051] 6/20;02 CITY O RENTON ATTEST: ,,I _ V. G!/G�-6"- /� �wu By: Bonnie I. Walton IIt uiu► Its By: Jesse Tanner Sof RE/� Oi % Its City Cl erk I* SEAT *1 A.vo ed as to form: ,, 1D5 �\ �4 City Attorney nh/IIINIIinniIN11,\\\\ STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of June , 2002, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, CD personally appeared Jesse Tanner , to me known to be the person who signed as Mayor of the CITY OF RENTON, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly elected, qualified and acting as said officer of the corporation, that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. :\ _S:(Azicc-",-,--- Os '467•,-Nr--e-ri.,...a9 i.; (Signature of Notary) �T-�' is �(.0 2-'nn 1�_ I-a rQ f (Print or stamp name of Notary) h • .4,,,; ''`k PiA3Lie I ` NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State ��' "ate of Washington, residing at My appointment expires: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 5 [03003-0105/SB020080.051] 6/20/02 THE BOEING COMPANY kIPAV Apr B /, �/ By: Philip W. Cyburt I `� Its: Vice President Vice ' ►-ident Q. cv C,a7 CV DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 6 [/SB020080051.DOC] 6/7/02 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT :' rC.-o<> , z_`F`.,it'd - ,a,E;, IcsL.'1r_'�h,,-sc Fc`-_-^. .=c."<-,3<C` C+ ','r `<'krcr;fie 1cr1h•.4 , '`.�—,•;f a < ; '..,, '`" State of California ; ss. :), Countyof �O� APIGE-LE5 I d �/aW�.l . SiIAvLR NAD AR pu i On_ �! n Da, �CX> before me, u V hj Date Name and Title of Officer(eg.."Jane Doe,Notary Public") T' Pi-31L_IP (A) . CY �ti -T personally appeared Name(s)of Signer(s) IXl personally known to met ?iiI ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory j t,tl S, eiii evidence `r i to be the persons) whose name($ is/are xi Ili subscribed to the within instrument and '., acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed is. , the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/b ths-ft ?; vs �. � DAWN E.SHAVER signatures}on the instrument the person(s), or Z �i_� COMM. 1325796 the entity upon behalf of which the person{sj w_ NOTARY PUBLIC*CALIFORNIA ` - '11!1 y LOSANGELES COUNTY acted, executed the instrument. er Comm.Exp.OCT.18 2005 `' ITNESS my hand and official seal. cor Signature of Notary Public [-T� `1I 4Ct OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law,it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent I a I;'1 fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. " `' Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: ;v Document Date: Number of Pages:xl • Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: r' Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer 'ary I ,i J Signer's Name: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER ,, Top of thumb here 71❑ Individual dLI Corporate Officer—Title(s): `' El Partner—❑ Limited ❑General ? s ❑ Attorney-in-Fact i' ❑ Trustee cl Cl Guardian or Conservator i i ❑ Other: 0i ( Signer Is Representing: PAGE 7 III `err K,`;'eZ.';'-;`L'_, V:', .e. �X' :K;{r'C,'<-K-. ' C %Z.%t"-C. K-` `C"-<',,:,X ;c<;``✓4 "'-/v` .'',':', `' % CO 1999 National Notary Association•9350 De Soto Ave.,P.O.Box 2402•Chatsworth,CA 91313-2402•www.nationalnotary.org Prod.No.5907 Reorder:Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 ATTACHMENT 1 Legal Description of Boeing Renton Plant Property PARCEL 1: LOTS 1 THROUGH 13 IN BLOCK 11 OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7203140338 AND 9406070578; TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 8 IN BLOCK 1 OF SARTORISVILLE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 7, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 1 CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7203140338, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET; Q cam. THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, RADIUS 13.50 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°, AN ARC LENGTH OF 21.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, 13.50 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; -Ems+ THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, RADIUS 13.50 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°, AN ARC LENGTH OF 21.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, 13.50 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 83.5 FEET OF LOTS 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK 1 OF SAID PLAT OF SARTORISVILLE; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET OF SAID LOTS 11 AND 12; AND TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 AND 2 OF RENTON BOILER WORKS SHORT PLAT NO. 282-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7907109002; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON; PAGE 8 PARCEL 2: LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 IN BLOCK 4 OF RENTON FARM ACREAGE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 12, PAGE 37, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 3: THE WEST 17.5 FEET OF THE NORTH 30 FEET OF LOT 10,THE WEST 17.5 FEET OF LOTS 11, 12,AND 13, ALL OF LOTS 14, 15, AND 16, AND THE NORTH 30 FEET OF LOT 17, ALL IN BLOCK 10 OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE VACATED ALLEY ADJOINING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION DEEDED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7307090450; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 4: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: c_a a^ e BEGINNING AT A POINT 60 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 13 IN BLOCK 10 OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF ca KING COUNTY; erzt sv THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE PRODUCED, 185 FEET; THENCE WEST 107.5 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 185 FEET; THENCE EAST 107.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF 6"1 AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7206090448; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9406070574; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 5: PARCEL B OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 093-89, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8911149006; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PAGE 9 %New vino PARCEL 6: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 660 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6T" STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130916; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7: PARCEL A OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 093-89, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8911149006; TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 IN BLOCK 3 AND LOTS 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK 4 OF RENTON FARM ACREAGE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 37, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; r.r AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED STREET AND ALLEY ADJOINING, AS VACATED UNDER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NOS. 3319, 3327 AND 4048 WHICH, UPON VACATION, o ATTACHES TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW; ¢se AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION B,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF SAID VACATED ALLEY ON THE EAST AND THE EAST LIEN OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2-A(PARK cicx AVENUE EXTENSION) ON THE WEST; 0 EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 5180889 AND 9406070579; e^�t SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 8: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST UNE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERLINE,TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION; PAGE 10 THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER UNE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO. 2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6T" STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6T" STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURUNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH UNE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 6T„ STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7106110508, 7106110510, 7106110511, 8509100968, 8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 9-A: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING SOUTHERLY OF NORTH 6T" STREET, WESTERLY OF LOGAN o STREET NORTH EXTENSION (LOGAN AVENUE NORTH) AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 3261297, EASTERLY OF CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY COMMERCIAL WATERWAY NO. 2), AND NORTHERLY OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5701684; act EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE BOEING COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5907048 (ALSO BEING THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 10 FOLLOWING); SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 9-B: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 3 IN THE EAST 1/2 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., AND OF C.H. ADSIT'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 79, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, AND CERTAIN VACATED STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS IN SAID PLAT, AND CERTAIN SHORE LANDS AND VACATED LOGAN STREET NORTH (FORMERLY WILLIAMS STREET NORTH), IN SAID SHORE LANDS, ALL DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SIXTH AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST LINE OF LOGAN STREET NORTH; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO THE EAST-WEST CENTERUNE IN SAID SECTION 7; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH, AS THE SAME IS CONVEYED NORTH OF SAID SECTION LINE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID WEST LINE; PAGE 11 New THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 30 FEET NORTHWESTERLY OF THE GOVERNMENT MEANDER LINE IN SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID VACATED LOGAN STREET NORTH; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE, NORTHWESTERLY TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID VACATED STREET TO THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF THE RIGHT- OF-WAY OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY NO. 2; THENCE SOUTHERLY,ALONG THE EASTERLY UNE OF SAID WATERWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY, TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SIXTH AVENUE NORTH; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH BLOCK C OF THE 34D SUPPLEMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. C cs PARCEL 9-C: AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 5, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 co OF SECTION 6, THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7 AND IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., INCLUDING WITHIN THIS TRACT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS SHOWN ON SHEETS NOS. 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED BY `" UDO HESSE AND FILED IN CAUSE NO. 156371 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING COUNTY ENTITLED SEATTLE FACTORY SITES COMPANY, ET AL VS. ANNIE I. ADAMS, ET AL, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M.; THENCE NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, AND ALONG SUCH LINE PRODUCED WESTERLY 960.01 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 PRODUCED WESTERLY, 761.39 FEET, MORE OR LESS,TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT, SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SHUFFLETON STEAM PLANT PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 43°06'56" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF SAID SHUFFLETON PROPERTY, 680.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS AS LAID OUT BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 46°52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 858.51 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 46°52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 726.94 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE VACATED COUNTY ROAD NO. 376, ALSO KNOWN AS RAILROAD AVENUE, WILLIAMS STREET AND LOGAN STREET IN THE CITY OF RENTON, SAID ROAD BEING EXTENDED NORTHERLY; PAGE 12 THENCE SOUTH 14°36'26" EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID EXTENDED COUNTY ROAD 817.01 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 41°22'31" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 514.19 FEET TO A POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE BOEING COMPANY PROPERTY KNOWN AS PARCEL V; THENCE SOUTH 66°24'16" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF PARCEL V 217.51 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, SAID INTERSECTION BEING POINT ON A CURVE OF RADIUS 1482.71 FEET FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 62°38'53"EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 316.79 FEET TO A POINT FROM WHENCE THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 50°24'23" EAST; THENCE NORTH 14°34'18" WEST 1,546.44 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 9-D AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 5, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7 AND IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, ALL ems. IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., INCLUDING WITHIN THIS TRACT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS SHOWN ON SHEET NOS. 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE AND FILED IN CAUSE NO. 156371 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING °e7 COUNTY ENTITLED SEATTLE FACTORY SITES COMPANY, ET AL VS. ANNIE 3. ADAMS, ET AL AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: c BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M.; cam, THENCE NORTH 88°51'05"WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, AND ALONG SUCH LINE PRODUCED WESTERLY, 960.01 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 PRODUCED WESTERLY 761.39 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT, SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SHUFFLETON STEAM PLANT PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 43°06'56" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF SAID SHUFFLETON PROPERTY, 680.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS,AS LAID OUT BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 46°52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 607.89 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 46°52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 250.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14°34'18" EAST 1,546.44 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, SAID INTERSECTION BEING POINT ON A CURVE OF RADIUS 1,482.71 FEET FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 50°24'23" EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 132.81 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE OF RADIUS 2,052.27 FEET FROM WHENCE THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLES BEAR SOUTH 45°16'28" EAST; PAGE 13 *air THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 214.91 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 50°43'32" EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN 159.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°38'24" WEST 700.81 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°53'04" EAST 215.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43°06'56" WEST 713.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON, PARCEL 10: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING EASTERLY OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO. 2 (CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY), AND WESTERLY OF LOGAN STREET NORTH EXTENSION (LOGAN AVENUE NORTH)AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 3261297, DESCRIBED AS: c•► BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 6T" AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST MARGIN OF LOGAN c--s STREET NORTH; THENCE NORTH 89°34'11" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN, 674.91 FEET, TO THE MOST NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY CORNER OF A TRACT CONVEYED TO THE BOEING COMPANY, BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5701683, AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; car THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°34'11" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN, 441.54 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO. 2, AS CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 211409; CNL THENCE SOUTH 12°47'42" EAST, ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 328.72 FEET TO THE • c?...+e INTERSECTION WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 320 FEET SOUTH OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 6T" AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 89°34'11" EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 366.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°25'49" EAST 320.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 11: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4 WITH THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF PARK STREET, ALSO KNOWN AS SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2A; THENCE SOUTH 89°28'19" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 771.21 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°31'51" EAST 253.23 FEET TO THE TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 850 FEET; PAGE 14 THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 274.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 17°59'39" WEST 1484.81 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM WHENCE THE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 49°18'19" EAST 288.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 250.57 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY, SAID POINT OF TANGENCY BEING ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID PARK STREET; THENCE SOUTH 00°57'41" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1581.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION FOR PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE AS CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION(S) THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422, BEING A RE-RECORDING OF 9612120855 AND RECORDING NO. 88 1 1 1 50482; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; ADJOINING, WHICH. UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. cr C:73 PARCEL 12: AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LYING IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 CD NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, INCLUDING WITHIN THIS TRACT CD CERTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS AS SHOWN ON SHEETS NOS. 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE AND FILED IN CAUSE NO. 156371 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING ¢v COUNTY ENTITLED SEATTLE FACTORY SITES COMPANY, ET AL VS. ANNIE J. ADAMS, ET AL ,AND c MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CNI BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST,W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, AND ALONG SUCH UNE PRODUCED WESTERLY 960.01 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 PRODUCED WESTERLY 761.39 FEET, MORE OR LESS,TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT, SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SHUFFLETON STEAM PLANT PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 43°06'56"WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF SAID SHUFFLETON PROPERTY, 680.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS,TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS AS LAID OUT BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 46°52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 607.89 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 43°06'56" EAST 713.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 43°06'56" EAST 220.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46°53'04" WEST 220.00 FEET; PAGE 15 New THENCE SOUTH 31°37'23" EAST 448.22 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN SOUTH 50°43'32" WEST 174.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°38'24" WEST 700.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°53'04" EAST 215.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS THEREOF CONVEYED TO PUGET SOUND POWER& LIGHT COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8812140277 AND FURTHER DELINEATED AS PARCELS C AND D ON CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 004-88, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8808309006; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION KNOWN AS PARCEL E OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 004-88 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8808309006, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE ABOVE REFERENCED TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 43°06'56" EAST 3.86 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14°36'26" EAST 244.87 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 14°36'26" EAST 345.29 FEET; ems. THENCE NORTH 31°37'32" WEST 309.63 FEET; C4 o THENCE NORTH 46°53'04" EAST 103.03 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; ezD SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. CCP PARCEL 13: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 8,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING EASTERLY OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) • cue RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND LYING WESTERLY OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN 60 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT; THENCE WESTERLY TO SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RAILROAD MARGIN; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; PAGE 16 EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONDEMNED FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 14: THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON-NORTHERN INC. (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.) 100 FOOT RAILWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SECTIONS 7 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH MARGIN OF NORTH 4T" STREET AND THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTH 6TH STREET; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 15: THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S 100 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND NORTHWEST 1 OF THE SOUTHWEST '/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6T"AVENUE NORTH AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY c.4 END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.'S BRIDGE NO. 3)AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING c DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT 25 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER UNE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00; 'r,4 THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT UNE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE __ NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF DESCRIBED LINE AND a.t END OF DESCRIPTION; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PAGE 17 j °liar 'woe ATTACHMENT 2 Development Regulations Applicable to Phase II Development 1. Development regulations, including, but not limited to the following chapters of Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code: • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 CNi • Chapter 6 2. Policies set forth in the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan (adopted February 20, 1995, amended August 13, 2001). A PAGE 18 CITN RENTON oak City Clerk Jesse Tanner,Mayor Bonnie I.Walton October 10, 2002 Wayt T. Watterson Perkins Coie LLP 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4800 Seattle, WA 98101-3099 Re: Development Agreement—Boeing Renton Plant Rec #20020802000224 Dear Mr. Watterson: Enclosed is a copy of the recorded Development Agreement for the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility, Rec # 20020802000224, received in our office from King County on October 7. Please contact Lesley Nishihira, Development Services at 425-430-7270 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Suzann D. Lombard Records Management Coordinator Enclosure cc: Lesley Nishihira (w/encl.) 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 R E N T O N AHEAD OF THE CURVE ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3568 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE BOEING COMPANY FOR THE BOEING RENTON AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACILITY. WHEREAS, the Boeing Company is the owner of certain real property known the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility (the "Renton Plant,") located in the City of Renton, constituting approximately 279 acres; and WHEREAS, in the late 1980s, Boeing planned an expansion of the Renton Plant, for which the City of Renton issued an environmental impact statement (`EIS") pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") that disclosed and analyzed the environmental impacts of the proposed addition to the Renton Plant; and WHEREAS, the EIS described a "Proposed Action" to add four structures and 1,500 employees to support a forecasted production increase. Based on the impacts of the Proposed Action, a "Mitigation Document" of February 20, 1990 (revised March 7, 1990) was issued by the City's Environmental Review Committee ("ERC"); and WHEREAS, in order to regulate and mitigate additional development of the Renton Plant, the Boeing Company wishes to enter into a Development Agreement with the City of Renton; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, believes that such Development Agreement will be a benefit to the Boeing Company, the City and the citizens of the City of Renton; and 1 4 RESOLUTION NO. 3568 44410 WHEREAS, such a Development Agreement is authorized under RCW 36.70B.170 — 210; and WHEREAS, the parties have negotiated the proposed Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, this Development Agreement has been presented at a public hearing before the City Council held on May 20, 2002; and WHEREAS,the City Council has taken into account the public comment presented at the public hearing;and WHEREAS, this Development Agreement has been reviewed and approved by the City Council of the City of Renton; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the development agreement with the Boeing Company for the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of May , 2002. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3568 '.* APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2 0 t h day of May , 2002. 4\ Jes/anner, Mayor Approved as to form: 1C2Ct Lawrence J. W en, City Attorney RES.914:5/07/02:ma 3 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes 'Ijd Page 194 Resolution#3566 A resolution was read approving the Liberty Ridge Phase 2 Final Plat Plat: Liberty Ridge Phase 2, consisting of approximately 8.6 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave. Edmonds Ave NE(FP-02-035) NE and NE 3rd and 4th Streets (FP-02-035). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3567 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Community Services: 2002 interlocal agreement for Waterfowl (Canada Goose)Management Program for Waterfowl Management the year 2002. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, Interlocal Agreement COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3568 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Development Services: Boeing development agreement with The Boeing Company for the Boeing Renton Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing Facility. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Facility Development SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS Agreement READ. CARRIED. ?k\11 The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 6/03/2002 for second and final reading: Utility: Sewer Service An ordinance was read amending Section 4-6-040.C, of Chapter 6, Street and Restrictions Outside City Utility Standards, of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code by Limits, City Code Amend revising policies by which the City allows connection to its sanitary sewer system by property owners outside of the current City limits. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 6/03/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4965 An ordinance was read amending the 2002 Budget for the express purpose of Budget: 2002 Amendment, building a Veterans Memorial Park and appropriating the necessary funds in the Veterans Memorial Park amount of$389,000 for the construction. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4966 An ordinance was read amending Section 2-6-2 of Chapter 6,Firemen's Pension Legal: Firemen's Pension Board,of Title II(Commissions and Boards)of City Code by allowing retired Board,City Code Amend firemen to serve on the Firemen's Pension Board,pursuant to State law. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4967 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Special Assessment District: service for properties adjacent to 80th Ave. S., S. 130th St., and S.Langston 80th Ave S Rd., and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4968 An ordinance was read amending Section 6-10-1 of Chapter 10, Criminal Code, Police: Criminal Code of Title VI(Police Regulations)of City Code by adopting portions of the Adoption from RCW Criminal Code of the Revised Code of Washington(RCW). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. war May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 189 handling by the Fire Department union. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Plat: Liberty Ridge Phase 2, Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions,of the Edmonds Ave NE(FP-02-035) Liberty Ridge Phase 2 Final Plat;40 single-family lots on 8.6 acres located in the vicinity of Edmonds Ave.NE and NE 3rd and 4th Streets(FP-02-035). Council concur. (See page 194 for resolution.) Police: Staffing,Budget Police Department recommended approval of a budget adjustment in the Adjustment for Two amount of$65,850 for the addition of two Police Department positions: Police Additional Positions Evidence Technician and Police Crime Analyst. Refer to Public Safety Committee. CAG: 01-115,Lind Ave SW Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-115,Lind Ave. SW Overlay,Icon Materials Overlay; and requested approval of the project,authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$366,770.35,commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$22,870.59 to Icon Materials,Inc.,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG: 01-066, 2001 Street Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-01-066,2001 Street Overlay; Overlay,Icon Materials and requested approval of the project,authorization for final pay authorization in the amount of$197,268.40,commencement of 60-day lien period,and release of retained amount of$34,664.64 to Icon Materials,Inc.,contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Toni Nelson presented a report regarding the South Renton EDNSP: South Renton Neighborhood Plan and related City Code amendments. The Committee of the Neighborhood Plan Whole recommended that the South Renton Neighborhood Plan and associated City Code amendments,dated May 15,2002, with Planning Commission amendments from the May 15, 2002,Planning Commission meeting,as addressed in the memo from Becky Lemke,Planning Commission Chair,be approved in its entirety following the end of the State's 60-day review period on June 4th. First reading of the implementing ordinances will occur on June 3, 2002, and second reading on June 10,2002. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REMOVE THE SUBJECT OF THE SOUTH RENTON NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN FROM THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending concurrence with the recommendation of the Development Services: Boeing Administration to approve the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility Renton Aircraft Manufacturing development agreement in order to provide certainty and efficiency with Facility Development espect to the City's applicable review and approval processes for future Agreement evelopment of the Boeing Renton Plant. The agreement would establish a /? vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purposes of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Boeing Plant site. ' 4 Itty 20,2002 °'r✓ Renton City Council Minutes `✓ Page 190 The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the development agreement. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 194 for resolution.) Utilities Committee , Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence Utility: Sewer Service in the recommendation of staff that Council adopt an ordinance restricting Restrictions Outside City sanitary sewer service outside of its corporate limits, except to the following Limits, City Code Amend uses: • Public Entity: Municipal/Quasi-Municipal, such as schools, hospitals, or special purpose districts. • Necessary Service: Existing development converting from a failed or failing septic system or in an area defined as a health concern by the Seattle/King County Health Department. • Vested Service: Those properties for which the City has issued an existing valid sewer availability certificate prior to enacting this ordinance. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 194 for ordinance.) Public Works: Cedar River Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the Cedar River Spawning Channel side-channel replacement project. The Committee recommended concurrence Replacement Site in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that: 1. The proposed spawning and rearing channel at Rolling Hills Site "A"be selected as the channel to replace the groundwater spawning channel constructed as mitigation for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) Cedar River Section 205 Flood Hazard Reduction Project, which was destroyed by the Nisqually earthquake. This recommendation is supported by the USACE and resource agencies responsible for issuing final permits and/or concurrences. 2. The permitting and final design tasks for the project at Rolling Hills Site "A" be initiated immediately to facility construction in 2002 and 2003. The construction of the channel at the Rolling Hills Site "A" is contingent upon obtaining all required permits and final approval and/or concurrence by various Federal and State resource agencies. 3. The City continue to involve Renton citizens from the Maple Gardens neighborhood,that have expressed concerns about the use of the Rolling Hills Site "A", in the project design and implementation. 4. The Surface Water Utility Division commits to integrating the following additional features into the project based on concerns from citizens from the Maple Gardens neighborhood: . + F F.,`_. rjy CM'e' %fCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date 5 ad-aoOa COMMITTEE REPORT MAY 20, 2002 Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility Development Agreement (Referred May 6, 2002) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence with the Administration's recommendation to approve the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility Development Agreement in order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes for future development of the Boeing Renton Plant. The Agreement would establish a vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purposes of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. The Committee recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the development agreement. The Committee further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. Kathy eolker-W eler, Chair jrzi4; Ti2a King Par er, ember cc: Gregg Zimmerman Sue Carlson Neil Watts Jennifer Henning Lesley Nishihira 1 May 20,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 185 Neighborhood Association,Tiffany Park Homeowners Association, Summerwind Homeowners Association, and Highbury Park Homeowners Association. In addition,Ms. McQuiller reported that four neighborhood groups also received grants for their newsletters. Stating that a second round of grants will be held in October,Ms.McQuiller encouraged every neighborhood to become part of the Neighborhood Program. In conclusion, she expressed her pleasure in working with the residents and in being associated with this program. Councilman Corman commended the neighborhood groups who have received these grants and for the work they do to beautify their neighborhoods. He also encouraged neighborhood groups to apply for the second round of grant funding. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler praised Ms. McQuiller for all her hard work with the Neighborhood Grant Program. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Development Services: Boeing accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing to consider the proposed development agreement between the City of Renton Facility Development and The Boeing Company for the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Agreement Facility. Lesley Nishihira,Senior Planner,explained that the Renton Boeing Plant is located south of Lake Washington and consists of approximately 279 acres. Renton's Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Employment Area Industrial(EAI) and Employment Area Transition(EAT),and the property is zoned Heavy Industrial(IH). She stated that the first plant buildings were constructed in 1942, and by 1989,the plant contained 69 major buildings totaling 6.9 million square feet. In order to accommodate projected production needs for the 1990s and beyond, additional buildings and employees were contemplated for the plant. Ms. Nishihira reported that due to the contemplated plant expansion which would include new building construction, the expansion of existing buildings,and an increased employee count,the City issued an Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)in 1990. The EIS established that in 1990, without the proposed expansion,the plant generated 28,140 average daily trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour trips. Continuing,Ms. Nishihira stated that the proposed development agreement would provide assurance for continued Boeing airplane manufacturing uses, and certainty and efficiency with respect to future review and approval processes. The agreement would establish a vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for analysis of impacts associated with future proposals. She pointed out that the agreement would be valid for 45 years during which Boeing would have adequate time to determine long-term plans for the subject property. Ms.Nishihira explained that in 1995,the State Legislature enabled jurisdictions to enter into development agreements with property owners. She also explained that the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)requires that development agreements undergo environmental review; therefore,the City's Environmental Review Committee issued an addendum to the EIS on May 7, 2002. In conclusion,Ms. Nishihira added that State law requires a public hearing be held to consider development agreements, and approval of the agreements must be enacted through ordinance or resolution. May 20,2002 *Imo Renton City Council Minutes ' Page 186 Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 189 for Planning&Development Committee report regarding this matter, and page 194 for resolution.) APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler announced that Planning &Development the Planning and Development Committee meeting regarding the Reservoir Committee Short Plat appeal (SHP-01-169)was continued to May 30th at 3:00 p.m. in the Appeal: Reservoir Short Plat, Council Chambers. Deborah Gregor(SHP-01-169) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: * The first annual Mother's Day Memories event was held on May 11th at the Community Center. Over 120 children and their moms enjoyed a brunch served by the Renton Culinary Arts Program of the Renton Technical College,followed by a performance of Sleeping Beauty at Carco Theatre. * On May 16th, 26 student volunteers from Nelsen Middle School worked for three hours on community service projects at both the Highlands Library and the Renton Public Library. * Many meetings are being set up to address the proposed Regional Transportation Plan that could potentially go to the voters in November. The I-405 Executive Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday,May 22nd,to discuss phasing options for the I-405 Corridor Plan; South King County Transportation Board(SCATBd)is scheduled to meet this week; and the Eastside Transportation Partnership (ETP)is scheduled to meet on Friday,May 24th,to determine recommendations for the plan. On Thursday,May 30th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Kirkland Council Chambers,the King County Transportation Committee will meet again,presenting an opportunity for local elected officials to provide input into the plan. Police: Alarm Assistance Councilman Clawson reported on an incident that occurred on Sunday,May 19th, when he received notice of an alarm that had gone off at his office. He described the actions of the police officer who responded to the call and investigated the incident, and he complimented the Renton Police Department for its professionalism. Mayor Tanner agreed that Renton has one of the best and well-trained Police Departments in the Puget Sound region. AUDIENCE COMMENT John H. See,438 Burnett Ave. S.,Renton,98055, stated that he supports the Citizen Comment: See—Year- construction of a covered swimming pool in Renton which will serve the End Fund Balance Use citizens much better than an uncovered pool due to the unpredictable climate. He also suggested that a portion of the year-end fund balance be reserved for economic downturns. Regarding the Pavilion Building, Mr. See questioned whether the City wants a run-down building in the middle of the downtown beautification project and said that it would take more than a can of paint to fix up the building. He suggested that the building be used as the City's Parks Maintenance Garage. Council President Nelson stated that the Council decided at its Council workshop on May 17th to bring forward a recommendation on June 3rd to construct a swimming pool with a separate lap pool. She pointed out that the • ♦ a ento < • F z,tea � °] ,,�,'sc�.a,� �.,. ,� � ,�����a,� DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The Boeing Company has requested the approval of a Development Agreement in order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes for additional development of the Boeing Renton Plant. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Development Agreement is based upon the adopted Boeing Plant Production Expansion Final EIS and Mitigation Document. The adopted EIS describes, among other alternatives, a proposed action to add four structures and 1,500 employees to support a forecasted production increase. The EIS establishes that, without the expansion described by the proposed action, the Renton Plant generated 28,140 average daily vehicle trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips. The Agreement would establish a vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purposes of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. For example, only those traffic impacts that exceed the impacts associated with the baseline trips shall be subject to transportation mitigation. It has been determined that the proposed Development Agreement is adequately addressed under the analysis of significant impacts and alternatives contained within the adopted EIS and Mitigation Document. Therefore, a SEPA Addendum to the adopted EIS has been issued pursuant to WAC 197-11-625 and WAC 197-11-706. As established by RCW 36.70B.190-200, the Development Agreement must be approved by the City through ordinance or resolution after a public hearing is held. The Development Agreement must then be recorded with King County once the ordinance or resolution is in effect. RECOMMENDATION: The Development Services Division is recommending the City Council approve the proposed Development Agreement and adopt the enacting Resolution. Noy "Now R ♦�Y O� .&9 xm s ,..,, u 'pFivr0 ,.ice.. ` _ DOE/NC BOEING RENTON AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACILITY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MAY 20,2002 BOEING Renton Plant —Location • • Contains approximately 279 acres in land area ' • Bordered by the Lake , t Washington shoreline on fi* the North • Extends as far South as E North 5th Street • Bounded by Garden Avenue on the West •3 • • Bounded by Nishiwaki Lane on the East BOEING Renton Plant —Comprehensive Plan^• • Includes property / `" designated as s Employment Area- ' Industrial(EA!) • As well as • Employment Area- tit I Transition(EAT);an --+ ' "Interim"designation " `" 1 BOEING Renton Plant ^Zoning— • Located within the Heavy Industrial(IH) 7z zoning designation t� `., N, IiY BOEING Renton Plant --History— • First plant buildings constructed in 1942 • By 1989 the plant contained 69 major buildings totaling 6.9 million square feet • In order to accommodate projected production needs for the 1990s and beyond, additional buildings and employees were contemplated for the plant BOEING Renton Plant —History— f - s `. ..- 2 • BOEING Renton Plant —Environmental Impact Statement— • In 1990,an Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)was issued for the plant • The"proposed action"would include new building construction and expansion of existing buildings • An increased employee count of 1,500 was estimated to support forecasted production needs BOEING Renton Plant --Environmental Impact Statement • The EIS established that in 1990 the plant generated —28,140 average daily trips and —4,060 p.m.peak hour trips without the proposed expansion BOEING Renton Plant —Purpose of Agreement^- • Provide: —Assurance for continued Boeing Airplane Manufacturing uses —Certainty and Efficiency with respect to future review and approval processes • Vesting Framework: —Establish applicable redevelopment credits —Establish baseline vehicle trips for analysis of impacts associated with future proposals —45 year timeframe 3 BOEING Renton Plant —Development Agreement Process^ • In 1995,the State legislature enabled jurisdictions to enter into development agreements • SEPA review required -EIS Addendum issued May 7,2002 • Public Hearing required • Approval of Agreement through Resolution BOEING RENTON AIRPORT MANUFACTURING FACILITY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MAY 20,2002 4 ' `✓ DRAFT 5/16/02 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOEING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE BOEING RENTON AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING FACILITY I. PREAMBLE This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT("Agreement")between THE BOEING COMPANY ("Boeing"), a Delaware corporation, and the CITY OF RENTON("City"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington,is entered into pursuant to the authority of RCW 36.70B.170 through .210, under which a local government may enter into a development agreement with an entity having ownership or control of real property within its jurisdiction. II. RECITALS A. Boeing is the owner of certain real property,known as the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility("Renton Plant" or"Plant"),located in the City of Renton,King County,Washington, as more particularly described in Attachment 1, attached hereto and by this reference herein. B. The Renton Plant consists of approximately 279 acres located at the south end of Lake Washington in the City of Renton. The majority of the Plant site is located within the Industrial-Heavy("IH")zoning district and is designated Employment Center-Industrial by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Other portions of the Plant site are zoned Commercial Office ("CO"),Industrial-Light("IL"), and Residential-10("R-10"). An approximately 21- acre portion along the site's eastern boundary is zoned IH and CO and is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Employment Area-Transition(Interim). C. The Renton Plant was originally developed for construction of military aircraft during World War II,with the first Plant buildings completed in 1942. Major building construction occurred in the decades of the 1950s and 1960s. By 1989,the Renton Plant contained 69 major buildings with a total enclosed floor area of approximately 6.9 million square feet. D. In the late 1980s,Boeing planned an expansion of the Plant to accommodate projected production needs for the 1990s and beyond. For that proposal, the City of Renton ,:, issued an environmental impact statement("EIS")pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA")that disclosed and analyzed the environmental impacts of the addition to the Plant of new buildings and increased employees. E. The EIS describes, among other alternatives, a"Proposed Action" to add four structures (the 4-80 building,expansion of the 4-82 building, a 16,000 square foot addition to the existing 4-86 building, and construction of a six-level parking garage)and 1,500 employees to support a forecasted production increase. Based on impacts of the Proposed Action, a"Mitigation Document," dated February 20, 1990 and revised March 7, 1990, was issued by the City's Environmental Review Committee("ERC"). F. The EIS establishes that,without the expansion described by the Proposed Action,the Renton Plant generated 28,140 average daily vehicle trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour vehicle DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 [/final final doc] 5/16/02 DRAFT 5/16/02 trips. The EIS estimates that implementation of the Proposed Action will result in the addition of as many as 3,015 vehicle trips per day and 435 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips per day. G. Boeing and the City agree that additional development of the Renton Plant should be regulated and mitigated in order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes. Accordingly,Boeing and the City wish to enter into a Development Agreement addressing certain aspects of Phase I and Phase II(as defined below)development and therefore agree as follows: III. AGREEMENT 1. Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, "Phase I", described by the EIS as the "No Action Alternative," shall include Renton Plant development existing as of the date that the Mitigation Document was issued. "Phase II" shall consist of the Proposed Action as analyzed and mitigated by the EIS and the Mitigation Document,respectively, and/or such other plans for development or redevelopment of the Renton Plant site that may from time to time be approved by the City. 2. Vesting and Term of Agreement. The City's land use regulations in effect and applicable to project applications as of the recording date of this Agreement shall govern (a) the continued use and operation of Phase I for Boeing airplane manufacturing purposes and any other Boeing operation(b)Phase II development applications submitted to the City within 45 years from the recording date of this Agreement, so long as such applications are for Boeing airplane manufacturing uses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City reserves the authority under RCW 36.70B.170(4)to impose new or different regulations to the extent required by a serious threat to public health and safety,as determined by the Renton City Council after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been provided to Boeing. 3. Land Use Regulations. For purposes of this Agreement, "land use regulations" means Comprehensive Plan policies and zoning standards in effect as of the date of this Agreement; provided,however, that Boeing may elect at its discretion that Comprehensive Plan policies and zoning standards adopted after the recording date of this Agreement shall apply to all or part of Phase II development so long as such development is for Boeing airplane manufacturing uses. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the City may propose reclassification of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations for the Plant property in anticipation of future uses or development of Phase II as defined by this Agreement, subject to review and approval by Boeing. In any event,future reclassifications would not preclude the continued operation of Boeing airplane manufacturing uses as such uses would be subject to the policies and standards in effect as of the date of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement,the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the Renton Plant site is Employment Area—Industrial and the zoning designations applicable to the Renton Plant site are IH, IL, CO and R-10 pursuant to the April 2002 Zoning Map as adopted by the City Council. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 2 [/final final doe] 5/16/02 DRAFT 5/16/02 4. Baseline Vehicle Trips. 4.1 Calculation of Future Traffic Impacts. Existing vehicle trips associated with Phase I,described by the EIS as the "No Action Alternative," (i.e., 28,140 average daily trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour trips) shall be considered to be vested and to form the "baseline trips" for purposes of the analysis of transportation impacts associated Phase II development or redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. For example, and without limiting the foregoing,if Boeing elects to dispose of or redevelop all or a component of the Renton Plant site, all or a portion of the baseline trips may be assigned to that component of the site when calculating and determining the appropriate mitigation of future transportation impacts applicable to that component's redevelopment. Therefore, only those traffic impacts that exceed the impacts associated with the "baseline trips" shall be subject to transportation mitigation. 4.2 Traffic Modeling. "Baseline trips" as described in Paragraph 4.1 above (i.e.,28,140 average daily trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour trips)shall be included in the City's traffic model for purposes of estimating future transportation impacts. 5. Other Mitigation Fees. With respect to impacts to public services other than transportation,future building demolitions at the Renton Plant site shall be eligible for "redevelopment credits," which shall offset any applicable mitigation or impact fees for water, sewer, or stormwater services that would otherwise be assessed by the City on the basis of square footage of new floor area for each square foot of floor area demolished. 6. Mitigation Document. To the extent that this Agreement conflicts with the Mitigation Document,this Agreement controls. 7. Recording. This Agreement,upon execution by the parties and approval of the Agreement by resolution of the City Council, shall be recorded with the Real Property Records Division of the King County Records and Elections Department. 8. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of Boeing and the City of Renton and their successors in interest, and may be assigned to successors in interest to all or a portion of the Renton Plant property. Upon assignment and assumption by the assignee(s)of all obligations under this Agreement,Boeing shall be released from all obligations under this Agreement. 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. 10. Expiration. This Agreement, unless rescinded by Boeing or its successors in interest, shall become null and void 45 (45) years from the date of recording of this Agreement. AGREED this day of , 2002. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 3 ['final final don] 5/16/02 DRAFT 5/16/02 CITY OF RENTON ATTEST: By: By: Its Its Approved as to form: City Attorney STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of ,2002,before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared , to me known to be the person who signed as of the CITY OF RENTON,the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was duly elected,qualified and acting as said officer of the corporation, that was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed,if any,is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Signature of Notary) (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington,residing at My appointment expires: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 4 [/final final(loci 5/16/02 ' " DRAFT 5/16/02 THE BOEING COMPANY By: By: Philip W. Cyburt Its: Its: Vice President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) - )ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 2002,before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared , to me known to be the person who signed as of THE BOEING COMPANY, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was duly elected,qualified and acting as said officer of the corporation,that was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed,if any,is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Signature of Notary) (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington,residing at My appointment expires: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 5 [/final final don] 5/16/02 ATTACHMENT 1 Legal Description of Renton Plant Property DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 [/ nal final don] 5/16/02 :ter ATTACHMENT 2 Regulations Applicable to Phase II Development DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 [/final final dm] 5/16/02 Applicable Section from. Amaldcdg/1y� City of Renton CITY OF RENTON LAND USE ELEMENT Comprehensive Plan. • U-194. Site and building design sho • transit an un fl s strian oriented. Employment Area-Industrial Objective LU EE: Create and sustain industrial areas which function as integrated employment activity areas and include a core of industrial uses and other related businesses and services,.transit facilities and amenities. •- Policy LU 195. The primary use in the Policy LU 199. Developments which generate Employment Area-Industrial designation should significant,incompatible non industrial traffic be industrial. during industrial working hours should be discouraged from locating in. -`• = these areas. # -fi'g4 Policy LU 200. Development ' • • ' § .;Y standards should restrict the number and intensity of ' •-• ;4 w ' � secondary uses in Employment .,; • . . __ _ ._ Area-Industrial designations to insure that secondary uses do not • • significantly reduce the amount of land available for industrial activity in the City .00 q • Policy LU 201. In areas where ' $� new office uses may locate adjacent to industrial uses, screening of unsightly industrial views should occur as part of the office site planning process. Policy LU-196. A mix of offices,light industrial Policy LU 202. Secondary uses which are • warehousing and manufacturing should be impacted by noise,chemicals,traffic or other encouraged as the secondary uses in the potentially noxious activities of industrial users Employment Area-Industrial classification with should not be encourage&. conditions as appropriate. Policy LU 197. Industrial uses with a synergistic Policy LU-203. Off-site impacts from industrial • relationship should be encouraged to locate in close development such as noise,odors,light and glare, proximity to one another. surface and ground water pollution,and air quality • should be controlled through setbacks,landscaping, Policy LU 198. Industrial parks which provide screening and/or fencing,drainage controls, space for several related or unrelated but environmental mitigation and other techniques. compatible users should be encouraged to: _ a. include more than one industrial use Policy LU 204..The more intensive light industrial organized into a single development, uses should locate into the Employment Area b. share facilities such as parking,transit Industrial designation. Examples include machine facilities,recreation facilities and amenities, and cabinet shops. c. include properties in more than one ownership,and Policy LU 205. Industrial zoning should be d. locate in areas with adequate regional access applied to those areas less impacted by to minimize their impacts on the local street environmental constraints. When possible, network environmentally sensitive sites in Employmenf' Area-Industrial should be zoned for development of I-28 • moot - Applicable Section from • Amended 8/12/96 City of Ren ton • CITY OF RENTON LAND USE ELEMENT Comprehensive Plan secondary uses which could result in fewer ,, Policy LU 211. Site design and zonin ,,, •i' environmental impacts. designations should be used to protect'' ,.® environmentally sensitive areas in applicable,",, Policy LU 206. RESERVED industrial employment areas. Policy LU-207. Parking should be located Policy LU 212. On-site open space and internally to the site and landscaped as appropriate recreational facilities in developments should be • to mitigate adverse visual impacts. required while allowing for flexibility of design. Policy LU 208. The use of parking structures Discussion: Location is an important factor for should be encouraged through incentives. indusdial development. Industries want good access and some assurance that incompatible uses Policy LU 209. Safe,convenient pedestrian will not be developed which could eventuallyforce movement should be encouraged through them out. Other uses, especially residential, also appropriate access and the location of facilities,on want to ensure that industries do not impact their • sites such as covered walkways,drop-off zones, neighborhoods with noise, tragic, and other kiosks,security lighting,and covered bus stops. nuisances and hazards.Some uses,such as warehousing low intensity offices or fabrication Policy LU 210. Industrial uses should provide may be attracted to industrial land but then begin to adequate buffers for less intensive,adjacent uses, displace industrial uses if they are not regulated e.g.setbacks,fencing,intensive landscaping. ployment Area-Valley O, ' e LU EE.a: . Provide for a mix of employment-based uses,including commercial,office and industrial develo• i t to support the economic development of the City of Renton. Policy LU-2 . I velop the Renton Valley and b.an improved ability to serve dev' • .ment the Black River V: areas as a place fora range with transit by centralizin_ ., it stops;and and variety of comme office,and industrial C. an opportunity to p • •e support services uses. • (e.g.copy center • `ee shop or lunch Policy LU 212.2 Compatible an. ted land uses facilities,ex• ,s mail services)for nearby should be encouraged to locate in pro•. to one develop that otherwise might not exist. another. • Policy LU .7 Non-traditional uses such as Policy LU-212.3 Development standards shou . --• i esign,and development facilities should promote an increased intensity and quality of be •wed in office designations and industrial development. ignations when their impacts to surrounding • Policy LU 212.4 Non-employment-based uses, be mitigated. such as residential uses,are discouraged in the Po LU 212.8 Recognize viable existing and Renton Valley and Black River Valley. new'r• ' 'al uses in the Valley,while promoting Policy LU 212.5 Multi-story office ,ould be the r sition of uses on sites with good located in areas most likely to be se y future access and vi ' 'ty to more intensive commercial multi-modal transportation oppo • . ties. A greater and office use. emphasis on public amenities ' • .propriate for this Policy LU-212.9 Com• ial uses may be located type of use. in proximity to existing in. • . 'al uses when Policy LU 212.6 D opments should be reasonable buffering between uses can be accomplished and when adequate • •mmodation encouraged to a e greater efficiency in site utilization It in benefits to users with of deliveries and loading to industri• • can be teeing• ncluding: maintain ed• shared facilities such as parking and site Policy LU 212.10 Commercial uses should be access,recreation facilities and amenities;. encouraged as secondary uses in industrial and office designations. I-29 coao�tot Applicable Section from City of Renton CITY OF RENTON LAND USE ELEMENT Comprehensive Plan Employment Area--Transition (Interim) Policy LU-212.30 Retail and service uses should Objective LU-EE.d: Provide for the transition of be located north of North 8th Street on major the traditional industrial area to include streets or arterials where they will have good employment-based and residential uses. visibility. Employment-based uses include commercial, Policy LU-212.31 Uses should be selected from office,existing industrial and research based uses the range of uses allowed in the existing CA Zone that support the economic development of the City to encourage a group of activities that are of Renton. These policies are intended to guide synergistic with office,biotech,research, redevelopment over a three-year period or until technology,and residential. Strip commercial, updated as part of a GMA mandated review,which veterinary,kennels,adult entertainment,outdoor ever comes first storage,contractors'services,and convalescent Policy LU-212.25 Develop portions of the North centers are examples of uses discouraged under this Renton Industrial Area as a place for a range and designation. Traditional retail(Main.Stet), general business and professional services, variety of commercial,office,residential and general offices are examples of the and industrial uses. P types of uses that are encouraged under this designation. Policy LU-212.26 Recognize viable existing Disallow the following uses:vehicle sales and industrial uses in areas with this designation,while service including automobiles,RVs,boats,truck allowing the gradual transition of these uses. and motorcycles. Policy LU-212.27 Non-traditional uses such as Policy LU-212.32 Residential uses should be biotech,research,design,and development allowed only west of Park Avenue North. facilities should be allowed in office designations and industrial designations when their impacts to Policy LU-212.33 Residential density ranges surrounding uses can be mitigated. should be determined through the adoption of • Policy LU 212.28 A mix of uses(i.e.commercial, development agreements at the time of zoning. office,residential and industrial)should be allowed The same area used for commercial and office to locate in proximity to one another in order to development can also be used to calculate promote urban employment-based development in residential density. the North Renton Industrial Area Policy LU-212.34 Retail uses and services should Policy LU-212.29 Developments should be be allowed with redevelopment proposals,as either encouraged to achieve greater efficiency in site mixed uses within a building or on separate utilization and result in benefits to users with development pads on one site. techniques including: Policy LU-212.35 Ancillary uses are permitted a. shared facilities such as parking and site when part of an approved site plan. When part of a access,recreation facilities,and amenities; mixed-use development,an approved phasing plan b. an improved ability to serve development . shall be Ped- with transit by centralizing transit stops;and c. an opportunity to provide support services (e.g.copy center,coffee shop or lunch facilities,and express mail services)for nearby development that otherwise might not exist. 1-30.1 Adopted08/13ro1 Applicable Section from CITY OF RENTON LAND USE ELEMENT City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Objective LU-EE.e: Provide flexibility in the regulatory processes by allowing for a variety of zone • designations in the Employment Area—Transition.(Interim)designation. Zones which implement the Employment Area—Transition(Interim)include Heavy Industrial(IH),Light Industrial(IL),Commercial Office(CO),Center Downtown(CD),and Commercial-Office-Residential(COR). Policy LU-212.36 Changes in zoning from create improved efficiencies of use through the industrial to another zone should achieve a mix of joint use/sharing of on-site facilities such as uses that improves the City's economic base and parking,open space and supporting services. employment base. Factors such as increasing the Policy LU-212.40 Favorable consideration should City's tax base,improving efficiency in the use of be the land,and the ability of a proposed land use to given to rezones to non-industrial uses when the mitigate potential adverse impacts should be taken proposed use will contribute to the City's economic into account. or employment base. Policy LU-212.37 Zoning text amendments should Policy LU 212.41 COR proposed rezones for • be prepared to allow retail and service uses in the mixed use development without residential uses zone designations implementing the Employment should be considered throughout this designation. Area—Transition area. Consideration should only be given to COR proposed rezones which include residential uses in Policy LU-212.38 Favorable consideration should the area west of Park Avenue North. be given to rezones in which similar and/or compatible uses are already located in the area. Policy LU 212.42 Favorable consideration should be Policy LU 212.39 Favorable consideration should given to rezones allowing bulk commercial be given to rezones where there is an opportunity to retail uses where a site has high visibility. Objective LU-EE.f: Encourage projects throughout the designation which create cohesive,quality developments integrated with urban amenities and natural features. The intention is to create compact,urban developments with high amenity values that,when developed over time,result in a gateway to the City. Policy LU-212.43 Street trees and landscaping 4'olicy LU 212.46 Quality site planning and should be required for new development within the architectural design should be used to create Employment Area—Transition(Interim)to provide reasonable compatibility between uses. an attractive streetscape in areas subjected to a Policy LU-212.47 Development standards should transition of land uses. promP an increas Policy LU 212.44 When new uses are proposed develop t.en ed intensity and/or quality of for locations in close Proximity to intensive Policy LU-212.48 existing uses,the responsibility for mitigating encouraged,wheneverss retail uses should be adverse impacts of the new use should be thepossible, group responsibility of the new use. themselves into larger retail type power outlets • with shared off-street parking,a common Policy LU-212.45 Development should architectural theme and common landscape demonstrate reasonable compatibility between character. uses. Policy LU 212.49 Vehicular connections between Policy LU-21251 A street network shispld be . . .adjacent parking areas are encouraged. Incentives . deb eloped to support redevelopment of this should be offered to encourage shared parking. transition area. Policy LU-212.50 Site plans and proposed Policy LU-212.52 Primary uses may include structures should be designed so as to fully complexes with offices,residential development, integrate signage,building height,bulk,setbacks, hotels and convention centers,and research and landscaping,and parking considerations across the development facilities. various components of each proposed development. !)02 Applicable Section from Adopted 08/13/01 its. City of Renton CITY OF RENTON LAND USE ELEMENT Comprehensive Plan Policy LU-21253 Incentives which encourage a Policy LU-212.34 A combination of internal and mix of uses and structured parking should be external site design features,including the provided in development regulations. following, should be encouraged in all mixed-use Policy LU-21254 Flexibility of use combinations developments: and development standards should be allowed to a, public area plazas and amenities, encourage redevelopment of sites which have b. distinctive architectural features, significant•• codnstraints. � c distinctive focal features such as streetscape access and land assembly design, Policy LU-21255 Privatelpublic partnerships d. gateways where appropriate,and, should be encouraged to plan for infrastructure . e. decorative on-site landscaping and development,public uses and amenities within this screening. designation. Policy LU-21256 A review process should be Policy LU-212.59 Create a logical and harmonious required for all proposed non-exempt development working environment in mixed-use developments except SEPA exempt development under this ugh the application of appropriate development designation. Site plans should illustrate and justify standards,emphasizing quality landscaping the mix and compatibility of uses,residential setbacks and consistent streetscape treatment. density,conceptual building configurations Policy LU 212.60 Site design for office uses (massing,location)proposed,site and landscape should consider ways of improving transit ridership design,identification of gateway features,signs, through siting,locating of pedestrian amenities, circulation,and phasing. walkways,parking,etc. Policy LU-212.57 Site plan review of mixed-use developments should address signage,building - height,bulls,setbacks,landscaping,and parking considerations for all components of the development. Convenience Commercial 'ective LUFF: Permit small-scale • . ial uses which serve the personal needs of the immediate pop• • 'on in residential areas and reduce • 'mobile travel. Policy 213. Small-scale comet ' uses may locate in cl . • ' ity to one : , + but should not concentrate • the point of ' , : the predominant , ; ; - of an from residential to commercial. Policy LU-214. s .. . !' structures in adjacent convenience comm. ial . ►_ ations or in planned developments wi , a Residen • Options designations a idential Plann-. ighborhood designations ,ould be compatible '., •e single family , . . M of the residential area. S 'ards should be developed to govern the design and operation of such areas to ensure their functional and visual compatibility with residential neighborhoods. • r-303 , Applicable Section from it Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 4-2-070F RESIDENTIAL-10 (R-10) USES: I TYPE: Parks,neighborhood P AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL Parks,regional/community,existing P RESOURCES Parks,regional/community,new AD Natural resource extraction/recovery I H OTHER COMMUNITY&PUBLIC ANIMALS&RELATED USES FACILITIES Animal husbandry(20 or fewer small P#51 Community Facilities animals per acre) Cemetery H Animal husbandry(4 or fewer P#51 Religious institutions H medium animals per acre) Service and social organizations H Animal husbandry(maximum of 1 P#51 tPublic Facilities large animal per acre) 'City government offices AD , Greater number of animals than H#36 City government facilities H :, allowed above Other government offices and H Kennels,hobby AC#37 facilities Pets,common household,up to 3 per AC dwelling unit or business RETAIL establishment Eating and drinking establishments P#1 Horticultural nurseries H RESIDENTIAL Detached dwelling P#19 ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Semi-attached dwelling P#19 Entertainment Attached dwelling P#50 Cultural facilities I H Flats or townhouses(existing legal) P Flats or townhouses,no greater than 2 P SERVICES units total per building(existing legal) Services,General Manufactured Homes Bed and breakfast house,accessory I AD Manufactured homes,designated I P#19 Day Care Services Adult day care I AC OTHER RESIDENTIAL,LODGING AND Adult day care II H HOME OCCUPATIONS Day care centers H#25 Adult family home P Family day care AC Group homes II for 6 or less P healthcare Services Group homes II for 7 or more H Convalescent centers H Home occupations AC#6 Medical institutions H Retirement residences AD UTILITIES SCHOOLS Communications broadcast and relay H K-12 educational institution(public or H#9 towers private) Utilities,small P K-12 educational institution(public or P#9 Utilities,medium AD private),existing Utilities,large H PARKS TYPES: Biaanl=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AC-Accessory Use Al=eve Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=:ondition(s) Uses may be further restricted by. RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3- 050_C,Aquifer Protection Regulations;RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted in the Automat!Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoretuie Master Program Requirements. 27 Applicable Section from t-2-070F RESIDENTIAL-10 (R-10) Exhibit A of Ord. 4"963 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES TEMPORARY USE Macro facility antennas AD#46 Model homes in an approved P#10 Micro facility antennas P residential development: one model Mini facility antennas P#44 home on an existing lot Minor modifications to existing P#49 Sales/marketing trailers,onsite P#10 wireless communication facilities Temporary or manufactured buildings P#10 Monopole I support structures H#45 used for construction Temporary uses P#53 GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and AC as defined in RMC 4-11,where not otherwise listed in the Use Table TYPES: Blank Not Allowed P=Pamitted Use P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AO'Accessory Use AD Administrative Conditional Use H searing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RIM 4-3- 050.C,Aquifer Protection Regulations;RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted In the Automal Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements. 28 ,....., Applicable Section from • 4-2-070N COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 USES: I TYPE: (Veterinary offices/clinics I P#38 AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES RETAIL Natural resource extraction/recovery I H Adult retail use P#43 Eating and drinking establishments P#12 ANIMALS&RELATED USES Horticultural nurseries H Pets,common household,up to 3 per AC Retail sales P#54 dwelling unit or business establishment ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION Entertainment OTHER RESIDENTIAL,LODGING AND Adult entertainment business P#43 HOME OCCUPATIONS .- Cultural facilities AD • Retirement residences I P#39 Dance clubs P#38 Dance halls P#38 SCHOOLS Gaming/gambling facilities,not-for- H#38 K 12 educational institution(public or H#9 profit private) Movie theaters P#12 K-12 educational institution(public or P#9 Sports arenas,auditoriums,exhibition P#38 private),existing halls,indoor higher education institution P Recreation Schools/studios,arts and crafts P Recreation facilities,indoor P#65 Recreational facilities,outdoor H#38 PARKS Parks,neighborhood P SERVICES Parks,regional/community,existing P Services;General Parks,regional/community,new AD Hotel P#38 • On-site services P#54 OTUER COMMUNITY&PUBLIC Drive-in/drive-through service AC#61 FACILITIES Day Care Services Community Facilities Adult day care I P Cemetery H Adult day care H P#12 Religious institutions H Day care centers P Service and social organizations H#12 Family day care AC Public Facilities ,Sealthcare Services City government offices P Convalescent centers P#39 City government facilities H Medical institutions P#40 Jails,existing municipal P Other government offices and H VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES facilities Parking garage,structured, P commercial or public OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Parking,surface,commercial oc AD Conference Center P public Medical and dental offices P Taxi stand AD Offices,general P Transit centers H#38 TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Pamitted Use P1=Pcrmitted provided condition can be met AO'Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Ikaring Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,AIrport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3- 050.C,Aquifer Protection Regulations;RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted in the Automat!Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements. 43 ° Applicable Section from /=Z-070N COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 Vehicle fueling stations ) P#38 Air Transportation Uses WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Belipads,accessory to primary use I H FACILITIES Lattice towers support structures AD#47 STORAGE Macro facility antennas P#44 Indoor storage I AC#11 Micro facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#44 INDUSTRIAL Minor modifications to existing P#49 Indusfr al, General wireless communication facilities Laboratories: light manufacturing AD#54 Monopole I support structures P#44 Laboratories: research,development AD Monopole II support structures AD#47 and testing Manufacturing and fabrication;light H#38 GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Solid Waste/Recycling Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and AC Recycling collection station I P as defined in RMC 4-11,where not otherwise listed in the Use Table UTILITIES Communications broadcast and relay H TEMPORARY USE towers Sales/marketing trailers,onsite P#10 Electrical power generation and H#66 Temporary or manufactured buildings P#10 cogeneration used for construction Utilities,small P Temporary uses P#53 Utilities,medium AD Utilities,large H • TYPES: Blank-Not Allowed P-Permitted Use Plt=Pemutted provided condition can be met AC-Accessory Use AD—Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #i=Condition(s) Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3- 050.C,Aquifer Protection Regulations;RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted in the Automafl Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements. 44 r Applicable Section from. Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 4-2-070P INDUSTRIAL LIGHT (IL) USES: I TYPE: Medical and dental offices P#38 AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL Offices,general P#13 RESOURCES Veterinary offices/clinics P#38 • Natural resource extraction recovery I H RETAIL • ANIMALS&RELATED USES Adult retail use P#43 Kennels P#37 Big-box retail P Kennels,hobby AC#37 Drive-in/drive-through,retail AC Pets,common household,up to 3 per AC rating and drinking establishments P dwelling unit or business cultural nurseries H establishment Retail sales P#34 - Retail sales,outdoor P#30 OTHER RESIDENTIAL,LODGING AND Vehicle sales,large P HOME OCCUPATIONS Vehicle sales,small P Caretaker's residence I AC ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION SCHOOLS Entertainment K 12 educational institution(public or H#9 Adult entertainment business P#43 private) Cultural facilities AD - K-12 educational institution(public or P#9 Dance clubs P#38 private),existing Dance halls P#38 Other higher education institution P#38 Card room P#52 Schools/studios,arts and crafts P Gaming/gambling facilities,not-for- H#38 Trade or vocational school P profit Movie theaters P#38 PARKS Sports arenas,auditoriums,exhibition P#38 Parks,neighborhood P halls,indoor Parks,regional/community,existing P Sports arenas,auditoriums,exhibition P#38 Parks,regional/community,new AD halls,outdoor Recreation OTHER COMMUNITY&PUBLIC Recreation facilities,indoor P#38 FACILITIES IES Recreational facilities,outdoor P#32 Community Facilities Cemetery H SERVICES Religious institutions H Service General Service and social organizations H Hotel P#38 Public Facilities Motel P#38 City government offices AD Off-site services P#38 City government facilities H On-site services P#38 Other government offices and H Drive-in/drive-through service AC#62 facilities Vehicle rental,small P Vehicle and equipment rental,large P#38 OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Day Care Services Conference Center ( P#38 Adult day care I I P#55 TYPES: BlankNot Allowed P=Permitted Use Pi-Permitted provided condition can be met AC>Accessory Use AD Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use # C ndition(s) Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3- 050.C,Aquifer Protection Regulations;RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted to the Automal Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements. 47 *4160 Applicable Sect'ion from 4-2-070P INDUSTRIAL LIGHT(IL) Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 Adult day care II AD Laboratories: research,development P#31 Day care centers P#54 and testing Family day care AC Manufacturing and fabrication,light P Healthcare Services Solid Waste/Recycling Medical institutions I H#56 Recycling collection station and P#14 processing center VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES Recycling collection station P Body shops P#31 Car washes P UTILITIES Express transportation services AD Communications broadcast and relay H#38 Industrial engine or transmission P#31 towers rebuild _ Electrical power generation and H#66 Parking garage,structured, _• , P cogeneration commercial or public Utilities,small P Parking,surface,commercial or P#38 Utilities,medium AD public Utilities,large H Transit centers H#38 Vehicle fueling stations P WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Vehicle service and repair,large AD 'FACILITIES Vehicle service and repair,small P Lattice towers support structures AD#47 Air Trans rtation Uses Macro facility antennas P#44 Helipads,accessory . .• r icral facility antennas P Mini facility antennas P#44 STORAGE Minor modifications to existing P#49 Hazardous material,storage,on-site or H#24 wireless communication facilities offsite,including treatment Monopole I support structures P#44 Indoor storage P Monopole II support structures AD#47 Outdoor storage P#57 Self-service storage P#58 GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Warehousing P Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and AC as defined in RMC 4-11,where not INDUSTRIAL otherwise listed in the Use Table Industrial, General • Assembly and/or packaging P TEMPORARY USE operations Sales/marketing trailers,onsite P#53 Commercial laundries,existing P#38 Temporary or manufactured buildings P#10 Commercial laundries,new P#38 used for construction Construction/contractor's office P#14 Temporary uses P#53 Laboratories: light manufacturing P#38 TYPES: BIanlc=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use P#'Permittcd provided condition can be met AC-Accessory),Use AD=Administ ative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use s Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3- 050.C,Aquifer Protection Regulations;RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted in the Automat Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements. 48 Applicable Section from Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 4 2-070R INDUSTRIAL HEAVY(IH) USES: I TYPE: AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RETAIL RESOURCES Adult retail use P#43 Natural resource extraction/recovery I H Big-box retail P _ Drive-in/drive-through,retail AC ANIMALS&RELATED USES Eating and drinking establishments P Kennels P#37 Horticultural nurseries H Kennels,hobby AC#37 Retail sales P#34 Pets,common household,up to 3 per AC Retail sales,outdoor P#30 dwelling unit or business Vehicle sales,large P establishment Vehicle sales,small P OTHER RESIDENTIAL,LODGING AND ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION � a HOME OCCUPATIONS Entertainment y . s, Caretaker's residence I AC Adult entertainment business P#43 11 '" Cultural facilities AD i SCHOOLS Dance clubs P#38 K 12 educational institution(public or H Dance halls P#38 private) Card room P#52 K-12 educational institution(public or P#9 Gaming/gambling facilities,not-for- H#38 private),existing profit Other higher education institution P#38• Movie theaters P#38 Schools/studios,arts and crafts P#38 Sports arenas,auditoriums,exhibition P#38 Trade or vocational school H halls,indoor Sports arenas,auditoriums,exhibition P#38 PARKS halls,outdoor Parks,neighborhood P Recreation Parks,regional/community,existing P Recreation facilities,indoor P#38 Parks,regional/community,new AD Recreational facilities,outdoor P#32 OTHER COMMUNITY&PUBLIC SERVICES FACILITIES Services,General Community Facilities Hotel P#38 Cemetery H Motel P#38 Religious institutions H Off site services P#38 Service and social organizations H On-site services P#38 Public Facilities Drive-in/drive-through service AC#62 City government offices AD Vehicle rental,small P City government facilities H Vehicle and equipment rental,large P#29 Other government offices and H Day Care Services _ facilities Adult day care I P#55 Adult day care lI H OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Day care centers P#54 Conference Center P#38 Family day care AC Medical and dental offices P#38 Healthcare Services Offices,general P#13 Medical institutions I H#56 Veterinary offices/clinics P#38 TYPES: Blank=Not Allowed P=Permitted Use P#=Permitted provided condition can be met AC=Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3-050.C,Aquifer Protection Regulations:RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted in the Automat!Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements. 51 ` Applicable Section from 4-2-070R INDUSTRIAL HEAVY(IH) Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 VEHICLE RELATED ACTIVITIES Recycling collection station and P#38 Body shops P#31 processing center Car washes P Recycling collection station P - Fuel dealers P Sewage disposal and treatmentplants H Industrial engine or transmission P#31 Waste recycling and transfer facilities P rebuild Parking garage,sic , P UTILITIES ' commercial or public Communications broadcast and relay H#38 Parking,surface,commercial or P#38 towers public Electrical power generation and H#66 Railroad yards P cogeneration Tow truck operation/auto P Utilities,small P . ._. impoundment yardUtilities,medium AD Transit centers H#38 Utilities,large H Truck terminals P Vehicle fueling stations • P WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Vehicle service and repair,large P FACILITIES Vehicle service and repair,small P Lattice towers support structures AD#47 Wrecking yard,auto H Macro facility antennas P#44 Air Transportation Uses Micro facility antennas P Airplane sales and repair P Mini facility antennas P#44 Helipads,accessory to primary use H#38 llgino4 modifications to existing P#49 wireless communication facilities STORAGE \Monopole I support structures P#44 Hazardous material,storage,on-site or H#24 Monopole II support structures AD#47 offsite,including treatment Indoor storage P GENERAL ACCESSORY USES Outdoor storage P#57 Accessory uses per RMC 4-2-050 and AC Self-service storage P as defined in RMC 4-11,where not Warehousing P otherwise listed in the Use Table INDUSTRIAL TEMPORARY USE Industrial, General Sales/marketing trailers,onsite P#10 Assembly and/or packaging P Temporary or manufactured buildings P#10 operations used for construction Commercial laundries,existing P#38 Temporary uses P#53 Commercial laundries,new P#38 Construction/contractor's office P Laboratories: light manufacturing _ P#38 Laboratories: research,development P and testing Manufacturing and fabrication,heavy P#67 Manufacturing and fabrication,light P Manufacturing and fabrication, P#67 medium Solid Waste/Recycling TYPES: Blanks-Not Allowed P=Permitted Use P##Pennitted provided condition can be met AC-Accessory Use AD=Administrative Conditional Use H=Hearing Examiner Conditional Use #=Condition(s) Uses may be further restricted by: RMC 4-3-020,Airport Related Height and Use Restrictions;RMC 4-3- 050.C,Aquifer Protection Regulations;RMC 4-3-040.C,Uses Permitted in the Automal Improvement Districts,and RMC 4-3-090,Shoreline Master Program Requirements. 52 Applicable Section from NOP Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 4-2-080 CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING USE TABLES: A. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Limited to locations within an existing or new golf course or regional park. 2. In addition to the criteria of RMC 4-9-030,Conditional Use Permits,the use must be sited in conjunction with a gas station. Size restrictions apply per use in RMC 4-2-120A 3. These uses shall not be located on the ground floor along street frontage in the`Downtown Pedestrian District" See Downtown Pedestrian District Map in RMC 4-2-080D. 4. Existing commercial laundry uses may be continued and may be re-established for unintentional destruction of property. Existing commercial laundrypurposesof rebuildingexisting upon building footprint pkis uses may not expand beyond their " a� existing building footprint aregptt�easements,���l areas. Renovations or alterations within the provided that the laundry uses may add to the height:of buildings �, height of the building not exceed 42 feet,and that additional height be used for accessory office `� w to support the commercial laundry uses. Existing offsite warehousing uses accessory to existing commercial -� laundry uses may be continued but may not be expanded beyond their existing building footprint 5. Professional bed and breakfast houses are only allowed in the RM-U zone. 6. Subject to the requirements of RMC 4-9-090,Home Occupations,with the written approval of the property owner, If tenant occupied. 7. Subject to the development standards applicable to primary structures. 8. Mowed only in the Residential Multi-Family Infdl suffix. Twenty-four(24)hour on-site management required.The manager's unit is not subject to minimum density requirements.No estate,garage or other sales from any leasable spaces.No outdoor storage,including vehicle or trailer storage lots.Self service s this Zone are subject to the following special development standards:Temporary customer moving�vartruckparking, ar if provided,must be dearly marked with signage or paint.Side and rear setbacks subject to the Commercial 9, Arterial Zone standards of RMC 4-2-120A,Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations,in lieu of the RM-I development standards. 9. Development consistent with an approved"Site Plan Review,Level ir is considered to be a permitted use. Other activities which are outright permitted include the addition of up to four(4)new portables,or changes in facilities not exceeding 10%of gross floor area. Other proposed activities require a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. 10. Permitted when approved by the Development Services Division and associated with an active building or construction permit,for a period not to exceed the duration of construction. 11. Limited to storage of products in conjunction with retail,service,or office uses. Shall not be located along the building street frontage or In areas visible to the public. 12. Shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent(25%)per building whose primary use Is office. 13. a. Administrative Headquarters Office: These offices shall be associated with a permitted industrial use listed in 4-2-060.1.The office uses may be developed In conjunction with,or subsequent to,the industrial use. b. General Offices:Excluding Administrative Headquarters Offices,which are permitted consistent with subsection`a",general offices are only allowed in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation;provided that general offices that are accessory to a primary use are permitted outside the EAV. See EAV Map In RMC 4-2-080B. 14. Except that when operations are predominantly conducted out of doors rather than completely enclosed within an enclosed structure,an Administrative Conditional Use Permit is required. 53 Applicable Sectl On frbm Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 15. Use is limited to building,hardware,and garden. Except in the CD zone,size restrictions apply per RMC 4-2- 120A 16. Subject to the density limitations located in the development standards for this Zone. Residential uses shall not be located along the street frontage on the ground floor in the"Downtown Pedestrian District.' 17. a. General Office: Size restrictions apply per RMC 4-2-120.A. Additionally,the use may only be permitted via Administrative Conditional Use Permit subject to the following criteria in addition to Conditional Use criteria:(a)activities with a limited need for walk-in clientele and(b)activities for which a reduction in parking standards to one space per five hundred(500)square feet of gross floor space could be justified. b. Administrative Headquarters Office:New Administrative Headquarters Offices are not permitted. For existing,legal administrative headquarters offices greater than three thousand(3,000)square feet in size, and in existence prior to January 1, 1999,the following expansions may be allowed:(1)parking _ expansion may be allowed;(2)a one-time expansion of building square footage,not exceeding three thousand five hundred(3,500)square feet,may be permitted subject to Site Plan Review.This provision allowing expansion of building square footage shall expire on December 1,2006,consistent with any approved development agreements or covenants. 18. a. General Requirements: Subject to the density limits of the development standards for this Zone. Only permitted within a structure containing retail and/or onsite service uses on the ground floor. b. CA Zone-Additional: Residential uses are not permitted in the Employment Area,Valley(EAV)land use designation.See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. 19. Subject to the density limitations located in the development standards for this Zone. 20. Subject to the density limitations located in the development standards for this Zone. Projects within the Suburban and Neighborhood Center Residential Bonus District,RMC 4-3-09583,are also subject to the provisions and development standards in RMC 4-3-095C and D,Suburban and Neighborhood Center Residential Bonus District. 21. a. General Requirements: Mowed only in conjunction with offices,residences,hotels,and convention centers,or research and development facilities. b. Integration of Uses:The use shall be architecturally and functionally integrated into the development Except for marinas,the use must be housed in a structure containing one or more of the uses listed In subsection°a" The requirements in subsection If may be adjusted through the Site Plan Review Level II process. 22. Size restrictions apply per use in RMC 4-2-120A 23. Limited to existing uses. Only those modifications or expansions which do not increase production levels are permitted in COR 1 and COR 2. Major modifications,production increases,or expansions of existing use require a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit in COR 1 or COR 2. No modifications or expansions are allowed in COR 3. 24. Use requires a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit,unless accessory in which case it is outright permitted. Use is not permissible in the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16'''Street,unless accessory,in which case it is outright permitted. Explosives and natural gas storage are not permissible in the IL Zone. 25. A preschool or day care center,when accessory to a public or community facility listed in RMC 4-2-060.J,is considered a permitted use. 26. Size restrictions apply per use in RMC 4-2-120A Must be part of a mixed use development. 27. Shall be architecturally and functionally integrated into the overall development. Freestanding establishments may be permitted only if they are five thousand(5,000)square feet or larger per establishment These requirements may be adjusted through the Level II Site Plan Review process. 54 Applicable Section from Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 28. Accessory drive through service is permitted only in association with multi-story buildings. The accessory drive through service shall be located to the side and/or rear of the building,and integrated into the exterior wall. Drive through lanes shall not be located between the street and the main pedestrian access to the buildings. These requirements may be adjusted through the Level I Site Plan Review process. 29. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Provided that the use is exduded within the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th St 30. a. Uses are limited to: Sales of mobile or manufactured homes,building/hardware/garden materials, lumberyards,and monuments/tombstones/gravestones. b. Location Restrictions: I. Building/hardware/garden sales and monuments/tombstones/gravestones sales are only allowed in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation. However,they are excluded from the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16w Street See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. II. Lumberyards are only allowed in the IM and IH Zones. However,they are excluded from the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th Street 31. Operations must be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. 32. Outdoor recreation facilities are permitted only in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation. (See EAV map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) However, amusement parks require a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. 33. Indoor or outdoor recreational facilities and/or eating and drinking establishments,mini-marts,Laundromats,day care centers,or adult day care II uses are permitted only in conjunction with and intended to serve residential development in the R 14 Zone. Project size limitations of RMC 4-2-110.F apply. A preschool or day care center, when accessory to public or community facilities listed in RMC 4-2-060.J, is considered a permitted use. 34. a. Accessory retail uses are permitted where ordinarily incidental to the permitted principal use. b. Principal retail sales uses are only permitted in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. 35. Provided hives are established on lots a minimum of one acre in size. Setbacks and other limitations apply per RMC 4-4-010,Standards and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. 36. A greater number of animals per acre than are otherwise allowed in this Zone-may be permitted by the Hearing Examiner provided: a. The keeping of animals must meet the conditions of RMC 4-4-010F,General Requirements for Keeping Animals;and b. A farm management plan has been adopted based on the King County Conservation District's Farm Conservation and Practice Standards showing that adequate pasturage to support a larger number of animals is provided. 37. a. General Requirements: Subject to requirements of RMC 4-4-010,Standards and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. Hobby Kennels require a Hobby Kennel License per RMC 4-9-100. b. IL Zone—Kennels: In the IL Zone,when operations are predominantly conducted out of doors rather than completely enclosed within an enclosed structure,an Administrative Conditional Use Permit is required. c. IM Zone—Kennels and Hobby Kennels: Within the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th St.only indoor kennels or indoor hobby kennels are permitted. 38. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation.See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. 55 lame Nosto Applicable Sectionfrom Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 39. Requirements for uses not associated with a medical institution: Use must be located within the Center Institution (CI)Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 40. Permitted when located within the Center Institution(CI)Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 41. Limited to the area south of I-405 and west of SR 167/Rainier Avenue S. 42. Reserved. 43. Subject to the provisions of RMC 4-3-010,Adult Retail and Entertainment Regulations,and chapter 5-12 RMC, Adult Entertainment Standards.In the CO zone,uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures,shall not stand alone,and shall not occupy more than twenty fire percent(25%)per building whose primary use is office. 44. Permitted provided that the facility has a minimum setback of one hundred feet(100')from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel,otherwise an Administrative Conditional Use Permit is required. 45. May be allowed via a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use provided that the site is over one acre in size and the facility has minimum setbacks of one hundred feet(100')from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel;otherwise the use is prohibited. 46. Eligible for an Administrative Conditional Use Permit provided that the facility has a minimum setback of one hundred feet(100')from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel,otherwise a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit is required. 47. May be allowed by an Administrative Conditional Use Permit if the Monopole II Facility is to be constructed on property where wireless communication support structures presently operate,and the new Monopole II Facility will not exceed the height of the existing support structures. Prohibited if located within three hundred feet(300') of an RC, R-1,R-5, R-8,R-10,or R-14 Zone unless the Development Services Division determines that all residentially zoned property within 300 feet of the proposed facility is undevelopable due to Critical Areas regulations(RMC 4-3-050),then the new wireless support structure can be reviewed as an Administrative Conditional Use. 48. Prohibited if located within three hundred feet(300')of an RC, R-1,R-5, R-8, R-10,or R-14 Zone,otherwise may be allowed with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit 49. Whether emergency or routine,so long as there is little or no change in the visual appearance,as determined by the Zoning Administrator. 50. a. General Requirements: Permitted subject to the applicable density limitations,building length,and dwelling unit type mix requirements of the development standards for this Zone. b. R-10 Zone: Limited to no more than four(4)attached dwellings per building. c. R-14 Zone; Buildings shall not exceed six(6)dwelling units per structure except as provided in RMC 4-2- 135,Bonuses. 51. a. General Requirements: No animals are allowed on lots less than one acre in size.Animal husbandry uses are subject to the standards listed in RMC 4-4-010,Standards and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals.Only combinations of medium and small animals or large and small animals may be permitted outright on one acre,provided that the overall total of animals is consistent with the requirements per acre (for example,20 small animals plus 4 medium animals). b. R-8 and R-10 Zones—Small Animals: Only six(6)or fewer small animals per acre are permitted. c. R-8 and R-10 Zones—Large Animals: Large animals are permitted on lots four(4)acres or greater in size. Only one(1)large animal per two(2)acres is permitted. 52. Permitted when ancillary to a permitted use where food and beverages are served on the premises and located in an area with an Employment Area—Valley land use designation as shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map,and located south of 1-405. In the case of the IM zone,the location is further limited to IM-zoned 56 New Applicable Section from • Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 areas south of SW 16th Street Should any court of competent jurisdiction find that the City zoning for card rooms is unconstitutional or illegal,then the City elects to permit the existing card rooms to continue operation as nonconforming legal uses and otherwise bans card rooms. 53. Provided a Temporary Use Permit is obtained consistent with the provisions of RMC 49-240,Temporary Use Permits. 54. Mowed outright in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B.) Outside the EAV,the use shall be developed as part of larger office structures.Such uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent(25%)per building whose primary use is office. 55. a. Adult Day Care I on a property with a nonresidential facility is only allowed outright in the Employment Area Valley(EAV).See EAV Map in RMC 4-2 080B. Outside of the EAV.an Administrative Conditional Use Permit is required. b. Adult Day Care I on a property containing a residential use requires an Administrative Conditional Use Permit in any location. . 56. Except not permissible within the Employment Area Valley(EAV).(See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B.) 57. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation,unless the use is-accessory in which case it is allowed outside the EAV. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. 58. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. .Outside of the EAV,use is allowed as an Administrative Conditional Use. 59. Excluded within the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th St 60.. Subject to the size restrictions of RMC 4-2-120A Retail sales uses are limited to: Flowers/plants and floral supplies;mini-marts;newsstands;entertainment media sales. 61. No drive through service shall be permitted,except for financial institutions which are permitted three(3) accessory drive-up windows that shall be part of the exterior wall of the financial institution structure. 62. Outside the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation(see EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B),drive through is permitted only when accessory to a financial institution. Financial institutions are permitted three(3) accessory drive-up windows that shall be part of the exterior wall of the financial Institution structure. Within the EAV,drive through service is permitted. 63. Subject to the size restrictions of RMC 42-120A Onsite services are limited to the following:Barber/beauty shops;Laundromats;repair services;entertainment media rental. 64. limited to storage in association with rental services. In the CS zone,size restrictions apply per RMC 4-2-120A 65. Mowed outright in the Employment Area Valley(EAV)land use designation.(See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B.) Outside the EAV,the use is limited to Health Clubs/Fitness Centers/Sports Chubs.which shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent(25%)of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. 66. Requires a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit,except that electrical power generation and co-generation is permitted as an accessory use when located more than one hundred feet(100')from any property zoned for residential use,i.e.RC,R-1,R-5, R-8.R 10,R-14, RM,and producing less than ten(10)megawatts of electricity. In the CO Zone,the use must be accessory to a medical institution. 67. Chemical and allied products manufacturing operations,or operations which are conducted predominantly out of doors,require a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit in the IM Zone,and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit in the IH zone,except that these uses are not permissible in the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th Street 68. Uses are subject to the size restrictions of RMC 42-120.A. The following retail sale uses are not permitted: Department stores;jewelry stores;office supply stores;pet shops and pet grooming. 57 1100 " Applicable Section from Exhibit A of Ord. 4963 69. Uses are subject to the size restrictions of RMC 4-2-120A Only the following onsite service uses are permitted: a. Financial and real estate services;repair services,excluding jewelry;entertainment media rental; b. Rental services not otherwise listed in subsection"a"require an Administrative Conditional Use Permit. 70. No drive through service shall be permitted,except for multi-story financial institutions which are permitted three (3)accessory drive-up windows. The accessory drive through service shall be located to the side and/or rear of the building,and the windows shall be part of the exterior wall. Drive through lanes shall not be located between the street and the main pedestrian access to the buildings.These requirements may be adjusted through the Site Plan Review Level I process. • 58 Applicable Section from Title IV of the 4-1-1�OG r.r i ci pal Code subdivision of the property severed a H. TEMPORARY SURFACE WATER ••: between a resulting lot and the CONNECTION FEES: street • -ge(containing special as- sessment i •vement(s)),so long as a t ` proposed lot••: • •t have direct access -,,.�.-- , �= £ - to or front footage • :t right-of-way Temporary connecti•,. Annual fee equal to containing the improvem: and will to the City's surf-- : ater ten percent(10%)of not and cannot benefit from , : ••••rove- collection s - may be the current system ments. (Ord.4444,3-28-1994) grant • - a one-time, development charge t- . ary,short-term use applicable to that G. STREET AND ALLEY VACATION a portion of the prop- portion of the prop- FEES: e •r a period not to arty,but not less The imposition,collection,payment and other e utive fifty dollars($350.00)x -:• - - (3)consec- than three hundred specifics conceming this charge are deta• • nyears chapter 9-14 RMC,Vacations. per year 1Said fee shall be paid (nonprorated),and shall be i _ - nonrefundable, • , . ;;'- • one portion of the , ;T `�r -`�' - property b another)and shall not •• ,, e a credit to the Filing fee $2 • • payable at time of system development charge clue at the of permanent application use of the utility system.The application for •• . con- nection 250.00 payable u Council neson shall cones of a detailed plan and a•• • line of Processing- pa the proposed development service area for use in , comple••-• - approval of the vacation determination. App.- -Y I fees Pursuant to RMC 9-14-10 (Ord.4506,4-10-1995) (Ord.4266,4-16-1990) I. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES(SDC)—WATER,WASTEWATER AND SURFACE WATER: The City may hold and charge certain other fees similar to special assessment district charges which are commonly referred to as`system development charges"pursuant to subsections 12b, 13b and 14b of this Section.(Ord.4505,4-10-1995)These fees are payable prior to construction permit issuance or,in the ab- sence of a construction permit,prior to building permit issuance.The imposition,collection,payment and other specifics concerning these individual charges are detailed in the following Sections. - am-'.. .' Single family rest- $1,105.00 per unit $760.00 $525.00 dance Dwelling unit within a mobile or manufac- $885.00 per unit $610.00 $525.00 tured home park Multi family $665.00 per unit,except $455.00 per unit,except $0.183 per square foot of CD and COR zones where CD and COR zones where new impervious surfacing, fee is based on gross area fee is based on gross area but not less than$525.00 All other uses $0.154 per gross square $0.106 per gross square $0.183 per square foot of foot of property,but not foot of property,but not new impervious surfacing, less than$1,105.00 less than$760.00 but not less than$525.00 (Ord.4506,4-10-1995;Ord.4526;Ord.4508;Ord.4525;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) (Revised 2/Ol) 1 -24 Applicable Section from Title IV of the 441410 4=1-1801 Renton Municipal Code 2P Charges for Property Not Previously (Amd.Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord. Assessed—Sanitary Sewer. 4875, 12-4-2000) a. Fund and Method of Payment:The iv Other: For all other properties special connection charge imposed shall except City properties, 10.6 cents be paid into the Waterworks Utility Con- ($0.106)per square foot of property struction Fund.(Ord.4205,2-20-1989) connected but not less than seven • hundred sixty dollars($760.00). The charge shall be paid in cash when- (Amd.Ord.4872, 11 20-2000;Ord. • ever such connection Is requested.(Ord. 4875,12-4-2000) 4415,8-16-1993) v. Payment: Fees are incurred b. System Development Charge: in upon the granting by the City of a addition to sewer connection permit fees building permit or a constriction per- as required by ordinance and the rules mit,but are payable at the time con- and regulations promulgated thereunder, struction permits are issued for • there is hereby imposed upon,and the connection to or extension of the owners of properties which have not pre- public sewer or in the absence of the viously been assessed or charged or requirement for a public works per- borne an equitable share of the cost of mit,then at the time of granting the d;. the Citys sewer distribution system shall building permit.M other sanitary pay,prior to any connection to a City sewer service applicants shall pay sewer main,the system development these fees at the time of building charge which shall be assessed against sewer application.(Amd.Ord.4872, any property which has not participated 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) in the development of the sewer system, which system shall include lift stations, vi. Fees Upon Sale:Fees are due force mains,interceptors and other col- immediately if the party owing the fee lection mains,and shall be assessed at sells to a third party,unless the third the rate of: party agrees to pay the charge,in writing,with the amount owing to the I. Single Family:Seven hundred City set forth in that writing,and fur- sixty dollars($760.00)per single ther the City agrees that the third family residence.(Amd.Ord 4872, party shall be responsible for that fee 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) after determination that such an agreement would be in the City's IL Mobile/Manufactured Homes: best interest.The burden of estab- • Six hundred ten dollars($610.00)per fishing the agreement would be on dwelling unit located in mobile home the party owing the fee and not on parks and manufactured home - the City,and would be in the City's parks.(Amd.Ord.4872,11-20-2000; best interest.(Amd.Ord.4872, Ord.4875,12-4-2000) 11-20-2000;Ord.4875,12-4-2000) iIL Multi-Family:Four hundred vii Definition:When the phrase fifty-five dollars($455.00)per multi- "property which has not participated family residence,except in the Cen- in development of the system"is • ter Downtown(CD)and Center Of- used in this Section,it shall mean fice/Residential(COR)zoned areas any of the following: which shall be assessed M accor- dance with subsection 12b(iv)of this • First Time Server Connection: Section.Mixed use buildings with My property which has not paid over fifty percent(50%)of the floor a system development charge space used for multi-family rest- for the property based upon the dent es shall be assessed at the rate square footage of the property of four hundred fifty five dollars and which is connecting to ($455.00)per multi-family residence. Renton's sewer system for the • 1 -25 (Revised MI) Applicable Section from "4-1'1801 - Title IV of the Renton Municipal -Code • first time(including but not lim- (Proposed domestic meter(s)ca- fled to new construction,or con- pacity in gallons per minute version from septic system). (GPM)—Existing domestic meter(s)capacity in GPM/Pro- • Further Development or Sub- posed domestic meter(s)capac- division:Any property which ity in GPM)x SDC Fee=Amount has not paid a system develop- owed.Fire flow meters are not ment charge for the property included in this calculation. For based upon the square footage example,a redevelopment of the property that is to be - project that involves a change served by the utility and is devel- from a single family home on a oping or subdividing further. For ten thousand(10,000)square example,one single family resi- foot lot with a five-eighths inch by dence on a five(5)acre tract three-quarter inch meter(5/8'x which has paid seven hundred 3/4",a standard single family sixty dollars($760.00)Under this meter)that has a safe operating Section to connect to a sewer capacity of twenty(20)gallons system will have paid only for per minute(GPM),to a four(4) • one,seven thousand one hun- unit multi-family dwelling with a dred sixty five(7,165)square one and one-half inch (1-1/2") foot lot at the rate of 10.6 cents meter with a safe operating ca- ($0.106).Additional charges pacity of one hundred(100) would be applied to any addi- GPM can apply to pay for the fol- tional development on the prop- lowing prorated charge: erty at the time of development (100 GPM—20 GPM/100 GPM) • Larger or Additional Water =0.8 Meters:Any property which has not paid a system development 0.8 x(10,000 sq.ft.x$0.1 06/sq. charge for the property based ft.)=$848.00 upon the square footage of the property that is to be served by Without the redevelopment the utility and that requests or re- credit,this project would have quires a larger or additional do- paid$0.106✓sq.ft.x 10,000 sq.ft. mestic water meter(s)will trigger =$1,060.00. a utility system development charge. The City will determine the safe maximum operating capacities of • Redevelopment Credit:An op- all meter sizes using American tion exists for receiving a rede- Water Works Association tables velopment credit for property (see subsection 14b('ix)of this which has not previously paid in Section).The fee paid shall be full a system development recorded and applied to the total charge.A redevelopment project system development charge ap- that requires a larger water plicable for the parcel.Reduction meter,or additional domestic in water meter capacity shall not water meter(s),will trigger the result in a payment from the City sewer utility system develop- to the applicant. ment charge. However,any par- cel that currently has water • Fire Protection Credit Installa- service is eligible for a prorated tion of a water meter solely for a system development charge. fire protection system,such as a • This prorated development new hydrant or fire sprinkler sys- charge is based on the following tern,shall not trigger a sewer formula: system development fee. (Amd. (R d 2/00 1 -26 Applicable Section from Title IV of the v„ r 4-1-1$01. Renton Municipal Code fir/ • - Oal.4872, 11 20-2000;Ord. singiesbaight line would not achieve 4875, 12-4-2000) substantial equity,then additional lines may be drawn to include sub- viii. Short-Term Use:Temporary stantial open space areas in the ex- connections to the City's sewage emption.For purposes of this system may be granted for a one- exemption,substantial open space time,temporary,short-term use of a areas shall be at least one hundred portion of the property for a period thousand(100,000)square feet in • not to exceed three(3)consecutive area.Lines shall not be drawn closer years.Permission for temporary con- than fifteen feet(15')to any struc- nection may be granted upon pay- lure. ment of an annual fee equal to ten percent(10%)of the current system • Nonexempt Areas:Parking lots, development charge applicable to driveways,walkways,similar ar- that portion of the property,but not eas and required landscape ar- • less than seven hUndred fifty dollars eas shall not be part of the • • ($750.00)per year.Said fee shall be exempt area paid annually(nonprorated),and - shall be nonrefundable,nontransfer- • Administrative Fees:The appli- able(from one portion of the property cant shall pay the City's adminis- to another)and shall not constitute a trative costs for the preparation, credit to the system development processing and recording the charge due at the time of permanent segregated fee.At the time of ap- use of the utility system.The applica- • plication for system development Von for temporary connection shall charge segregation the applicant • consist of a detailed plan and a shall pay the administrative fee of boundary line of the proposed devel- seven hundred fifty dollars opment service area for use in the ($750.00). fee determination.(Amd.Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) • Restrictive Covenants:The ex- emption must be memorialized bc. City-Owned Property:No sys- by means of a restrictive cove- tern development charge will be col- nant running with the land. lected on City-owned properties.The Should the property exempted benefits to the utility from the use of under this Section later develop, other City properties such as utility then that property shall pay the • easements,lift stations and other system development charge in benefits offset the amount of the sys- place at the time of development tern development charge. • interpretation of Partial Pay- •. Limited Exemptions:A limited ment:The Administrator of the exemption to the system develop- Planning/Building/Public Works - ment charge will be granted to mu- Department shall make the final nicipal corporations for portions of • decision on the interpretation of property subject to the system devel- this limited exemption and the opment charge to the extent that achievement of substantial eq- those specific areas available and uity. maintained at all times for public use (e.g.,balifieids adjacent to a school xi. Calculation of Charge:When building)shall be segregated from calculating the area to be charged the fee determination as herein pro- the system development charge,un- • vided.In applying this exemption to developed greenbelt and major the extent possible,a single straight easements within the property shall line shall be drawn across the prop- not be included in the square footage erty separating the exempt property for the calculation of the charge. from the property to be charged. If a When determining whether property 1 -27 (Revised 2/01) Applicable Section from 4-i}1801 Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code is undeveloped greenbelts or major centage-based prorated basis pro- easements,the inquiry should be to portional to the percentage of the recorded easements or dedications parcel which will be developed.The or restrictions on the Comprehensive application shall consist of a detailed Plan or zoning maps or City policies plan,drafted to current adopted City that would prevent development of standards,of the proposed develop- significant usages.This exemption is ment,which shall include a proposed intended not to charge property that boundary line for the system devel- is undevelopable. opment charge fee determination, and a statement of the total area of xii. Exemption for Wetland: the property and the area of the de- When calculating the area to be veloped portion in square feet.The charged the system development following criteria shall determine the charge, Class 1 and 2 wetlands are partial payment of fees: exempt It is the responsibility of the property owner or applicant to submit • Application of Provisions:This a study determining the classifica- provision shall apply to all devel- tions as Class 1 and/or 2 wetlands opments with the exception of and a legal description of said wet- single family residential and mo- lands so that these portions of the bile home developments. property can be exempted from the development charge.Classification • Determination of Charge:The of wetlands will be based upon the system development charge rating system as outlined in RMC shall be determined on the basis 4-3-110,Wetland Regulations,and of the percentage of a property any subsequent amendments that is developed(existing devel- thereto. opment plus proposed develop- ment). xill. Segregation Criteria and Rules:The ability exists for the seg- • Full Development: For the pur- regation of the system development pose of this Code,full develop- charge in the partial development of ment is considered to be sixty a large parcel of property.This seg- percent(60%)property cover- regation shall be based on the follow- age for multi-family development ing criteria and rules: and eighty percent(80%)prop- erty coverage for commercial,in- • Segregation by Plat or Short dustrial,mixed use,and all other Plat:The system development development Property coverage charge shall be determined on is defined as the portion of the the basis of the specific platted property supporting buildings, properties being developed re- driveways and sidewalks,park- gardless of the parcel size. Un- ing areas,grass and landscape platted or large-platted parcels areas,public access areas, may be platted or short-platted storm drainage facilities and de- prior to development,in which tention ponds,and improve- case the system development ments required for mitigation of charge will be applied to the spe- environmental impacts under the cific platted lots being devel- State Environmental Policy Act oped. (SEPA). xiv. Partial Payment:The ability • • Developed Area:The"(level- exists for the partial payment of the oped area"shall include,but not system development charge based be limited to,all contiguous exist- upon percentage of the property de- ing developed land for which the veloped.The owner may apply for system development charges partial payment of the fee on a per- have not been paid:all existing ptcviscd 2/O1) 1 28 Applicable Section from Title IV of the ' 4-1-lout Renton Municipal Code and proposed buildings,drive- trative costs for the preparation, ways and sidewalks,parking ar- processing and recording of the • eas,grass and landscape areas, partial payment of the fee.At the • public access areas,storm drain- time of application for system de- age facilities and detention velopment charge partial pay- ponds,and improvements re- ment the applicant shall pay the quired for mitigation of environ- administrative fee of seven hun- mental impacts. = dred fifty dollars($750.00). • Formula: Determination of par- • Interpretation:The Administra- tial payment shalt be performed tor of the PlanningBuildng/Pub- • by dividing the"developed area" lic Works Department shall make by eighty percent(80%)(sbcty the final decision on interpreta- percent(60%)for multi-family lion of the partial payment of sys- development)of the total area of - tem development charges. the property,and multiplying this • number by the sewer system de- 3. Charges for Property Not Previously veiopment charge fee assess- Assessed—Surface Water. ment for the entire property. a. Fund and Method of Payment:The • Partial Payment Fees:The par- charges imposed by this Section shall be tial payment of fees shall be by paid into the Surface Water Utility Con- formal,written agreement which struction Fund.The charge shall be paid shall be recorded as a restrictive in cash whenever such connection is re- covenant running with the land. quested,or application may be made by The restrictive covenant shall list such property owner to provide for the the percentage of the system de- payment thereof by an installment con- velopment charge fee that has tract if the amount is in excess of five • • been paid for the property.The hundred dollars($500.00),with interest percentage of the system devel- at the rate of ten percent(10%)per an- opment charge fee that has been num,computed annually on unpaid bal- paid for the property shall be de- ances,which contract shall provide for a fined by dividing the`developed minimum down payment of not less than area"by eighty percent(80%) ten percent(10%)of such total connec- (sixty percent(60%)for multi- tion charges hereinabove set forth pay- family development)of the total able upon execution of such contract, . area of the property,and multi- and the balance thereof to be paid in not - plying this number by one hun- more than twenty(20)quarterly install- • dred percent(100%). ments payable on each January 1,April • 1,July 1 and October 1.Such installment Should the property partially paid for contracts shall provide that any unpaid under this Section later develop,then balance may be paid in full in any year at that property shall pay the system the time the first quarterly payment of development charge fee in place at such year Is due and payable,shall de- the time of development.Should the scribe the property served by the water, properly partially paid for under this and shall be duly acknowledged by the Section later be subdivided,then the property owner and be recorded by the • partial payment credit shall run with Administrator of the PlanninglBuildlg/ the subdivided lots.The burden of Public Works Department in the office of establishing that the partial payment the County Auditor at the expense of has been made would be on the ' such property owner.Delinquent pay- party owing the fee and not on the ments under such installment contracts City. shall be a lien upon the described prop- erty as provided for in RCW 35.67.200, • Administrative fees:The appli- and enforceable in accordance with cant shall pay the City's adminis- RCW 35.67.220 through.35.67.280.As 1.-29• (Revised 2/01) • Applicable Section from 41-`1801 Title IV of the "`'' Renton Municipal Code an additional and concurrent method of lection system;or, in the absence of enforcing such lien,the water service to the requirement of a public works such property may be disconnected in permit,then at the time of granting accordance with RCW 35.67.290 and the building permit.(Amd.Ord.4872, this Code until such time as all delinquent 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) payments have been paid in full.Upon full payment of such installment contract, iv. When Due: Fees are due im- the Administrator of the Planning/Build- mediately,notwithstanding subsec- ing/Public Works Department,on behalf tion 13b(iii)of this Section,if the party of the City,shall execute and deliver unto owing the fee sells to a third party, the property owner a release of such lien, unless the third party agrees to pay which shall be recorded,at the expense the charge, in writing,with the of the property owner,with the Fling amount owing to the City set forth in County Auditor's office.All installment that writing,and further the City payments so made shall be applied first agrees that the third party shall be re- to interest accrued to date,and the bal- sponsible for that fee after determin- ance to principal. ing that such an agreement would be in the City's best interest.The burden b. System Development Charge: of establishing that the agreement There is hereby imposed upon, and the would be in the City's best interest owners of properties which have not would be on the party owing the fee been assessed or charged or borne an and not on the City.(Amd.Ord.4872, equitable share of the cost of the City's 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) surface water collection system and sur- face water facilities shall pay,prior to v. Definition:When the phrase connection to a City surface water collec- 'property which has not participated tion system,the system development in development of the system"is charge,which shall be assessed against used in this Section,it shall mean any property that has not participated in any of the following: the development of the surface water col- lection system,and shall be assessed at • First Time Surface Water Con- the rate of: nection:Any property which has not paid a system development 1. Residences and Mobile charge for the property based Homes:Five hundred twenty five upon the square footage of new dollars($525.00)per single family impervious surface of the prop- residence and mobile home dwelling. erty and which is connecting to (Amd.Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord. Renton's surface water collec- 4875, 12-4-2000) tion system for the first time(in- cluding but not limited to new II. Other Properties:For all other construction). properties except City properties, 18.3 cents($0.183)per square foot • Further Development or Sub- of new impervious area of property division:Any property which proposed by the permit application, has not paid a system develop- but not less than five hundred twenty ment charge for the property five dollars($525.00).(Amd.Ord. based upon the square footage 4872, 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, of new impervious surface of 12-4-2000) property that is to be served by the utility and is developing or Ill. Issuance of Permits:Fees are subdividing further.For example, incurred upon the granting by the one single family residence on a City of a building permit,but are pay- five(5)acre tract which has paid able at the time construction permits five hundred twenty five dollars are issued for connection to or exten- ($525.00)under this Section to sion of the public surface water col- connect to a surface water col- . (Revised trot) 1 -30 Applicable Section from Title IV of the 41_1t10J Renton Municipal Code • • lection system wilfhave paid only ter collection system may be granted • for one,seven thousand one for a one-time,temporary,short-term hundred sixty five(7,165)square • use of a portion of the property for a foot lot at a rate of 18.3 cents period not to exceed three(3)con- ($0.183)per square foot of im- secutive years. Permission for tern- pervious area.Additional porary connection may be granted charges would be applied to any upon payment of an annual fee equal additional development on the to ten percent(10%)of the current • property at the time of develop- system development charge applica- ment. ble to that portion of the property,but not less than three hundred fifty dol- • Runoff Quantity Control:Any tars($350.00)per year.Said fee property for which one hundred shall be paid annually(nonprorated), percent(100%)of the surface and shall be nonrefundable,non- water runoff quantity control re- transferable(from one portion of the quirements can be met by infl- property to another)and shall not ' tration systems,as allowed by constitute a credit to the system de- • code,will be exempted from the ' velopment charge due at the time of surface water charge. permanent use of the utility system. Exists Developments:Prop- The application for temporary con- ' Existing p section shall consist of a detailed erty that was developed before plan and a boundary line of the pro- the effective date hereof is ex- posed development service area for empted from the connection use in the fee determination. charge.Any rebuilding,change in use or additions to exempted vii. City-Owned Property:No sys- property that does not require tem development charge will be col- additional surface water runoff lected on City-owned properties.The capacity will not trigger a new benefits to the utility from the use of connection charge.However, other City properties such as utility • when property is redeveloped or easements,wells and other benefits, the use changed or intensified offset the amount of the system de- such that a larger surface water velopment charge. drainage capacity is necessary, • then any application for rebuild- viii. Limited Exemptions:A lim- ing will trigger a utility connection iced exemption to the system devel- charge."Surface water drainage opment charge will be granted to mu- capacity'is defined as computed nicipal corporations for portions of maximum peak rate runoff from property subject to the system devel- the site prior to entering public or opment charge to the extent that private stommwater facilities. Im- those specific areas available and movements to existing single maintained at all times for public use • family residential units such as (e.g.,ballfields adjacent to a school additions,decks,small sheds building)shall be segregated from and other minor improvements the fee determination as herein pro- are exempt from the system de- vided.In applying this exemption to velopment charge unless a new the extent possible,a single straight connection to the Renton surface line shall be drawn across the prop- • • water utility collection system is erty separating the exempt property • proposed or required as part of from the property to be charged. If a ' the permit application.(Amd. single straight line would not achieve Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord. substantial equity,then additional 4875,12-4-2000) lines may be drawn to include sub- stantial open space areas in the ex- vl. Short Term Use:Temporary emption.For purposes of this exemp- connections to the City's surface wa- lion,substantial open space areas t-31 (Revised•?Jot) • Applicable Section from `4-i'l80f Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code • shall be at least one hundred thou- significant usages.This exemption is sand(100,000)square feet in area. intended not to charge property that Lines shall not be drawn closer than is undevelopable. fifteen feet(15')to any structure. x. Exemption for Wetlands: • Parking Areas: Parking lots, When calculating the area to be driveways,walkways,similar ar- charged the system development eas and required landscape ar- charge,Class 1 and 2 wetlands are eas shall not be part of the exempt. It is the responsibility of the exempt area. property owner or applicant to submit a study determining the classification • Administrative Fees:The appli- as Class 1 and/or 2 wetlands and a • cant shall pay the City's adminis- legal description of said wetlands so trative costs for the preparation, that these portions of the property processing and recording the can be exempted from the develop- segregated fee.At thelime of ment charge.Classification of wet- application for a system develop- lands will be based upon the rating ment charge fee segregation the system as outlined in RMC 4-3-110, applicant shall pay the adminis- Wetland Regulations,and any sub- trative fee of seven hundred fifty sequent amendments thereto. dollars($750.00). xl. Segregation Criteria:The abil- • Restrictive Covenants:The ex- ity exists for the segregation of the emption must be memorialized system development charge in the by means of a restrictive cove- partial development of a large parcel nant running with the land. of property.This segregation shall be Should the property exempted based on the following criteria and under this Section later be devel- rules: oped or sold,then that property shall pay the system develop- • Segregation by Plat or Short ment charge in place at the time Plat:The system development • of development or property sale. charge shall be determined on the basis of the specific platted • Interpretation of Exemption: properties being developed re- The Administrator of the Plan- gardless of the parcel size. Un- ning/Building/Public Works De- platted or large-platted parcels partment shall make the final may be platted or short-platted decision on the interpretation of prior to development,in which this limited exemption and the case the system development achievement of substantial eq- charge will be applied to the spe- uity. citIc lots being undeveloped. Ix. Calculation of Charge:When • Segregation by Administrative calculating the area to be charged the Determination: For the partial connection charge,undeveloped development of a large tract of greenbelt and major easements property the owner may apply for within the property shall not be in- a segregation of the surface wa- cluded in the square footage for the ter system development charge calculation of the charge.When de- for the specific portion of the termining whether property is uncle- property to be developed.The veloped greenbelt or major ease- application shall consist of a de- ments,the inquiry should be to tailed plan,drafted to current recorded easements,dedications or adopted City standards,of the restrictions on the Comprehensive proposed development,which Plan or zoning maps or City policies shall include a proposed bound- that would prevent development of ary line for the system develop- (Rcviscd 2l01) 1 -32 Applicable Section from i. Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code `F'1'1801' ment charge determination.The Boundary Line:The boundary • boundary line shall be defined by line for the segregation of system an acceptable legal description. development charge shall be es- The following criteria shall deter- tablished by survey and legal de- mine the segregation of fees: sc ription and shall not be closer than fifteen feet(15')to any Segregated Areas:Minimum structure. size of area segregated for de- termination and payment of sys- .Interpretation:The Administra- tem development charge shall tor of the Planning/Building/pub- be five(5)acres. tic Works Department shall make Remnant Parcel:Minimum size the final decision on thterpreta- • of the rurnx'art devell parcel of undevel- ev the ha s.of system oped property for which the sys-tem developnient dopmenntt charges es. deferred shall bed is xii. Regional Improvements:If an five(5)acres. applicant's project proposes to solve a regional •Administrative Fees:The appli- and above thea problem,over cant shall requirements to miti- Pay the City's adminis- gate their project's impacts,the value trative costs for the preparation, of the additional improvement shall processing and recording the be credited toward the system devol- segregated fee.At the time of ap- plication for system development opment due.The applicant charge segregation the applicant must provide the Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/ shall pay the administrative fee of Public Works with the costs of the seven hundred fifty dollars drainage improvements and a sug- ($750.00). gested method of calculating the solve due to the extra work done to Fee Segregation:The segrega- reg ge problem. Lion of fees shall be by formal, The Administrator willdraa make the final written agreement which shall be decision on the amount of the credit. recorded as a restrictive cove- in no instance shall the credit dupli- nant running with the land. cate a latecomer's agreement such Should the property exempted that the applicant will be paid twice, under this Section later develop, nor may the credit against the con- then that property shall pay the system development charge to r'�0r' exceed the connec- place at the time of development. �0n charge(i.e.,no payment to the applicant under this Section). • • Segregated Area:The segre- rill. Request for Agreement:Any gated area shall include,but not party extending utilities that may be limited to,all contiguous exist- serve other than that party's property • ing developed land for which the may request a latecomer's agree- system development charge ment from the City.Any party re- • have not been paid;all proposed quired to oversize utilities ma • • - • buildings;driveways and side- request that utility participate in the walks;parldn9 areas;grass and cost of the project landscape areas;public access areas;storm drainage facilities xiv. Inspection and Approval and detention ponds;and im- Fees: In addition to other permits provements required for mitiga- and fees,there will be an inspection/ lion of environmental impacts approval fee for on site and off-site under the State Environmental replacement and improvements Policy Act(SEPA). which shall be identical to that speci- fied in chapter 9-10 RMC,Street Ex- ..r.., . 1 -33 (Revised 2/O1) Applicable Section from '4t+1801 Title IV of the �`—Renton Municipal *Code cavations,and any subsequent M. Multi-Family:Six hundred sixty amendments thereto. five dollars($665.00)per multi-family residence,except in the Center c. Credit:If any such property for which Downtown (CD)and Center Office/ a system development charge has been Residential(COR)zoned areas paid thereafter is included in a local im- which shall be assessed in accor- provement district for the construction of dance with subsection 14b(iv)of this a surface water collection system of the Section.Mixed use buildings with same or similar nature,then the principal over fifty percent(50%)of the floor amount so paid shall be credited to the space used for multi-family resi- assessment against such property and dences shall be assessed at the rate such amount shall be paid from the Sur- of six hundred sixty five dollars face Water Utility Construction Fund into ($665.00)per multi-family residence. such Local Improvement District Fund. (Amd.Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord. (Ord.4506,4-10-1995) 4875, 12-4-2000) 4. Charges for Property Previously Not iv. Other: For all other properties Assessed—Water: except City properties, 15.4 cents ($0.154)per square foot of property a. Fund and Method of Payment:The connected but not less than one charges imposed by this Chapter shall be thousand one hundred five dollars paid into the Waterworks Utility Construe- ($1,105.00). (Amd.Ord.4872, tion Fund. 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) The charge shall be paid in cash when- v. Payment: Fees are incurred ever such connection is requested.(Ord. upon the granting by the City of a 4415,8-20-1993) building permit or a construction per- mit,but are payable at the time con- b. Special Water Utility Connection struction inspection permits are Charge:There is hereby imposed upon, - issued for connection to or extension . and the owners of properties which have of the public water main;or in the ab- not been assessed or charged or borne sence of the requirement of a public an equitable share of the cost of the works permit,then at the time of City's water distribution and water plant granting the building permit All other facilities shall pay,prior to connection to water service applicants shall pay at a City water main,the system develop- the time the water meter application ment connection charge which shall be is issued.(Amd.Ord.4872, assessed against any property that has 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) not participated in the development of the water system,which system shall include vi. Fees Upon Sale: Fees are due the wells,pump stations, reservoirs and immediately if the party owing the fee transmission mains,shall be assessed at sells to a third party,unless the third the rate of: party agrees to pay the charge,in writing,with the amount owing to the I. Single Family:One thousand City set forth in that writing,and fur- one hundred five dollars($1,105.00) ther the City agrees that the third • per single family residence. (Amd. party shall be responsible for that fee Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, after determining that such an agree- 12-4-2000) ment would be in the City's best inter- est.The burden of establishing that II. Mobile/Manufactured Homes: the agreement would be in the City's Eight hundred eighty five dollars best interest would be on the party ($885.00)per dwelling unit located in owing the fee and not on the City. mobile home parks and manufac- (Amd.Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord. tured home parks. (Amd.Ord.4872, 4875, 12-4-2000) • 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) Otcviscd2AI) 1--34 Applicable Section from Title IV of the 'rw/ 4-1-18tI.`' Renton Municipal Code vii. Definition:When the phrase tional water meters or a fire hy- "property which has not participated drant are necessary,or when no in development of the system"is water meter was obtained be- used in this Section,it shall mean fore,such as property on a well, any of the following: then any application for the initial water meter or a larger water • First Time Water Connection: meter or installation of a fire hy- Any property which has not paid . drant will trigger a system devel- a system development charge opment charge,except as for the property based upon the provided herein. square footage of the property and which is connecting to For the purposes of this policy, Renton's water system for the such property when applying for first time(including but not lim- an initial or larger water meter or ited to new construction,or con- installing a fire hydrant or irriga- version from a private well). tion meter shall be property that has not been previously as- • -Further Development or Sub- sessed.(Amd.Ord.4872, division:Any property which 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, has not paid•a system develop- 12-4-2000) ment charge for the property based upon the square footage . vili. Redevelopment Credit:An of the property that is to be option exists for receMng a redevel- served by the utility and is devel- opment credit for property which has oping or subdividing further.For not previously paid in full a system example,one single family rest- development charge.A redevelop- dence on a five(5)acre tract ment project that requires a larger which has paid one thousand water meter,or additional water one hundred five dollars meters,or a fire protection service for • ($1,105.00)under this Section to sprinklers,or a fire hydrant will trigger connect to a water system will the water utility system development have paid only for one,seven charge.However,any parcel that thousand one hundred sixty five currently has water service is eligible (7,165)square foot lot at a rate of fora prorated system development 15.4 cents($0.154).Additional charge.This prorated redevelopment charges would be applied to any. charge Is based on the following for- additional development on the mule: property at the time of develop- ment. (Proposed domestic meter(s)ca- pacity in gallons per minute—Ex- • Existing Developments: Prop- !sting domestic meter(s)capacity erty that was developed before in GPM/Proposed domestic the effective date of the first de- meter(s)capacity in GPM)x velopment charge ordinance in SDC Fee=Amount owed.Fire 1974 is exempted from the con- flow meters are not included in nection charge.Any rebuilding, this calculation. change in use or additions to ex- . empted property that does not For example,a redevelopment require additional water usage project that involves a change such that a fire hydrant,larger from a single family home on a meter or irrigation meter is nec- ten thousand(10,000)square essary will not trigger a new con- foot lot with a five-eighths inch by nection charge.However,when three-quarter inch meter(518"x property is redeveloped or the 3/4",a standard single family use changed or intensified such meter)that has a safe operating that a larger water meter or addi- capacity of twenty(20)gallons 1 -35 (Revised 210.1) Applicabli Section from 4-111801 Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code per minute(GPM),to a four.(4) unit multi-family dwelling with a one and one-half inch (1-1/2") meter with a safe operating ca- pacity of one hundred(100) GPM can apply to pay the follow- ing prorated charge: (100 GPM—20 GPM/100 GPM) x$1,540.00=$1,232.00 Without the redevelopment credit,this project would have paid 15.4 cents per square foot ($0.154/sq.ft.)x 10,000 sq.ft.= $1,540.00 • (Revised.2ro1) 1 36 , . Applicable Section from 4-1-1801 Title IV of the 10 •• ll • - Renton Municipal Code itial - The City will determine the safe maximum operating capacities of all meter sizes using American Water Works Association tables(see below).The fee paid shall be recorded and - , applied as a partial payment to the total system development charge applicable for the par- cel Reduction In meter capacity shall not result in a payment from the City to the applicant (Amd.Ord.4872, 11-20-2000;Ord.4875, 12-4-2000) Safe Maximum Operating . Meter Size ki Inches Capacity(GPM) 5/8'"Equivalency 3/4"Equivalency 5/8 20 it- -- , •'.• • - . 5/8 X 3/4 20 1.00 • • - - .- . ' 3/4 • • 30 • 1.50 • 1.00 - • • 1 • - 50 2.50 1.67 • • i 1-1/2 = 100 5.00 \ 3.33• 2 - 160 8.00 \ 5.33 3 • 300 15.00 110.00 ‘ 4 500 25.00 16.67 ' 6 1000 50.00 93.33 8 1600 80.00 53.33. 10 • 2300 115.00 76.8? 12 3375 168.75 112.50 , 20 8250 412.50 . 275.00 • (Ord.4526,6-12-1995) x. Prorated System Development both prorated system develop- Fee for_Fire Protection improve- ment fees would be charged. merits: '' - .---.. Payment of said fees would be reconNed and applied to the total • An option codsts for receiving a system development charge ap- • credit for fire protection Improve- plicable for the parcel.In no case . ments for property which has not shall the total of the prorated sys- previously paid in full a system tern development charge(s)be • development charge.Installation more than the total system de- of a water meter solely for a fire velopment charge applicable for protection system,such as a new the parcel. • hydrant or fire sprinkler system shall be charged a fee equal to xl. Short-Term Use:Temporary • - thirty percent(30%)of the sys- connections to the City's water sys- • tem development charge appli- tern may be granted for a one-time, . .....-. : • cable to the parcel.Thirty percent temporary,shod-term use of a por- .. - - ' (30%)is the amount the water ' - lion of the property for a period not to -,-• '-'. .utility has expended throughout - . ''''exceed three(3)consecutive years. its system for fire flow protection. Permission for temporary connection This fee shall be recorded and may be granted upon payment of an I applied as a partial payment to annual fee equal to ten percent 1 the total system development (10%)of the current system develop- • charge applicable for the parcel. ment charge applicable to that por- -1 lion of the property,but not less than •. • If a project both increases water seven hundred fifty dollars($750.00) t meter capacity and installs a fire per year.Said fee shall be paid annu- • protection system the total of -1 • - 1 -36.1 (Revised DOI) — (I . . • Applicable Section from 41t301 Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code • ally(nonprorated), and shall be non- refundable,nontransferable(from one portion of the property to an- (Revised 2ro1) 1 -36.2 Applicable Section from • Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code ' ' 4-1-1IJ(, ` , other)and shall not constitute a the extent possible,a single straight credit to the system development line shall be drawn across the prop- . . charge due at the time of permanent arty separating the exempt property use of the utility system.The applica- from the property to be charged. if a tion for temporary connection shall single straight line would not achieve consist of a detailed plan and a substantial equity,then additional boundary line of the proposed devel- lines may be drawn to include sub- opment service area for use in the stantial open space areas in the ex- fee determination. emption.For purposes of this exemp- tial open space areas xii. Installation of a Water Meter: shall beeaattleast one hundred thou- Installation of a water meter solely for sand(100,000)square feet in area the purpose of providing irrigation Lines shall not be drawn closer than water to City right-of-way is ex- fifteen feet(15')to any structure. empted from the connection charge. Installation of a water meter dedi- •. Nonexempt Areas:Parking lots, cated solely for the purpose of provid- driveways,walkways,similar ar- ing irrigation water for private land- eas and required landscape ar- scaping(exempt meter)will be eas shall not be part of the charged a fee equal to ten percent exempt area. (10%)of the water system develop- ment charge appicable to the prop- • Administrative Fees:The appli- erty.Said fee shall be nonrefundable, cant shall pay the City's adminis- nontransferable(from one portion of trative costs for the preparation, the property to another)and shall not processing and recording the constitute a credit to the system de- segregated fee.At the time of velopment charge due at the time the application for system develop- . fee may be assessed against the ment charge fee segregation the.. property by another use of the utility appicant shall pay the adminis- system.At the applicant's option,the trative fee of seven hundred fifty full water system development dollars($750.00). charge may be paid instead of the ten percent(10%)payment described • Restrictive Covenants:The ex- herein. emption must be memorialized rill. City-Ownedby means of a restrictive cove- Systems:No Want running with the land. system development charge win be Should the property exempted collected on City-owned properties. under this Section later be devel- The benefits to the utility from the use oped or sold,then that property of other City properties such as utility shall pay the system develop- easements,wells and other benefits, ment charge fee in place at the offset the amount of the system de- time of development or property velopment charge. sale. xiv. Limited Exemptions:A km- • Interpretation of Exemption: ited exemption to the system devel- The Administrator of the Plan- opment charge will be granted to mu- ning/Building/Pubic Works De- nidpal corporations for portions of pertinent shall make the final property subject to the system devel- dedsion on the interpretation of opment charge to the extent that this imited exemption and the those specific areas available and achievement of substantial eq- maintained at all times for public use uity. (e.g.,bailfieids adjacent to a school building)shall be segregated from xv. Calculation of Charges: the fee determination as herein pro- When calculating the area to be vided.In applying this exemption to charged the system development 1 -37 ` Applicable Section from . ' , •4-j-1801 Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code • charge, undevelo ped ped greenbelt and standards,of the proposed develop- major easements within the property ment,which shall include a proposed shall not be included in the square boundary line for the system devel- footage for the calculation of the opment charge fee determination, charge.When determining whether and a statement of the total area of property is undeveloped greenbelts the property and the area of the de- or major easements,the inquiry veloped portion in square feet.The should be to recorded easements, following criteria shall determine the dedications or restrictions on the partial payment of fees: Comprehensive Plan or zoning maps or City policies that would prevent • Application of Provisions:This development of significant usages. provision shall apply to all devel- This exemption is intended not to opments with the exception of charge property that is undevelop- single family residential and mo- able. bile home developments. xvi. Exemption for Wetlands: • Determination of Charge:The When calculating the area to be system development charge charged the development charge, shall be determined on the basis Class 1 and 2 wetlands areas are ex- of the percentage of a property empt. It is the responsibility of the that is developed(existing devel- property owner or applicant to submit opment plus proposed develop- a study determining the classification ment). as Class 1 and/or 2 wetlands and a legal description of said wetlands so • Full Development:For the pur- that these portions of the property pose of this Code, "full develop- can be exempted from the develop- ment'is considered to be sixty e, ment charge.Classification of wet- percent(60%)property coverage lands will be based upon the rating` e for multi-family development and system as outlined in RMC 4-3-11 qp eighty percent(80%)property Wetland Regulations, and any subcoverage for commercial,indus- sequent amendments thereto. trial, mixed use and all other de- xvii. Segregation by Plat or Short velopment.'Property coverage' is defined as the portion of the Plat:The system development property supporting buildings, charge shall be determined on the driveways and sidewalks,park- basis of the specific platted proper- ing areas,grass and landscape ties being developed regardless of areas,public access areas, the parcel size. Unplatted or large- storm drainage facilities and de- platted parcels may be platted or tention ponds and improvements short-platted prior to development,in required for mitigation of environ- which case the system development mental impacts under the State charge will be applied to the specific Environmental Policy Act lots being developed. (SEPA). xviii. Segregation Criteria:The • Developed Area:The'devel- ability exists for the partial payment oped area'shall include,but not of the system development charge be limited to,all contiguous exist- based upon percentage of the prop- ing developed land for which the erty developed.The owner may ap- system development charges ply for partial payment of the fee on a fees have not been paid;all ex- percentage-based prorated basis isting and proposed buildings, proportional to the percentage of the driveways and sidewalks,park- parcel which will be developed.The ing areas, grass and landscape 4 application shall consist of a detailed areas,public access areas, plan,drafted to current adopted City storm drainage facilities and de- 1 -38 Applicable Section from 4-1_tj;t�•, , Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code - • tention ponds and improvements partial payment of the fee.At the required for mitigation of environ- time of application for system de- mental impacts under the State velopment charge fee partial Environmental Policy Act payment the applicant shall pay (SEPA). the administrative fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). • Formula: Determination of par- tial payment shall be performed • Interpretation of Partial Pay- by dividing the"developed area" ments:The Administrator of the by eighty percent(80%)(sixty Planning/Building/Public Works percent(60%)for multi-family Department shall make the final development)of the total area of decision on interpretation of the the property,and multiplying this partial payment of special utility number by the system develop- connection charges. ment charge fee assessment for the entire property. c. Credit:If any such property for which a system development charge has been • Partial Payment Fees:The par- paid thereafter is included in a local ini- tial payment of fees shall be by provement district for the construction of formal,written agreement which a water main of the same or similar na- shall be recorded as a restrictive ture,then the principal amount so paid covenant running with the land. shall be credited to the assessment The restrictive covenant shall list against such property and such amount the percentage of the system de- shall be paid from the Waterworks Utili- velopment charge that has been ties Fund into such Local Improvement paid for the property.The per- District Fund. (Ord.4508,4-10-1995) centage of the system develop- ment charge fee that has been paid for the property shall be de- 1-190 MITIGATION FEES: fined by dividing the"developed area"by eighty percent(80%) �:r to City of Renton Resolution#3100 T- is Mit lion Fees, Resolution#3082 Park ' •a- (sixty percent(60%)for multi- tion • :-,and Resolution#2913 Fire M' ation family development)of the total Fees area of the property,and multi- plying this number by one hun- • dred percent(100%). 4-1-200 RA FEES: Should the property partially paid Whenever an - ••lication is to - handled under for under this Section later de- the terms of an •• ion of th: ' s land use velop,then that property shall codes,adopted ► •-s,or iform Building pay the system development Code,and that - •• -ti• = so large,compli- charge fee in place at the time of cated or technically • ' :x that it cannot be development.Should the prop- handled with existing staff,then an additional erty partially paid for under this fee can be charged w « equivalent to the ex- Section later be subdivided,then tra costs incurred b e of Renton to pay: the partial payment credit shall run with the subdivided lots.The A. Overtime co -, burden of establishing that the partial payment has been made B. The pro f r costs of addition• ;mployees would be on the party owing the necessary t andle the application, fee and not on the City. C. The •-• expended to retain the q . led • • Administrative Fees:The appli- consul is to handle the project,and cant shall pay the City's adminis- trative costs for the preparation, D. y general administrative costs when di- processing and recording of the rectly attributable to the project. 1 -39 (Revised riror) • • 0.CC ) .. cc - as >31i Y4C�coca-C caw -c a)CNmmO. a °)•- �l2••,0 ZZ a)o at 0 a) E.00 e..._a >03 Co a,rncoT E am ao WPM ycc '0 O .�• .— 7U= c a)1Q�a 03.-r A v, °Qwa c-omc cEc(0 co 0) =fit _°Y 120 ° >C g 0 :o 0 `°•0 c `° (0CUL.o oo 11 —03C0 Ecm o E � mwym¢ •m mc.. c`.cv • J W 3 O '5 c0 () 0.12 N O O V C"Q aL 6 C 0 a).,P L C- 9S co re --0L.c'no sogu! 0) Et-. v d C.'CC 3 t m o-=o •'lusty C= 0000 T0) O � 01Ec U. No mtm Qy7U� '*y,'� ONUZ O�.V Q C c c c m•c D. m d o N m 0) O d c� 'g CO O c m 7•" a>•N m e '-t o 0 cos--0 o ,Z WV0 >.10 003 icG))Q. � Caa)�do c" oo=_mommm F. c co moi c s 7 0 �:n•- m 5_-cis o _'n c a9 �'cU F'• 0T3 C p3Q� c740 c, co fl- c 7- ca � fl-oc�, zZ0Y" a,oz. o=u. Om co ga) m.0— O'uia= ,royo °) co @ as as C C C O 0 0 as C -° 0 ` C a) c) O` a) :a 3 a) L d) 1 ) e) C N 0 a CO ° 'a a 7 15 U - 7 \. � •C N +o+ m C ° p N 0 .• 0 Y 3 � y cU , Y oo 0 a) ( c C N c G c N 07 o m w a X S '3 �0 „ v) 0 Z a M • ° C •c o U O Y m o mow- — cL E )[ Y 00 •c c m o m , o Q CD F..� L a o E CD 0 C N N �_ 0 a) Cn a) 7 C CO U N V U �CI A L fn to m c@ y) L L ..� .�,, N r�i d 0 ao 7 m .., 7 w � m N 3 E mc� c 0 c m \ 1 N4..._.V1m N c �° o m � o J o m CO a) 03 LUm .co 0 m Nib A= I—, «: •mm .. _o .cli W 70 a 7 7 • 15 aa' ELmr o 3 y c) CD 0 co a oc � 0 •• � v7 ; 13 m w .° C -0 T 'Q > s 0 < 0 m ° o oLco ° 0 U o E0CmQ)Um w Q O o . � � cc ° m vmi co Ci C0H v 7 to .0 m 12 m ` CD C o L Um c � o CM CO � o � y o w ° co) o c c cnw 3 m o U. ° ct 0 > -oo as C_cas - c m E CU m w o y `� ° rnms � � L N CO 'O ,,p -0 0 C -0 .'' ` C oc O o ,_ a) N 7 R Y ° C w' m N OC L 7 �. a C •0 - T a) - T _c U ° + fl•}' a) o o a) F- C .-. co 'o N flea c (Tsac E ° � � > c �'.�y 4..•E `�' Q m ao a) a7 � CI- CO L Eo m ELi m <,„�y1 4�,0�1�� • @ c) ml C •a 0 C ,= Z U Z y ,s,0�� iBii11190 ,,a� m c Z 3 m :r - °- a) a) ca m m o) 0- c A c 0 d m H Q I-- _J to CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of May, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055, to consider the following: Request for approval of a Development Agreement for the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility to establish a vesting framework for applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purpose of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. . For information,call 425-430-6510. )6exma•Ni. 1G Bonnie I.Walton City Clerk Published South County Journal May 10, 2002 Account No. 50640 5/7/2002 sent to parties of record (2) copy to: Leslie Nishihira Suzann,Lombard - Re: Boeing Developmr Agmt - Hearing 5/20/02 Page 1 sir r.r From: Lesley Nishihira To: Lombard, Suzann Date: 5/7/02 2:37PM Subject: Re: Boeing Development Agmt - Hearing 5/20/02 Yes, please send notice to: Laura Whitaker Perkins Coie 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Seattle, WA 98101-3099 Laura Lohman Heartland 524 Second Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104 Thanks! Those are the only people I know of. >>> Suzann Lombard 05/07/02 11:28AM >>> Are there any parties of record to whom this notice should be mailed? Bonnie advises there are no posters required but may be some mailings. Thanks, Suzann . 7/v CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of May, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Request for approval of a Development Agreement for the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility to establish a vesting framework for applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purpose of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. . For information,call 425-430-6510. (ek -O7'tJ Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published South County Journal May 10, 2002 Account No. 50640 1day 6,2002 Renton City Council Minutes r..r Page 162 Electric of Tacoma,Inc., in the amount of$208,910(budgeted amount $191,375). Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee for discussion of funding. CAG: 02-034,East Kennydale City Clerk reported bid opening on 4/30/2002 for CAG-02-034,East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill&Water Sanitary Sewer Infill and Water Main Replacement; seven bids;engineer's Main Replacement,Frank estimate$1,242,630.91; and submitted staff recommendation to award the Collucio Const Co contract to low bidder,Frank Collucio Construction Company,in the amount of $1,030,126.02. Council concur. Development Services: Boeing Development Services Division requested approval of a development Renton Aircraft Manufacturing agreement with Boeing to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the Facility Development City's applicable review and approval processes for additional development of Agreement , the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility;279 acres located at the south end of Lake Washington. Refer to Planning&Development Committee; set public hearing on 5/20/2002. Executive: Sister City Cuautla, Executive Department requested authorization to adopt a resolution in Jalisco, Mexico Sisterhood recognition of Renton's Sister City relationship with Cuautla,Jalisco,Mexico. Resolution Council concur. (See page 166 for resolution.) Human Services: 2002 CDBG Human Services Division recommended setting a public hearing on 6/10/2002 Supplemental Funds to consider the allocation of the funding recommendations for the 2002 Allocation supplemental Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)capital funds in the amount of$210,857 and recapturing of funds. Refer to Community Services Committee; set public hearing for 6/10/2002. Legal:Firemen's Pension Legal Division recommended approval of an ordinance amending City Code Board,City Code Amend wording to comply with State law regarding Firemen's Pension Board membership. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 01-179,Airport Transportation Systems Division recommended authorization to allocate$6,000 Building Demolition, in additional funding from the Airport Reserve Fund for additional costs and Wyndham Design,Funding added security fencing for the Airport Building Demolition Project(CAG-01- 179). Council concur. CAG: 01-133,Airport Transportation Systems Division recommended authorization to use$205,000 Seaplane Dock Facilities, from the Airport Reserve Fund to cover additional costs incurred(existing dock Culbertson Marine Const, replacement,design changes, and rehabilitation of the Black River box culvert) Funding for the Airport Seaplane Dock Facilities Project(CAG-01-133). Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Utility: Sewer Service Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an ordinance restricting Restrictions Outside City sanitary sewer service outside of the City limits to only allow service to public Limits, City Code Amend entities;to existing properties with septic issues or that are within a health concern area; and to those developments for which the City has issued sewer availability certificates prior to this ordinance. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: CT Pipeline Wells Utility Systems Division recommended acceptance of a twenty-year Public RW-1 —3 &Park Works Trust Fund Construction Loan in the amount of$814,527 at an interest Improvements,PWTF Loan rate of 1/2%, for the CT Pipeline for Wells RW-1,RW-2,RW-3 and Park Improvements Project. Council concur. (See page 166 for resolution.) Utility: Maplewood Water Utility Systems Division recommended approval to apply for a Public Works Treatment Improvements, Trust Fund Construction Loan in the amount of$6,950,000 at an interest rate of PWTF Loan 1/2%, for the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements Project. The City's project share is$1,747,960. Council concur. CITM OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL T,y, Submitting Data: PIanning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board..Development Services Division May 6,2002 Staff Contact Lesley Nishihira (x7270) Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing Correspondence Resolution adopting Boeing Plant Development Agreement. Ordinance Resolution Old Business.. Exhibits: New Business Study Sessions • Issue Paper Information.... • Draft Development Agreement • Technical Memorandum Executive Summary Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept. X Refer to Planning&Development Committee and set public Finance Dept hearing for May 20, 2002. 1/ Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required N/A Transfer/Amendment N/A Amount Budgeted....N/A Revenue Generated....N/A Summary of Action: The Boeing Company has requested the approval of a Development Agreement in order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes for additional development of the Boeing Renton Plant. The Agreement would establish a vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purposes of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. The Development Agreement is based upon the adopted 1989 Boeing Plant Production Expansion Final EIS and Mitigation Document. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend Council approve the Development Agreement and adopt the enacting Resolution. agenda bill CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29,2002 TO: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Planning&Development Committee Chair City Council Members VIA: . Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: `6 Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Lesley Nishihira, Development/Planning,x7270 SUBJECT: Boeing Plant Development Agreement ISSUE: The Boeing Company has requested the approval of a Development Agreement in order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes for additional development of the Boeing Renton Plant. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approve the Development Agreement and adopt the enacting Resolution. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Development Agreement is based upon the adopted Boeing Plant Production Expansion Final EIS and Mitigation Document. The adopted EIS describes, among other alternatives, a proposed action to add four structures and 1,500 employees to support a forecasted production increase. The EIS establishes that, without the expansion described by the proposed action, the Renton Plant generated 28,140 average daily vehicle trips and 4,060 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips. The Agreement would establish a vesting framework for the applicable redevelopment credits and baseline vehicle trips for purposes of analyzing impacts associated with the redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. For example, only those traffic impacts that exceed the impacts associated with the baseline trips shall be subject to transportation mitigation. It has been determined that the proposed Development Agreement is adequately addressed under the analysis of significant impacts and alternatives contained within the adopted EIS and Mitigation Document. Therefore,the SEPA Addendum process has been utilized for the necessary Environmental Review of the proposed Development Agreement pursuant to WAC 197-11-625 and WAC 197-11-706. As established by RCW 36.706.190-200, the Development Agreement must be approved by the City through ordinance or resolution after a public hearing is held. The Development Agreement must then be recorded with King County once the ordinance or resolution is in effect. Attached is a draft version of the Development Agreement, which is currently under review by City Staff. Modifications to the document are anticipated. A draft resolution will be prepared by the City Attorney prior to the scheduled public hearing. cc: Sue Carlson Alex Pietsch Neil Watts Jennifer Henning The Development Agreement document is currently under legal review. A copy of the document will be distributed prior to Monday's Council meeting. • DRAFT-FOR REVIEW ONLY r Transportation Engineering NorthWest, LLC Technical Memorandum DATE: March 6,2002 • TO: Neil Watts • City of Renton • FROM: Jeff Haynie,P.E. Transportation Engineering Northwest,LLC RE: Boeing Renton Plant 4,060 P.M.Peak Hour Trip Entitlement • TENW Project No:2105 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A traffic analysis was conducted to analyze p.m.peak hour traffic operations with and without the entitlement of 4,060 p.m.peak hour trips from the Boeing Renton Plant The following three study intersections were analyzed: 1. Park Drive/I-405 Northbound Ramps 2. Park Drivc/I-405 Southbound Ramps 3. Park Drive/Garden Avenue/Lake Washington Boulevard • Existing p.m.peak hour trip generation from the Renton Plant was estimated based on a combination of existing traffic counts and parking data. Additional trips to be analyzed in this analysis were calculated by subtracting the existing trip generation from the 4,060 p.m. peak hour trip entitlement that was documented in a 1989-1990 EIS for the Renton Plant. The distribution of Boeing trips was determined based on an afternoon hour screenline • analysis of the major roads into and out of the site vicinity. Distribution percentages were then applied to the additional p.m.peak hour trips and assigned to the three study intersections. ' Background traffic volumes were obtained based on existing counts increased by two percent annually to 2004. Traffic from all known pipeline projects in the site vicinity (Southport,Stoneway Concrete,Frye's Electronics)was then added to obtain 2004 baseline volumes. • The City of Renton generally considers LOS D or better an acceptable LOS at signalized intersections. The results of the LOS analysis showed that the three study intersections would operate at LOS D or better with the additional trips associated with the 4,060 Boeing trip entitlement. Therefore,the entitlement of the 4,060 p.m.peak hour trips is not expected to create significant adverse impacts at any of the study intersections. Transportation Engineesing/Operations #Impact Studies#Design Services I Transportation I lann1ng/Forecasting Eastside Office 1 f 410 NE 12.0 Street,1691 f 13ddai4 WA 98034 #Office(425)820-1728 #Fax(425)820-5913 Seattle Office PO Box 63251 t Seattle,WA 98155 ♦Office/Fax(204)3417333 #Toll Free(888)220-7333 DRAFT 5/6/02 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOEING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE BOEING RENTON AIRCRAFT • MANUFACTURING FACILITY I. PREAMBLE • This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT("Agreement")between THE BOEING COMPANY ("Boeing"),a Delaware corporation, and the CITY OF RENTON("City"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington,is entered into pursuant to the authority of RCW 36.70B.170 through .210,under which a local government may enter into a development agreement with an entity having ownership or control of real property within its jurisdiction. II. RECITALS A. Boeing is the owner of certain real property,known as the Boeing Renton Aircraft Manufacturing Facility("Renton Plant" or"Plant"),located in the City of Renton,King County,Washington, as more particularly described in Attachment 1 and as approximately depicted in Attachment 2,both attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. • B. The Renton Plant consists of approximately 279 acres located at the south end of Lake Washington in the City of Renton. The majority of the Plant site is located within the Industrial Heavy CHI")zoning district and is designated Employment Center-Industrial by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Other portions of the Plant site are zoned Commercial Office("CO"),Industrial-Light("IL"), and Residential-10("R-10"). An approximately_21- acre portion along the site's eastern boundary is zoned III and CO and is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Employment Area-Transition(Interim). C. The Renton Plant was originally developed for construction of military aircraft during World War II,with the first Plant buildings completed in 1942. Major building construction occurred in the decades of the 1950s and 1960s. By 1989,the Renton Plant contained 69 major buildings with a total enclosed floor area of approximately 6.9 million square feet. D. In the late 1980s,Boeing planned an expansion of the Plant to accommodate projected production needs for the 1990s and beyond. For that proposal,the City of Renton issued an environmental impact statement( EIS )pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA")that disclosed and analyzed the environmental impacts of the addition to the Plant of new buildings and increased employees. E. The EIS describes, among other alternatives, a"Proposed Action"to add four structures(the 4-80 building,expansion of the 4-82 building,a 16,000 square foot addition to the existing 4-86 building, and construction of a six-level parking garage)and 1,500 employees to support a forecasted production increase. Based on impacts of the Proposed DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 5/6/02 [!my da doe) tisiv DRAFT 5/ /02 Action, a"Mitigation Document," dated February 20, 1990 and revised March 7, 1990, was issued by the City's Environmental Review Committee("ERC"). F. The EIS establishes that,without the expansion described by the Proposed Action,the Renton Plant generated 28,140 average daily vehicle trips and 4,060 p.m.peak hour vehicle trips. The EIS estimates that implementation of the Proposed Action will result in the addition of as many as 3,015 vehicle trips per day and 435 p.m.peak hour vehicle trips per day. • G. Boeing and the City agree that additional development of the Renton Plant should be regulated and mitigated in order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's applicable review and approval processes. Accordingly,Boeing and the City wish to enter into a Development Agreement addressing certain aspects of Phase I and Phase II(as defined below)development and therefore agree as follows: M. AGREEMENT 1. Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, "Phase I",described by the EIS as the "No Action Alternative," shall include Renton Plant development existing as of the date that the Mitigation Document was issued. "Phase II" shall consist of the Proposed Action as analyzed and mitigated by the EIS and the Mitigation Document,respectively, and/or such other plans for development or redevelopment of the Renton Plant site that may from time to _ time be approved by the City. 2. Vesting and Term of Agreement.-The City's land use regulations in-effect and applicable to project applications as of the recording date of this Agreement shall govern(a) the continued use and operation of Phase I for Boeing airplane manufacturing purposes and any other Boeing operation(b)Phase II development applications submitted to the City within 45 years from the recording date of this Agreement,so long as such applications are for Boeing airplane manufacturing uses. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the City reserves the authority under RCW 36.70B.170(4)to impose new or different regulations to the extent required by a serious threat to public health and safety, as determined by the Renton City Council after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been provided to Boeing. 3. Land Use Regulations. For purposes of this Agreement, "land use regulations" means Comprehensive Plan policies and zoning standards in effect as of the date of this Agreement; provided,however,that Boeing may elect at its discretion that Comprehensive Plan policies and zoning standards adopted after the recording date of this Agreement shall apply to all or part of Phase II development so long as such development is for Boeing Airplane manufacturing uses. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the City reserves the right to reclassify the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations for the plant property in anticipation of future uses or development outside of Phase II as defined by this Agreement. However, future reclassifications would not preclude the continued operation of Boeing airplane manufacturing uses as defined under Phase I and II of this Agreement as such uses would be DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 2 (/my da doc] 516/132 DRAFT 5/6/02 subject to the policies and standards in effect as of the date of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement,the current Comprehensive Plan designation of the Renton Plant site is Employment Area—Industrial and the zoning designations applicable to the Renton Plant site are IH,IL,CO and R-10 pursuant to the fDatel Zoning Map as adopted by the City Council. 4. Baseline Vehicle Trips. 4.1 Calculation of Future Traffic Impacts. Existing vehicle trips associated with Phase I,described by the EIS as the"No Action Alternative," (i.e.,28,140 average daily trips and 4,060 p.m.peak hour trips) shall be considered to be vested and to form the "baseline trips"for purposes of the analysis of transportation impacts associated Phase II development or redevelopment of all or a component of the Renton Plant site. For example,and without limiting the foregoing,if Boeing elects to dispose of or redevelop all or a component of the Renton Plant site,all or a portion of the baseline trips may be assigned to that component of the site when calculating and determining the appropriate mitigation of future transportation impacts applicable to that component's redevelopment. Therefore, only those traffic impacts that exceed the impacts associated with the"baseline trips" shall be subject to transportation mitigation. • - 4.2 Traffic Modeling. "Baseline trips" as described in Paragraph 4.1 _ above-(i.e.,28,140-average daily trips and 4,060 p.m.peak hour trips)shall be included in the . City's traffic model for purposes of estimating future transportation impacts. . .. -5: Other Mitigation Fees. With respect to impacts to public services other than ; -. _ transportation,future building demolitions at the Renton Plant site shall be eligible for "redevelopment credits,"which shall offset any applicable mitigation or impact fees for water, sewer,or stormwater services that would otherwise be assessed by the City on the basis of square footage of new floor area for each square foot of floor area demolished. 6. Mitigation Document. To the extent that this Agreement conflicts with the Mitigation Document,this Agreement controls. 7. Recording. This Agreement,upon execution by the parties and approval of the Agreement by resolution of the City Council, shall be recorded with the Real Property Records Division of the King County Records and Elections Department. 8. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of Boeing and the City of Renton and their successors in interest, and may be assigned to successors in interest to all or a portion of the Renton Plant property. Upon assignment and assumption by the assignee(s)of all obligations under this Agreement,Boeing shall be released from all obligations under this Agreement. 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 3 t/may as doe) 5/6/02 • low DRAFT 5/6/02 10. Expiration. This Agreement,unless rescinded by Boeing or its successors in interest, shall become null and void 45 (45)years from the date of recording of this Agreement. AGREED this day of ,2002. • DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 4 pmy da doe] 5/6/02 DRAFT 5/6/02 16 CITY OF RENTON ATTEST: By: By: Its Its Approved as to form: City Attorney STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of ,2002,before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared ,to me known to be the person who signed as of the CITY OF RENTON,the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument,and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was duly elected,qualified and acting as said officer of the corporation,that was authorized to execute said- instrument and that the seal affixed,if any,is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Signature of Notary) (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington,residing at My appointment expires: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 5 Nay da doe] 5/6/02 • DRAFT 5/6/02 THE BOEING COMPANY By: By: Philip W. Cyburt , Its: Its: Vice President STATE OF WASHINGTON ) - )ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of ,2002,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,personally appeared ,to me known to be the person who signed as of THE BOEING COMPANY, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was duly elected,qualified and acting as said officer of the corporation,that ____ - was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed,if any,is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. (Signature of Notary) (Print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington,residing at • My appointment expires: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 6 [/my da docl 516/02 ATTACHMENT 1 Legal Description of Renton Plant Property DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE I [/my da docj 516/02 err► ATTACIiMENT 2 Renton Plant Site Plan DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 [/my da doc] 5/6/02 ATTACHMENT 3 Development Regulations Applicable to Phase II Development DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 (hay da doc] 5/6/02