HomeMy WebLinkAboutF_RS_Drainage_Technical_Information_Report.pdfA17.0102.00 September 2017 Technical Information Report Boeing Commercial Airplanes Apron R Infrastructure Maintenance and Repair Renton, Washington Submitted to The Boeing Company 737 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington 98055 October 2018 IN COMPIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS FINALC-18003308 R-4013LUA-17000631 PR-17000512 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING Ann Fowler 12/20/2018 SURFACE WATER UTILITY rstraka 12/20/2018 Final Technical Information Report Boeing Commercial Airplanes Renton Apron R Renton, Washington Submitted to The Boeing Company 800 North Sixth Street Renton, Washington 98055 1 October 2018 Revised 5 December 2018 Prepared by: BergerABAM 33301 Ninth Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 Job No. A17.0102.00 Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page i of iii FINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT Renton Apron R Project Renton, Washington TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE PROJECT ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATE ...................................................................................................... 1 1.0 SECTION 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 2 1.1 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................ 4 1.1.1 Existing Conditions – Ponding Repair ......................................................................... 6 1.2 Proposed Improvements ................................................................................................ 6 1.2.1 Proposed Improvements – Ponding Repair ................................................................ 7 1.3 Stormwater Improvements ............................................................................................ 7 2.0 SECTION 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY .................................................... 9 2.1 Requirements Summary: Stormwater Management Guidelines ................................ 9 2.1.1 Core Requirement 1 - Discharge at the Natural Location ......................................... 9 2.1.2 Core Requirement 2 - Off-site Analysis ..................................................................... 10 2.1.3 Core Requirement 3 - Flow Control ........................................................................... 10 2.1.4 Core Requirement 4 - Conveyance System ............................................................... 10 2.1.5 Core Requirement 5 - Erosion and Sediment Control .............................................. 10 2.1.6 Core Requirement 6 - Maintenance and Operations ............................................... 11 2.1.7 Core Requirement 7 - Financial Guarantees and Liability ....................................... 11 2.1.8 Core Requirement 8 - Water Quality .......................................................................... 11 2.1.9 Core Requirement 9 – On-site BMPs ........................................................................ 11 2.1.10 Special Requirement 1 - Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements ................... 12 2.1.11 Special Requirement 2 - Flood Hazard Delineation ................................................. 12 2.1.12 Special Requirement 3 - Flood Protection Facilities ............................................... 12 2.1.13 Special Requirement 4 - Source Control ................................................................... 12 2.1.14 Special Requirement 5 - Oil Control .......................................................................... 13 2.1.15 Special Requirement 6 – Aquifer protection Area ................................................... 13 3.0 SECTION 3: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 13 3.1 Outfall 004A ................................................................................................................. 13 3.1.1 Basin 30 ....................................................................................................................... 14 Existing Conditions ..................................................................................... 14 Proposed Improvements ............................................................................ 14 3.1.2 Basin 29 ....................................................................................................................... 14 Existing Conditions ..................................................................................... 14 Proposed Improvements ............................................................................ 15 3.1.3 Basin 58 ....................................................................................................................... 15 Reach 58B ................................................................................................... 15 Reach 58A ................................................................................................... 15 Existing Conditions Summary .................................................................... 15 Proposed Improvements ............................................................................ 16 3.2 Outfall 004 ................................................................................................................... 17 3.2.1 Basin 27 ....................................................................................................................... 17 Reach 27C ................................................................................................... 18 Reach 27B ................................................................................................... 18 Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page ii of iii Reach 27H ................................................................................................... 18 Reach 27I .................................................................................................... 19 Reach 27E ................................................................................................... 19 Reach 27F ................................................................................................... 20 Reach 27A ................................................................................................... 20 Existing Conditions Summary .................................................................... 20 Proposed Condition .................................................................................... 21 3.3 Outfall 002 ................................................................................................................... 21 Basin 25 ...................................................................................................... 21 Reach 25B ................................................................................................... 22 Reach 25A ................................................................................................... 22 Reach 25C ................................................................................................... 22 Reach 25D ................................................................................................... 23 Existing Conditions Summary .................................................................... 23 Proposed Improvements ............................................................................ 24 4.0 SECTION 4: STORMWATER FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................. 24 4.1 Water Quality Treatment ............................................................................................. 24 4.1.1 Oil Control .................................................................................................................... 27 Flow Splitter ................................................................................................ 27 Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separator ..................................................... 27 4.1.2 Enhanced Water Quality Treatment .......................................................................... 28 4.2 Source Control ............................................................................................................. 28 4.2.1 Spill Control Improvements ........................................................................................ 29 Spill Containment ....................................................................................... 29 Emergency Spill Control ............................................................................. 30 5.0 SECTION 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................ 30 5.1 Conveyance System Analysis ..................................................................................... 30 5.1.1 Upstream Conveyance Analysis ................................................................................. 30 5.2 Conveyance System Design ........................................................................................ 31 5.2.1 HDPE Pipe .................................................................................................................... 31 5.2.2 Slotted Drains .............................................................................................................. 32 5.2.3 Nyloplast PVC Drain Basins ........................................................................................ 32 5.2.4 Backflow Prevention ................................................................................................... 32 5.2.5 Spill control ................................................................................................................. 32 5.2.6 System Inspection and Maintenance ........................................................................ 33 6.0 SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ....................................................................... 33 7.0 SECTION 7: OTHER PERMITS .................................................................................................. 33 8.0 SECTION 8: CONSTRUCTION SWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .............................................. 34 9.0 SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ................................................................................................................................................... 34 10.0 SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ................................................... 34 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1. Project Site Surface Cover .................................................................................................... 9 Table 3-1. Outfall 004A: Tributary Basin Areas .................................................................................. 14 Table 3-2. Basin 25 – Outfall 002: Offsite Basin Areas ..................................................................... 22 Table 4-1 ................................................................................................................................................ 26 Table 4-2 ................................................................................................................................................ 29 Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page iii of iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Area Overview ........................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2. Additional Improvements ........................................................................................................ 4 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Site Maps Appendix B Drainage Maps and Calculations Appendix C City of Renton Maps Appendix D Flood Zone Maps Appendix E Geotechnical Report – Provided Under Separate Cover Appendix F Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Appendix G Forms Appendix H Maintenance and Inspection Guidelines Appendix I Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 1 of 30 TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT Renton Apron R Project RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJECT ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this Technical Information Report for the Renton Apron R Project has been prepared by me or under my direct supervision and meets minimum standards of care and expertise, which is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers. I understand that the City of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities designed by me. Reviewed by Steve True, PE Project Manager Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 2 of 30 1.0 SECTION 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed project is located at The Boeing Commercial Airplane 737 Airplane Production Renton Plant, which is on the southern shore of Lake Washington, within the city limits of the City of Renton, Washington. The facility is bordered by the Cedar River to the west and Logan Avenue to the east. The City of Renton Stadium is located directly south of the Boeing Renton Production Plant. The surrounding land use is predominantly commercial, industrial, and retail. The City of Renton Municipal Airport is adjacent to the project site on the western bank of the Cedar River. The Landing, a mixed-use development, a newly constructed hotel and parking garage, and an outdoor storage yard are located just east of the site. A site vicinity map is provided in Appendix A. The project site is located at the northern extent of the Boeing Renton Plant, directly adjacent to Lake Washington. Apron R is a large open-paved space used to provide a transportation corridor for aircraft, personnel, and material from the end of several key production lines to the Renton Municipal Airport via a bridge crossing the Cedar River. Apron R is also used to stage production materials and components and to provide a staging area for partially completed aircraft. Apron R is a key infrastructure component in the aircraft production and delivery line for the Renton Plant and must remain operational throughout construction. Assessment of the aging Apron R infrastructure along Lake Washington done in 2015 found deteriorating timber superstructures at the northwest corner of the site, a deteriorating sheet pile wall at the northeast corner of the site, undermining of an existing bulkhead, and widespread pavement failure due to differential settlement and subgrade material loss. The primary objective of this project is to prevent infrastructure failure at Apron R that could result in suspension of aircraft production. The replacement of pavement and subgrade improvements throughout this key production and transportation corridor creates an opportunity to replace and upgrade underground infrastructure, including stormwater collection and conveyance facilities. A secondary objective of the Apron R project will be to replace the drainage collection and conveyance system installed in the 1950s and 1960s with systems that meet current standards of care, including the capacity to convey large storm events, oil control facilities, and water quality treatment. Additionally, the existing outfalls will be consolidated to eliminate discharge points. The replacement outfalls will be extended beyond shallow water habitat and include spill containment and fish protection measures that were not considered at the time the original infrastructure was installed. Additional improvements planned as a part of this project will include the replacement of underground, dedicated fire protection water mains and replacement of existing utility infrastructure that supports light manufacturing activities in aircraft staging areas. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 3 of 30 The Apron R project includes the elimination of pile-supported apron structures; sub- grade improvements to alleviate differential settlement; new walls to facilitate raising pavement elevations along the northern edge of the Apron; the placement of in-water rock protection, a planting bench, and shallow water habitat fill to eliminate the existing bulkhead wall; and the replacement of the existing pavement with new concrete pavement. The overwater pile supported ramps within Lake Washington will be removed, utility support systems will be replaced, and stormwater conveyance systems from the apron and adjacent production buildings and other drainage systems that flow to the north will be improved during this project. Stormwater improvements include the extension and/or relocation of existing outfalls in Lake Washington, installation of new catch basins and piping to eliminate nuisance flooding on the apron, and the installation of oil control and water quality treatment systems. The project has been divided into three areas as shown in the Area Overview below. • Area 1 – Pile Supported Structure, Bulkhead and West Apron Improvements • Area 2 – NE Corner Wall and East Apron Improvements • Area 3 – Central Apron Improvements Figure 1. Area Overview A building improvement project, the Mitigation Hangar, is planned just south of the Area 3 and west of Building 4-81. The Mitigation Hangar project will be constructed under separate permit; however, provisions for permanent stormwater connections to this area are included in the design of the Apron R infrastructure improvements. Construction of the Apron R Area 3 improvements and adjacent improvements constructed under the Mitigation Hangar permit may occur concurrently. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 4 of 30 Figure 2. Additional Improvements Additional minor improvements will be made to eliminate ponding and provide additional security fencing west of Apron R, adjacent to the North Bridge and boathouse. See Figure 2 above. 1.1 Existing Conditions Apron R is an opened paved area that serves as a major transport corridor for plane production and supports aircraft staging, light manufacturing activities, and materials staging. The site is bordered by Lake Washington to the north and Buildings 4-41, 4-20, 4-81, 4-82, and 4-83 to the south. From 1941 to 1962, the U. S. Air Force used the site to manufacture planes. Boeing acquired the property in 1962 and has used the existing Apron R area of the site in its inherited condition since that time, with only minor repairs and updates to the original infrastructure. The entire project site is impervious in its current condition, and its topography is relatively flat, with slopes generally ranging from less than 1 to no more than 5 percent. Runoff from the project site generally sheet flows to the north and either directly or indirectly discharges to Lake Washington. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) owns and maintains a portion of the Lake Washington shoreline just north of the Apron R project site. This area was recently improved by invasive species removal, installation of native plantings, and shoreline softening as a mitigation site for impacts to Lake Washington resulting from improvements on the 520 Floating Bridge. Shoreline softening improvements made as a part of the 2014 mitigation project included the removal of a portion of the sheet pile flume that historically Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 5 of 30 extended from the former Puget Sound Energy plant around the northeast corner of Apron R and into Lake Washington, as well as in-water fill to recreate a natural shoreline. Additionally, outfalls from the Boeing Renton Plant that extended across the DNR-owned land were extended beyond the shallow water habitat as a part of that project. The majority of the Apron R project site lies within 200 feet of Lake Washington and is identified as Reach I within the City of Renton Shoreline Master Plan. The Boeing Commercial Airplane 737 Airplane Production Renton Plant operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. The industrial activities that occur at the project site require the Boeing Renton facilities to participate in a statewide Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP) and maintain a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) meeting the requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). There are ten outfalls to Lake Washington that will be affected either directly or indirectly by the project. The Drainage Basin and Outfall definitions and naming conventions used in this report will follow the existing ISGP SWPPP conventions for continuity. The proposed project will alter or eliminate Basins 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 56, 57, and 58. The tributary areas for Basins 26 and 31 will be reduced as a result of the proposed improvements. Outfalls 016, 014, 012, 011, 010, 004A, and 002 will be replaced and relocated or eliminated by the proposed improvements. Revisions to the upstream conveyance system and associated tributary areas for Outfalls 021, 004, 004A, and 003 will be included as a part of the project improvements. Most stormwater runoff from the Renton Plant discharges to Lake Washington; therefore, the majority of these outfalls receive runoff from tributary areas south of the project site. A detailed discussion of these offsite drainage elements is provided in Section 3, Offsite Analysis. According to the Geotechnical Report provided by PanGEO, Apron R is underlain by 4 to 10 feet of compacted structural fill over 10 to 20 feet of very soft organic and inorganic silt. The native silt is generally underlain by alluvial deposits consisting of loose- to medium-dense silty sand that extend to depths of greater than 100 feet. Because of its close proximity to Lake Washington, groundwater elevations within the project site follow the water level of the lake, which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers controls at the Ballard Locks. The water level varies from approximately 3 feet below grade in the summer months to 5 feet below grade in the winter months. A copy of the Geotechnical Report is provided as Appendix E of this report and will be submitted under separate cover. Contaminated soils were identified on the Boeing Renton Site in 1990. Ongoing soils testing has identified that contaminants in the project vicinity are below reportable Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 6 of 30 levels. Soil and groundwater testing will be performed prior to disposal of site spoils or offsite discharge of groundwater from de-watering efforts. Existing utilities within the project limits include fire protection water mains and production support utilities that feed compressed air, potable water, power, and communications to aircraft staging areas to facilitate light manufacturing activities. Existing lighting for the Apron is provided by building mount fixtures on the structures along the southern extent of the project site. 1.1.1 Existing Conditions – Ponding Repair The proposed project will also address an isolated area of ponding on the western extent of Apron R. This isolated area is located just east of the North Bridge and adjacent to the airport. Existing pavement generally slopes at grades 0.5 to 3 percent from west to east. There is an approximately 600-square-foot, 4-inch-deep localized depression in the existing concrete that traps stormwater run-off adjacent to the Apron R towpath. Although Boeing does not use this area as a part of the towpath, airport leaseholders are using the ponding area to deliver the floating section of their seaplanes to the south side of the ponding area. 1.2 Proposed Improvements The proposed improvements will be focused on replacing outdated and deteriorating infrastructure including walls, pavement, storm drainage facilities, and utilities. Topography at the project site will be altered to prevent uncontrolled sheetflow into the lake, direct runoff into the new stormwater treatment systems before discharging into the lake, and prevent localized flooding. These changes will result in a fill section of nearly 2 feet along the northern boundary of the Apron. Surface cover will be essentially unchanged by the proposed improvements. In-water improvements will include structure removal and repair, stormwater outfall reconfiguration, and new habitat construction. In-water structure removal will be limited to the removal of pile-supported boat ramps along the concrete bulkhead just north of the 4-20 Building. Within the northwest corner of the site, the pile-supported portion of the Apron will be isolated from Lake Washington with a new temporary sheet-pile containment wall. The deteriorating structure will be removed, and a new mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) fill section and pavement will be installed behind the containment wall. At the face of the containment wall, a habitat bench will be constructed to continue the softened shoreline. Once the habitat bench has been completed, the temporary wall will be cut below grade or removed. This temporary containment wall and habitat bench will be extended along the face of the existing bulkhead. Historically, manufacturing equipment has been delivered to the Renton plant via barge and unloaded onto Apron R at the eastern end on the existing bulkhead. To preserve this essential function, in-water fill at this location will be limited to riprap protection. Two outfalls along the bulkhead will be extended Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 7 of 30 beyond the softened shoreline and improved shallow water habitat. A third outfall just east of the bulkhead will be extended beyond the shallow water habitat as a part of this project. Within the northeast corner of the site, a new structural wall will be constructed behind the existing sheet pile wall. The existing outfall in the northeast corner will be reconfigured to direct stormwater runoff away from the DNR mitigation site. The project includes the replacement of underground dedicated fire-protection water mains and replacement of existing utility infrastructure that supports light manufacturing activities in aircraft staging areas. The project will repave the entire apron within all three areas to address pavement deterioration and eliminate transitions and differential settlements. The repaving will include demolition and replacement of all existing pavement within the project site. Base layers will be supplemented where voids are present. There will be a small amount of permanent pavement removal at the existing central boat ramp and at the western edge of the DNR property. Replaced pavement will be sloped to provide positive stormwater drainage and direct all runoff towards the newly installed treatment systems. New paved surface will be limited to a small sliver of area at the northwest corner of the project site, which will be created as a part of the pile- supported structure replacement. 1.2.1 Proposed Improvements – Ponding Repair The proposed improvements to eliminate an approximately 600-square-foot, 4-inch- deep localized area of ponding adjacent to the Apron R towpath will include installing a new 30-foot segment of slotted drain, limited pavement replacement of approximately 1,500 square feet, and a connection of the drain outlet to the existing drainage conveyance system. The disturbed area for this repair will be less than 2,000 square feet, all piping improvements will be private and less than 12 inches in diameter, and the discharge from this localized area of ponding will not be altered. See the Developed Conditions Map included in Appendix B and Table 1-1 for additional surface cover information. 1.3 Stormwater Improvements Stormwater improvements proposed within the limits of this project will include updated collection and conveyance systems, oil control facilities, water quality treatment facilities, isolation valves to facilitate emergency spill control, accessible sampling locations for ongoing ISGP stormwater monitoring, increased pipe size to contain large storm events and reduce discharge velocity, and extending discharge locations beyond shallow water habitat (2-meter depth). Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 8 of 30 In the developed condition, the Apron R project site will contribute surface water runoff to five separate outfalls (Outfall 014A, Outfall 012A, Outfall 004A, Outfall 004, and Outfall 002A) and six separate basins (25, 27, 28, 56, 57, and 58). Runoff within these basins will be directed to oil control and stormwater treatment facilities prior to being discharged to Lake Washington. Three existing outfalls will be eliminated by the project improvements (Outfall 016, Outfall 011, and Outfall 010) and three existing outfalls will be replaced (Outfall 014, Outfall 012, and Outfall 002). Basins 25, 27, and 58 extend beyond the Apron R project limits, conveying Boeing Renton Plant runoff to Lake Washington from areas south of the project site. The stormwater runoff from the Apron R portion of these basins will be directed to oil control and stormwater treatment facilities prior to being combined with upstream flows and discharged to Lake Washington. Outfalls 014A, 012A, and 004A will be improved to have adequate capacity for large storm events and extend beyond the improved shallow water habitat. Outfall 004 was improved as a part of the DNR mitigation project to extend beyond the shallow water habitat. No additional improvements at this outfall are proposed. Outfall 002 currently discharges into the flume at the northeast corner of the project site. The flume directs stormwater runoff from Outfall 002 and other contributing outfalls from the City of Renton towards the DNR mitigation site. This project will reconfigure Outfall 002 to extend beyond the flume and direct stormwater runoff from the Boeing Renton Plant beyond the shallow water habitat. Basins 29 and 30 are dedicated roof runoff conveyance lines from the 4-20 building, which discharge at Outfalls 012 and 014 respectively in the existing condition. Improvements to these roof drainage conveyance lines will include rerouting this runoff to Outfall 004A, installing accessible sampling locations for ongoing ISGP stormwater monitoring, increasing pipe size to reduce discharge velocity and providing shut-off valves to facilitate containment during building maintenance. A portion of Basin 27 will also be rerouted from its original discharge point at Outfall 004 to Outfall 004A to alleviate conveyance capacity constraints in the upstream system. Portions of Basins 26 and 31 will be redirected to new oil separation and treatment facilities, reducing the size of the tributary basins for Outfalls 003 and 021. New pollution-generating impervious surface (PGIS) created by the project will be limited to a 3,317-square-foot area at the northwest corner of the site. Permanent pavement removal adjacent to the DNR property and removal of the existing central ramp will result in a 5,005-square-foot reduction of PGIS. The project will result in a net loss of 1,688 square feet of PGIS. See Developed Conditions Map included in Appendix B. In order to remove existing utilities at the northern pavement edge, it is estimated that 0.426 acres of existing landscaping may be disturbed. The disturbed landscaped areas will be replaced in kind and/or improved to remove invasive species and restore native shoreline habitat. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 9 of 30 Table 1-1 below summarizes existing and proposed surface coverage for the project site. Table 1-1. Project Site Surface Cover Surface Cover Existing Condition Developed Condition Project Site Area 12.888 acres (561,395 sf) Pervious (Landscape) 0.426 acres (18,568 sf) 0.559 acres (24,335 sf) Impervious (Pavement, buildings, water, etc.) 12.461 acres (542,827 sf) 12.329 acres (537,060 sf) New Impervious Area 0 acres (0 sf) Total New Pollution-Generating Impervious 0.076 acres (3,317 sf) Removed Pollution-Generating Impervious 0.115acres (5,005 sf) Total Replaced Impervious Area 12.239 acres (533,141 sf) Total Replaced Pollution-Generating Impervious 12.163 acres (529,824 sf) 2.0 SECTION 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY The following are the design standards that are applicable to this project. • City of Renton Municipal Code • City of Renton Development Standards • City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual, 2016 (SWDM) • King County Surface Water Design Manual, 2016 • State Environmental Policy Act (RCW 43.21C) The following publications and manuals are applicable to this project when a specific subject is not covered or discussed in the above listed documents. • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (2009) • AASHTO “Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” (2004) • Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Design Manual 2.1 Requirements Summary: Stormwater Management Guidelines The project site and Threshold Discharge Areas are subject to the following minimum requirements. 2.1.1 Core Requirement 1 - Discharge at the Natural Location This project will reroute existing storm conveyance within the respective existing basins. The project will also make modifications to the size of tributary drainage basins and eliminate some existing outfalls. These changes will be made to redirect stormwater runoff to proposed water quality treatment facilities before discharging and address capacity issues at existing conveyance systems. All outfalls affected by the Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 10 of 30 project discharge at the southern shore of Lake Washington and therefore combine within 1/4 mile downstream of the project site, maintaining the existing discharge location. 2.1.2 Core Requirement 2 - Off-site Analysis A quantitative analysis of the upstream onsite conveyance systems for Basins 25, 27, and 58 has been performed to determine that no negative impacts will result from redirecting portions of the tributary area within the project site. A quantitative analysis was not performed for Basins 26 and 31 because the project will reduce their tributary areas, and no negative impacts are anticipated. The conveyance systems for Basins 28, 29, 30, 56, and 57 will be reconstructed in their entirety. 2.1.3 Core Requirement 3 - Flow Control The project site meets the requirements of the Direct Discharge Exemption per Section 1.2.3 of the SWDM. The project site discharges to Lake Washington, a Major Receiving Water as defined in Table 1.2.3.B of the SWDM. Additionally, the conveyance system from the project site extends to the ordinary high water mark and is composed entirely of manmade elements; has adequate capacity to convey and contain the 25-year peak storm event per Core Requirement #4; is stabilized to prevent erosion; and will not divert flows from or increase flows to an existing wetland or stream. 2.1.4 Core Requirement 4 - Conveyance System The new conveyance systems for this project are required to have capacity to convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event per Section 1.2.4 of the SWDM. The modifications to the existing conveyance system within the project site are required to convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event. Additionally, where there is a change to the flow characteristics to an existing conveyance system the 100-year peak flow will not create or aggravate a severe flooding or erosion problem. A backwater analysis of the conveyance systems for the project site has been modeled using StormCAD with manual input flowrates. Stormshed 3G was used to obtain peak flows for individual catchment areas using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method in accordance with the requirements of the SWDM for sizing existing pipe systems. A capacity analysis was done for the overflow conveyance systems being installed as a part of the equivalent area treatment systems. Because the proposed improvements will not affect the flow characteristics for the downstream conveyance system, a backwater analysis was not performed. See Section 5 for additional information regarding the design of the conveyance system for this project. 2.1.5 Core Requirement 5 - Erosion and Sediment Control The ESC Plan and CSWPPP are included in Appendix I of this report. See Section 8 for additional discussion. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 11 of 30 2.1.6 Core Requirement 6 - Maintenance and Operations Stormwater facilities maintenance and operation for The Boeing Company’s Renton plant are conducted in accordance with the plant’s Industrial Stormwater Permit, WAR-000232. Maintenance and inspection guidelines for Modular Wetland Systems and Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators are included in Appendix H of this report. 2.1.7 Core Requirement 7 - Financial Guarantees and Liability The Boeing Company is responsible for all storm drainage guarantees and liabilities for this project. 2.1.8 Core Requirement 8 - Water Quality The Apron R project is exempt from providing water quality under Core Requirement No. 8, Exemption 3, as it meets all the following criteria. a. The total valuation of the project improvements (including interior improvements and excluding required mitigation improvements) is less than 50 percent of the assessed value of the existing site improvements. b. The project will add less than 5,000 square feet of new pollution-generating impervious surface (PGIS) that is not fully dispersed. c. The project will add less than 3/4 acre of new PGPS that is not fully dispersed. The Boeing Company recognizes that providing water quality for the project area would result in a significant benefit to Lake Washington and the aquatic habitat. Accordingly, Boeing has elected to provide enhanced water quality treatment facilities throughout the project site. A further discussion of the proposed Water Quality Treatment System can be found in Section 4, Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design. 2.1.9 Core Requirement 9 – On-site BMPs This project will create greater than 2,000 square feet of new, plus replaced, impervious surface and must evaluate the feasibility of on-site best management practices (BMPs) in accordance with this requirement. This project is exempt from flow control requirements using the Direct Discharge Exemption, in accordance with Section and therefore does not need to achieve the Low Impact Development (LID) Performance Standard or consider bioretention, permeable pavement, and full dispersion. However, target pervious surfaces must be protected in accordance with the soil amendment BMP as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.13 of the SWDM. In addition, target impervious surfaces must implement full infiltration as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.2 of the SWDM, if feasible; perforated pipe connection as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.11 of the SWDM for roofs, if feasible; and Basic Dispersion per Appendix C, Section C.2.4 of the SWDM for other impervious surfaces, if feasible. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 12 of 30 Newly landscaped areas created by the proposed project will receive soil amendment as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.13 of the SWDM. Disturbed areas within the DNR Shoreline Restoration site will be restored to the preconstruction condition. Basic Dispersion per Appendix C, Section C.2.4 of the SWDM will be applied to all landscaped areas on this project site. As discussed in the existing conditions section of this report and further detailed in the draft geotechnical report, subsurface conditions, such as seasonal groundwater and possible contaminated soils, preclude the use of infiltration for on-site stormwater management within the project limits. Full Infiltration per Section C2.2 of the SWDM, Limited Infiltration per C.2.3 of the SWDM, and Perforated Pipe Connection per Section C2.11 of the SWDM are not feasible for the project site. The existing and newly created vegetated areas within the project limits are not large enough to meet the minimum flowpath requirements for basic dispersion in accordance with C.2.4 of the SWDM and therefore, basic dispersion is not feasible for this project. 2.1.10 Special Requirement 1 - Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements This project is located within the Cedar River Basin. There are currently no special drainage requirements that apply to this project. The project lies within 200 feet of Lake Washington and is identified as Reach I within the City of Renton Shoreline Master Plan. 2.1.11 Special Requirement 2 - Flood Hazard Delineation This project is not located within a flood zone as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency panel. Refer to the flood zone maps provided in Appendix D. 2.1.12 Special Requirement 3 - Flood Protection Facilities There are currently no flood protection facilities for the site. 2.1.13 Special Requirement 4 - Source Control When applicable per the King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual (King County SPPM), structural source control measures, such as car wash pads or dumpster area roofing, shall be applied to the entire site containing the proposed project, not just the project site. All applicable structural source control measures shall be shown on the site improvement plans submitted for engineering review and approval. Other, nonstructural source control measures, such as covering storage piles with plastic or isolating areas where pollutants are used or stored, are to be implemented after occupancy and need not be addressed during the plan review process. Per the King County SPPM, Boeing Renton is exempt from implementing the BMPs in the manual because it has obtained, and is complying with, a permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit Program. As a condition of the Renton Plant’s ISGP approval, Boeing maintains a Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 13 of 30 SWPPP that details their operational and structural BMPs throughout the entire site. A copy of this SWPPP is provided as Appendix F of this report. Additional discussion of source control is included in Section 4 of this report. 2.1.14 Special Requirement 5 - Oil Control Apron R is a staging area for light manufacturing activities and acts as a major transportation corridor for aircraft and materials. These activities classify the Apron R project site as a high-use site requiring oil control. See Section 4 for a detailed discussion of oil control facilities on the project site. 2.1.15 Special Requirement 6 – Aquifer protection Area The proposed project site is not located within an Aquifer Protection Area based on the groundwater protection areas in the City of Renton Map that is included in the SWDM. 3.0 SECTION 3: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS Stormwater runoff from the project site discharges directly to Lake Washington and does not enter an off-site conveyance system. Because the stormwater outfalls are submerged, no bank sloughing or evidence of erosion was observed. The following downstream and upstream analysis documents the Boeing Renton Production Plant onsite conveyance systems that will be affected by the proposed project improvements. Surface water from the Apron R project site will contribute surface water runoff to five separate outfalls (Outfall 014, Outfall 012, Outfall 004A, Outfall 004, and Outfall 002) and six separate basins (25, 27, 28, 56, 57, and 58). The project improvements will eliminate three existing outfalls (Outfall 016, Outfall 011, and Outfall 010) and three existing Outfalls will be replaced/relocated (Outfall 014 by 014A, Outfall 012 by 012A and Outfall 002 by 002A). Outfall 004A will be replaced and extended in its current location. The conveyance systems for Basins 25 and 27 extend beyond the Apron R project limits, conveying Boeing Renton Plant runoff to Lake Washington from areas south of the project site. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of these basins and their associated conveyance system is included in this report. Basins 29, 30, and 58 capture roof runoff from Building 4-20, directly south of the project site. Only qualitative analysis is provided for these basins because the conveyance system outside of the building will be replaced in its entirety. 3.1 Outfall 004A Outfall 004A consists of a 36-inch-diameter concrete pipe located centrally on the Apron. There are no capacity concerns at this outfall; however, the existing pipe does not extend beyond the shallow water salmonid habitat and does not have any backwater/fish exclusion measures. Improvements to this outfall include replacing the existing outfall with a HDPE pipe that extends beyond and below the shallow water Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 14 of 30 habitat. This new outfall will include a tideflex check valve that will act as both a backwater prevention measure and as a fish exclusion device. Upstream of the outfall, the existing pipe system will be increased in size to accommodate larger flows. Redirecting run-off to this outfall will reduce overtopping conditions in the conveyance system upstream of Outfall 004 and will eliminate two existing outfalls, Outfall 014 and 012. Table 3-1. Outfall 004A: Tributary Basin Areas Outfall 004A Existing Developed square feet acres square feet acres Basin 29 (100% Impervious) - - 99,292 2.279 Basin 30 (100% Impervious) - - 190,196 4.366 Basin 58 (100% Impervious) 308,588 7.084 378,013 8.678 Subbasins 27E & 27F (100% Impervious) - - 417,053 9.574 3.1.1 Basin 30 190,196 square feet (4.366-acre) – Existing Outfall 014 (to be removed) Developed Outfall 004A Basin 30 consists entirely of roof area from Building 4-20. The proposed improvements will redirect runoff to Outfall 004A as described below and in Sections Existing Conditions Roof drains collect and converge 4.37 acres of runoff from the center-west portion of the north half of the building. Runoff is conveyed directly north to discharge to Lake Washington via a 10-inch pipe that penetrates the existing bulkhead just below the summer high-water elevation. Proposed Improvements The existing 10-inch pipe will be intercepted just as it exits the building and will be replaced by 18-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe extending 110 feet north. An 18-inch HDPE pipe located parallel to the 4-20 Building will convey runoff 260 feet east to a point of convergence with Basin 29, as described in Section Roof runoff is considered nonpollution-generating impervious surface (NPGIS) and will not be treated. 3.1.2 Basin 29 99,292 square feet (2.279-acre) – Existing Outfall 012 (to be removed) Developed Outfall 004A Basin 29 consists entirely of roof area from Building 4-20. The proposed improvements will redirect runoff to Outfall 004A as described below and in Section Existing Conditions Roof drains collect and converge 2.28 acres of runoff from the center of the north half of the building. Runoff is conveyed directly north to discharge to Lake Washington via Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 15 of 30 a 10-inch pipe that penetrates the existing bulkhead just below the summer high water elevation. Proposed Improvements The existing 10-inch pipe will be intercepted just as it exits the building and will be replaced by an 18-inch HDPE pipe extending 110 feet north to a point of convergence with Basin 30 described above. The 18-inch HDPE pipe located parallel to the 4-20 Building continues to convey runoff 297 feet east to converge with Basin 58 near the east end of the 4-20 Building as described in Section Roof runoff is considered nonpollution-generating impervious surface (NPGIS) and will not be treated. 3.1.3 Basin 58 308,588 square feet (7.084 acres) – Outfall 004A Basin 58 is located at the center of Apron R, near the east of Building 4-20 and drains a significant portion of the Building 4-20 roof. Its existing conveyance system components within the Apron R site will be completely replaced. A new collection system for pavement runoff consisting of a network of pipes, slot drains, and catch basins that drain to a water quality facility prior to discharge will be constructed. This new collection system will include a high-flow bypass. Additional runoff from the Building 4-20 roof will be redirected from Outfalls 012 and 014 to 004A. Run-off from a portion of Basin 27 will also be re-directed through the Basin 58 conveyance system to Outfall 004A from its current discharge route to Outfall 004. Reach 58B 259,780 square feet (5.964 acres) – Outfall 004A The existing roof drains from a portion of Building 4-20 converge and exit at the northeast corner via an 18-inch ductile iron (DI) pipe at catch basins 492A and 492B. From 492B, roof runoff is conveyed north via a 12-inch concrete pipe to vault 488C. Reach 58A 48,808 square feet (1.12 acres) – Outfall 004A Catch basin 489 collects surface water runoff from a portion of the existing paved apron. The paved surface runoff continues north to 488C. From this vault, combined pavement and roof runoff is directed west in a 36-inch concrete pipe to catch basin 488A. From 488A, runoff is discharged to the northwest via Outfall 004A. Existing Conditions Summary The 12-inch conveyance line from the roof drain connection at the northeast corner of the 4-20 building north described in Reach 58B does not have adequate capacity to convey significant storm events and a geyser effect during heavy rainfall has been observed. This system also experiences nuisance flooding problems; however, during an extreme event, particularly if the lake levels are elevated, ponding may overtop the Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 16 of 30 bulkhead and overflow into Lake Washington. Conveyance system improvements as described below eliminate these conditions. Proposed Improvements Reach 58B (259,780 square feet, 5.964 acres) will be replaced by a new 18-inch HDPE conveyance line, which will convey roof runoff 57 feet north of 492A to a point of convergence with runoff from Sub-basins 27E (232,102 square feet, 5.328 acres) and 27F (105,973 square feet, 2.432 acres) as described in Section 3.2.1. The combined conveyance continues north via a 24-inch HDPE pipe to a point of convergence with Basins 29 (99,292 square feet, 2.279 acres) and 30 (190,196 square feet, 4.366 acres) as described above. A 30-inch HDPE pipe will convey the combined roof runoff from Basins 29 and 30, and Subbasin 58B, 27E, and 27F north for 245-feet to 1084-18, a new junction structure. From 1084-18, roof runoff will continue northwest via 36-inch HDPE pipe to discharge into Lake Washington at the replaced Outfall 004A location. Reach 58A (118,233 square feet, 2.714 acres) will be replaced by a series of slot drains and new HDPE pipe that will also collect and convey paved surface runoff from areas that previously drained to existing Basin 28 (43,828 square feet, 1.006 acres) and a portion of Subbasin 27F (79,950 square feet, 1.835 acres). This will result in an increase in the size of Subbasin 58A. The runoff from the PGIS within Basin 58 will be directed to a new combined bypass and coalescing plate oil/water separator vault. Water quality treatment flows will continue from this vault to a modular wetland system to receive enhanced water quality treatment. The high flow bypass and treatment system discharge converge directly downstream of the modular wetland system vault. Directly after this convergence, an actuated shut-off valve will be added to provide emergency spill control for runoff from the replaced Apron. Roof runoff from the 4-20 Building and treated surface runoff converge downstream of the actuated valve at 1084-18 prior to discharging via 36-inch HDPE pipe at Outfall 004A as described above. Provisions for stormwater conveyance system improvements to be constructed as a part of the Mitigation Hangar project under a separate permit will be provided as a part of this project. In the Basin 58, Outfall 004A conveyance system, this will include providing additional capacity in the slot drain and treatment facilities for run-off from paved surfaces as well as potential connection locations for building perimeter drains. Updated calculations that include these improvements will be provided in a separate TIR to be provided with the Mitigation Hangar Project. The proposed conveyance system will successfully convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm and contain the 100-year, 24-hour storm. Please refer to Appendix B for supporting backwater calculations and basin maps. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 17 of 30 3.2 Outfall 004 1,219,011 square-feet (27.984 acres) – Outfall 004 Outfall 004 is located centrally along Apron R, East of Outfall 004A. Outfall 004 was replaced by DNR as a part of the WSDOT mitigation site improvements. The replaced outfall pipe is a 42-inch diameter HDPE pipe. Upstream of the DNR property, the existing pipe is shown as a 33-inch concrete pipe. No improvements to the outfall are planned as a part of this project. The existing upstream conveyance system lacks the capacity to convey and contain the 25- and 100-year design storm events in both Reach 27C, 27F, and 27i. Proposed improvements will re-direct Subbasin 27E and 27F to Outfall 004A to alleviate locations of potential overtopping. Table 3-2. Outfall 004: Tributary Basin Areas Outfall 004 Existing Condition Developed Condition Total Tributary Area 27.984 acres (1,219,011 sf) 20.189 acres (879,428 sf) Pervious (Landscape) 1.545 acres (67,301 sf) 1.545 acres (67,301 sf) Impervious (Pavement, buildings, etc.) 26.44 acres (1,151,710 sf) 18.644 acres (812,127 sf) Subbasin Areas Existing Condition Developed Condition Subbasin 27A (100% Impervious) 4.902 acres (213,515 sf) 4.902 acres (213,515 sf) Subbasin 27B (100% Impervious) 2.533 acres (110,349 sf) 2.533 acres (110,349 sf) Subbasin 27C (total) Impervious Pervious 6.075 acres (264,641 sf) 4.530 acres (197,345 sf) 1.545 acres (67,301 sf) 6.075 acres (264,641 sf) 4.530 acres (197,345 sf) 1.545 acres (67,301 sf) Subbasin 27E (100% Impervious) 5.328 acres (232,102 sf) - Subbasin 27F (100% Impervious) 4.404 acres (191,819 sf) - Subbasin 27H (100% Impervious) 2.221 acres (96,734 sf) 2.799 acres (87,735 sf) Subbasin 27i (100% Impervious) 2.519 acres (109,733 sf) 1.678 acres (73,077 sf) New Basin 28 (100% Impervious) - 2.477 acres (107,895 sf) 3.2.1 Basin 27 1,219,011 square feet (27.984 acres) – Outfall 004 Basin 27 is located just west of Logan Avenue beginning at the intersection of 6th and Logan Avenue and extending north between Buildings 4-21, 4-20, and 4-81 to the south shore of Lake Washington. This basin consists of seven subbasins: 27A, 27B, 27C, 27E, 27F, 27H, and 27i. Run-off from four of these seven subbasins (27B, 27C, 27H, and 27i) receives oil control and basic water quality treatment via an existing combined coalescing plate separator and wet vault. Run-off from Subbasin 27E receives oil control treatment via two existing coalescing plate separators. Run-off from Subbasins 27F and 27A does not receive treatment in the existing condition. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 18 of 30 Reach 27C 264,641 square feet (6.075 acres) – Outfall 004 Stormwater runoff from a narrow area adjacent to and west of Logan Avenue beginning at the intersection of Logan Avenue and North 6th Street and extending north to the southeastern corner of Building 4-17 (Subbasin 27 C) is collected and conveyed north via a closed network of catch basins and 12-inch diameter pipe. Catch basins with 4-, 6-, 8-, and 12-inch lateral pipe connections collect drainage from the narrow parking between the existing covered walkway/utilidor east of Lot 7 and Logan Avenue (approximately 1,335 linear feet of 12-inch pipe with average slope of 0.2 percent). The 12-inch conveyance main with lateral connections continues north beyond the existing North 8th Street entrance. This conveyance main collects surface runoff from landscaped areas and the existing rail spurs located north of North 8th Street and east of Building 4-90 until it reaches the southeast corner of Building 4-17 (approximately 705-linear-foot, 12-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.25 percent). A roof drainage connection at Building 4-89 adds roof drainage runoff from the entire building (Subbasin 27H) to the conveyance system. The conveyance pipe increases to a 15-inch-diameter pipe at Building 4-17 and continues north along the east face of the building (approximately 402-linear-foot, 15-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.5 percent). Beyond Building 4-17, the conveyance main turns northwest. Catch basins with 6-inch lateral connections collect some surface runoff from the paved area just north of Building 4-17 (approx. 444-linear-foot, 15-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.47 percent). The conveyance system turns north, and no further surface runoff is collected prior to its connection to a flow splitter (No. 465) located between Buildings 4-21 and Building 4-81 (approximately 518 linear feet of 15-inch pipe with an average slope of less than 0.1 percent). Surface runoff from the paved area north of Buildings 4-04 and 4-17 between Buildings 4-21 and 4-81 is collected and conveyed north to the flow splitter described above (No. 465) via three collection and conveyance systems consisting of 12-inch-diameter pipes, 8-inch laterals, and catch basins. Reach 27B 110,349 square feet (2.533 -acres) – Outfall 004 The eastern collection system collects and conveys drainage from south to north adjacent to Building 4-81. The existing conveyance pipe generally follows the western face of Building 4-81 to a point adjacent to the flow splitter and makes a 90-degree turn west to its point of connection (approximately 600 linear feet of 8-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.65 percent). Reach 27H 96,734 square feet (2.221 -acres) – Outfall 004 The central collection system collects and conveys drainage from south to north from the paved area just north of Building 4-17 to and extends directly north to the flow Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 19 of 30 splitter (No. 465). (Approximately 847-linear-foot, 12-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.5 percent.) Reach 27I 109,733 square feet (2.519 acres) – Outfall 004 The western collection system conveys drainage from south to north, following the eastern edge of Building 4-20 to a point adjacent to the flow splitter and makes a 90-degree turn west to its point of connection (approximately 850-linear-foot, 12-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.6 percent). Runoff from Reaches 27B, 27H, 27I, and 27C combine at the flow splitter (No. 465) and receive water quality treatment at an existing wet vault with flows above the designed water-quality treatment volume being bypassed. The bypass flow and discharge from the wet vault continue north via a 27-inch-diameter pipe (approximately 175-linear-foot, 27-inch pipe with an average slope of 1.6 percent). The regrading that will occur as a part of the Apron R improvements redirects a portion of Subbasin 27F (discussed below) to Subbasins 27H and 27I. To prevent additional runoff from being directed to the existing vault, an equivalent area will be redirected to the new collection and conveyance system in Basin 58 for oil control and water quality treatment. This area swap will create a net loss in tributary area to the existing vault. Reach 27E 232,102 square feet (5.328 acres) – Outfall 004 Runoff from the western portion paved area south of Building 4-20 and the western portion the rail spur area south of Building 4-20 that lies within Sub-Basin 27E is collected via catch basins with 4-, 6-, and 8-inch lateral connections to 8- and 10-inch conveyance pipes. Runoff from this western portion of Basin 27 is directed to oil/water separator (ROWS -047). Drainage is then directed to the southeast corner of Building 4-21 from an adjacent pump system (No. 516B) via a 6-inch force main. The southwestern portion of Sub-Basin 27E, including roof drainage runoff from Building 4-90, the western portion of the rail spur area south of Building 4-20 and the existing and proposed Parts Movement Road (Basin 27E), is collected and conveyed to a second separate oil/water separator (ROWS-048) via a system of catch basins with 4-, 6-, and 8-inch lateral connections to 12-inch conveyance pipes. Runoff is directed from the oil/water separator to an adjacent pump system (No. 510A). The 6-inch force main from pump No. 516B connects to the force main exiting pump No. 510A at the southeast building corner. Discharge from both pumps is directed north from the southeastern corner of Building 4-21 via a 12-inch force main between Buildings 4-21 and 4-04 to a connection point near the interface of Buildings 4-21 and 4-20. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 20 of 30 Reach 27F 191,819 square feet (4.404 acres) – Outfall 004 Runoff from the paved drive aisle between Buildings 4-21 and 4-04 is collected via a system of 6-inch lateral pipes and catch basins and is conveyed north via a variety of pipes including 6- and 12-inch circular pipes and 17-inch by 13-inch arch pipe to a connection point adjacent to Building 4-21 and 4-20 line. Roof drain runoff from Building 4-04 is collected and conveyed via a variety of 6-, 8-, 12- and 18-inch circular pipes as well as a 21-inch by 15-inch arch pipe to combine with surface runoff and discharge from the force main Reach 27E at a connection point adjacent to Building 4-21 and 4-20 line. From the interface of Buildings 4-21 and 4-20, runoff is then tight-lined via an 18-inch and 24-inch-diameter gravity pipe system north adjacent to Building 4-20. The conveyance continues north beyond Building 4-20 to a storm vault (approximately 1,000 linear feet of pipe at an average slope of 0.36 percent). From this vault, runoff is directed east via a 27-inch diameter pipe to combine with the wet vault discharge and bypass flows and continues north via a 30-inch pipe (approximately 200 linear feet of 27-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.75 percent and 55 linear feet of 30-inch pipe with an average slope of 1.09 percent). Reach 27A 213,515 square feet (4.902 acres) – Outfall 004 Stormwater runoff from the western portion of the Building 4-81 roof is collected and conveyed north via a 10-inch diameter pipe to the northwest corner of Building 4-81. Drainage is then directed northwest via a 12-inch pipe to connect to the 30-inch pipe conveying drainage from the remainder of Basin 27 and a portion of Basin 58 (approximately 112-linear-foot, 12-inch pipe with an average slope of 3.06 percent). From this final combination point, drainage is conveyed north via a 36-inch-diameter pipe toward Lake Washington. As a part of the recent DNR mitigation site construction, Outfall 004 was increased to a 42-inch pipe and extended to discharge beyond the shallow water habitat (approximately 140-linear-foot, 36-inch pipe with an average slope of less than 0.15 percent and 115-linear-foot, 42-inch pipe with an average slope of 8.95 percent). Existing Conditions Summary Water quality flow from a total tributary basin area of 678,285 square feet including Subbasins 27C, 27B, 27H, and 27I is directed from the flow splitter (No. 465) to a combination wet-vault and oil/water separator (No. 487/ROWS-030). The design water-quality treatment volume and oil-control treatment capacity of the coalescing plate separator located within the wet vault are currently unknown. ROWS-047 is a coalescing plate oil/water separator module (Model No. 612-2-CPS) that accepts runoff from an 84,140-square-foot portion of Subbasin 27E and has a maximum oil-control treatment capacity of 438 gpm. The required design flow for this separator was 260 gpm. ROWS-048 is a coalescing plate oil/water separator module Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 21 of 30 (Model No. 816-2-CPS) that accepts runoff from a 175,180-square-foot portion of Sub- basin 27E and has maximum oil-control treatment capacity of 585 gpm. The required design flow for this separator was 516 gpm. A backwater conveyance analysis of the existing system indicates that overtopping will occur in reaches 27F, 27C, and 27i. Conveyance system improvements as described below eliminate overtopping in both the 25-year and 100-year design storm events for reaches 27F and 27i. Calculated overtopping within reach 27C will not be aggravated by the proposed improvements. Proposed Condition Regrading will eliminate the northern most portion of Subbasin 27F, which is currently untreated. A 22,873-square-foot area of the existing Subbasin 27F will be redirected to Subbasin 27H and the existing combination wet-vault and oil/water separator (No. 487/ROWS-030). A 34,246-square-foot area of existing pavement within Subbasin 27I and Subbasin 27F will be redirected to the new collection and conveyance system in Basin 58 for oil control and water quality treatment. This area swap will create a net loss of 11,373-square feet in tributary area to the existing vault. The southern 105,987-square foot portion of Subbasin 27F and all of Subbasin 27E will be re-directed to Outfall 004 via a new 24-inch HDPE pipe as described in Section New collection and conveyance systems will collect 2.482 acres of runoff just north of Building 4-81. Runoff from this area was collected in Basin 26 or sheet flowed onto DNR property north of the existing pavement. This area has been modeled as Basin 28 and will be directed to new oil-water separators and water quality treatment facilities. An automated isolation valve will be provided upstream of the new conveyance system connection to the existing system for Outfall 004, just south of the DNR improvements. The proposed conveyance system will successfully convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm and contain the 100-year, 24-hour storm entirely within the basin. Please refer to Appendix B for supporting backwater calculations and basin maps. 3.3 Outfall 002 Basin 25 957,357 square feet (21.98 acre) – Outfall 002 Basin 25 is located just north of Logan Avenue, directly east of Building 4-17 and extends from Building 4-17 north and east to the eastern edge of the project site and the southern shore of Lake Washington. This basin includes roof runoff from Building 4-86 and a portion of the roof runoff from Building 4-81. The table below summarizes the existing and proposed surface coverage for the project site within Basin 25. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 22 of 30 Table 3-2. Basin 25 – Outfall 002: Offsite Basin Areas Basin 25 - Surface Cover Existing Condition Developed Condition Total Basin Area 21.98 acres (957,357 sf) 21.124 acres (920,142 sf) Total Pervious (Landscape) 1.11 acres (48,400 sf) 1.11 acres (48,400 sf) Total Impervious (Pavement, buildings, etc.) 20.87 acres (908,957 sf) 20.012 acres (871,742 sf) Reach 25B 477,427 square feet (10.96 acres) – Outfall 004 Drainage from the southwestern extent of the basin sheet flows north to channel drains located just south of Building 4-81 and 4-82. From these channel drains, the drainage is conveyed west and north through a series of 12-inch and 15-inch conveyance pipes to a collection and conveyance system consisting of 24-inch- diameter pipes with catch basin laterals between Buildings 4-82 and 4-86 (approximately 443-linear-foot, 12-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.36 percent and 158-linear-foot 15-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.5 percent). Catch basin laterals and roof drainage connections along this 24-inch main collect surface runoff from the paved drive aisle between the two building and runoff from the western portions of the Building 4-17 roof (approximately 747-linear-foot, 24-inch pipe with an average slope of less than 0.1 percent). Reach 25A 157,253 square feet (3.61 acres) – Outfall 004 A separate collection and conveyance line is routed around the southern, eastern, and northern perimeter of Building 4-17 consisting of 8-, 12-, 18-, and 21-inch pipes. Catch basin laterals and roof drainage connections along this main collect surface runoff from the paved areas south, east, and north of the building and the southern, eastern, and northern portions of the roof (approximately 93-linear-foot, 8-inch pipe with an average slope of 1.25 percent; 170-linear-foot, 12-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.65 percent; 390-linear-foot, 18-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.33 percent; and 422-linear-foot, 21-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.32 percent). Reach 25A and Reach 25C combine at the northwestern corner of Building 4-17 and continue north in a 36-inch pipe. Runoff from the roof of Building 4-83 enters the 36-inch mainline as it continues to a point adjacent to the northern extent of Building 4-82 (approximately 259-linear-foot, 36-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.34 percent). Reach 25C 191,571 square foot (4.398 acres) – Outfall 002 Runoff from the eastern portion of the Building 4-82 roof is collected in an 8-inch pipe that directs this runoff north to the northeastern corner of Building 4-82 where it connects to the previously described 36-inch storm collection and conveyance main. Runoff from the paved area north of Buildings 4-82 and 4-83 is collected by a catch basin on this 36-inch main where it is directed further north and east to discharge Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 23 of 30 directly to Lake Washington via a 27-inch pipe at Outfall 002 (approximately 155-linear- foot, 36-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.71 percent; and 30-linear-foot, 27-inch pipe with an average slope of 0.33 percent). Note that this outfall will be replaced and relocated to the north. Please refer to the proposed improvements summary below. Reach 25D 131,217-square-foot (3.012 acres) – Outfall 004 The storm system does not currently collect runoff from the apron area north of Building 4-82. It simply sheet flows north over the bulkhead and into the lake. This area will be served by the new conveyance system, which will collect and convey runoff to new water quality systems prior to discharge to the outfall. Improvements in this area will also include extending the 36-inch main mentioned in Reach 25B to the north, where it will outfall to Lake Washington via a new 42-inch pipe. Existing Conditions Summary Evidence of nuisance flooding was found within Reach 25D. This uncollected area sheet flows to the northeast corner of the site, where it ponds behind the existing sheet pile until eventually overtopping the wall and discharging into the lake. Additionally, the existing flume receives discharge from both Outfall 002 and other City of Renton public drainage systems. The existing flume alignment directs this discharge towards the newly constructed DNR mitigation site and juvenile salmonid habitat. A backwater conveyance analysis of the existing system indicates that overtopping will occur in reach 25B. No other evidence of flooding or erosion were observed within the upstream portion of this catchment area. No incidents of flooding within the conveyance system were documented in the Boeing Renton site’s maintenance records. Conveyance system improvements as described below eliminate nuisance flooding in reach 25D and direct discharge away from shallow water salmonid habitat. Calculated overtopping within reach 25B will not be aggravated by the proposed downstream improvements. Section of the SWDM indicates that existing offsite systems only need to be analyzed for conveyance capacity as required by Core Requirements #2 and #3 (pg 1-52). Core Requirement #2, Section 1.2.2 does not give a requirement to mitigate existing offsite upstream drainage problems, only downstream drainage problems. An upstream evaluation is required to verify and document that significant flooding and erosion impacts will not occur as a result of the proposed project (Section 1.2.2, pg 1-25). This is the requirement that we used as the basis of our design. Please note that although there is overtopping in this location; the HGL in the upstream system is not significantly increased from what was modeled for the pre- developed upstream offsite analysis (see the existing backwater analysis table in Appendix B. The direct discharge exemption in Core Requirement #3 addresses the existing conveyance system between the project site and the ordinary high water mark of the major receiving water body. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 24 of 30 Proposed Improvements The improvements to the apron will extend from the apron’s existing northern limits to a line generally parallel with the northern end of Building 4-82. A 0.7-acre portion of the improvement area in Basin 25 and all of the paved area that previously drained to Basin 26 will be redirected to treatment facilities within a redefined Basin 28, which combines with runoff from Basin 27 to discharge via Outfall 004. The remaining 2.38-acre improvement area will be collected via a new storm drain system. Historically, this area has drained north to the lake without treatment but will now be included in the proposed conveyance system extension and directed to a combined high-flow bypass and coalescing oil-water separator vault and enhanced water-quality treatment vault prior to discharge. An automated isolation valve will be provided upstream of the new conveyance system connection to the existing system. Outfall 002 will be relocated to discharge beyond the existing flume. The overall basin will see a decrease in PGIS; however, the conveyance system will experience higher total flow at the outfall. Accordingly, this system has been analyzed to demonstrate that it can convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour event and can contain the 100-year, 24-hour event onsite. 4.0 SECTION 4: STORMWATER FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Water Quality Treatment Enhanced water quality treatment will be provided for this project. Oil control will also be provided at all improved areas. Please refer to Figure 4.0, Water Quality Basin Map, for a visual representation of the project area. The project improvements will provide treatment to a total of 13.08 acres of currently untreated paved area. Given the close proximity to Lake Washington and the nature of the manufacturing process at this facility and its associated pollutants, this project will result in a significant improvement in overall water quality to the area. Treatment will be provided for most of the replaced impervious surfaces within the project site, as shown within the water quality treatment areas depicted on Figure 4.0. The treatment area will also include a portion of existing pollution-generating impervious surface located immediately south of the project site, which is allowed to “run on” to the adjacent replaced surfaces. Some replaced surfaces, however, cannot be collected because of the existing site grades. While treatment is provided for the areas shown on the water quality basin map, there is a small amount of regrading and pavement replacement that must be performed inside of Basin 27. This small area is located south of roadway between Buildings 4-20 and 4-81. While this work is located within an area tributary to an existing water quality and oil control facility, it is offset by a slightly larger “run-on” area that will drain to Apron R. These improvements will result in a small reduction in PGIS that will be tributary to the existing Basin 27 facility. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 25 of 30 Please refer to Section 3 of this report for offsite basin maps and further discussion of Basin 27. Total Replaced Pavement: 12.239 acres (533,141 sf) Total New Pavement: 0.076 acres (3,317 square feet) Provided: WQ Treatment Area = 13.08 acres (569,718 square feet) The total area receiving treatment is subdivided into five separate basins approximately 2 1/2 to 3 acres in size. Each of these basins will have separate conveyance systems, water-quality treatment systems, and spill-control devices. MGS Flood, an Ecology-approved continuous modeling software, was used to determine the required water quality treatment design flows for each basin. Sizing calculations were performed in accordance with Ecology’s approval requirements and the SWDM. Sizing calculations, system component details, and Ecology’s requirements for the water quality and oil control system are included in Appendix B of this report. Additional capacity will be provided at the conveyance system and treatment system within Basin 58 to accommodate the proposed Mitigation Hangar improvements to be constructed under separate permit. Final Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 26 of 30 Table 4-1 Bypass/Oil Control System Enhanced Water Quality System Outfall ID Basin(s)/ Sub-basin(s) Tributary Area Bypass/OWS Structure ID Min Reqr'd Oil Control Flow Design Oil Control Flow 100-yr Peak Flow Bypass WQ Treatment Structure ID Design WQ Flow Design Bypass Flow Actuated Valve ID 014A 56 2.729 acres ROWS-062 0.714 cfs 0.714 cfs 2.44 cfs RTU-011 0.202 cfs 0.784 cfs V-1075-18 118,872 sf 320 gpm 320 gpm 012A 57 2.711 acres ROWS-063 0.71 cfs 0.71 cfs 2.424 cfs RTU-012 0.201 cfs 0.784 cfs V-1081A-18 118,093 sf 319 gpm 319 gpm 004A 58A 2.714 acres ROWS-064 0.71 cfs 0.88 cfs* 2.432 cfs RTU-013 & RTU-014 0.25 cfs* 0.729 cfs* V-1096-18 118,238 sf 319 gpm 396 gpm* 004 28 2.477 acres ROWS-065 0.646 cfs 0.646 cfs 2.215 cfs RTU-015 0.183 cfs 0.712 cfs V-1104-18 107,884 sf 290 gpm 290 gpm 002A 25D & 25E 2.448 acres ROWS-066 0.639 cfs 0.639 cfs 2.185 cfs RTU-016 0.181 cfs 0.707 cfs V-1113-18 106,632 sf 287 gpm 287 gpm * Design flows from Mitigation Hangar Project with additional tributary area included. See Separate TIR provided for Mitigation Hangar project under separate permit for complete future water quality system design information. Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 27 of 32 Enhanced water quality treatment and oil removal will be accomplished using a treatment train consisting of a combined bypass and coalescing plate-type oil/water separator vault followed by a Linear Modular Wetland. 4.1.1 Oil Control Unique site characteristics such as high ground water, heavy traffic loading needs, and minimal head above outfalls created a need for custom vaults to meet the design requirements of the City of Renton SWDM. The combined bypass and oil/water separator vaults consist of a structural steel vault supported on piles that will receive a 4-inch concrete interior lining. Reinforced concrete beams within the vault will serve as both structural supports and separation between vault chambers or as baffles. A cast-in-place concrete lid will be customized to provide adequate access and vertical clearance to internal components, meeting project loading requirements and providing a smooth transition to surrounding pavement grades. The outer structural steel component can be placed, secured, and dewatered prior to the construction of the internal concrete lining and baffles, reducing both placement time and construction dewatering. Flow Splitter The vaults will consist of two defined chambers: a bypass chamber and an oil/water separator chamber. The chambers are separated by a reinforced concrete wall which also acts and a structural support beam. A 6-inch-diameter connection sleeved through the wall with an orifice plate will allow the appropriate water quality flow to continue onto the oil/water separator chamber. The connection will be fitted with a shear gate that can close the connection to facilitate maintenance in the oil/water separator chamber. An overflow bypass riser will route flows greater than the water-quality design flow directly into the conveyance system. The internal chamber component configuration and sizing follows the design guidelines in Section of the SWDM. See Appendix B for bypass sizing calculations, oil control calculations, and water- quality flow calculations, as well as details of the custom vaults. Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separator The second chamber of the custom vaults will be further divided into a forebay, an oil separation cell, and an afterbay with dimensions in accordance with Section of the SWDM. The 6-inch connection from the bypass chamber will enter the oil/water separator forebay via a submerged tee. Inspection access will be provided via a 30-inch square hatch directly above the tee. A second access with ladder will be provided to the forebay to facilitate maintenance. A weir will separate the forebay from the oil separation cell. The separation cell will contain coalescing plate packs sized to meet the required plate effective separation area calculated per Section of the SWDM. A 72-inch by 36-inch opening will be provided over the oil separation cell to allow plate packs to be removed as needed for maintenance. The afterbay is separated from the oil separation bay by a reinforced concrete baffle that also acts as a structural support beam. Two accesses will be provided at the after bay: an inspection access Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 28 of 32 located directly over the outlet tee and a maintenance access with ladder. Ventilation pipes at the corners of the vault will not be required because access points are closer than 12 feet on-center per Section of the SWDM. A gate valve will be located just downstream of the vault outlet to allow for vault isolation during maintenance. 4.1.2 Enhanced Water Quality Treatment Linear Modular Wetlands will be located directly downstream from the combined bypass and oil/water separator vaults. The Linear Modular Wetland proprietary treatment system has been granted General Use Level Designation (GULD) approval for enhanced treatment and phosphorus removal by Ecology. Field tests have found that Linear Modular Wetlands also provide hydrocarbon removal from surface water. While the Linear Modular Wetland is not listed as an approved oil treatment device, it will provide a level of redundancy with respect to oil removal. The manifold Linear Modular wetland is sized at a loading rate of (less than or equal to) 1.0 gpm/square feet, where the pre-filter cartridges are sized at a loading rate of less than 2.1 gpm/square feet. A Modular Wetland Representative has reviewed and approved the sizing and loading. Calculations provided by the manufacturer are included in Appendix B. 4.2 Source Control The Renton Plant maintains a SWPPP that is included as an appendix to this report, along with the Spill Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC). The Apron R project improvements will not add any new manufacturing processes or introduce additional pollutant sources to the area. The approved SWPPP outlines existing operational BMPs as required by the Industrial Storm Water Permit. These BMPs include the following. • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team • Good Housekeeping Activities • Preventative Maintenance • Spill Response • Employee Training • Inspections • Record Keeping While the operational BMPs mentioned above do include the project area, Apron R does not currently have any structural BMPs in place. This project will add oil control, enhanced treatment as mentioned in Section 4.1. In addition to these facilities, spill containment and emergency spill control measures will be constructed as a part of the Apron R improvements. The Apron R area is generally characterized in Section 2.2.3 the SWPPP as “Outdoor Manufacturing and Processing” and being a moderate source of pollutants. Typical Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 29 of 32 processes in the area include aircraft interior work, touch up painting, and chemical cleaning with rags. Aircraft on Apron R are not fueled, and therefore no secondary containment for fuel is required. Per Table 5.1-1 of the SWPPP, potential pollutants from drainage basins associated with the Apron R project are listed for reference. These include fat, oil, and grease; metals; particulates; solvents; and pH. Solids are a potential pollutant in a portion of Basin 25, located outside of the project area that are addressed by offsite BMPs. 4.2.1 Spill Control Improvements Improved emergency spill control measures and ISGP sampling locations will also be constructed as a part of the Apron R stormwater improvements. Once construction is complete, the SWPPP associated with Boeing Renton’s ISGP status will need to be updated to include their new configurations as well as to include the water quality improvements discussed in this section. Spill Containment Spill containment will be provided at areas designated for aircraft staging. There are six designated staging locations within the Apron R project areas. New pavement in these areas will be graded to drain to vaults fitted with 100-gallon capacity “Safe Drain” containment systems. The “Safe Drain” system consists of a stainless-steel containment basin with a manual valve that can be closed in the event of a spill. The intent of the “Safe Drain” is to prevent a spill from entering the underground conveyance system and is intended to supplement operational BMPs already in place. The vault will act as a traditional catch basin when the valve remains open, but provides a second level of redundancy to Boeing’s Spill Control and Containment System. There are three additional Aircraft Staging locations just south of the Apron R Project limits. Select pavement removal and replacement will be performed to provide “Safe Drain” containment for these areas as a part of this project. Runoff from the existing pavement in one of these areas will be collected and treated in the proposed oil control and water-quality facilities in Subbasin 58A. The runoff from the remaining two aircraft staging areas is directed to the existing oil control and water quality treatment vault discussed in Section 3 of this report. Table 4-2 Aircraft Staging Designation Safe Drain Catchment ID Catchment Area Safe Drain Structure ID Actuated Valve ID Basin ID Outfall ID R14 56B-721 0.524 acres URE-721 V-1075-18 56 014A 22,828 sf R12/R13 56B-722 0.446 acres URE-722 V-1075-18 56 014A 19,427 sf R11 57A-723 0.512 acres URE-723 V-1081A-18 57 012A 22,287 sf Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 30 of 32 Aircraft Staging Designation Safe Drain Catchment ID Catchment Area Safe Drain Structure ID Actuated Valve ID Basin ID Outfall ID R10 57B-724 0.553 acres URE-724 V-1081A-18 57 012A 24,107 sf R3 25E-725 0.412 acres URE-725 V-1113-18 25 002A 17,935 sf R2 25E-726 0.487 acres URE-726 V-1113-18 25 002A 21,195 sf Unknown 58A-727 0.303 acres 13,212 sf URE-727 V-1096-18 58 004A Unknown 58A-728 0.17 acres 7,420 sf URE-728 V-1096-18 58 004A Emergency Spill Control A third level of spill control will be added in the form of actuated gate valves installed at the discharge locations of the surface runoff conveyance systems, downstream of the convergence of treated and bypass flows. If a spill cannot be contained prior to entering the conveyance system, the actuated valve will isolate the affected conveyance system with a push-button control. All the valve actuators will be located above grade and equipped with a manual override that can be used in the event of a power failure. See Table 4-1 and Section 5 of this report for additional actuated valve information. 5.0 SECTION 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5.1 Conveyance System Analysis The proposed conveyance systems for this project are required to have capacity to convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event and will also be sized to properly contain the 100-year, 24-hour storm event onsite per Section of the SWDM. Any project modifications that affect existing conveyance systems offsite are also required to convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event and will contain the 100-year, 24-hour storm onsite per Section of the SWDM. This section covers both offsite and onsite conveyance systems affected by or constructed under this project. Flows were computed using StormSHED 3G, an approved single event model, which estimates storm water runoff using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method. The backwater analysis was performed using StormCAD, in accordance with the requirements of the SWDM. 5.1.1 Upstream Conveyance Analysis As a part of the upstream and downstream analysis included in Section 3, a preliminary backwater analysis of the existing trunk line was performed to determine if the system can contain and convey the 25-year, 24-hour storm event and the effects that this project will have on the privately maintained Boeing Renton Site conveyance systems. Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 31 of 32 Proposed storm improvements planned to correct existing nuisance flooding problems were also modeled as a part of this analysis. These improvements include rerouting of existing conveyance systems within Apron R, increase in pipe sizes, and improvement in the efficiency of outfall discharge conditions. Basin and reach maps and backwater analysis calculation summaries are included in Appendix B of this report. Overtopping occurs in the 25-year event within the existing system upstream of the project in Basin 25. This overtopping condition is present in both the existing and developed condition models and is addressed within Section of the Off-site Analysis. Section of the SWDM indicates that existing offsite systems only need to be analyzed for conveyance capacity as required by Core Requirements #2 and #3 (pg 1-52). Core Requirement #2, Section 1.2.2 does not give a requirement to mitigate existing offsite upstream drainage problems, only downstream drainage problems. An upstream evaluation is required to verify and document that significant flooding and erosion impacts will not occur as a result of the proposed project (Section 1.2.2, pg 1- 25). This is the requirement that we used as the basis of our design. 5.2 Conveyance System Design Unique site conditions at the Boeing Renton Plant, and specifically the Apron R project site, influence the structures and materials used in the conveyances system and create the need for unique system components. Factors that influence system design are site topography, soil conditions, groundwater elevations, site operations, construction conditions, and the requirements of the Ecology statewide ISGP. 5.2.1 HDPE Pipe Groundwater elevations at the Boeing Renton Plant are typically within 5 feet of finished elevations. Boeing prefers to use fusion-welded HDPE pipe wherever possible to isolate stormwater from the surrounding groundwater. Isolating stormwater ensures that sampling done as a part of the ISGP requirements is not compromised or influenced by groundwater conditions. Fusion-welded HDPE also eliminates the need to “make-up” joints in the pipe trench and reduces the construction dewatering required for installation. Conveyance pipe is designed to be as shallow as possible while still meeting the aircraft loading requirements. This shallow design is intended to reduce the need for dewatering during installation. Once permanent site elevations have been achieved, pipe buoyancy will be counteracted by the weight of the final pavement and subgrade sections. Pipe anchoring will be required at larger diameter pipes and may be required at other locations if grades are not immediately brought to the final elevation. Apron R will be used as a transportation corridor for aircraft and other manufacturing traffic throughout construction, and the contractor will need to protect all underground utilities and structures in areas that will be exposed to traffic prior to the construction of final concrete pavement. Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 32 of 32 5.2.2 Slotted Drains Slotted drains will be used to collect runoff along the aircraft towpath. Slotted drains can efficiently collect and convey runoff from larger areas with minimal elevations loss and are an ideal collection solution at Apron R. Uniformly sloped grades will facilitate faster concrete pavement construction and reduce the time that portions of Apron R are not available for manufacturing use. To achieve the required loading requirements, reinforced concrete pavement will surround the slot portion of the drain, and the pipe portion of the drain will be bedded in high slump concrete. Access structures will be located at both ends of each slot drain and at all slot drain bends. The downstream structures will have a 2-foot sump for sediment accumulation. 5.2.3 Nyloplast PVC Drain Basins Conveyance pipe and structures will be constructed at minimal depths to reduce construction dewatering and, because of the aircraft loading requirement, there is a substantial concrete pavement section (14.5 inches of Portland cement concrete over 12 inches of base course). A shallow conveyance system under thick pavement creates challenges when using traditional concrete manhole and Type II catch basin structures. Nyloplast PVC drains with reinforced concrete collars will be used to provide shallow junction structures for collection and system inspection and maintenance in lieu of concrete catch basins. Nyloplast PVC catch basins have gained acceptance as a substitution for Type 1, Type 1L, and Type II catch basin in WSDOT highway applications (see WSDOT standard plan B-10.70-00). A reinforced concrete 10-foot by 10-foot collar will provide traffic loading support for the anticipated aircraft manufacturing loads, eliminating the need for an additional aircraft-rated slab-top structure below the substantial pavement section. Nyloplast PVC drains also offer the benefit of custom fittings with elastomer seals at pipe connections. This connection method is faster to construct and better meets the intent of isolating stormwater from groundwater influence than a traditional grouted pipe connection. 5.2.4 Backflow Prevention Backflow prevention at all replaced outfalls will be provided with Tideflex valves meeting the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WSDFW) requirements for fish exclusion. Additionally, Tideflex Checkmate inline valves will be installed on the discharge pipes of the proposed modular wetland systems to prevent system back flushing during high flow storm events. 5.2.5 Spill control Spill controls incorporated into the conveyance system will include Safe Drain spill containment devices at designated aircraft staging areas and manually operated actuated emergency isolation valves. Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 33 of 32 5.2.6 System Inspection and Maintenance The Boeing Renton Plant is a relatively flat site and the finished floor elevations of the production buildings adjacent to Lake Washington are situated approximately 4 feet above the summer high-water level of the lake. This creates a situation in which the conveyance system is always inundated and must operate under a continuous backwater condition. Increased pipe slope has little to no influence on actual system capacity, and flow within the pipes does not regularly achieve a velocity high enough to clear sediment from the pipes. The new privately maintained conveyance system constructed as a part of the Apron R improvements includes a larger diameter pipe at minimal slopes with focus on providing access points for system flushing and vactor access needed to remove accumulated sediment that will result from the constant backwater conditions. The conveyance system design also incorporates sampling locations for individual basins identified in the SWPPP. The sampling locations will be confirmed with Boeing Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and documented in the SWPPP updates after the project has been completed. Manual isolation valves will be installed downstream of roof drainage connections at Building 4-20 to facilitate roof maintenance activities and upstream and downstream of all newly installed oil control systems to facilitate system maintenance. 6.0 SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES A Basis of Design Report was submitted to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The Basis of Design report includes a wave analysis, habitat plan, and lighting study that documents the anticipated effects of the Apron R improvements on Lake Washington. A pavement condition assessment and underwater condition assessment were performed in 2015. Draft reports summarizing the findings of these assessments are included as a part of the Basis of Design Report. 7.0 SECTION 7: OTHER PERMITS The following is a list of the actions and permits that will be required as part of this project. • State Environmental Policy Act • National Pollution Discharge Elimination System – Construction Stormwater General Permit • Building, Grading, and Utility • Shoreline Substantial Development • Dewatering (see note below) Note: The Boeing Company holds an Industrial Wastewater Permit with King Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project Revised December 2018 Renton, Washington Page 34 of 32 County. This permit requires a separate dewatering permit application for dewatering activity in excess of 25,000 gallons per day. Because of high groundwater conditions, dewatering activity required for the construction of foundations and for utility trenching is anticipated to exceed this amount. Therefore, a dewatering permit application is needed through King County. The anticipated dewatering volume will be determined by a qualified hydrologist prior to permit application. 8.0 SECTION 8: CONSTRUCTION SWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A construction SWPPP (CSWPPP) will be provided as Appendix I. A Notice of Intent application will be submitted by the owner, The Boeing Company, to the Washington State Department of Ecology. 9.0 SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT The project facilities will be constructed, owned, and maintained by The Boeing Company. The Bond Quantities and Facility Summaries forms are included in Appendix G of this report. 10.0 SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The stormwater facilities for this project include catch basins for collection of stormwater runoff and pipe system mains, ranging between 8- and 36-inch high- density polyethylene pipes (HDPE). Existing stormwater facilities on the site include catch basins and stormwater conveyance pipes. The existing stormwater system maintenance program, currently in place for the site, will be used for the new conveyance system catch basins and pipes. Stormwater facilities maintenance and operation at the Boeing Renton plant are in accordance with the plant’s Industrial Stormwater Permit, WAR-000232. Operations and Maintenance manuals—including manufacturer-recommended maintenance practices, site maps, and facility details—is included for all newly installed proprietary facilities as Appendix H of this report. This manual shall be updated to include as-builts of all stormwater facilities upon project completion. Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Project Renton, Washington Appendix A Site Maps Vicinity MapApron R 4-20 4-81 4-82 DNR MI TI G A TI O N S I T E LAKE WASHINGTON NEW POLLUTION-GENERATING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE REPLACED POLLUTION-GENERATING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE REMOVED POLLUTION-GENERATING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE NEW /RESTORED LANDSCAPING DEVELOPED CONDITIONS MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 TOWAIRPLANEZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWAIRPLANEZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWAIRPLANEZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWAIRPLANEZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWAIRPLANEZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWAIRPLANEZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWAIRPLANE ZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWAIRPLANEZONEKEEPCLEAR Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 11:51 AM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\01_4-Apron-R-G7.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT G07G7 OVERALL SITE PLAN - EXISTING RENTON SITE R-401308 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 11:51 AM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\01_4-Apron-R-G8.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT G08G8 OVERALL EXISTING PAVEMENT THICKNESS PLAN RENTON SITE R-401309 TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEAR AIRPLANE AIRPLANE AIRPLANE AIRPLANE AIRPLANE AIRPLANE AIRPLANE AIRPLANE Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 11:52 AM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\01_4-Apron-R-G9.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT G09G9 OVERALL SITE PLAN RENTON SITE R-401310 Last Saved by: Brook.emry on: Dec 19, 2018 2:17 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\01_4-Apron-R-G10.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT W-401301 G10G10 OVERALL UTILITY PLAN RENTON SITE R-401311 Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Project Renton, Washington Appendix B Drainage Maps and Calculations SUMP PUMP NO.510A NO. 47 OIL-WATER SEPARATOR NO. 516B LIFT STATION NO. 465 STORM VAULT 4-81 4-20 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04 4-21 4-86 4-41 4-42 4-45 4-75 4-68 OUTFALL 004A OUTFALL 004 OUTFALL 002 OUTFALL 012 OUTFALL 0014 OUTFALL 003 OUTFALL 021 OUTFALL 0016 OUTFALL 011 OUTFALL 010 NO. 030 OWS/WET VAULT EXISTING CONVEYANCE MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 OUTFALL 004A OUTFALL 004 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 27i-490I 4,113 SF 0.094 AC 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04 SUMP PUMP NO.510A NO. 516B LIFT STATION OWS-062 RTU-11 RTU-12 OWS-063 RTU-14 OWS-064 RTU-13 RTU-15 OWS-065 RTU-16 OWS-066 NO. 465 STORM VAULT 4-21 OUTFALL 002A OUTFALL 012A OUTFALL 0014A OUTFALL 003 NO. 47 OIL-WATER SEPARATOR OUTFALL 021 4-41 4-42 4-45 4-75 4-68 NO. 030 OWS/WET VAULT DEVELOPED CONVEYANCE MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 SUB BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 002A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 003 SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004 SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 012A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 014A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 021 PROJECT LIMITS 25A-432 11,525 SF 0.265 AC 25A-434 15,323 SF 0.352 AC 25A-427 10,698 SF 0.246 AC 25A-428 15,758 SF 0.362 AC 25A-429 15,047 SF 0.345 AC 25A-430 12,630 SF 0.290 AC 25A-436 23,975 SF 0.550 AC 25A-426 3,944 SF 0.091 AC 25A-425 11,194 SF 0.257 AC 25A-424 13,339 SF 0.308 AC 25B-419 24,546 SF 0.563 AC 25B-438 26,432 SF 0.607 AC 25C-420 191,571 SF 4.398 AC 25B-439 19,121 SF 0.439 AC 25B-441 20,336 SF 0.467 AC 25B-443 15,446 SF 0.355 AC 25B-444 19,862 SF 0.456 AC 25B-445 29,209 SF 0.671 AC 25B-446 57,086 SF 1.311 AC 25B-448 20,447 SF 0.469 AC 25B-451 74,047 SF 1.700 AC 25B-453 152,399 SF 3.499 AC 25A-422 5,151 SF 0.118 AC 25A-431 18,773 SF 0.431 AC 25B-437 11,938 SF 0.274 AC 27C-687 11,084 SF 0.254 AC 27C-632 9,246 SF 0.212 AC 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 OUTFALL 002A TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 O 4-86 4-83 LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY T OUTFALL 002 CATCHMENT AREA PROFILE VIEW: 25A-426 TO T-425 PROFILE VIEW: 25A-426 TO T-425 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 Station (ft) T-434 Rim: 18.30 ft Invert In: 14.73 ft Invert Out: 14.73 ft T-431 Rim: 18.50 ft Invert In: 14.07 ft Invert Out: 13.44 ft T-430 Rim: 18.50 ft Invert In: 13.75 ft Invert Out: 13.13 ft T-428 Rim: 18.70 ft Invert In: 12.21 ft Invert Out: 12.21 ft T-432 Rim: 18.20 ft Invert In: 13.79 ft Invert Out: 13.79 ft N-433 Rim: 18.71 ft Invert In: 13.90 ft Invert Out: 13.90 ft N-456 Rim: 18.86 ft Invert In: 12.81 ft Invert Out: 12.61 ft T-424 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 11.44 ft Invert Out: 11.44 ft T-425 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 11.64 ft Invert Out: 11.64 ft N-435 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 15.33 ft Invert Out: 15.33 ft N-423 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 11.20 ft Invert Out: 11.20 ft 25A-436 Rim: 18.72 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 16.17 ft 25A-427 Rim: 18.94 ft Invert In: 11.79 ft Invert Out: 11.79 ft 122.2 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 112.6 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft41.1 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 98.5 ft 12.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 97.9 ft 21.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 114.1 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 75.3 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 92.2 ft 8.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 71.3 ft 12.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 92.2 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 54.7 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 102.3 ft 21.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 Station (ft) T-434 Rim: 18.30 ft Invert In: 14.73 ft Invert Out: 14.73 ft T-431 Rim: 18.50 ft Invert In: 14.07 ft Invert Out: 13.44 ft T-430 Rim: 18.50 ft Invert In: 13.75 ft Invert Out: 13.13 ft T-428 Rim: 18.70 ft Invert In: 12.21 ft Invert Out: 12.21 ft T-432 Rim: 18.20 ft Invert In: 13.79 ft Invert Out: 13.79 ft N-433 Rim: 18.71 ft Invert In: 13.90 ft Invert Out: 13.90 ft N-456 Rim: 18.86 ft Invert In: 12.81 ft Invert Out: 12.61 ft T-424 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 11.44 ft Invert Out: 11.44 ft T-425 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 11.64 ft Invert Out: 11.64 ft N-435 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 15.33 ft Invert Out: 15.33 ft N-423 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In: 11.20 ft Invert Out: 11.20 ft 25A-436 Rim: 18.72 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 16.17 ft 25A-427 Rim: 18.94 ft Invert In: 11.79 ft Invert Out: 11.79 ft 122.2 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 112.6 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft41.1 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 98.5 ft 12.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 97.9 ft 21.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 114.1 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 75.3 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 92.2 ft 8.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 71.3 ft 12.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 92.2 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 54.7 ft 21.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 102.3 ft 21.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 25A-436 TP N-423 PROFILE VIEW: 25A-436 TP N-423 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 Station (ft) J-451 Rim: 19.10 ftInvert In: 16.43 ftInvert Out: 16.43 ft T-443 Rim: 18.30 ftInvert In: 12.80 ftInvert Out: 12.80 ft N-452 Rim: 19.30 ftInvert In: 14.64 ftInvert Out: 8.39 ft N-450 Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In: 15.48 ftInvert Out: 15.38 ft N-447 Rim: 19.38 ftInvert In: 14.42 ftInvert Out: 14.32 ft T-444 Rim: 18.50 ftInvert In: 13.00 ftInvert Out: 13.00 ft T-438 Rim: 18.60 ftInvert In: 12.37 ftInvert Out: 12.37 ft T-422 Rim: 17.60 ftInvert In: 10.73 ftInvert Out: 10.73 ft N-442 Rim: 18.60 ftInvert In: 12.70 ftInvert Out: 12.70 ft T-445 Rim: 18.68 ftInvert In: 13.47 ftInvert Out: 13.47 ft T-439 Rim: 18.70 ftInvert In: 13.60 ftInvert Out: 12.85 ft T-441 Rim: 18.70 ftInvert In: 12.82 ft Invert Out: 12.82 ft N-417 Rim: 16.99 ftInvert In: 9.36 ftInvert Out: 9.36 ft T-437 Rim: 18.80 ftInvert In: 12.25 ftInvert Out: 11.59 ft N-423 Rim: 18.90 ftInvert In: 11.20 ft Invert Out: 11.20 ft N-440 Rim: 19.00 ftInvert In: 13.00 ft Invert Out: 13.00 ft 25B-419 Rim: 19.11 ft Invert In: 10.30 ftInvert Out: 10.30 ft 25B-446 Rim: 18.80 ftInvert In: 14.08 ftInvert Out: 13.58 ft 25B-448 Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In: 14.57 ftInvert Out: 14.67 ft 25B-451 Rim: 18.52 ftInvert In: 16.52 ftInvert Out: 16.52 ft 25B-453 Rim: 18.47 ft Invert In: (N/A) ftInvert Out: 15.26 ft OF-002Rim: 15.20 ftInvert: 10.00 ft 59.7 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 28.7 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft140.2 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 74.7 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 84.2 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft32.3 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 123.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 60.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 135.3 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft23.2 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 120.7 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft43.6 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 157.5 ft 36.0 in 0.006 ft/ft124.0 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 67.2 ft 12.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 88.0 ft 12.0 in -0.092 ft/ft 65.2 ft 12.0 in 0.015 ft/ft 248.5 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 98.1 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft59.6 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 31.3 ft 27.0 in -0.020 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 25B-453 TO T-443 PROFILE VIEW: 25B-453 TO T-443 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 Station (ft) J-451 Rim: 19.10 ftInvert In: 16.43 ftInvert Out: 16.43 ft T-443 Rim: 18.30 ftInvert In: 12.80 ftInvert Out: 12.80 ft N-452 Rim: 19.30 ftInvert In: 14.64 ftInvert Out: 8.39 ft N-450 Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In: 15.48 ftInvert Out: 15.38 ft N-447 Rim: 19.38 ft Invert In: 14.42 ftInvert Out: 14.32 ft T-444 Rim: 18.50 ftInvert In: 13.00 ftInvert Out: 13.00 ft T-438 Rim: 18.60 ftInvert In: 12.37 ftInvert Out: 12.37 ft T-422 Rim: 17.60 ftInvert In: 10.73 ftInvert Out: 10.73 ft N-442 Rim: 18.60 ftInvert In: 12.70 ftInvert Out: 12.70 ft T-445 Rim: 18.68 ftInvert In: 13.47 ftInvert Out: 13.47 ft T-439 Rim: 18.70 ftInvert In: 13.60 ftInvert Out: 12.85 ft T-441 Rim: 18.70 ftInvert In: 12.82 ft Invert Out: 12.82 ft N-417 Rim: 16.99 ftInvert In: 9.36 ftInvert Out: 9.36 ft T-437 Rim: 18.80 ftInvert In: 12.25 ftInvert Out: 11.59 ft N-423 Rim: 18.90 ftInvert In: 11.20 ft Invert Out: 11.20 ft N-440 Rim: 19.00 ftInvert In: 13.00 ft Invert Out: 13.00 ft 25B-419 Rim: 19.11 ft Invert In: 10.30 ftInvert Out: 10.30 ft 25B-446 Rim: 18.80 ftInvert In: 14.08 ftInvert Out: 13.58 ft 25B-448 Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In: 14.57 ftInvert Out: 14.67 ft 25B-451 Rim: 18.52 ftInvert In: 16.52 ft Invert Out: 16.52 ft 25B-453 Rim: 18.47 ft Invert In: (N/A) ftInvert Out: 15.26 ft OF-002Rim: 15.20 ftInvert: 10.00 ft 59.7 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 28.7 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft140.2 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 74.7 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 84.2 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft32.3 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 123.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 60.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 135.3 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft23.2 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 120.7 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft43.6 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 157.5 ft 36.0 in 0.006 ft/ft124.0 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 67.2 ft 12.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 88.0 ft 12.0 in -0.092 ft/ft 65.2 ft 12.0 in 0.015 ft/ft 248.5 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 98.1 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft59.6 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 31.3 ft 27.0 in -0.020 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 25C-420 TO OF-002 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 25C-420 TO OF-002 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin Existing Basin 25.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsAppended on: Sunday, February 26, 2017 10:59:10 AMBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype25A-42225 yr 24 hr0.09168.010.03120.118SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42425 yr 24 hr0.23928.010.08140.308SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42525 yr 24 hr0.19968.010.0680.257SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42625 yr 24 hr0.07078.010.02410.091SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42725 yr 24 hr0.1918.010.06510.246SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42825 yr 24 hr0.28118.010.09570.362SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42925 yr 24 hr0.26798.010.09120.345SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43025 yr 24 hr0.22528.010.07670.29SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43125 yr 24 hr0.33478.010.1140.431SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43225 yr 24 hr0.20588.010.07010.265SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43425 yr 24 hr0.27078.010.09220.352SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43625 yr 24 hr0.41788.010.14220.55SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-41925 yr 24 hr0.43728.010.14890.563SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-43725 yr 24 hr0.21288.010.07250.274SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-43825 yr 24 hr0.47148.010.16050.607SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-43925 yr 24 hr0.34098.010.11610.439SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44125 yr 24 hr0.36268.010.12350.467SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44325 yr 24 hr0.27578.010.09390.355SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44425 yr 24 hr0.35418.010.12060.456SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44525 yr 24 hr0.50588.010.17220.671SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44625 yr 24 hr1.01818.010.34671.311SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44825 yr 24 hr0.31938.010.10850.469SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-45125 yr 24 hr1.18168.010.40171.7SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-45325 yr 24 hr2.59518.010.88313.499SCSTYPE1A.RAC25C-42025 yr 24 hr3.41528.011.1634.398SCSTYPE1A.RACPage 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin Existing Basin 25.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsAppended on: Sunday, February 26, 2017 10:59:49 AMBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype25A-422100 yr 24 hr0.10558.010.03610.118SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-424100 yr 24 hr0.27548.010.09430.308SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-425100 yr 24 hr0.22988.010.07870.257SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-426100 yr 24 hr0.08148.010.02790.091SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-427100 yr 24 hr0.228.010.07530.246SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-428100 yr 24 hr0.32378.010.11080.362SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-429100 yr 24 hr0.30858.010.10560.345SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-430100 yr 24 hr0.25938.010.08880.29SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-431100 yr 24 hr0.38548.010.13190.431SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-432100 yr 24 hr0.2378.010.08110.265SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-434100 yr 24 hr0.3128.010.10680.352SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-436100 yr 24 hr0.48258.010.1650.55SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-419100 yr 24 hr0.50348.010.17230.563SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-437100 yr 24 hr0.2458.010.08390.274SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-438100 yr 24 hr0.54288.010.18580.607SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-439100 yr 24 hr0.39258.010.13440.439SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-441100 yr 24 hr0.41768.010.14290.467SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-443100 yr 24 hr0.31748.010.10870.355SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-444100 yr 24 hr0.40778.010.13960.456SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-445100 yr 24 hr0.58478.010.19990.671SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-446100 yr 24 hr1.17228.010.40131.311SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-448100 yr 24 hr0.37458.010.12730.469SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-451100 yr 24 hr1.38158.010.47021.7SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-453100 yr 24 hr3.00658.011.02683.499SCSTYPE1A.RAC25C-420100 yr 24 hr3.93258.011.34614.398SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 2 of 2 Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:07:55 PM 25A-422 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0525 8.0058 0.0175 0.118 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0777 8.0058 0.0263 0.118 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0916 8.0058 0.0312 0.118 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1055 8.0058 0.0361 0.118 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-422 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.118 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.118 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:08:14 PM 25A-424 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.137 8.0058 0.0456 0.308 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2028 8.0058 0.0686 0.308 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2392 8.0058 0.0814 0.308 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2754 8.0058 0.0943 0.308 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-424 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.308 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.308 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:08:41 PM 25A-425 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1143 8.0058 0.0381 0.257 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1693 8.0058 0.0573 0.257 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1996 8.0058 0.068 0.257 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2298 8.0058 0.0787 0.257 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-425 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.257 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.257 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:09:02 PM 25A-426 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0405 8.0058 0.0135 0.091 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0599 8.0058 0.0203 0.091 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0707 8.0058 0.0241 0.091 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0814 8.0058 0.0279 0.091 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-426 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.091 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.091 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:09:21 PM 25A-427 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1094 8.0058 0.0364 0.246 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.162 8.0058 0.0548 0.246 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.191 8.0058 0.0651 0.246 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.22 8.0058 0.0753 0.246 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-427 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.246 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.246 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:09:40 PM 25A-428 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.161 8.0058 0.0536 0.362 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2384 8.0058 0.0807 0.362 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2811 8.0058 0.0957 0.362 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3237 8.0058 0.1108 0.362 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-428 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.362 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.168 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.194 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:09:56 PM 25A-429 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1534 8.0058 0.0511 0.345 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2272 8.0058 0.0769 0.345 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2679 8.0058 0.0912 0.345 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3085 8.0058 0.1056 0.345 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-429 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.345 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.15 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.195 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:10:17 PM 25A-430 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.129 8.0058 0.043 0.29 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.191 8.0058 0.0646 0.29 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2252 8.0058 0.0767 0.29 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2593 8.0058 0.0888 0.29 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-430 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.29 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.093 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.197 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:10:34 PM 25A-431 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1917 8.0058 0.0639 0.431 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2838 8.0058 0.096 0.431 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3347 8.0058 0.114 0.431 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3854 8.0058 0.1319 0.431 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-431 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.431 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.186 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.245 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:11:25 PM 25A-432 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1179 8.0058 0.0393 0.265 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1745 8.0058 0.0591 0.265 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2058 8.0058 0.0701 0.265 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.237 8.0058 0.0811 0.265 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-432 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.265 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.117 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.148 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:11:46 PM 25A-434 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1541 8.0058 0.0514 0.352 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2292 8.0058 0.0776 0.352 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2707 8.0058 0.0922 0.352 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.312 8.0058 0.1068 0.352 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-434 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.009 ac DCIA 0.343 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.009 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.207 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.136 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:12:03 PM 25A-436 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2362 8.0058 0.079 0.55 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3531 8.0058 0.1196 0.55 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4178 8.0058 0.1422 0.55 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4825 8.0058 0.165 0.55 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-436 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.031 ac DCIA 0.519 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.031 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.418 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.101 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:12:20 PM 25B-419 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2504 8.0058 0.0834 0.563 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3708 8.0058 0.1255 0.563 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4372 8.0058 0.1489 0.563 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5034 8.0058 0.1723 0.563 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-419 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.563 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.563 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:12:38 PM 25B-437 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1219 8.0058 0.0406 0.274 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1804 8.0058 0.0611 0.274 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2128 8.0058 0.0725 0.274 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.245 8.0058 0.0839 0.274 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-437 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.274 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.274 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:12:56 PM 25B-438 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.27 8.0058 0.0899 0.607 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3998 8.0058 0.1353 0.607 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4714 8.0058 0.1605 0.607 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5428 8.0058 0.1858 0.607 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-438 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.607 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.365 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.242 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:13:13 PM 25B-439 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1952 8.0058 0.065 0.439 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2891 8.0058 0.0978 0.439 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3409 8.0058 0.1161 0.439 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3925 8.0058 0.1344 0.439 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-439 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.439 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.155 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.284 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:13:30 PM 25B-441 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2077 8.0058 0.0692 0.467 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3076 8.0058 0.1041 0.467 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3626 8.0058 0.1235 0.467 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4176 8.0058 0.1429 0.467 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-441 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.467 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.239 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.228 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:13:44 PM 25B-443 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1579 8.0058 0.0526 0.355 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2338 8.0058 0.0791 0.355 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2757 8.0058 0.0939 0.355 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3174 8.0058 0.1087 0.355 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-443 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.355 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.163 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.192 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:13:59 PM 25B-444 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2028 8.0058 0.0676 0.456 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3003 8.0058 0.1016 0.456 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3541 8.0058 0.1206 0.456 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4077 8.0058 0.1396 0.456 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-444 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.456 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.242 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.214 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:14:14 PM 25B-445 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2846 8.0058 0.0952 0.671 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4269 8.0058 0.1446 0.671 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.5058 8.0058 0.1722 0.671 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5847 8.0058 0.1999 0.671 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-445 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.051 ac DCIA 0.62 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.051 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.62 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:14:34 PM 25B-446 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.5831 8.0058 0.1942 1.311 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.8634 8.0058 0.2922 1.311 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 1.0181 8.0058 0.3467 1.311 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 1.1722 8.0058 0.4013 1.311 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-446 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 1.311 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 1.311 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:14:49 PM 25B-448 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.168 8.0058 0.0572 0.469 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2646 8.0058 0.0899 0.469 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3193 8.0058 0.1085 0.469 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3745 8.0058 0.1273 0.469 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-448 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.15 ac DCIA 0.319 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.15 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.319 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:17:20 PM 25B-451 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.6307 8.0058 0.214 1.70 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.983 8.0058 0.3338 1.70 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 1.1816 8.0058 0.4017 1.70 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 1.3815 8.0058 0.4702 1.70 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-451 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.463 ac DCIA 1.237 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.463 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 1.237 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:17:38 PM 25B-453 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.3027 8.1251 0.4851 3.499 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 1.9751 8.1251 0.7401 3.499 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 2.3497 8.1251 0.8831 3.499 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 2.7248 8.1251 1.0268 3.499 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-453 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.408 ac DCIA 3.091 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 31.7657 min DC TC 26.8593 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.408 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet Smooth Surfaces. 370.00 ft 0.014% 0.011 2.00 in 31.7657 min Pervious TC 31.7657 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 3.091 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet Smooth Surfaces. 300.00 ft 0.014% 0.011 0.00 in 26.8593 min Pervious TC 26.8593 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:18:23 PM 25C-420 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.956 8.0058 0.6516 4.398 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 2.8964 8.0058 0.9801 4.398 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 3.4152 8.0058 1.163 4.398 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 3.9325 8.0058 1.3461 4.398 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25C-420 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 4.398 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 4.398 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin Existing Basin 25.xlsx 25-year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Manning'sFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop InvertHydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-417 31.3-0.0227UNKN0.01344.2714.213.57N-417 9.3615.0516.99OF-0021014.9815.2P-448 59.60.00412CONC0.0132.314.15.2225B-448 14.6718.9719.35N-447 14.4218.1819.38P-447 98.10.00212CONC0.0131.764.15.22N-447 14.3217.719.3825B-446 14.0816.418.8P-450 248.50.00312CONC0.0132.033.784.81N-450 15.3822.0619.3525B-448 14.5719.2719.35P-451 (1) 65.10.01512conc0.0134.313.784.81J-451 16.4322.9319.1N-450 15.4822.219.35P-452 87.9-0.09212conc0.01310.812.63.3N-452 8.3923.7319.325B-451 16.5223.2618.52P-453 66.70.00912conc0.0133.432.63.325B-453 15.2624.1518.47N-452 14.6423.819.3P-420 54.10.04912CONC0.0137.883.424.3525C-420 12.9515.8419.2625B-419 10.315.3519.11P-423 (1) 1240.00336CONC0.01339.310.351.46T-422 10.7315.5317.625B-419 10.315.519.11P-419 157.50.00636CONC0.01351.5214.212.0125B-419 10.315.4419.11N-417 9.3615.3616.99P-451 43.20.0020Trench Drain0.0135.023.781.8925B-451 16.5223.3118.52J-451 16.4323.2619.1P-439 6.90.4116CONC0.0133.60.3411.5325B-439 16.71719.05T-439 13.616.0318.7P-442 (1) 120.7-0.00124CONC0.0138.666.612.1T-441 12.8216.1818.7N-440 1316.0719P-440 23.10.00624CONC0.01318.16.612.1N-440 1316.0319T-439 12.8516.0118.7P-456 (1) 102.20.00421CONC0.01310.1420.83T-428 12.2115.7318.725A-427 11.7915.7118.94P-427 54.70.00321CONC0.0138.172.190.9125A-427 11.7915.718.94T-425 11.6415.6918.9P-423 135.30.00336CONC0.01339.310.261.45N-423 11.215.5818.9T-422 10.7315.5517.6P-427 (2) 92.20.00321CONC0.0138.172.621.09T-424 11.4415.6418.9N-423 11.215.6218.9P-440 (3) 60.10.00624CONC0.01318.17.642.43T-437 11.5915.6418.8N-423 11.215.5818.9P-435 71.30.00812CONC0.0133.270.422.86N-435 15.3315.8318.9T-434 14.7315.8318.3P-436 92.20.0098CONC0.0131.150.423.0425A-436 16.1716.4718.72N-435 15.3315.8518.9P-427 (1) 75.30.00321CONC0.0138.172.380.99T-425 11.6415.6718.9T-424 11.4415.6618.9P-425 770.0178PVC Pipe0. 13.515.718.1T-425 12.1915.6918.9P-424 65.80.0266PVC Pipe0. 13.815.7217.8T-424 12.0715.6518.9P-429 15.50.1088PVC Pipe0. 14.515.7618.2N-456 12.8115.7518.86P-433 (3) 114.10.00321CONC0.0138.381.450.6T-430 13.1315.7618.5N-456 12.8115.7618.86P-456 97.90.00421CONC0.01310.141.720.72N-456 12.6115.7518.86T-428 12.2115.7418.7P-437 3.50.58METAL0.0244.630.210.6125B-437 14.315.7518.8T-437 12.2515.7518.8P-440 (2) 123.10.00624CONC0.01318.17.422.36T-438 12.3715.8318.6T-437 11.5915.718.8P-446 32.30.00324CONC0.01313.145.111.6325B-446 13.5816.618.8T-445 13.4716.5918.68P-435 (1) 98.50.00812CONC0.0133.270.690.88T-434 14.7315.8218.3N-433 13.915.7818.71P-433 410.00321CONC0.0138.350.690.29N-433 13.915.7918.71T-432 13.7915.7918.2P-441 60.3138Metal0.0243.660.361.0425B-441 14.816.2718.7T-441 12.8216.2518.7P-428 15.40.1638CONC0.0134.880.287.5925A-428 15.315.7318.7T-428 12.7515.7418.7P-442 84.2-0.00124CONC0.0138.666.251.99N-442 12.716.2918.6T-441 12.8216.2218.7P-440 (1) 74.70.00624CONC0.01318.16.952.21T-439 12.8515.9618.7T-438 12.3715.8918.6P-446 (1) 140.20.00324CONC0.01313.145.621.79T-445 13.4716.5518.68T-444 1316.4718.5P-445 11.20.16810di0.0129.730.519.425B-445 15.9616.618.61T-445 14.0516.618.68P-446 (3) 28.60.00324CONC0.01313.146.251.99T-443 12.816.3518.3N-442 12.716.3218.6P-438 15.90.1578CONC0.0134.790.471.3525B-438 14.915.9518.6T-438 12.3715.9218.6P-431 15.8-0.0676CONC0.0131.460.331.725A-431 1315.8118.5T-431 14.0715.7518.5P-444 14.70.0918CONC0.0133.640.351.0125B-444 1516.518.5T-444 13.6616.4918.5P-430 15.80.0536CONC0.0131.30.231.1525A-430 14.615.7818.5T-430 13.7515.7618.5P-446 (2) 59.70.00324CONC0.01313.145.971.9T-444 1316.4318.5T-443 12.816.3918.3P-433 (2) 112.60.00321CONC0.0138.381.230.51T-431 13.4415.7818.5T-430 13.1315.7718.5P-433 (1) 122.20.00321CONC0.0138.380.890.37T-432 13.7915.7818.2T-431 13.4415.7818.5P-434 14.20.0078conc0.0131.030.270.7825A-434 1515.8418.3T-434 14.915.8318.3P-443 14.50.0788CONC0.0133.380.280.7925B-443 14.616.4218.3T-443 13.4616.4118.3P-426 100.30.0118PVC Pipe0.011.640.070.225A-426 14.615.7118.325A-425 13.515.7118.1P-432 15.90.0118CONC0.0131.260.210.5925A-432 14.515.7918.2T-432 14.3315.7818.2P-422 53.10.0758CONC0.0133.310.094.1425A-422 15.916.0417.6T-422 11.915.5717.6Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 9/26/2018 Basin Existing Basin 25.xlsx 100-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Manning's Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft) Stop Rim (ft) P-417 31.3 -0.02 27 UNKN 0.013 44.27 16.5 4.15 N-417 9.36 15.07 16.99 OF-002 10 14.98 15.2 P-448 59.6 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.31 4.76 6.06 25B-448 14.67 20.37 19.35 N-447 14.42 19.3 19.38 P-447 98.1 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.76 4.76 6.06 N-447 14.32 18.65 19.38 25B-446 14.08 16.89 18.8 P-450 248.5 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 2.03 4.39 5.59 N-450 15.38 24.42 19.35 25B-448 14.57 20.65 19.35 P-451 (1) 65.1 0.015 12 conc 0.013 4.31 4.39 5.59 J-451 16.43 25.6 19.1 N-450 15.48 24.61 19.35 P-452 87.9 -0.092 12 conc 0.013 10.81 3.01 3.83 N-452 8.39 26.67 19.3 25B-451 16.52 26.04 18.52 P-453 66.7 0.009 12 conc 0.013 3.43 3.01 3.83 25B-453 15.26 27.24 18.47 N-452 14.64 26.76 19.3 P-420 54.1 0.049 12 CONC 0.013 7.88 3.93 5.01 25C-420 12.95 16.14 19.26 25B-419 10.3 15.48 19.11 P-423 (1) 124 0.003 36 CONC 0.013 39.3 12.06 1.71 T-422 10.73 15.73 17.6 25B-419 10.3 15.68 19.11 P-419 157.5 0.006 36 CONC 0.013 51.52 16.5 2.33 25B-419 10.3 15.59 19.11 N-417 9.36 15.5 16.99 P-451 43.2 0.002 0 Trench Drain 0.013 5.02 4.39 2.19 25B-451 16.52 26.11 18.52 J-451 16.43 26.04 19.1 P-439 6.9 0.411 6 CONC 0.013 3.6 0.39 12.01 25B-439 16.7 17.02 19.05 T-439 13.6 16.39 18.7 P-442 (1) 120.7 -0.001 24 CONC 0.013 8.66 7.66 2.44 T-441 12.82 16.59 18.7 N-440 13 16.45 19 P-440 23.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 7.66 2.44 N-440 13 16.4 19 T-439 12.85 16.37 18.7 P-456 (1) 102.2 0.004 21 CONC 0.013 10.14 2.31 0.96 T-428 12.21 15.99 18.7 25A-427 11.79 15.97 18.94 P-427 54.7 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.53 1.05 25A-427 11.79 15.95 18.94 T-425 11.64 15.94 18.9 P-423 135.3 0.003 36 CONC 0.013 39.3 11.96 1.69 N-423 11.2 15.8 18.9 T-422 10.73 15.75 17.6 P-427 (2) 92.2 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 3.12 1.3 T-424 11.44 15.88 18.9 N-423 11.2 15.84 18.9 P-440 (3) 60.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 8.84 2.81 T-437 11.59 15.88 18.8 N-423 11.2 15.78 18.9 P-435 71.3 0.008 12 CONC 0.013 3.27 0.48 2.98 N-435 15.33 16.14 18.9 T-434 14.73 16.13 18.3 P-436 92.2 0.009 8 CONC 0.013 1.15 0.48 3.16 25A-436 16.17 16.49 18.72 N-435 15.33 16.14 18.9 P-427 (1) 75.3 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.84 1.18 T-425 11.64 15.92 18.9 T-424 11.44 15.9 18.9 P-425 77 0.017 8 PVC Pipe 0.01 2.05 0.23 0.89 25A-425 13.5 15.97 18.1 T-425 12.19 15.94 18.9 P-424 65.8 0.026 6 PVC Pipe 0.01 1.18 0.28 1.4 25A-424 13.8 15.99 17.8 T-424 12.07 15.89 18.9 P-429 15.5 0.108 8 PVC Pipe 0.01 5.17 0.31 0.88 25A-429 14.5 16.03 18.2 N-456 12.81 16.03 18.86 P-433 (3) 114.1 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 1.68 0.7 T-430 13.13 16.04 18.5 N-456 12.81 16.03 18.86 P-456 97.9 0.004 21 CONC 0.013 10.14 1.98 0.83 N-456 12.61 16.02 18.86 T-428 12.21 16 18.7 P-437 3.5 0.5 8 METAL 0.024 4.63 0.25 0.7 25B-437 14.3 16.03 18.8 T-437 12.25 16.02 18.8 P-440 (2) 123.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 8.6 2.74 T-438 12.37 16.13 18.6 T-437 11.59 15.95 18.8 P-446 32.3 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 5.93 1.89 25B-446 13.58 17.17 18.8 T-445 13.47 17.14 18.68 P-435 (1) 98.5 0.008 12 CONC 0.013 3.27 0.79 1.01 T-434 14.73 16.11 18.3 N-433 13.9 16.06 18.71 P-433 41 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.35 0.79 0.33 N-433 13.9 16.07 18.71 T-432 13.79 16.07 18.2 P-441 6 0.313 8 Metal 0.024 3.66 0.42 1.2 25B-441 14.8 16.72 18.7 T-441 12.82 16.69 18.7 P-428 15.4 0.163 8 CONC 0.013 4.88 0.32 0.93 25A-428 15.3 16.01 18.7 T-428 12.75 16 18.7 P-442 84.2 -0.001 24 CONC 0.013 8.66 7.24 2.31 N-442 12.7 16.74 18.6 T-441 12.82 16.65 18.7 P-440 (1) 74.7 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 8.05 2.56 T-439 12.85 16.31 18.7 T-438 12.37 16.21 18.6 P-446 (1) 140.2 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 6.52 2.08 T-445 13.47 17.1 18.68 T-444 13 16.98 18.5 P-445 11.2 0.168 10 di 0.012 9.73 0.58 1.07 25B-445 15.96 17.17 18.61 T-445 14.05 17.17 18.68 P-446 (3) 28.6 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 7.24 2.31 T-443 12.8 16.82 18.3 N-442 12.7 16.79 18.6 P-438 15.9 0.157 8 CONC 0.013 4.79 0.54 1.56 25B-438 14.9 16.28 18.6 T-438 12.37 16.25 18.6 P-431 15.8 -0.067 6 CONC 0.013 1.46 0.39 1.96 25A-431 13 16.1 18.5 T-431 14.07 16.03 18.5 P-444 14.7 0.091 8 CONC 0.013 3.64 0.41 1.17 25B-444 15 17.02 18.5 T-444 13.66 17.01 18.5 P-430 15.8 0.053 6 CONC 0.013 1.3 0.26 1.32 25A-430 14.6 16.07 18.5 T-430 13.75 16.04 18.5 P-446 (2) 59.7 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 6.93 2.2 T-444 13 16.93 18.5 T-443 12.8 16.87 18.3 P-433 (2) 112.6 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 1.42 0.59 T-431 13.44 16.06 18.5 T-430 13.13 16.05 18.5 P-433 (1) 122.2 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 1.03 0.43 T-432 13.79 16.07 18.2 T-431 13.44 16.06 18.5 P-434 14.2 0.007 8 conc 0.013 1.03 0.31 0.89 25A-434 15 16.14 18.3 T-434 14.9 16.13 18.3 P-443 14.5 0.078 8 CONC 0.013 3.38 0.32 0.91 25B-443 14.6 16.92 18.3 T-443 13.46 16.91 18.3 P-426 100.3 0.011 8 PVC Pipe 0.01 1.64 0.08 0.23 25A-426 14.6 15.99 18.3 25A-425 13.5 15.98 18.1 P-432 15.9 0.011 8 CONC 0.013 1.26 0.24 0.68 25A-432 14.5 16.07 18.2 T-432 14.33 16.07 18.2 P-422 53.1 0.075 8 CONC 0.013 3.31 0.11 4.33 25A-422 15.9 16.05 17.6 T-422 11.9 15.78 17.6 Page 1 of 1 27F-504 58,562 SF 1.344 AC 27F-508 9,041 SF 0.208 AC 27F-505 7,607 SF 0.175 AC 27F-507D 11,577 SF 0.266 AC 27F-507B 9,655 SF 0.222 AC 27F-509A 9,528 SF 0.219 AC 27F-488 26,233 SF 0.602 AC 27F-4868 5,895 SF 0.135 AC 27F-464 53,718 SF 1.2332 AC LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-894-04 LEGEND 27A-459 213,515 SF 4.902 AC 27E-501 232,087 SF 5.328 OUTFALL 004 TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 NO. 465 STORM VAULT SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS SUMP PUMP NO.510A AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004 CATCHMENT AREA SUB-BASIN 27E BOUNDARY PROFILE VIEW: 27A-459 TO OF-004 25 YEAR 100 YEAR -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 Station (ft) N-DNR004 Rim: 16.50 ft N-458 Rim: 16.38 ft Invert In: 10.44 ft Invert Out: 10.10 ft Invert In: 10.68 ft Invert Out: 10.48 ft 27A-459 Rim: 19.26 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft OF-004 Rim: 15.20 ft Invert: -0.20 ft 114.1 ft 12.0 in 0.032 ft/ft 136.1 ft 33.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 115.4 ft 42.0 in 0.089 ft/ft -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 Station (ft) N-DNR004 Rim: 16.50 ft N-458 Rim: 16.38 ft Invert In: 10.44 ft Invert Out: 10.10 ft Invert In: 10.68 ft Invert Out: 10.48 ft 27A-459Rim: 19.26 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft OF-004Rim: 15.20 ftInvert: -0.20 ft 114.1 ft 12.0 in 0.032 ft/ft 136.1 ft 33.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 115.4 ft 42.0 in 0.089 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 27A-459 TO OF-004 PROFILE VIEW: 27F-508 TO 27E-501 PROFILE VIEW: 27F-508 TO 27E-501 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: N-465 TO OF-004 PROFILE VIEW: N-465 TO OF-004 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27F-507B TO T-501 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27F-507B TO T-501 PROFILE VIEW: 27F-509 TO 27F-464 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27F-509 TO 27F-464 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 Station (ft) T-501 Rim: 19.72 ft N-486E-14 Rim: 18.92 ft N-486-14 Rim: 18.24 ft N-486G-14 Rim: 20.22 ft N-486F-14 Rim: 18.93 ftT-509A Rim: 19.50 ft N-486A-14 Rim: 19.23 ft N-486C-14 Rim: 19.30 ftN-486D-14 Rim: 19.65 ft Invert In: 16.28 ft Invert Out: 14.87 ft Invert In: 14.01 ft Invert Out: 14.01 ft Invert In: 13.85 ft Invert Out: 13.85 ft Invert In: 14.03 ft Invert Out: 14.03 ft Invert In: 14.02 ft Invert Out: 14.02 ftInvert In: 16.28 ft Invert Out: 16.28 ft Invert In: 13.94 ft Invert Out: 13.94 ft Invert In: 13.99 ft Invert Out: 13.99 ftInvert In: 14.00 ft Invert Out: 14.00 ft 27F-4868 Rim: 19.22 ft 27F-464Rim: 16.12 ft 27F-488 Rim: 16.80 ft 27F-509ARim: 18.83 ft Invert In: 13.96 ft Invert Out: 13.96 ft Invert In: 9.92 ft Invert Out: 9.92 ftInvert In: 12.00 ft Invert Out: 11.45 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 16.28 ft 411.1 ft 18.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 77.0 ft 24.0 in 0.001 ft/ft244.0 ft 18.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 46.7 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 161.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 287.2 ft 18.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 203.3 ft 27.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 12.0 ft 4.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 146.6 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 50.0 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 96.4 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 32.7 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 Station (ft) T-501 Rim: 19.72 ft N-486E-14 Rim: 18.92 ft N-486-14 Rim: 18.24 ft N-486G-14 Rim: 20.22 ft N-486F-14 Rim: 18.93 ftT-509A Rim: 19.50 ft N-486A-14 Rim: 19.23 ft N-486C-14 Rim: 19.30 ftN-486D-14 Rim: 19.65 ft Invert In: 16.28 ft Invert Out: 14.87 ft Invert In: 14.01 ft Invert Out: 14.01 ft Invert In: 13.85 ft Invert Out: 13.85 ft Invert In: 14.03 ft Invert Out: 14.03 ft Invert In: 14.02 ft Invert Out: 14.02 ftInvert In: 16.28 ft Invert Out: 16.28 ft Invert In: 13.94 ft Invert Out: 13.94 ft Invert In: 13.99 ft Invert Out: 13.99 ftInvert In: 14.00 ft Invert Out: 14.00 ft 27F-4868Rim: 19.22 ft 27F-464 Rim: 16.12 ft 27F-488 Rim: 16.80 ft 27F-509A Rim: 18.83 ft Invert In: 13.96 ft Invert Out: 13.96 ft Invert In: 9.92 ft Invert Out: 9.92 ft Invert In: 12.00 ft Invert Out: 11.45 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 16.28 ft 411.1 ft 18.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 77.0 ft 24.0 in 0.001 ft/ft244.0 ft 18.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 46.7 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 161.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 287.2 ft 18.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 203.3 ft 27.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 12.0 ft 4.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 146.6 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 50.0 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 96.4 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 32.7 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basin Existing Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27A-45925 yr 24 hr3.80668.011.29634.902SCSTYPE1A.RAC27E-50125 yr 24 hr4.13828.011.40925.329SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-46425 yr 24 hr0.95768.010.32611.2332SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-486825 yr 24 hr0.10488.010.03570.135SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-48825 yr 24 hr0.46758.010.15920.602SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-50425 yr 24 hr1.04378.010.35541.344SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-50525 yr 24 hr0.13598.010.04630.175SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507B25 yr 24 hr0.17248.010.05870.222SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507D25 yr 24 hr0.20668.010.07030.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-50825 yr 24 hr0.16158.010.0550.208SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-509A25 yr 24 hr0.17018.010.05790.219SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27A-459100 yr 24 hr4.38328.011.50044.902SCSTYPE1A.RAC27E-501100 yr 24 hr4.7658.011.63115.329SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-464100 yr 24 hr1.10278.010.37741.2332SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-4868100 yr 24 hr0.12078.010.04130.135SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-488100 yr 24 hr0.53838.010.18430.602SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-504100 yr 24 hr1.20178.010.41141.344SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-505100 yr 24 hr0.15658.010.05360.175SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507B100 yr 24 hr0.19858.010.06790.222SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507D100 yr 24 hr0.23788.010.08140.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-508100 yr 24 hr0.1868.010.06370.208SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-509A100 yr 24 hr0.19588.010.0670.219SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:22:10 PM 27A-459 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 2.1801 8.0058 0.7263 4.902 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 3.2283 8.0058 1.0924 4.902 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 3.8066 8.0058 1.2963 4.902 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 4.3832 8.0058 1.5004 4.902 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27A-459 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 4.902 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 4.902 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:27:49 PM 27E-501 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 2.37 8.0058 0.7896 5.329 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 3.5095 8.0058 1.1876 5.329 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 4.1382 8.0058 1.4092 5.329 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 4.765 8.0058 1.6311 5.329 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27E-501 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 5.329 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 5.329 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:28:01 PM 27F-464 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.5485 8.0058 0.1827 1.2332 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.8121 8.0058 0.2748 1.2332 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.9576 8.0058 0.3261 1.2332 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 1.1027 8.0058 0.3774 1.2332 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-464 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 1.2332 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 1.2332 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:28:10 PM 27F-488 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2677 8.0058 0.0892 0.602 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3965 8.0058 0.1342 0.602 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4675 8.0058 0.1592 0.602 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5383 8.0058 0.1843 0.602 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-488 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.602 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.602 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:28:20 PM 27F-504 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.5977 8.0058 0.1991 1.344 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.8851 8.0058 0.2995 1.344 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 1.0437 8.0058 0.3554 1.344 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 1.2017 8.0058 0.4114 1.344 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-504 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 1.344 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 1.344 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:28:31 PM 27F-505 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0778 8.0058 0.0259 0.175 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1152 8.0058 0.039 0.175 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1359 8.0058 0.0463 0.175 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1565 8.0058 0.0536 0.175 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-505 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.175 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.175 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:28:41 PM 27F-507B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0987 8.0058 0.0329 0.222 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1462 8.0058 0.0495 0.222 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1724 8.0058 0.0587 0.222 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1985 8.0058 0.0679 0.222 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-507B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.222 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.222 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:28:51 PM 27F-507D Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1183 8.0058 0.0394 0.266 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1752 8.0058 0.0593 0.266 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2066 8.0058 0.0703 0.266 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2378 8.0058 0.0814 0.266 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-507D Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.266 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.266 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:29:01 PM 27F-508 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0925 8.0058 0.0308 0.208 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.137 8.0058 0.0464 0.208 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1615 8.0058 0.055 0.208 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.186 8.0058 0.0637 0.208 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-508 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.208 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.208 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:29:10 PM 27F-509A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0974 8.0058 0.0324 0.219 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1442 8.0058 0.0488 0.219 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1701 8.0058 0.0579 0.219 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1958 8.0058 0.067 0.219 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-509A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.219 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.219 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basin Existing Basin 27.xlsx 25-YEAR EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs)Velocity (ft/s)Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop InvertHydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-DNR004 114.90.08942HDPE0.01390.7620.632.14N-DNR004 10.115.0116.5OF-004-0.214.9815.2P-508 (1) 24.50.0088CONC0.0131.080.160.46B-508 16.6519.0617.35B-508 (1) 16.4619.0620.37P-508 (2) 41.10.0088CONC0.0131.080.160.46B-508 (1) 16.4619.0620.3727F-50416.1319.0519.68P-486G-14 46.7024HDPE0.014.316.031.92N-486G-14 14.0317.7420.22N-486F-14 14.0217.7218.93P-509A (2) 2440.00318VC0.0136.166.033.41T-501 14.8718.5319.72N-486G-14 14.0317.7320.22P-507B 39.70.0166CPP0.0130.70.170.8827F-507B17.819.3620.17N-507A 17.1819.3219.43P-508 117.80.0088CONC0.0131.080.160.4627F-50817.619.0820.12B-508 16.6619.0617.35P-507D 56.80.0036DI0.0120.320.381.9327F-507D17.0619.2219.22N-506 16.91919.73P-506 30.80.00312CONC0.0131.980.380.48N-506 16.319.0319.73T-505 16.219.0319.52P-509A (1) 411.1018VC0.01300.170.1T-509A 16.2818.7819.5T-501 16.2818.7819.72P-501 31.70.03318CONC0.01318.965.863.3227E-50115.918.7819.39T-501 14.8718.6819.72P-504 98018CMP0.0241.151.210.6827F-50416.0319.0419.6827E-50115.991919.39P-486D-14 96.4024HDPE0.012.996.031.92N-486D-14 1417.4819.65N-486C-14 13.9917.4419.3P-486E-14 32.7024HDPE0. 14.0117.5618.92N-486D-14 1417.5519.65P-506 (1) 101.60.00312CONC0.0131.980.510.66T-505 16.219.0219.5227E-50115.891919.39P-505 5.50.2046DI0.0122.750.140.6927F-50517.6119.0319.42T-505 16.4619.0219.52P-509A 1204PVC0.0100.171.9527F-509A16.2818.818.83T-509A 16.2818.7519.5P-507A 82.406PVC0. 17.1819.3219.4327F-507D17.1619.2719.22P-486C-14 161.5024HDPE0. 13.9917.419.327F-486813.9617.3319.22P-459 1140.03212CONC0.0136.363.814.8527A-45914.3216.6219.26N-458 10.6815.3216.38P-486A-14 770.00124HDPE0.0110.056.131.95N-486A-14 13.9417.1619.23N-486-14 13.8517.1318.24P-486B-14 146.6024HDPE0.013.436.131.9527F-486813.9617.319.22N-486A-14 13.9417.2319.23P-486F-14 50024HDPE0. 14.0217.6518.93N-486E-14 14.0117.6318.92P-465 183.20.01727CONC0.01340.159.272.33N-4651315.9218.327F-4649.9215.7616.12P-486-14 287.20.00618VC0.0138.436.133.47N-486-14 13.8516.8218.2427F-4881215.8416.8P-488 203.30.00827CONC0.01326.876.61.6627F-48811.4515.8816.827F-4649.9215.7816.12P-458 136.1033CONC0.0139.0620.633.47N-458 10.4815.216.38N-DNR004 10.4414.9916.5P-464 55.2-0.0130CONC0.01341.3216.833.4327F-4649.9215.5216.12N-458 10.4815.4316.38Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basin Existing Basin 27.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop InvertHydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-DNR004 114.90.08942HDPE0.01390.7624.62.56N-DNR004 10.115.0216.5OF-004-0.214.9815.2P-508 (1) 24.50.0088CONC0.0131.080.190.53B-508 16.6520.3117.35B-508 (1) 16.4620.3120.37P-508 (2) 41.10.0088CONC0.0131.080.190.53B-508 (1) 16.4620.3120.3727F-50416.1320.319.68P-486G-14 46.7024HDPE0.014.316.942.21N-486G-14 14.0318.7220.22N-486F-14 14.0218.718.93P-509A (2) 2440.00318VC0.0136.166.943.93T-501 14.8719.7819.72N-486G-14 14.0318.7120.22P-507B 39.70.0166CPP0.0130.70.21.0127F-507B17.820.720.17N-507A 17.1820.6619.43P-508 117.80.0088CONC0.0131.080.190.5327F-50817.620.3420.12B-508 16.6620.3217.35P-507D 56.80.0036DI0.0120.320.442.2227F-507D17.0620.5219.22N-506 16.920.2319.73P-506 30.80.00312CONC0.0131.980.440.56N-506 16.320.2719.73T-505 16.220.2619.52P-509A (1) 411.1018VC0.01300.20.11T-509A 16.2820.0219.5T-501 16.2820.0119.72P-501 31.70.03318CONC0.01318.966.753.8227E-50115.920.0119.39T-501 14.8719.8819.72P-504 98018CMP0.0241.151.390.7927F-50416.0320.2919.6827E-50115.9920.2319.39P-486D-14 96.4024HDPE0.012.996.942.21N-486D-14 1418.3819.65N-486C-14 13.9918.3219.3P-486E-14 32.7024HDPE0.015.146.942.21N-486E-14 14.0118.4918.92N-486D-14 1418.4719.65P-506 (1) 101.60.00312CONC0.0131.980.590.75T-505 16.220.2619.5227E-50115.8920.2319.39P-505 5.50.2046DI0.0122.750.160.827F-50517.6120.2719.42T-505 16.4620.2619.52P-509A 1204PVC0.0100.22.2427F-509A16.2820.0418.83T-509A 16.2819.9719.5P-507A 82.406PVC0. 17.1820.6519.4327F-507D17.1620.5919.22P-486C-14 161.5024HDPE0.014.016.942.21N-486C-14 13.9918.2819.327F-486813.9618.1919.22P-459 1140.03212CONC0.0136.364.385.5827A-45914.3217.2119.26N-458 10.6815.4816.38P-486A-14 770.00124HDPE0.0110.057.062.25N-486A-14 13.9417.9619.23N-486-14 13.8517.9118.24P-486B-14 146.6024HDPE0.013.437.062.2527F-486813.9618.1419.22N-486A-14 13.9418.0519.23P-486F-14 50024HDPE0.014.166.942.21N-486F-14 14.0218.6118.93N-486E-14 14.0118.5818.92P-465 183.20.01727CONC0.01340.1511.512.89N-4651316.3418.327F-4649.9216.0916.12P-486-14 287.20.00618VC0.0138.437.064N-486-14 13.8517.5118.2427F-4881216.2116.8P-488 203.30.00827CONC0.01326.877.61.9127F-48811.4516.2516.827F-4649.9216.1316.12P-458 136.1033CONC0.0139.0624.64.14N-458 10.4815.316.38N-DNR004 10.441516.5P-464 55.2-0.0130CONC0.01341.3220.214.1227F-4649.9215.7516.12N-458 10.4815.6216.38Page 1 of 1 27C-547 1,832 SF 0.042 AC 27C-546 2,078 SF 0.048 AC 27C-548 2,632 SF 0.060 AC 27C-540 8,613 SF 0.198 AC 27C-541 10,488 SF 0.241 AC 27C-538 4,868 SF 0.112 AC 27C-535 12,430 SF 0.285 AC 27C-537 32,731 SF 0.751 AC 27C-687 11,084 SF 0.254 AC27C-632 9,246 SF 0.212 AC27C-531 7,697 SF 0.177 AC 27C-532 18,343 SF 0.421 AC 27C-533 3,506 SF 0.080 AC 27C-528 8,189 SF 0.188 AC 27C-527A 9,030 SF 0.207 AC27C-526 32,260 SF 0.741 AC 27C-479 26,772 SF 0.615 AC 27C-480 6,038 SF 0.139 AC 27C-478 12,282 SF 0.294 AC 27C-476 9,349 SF 0.215 AC 27B-463 37,402 SF 0.895 AC 27B-462 26,789 SF 0.615 AC 27C-529 24,620 SF 0.565 AC 27i-495 3,827 SF 0.088 AC 27i-497 9,369 SF 0.215 AC 27i-498 7,532 SF 0.173 AC 27i-499 8,432 SF 0.217 AC 27i-500 12,048 SF 0.277 AC27i-490K 4,744 SF 0.109 AC 27i-490I 4,113 SF 0.094 AC 27i-490G 4,113 SF 0.094 AC 27i-490E 2,395 SF 0.055 AC 27i-490F 1,961 SF 0.045 AC 27i-490H 8,345 SF 0.192 AC 27i-490C 2,485 SF 0.057 AC 27i-493B 2,997 SF 0.069 AC27i-491 15,053 SF 0.346 AC 27i-490 21,602 SF 0.496 AC 27H-468 10,809 SF 0.248 AC 27H-469 13,021 SF 0.299 AC 27H-472 12,728 SF 0.292 AC 27H-473 11,590 SF 0.266 AC 27H-474 7,545 SF 0.173 AC 27H-475 10,943 SF 0.251 AC 27C-635 10,009 SF 0.230 AC 27B-460 16,465 SF 0.3780 AC 27H-483 13,675 SF 0.3139 AC 27H-484 6,732 SF 0.1545 AC 27H-485 9,691 SF 0.2225 AC 27B-461 29,692 SF 0.6816 AC LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04 NO. 465 STORM VAULT SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004 CATCHMENT AREA OUTFALL 004 TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 PROFILE VIEW: 27B-463 TO N-465 PROFILE VIEW: 27B-463 TO N-465 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 N-527 Rim: 21.93 ftInvert In: 17.90 ftInvert Out: 17.90 ft B-526 Rim: 22.75 ftInvert In: 17.51 ftInvert Out: 17.51 ft N-530 Rim: 23.80 ftInvert In: 19.00 ftInvert Out: 19.00 ft T-476 Rim: 19.20 ftInvert In: 15.02 ftInvert Out: 14.64 ft N-536 Rim: 25.03 ftInvert In: 20.49 ftInvert Out: 20.25 ft T-635 Rim: 25.04 ftInvert In: 18.70 ftInvert Out: 18.70 ft T-480 Rim: 19.21 ftInvert In: 15.19 ftInvert Out: 14.82 ft N-539 Rim: 25.97 ftInvert In: 20.95 ftInvert Out: 21.00 ft N-T-11 Rim: 26.02 ftInvert In: 19.16 ftInvert Out: 19.13 ft N-549 Rim: 27.41 ftInvert In: 21.90 ftInvert Out: 21.60 ft T-548 Rim: 27.62 ftInvert In: 22.25 ftInvert Out: 22.00 ft N-545 Rim: 27.65 ftInvert In: 22.06 ftInvert Out: 22.51 ft N-471 Rim: 19.33 ftInvert In: 14.21 ftInvert Out: 13.98 ft N-466 Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In: 14.11 ftInvert Out: 14.13 ft N-479A Rim: 19.45 ftInvert In: 15.35 ftInvert Out: 15.25 ft B-479 Rim: 19.47 ftInvert In: 14.02 ftInvert Out: 14.02 ft T-478 Rim: 18.91 ftInvert In: 14.73 ftInvert Out: 14.73 ft 27C-632Rim: 25.44 ftInvert In: 18.37 ftInvert Out: 18.37 ft 27C-526Rim: 21.66 ftInvert In: 16.80 ftInvert Out: 17.80 ft 27C-479Rim: 19.53 ftInvert In: 15.08 ftInvert Out: 14.98 ft 27C-546Rim: 27.84 ftInvert In: 22.95 ftInvert Out: 22.17 ft 27C-547Rim: 27.70 ftInvert In: (N/A) ftInvert Out: 24.54 ft N-465Rim: 18.30 ftInvert: 9.30 ft 32.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 35.6 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 288.0 ft 15.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 239.0 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 73.8 ft 15.0 in -0.003 ft/ft239.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 62.3 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 18.4 ft 15.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 90.8 ft 12.0 in 0.012 ft/ft 343.7 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 46.5 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft278.1 ft 15.0 in 0.005 ft/ft137.8 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft153.6 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 329.8 ft 15.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 43.6 ft 12.0 in 0.017 ft/ft300.5 ft 15.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 330.3 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft48.5 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 237.0 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft94.4 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 29.6 ft 8.0 in 0.054 ft/ft 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 N-527 Rim: 21.93 ftInvert In: 17.90 ftInvert Out: 17.90 ft B-526 Rim: 22.75 ftInvert In: 17.51 ftInvert Out: 17.51 ft N-530 Rim: 23.80 ftInvert In: 19.00 ftInvert Out: 19.00 ft T-476 Rim: 19.20 ftInvert In: 15.02 ftInvert Out: 14.64 ft N-536 Rim: 25.03 ftInvert In: 20.49 ftInvert Out: 20.25 ft T-635 Rim: 25.04 ftInvert In: 18.70 ftInvert Out: 18.70 ft T-480 Rim: 19.21 ftInvert In: 15.19 ftInvert Out: 14.82 ft N-539 Rim: 25.97 ftInvert In: 20.95 ftInvert Out: 21.00 ft N-T-11 Rim: 26.02 ftInvert In: 19.16 ftInvert Out: 19.13 ft N-549 Rim: 27.41 ftInvert In: 21.90 ftInvert Out: 21.60 ft T-548 Rim: 27.62 ftInvert In: 22.25 ftInvert Out: 22.00 ft N-545 Rim: 27.65 ftInvert In: 22.06 ftInvert Out: 22.51 ft N-471 Rim: 19.33 ftInvert In: 14.21 ftInvert Out: 13.98 ft N-466 Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In: 14.11 ftInvert Out: 14.13 ft N-479A Rim: 19.45 ftInvert In: 15.35 ftInvert Out: 15.25 ft B-479 Rim: 19.47 ftInvert In: 14.02 ftInvert Out: 14.02 ft T-478 Rim: 18.91 ftInvert In: 14.73 ftInvert Out: 14.73 ft 27C-632Rim: 25.44 ftInvert In: 18.37 ftInvert Out: 18.37 ft 27C-526Rim: 21.66 ftInvert In: 16.80 ftInvert Out: 17.80 ft 27C-479Rim: 19.53 ftInvert In: 15.08 ftInvert Out: 14.98 ft 27C-546Rim: 27.84 ftInvert In: 22.95 ftInvert Out: 22.17 ft 27C-547Rim: 27.70 ftInvert In: (N/A) ftInvert Out: 24.54 ft N-465Rim: 18.30 ftInvert: 9.30 ft 32.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 35.6 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 288.0 ft 15.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 239.0 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 73.8 ft 15.0 in -0.003 ft/ft239.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 62.3 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 18.4 ft 15.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 90.8 ft 12.0 in 0.012 ft/ft 343.7 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 46.5 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft278.1 ft 15.0 in 0.005 ft/ft137.8 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft153.6 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 329.8 ft 15.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 43.6 ft 12.0 in 0.017 ft/ft300.5 ft 15.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 330.3 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft48.5 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft237.0 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft94.4 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 29.6 ft 8.0 in 0.054 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 27C-547 TO N-465 PROFILE VIEW: 27C-547 TO N-465 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27H-475 TO N-465 PROFILE VIEW: 27H-475 TO N-465 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27I-491 TO N-482 PROFILE VIEW: 27I-491 TO N-482 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27I-500 TO N-490A-14 PROFILE VIEW: 27I-500 TO N-490A-14 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27B-46025 yr 24 hr0.29358.010.10.378SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-46125 yr 24 hr0.52938.010.18020.6816SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-46225 yr 24 hr0.47768.010.16260.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-46325 yr 24 hr0.6958.010.23670.895SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-47625 yr 24 hr0.1678.010.05690.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-47825 yr 24 hr0.22838.010.07770.294SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-47925 yr 24 hr0.47768.010.16260.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-48025 yr 24 hr0.10798.010.03680.139SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-52625 yr 24 hr0.53268.010.18120.741SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-527A25 yr 24 hr0.13118.010.04450.207SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-52825 yr 24 hr0.1468.010.04970.188SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-52925 yr 24 hr0.31858.010.10790.565SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53125 yr 24 hr0.13748.010.04680.177SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53225 yr 24 hr0.24328.010.08240.421SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53325 yr 24 hr0.04668.010.01580.08SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53525 yr 24 hr0.22138.010.07540.285SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53725 yr 24 hr0.4718.010.15990.751SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53825 yr 24 hr0.0878.010.02960.112SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54025 yr 24 hr0.14398.010.04890.198SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54125 yr 24 hr0.16148.010.05480.241SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54625 yr 24 hr0.03738.010.01270.048SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54725 yr 24 hr0.02548.010.00860.042SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54825 yr 24 hr0.03168.010.01070.06SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-63225 yr 24 hr0.16468.010.05610.212SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-63525 yr 24 hr0.17868.010.06080.23SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-68725 yr 24 hr0.19728.010.06720.254SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-46825 yr 24 hr0.19268.010.06560.248SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-46925 yr 24 hr0.23228.010.07910.299SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47225 yr 24 hr0.22688.010.07720.292SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47325 yr 24 hr0.20668.010.07030.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47425 yr 24 hr0.13438.010.04570.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47525 yr 24 hr0.19498.010.06640.251SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-48325 yr 24 hr0.24388.010.0830.3139SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-48425 yr 24 hr0.128.010.04090.1545SCSTYPE1A.RAC Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27H-48525 yr 24 hr0.17288.010.05880.2225SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49025 yr 24 hr0.38528.010.13120.496SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490C25 yr 24 hr0.04438.010.01510.057SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490E25 yr 24 hr0.04278.010.01450.055SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490F25 yr 24 hr0.03498.010.01190.045SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490G25 yr 24 hr0.0738.010.02490.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490H25 yr 24 hr0.14918.010.05080.192SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490I25 yr 24 hr0.0738.010.02490.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490K25 yr 24 hr0.08468.010.02880.109SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49125 yr 24 hr0.26878.010.09150.346SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-493B25 yr 24 hr0.05368.010.01820.069SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49525 yr 24 hr0.06838.010.02330.088SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49725 yr 24 hr0.1678.010.05690.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49825 yr 24 hr0.13438.010.04570.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49925 yr 24 hr0.16858.010.05740.217SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-50025 yr 24 hr0.21518.010.07320.277SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27B-460100 yr 24 hr0.3388.010.11570.378SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-461100 yr 24 hr0.60958.010.20860.6816SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-462100 yr 24 hr0.54998.010.18820.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-463100 yr 24 hr0.80038.010.27390.895SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-476100 yr 24 hr0.19228.010.06580.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-478100 yr 24 hr0.26298.010.090.294SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-479100 yr 24 hr0.54998.010.18820.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-480100 yr 24 hr0.12438.010.04250.139SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-526100 yr 24 hr0.61988.010.21130.741SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-527A100 yr 24 hr0.15558.010.05260.207SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-528100 yr 24 hr0.16818.010.05750.188SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-529100 yr 24 hr0.38498.010.12940.565SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-531100 yr 24 hr0.15838.010.05420.177SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-532100 yr 24 hr0.29268.010.09850.421SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-533100 yr 24 hr0.0568.010.01890.08SCSTYPE1A.RAC Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27C-535100 yr 24 hr0.25488.010.08720.285SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-537100 yr 24 hr0.55928.010.18930.751SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-538100 yr 24 hr0.10018.010.03430.112SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-540100 yr 24 hr0.16728.010.0570.198SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-541100 yr 24 hr0.18978.010.06450.241SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-546100 yr 24 hr0.04298.010.01470.048SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-547100 yr 24 hr0.03048.010.01030.042SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-548100 yr 24 hr0.03878.010.0130.06SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-632100 yr 24 hr0.18968.010.06490.212SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-635100 yr 24 hr0.20578.010.07040.23SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-687100 yr 24 hr0.22718.010.07770.254SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-468100 yr 24 hr0.22188.010.07590.248SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-469100 yr 24 hr0.26748.010.09150.299SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-472100 yr 24 hr0.26118.010.08940.292SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-473100 yr 24 hr0.23788.010.08140.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-474100 yr 24 hr0.15478.010.0530.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-475100 yr 24 hr0.22448.010.07680.251SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-483100 yr 24 hr0.28078.010.09610.3139SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-484100 yr 24 hr0.13818.010.04730.1545SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-485100 yr 24 hr0.1998.010.06810.2225SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490100 yr 24 hr0.44358.010.15180.496SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490C100 yr 24 hr0.0518.010.01740.057SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490E100 yr 24 hr0.04928.010.01680.055SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490F100 yr 24 hr0.04028.010.01380.045SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490G100 yr 24 hr0.08418.010.02880.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490H100 yr 24 hr0.17178.010.05880.192SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490I100 yr 24 hr0.08418.010.02880.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490K100 yr 24 hr0.09758.010.03340.109SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-491100 yr 24 hr0.30948.010.10590.346SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-493B100 yr 24 hr0.06178.010.02110.069SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-495100 yr 24 hr0.07878.010.02690.088SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-497100 yr 24 hr0.19228.010.06580.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-498100 yr 24 hr0.15478.010.0530.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27I-499100 yr 24 hr0.1948.010.06640.217SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-500100 yr 24 hr0.24778.010.08480.277SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:22:21 PM 27B-460 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1681 8.0058 0.056 0.378 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2489 8.0058 0.0842 0.378 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2935 8.0058 0.10 0.378 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.338 8.0058 0.1157 0.378 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-460 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.378 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.378 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:22:31 PM 27B-461 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.3031 8.0058 0.101 0.6816 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4489 8.0058 0.1519 0.6816 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.5293 8.0058 0.1802 0.6816 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.6095 8.0058 0.2086 0.6816 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-461 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.6816 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.6816 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:22:40 PM 27B-462 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2735 8.0058 0.0911 0.615 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.405 8.0058 0.1371 0.615 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4776 8.0058 0.1626 0.615 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5499 8.0058 0.1882 0.615 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-462 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.615 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.615 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:22:50 PM 27B-463 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.398 8.0058 0.1326 0.895 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.5894 8.0058 0.1994 0.895 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.695 8.0058 0.2367 0.895 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.8003 8.0058 0.2739 0.895 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-463 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.895 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.895 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:23:00 PM 27C-476 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0956 8.0058 0.0319 0.215 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1416 8.0058 0.0479 0.215 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.167 8.0058 0.0569 0.215 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1922 8.0058 0.0658 0.215 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-476 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.215 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.215 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:23:09 PM 27C-478 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1308 8.0058 0.0436 0.294 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1936 8.0058 0.0655 0.294 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2283 8.0058 0.0777 0.294 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2629 8.0058 0.09 0.294 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-478 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.294 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.294 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:23:20 PM 27C-479 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2735 8.0058 0.0911 0.615 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.405 8.0058 0.1371 0.615 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4776 8.0058 0.1626 0.615 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5499 8.0058 0.1882 0.615 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-479 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.615 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.615 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:23:30 PM 27C-480 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0618 8.0058 0.0206 0.139 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0915 8.0058 0.031 0.139 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1079 8.0058 0.0368 0.139 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1243 8.0058 0.0425 0.139 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-480 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.139 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.139 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:23:42 PM 27C-526 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2908 8.0058 0.0981 0.741 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4458 8.0058 0.1512 0.741 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.5326 8.0058 0.1812 0.741 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.6198 8.0058 0.2113 0.741 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-526 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.143 ac DCIA 0.598 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.143 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.598 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:23:56 PM 27C-527A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0653 8.0058 0.0226 0.207 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1071 8.0058 0.0365 0.207 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1311 8.0058 0.0445 0.207 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1555 8.0058 0.0526 0.207 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-527A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.099 ac DCIA 0.108 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.099 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.108 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:24:12 PM 27C-528 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0836 8.0058 0.0279 0.188 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1238 8.0058 0.0419 0.188 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.146 8.0058 0.0497 0.188 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1681 8.0058 0.0575 0.188 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-528 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.188 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.188 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:24:38 PM 27C-529 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1425 8.0117 0.0508 0.565 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2535 8.0058 0.0868 0.565 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3185 8.0058 0.1079 0.565 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3849 8.0058 0.1294 0.565 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-529 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.402 ac DCIA 0.163 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.402 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.163 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:24:54 PM 27C-531 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0787 8.0058 0.0262 0.177 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1166 8.0058 0.0394 0.177 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1374 8.0058 0.0468 0.177 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1583 8.0058 0.0542 0.177 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-531 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.212 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.177 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:25:04 PM 27C-532 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1115 8.0117 0.0395 0.421 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1946 8.0058 0.0666 0.421 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2432 8.0058 0.0824 0.421 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2926 8.0058 0.0985 0.421 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-532 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.28 ac DCIA 0.141 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.28 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.141 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:25:17 PM 27C-533 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0215 8.0117 0.0076 0.08 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0373 8.0058 0.0128 0.08 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0466 8.0058 0.0158 0.08 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.056 8.0058 0.0189 0.08 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-533 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.052 ac DCIA 0.028 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.052 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.028 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:25:32 PM 27C-535 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1268 8.0058 0.0422 0.285 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1877 8.0058 0.0635 0.285 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2213 8.0058 0.0754 0.285 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2548 8.0058 0.0872 0.285 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-535 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.285 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.285 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:25:44 PM 27C-537 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2325 8.0058 0.0806 0.751 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3839 8.0058 0.1309 0.751 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.471 8.0058 0.1599 0.751 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5592 8.0058 0.1893 0.751 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-537 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.086 ac DCIA 0.155 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.375 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.376 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:25:58 PM 27C-538 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0498 8.0058 0.0166 0.112 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0738 8.0058 0.025 0.112 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.087 8.0058 0.0296 0.112 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1001 8.0058 0.0343 0.112 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-538 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.112 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.112 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:26:09 PM 27C-540 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0791 8.0058 0.0266 0.198 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1207 8.0058 0.0409 0.198 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1439 8.0058 0.0489 0.198 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1672 8.0058 0.057 0.198 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-540 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.033 ac DCIA 0.165 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.033 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.165 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:26:23 PM 27C-541 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0839 8.0058 0.0287 0.241 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1333 8.0058 0.0453 0.241 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1614 8.0058 0.0548 0.241 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1897 8.0058 0.0645 0.241 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-541 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.086 ac DCIA 0.155 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.086 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.155 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:26:38 PM 27C-546 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0213 8.0058 0.0071 0.048 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0316 8.0058 0.0107 0.048 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0373 8.0058 0.0127 0.048 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0429 8.0058 0.0147 0.048 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-546 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.048 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.048 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:26:51 PM 27C-547 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0122 8.0058 0.0043 0.042 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0206 8.0058 0.007 0.042 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0254 8.0058 0.0086 0.042 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0304 8.0058 0.0103 0.042 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-547 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.024 ac DCIA 0.018 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.024 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.018 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:27:04 PM 27C-548 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0132 8.0117 0.0048 0.06 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0248 8.0117 0.0085 0.06 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0316 8.0058 0.0107 0.06 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0387 8.0058 0.013 0.06 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-548 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.06 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.05 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.01 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:27:19 PM 27C-632 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0943 8.0058 0.0314 0.212 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1396 8.0058 0.0472 0.212 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1646 8.0058 0.0561 0.212 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1896 8.0058 0.0649 0.212 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-632 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.212 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.212 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:27:29 PM 27C-635 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1023 8.0058 0.0341 0.23 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1515 8.0058 0.0513 0.23 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1786 8.0058 0.0608 0.23 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2057 8.0058 0.0704 0.23 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-635 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.23 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.23 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:27:40 PM 27C-687 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.113 8.0058 0.0376 0.254 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1673 8.0058 0.0566 0.254 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1972 8.0058 0.0672 0.254 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2271 8.0058 0.0777 0.254 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-687 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.254 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.254 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:29:20 PM 27H-468 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1103 8.0058 0.0367 0.248 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1633 8.0058 0.0553 0.248 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1926 8.0058 0.0656 0.248 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2218 8.0058 0.0759 0.248 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-468 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.248 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.248 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:29:30 PM 27H-469 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.133 8.0058 0.0443 0.299 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1969 8.0058 0.0666 0.299 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2322 8.0058 0.0791 0.299 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2674 8.0058 0.0915 0.299 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-469 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.299 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.299 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:29:39 PM 27H-472 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1299 8.0058 0.0433 0.292 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1923 8.0058 0.0651 0.292 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2268 8.0058 0.0772 0.292 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2611 8.0058 0.0894 0.292 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-472 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.292 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.292 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:29:50 PM 27H-473 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1183 8.0058 0.0394 0.266 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1752 8.0058 0.0593 0.266 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2066 8.0058 0.0703 0.266 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2378 8.0058 0.0814 0.266 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-473 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.266 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.266 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:30:03 PM 27H-474 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0769 8.0058 0.0256 0.173 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1139 8.0058 0.0386 0.173 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1343 8.0058 0.0457 0.173 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1547 8.0058 0.053 0.173 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-474 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.173 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.173 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:30:14 PM 27H-475 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1116 8.0058 0.0372 0.251 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1653 8.0058 0.0559 0.251 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1949 8.0058 0.0664 0.251 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2244 8.0058 0.0768 0.251 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-475 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.251 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.251 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:30:24 PM 27H-483 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1396 8.0058 0.0465 0.3139 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2067 8.0058 0.07 0.3139 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2438 8.0058 0.083 0.3139 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2807 8.0058 0.0961 0.3139 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-483 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.3139 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.3139 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:30:34 PM 27H-484 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0687 8.0058 0.0229 0.1545 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1017 8.0058 0.0344 0.1545 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.12 8.0058 0.0409 0.1545 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1381 8.0058 0.0473 0.1545 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-484 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.1545 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.1545 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:30:42 PM 27H-485 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.099 8.0058 0.033 0.2225 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1465 8.0058 0.0496 0.2225 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1728 8.0058 0.0588 0.2225 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.199 8.0058 0.0681 0.2225 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-485 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.2225 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.2225 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:30:50 PM 27I-4868 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.06 8.0058 0.02 0.135 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0889 8.0058 0.0301 0.135 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1048 8.0058 0.0357 0.135 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1207 8.0058 0.0413 0.135 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-4868 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.135 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.135 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:31:00 PM 27I-490 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2206 8.0058 0.0735 0.496 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3266 8.0058 0.1105 0.496 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3852 8.0058 0.1312 0.496 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4435 8.0058 0.1518 0.496 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.496 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.496 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:31:08 PM 27I-490C Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0254 8.0058 0.0084 0.057 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0375 8.0058 0.0127 0.057 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0443 8.0058 0.0151 0.057 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.051 8.0058 0.0174 0.057 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490C Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.057 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.057 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:31:16 PM 27I-490E Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0245 8.0058 0.0081 0.055 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0362 8.0058 0.0123 0.055 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0427 8.0058 0.0145 0.055 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0492 8.0058 0.0168 0.055 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490E Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.055 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.055 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:31:25 PM 27I-490F Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.02 8.0058 0.0067 0.045 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0296 8.0058 0.01 0.045 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0349 8.0058 0.0119 0.045 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0402 8.0058 0.0138 0.045 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490F Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.045 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.045 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:31:33 PM 27I-490G Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0418 8.0058 0.0139 0.094 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0619 8.0058 0.0209 0.094 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.073 8.0058 0.0249 0.094 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0841 8.0058 0.0288 0.094 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490G Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.094 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.094 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:31:42 PM 27I-490H Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0854 8.0058 0.0284 0.192 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1264 8.0058 0.0428 0.192 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1491 8.0058 0.0508 0.192 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1717 8.0058 0.0588 0.192 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490H Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.192 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.192 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:31:53 PM 27I-490I Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0418 8.0058 0.0139 0.094 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0619 8.0058 0.0209 0.094 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.073 8.0058 0.0249 0.094 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0841 8.0058 0.0288 0.094 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490I Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.094 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.094 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:32:06 PM 27I-490K Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0485 8.0058 0.0162 0.109 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0718 8.0058 0.0243 0.109 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0846 8.0058 0.0288 0.109 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0975 8.0058 0.0334 0.109 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490K Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.109 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.109 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:32:16 PM 27I-491 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1539 8.0058 0.0513 0.346 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2279 8.0058 0.0771 0.346 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2687 8.0058 0.0915 0.346 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3094 8.0058 0.1059 0.346 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-491 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.346 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.346 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:32:27 PM 27I-493B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0307 8.0058 0.0102 0.069 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0454 8.0058 0.0154 0.069 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0536 8.0058 0.0182 0.069 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0617 8.0058 0.0211 0.069 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-493B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.069 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.069 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:32:36 PM 27I-495 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0391 8.0058 0.013 0.088 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.058 8.0058 0.0196 0.088 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0683 8.0058 0.0233 0.088 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0787 8.0058 0.0269 0.088 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-495 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.088 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.088 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:32:48 PM 27I-497 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0956 8.0058 0.0319 0.215 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1416 8.0058 0.0479 0.215 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.167 8.0058 0.0569 0.215 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1922 8.0058 0.0658 0.215 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-497 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.215 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.215 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:32:58 PM 27I-498 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0769 8.0058 0.0256 0.173 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1139 8.0058 0.0386 0.173 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1343 8.0058 0.0457 0.173 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1547 8.0058 0.053 0.173 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-498 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.173 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.173 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:33:08 PM 27I-499 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0965 8.0058 0.0322 0.217 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1429 8.0058 0.0484 0.217 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1685 8.0058 0.0574 0.217 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.194 8.0058 0.0664 0.217 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-499 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.217 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.217 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:33:19 PM 27I-500 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1232 8.0058 0.041 0.277 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1824 8.0058 0.0617 0.277 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2151 8.0058 0.0732 0.277 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2477 8.0058 0.0848 0.277 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-500 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.277 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.277 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-527A 89.20.0198DI0.0121.820.451.2927C-527A19.6222.9624.43N-527 17.94.9621.93P-460 57.80.00512CONC0.0132.5222.5427B-46013.0916.3818.15N-46512.83.418.3P-461 200.70.00612DI0.0122.971.72.1727B-46114.2816.918.3227B-46013.093.4218.15P-462 199.40.00812DI0.0123.361.171.4927B-46215.717.1518.4427B-46114.192.7818.32P-463 200.70.00512DI0.0122.750.692.9227B-46316.7217.2418.4727B-46215.71.4918.44P-466 238.90.00315CONC0.0133.324.263.47N-466 14.1317.2419.35N-46513.52.718.3P-467 1220.00112CONC0.0131.051.191.51N-467 15.116.5419.34T-485 14.991.4119.05P-467 (1) 109.10.00112CONC0.0131.051.361.73T-485 14.9916.3719.05N-482 14.91.3118.31P-468 120.0848CONC0.0133.510.195.3927H-46816.116.6319.14T-468 15.081.5519.25P-469 160.0528CONC0.0132.750.230.6727H-4691616.7518.86T-469 15.171.5718.96P-470 138.10.00112CONC0.0130.940.760.97N-470 15.116.819.23T-469 151.7318.96P-470 (1) 125.70.00112CONC0.0130.940.991.27T-469 1516.7218.96T-468 14.921.719.25P-470 (2) 23.20.00112CONC0.0130.941.191.51T-468 14.9216.5919.25N-467 14.91.6619.34P-471 288015CONC0.0131.374.263.47N-471 13.9818.619.33N-466 14.113.2419.35P-472 100.1078CONC0.0133.950.236.1427H-4721717.2219.55T-472 15.930.9119.12P-473 16.10.0328CONC0.0132.160.213.9127H-47316.917.1119.12T-473 16.390.4919.35P-474 150.00912CONC0.0133.290.132.0627H-47416.817.0219.3T-474 16.670.3519.36P-475 80.60.00412CONC0.0132.270.191.7727H-4751717.220T-474 16.670.3519.36P-475 (1) 111.40.00412CONC0.0132.270.332.06T-474 16.6716.9319.36T-473 16.220.6519.35P-475 (2) 113.20.00412CONC0.0132.270.542.37T-473 16.2216.8519.35T-472 15.761.0719.12P-475 (3) 14.50.00412CONC0.0132.270.760.97T-472 15.7616.8219.12N-470 15.71.1119.23P-476 38.30.0626DI0.0121.510.170.8527C-47617.3920.3919.77T-476 15.025.3519.2P-478 3.30.2866CONC0.01330.231.1627C-47816.120.5718.9T-478 15.15.4618.91P-479 62.30.00315CONC0.0133.293.753.0627C-47914.9820.8819.53T-480 14.825.8619.21P-479 (1) 35.60.00315CONC0.0133.293.863.15T-480 14.8220.6119.21T-478 14.735.7518.91P-479 (2) 32.80.00315CONC0.0133.294.093.33T-478 14.7320.418.91T-476 14.645.6319.2P-479 (3) 239.80.00315CONC0.0133.294.263.47T-476 14.6420.1919.2B-479 14.025.1219.47P-479 (4) 73.8-0.00315CONC0.0133.284.263.47B-479 14.0219.0319.47N-471 14.214.519.33P-479A 18.40.00915CONC0.0136.213.272.67N-479A 15.2521.0119.4527C-47915.085.8819.53P-480 83.40.0336DI0.0121.110.110.5527C-48017.9620.7820T-480 15.195.5719.21P-482 17.5024CONC0.01303.691.17N-482 11.316.218.31N-46511.34.918.3P-483 119.80.0068CONC0.0130.940.240.727H-48313.0316.2816.55N-482 12.33.9318.31P-484 20.50.168CONC0.0134.840.125.8527H-48415.7216.2418.13N-482 12.43.8418.31P-485 16.20.1258CONC0.0134.260.175.9727H-48517.217.3919.06T-485 15.161.2619.05P-490 580.00415CONC0.0134.150.650.5327i-49012.4416.3717.04N-490A-14 12.24.1718.3P-490A-14 96.40.00115CONC0.0131.471.961.6N-490A-14 12.1516.318.3N-482 12.14.1118.31P-490B-14 195.10.00512HDPE0.013.281.311.67N-490B-14 13.1816.519.9N-490A-14 12.24.1418.3P-490C-14 64.80.00512HDPE0. 39.50.00312HDPE0.012.591.181.5N-490D-14 13.7216.6818.8727i-490C13.63.0519.09P-490E-14 37.60.0058DI0.0120.960.041.3827i-490E16.716.819.08N-490D-14 16.50.2218.87P-490F-14 18.10.016DI0.0120.620.031.7127i-490F17.517.5918.52B-490F 17.310.1618.95P-490F-14 (1) 51.40.0116DI0.0120.620.031.71B-490F 17.3117.418.95B-490F (1) 16.770.1519.34P-490F-14 (2) 25.60.0116DI0.0120.620.031.71B-490F (1) 16.7716.8619.3427i-490C16.50.1719.09P-490G-14 11.40.00312CONC0.0132.011.131.4427i-490G13.7616.7118.84N-490D-14 13.722.9818.87P-490H-14 53.30.00412HDPE0.012.911.061.3527i-490H13.9716.7619.2527i-490G13.762.9718.84P-490I-14 50.70.00412HDPE0.012.910.911.1627i-490i14.916.818.927i-490H14.72.0819.25P-490J-14 320.00412HDPE0.012.950.841.07N-490J-14 15.0316.8318.927i-490i14.91.9218.9P-490K-14 38.70.0048DI0.0120.840.081.5427i-490K16.8116.9518.5N-490J-14 16.650.1918.9P-491 107.40.0168CONC0.0131.520.270.7727i-49114.4316.4316.3527i-49012.743.6317.04 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-493B-14 30.30.00412HDPE0.012.921.311.6727i-493B13.316.5519.03N-490B-14 13.183.3419.9P-494-14 91.10.00412HDPE0.012.950.750.96N-494-14 15.416.8719.28N-490J-14 15.031.8118.9P-495 35.30.03112DI0.0126.850.072.8127i-49516.7416.9218.8N-496-14 15.631.319.5P-496-14 560.00412HDPE0.012.970.750.96N-496-14 15.6316.919.5N-494-14 15.41.4919.28P-497 18.40.00412CONC0.0132.20.680.8727i-49715.716.9319.4N-496-14 15.631.2919.5P-498 64.7-0.00212CONC0.0131.40.520.6627i-49815.616.9619.127i-49715.71.2419.4P-499 72.2012CONC0.01300.380.4927i-49915.716.9719.227i-49815.71.2619.1P-500 76.20.00312CONC0.0132.080.221.7127i-50016.0616.9819.427i-49915.81.1719.2P-526 46.50.00615CONC0.0135.143.272.6727C-52617.822.1521.66B-526 17.514.5222.75P-526 (1) 343.70.00615CONC0.0135.113.272.67B-526 17.5121.9422.75N-479A 15.355.7119.45P-52790.80.01212CONC0.0133.922.743.49N-527 17.922.6821.9327C-52616.85.3521.66P-528 24.20.1356DI0.0122.230.150.7427C-52821.8822.8822.92N-527 18.64.2721.93P-529 27.90.0048DI0.0120.780.320.9127C-52919.822323.2727C-527A19.723.2724.43P-530 278.10.00515CONC0.0134.42.151.75N-530 1923.1523.8N-527 17.715.1321.93P-531 17.30.1186CONC0.0131.930.140.727C-53122.5623.2223.86N-530 20.52.7123.8P-532 51.8-0.0228DI0.0121.940.290.8327C-53219.7623.2324.91N-530 20.92.3123.8P-533 57.20.0078CONC0.01310.050.1327C-53321.423.2525.5727C-53221.012.2424.91P-535 19.20.086DI0.0121.720.221.1327C-53523.2424.1325.62N-536 21.72.425.03P-536 300.50.00415CONC0.0133.891.180.96N-536 20.2524.0925.03N-T-11 19.164.8326.02P-537 58.90.01718CONC0.01313.890.470.2727C-53721.3824.1225.17N-536 20.353.7725.03P-538 262.70.0086DI0.0120.560.092.0727C-53824.124.2526.48B-538 21.872.2525.04P-538 (1) 11.90.0086DI0.0120.560.090.44B-538 21.8724.1225.04N-536 21.772.3425.03P-539 329.80.00215CONC0.0132.540.40.33N-539 2124.1325.97N-536 20.493.6225.03P-540 18.50.1186DI0.0122.090.146.127C-54024.7924.9827.17N-539 22.591.5425.97P-541 20.40.0394DI0.0120.410.164.4227C-54124.5824.8126.78B-541 23.780.825.95P-541 (1) 63.40.0394DI0.0120.410.161.85B-541 23.7824.4925.95N-539 21.272.8325.97P-545 2370.00212CONC0.0131.650.060.08N-545 22.5124.1327.65T-548 222.1327.62P-545 (1) 48.50.00212CONC0.0131.650.090.12T-548 2224.1327.62N-549 21.92.2327.41P-546 94.40.00112CONC0.0131.220.060.0827C-54622.1724.1327.84N-545 22.062.0727.65P-547 29.50.0548CONC0.0132.80.032.4927C-54724.5424.6127.727C-54622.951.1827.84P-548 19.50.2086UKN0.0132.560.034.4927C-54826.426.4928.75T-548 22.251.8827.62P-549 330.30.00212CONC0.0131.580.090.12N-549 21.624.1327.41N-539 20.953.1825.97P-632 153.6-0.00212CONC0.0131.661.541.9627C-63218.3723.8325.44T-635 18.74.8425.04P-632 (1) 137.8-0.00212CONC0.0131.661.722.19T-635 18.723.4925.04N-530 194.1723.8P-635 32.50.018CONC0.0131.220.180.5127C-63519.223.5825.2T-635 18.874.7125.04P-687 39.30.00312ADS N-120.012.450.20.2527C-68722.922425.6N-T-11 22.811.1926.02P-T-11 43.60.01712CONC0.0134.711.381.75N-T-11 19.1323.9426.0227C-63218.375.525.44 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-527A 89.20.0198DI0.0121.820.541.5527C-527A19.6225.2924.43N-527 17.925.1421.93P-460 57.80.00512CONC0.0132.522.32.9327B-46013.0916.4418.15N-46512.816.218.3P-461 200.70.00612DI0.0122.971.962.527B-46114.2817.1318.3227B-46013.0916.6118.15P-462 199.40.00812DI0.0123.361.351.7227B-46215.717.4618.4427B-46114.1917.2218.32P-463 200.70.00512DI0.0122.750.83.0427B-46316.7217.5918.4727B-46215.717.5118.44P-466 238.90.00315CONC0.0133.324.974.05N-466 14.1317.6119.35N-46513.516.218.3P-467 1220.00112CONC0.0131.051.371.74N-467 15.116.6519.34T-485 14.9916.4719.05P-467 (1) 109.10.00112CONC0.0131.051.571.99T-485 14.9916.4219.05N-482 14.916.2118.31P-468 120.0848CONC0.0133.510.220.6427H-46816.116.7719.14T-468 15.0816.7719.25P-469 160.0528CONC0.0132.750.270.7727H-4691616.9318.86T-469 15.1716.9218.96P-470 138.10.00112CONC0.0130.940.881.12N-470 15.11719.23T-469 1516.9118.96P-470 (1) 125.70.00112CONC0.0130.941.151.46T-469 1516.8818.96T-468 14.9216.7519.25P-470 (2) 23.20.00112CONC0.0130.941.371.74T-468 14.9216.7219.25N-467 14.916.6819.34P-471 288015CONC0.0131.374.974.05N-471 13.9819.4719.33N-466 14.1117.7719.35P-472 100.1078CONC0.0133.950.266.4127H-4721717.2419.55T-472 15.9317.0419.12P-473 16.10.0328CONC0.0132.160.244.0727H-47316.917.1219.12T-473 16.3917.0819.35P-474 150.00912CONC0.0133.290.152.1427H-47416.817.1319.3T-474 16.6717.1319.36P-475 80.60.00412CONC0.0132.270.221.8427H-4751717.2120T-474 16.6717.1319.36P-475 (1) 111.40.00412CONC0.0132.270.382.14T-474 16.6717.119.36T-473 16.2217.0819.35P-475 (2) 113.20.00412CONC0.0132.270.622.46T-473 16.2217.0719.35T-472 15.7617.0419.12P-475 (3) 14.50.00412CONC0.0132.270.881.12T-472 15.7617.0219.12N-470 15.717.0119.23P-476 38.30.0626DI0.0121.510.190.9827C-47617.3921.8219.77T-476 15.0221.7819.2P-478 3.30.2866CONC0.01330.261.3427C-47816.122.0518.9T-478 15.122.0418.91P-479 62.30.00315CONC0.0133.294.393.5827C-47914.9822.4919.53T-480 14.8222.219.21P-479 (1) 35.60.00315CONC0.0133.294.513.68T-480 14.8222.1119.21T-478 14.7321.9318.91P-479 (2) 32.80.00315CONC0.0133.294.783.89T-478 14.7321.8318.91T-476 14.6421.6519.2P-479 (3) 239.80.00315CONC0.0133.294.974.05T-476 14.6421.5319.2B-479 14.0220.1119.47P-479 (4) 73.8-0.00315CONC0.0133.284.974.05B-479 14.0220.0119.47N-471 14.2119.5719.33P-479A 18.40.00915CONC0.0136.213.843.13N-479A 15.2522.6619.4527C-47915.0822.619.53P-480 83.40.0336DI0.0121.110.120.6327C-48017.9622.3520T-480 15.1922.3219.21P-482 17.5024CONC0.01304.241.35N-482 11.316.2118.31N-46511.316.218.3P-483 119.80.0068CONC0.0130.940.280.827H-48313.0316.3116.55N-482 12.316.2518.31P-484 20.50.168CONC0.0134.840.146.127H-48415.7216.2518.13N-482 12.416.2518.31P-485 16.20.1258CONC0.0134.260.26.2427H-48517.217.4119.06T-485 15.1616.519.05P-490 580.00415CONC0.0134.150.750.6127i-49012.4416.4317.04N-490A-14 12.216.4218.3P-490A-14 96.40.00115CONC0.0131.472.261.84N-490A-14 12.1516.3418.3N-482 12.116.2218.31P-490B-14 195.10.00512HDPE0. 13.1816.5919.9N-490A-14 12.216.3918.3P-490C-14 64.80.00512HDPE0.013.151.441.8327i-490C13.616.7619.0927i-493B13.316.719.03P-490D-14 39.50.00312HDPE0.012.591.351.72N-490D-14 13.7216.8318.8727i-490C13.616.819.09P-490E-14 37.60.0058DI0.0120.960.051.4427i-490E16.716.8919.08N-490D-14 16.516.8918.87P-490F-14 18.10.016DI0.0120.620.041.7827i-490F17.517.618.52B-490F 17.3117.4818.95P-490F-14 (1) 51.40.0116DI0.0120.620.041.78B-490F 17.3117.4118.95B-490F (1) 16.7716.9319.34P-490F-14 (2) 25.60.0116DI0.0120.620.041.79B-490F (1) 16.7716.8719.3427i-490C16.516.8219.09P-490G-14 11.40.00312CONC0.0132.011.31.6627i-490G13.7616.8818.84N-490D-14 13.7216.8618.87P-490H-14 53.30.00412HDPE0.012.911.221.5527i-490H13.9716.9419.2527i-490G13.7616.9118.84P-490I-14 50.70.00412HDPE0.012.911.041.3327i-490i14.91718.927i-490H14.716.9719.25P-490J-14 320.00412HDPE0.012.950.961.23N-490J-14 15.0317.0318.927i-490i14.917.0218.9P-490K-14 38.70.0048DI0.0120.840.11.6127i-490K16.8117.0618.5N-490J-14 16.6517.0618.9P-491 107.40.0168CONC0.0131.520.310.8927i-49114.4316.516.3527i-49012.7416.4317.04 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ Existing Basin 27.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-493B-14 30.30.00412HDPE0.012.921.51.9127i-493B13.316.6619.03N-490B-14 13.1816.6319.9P-494-14 91.10.00412HDPE0.012.950.871.1N-494-14 15.417.0819.28N-490J-14 15.0317.0518.9P-495 35.30.03112DI0.0126.850.082.9227i-49516.7417.1618.8N-496-14 15.6317.1619.5P-496-14 560.00412HDPE0.012.970.871.1N-496-14 15.6317.1219.5N-494-14 15.417.119.28P-497 18.40.00412CONC0.0132.20.79127i-49715.717.1619.4N-496-14 15.6317.1519.5P-498 64.7-0.00212CONC0.0131.40.60.7627i-49815.617.1919.127i-49715.717.1819.4P-499 72.2012CONC0.01300.440.5627i-49915.717.2119.227i-49815.717.219.1P-500 76.20.00312CONC0.0132.080.250.3227i-50016.0617.2219.427i-49915.817.2219.2P-526 46.50.00615CONC0.0135.143.843.1327C-52617.824.1621.66B-526 17.512422.75P-526 (1) 343.70.00615CONC0.0135.113.843.13B-526 17.5123.9422.75N-479A 15.3522.7219.45P-52790.80.01212CONC0.0133.923.224.1N-527 17.924.921.9327C-52616.824.1621.66P-528 24.20.1356DI0.0122.230.170.8627C-52821.8825.1722.92N-527 18.625.1521.93P-529 27.90.0048DI0.0120.780.381.127C-52919.8225.3423.2727C-527A19.7225.3224.43P-530 278.10.00515CONC0.0134.42.512.05N-530 1925.5423.8N-527 17.7125.1221.93P-531 17.30.1186CONC0.0131.930.160.8127C-53122.5625.6223.86N-530 20.525.623.8P-532 51.8-0.0228DI0.0121.940.35127C-53219.7625.6324.91N-530 20.925.623.8P-533 57.20.0078CONC0.01310.060.1627C-53321.425.6525.5727C-53221.0125.6524.91P-535 19.20.086DI0.0121.720.251.327C-53523.2426.7925.62N-536 21.726.7525.03P-536 300.50.00415CONC0.0133.891.381.13N-536 20.2526.7525.03N-T-11 19.1626.6126.02P-537 58.90.01718CONC0.01313.890.560.3227C-53721.3826.7725.17N-536 20.3526.7725.03P-538 262.70.0086DI0.0120.560.10.5127C-53824.126.8426.48B-538 21.8726.7725.04P-538 (1) 11.90.0086DI0.0120.560.10.51B-538 21.8726.7725.04N-536 21.7726.7725.03P-539 329.80.00215CONC0.0132.540.470.38N-539 2126.7925.97N-536 20.4926.7725.03P-540 18.50.1186DI0.0122.090.170.8527C-54024.7926.827.17N-539 22.5926.7825.97P-541 20.40.0394DI0.0120.410.192.1727C-54124.5827.4826.78B-541 23.7827.3125.95P-541 (1) 63.40.0394DI0.0120.410.192.17B-541 23.7827.2825.95N-539 21.2726.7425.97P-545 2370.00212CONC0.0131.650.070.09N-545 22.5126.7927.65T-548 2226.7927.62P-545 (1) 48.50.00212CONC0.0131.650.110.14T-548 2226.7927.62N-549 21.926.7927.41P-546 94.40.00112CONC0.0131.220.070.0927C-54622.1726.7927.84N-545 22.0626.7927.65P-547 29.50.0548CONC0.0132.80.030.0927C-54724.5426.7927.727C-54622.9526.7927.84P-548 19.50.2086UKN0.0132.560.044.7527C-54826.426.7928.75T-548 22.2526.7927.62P-549 330.30.00212CONC0.0131.580.110.14N-549 21.626.7927.41N-539 20.9526.7925.97P-632 153.6-0.00212CONC0.0131.661.82.2927C-63218.3726.4325.44T-635 18.726.0425.04P-632 (1) 137.8-0.00212CONC0.0131.662.012.55T-635 18.725.9825.04N-530 1925.5523.8P-635 32.50.018CONC0.0131.220.210.5927C-63519.226.0925.2T-635 18.8726.0825.04P-687 39.30.00312ADS N-120.012.450.230.2927C-68722.9226.6225.6N-T-11 22.8126.6226.02P-T-11 43.60.01712CONC0.0134.711.612.05N-T-11 19.1326.5626.0227C-63218.3726.4725.44 OIL CONTROL AND ENHANCED WATER QUALITY TREATEMENT BASIN MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 ————————————————————————————————— MGS FLOOD PROJECT REPORT Program Version: MGSFlood 4.46 Program License Number: 200410008 Project Simulation Performed on: 06/07/2018 8:56 AM Report Generation Date: 06/07/2018 9:01 AM ————————————————————————————————— Input File Name: WQ Analysis.fld Project Name: Boeing Renton Analysis Title: WQ Sizing Comments: ———————————————— PRECIPITATION INPUT ———————————————— Computational Time Step (Minutes): 15 Extended Precipitation Time Series Selected Climatic Region Number: 14 Full Period of Record Available used for Routing Precipitation Station : 96003605 Puget East 36 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097 Evaporation Station : 961036 Puget East 36 in MAP Evaporation Scale Factor : 0.750 HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1 HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default ********** Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) *************** ********************** WATERSHED DEFINITION *********************** Predevelopment/Post Development Tributary Area Summary Predeveloped Post Developed Total Subbasin Area (acres) 13.082 13.082 Area of Links that Include Precip/Evap (acres) 0.000 0.000 Total (acres) 13.082 13.082 ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Untreated Apron R Area (total) ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 13.082 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 13.082 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 5 ---------- Subbasin : 062 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.729 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.729 ---------- Subbasin : 063 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.718 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.718 ---------- Subbasin : 064 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.714 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.714 ---------- Subbasin : 065 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.477 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.477 ---------- Subbasin : 066 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.444 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.444 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 5 ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-062 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-063 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-064 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-065 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-066 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None **********************FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS******************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 5 Number of Links: 5 ***********Groundwater Recharge Summary ************* Recharge is computed as input to Perlnd Groundwater Plus Infiltration in Structures Total Predeveloped Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Untreated Apron R Ar 0.000 _____________________________________ Total: 0.000 Total Post Developed Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: 062 0.000 Subbasin: 063 0.000 Subbasin: 064 0.000 Subbasin: 065 0.000 Subbasin: 066 0.000 Link: WQ-062 0.000 Link: WQ-063 0.000 Link: WQ-064 0.000 Link: WQ-065 0.000 Link: WQ-066 0.000 _____________________________________ Total: 0.000 Total Predevelopment Recharge Equals Post Developed Average Recharge Per Year, (Number of Years= 158) Predeveloped: 0.000 ac-ft/year, Post Developed: 0.000 ac-ft/year ***********Water Quality Facility Data ************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 5 ********** Link: WQ-062 ********** 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.37 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.20 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 1075.96 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 1075.96 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 1075.96 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-063 ********** 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.36 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.20 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 1071.62 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 1071.62 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 1071.62 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-064 ********** 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.36 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.20 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 1070.04 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 1070.04 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 1070.04 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-065 ********** 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.33 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.18 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 976.60 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 976.60 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 976.60 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-066 ********** 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.33 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.18 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 963.59 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 963.59 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 963.59 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ***********Compliance Point Results ************* Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Untreated Apron R Area (total) Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: WQ-065 *** Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data *** Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-Year 4.632 2-Year 0.877 5-Year 6.165 5-Year 1.167 10-Year 7.283 10-Year 1.379 25-Year 8.734 25-Year 1.654 50-Year 11.207 50-Year 2.122 100-Year 13.353 100-Year 2.528 200-Year 14.353 200-Year 2.718 ** Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals 9/18/2018 Structure Name Tributary Area PEAK CFS PEAK GPM sf cfs cfs GPM 62 118,872 3.533 Off-line 0.202 Off-line 0.7136 320 0.784 352 63 118,092 3.533 Off-line 0.201 Off-line 0.71007 319 0.784 352 64 118,238 3.533 Off-line 0.201 Off-line 0.71007 319 0.729 327 65 107,884 3.533 Off-line 0.183 Off-line 0.64648 290 0.712 320 66 106,632 3.533 Off-line 0.181 Off-line 0.63942 287 0.707 317 * Per Table 6.2.1.A of the 2016 KCSWDM (Eq. 6-2) 2-year ,24-hr Precip= 2 inches k = 2.4777 (0.72*2-yr)-0.0352 k= 3.532688 Boeing - Apron R Oil/Water Separator Sizing K factor* 15 minute discharge Per MGSFlood Oil/Water Separator Flow Rate (min) Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\Engineering\Civil\Drainage\Excel\Oil Water separators.xlsx 9/18/2018 Structure Name 62 0.714 cfs 1159 sf 1639 sf 2318 sf 63 0.710 cfs 1153 sf 1631 sf 2307 sf 64 0.710 cfs 1153 sf 1631 sf 2307 sf 65 0.646 cfs 1050 sf 1485 sf 2100 sf 66 0.639 cfs 1039 sf 1469 sf 2077 sf Plate Pack Sizing Design Flowrate Require Effective Plate Surface Area Collective Projected Surface Area (45 D) Collective Projected Surface Area (60 D) Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\Engineering\Civil\Drainage\Excel\Oil Water separators.xlsx 9/18/2018 Number @ 45 D 84 Ea Width 6 feet Length 2 feet Spacing 0.5 inches Estimated Projected Plate Area per Pack= 1008 sf Assumed Plate Pack Dimensions used for Oil Separation Cell Sizing Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\Engineering\Civil\Drainage\Excel\Oil Water separators.xlsx 9/18/2018 Number @ 60 D 49 Ea Width 6 feet Length 2 feet Spacing 0.5 inches Estimated Projected Plate Area per Pack= 588 sf Assumed Plate Pack Dimensions used for Oil Separation Cell Sizing Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\Engineering\Civil\Drainage\Excel\Oil Water separators.xlsx Flowsplitter Analysis Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:19 AM Bypass 062.xlsx BASIN 56A & 56B STRCT ROWS‐062 Rim Elev 18.52 Inlet Elev 13.49 WQ Surface Elev 16.35 WQ Outlet Dia (in)8 WQ Orifice Dia (in)5.875 Bypass Outlet Elev 14.93 Bypass Outlet Dia (in)12 Backwater Elev Weir Elev 16.93 Weir Height (ft)0.58 Weir Length (ft)12.5664 (above Inlet)(Circumferance or width of Structure) WQ Area:0.188254 Bypass Area:0.78539816 WQ Flow:0.7136 Peak Bypass Flow:2.44 10% Max Increase:YES At Elev:16.93 At Elev:17.06 Orifice Coefficient:0.62 Dual Access Req:YES 16.35 0.000 0.00 0.000 3.747 0.000 0.000 16.36 0.094 0.00 0.000 3.767 0.000 0.094 16.37 0.132 0.00 0.000 3.787 0.000 0.132 16.38 0.162 0.00 0.000 3.807 0.000 0.162 16.39 0.187 0.00 0.000 3.827 0.000 0.187 16.40 0.209 0.00 0.000 3.847 0.000 0.209 16.41 0.229 0.00 0.000 3.867 0.000 0.229 16.42 0.248 0.00 0.000 3.887 0.000 0.248 16.43 0.265 0.00 0.000 3.906 0.000 0.265 16.44 0.281 0.00 0.000 3.926 0.000 0.281 16.45 0.296 0.00 0.000 3.945 0.000 0.296 16.46 0.311 0.00 0.000 3.964 0.000 0.311 16.47 0.324 0.00 0.000 3.984 0.000 0.324 16.48 0.338 0.00 0.000 4.003 0.000 0.338 16.49 0.350 0.00 0.000 4.022 0.000 0.350 16.50 0.363 0.00 0.000 4.041 0.000 0.363 16.51 0.375 0.00 0.000 4.059 0.000 0.375 16.52 0.386 0.00 0.000 4.078 0.000 0.386 16.53 0.397 0.00 0.000 4.097 0.000 0.397 16.54 0.408 0.00 0.000 4.115 0.000 0.408 16.55 0.419 0.00 0.000 4.134 0.000 0.419 16.56 0.429 0.00 0.000 4.152 0.000 0.429 16.57 0.439 0.00 0.000 4.171 0.000 0.439 16.58 0.449 0.00 0.000 4.189 0.000 0.449 16.59 0.459 0.00 0.000 4.207 0.000 0.459 16.60 0.468 0.00 0.000 4.225 0.000 0.468 16.61 0.478 0.00 0.000 4.243 0.000 0.478 16.62 0.487 0.00 0.000 4.261 0.000 0.487 16.63 0.496 0.00 0.000 4.279 0.000 0.496 16.64 0.504 0.00 0.000 4.297 0.000 0.504 16.65 0.513 0.00 0.000 4.314 0.000 0.513 Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 1 of 3 Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:6/7/201810:19 AM Bypass 062.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 16.66 0.522 0.00 0.000 4.332 0.000 0.522 16.67 0.530 0.00 0.000 4.350 0.000 0.530 16.68 0.538 0.00 0.000 4.367 0.000 0.538 16.69 0.546 0.00 0.000 4.385 0.000 0.546 16.70 0.554 0.00 0.000 4.402 0.000 0.554 16.71 0.562 0.00 0.000 4.419 0.000 0.562 16.72 0.570 0.00 0.000 4.437 0.000 0.570 16.73 0.577 0.00 0.000 4.454 0.000 0.577 16.74 0.585 0.00 0.000 4.471 0.000 0.585 16.75 0.592 0.00 0.000 4.488 0.000 0.592 16.76 0.600 0.00 0.000 4.505 0.000 0.600 16.77 0.607 0.00 0.000 4.522 0.000 0.607 16.78 0.614 0.00 0.000 4.539 0.000 0.614 16.79 0.621 0.00 0.000 4.555 0.000 0.621 16.80 0.628 0.00 0.000 4.572 0.000 0.628 16.81 0.635 0.00 0.000 4.589 0.000 0.635 16.82 0.642 0.00 0.000 4.605 0.000 0.642 16.83 0.649 0.00 0.000 4.622 0.000 0.649 16.84 0.656 0.00 0.000 4.638 0.000 0.656 16.85 0.662 0.00 0.000 4.655 0.000 0.662 16.86 0.669 0.00 0.000 4.671 0.000 0.669 16.87 0.675 0.00 0.000 4.687 0.000 0.675 16.88 0.682 0.00 0.000 4.704 0.000 0.682 16.89 0.688 0.00 0.000 4.720 0.000 0.688 16.90 0.695 0.00 0.000 4.736 0.000 0.695 16.91 0.701 0.00 0.000 4.752 0.000 0.701 16.92 0.707 0.00 0.000 4.768 0.000 0.707 16.93 0.713 0.00 0.000 4.784 0.000 0.713 16.94 0.719 0.01 0.042 4.800 0.042 0.761 16.95 0.726 0.02 0.118 4.816 0.118 0.844 16.96 0.732 0.03 0.217 4.832 0.217 0.949 16.97 0.738 0.04 0.335 4.847 0.335 1.072 16.98 0.743 0.05 0.468 4.863 0.468 1.211 16.99 0.749 0.06 0.615 4.879 0.615 1.364 17.00 0.755 0.07 0.775 4.894 0.775 1.530 17.01 0.761 0.08 0.947 4.910 0.947 1.708 17.02 0.767 0.09 1.130 4.925 1.130 1.897 17.03 0.772 0.10 1.323 4.941 1.323 2.096 17.04 0.778 0.11 1.527 4.956 1.527 2.305 17.05 0.784 0.12 1.740 4.972 1.740 2.523 17.06 0.789 0.13 1.961 4.987 1.961 2.751 17.07 0.795 0.14 2.192 5.002 2.192 2.987 17.08 0.800 0.15 2.431 5.018 2.431 3.231 17.09 0.806 0.16 2.678 5.033 2.678 3.484 Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:6/7/201810:19 AM Bypass 062.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 17.10 0.811 0.17 2.933 5.048 2.933 3.744 17.11 0.817 0.18 3.196 5.063 3.196 4.012 17.12 0.822 0.19 3.466 5.078 3.466 4.288 17.13 0.827 0.20 3.743 5.093 3.743 4.570 17.14 0.833 0.21 4.027 5.108 4.027 4.860 17.15 0.838 0.22 4.318 5.123 4.318 5.156 17.16 0.843 0.23 4.616 5.138 4.616 5.459 17.17 0.848 0.24 4.920 5.153 4.920 5.768 17.18 0.853 0.25 5.231 5.167 5.167 6.021 17.19 0.858 0.26 5.548 5.182 5.182 6.041 17.20 0.864 0.27 5.871 5.197 5.197 6.060 17.21 0.869 0.28 6.200 5.211 5.211 6.080 17.22 0.874 0.29 6.535 5.226 5.226 6.100 17.23 0.879 0.30 6.876 5.241 5.241 6.119 17.24 0.884 0.31 7.223 5.255 5.255 6.139 17.25 0.889 0.32 7.575 5.270 5.270 6.158 17.26 0.894 0.33 7.933 5.284 5.284 6.178 17.27 0.898 0.34 8.296 5.299 5.299 6.197 17.28 0.903 0.35 8.665 5.313 5.313 6.216 17.29 0.908 0.36 9.039 5.327 5.327 6.235 17.30 0.913 0.37 9.418 5.342 5.342 6.255 17.31 0.918 0.38 9.802 5.356 5.356 6.274 17.32 0.922 0.39 10.192 5.370 5.370 6.293 17.33 0.927 0.40 10.586 5.384 5.384 6.311 17.34 0.932 0.41 10.986 5.398 5.398 6.330 17.35 0.937 0.42 11.390 5.413 5.413 6.349 17.36 0.941 0.43 11.799 5.427 5.427 6.368 17.37 0.946 0.44 12.213 5.441 5.441 6.387 17.38 0.951 0.45 12.632 5.455 5.455 6.405 17.39 0.955 0.46 13.055 5.469 5.469 6.424 17.40 0.960 0.47 13.483 5.483 5.483 6.442 17.41 0.964 0.48 13.916 5.496 5.496 6.461 17.42 0.969 0.49 14.353 5.510 5.510 6.479 17.43 0.973 0.50 14.795 5.524 5.524 6.498 17.44 0.978 0.51 15.241 5.538 5.538 6.516 17.45 0.982 0.52 15.691 5.552 5.552 6.534 17.46 0.987 0.53 16.146 5.565 5.565 6.552 Flowsplitter Analysis Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:6/7/201810:18 AM Bypass 063.xlsx BASIN 57A & 57B STRCT ROWS‐063 Rim Elev 18.52 Inlet Elev 14.08 WQ Surface Elev 16.35 WQ Outlet Dia (in)8 WQ Orifice Dia (in)5.875 Bypass Outlet Elev 14.93 Bypass Outlet Dia (in)12 Backwater Elev 15.13 Weir Elev 16.93 Weir Height (ft)0.58 Weir Length (ft)12.5664 (above Inlet)(dia or width of Structure) WQ Area:0.188254 Bypass Area:0.78539816 WQ Flow:0.7101 Peak Bypass Flow:2.424 10% Max Increase:YES At Elev:16.93 At Elev:17.05 Orifice Coefficient:0.62 Dual Access Req:YES 16.35 0.000 0.00 0.000 3.747 0.000 0.000 16.36 0.094 0.00 0.000 3.767 0.000 0.094 16.37 0.132 0.00 0.000 3.787 0.000 0.132 16.38 0.162 0.00 0.000 3.807 0.000 0.162 16.39 0.187 0.00 0.000 3.827 0.000 0.187 16.40 0.209 0.00 0.000 3.847 0.000 0.209 16.41 0.229 0.00 0.000 3.867 0.000 0.229 16.42 0.248 0.00 0.000 3.887 0.000 0.248 16.43 0.265 0.00 0.000 3.906 0.000 0.265 16.44 0.281 0.00 0.000 3.926 0.000 0.281 16.45 0.296 0.00 0.000 3.945 0.000 0.296 16.46 0.311 0.00 0.000 3.964 0.000 0.311 16.47 0.324 0.00 0.000 3.984 0.000 0.324 16.48 0.338 0.00 0.000 4.003 0.000 0.338 16.49 0.350 0.00 0.000 4.022 0.000 0.350 16.50 0.363 0.00 0.000 4.041 0.000 0.363 16.51 0.375 0.00 0.000 4.059 0.000 0.375 16.52 0.386 0.00 0.000 4.078 0.000 0.386 16.53 0.397 0.00 0.000 4.097 0.000 0.397 16.54 0.408 0.00 0.000 4.115 0.000 0.408 16.55 0.419 0.00 0.000 4.134 0.000 0.419 16.56 0.429 0.00 0.000 4.152 0.000 0.429 16.57 0.439 0.00 0.000 4.171 0.000 0.439 16.58 0.449 0.00 0.000 4.189 0.000 0.449 16.59 0.459 0.00 0.000 4.207 0.000 0.459 16.60 0.468 0.00 0.000 4.225 0.000 0.468 16.61 0.478 0.00 0.000 4.243 0.000 0.478 16.62 0.487 0.00 0.000 4.261 0.000 0.487 16.63 0.496 0.00 0.000 4.279 0.000 0.496 16.64 0.504 0.00 0.000 4.297 0.000 0.504 16.65 0.513 0.00 0.000 4.314 0.000 0.513 Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 1 of 3 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:18 AM Bypass 063.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 16.66 0.522 0.00 0.000 4.332 0.000 0.522 16.67 0.530 0.00 0.000 4.350 0.000 0.530 16.68 0.538 0.00 0.000 4.367 0.000 0.538 16.69 0.546 0.00 0.000 4.385 0.000 0.546 16.70 0.554 0.00 0.000 4.402 0.000 0.554 16.71 0.562 0.00 0.000 4.419 0.000 0.562 16.72 0.570 0.00 0.000 4.437 0.000 0.570 16.73 0.577 0.00 0.000 4.454 0.000 0.577 16.74 0.585 0.00 0.000 4.471 0.000 0.585 16.75 0.592 0.00 0.000 4.488 0.000 0.592 16.76 0.600 0.00 0.000 4.505 0.000 0.600 16.77 0.607 0.00 0.000 4.522 0.000 0.607 16.78 0.614 0.00 0.000 4.539 0.000 0.614 16.79 0.621 0.00 0.000 4.555 0.000 0.621 16.80 0.628 0.00 0.00 4.57 0.00 0.63 16.81 0.635 0.00 0.00 4.59 0.00 0.64 16.82 0.642 0.00 0.00 4.61 0.00 0.64 16.83 0.649 0.00 0.00 4.62 0.00 0.65 16.84 0.656 0.00 0.00 4.64 0.00 0.66 16.85 0.662 0.00 0.00 4.65 0.00 0.66 16.86 0.669 0.00 0.00 4.67 0.00 0.67 16.87 0.675 0.00 0.00 4.69 0.00 0.68 16.88 0.682 0.00 0.000 4.704 0.000 0.682 16.89 0.688 0.00 0.00 4.72 0.00 0.69 16.90 0.695 0.00 0.00 4.74 0.00 0.69 16.91 0.701 0.00 0.000 4.752 0.000 0.701 16.92 0.707 0.00 0.00 4.77 0.00 0.71 16.93 0.713 0.00 0.00 4.78 0.00 0.71 16.94 0.719 0.01 0.042 4.800 0.042 0.761 16.95 0.726 0.02 0.12 4.82 0.12 0.84 16.96 0.732 0.03 0.217 4.832 0.217 0.949 16.97 0.738 0.04 0.335 4.847 0.335 1.072 16.98 0.743 0.05 0.468 4.863 0.468 1.211 16.99 0.749 0.06 0.615 4.879 0.615 1.364 17.00 0.755 0.07 0.775 4.894 0.775 1.530 17.01 0.761 0.08 0.947 4.910 0.947 1.708 17.02 0.767 0.09 1.130 4.925 1.130 1.897 17.03 0.772 0.10 1.323 4.941 1.323 2.096 17.04 0.778 0.11 1.527 4.956 1.527 2.305 17.05 0.784 0.12 1.74 4.97 1.74 2.52 17.06 0.789 0.13 1.961 4.987 1.961 2.751 17.07 0.795 0.14 2.192 5.002 2.192 2.987 17.08 0.800 0.15 2.431 5.018 2.431 3.231 17.09 0.806 0.16 2.678 5.033 2.678 3.484 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:18 AM Bypass 063.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 17.10 0.811 0.17 2.933 5.048 2.933 3.744 17.11 0.817 0.18 3.196 5.063 3.196 4.012 17.12 0.822 0.19 3.466 5.078 3.466 4.288 17.13 0.827 0.20 3.743 5.093 3.743 4.570 17.14 0.833 0.21 4.027 5.108 4.027 4.860 17.15 0.838 0.22 4.318 5.123 4.318 5.156 17.16 0.843 0.23 4.616 5.138 4.616 5.459 17.17 0.848 0.24 4.920 5.153 4.920 5.768 17.18 0.853 0.25 5.231 5.167 5.167 6.021 17.19 0.858 0.26 5.548 5.182 5.182 6.041 17.20 0.864 0.27 5.871 5.197 5.197 6.060 17.21 0.869 0.28 6.200 5.211 5.211 6.080 17.22 0.874 0.29 6.535 5.226 5.226 6.100 17.23 0.879 0.30 6.876 5.241 5.241 6.119 17.24 0.884 0.31 7.223 5.255 5.255 6.139 17.25 0.889 0.32 7.575 5.270 5.270 6.158 17.26 0.894 0.33 7.933 5.284 5.284 6.178 17.27 0.898 0.34 8.296 5.299 5.299 6.197 17.28 0.903 0.35 8.665 5.313 5.313 6.216 17.29 0.908 0.36 9.039 5.327 5.327 6.235 17.30 0.913 0.37 9.418 5.342 5.342 6.255 17.31 0.918 0.38 9.802 5.356 5.356 6.274 17.32 0.922 0.39 10.192 5.370 5.370 6.293 17.33 0.927 0.40 10.586 5.384 5.384 6.311 17.34 0.932 0.41 10.986 5.398 5.398 6.330 17.35 0.937 0.42 11.390 5.413 5.413 6.349 17.36 0.941 0.43 11.799 5.427 5.427 6.368 17.37 0.946 0.44 12.213 5.441 5.441 6.387 17.38 0.951 0.45 12.632 5.455 5.455 6.405 17.39 0.955 0.46 13.055 5.469 5.469 6.424 17.40 0.960 0.47 13.483 5.483 5.483 6.442 17.41 0.964 0.48 13.916 5.496 5.496 6.461 17.42 0.969 0.49 14.353 5.510 5.510 6.479 17.43 0.973 0.50 14.795 5.524 5.524 6.498 17.44 0.978 0.51 15.241 5.538 5.538 6.516 17.45 0.982 0.52 15.691 5.552 5.552 6.534 Flowsplitter Analysis Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:6/7/201810:18 AM Bypass 064.xlsx BASIN 58A STRCT ROWS‐064 Rim Elev 18.65 Inlet Elev 13.61 WQ Surface Elev 16.35 WQ Outlet Dia (in)8 WQ Orifice Dia (in)6.625 Bypass Outlet Elev 14.4 Bypass Outlet Dia (in)18 Backwater Elev 15.38 Weir Elev 16.93 Weir Height (ft)0.58 Weir Length (ft)12.5664 (above Inlet) (dia or width of Structure) WQ Area:0.239386 Bypass Area:1.76714587 WQ Flow:0.7101 Peak Bypass Flow:2.432 10% Max Increase:YES At Elev:16.71 At Elev:17.04 Orifice Coefficient:0.62 Dual Access Req:YES 16.35 0.000 0.00 0.000 9.628 0.000 0.000 16.36 0.119 0.00 0.000 9.668 0.000 0.119 16.37 0.168 0.00 0.000 9.708 0.000 0.168 16.38 0.206 0.00 0.000 9.747 0.000 0.206 16.39 0.238 0.00 0.000 9.787 0.000 0.238 16.40 0.266 0.00 0.000 9.826 0.000 0.266 16.41 0.292 0.00 0.000 9.865 0.000 0.292 16.42 0.315 0.00 0.000 9.905 0.000 0.315 16.43 0.337 0.00 0.000 9.943 0.000 0.337 16.44 0.357 0.00 0.000 9.982 0.000 0.357 16.45 0.377 0.00 0.000 10.021 0.000 0.377 16.46 0.395 0.00 0.000 10.059 0.000 0.395 16.47 0.413 0.00 0.000 10.098 0.000 0.413 16.48 0.429 0.00 0.000 10.136 0.000 0.429 16.49 0.446 0.00 0.000 10.174 0.000 0.446 16.50 0.461 0.00 0.000 10.212 0.000 0.461 16.51 0.476 0.00 0.000 10.249 0.000 0.476 16.52 0.491 0.00 0.000 10.287 0.000 0.491 16.53 0.505 0.00 0.000 10.325 0.000 0.505 16.54 0.519 0.00 0.000 10.362 0.000 0.519 16.55 0.533 0.00 0.000 10.399 0.000 0.533 16.56 0.546 0.00 0.000 10.436 0.000 0.546 16.57 0.559 0.00 0.000 10.473 0.000 0.559 16.58 0.571 0.00 0.000 10.510 0.000 0.571 16.59 0.583 0.00 0.000 10.547 0.000 0.583 16.60 0.596 0.00 0.000 10.583 0.000 0.596 16.61 0.607 0.00 0.000 10.620 0.000 0.607 16.62 0.619 0.00 0.000 10.656 0.000 0.619 16.63 0.630 0.00 0.000 10.692 0.000 0.630 16.64 0.641 0.00 0.000 10.728 0.000 0.641 16.65 0.652 0.00 0.000 10.764 0.000 0.652 Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 1 of 3 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:18 AM Bypass 064.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 16.66 0.663 0.00 0.000 10.800 0.000 0.663 16.67 0.674 0.00 0.000 10.836 0.000 0.674 16.68 0.684 0.00 0.000 10.871 0.000 0.684 16.69 0.695 0.00 0.000 10.907 0.000 0.695 16.70 0.705 0.00 0.000 10.942 0.000 0.705 16.71 0.715 0.000 0.000 10.98 0.00 0.715 16.72 0.724 0.00 0.000 11.012 0.000 0.724 16.73 0.734 0.00 0.000 11.047 0.000 0.734 16.74 0.744 0.00 0.000 11.082 0.000 0.744 16.75 0.753 0.00 0.000 11.117 0.000 0.753 16.76 0.763 0.00 0.000 11.152 0.000 0.763 16.77 0.772 0.00 0.000 11.186 0.000 0.772 16.78 0.781 0.00 0.000 11.221 0.000 0.781 16.79 0.790 0.00 0.000 11.255 0.000 0.790 16.80 0.799 0.00 0.00 11.29 0.00 0.80 16.81 0.808 0.00 0.000 11.324 0.000 0.808 16.82 0.817 0.00 0.00 11.36 0.00 0.82 16.83 0.825 0.000 0.000 11.392 0.000 0.825 16.84 0.834 0.000 0.000 11.425 0.000 0.834 16.85 0.842 0.000 0.000 11.459 0.000 0.842 16.86 0.851 0.000 0.000 11.493 0.000 0.851 16.87 0.859 0.000 0.000 11.526 0.000 0.859 16.88 0.867 0.000 0.000 11.560 0.000 0.867 16.89 0.88 0.00 0.00 11.59 0.00 0.88 16.90 0.883 0.000 0.000 11.627 0.000 0.883 16.91 0.891 0.000 0.000 11.660 0.000 0.891 16.92 0.899 0.000 0.000 11.693 0.000 0.899 16.93 0.907 0.000 0.000 11.726 0.000 0.907 16.94 0.915 0.010 0.042 11.759 0.042 0.957 16.95 0.923 0.020 0.118 11.791 0.118 1.041 16.96 0.930 0.030 0.217 11.824 0.217 1.148 16.97 0.938 0.040 0.335 11.857 0.335 1.273 16.98 0.95 0.05 0.47 11.89 0.47 1.41 16.99 0.953 0.060 0.615 11.922 0.615 1.568 17.00 0.960 0.070 0.775 11.954 0.775 1.735 17.01 0.968 0.080 0.947 11.986 0.947 1.914 17.02 0.975 0.09 1.130 12.019 1.130 2.105 17.03 0.982 0.10 1.323 12.051 1.323 2.305 17.04 0.989 0.11 1.53 12.08 1.53 2.52 17.05 0.997 0.12 1.740 12.115 1.740 2.736 17.06 1.004 0.130 1.961 12.146 1.961 2.965 17.07 1.011 0.14 2.192 12.178 2.192 3.203 17.08 1.018 0.15 2.431 12.210 2.431 3.449 17.09 1.025 0.16 2.678 12.241 2.678 3.703 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:18 AM Bypass 064.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 17.10 1.031 0.17 2.933 12.273 2.933 3.965 17.11 1.038 0.18 3.196 12.304 3.196 4.234 17.12 1.045 0.19 3.466 12.336 3.466 4.511 17.13 1.052 0.20 3.743 12.367 3.743 4.795 17.14 1.059 0.21 4.027 12.398 4.027 5.086 17.15 1.065 0.22 4.318 12.429 4.318 5.383 17.16 1.072 0.23 4.616 12.460 4.616 5.688 17.17 1.079 0.24 4.920 12.491 4.920 5.999 17.18 1.085 0.25 5.231 12.522 5.231 6.316 17.19 1.092 0.26 5.548 12.553 5.548 6.639 17.20 1.098 0.27 5.871 12.584 5.871 6.969 17.21 1.105 0.28 6.200 12.614 6.200 7.305 17.22 1.111 0.29 6.535 12.645 6.535 7.646 17.23 1.117 0.30 6.876 12.675 6.876 7.993 17.24 1.124 0.31 7.223 12.706 7.223 8.346 17.25 1.130 0.32 7.575 12.736 7.575 8.705 17.26 1.136 0.33 7.933 12.767 7.933 9.069 17.27 1.142 0.34 8.296 12.797 8.296 9.439 17.28 1.149 0.35 8.665 12.827 8.665 9.813 17.29 1.155 0.36 9.039 12.857 9.039 10.194 17.30 1.161 0.37 9.418 12.887 9.418 10.579 17.31 1.167 0.38 9.802 12.917 9.802 10.969 17.32 1.173 0.39 10.192 12.947 10.192 11.365 17.33 1.179 0.40 10.586 12.977 10.586 11.765 17.34 1.185 0.41 10.986 13.006 10.986 12.171 17.35 1.191 0.42 11.390 13.036 11.390 12.581 17.36 1.197 0.43 11.799 13.066 11.799 12.996 17.37 1.203 0.44 12.213 13.095 12.213 13.416 17.38 1.209 0.45 12.632 13.125 12.632 13.841 17.39 1.215 0.46 13.055 13.154 13.055 14.270 17.40 1.220 0.47 13.483 13.183 13.183 14.404 17.41 1.226 0.48 13.916 13.213 13.213 14.439 17.42 1.232 0.49 14.353 13.242 13.242 14.474 17.43 1.238 0.50 14.795 13.271 13.271 14.509 17.44 1.244 0.51 15.241 13.300 13.300 14.543 17.45 1.249 0.52 15.691 13.329 13.329 14.578 Flowsplitter Analysis Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:6/7/201810:18 AM bypass 065.xlsx BASIN 28A STRCT ROWS‐065 Rim Elev 18.69 Inlet Elev 13.980 WQ Surface Elev 16.35 WQ Outlet Dia (in)8 WQ Orifice Dia (in)5.75 Bypass Outlet Elev 14.22 Bypass Outlet Dia (in)12.000 Backwater Elev 15.00 Weir Elev 16.87 Weir Height (ft)0.520 Weir Length (ft)12.5664 (above Inlet)(dia or width of Structure) WQ Area:0.180328 Bypass Area:0.785 WQ Flow:0.6465 Peak Bypass Flow:2.215 10% Max Increase:YES At Elev:16.87 At Elev:16.980 Orifice Coefficient:0.62 Dual Access Req:YES 16.35 0.000 0.00 0.000 4.987 0.000 0.000 16.36 0.090 0.00 0.000 5.002 0.000 0.090 16.37 0.127 0.00 0.000 5.018 0.000 0.127 16.38 0.155 0.00 0.000 5.033 0.000 0.155 16.39 0.179 0.00 0.000 5.048 0.000 0.179 16.40 0.201 0.00 0.000 5.063 0.000 0.201 16.41 0.220 0.00 0.000 5.078 0.000 0.220 16.42 0.237 0.00 0.000 5.093 0.000 0.237 16.43 0.254 0.00 0.000 5.108 0.000 0.254 16.44 0.269 0.00 0.000 5.123 0.000 0.269 16.45 0.284 0.00 0.000 5.138 0.000 0.284 16.46 0.298 0.00 0.000 5.153 0.000 0.298 16.47 0.311 0.00 0.000 5.167 0.000 0.311 16.48 0.323 0.00 0.000 5.182 0.000 0.323 16.49 0.336 0.00 0.000 5.197 0.000 0.336 16.50 0.347 0.00 0.000 5.211 0.000 0.347 16.51 0.359 0.00 0.000 5.226 0.000 0.359 16.52 0.370 0.00 0.000 5.241 0.000 0.370 16.53 0.381 0.00 0.000 5.255 0.000 0.381 16.54 0.391 0.00 0.000 5.270 0.000 0.391 16.55 0.401 0.00 0.000 5.284 0.000 0.401 16.56 0.411 0.00 0.000 5.299 0.000 0.411 16.57 0.421 0.00 0.000 5.313 0.000 0.421 16.58 0.430 0.00 0.000 5.327 0.000 0.430 16.59 0.440 0.00 0.000 5.342 0.000 0.440 16.60 0.449 0.00 0.000 5.356 0.000 0.449 16.61 0.457 0.00 0.000 5.370 0.000 0.457 16.62 0.466 0.00 0.000 5.384 0.000 0.466 16.63 0.475 0.00 0.000 5.398 0.000 0.475 16.64 0.483 0.00 0.000 5.413 0.000 0.483 16.65 0.491 0.00 0.000 5.427 0.000 0.491 Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 1 of 3 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:18 AM bypass 065.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 16.66 0.500 0.00 0.000 5.441 0.000 0.500 16.67 0.508 0.00 0.000 5.455 0.000 0.508 16.68 0.515 0.00 0.000 5.469 0.000 0.515 16.69 0.523 0.00 0.000 5.483 0.000 0.523 16.70 0.531 0.00 0.000 5.496 0.000 0.531 16.71 0.538 0.00 0.000 5.510 0.000 0.538 16.72 0.546 0.00 0.000 5.524 0.000 0.546 16.73 0.553 0.00 0.000 5.538 0.000 0.553 16.74 0.560 0.00 0.000 5.552 0.000 0.560 16.75 0.567 0.00 0.000 5.565 0.000 0.567 16.76 0.574 0.00 0.000 5.579 0.000 0.574 16.77 0.581 0.00 0.000 5.593 0.000 0.581 16.78 0.588 0.00 0.00 5.606 0.00 0.588 16.79 0.595 0.00 0.000 5.620 0.000 0.595 16.80 0.602 0.00 0.00 5.634 0.00 0.602 16.81 0.609 0.00 0.00 5.647 0.00 0.609 16.82 0.615 0.00 0.00 5.661 0.00 0.615 16.83 0.622 0.00 0.00 5.674 0.00 0.622 16.84 0.628 0.00 0.00 5.687 0.00 0.628 16.85 0.634 0.00 0.00 5.701 0.00 0.634 16.86 0.641 0.00 0.00 5.714 0.00 0.641 16.87 0.647 0.00 0.00 5.728 0.00 0.647 16.88 0.653 0.01 0.04 5.741 0.04 0.695 16.89 0.659 0.02 0.12 5.754 0.12 0.778 16.90 0.665 0.03 0.22 5.767 0.22 0.883 16.91 0.671 0.04 0.33 5.781 0.33 1.006 16.92 0.677 0.05 0.47 5.794 0.47 1.145 16.93 0.683 0.06 0.62 5.807 0.62 1.298 16.94 0.689 0.07 0.78 5.820 0.78 1.464 16.95 0.695 0.08 0.95 5.833 0.95 1.642 16.96 0.701 0.09 1.130 5.846 1.130 1.831 16.97 0.706 0.10 1.323 5.859 1.323 2.030 16.98 0.712 0.11 1.53 5.872 1.53 2.239 16.99 0.718 0.12 1.740 5.885 1.740 2.457 17.00 0.723 0.13 1.961 5.898 1.961 2.685 17.01 0.729 0.14 2.192 5.911 2.192 2.921 17.02 0.734 0.15 2.431 5.924 2.431 3.165 17.03 0.740 0.16 2.678 5.937 2.678 3.418 17.04 0.745 0.17 2.933 5.950 2.933 3.678 17.05 0.751 0.18 3.196 5.962 3.196 3.946 17.06 0.756 0.19 3.466 5.975 3.466 4.222 17.07 0.761 0.20 3.743 5.988 3.743 4.504 17.08 0.767 0.21 4.027 6.001 4.027 4.794 17.09 0.772 0.22 4.318 6.013 4.318 5.090 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:18 AM bypass 065.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 17.10 0.777 0.23 4.616 6.026 4.616 5.393 17.11 0.782 0.24 4.920 6.039 4.920 5.702 17.12 0.787 0.25 5.231 6.051 5.231 6.018 17.13 0.792 0.26 5.548 6.064 5.548 6.340 17.14 0.797 0.27 5.871 6.077 5.871 6.668 17.15 0.802 0.28 6.200 6.089 6.089 6.892 17.16 0.807 0.29 6.535 6.102 6.102 6.909 17.17 0.812 0.30 6.876 6.114 6.114 6.927 17.18 0.817 0.31 7.223 6.127 6.127 6.944 17.19 0.822 0.32 7.575 6.139 6.139 6.961 17.20 0.827 0.33 7.933 6.151 6.151 6.979 17.21 0.832 0.34 8.296 6.164 6.164 6.996 17.22 0.837 0.35 8.665 6.176 6.176 7.013 17.23 0.842 0.36 9.039 6.189 6.189 7.030 17.24 0.846 0.37 9.418 6.201 6.201 7.047 17.25 0.851 0.38 9.802 6.213 6.213 7.064 17.26 0.856 0.39 10.192 6.225 6.225 7.081 17.27 0.861 0.40 10.586 6.238 6.238 7.098 17.28 0.865 0.41 10.986 6.250 6.250 7.115 17.29 0.870 0.42 11.390 6.262 6.262 7.132 17.30 0.874 0.43 11.799 6.274 6.274 7.149 17.31 0.879 0.44 12.213 6.286 6.286 7.165 17.32 0.884 0.45 12.632 6.298 6.298 7.182 17.33 0.888 0.46 13.055 6.311 6.311 7.199 17.34 0.893 0.47 13.483 6.323 6.323 7.215 17.35 0.897 0.48 13.916 6.335 6.335 7.232 17.36 0.902 0.49 14.353 6.347 6.347 7.248 17.37 0.906 0.50 14.795 6.359 6.359 7.265 17.38 0.911 0.51 15.241 6.371 6.371 7.281 17.39 0.915 0.52 15.691 6.383 6.383 7.298 17.40 0.919 0.53 16.146 6.395 6.395 7.314 17.41 0.924 0.54 16.605 6.407 6.407 7.330 17.42 0.928 0.55 17.069 6.418 6.418 7.347 17.43 0.932 0.56 17.536 6.430 6.430 7.363 17.44 0.937 0.57 18.008 6.442 6.442 7.379 17.45 0.941 0.58 18.484 6.454 6.454 7.395 Flowsplitter Analysis Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:6/7/201810:46 AM Bypass 066.xlsx BASIN 25D & 25E STRCT ROWS‐066 Rim Elev 19.05 Inlet Elev 13.32 WQ Surface Elev 16.35 WQ Outlet Dia (in)8 WQ Orifice Dia (in)5.625 Bypass Outlet Elev 14.41 Bypass Outlet Dia (in)18 Backwater Elev 15.36 Weir Elev 16.91 Weir Height (ft)0.56 Weir Length (ft)12.5564 (above Inlet)(dia or width of Structure) WQ Area:0.1726 Bypass Area:1.7671 WQ Flow:0.6394 Peak Bypass Flow:2.1850 10% Max Increase:YES At Elev:16.91 At Elev:17.02 Orifice Coefficient:0.6200 Dual Access Req:YES 16.35 0.0000 0.00 0.000 9.5875 0.000 0.0000 16.36 0.0859 0.00 0.000 9.6277 0.000 0.0859 16.37 0.1214 0.00 0.000 9.6677 0.000 0.1214 16.38 0.1487 0.00 0.000 9.7076 0.000 0.1487 16.39 0.1717 0.00 0.000 9.7473 0.000 0.1717 16.40 0.1920 0.00 0.000 9.7868 0.000 0.1920 16.41 0.2103 0.00 0.000 9.8262 0.000 0.2103 16.42 0.2272 0.00 0.000 9.8654 0.000 0.2272 16.43 0.2429 0.00 0.000 9.9045 0.000 0.2429 16.44 0.2576 0.00 0.000 9.9434 0.000 0.2576 16.45 0.2715 0.00 0.000 9.9822 0.000 0.2715 16.46 0.2848 0.00 0.000 10.0208 0.000 0.2848 16.47 0.2974 0.00 0.000 10.0593 0.000 0.2974 16.48 0.3096 0.00 0.000 10.0976 0.000 0.3096 16.49 0.3213 0.00 0.000 10.1358 0.000 0.3213 16.50 0.3325 0.00 0.000 10.1738 0.000 0.3325 16.51 0.3435 0.00 0.000 10.2117 0.000 0.3435 16.52 0.3540 0.00 0.000 10.2495 0.000 0.3540 16.53 0.3643 0.00 0.000 10.2871 0.000 0.3643 16.54 0.3743 0.00 0.000 10.3246 0.000 0.3743 16.55 0.3840 0.00 0.000 10.3619 0.000 0.3840 16.56 0.3935 0.00 0.000 10.3991 0.000 0.3935 16.57 0.4027 0.00 0.000 10.4362 0.000 0.4027 16.58 0.4118 0.00 0.000 10.4731 0.000 0.4118 16.59 0.4206 0.00 0.000 10.5099 0.000 0.4206 16.60 0.4293 0.00 0.000 10.5466 0.000 0.4293 16.61 0.4378 0.00 0.000 10.5832 0.000 0.4378 16.62 0.4462 0.00 0.000 10.6196 0.000 0.4462 16.63 0.4543 0.00 0.000 10.6559 0.000 0.4543 16.64 0.4624 0.00 0.000 10.6921 0.000 0.4624 16.65 0.4703 0.00 0.000 10.7281 0.000 0.4703 Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 1 of 3 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:46 AM Bypass 066.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 16.66 0.4781 0.00 0.000 10.7641 0.000 0.4781 16.67 0.4857 0.00 0.000 10.7999 0.000 0.4857 16.68 0.4932 0.00 0.000 10.8356 0.000 0.4932 16.69 0.5007 0.00 0.000 10.8712 0.000 0.5007 16.70 0.5080 0.00 0.000 10.9067 0.000 0.5080 16.71 0.5152 0.00 0.000 10.9420 0.000 0.5152 16.72 0.5223 0.00 0.000 10.9773 0.000 0.5223 16.73 0.5293 0.00 0.000 11.0124 0.000 0.5293 16.74 0.5362 0.00 0.000 11.0474 0.000 0.5362 16.75 0.5430 0.00 0.000 11.0823 0.000 0.5430 16.76 0.5498 0.00 0.000 11.1171 0.000 0.5498 16.77 0.5565 0.00 0.000 11.1518 0.000 0.5565 16.78 0.5630 0.00 0.000 11.1864 0.000 0.5630 16.79 0.5696 0.00 0.000 11.2208 0.000 0.5696 16.80 0.5760 0.00 0.00 11.2552 0.00 0.5760 16.81 0.5824 0.00 0.00 11.2895 0.00 0.5824 16.82 0.5886 0.00 0.000 11.3236 0.000 0.5886 16.83 0.5949 0.00 0.00 11.3577 0.00 0.5949 16.84 0.6010 0.00 0.00 11.3916 0.00 0.6010 16.85 0.6071 0.00 0.00 11.4255 0.00 0.6071 16.86 0.6132 0.00 0.00 11.4592 0.00 0.6132 16.87 0.6192 0.00 0.00 11.4929 0.00 0.6192 16.88 0.6251 0.00 0.00 11.5265 0.00 0.6251 16.89 0.6310 0.00 0.00 11.5599 0.00 0.6310 16.90 0.6368 0.00 0.00 11.5933 0.00 0.6368 16.91 0.6425 0.00 0.000 11.6265 0.000 0.6425 16.92 0.6483 0.01 0.04 11.6597 0.04 0.6901 16.93 0.6539 0.02 0.12 11.6928 0.12 0.7722 16.94 0.6595 0.03 0.22 11.7258 0.22 0.8768 16.95 0.6651 0.04 0.33 11.7587 0.33 0.9996 16.96 0.6706 0.05 0.47 11.7915 0.47 1.1381 16.97 0.6761 0.06 0.61 11.8242 0.61 1.2906 16.98 0.6815 0.07 0.77 11.8568 0.77 1.4559 16.99 0.6869 0.08 0.946 11.8893 0.946 1.6330 17.00 0.6923 0.09 1.129 11.9218 1.129 1.8212 17.01 0.6976 0.10 1.322 11.9541 1.322 2.0198 17.02 0.7028 0.11 1.525 11.9864 1.525 2.2283 17.03 0.7080 0.12 1.738 12.0186 1.738 2.4462 17.04 0.7132 0.13 1.960 12.0507 1.960 2.6731 17.05 0.7184 0.14 2.190 12.0827 2.190 2.9087 17.06 0.7235 0.15 2.429 12.1146 2.429 3.1526 17.07 0.7286 0.16 2.676 12.1464 2.676 3.4046 17.08 0.7336 0.17 2.931 12.1782 2.931 3.6644 17.09 0.7386 0.18 3.193 12.2098 3.193 3.9318 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:6/7/201810:46 AM Bypass 066.xlsx Potential  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Actual  Bypass  Outlet (cfs) Total  Outlet   (cfs) Water  Surface Elev  (ft)  WQ  Outlet   (cfs) Head at  Weir  (ft) Flow over  Weir  (cfs) 17.10 0.7436 0.19 3.463 12.2414 3.463 4.2065 17.11 0.7485 0.20 3.740 12.2729 3.740 4.4884 17.12 0.7534 0.21 4.024 12.3044 4.024 4.7773 17.13 0.7583 0.22 4.315 12.3357 4.315 5.0730 17.14 0.7632 0.23 4.612 12.3670 4.612 5.3753 17.15 0.7680 0.24 4.916 12.3982 4.916 5.6841 17.16 0.7728 0.25 5.227 12.4293 5.227 5.9994 17.17 0.7775 0.26 5.543 12.4603 5.543 6.3208 17.18 0.7823 0.27 5.866 12.4913 5.866 6.6484 17.19 0.7869 0.28 6.195 12.5222 6.195 6.9820 17.20 0.7916 0.29 6.530 12.5530 6.530 7.3215 17.21 0.7963 0.30 6.871 12.5837 6.871 7.6668 17.22 0.8009 0.31 7.217 12.6144 7.217 8.0178 17.23 0.8055 0.32 7.569 12.6449 7.569 8.3744 17.24 0.8100 0.33 7.926 12.6754 7.926 8.7365 17.25 0.8146 0.34 8.289 12.7059 8.289 9.1041 17.26 0.8191 0.35 8.658 12.7362 8.658 9.4770 17.27 0.8236 0.36 9.032 12.7665 9.032 9.8551 17.28 0.8280 0.37 9.410 12.7967 9.410 10.2385 17.29 0.8325 0.38 9.795 12.8269 9.795 10.6270 17.30 0.8369 0.39 10.184 12.8570 10.184 11.0206 17.31 0.8413 0.40 10.578 12.8870 10.578 11.4192 17.32 0.8457 0.41 10.977 12.9169 10.977 11.8227 17.33 0.8500 0.42 11.381 12.9468 11.381 12.2311 17.34 0.8543 0.43 11.790 12.9766 11.790 12.6443 17.35 0.8586 0.44 12.204 13.0063 12.204 13.0622 17.36 0.8629 0.45 12.622 13.0360 12.622 13.4849 17.37 0.8672 0.46 13.045 13.0656 13.045 13.9122 17.38 0.8714 0.47 13.473 13.0951 13.095 13.9665 17.39 0.8756 0.48 13.905 13.1245 13.125 14.0002 17.40 0.8798 0.49 14.342 13.1539 13.154 14.0338 17.41 0.8840 0.50 14.783 13.1833 13.183 14.0673 17.42 0.8882 0.51 15.229 13.2125 13.213 14.1007 17.43 0.8923 0.52 15.679 13.2417 13.242 14.1340 17.44 0.8964 0.53 16.133 13.2709 13.271 14.1673 17.45 0.9005 0.54 16.592 13.2999 13.300 14.2005 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:10 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3P.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C59C500-3P STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 4 RENTON SITE R-401376 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:10 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3Q.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C60C500-3Q STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 5 RENTON SITE R-401377 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:10 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3R.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C61C500-3R STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 6 RENTON SITE R-401378 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:10 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3S.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C62C500-3S STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 7 RENTON SITE R-401379 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:11 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3T.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C63C500-3T STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 8 RENTON SITE R-401380 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:11 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3U.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C64C500-3U STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 9 RENTON SITE R-401381 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:11 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3V.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C65C500-3V STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 10 RENTON SITE R-401382 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:11 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3W.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C66C500-3W STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 11 RENTON SITE R-401383 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Nov 15, 2018 12:11 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\Archive\2018_12_10 Archive\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3X.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C67C500-3X STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 12 RENTON SITE R-401384 SUMP PUMP NO.510A NO. 47 OIL-WATER SEPARATOR NO. 516B LIFT STATION NO. 465 STORM VAULT 4-81 4-20 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04 4-21 4-86 4-41 4-42 4-45 4-75 4-68 OUTFALL 004A OUTFALL 004 OUTFALL 002 OUTFALL 012 OUTFALL 0014 OUTFALL 003 OUTFALL 021 OUTFALL 0016 OUTFALL 011 OUTFALL 010 NO. 030 OWS/WET VAULT EXISTING CONVEYANCE MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 OUTFALL 004A OUTFALL 004 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 27i-490I 4,113 SF 0.094 AC 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04 SUMP PUMP NO.510A NO. 516B LIFT STATION OWS-062 RTU-11 RTU-12 OWS-063 RTU-14 OWS-064 RTU-13 RTU-15 OWS-065 RTU-16 OWS-066 NO. 465 STORM VAULT 4-21 OUTFALL 002A OUTFALL 012A OUTFALL 0014A OUTFALL 003 NO. 47 OIL-WATER SEPARATOR OUTFALL 021 4-41 4-42 4-45 4-75 4-68 NO. 030 OWS/WET VAULT DEVELOPED CONVEYANCE MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 SUB BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 002A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 003 SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004 SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 012A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 014A SUB-BASIN AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 021 PROJECT LIMITS OWS 066 BASIN 25 SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS OUTFALL 002A TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 25A-432 11,525 SF 0.265 AC 25A-434 15,323 SF 0.352 AC 25A-427 10,698 SF 0.246 AC 25A-428 15,758 SF 0.362 AC 25A-429 15,047 SF 0.345 AC 25A-430 12,630 SF 0.290 AC 25A-436 23,975 SF 0.550 AC 25A-426 3,944 SF 0.091 AC 25A-425 11,194 SF 0.257 AC 25A-424 13,339 SF 0.308 AC 25B-438 26,432 SF 0.607 AC 25C-420 191,571 SF 4.398 AC 25B-439 19,121 SF 0.439 AC 25B-441 20,336 SF 0.467 AC 25B-443 15,446 SF 0.355 AC 25B-444 19,862 SF 0.456 AC 25B-445 29,209 SF 0.671 AC 25B-446 57,086 SF 1.311 AC 25B-448 20,447 SF 0.469 AC 25B-451 74,047 SF 1.700 AC 25B-453 152,399 SF 3.499 AC 25A-422 5,151 SF 0.118 AC 25A-431 18,773 SF 0.431 AC 25B-437 11,938 SF 0.274 AC 25B-419 21,120 SF 0.485 AC 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-894-04 TO 4-86 4-86 LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY OUTFALL 002A CATCHMENT AREA PROFILE VIEW: 25A-426 TO T-425 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 25A-426 TO T-425 Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 25 NEW PROFILE VIEW: OWS-066 TO 1116-18 PROFILE VIEW: OWS-066 TO 1116-18 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 25 NEW PROFILE VIEW: 25A-436 TP N-423 PROFILE VIEW: 25A-436 TP N-423 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 25 NEW PROFILE VIEW: 29B-453 TO OUTFALL-002 PROFILE VIEW: 29B-453 TO OUTFALL-002 -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 Station (ft) N-423 Rim: 18.90 ft N-440 Rim: 19.00 ftT-443 Rim: 18.30 ft N-452 Rim: 19.30 ft N-450 Rim: 19.35 ft N-447 Rim: 19.38 ft 1116-18 Rim: 18.31 ft T-444 Rim: 18.50 ft T-438 Rim: 18.60 ft T-422 Rim: 17.60 ftN-442 Rim: 18.60 ft 417 Rim: 18.03 ft T-445 Rim: 18.68 ft T-439 Rim: 18.70 ftT-441 Rim: 18.70 ft 1117-18 Rim: 15.58 ftT-437 Rim: 18.80 ft Invert In: 11.20 ft Invert Out: 11.20 ft Invert In: 13.00 ftInvert Out: 13.00 ftInvert In: 12.80 ftInvert Out: 12.80 ft Invert In: 14.64 ft Invert Out: 8.39 ft Invert In: 16.43 ftInvert Out: 15.38 ft Invert In: 14.42 ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft Invert In: 11.31 ftInvert Out: 9.03 ft Invert In: 13.00 ftInvert Out: 13.00 ft Invert In: 12.37 ftInvert Out: 12.37 ft Invert In: 10.73 ft Invert Out: 10.73 ftInvert In: 12.70 ft Invert Out: 12.70 ft Invert In: 9.36 ftInvert Out: 9.32 ftInvert In: 13.47 ftInvert Out: 13.47 ft Invert In: 13.60 ft Invert Out: 12.85 ftInvert In: 12.82 ftInvert Out: 12.82 ft Invert In: 8.70 ftInvert Out: 1.50 ftInvert In: 12.25 ftInvert Out: 11.59 ft 25B-453Rim: 18.47 ft 25B-448Rim: 19.35 ft 25B-446 Rim: 18.80 ft 25B-419Rim: 18.66 ftJ-451 Rim: 19.10 ft 25B-451 Rim: 18.52 ftInvert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 15.26 ft Invert In: 14.57 ft Invert Out: 14.67 ft Invert In: 14.08 ft Invert Out: 13.58 ft Invert In: 10.30 ft Invert Out: 10.30 ftInvert In: 16.52 ft Invert Out: 15.47 ft Invert In: 16.52 ft Invert Out: 16.43 ft O-002Rim: 15.20 ftInvert: 1.14 ft 160.0 ft 36.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 87.0 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 59.7 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 28.6 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 157.9 ft 36.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 124.0 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 140.2 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 74.7 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 84.2 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft 32.3 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 123.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 60.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 135.3 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft23.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 120.7 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft 43.2 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 66.7 ft 12.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 88.3 ft 12.0 in -0.092 ft/ft 65.5 ft 12.0 in -0.015 ft/ft 248.5 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 98.1 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 59.6 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 72.7 ft 36.0 in 0.005 ft/ft -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 Station (ft) N-423 Rim: 18.90 ft N-440 Rim: 19.00 ftT-443 Rim: 18.30 ft N-452 Rim: 19.30 ft N-450 Rim: 19.35 ft N-447 Rim: 19.38 ft 1116-18 Rim: 18.31 ft T-444 Rim: 18.50 ft T-438 Rim: 18.60 ft T-422 Rim: 17.60 ftN-442 Rim: 18.60 ft 417 Rim: 18.03 ft T-445 Rim: 18.68 ft T-439 Rim: 18.70 ftT-441 Rim: 18.70 ft 1117-18 Rim: 15.58 ftT-437 Rim: 18.80 ft Invert In: 11.20 ftInvert Out: 11.20 ft Invert In: 13.00 ftInvert Out: 13.00 ftInvert In: 12.80 ft Invert Out: 12.80 ft Invert In: 14.64 ftInvert Out: 8.39 ft Invert In: 16.43 ft Invert Out: 15.38 ft Invert In: 14.42 ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft Invert In: 11.31 ft Invert Out: 9.03 ft Invert In: 13.00 ft Invert Out: 13.00 ft Invert In: 12.37 ft Invert Out: 12.37 ft Invert In: 10.73 ft Invert Out: 10.73 ftInvert In: 12.70 ftInvert Out: 12.70 ft Invert In: 9.36 ftInvert Out: 9.32 ft Invert In: 13.47 ft Invert Out: 13.47 ft Invert In: 13.60 ft Invert Out: 12.85 ftInvert In: 12.82 ftInvert Out: 12.82 ft Invert In: 8.70 ftInvert Out: 1.50 ftInvert In: 12.25 ft Invert Out: 11.59 ft 25B-453Rim: 18.47 ft 25B-448 Rim: 19.35 ft 25B-446 Rim: 18.80 ft 25B-419 Rim: 18.66 ftJ-451Rim: 19.10 ft 25B-451Rim: 18.52 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 15.26 ft Invert In: 14.57 ft Invert Out: 14.67 ft Invert In: 14.08 ft Invert Out: 13.58 ft Invert In: 10.30 ft Invert Out: 10.30 ftInvert In: 16.52 ft Invert Out: 15.47 ft Invert In: 16.52 ft Invert Out: 16.43 ft O-002 Rim: 15.20 ftInvert: 1.14 ft 160.0 ft 36.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 87.0 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 59.7 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 28.6 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 157.9 ft 36.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 124.0 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 140.2 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 74.7 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 84.2 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft 32.3 ft 24.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 123.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 60.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 135.3 ft 36.0 in 0.003 ft/ft23.1 ft 24.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 120.7 ft 24.0 in -0.001 ft/ft 43.2 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 66.7 ft 12.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 88.3 ft 12.0 in -0.092 ft/ft 65.5 ft 12.0 in -0.015 ft/ft 248.5 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 98.1 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 59.6 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 72.7 ft 36.0 in 0.005 ft/ft Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018 Sub-basins New Basin 25.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintypeROWS-06625 yr 24 hr1.89798.010.64632.444SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42225 yr 24 hr0.09168.010.03120.118SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42425 yr 24 hr0.23928.010.08140.308SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42525 yr 24 hr0.19968.010.0680.257SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42625 yr 24 hr0.07078.010.02410.091SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42725 yr 24 hr0.1918.010.06510.246SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42825 yr 24 hr0.28118.010.09570.362SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-42925 yr 24 hr0.26798.010.09120.345SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43025 yr 24 hr0.22528.010.07670.29SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43125 yr 24 hr0.33478.010.1140.431SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43225 yr 24 hr0.20588.010.07010.265SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43425 yr 24 hr0.27078.010.09220.352SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-43625 yr 24 hr0.41788.010.14220.55SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-41925 yr 24 hr0.37668.010.12830.485SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-43725 yr 24 hr0.21288.010.07250.274SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-43825 yr 24 hr0.47148.010.16050.607SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-43925 yr 24 hr0.34098.010.11610.439SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44125 yr 24 hr0.36268.010.12350.467SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44325 yr 24 hr0.27578.010.09390.355SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44425 yr 24 hr0.35418.010.12060.456SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44525 yr 24 hr0.50588.010.17220.671SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44625 yr 24 hr1.01818.010.34671.311SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-44825 yr 24 hr0.31938.010.10850.469SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-45125 yr 24 hr1.18168.010.40171.7SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-45325 yr 24 hr2.59518.010.88313.499SCSTYPE1A.RAC25C-42025 yr 24 hr3.41528.011.1634.398SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintypeROWS-066100 yr 24 hr2.18538.010.7482.444SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-422100 yr 24 hr0.10558.010.03610.118SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-424100 yr 24 hr0.27548.010.09430.308SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-425100 yr 24 hr0.22988.010.07870.257SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-426100 yr 24 hr0.08148.010.02790.091SCSTYPE1A.RACPage 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018 Sub-basins New Basin 25.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype25A-427100 yr 24 hr0.228.010.07530.246SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-428100 yr 24 hr0.32378.010.11080.362SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-429100 yr 24 hr0.30858.010.10560.345SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-430100 yr 24 hr0.25938.010.08880.29SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-431100 yr 24 hr0.38548.010.13190.431SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-432100 yr 24 hr0.2378.010.08110.265SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-434100 yr 24 hr0.3128.010.10680.352SCSTYPE1A.RAC25A-436100 yr 24 hr0.48258.010.1650.55SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-419100 yr 24 hr0.43378.010.14840.485SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-437100 yr 24 hr0.2458.010.08390.274SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-438100 yr 24 hr0.54288.010.18580.607SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-439100 yr 24 hr0.39258.010.13440.439SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-441100 yr 24 hr0.41768.010.14290.467SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-443100 yr 24 hr0.31748.010.10870.355SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-444100 yr 24 hr0.40778.010.13960.456SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-445100 yr 24 hr0.58478.010.19990.671SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-446100 yr 24 hr1.17228.010.40131.311SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-448100 yr 24 hr0.37458.010.12730.469SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-451100 yr 24 hr1.38158.010.47021.7SCSTYPE1A.RAC25B-453100 yr 24 hr3.00658.011.02683.499SCSTYPE1A.RAC25C-420100 yr 24 hr3.93258.011.34614.398SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 2 of 2 Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:54:26 PM ROWS-066 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.0869 8.0058 0.3621 2.444 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 1.6095 8.0058 0.5446 2.444 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 1.8979 8.0058 0.6463 2.444 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 2.1853 8.0058 0.748 2.444 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: ROWS-066 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 2.444 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 2.444 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:41:54 PM 25A-422 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0525 8.0058 0.0175 0.118 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0777 8.0058 0.0263 0.118 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0916 8.0058 0.0312 0.118 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1055 8.0058 0.0361 0.118 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-422 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.118 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.118 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:42:12 PM 25A-424 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.137 8.0058 0.0456 0.308 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2028 8.0058 0.0686 0.308 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2392 8.0058 0.0814 0.308 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2754 8.0058 0.0943 0.308 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-424 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.308 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.308 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:42:24 PM 25A-425 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1143 8.0058 0.0381 0.257 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1693 8.0058 0.0573 0.257 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1996 8.0058 0.068 0.257 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2298 8.0058 0.0787 0.257 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-425 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.257 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.257 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:42:41 PM 25A-426 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0405 8.0058 0.0135 0.091 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0599 8.0058 0.0203 0.091 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0707 8.0058 0.0241 0.091 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0814 8.0058 0.0279 0.091 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-426 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.091 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.091 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:42:55 PM 25A-427 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1094 8.0058 0.0364 0.246 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.162 8.0058 0.0548 0.246 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.191 8.0058 0.0651 0.246 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.22 8.0058 0.0753 0.246 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-427 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.246 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.246 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:43:13 PM 25A-428 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.161 8.0058 0.0536 0.362 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2384 8.0058 0.0807 0.362 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2811 8.0058 0.0957 0.362 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3237 8.0058 0.1108 0.362 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-428 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.362 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.168 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.194 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:43:28 PM 25A-429 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1534 8.0058 0.0511 0.345 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2272 8.0058 0.0769 0.345 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2679 8.0058 0.0912 0.345 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3085 8.0058 0.1056 0.345 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-429 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.345 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.15 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.195 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:43:42 PM 25A-430 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.129 8.0058 0.043 0.29 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.191 8.0058 0.0646 0.29 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2252 8.0058 0.0767 0.29 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2593 8.0058 0.0888 0.29 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-430 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.29 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.093 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.197 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:43:58 PM 25A-431 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1917 8.0058 0.0639 0.431 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2838 8.0058 0.096 0.431 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3347 8.0058 0.114 0.431 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3854 8.0058 0.1319 0.431 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-431 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.431 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.186 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.245 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:44:11 PM 25A-432 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1179 8.0058 0.0393 0.265 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1745 8.0058 0.0591 0.265 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2058 8.0058 0.0701 0.265 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.237 8.0058 0.0811 0.265 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-432 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.265 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.117 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.148 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:44:25 PM25A-434 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1541 8.0058 0.0514 0.352 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2292 8.0058 0.0776 0.352 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2707 8.0058 0.0922 0.352 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.312 8.0058 0.1068 0.352 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-434 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.009 ac DCIA 0.343 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.009 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.207 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.136 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:44:45 PM 25A-436 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2362 8.0058 0.079 0.55 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3531 8.0058 0.1196 0.55 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4178 8.0058 0.1422 0.55 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4825 8.0058 0.165 0.55 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25A-436 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.031 ac DCIA 0.519 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.031 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.418 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.101 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:45:00 PM 25B-419 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2157 8.0058 0.0719 0.485 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3194 8.0058 0.1081 0.485 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3766 8.0058 0.1283 0.485 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4337 8.0058 0.1484 0.485 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-419 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.485 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.485 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:45:17 PM 25B-437 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1219 8.0058 0.0406 0.274 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1804 8.0058 0.0611 0.274 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2128 8.0058 0.0725 0.274 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.245 8.0058 0.0839 0.274 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-437 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.274 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.274 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:45:32 PM 25B-438 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.27 8.0058 0.0899 0.607 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3998 8.0058 0.1353 0.607 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4714 8.0058 0.1605 0.607 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5428 8.0058 0.1858 0.607 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-438 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.607 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.365 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.242 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:47:00 PM 25B-439 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1952 8.0058 0.065 0.439 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2891 8.0058 0.0978 0.439 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3409 8.0058 0.1161 0.439 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3925 8.0058 0.1344 0.439 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-439 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.439 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.155 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.284 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:47:17 PM 25B-441 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2077 8.0058 0.0692 0.467 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3076 8.0058 0.1041 0.467 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3626 8.0058 0.1235 0.467 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4176 8.0058 0.1429 0.467 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-441 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.467 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.239 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.228 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:47:31 PM 25B-443 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1579 8.0058 0.0526 0.355 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2338 8.0058 0.0791 0.355 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2757 8.0058 0.0939 0.355 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3174 8.0058 0.1087 0.355 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-443 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.355 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.163 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.192 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:47:45 PM 25B-444 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2028 8.0058 0.0676 0.456 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3003 8.0058 0.1016 0.456 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3541 8.0058 0.1206 0.456 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4077 8.0058 0.1396 0.456 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-444 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.456 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.242 ac 98.00 ROOF 0.214 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:47:57 PM 25B-445 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2846 8.0058 0.0952 0.671 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4269 8.0058 0.1446 0.671 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.5058 8.0058 0.1722 0.671 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5847 8.0058 0.1999 0.671 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-445 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.051 ac DCIA 0.62 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.051 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.62 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:48:20 PM 25B-446 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.5831 8.0058 0.1942 1.311 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.8634 8.0058 0.2922 1.311 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 1.0181 8.0058 0.3467 1.311 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 1.1722 8.0058 0.4013 1.311 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-446 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 1.311 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 1.311 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:48:35 PM 25B-448 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.168 8.0058 0.0572 0.469 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2646 8.0058 0.0899 0.469 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3193 8.0058 0.1085 0.469 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3745 8.0058 0.1273 0.469 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-448 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.15 ac DCIA 0.319 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.15 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.319 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:48:53 PM 25B-451 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.6307 8.0058 0.214 1.70 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.983 8.0058 0.3338 1.70 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 1.1816 8.0058 0.4017 1.70 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 1.3815 8.0058 0.4702 1.70 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-451 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.463 ac DCIA 1.237 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.463 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 1.237 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:49:11 PM 25B-453 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.4457 8.0058 0.4851 3.499 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 2.1839 8.0058 0.7401 3.499 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 2.5951 8.0058 0.8831 3.499 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 3.0065 8.0058 1.0268 3.499 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25B-453 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.408 ac DCIA 3.091 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn LANDSCAPE 0.408 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 3.091 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:49:27 PM 25C-420 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.956 8.0058 0.6516 4.398 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 2.8964 8.0058 0.9801 4.398 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 3.4152 8.0058 1.163 4.398 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 3.9325 8.0058 1.3461 4.398 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25C-420 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 4.398 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 4.398 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018 Sub-basins New Basin 25.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-066420.00218HDPE0.0125.081.91.08OWS-06613.3215.4618.751112-18 13.2415.4519.07P-417 870.00336HDPE0.01241.7914.222.014179.3215.2918.031116-18 9.0315.2618.31P-419157.50.00636UKN0.01351.4614.222.0125B-41910.315.4418.664179.3615.3718.03P-420 54.10.04912CONC0.0137.883.424.3525C-42012.9515.8619.2225B-41910.315.3718.66P-422 53.10.0758CONC0.0133.310.094.1425A-42215.916.0417.6T-422 11.915.5917.6P-423 135.30.00336CONC0.01339.310.341.46N-423 11.215.6118.9T-422 10.7315.5717.6P-423 (1) 1240.00336CONC0.01339.310.431.48T-422 10.7315.5517.625B-41910.315.5218.66P-424 65.80.0266PVC Pipe0.0130.910.241.2225A-42413.815.817.8T-424 12.0715.6818.9P-425 770.0178PVC Pipe0.0131.580.270.7725A-42513.515.7518.1T-425 12.1915.7118.9P-426 100.30.0118PVC Pipe0.0131.270.070.225A-42614.615.7718.325A-42513.515.7618.1P-427 54.70.00321CONC0.0138.172.190.9125A-42711.7915.7218.94T-425 11.6415.7118.9P-427 (1) 75.30.00321CONC0.0138.172.461.02T-425 11.6415.718.9T-424 11.4415.6818.9P-427 (2) 92.20.00321CONC0.0138.172.71.12T-424 11.4415.6718.9N-423 11.215.6418.9P-428 15.40.1638CONC0.0134.880.287.5925A-42815.315.7618.7T-428 12.7515.7618.7P-429 15.50.1088PVC Pipe0.0133.980.270.7725A-42914.515.7918.2N-456 12.8115.7818.86P-430 15.80.0536CONC0.0131.30.231.1525A-43014.615.8118.5T-430 13.7515.7918.5P-431 15.8-0.0676CONC0.0131.460.331.725A-4311315.8418.5T-431 14.0715.7818.5P-432 15.90.0118CONC0.0131.260.210.5925A-43214.515.8118.2T-432 14.3315.8118.2P-433 410.00321CONC0.0138.350.690.29N-433 13.915.8118.71T-432 13.7915.8118.2P-433 (1) 122.20.00321CONC0.0138.380.890.37T-432 13.7915.8118.2T-431 13.4415.8118.5P-433 (2) 112.60.00321CONC0.0138.381.230.51T-431 13.4415.818.5T-430 13.1315.818.5P-433 (3) 114.10.00321CONC0.0138.381.450.6T-430 13.1315.7918.5N-456 12.8115.7818.86P-434 14.20.0078conc0.0131.030.270.7825A-4341515.8718.3T-434 14.915.8618.3P-435 71.30.00812CONC0.0133.270.422.86N-435 15.3315.8618.9T-434 14.7315.8618.3P-435 (1) 98.50.00812CONC0.0133.270.690.88T-434 14.7315.8418.3N-433 13.915.8118.71P-436 92.20.0098CONC0.0131.150.423.0425A-43616.1716.4718.72N-435 15.3315.8818.9P-437 3.50.58METAL0.0138.540.210.6125B-43714.315.7718.8T-437 12.2515.7718.8P-438 15.90.1578CONC0.0134.790.471.3525B-43814.915.9718.6T-438 12.3715.9518.6P-439 6.90.4116CONC0.0133.60.3411.5325B-43916.71719.05T-439 13.616.0518.7P-440 23.10.00624CONC0.01318.16.612.1N-440 1316.0619T-439 12.8516.0418.7P-440 (1) 74.70.00624CONC0.01318.16.952.21T-439 12.8515.9918.7T-438 12.3715.9218.6P-440 (2) 123.10.00624CONC0.01318.17.422.36T-438 12.3715.8618.6T-437 11.5915.7218.8P-440 (3) 60.10.00624CONC0.01318.17.642.43T-437 11.5915.6718.8N-423 11.215.618.9P-441 60.3138Metal0.0136.760.361.0425B-44114.816.2818.7T-441 12.8216.2818.7P-442 84.2-0.00124CONC0.0138.666.251.99N-442 12.716.3218.6T-441 12.8216.2518.7P-442 (1) 120.7-0.00124CONC0.0138.666.612.1T-441 12.8216.218.7N-440 1316.119P-443 14.50.0788CONC0.0133.380.280.7925B-44314.616.4518.3T-443 13.4616.4418.3P-444 14.70.0918CONC0.0133.640.351.0125B-4441516.5318.5T-444 13.6616.5218.5P-445 11.20.16810di0.0138.980.518.8925B-44515.9616.6418.61T-445 14.0516.6418.68P-446 32.30.00324CONC0.01313.145.111.6325B-44613.5816.6418.8T-445 13.4716.6218.68P-446 (1) 140.20.00324CONC0.01313.145.621.79T-445 13.4716.5818.68T-444 1316.518.5P-446 (2) 59.70.00324CONC0.01313.145.971.9T-444 1316.4618.5T-443 12.816.4218.3P-446 (3) 28.60.00324CONC0.01313.146.251.99T-443 12.816.3718.3N-442 12.716.3518.6P-447 98.10.00212CONC0.0131.764.15.22N-447 14.3217.7319.3825B-44614.0816.4318.8P-448 59.60.00412CONC0.0132.314.15.2225B-44814.671919.35N-447 14.4218.2119.38P-450 248.50.00312CONC0.0132.033.784.81N-450 15.3822.0819.3525B-44814.5719.2919.35P-451 43.2-0.0020Trench Drain0.0134.913.781.8925B-45116.4323.3418.52J-45116.5223.2919.1P-451 (1) 65.1-0.01512conc0.0134.313.784.81J-45115.4722.9619.1N-450 16.4322.2219.35P-452 87.9-0.09212conc0.01310.812.63.3N-452 8.3923.7619.325B-45116.5223.2918.52Page 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018 Sub-basins New Basin 25.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-453 66.70.00912conc0.0133.432.63.325B-45315.2624.1818.47N-452 14.6423.8319.3P-456 97.90.00421CONC0.01310.141.720.72N-456 12.6115.7718.86T-428 12.2115.7618.7P-456 (1) 102.20.00421CONC0.01310.1420.83T-428 12.2115.7518.725A-42711.7915.7418.94P-1112150.00218HDPE0.0125.081.91.081112-18 13.2415.4219.071113-18 13.2115.4219.17P-1113100.00218HDPE0.0125.091.91.081113-18 13.2115.419.171114-18 13.1915.419.13P-111458.30.00218HDPE0.0124.921.91.081114-18 13.1815.3719.131115-1813.0715.3618.75P-1115190.20.00218HDPE0.0125.091.91.081115-1811.6915.3418.751116-18 11.3115.2918.31P-1116 1600.00236HDPE0.01232.3116.122.281116-18 9.0315.1518.311117-18 8.715.0715.58P-1117 72.70.00536HDPE0.01251.0916.122.281117-18 1.515.0215.58O-0021.1414.9815.18Page 2 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018 Sub-basins New Basin 25.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-066420.00218HDPE0.0125.082.191.24OWS-06613.3215.6118.751112-18 13.2415.619.07P-417 870.00336HDPE0.01241.7916.432.324179.3215.418.031116-18 9.0315.3518.31P-419157.50.00636UKN0.01351.4616.432.3225B-41910.315.5918.664179.3615.518.03P-420 54.10.04912CONC0.0137.883.935.0125C-42012.9516.1619.2225B-41910.315.518.66P-422 53.10.0758CONC0.0133.310.114.3325A-42215.916.0517.6T-422 11.915.817.6P-423 135.30.00336CONC0.01339.311.961.69N-423 11.215.8118.9T-422 10.7315.7717.6P-423 (1) 1240.00336CONC0.01339.312.061.71T-422 10.7315.7417.625B-41910.315.718.66P-424 65.80.0266PVC Pipe0.0130.910.281.425A-42413.816.0717.8T-424 12.0715.9118.9P-425 770.0178PVC Pipe0.0131.580.310.8925A-42513.516.0118.1T-425 12.1915.9618.9P-426 100.30.0118PVC Pipe0.0131.270.080.2325A-42614.616.0318.325A-42513.516.0218.1P-427 54.70.00321CONC0.0138.172.531.0525A-42711.7915.9718.94T-425 11.6415.9618.9P-427 (1) 75.30.00321CONC0.0138.172.841.18T-425 11.6415.9418.9T-424 11.4415.9218.9P-427 (2) 92.20.00321CONC0.0138.173.121.3T-424 11.4415.918.9N-423 11.215.8618.9P-428 15.40.1638CONC0.0134.880.320.9325A-42815.316.0318.7T-428 12.7516.0218.7P-429 15.50.1088PVC Pipe0.0133.980.310.8825A-42914.516.0518.2N-456 12.8116.0418.86P-430 15.80.0536CONC0.0131.30.261.3225A-43014.616.0918.5T-430 13.7516.0518.5P-431 15.8-0.0676CONC0.0131.460.391.9625A-4311316.1218.5T-431 14.0716.0518.5P-432 15.90.0118CONC0.0131.260.240.6825A-43214.516.0918.2T-432 14.3316.0918.2P-433 410.00321CONC0.0138.350.790.33N-433 13.916.0918.71T-432 13.7916.0918.2P-433 (1) 122.20.00321CONC0.0138.381.030.43T-432 13.7916.0918.2T-431 13.4416.0818.5P-433 (2) 112.60.00321CONC0.0138.381.420.59T-431 13.4416.0818.5T-430 13.1316.0718.5P-433 (3) 114.10.00321CONC0.0138.381.680.7T-430 13.1316.0618.5N-456 12.8116.0518.86P-434 14.20.0078conc0.0131.030.310.8925A-4341516.1618.3T-434 14.916.1518.3P-435 71.30.00812CONC0.0133.270.482.98N-435 15.3316.1618.9T-434 14.7316.1518.3P-435 (1) 98.50.00812CONC0.0133.270.791.01T-434 14.7316.1318.3N-433 13.916.0818.71P-436 92.20.0098CONC0.0131.150.483.1625A-43616.1716.4918.72N-435 15.3316.1618.9P-437 3.50.58METAL0.0138.540.250.725B-43714.316.0418.8T-437 12.2516.0418.8P-438 15.90.1578CONC0.0134.790.541.5625B-43814.916.318.6T-438 12.3716.2718.6P-439 6.90.4116CONC0.0133.60.3912.0125B-43916.717.0219.05T-439 13.616.4118.7P-440 23.10.00624CONC0.01318.17.662.44N-440 1316.4219T-439 12.8516.418.7P-440 (1) 74.70.00624CONC0.01318.18.052.56T-439 12.8516.3318.7T-438 12.3716.2318.6P-440 (2) 123.10.00624CONC0.01318.18.62.74T-438 12.3716.1518.6T-437 11.5915.9718.8P-440 (3) 60.10.00624CONC0.01318.18.842.81T-437 11.5915.8918.8N-423 11.215.818.9P-441 60.3138Metal0.0136.760.421.225B-44114.816.7218.7T-441 12.8216.7218.7P-442 84.2-0.00124CONC0.0138.667.242.31N-442 12.716.7718.6T-441 12.8216.6818.7P-442 (1) 120.7-0.00124CONC0.0138.667.662.44T-441 12.8216.6218.7N-440 1316.4819P-443 14.50.0788CONC0.0133.380.320.9125B-44314.616.9518.3T-443 13.4616.9418.3P-444 14.70.0918CONC0.0133.640.411.1725B-4441517.0518.5T-444 13.6617.0418.5P-445 11.20.16810di0.0138.980.581.0725B-44515.9617.2118.61T-445 14.0517.218.68P-446 32.30.00324CONC0.01313.145.931.8925B-44613.5817.218.8T-445 13.4717.1818.68P-446 (1) 140.20.00324CONC0.01313.146.522.08T-445 13.4717.1318.68T-444 1317.0118.5P-446 (2) 59.70.00324CONC0.01313.146.932.2T-444 1316.9618.5T-443 12.816.918.3P-446 (3) 28.60.00324CONC0.01313.147.242.31T-443 12.816.8518.3N-442 12.716.8218.6P-447 98.10.00212CONC0.0131.764.766.06N-447 14.3218.6819.3825B-44614.0816.9218.8P-448 59.60.00412CONC0.0132.314.766.0625B-44814.6720.3919.35N-447 14.4219.3219.38P-450 248.50.00312CONC0.0132.034.395.59N-450 15.3824.4419.3525B-44814.5720.6719.35P-451 43.2-0.0020Trench Drain0.0134.914.392.1925B-45116.4326.1318.52J-45116.5226.0719.1P-451 (1) 65.1-0.01512conc0.0134.314.395.59J-45115.4725.6319.1N-450 16.4324.6319.35P-452 87.9-0.09212conc0.01310.813.013.83N-452 8.3926.719.325B-45116.5226.0718.52Page 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018 Sub-basins New Basin 25.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-453 66.70.00912conc0.0133.433.013.8325B-45315.2627.2718.47N-452 14.6426.7919.3P-456 97.90.00421CONC0.01310.141.980.83N-456 12.6116.0418.86T-428 12.2116.0218.7P-456 (1) 102.20.00421CONC0.01310.142.310.96T-428 12.2116.0118.725A-42711.7915.9918.94P-1112150.00218HDPE0.0125.082.191.241112-18 13.2415.5719.071113-18 13.2115.5719.17P-1113100.00218HDPE0.0125.092.191.241113-18 13.2115.5419.171114-18 13.1915.5319.13P-111458.30.00218HDPE0.0124.922.191.241114-18 13.1815.519.131115-1813.0715.4818.75P-1115190.20.00218HDPE0.0125.092.191.241115-1811.6915.4618.751116-18 11.3115.3918.31P-1116 1600.00236HDPE0.01232.3118.622.631116-18 9.0315.218.311117-18 8.715.115.58P-1117 72.70.00536HDPE0.01251.0918.622.631117-18 1.515.0315.58O-0021.1414.9815.18Page 2 of 2 OUTFALL 002A 25D-1107A 19,587 SF 0.450 AC 25D-1107B 22,026 SF 0.506 AC 25E-1108 14,387 SF 0.330 AC 25E-1109 11,258 SF 0.258 AC 25E-726 21,195 SF 0.487 AC 25E-725 17,936 SF 0.412 AC 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-894-04 4-86 4-83 OWS 066 BASIN 25 TAILWATER SET AT BYPASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION 16.93 SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM DOWNSTREAM OF BYPASS AREA TRIBUTARY T OUTFALL 002A CATCHMENT AREA LEGEND PROFILE VIEW: 726-18 TO 1112-18 PROFILE VIEW: 726-18 TO 1112-18 Storm Event: 25 & 100Year Basin 25 WQ NEW 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 1108-18 TO OWS-066 PROFILE VIEW: 1108-18 TO OWS-066 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 1107A TO 1107-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1107A TO 1107-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1107B TO 1110-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1107B TO 1110-18 Storm Event: 25 & 100Year Basin 25 WQ NEW 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basins WQ New Basin 25.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype25D-1107A25 yr 24 hr0.34948.010.1190.45SCSTYPE1A.RAC25D-1107B25 yr 24 hr0.39298.010.13380.506SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-110825 yr 24 hr0.25638.010.08730.33SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-110925 yr 24 hr0.20038.010.06820.258SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-72525 yr 24 hr0.31998.010.10890.412SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-72625 yr 24 hr0.37828.010.12880.487SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype25D-1107A100 yr 24 hr0.40248.010.13770.45SCSTYPE1A.RAC25D-1107B100 yr 24 hr0.45248.010.15490.506SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-1108100 yr 24 hr0.29518.010.1010.33SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-1109100 yr 24 hr0.23078.010.0790.258SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-725100 yr 24 hr0.36848.010.12610.412SCSTYPE1A.RAC25E-726100 yr 24 hr0.43558.010.14910.487SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:49:41 PM 25D-1107A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2001 8.0058 0.0667 0.45 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2964 8.0058 0.1003 0.45 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3494 8.0058 0.119 0.45 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4024 8.0058 0.1377 0.45 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25D-1107A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.45 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.45 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:49:58 PM 25D-1107B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.225 8.0058 0.075 0.506 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3332 8.0058 0.1128 0.506 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3929 8.0058 0.1338 0.506 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4524 8.0058 0.1549 0.506 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25D-1107B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.728 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.506 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:50:13 PM 25E-1108 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1468 8.0058 0.0489 0.33 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2173 8.0058 0.0735 0.33 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2563 8.0058 0.0873 0.33 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2951 8.0058 0.101 0.33 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25E-1108 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.472 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.33 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:50:28 PM 25E-1109 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1147 8.0058 0.0382 0.258 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1699 8.0058 0.0575 0.258 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2003 8.0058 0.0682 0.258 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2307 8.0058 0.079 0.258 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25E-1109 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.484 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.258 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:50:55 PM 25E-725 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1832 8.0058 0.061 0.412 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2713 8.0058 0.0918 0.412 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3199 8.0058 0.1089 0.412 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3684 8.0058 0.1261 0.412 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25E-725 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.412 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.412 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 3:51:08 PM 25E-726 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2166 8.0058 0.0722 0.487 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3207 8.0058 0.1085 0.487 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3782 8.0058 0.1288 0.487 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4355 8.0058 0.1491 0.487 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 25E-726 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.487 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.487 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis10/1/2018Sub-basins WQ New Basin 25.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-725 40.80.01512HDPE0.015.610.70.89725-181416.93181112-18 13.416.9218.51P-726 119.90.00312HDPE0.012.430.380.48726-1814.3316.9518725-181416.9418P-1107 50.40.00212HDPE0.012.070.740.951107-18 14.4417.0418.261110-18 14.3417.0318.38P-1108 83.80.00512HDPE0. 90.60.00212HDPE0.012.070.460.581109-1813.9517.0517.51110-18 13.7717.0418.38P-1110 152.70.00212HDPE0. 13.7717.0118.381111-18 13.4616.918.34P-1111 29.90.00218HDPE0. 13.4616.9318.341112-18 13.416.9318.51P-1112 410.00218HDPE0. 13.416.9218.51OWS-06613.3216.9118.95SD-1107A 223.7012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.350.441107A16.0517.1318.261107-18 16.0517.0518.26SD-1107B 38.3012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.390.51107B16.0517.0718.31107-18 16.0517.0518.26Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis10/1/2018Sub-basins WQ New Basin 25.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-725 40.80.01512HDPE0.015.610.81.02725-181416.94181112-18 13.416.9318.51P-726 119.90.00312HDPE0.012.430.440.55726-1814.3316.9618725-181416.9518P-1107 50.40.00212HDPE0.012.070.851.091107-18 14.4417.0818.261110-18 14.3417.0718.38P-1108 83.80.00512HDPE0. 90.60.00212HDPE0.012.070.530.671109-1813.9517.0917.51110-18 13.7717.0818.38P-1110 152.70.00212HDPE0.012.071.381.761110-18 13.7717.0418.381111-18 13.4616.9118.34P-1111 29.90.00218HDPE0.016.111.380.781111-18 13.4616.9418.341112-18 13.416.9418.51P-1112 410.00218HDPE0. 13.416.9218.51OWS-06613.3216.9118.95SD-1107A 223.7012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.40.511107A16.0517.218.261107-18 16.0517.118.26SD-1107B 38.3012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.450.581107B16.0517.1218.31107-18 16.0517.118.26Page 1 of 1 OUTFALL 004 TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04 OWS 065 (BASIN 28) SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS 27A-459 213,515 SF 4.902 AC NO. 465 STORM VAULT SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY T OUTFALL 004 CATCHMENT AREA Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 27 NEW PROFILE VIEW: OWS-065 TO 1098-18 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: OWS-065 TO 1098-18 PROFILE VIEW: EX-459 TO EX-458 PROFILE VIEW: EX-459 TO EX-458 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 Station (ft) EX 458 Rim: 18.05 ft Invert In: 10.48 ft Invert Out: 10.48 ft EX-459 Rim: 19.26 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft 114.4 ft 12.0 in 0.032 ft/ft 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 Station (ft) EX 458 Rim: 18.05 ft Invert In: 10.48 ft Invert Out: 10.48 ft EX-459 Rim: 19.26 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft 114.4 ft 12.0 in 0.032 ft/ft 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 27 NEW PROFILE VIEW: N-465 TO O-004A PROFILE VIEW: N-465 TO O-004A 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin New Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27A-45925 yr 24 hr3.80668.01 1.5004 4.902 SCS TYPE1A.RACOWS-06525 yr 24 hr1.92358.01 0.7581 2.477 SCS TYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27A-459100 yr 24 hr4.38328.01 1.5004 4.902 SCS TYPE1A.RACOWS-065100 yr 24 hr2.21488.01 0.7581 2.477 SCS TYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 3 Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:41:13 AM 27A-459 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 2.1801 8.0058 0.7263 4.902 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 3.2283 8.0058 1.0924 4.902 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 3.8066 8.0058 1.2963 4.902 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 4.3832 8.0058 1.5004 4.902 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27A-459 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 4.902 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 4.902 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:08:24 AM OWS-065 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.1016 8.0058 0.367 2.477 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 1.6313 8.0058 0.552 2.477 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 1.9235 8.0058 0.655 2.477 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 2.2148 8.0058 0.7581 2.477 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: OWS-065 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 2.477 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 2.477 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin New Basin 27.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-065 9.50.00212HDPE0.012.071.922.45OWS-06514.8515.6218.31101-18 14.8715.5718.65P-45868.2033EX CONC0.0137.8413.542.28EX 458 10.4815.0618.051098-18 10.4715.0218.76P-459114.40.03212CONC0.0136.353.814.85EX-45914.3216.0819.26EX 458 10.6814.7818.05P-465 1630.01727CONC0.01340.159.738.32N-465 (FLOW FROM BASIN 27)1315.2318.31097-18 10.2615.0718.28P-1097 580.01430HDPE0.0162.539.731.981097-18 11.2815.118.28EX 458 10.4815.0818.05P-109867.8033CONC0.01310.1615.462.61098-18 10.4714.9918.76N-DNR004 10.4414.9316.5P-1099 200.00212HDPE0.012.071.9231099-18 14.7115.3818.761098-18 14.6715.2618.76P-1100 15.10.00212HDPE0.012.231.923.21100-18 14.7415.4318.661099-18 14.7115.3918.76P-1101 58.10.00212HDPE0.012.071.922.991101-18 14.8515.5918.651100-18 14.7315.4418.66P-DNR004 114.90.08942HDPE0.01390.7615.461.61N-DNR004 10.11516.5O-004A-0.214.9815.2Page 2 of 3 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin New Basin 27.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-0659.50.00212HDPE0. 14.8715.6518.65P-45868.2033EX CONC0.0137.8415.662.64EX 458 10.4815.0918.051098-18 10.4715.0318.76P-459114.40.03212CONC0.0136.354.385.58EX-45914.3216.4419.26EX 458 10.6814.7118.05P-4651630.01727CONC0.01340.1511.282.84N-465 (FLOW from Bypass)1315.3118.31097-18 10.2615.118.28P-1097580.01430HDPE0.0162.5311.282.31097-18 11.2815.1418.28EX 458 10.4815.1118.05P-109867.8033CONC0.01310.1617.883.011098-18 10.4714.9918.76N-DNR00410.4414.9216.5P-1099200.00212HDPE0. 14.7115.4418.761098-18 14.6715.318.76P-110015.10.00212HDPE0. 14.7415.518.661099-18 14.7115.4518.76P-110158.10.00212HDPE0. 14.8515.6618.651100-18 14.7315.518.66P-DNR004114.90.08942HDPE0.01390.7617.881.86N-DNR00410.11516.5O-004A-0.214.9815.2Page 3 of 3 OWS 065 (BASIN 28) TAILWATER SET AT BYPASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION 16.93 OUTFALL 004 28A-1105A 42,563 SF 0.977 AC 28A-1105B 19,445 SF 0.446 AC 28A-1106A 31,921 SF 0.733 AC 28A-1103 14,152 SF 0.325 AC LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-894-04 LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY T OUTFALL 004 CATCHMENT AREA PROFILE VIEW: 1106A TO OWS-065 PROFILE VIEW: 1106A TO OWS-065 Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 28 WQ NEW 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 1105B TO 1104-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1105B TO 1104-18 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ New Basin 28.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype28A-110325 yr 24 hr0.25248.010.08590.325SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1105A25 yr 24 hr0.75878.010.25840.977SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1105B25 yr 24 hr0.34638.010.11790.446SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1106A25 yr 24 hr0.56928.010.19380.733SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype28A-1103100 yr 24 hr0.29068.010.09950.325SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1105A100 yr 24 hr0.87368.010.2990.977SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1105B100 yr 24 hr0.39888.010.13650.446SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1106A100 yr 24 hr0.65548.010.22440.733SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:07:35 PM 28A-012-14 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2179 8.0058 0.0726 0.49 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3227 8.0058 0.1092 0.49 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3805 8.0058 0.1296 0.49 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4381 8.0058 0.15 0.49 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 28A-012-14 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.49 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.49 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:07:49 PM 28A-012-16 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.237 8.0058 0.079 0.533 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.351 8.0058 0.1188 0.533 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4139 8.0058 0.1409 0.533 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4766 8.0058 0.1631 0.533 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 28A-012-16 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.533 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.533 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:07:58 PM 28A-012-17 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2753 8.0058 0.0917 0.619 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4077 8.0058 0.1379 0.619 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4807 8.0058 0.1637 0.619 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5535 8.0058 0.1895 0.619 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 28A-012-17 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.619 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.619 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ New Basin 28.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-1102 33.90.00212HDPE0.0121.71.932.451102-18 14.041718.63OWS-06513.9816.9318.3P-1103 36.60.01612HDPE0.0124.930.250.321103-1814.6317.1418.21102-18 14.0417.1318.63P-1104 106.70.00212HDPE0.0121.721.672.131104-18 14.2517.2918.621102-18 14.0417.0918.63P-1105 63.20.00312HDPE0.0122.011.111.411105-18 14.4217.44181104-18 14.2517.3918.62P-1106 250.40.00212HDPE0.0121.730.570.721106-18 14.7517.4618.31104-18 14.2517.418.62SD-1105A 94.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02401.111.411105A15.7517.78181105-18 15.7517.4718SD-1105B 49.7012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.350.441105B15.7517.84181105A15.7517.8218SD-1106 147.6012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.570.721106A16.0517.5918.31106-18 16.0517.4618.3Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ New Basin 28.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-1102 33.90.00212HDPE0.0121.72.222.831102-18 14.0417.0318.63OWS-06513.9816.9318.3P-1103 36.60.01612HDPE0.0124.930.290.371103-1814.6317.218.21102-18 14.0417.218.63P-1104 106.70.00212HDPE0.0121.721.932.451104-18 14.2517.4118.621102-18 14.0417.1518.63P-1105 63.20.00312HDPE0.0122.011.271.621105-18 14.4217.61181104-18 14.2517.5418.62P-1106 250.40.00212HDPE0.0121.730.660.831106-18 14.7517.6318.31104-18 14.2517.5618.62SD-1105A 94.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02401.271.621105A15.7518.06181105-18 15.7517.6518SD-1105B 49.7012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.40.511105B15.7518.12181105A15.7518.118SD-1106 147.6012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.660.831106A16.0517.8118.31106-18 16.0517.6418.3Page 1 of 1 OUTFALL 004 27C-528 8,189 SF 0.188 AC 27C-546 2,078 SF 0.048 AC 27C-547 1,832 SF 0.042 AC 27C-548 2,632 SF 0.060 AC 27C-540 8,613 SF 0.198 AC 27C-538 4,868 SF 0.112 AC 27C-541 10,488 SF 0.241 AC 27C-535 12,430 SF 0.285 AC 27C-537 32,731 SF 0.751 AC 27C-687 11,084 SF 0.254 AC 27C-632 9,246 SF 0.212 AC 27C-635 10,009 SF 0.230 AC 27C-531 7,697 SF 0.177 AC 27C-532 18,343 SF 0.421 AC 27C-533 3,506 SF 0.080 AC 27C-527A 9,030 SF 0.207 AC 27C-529 24,620 SF 0.565 AC 27C-526 32,260 SF 0.741 AC 27C-479 26,772 SF 0.615 AC 27C-480 6,038 SF 0.139 AC LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-82 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04 LOGAN AVE 27i-495 3,827 SF 0.088 AC 27i-490K 4,744 SF 0.109 AC 27i-490I 4,113 SF 0.094 AC 27i-490G 4,113 SF 0.094 AC 27i-490E 2,395 SF 0.055 AC 27i-490F 1,961 SF 0.045 AC 27i-490H 8,345 SF 0.192 AC 27i-490C 2,485 SF 0.057 AC 27i-493B 2,997 SF 0.069 AC 27i-4868 5,895 SF 0.135 AC 27i-500 12,048 SF 0.277 AC 27H-475 10,943 SF 0.251 AC 27C-476 9,349 SF 0.215 AC 27B-463 37,402 SF 0.895 AC 27H-474 7,545 SF 0.173 AC 27i-499 8,432 SF 0.217 AC 27H-473 11,590 SF 0.266 AC 27B-462 26,789 SF 0.615 AC 27H-472 12,728 SF 0.292 AC 27i-497 9,369 SF 0.215 AC 27H-469 13,021 SF 0.299 AC 27H-468 10,809 SF 0.248 AC 27B-461 29,692 SF 0.682 AC 27B-460 16,465 SF 0.378 AC 27H-484 6,932 SF 0.159 AC 27H-483 38,559 SF 0.885 AC 27i-498 7,532 SF 0.173 AC 27H-485 9,870 SF 0.227 AC 27C-478 12,282 SF 0.294 AC NO. 465 STORM VAULT TO A 28A-1105A 42,563 SF 0.977 AC 28A-1105B 19,445 SF 0.446 AC 28A-1106A 31,921 SF 0.733 AC 28A-1103 14,152 SF 0.325 AC OWS 065 (BASIN 28) TAILWATER SET AT BYPASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION 16.93 SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY T OUTFALL 004 CATCHMENT AREA 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 Station (ft) 27B-462 Rim: 18.44 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft 27B-461 Rim: 18.32 ft Invert In (1): 14.19 ft 27B-460 Rim: 18.15 ft Invert In (1): 13.09 ft N-465 Rim: 18.30 ft Invert: 9.30 ft 57.8 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft 200.7 ft 12.0 in 0.006 ft/ft199.4 ft 12.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 200.7 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 27B-463 TO N-465 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 Station (ft) 27B-462 Rim: 18.44 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft 27B-461 Rim: 18.32 ft Invert In (1): 14.19 ft 27B-460 Rim: 18.15 ft Invert In (1): 13.09 ft N-465 Rim: 18.30 ft Invert: 9.30 ft 57.8 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft 200.7 ft 12.0 in 0.006 ft/ft199.4 ft 12.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 200.7 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 27B-463 TO N-465 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 27B-463 Rim: 18.47 ft Invert Out: 16.72 ft Invert Out: 15.70 ft Invert Out: 14.28 ft Invert Out: 13.09 ft 27B-463 Rim: 18.47 ftInvert Out: 16.72 ft Invert Out: 15.70 ft Invert Out: 14.28 ft Invert Out: 13.09 ft Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 27 WQ New PROFILE VIEW: 27C-547 TO N-465 (Cont.) PROFILE VIEW: 27C-547 TO N-465 (Cont.) 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 Station (ft)Station (ft)Station (ft) B-479 Rim: 19.47 ftInvert In (1): 14.02 ft T-635 Rim: 25.04 ftInvert In (1): 18.70 ftInvert In (2): 18.87 ft T-478 Rim: 18.91 ftInvert In (1): 14.73 ft Invert In (2): 15.10 ft N-527 Rim: 21.93 ftInvert In (1): 17.90 ft Invert In (2): 17.71 ftInvert In (3): 18.60 ftInvert Out: 17.90 ft B-526 Rim: 22.75 ftInvert In (1): 17.51 ft N-536 Rim: 25.03 ftInvert In (1): 20.49 ftInvert In (2): 21.70 ftInvert In (3): 20.35 ftInvert Out: 20.25 ft T-476 Rim: 19.20 ftInvert In (1): 15.02 ftInvert In (2): 14.64 ft T-480 Rim: 19.21 ftInvert In (1): 15.19 ftInvert In (2): 14.82 ft T-548 Rim: 27.62 ftInvert In (1): 22.25 ftInvert In (2): 22.00 ft N-545 Rim: 27.65 ftInvert In (1): 22.06 ft N-530Rim: 23.80 ftInvert In (1): 19.00 ft Invert In (2): 20.90 ftInvert In (3): 20.50 ftInvert Out: 19.00 ft N-479ARim: 19.45 ftInvert In (1): 15.35 ft N-466Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In (1): 14.11 ft N-471Rim: 19.33 ftInvert In (1): 14.21 ft 27C-546Rim: 27.84 ftInvert In (1): 22.95 ft 27C-526Rim: 21.66 ftInvert In (1): 16.80 ft 27C-479Rim: 19.53 ftInvert In (1): 15.08 ft N-549Rim: 27.41 ftInvert In (1): 21.90 ft N-T-11Rim: 26.02 ftInvert In (1): 19.16 ftInvert In (2): 22.81 ft N-539Rim: 25.97 ftInvert In (1): 20.95 ftInvert In (2): 22.59 ftInvert In (3): 21.27 ftInvert Out: 21.00 ft 27C-632Rim: 25.44 ftInvert In (1): 18.37 ft N-465Rim: 18.30 ftInvert: 9.30 ft 32.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 35.6 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 288.0 ft 15.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 239.0 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft73.8 ft 15.0 in -0.003 ft/ft239.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft62.3 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft18.4 ft 15.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 90.8 ft 12.0 in 0.012 ft/ft 343.7 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 46.5 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 278.1 ft 15.0 in 0.005 ft/ft137.8 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft153.6 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 329.8 ft 15.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 43.6 ft 12.0 in 0.017 ft/ft 300.5 ft 15.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 330.3 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft48.5 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft237.0 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft94.4 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 29.6 ft 8.0 in 0.054 ft/ft 27C-547Rim: 27.70 ftInvert Out: 24.54 ft Invert Out: 22.17 ft Invert Out: 22.51 ft Invert Out: 22.00 ft Invert Out: 21.60 ft Invert Out: 19.13 ft Invert Out: 18.37 ft Invert Out: 18.70 ft Invert Out: 17.80 ft Invert Out: 17.51 ft Invert Out: 15.25 ft Invert Out: 14.98 ft Invert Out: 14.82 ft Invert Out: 14.73 ft Invert Out: 14.64 ft Invert Out: 14.02 ft Invert In (3): (N/A) ftInvert Out: 13.98 ft Invert Out: 14.13 ft 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 Station (ft)Station (ft)Station (ft) B-479 Rim: 19.47 ftInvert In (1): 14.02 ft T-635 Rim: 25.04 ftInvert In (1): 18.70 ftInvert In (2): 18.87 ft T-478 Rim: 18.91 ftInvert In (1): 14.73 ftInvert In (2): 15.10 ft N-527 Rim: 21.93 ftInvert In (1): 17.90 ftInvert In (2): 17.71 ftInvert In (3): 18.60 ftInvert Out: 17.90 ft B-526 Rim: 22.75 ftInvert In (1): 17.51 ft N-536 Rim: 25.03 ftInvert In (1): 20.49 ftInvert In (2): 21.70 ftInvert In (3): 20.35 ftInvert Out: 20.25 ft T-476 Rim: 19.20 ftInvert In (1): 15.02 ftInvert In (2): 14.64 ft T-480 Rim: 19.21 ftInvert In (1): 15.19 ft Invert In (2): 14.82 ft T-548 Rim: 27.62 ftInvert In (1): 22.25 ftInvert In (2): 22.00 ft N-545 Rim: 27.65 ftInvert In (1): 22.06 ft N-530Rim: 23.80 ftInvert In (1): 19.00 ftInvert In (2): 20.90 ftInvert In (3): 20.50 ftInvert Out: 19.00 ft N-479ARim: 19.45 ftInvert In (1): 15.35 ft N-466Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In (1): 14.11 ft N-471Rim: 19.33 ftInvert In (1): 14.21 ft 27C-546Rim: 27.84 ftInvert In (1): 22.95 ft 27C-526Rim: 21.66 ftInvert In (1): 16.80 ft 27C-479Rim: 19.53 ftInvert In (1): 15.08 ft 27C-547Rim: 27.70 ft N-549Rim: 27.41 ftInvert In (1): 21.90 ft N-T-11Rim: 26.02 ftInvert In (1): 19.16 ftInvert In (2): 22.81 ft N-539Rim: 25.97 ftInvert In (1): 20.95 ftInvert In (2): 22.59 ftInvert In (3): 21.27 ftInvert Out: 21.00 ft 27C-632Rim: 25.44 ftInvert In (1): 18.37 ft N-465Rim: 18.30 ftInvert: 9.30 ft 32.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 35.6 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 288.0 ft 15.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 239.0 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft73.8 ft 15.0 in -0.003 ft/ft239.8 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft62.3 ft 15.0 in 0.003 ft/ft18.4 ft 15.0 in 0.009 ft/ft 90.8 ft 12.0 in 0.012 ft/ft 343.7 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 46.5 ft 15.0 in 0.006 ft/ft 278.1 ft 15.0 in 0.005 ft/ft137.8 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft153.6 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 329.8 ft 15.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 43.6 ft 12.0 in 0.017 ft/ft 300.5 ft 15.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 330.3 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft48.5 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft237.0 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft94.4 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 29.6 ft 8.0 in 0.054 ft/ft Invert Out: 24.54 ft Invert Out: 22.17 ft Invert Out: 22.51 ft Invert Out: 22.00 ft Invert Out: 21.60 ft Invert Out: 19.13 ft Invert Out: 18.37 ft Invert Out: 18.70 ft Invert Out: 17.80 ft Invert Out: 17.51 ft Invert Out: 15.25 ft Invert Out: 14.98 ft Invert Out: 14.82 ft Invert Out: 14.73 ft Invert Out: 14.64 ft Invert Out: 14.02 ft Invert Out: 13.98 ft Invert Out: 14.13 ft 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 27 WQ New 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)T-469 Rim: 18.96 ft Invert In (1): 15.00 ft Invert In (2): 15.17 ft T-485 Rim: 19.05 ft Invert In (1): 14.99 ft Invert In (2): 15.16 ft T-472 Rim: 19.12 ft Invert In (1): 15.93 ft Invert In (2): 15.76 ft T-468 Rim: 19.25 ft Invert In (1): 14.92 ft Invert In (2): 15.08 ft N-482 Rim: 18.31 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft Invert In (2): 12.30 ft Invert In (3): 12.10 ft Invert Out: 11.30 ft T-473 Rim: 19.35 ftInvert In (1): 16.22 ft Invert In (2): 16.39 ft T-474 Rim: 19.36 ft Invert In (1): 16.67 ft Invert In (2): 16.67 ft N-467 Rim: 19.34 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft N-470 Rim: 19.23 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft N-465 Rim: 18.30 ftInvert: 9.30 ft 109.2 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 138.1 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 14.5 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 125.7 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 122.0 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 23.2 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft113.2 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 111.4 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft80.6 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 17.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 27H-475 TO N-465 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 Station (ft)Elevation (ft)T-469 Rim: 18.96 ft Invert In (1): 15.00 ft Invert In (2): 15.17 ft T-485 Rim: 19.05 ft Invert In (1): 14.99 ft Invert In (2): 15.16 ft T-472 Rim: 19.12 ft Invert In (1): 15.93 ft Invert In (2): 15.76 ft T-468 Rim: 19.25 ft Invert In (1): 14.92 ft Invert In (2): 15.08 ft N-482 Rim: 18.31 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft Invert In (2): 12.30 ft Invert In (3): 12.10 ft Invert Out: 11.30 ft T-473 Rim: 19.35 ft Invert In (1): 16.22 ft Invert In (2): 16.39 ft T-474 Rim: 19.36 ft Invert In (1): 16.67 ft Invert In (2): 16.67 ft N-467 Rim: 19.34 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft N-470 Rim: 19.23 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft N-465 Rim: 18.30 ftInvert: 9.30 ft 109.2 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 138.1 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 14.5 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 125.7 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 122.0 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 23.2 ft 12.0 in 0.001 ft/ft113.2 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 111.4 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft80.6 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 17.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: 27H-475 TO N-465 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Invert Out: 16.67 ft Invert Out: 16.22 ft Invert Out: 15.76 ft 27H-475 Rim: 20.00 ftInvert Out: 17.00 ft Invert Out: 15.10 ft Invert Out: 15.00 ft Invert Out: 14.92 ft Invert Out: 15.10 ft Invert Out: 14.99 ft 27H-475 Rim: 20.00 ft Invert Out: 17.00 ft Invert Out: 16.67 ft Invert Out: 16.22 ft Invert Out: 15.76 ft Invert Out: 15.10 ft Invert Out: 15.00 ft Invert Out: 14.92 ft Invert Out: 15.10 ft Invert Out: 14.99 ft Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 27 WQ New 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 Station (ft) N-482 Rim: 18.31 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft Invert Out: 11.30 ft 490B-14 Rim: 19.90 ft Invert In (1): 13.18 ft Invert Out: 13.18 ft 496-14 Rim: 19.50 ft Invert In (1): 15.63 ft Invert Out: 15.63 ft 27I-500 Rim: 19.40 ft Invert In (1): (N/A) ft Invert Out: 16.06 ft 27I-497 Rim: 19.40 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft Invert Out: 15.70 ft 494-14 Rim: 19.28 ft Invert In (1): 15.40 ft Invert Out: 15.40 ft 27I-490H Rim: 19.25 ft Invert In (1): 14.70 ft Invert Out: 13.97 ft 27I-499 Rim: 19.20 ft Invert In (1): 15.80 ft Invert Out: 15.70 ft 27I-498 Rim: 19.10 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft Invert Out: 15.60 ft 27I-490C Rim: 19.09 ft Invert In (1): 16.50 ft Invert Out: 13.60 ft 27I-493B Rim: 19.03 ft Invert In (1): 13.30 ft Invert Out: 13.30 ft 27I-490I Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft Invert Out: 14.90 ft 490J-14 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In (1): 15.03 ft Invert Out: 15.03 ft 490D-14 Rim: 18.87 ft Invert In (1): 16.50 ft Invert Out: 13.72 ft 27I-490G Rim: 18.84 ft Invert In (1): 13.76 ft Invert Out: 13.76 ft 490A-14 Rim: 18.30 ft Invert In (1): 12.20 ft Invert Out: 12.15 ft 39.5 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 64.8 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft72.2 ft 12.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 50.8 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 53.3 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 91.1 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft64.7 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 76.2 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 18.4 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 56.0 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 30.3 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 195.1 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft 96.4 ft 15.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 11.4 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 32.0 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 Station (ft) N-482 Rim: 18.31 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft Invert Out: 11.30 ft 490B-14 Rim: 19.90 ft Invert In (1): 13.18 ft Invert Out: 13.18 ft 496-14 Rim: 19.50 ft Invert In (1): 15.63 ft Invert Out: 15.63 ft 27I-500 Rim: 19.40 ft Invert In (1): (N/A) ft Invert Out: 16.06 ft 27I-497 Rim: 19.40 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft Invert Out: 15.70 ft 494-14 Rim: 19.28 ft Invert In (1): 15.40 ft Invert Out: 15.40 ft 27I-490H Rim: 19.25 ft Invert In (1): 14.70 ft Invert Out: 13.97 ft 27I-499 Rim: 19.20 ft Invert In (1): 15.80 ft Invert Out: 15.70 ft 27I-498 Rim: 19.10 ft Invert In (1): 15.70 ft Invert Out: 15.60 ft 27I-490C Rim: 19.09 ft Invert In (1): 16.50 ft Invert Out: 13.60 ft 27I-493B Rim: 19.03 ft Invert In (1): 13.30 ft Invert Out: 13.30 ft 27I-490I Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In (1): 14.90 ft Invert Out: 14.90 ft 490J-14 Rim: 18.90 ft Invert In (1): 15.03 ft Invert Out: 15.03 ft 490D-14 Rim: 18.87 ft Invert In (1): 16.50 ft Invert Out: 13.72 ft 27I-490G Rim: 18.84 ft Invert In (1): 13.76 ft Invert Out: 13.76 ft 490A-14 Rim: 18.30 ft Invert In (1): 12.20 ft Invert Out: 12.15 ft 39.5 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 64.8 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft72.2 ft 12.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 50.8 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 53.3 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 91.1 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft64.7 ft 12.0 in -0.002 ft/ft 76.2 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 18.4 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 56.0 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 30.3 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 195.1 ft 12.0 in 0.005 ft/ft 96.4 ft 15.0 in 0.001 ft/ft 11.4 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 32.0 ft 12.0 in 0.004 ft/ft 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27I-500 TO N-482 PROFILE VIEW: 27I-500 TO N-482 Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 27 WQ New Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-Basins WQ New Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27B-46025 yr 24 hr0.29358.010.10.378SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-46125 yr 24 hr0.52938.010.18020.6816SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-46225 yr 24 hr0.47768.010.16260.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-46325 yr 24 hr0.6958.010.23670.895SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-47625 yr 24 hr0.1678.010.05690.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-47825 yr 24 hr0.22838.010.07770.294SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-47925 yr 24 hr0.47768.010.16260.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-48025 yr 24 hr0.10798.010.03680.139SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-52625 yr 24 hr0.53268.010.18120.741SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-527A25 yr 24 hr0.13118.010.04450.207SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-52825 yr 24 hr0.1468.010.04970.188SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-52925 yr 24 hr0.31858.010.10790.565SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53125 yr 24 hr0.13748.010.04680.177SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53225 yr 24 hr0.24328.010.08240.421SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53325 yr 24 hr0.04668.010.01580.08SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53525 yr 24 hr0.22138.010.07540.285SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53725 yr 24 hr0.4718.010.15990.751SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-53825 yr 24 hr0.0878.010.02960.112SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54025 yr 24 hr0.14398.010.04890.198SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54125 yr 24 hr0.16148.010.05480.241SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54625 yr 24 hr0.03738.010.01270.048SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54725 yr 24 hr0.02548.010.00860.042SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-54825 yr 24 hr0.03168.010.01070.06SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-63225 yr 24 hr0.16468.010.05610.212SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-63525 yr 24 hr0.17868.010.06080.23SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-68725 yr 24 hr0.19728.010.06720.254SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-46825 yr 24 hr0.19268.010.06560.248SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-46925 yr 24 hr0.23228.010.07910.299SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47225 yr 24 hr0.22688.010.07720.292SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47325 yr 24 hr0.20668.010.07030.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47425 yr 24 hr0.13438.010.04570.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-47525 yr 24 hr0.19498.010.06640.251SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-48325 yr 24 hr0.68728.01 0.234 0.885 SCS TYPE1A.RAC27H-48425 yr 24 hr0.12358.01 0.042 0.159 SCS TYPE1A.RACPage 1 of 3 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-Basins WQ New Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27H-48525 yr 24 hr0.17638.01 0.06 0.227 SCS TYPE1A.RAC27I-490C25 yr 24 hr0.04438.010.01510.057SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490E25 yr 24 hr0.04278.010.01450.055SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490F25 yr 24 hr0.03498.010.01190.045SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490G25 yr 24 hr0.0738.010.02490.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490H25 yr 24 hr0.14918.010.05080.192SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490I25 yr 24 hr0.0738.010.02490.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490K25 yr 24 hr0.08468.010.02880.109SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-493B25 yr 24 hr0.05368.010.01820.069SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49525 yr 24 hr0.06838.010.02330.088SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49725 yr 24 hr0.1678.010.05690.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49825 yr 24 hr0.13438.010.04570.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-49925 yr 24 hr0.16858.010.05740.217SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-50025 yr 24 hr0.21518.010.07320.277SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27B-460100 yr 24 hr0.3388.010.11570.378SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-461100 yr 24 hr0.60958.010.20860.6816SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-462100 yr 24 hr0.54998.010.18820.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27B-463100 yr 24 hr0.80038.010.27390.895SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-476100 yr 24 hr0.19228.010.06580.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-478100 yr 24 hr0.26298.010.090.294SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-479100 yr 24 hr0.54998.010.18820.615SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-480100 yr 24 hr0.12438.010.04250.139SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-526100 yr 24 hr0.61988.010.21130.741SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-527A100 yr 24 hr0.15558.010.05260.207SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-528100 yr 24 hr0.16818.010.05750.188SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-529100 yr 24 hr0.38498.010.12940.565SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-531100 yr 24 hr0.15838.010.05420.177SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-532100 yr 24 hr0.29268.010.09850.421SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-533100 yr 24 hr0.0568.010.01890.08SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-535100 yr 24 hr0.25488.010.08720.285SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-537100 yr 24 hr0.55928.010.18930.751SCSTYPE1A.RACPage 2 of 3 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-Basins WQ New Basin 27.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27C-538100 yr 24 hr0.10018.010.03430.112SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-540100 yr 24 hr0.16728.010.0570.198SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-541100 yr 24 hr0.18978.010.06450.241SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-546100 yr 24 hr0.04298.010.01470.048SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-547100 yr 24 hr0.03048.010.01030.042SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-548100 yr 24 hr0.03878.010.0130.06SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-632100 yr 24 hr0.18968.010.06490.212SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-635100 yr 24 hr0.20578.010.07040.23SCSTYPE1A.RAC27C-687100 yr 24 hr0.22718.010.07770.254SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-468100 yr 24 hr0.22188.010.07590.248SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-469100 yr 24 hr0.26748.010.09150.299SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-472100 yr 24 hr0.26118.010.08940.292SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-473100 yr 24 hr0.23788.010.08140.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-474100 yr 24 hr0.15478.010.0530.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-475100 yr 24 hr0.22448.010.07680.251SCSTYPE1A.RAC27H-483100 yr 24 hr0.79138.01 0.2709 0.885 SCS TYPE1A.RAC27H-484100 yr 24 hr0.14228.01 0.0487 0.159 SCS TYPE1A.RAC27H-485100 yr 24 hr0.2038.01 0.0695 0.227 SCS TYPE1A.RAC27I-490C100 yr 24 hr0.0518.010.01740.057SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490E100 yr 24 hr0.04928.010.01680.055SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490F100 yr 24 hr0.04028.010.01380.045SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490G100 yr 24 hr0.08418.010.02880.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490H100 yr 24 hr0.17178.010.05880.192SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490I100 yr 24 hr0.08418.010.02880.094SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-490K100 yr 24 hr0.09758.010.03340.109SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-493B100 yr 24 hr0.06178.010.02110.069SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-495100 yr 24 hr0.07878.010.02690.088SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-497100 yr 24 hr0.19228.010.06580.215SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-498100 yr 24 hr0.15478.010.0530.173SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-499100 yr 24 hr0.1948.010.06640.217SCSTYPE1A.RAC27I-500100 yr 24 hr0.24778.010.08480.277SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 3 of 3 Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:41:30 AM 27B-460 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1681 8.0058 0.056 0.378 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2489 8.0058 0.0842 0.378 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2935 8.0058 0.10 0.378 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.338 8.0058 0.1157 0.378 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-460 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.378 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.378 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:41:47 AM 27B-461 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.3031 8.0058 0.101 0.6816 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4489 8.0058 0.1519 0.6816 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.5293 8.0058 0.1802 0.6816 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.6095 8.0058 0.2086 0.6816 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-461 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.6816 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.6816 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:41:59 AM 27B-462 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2735 8.0058 0.0911 0.615 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.405 8.0058 0.1371 0.615 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4776 8.0058 0.1626 0.615 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5499 8.0058 0.1882 0.615 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-462 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.615 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.615 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:42:12 AM 27B-463 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.398 8.0058 0.1326 0.895 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.5894 8.0058 0.1994 0.895 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.695 8.0058 0.2367 0.895 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.8003 8.0058 0.2739 0.895 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27B-463 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.895 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.895 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:42:23 AM 27C-476 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0956 8.0058 0.0319 0.215 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1416 8.0058 0.0479 0.215 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.167 8.0058 0.0569 0.215 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1922 8.0058 0.0658 0.215 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-476 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.215 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.215 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:42:37 AM 27C-478 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1308 8.0058 0.0436 0.294 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1936 8.0058 0.0655 0.294 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2283 8.0058 0.0777 0.294 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2629 8.0058 0.09 0.294 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-478 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.294 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.294 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:42:52 AM 27C-479 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2735 8.0058 0.0911 0.615 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.405 8.0058 0.1371 0.615 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4776 8.0058 0.1626 0.615 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5499 8.0058 0.1882 0.615 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-479 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.615 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.615 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:43:03 AM 27C-480 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0618 8.0058 0.0206 0.139 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0915 8.0058 0.031 0.139 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1079 8.0058 0.0368 0.139 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1243 8.0058 0.0425 0.139 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-480 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.139 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.139 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:43:14 AM 27C-526 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2908 8.0058 0.0981 0.741 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4458 8.0058 0.1512 0.741 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.5326 8.0058 0.1812 0.741 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.6198 8.0058 0.2113 0.741 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-526 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.143 ac DCIA 0.598 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.143 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.598 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:43:32 AM 27C-527A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0653 8.0058 0.0226 0.207 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1071 8.0058 0.0365 0.207 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1311 8.0058 0.0445 0.207 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1555 8.0058 0.0526 0.207 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-527A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.099 ac DCIA 0.108 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.099 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.108 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:43:47 AM 27C-528 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0836 8.0058 0.0279 0.188 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1238 8.0058 0.0419 0.188 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.146 8.0058 0.0497 0.188 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1681 8.0058 0.0575 0.188 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-528 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.188 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.188 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:44:09 AM 27C-529 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1425 8.0117 0.0508 0.565 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2535 8.0058 0.0868 0.565 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3185 8.0058 0.1079 0.565 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3849 8.0058 0.1294 0.565 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-529 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.402 ac DCIA 0.163 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.402 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.163 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:44:23 AM 27C-531 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0787 8.0058 0.0262 0.177 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1166 8.0058 0.0394 0.177 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1374 8.0058 0.0468 0.177 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1583 8.0058 0.0542 0.177 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-531 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.212 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.177 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:44:44 AM 27C-532 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1115 8.0117 0.0395 0.421 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1946 8.0058 0.0666 0.421 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2432 8.0058 0.0824 0.421 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2926 8.0058 0.0985 0.421 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-532 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.28 ac DCIA 0.141 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.28 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.141 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:45:01 AM 27C-533 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0215 8.0117 0.0076 0.08 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0373 8.0058 0.0128 0.08 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0466 8.0058 0.0158 0.08 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.056 8.0058 0.0189 0.08 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-533 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.052 ac DCIA 0.028 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.052 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.028 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:45:17 AM 27C-535 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1268 8.0058 0.0422 0.285 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1877 8.0058 0.0635 0.285 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2213 8.0058 0.0754 0.285 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2548 8.0058 0.0872 0.285 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-535 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.285 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.285 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:45:35 AM 27C-537 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2325 8.0058 0.0806 0.751 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3839 8.0058 0.1309 0.751 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.471 8.0058 0.1599 0.751 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5592 8.0058 0.1893 0.751 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-537 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.086 ac DCIA 0.155 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.375 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.376 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:45:53 AM 27C-538 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0498 8.0058 0.0166 0.112 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0738 8.0058 0.025 0.112 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.087 8.0058 0.0296 0.112 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1001 8.0058 0.0343 0.112 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-538 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.112 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.112 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:46:05 AM 27C-540 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0791 8.0058 0.0266 0.198 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1207 8.0058 0.0409 0.198 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1439 8.0058 0.0489 0.198 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1672 8.0058 0.057 0.198 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-540 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.033 ac DCIA 0.165 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.033 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.165 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:46:24 AM 27C-541 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0839 8.0058 0.0287 0.241 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1333 8.0058 0.0453 0.241 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1614 8.0058 0.0548 0.241 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1897 8.0058 0.0645 0.241 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-541 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.086 ac DCIA 0.155 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.086 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.155 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:46:40 AM 27C-546 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0213 8.0058 0.0071 0.048 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0316 8.0058 0.0107 0.048 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0373 8.0058 0.0127 0.048 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0429 8.0058 0.0147 0.048 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-546 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.048 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.048 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:46:54 AM 27C-547 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0122 8.0058 0.0043 0.042 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0206 8.0058 0.007 0.042 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0254 8.0058 0.0086 0.042 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0304 8.0058 0.0103 0.042 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-547 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.024 ac DCIA 0.018 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.024 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.018 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:47:09 AM 27C-548 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0132 8.0117 0.0048 0.06 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0248 8.0117 0.0085 0.06 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0316 8.0058 0.0107 0.06 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0387 8.0058 0.013 0.06 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-548 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.06 ac Pervious CN 85.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Landscape 0.05 ac 85.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Pavement 0.01 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:47:23 AM 27C-632 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0943 8.0058 0.0314 0.212 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1396 8.0058 0.0472 0.212 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1646 8.0058 0.0561 0.212 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1896 8.0058 0.0649 0.212 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-632 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.212 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.212 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:52:00 AM 27C-635 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1023 8.0058 0.0341 0.23 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1515 8.0058 0.0513 0.23 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1786 8.0058 0.0608 0.23 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2057 8.0058 0.0704 0.23 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-635 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.23 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 0.23 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:52:16 AM 27C-687 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.113 8.0058 0.0376 0.254 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1673 8.0058 0.0566 0.254 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1972 8.0058 0.0672 0.254 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2271 8.0058 0.0777 0.254 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27C-687 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.254 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.254 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:54:13 AM 27H-468 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1103 8.0058 0.0367 0.248 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1633 8.0058 0.0553 0.248 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1926 8.0058 0.0656 0.248 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2218 8.0058 0.0759 0.248 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-468 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.248 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.248 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:54:23 AM 27H-469 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.133 8.0058 0.0443 0.299 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1969 8.0058 0.0666 0.299 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2322 8.0058 0.0791 0.299 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2674 8.0058 0.0915 0.299 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-469 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.299 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.299 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:54:36 AM 27H-472 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1299 8.0058 0.0433 0.292 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1923 8.0058 0.0651 0.292 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2268 8.0058 0.0772 0.292 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2611 8.0058 0.0894 0.292 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-472 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.292 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.292 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:54:46 AM 27H-473 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1183 8.0058 0.0394 0.266 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1752 8.0058 0.0593 0.266 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2066 8.0058 0.0703 0.266 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2378 8.0058 0.0814 0.266 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-473 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.266 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.266 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:54:59 AM 27H-474 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0769 8.0058 0.0256 0.173 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1139 8.0058 0.0386 0.173 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1343 8.0058 0.0457 0.173 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1547 8.0058 0.053 0.173 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-474 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.173 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.173 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:55:10 AM 27H-475 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1116 8.0058 0.0372 0.251 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1653 8.0058 0.0559 0.251 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1949 8.0058 0.0664 0.251 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2244 8.0058 0.0768 0.251 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-475 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.251 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.251 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:55:59 AM 27H-483 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.3936 8.0058 0.1311 0.885 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.5828 8.0058 0.1972 0.885 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.6872 8.0058 0.234 0.885 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.7913 8.0058 0.2709 0.885 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-483 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.885 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.885 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 8:55:59 AM 27H-484 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0707 8.0058 0.0236 0.159 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1047 8.0058 0.0354 0.159 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1235 8.0058 0.042 0.159 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1422 8.0058 0.0487 0.159 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-484 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.159 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.159 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:03:33 AM 27H-485 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.101 8.0058 0.0336 0.227 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1495 8.0058 0.0506 0.227 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1763 8.0058 0.06 0.227 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.203 8.0058 0.0695 0.227 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27H-485 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.227 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.227 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:03:48 AM 27I-4868 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.06 8.0058 0.02 0.135 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0889 8.0058 0.0301 0.135 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1048 8.0058 0.0357 0.135 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1207 8.0058 0.0413 0.135 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-4868 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.135 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.135 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:04:01 AM 27I-490C Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0254 8.0058 0.0084 0.057 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0375 8.0058 0.0127 0.057 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0443 8.0058 0.0151 0.057 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.051 8.0058 0.0174 0.057 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490C Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.057 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.057 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:04:15 AM 27I-490E Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0245 8.0058 0.0081 0.055 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0362 8.0058 0.0123 0.055 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0427 8.0058 0.0145 0.055 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0492 8.0058 0.0168 0.055 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490E Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.055 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.055 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:04:34 AM 27I-490F Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.02 8.0058 0.0067 0.045 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0296 8.0058 0.01 0.045 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0349 8.0058 0.0119 0.045 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0402 8.0058 0.0138 0.045 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490F Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.045 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.045 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:04:47 AM 27I-490G Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0418 8.0058 0.0139 0.094 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0619 8.0058 0.0209 0.094 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.073 8.0058 0.0249 0.094 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0841 8.0058 0.0288 0.094 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490G Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.094 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.094 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:05:01 AM 27I-490H Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0854 8.0058 0.0284 0.192 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1264 8.0058 0.0428 0.192 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1491 8.0058 0.0508 0.192 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1717 8.0058 0.0588 0.192 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490H Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.192 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.192 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:05:24 AM 27I-490I Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0418 8.0058 0.0139 0.094 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0619 8.0058 0.0209 0.094 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.073 8.0058 0.0249 0.094 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0841 8.0058 0.0288 0.094 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490I Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.094 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.094 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:05:36 AM 27I-490K Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0485 8.0058 0.0162 0.109 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0718 8.0058 0.0243 0.109 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0846 8.0058 0.0288 0.109 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0975 8.0058 0.0334 0.109 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-490K Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.109 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.109 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:05:49 AM 27I-493B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0307 8.0058 0.0102 0.069 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.0454 8.0058 0.0154 0.069 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0536 8.0058 0.0182 0.069 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0617 8.0058 0.0211 0.069 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-493B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.069 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.069 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:06:12 AM 27I-495 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0391 8.0058 0.013 0.088 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.058 8.0058 0.0196 0.088 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.0683 8.0058 0.0233 0.088 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.0787 8.0058 0.0269 0.088 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-495 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.088 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.088 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:06:23 AM 27I-497 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0956 8.0058 0.0319 0.215 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1416 8.0058 0.0479 0.215 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.167 8.0058 0.0569 0.215 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1922 8.0058 0.0658 0.215 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-497 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.215 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.215 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:06:38 AM 27I-498 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0769 8.0058 0.0256 0.173 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1139 8.0058 0.0386 0.173 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1343 8.0058 0.0457 0.173 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.1547 8.0058 0.053 0.173 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-498 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.173 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.173 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:06:57 AM 27I-499 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0965 8.0058 0.0322 0.217 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1429 8.0058 0.0484 0.217 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1685 8.0058 0.0574 0.217 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.194 8.0058 0.0664 0.217 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-499 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.217 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.217 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:07:15 AM 27I-500 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1232 8.0058 0.041 0.277 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1824 8.0058 0.0617 0.277 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2151 8.0058 0.0732 0.277 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2477 8.0058 0.0848 0.277 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27I-500 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.277 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.277 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:07:29 AM 28A-1103 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1445 8.0058 0.0482 0.325 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.214 8.0058 0.0724 0.325 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.2524 8.0058 0.0859 0.325 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2906 8.0058 0.0995 0.325 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 28A-1103 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.325 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.325 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:07:45 AM 28A-1105A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.4345 8.0058 0.1448 0.977 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.6434 8.0058 0.2177 0.977 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.7587 8.0058 0.2584 0.977 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.8736 8.0058 0.299 0.977 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 28A-1105A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.977 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.977 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:08:01 AM 28A-1105B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1984 8.0058 0.0661 0.446 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2937 8.0058 0.0994 0.446 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3463 8.0058 0.1179 0.446 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3988 8.0058 0.1365 0.446 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 28A-1105B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.446 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.446 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:08:13 AM 28A-1106A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.326 8.0058 0.1086 0.733 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4827 8.0058 0.1633 0.733 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.5692 8.0058 0.1938 0.733 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.6554 8.0058 0.2244 0.733 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 28A-1106A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.733 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.733 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-Basins WQ New Basin 27.xlsx 25-year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Maning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-460 57.80.00512CONC0.0122.7322.5427B-46013.0916.3518.15N-46512.816.218.3P-461 200.70.00612DI0.0122.971.72.1727B-46114.2816.8718.3227B-46013.0916.4818.15P-462 199.40.00812DI0.0123.361.171.4927B-46215.717.1218.4427B-46114.1916.9418.32P-463 200.70.00512DI0.0122.750.692.9227B-46316.7217.2118.4727B-46215.717.1618.44P-466 238.90.00315CONC0.0123.594.263.47N-46614.1317.0819.35N-46513.516.218.3P-467 1220.00112CONC0.0121.141.181.5N-46715.116.519.34T-485 14.9916.3819.05P-467 (1) 109.10.00112CONC0.0121.141.361.73T-485 14.9916.3419.05N-482 14.916.2118.31P-468 120.0848CONC0.0123.80.195.727H-46816.116.5919.14T-468 15.0816.5919.25P-469 160.0528CONC0.0122.980.230.6527H-4691616.6918.86T-469 15.1716.6918.96P-470 138.10.00112CONC0.0121.020.760.97N-47015.116.7419.23T-469 1516.6818.96P-470 (1) 125.70.00112CONC0.0121.020.991.26T-469 1516.6618.96T-468 14.9216.5819.25P-470 (2) 23.20.00112CONC0.0121.021.181.5T-468 14.9216.5519.25N-46714.916.5219.34P-471 288015CONC0.01204.263.47N-47113.9818.2619.33N-46614.1117.219.35P-472 100.1078CONC0.0124.280.236.527H-4721717.2219.55T-472 15.9316.7719.12P-473 16.10.0328CONC0.0122.340.214.1327H-47316.917.1119.12T-473 16.3916.8219.35P-474 150.00912CONC0.0123.570.132.1727H-47416.817.0419.3T-474 16.6717.0419.36P-475 80.60.00412CONC0.0122.460.191.8727H-4751717.1920T-474 16.6717.0419.36P-475 (1) 111.40.00412CONC0.0122.460.332.18T-474 16.6716.9219.36T-473 16.2216.8219.35P-475 (2) 113.20.00412CONC0.0122.460.542.51T-473 16.2216.7919.35T-472 15.7616.7719.12P-475 (3) 14.50.00412CONC0.0122.460.762.77T-472 15.7616.7619.12N-47015.716.7519.23P-476 38.30.0626DI0.0121.510.170.8527C-47617.3919.8919.77T-476 15.0219.8619.2P-478 3.30.2866CONC0.0123.250.231.1627C-47816.120.0418.9T-478 15.120.0418.91P-479 62.30.00315CONC0.0123.563.753.0627C-47914.9820.3119.53T-480 14.8220.1319.21P-479 (1) 35.60.00315CONC0.0123.563.863.15T-480 14.8220.0619.21T-478 14.7319.9618.91P-479 (2) 32.80.00315CONC0.0123.564.093.33T-478 14.7319.8818.91T-476 14.6419.7619.2P-479 (3) 239.80.00315CONC0.0123.564.263.47T-476 14.6419.6819.2B-479 14.0218.7919.47P-479 (4) 73.8-0.00315CONC0.0123.554.263.47B-479 14.0218.6519.47N-47114.2118.3719.33P-479A 18.40.00915CONC0.0126.733.272.67N-479A15.2520.4319.4527C-47915.0820.3919.53P-480 83.40.0336DI0.0121.110.110.5527C-48017.9620.2420T-480 15.1920.2219.21P-482 17.5024CONC0.01203.481.11N-482 11.316.218.31N-46511.316.218.3P-483 119.80.0068CONC0.0121.020.691.9727H-48313.0316.5316.55N-482 12.316.218.31P-48420.208CONC0.01200.120.3527H-48414.9116.2418.31N-482 14.916.2318.31P-485 16.20.1258CONC0.0124.620.186.3727H-48517.217.3919.06T-485 15.1616.419.05P-490A-14 96.40.00115CONC0.0121.591.311.07490A-1412.1516.2618.3N-482 12.116.2218.31P-490B-14 195.10.00512HDPE0.0122.741.311.67490B-1413.1816.4919.9490A-1412.216.2618.3P-490C-14 64.80.00512HDPE0.0122.631.251.627I-490C13.616.6519.0927I-493B13.316.5819.03P-490D-14 39.50.00312HDPE0.0122.161.181.5490D-1413.7216.7118.8727I-490C13.616.6719.09P-490E-14 37.60.0058DI0.0120.960.041.3827I-490E16.716.819.08490D-1416.516.7518.87P-490F-14 18.10.016DI0.0120.620.031.7127I-490F17.517.5918.52B-490F 17.3117.4718.95P-490F-14 (1) 51.40.0116DI0.0120.620.031.71B-490F 17.3117.418.95B-490F 16.7716.9319.34P-490F-14 (2) 25.60.0116DI0.0120.620.031.71B-490F 16.7716.8619.3427I-490C16.516.6919.09P-490G-14 11.40.00312CONC0.0122.171.131.4427I-490G13.7616.7418.84490D-1413.7216.7318.87P-490H-14 53.30.00412HDPE0.0122.421.061.3527I-490H13.9716.819.2527I-490G13.7616.7618.84P-490I-14 50.70.00412HDPE0.0122.420.911.1627I-490I14.916.8518.927I-490H14.716.8319.25P-490J-14 320.00412HDPE0.0122.460.841.07490J-1415.0316.8818.927I-490I14.916.8718.9P-490K-14 38.70.0048DI0.0120.840.081.5427I-490K16.8116.9518.5490J-1416.6516.918.9P-493B-14 30.30.00412HDPE0.0122.431.311.6727I-493B13.316.5519.03490B-1413.1816.5119.9P-494-14 91.10.00412HDPE0.0122.460.750.96494-1415.416.9319.28490J-1415.0316.918.9P-495 35.30.03112DI0.0126.850.072.8127I-49516.741718.8496-1415.631719.5Page 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-Basins WQ New Basin 27.xlsx 25-year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Maning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-496-14 560.00412HDPE0.0122.470.750.96496-1415.6316.9719.5494-1415.416.9519.28P-497 18.40.00412CONC0.0122.380.680.8727I-49715.71719.4496-1415.6316.9919.5P-498 64.7-0.00212CONC0.0121.520.520.6627I-49815.617.0219.127I-49715.717.0119.4P-499 72.2012CONC0.01200.380.4927I-49915.717.0419.227I-49815.717.0319.1P-500 76.20.00312CONC0.0122.250.221.8127I-50016.0617.0419.427I-49915.817.0419.2P-526 46.50.00615CONC0.0125.573.272.6727C-52617.821.4421.66B-526 17.5121.3422.75P-526 (1) 343.70.00615CONC0.0125.543.272.67B-526 17.5121.2322.75N-479A15.3520.4719.45P-527 90.80.01212CONC0.0124.252.743.49N-527 17.921.9421.9327C-52616.821.4821.66P-527A 89.20.0198DI0.0121.820.451.2927C-527A19.6222.2224.43N-527 17.922.1121.93P-528 24.20.1356DI0.0122.230.156.4127C-52821.8822.122.92N-527 18.622.1221.93P-529 27.90.0048DI0.0120.780.320.9127C-52919.8222.2623.2727C-527A19.7222.2424.43P-530 278.10.00515CONC0.0124.772.151.75N-5301922.3623.8N-527 17.7122.121.93P-531 17.30.1186CONC0.0122.090.146.0227C-53122.5622.7423.86N-53020.522.4223.8P-532 51.8-0.0228DI0.0121.940.290.8327C-53219.7622.4424.91N-53020.922.4223.8P-533 57.20.0078CONC0.0121.080.050.1327C-53321.422.4625.5727C-53221.0122.4624.91P-535 19.20.086DI0.0121.720.226.0127C-53523.2423.4825.62N-536 21.723.2125.03P-536 300.50.00415CONC0.0124.211.180.96N-536 20.2523.1925.03N-T-1119.1623.1126.02P-537 58.90.01718CONC0.01215.050.470.2727C-53721.3823.2225.17N-536 20.3523.2225.03P-538 262.70.0086DI0.0120.560.092.0727C-53824.124.2526.48B-538 21.8723.2225.04P-538 (1) 11.90.0086DI0.0120.560.090.44B-538 21.8723.2225.04N-536 21.7723.2225.03P-539 329.80.00215CONC0.0122.750.40.33N-5392123.2325.97N-536 20.4923.2225.03P-540 18.50.1186DI0.0122.090.146.127C-54024.7924.9827.17N-53922.5923.2225.97P-541 20.40.0394DI0.0120.410.164.4227C-54124.5824.8126.78B-541 23.7824.3725.95P-541 (1) 63.40.0394DI0.0120.410.164.42B-541 23.782425.95N-53921.2723.225.97P-545 2370.00212CONC0.0121.780.061.07N-545 22.5123.2327.65T-548 2223.2327.62P-545 (1) 48.50.00212CONC0.0121.780.090.12T-548 2223.2327.62N-54921.923.2327.41P-546 94.40.00112CONC0.0121.320.060.0827C-54622.1723.2327.84N-545 22.0623.2327.65P-547 29.50.0548CONC0.0123.040.032.6327C-54724.5424.6127.727C-54622.9523.2327.84P-548 19.50.2086CONC0.0122.770.034.6727C-54826.426.4928.75T-548 22.2523.2327.62P-549 330.30.00212CONC0.0121.710.090.12N-54921.623.2327.41N-53920.9523.2325.97P-632 153.6-0.00212CONC0.0121.791.541.9627C-63218.3722.9625.44T-635 18.722.7125.04P-632 (1) 137.8-0.00212CONC0.0121.791.722.19T-635 18.722.6525.04N-5301922.3823.8P-635 32.50.018CONC0.0121.320.180.5127C-63519.222.7525.2T-635 18.8722.7425.04P-687 39.30.00312ADS N-120.0122.040.21.6527C-68722.9223.1425.6N-T-1122.8123.1126.02P-T-11 43.60.01712CONC0.0125.11.381.75N-T-1119.1323.0526.0227C-63218.372325.44Page 2 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-Basins WQ New Basin 27.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Maning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-460 57.80.00512CONC0.0122.732.32.9327B-46013.0916.418.15N-46512.816.218.3P-461 200.70.00612DI0.0122.971.962.527B-46114.2817.0918.3227B-46013.0916.5718.15P-462 199.40.00812DI0.0123.361.351.7227B-46215.717.4218.4427B-46114.1917.1818.32P-463 200.70.00512DI0.0122.750.83.0427B-46316.7217.5518.4727B-46215.717.4718.44P-466 238.90.00315CONC0.0123.594.974.05N-46614.1317.4119.35N-46513.516.218.3P-467 1220.00112CONC0.0121.141.371.74N-46715.116.619.34T-485 14.9916.4519.05P-467 (1) 109.10.00112CONC0.0121.141.572T-485 14.9916.3919.05N-482 14.916.2118.31P-468 120.0848CONC0.0123.80.225.9427H-46816.116.7219.14T-468 15.0816.7219.25P-469 160.0528CONC0.0122.980.270.7727H-4691616.8618.86T-469 15.1716.8518.96P-470 138.10.00112CONC0.0121.020.881.12N-47015.116.9219.23T-469 1516.8418.96P-470 (1) 125.70.00112CONC0.0121.021.151.46T-469 1516.8118.96T-468 14.9216.719.25P-470 (2) 23.20.00112CONC0.0121.021.371.74T-468 14.9216.6619.25N-46714.916.6319.34P-471 288015CONC0.01204.974.05N-47113.9819.0119.33N-46614.1117.5619.35P-472 100.1078CONC0.0124.280.266.7827H-4721717.2419.55T-472 15.9316.9619.12P-473 16.10.0328CONC0.0122.340.244.3127H-47316.917.1219.12T-473 16.391719.35P-474 150.00912CONC0.0123.570.152.2727H-47416.817.0819.3T-474 16.6717.0819.36P-475 80.60.00412CONC0.0122.460.221.9527H-4751717.220T-474 16.6717.0819.36P-475 (1) 111.40.00412CONC0.0122.460.382.27T-474 16.6717.0219.36T-473 16.221719.35P-475 (2) 113.20.00412CONC0.0122.460.622.61T-473 16.2216.9819.35T-472 15.7616.9619.12P-475 (3) 14.50.00412CONC0.0122.460.881.12T-472 15.7616.9419.12N-47015.716.9319.23P-476 38.30.0626DI0.0121.510.190.9827C-47617.3921.1319.77T-476 15.0221.0919.2P-478 3.30.2866CONC0.0123.250.261.3427C-47816.121.3418.9T-478 15.121.3318.91P-479 62.30.00315CONC0.0123.564.393.5827C-47914.9821.7119.53T-480 14.8221.4619.21P-479 (1) 35.60.00315CONC0.0123.564.513.68T-480 14.8221.3719.21T-478 14.7321.2218.91P-479 (2) 32.80.00315CONC0.0123.564.783.89T-478 14.7321.1118.91T-476 14.6420.9619.2P-479 (3) 239.80.00315CONC0.0123.564.974.05T-476 14.6420.8519.2B-479 14.0219.6419.47P-479 (4) 73.8-0.00315CONC0.0123.554.974.05B-479 14.0219.5419.47N-47114.2119.1619.33P-479A 18.40.00915CONC0.0126.733.843.13N-479A15.2521.8719.4527C-47915.0821.8219.53P-480 83.40.0336DI0.0121.110.120.6327C-48017.9621.6120T-480 15.1921.5819.21P-482 17.5024CONC0.01204.011.28N-482 11.316.218.31N-46511.316.218.3P-483 119.80.0068CONC0.0121.020.792.2727H-48313.0316.6416.55N-482 12.316.218.31P-48420.208CONC0.01200.140.4127H-48414.9116.2518.31N-482 14.916.2518.31P-485 16.20.1258CONC0.0124.620.26.6627H-48517.217.4119.06T-485 15.1616.4719.05P-490A-14 96.40.00115CONC0.0121.591.511.23490A-1412.1516.2818.3N-482 12.116.2318.31P-490B-14 195.10.00512HDPE0.0122.741.511.92490B-1413.1816.5819.9490A-1412.216.2918.3P-490C-14 64.80.00512HDPE0.0122.631.451.8427I-490C13.616.7919.0927I-493B13.316.719.03P-490D-14 39.50.00312HDPE0.0122.161.351.72490D-1413.7216.8818.8727I-490C13.616.8319.09P-490E-14 37.60.0058DI0.0120.960.051.4427I-490E16.716.9319.08490D-1416.516.9318.87P-490F-14 18.10.016DI0.0120.620.041.7827I-490F17.517.618.52B-490F 17.3117.4918.95P-490F-14 (1) 51.40.0116DI0.0120.620.041.78B-490F 17.3117.4118.95B-490F 16.7716.9419.34P-490F-14 (2) 25.60.0116DI0.0120.620.041.79B-490F 16.7716.8719.3427I-490C16.516.8519.09P-490G-14 11.40.00312CONC0.0122.171.31.6627I-490G13.7616.9218.84490D-1413.7216.9118.87P-490H-14 53.30.00412HDPE0.0122.421.221.5527I-490H13.971719.2527I-490G13.7616.9518.84P-490I-14 50.70.00412HDPE0.0122.421.051.3427I-490I14.917.0718.927I-490H14.717.0319.25P-490J-14 320.00412HDPE0.0122.460.961.23490J-1415.0317.1118.927I-490I14.917.0918.9P-490K-14 38.70.0048DI0.0120.840.11.6127I-490K16.8117.1418.5490J-1416.6517.1418.9P-493B-14 30.30.00412HDPE0.0122.431.511.9227I-493B13.316.6619.03490B-1413.1816.6219.9P-494-14 91.10.00412HDPE0.0122.460.871.1494-1415.417.1719.28490J-1415.0317.1318.9P-495 35.30.03112DI0.0126.850.082.9227I-49516.7417.2618.8496-1415.6317.2619.5Page 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-Basins WQ New Basin 27.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Maning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-496-14 560.00412HDPE0.0122.470.871.1496-1415.6317.2219.5494-1415.417.219.28P-497 18.40.00412CONC0.0122.380.79127I-49715.717.2619.4496-1415.6317.2519.5P-498 64.7-0.00212CONC0.0121.520.60.7627I-49815.617.2919.127I-49715.717.2719.4P-499 72.2012CONC0.01200.440.5627I-49915.717.3119.227I-49815.717.319.1P-500 76.20.00312CONC0.0122.250.250.3227I-50016.0617.3119.427I-49915.817.3119.2P-526 46.50.00615CONC0.0125.573.843.1327C-52617.823.1721.66B-526 17.5123.0322.75P-526 (1) 343.70.00615CONC0.0125.543.843.13B-526 17.5122.9722.75N-479A15.3521.9319.45P-527 90.80.01212CONC0.0124.253.224.1N-527 17.923.821.9327C-52616.823.1621.66P-527A 89.20.0198DI0.0121.820.541.5527C-527A19.6224.1924.43N-527 17.924.0321.93P-528 24.20.1356DI0.0122.230.170.8627C-52821.8824.0722.92N-527 18.624.0521.93P-529 27.90.0048DI0.0120.780.381.127C-52919.8224.2423.2727C-527A19.7224.2224.43P-530 278.10.00515CONC0.0124.772.512.05N-5301924.3823.8N-527 17.7124.0221.93P-531 17.30.1186CONC0.0122.090.160.8127C-53122.5624.4523.86N-53020.524.4423.8P-532 51.8-0.0228DI0.0121.940.35127C-53219.7624.4724.91N-53020.924.4323.8P-533 57.20.0078CONC0.0121.080.060.1627C-53321.424.4925.5727C-53221.0124.4924.91P-535 19.20.086DI0.0121.720.251.327C-53523.2425.5225.62N-536 21.725.4925.03P-536 300.50.00415CONC0.0124.211.381.13N-536 20.2525.4925.03N-T-1119.1625.3726.02P-537 58.90.01718CONC0.01215.050.560.3227C-53721.3825.5125.17N-536 20.3525.525.03P-538 262.70.0086DI0.0120.560.10.5127C-53824.125.5826.48B-538 21.8725.5125.04P-538 (1) 11.90.0086DI0.0120.560.10.51B-538 21.8725.5125.04N-536 21.7725.525.03P-539 329.80.00215CONC0.0122.750.470.38N-5392125.5225.97N-536 20.4925.525.03P-540 18.50.1186DI0.0122.090.170.8527C-54024.7925.5327.17N-53922.5925.5225.97P-541 20.40.0394DI0.0120.410.192.1727C-54124.5826.2226.78B-541 23.7826.0425.95P-541 (1) 63.40.0394DI0.0120.410.192.17B-541 23.7826.0125.95N-53921.2725.4825.97P-545 2370.00212CONC0.0121.780.070.09N-545 22.5125.5327.65T-548 2225.5327.62P-545 (1) 48.50.00212CONC0.0121.780.110.14T-548 2225.5227.62N-54921.925.5227.41P-546 94.40.00112CONC0.0121.320.070.0927C-54622.1725.5327.84N-545 22.0625.5327.65P-547 29.50.0548CONC0.0123.040.030.0927C-54724.5425.5327.727C-54622.9525.5327.84P-548 19.50.2086CONC0.0122.770.045.0327C-54826.426.528.75T-548 22.2525.5327.62P-549 330.30.00212CONC0.0121.710.110.14N-54921.625.5227.41N-53920.9525.5225.97P-632 153.6-0.00212CONC0.0121.791.82.2927C-63218.3725.1625.44T-635 18.724.8325.04P-632 (1) 137.8-0.00212CONC0.0121.792.012.55T-635 18.724.7525.04N-5301924.3823.8P-635 32.50.018CONC0.0121.320.210.5927C-63519.224.8825.2T-635 18.8724.8825.04P-687 39.30.00312ADS N-120.0122.040.230.2927C-68722.9225.3825.6N-T-1122.8125.3826.02P-T-11 43.60.01712CONC0.0125.11.612.05N-T-1119.1325.326.0227C-63218.3725.2225.44Page 2 of 2 OUTFALL 004A TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04OWS 064 (BASIN 58) SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS LOGAN AVE 27F-509A 9,528 SF 0.219 AC 27F-507B 9,655 SF 0.222 AC27F-507D 11,577 SF 0.266 AC 27F-504 58,562 SF 1.344 AC 27F-505 7,607 SF 0.175 AC 27F-508 9,041 SF 0.208 AC 58B-492A 259,780 SF 5.964 AC 30A 190,196 SF 4.366 AC 29A 99,292 SF 2.279 AC 27E 232,131 SF 5.329 AC Y LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004A CATCHMENT AREA SUB-BASIN 27E BOUNDARY PROFILE VIEW: 27F-507B TO T-501 PROFILE VIEW: 27F-507B TO T-501 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00Station (ft) B-508(1) Rim: 20.38 ft Invert In (1): 16.46 ft B-508 Rim: 20.50 ft Invert In (1): 16.66 ft 27F-508 Rim: 20.12 ft 27F-504 Rim: 19.68 ft Invert In (1): 16.13 ft 27E-501 Rim: 19.39 ft Invert In (1): 15.99 ft Invert In (2): 15.89 ft 97.8 ft 18.0 in 0.000 ft/ft41.1 ft 8.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 24.5 ft 8.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 117.7 ft 8.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 Station (ft) B-508(1) Rim: 20.38 ft Invert In (1): 16.46 ft B-508 Rim: 20.50 ft Invert In (1): 16.66 ft 27F-508 Rim: 20.12 ft 27F-504 Rim: 19.68 ft Invert In (1): 16.13 ft 27E-501 Rim: 19.39 ft Invert In (1): 15.99 ft Invert In (2): 15.89 ft 97.8 ft 18.0 in 0.000 ft/ft41.1 ft 8.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 24.5 ft 8.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 117.7 ft 8.0 in 0.008 ft/ft 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27F-508 TO 27E-501 PROFILE VIEW: 27F-508 TO 27E-501 Invert Out: 17.60 ft Invert Out: 16.66 ft Invert Out: 16.46 ft Invert Out: 16.03 ft Invert Out: 15.90 ft Invert Out: 17.60 ft Invert Out: 16.66 ft Invert Out: 16.46 ft Invert Out: 16.03 ft Invert Out: 15.90 ft Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 58 New 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 27F-509A TO 1081A-18 PROFILE VIEW: 27F-509A TO 1081A-18 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 Station (ft) N-486E-14 Rim: 18.92 ft Invert In (1): 14.01 ft 1081A-18 Rim: 18.59 ft Invert In (1): 13.78 ft Invert In (2): 13.73 ft N-486A-14 Rim: 18.33 ft Invert In (1): 13.94 ft N-486C-14 Rim: 19.30 ft Invert In (1): 13.99 ft N-486F-14 Rim: 18.93 ft Invert In (1): 14.02 ft N-486G-14 Rim: 20.22 ft Invert In (1): 14.03 ft T-501 Rim: 19.72 ft Invert In (1): 12.87 ft Invert In (2): 14.87 ft T-509A Rim: 19.50 ft Invert In (1): 14.28 ft N-486D-14 Rim: 19.65 ft Invert In (1): 14.00 ft 27F-4868 Rim: 19.22 ft Invert In (1): 13.96 ft 129.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft161.7 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft244.5 ft 18.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 410.6 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 33.0 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft49.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft46.6 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 11.9 ft 12.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 104.3 ft 24.0 in 0.002 ft/ft96.9 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft Invert Out: 14.28 ft 27F-509A Rim: 18.83 ft Invert Out: 14.28 ft Invert Out: 14.87 ft Invert Out: 14.03 ft Invert Out: 14.02 ft Invert Out: 14.01 ft Invert Out: 14.00 ft Invert Out: 13.99 ft Invert Out: 13.96 ft Invert Out: 13.94 ft Invert Out: 13.73 ft 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 Station (ft) N-486E-14 Rim: 18.92 ft Invert In (1): 14.01 ft 1081A-18 Rim: 18.59 ft Invert In (1): 13.78 ft Invert In (2): 13.73 ft N-486C-14 Rim: 19.30 ft Invert In (1): 13.99 ft N-486F-14 Rim: 18.93 ft Invert In (1): 14.02 ft N-486G-14 Rim: 20.22 ft Invert In (1): 14.03 ft T-501 Rim: 19.72 ft Invert In (1): 12.87 ft Invert In (2): 14.87 ft T-509A Rim: 19.50 ft Invert In (1): 14.28 ft N-486D-14 Rim: 19.65 ft Invert In (1): 14.00 ft 27F-4868 Rim: 19.22 ft Invert In (1): 13.96 ft 129.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft161.7 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft244.5 ft 18.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 410.6 ft 12.0 in 0.003 ft/ft 33.0 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft49.5 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft46.6 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 11.9 ft 12.0 in 0.000 ft/ft 104.3 ft 24.0 in 0.002 ft/ft96.9 ft 24.0 in 0.000 ft/ft Invert Out: 14.28 ft 27F-509A Rim: 18.83 ft Invert Out: 14.28 ft Invert Out: 14.87 ft Invert Out: 14.03 ft Invert Out: 14.02 ft Invert Out: 14.01 ft Invert Out: 14.00 ft Invert Out: 13.99 ft Invert Out: 13.96 ft N-486A-14 Rim: 18.33 ft Invert In (1): 13.94 ftInvert Out: 13.94 ft Invert Out: 13.73 ft Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 58 New 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 29A TO OF-004A PROFILE VIEW: 29A TO OF-004A Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 58 New 25 YEAR 100 YEARElevation (ft)PROFILE VIEW: 30A TO 1080-18 Elevation (ft)PROFILE VIEW: 30A TO 1080-18 4 4 25 YEAR 100 YEAR ofile - OWS-06 New Basin 58.sts 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 Station (ft) 1096-18 Rim: 18.44 ft Invert In (1): 14.32 ft EX 488A Rim: 16.58 ftInvert In (1): 11.59 ft Invert In (2): 13.09 ft 53.6 ft 18.0 in 0.023 ft/ft 56.8 ft 18.0 in 0.030 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: OWS-064 TO EX 488A 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 Station (ft) 1096-18 Rim: 18.44 ft Invert In (1): 14.32 ft EX 488A Rim: 16.58 ft Invert In (1): 11.59 ft Invert In (2): 13.09 ft 53.6 ft 18.0 in 0.023 ft/ft 56.8 ft 18.0 in 0.030 ft/ft PROFILE VIEW: OWS-064 TO EX 488A 2 2 PROFILE VIEW: 58B-492A TO 1082-18 PROFILE VIEW: 58B-492A TO 1082-18 OWS-064Rim: 18.65 ft Invert Out: 16.02 ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft Invert Out: 9.29 ft OWS-064 Rim: 18.65 ft Invert Out: 16.02 ft Invert Out: 14.32 ft Invert Out: 9.29 ft Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 58 New 100 YEAR 25 YEAR Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basin New Basin 58.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27E-50125 yr 24 hr4.13828.011.40925.329SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-486825 yr 24 hr0.10488.010.03570.135SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-50425 yr 24 hr1.04378.010.35541.344SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-50525 yr 24 hr0.13598.010.04630.175SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507B25 yr 24 hr0.17248.010.05870.222SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507D25 yr 24 hr0.20668.010.07030.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-50825 yr 24 hr0.16158.010.0550.208SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-509A25 yr 24 hr0.17018.010.05790.219SCSTYPE1A.RAC29A25 yr 24 hr1.76978.01 0.6027 2.279 SCS TYPE1A.RAC30A25 yr 24 hr3.39048.01 1.1545 4.366 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58B-492A25 yr 24 hr4.63138.01 1.5771 5.964 SCS TYPE1A.RACOWS-06425 yr 24 hr2.10758.01 0.7177 2.714 SCS TYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype27E-501100 yr 24 hr4.7658.011.63115.329SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-4868100 yr 24 hr0.12078.010.04130.135SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-504100 yr 24 hr1.20178.010.41141.344SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-505100 yr 24 hr0.15658.010.05360.175SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507B100 yr 24 hr0.19858.010.06790.222SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-507D100 yr 24 hr0.23788.010.08140.266SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-508100 yr 24 hr0.1868.010.06370.208SCSTYPE1A.RAC27F-509A100 yr 24 hr0.19588.010.0670.219SCSTYPE1A.RAC29A100 yr 24 hr2.03788.01 0.6975 2.279 SCS TYPE1A.RAC30A100 yr 24 hr3.90398.01 1.3363 4.366 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58B-492A100 yr 24 hr5.33288.01 1.8254 5.964 SCS TYPE1A.RACOWS-064100 yr 24 hr2.42678.01 0.8307 2.714 SCS TYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:11:16 AM 27E-501 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 2.37 8.0058 0.7896 5.329 SCS 10 year 3.5095 8.0058 1.1876 5.329 SCS 25 year 4.1382 8.0058 1.4092 5.329 SCS 100 year 4.765 8.0058 1.6311 5.329 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27E-501 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 5.329 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 5.329 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:11:27 AM 27F-4868 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.06 8.0058 0.02 0.135 SCS 10 year 0.0889 8.0058 0.0301 0.135 SCS 25 year 0.1048 8.0058 0.0357 0.135 SCS 100 year 0.1207 8.0058 0.0413 0.135 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-4868 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.135 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.135 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:11:37 AM 27F-504 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.5977 8.0058 0.1991 1.344 SCS 10 year 0.8851 8.0058 0.2995 1.344 SCS 25 year 1.0437 8.0058 0.3554 1.344 SCS 100 year 1.2017 8.0058 0.4114 1.344 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-504 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 1.344 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 1.344 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:11:46 AM 27F-505 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0778 8.0058 0.0259 0.175 SCS 10 year 0.1152 8.0058 0.039 0.175 SCS 25 year 0.1359 8.0058 0.0463 0.175 SCS 100 year 0.1565 8.0058 0.0536 0.175 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-505 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.175 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.175 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:11:57 AM 27F-507B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0987 8.0058 0.0329 0.222 SCS 10 year 0.1462 8.0058 0.0495 0.222 SCS 25 year 0.1724 8.0058 0.0587 0.222 SCS 100 year 0.1985 8.0058 0.0679 0.222 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-507B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.222 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.222 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:12:07 AM 27F-507D Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1183 8.0058 0.0394 0.266 SCS 10 year 0.1752 8.0058 0.0593 0.266 SCS 25 year 0.2066 8.0058 0.0703 0.266 SCS 100 year 0.2378 8.0058 0.0814 0.266 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-507D Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.266 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.266 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:12:18 AM 27F-508 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0925 8.0058 0.0308 0.208 SCS 10 year 0.137 8.0058 0.0464 0.208 SCS 25 year 0.1615 8.0058 0.055 0.208 SCS 100 year 0.186 8.0058 0.0637 0.208 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-508 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.208 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.208 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:12:26 AM 27F-509 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0974 8.0058 0.0324 0.219 SCS 10 year 0.1442 8.0058 0.0488 0.219 SCS 25 year 0.1701 8.0058 0.0579 0.219 SCS 100 year 0.1958 8.0058 0.067 0.219 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 27F-509 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.219 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.219 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:12:40 AM 29A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.0136 8.0058 0.3377 2.279 SCS 10 year 1.5009 8.0058 0.5079 2.279 SCS 25 year 1.7697 8.0058 0.6027 2.279 SCS 100 year 2.0378 8.0058 0.6975 2.279 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 29A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 2.279 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 2.279 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:12:49 AM 30A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.9417 8.0058 0.6469 4.366 SCS 10 year 2.8753 8.0058 0.973 4.366 SCS 25 year 3.3904 8.0058 1.1545 4.366 SCS 100 year 3.9039 8.0058 1.3363 4.366 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 30A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 4.366 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 4.366 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:15:48 AM OWS-064 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.207 8.0058 0.4021 2.714 SCS 10 year 1.7874 8.0058 0.6048 2.714 SCS 25 year 2.1075 8.0058 0.7177 2.714 SCS 100 year 2.4267 8.0058 0.8307 2.714 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: OWS-064 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1a.rac Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 2.714 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 2.714 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basin New Basin 58.xlsx 25-YEAR EVENTPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)N-486C-14161.7024CONC0.0123.346.031.92N-486C-1413.9915.9319.327F-486813.9615.8419.22P-013 (1) 53.20.02318HDPE0.0120.782.117.561096-18 14.3215.0918.44EX 488A 13.0915.1416.58P-29A9.60.018EX CI0.0121.341.775.0729A16.7517.4619.351079A-18 16.6517.2619.35P-30A10.40.01410EX CI0.0122.853.396.2230A16.8517.7219.351077A-18 16.717.4819.31P-064 56.70.0318HDPE0.0123.652.118.28OWS-06416.0216.5718.651096-18 14.3215.1818.44P-486B129.5024CONC0.0122.896.131.9527F-486813.9615.819.22N-486A-1413.9415.7218.33P-486D-1496.9024CONC0.0122.496.031.92N-486D-141415.9819.65N-486C-1413.9915.9319.3P-486E-1433024CONC0.0124.276.031.92N-486E-1414.011618.92N-486D-141415.9819.65P-486F-1449.5024CONC0.0123.486.031.92N-486F-1414.0216.0318.93N-486E-1414.011618.92P-486G-1446.6024CONC0.0123.596.031.92N-486G-1414.0316.0620.22N-486F-1414.0216.0318.93P-49214-0.00918EX HDPE0.0112.664.632.6258B-492A14.7516.3119.08EX 492A 14.8716.2919.06P-492A 11.70.00318HDPE0.017.484.634.46EX 492A 14.7716.2119.061081-18 14.7316.218.9P-50130.90.03318CONC0.01319.185.869.5427E-50115.916.8319.39T-50114.8716.8619.72P-50497.8018CONC0.0241.151.210.7427F-50416.0317.4919.6827E-50115.9917.4519.39P-50560.1916CONC0.0122.660.147.127F-50517.6117.7919.42T-50516.4617.7219.52P-50630.80.00312CONC0.0131.980.380.48N-50616.317.4719.73T-50516.2117.4719.52P-506(1)101.80.00312CONC0.0131.980.510.66T-50516.2117.4719.5227E-50115.8917.4519.39P-507A81.606CONC0. (2)244.50.00318CONC0.0136.156.033.41T-50114.8716.8619.72N-486G-1414.0316.0620.22P-509A(1)410.60.00312CONC0.0132.090.170.22T-509A14.2816.8719.5T-50112.8716.8619.72P-1077 80.60.00918HDPE0.0112.733.396.091077-18 15.116.519.171078-18 14.416.4518.47P-1077A 17.70.00818HDPE0.0112.583.396.041077A-18 15.2516.5519.311077-18 15.116.5519.17P-1078 254.50.00218HDPE0.016.053.391.921078-18 14.416.3918.471080-18 13.916.2318.47P-1079 84.90.01518HDPE0.0116.91.776.21079-18 15.216.2619.211080-18 13.916.2618.47P-1079A 13.10.01118HDPE0.0114.621.775.591079A-18 15.3516.2819.351079-18 15.216.2819.21P-108095.50.00318HDPE0.016.835.162.921080-18 13.916.118.471082A-1813.6515.9618.47P-108157.70.01718HDPE0.0117.574.638.391081-18 14.7415.5618.91081A-1813.7815.7118.59P-1081A21.20.02124HDPE0.0142.5410.7611.291081A-1813.7315.6618.591082-18 13.2915.6418.44P-1082 160.10.00230HDPE0.0123.8515.925.21082-18 13.2915.5118.441083-18 12.9715.4118.15P-1082A207.20.00218HDPE0.015.765.162.921082A-1813.6515.9618.471082-18 13.2915.6718.44P-1083 68.70.00230HDPE0.0121.3615.924.771083-18 12.9715.318.151084-18 12.8315.2417.96P-1084 75.30.00236HDPE0.0140.515.922.251084-18 11.7815.2217.961085-18 11.6215.1918.92P-1085 17.20.00236HDPE0.0138.7715.922.251085-18 11.6215.1118.92EX 488A 11.5915.116.58P-1085 (1) 55.10.08836HDPE0.01257.8518.042.55EX 488A 9.291516.58OF-004A4.414.9815.2P-1091104.30.00224HDPE0.01310.226.133.4N-486A-1413.9415.7218.331081A-1813.7315.6618.59Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Sub-basin New Basin 58.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)N-486C-14161.7024CONC0.0123.346.942.21N-486C-1413.9916.2819.327F-486813.9616.1519.22P-013 (1) 53.20.02318HDPE0.0120.782.437.871096-18 14.3215.1418.44EX 488A 13.0915.1916.58P-29A9.60.018EX CI0.0121.342.045.8429A16.7517.5319.351079A-18 16.6517.2819.35P-30A10.40.01410EX CI0.0122.853.97.1630A16.8517.819.351077A-18 16.717.519.31P-064 56.70.0318HDPE0.0123.652.438.63OWS-06416.0216.6118.651096-18 14.3215.2418.44P-486B129.5024CONC0.0122.897.062.2527F-486813.9616.119.22N-486A-1413.941618.33P-486D-1496.9024CONC0.0122.496.942.21N-486D-141416.3619.65N-486C-1413.9916.2819.3P-486E-1433024CONC0.0124.276.942.21N-486E-1414.0116.3918.92N-486D-141416.3619.65P-486F-1449.5024CONC0.0123.486.942.21N-486F-1414.0216.4318.93N-486E-1414.0116.3918.92P-486G-1446.6024CONC0.0123.596.942.21N-486G-1414.0316.4620.22N-486F-1414.0216.4318.93P-49214-0.00918EX HDPE0.0112.665.333.0258B-492A14.7516.3719.08EX 492A 14.8716.3519.06P-492A 11.70.00318HDPE0.017.485.334.6EX 492A 14.7716.2519.061081-18 14.7316.2318.9P-50130.90.03318CONC0.01319.186.753.8227E-50115.917.6619.39T-50114.8717.5319.72P-50497.8018CONC0.0241.151.390.7927F-50416.0318.0119.6827E-50115.9917.9519.39P-50560.1916CONC0.0122.660.160.827F-50517.6118.2319.42T-50516.4618.2319.52P-50630.80.00312CONC0.0131.980.440.56N-50616.317.9819.73T-50516.2117.9819.52P-506(1)101.80.00312CONC0.0131.980.590.75N-486E-1416.2117.9818.9227E-50115.8917.9519.39P-507A81.606CONC0. (2)244.50.00318CONC0.0136.156.943.93T-50114.8717.5319.72N-486G-1414.0316.4620.22P-509A(1)410.60.00312CONC0.0132.090.20.25T-509A14.2817.5419.5T-50112.8717.5319.72P-1077 80.60.00918HDPE0.0112.733.92.211077-18 15.11719.171078-18 14.416.9418.47P-1077A 17.70.00818HDPE0.0112.583.92.211077A-18 15.2517.0819.311077-18 15.117.0619.17P-1078 254.50.00218HDPE0. 14.416.8618.471080-18 13.916.6518.47P-1079 84.90.01518HDPE0.0116.92.041.151079-18 15.216.719.211080-18 13.916.6818.47P-1079A 13.10.01118HDPE0.0114.622.045.831079A-18 15.3516.7219.351079-18 15.216.7219.21P-108095.50.00318HDPE0.016.835.943.361080-18 13.916.4718.471082A-1813.6516.2818.47P-108157.70.01718HDPE0.0117.575.338.721081-18 14.741618.91081A-1813.7815.9418.59P-1081A21.20.02124HDPE0.0142.5412.393.951081A-1813.7315.8918.591082-18 13.2915.8618.44P-1082 160.10.00230HDPE0.0123.8518.345.361082-18 13.2915.7318.441083-18 12.9715.5418.15P-1082A207.20.00218HDPE0.015.765.943.361082A-1813.6516.2818.471082-18 13.2915.918.44P-1083 68.70.00230HDPE0.0121.3618.344.891083-18 12.9715.4118.151084-18 12.8315.3217.96P-1084 75.30.00236HDPE0.0140.518.342.591084-18 11.7815.2917.961085-18 11.6215.2618.92P-1085 17.20.00236HDPE0.0138.7718.342.591085-18 11.6215.1518.92EX 488A 11.5915.1416.58P-1085 (1) 55.10.08836HDPE0.01257.8520.772.94EX 488A 9.2915.0116.58OF-004A4.414.9815.2P-1091104.30.00224HDPE0.01310.227.062.25N-486A-1413.941618.331081A-1813.7315.8918.59Page 1 of 1 OUTFALL 004A LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 4-21 4-17 4-90 4-89 4-04OWS 064 (BASIN 58) TAILWATER SET AT BYPASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION 16.93 LOGAN AVE 58A-1095C 34,207 SF 0.785 AC 58A-1095B 54,327 SF 1.247 AC 58A-727 13,212 SF 0.303 AC 58A-728 7,420 SF 0.170 AC 58A-1095A 9,044 SF 0.208 AC O AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 004A CATCHMENT AREA LEGEND 25 YEAR 100 YEAR 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 58 WQ New PROFILE VIEW: 1095B-18 TO 1095-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1095C-18 TO 1095-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1095B-18 TO 1095-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1095C-18 TO 1095-18 PROFILE VIEW: URE-727-18 TO OWS-064 PROFILE VIEW: URE-727-18 TO OWS-064 Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 58 WQ New 25 YEAR 100 YEAR Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ New Basin 58.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsAppended on: Thursday, April 12, 2018 2:04:39 PMBasinID Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Peak Vol (ac-cf) Area (ac) Method/Loss Raintype58A-1095A 25 year0.16158.01 0.055 0.208 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095B 25 year0.96848.01 0.3298 1.247 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095C 25 year0.60968.01 0.2076 0.785 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-727 25 year0.23538.01 0.0801 0.303 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-728 25 year0.1328.01 0.045 0.17 SCS TYPE1A.RACAppended on: Thursday, April 12, 2018 2:05:19 PMBasinID Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Peak Vol (ac-cf) Area (ac) Method/Loss Raintype58A-1095A 100 year0.1868.01 0.0637 0.208 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095B 100 year1.1158.01 0.3817 1.247 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095C 100 year0.70198.01 0.2403 0.785 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-727 100 year0.27098.01 0.0927 0.303 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-728 100 year0.1528.01 0.052 0.17 SCS TYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:12:59 AM 58A-1095A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0925 8.0058 0.0308 0.208 SCS 10 year 0.137 8.0058 0.0464 0.208 SCS 25 year 0.1615 8.0058 0.055 0.208 SCS 100 year 0.186 8.0058 0.0637 0.208 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 58A-1095A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.208 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.208 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:13:09 AM 58A-1095B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.5546 8.0058 0.1848 1.247 SCS 10 year 0.8212 8.0058 0.2779 1.247 SCS 25 year 0.9684 8.0058 0.3298 1.247 SCS 100 year 1.115 8.0058 0.3817 1.247 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 58A-1095B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 1.247 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 1.247 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:15:07 AM 58A-1095C Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.3491 8.0058 0.1163 0.785 SCS 10 year 0.517 8.0058 0.1749 0.785 SCS 25 year 0.6096 8.0058 0.2076 0.785 SCS 100 year 0.7019 8.0058 0.2403 0.785 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 58A-1095C Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.86 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.785 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:15:18 AM 58A-727 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1348 8.0058 0.0449 0.303 SCS 10 year 0.1995 8.0058 0.0675 0.303 SCS 25 year 0.2353 8.0058 0.0801 0.303 SCS 100 year 0.2709 8.0058 0.0927 0.303 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 58A-727 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.303 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.303 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:15:28 AM 58A-728 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.0756 8.0058 0.0252 0.17 SCS 10 year 0.112 8.0058 0.0379 0.17 SCS 25 year 0.132 8.0058 0.045 0.17 SCS 100 year 0.152 8.0058 0.052 0.17 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 58A-728 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.17 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 0.17 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:15:37 AM 58B-492A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 2.6524 8.0058 0.8837 5.964 SCS 10 year 3.9277 8.0058 1.3291 5.964 SCS 25 year 4.6313 8.0058 1.5771 5.964 SCS 100 year 5.3328 8.0058 1.8254 5.964 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 58B-492A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 5.964 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn ROOF 5.964 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:15:48 AM OWS-064 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.207 8.0058 0.4021 2.714 SCS 10 year 1.7874 8.0058 0.6048 2.714 SCS 25 year 2.1075 8.0058 0.7177 2.714 SCS 100 year 2.4267 8.0058 0.8307 2.714 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: OWS-064 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1a.rac Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 2.714 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn PAVEMENT 2.714 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ New Basin 58.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-7271450.00212HDPE Pipe0. 727-1814.3316.9918.15URE 728-181416.9318.15P-728147.80.00212HDPE Pipe0.012.070.370.47URE 728-181416.9918.151095-1813.71717.96P-1095 44.30.00218HDPE0. 118.5015SLOT DRAIN0.02401.130.921095A-1815.517.0917.961095-1815.516.9717.96SD-1095B 137.5015SLOT DRAIN0.02400.970.791095B-1815.517.21181095A-1815.517.4117.96SD-1095C 233.1015SLOT DRAIN0.02400.610.51095C-1815.517.05181095-1815.516.9817.96Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ New Basin 58.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-7271450.00212HDPE Pipe0. 727-1814.3317.0118.15URE 728-181417.0118.15P-728147.80.00212HDPE Pipe0.012.070.420.54URE 728-18141718.151095-1813.716.9917.96P-1095 44.30.00218HDPE0.016.292.431.371095-1813.716.9417.96ROWS-06413.6116.9318SD-1095A 118.5015SLOT DRAIN0.02401.31.061095A-1815.517.1517.961095-1815.516.9817.96SD-1095B 137.5015SLOT DRAIN0.02401.120.911095B-1815.517.31181095A-1815.517.1717.96SD-1095C 233.1015SLOT DRAIN0.02400.70.571095C-1815.517.09181095-1815.516.9917.96Page 1 of 1 OUTFALL 012A TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 OWS 063 (BASIN 57) SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASSLAKE WASHINGTON 4-20 4-21 4-04 4-41 4-42 4-45 LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 012A CATCHMENT AREA Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 57 NEW 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: N-063 TO O-12 PROFILE VIEW: N-063 TO O-12 OUTFALL 012A 57A-1086A 27,277 SF 0.626 AC 57A-1086B 10,230 SF 0.235 AC 57A-723 22,287 SF 0.512 AC 57B-1087A 10,245 SF 0.235 AC 57B-724 24,107 SF 0.553 AC 57B-1087B 24,292 SF 0.558 AC OWS 063 (BASIN 57) TAILWATER SET AT BYPASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION 16.93 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-20 4-21 4-04 4-41 4-42 4-45 LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 012A CATCHMENT AREA Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 57 WQ NEW 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 1086A TO OWS-063 PROFILE VIEW: 1086A TO OWS-063 25 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 1087B TO 1088-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1087B TO 1088-18 100 YEAR Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ + New Basin 57.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype57A-1086A25 yr 24 hr0.48618.010.16550.626SCSTYPE1A.RAC57A-1086B25 yr 24 hr0.18258.010.06210.235SCSTYPE1A.RAC57A-72325 yr 24 hr0.39768.010.13540.512SCSTYPE1A.RAC57B-1087A25 yr 24 hr0.18258.010.06210.235SCSTYPE1A.RAC57B-1087B25 yr 24 hr0.43338.01 0.1476 0.558 SCSTYPE1A.RAC57B-72425 yr 24 hr0.42948.01 0.1462 0.553 SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype57A-1086A100 yr 24 hr0.55978.010.19160.626SCSTYPE1A.RAC57A-1086B100 yr 24 hr0.21018.010.07190.235SCSTYPE1A.RAC57A-723100 yr 24 hr0.45788.010.15670.512SCSTYPE1A.RAC57B-1087A100 yr 24 hr0.21018.010.07190.235SCSTYPE1A.RAC57B-1087B100 yr 24 hr0.49898.01 0.1708 0.558 SCSTYPE1A.RAC57B-724100 yr 24 hr0.49458.01 0.1693 0.553 SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:05:15 PM 57A-1086A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2784 8.0058 0.0928 0.626 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.4123 8.0058 0.1395 0.626 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4861 8.0058 0.1655 0.626 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.5597 8.0058 0.1916 0.626 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 57A-1086A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.495 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.626 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:05:24 PM 57A-1086B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1045 8.0058 0.0348 0.235 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1548 8.0058 0.0524 0.235 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1825 8.0058 0.0621 0.235 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2101 8.0058 0.0719 0.235 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 57A-1086B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.496 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.235 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:05:33 PM 57A-723 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2277 8.0058 0.0759 0.512 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3372 8.0058 0.1141 0.512 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3976 8.0058 0.1354 0.512 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4578 8.0058 0.1567 0.512 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 57A-723 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.30 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.512 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:05:43 PM 57B-1087A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1045 8.0058 0.0348 0.235 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.1548 8.0058 0.0524 0.235 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.1825 8.0058 0.0621 0.235 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.2101 8.0058 0.0719 0.235 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 57B-1087A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.372 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.235 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:05:55 PM 57B-1087B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2482 8.0058 0.0827 0.558 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3675 8.0058 0.1243 0.558 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4333 8.0058 0.1476 0.558 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4989 8.0058 0.1708 0.558 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 57B-1087B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.372 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.558 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:06:03 PM 57B-724 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2459 8.0058 0.0819 0.553 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3642 8.0058 0.1232 0.553 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4294 8.0058 0.1462 0.553 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4945 8.0058 0.1693 0.553 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 57B-724 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.488 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.553 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:06:12 PM ROWS-062 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.2137 8.0058 0.4043 2.729 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 1.7972 8.0058 0.6082 2.729 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 2.1192 8.0058 0.7217 2.729 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 2.4402 8.0058 0.8353 2.729 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: ROWS-062 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 2.729 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 2.729 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:06:21 PM ROWS-063 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 1.2057 8.0058 0.4017 2.711 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 1.7854 8.0058 0.6041 2.711 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 2.1052 8.0058 0.7169 2.711 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 2.4241 8.0058 0.8298 2.711 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: ROWS-063 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 2.711 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 2.711 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis10/1/2018Basin WQ + New Basin 57.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-723 60.10.00312HDPE0.012.351.071.36723-1814.3317.15181088-18 14.1817.1218.4P-724 77.40.00212HDPE0. 14.1817.1218.4P-1086 97.50.00512HDPE0.013.220.670.851086-18 14.817.1918.36723-1814.3317.1718P-1087 97.50.00512HDPE0.013.220.620.781087-18 14.817.1918.36724-1814.3317.1718P-1088 48.50.00212HDPE0. 14.1817.0318.4OWS-06314.0816.9318.4SD-1086A 181.3012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.490.621086A16.1517.3118.361086-18 16.1517.1918.36SD-1086B 66.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.180.231086B16.1517.218.361086-18 16.1517.218.36SD-1087A66.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.180.231087A16.1517.2118.361087-18 16.1517.218.36SD-1087B 152.1012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.430.551087B16.1517.2718.361087-18 16.1517.218.36Pipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-1090 84.90.13612HDPE0.0113.142.112.691090-18 13.6615.2818.65O-122.0114.9814.98P-1089 15.10.00212HDPE0.011.592.112.691089-18 13.6915.418.541090-18 13.6615.3518.65P-063101.50.00212HDPE0.011.592.112.69N-06314.0715.8918.541089-18 13.6915.5418.54Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis10/1/2018Basin WQ + New Basin 57.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-723 60.10.00312HDPE0.012.351.231.56723-1814.3317.22181088-18 14.1817.1818.4P-724 77.40.00212HDPE0. 14.1817.1818.4P-1086 97.50.00512HDPE0.013.220.770.981086-18 14.817.2718.36723-1814.3317.2418P-1087 97.50.00512HDPE0.013.220.710.91087-18 14.817.2818.36724-1814.3317.2518P-1088 48.50.00212HDPE0.012.072.433.11088-18 14.1817.0618.4OWS-06314.0816.9318.4SD-1086A 181.3012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.560.711086A16.1517.4318.361086-18 16.1517.2818.36SD-1086B 66.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.210.271086B16.1517.2918.361086-18 16.1517.2818.36SD-1087A66.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.210.271087A16.1517.318.361087-18 16.1517.2918.36SD-1087B 152.1012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.50.641087B16.1517.3918.361087-18 16.1517.2818.36Pipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-1090 84.90.13612HDPE0.0113.142.443.111090-18 13.6615.3818.65O-122.0114.9814.98P-1089 15.10.00212HDPE0.011.592.443.111089-18 13.6915.5418.541090-18 13.6615.4718.65P-063101.50.00212HDPE0.011.592.443.11N-06314.0716.218.541089-18 13.6915.7318.54Page 1 of 1 OUTFALL 014A TAILWATER SET AT SPRING/FALL LAKE SURFACE ELEVATION ± 14.98 OWS 062 (BASIN 28) SEPARATE CALCULATIONS AND MAP FOR CONVEYANCE SYSTEM UPSTREAM OF BYPASS LAKE WASHINGTON 4-20 4-21 4-04 O 4-41 4-42 4-45 LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 014A CATCHMENT AREA 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 Station (ft) 1075-18 Rim: 18.59 ft 1076-18 Rim: 18.70 ftInvert In: 14.72 ft Invert Out: 14.72 ft Invert In: 14.68 ft Invert Out: 14.68 ft OWS-062 Rim: 18.41 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 14.93 ft O-014 Rim: 15.20 ft Invert: 6.56 ft 70.6 ft 12.0 in 0.115 ft/ft 106.3 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 17.7 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 -0+50 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 Station (ft) 1075-18 Rim: 18.59 ft 1076-18 Rim: 18.70 ftInvert In: 14.72 ft Invert Out: 14.72 ft Invert In: 14.68 ft Invert Out: 14.68 ft OWS-062 Rim: 18.41 ft Invert In: (N/A) ft Invert Out: 14.93 ft O-014 Rim: 15.20 ft Invert: 6.56 ft 70.6 ft 12.0 in 0.115 ft/ft 106.3 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft 17.7 ft 12.0 in 0.002 ft/ft Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 56 NEW PROFILE VIEW: OWS-062 TO O-014 PROFILE VIEW: OWS-062 TO O-014 25 YEAR 100 YEAR OUTFALL 014A 56A-1071 21,240 SF 0.487 AC 56A-1073A 14,810 SF 0.340 AC 56A-1073B 40,645 SF 0.933 AC 56B-722 19,427 SF 0.446 AC 56B-721 22,828 SF 0.524 AC OWS 062 (BASIN 28) TAILWATER SET AT BYPASS STRUCTURE ELEVATION 16.93 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-20 4-21 4-04 4-41 4-42 4-45 LEGEND AREA TRIBUTARY TO OUTFALL 014A CATCHMENT AREA Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 56 WQ NEW PROFILE VIEW: 722-18 TO 1074-18 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 722-18 TO 1074-18 PROFILE VIEW: 1071A TO OWS-062 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 1071A TO OWS-062 Storm Event: 25 & 100 Year Basin 56 WQ NEW PROFILE VIEW: 1073B TO 11073-18 25 YEAR 100 YEAR PROFILE VIEW: 1073B TO 11073-18 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis9/26/2018Basin WQ + New Basin 56.xlsx SCS Peak FlowsBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype56A-107125 yr 24 hr0.37828.010.12880.487SCSTYPE1A.RAC56A-1073A25 yr 24 hr0.2648.010.08990.34SCSTYPE1A.RAC56A-1073B25 yr 24 hr0.72458.010.24670.933SCSTYPE1A.RAC56B-72125 yr 24 hr0.40698.010.13860.524SCSTYPE1A.RAC56B-72225 yr 24 hr0.34638.010.11790.446SCSTYPE1A.RACBasinIDEventPeak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype56A-1071100 yr 24 hr0.43558.010.14910.487SCSTYPE1A.RAC56A-1073A100 yr 24 hr0.3048.010.10410.34SCSTYPE1A.RAC56A-1073B100 yr 24 hr0.83428.010.28560.933SCSTYPE1A.RAC56B-721100 yr 24 hr0.46858.010.16040.524SCSTYPE1A.RAC56B-722100 yr 24 hr0.39888.010.13650.446SCSTYPE1A.RAC*Peak flows (Q) are generated by StormShed 3G using the SCS method with Type1A.RAC rainfall.Page 1 of 1 Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:04:25 PM 56A-1071 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.2166 8.0058 0.0722 0.487 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3207 8.0058 0.1085 0.487 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3782 8.0058 0.1288 0.487 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4355 8.0058 0.1491 0.487 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 56A-1071 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.676 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.487 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:04:36 PM 56A-1073A Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1512 8.0058 0.0504 0.34 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2239 8.0058 0.0758 0.34 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.264 8.0058 0.0899 0.34 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.304 8.0058 0.1041 0.34 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 56A-1073A Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.284 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.34 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:04:45 PM 56A-1073B Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.4149 8.0058 0.1382 0.933 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.6144 8.0058 0.2079 0.933 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.7245 8.0058 0.2467 0.933 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.8342 8.0058 0.2856 0.933 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 56A-1073B Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.541 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.933 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:04:55 PM 56B-721 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.233 8.0058 0.0776 0.524 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.3451 8.0058 0.1168 0.524 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.4069 8.0058 0.1386 0.524 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.4685 8.0058 0.1604 0.524 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 56B-721 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.503 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.524 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Appended on: Monday, September 17, 2018 4:05:05 PM 56B-722 Event Summary Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 2 yr 24 hr 0.1984 8.0058 0.0661 0.446 SCS 10 yr 24 hr 0.2937 8.0058 0.0994 0.446 SCS 25 yr 24 hr 0.3463 8.0058 0.1179 0.446 SCS 100 yr 24 hr 0.3988 8.0058 0.1365 0.446 SCS All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect Record Id: 56B-722 Design Method SCS Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 0.00 ac DCIA 0.346 ac Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn pavement 0.446 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet 0.00 ft 0.0% 5.0 0.00 in 5.00 min Pervious TC 5.00 min Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis10/1/2018Basin WQ + New Basin 56.xlsx 25-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft)Diameter (In)Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs)Velocity (ft/s)Start NodeStart Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop NodeStop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-721 470.00912HDPE0.014.330.750.96721-181417.15181074-18 13.5917.1318.41P-722 142.40.00212HDPE0.012.230.350.44722-1814.3317.1718721-181417.1618P-1071 97.20.00212HDPE0.012.070.380.481071-18 14.0317.2117.581072-18 13.8417.218.76P-1072 65.60.00212HDPE0.012.070.380.481072-18 13.8417.218.761073-18 13.717.218.4P-1073 57.60.00212HDPE0.012.071.371.741073-18 13.717.1518.41074-18 13.5917.118.41P-1074 49.40.00212HDPE0. 13.5917.0318.41OWS-06213.4916.9318.41SD-1071 108.6015SLOT DRAIN0.02400.380.311071A15.1517.2217.581071-18 15.1517.2117.58SD-1073A 97.7012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.991.261073A16.1517.4318.361073-18 16.1517.1718.4SD-1073B 196.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.720.921073B16.1517.7218.361073A16.1517.4418.36Pipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft)Diameter (In)Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs)Velocity (ft/s)Start NodeStart Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop NodeStop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-062 106.30.00212HDPE0.012.072.123OWS-06214.9315.7318.411075-18 14.7215.4318.59P-1075 17.70.00212HDPE0.012.072.1231075-18 14.7215.4318.591076-18 14.6815.3218.7P-1076 70.10.11512HPDE0.0115.712.1213.951076-18 14.6815.318.7O-0146.5614.9814.98Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron RBackwater Analysis10/1/2018Basin WQ + New Basin 56.xlsx 100-Year EventPipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-721 470.00912HDPE0.014.330.871.1721-181417.22181074-18 13.5917.218.41P-722 142.40.00212HDPE0. 97.20.00212HDPE0.012.070.440.551071-18 14.0317.317.581072-18 13.8417.2918.76P-1072 65.60.00212HDPE0.012.070.440.551072-18 13.8417.2918.761073-18 13.717.2818.4P-1073 57.60.00212HDPE0.012.071.5721073-18 13.717.2218.41074-18 13.5917.1618.41P-1074 49.40.00212HDPE0.012.072.443.111074-18 13.5917.0718.41OWS-06213.4916.9318.41SD-1071 108.6015SLOT DRAIN0.02400.440.351071A15.1517.3217.581071-18 15.1517.317.58SD-1073A 97.7012SLOT DRAIN0.02401.141.451073A16.1517.5918.361073-18 16.1517.2518.4SD-1073B 196.9012SLOT DRAIN0.02400.831.061073B16.1517.9818.361073A16.1517.6118.36Pipe ID Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter (In) Description Manning's nFull Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft)Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft)P-062 106.30.00212HDPE0.012.072.443.11OWS-06214.9315.8218.411075-18 14.7215.518.59P-1075 17.70.00212HDPE0.012.072.443.111075-18 14.7215.4918.591076-18 14.6815.3718.7P-1076 70.10.11512HPDE0.0115.712.4414.531076-18 14.6815.3518.7O-0146.5614.9814.98Page 1 of 1 Situational Variables  Deflection Calculated ReturnsDepth of Cover2.5ft Standard Installation Deflection CheckOKSpangler's Modified Iowa FormulaPipe Diameter12Shallow Installation Safety Factor2.8Pipe SDR17Watkin'sSite Variables Compressive Stress Calculated ReturnsDepth of PCC14.5in Less than Pipe AllowableYesMaximum Axle Load103000psfBuckling Stresss Calculated ReturnsWheel Spacing18.75ft Allowable Greater than Dead LoadYesArea of Impact0.5625sfBuoyancy Calculated ReturnsWeight of Backfill120PCF Pre‐PCC anchoring RequiredNONative Soils Modulus700lb/sq inNative Internal Friction Φ10degreesTrench Soil Modulus1200lb/sq inUpdate per Table 3‐9 on Soil Properties Tabvaries per depth see table 3‐8 on soil properties tab PE3608 7 7.3 9 11 13.5 15.5 17 19 21 DR7‐T DR7‐ID DR7‐LB DR7.3‐T DR7.3‐ID DR7.3‐LB DR9‐T DR9‐ID DR9‐LB DR11‐T DR11‐ID DR11‐LB DR13.5‐T DR13.5‐ID DR13.5‐LB DR15.5‐T DR15.5‐ID DR15.5‐LB DR17‐T DR17‐ID DR17‐LB DR19‐T DR19‐ID DR19‐LB DR21‐T DR21‐ID DR21‐LB Nom.OD  (in)  ActualOD( in) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) 4 4.8 0.686 3.346 3.871 0.658 3.406 3.74 0.533 3.669 3.13 0.436 3.875 2.623 0.356 4.046 2.18 0.31 4.143 1.893 0.282 4.201 1.761 0.253 4.264 1.761 0.229 4.315 1.45 6 6.9 0.986 4.81 7.999 0.945 4.896 7.73 0.767 5.275 6.47 0.627 5.57 5.42 0.511 5.816 4.504 0.445 5.956 3.906 0.406 6.04 3.64 0.363 6.13 3.64 0.329 6.203 2.99 8 9.05 1.293 6.309 13.76 1.24 6.422 13.29 1.006 6.918 11.13 0.823 7.306 9.325 0.67 7.629 7.75 0.584 7.812 6.723 0.532 7.921 6.261 0.476 8.041 6.261 0.431 8.136 5.132 10 11.1 1.586 7.738 20.7 1.521 7.876 20 1.233 8.485 16.74 1.009 8.961 14.03 0.822 9.357 11.66 0.716 9.582 10.11 0.653 9.716 9.42 0.587 9.862 9.42 0.529 9.979 7.73 12 13.2 1.886 9.202 29.274 1.808 9.367 28.28 1.467 10.091 23.671 1.2 10.656 19.84 0.978 11.127 16.483 0.852 11.395 14.306 0.776 11.554 13.319 0.695 11.727 13.319 0.629 11.867 10.93 14 15.3 2.186 10.666 39.329 2.096 10.857 37.99 1.7 11.696 31.802 1.391 12.351 26.652 1.133 12.897 22.15 0.987 13.207 19.21 0.9 13.392 17.894 0.805 13.593 17.894 0.729 13.755 14.68 16 17.4 2.486 12.13 50.866 2.384 12.347 49.13 1.933 13.301 41.132 1.582 14.047 34.47 1.289 14.668 28.641 1.123 15.02 24.856 1.024 15.23 23.15 0.916 15.458 23.15 0.829 15.643 18.98 18 19.5 2.786 13.594 63.885 2.671 13.837 61.71 2.167 14.907 51.66 1.773 15.742 43.292 1.444 16.438 35.97 1.258 16.833 31.205 1.059 17.255 29.07 1.026 17.325 29.07 0.857 17.683 23.84 20 21.6 3.086 15.058 78.386 2.959 15.327 75.004 2.4 16.512 63.385 1.964 17.437 53.12 1.6 18.208 44.14 1.394 18.646 38.301 1.176 19.106 35.68 1.137 19.19 35.68 0.952 19.581 29.25 24 25.8 Error Error Error 3.534 18.307 109.056 2.867 19.723 91.123 2.345 20.828 76.229 1.911 21.748 63.27 1.665 22.271 55.693 1.518 22.583 51.086 1.358 22.921 51.086 1.229 23.195 41.852 30 32 Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.556 24.462 140.183 2.909 25.833 117.285 2.37 26.975 97.324 2.065 27.623 85.672 1.882 28.009 78.557 1.684 28.43 78.557 1.524 28.77 64.37 36 38.3 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.482 30.919 167.01 2.837 32.285 138.77 2.471 33.062 122.701 2.253 33.524 112.132 2.016 33.026 112.132 1.824 34.434 91.93 42 44.5 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.296 37.512 187.33 2.871 38.414 165.642 2.618 38.951 151.39 2.342 39.535 151.39 2.119 40.008 124.093 48 50.8 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.277 43.852 215.834 2.988 44.465 197.05 2.674 45.131 197.05 2.419 45.672 161.717 54 57.56 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.386 50.382 251.945 3.029 51.138 228.191 2.741 51.749 206.54 60 61.61 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 2.934 55.39 236.626 Minimum Wall Thickness 0.776 in Pipe Inside Diameter 11.554 in Pipe Weight 13.319 lb/lf Pipe Outside Diameter 13.2 in 50YR Modulus of Elasticity 28000 E 10YR Modulus of Elasticity 32000 E Trench Ws (assume 95% compaction) Native E'n point 1Point 2 Point 3Pl = 4937.38 (PAVED)Pl = 11.61714 Pl = 487.8Impact Factor = 1.3x = 9.375 x = 4 variableEquivalent Radius = 0.42R = 9.702609 R = 4Ww = 51500H = 2.50Impact Factor = 2 for flexible pavementPl = 4787.178 (UNPAVED)Asph H =  3.17 Pe (soil) 155 psf Soil Pressure w 120 pcf unit weight of soil H 2.5 ft Total Depth of cover Pe (conc) 199.375 psf Conc Paving Pressure wc 165 pcf Unit weight of reinforce concrete Hc 1.208333 ft Depth of Concrete Total Pe 354.375 psf Total Dead Load Asph Pe 380.4 psf H3.17ft w 120 pcf Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DOPCC Live Load 4937.3802 psfModulus of TrenchSoil Reaction E' 1200 PSIE’N/E’ 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 50.1 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.9 1Dead Load 354.375 psfWidth of Trench Bd 30 in0.2 0.3 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.92 10.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.95 1Asph LIVE LOAD 4787.17814 PSF Modulus Of Native Soil Reaction E'n 700 PSI0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 1 1Asph Dead Load 380.4 PSF0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.98 1 1Soil Support Factor 0.9111111 1See Table 3‐10 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 1E'n/E' = 0.62 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1Bd/Do = 2.53 1.75 1.45 1.3 1.2 1.08 15 2 1.6 1.4 1.25 1.1 1PCC % Deflection = 5.22% FALSE 6%Asph % Deflection = 0.72% OK if < 6%K =  1.420277Pwat =  14064.75N =  2.848626  (PAVED)N =  2.938004  (UNPAVED) S =  312.3606 OK if < 1000 PSI S =  305.0307 OK if < 1000 PSI PavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.559395N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 354.375UnpavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.662444N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 380.4 Fb =  59.30           lb/lfWp =  13.319 lb/lfWd = 132.00         lb/lf 12‐INCH SUBGRADEWs =  18.48 lb/lf Additional backfillWt =  163.799 Situational Variables  Deflection Calculated ReturnsDepth of Cover2.5ft Standard Installation Deflection CheckOKSpangler's Modified Iowa FormulaPipe Diameter18Shallow Installation Safety Factor2.4Pipe SDR17Watkin'sSite Variables Compressive Stress Calculated ReturnsDepth of PCC14.5in Less than Pipe AllowableYesMaximum Axle Load103000psfBuckling Stresss Calculated ReturnsWheel Spacing18.75ft Allowable Greater than Dead LoadYesArea of Impact0.5625sfBuoyancy Calculated ReturnsWeight of Backfill120PCF Pre‐PCC anchoring RequiredNONative Soils Modulus700lb/sq inNative Internal Friction Φ10degreesTrench Soil Modulus1200lb/sq inUpdate per Table 3‐9 on Soil Properties Tabvaries per depth see table 3‐8 on soil properties tab PE3608 7 7.3 9 11 13.5 15.5 17 19 21 DR7‐T DR7‐ID DR7‐LB DR7.3‐T DR7.3‐ID DR7.3‐LB DR9‐T DR9‐ID DR9‐LB DR11‐T DR11‐ID DR11‐LB DR13.5‐T DR13.5‐ID DR13.5‐LB DR15.5‐T DR15.5‐ID DR15.5‐LB DR17‐T DR17‐ID DR17‐LB DR19‐T DR19‐ID DR19‐LB DR21‐T DR21‐ID DR21‐LB Nom.OD  (in)  ActualOD( in) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) 4 4.8 0.686 3.346 3.871 0.658 3.406 3.74 0.533 3.669 3.13 0.436 3.875 2.623 0.356 4.046 2.18 0.31 4.143 1.893 0.282 4.201 1.761 0.253 4.264 1.761 0.229 4.315 1.45 6 6.9 0.986 4.81 7.999 0.945 4.896 7.73 0.767 5.275 6.47 0.627 5.57 5.42 0.511 5.816 4.504 0.445 5.956 3.906 0.406 6.04 3.64 0.363 6.13 3.64 0.329 6.203 2.99 8 9.05 1.293 6.309 13.76 1.24 6.422 13.29 1.006 6.918 11.13 0.823 7.306 9.325 0.67 7.629 7.75 0.584 7.812 6.723 0.532 7.921 6.261 0.476 8.041 6.261 0.431 8.136 5.132 10 11.1 1.586 7.738 20.7 1.521 7.876 20 1.233 8.485 16.74 1.009 8.961 14.03 0.822 9.357 11.66 0.716 9.582 10.11 0.653 9.716 9.42 0.587 9.862 9.42 0.529 9.979 7.73 12 13.2 1.886 9.202 29.274 1.808 9.367 28.28 1.467 10.091 23.671 1.2 10.656 19.84 0.978 11.127 16.483 0.852 11.395 14.306 0.776 11.554 13.319 0.695 11.727 13.319 0.629 11.867 10.93 14 15.3 2.186 10.666 39.329 2.096 10.857 37.99 1.7 11.696 31.802 1.391 12.351 26.652 1.133 12.897 22.15 0.987 13.207 19.21 0.9 13.392 17.894 0.805 13.593 17.894 0.729 13.755 14.68 16 17.4 2.486 12.13 50.866 2.384 12.347 49.13 1.933 13.301 41.132 1.582 14.047 34.47 1.289 14.668 28.641 1.123 15.02 24.856 1.024 15.23 23.15 0.916 15.458 23.15 0.829 15.643 18.98 18 19.5 2.786 13.594 63.885 2.671 13.837 61.71 2.167 14.907 51.66 1.773 15.742 43.292 1.444 16.438 35.97 1.258 16.833 31.205 1.059 17.255 29.07 1.026 17.325 29.07 0.857 17.683 23.84 20 21.6 3.086 15.058 78.386 2.959 15.327 75.004 2.4 16.512 63.385 1.964 17.437 53.12 1.6 18.208 44.14 1.394 18.646 38.301 1.176 19.106 35.68 1.137 19.19 35.68 0.952 19.581 29.25 24 25.8 Error Error Error 3.534 18.307 109.056 2.867 19.723 91.123 2.345 20.828 76.229 1.911 21.748 63.27 1.665 22.271 55.693 1.518 22.583 51.086 1.358 22.921 51.086 1.229 23.195 41.852 30 32 Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.556 24.462 140.183 2.909 25.833 117.285 2.37 26.975 97.324 2.065 27.623 85.672 1.882 28.009 78.557 1.684 28.43 78.557 1.524 28.77 64.37 36 38.3 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.482 30.919 167.01 2.837 32.285 138.77 2.471 33.062 122.701 2.253 33.524 112.132 2.016 33.026 112.132 1.824 34.434 91.93 42 44.5 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.296 37.512 187.33 2.871 38.414 165.642 2.618 38.951 151.39 2.342 39.535 151.39 2.119 40.008 124.093 48 50.8 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.277 43.852 215.834 2.988 44.465 197.05 2.674 45.131 197.05 2.419 45.672 161.717 54 57.56 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.386 50.382 251.945 3.029 51.138 228.191 2.741 51.749 206.54 60 61.61 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 2.934 55.39 236.626 Minimum Wall Thickness 1.059 in Pipe Inside Diameter 17.255 in Pipe Weight 29.07 lb/lf Pipe Outside Diameter 19.5 in 50YR Modulus of Elasticity 28000 E 10YR Modulus of Elasticity 32000 E Trench Ws (assume 95% compaction) Native E'n point 1Point 2 Point 3Pl = 4937.38 (PAVED)Pl = 11.61714 Pl = 487.8Impact Factor = 1.3x = 9.375 x = 4 variableEquivalent Radius = 0.42R = 9.702609 R = 4Ww = 51500H = 2.50Impact Factor = 2 for flexible pavementPl = 4787.178 (UNPAVED)Asph H =  3.17 Pe (soil) 155 psf Soil Pressure w 120 pcf unit weight of soil H 2.5 ft Total Depth of cover Pe (conc) 199.375 psf Conc Paving Pressure wc 165 pcf Unit weight of reinforce concrete Hc 1.208333 ft Depth of Concrete Total Pe 354.375 psf Total Dead Load Asph Pe 380.4 psf H3.17ft w 120 pcf Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DOPCC Live Load 4937.3802 psfModulus of TrenchSoil Reaction E' 1200 PSIE’N/E’ 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 50.1 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.9 1Dead Load 354.375 psfWidth of Trench Bd 45 in0.2 0.3 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.92 10.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.95 1Asph LIVE LOAD 4787.17814 PSF Modulus Of Native Soil Reaction E'n 700 PSI0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 1 1Asph Dead Load 380.4 PSF0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.98 1 1Soil Support Factor 0.9111111 1See Table 3‐10 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 1E'n/E' = 0.62 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1Bd/Do = 2.53 1.75 1.45 1.3 1.2 1.08 15 2 1.6 1.4 1.25 1.1 1PCC % Deflection = 5.22% FALSE 6%Asph % Deflection = 0.72% OK if < 6%K =  1.420277Pwat =  11754.69N =  2.380755  (PAVED)N =  2.455454  (UNPAVED) S =  312.3606 OK if < 1000 PSI S =  305.0307 OK if < 1000 PSI PavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.559395N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 354.375UnpavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.662444N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 380.4 Fb =  129.41         lb/lfWp =  29.07 lb/lfWd = 195.00         lb/lf 12‐INCH SUBGRADEWs =  27.30 lb/lf Additional backfillWt =  251.37 Situational Variables  Deflection Calculated ReturnsDepth of Cover2.5ft Standard Installation Deflection CheckOKSpangler's Modified Iowa FormulaPipe Diameter24Shallow Installation Safety Factor2.7Pipe SDR17Watkin'sSite Variables Compressive Stress Calculated ReturnsDepth of PCC14.5in Less than Pipe AllowableYesMaximum Axle Load103000psfBuckling Stresss Calculated ReturnsWheel Spacing18.75ft Allowable Greater than Dead LoadYesArea of Impact0.5625sfBuoyancy Calculated ReturnsWeight of Backfill120PCF Pre‐PCC anchoring RequiredNONative Soils Modulus700lb/sq inNative Internal Friction Φ10degreesTrench Soil Modulus1200lb/sq inUpdate per Table 3‐9 on Soil Properties Tabvaries per depth see table 3‐8 on soil properties tab PE3608 7 7.3 9 11 13.5 15.5 17 19 21 DR7‐T DR7‐ID DR7‐LB DR7.3‐T DR7.3‐ID DR7.3‐LB DR9‐T DR9‐ID DR9‐LB DR11‐T DR11‐ID DR11‐LB DR13.5‐T DR13.5‐ID DR13.5‐LB DR15.5‐T DR15.5‐ID DR15.5‐LB DR17‐T DR17‐ID DR17‐LB DR19‐T DR19‐ID DR19‐LB DR21‐T DR21‐ID DR21‐LB Nom.OD  (in)  ActualOD( in) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) 4 4.8 0.686 3.346 3.871 0.658 3.406 3.74 0.533 3.669 3.13 0.436 3.875 2.623 0.356 4.046 2.18 0.31 4.143 1.893 0.282 4.201 1.761 0.253 4.264 1.761 0.229 4.315 1.45 6 6.9 0.986 4.81 7.999 0.945 4.896 7.73 0.767 5.275 6.47 0.627 5.57 5.42 0.511 5.816 4.504 0.445 5.956 3.906 0.406 6.04 3.64 0.363 6.13 3.64 0.329 6.203 2.99 8 9.05 1.293 6.309 13.76 1.24 6.422 13.29 1.006 6.918 11.13 0.823 7.306 9.325 0.67 7.629 7.75 0.584 7.812 6.723 0.532 7.921 6.261 0.476 8.041 6.261 0.431 8.136 5.132 10 11.1 1.586 7.738 20.7 1.521 7.876 20 1.233 8.485 16.74 1.009 8.961 14.03 0.822 9.357 11.66 0.716 9.582 10.11 0.653 9.716 9.42 0.587 9.862 9.42 0.529 9.979 7.73 12 13.2 1.886 9.202 29.274 1.808 9.367 28.28 1.467 10.091 23.671 1.2 10.656 19.84 0.978 11.127 16.483 0.852 11.395 14.306 0.776 11.554 13.319 0.695 11.727 13.319 0.629 11.867 10.93 14 15.3 2.186 10.666 39.329 2.096 10.857 37.99 1.7 11.696 31.802 1.391 12.351 26.652 1.133 12.897 22.15 0.987 13.207 19.21 0.9 13.392 17.894 0.805 13.593 17.894 0.729 13.755 14.68 16 17.4 2.486 12.13 50.866 2.384 12.347 49.13 1.933 13.301 41.132 1.582 14.047 34.47 1.289 14.668 28.641 1.123 15.02 24.856 1.024 15.23 23.15 0.916 15.458 23.15 0.829 15.643 18.98 18 19.5 2.786 13.594 63.885 2.671 13.837 61.71 2.167 14.907 51.66 1.773 15.742 43.292 1.444 16.438 35.97 1.258 16.833 31.205 1.059 17.255 29.07 1.026 17.325 29.07 0.857 17.683 23.84 20 21.6 3.086 15.058 78.386 2.959 15.327 75.004 2.4 16.512 63.385 1.964 17.437 53.12 1.6 18.208 44.14 1.394 18.646 38.301 1.176 19.106 35.68 1.137 19.19 35.68 0.952 19.581 29.25 24 25.8 Error Error Error 3.534 18.307 109.056 2.867 19.723 91.123 2.345 20.828 76.229 1.911 21.748 63.27 1.665 22.271 55.693 1.518 22.583 51.086 1.358 22.921 51.086 1.229 23.195 41.852 30 32 Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.556 24.462 140.183 2.909 25.833 117.285 2.37 26.975 97.324 2.065 27.623 85.672 1.882 28.009 78.557 1.684 28.43 78.557 1.524 28.77 64.37 36 38.3 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.482 30.919 167.01 2.837 32.285 138.77 2.471 33.062 122.701 2.253 33.524 112.132 2.016 33.026 112.132 1.824 34.434 91.93 42 44.5 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.296 37.512 187.33 2.871 38.414 165.642 2.618 38.951 151.39 2.342 39.535 151.39 2.119 40.008 124.093 48 50.8 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.277 43.852 215.834 2.988 44.465 197.05 2.674 45.131 197.05 2.419 45.672 161.717 54 57.56 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.386 50.382 251.945 3.029 51.138 228.191 2.741 51.749 206.54 60 61.61 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 2.934 55.39 236.626 Minimum Wall Thickness 1.518 in Pipe Inside Diameter 22.583 in Pipe Weight 51.086 lb/lf Pipe Outside Diameter 25.8 in 50YR Modulus of Elasticity 28000 E 10YR Modulus of Elasticity 32000 E Trench Ws (assume 95% compaction) Native E'n point 1Point 2 Point 3Pl = 4937.38 (PAVED)Pl = 11.61714 Pl = 487.8Impact Factor = 1.3x = 9.375 x = 4 variableEquivalent Radius = 0.42R = 9.702609 R = 4Ww = 51500H = 2.50Impact Factor = 2 for flexible pavementPl = 4787.178 (UNPAVED)Asph H =  3.17 Pe (soil) 155 psf Soil Pressure w 120 pcf unit weight of soil H 2.5 ft Total Depth of cover Pe (conc) 199.375 psf Conc Paving Pressure wc 165 pcf Unit weight of reinforce concrete Hc 1.208333 ft Depth of Concrete Total Pe 354.375 psf Total Dead Load Asph Pe 380.4 psf H3.17ft w 120 pcf Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DOPCC Live Load 4937.3802 psfModulus of TrenchSoil Reaction E' 1200 PSIE’N/E’ 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 50.1 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.9 1Dead Load 354.375 psfWidth of Trench Bd 54 in0.2 0.3 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.92 10.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.95 1Asph LIVE LOAD 4787.17814 PSF Modulus Of Native Soil Reaction E'n 700 PSI0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 1 1Asph Dead Load 380.4 PSF0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.98 1 1Soil Support Factor 0.8111111 1See Table 3‐10 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 1E'n/E' = 0.62 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1Bd/Do = 23 1.75 1.45 1.3 1.2 1.08 15 2 1.6 1.4 1.25 1.1 1PCC % Deflection = 5.82% FALSE 6%Asph % Deflection = 0.80% OK if < 6%K =  1.420277Pwat =  13414.43N =  2.716913  (PAVED)N =  2.802159  (UNPAVED) S =  312.3606 OK if < 1000 PSI S =  305.0307 OK if < 1000 PSI PavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.559395N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 354.375UnpavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.662444N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 380.4 Fb =  226.54         lb/lfWp =  51.086 lb/lfWd = 258.00         lb/lf 12‐INCH SUBGRADEWs =  36.12 lb/lf Additional backfillWt =  345.206 Situational Variables  Deflection Calculated ReturnsDepth of Cover2.5ft Standard Installation Deflection CheckOKSpangler's Modified Iowa FormulaPipe Diameter30Shallow Installation Safety Factor2.7Pipe SDR17Watkin'sSite Variables Compressive Stress Calculated ReturnsDepth of PCC14.5in Less than Pipe AllowableYesMaximum Axle Load103000psfBuckling Stresss Calculated ReturnsWheel Spacing18.75ft Allowable Greater than Dead LoadYesArea of Impact0.5625sfBuoyancy Calculated ReturnsWeight of Backfill120PCF Pre‐PCC anchoring RequiredNONative Soils Modulus700lb/sq inNative Internal Friction Φ10degreesTrench Soil Modulus1200lb/sq inUpdate per Table 3‐9 on Soil Properties Tabvaries per depth see table 3‐8 on soil properties tab PE3608 7 7.3 9 11 13.5 15.5 17 19 21 DR7‐T DR7‐ID DR7‐LB DR7.3‐T DR7.3‐ID DR7.3‐LB DR9‐T DR9‐ID DR9‐LB DR11‐T DR11‐ID DR11‐LB DR13.5‐T DR13.5‐ID DR13.5‐LB DR15.5‐T DR15.5‐ID DR15.5‐LB DR17‐T DR17‐ID DR17‐LB DR19‐T DR19‐ID DR19‐LB DR21‐T DR21‐ID DR21‐LB Nom.OD  (in)  ActualOD( in) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) 4 4.8 0.686 3.346 3.871 0.658 3.406 3.74 0.533 3.669 3.13 0.436 3.875 2.623 0.356 4.046 2.18 0.31 4.143 1.893 0.282 4.201 1.761 0.253 4.264 1.761 0.229 4.315 1.45 6 6.9 0.986 4.81 7.999 0.945 4.896 7.73 0.767 5.275 6.47 0.627 5.57 5.42 0.511 5.816 4.504 0.445 5.956 3.906 0.406 6.04 3.64 0.363 6.13 3.64 0.329 6.203 2.99 8 9.05 1.293 6.309 13.76 1.24 6.422 13.29 1.006 6.918 11.13 0.823 7.306 9.325 0.67 7.629 7.75 0.584 7.812 6.723 0.532 7.921 6.261 0.476 8.041 6.261 0.431 8.136 5.132 10 11.1 1.586 7.738 20.7 1.521 7.876 20 1.233 8.485 16.74 1.009 8.961 14.03 0.822 9.357 11.66 0.716 9.582 10.11 0.653 9.716 9.42 0.587 9.862 9.42 0.529 9.979 7.73 12 13.2 1.886 9.202 29.274 1.808 9.367 28.28 1.467 10.091 23.671 1.2 10.656 19.84 0.978 11.127 16.483 0.852 11.395 14.306 0.776 11.554 13.319 0.695 11.727 13.319 0.629 11.867 10.93 14 15.3 2.186 10.666 39.329 2.096 10.857 37.99 1.7 11.696 31.802 1.391 12.351 26.652 1.133 12.897 22.15 0.987 13.207 19.21 0.9 13.392 17.894 0.805 13.593 17.894 0.729 13.755 14.68 16 17.4 2.486 12.13 50.866 2.384 12.347 49.13 1.933 13.301 41.132 1.582 14.047 34.47 1.289 14.668 28.641 1.123 15.02 24.856 1.024 15.23 23.15 0.916 15.458 23.15 0.829 15.643 18.98 18 19.5 2.786 13.594 63.885 2.671 13.837 61.71 2.167 14.907 51.66 1.773 15.742 43.292 1.444 16.438 35.97 1.258 16.833 31.205 1.059 17.255 29.07 1.026 17.325 29.07 0.857 17.683 23.84 20 21.6 3.086 15.058 78.386 2.959 15.327 75.004 2.4 16.512 63.385 1.964 17.437 53.12 1.6 18.208 44.14 1.394 18.646 38.301 1.176 19.106 35.68 1.137 19.19 35.68 0.952 19.581 29.25 24 25.8 Error Error Error 3.534 18.307 109.056 2.867 19.723 91.123 2.345 20.828 76.229 1.911 21.748 63.27 1.665 22.271 55.693 1.518 22.583 51.086 1.358 22.921 51.086 1.229 23.195 41.852 30 32 Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.556 24.462 140.183 2.909 25.833 117.285 2.37 26.975 97.324 2.065 27.623 85.672 1.882 28.009 78.557 1.684 28.43 78.557 1.524 28.77 64.37 36 38.3 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.482 30.919 167.01 2.837 32.285 138.77 2.471 33.062 122.701 2.253 33.524 112.132 2.016 33.026 112.132 1.824 34.434 91.93 42 44.5 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.296 37.512 187.33 2.871 38.414 165.642 2.618 38.951 151.39 2.342 39.535 151.39 2.119 40.008 124.093 48 50.8 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.277 43.852 215.834 2.988 44.465 197.05 2.674 45.131 197.05 2.419 45.672 161.717 54 57.56 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.386 50.382 251.945 3.029 51.138 228.191 2.741 51.749 206.54 60 61.61 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 2.934 55.39 236.626 Minimum Wall Thickness 1.882 in Pipe Inside Diameter 28.009 in Pipe Weight 78.557 lb/lf Pipe Outside Diameter 32 in 50YR Modulus of Elasticity 28000 E 10YR Modulus of Elasticity 32000 E Trench Ws (assume 95% compaction) Native E'n point 1Point 2 Point 3Pl = 4937.38 (PAVED)Pl = 11.61714 Pl = 487.8Impact Factor = 1.3x = 9.375 x = 4 variableEquivalent Radius = 0.42R = 9.702609 R = 4Ww = 51500H = 2.50Impact Factor = 2 for flexible pavementPl = 4787.178 (UNPAVED)Asph H =  3.17 Pe (soil) 155 psf Soil Pressure w 120 pcf unit weight of soil H 2.5 ft Total Depth of cover Pe (conc) 199.375 psf Conc Paving Pressure wc 165 pcf Unit weight of reinforce concrete Hc 1.208333 ft Depth of Concrete Total Pe 354.375 psf Total Dead Load Asph Pe 380.4 psf H3.17ft w 120 pcf Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DOPCC Live Load 4937.3802 psfModulus of TrenchSoil Reaction E' 1200 PSIE’N/E’ 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 50.1 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.9 1Dead Load 354.375 psfWidth of Trench Bd 63 in0.2 0.3 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.92 10.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.95 1Asph LIVE LOAD 4787.17814 PSF Modulus Of Native Soil Reaction E'n 700 PSI0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 1 1Asph Dead Load 380.4 PSF0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.98 1 1Soil Support Factor 0.8111111 1See Table 3‐10 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 1E'n/E' = 0.62 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1Bd/Do = 23 1.75 1.45 1.3 1.2 1.08 15 2 1.6 1.4 1.25 1.1 1PCC % Deflection = 5.82% FALSE 6%Asph % Deflection = 0.80% OK if < 6%K =  1.420277Pwat =  13267.39N =  2.687132  (PAVED)N =  2.771443  (UNPAVED) S =  312.3606 OK if < 1000 PSI S =  305.0307 OK if < 1000 PSI PavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.559395N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 354.375UnpavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.662444N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 380.4 Fb =  348.51         lb/lfWp =  78.557 lb/lfWd = 320.00         lb/lf 12‐INCH SUBGRADEWs =  44.80 lb/lf Additional backfillWt =  443.357 Situational Variables  Deflection Calculated ReturnsDepth of Cover2.5ft Standard Installation Deflection CheckOKSpangler's Modified Iowa FormulaPipe Diameter36Shallow Installation Safety Factor2.7Pipe SDR17Watkin'sSite Variables Compressive Stress Calculated ReturnsDepth of PCC14.5in Less than Pipe AllowableYesMaximum Axle Load103000psfBuckling Stresss Calculated ReturnsWheel Spacing18.75ft Allowable Greater than Dead LoadYesArea of Impact0.5625sfBuoyancy Calculated ReturnsWeight of Backfill120PCF Pre‐PCC anchoring RequiredNONative Soils Modulus700lb/sq inNative Internal Friction Φ10degreesTrench Soil Modulus1200lb/sq inUpdate per Table 3‐9 on Soil Properties Tabvaries per depth see table 3‐8 on soil properties tab PE3608 7 7.3 9 11 13.5 15.5 17 19 21 DR7‐T DR7‐ID DR7‐LB DR7.3‐T DR7.3‐ID DR7.3‐LB DR9‐T DR9‐ID DR9‐LB DR11‐T DR11‐ID DR11‐LB DR13.5‐T DR13.5‐ID DR13.5‐LB DR15.5‐T DR15.5‐ID DR15.5‐LB DR17‐T DR17‐ID DR17‐LB DR19‐T DR19‐ID DR19‐LB DR21‐T DR21‐ID DR21‐LB Nom.OD  (in)  ActualOD( in) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) MinWall  (in) Avg ID (in) Weight  (lb/ft) 4 4.8 0.686 3.346 3.871 0.658 3.406 3.74 0.533 3.669 3.13 0.436 3.875 2.623 0.356 4.046 2.18 0.31 4.143 1.893 0.282 4.201 1.761 0.253 4.264 1.761 0.229 4.315 1.45 6 6.9 0.986 4.81 7.999 0.945 4.896 7.73 0.767 5.275 6.47 0.627 5.57 5.42 0.511 5.816 4.504 0.445 5.956 3.906 0.406 6.04 3.64 0.363 6.13 3.64 0.329 6.203 2.99 8 9.05 1.293 6.309 13.76 1.24 6.422 13.29 1.006 6.918 11.13 0.823 7.306 9.325 0.67 7.629 7.75 0.584 7.812 6.723 0.532 7.921 6.261 0.476 8.041 6.261 0.431 8.136 5.132 10 11.1 1.586 7.738 20.7 1.521 7.876 20 1.233 8.485 16.74 1.009 8.961 14.03 0.822 9.357 11.66 0.716 9.582 10.11 0.653 9.716 9.42 0.587 9.862 9.42 0.529 9.979 7.73 12 13.2 1.886 9.202 29.274 1.808 9.367 28.28 1.467 10.091 23.671 1.2 10.656 19.84 0.978 11.127 16.483 0.852 11.395 14.306 0.776 11.554 13.319 0.695 11.727 13.319 0.629 11.867 10.93 14 15.3 2.186 10.666 39.329 2.096 10.857 37.99 1.7 11.696 31.802 1.391 12.351 26.652 1.133 12.897 22.15 0.987 13.207 19.21 0.9 13.392 17.894 0.805 13.593 17.894 0.729 13.755 14.68 16 17.4 2.486 12.13 50.866 2.384 12.347 49.13 1.933 13.301 41.132 1.582 14.047 34.47 1.289 14.668 28.641 1.123 15.02 24.856 1.024 15.23 23.15 0.916 15.458 23.15 0.829 15.643 18.98 18 19.5 2.786 13.594 63.885 2.671 13.837 61.71 2.167 14.907 51.66 1.773 15.742 43.292 1.444 16.438 35.97 1.258 16.833 31.205 1.059 17.255 29.07 1.026 17.325 29.07 0.857 17.683 23.84 20 21.6 3.086 15.058 78.386 2.959 15.327 75.004 2.4 16.512 63.385 1.964 17.437 53.12 1.6 18.208 44.14 1.394 18.646 38.301 1.176 19.106 35.68 1.137 19.19 35.68 0.952 19.581 29.25 24 25.8 Error Error Error 3.534 18.307 109.056 2.867 19.723 91.123 2.345 20.828 76.229 1.911 21.748 63.27 1.665 22.271 55.693 1.518 22.583 51.086 1.358 22.921 51.086 1.229 23.195 41.852 30 32 Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.556 24.462 140.183 2.909 25.833 117.285 2.37 26.975 97.324 2.065 27.623 85.672 1.882 28.009 78.557 1.684 28.43 78.557 1.524 28.77 64.37 36 38.3 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.482 30.919 167.01 2.837 32.285 138.77 2.471 33.062 122.701 2.253 33.524 112.132 2.016 33.026 112.132 1.824 34.434 91.93 42 44.5 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.296 37.512 187.33 2.871 38.414 165.642 2.618 38.951 151.39 2.342 39.535 151.39 2.119 40.008 124.093 48 50.8 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.277 43.852 215.834 2.988 44.465 197.05 2.674 45.131 197.05 2.419 45.672 161.717 54 57.56 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 3.386 50.382 251.945 3.029 51.138 228.191 2.741 51.749 206.54 60 61.61 Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error Error 2.934 55.39 236.626 Minimum Wall Thickness 2.253 in Pipe Inside Diameter 33.524 in Pipe Weight 112.132 lb/lf Pipe Outside Diameter 38.3 in 50YR Modulus of Elasticity 28000 E 10YR Modulus of Elasticity 32000 E Trench Ws (assume 95% compaction) Native E'n point 1Point 2 Point 3Pl = 4937.38 (PAVED)Pl = 11.61714 Pl = 487.8Impact Factor = 1.3x = 9.375 x = 4 variableEquivalent Radius = 0.42R = 9.702609 R = 4Ww = 51500H = 2.50Impact Factor = 2 for flexible pavementPl = 4787.178 (UNPAVED)Asph H =  3.17 Pe (soil) 155 psf Soil Pressure w 120 pcf unit weight of soil H 2.5 ft Total Depth of cover Pe (conc) 199.375 psf Conc Paving Pressure wc 165 pcf Unit weight of reinforce concrete Hc 1.208333 ft Depth of Concrete Total Pe 354.375 psf Total Dead Load Asph Pe 380.4 psf H3.17ft w 120 pcf Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DO Bd/DOPCC Live Load 4937.3802 psfModulus of TrenchSoil Reaction E' 1200 PSIE’N/E’ 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 50.1 0.15 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.9 1Dead Load 354.375 psfWidth of Trench Bd 72 in0.2 0.3 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.92 10.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.95 1Asph LIVE LOAD 4787.17814 PSF Modulus Of Native Soil Reaction E'n 700 PSI0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 1 1Asph Dead Load 380.4 PSF0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 0.98 1 1Soil Support Factor 0.8111111 1See Table 3‐10 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 1E'n/E' = 0.62 1.5 1.3 1.15 1.1 1.05 1Bd/Do = 23 1.75 1.45 1.3 1.2 1.08 15 2 1.6 1.4 1.25 1.1 1PCC % Deflection = 5.82% FALSE 6%Asph % Deflection = 0.80% OK if < 6%K =  1.420277Pwat =  13179.52N =  2.669334  (PAVED)N =  2.753086  (UNPAVED) S =  312.3606 OK if < 1000 PSI S =  305.0307 OK if < 1000 PSI PavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.559395N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 354.375UnpavedR =  0.67 Assuming GW is to full height of trenchB =  0.662444N =  2Pwc =  3.76819 PSI 542.6194 PSF OK if > Pe 380.4 Fb =  499.24         lb/lfWp =  112.132 lb/lfWd = 383.00         lb/lf 12‐INCH SUBGRADEWs =  53.62 lb/lf Additional backfillWt =  548.752 Buoyancy Calculation of Vault Box The weight of steel plate: steel 490 lbf ft3 := twall 3 8 in:=thickness of plate Wwall_plate 7ft 2 18ft 2+( ) 8ft twall steel 6.125 kip=:=the weight of wall tfound_plate 1in:= The weight of steel foundationWfound_plate 10ft 21ft tfound_plate steel 8.575 kip=:= Channel: 30 lbf ft 8ft 2 19ft 2+( )3 4.86 kip=The weight of channel Weight of soil on foundation plate: soil 100pcf:= The weight of soil on 1.5' overlap plateWsoil19ft 2 8ft 2+( ) 1.5ft 8ft soil 64.8 kip=:= Wtot Wwall_plate Wfound_plate+Wsoil+79.5 kip=:=Total weight WBou 5ft 7ft 18ft 62 lbf ft3 39.06 kip=:=The buoyancy load Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Project Renton, Washington Appendix C City of Renton Maps Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project October 2018 Renton, Washington Appendix C - City of Renton Maps Page C-1 of C-3 Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project October 2018 Renton, Washington Appendix C - City of Renton Maps Page C-2 of C-3 Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project October 2018 Renton, Washington Appendix C - City of Renton Maps Page C-3 of C-3 Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Renton, Washington Appendix D Flood Zone Maps Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project October 2018 Renton, Washington Appendix D - Flood Zone Maps Page D-1 of D-2 Technical Information Report BergerABAM, A17.0102.00 Renton Apron R Project October 2018 Renton, Washington Appendix D - Flood Zone Maps Page D-2 of D-2 Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Renton, Washington Appendix E Geotechnical Report – Provided Under Separate Cover Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Renton, Washington Appendix F Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) The Boeing Company Renton Facility Renton, WA 98055 Permit # WAR000232 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SWPPP Certification Form 1.2 Policy Statement 1.3 Scope Of The SWPPP 1.4 SWPPP Revisions and Periodic Review 1.5 Roles and Responsibilities 2.0 FACILITY DESCRIPTION 2.1 Storm Drain System 2.2 Industrial Activities 2.2.1 Loading and unloading of dry bulk materials or liquids 2.2.2 Outdoor storage of materials or products 2.2.3 Outdoor manufacturing and processing 2.2.4 Dust or particulate generating processes 2.2.5 Roofs or other surfaces exposed to air emissions from a manufacturing building or processing areas 2.2.6 Onsite waste management 2.2.7 Vehicle and equipment fueling, maintenance and/or cleaning 2.2.8 Roofs or other surfaces composed of materials that may be mobilized by stormwater 3.0 POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCE INVENTORY 3.1 Site Maps 3.2 Potential Pollutant Sources 3.3 Potential Pollutant Source Analysis 3.3.1 Management Practices For Materials and Wastes 3.3.2 Structural and Non-Structural Control Measures 3.3.3 Stormwater Sampling Results 3.3.4 Spills or Leaks within The Past Three Years 3.4 Off-Site Stormwater Sources 3.5 Non-Stormwater Discharges 4.0 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) 4.1 Operational BMPs 4.1.1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Team 4.1.2 Good Housekeeping 4.1.3 Preventative Maintenance 4.1.4 Spill Response 4.1.5 Employee Training 4.1.6 Inspections 4.1.7 Recordkeeping 4.2 Source Control BMPs 4.2.1 Fueling Stations/Operations 4.2.2 Vehicle/Equipment Washing and Steam Cleaning 4.2.3 Loading and Unloading Liquid Materials 4.2.4 Outside Storage of Liquid Materials in Tanks 4.2.5 Outside Storage of Liquid Waste in Tanks 4.2.6 Outside Storage of Raw Material, By-Products, Finished Products and Dangerous Wastes in Containers 4.2.7 Outside Manufacturing Activities 4.2.8 Emergency Spill Response Plans 4.2.9 Vegetation Management\Integrated Pest Management 4.2.10 Maintenance of Storm Drain Facilities and Locating Illicit Connections to the Storm Drain System 4.2.11 Street Sweeping 4.2.12 Parking and Storage of Vehicles and Equipment 4.2.13 Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles and Equipment 4.2.14 Mobile Fueling of Vehicles and Heavy Equipment 4.2.15 Dust Control at Manufacturing Areas 4.2.16 Painting/Finishing/Coating of Vehicles/Boats/Buildings/Equipment 4.2.17 Roof/Building Drains at manufacturing and Commercial Buildings 4.2.18 Innovative Best Management Practices 4.2.19 Non-Stormwater Illicit Connection to Storm Drains 4.2.20 Fecal Coliform/Bacteria 4.3 Treatment BMP’s 4.3.1 Oil water separators 4.3.2 Chemical Treatment 4.3.3 Filterra Passive Treatment Units 4.4 Stormwater Peak Runoff Rate and Volume Control BMP’s 4.4.1 Flow rate determination 4.4.2 Flow control BMP’s 4.4.3 Alternate BMP’s technical documents 4.5 Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs 4.5.1 Construction BMPs 4.5.2 Erosion Control BMPs 5.0 SAMPLING PLAN, AND VISUAL INSPECTIONS 5.1 Points of discharge 5.1.1 OF-002 5.1.2 OF-002a 5.1.3 OF-002b 5.1.4 OF-003 5.1.5 OF-004 5.1.6 OF-004A 5.1.7 OF-009 5.1.8 OF-010 5.1.9 OF-019 5.1.10 OF-020 5.1.11 OF-021 5.1.12 OF-045 5.1.13 OF-046 5.1.14 OF-055 5.1.15 OF-BRC 5.2 Visual Inspection Checklist 5.3 Staff Responsibilities 5.3.1 Permit Administration 5.3.2 Sampling and Visual Monitoring 5.3.3 Reporting and Recordkeeping 5.3.4 Signature Requirments 5.4 Stormwater Sampling Actions 5.4.1 Sample collection and handling 5.4.2 Site Specific Sampling and Collection Procedures 5.4.3 Analytical Parameters 5.4.4 Requesting sample analysis 5.4.5 Submitting analytical results TABLES Table 1-5 Roles and Responsibilities Table 2-0 Facilities Management Information Table 2-1 Storm Drain System Components Table 3.2-1 Outside Material Stored in Tanks Table 3.2-2 Outside Waste Stored in Tanks Table 3.2-3 Materials/Items Handled at the Site with Stormwater Pollution Potential Table 3.2-4 Outside Waste Stored in Containers Table 3.2-5 Loading and/or Unloading Areas with Potential For Stormwater Pollution Table 3.3-1 Spills and Leaks Which Occurred Within The Past Three Years Table 3.5-1 Non-Stormwater Discharges Table 4.1.3 Renton Site Container BMPs Table 4.2.7 Flightline BMPs Table 4.2.20 Fecal Coliform BMPs Table 5.1-0 Points of Discharge/Monitoring Point Table 5.1-1 Substantially identical outfall exception Table 5.1-2 Substantially identical outfalls-Fecal Coliform Table 5.2-1 Inspection Checklist Augmentation Table 5.3-1 ISWGP required records Table 5.4-1 Analytical Parameters Table 5.4-2 Document handling APPENDICES Appendix A Applicable BMP’s Appendix B Oil-Water Separator Documentation Appendix C Reference Plans and Documents Appendix D Acronyms Appendix E Site Maps Appendix F Comprehensive Contingency Plan and SPCC Plan Appendix G Inspection Checklist Appendix H SOP for Collecting Grab Samples from Stormwater Discharges 1.0 INTRODUCTION The stormwater pollution control program managed by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) is designed to meet the requirements of Title 40 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Parts 122, 123, and 124, issued on November 16, 1990 and the implementation of Section 402(p) of the Federal Clean Water Act through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The objectives of these sections of the Clean Water Act are to eliminate surface water quality standards violations caused by stormwater and to reduce or eliminate the pollution of stormwater from industrial point sources by requiring the implementation of technology-based stormwater pollution prevention plans. Under the authority of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Ecology has expanded the scope of its stormwater program to require eventual compliance with groundwater quality and sediment management standards for those facilities that are required to obtain an NPDES permit for a stormwater discharge. Under authority of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-216, 220 and 226, Ecology requires that facilities, operating under certain industrial categories, submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to participate in a statewide Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISWGP). A significant element of the ISWGP, is the requirement to develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The objectives of the SWPPP are to: • Eliminate the discharge of un-permitted process wastewater, domestic wastewater and non-contact cooling water to stormwater drainage systems, • Implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) which identify, reduce, eliminate, and prevent the pollution of stormwater, and • Provide all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (AKART) of stormwater pollution. • Prevent violations of surface water quality, groundwater quality, or sediment management standards. The ISWGP requires that the SWPPP shall be retained on-site and made available to Ecology on request. A copy of this plan is located at: Boeing Renton, c/o Boeing Renton Facility 500 Park Ave N EHS Administrator’s Office Building 10-13.3 Column C2 Renton WA 98055 1.1 SWPPP Certification Form APPENDIX 3 – SWPPP CERTIFICATION FORM The Permittee shall use this form to sign and certify that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is complete, accurate and in compliance with Conditions S3 and S8 of the Industrial Stormwater General Permit. • A SWPPP certification form needs to be completed and attached to all SWPPPs. • Each time a Level 1, 2, or 3 Corrective Action is required, this form needs to be re-signed and re- certified by the Permittee, and attached to the SWPPP. Is this SWPPP certification in response to a Level 1, 2 or 3 Corrective Action? Yes No If Yes: Type of Corrective Action?: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Date SWPPP update/revision completed: Briefly describe SWPPP Update (use backside, if necessary): *Note: For Level 3 Corrective Actions, a Qualified Industrial Stormwater Professional must review the revised SWPPP, and sign and certify below, in accordance with Condition S8.D.2.: *The Permittee has made appropriate revisions to the SWPPP to include additional Treatment BMPs with the goal of achieving the applicable benchmark value(s) in future discharges. Based on my review of the SWPPP, discharges from the facility are reasonably expected to meet the ISGP benchmarks upon implementation.” ______ _____________________________ Qualified Industrial Stormwater Professional’s Printed Name Title ______ _____________________________ Qualified Industrial Stormwater Professional’s Signature Date “I certify under penalty of law that this SWPPP and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate information to determine compliance with the Industrial Stormwater General Permit. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who are responsible for stormwater management at my facility, this SWPPP is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete, and in full compliance with Permit Conditions S3 and S8, including the correct Best Management Practices from the applicable Stormwater Management Manual. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” Michael Verhaar for Scott Campbell 737 Environmental Affairs Manager_____________ Operator’s Printed Name * Title ________________________ Operator’s Signature * Date *Federal regulations require this document to be signed in accordance with Condition G2. 1.2 Policy Statement BCA 737 Airplane Program acknowledges that the Puget Sound area is unique and warrants the implementation of appropriate stormwater BMPs that are beneficial to the environment and will help achieve the SWPPP objectives as stated in the ISWGP. This SWPPP reflects the support of 737 Airplane Program for this policy. 1.3 Scope of SWPPP This SWPPP is specific to the Renton Facility; it is generally consistent with other Puget Sound Boeing facilities, and meets the requirements of the Industrial Stormwater General Permit. 1.4 SWPPP Revisions and Periodic Review The SWPPP will be updated in accordance with the permit requirements set forth in Section S3.A4 of the ISWGP. A SWPPP review will take place during the required monthly inspections at the Renton Facility. Boeing Engineers will use the monthly checklist to track the completion of any deficiencies found between the changes of site conditions and the SWPPP. The SWPPP will be updated: • As necessary to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct problems identified. • To correct the deficiencies identified in writing from Ecology. • Whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the facility. RENTON FACILITY STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) REVISIONS REVISION NO. PAGES REVISION DATE 10 Entire plan 9-18-01 11 Entire plan 9-9-02 12 Maps & Sample Monitoring Plan , Section 3.2.1 3-3-03 13 Pages 7, 12, 13 (SARA inventory update, site consolidation update 3-26-03 14 Entire Plan 3-24-04 15 Entire Plan 12-04 16 Entire Plan 12-06 17 Update section 2.3.1, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.4,2.4.3, 3.0 & SHEA to EHS 2-13 & 14 -2008 18 Sections TOC, 1,3,5, maps -internal audit and review of the SWPPP. Defined regular business hours 9-2010 19 Appendix E – Drainage Basin Maps updated 2/1/2011 20 Updated facility address 2/14/2011 21 Updated spill log 5/2/2011 22 Multiple Sections 9/26/2011 23 Spill Log 1/3/2012 24 Spill Log, FC BMP’s, Filterra Unit 3/1/2012 25 Update for OF-004 vs. OF-004a discrepancy CB727 piping (Apron D) Maps 5/31/2012 26 Fecal Coliform BMP’s; level 1, 14-inspection 6/29/2012 27 Material inventory 9/7/2012 28 Site Maps-Sheet 5, Site Acreage 12/05/2012 29 Multiple Sections accounting for Apron B and C 7/2/2013 30 Multiple sections, groundwater discharge, minor earth work project BMPs 10/3/2013 31 Spill Log and Section 3 potential pollutants (utility pole preservation) 7/29/2014 32 Spill Log 10/28/2014 33 All sections based on 2015 permit 1/15/2015 34 All sections impacted by apron construction work 10/15/2016 1.5 Roles and Responsibilities Table 1-5 Roles and Responsibilities Action\Item Ownership\Responsibility Group SWPPP ownership 737 Airplane Program Environmental Affairs Comprehensive site assessments 737 Airplane Program Environmental Affairs Implementation of BMP’s SWPPP Team (see section 4) Routine inspections Renton Facility Environmental Health and Safety, (EHS) personnel and/or Site Services (SSG) 2.0 FACILITY DESCRIPTION The Boeing Commercial Airplane (BCA) 737 Airplane Production Renton Plant is located on the southern shore of Lake Washington, within the city limits of the City of Renton, Washington. The facility is adjacent to the Renton Municipal Airport from which it leases the property. The factory areas are separated from the airport by the Cedar River, which discharges into Lake Washington. The Renton Plant comprises approximately 250 acres, of which about 50 are occupied by buildings; 150 are paved open space designated as roadways, aprons, taxiways, and temporary storage; and 50 are for parking. Activities at this site include a combination of specialized subassembly and final assembly of 737 aircraft, research and development, and the infrastructure activities to support the manufacturing process. The 737 fuselage arrives at the Renton site from Wichita, Kansas and is stored outside until final assembly is started. The airplane wings are kept indoors and other smaller parts are stored in containers along the side of the building until they are used. The Renton Facility is never shut down, operating 24 hours day, 365 days a year. Facility management information is summarized in Table 2-0 below. Table 2-0 Facility Management Information Purpose of Facility Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Owner's Name and Address The Boeing Company Boeing Commercial Airplane Group P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Plant Name and Address 737 Production Renton-Facility 737 Logan Avenue North Renton, Washington 98055 Group Responsible for the SWPPP 737 Airplane Program Environmental Affairs c/o Michael Verhaar (Environmental Manager) michael.l.verhaar@boeing.com Address and Telephone P.O. Box 3707, M/C 67-74 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 (425) 965-1567 Main Entrance, Gate D-35 Latitude/Longitude 47.49536, -122.20867 SIC Code 3721 (Aircraft Manufacturing) 2.1 Storm Drain System Table 2-1 Storm Drain System Components Storm Drain System Component Quantity Location Outfalls 19 Into Cedar River, Lake Washington and Black River Culvert system Oil water separators (OWS) 27 Upstream of the outfalls Catch Basins ~662+ Through-out the site Stormwater Treatment Units 10 BFE building, Lot 20, 10-8- hub, SW marshalling yard, Apron A & C The Renton Facility storm sewer system includes catch basins, oil/water separators, and outfalls, connected by piping up to 60 inches in diameter. The outfalls discharge directly into Lake Washington, the Cedar River, or into Lake Washington via other means such as the Black River culvert system or Johns Creek. The topography of the Renton Facility is relatively flat, typically sloping less than two percent (2%). Due to this topography the lake and river elevations are such that the stormdrain outfalls are submerged or partially submerged year round. Maps of the Renton Facility are kept in Appendix E of the SWPPP. These maps include drainage basins, building locations, and stormwater lines, structures and discharge points. Less that 1% of the site is impervious; therefore, all areas in the site are either paved or roofed. A full sized set of detail maps are located in drawing file cabinet in the Environmental Affairs office area. Appendix E contains a site map and is discussed in Section 3.1. Facility management information is summarized in Table 2-0 above. Areas where stormwater runs onto the site are discussed in Section 3.4. 2.2 Industrial Activities All of the activities at the Renton Facility are included in the eight (8) industrial activities cited in the Baseline General Permit for inclusion in the SWPPP. All of these activities occur in one or more of the site drainage basins. The following sections discuss these activities and the potential storm water pollution risk. 2.2.1 Loading and unloading of dry bulk materials or liquids There are several authorized areas for the loading and unloading of both hazardous and non-hazardous materials that are received from off-site, and spent hazardous and non- hazardous materials shipped off-site or transferred within the site. Bulk loading/unloading Fueling operations on the flight lines, fuel transfers at the fuel farm tanks, pumping of gasoline at fuel stations, deliveries of bulk materials, and pumping of bulk liquid wastes at the 4-83 WWTP and aboveground hazardous waste storage tanks require loading and unloading of bulk liquid materials. Any potential for storm water pollution in these areas would be due to a spill or release during transfer of materials from tanker/vehicle to tank or vice versa. These areas are considered high potential pollutant sources. Spill prevention and response measures for these areas have been evaluated and documented in the Comprehensive Contingency Plan and Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC). Oil Water Separators, storm drain covers and secondary containment, as well as unloading procedures are applied in these areas. a) Fueling Operations: The bulk fueling areas on the Flightline and within the Renton Facility have been provided with drainage to Oil Water Separators. Fueling operations on the flight lines and fuel transfers at the fuel farm are conducted by personnel specially trained for these operations and are never left unattended. The diesel fueling station located near the 4-89 building is located in Basin 32 and has a separate concrete containment sump that discharges to an API oil/water separator (OWS 028) with a manual emergency shut-off valve prior to commingling with other Basin 32 drainage. The associated above ground diesel fuel tank is a self-contained diked walled tank with secondary containment for the tank volume plus 10%, and an automatic overfill alarm system. It is company policy that the vendors making deliveries to these tanks contact Site Services prior to delivery and that Site Services personnel must unlock the tanks and remain on-site during the filling operation. Located adjacent to the diesel fuel tank is a second above ground diesel tank that serves as emergency fuel for the boiler house. This tank is doubled walled and has a bermed tertiary containment. b) Vehicle Fueling Stations: There are two (2) vehicle-fueling stations at the Renton Facility near the 4-73 Bldg and by the 5-02 Bldg. The vehicle fueling station located near the 4-73 building has a covered fueling island, and vapor recovery nozzles. The drainage from this area sheet flows and commingles with other Basin 32 drainage into a storm sewer line that is equipped with emergency shut-off system with a CPI oil/water separator. A second fueling station is located by the 5-02 building, and passes through an API oil water separator prior to discharge. No topping off signs are located at both stations. c) Waste Tanks: Bulk waste tanks are located throughout the facility and the Waste Water Treatment Plant is at the 4-83 Bldg. The filling of the tanks at the 4-83 WWTP and the aboveground hazardous waste storage tanks occurs within secondary containment. The emptying of those tanks is accomplished by vacuum truck. Except at ARE 143 the connections between the vacuum truck and the tank are made within secondary containment, although the hoses are not secondarily contained. The use of vacuum on the transfer mitigates the potential for release, as compared to the use of a discharge pump that would pressurize the line and spray the contents through holes or breaks in the line. Written procedures for tank unloading operations are kept with the Waste Water Treatment Plant personnel and are on both vacuum trucks used on-site. Transfers made to outside vendor trucks are made in the presence of the truck operator and a site employee (the WWTP operator) who is trained to respond to spills and is familiar with the site, communications systems and response equipment. As required by the Dangerous Waste regulations waste tanks are inspected daily. All above ground storage tanks are provided with 110%. These tanks are equipped with overflow alarms (visual and/or audible), interstitial detection systems, and most are electronically connected to the emergency monitoring system at the Facilities Maintenance Dispatch office which is occupied 24 hours a day. d) Delivery of Bulk Materials: These tanks are located throughout the facility and are used to store raw materials. Product tanks are inspected weekly per the SPCC Plan. All above ground storage tanks are provided with 110%. These tanks are equipped with overflow alarms (visual and/or audible), interstitial detection systems, The majority of the devices are electronically connected to the emergency monitoring system at the Site Services Maintenance Dispatch office which is occupied 24 hours a day. Oil water separators (OWS) have been installed at the higher risk oil and petroleum distillate storage tank areas and polyurethane drain covers are located near all tanks. Typically, Site Services monitors levels of product in these tanks and is responsible for ordering new material. When ordering materials, Site Services will contact the appropriate Site Services personnel (usually Renton Fuel Farm employees, or a Site Services Plumber) to report day/time of delivery. 2.2.2 Outdoor storage of materials or products There are several locations throughout the Renton Facility where materials are stored outdoors. The items specifically included here are: a) Large and small aircraft parts b) Equipment used to move or support the aircraft c) Dumpsters and tubskids d) Gravel, sand and topsoil piles. While awaiting shipment or transfer inside the Renton Facility, drums are typically staged outdoors. These drums are closed and banded on a pallet. Large and Small Aircraft Parts Airplane parts are temporarily stored at the Renton Facility. Larger parts are stored on dollies or racks constructed to accommodate their shapes. These parts are aluminum alloys; either bare or protected by an electrolytically applied protective coating that hardens to prevent scratches during shipping. The coating is not water soluble. The smaller airplane parts are typically crated in wooden boxes and not removed from these containers until they are moved into the manufacturing building. Equipment used to Move or Support Aircraft This equipment is typically large, is not covered and usually has hydraulic parts. Most of this equipment is stored in locations where oil water separators are present or where storm drain inserts have been installed to capture oil and sediment. These units are maintained on a regular basis. Dumpsters and Tubskids Numerous dumpsters and tub skids are used throughout all the drainage basins for the collection of non hazardous waste. These tubskids are typically lined with plastic. Most of the tubskids, which contain trash, are bagged in plastic and are located under cover. Tubskids containing metal parts and tubskids that contain dirt are required to be covered. Employees in the factory who handle hazardous waste receive training via Boeing Training course TR011275 (an annual course) on the proper management of hazardous waste disposal. One of the elements of this training is guidance for proper waste disposal. Gravel, Sand & Soil Piles At the Renton Plant there are several locations where piles of gravel, sand or soil are staged. These areas are considered moderate to low potential pollutant sources and include: Permanent Areas: A permanent area for storage of gravel, sand and rocks is designated on the south side of the 4-75 building under the overhang. Materials are stored under permanent cover, within a bermed area. Temporary Areas: During construction, areas around the plant are used to stockpile soil from construction projects. Soils contained in these areas are covered during storage and, if necessary, have hay bales around them. Filter fabric is typically installed in catch basins in the vicinity of the construction or construction piles. Contractors are responsible for overseeing these areas and are provided with requirements by Environmental Affairs. Water is not disposed of without Environmental Affairs approval unless it is strictly uncontaminated runoff. 2.2.3 Outdoor manufacturing and processing Outdoor manufacturing processes take place in Renton on the Flightline at Apron A, Apron B, Apron C, Apron D occasionally light manufacturing occurs on the North Apron (Apron R). These areas are considered significant potential pollutant sources. Flightline The majority of flightline activities consist of performing the tasks associated with preparing the aircraft for its first flight. These include engine testing (engine run-up), functional testing of the hydraulic avionics systems, braking systems, and the fuel system. Fueling and defueling of airplanes can occur on all aprons except Apron R. Minor processes such as cosmetic work like touch-up painting, chemical cleaning using rags and interior work are also conducted on the apron areas. Procedures for the deicing of aircraft can be found in the Process Preflight/Delivery BPI 3970. Deicing is done with either water at 180°F or a 10% propylene glycol solution. The deicing of aircraft occurs on Apron A in stall positions A9 and A10. Very little de-icing occurs at the facility an Environmental Information Sheet for this process have been written to address stormwater pollution prevention. When de-icing occurs the de-icing operators will change the stormwater system into de-ice mode. This mode switches all discharge to sanitary from storm. The system will stay in sanitary mode until a pre-determined flow has traveled through the system with enough volume to properly wash the stalls. The system will then automatically change back to storm. During either normal (flow to storm) or deice (flow to sanitary) mode if a spill of any kind occurs the valves can be actuated manually or via a hydrocarbon sensor to send the system in containment mode, where a 10,000 containment vault is used. Potential pollutants from the outdoor manufacturing processes listed above are susceptible to storm water runoff. In order to control these pollutants various structural and treatment measures have been installed: Apron A (Stalls 1 through 8) OWS 037: Coalescing plate oil/water separator Automatic alarm systems Automatic emergency shut-off valve Above and below ground containment of 12,500 gallons (URE-787) Apron A (Stall 9 &10): OWS 058, OWS 059, and RTU-10) Designated for deicing activities Coalescing plate oil/water separator Automatic alarms systems Manually operated emergency shut-off valve Below ground containment of 10,000 gallons (URE-783, 784) Apron B (Stalls 1 through 5) OWS-005, 52, 53 2 Coalescing plate oil water separators 1 API separator downstream of Apron B stalls Automatic alarm systems Automatic emergency shut-off valve Below ground containment of 10,000 gallons (URE-785) Apron C (Stalls 1 through 7 OWS-056, OWS-057 and RTU-8, RTU-9) 2 Coalescing plate oil water separators 10 Safe drain structures Automatic alarm systems Automatic emergency shut-off valve Below ground containment of 10,000 gallons 2 Contech storm filter water quality structures Fuel Farm (5-45 Building): OWS 032, 033 2 underground spill containment vaults for 12,000 gallons 2 coalescing plate oil/water separators Automatic alarm systems 2 Automatic dual emergency shut-off valves Apron D: OWS 003 Coalescing plate oil/water separator Automatic alarm system Manually operated emergency shut-off valve Above and below ground containment for 12,500 gallons Apron R At Apron R minor manufacturing occurs and is typically a temporary activity. This area is protected with catch basin inserts, which capture oil and debris. These are inspected and cleaned monthly with absorbent replaced as necessary. Before any light manufacturing takes place on Apron R protocols are established with manufacturing and all operating personnel are trained on the appropriate procedures that must be used. This area is considered a moderate source of potential pollutants. 2.2.4 Dust or particulate generating processes There are 2 grinding operations (4-81 and 4-86 Bldgs) and 1 wood processing shop (4-45 building), at the Renton Plant which generate dust during their equipment operations. The discharges from the wood and metal shop processes are collected via Torit filters and bag houses, with dust delivered to containers located inside the building. Two of these units have exhaust vents to roof areas. This is considered an insignificant potential pollutant source. The wood processing shop’s outdoor bag-house is inspected during the monthly stormwater inspections. 2.2.5 Roofs or other surfaces exposed to air emissions from a manufacturing buildings or processing areas The PSCAA Annual Air Emission Statement provides emission estimates and potential sources of the air emission contaminants at Renton. Copies of these reports are kept in the Renton Environmental Affairs files. The largest potential sources are the 4-86 Bldg., 4-41 Bldg paint hangar, and the 5-50 Bldg paint hangar. Smaller sources are the 4-45 Bldg and 4-79 Bldg paint booths, and the 4-20 Bldg clean seal and paint booths. The spray-applied primers, adhesives, and topcoats used in these areas are potential sources of very small amounts of heavy metals and organic pollutants in the storm water runoff. All paint spray booths are equipped with particulate control exhaust filters certified to reduce particulate emissions to levels required by the Aerospace NESHAP, 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart GG. These booths have preventative maintenance inspection schedules. These areas are considered non- significant potential pollutant sources. 2.2.6 On-site waste management At the Renton Plant there is one wastewater pretreatment plant system (WWTP) that is used to treat contaminated process wastewater and other treatable hazardous waste prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater from various locations around the plant is transferred via vacuum tanker truck to the pretreatment plant. The 4-83 building WWTP has a tanker load/unload area designed to hold the contents of a tank truck. Normally the sump directs any collected spills and stormwater into one of the pretreatment tanks, however, if necessary, the material can be contained for shipment off-site. In addition, some of the area catch basins have flapper valves that can be closed in case of an emergency. Storm drain spill covers are also ready for use in the event of a spill. The above ground treatment/holding tanks have dead sumps and secondary containment that utilizes a sump pump to return spills, overflows and accumulated storm water to the holding tanks. The sludge generated by these processes is pressed, and containerized prior to shipment to the 4-70 building for off-site disposal. No other treatment occurs at the Renton Plant. In addition to the training received in hazardous waste management and emergency response, the waste treatment plant personnel receive on-the-job training for pretreatment operations and when available courses in waste water treatment of metal finishing wastes. The transfer of the wastewater from the tanker to the tanks and between tanks is considered a minor potential pollutant source. The 4-70 Bldg Central Accumulation Area, the primary collection and shipping area for containerized wastes going off-site, is an enclosed building with dead sumps, segregated holding areas per chemical compatibility categories, has emergency spill materials available, and is staffed with personnel that are trained in the handling and shipping of hazardous wastes. All containerized contaminated hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are sent to the 4-70 Bldg for shipment off-site for disposal by a contract vendor. The drainage system from this area is equipped with an emergency shut off valve and an oil/water separator. The 4-70 building has a covered loading/unloading area, and covered storage areas with segregated storage cells and secondary containment. This area is considered to be a minor potential pollutant source. 2.2.7 Vehicle and equipment fueling, maintenance and/or cleaning There are both vehicle/equipment washing and steam cleaning operations at the Renton site. These are located at the 4-90 Bldg automotive shop, 4-21 cafeteria, 5-09 Bldg hydraulic shop and 5-45 Bldg fuel farm truck/car wash. These operations are conducted indoors in areas that have been designed for that purpose. The 4-90 automotive steam clean area is used primarily to clean motor pool vehicles, jitneys, forklifts; hydraulic jacks and oil contaminated equipment prior to repair or service. The steam clean areas are dead sumped to capture the waste waters that are piped to holding tanks whose contents are transferred to a skimmer tank prior to transfer to the 4-83 WWTP for treatment by ultrafiltration. The 4-21 cafeteria area is a final hot water rinse only, which meets sanitary discharge requirements and is therefore discharged to King County Department of Natural Resources (KCDNR). The 5-09 Bldg hydraulic shop steam clean area is used primarily to clean hydraulic jacks and carts prior to repair or service. This steam clean area is dead sumped to capture the waste waters that are piped to a holding tank whose contents is transferred to a skimmer tank prior to either transfer to the 4-83 WWTP for ultrafiltration or off-site with a waste disposal contractor. The 5-45 Bldg fuel farm truck/car wash is a covered and has a dead sump closed loop recycling system that uses the same water until the contamination level requires purging the system and this wastewater is then transferred to the 4-83 WWTP for treatment. These areas are considered to have moderate potential to be a pollutant source. 2.2.8 Roofs or other surfaces composed of materials that may be mobilized by stormwater There are approximately 100 acres of roof at the Renton site. The composition of these roofs consists of metal panel, EPDM (ethylene-propylene diene membrane), CSPE (chlorosulfonate polyethylene), asphalt and bitumen (tar), and asphalt/cold process emulsion. For the major building; building-specific roof type list can be found below: • 4-20, 4-21: metal and PVC panel • 4-42, 4-45, 4-44, 4-47, 4-89: Asphalt and bitumen (tar) • 4-75, 4-90 CSPE • 4-81, 4-82, 4-41 EPDM 3.0 POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCE INVENTORY All of the activities at the Renton Facility are included in the eight (8) industrial activities cited in the Baseline General Permit for inclusion in the SWPPP. All of these activities occur in one or more of the site drainage basins. The following sections discuss these activities and the potential storm water pollution risk. 3.1 Site Maps Figure 1: Vicinity Map. The site consists of approximately 266 acres, bounded on the west by either the Cedar River, or Rainer Ave N, bounded on the North by Lake Washington, bounded to the east by either the Cedar River of Logan Ave, and bounded to the south by Renton surface streets. Figure 2: Site stormwater Layout Facility drawings (sheet 1-9), shows drainage basins, structures, building outlines and the discharge/sampling locations. Figure 3: Site vegetation areas and airplane potable water functional test The site has very small amounts of vegetated areas on the property. These areas have an irrigation system installed that is maintained by a subcontracted company. The water discharged from the irrigation system is an approved non-stormwater discharge. Functional tests of the potable water systems on the aircraft are performed on apron A, B, C, and D. Such activities include spraying water on the windshield to ensure the windshield wipers are functioning properly. The water discharged from these tests is an approved non-stormwater discharge. Figure 4: Fire line system map The site has an extensive fire suppression system; this map shows all lines, cleanout, hydrants, testing locations. 3.2 Potential Pollution Sources The yard use at the Renton Facility ranges from equipment storage to employee parking. Items and activities which are considered potential sources of stormwater pollution are identified in the following tables: Table 3.2-1 Outside Materials Stored in Tanks Table 3.2-2 Outside Waste Stored in Tanks Table 3.2-3 Outside Material/Items handled at the site with Stormwater Pollution Potential. Table 3.2-4 Outside Waste Stored in Containers Table 3.2-5 Loading and/or Unloading Areas with Potential for Stormwater Pollution 10/26/2016-Vendor on contract to update all SW drawings BMP’s implemented for the potential pollutant sources identified in these tables are described in Section 4. Not identified as potential pollution sources for the purpose of this plan are items and activities that are located inside of buildings or have no outlet to areas exposed to stormwater. Container storage areas for hazardous materials and waste are all located inside of buildings and are therefore not considered potential pollution sources. The latest chemical inventory was conducted for the reporting of materials received at the Renton Facility. The report, considered to contain chemicals consistent with today, has been used to assess the potential chemical pollutants on site. Only those materials delivered to outside receiving areas in significant quantities or used in processes have been considered as potential pollutants. Outside materials stored in tanks is presented in the tables below. Table 3.2-1 Outside Materials Stored In Tanks Tank Identification No. Location (nearest building) Volume (gallons) Contents ARE-023* 10-18 90 Diesel Day Tank ARE-028*** 5-28 320 Diesel Day Tank ARE-029** 4-86 550 Diesel ARE-032** 4-89 100 Diesel ARE-087**** 10-80 1100 Diesel ARE-097* 10-13 160 Diesel ARE-099** 10-16.3G4 660 Diesel ARE-128**** 4-89 12000 Diesel ARE-154**** 4-86 2000 Lacquer Thinner ARE-155**** 4-41 1000 70/30 MPK/MEK ARE-158*** 10-20 550 Diesel ARE-161**** 4-45 300 Skim Oil ARE-183** 4-89 160000 Diesel ARE-488** 5-50 1000 70/30 MPK/MEK ARE-901-- 4-71 5000 Compressed Air ARE-902-- 4-71 10000 Compressed Air ARE-905-- 4-44 5000 Compressed Air URE-075** 5-09 2000 Unleaded Gas URE-076** 4-78 10000 Unleaded Gas URE-077** 5-45 40000 Jet A URE-078** 5-45 40000 Jet A URE-079** 5-45 40000 Jet A URE-080** 5-45 40000 Jet A URE-081** 5-45 15000 Diesel URE-086** 5-50 25000 Diesel VRE-803-- 4-79 2560 Propane VRE-808-- 5-28 2500 Liquid CO2 VRE-809-- 5-08 1000 Propane VRE-819-- 4-82 500 Propane VRE-820-- 4-86 221 Liquid Ammonia VAULT-15 4-42 600 Oil VAULT-29 APRON-D 284 Oil Substation C-2 4-45 50 Oil Substation B Apron B 136 Oil Substation 2 Lot S2 6240 Oil Substation 1 Gate D-9 6240 Oil Note: ARE-above ground tanks, URE-underground tanks, VRE-gas containing tanks *single wall --pressure vessel **double wall ***bermed ****dike tank Table 3.2-2 Outside Waste Stored in Tanks Tank Identification No. Location (nearest building) Volume (gallons) Contents ARE-141*** 4-45 15000 NC Wastewater ARE-143**** 4-90 3000 Steam Clean Wastewater ARE-153**** 4-82 10000 Oily Wastewater ARE-161**** 4-45 300 Skim Oil ARE-163**** 4-41 15000 Cat. Wastewater ARE-164**** 4-41 15000 Cat. Wastewater ARE-199** 4-20 10000 Cat. Wastewater ARE-211*** 4-83 11700 NC Wastewater ARE-212*** 4-83 11700 NC Wastewater ARE-213*** 4-83 25000 Cat. Wastewater ARE-214*** 4-83 25000 Cat. Wastewater ARE-215*** 4-83 25000 Cat and NC Wastewater ARE-235*** 4-83 5000 Cat Sludge Water PRE-500** 4-21 215 Used Cooking Oil PRE-501** 4-82 215 Used Cooking Oil PRE-502** 4-21 215 Used Cooking Oil PRE-516** 10-16 215 Used Cooking Oil URE-082** 5-45 15000 Recycled Jet Fuel URE-089--- 4-86 1100 Cat Wing Washwater URE-272* 4-72 9,000 Decant Station Vault URE-770* 4-70 12000 Spill Containment URE-785* Apron B5 10,000 Spill Containment URE-787* Apron A7 7,000 Spill Containment Note: ARE-above ground tanks, URE-underground tanks *single wall --pressure vessel **double wall ---vault ***bermed ****dike tank Table 3.2-3 Materials/Items Handled at the Site with Stormwater Pollution Potential Location Item/Product Quantity Apron A stall A9 Cryotech Decier (2) 55 gallon drum (13) 4 gallon sprayer Octaflow EF deicer (2) 250 gallon totes All stalls on apron A and D Various-see material inventory for location: RFL704 R3461 Various (small amounts <1 gallon) 5-50 N. end shed (solvent pump shed) Isopropanol 99% (3) 55 gallon drum Shellsol WHT (Naptha) (1) 55 gallon drum 5-09 Dr 3 Jet Oil/Turbo Oil >(20) 55 gallon drum 5-09 Dr 4 Aqua-sol 20/20 (1) 55 gallon drum 4-46 Paint-yellow traffic (25) 5 gallon bucket 4-41 Dr 7 (south shed) Oil (1) 55 gallon drum Turco (1) 55 gallon drum 4-86 Dr 13 Carbon dioxide (dry ice) (5-10) totes 4-81 Dr 47 Calcium Chloride (2) 250 gallon totes 4-75 south canopy MPK/MIBK Plastic shipping containers on a pallet Foam Resin (Packing foam, instapak 40W) (1) 55 gallon drum 4-69 east canopy Potassium Acetate 13140 ~(28) 55 gallon drums Chem mark Chem flow bio 3 (2) 5 gallon buckets 4-77 Slurry/concrete/dirt Various amounts Materials/Items above represent those materials with the highest potential to enter the storm system if proper handling procedures are not followed. The locations for these materials are typically onsite sheds or loading/unloading canopies. All materials are stored undercover and/or in secondary containment. Spills/leaks are not anticipated as employees are trained in proper material handling and storage procedures. Table 3.2-4 Outside Waste Stored in Containers Description Location (nearest building) Outfall No. Quantity Container Trade Name Varies Through out site All Varies Varies Varies Waste is typically transported in drums or SHAMS by onsite material equipment operators (MEO’s). The onsite waste is generally collected inside facility buildings, staged outside service doors and transported to the onsite central accumulation area for shipment to a disposal facility. During times of staging and transportation the containers may not be in a contained area; however they are properly packaged in order to not contact stormwater. The hazardous waste generated on the flightline is collected in flightline carts. These carts are fully contained, sit on wheels and enclose multiple 55 gallon drums for the waste generated on the flightline. The majority of the waste generated on the flightline is rags and debris with a low spill potential. Table 3.2-5 Loading and/or Unloading Areas with Potential for Stormwater Pollution Description Location (nearest building) Outfall No. Description Aviation Fuel Farm 5-45 OF- BRC Jet fuel in large quantities is loaded and unloaded in this area. Two large oil water separators are situated to minimize any discharge to the stormwater system. Rosie’s cooking oil 4-82 Dr #12 OF-003 Cooking from the cafeteria is loaded and unloaded in an area that does not drain through an oil water separator. The container is double walled. Cooking Oil 4-21 Dr # 17 OF-004 Cooking from the cafeteria is loaded and unloaded in an area that does not drain through an oil water separator. The container is double walled. Open space north of 4-04 4-04 OF-004 Large wooden boxes are staged in this area for forklift transportation to different areas of the site. The tight quarters of this area cause significant tread wear on forklift tires. Material Management Loading Area Central Accumulation Area 4-78 4-70 OF-021 The 4-78 building is where hazardous materials are received and then distributed though out the site. The 4-70 is the central accumulation area for hazardous waste. Waste is shipped here from around the site and then loaded on trucks for off-site disposal. Both buildings are covered, there are storm drain covers and spill kits located in close proximity. Decant Station 4-72 OF-021 The 4-72 is the onsite decant station. The station is a covered and secondarily contained structure used for the collection of street sweeping and other soil/water mixtures. The liquid is decanted off; the soil might be sampled for proper waste management and then loaded into a roll-off where it awaits transportation to the disposal facility. The roll-off is only uncovered when it is actively being loaded. The area around the decant station is routinely swept with a street sweeper. 3.3 Potential Pollution Source Analysis The materials received at the Renton Plant vary in quantities from ounces to 5,000 gallons. Those materials that have the highest potential of being exposed to precipitation or runoff and could result in stormwater pollution of a significant amount are listed below and consist of materials stored in tanks, drums, outdoor equipment. A total chemical product inventory can be found in the Environmental Affairs library and the materials management database managed by Environmental Affairs. 3.3.1 Management Practices for Materials and Wastes Non-bulk materials received at the Renton Plant are either delivered to their point of use location or to the main shipping/receiving areas. These areas are covered, equipped with dead sumps, segregated per compatibility categories, contain emergency spill materials and are staffed with personnel that are trained in the handling and shipping of hazardous materials. The materials are then delivered to authorized Hazardous Material Storage Locations (HMSL) of which there are over 100 located throughout the facility. Except during the transportation of drums on site, all non-bulk materials are stored in covered and contained areas. While awaiting shipment or transfer inside the plant, drums are typically staged outdoors. These drums are closed and banded on a pallet. The main non-bulk chemical categories handled on-site are lubricants, solvents, paint, paint strippers, sealant and acids and can be considered as significant potential pollutant sources. The manufacturing of airplanes is made up of proven and stable processes; therefore the chemical inventory received and stored at Renton change very little. There are, however deliberate efforts to change certain chemicals, such as chemical substitutions, waste reduction in existing activities, improved material/waste management practices and improvements to stormwater management practices to decrease the risk of pollution at the Renton Plant. Potential Significant Chemical Pollutants The only chemicals with direct exposure are those used for landscape maintenance, pest control, and deicing of sidewalks and parking. Rodent and pest control occurs in all drainage basins, using open ended bait boxes. The landscaped areas at Renton Plant are noted in Figure 4. Lawn areas are fertilized four (4) times per year in March, June, August, and October with a mixture of 3-1-2 of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. Large trees receive one annual application of Benomyl in the late winter/early spring. Plants and shrubs receive annual application of rhododendron or shrub fertilizer. Herbicide and insecticide treatment of trees and shrubs are performed in the East and West drainage areas using the following materials: Talstar - Bifenthrin 7.9% Tempo2 - Cyfluthrin, cyano(4-fluoro-3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)- 2, 2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate 24.3%. In addition to the above, insecticide agents are applied to the outside of building foundations. Non-selective herbicides are used in paved areas, railroad tracks and building perimeters 2-3 times per year (Roundup Pro EPA524 475, Finale EPA 264 652, Chaser EPA 62719-67-65783, Casaron EPA 400-168). Boeing contracts the above services, and the contractors are required to use State approved procedures for their application processes. Of the above chemical products, the applications that occur during the wet season have the most potential for storm water pollution. Deicing and snow removal at the Renton Plant follows procedures from the site specific snow removal plan. Because of the potential damage to airplanes and airplane parts, no salts or grits are used on the tarmac and runway areas at the Flight Lines. Snow and ice are manually removal by scrappers and shovels. Sand may be used for general traction for vehicles and pedestrians. The Environmental Info Sheets on the EHS website provide guidance on pavement de-icing best management practices. Utility pole preservation: Transmission lines from two nearby power substations are run along eleven wooden poles. These poles are direct buried into soil; however they tend to sit in close proximity to roadways. The poles are treated to protect against insect and water damage. The poles onsite vary in species (western red cedar, Douglas fir), thus require different treatment products and techniques; however the key pollutant in all of the current products used onsite is Copper Naphthenate (CuNap). As these poles sit in soil, and the preservative is applied by trained professionals the potential for the pollutants to become entrained in the stormwater is very minimal. Products used onsite include: • Osmose: COP-R-NAP 1 to 3 Concentrate • Osmose: Hollow Heart CF • Osmose: MP400-EXT • Copper Care: Super-Fume 3.3.2 Structural and Non-Structural Control Measures The following structural and non-structural measures have been taken to control potential pollution of storm drainage from the Renton Plan: All Outfalls • Secondary containment is provided for outside container storage areas. • Weather protection is provided for outside container storage areas. • Secondary containment is provided for tanks located outside. • Containers and tanks which are outside and accumulate waste are managed per WAC 173-303. • Manufacturing activities are conducted inside of buildings. • OWSs are inspected monthly and cleaned as required. • Catch basins and other drainage structures are inspected at least once a year and cleaned as required. • The Boeing Fire Department performs periodic testing of emergency systems. • Site plans are implemented, including this stormwater pollution prevention plan, the sites Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan and the Comprehensive Contingency Plan. • A training program is in place (Section 4.1.5). • An inspection program is in place (Section 4.1.6). • Emergency covers are located near all storm drains that are near potential pollutant sources. • Flapper valves are located in critical catchbasins for use when loading/unloading materials, as well as to assist in containing a spill. • Spill kits are provided at outdoor work areas. • Paved areas are swept at least quarterly or more frequent if required. • Particulate air emissions are permitted and controlled. • Plant access is restricted to Boeing personnel and authorized contractors. • BMPs are implemented (Section 4). • Other material and waste management practices are implemented (Section 3.3.1). 3.3.3 Stormwater Sampling Results Stormwater sampling is being performed in accordance of the site specific sampling plan (Section 5.0). The results are documented in the quarterly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). 3.3.4 Spills or Leaks All spills of materials that meet 40 CFR 110, 117, 302, and WAC 173- 303 requirements for reportable quantities or the spill definitions as described in the NPDES Industrial Stormwater Baseline General Permit WAR000232 are recorded and kept in the Spill Report database. A summary of reportable spills are reported below. Table 3.3-1 Significant Spills and Leaks within the Past Five Years DATE/ TIME TITLE/REASON FOR SPILL/STAFF INVOLVED AGENCY NO. LOCATION MATERIAL QTY 4/28/2008 ARE-180 Overflow, Boeing Spill ID 08-07 4-20 Outside Water 300 gallons 6/25/2008 Rosie’s Dinner Kitchen Vault Overflow, Boeing Spill ID No 08-06 606617 4-82 Dirty Kitchen Water 5 gallons 9/21/2008 4-82 Bldg Fire Line Break, Boeing Spill ID No 08-08 4-82, column S-5 Water 6000 gallons 5/2/2011 5-50 AFFF spill 626517 5-50 E side AFFF 1-ounce 11/21/2011 Apron D Jet A fuel spill 630501 Apron D D-7 Jet A unknown 2/13/2012 Stoneway Concrete antifreeze leak Boeing Spill ID 12-01 632037 4-82 Antifreeze 0.5 gallons 2/14/2012 Renton Field Waste Oil Spill 632059 Stall 5-113 Waste Oil 0.5 pint 10/15/2012 Apron B (B2) Fire Drill AFFF Spill Boeing Spill ID 12-01 636953 Apron B AFFF 1-ounce 12/6/2012 Renton Skanska Paint Residue 638031 Apron R Acrylic Paint ~2-ounce 01/09/2013 4-45 Max Office Lift Station Dewatering Discharge n/a-email to ECY 4-45, west side Groundwater 2500 gallons 1/7/2014 Renton Shuttle Bus Power Steering Fluid 646070 10-20 Parking Lot Hydraulic fluid 1 gallon 3/21/2014 Renton South Bridge Oil Spill 647601 Renton Facility. S. Bridge Hydraulic oil 1 quart 3/21/2014 4-81 fire main failure 647621 S of 4-81 Turbid Water 50000 gallons 3/28/2014 Hydraulic Oil Leak from jack stand to lake Washington 647764 Renton gate D4 Hydraulic Oil 1 pint 5/9/2014 5-50 Bldg Potable Water Discharge 648654 5-50 boiler room Potable waer 5000 gallons 10/22/2014 Parking Lot 7-Shuttle Bus Coolant 652391 Parking lot 7 Coolant 1 quart 12/23/2014 ARE 153 infiltration of groundwater 653711 4-82 Groundwater 2500 6/20/2015 Hydraulic oil leak from south bridge 661280 and 661261 Renton Facility S. Bridge Hydraulic fluid 0.5 pint and 1 gallon 3.4 Off-Site Stormwater Sources The Renton Plant is surrounded either by waters of state or public road with a storm drain system. The only known areas where an offsite stormwater system is connected to the Boeing stormwater system is the recently release of the former Boeing Fuel Farm property back to the City of Renton, the former fuel farm acts as parking for private vehicles, the parking lot currently sits vacant and chained off to the general public. 3.5 Non-Stormwater Discharges Based on section S5.D of the ISWGP non-stormwater sources are routinely discharged to storm drain systems and are conditionally approved. These sources at the Renton Plant use relatively low volumes of potable (domestic) water and are not associated with industrial processes or otherwise exposed to pollutants before discharge. These sources, presented in Table 3.5-1, include: fire-line flushing, domestic water-line flushing, and irrigation water. All the buildings on the site contain air handling units which have the potential to release condensate water, a map is not provided of these locations. The site has very small amounts of vegetated areas on the property. These areas have an irrigation system installed that is maintained by a subcontracted company. The water discharged from the irrigation system is an approved non-stormwater discharge. The site conducts potable water functional tests on aircraft on apron A, B, C and D; these activities have the potential to create small amounts of potable water. The vegetated areas and potable water testing locations can be seen on Figure 3. The Boeing Fire Department routinely tests their systems; a map of these systems can be seen on Figure 5. The potable water piping configuration for the site has numerous pressure valves to prevent inadvertent pipe bursts. The discharge from such valves is an approved non-stormwater discharge. This site’s cooling towers frequently have windblown mist that accumulates and is discharged; this water is considered an approved non-stormwater discharge. The Renton Facility can experience snow and ice events during the winter months (Dec- Apr). These events create unsafe driving, walking, and material management issues. In order for the facility to continue to operate solid and liquid de-icer, as well as traction control sand is applied to the facilities roadways, walkways and parking lots. As these snow and ice events are not planned and highly variable the application of deicer and sand is considered an emergency response action. Table 3.5-1 includes the BMP’s in place in order to help control the runoff from these non-stormwater discharges. Table 3.5-1 Non-Stormwater Discharges Source Location Pollutant Volume/ Amount Process BMP Fire Department Training. Structural drills, list all wet drills; 1-3/4” hose line 2-1/2” hose line Master stream appliance Non-routine hydrant tests Renton Site and associated properties to include 10 series buildings. Renton Site Potable city water from fire truck Potable city water from Hydrant 500 to 1000 gallons 20,000- 50,000 gallons Hose line discharge to exterior/interior of structures. Hydrant is opened to test water pressure. Do not drill or flow water near the Cedar River or Lake Washington. If against buildings, then use filter fabric at nearest catch basins. Minimize the water being used. Do not drill or flow water near the Cedar River or Lake Washington. If against buildings, then use filter fabric at nearest catch basins. Minimize the water being used. Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) Drills list them; Roof or bumper turret 1-3/4” hose line 1” hose line Master stream Renton Field Potable city water from fire truck 1000 to 2000 gallons. Potable water from either a turret (fixed nozzle) or hose line applied on aircraft or fuel. Simulated and using real props. Do not drill or flow water near Lake Washington. Minimize the water being used. Place filter fabric at nearest catchbasins. Two inch drain test; All sprinkler valves. All buildings that have sprinkler systems. Potable city water 10 to 20 gallons per valve tested. Test to ensure no blockages and full flow. Keep water discharge to the minimum necessary to perform the required test. De-chlorinate the water by allowing it to travel on the surface, place filter fabric in the catchbasins. Pressure relief valves in the potable water lines. All lines throughout the facility Potable city water Unknown quantity. Valves are engineered to release line pressure build up. Keep water discharge to a minimum by frequently checking the valves for signs of leaks. The water should be cool and dechlorinated by the time it gets to storm. Annual hydrant testing Outside all structures on site. Potable city water 100 to 200 gallons per hydrant tested. To ensure functionality and water flow. Keep water discharge to the minimum necessary to perform the required test. Allow water to de- chlorinate and place filter fabric in nearby catchbasins. Potable Water Discharges: A. airplane hot water deicing B.QA sink water sampling Apron A-9 Apron A, B & D Potable City Water – hot Potable City Warm 150 gals/airplane 0-2gal On cold days the airplane is de-iced using hot (180°F) water. 1-2 times per year Open of valves under plane to collect water sample. (every airplane, 25-35x a Water is cool and dechlorinated by the time it gets to storm Water is dechlorinated, and in small amounts. C. Emergency eye- wash and shower testing/emergency use D. Potable water drips from filling aircraft Throughout Flight line Throughout flight line Potable City Water Potable City Water 0-2gal per test 1-2 gal per test month) Units are tested at least once a year, to comply with OSHA standards Potable water is used to test and sanitize aircraft potable water system Water is cool and dechlorinated prior to entering storm system Water is cool and dechlorinated prior to entering storm system Air Handling Units Throughout the Renton Plant Air condensation Variable with weather Usually in the form of a puddle by the equipment None – this is just moisture from the air Oil water separator re- charge water Through out the Renton Plant. See drawings for locations Potable City Water 500-2000 gallons per separator Units are cleaned once a year, after cleaning units must be re-charged with water to operate efficiently. Water is cool and dechlorinated prior to reaching outfall. Uncontaminated Groundwater Throughout plant Un- contaminated groundwater Small quantity In deep utility vaults groundwater is pumped directly to storm Pumps are typically routed to structures that will go through an oil water separator prior to discharge. Groundwater dewatering related to <1 acre construction projects Throughout plant (indoor/outdoor) Un- contaminated groundwater Typically large quantities >100 gpm Groundwater is typically dewatered by deep wells or localized sumps when installing utilities, or other construction related activities Water is treated with a chitosan system to remove solids and maintain required pH. Water is discharged onto pervious surfaces for re-infiltration. Irrigation Drainage Throughout the Renton Plant Potable city water Less than 1,000 gallons per day during dry season Irrigation water discharges to storm drain on a routine basis from water that over sprays onto paved surfaces during the dryer months of the year. Water is cool and dechlorinated if it gets to storm Incidental windblown mist from cooling towers Throughout the Renton Plant Potable city water Less than 1000 gallons per year Windblown mist from cooling towers Water is cool and dechlorinated if it gets to storm. Steam utilidor, electrical vaults Throughout the Renton Plant Ground-water, iron in ground- water. We currently do nothing to treat the iron. Dependent upon lake level. Sump pumps in the utilidors. If no sump pumps, water is pumped out and taken to the WWTP for disposal via vacuum truck These systems are pumped directly into storm sewer. With any maintenance in these systems do not use galvanized to address zinc issues. Water is cool and dechlorinated before it is discharged. Roadways, pedestrian walkway, parking lots Throughout the Renton Plant Deicer (liquid and solid) Sand Dependent upon snow/ice severity Liquid deicer is typically sprayed with a garden sprayer type device. Solid deicer is spread by hand. Sand is spread by a truck or trailer mounted spreader. Facilities use pre-approved deicer that is commercially available and known to be biodegradable and harmless to aquatic life. The Deicer is absorbed into the snow and typically is discharged with the melting snow/ice as stormwater. The sand is staged undercover until needed. After the snow/ice event the sand is manually and mechanically swept up in order to prevent it from entering the stormwater system. 3.5.1 Discharge of non contaminated groundwater On occasion the Boeing Renton Facility will need to discharge ground water to waters of the State. Typically this occurs during construction activities where a construction permit is not required, the work may be indoors, or the total project area is less than one acre. These discharges will be managed per the Industrial Stormwater Permit condition S5D “Conditionally Authorized Non-Stormwater Discharges. This condition requires non- stormwater discharges to be consistent with conditions S5, S6 and S10 of the permit. As the dewatering water amounts are typically difficult to quantify it is exempt from conditions S5.D1.b of the industrial permit. The site will implement the requirements from element 10 of the Construction Stormwater Permit when dealing with clean, non- turbid dewatering water, such as well-point groundwater. This element calls for dewatering water to be directly discharged to the surface waters of the State, provided the dewatering flow does not cause erosion or flooding in receiving waters. The clean dewatering water will not be routed through the stormwater conveyance system. 4.0 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP’s) BMPs are specific, industry tested and standardized methods that reduce, minimize, eliminate, or prevent the contamination of stormwater. These methods are based on established and process-management based manufacturing and industry real-world experience. These industry-standard management techniques fall into three main categories: operational source control, structural source control, and treatment of stormwater. These management techniques are described below, and each may include a component of all of these methods. Not included are BMPs that require construction of pollution control devices. The following categories of BMPs are described below: operational, source control, construction, erosion control, treatment, and innovative. Guidance for BMP’s will be taken from the applicable and recommended BMPs from the Western Washington Stormwater Management Manual Volumes I-V. Boeing utilizes policies and procedures from other plans and documents. As these plans are maintained by other organizations and are updated periodically to adjust to the changing business environment, the file path or server location is noted in Appendix C of this SWPPP. 4.1 Operational Best Management Practices Operational BMP’s are those scheduled activities, prohibition of practices, maintenance procedures, good housekeeping, employee training, and other managerial practices which prevent or reduce the potential pollution of waters of the State of Washington. Not included under this heading are BMP’s which require construction or installation of pollution control devices. Discussions concerning the stormwater pollution prevention team, good housekeeping activities, preventative maintenance, spill response, employee training, inspections, and recordkeeping are presented below. 4.1.1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team The Puget Sound Region Stormwater Pollution Prevention Team (SWPPT) has been established to provide a forum for local sites to share best practices, and to identify and comply with the requirements of the ISWGP. The core team has representatives from the various Environment Affairs groups in the Puget Sound area, with participation from Facilities Maintenance, Environmental Operations, and Facilities Engineering as needed. The Renton Facility 737 Airplane Program Environmental Affairs group implements, maintains and modifies the SWPPP to comply with ISWGP and participates in and incorporates practices developed by the Regional SWPPT. Assisting organizations are available on an as-needed basis to assist in developing, implementing, maintaining, and modifying the SWPPP. Roles and responsibilities for the team members are: Environmental Affairs Environmental Affairs is responsible for developing the compliance program, including: 1) The inspection of tanks, waste accumulation areas, and air emission sources. 2) Assisting in the identification and resolution of regulatory compliance problems 3) Support monitoring, management and environmental control workers with technical issues. 4) Support the emergency response team as necessary. 5) Maintain custodial-ship of the ISWGP. Facilities Maintenance and Environmental Operations Facilities Maintenance and Environmental Operations are responsible for: 1) Sampling sanitary sewer discharge as required by the discharge authorization permit. 2) Sampling stormwater per permit requirements. 3) Managing containerized waste for off-site shipment. 4) Performing maintenance and inspection of the stormwater system, product storage facilities, and dangerous waste storage areas. 5) Maintaining membership on the emergency response team. Facilities Engineering Facilities Engineering is responsible for the planning, design and implementation of physical changes to the operations at the Renton Facility. 4.1.2 Good Housekeeping Good housekeeping BMP’s are the on-going maintenance and clean-up activities of areas which have the potential to pollute stormwater. In addition to the inspections discussed in Section 4.1.6, other good housekeeping measures used at the Renton Facility to reduce the potential for pollutants from entering the stormwater discharge system are: -Promptly clean up solid and liquid pollutants leaks and spills. • SPCC plan address’ spill cleanup procedures for petroleum products • Emergency Response Plan address’ spill cleanup procedures for hazardous materials -Sweep paved material handling and storage areas. • Renton has a quarterly PM to address the sweeping requirements (occurs monthly). • Shops that have dust collectors on the exterior of buildings are instructed to sweep any built up sediment. Outside dust collectors are inspected during the monthly stormwater inspection. -Clean oils, debris, sludge etc from BMP systems. • Renton has monthly PM’s to inspect and clean as needed OWS. • Renton has annual PM to inspect all catchbasins and clean those needed. • Catchbasin inserts are used for projects that will generate heavy amounts of sediment. They are not used for oil capture. -Promptly repair or replace damaged secondary containment structures. • Renton has a PM to inspect secondary containment structures monthly. All PM’s are reviewed and any issues are correctly immediately. -Promptly repair or replace all leaking connections, pipes, hoses ect… • Renton has a maintenance dispatch organization to schedule and coordinate any repairs to the facility structure. • Renton employees receive training instructing them report leaks. 4.1.3 Preventative Maintenance -Prevent the discharge of unpermitted liquid or solid wastes, wastewater and sewage to the ground. • Renton has OWS and secondary containment structures to address any potential non-stormwater discharges. • Renton has informational sheets explaining nothing but rainwater can go down stormdrains. -Do not connect floor drains in potential pollutant source areas to storm drains. • Facility drawings indicate floor drains are not connected to storm drains. -Conduct oily parts cleaning in proper location. • Renton has steam clean areas that drain to a tank for treatment at the waste water treatment plant. • Renton has Environmental Information Sheets providing guidance to perform cleaning operations in specific locations. -Do not pave over contaminated soil. • Renton uses an environmental checklist prior to construction jobs; this checklist system informs the proper individuals of the impending work. The remediation group receives these checklists and will determine if the soil is/was contaminated. -Construct impervious areas that are compatible with the materials handled. • The site is nearly 100% impervious, materials are transported in containers designed to prevent any kind of release to the environment. -Use drip pans to collect leaks and spill from industrial equipment. • Equipment operators are required to inspect the equipment prior to use and remove from service if leaks are found. • Industrial equipment is on a maintenance schedule to perform routine maintenance to prevent leaks/spills. -At industrial facilities drain oil and fuel filters before disposal • Oil and fuel filters are serviced in the automotive building. They have standard processes on how to handle and dispose of such filters. -Store liquids in correct containers • The material management organization is responsible for product order, and delivery. -Temporary storage of solid waste, ensure dumpsters are covered. • 5x5’s containing bagged garbage site are kept under “dog houses”. • Huge hauls only have a screen, however they are typically filled with cardboard, wood or office generated solid waste that is kept in plastic bags. These items are not known to be a major source of pollutants, these containers drain through an oil water separator, the nearby catchbasins have inserts and the area is swept frequently to control any possible pollutants. • Smaller dumpsters on-site have solid lids. • Tubskids from machine shops are lined and covered with plastic. A more complete look of the container management can be found in table 4.1.3 below. Table 4.1.3 Renton Site Container BMPs Container Type & Contents Pollutant of Concern BMP/Alternative BMPs 5x5s Cardboard (clean) Turbidity may be from cardboard dust. Street Sweeping Program Plastics None. This plastic is the wrapping of airplane parts, ie seats blankets, Street Sweeping Program, plastic is bagged Trash Leachate, debris Covered – doghouses around the facility. Garbage is also bagged Tubskids Metal shavings Oils & metal debris Lined prior to use and covered before shipping to the 4-77 Bldg reclamation area Caps Residual hydraulic fluid Lined prior to use or caps are bagged. Covered before shipping Standards & Metal banding Covered prior to shipping to the 4-77 Bldg reclamation area Wire bundles Covered prior to shipping to the 4-77 Bldg reclamation area Non Haz Soil Turbidity Covered at end of shift, catch basin inserts Broken concrete/asphalt pH, turbidity, oil Covered at end of shift, placed under cover at 4-77 Bldg, oil water separator Office supplies/surplus items Metals Covered prior to shipping to the 4-77 Bldg reclamation area Dumpsters Composting Food debris Covered dumpsters Cooking Oil Containers Oil Covered dumpsters Trash (offsite office bldgs) Leachate, debris Covered dumpsters Huge Hauls (30-40 yd boxes) Garbage debris Sweep area, oil water separator Cardboard debris Sweep area, c oil water separator Wood debris Sweep area, oil water separator Plastics none Sweep area,, oil water separator RCRA empty paint containers and debris None, no free liquids present Covered, and staged indoors @4-70 until transportation to disposal facility Soil/leaves/street sweepings Oil/metals, debris Soil remains covered and contained until transportation to disposal facility. Area is swept, oil water separator -Where exposed to stormwater, use containers, piping, tubing, pumps, fittings intended for that liquid. • Tanks are governed by AST/UST/SPCC rules • Containers are controlled by the Material Management Organization • Air regulations govern other container and piping requirements based on content. -Minimize use of toxic cleaning solvents, such as chlorinated solvents, and other toxic chemicals. -Use environmentally safer raw materials, products, additives, ect • Boeing Research and Development and chemical process management own this process at Boeing. Boeing operates to FAA standards; any new chemical must follow the correct procedures in order to be approved. • Where applicable “greener” products are used. -Recycle waste materials such as solvents, coolants, oils, degreasers, batteries • Renton currently recycles oils and coolants. • Renton is continually researching further recycling opportunities. -Empty drip pans immediately after a spill or leak is collected • Drip pans are to be emptied or placed in a covered and contained location. -Stencil warning signs at stormwater catch basins • Renton has glued pucks indicating “no dumping”, drains to stream placed near every catchbasin and storm drain manhole on site. 4.1.4 Spill Response BMP for spills of oil and hazardous substances in the Ecology SWMM, 40 CFR 302 and 40 CFR 112 are used for guidance for emergency cleanup. A Comprehensive Contingency Plan (CCP) details emergency response procedures at the Renton The record copy of the Comprehensive Contingency Plan is located on a Boeing Enterprise File Server. This server is owned and operated by the 737 Environmental Affairs organization. Monthly drills are completed for on-site emergency response team personnel, and quarterly drills are held with outside agencies. Renton Facility personnel whose main job responsibilities involve products that have the potential to cause harm to human health or the environment take an environmental training course each year that address’s what to do if a spill occurs. Environmental Affairs provides informational sheets and process specific guidance that are part of informal training sessions. The site specific Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC Plan) is guidance for complying with the permit’s requirement for sites to have a Spill Prevention and Emergency Cleanup Plan (SPECP). 4.1.5 Employee Training All Boeing employees whose job function has the potential to impact stormwater receive job/process specific training via 737 Airplane Program Stormwater Training Course. The training is administered through the Boeing My Learning training program. This training focuses on general stormwater awareness as well as potential impacts from specific job functions. The Boeing Fire Department and HazMat Responders are currently in process of developing a task specific stormwater training course. The SWPPP will be updated to reflect the proper course title when it is formally published to the Boeing Corporate Training program. Stormwater professionals have reviewed and provided the appropriate material to satisfy the training requirements of the Industrial Stormwater Permit. All Boeing and Boeing-contracted personnel who transport, store, treat, dispose, monitor, or manage hazardous materials and/or dangerous waste on Boeing property are formally trained in the classroom and/or on-the-job to ensure that management of hazardous materials and dangerous waste are conducted in conformance with all applicable regulations and Boeing policies and procedures. Additional stormwater pollution control training is provided in the environmental bundled training packet. Crews review tip sheets and are provided shop specific training and/or informational sheets when issues are discovered during formal and informal site inspections by Environmental Engineers. BCAG Employee Training and Development maintains records of all training in hazardous material and dangerous waste management received by employees as required by state and federal law. This documentation is achieved through the Corporate Training Records System. 4.1.6 Inspections The inspection program at the Renton Facility includes regular review of tanks, and container accumulation areas by trained Facilities personnel. Inspections are performed according to pre-determined written procedures and schedules. They are performed to alert plant personnel to the development of problems caused by malfunction, equipment deterioration, or operator error. Observations, corrective actions, and planned or unscheduled maintenance activities are recorded and kept on file. Inspected items/areas and types of inspections performed are listed in Section 5.2 Visual Inspection Checklist. 4.1.7 Recordkeeping Maintenance and equipment inspection records are maintained by the Site Services organization. Training records and documentation are maintained by the individual’s organization and/or kept online in the individuals “My Learning” application. Sampling analytical data is maintained by Boeing’s Environmental Analysis Database. Records owned and maintained by 737 Airplane Programs Environmental Affairs: • Facility permit • Permit correspondence • Discharge monitoring reports • Corrective action responses • Annual reports • Visual inspections • All current and historical records used by the Renton Facility’s Environmental Affairs personnel to ensure regulatory compliance as well as adherence to Boeing policies and procedures. These records are tracked and verified using the 737 Airplane Programs Environmental Affairs Record Management System. 4.1.8 Illicit Discharges The monthly site inspection as required by Section S7 of the ISWGP, as well as the dry weather inspection requirement of Section S6.C Table 5 footnote h(2) will be used to identify any sources of illicit discharges. Specifically those monthly inspections preformed during the typical dry season (third quarter-July- September). The elimination procedures for illicit discharges can be found in section 5.0 of the Renton Facilities’ SWPPP. 4.2 Source Control BMP’s As they are being evaluated and/or designed, all new activities and construction planned for the Renton Facility will incorporate the applicable source control BMP’s using the Ecology SWMM and local ordinances, selecting the most stringent whenever possible. The following paragraphs describe BMP’s for items identified as potential pollution sources in Section 3.2, as well as items from other categories specified in the ISWGP. Items for which the only BMP consists of being located inside of a building where there is no outlet to areas exposed to stormwater are not discussed. 4.2.1 BMP - Fueling Stations/Operations a) Description of Pollutant Source The Boeing - Renton site has dedicated fueling stations used for the transfer of gasoline and/or diesel fuels from a stationary pumping station to mobile vehicles or equipment. It includes above and/or under-ground fuel storage facilities. Typically, stormwater contamination at fueling stations is caused by leaks/spills of fuels, lube oils, radiator coolants, and vehicle wash water (if vehicle washing is allowed at the station). Pollution prevention for loading of the fixed fuel tanks is addressed under the BMPs for Loading and Unloading Areas for Liquid or Solid Material. b) Pollution Control Approach Fueling stations must be constructed on an impervious concrete pad under a roof to keep out rainfall and stormwater run-on. A cover is not required at facilities with large mobile equipment as long as there is run-on control. A treatment BMP must be used for contaminated stormwater and wastewaters in the fueling containment area. c) Applicable Operational and Structural BMPs i) Operational Component Employees who fill or operate vehicles are trained annually in Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure requirements. There is stormwater pollution prevention guidance contained within this training. Fuel nozzles have automatic shut-off devices that are checked periodically. In the event of a spill, the site has trained employees and contractors that can respond and clean up spills (see BMPs for Spills of Oil and Hazardous Substances). Spill clean-up materials are staged at the fueling island, or nearby where applicable. Employees pumping fuel are required to stay with the pump during the operation. Spill prevention procedures for transfer of fuel from the delivery tank to the fuel storage tank are addressed in the BMP “Loading and Unloading Areas for Liquid or Solid Material”. ii) Structural Component This section should include a description of the structural source controls including. (Reference BMP to determine applicability of each item for your site.) • Presence of separator or sump. • Presence of shut-off valve(s) • Construction material (concrete) • Sloping • Presence of berms or sills to prevent run-on • Presence or absence of a canopy (if a canopy is not present, see BMP for requirements.) • Connection, if any, of spill control device to the storm or sanitary sewer • Presence of catch basin covers in the area. iii) Maintenance Requirement. The fueling station is maintained in accordance with instructions owned and maintained by the site maintenance system. The following elements of the station are periodically inspected and repaired if necessary: • Nozzle shut-off mechanism. • Oil\water separator or trench • Catch basins • Storm drain covers • Spill clean-up material 4.2.2 BMP - Vehicle/Equipment Washing and Steam Cleaning a) Description of Pollutant Source The Boeing Renton site washes and steam cleans vehicles, equipment and building structures. Wastewater from these cleaning activities can contain oil and grease, suspended solids, heavy metals, soluble organics, and soaps/detergents that can contaminate stormwater. Boeing Renton contains areas designated for washing processes which may not be performed in any other area of the site. a) Pollution Control Approach Washing and steam cleaning of vehicles and equipment is typically done inside a building or covered area. For cleaning of building structures or pavement the wash water is collected as it is being generated. The wash water is collected and temporarily stored before proper disposal or treatment with no discharge to the ground, to a storm drain, or to surface water. Wastewater may be discharged to the ground after proper treatment (as required) in accordance with Ecology Guidance WQ-95-056 and must comply with Ecology's Ground Water Quality Standards. a) Applicable Operational and Structural Source Control BMPs At Boeing Renton vehicle and equipment washing is done in designated, enclosed washing facilities and the wastewater is collected for disposal or further treatment. For large vehicles and equipment that do not fit into an enclosure, washing is being done on a paved spill containment pad to prevent run-on of stormwater from adjacent areas. Or, the washing is to be done in an isolated area with storm drains covered and the wastewater collected for disposal. Outdoor washing activities are suspended during a rain event or windy conditions. Aircraft washing takes place in a designated area/stall in which the wastewater is diverted to the sanitary sewer (if it meets permit standards for discharge). Or, the area is isolated from the storm sewer system and the water is collected for evaluation and disposal. For cleaning of building structures or pavement the wash water is collected as it is being generated. This water is either treated at an on-site wastewater treatment facility or disposed of in accordance with applicable environmental regulations. If the run-off from building washing is to grassy area, the wash water may be discharged to the ground after proper treatment (as required) in accordance with Ecology Guidance on ground water quality and must comply with Ecology's Ground Water Quality Standards. When practical, phosphate-free, biodegradable detergents are to be used for washing operations. d) Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs Washing facilities are constructed in such a manner as to prevent leaks or spray outside to the storm system. Containment is sloped as required in order to facilitate gravity drain to the sanitary system or to a containment sump for pumping to another collection or treatment device. Containment overfill protection system installation or work procedure application shall be implemented to prevent discharge to the stormwater system. Washing facilities shall be inspected monthly via the Preventive Maintenance (PM) system or Environmental Engineering inspections. 4.2.3 BMP – Loading and Unloading Liquid Materials 1) Description of Pollutant Source Loading/unloading of liquid and solid materials at the Boeing Renton site are typically conducted at shipping and receiving, outside storage, fueling areas, and storage tanks for materials and waste. Spills of material or waste can occur during the transfer process. Spills from hydraulic line breaks and fuel leaks can also occur at loading and unloading areas. 2) Pollution Control Approach At the Boeing Renton loading and unloading areas are covered and contained where necessary to prevent run-on of stormwater and run-off of contaminated stormwater. Boeing employees involved with loading and unloading are trained to perform these operations in a manner that will minimize the possibility of spills and to be familiar with spill control elements in each area such as oil\water separators, shut off or diversion valves, catch basin covers, and catch basin barricades. 3) Applicable BMPs a) Operational Component At all loading and unloading areas, paved areas are swept regularly. Drip pans and other containment devices are placed at locations where leaks may occur and to be available for personnel when breaking and making connections. Valves, flanges, pumps and connections are checked regularly for leaks and repaired if necessary. At areas where loading and unloading of tanker trucks occur, personnel are trained to clean up spilled materials. Spill clean-up materials are stored in appropriate locations. In addition, each area is evaluated to determine the necessary procedures and structural components. Signs with procedures are posted in areas of frequent loading and/or unloading. Non-bulk materials received at the Boeing Renton site are either delivered to their point of use location or to the main shipping/receiving areas. Except during the transportation of drums on site, all non-bulk materials are stored in covered and contained areas. While awaiting shipment or transfer inside the plant, drums are typically staged outdoors for 24- 48 hours. These containers are typically closed and banded on a pallet. b) Structural Component When practical, loading and unloading operations are performed inside buildings or under cover. Loading and unloading areas that are subject to stormwater are paved and have a berm, dike, trench and/or slope that prevents run-on of stormwater and to prevent run-off or loss of any spilled material. Surface water bodies such as lakes, wetlands are protected from spilled material by curbing if near loading and unloading areas unless other measures (e.g., appropriate containment areas) are adequate. Paved areas are designed to prevent the pooling of water or spilled material. For tanker truck transfer areas to above/below ground storage tanks, containment is provided by oil\water separator, shut-off valves, blind trenches\sumps and/or catch basin barricades. The minimum spill retention time should be 15 minutes at the greater flow rate of the highest fuel dispenser nozzle through-put rate, or the peak flow rate of the 6- month, 24-hour storm event over the surface of the containment pad, whichever is greater. The volume of the spill containment sump should be a minimum of 50 gallons with an adequate grit sedimentation volume. Containment systems that freely allow water to pass through such as an oil\water separator, or temporary measures such as catch basin barricades are not sized for a 6-month 24 hour storm event. The area is paved with Portland cement or other material that will not react with spilled material Loading and unloading docks are designed with covers, overhangs, or door skirts to enclose the trailer end to prevent contact with rainwater. Run-on of stormwater is prevented with cut-off trenches, berms or sloping. 4.2.4 BMP - Outside Storage of Liquid Materials in Tanks 1) Description of Pollutant Source Boeing Renton contains a number of above – ground tanks containing liquids (material and wastes) that are equipped with some or all of the following; valved drains, vents, pumps, and bottom hose connection. Boiler tanks are heated and equipped with steam heat exchangers equipped with steam traps. Leaks and spills can occur at connections during liquid transfer (filling or unloading). Oil and grease, organics, acids, alkalis, and heavy metals in tank water and condensate can also cause stormwater contamination at storage tanks. Boeing Renton contains material and waste tanks that may contribute these pollutants if the contents were released to the environment. The BMP for Storage of Liquids in Permanent Above Ground Tanks is an appropriate BMP to select for implementation at Boeing Renton. 2) Pollution Control Approach Secondary containment or double walled tanks are used for all permanent tanks at Boeing sites that are located outdoors. A building is generally considered secondary containment for tanks located indoors. If it is determined that a release from an indoor tank could exit the building secondary containment, double walled tanks, or trenches at the base are typically installed. Some tanks are required by the Dangerous Waste Regulations or Oil Pollution Prevention and Response Regulations to have these structures. Containment areas may drain to oil water separators prior to discharge to the sanitary or storm systems. Some containment areas may automatically pump to a wastewater treatment system. If warranted, protective guards are installed around tanks to protect from accidental contact with vehicles or forklifts. Boeing implements a “lockout/tagout/tryout” program primarily to ensure safety when repairing or maintaining tanks. This process has the additional benefit of preventing/minimizing releases to the environment caused by human error during these maintenance activities. 3) Applicable Operational BMPs Tanks and associated containment areas are inspected on a regularly established basis by trained craftspeople. Tanks that are subject to regulation under the Dangerous Waste regulations or Oil Pollution Prevention and Response regulations are inspected per the requirements of these regulations. Tanks not regulated under these regulations are also inspected. The frequency is determined by past site experience, frequency of use, and type of material. Documentation for all tank inspections is maintained per the respective regulatory agency requirements. During filling/unloading trucks are required to have basic spill response equipment such as absorbent material and pads. Typically drip pans are not used under mounted taps since any leaky valves would be repaired. Tanks storage areas, i.e. containment areas are swept and/or cleaned on an as needed basis. Debris such as landscape matter or litter may accumulate in containment areas. Tanks that are leaking, corroded, or otherwise deteriorating are repaired or replaced following observation of the discrepancy; such issues would normally surface during the regularly maintenance activities. All installations comply with the Uniform Fire Code and the National Electrical Code as required. 4) Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs Tanks are located in impervious secondary containment and/or are constructed as double walled tanks. Containment areas provide containment for 10 percent of the total enclosed tank volume or 110 percent of the largest tank. Secondary containment is sloped as required in order to facilitate gravity drain to the sanitary or storm system, an oil water separator, or pumped to another collection or treatment device. Tank overfill protection systems are installed on tanks that are required per applicable regulations. Other tanks may have overfill protection devices if determined to be warranted. Most tank inspection and maintenance activities are implemented through the Boeing Preventive Maintenance (PM) system. This is a work tracking systems that issues work orders per a prescribed frequency to conduct inspections and maintenance operations on tanks as well as other site maintenance requirements. Any work performed or discrepancies noted are documented on the work order. If additional work is required or a discrepancy is noted a new order is generated as required. Completed work orders are documented and flagged as closed or completed in the system. Late or incomplete orders are recorded as such and are tracked until the work order requirements are satisfied and the order is closed out. 5) Applicable Treatment BMPs Some tank containment areas are uncovered. These areas typically contain a shut-off valve which is normally closed. The valve is typically opened manually to release accumulated uncontaminated stormwater. The valve is closed after stormwater has been emptied from the containment. In the event there is evidence of contamination by the presence of a visible sheen, color, turbidity or by existing or historical operational problems with the tank and containment area, site environmental engineering is contacted to investigate. Site engineering will determine through analytical analysis or other appropriate methods if the stormwater is contaminated. The stormwater will be released without treatment if determined to be non-contaminated. Contaminated stormwater will be collected, treated if necessary, and disposed of in an appropriate manner. 4.2.5 BMP - Outside Storage of Liquid Waste in Tanks 1) Description of Pollutant Source Boeing Renton contains a number of above – ground tanks containing liquids (material and wastes) that are equipped with some or all of the following; valved drains, vents, pumps, and bottom hose connection. Boiler tanks are heated and equipped with steam heat exchangers equipped with steam traps. Leaks and spills can occur at connections during liquid transfer (filling or unloading). Oil and grease, organics, acids, alkalis, and heavy metals in tank water and condensate can also cause stormwater contamination at storage tanks. Boeing Renton contains material and waste tanks that may contribute these pollutants if the contents were released to the environment. The BMP for Storage of Liquids in Permanent Above Ground Tanks is an appropriate BMP to select for implementation at Boeing Renton. 2) Pollution Control Approach Secondary containment or double walled tanks are used for all permanent tanks at Boeing sites that are located outdoors. A building is generally considered secondary containment for tanks located indoors. If it is determined that a release from an indoor tank could exit the building secondary containment, double walled tanks, or trenches at the base are typically installed. Some tanks are required by the Dangerous Waste Regulations or Oil Pollution Prevention and Response Regulations to have these structures. Containment areas may drain to oil water separators prior to discharge to the sanitary or storm systems. Some containment areas may automatically pump to a wastewater treatment system. If warranted, protective guards are installed around tanks to protect from accidental contact with vehicles or forklifts. Boeing implements a “lockout/tagout/tryout” program primarily to ensure safety when repairing or maintaining tanks. This process has the additional benefit of preventing/minimizing releases to the environment caused by human error during these maintenance activities. 3) Applicable Operational BMPs Tanks and associated containment areas are inspected on a regularly established basis by trained craftspeople. Tanks that are subject to regulation under the Dangerous Waste regulations or Oil Pollution Prevention and Response regulations are inspected per the requirements of these regulations. Tanks not regulated under these regulations are also inspected. The frequency is determined by past site experience, frequency of use, and type of material. Documentation for all tank inspections is maintained per the respective regulatory agency requirements. During filling/unloading trucks are required to have basic spill response equipment such as absorbent material and pads. Typically drip pans are not used under mounted taps since any leaky valves would be repaired. Tanks storage areas, i.e. containment areas are swept and/or cleaned on an as needed basis. Debris such as landscape matter or litter may accumulate in containment areas. Tanks that are leaking, corroded, or otherwise deteriorating are repaired or replaced following observation of the discrepancy; such issues would normally surface during the regularly maintenance activities. All installations comply with the Uniform Fire Code and the National Electrical Code as required. 4) Applicable Structural Source Control BMPs Tanks are located in impervious secondary containment and/or are constructed as double walled tanks. Containment areas provide containment for 10 percent of the total enclosed tank volume or 110 percent of the largest tank. Secondary containment is sloped as required in order to facilitate gravity drain to the sanitary or storm system, an oil water separator, or pumped to another collection or treatment device. Tank overfill protection systems are installed on tanks that are required per applicable regulations. Other tanks may have overfill protection devices if determined to be warranted. Most tank inspection and maintenance activities are implemented through the Boeing Preventive Maintenance (PM) system. This is a work tracking systems that issues work orders per a prescribed frequency to conduct inspections and maintenance operations on tanks as well as other site maintenance requirements. Any work performed or discrepancies noted are documented on the work order. If additional work is required or a discrepancy is noted a new order is generated as required. Completed work orders are documented and flagged as closed or completed in the system. Late or incomplete orders are recorded as such and are tracked until the work order requirements are satisfied and the order is closed out. 5) Applicable Treatment BMPs Some tank containment areas are uncovered. These areas typically contain a shut-off valve which is normally closed. The valve is typically opened manually to release accumulated uncontaminated stormwater. The valve is closed after stormwater has been emptied from the containment. In the event there is evidence of contamination by the presence of a visible sheen, color, turbidity or by existing or historical operational problems with the tank and containment area, site environmental engineering is contacted to investigate. Site engineering will determine through analytical analysis or other appropriate methods if the stormwater is contaminated. The stormwater will be released without treatment if determined to be non-contaminated. Contaminated stormwater will be collected, treated if necessary, and disposed of in an appropriate manner. 4.2.6 Outdoor Storage of Raw Materials, By-Products, Finished Products and Dangerous Wastes in Containers a) Description of Pollutant Source The Renton site utilizes numerous container sizes and types for the accumulation and management of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes including used oil, cleaning chemicals, concrete slurry, operational and non-operational wastes, out of spec chemicals, waste water treatment sludges, etc. Container sizes range from pints to 40 yard roll-off box. Leaks and spills of materials during handling and storage are the primary sources of pollutants into stormwater. Oil, grease, acid/alkali pH, BOD, and other chemical products are potential pollutants. Containers with these products are often stored outdoors on a temporary and/or permanent basis. Storage of Liquid, Food, and Dangerous Waste Containers is an appropriate BMP to select for implementation at the Renton site. b) Pollution Control Approach When practical or permitted by regulatory requirements, most materials are managed indoors. Containment measures for specific liquid materials/wastes may be installed depending on the nature of the product/waste and volume of containers. Containers of all liquid dangerous wastes are managed in containment (in many cases, the building serves as containment for volumes less than or equal to 55 gallons). Other than during transit, if staged outdoors the containment area is always covered. During transport, depending on the size of containers, materials are secured on a pallet with metal banding or other means, where applicable. Mobile equipment operators (MEOs) who transport hazardous waste, i.e. drivers of forklifts, jitneys, and other transportation equipment are required to take training course, Hazardous Waste Management – MEOs. c) Applicable Operational BMPs Drip pans may be placed beneath mounted container taps while filling and unloading of liquid containers if necessary. Container storage areas are inspected for corrosion, structural failure, spills, leaks, overfills, and failures as required and by regulatory requirements if applicable. Containers and lids are replaced if leaks or spills are found upon inspection. Leaks and spills are cleaned up immediately. Boeing sites are secured by fences, guarded gate entry, site guard patrol, and /or a combination of these measures. No drums are stored in areas where unauthorized persons may gain access to them and cause accidental spillage, pilferage, or unauthorized use. All Dangerous Wastes are managed per the applicable federal, state, and local requirements. Storage of reactive, ignitable, and/or flammable liquids complies with requirements for the Uniform Fire Code and all other applicable regulatory requirements. Solid waste containers (dumpsters) area staged outdoors. The dumpsters contain custom fitting lids that remain closed when not in use. Certain recyclable products have specific outdoor storage procedures. Clean recyclable cardboard, empty aluminum pop cans collected in closed plastic bags, clean scrap wood (non painted), electrical scrap wire/metal, and scrap stock metal are all segregated into specific containers. All of these recyclable products are staged in uncovered, non- leakproof 5x5’s or tubskids. Metal scrap that has the potential to be covered in oil are placed in plastic lined tubskids and then covered with plastic to prevent comingling with stormwater. The Renton site implements Good Housekeeping as an Operational BMP. In addition to the practices noted in this BMP, containers and general site debris control are maintained as a general site practice. d) Applicable Treatment BMPs Contaminated stormwater collected in a containment area is collected in a drum or tank, or pumped directly the sanitary sewer if within applicable limits. If the contaminated stormwater requires treatment if may be shipped off-site or treated on site prior to discharge to the sanitary system. 4.2.7 BMP - Outside Manufacturing Activities a) Description of Pollutant Source The Boeing Renton Facility has several manufacturing activities that currently take place outside. In addition, activities that occur primarily inside of buildings may result in stormwater pollution via stacks and track out of contaminants out of buildings. These activities include: • Machining of metal, plastic and wood. • Painting. • Final preparation of aircraft for customer delivery. • Aircraft fuel system testing. • Aircraft hydraulic system testing. • Aircraft engine testing. • Functional test and maintenance of equipment such as jacks and aerostands. b) Pollution Control Approach The primary pollution control approach is to cover and control outside manufacturing activities and prevent stormwater run-on and contamination, where feasible. c) Applicable (Operational) BMPs The majority of manufacturing activities at the Boeing Renton Facility are enclosed in buildings. However, dust and other pollutants are emitted using pollution control equipment via stacks or vents. This equipment is designed and operated in compliance with applicable air pollution regulations and permits. Track out of particulates as well as any atmospheric fall-out from stacks is controlled by regular sweeping of paved surfaces. Manufacturing activities that might result in spills of liquid materials such as oils or fuels are performed in areas that have spill protection, e.g. in the form of oil/water separators, or containment. These activities are performed by employees with training in spill response. When new outdoor manufacturing processes are proposed, plans and scope of work are reviewed by the facilities’ environmental engineer for potential risks to stormwater. If warranted the environmental engineer will create process specific guidance for the shop, detailing any specific instructions or locations of critical stormwater infrastructure. d) Applicable (Structural) BMPs Whenever practical, manufacturing activities that cannot be practically performed in buildings because of space limitations, or safety and fire protection requirements are done in outdoor paved areas. When possible, these activities are done under a cover and/or in an area with containment that is blind (dead end), drains to the sanitary sewer or to the stormwater system via an oil water separator. These areas include (as examples): • Flightline stalls (drain to oil\water separator, shut-off valves). • Fueling stalls. • Auto shop. • Jack test stand. Table 4.2.7 Flightline BMPs Activity Potential Pollutants) BMP's used Aircraft Fueling/Defueling Jet Fuel Operational Control - Work instruction specific to task ensure correct valves are open or closed. Boeing Fire Department is on standby near all fueling/defueling operations. Structural Control - Oil water separators with electronic shutoffs are in the vicinity of fueling/defueling operations. Spill kits are located within 50 feet of all fueling/defueling activities. Hydraulic Testing Hydraulic Fluid, Zinc, Skydrol Operational Control - Work instructions require hoses, equipment to be in good working order, place valves in correct position. Structural Control - Oil water separators with electronic shutoffs are in the vicinity of hydraulic testing operations. Spill kits are located within 50 feet of all hydraulic testing activities. Yellow drip pans are used to collect any incidental drips. Paint Touch up Zinc, Copper, paint related pollutants Operational Control - Touch up is advised to be done on dry non-windy days, rags are located in close proximity to work area. Structural Control-Spill kits located in vicinity of work. Oil water separators with electronic shutoff in vicinity. Potable Water system F/T-slope line no indicator Chlorine, Copper Operational Control - Work instructions and environmental informational sheets require water containing puregene to be captured in totes. Structural Control-Water is captured in totes and transported to a tank for proper disposal. Oil water separator with electronic shutoff in vicinity. Potable water drain/flush/disinfection Chlorine, Citric Acid Operational Control - Work instructions and environmental informational sheets require water containing puregene to be captured in totes. Structural Control-Water is captured in totes and transported to a tank for proper disposal. Oil water separator with electronic shutoff in vicinity. Disinfection Test Verification Chlorine, Citric Acid Operational Control - Change in disinfection concentration to allow longer time between flush and refill. Work instructions and environmental informational sheets require water containing puregene to be captured in totes. Structural Control-Water is captured in totes and transported to a tank for proper disposal. Oil water separator with electronic shutoff in vicinity. Floor Drains Test Chlorine Operational Control - Potable water is poured onto floor (<5gal) and allowed to drain through bottom of aircraft. This water travels at least 25 feet prior to entering any stormdrain enabling water to be de-chlorinated. Structural Control- In the event of more than just potable water spills on the ground the oil water separator with electronic shutoff in vicinity. Vacuum Waste System Test Chlorine Operational Control - Work instructions require valves to be closed prior to conducting test. Structural Control-Collection carts are used to collect water. Spill kits are located near testing areas. Oil water separator with electronic shutoff in vicinity. Engine Wet/Dry Motor Leakage Test Oil Operational Control - Work instructions require hoses, equipment to be in good working order, place valves in correct position. Structural Control- Oil carts have containment lips to catch drips and small spills. Oil water separator installed with electronic shutoff valve. Yellow drip pans are used to collect any incidental drips. Fuel quantity indication and fueling control system Jet Fuel Operational Control - Fuel collection tools are required prior to start of testing. Structural Control-Spill kits are located in close proximity to testing areas. Oil water separator installed with electronic shutoff Engine #1,2 Strut Upper Spar Drainage Chlorine, Copper Operational Control - Potable water is sprayed on strut to check for leaks. The quantity of potable water is very minimal, excess is wiped with a rag. Structural Control- Oil water separator installed with electronic shutoff. Strut fan cowl support beam drainage check Chlorine Operational Control - Potable water (~1/2 gallon) is poured through a hose and funnel system to test for proper drainage. Water travels a significant distance to ensure water is de-chlorinated. Structural Control- Oil water separator installed with electronic shutoff. Engine Oil Indicating Oil Operational Control - Spill kits are located in close proximity of testing area. Oil carts have containment lips to catch drips and small spills. Structural Control-Oil water separator install with electronic shutoff valve. Yellow drip pans are used to collect any incidental drips. Pavement washing Turbidity, Metals, Oils and grease Operational Control - Environmental informational sheets give guidance for water management of this activity. Structural Control-Water is collected and not allowed to be discharged. Oil water separator installed with electronic shutoff. Eyewash and Emergency Shower Testing Chlorine, Copper Operational Control - Environmental informational sheets give guidance as to minimize amount of water used, Structural Control- Water is allowed to travel an significant distance to ensure water is de-chlorinated. Engine Fuel Feed and Scavenge System Functional Test Jet Fuel Operational Control - Work instructions require, hose and catchment buckets to be in place prior to test. Fire Department staged nearby to provide support. Structural Control- Spill kits located nearby test area, Oil water separator with a shutoff valve installed Windshield Wiper Test Chlorine Operational Control - Only potable water is to be used in small amounts. Structural Control-Water is allowed to travel a distance to de-chlorinate prior to entering storm system. 4.2.8 BMP - Emergency Spill Cleanup Plans Except for the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan, Renton has consolidated all of the emergency response plans and activities into the Renton Comprehensive Contingency Plan. Monthly drills/training are held for on-site Emergency Response Team personnel, and annual drills are held with outside agencies (City of Renton Fire Department, City of Tukwila Fire Department, City of Seattle Fire Department, etc.). Also videos, company TV programs, company newspaper articles and the Environmental Newsletter are used to keep the Renton Plan personnel informed of emergency response measures and small spill/leak clean up techniques. The SPCC Plan covers oil and oily product pollution prevention but does not address the management of dangerous wastes or transportation requirements. A complete copy of the SPCC Plan is located as a companion with the Comprehensive Contingency Plan in the above locations. • periodic Emergency Response drills are conducted • periodic testing of emergency alarm systems by the Fire Department 4.2.9 BMP - Vegetation Management\Integrated Pest Management a) Description of Pollutant Source The Boeing Renton site contains many landscaped areas around the site. These areas require mowing, weeding, and watering. The parking lots and other paved areas of the site require weeding along the expansion joints and cracks of concrete and asphalt. Fertilizers are applied periodically to the lawns and some ornamental bushes. b) Pollution Control Approach Herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and fertilizers are applied on-site on a regularly scheduled basis. Pesticides and fertilizers are applied in a manner consistent with the requirements “BMP for Landscaping and Lawn/Vegetation Management” of the SWMM. The procedures listed below constitute the “Integrated Pest Management Program” for the facility as discussed in this BMP. All application of chemicals and placement of devices will be done to minimize stormwater contamination. Boeing contracts applications of pesticides and fertilizers to only properly licensed contractors. Specific locations where pesticides and fertilizers are applied and frequency of applications are described in the Statement of Work of each specific contractor. Each contractor determines the specific products to be used and maintains records of each application event. c) Applicable Operational BMPs Pesticide contractors are required to have a Safety plan. These plans are supplied to Boeing’s Workplace Services (WPS) organization as requested. These plans are required to clearly demonstrate that the vendors’ procedures and practices provide necessary precautions and safety measures when applying pesticides and fertilizers. The site implements the Preventive Maintenance (PM) system to ensure this BMP is reviewed on an annual basis. The PM requires confirmation from the vendor that they are following those practices specified by the Best Management Practices in the Stormwater Manual for Western Washington. If there are changes to the manual the site environmental engineer modifies the PM to reflect these changes and, if necessary, meets with the site WPS focal to review these changes. WPS will communicate any such information to the vendor and the site Environmental Engineer will update the SWPPP as necessary. Pesticide contractors are responsible to ensure their employees are fully trained and knowledgeable of all applicable safety and environmental requirements of pesticide and fertilizer applications in the following areas: • education • storage and handling chemical use/application • PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) • transportation • disposal Pesticide contractors are responsible to ensure: • All pesticides used are approved by and registered with the EPA • Pesticides are applied in conformance with all applicable government rules and regulations • Types and amounts of pesticides applied at a Boeing facility are documented and available for review upon request from Boeing or regulatory agencies • The least toxic pesticide necessary is used • Periodic review of pesticide performance and determination if the use of other pesticide products would be more appropriate • Pesticides will not be sprayed within 100 feet of open waters (ponds, ditches, or bioswales) unless otherwise authorized with site Environmental Engineering Considerations for spray, granular broadcast, and rodenticide device handling to prevent stormwater contamination will include the following: • Container handling, storage, and transport • Proper material and equipment for application • Spray direction, wind velocity and direction • Precipitation and weather forecast • Empty container disposal • Spill reporting • Proper licensing of applicator • Location of rodenticide boxes to prevent spillage. • Area of application and proximity to water bodies or conveyances -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Walker, Teresa L Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:10 PM To: Morin, Paul M Subject: FW: FW: Herbicide and Salmon Concern Info from TruGreen. From: Chris Mccallum [mailto:chris.mccallum@landcare.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:10 PM To: Mike Anderson Cc: Walker, Teresa L Subject: Re: FW: Herbicide and Salmon Concern The only one of the three that are ingredients in commonly used landscape products in our state is Oryzalin. Oryzalin is the active ingredient in Surflan. There was a geberic form of granular pre-emergent oryzalin that was available up until about two years ago. Surflan is a liquid pre-emergent that folks like to mix with Glyphosate when control weeds in areas that are repetitively weedy. We do not use Surflan as it is expensive and not very effective with all the rain we get up here. In short we are good. Thanks, Chris On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Mike Anderson <mike.anderson@landcare.com> wrote: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Walker, Teresa L" <teresa.l.walker@boeing.com> Date: Apr 24, 2012 9:35 AM Subject: FW: Herbicide and Salmon Concern To: "mikeanderson@landcare.com" <mikeanderson@landcare.com> See statement below regarding chemicals below and let me know if you use any. Thanks. From: Morin, Paul M Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 7:53 AM To: Walker, Teresa L Subject: FW: Herbicide and Salmon Concern Hi Teresa Could you verify that our landscapers do not use any of the chemicals noted in red below. I assume they do not Thanks Thanks Chris McCallum Account Manager Seattle South TruGreen Landcare (253) 307-8594 From: Dan Brossard [mailto:dan@nlswa.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 10:07 AM To: Walker, Teresa L Subject: RE: Herbicide and Salmon Concern All three of the listed products are pre-emergent herbicides. None of which we use along the waterway. Funny thing is that the Trifluralin is an approved product to use on LEED certified sites. From: Walker, Teresa L [mailto:teresa.l.walker@boeing.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 9:35 AM To: 'Dan Brossard' Subject: FW: Herbicide and Salmon Concern See statement below regarding chemicals below and let me know if you use any. Thanks. From: Morin, Paul M Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 7:53 AM To: Walker, Teresa L Subject: FW: Herbicide and Salmon Concern Hi Teresa Could you verify that our landscapers do not use any of the chemicals noted in red below. I assume they do not Thanks 4.2.10 BMP’s - Maintenance of Storm Drainage Facilities a) Description of Pollutant Source Pollutants found at the Renton Facility accumulate in roadside catch basin, conveyance systems, detention facilities including ponds and vaults, oil and water separators, and other types of treatment systems. Pollutants that have the potential to accumulate include sediment, oil and grease, hydrocarbons, debris, and heavy metals. When these pollutants accumulate in significant concentrations, these treatment systems cease removing these pollutants. Maintenance of Stormwater Drainage and Treatment Systems is considered an appropriate BMP to select for implementation at the Renton Facility. b) Operational and Source Control Approach Periodic system maintenance and cleaning of debris, sediments, and oil from stormwater collection, conveyance, and treatment systems to obtain proper operation will be implemented at the Renton site. c) Applicable Operational and Treatment BMPs At Renton, maintenance of the storm drainage and treatment systems is conducted using a computer based preventative maintenance system. This system produces Preventative Maintenance instructions which contain inspection criteria that are completed by crafts people, checked by supervision and filed. The Renton Facility has the following drainage and treatment systems: • Catch basins-annual inspections • Oil/water separators-monthly inspections • Catch basin inserts-quarterly inspections • Wet vaults-annual inspections These systems are inspected on a regular frequency (at least annually) and the results of the inspection are used to determine if the maintenance criteria per the SWMM Volume 5, 4.6, or the local municipality are met. If maintenance is necessary it is either performed during the inspection or a job is initiated to perform maintenance on the affected system and/or implement additional BMPs or treatment. d) Recommended Additional BMPs Additional BMPs or treatment most typically include catch basin inserts, and absorbent booms. The Renton site utilizes other BMPs that are considered “Additional Applicable BMPs” per the SWMM Vol IV for this BMP. These additional BMPs include: • Soil and Erosion Control (primarily for Construction Activities) • Storage of Liquid, Food Waste, or Dangerous Waste Containers • Spills of Oil and Hazardous Substances • Illicit Storm Drain Connections Specific discussion regarding the Proper Selection, Implementation, and Maintenance of these BMPs at the Renton site are discussed in their respective section of the SWPPP. 4.2.11 BMP - Street Sweeping Street sweeping by high vacuum trucks at the Renton Facility is done monthly. Areas under bag-houses or other high sediment accumulation areas are manually swept as required to minimize sediment accumulation. This BMP fulfills the required BMP’s listed in Section 3B.4.b.i.2a. Waste from this operation is deposited in the Renton decant station. Wastewater from this operation is permitted for discharge to the sanitary sewer at the Renton Facility. Solids from this operation are placed in garbage\refuse dumpsters for disposal. Facilities maintenance owns a “site cleanup” plan that diagrams areas for general site good housekeeping. This includes a street sweeping map, trash pick up areas, and overall site cleaning. 4.2.12 BMP – Parking and Storage of Vehicles and Equipment a) Description of Pollutant Sources Boeing parking lots, such as those used for private (employee) vehicle parking, licensed transportation vehicles, material handling vehicles, and other vehicles/equipment, can be sources of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds, metals, and suspended solids in stormwater. b) Pollution Control Approach If the parking lot is a high-use site, appropriate oil removal equipment for the stormwater runoff may be needed. 3) Applicable Operational BMPs Parking lot sweeping and cleaning is regularly conducted by using a street sweeper. Liquids and solids collected during the sweepings are disposed of either at the site decant station/sweeper dump; liquids are either discharged to a sanitary sewer, if treated at the wastewater treatment plant. Solids are accumulated and sent for off-site disposal. No hosing down of vehicle parking or storage areas is allowed, except for in specially- designated areas (steam clean buildings/areas) that are connected to closed-end sumps. 4.2.13 BMP – Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles and Equipment a) Description of Pollutant Source The Boeing Renton Plant performs maintenance and repairs on company owned vehicles and equipment. This process generates pollutants from parts/vehicle cleaning, spills/leaks of fuel and other liquids, replacement of liquids, storage of batteries and vehicle parking. b) Pollution Control Approach Maintenance and repair of equipment or vehicles is completed in a covered and contained area, e.g., in a building using good housekeeping practices. c) Applicable Operational BMPs If the incoming vehicles or equipment are being stored outside they are inspected for leaks/drips. If the vehicle or equipment leaks it is moved inside. If this is not possible, drip pans or other containers of adequate size are put under the leaking/dripping part and checked regularly. Drivers of Boeing vehicles are trained to perform a pre-vehicle inspection prior to operation. If the driver discovered a leak or any other malfunction they are required to submit the vehicle into maintenance for correction. Boeing vehicles are also on an annual inspection and general maintenance schedule. All maintenance work is done inside and drip pans are place under parts being dismantled to collect liquids. All used oils, filters, washwater, liquid waste (including batteries and their management) or other pollutants generated during maintenance are collected and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. 4.2.14 BMP – Mobile Fueling of Vehicles and Equipment a) Description of Pollutant Source Mobile fueling, also known as fleet fueling, wet fueling, or wet hosing, is the practice of filling fuel tanks of vehicles by tank trucks that are driven to the yards or sites where the vehicles to be fueled are located. Mobile fueling also includes fueling of portable equipment, such as generators, pressure washers, pumps or compressors. The potential pollutant is fuel from fuel spills. Mobile fueling is primarily performed by construction contractors and by Workplace Services. Mobile Fueling of Vehicles and Heavy Equipment is considered an appropriate BMP to select for implementation at Boeing Renton. b) Pollution Control Approach Proper training of the fueling operator and the use of spill/drip control and reliable fuel transfer equipment with backup shutoff valving are the typical controls needed at Boeing Renton. Environmental Affairs publishes an informational sheet (WAT-11) for the specific act of mobile fueling. c) Applicable Operational and Structural BMPs Fueling operators that are Boeing employees are trained annually in spill response by taking an internal Boeing course on Fueling and Defueling. In addition, specific requirements for mobile fueling are communicated to operators via crew meetings and On-the-Job training. Contractors are required by contractual requirements to be trained. Site specific requirements are communicated to contractors by the Boeing Shared Services Group (SSG) Service Provider Manual. Applicable structural source control BMP’s include shut-off nozzles and adequate lighting at the filling point. In addition, certain areas of the site have oil\water separators and shut-off valves in the stormwater system. 4.2.15 BMP – Dust Control at Manufacturing Areas a) Description of Pollutant Source The Renton Facility is nearly 100% impervious. However when areas are undisturbed and soil is exposed (typically this would be during a construction project) dust could be a potential issue. Dust Control at Manufacturing Areas is considered an appropriate BMP to select for implementation at Boeing Renton. b) Pollution Control Approach Proper training of construction management and contractors will be the driver for controlling dust at the facility. If the exposed area is greater than an acre the project will require a Construction Stormwater Permit. This will entail a project specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan where Dust Control from the Stormwater Management Manual will be used as guidance. c) Applicable Operational and Structural BMPs The exposed soil will be managed either by wetting down, seeding, or covering with plastic to minimize dust at the facility. Manual and mechanical sweeping will be preformed as necessary to minimize dust. 4.2.16 BMP – Painting/Finishing/Coating of Vehicles/Boats/Buildings/Equipment a) Description of Pollutant Source The Boeing Renton site paints buildings, and other large equipment or structures, outdoors which can generate pollutants including organic compounds, oils and greases, heavy metals and suspended solids. In addition, painting of aircraft and aircraft parts are done at this site. This BMP is, therefore, an appropriate one to select for implementation at the Boeing Renton site. b) Pollution Control Approach Painting and sanding operations when done outdoors are designed to include the application of good housekeeping practices which prevent contamination by paint overspray and sanding grit. This may include underlayment, enclosure, and/or curtailment during windy conditions; all reasonable precautions must be employed. All abrasive and coating material containers must be closed and stored properly unless in use. All waste products generated during the surface prep and painting process are collected and contained. Paints containing zinc should be avoided where possible. c) Applicable Operational BMPs Ground or drop cloths are used underneath any outdoor painting, scraping, sandblasting work. At the end of each day the area is properly cleaned and the debris is collected and stored. Filter fabric, or similarly effective run-off control is used to control dust, grit or any other pollutant that may escape into the area and enter a catch basin. The control device is checked regularly to ensure proper operation and collected solids are properly disposed of. Sanding and painting are not done during wet or windy conditions unless provisions are made to minimize windblown sand or paint. If spills occur they are wiped up with rags and other absorbent materials immediately. Areas are not hosed down unless there is a method of collecting the water such that it does not get into the storm sewer system or receiving water. Paint mixing and tool cleaning are done indoors or by using a ground cloth, pail drum or drip pan. When not in use all wastes, paints, solvents and paint thinners are stored indoors or within a contained area to prevent contact with stormwater. All aircraft and aircraft part surface preparation at the Boeing Renton Facility is done inside a building with sumps to collect any waste water generated during the process. Occasionally, minor touch up is done on the aircraft on the flight line. Only high transfer efficiency spray guns are used. If the weather is windy or rainy the aircraft is moved inside a building for touch up. 4.2.17 BMP – Roof/Building Drains at Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings a) Description of Pollutant Source Stormwater run-off from roofs and sides of buildings of manufacturing and commercial buildings can be sources of pollutants caused by leaching of roofing materials, building vents, deposition of materials and other air emission sources. Vapor and entrained liquid and solid droplets/particles have been identified as potential pollutants in roof/building runoff. Metals, solvents, acidic/alkaline pH, BOD, and organics are some of the pollutant constituents identified. Most industrial Boeing sites have buildings that may have contaminants deposited onto roofs from one or more of these sources. The Boeing Renton Facility has manufacturing buildings that may have contaminants deposited from air emission sources. These sources are all regulated under the Clean Air Act, and if in good working order, presumably should not be a significant source for deposition of zinc. Manufacturing and office buildings may have materials that contain zinc that could leach. Roof/building Drains at Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings is considered an appropriate BMP to select for implementation at Boeing Renton. b) Pollution Control Approach Maintenance of air operating equipment, training for maintenance workers, proper selection of roofing materials, periodic roof maintenance, and good housekeeping are among the methods employed to control pollutants. c) Applicable (Operational and Structural) BMPs Boeing Renton implements the Planned Maintenance (PM) to perform required maintenance and inspections of equipment that is regulated under the Clean Air Act. Equipment with possible emissions to air is maintained to comply with these regulations. Employees using such equipment are trained on an annual basis. 4.2.18 BMP – Innovative Best Management Practices Innovative BMPs are innovative treatment, source control, reduction or recycle, or operational BMPs beyond those identified in WDOE SWMM that are used to help achieve the objectives. There are no innovative BMPs being recommended or implemented at Renton Facility. However, when innovative BMPs are developed by the Boeing Company these will be implemented as required at the Renton Facility. 4.2.19 BMP – Non-Stormwater Illicit Connection to Storm Drains a) Description of Pollutant Sources. Boeing sites have made significant efforts to identify and eliminate illicit connections and discharges to Boeing stormwater systems. Currently, the primary method of identifying illicit connections is during the dry weather inspections. A secondary method is during facility projects illicit connections are found. Illicit connections are unpermitted sanitary or process wastewater discharge to a storm drain or to a surface water body, rather than to a sanitary sewer, industrial process wastewater or other appropriate treatment. Examples of non-stormwater discharges include any water used directly in the manufacturing process (process water), air conditioner condensate, non-contact cooling water, vehicle wash water, and sanitary wastewater. b) Pollutant Control Approach. Eliminate identified unpermitted discharges within 30 days, or obtain an NPDES permit, where necessary. The primary method of identifying these are during the ISWGP required dry weather inspections. There should be no flow in the storm sewer system during the inspection. If there is flow observed then the source of the flow must be identified and eliminated, if required. Some sources of flow may allowable (i.e., groundwater infiltration). c) Operational BMPs i) Eliminate identified unpermitted non-stormwater discharges to storm drains, ground water, or surface water; and, convey unpermitted discharges to a sanitary sewer if allowed by the local sewer authority, or to other approved treatment; and, obtain appropriate permits for these discharges. (Boeing sites have previously completed this task). Call the appropriate Ecology regional office if you discover non-stormwater discharging to a surface water body. The discharge must be eliminated within 30 days, or you may need to apply for Ecology’s individual NPDES or State Waste Discharge Permit. Unless the discharge is eliminated or application is made for permit coverage, you are subject to enforcement action by Ecology or third party lawsuits. ii) If necessary, conduct a survey of sanitary and industrial wastewater, condensate, cooling water, and any other contaminant discharge connections to storm drains and to surface water as follows: - Conduct a field survey of buildings, particularly older buildings, and other industrial areas to locate storm drains from buildings and paved surfaces. Note where these join the public storm drain(s). - During non-stormwater conditions inspect each storm drain for non-stormwater discharges. Record the locations of all non-stormwater discharges. Include all permitted discharges. - If useful, prepare a map of each area as it is to be surveyed. Show on the map the known location of storm drains, sanitary sewers, and permitted and unpermitted discharges. Aerial photos may be useful. Check records such as piping schematics to identify known side sewer connections and show these on the map. Consider using smoke, dye, or chemical analysis tests to detect connections between two conveyance systems (e.g., process water and stormwater). If desirable, conduct TV inspections of the storm drain and record the footage on videotape. Compare the observed locations of connection with the information on the map and revise the map accordingly. Note suspect connections that are inconsistent with the field survey. Several of the common dry weather inspection methods are described below. d) Common Dry Weather Methods for Locating Non-stormwater Discharges i) Review a sewer map or plant schematic (a map of pipes and drainage systems used to carry process wastewater, non-contact cooling water, air conditioner condensate, and sanitary wastes. i.e. bathrooms, sinks, etc). It is not uncommon to find that accurate and current information is not available. If you have an accurate and current map, simply examine the pathways of the different water circuits cited above. Determine where interior floor drains discharge. The drain(s) may be connected to the stormwater drainage system. If so, they must be disconnected and redirected to the sanitary sewer. Contact your local sewage utility before redirecting flow to the sanitary sewer. ii) Observe all discharge points during dry weather for odors, discolorations, abnormal flows or conditions. As a rule, the discharge point should be dry during a period of extended dry weather since a stormwater collection system should only collect stormwater. iii) More intensive methods of identifying illicit connections include: 1) Smoke testing of wastewater and stormwater collection and conveyance is used to detect connections between the two systems. During dry weather, the stormwater collection system is filled with smoke and then traced to sources. The appearance of smoke at the base of a toilet, sink, floor drain, wastewater conveyance, etc., indicates that there may be a connection with the stormwater system. If so, they must be disconnected and redirected to the sanitary sewer. Contact local sewage utility before redirecting flow to the sanitary sewer. 2) A dye test can be performed by simply releasing a dye into floor drains, sinks, basins, or other potential contaminant sources that may discharge to a surface water or storm sewer system. Examine discharge points in the stormwater collection system or surface water for discoloration. 4.2.20 – Fecal Coliform/Bacteria a) Description of Pollutant Source Taken from the Washington Department of Ecology’s website. “Fecal coliform bacteria are microscopic organisms that live in the intestines of warm-blooded animals. They also live in the waste material or feces excreted from the intestinal tract. When fecal coliform bacteria are present in high numbers in a water sample, it means that the water may have received fecal matter from one source or another. Although not necessarily agents of disease, fecal coliform bacteria may indicate the potential presence of disease-carrying organisms, which live in the same environment as the fecal coliform bacteria.” The Boeing Renton Site is bordered to the north by Lake Washington and to the west by the Cedar River. Both of these waterbodies attract and provide a favorable habitat for various types of rodents, and avian animals. These animals produce waste that can enter the facilities stormwater discharge. The northern end of the facility has a drainage system that is typically submerged in Lake Washington. The lake water and sediment travel in and out of the Boeing pipes, the distance of travel typically reaches the onsite compliance sampling locations. a) Pollution Control Approach The site conducted a literature research and consulted various experts in the bacteria field to develop an understanding of the fecal coliform bacteria. The site preformed an illicit connection review in 2011; the results indicate that the onsite sources were not related to the industrial activities associated with the facility. The latest inspection report is a component of this SWPPP; it is Boeing Record number 24058. b) Applicable Operational and Structural Source Control BMPs Per the Industrial Permit Facilities subject to bacteria effluent limits must apply the following at their facility: 1. Use all known, available and reasonable methods to prevent rodents, birds, and other animals from feeding/nesting/roosting at the facility. Nothing in this section shall be construed as allowing violations of any applicable federal, state or local statues, ordinances, or regulations including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 2. Perform at least one annual dry weather inspection of the stormwater system to identify and eliminate sanitary sewer cross connections; 3. Install structural source control BMPs to address on-site activities and sources that could cause bacterial contamination (e.g., dumpsters, compost piles, food waste, animal products, etc.); 4. Implement operational source control BMPs to prevent bacterial contamination from any known sources of fecal coliform bacteria (e.g., animal waste, ect.); 5. Additional bacteria-related sampling and/or BMPs, if ordered by Ecology on a case-by-case basis. Below, Table 4.2.20 Fecal Coliform BMPs lists facility features that may attract animals and the implemented best management practice(s) to minimize the concentration of excrement and comply with the narrative effluent limitations. Table 4.2.20 Fecal Coliform BMPs Facility Feature Location BMP Building roof top Buildings • Bird Netting • Bird Wire • Roof inspected and cleaned as needed HVAC units Buildings • Bird Netting • Bird Wire • HVAC units inspected and cleaned as needed Compost Containers Outside onsite cafeterias • Lidded, emptied prior to being overfilled • Rodent boxes throughout facility, maintained by vendor. Used cooking oil containers Outside onsite cafeterias • Inspected monthly • Auto hinge lids • Emptied prior to being overfilled. • Manual pump used to prevent spilling. • Environmental Info Sheet-Proper management of cooking oil containers. Solid waste containers Site wide • Staged under “dog houses” • Emptied prior to being overfilled. • Rodent boxes throughout facility, maintained by vendor. Portable sanitation cans Typically near construction sites. • Sanitation cans are serviced according to pre-determined schedule by a vendor. Typically cans are serviced weekly, where the tank is pumped, the inside is washed and disinfected, and new water is placed into the tank. Employees Site Wide • There are environmental guidance sheets that provide the requirements for employee’s onsite. WAT-29 Illicit Connections Site Wide • The site has conducted illicit connection investigations to verify there are no connections present at the facility. • There are design standards for new construction that prohibits connecting any process or waste water discharge to the stormwater system. • Monthly stormwater inspections; specifically those conducted during dry weather focus on illicit connection detection. 4.3 Treatment BMP’s Treatment BMP’s are those which serve to remove pollutants from stormwater after they have entered the storm drain system. Volumes III and IV of the Ecology SWMM and local ordinances are used for evaluating these BMP’s when pollutants cannot be significantly reduced or eliminated from the storm drain system through the use of source control or operational BMP’s. Ecology approval is required prior to the use of all chemical treatment products. 4.3.1 Oil Water Separators There are oil-water separators (OWS) at the Renton Facility. These OWS’s are inspected on a monthly basis and cleaned as necessary. The basis for the frequency of inspections is from an agreement with the City of Renton and on historical inspection records, which are kept on an enterprise file server owned and operated by Environmental Affairs. 4.3.2 Chemical Treatment Currently there are no forms of chemical stormwater treatment at the Renton Facility. Prior to the use of any chemical treatment systems, ecology approval is required. 4.3.3 Filterra Passive Treatment Units The Renton site has installed two Filterra, Curb Inlet with Internal Bypass Systems. Taken from the Filterra website, “The Filterra Curb Inlet with Internal Bypass system incorporates a curb inlet with bioretention treatment and internal high flow bypass chamber into one single structure.” Maintenance of the unit includes watering the shrub and replacement of the mulch as necessary in order to maximize the efficiency of the pollutant removal capabilities. 4.3.4 Contech stormfilter vaults The Renton site currently has five Contech stormfilter installed onsite. They were installed due to the various re-development activities that took place on the facility. The stormfilter range from 12-73 cartridges that are preceded by a solids and oil pretreatment structure. Maintenance of the units involve monthly inspections, cleaning and canister replacement based on those inspections. 4.4 Stormwater Peak Runoff Rate and Volume Control BMP’s 4.4.1 Flow rate determination The Renton Facility is currently operating under normal conditions, no flow rate determination is necessary. 4.4.2 Flow control BMP’s Downspouts at the Renton Facility are directly connected to the subsurface stormline system. This method of flow control eliminates large sheet flow volumes across the site. 4.4.3 Alternate BMP’s technical documents The Renton Facility is currently operating under normal conditions; no alternate technical documentation is needed. 4.5 Erosion and Sediment Control BMP’s 4.5.1 Construction BMP’s When construction occurs, the BMP’s applicable to this site will be followed. For construction areas with one acre or larger of disturbed land a Construction Stormwater General Permit will be obtained, and a construction stormwater pollution prevention plan will be developed. There are instances where the Renton Site will obtain a Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Department of Ecology. These instances are for discrete projects that trigger the construction permit requirement (>1 acre of disturbed area). In the event that a minor, unrelated project takes place within this construction area, the minor project will follow the requirements of the industrial permit and industrial SWPPP. 4.5.2 Erosion Control BMP’s The Renton Facility is essentially 100% covered by impervious surface. Except for the sheet flow onto the DNR and the City of Renton properties, there is no flow from the site that is not contained and conducted within the storm sewer drainage system. The sheet flows discharge onto grass covered areas, and no erosion is detected in these areas. Erosion and sediment control for constructions areas of less than one (1) will follow the BMPs listed in the SWMM, Volume II as adapted for local conditions using best professional judgment; the Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, by Goldman et al; or other equivalent and appropriate BMPs. The selected erosion control BMPs will be implemented into the design bid package, and contract language shall be written to assure compliance. 5.0 SAMPLING PLAN, AND VISUAL INSPECTIONS 5.1 Points of discharge The Renton Facility has 21 unique discharge points, however only eight are sampled for the conventional parameters listed in S5 Table 2 of the ISWGP. There are a total of 11 locations sampled for fecal coliform as they discharge into a listed water body. Table 5.1-0 below lists all outfalls, their discharge location, and their monitoring point exact location. Table 5.1-0 Discharge Locations Discharge Location Sheet # Latitude Longitude º ‘ “ º ‘ “ OF-001 3 47 30 7.0992 -122 12 1.5192 OF-002 4 47 30 10.26 -122 12 23.1258 OF-003 4 47 30 9.5796 -122 12 32.4246 OF-004 5 47 30 7.023 -122 12 34.4982 OF-004A 5 47 30 4.1112 -122 12 39.4524 OF-009 9 47 29 12.123 -122 12 38.3112 OF-010 5 & 6 47 30 2.7936 -122 12 40.7448 OF-11 6 47 30 2.5704 -122 12 41.7852 OF-12 6 47 30 2.5704 -122 12 41.7852 OF-14 6 47 30 1.7604 -122 12 46.5192 OF-16 6 47 30 1.7604 -122 12 46.5192 OF-19 7 47 29 22.545 -122 12 41.7168 OF-020 9 47 29 15.3522 -122 12 40.9638 OF-021 6 47 30 3.1818 -122 12 50.4144 OF-045 9 47 29 23.0784 -122 12 43.8978 OF-46 9 47 29 22.0266 -122 12 43.6566 OF-55 9 47 29 25.911 -122 12 44.9028 BRCi 9 47 30 1.9428 -122 13 6.3739 (i) The BRC outfall has three separate inputs covered under the Renton’s ISWGP. • The Fuel Farm – sampled via CB-BRC (as shown below) • Apron B – not sampled (substantially identical outfall OF-045) • Apron C– not sampled (substantially identical outfall OF-045) Monitoring Point Sampling Location Monitoring Point Sheet # Latitude Longitude º ‘ “ º ‘ “ OF-001 306 3 47 30 1.9428 -122 13 6.3739 OF-002 419 4 47 30 8.6142 -122 12 22.4418 OF-002a(i) 422 4 47 30 7.5882 -122 12 21.2796 OF-002b (i) 425 4 47 30 7.3175 -122 12 19.4564 OF-003 455 4 47 30 7.3332 -122 12 28.7316 OF-004 458 5 47 30 5.3244 -122 12 33.778 OF-004A 488C 5 47 30 4.1328 -122 12 38.2674 OF-009 778 9 47 29 11.5908 -122 12 39.9666 OF-010 550A 5 & 6 47 30 2.6136 -122 12 40.644 OF-11 -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- OF-12 -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- OF-14 -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- OF-16 -- 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- OF-19 768 7 47 29 22.5924 -122 12 40.5354 OF-020 770 9 47 29 15.3306 -122 12 41.9718 OF-021 21 6 47 30 1.0692 -122 12 53.0064 OF-045 782A 9 47 29 22.8114 -122 12 48.042 OF-46 769 9 47 29 21.987 -122 12 44.1642 OF-55 A9 9 47 29 25.622 -122 12 48.7398 BRCii 846 9 47 29 34.6122 -122 13 5.3256 Apron Bii 802 9 47 29 25.8432 -122 13 2.3016 Apron C-Nii- 865-16 8 47 29 48.6492 -122 13 9.3864 Apron C-Sii- 847-16 8 47 29 42.6768 -122 13 7.6476 (i)-Sampling location only, both discharge through OF-002 (ii)-Sampling locations only, all three discharge through OF-BRC *Parking lots which do not co-mingle with industrial water or activities are not included **Outfall 001 will not be sampled for fecal coliform as it discharges into a non-impaired water body (Johns Creek). -- Not applicable The eight sampling locations were selected based on exposure to pollutants and pollutants likely to be in the discharge. The activities occurring in each drainage basin were identified and the discharge most likely to be the worst case in both pollutant type and loading was selected for sampling. The eight sampling locations are listed below. Justification for substantially identical outfall exception can be found on the table 5.1-1 below. In the event the site is able to reduce the number of sampling locations for fecal coliform based on having substantially identical outfalls, justification can be found on table 5.1-2 below. Until such notice the site will continue to sample all outfalls that discharge into a listed section of a water body. • OF-002 • OF-002a • OF-002b • OF-004 • OF-004A • OF-021 • OF-45 • OF-B.R.C. Table 5.1-1 Substantially Identical Outfall Exception Sheet # Drainage Basin Industrial Activities Potential Pollutants Representative Sampling Location Drainage Area 2 14 Employee parking • FOG None 217,876 15 Employee parking • FOG None 25,565 16 Employee parking • FOG None 99,947 17 Employee parking • FOG None 101,070 18 Employee parking • FOG None 91,683 19 Employee parking • FOG None 38,542 20 Employee parking • FOG None 24,718 22 Employee parking • FOG None 93,734 23 Employee parking • FOG None 204,244 24 NO LONGER DO MANUF. IN THIS AREA • Employee parking • Office buildings • FOG None 181,900 59 Employee parking • FOG None 159,737 60 Employee parking • FOG None 19,276 61 Employee parking • FOG None 23,940 3 21 • Truck inspection, entry gates • FOG None 154,476 4 25 • Airplane Manufacturing • Waste water treatment • Parts storage • Trash compactor • Condensate tank • Product tanks • Metals • pH • solids • solvents • FOG CB-426 and CB-422 990,269 26 • Roof run-off • Final Assembly of aircraft inside • particulates CB-426 and CB- 422 450,946 5 27 • vehicular traffic • employee parking • FOG SDMH-458 1,397,109 Sheet # Drainage Basin Industrial Activities Potential Pollutants Representative Sampling Location Drainage Area 58 • Roof run-off • Transportation • Steam clean • Waste Water tank unloading • FOG • Particulates • pH • Metals • solvents Vault 488C 251,977 6 28 • Equipment staging • Vehicular traffic • FOG • Metals • Particulates SDMH 419 SHEET 4 42,395 29 • Roof Wing assembly area • Particulates • solvents SDMH 419 SHEET 4 100,324 30 • Roof Wing assembly area • Particulates • solvents SDMH 419 SHEET 4 191,474 31 • Roof Wing assembly area • Particulates • solvents SDMH 419 SHEET 4 1,029,338 32 • Boiler room • Fuel tanks • Central Waste Accumulation Area • Parts testing • FOG • Metals • Solvent • PH • particulates CB I-16/17, SHEET 6 537,196 56 • Vehicular traffic • Equipment staging • FOG • Metals • Particulates SDMH 419 SHEET 4 91,874 57 • Vehicular traffic • Equipment staging • FOG • Metals • Particulates CB I-16/17, SHEET 6 7 34 • Automotive • Steam clean • FOG • Solvents • Metals • particulates CB I-16/17, SHEET 6 1,263,144 35 • Vehicular traffic • FOG None 98,997 36 • Vehicular traffic • FOG None 45,601 37 • Employee parking • FOG CB I-16/17 443,043 38 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A SHEET 9 429,056 Sheet # Drainage Basin Industrial Activities Potential Pollutants Representative Sampling Location Drainage Area 8 51 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A 332,472 52 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A 448,728 53 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A 440,150 9 42 (non-Boeing) NO ACTIVITIES 267,849 43 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A 178,575 44 • Employee Parking • FOG SDMH 782A 80,233 45 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A 224,585 46 • Employee Parking • FOG SDMH 782A 123,794 47 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A 771,729 48 • Airplane painting • FOG • Metals • solvents SDMH 782A 116,716 49 • Testing • FOG CB I-16/17, SHEET 6 64,009 50 • Steam clean • FOG • Metals • Solvents • particulates CB I-16/17, SHEET 6 178,058 54 • Fuel Farm • FOG CB 846 281,232 55 • Airplane apron – testing and slight touch up • FOG • Metals • particulates SDMH 782A SHEET 9 1,041,313 Table 5.1-2 Substantially Identical Outfalls – Fecal Coliform Outfall Site Condition – Fecal Source Representative Outfall* OF-002 • Roof • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • HVAC units • Portable Sanitation Cans • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas * OF-003 • Roof • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • HVAC units • Portable Sanitation Cans • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas • Used cooking oil container • Compostable material container * OF-004 • Roof • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • HVAC units • Portable Sanitation Cans • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas • Used cooking oil container • Compostable material container • Oil Water Separators • Stormwater Vaults • Exposed rafters * OF-004A • Roof • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • HVAC units • Portable Sanitation Cans • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas • Oil Water Separators • Stormwater Vaults * OF-009 • Roof • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • HVAC units • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas • Oil Water Separators * OF-010 • Pavement • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas * OF-019 • Pavement • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas * OF-020 • Roof • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • HVAC units • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas * OF-045 • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas * OF-046 • Pavement • Solid Waste Containers • Employees • Adjacent to landscaped areas * OF-055 • Pavement • Employees • Solid Waste Containers • Employees Adjacent to landscaped areas * *The Renton facility will sample all outfalls that discharge into a listed section of a waterbody. The sections below are narrative descriptions of the individual sampling locations onsite. 5.1.1 OF-002 OF-002 is located at the Renton Facility; it discharges to Lake Washington. The outfall collects water from the north eastern section of the facility. The 4-86 (paint booths), and 4-83 (Waste Water Treatment Plant) are the main buildings in this drainage basin. The sampling location is a storm drain manhole, SDMH-419. 5.1.2 OF-002a OF-002a can be found on figure 2, sheet 4 in Appendix E of the SWPPP. The major industrial activity taking place at this outfall is the Renton Facilities’ Waste Water Treatment Plant and vehicle parking. The west side of the treatment plant is sampled via catch basin CB-422. 5.1.3 OF-002b OF-002b can be found on figure 2, sheet 4 in Appendix E of the SWPPP. The major industrial activity taking place at this outfall is the Renton Facilities Waste Water Treatment Plant and container storage. The east side of the treatment plant is sampled via catch basin CB-425. 5.1.4 OF-003 OF-003 is located at the Renton Facility; it discharges to Lake Washington. The outfall collects water from the northwest corner of the 4-81 building and a small section of pavement on the north apron. The sampling location is a storm drain manhole, SDMH-455. 5.1.5 OF-004 OF-004 can be found on figure 2, sheet 5 in Appendix E of the SWPPP. The major industrial activities taking place in this outfall include transportation, material staging, waste tank staging and vehicle traffic. The outfall is submerged in Lake Washington nearly 100% of the time. The sampling location is a storm drain manhole, SDMH-458. 5.1.6 OF-004A OF-004A can be found on figure 2, sheet 5 in Appendix E of the SWPPP. The major industrial activities taking place in this outfall is vehicle traffic. The outfall is submerged in Lake Washington nearly 100% of the time. The actual sampling location for the outfall is achieved by sampling SDMH-488C located upstream at a higher elevation than the lake. 5.1.7 OF-009 OF-009 is located at Renton Field; it discharges to the Cedar River. The outfall collects water from the 5-50 building and surrounding parking lot areas. The sampling location is a storm drain manhole, SDMH-778. 5.1.8 OF-010 OF-010 is located at the Renton Facility; it discharges to Lake Washington. The outfall collects water from the paved area north of the 4-20/21 buildings. The outfall only drains from one catchbasin, where the sample is obtained. The sampling location is a catchbasin, CB-550A. 5.1.9 OF-019 OF-019 is located at Renton Field; it discharges to the Cedar River. The outfall collects water from Apron D. The sampling location is catchbasin CB-768. 5.1.10 OF-020 OF-020 is located at Renton Field; it discharges to the Cedar River. The outfall collects water from employee parking east of Apron A. The sampling location is a storm drain manhole, SDMH-770. 5.1.11 OF-021 OF-021 can be found on figure 2, sheet 6 in Appendix E of the SWPPP. The major industrial activities taking place in this outfall is storage of product and waste tanks, hazardous material storage, reclamation yard, compactor and roof run-off. Like OF-004A, this outfall is submerged in Lake Washington nearly 100% of the time. The actual sampling location for the outfall is achieved by sampling CB-I16/17 which is located upstream at a higher elevation than the lake. 5.1.12 OF-045 OF-045 can be found on figure 2, sheet 9 in Appendix E of the SWPPP. The major industrial activities taking place in this outfall are airplane flight test, de-icing and light airplane servicing. This outfall discharges into the Cedar River; it is sampled via SDMH- 782A. 5.1.13 OF-046 OF-046 is located at Renton Field; it discharges to the Cedar River. The outfall collects water from an employee parking lot. The sampling location is catchbasin CB-769 located in a ditchline. 5.1.14 OF-055 OF-055 is located on the Renton Field Flightline, it discharges to the Cedar River. The outfall collects water from the apron A stalls and part of the taxi way. The sampling location is a spray painted Stormdrain manhole in the A-9 stall. 5.1.15 OF-BRC The Black River Culvert, (BRC) can be found on figure 2, sheet 9 in Appendix E of the SWPPP. The major industrial activities taking place in this outfall is the fueling and de- fueling of tanker trucks, bowsers and other mobile fueling equipment. This outfall discharges into the Black River; it is sampled via CB-846. 5.2 Visual Inspection Checklist The visual inspection checklist is comprised of multiple inspections issued by the Boeing’s Preventive Maintenance (PM) process or regulatory calendar. This process entails an automatic printout of the checklist or what Boeing refers to as a (PM) and associated work instructions. The facilities personnel have 30 days in which to complete the PM, after completion facilities management signs off that the PM has been completed and it is sent to Boeing’s stormwater permit administrator (Environmental Affairs) for review. Checklists will be signed on a one to three month lag due to our internal process. In order to effectively manage issues that may arise during the inspection the checklist is written to quickly and efficiently address any items that need attention prior to the checklist signing by the Site Responsible Official. Specific requirements of the monthly inspection checklist will be augmented or placed on a different inspection frequency due to prior site history, performance and implementation feasibility. Table 5.2-1 Inspection Checklist Augmentation describes the permit section and associated task that is required during the monthly inspection. Columns labeled “Item/Task Change” and “Rationale” is the schedule or frequency that Boeing is going to use and the rationale behind that decision. 5.2.1 Level One – 14 Day Inspection Within 14 days of receipt of sampling results that indicate a benchmark exceedance for any parameter as required by tables 2 or 3 of the permit the site will conduct an inspection. This inspection checklist can be found in Appendix G of the SWPPP. If there are any modifications to the SWPPP due to the inspection the SWPPP will be recertified in accordance to Section S3.A.6 of the permit. The inspection will cover only those outfalls that experienced a benchmark exceedance. 5.2.2 Dry Weather Inspection The narrative effluent limit for fecal coliform requires at least one annual dry weather inspection be performed in order to identify and eliminate sanitary sewer cross- connections. This inspection will take place during the typical dry season for the region (3rd quarter – Jul-Sep). In order to determine if any observed flow is not due to rainfall, the inspection will take place after a minimum of three days (72 hours) of no recorded precipitation. Only those outfalls that discharge to impaired water bodies will be inspected. If flow is observed a source will be identified and marked on the inspection checklist. The blank checklist can be found in Appendix G of the SWPPP. Table 5.2-1 Inspection Checklist Augmentation Permit Section Item/Task required Item/Task Change Rationale S3.B4bi. 3b Inspect all equipment and vehicles during monthly site inspections for leaking fluids such as oil, antifreeze, etc. Take leaking equipment and vehicles out of service or prevent leaks from spilling on the ground until repaired If Boeing finds an oil sheen at an outfall, further investigation “upstream” will be conducted to determine and eliminate the source. Per Ecology’s recommendation this item is accomplished by looking for large sheens on the ground. Boeing currently requires all employees prior to operating company vehicles to inspect the vehicle for any leaks. All vehicles and equipment are under a preventative maintenance program operated by the owners organization, these programs require regular formal inspections of all equipment. S7.B1 Observations made at stormwater sampling locations and areas where stormwater associated with industrial activity is discharged off-site; or discharged to waters of the state, or to a storm sewer system that drains to waters of the state. Boeing will make these observations at the discharge points being sampled for permit compliance. To inspect every area where stormwater is discharged to a storm sewer system is not financially feasible. Boeing currently inspects every catchbasin on the Renton Facility once a year, from these results only those catchbasins requiring cleaning are cleaned. S7.B2 Observations for the presence of floating materials, visible oil sheen, discoloration, turbidity, odor, etc. in the stormwater discharges. Boeing will make these visual observations only during times of discharge, if inspections take place on dry days it will be recorded as not applicable on the checklist. The Renton Facility Stormwater system is comprised of oil water separators, catchbasins and piping. These structures have a containment capacity that needs to be accounted for. Boeing will account for this by only taking observations during a storm event causing a discharge. S7.B3 Observations for the presence of illicit discharges such as domestic wastewater, noncontact cooling water, or process wastewater (including leachate). Boeing will look for illicit discharges once a month during the year however special attention will be paid during the typical dry season for western Washington (July-September). This inspection will take place 24hrs after any significant rainfall. During the wet season it is difficult to observe illicit discharges. If any noticeable illicit discharges are observed they will be recorded on the inspection checklist. S7.B6 An assessment of all BMP’s that have been implemented, noting all of the following: Effectiveness of BMP’s, location and reason for any BMP maintenance. Boeing has internal processes to assess the condition and effectiveness of various BMP’s. The internal processes are reviewed for effectiveness and the schedules are adjusted accordingly. Boeing will only inspect monthly those BMP’s that facilities engineers consider high risk.-see list on inspection checklist. An example of the Inspection Checklist can be found in Appendix G, the most current checklist version is maintained on the Environmental Affairs server. Items or BMP’s of interest are added to the inspection checklist as needed in order to maximize the efficiency of the monthly inspection process. 5.3 Staff Responsibilities Multiple Boeing organizations and external contractors work collectively to support the requirements of ISWGP. The roles and responsibilities each group plays are shown below: 5.3.1 Permit Administration The Renton Facility stormwater permit is administered by 737 Airplane Programs Environmental Affairs, a division of Environmental, Health and Safety. The Puget Sound Boeing facilities have created a stormwater team to provide region wide interpretation and implementation continuity of the ISWGP. 5.3.2 Sampling and Visual Monitoring The sampling and portions of the visual inspection checklist are handled by personnel in the Site Services Group. These individuals receive scheduled training to provide guidance of the stormwater program’s goals and objectives. 5.3.3 Reporting and Recordkeeping Documents pertaining to the ISWGP will be managed at a minimum to the required Ecology retention period. The permit required retention period is listed in the table 5.3-1 below. Table 5.3-1 ISWGP required records Item Owner Ecology Retention Copy of Permit Environmental Affairs Minimum 5 years Copy of Permit Coverage Letter Environmental Affairs Minimum 5 years Records of all sampling information specified in Condition S4.B.3 Boeing Environmental Analysis Database Minimum 5 years Inspection Reports, including documentation of compliance with permit requirements Environmental Affairs Minimum 5 years Any other documentation of compliance with permit requirements Environmental Affairs Minimum 5 years All Equipment calibration records Site Services (maximo) Minimum 5 years All BMP maintenance records Site Services (maximo) Minimum 5 years All original recordings for continuous n/a Minimum 5 sampling instrumentation years Copies of all laboratory reports as described in Condition S3.B.4 Boeing Environmental Analysis Database Minimum 5 years Copies of all reports required by this permit Environmental Affairs Minimum 5 years Records of all data used to complete the applications for this permit Environmental Affairs Minimum 5 years Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Environmental Affairs Minimum 5 years 5.3.4 Signature Requirements The Boeing Company’s organizational structure presents a unique set of difficulties when determining overall authority and responsibilities for meeting permit conditions. To most effectively manage the Industrial Stormwater Permit the site official delegates signature authority down to the appropriate level and individual(s) who’s familiar with the permit and its conditions. A delegation letter is completed and maintained as part of the documents required to maintain compliance with the permit. 5.4 Stormwater Sampling Actions 5.4.1 Sample collection and handling Stormwater samples will be collected during “regular business hours.” “Regular business hours” for the purpose of sample collection is defined as first shift, Monday through Friday. The following factors were taken into account for defining regular business hours: • The trained sampling staff is assigned to first shift. • The Environmental Engineer/Scientist stormwater support is assigned to first shift • Sampling during first shift allows samples to arrive at the lab within the required holding times. • The sample locations are not well lit and may present other unsafe conditions. Sampling during daylight hours will reduce unsafe conditions. To fulfill the requirement in section S4.B1b of the permit, samples will be taken the first storm event after October 1st that falls within regular business hours. The sampling staff should follow Department of Ecology standard operating procedures (SOP) for Collecting Grab Samples from Stormwater Discharges. See document in Appendix H 5.4.2 Site Specific Sampling and Collection Procedures Sampling locations: • OF-002 via SDMH-419 • OF-002a via CB-422 • OF-019 via CB-767 • OF-020 via SDMH-770 Equipment: • Powder free disposable nitrile or latex glove. Note: do not use powdered gloves as the powder may contain metals that could contaminate metals samples with zinc. • Foul weather gear • Coolers and ice to store samples in • Field book for recording data • Ziploc bag containing: • Sample labels (filled out) • Filled out Chain of Custody sheets • pH paper Sampling will be conducted by Facility Personnel with assistance from the EHS Water Quality Engineer and Facilities Engineer as necessary. The procedure below should be followed for sampling 1. Wear gloves when sampling 2. Attach a 1-liter round mouth jar to the sample telescoping pole. (if needed) 3. Submerge the pole in the manhole to the depth where the sample jar is parallel to the outlet pipe in the flow channel to ensure the sample obtained is stormwater and not stagnant water. Or place bottle under drain pipe to capture the stormwater discharging from the site. 4. Wipe the outside of the jar and label the bottle as soon as the sample is obtained. 5. Oil and Grease samples are a visual observation, (yes or no) circled on the chain of custody. 6. Fecal coliform samples need to be analyzed within 6hrs of gathering. 7. Put the collected sample bottles in the cooler provided by the Kent Environmental Lab. Sampling specific location and structure diagrams are presented at the end of the monitoring plan. The diagrams are to be used in order to determine the proper placement of the sampling probe within the stormwater structure. The correct sampling depth was determined by the depth of the outgoing pipe. In some instances a flow meter was used to determine the proper depth for collecting a sample. • OF-002b via CB-426 • OF-003 via SDMH-455 • OF-004 via SDMH-458 • OF-004A via CB-488A • OF-009 via SDMH-778 • OF-010 via CB-550A • OF-021 via CB-I-16/17 • OF-045 via CB-782A • OF-046 via CB-769 • OF-055 via A-9 SDMH • OF-B.R.C. via CB-846 5.4.3 Analytical Parameters The Renton Facility is required to monitor for all the required parameters set forth in Table 2 of section 5 of the ISWGP. Additional sampling for fecal coliform will be performed at those outfalls discharging into 303(d) listed waters, (Lake Washington and the Cedar River) Table 5.4-1 Analytical Parameters Parameter Units Benchmark Value Analytical Method Laboratory Quantitation Level Minimum Sampling Frequency Turbidity NTU 25 EPA 180.1 Meter 0.5 1/quarter pH Standard Units Between 5.0 and 9.0 Meter/Paper 0.5 1/quarter Oil Sheen Yes/No No Visible Oil Sheen N/A N/A 1/quarter Copper, Total µg/L 14 EPA 200.8** 2.0 1/quarter Zinc, Total µg/L 117 EPA 200.8** 2.5 1/quarter Fecal Coliform* #col/100mL N/A SM-9222D 20CFU/100mL 1/quarter The chain of custody form is used as a means of communicating which analyses to run for a given sample. *Only those outfalls from the Ecology mapping system of the 303(d) list. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/303d/2008/index.html ** The current analytical laboratory does not meet the current Laboratory Quantitation Level for Analytical Method 200.8. The analytical method used for total zinc was EPA 200.8 with a reported quantitation level (QL) and method detection level (MDL) of 4 and 0.29 μg/L respectively.". A note has been added to the Chain of Custody form requesting that values between the MDL and QL be reported with a “J” qualifier. These estimated values will then be reported in the DMR. ECY has confirmed that this method is acceptable. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS LABORATORY PO BOX XXXX Seattle, WA 98124 Phone XXX-XXX-XXXX PH TOTAL ZINC TOTAL COPPER TURBIDITY FECAL COLIFORM **Sample Gatheres please circle YES or NO for observation of an oil sheen ** REPORT TO: Chad Budworth ORGN 66-ZE-1370 MAILSTOP 67-74 PHONE 425-237-1513 CHARGE LINE/CONTROL NUMBER CC: ORGN MAILSTOP PHONE SAMPLER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION (INCLUDE PLANT, BLDG,SITE , SAMPLE #, ETC) SAMP DATE TIME MATX COLL TYPE NO. CONT LAB ID (LAB ONLY) A A G 3 X X X X X YES NO B A G 3 X X X X X YES NO NOTES: RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME COMPANY BCA-Airplane Programs COMPANY DATE TIME DATE TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME COMPANY SHEA ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS LAB COMPANY JOB ID COC. DATE TIME DATE TIME CUSTODY SEALS: PRESENT INTACT 5.4.4 Requesting sample analysis The Boeing Renton site uses non-Boeing laboratory’s to provide stormwater analytical support. In addition to performing the analyses on the stormwater samples, the lab provides all sampling equipment and transportation. Currently the contracted lab is ARI. The site service group personnel performing the sampling shall place completed and properly labeled sample jar/bottles into a cooler to maintain a temperature of <4 degrees Celsius, immediately call the lab and schedule a sample pick up. The chain of custody listing out the desired analyses shall accompany the samples to the lab. ARI Contacts: ARI phone number: 206-695-6200 ARI fax number: 206-695-6201 5.4.5 Submitting analytical results The environmental lab will electronically send the analytical lab data to the Environmental Engineer. Site environmental engineers will review lab data as it is returned for any corrective actions that need to take place. See section 5.2.1 for how the site engineer’s will address any 14-day level one corrective actions. Table 5.4-2 labeled Document handling is guidance to ensure the required documentation is distributed and filed in accordance with not only Boeing procedures but the ISWGP requirements as well. At the end of each quarter the Environmental Engineer will input the quarterly data into the WEBDMR web application. Once complete, accurate and validated the DMR will be sent to the designated signer for electronic signatures. Table 5.4-2 Document handling Documents Documents for Management Signature Documents to be copied Documents to be retained by Environmental Engineer Documents mailed to Ecology*** Discharge Monitoring Reports X (via WEBDMR) Prior quarters visual inspection forms** X X X Level Response/Annual Report X X X X Lab analytical data, COC X Weather station history X **Prior 3 months, any 14-day level one inspection reports, and dry weather inspection. ***Department of Ecology Water Quality Program – Industrial Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Renton, Washington Appendix G Forms KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Owner ___________________________ Phone _________________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________________ Project Engineer _________________________ Company ______________________________ Phone _________________________________ Project Name _________________________ DPER Permit # ________________________ Location Township ______________ Range ________________ Section ________________ Site Address __________________________ _____________________________________ Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS  Landuse (e.g.,Subdivision / Short Subd. / UPD)  Building (e.g.,M/F / Commercial / SFR)  Clearing and Grading  Right-of-Way Use  Other _______________________  DFW HPA  COE 404  DOE Dam Safety  FEMA Floodplain  COE Wetlands  Other ________  Shoreline Management  Structural Rockery/Vault/_____  ESA Section 7 Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type of Drainage Review (check one): Date (include revision dates): Date of Final:  Full  Targeted  Simplified  Large Project  Directed ____________________________________ __________________ Plan Type (check one): Date (include revision dates): Date of Final:  Full  Modified  Simplified ____________________________________ __________________ Part 6 SWDM ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Type (circle one): Standard / Experimental / Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Approved Adjustment No. ______________________ Date of Approval: ______________________ 2016 Surface Water Design Manual 4/24/2016 1 THE BOEING COMPANY 425-237-1140 737 LOGAN AVE N STEVE TRUE BERGERABAM 206-431-2300 APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 737 LOGAN AVE N 10/01/2018 X X 10/01/2018 X CONSTRUCTION X T23N R5E 7 AND 8 N/A XX 06/08/2018 06/08/2018 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Yes / No Start Date: _______________________ Completion Date: _______________________ Describe: _________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Re: KCSWDM Adjustment No. ________________ Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Plan : ____________________________________________________________________ Special District Overlays: ______________________________________________________________ Drainage Basin: _____________________________________________________________________ Stormwater Requirements: ____________________________________________________________ Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS  River/Stream ________________________  Lake ______________________________  Wetlands ____________________________  Closed Depression ____________________  Floodplain ___________________________  Other _______________________________ _______________________________  Steep Slope __________________________  Erosion Hazard _______________________  Landslide Hazard ______________________  Coal Mine Hazard ______________________  Seismic Hazard _______________________  Habitat Protection ______________________  _____________________________________ Part 10 SOILS Soil Type _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Slopes _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Erosion Potential _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________  High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet)  Other ________________________________  Sole Source Aquifer  Seeps/Springs  Additional Sheets Attached 2016 Surface Water Design Manual 4/24/2016 2 X LAKE WASHINGTON SP FLAT MINIMAL X X LAKE WASHINGTON N/A KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE  Core 2 – Offsite Analysis_________________  Sensitive/Critical Areas__________________  SEPA________________________________  LID Infeasibility________________________  Other________________________________  _____________________________________ LIMITATION / SITE CONSTRAINT _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________  Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) Threshold Discharge Area: (name or description) Core Requirements (all 8 apply): Discharge at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharge Locations: Offsite Analysis Level: 1 / 2 / 3 dated:__________________ Flow Control (include facility summary sheet) Level: 1 / 2 / 3 or Exemption Number ____________ Flow Control BMPs _______________________________ Conveyance System Spill containment located at: _________________________ Erosion and Sediment Control / Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention CSWPP/CESCL/ESC Site Supervisor: _____________________ Contact Phone: _________________________ After Hours Phone: _________________________ Maintenance and Operation Responsibility (circle one): Private / Public If Private, Maintenance Log Required: Yes / No Financial Guarantees and Liability Provided: Yes / No Water Quality (include facility summary sheet) Type (circle one): Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basic / Bog or Exemption No. ______________________ Landscape Management Plan: Yes / No Special Requirements (as applicable): Area Specific Drainage Requirements Type: CDA / SDO / MDP / BP / LMP / Shared Fac. / None Name: ________________________ Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type (circle one): Major / Minor / Exemption / None 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): ______________ Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: 2016 Surface Water Design Manual 4/24/2016 3 X APRON R PROJECT SITE 9/21/2018 N/A - DIRECT DISCHARGE EXEMPTION CATCH BASINS TBD TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A SEE TIR SECTION 2.1.9 FOR DETAILED NARRATIVE DIRECT DISCHARGE EXEMPTION APPLIES TO PROJECT SITE HIGH GROUND WATER AND CONTAMINATED SOILS PREVENT INFILTRATION WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS LIMITED VEGETATION PRECLUDES DISPERSION WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one TIR Summary Sheet per Threshold Discharge Area) Source Control (commercial / industrial land use) Describe land use: Describe any structural controls: Oil Control High-use Site: Yes / No Treatment BMP: ________________________________ Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? ____________________________________ Other Drainage Structures Describe: Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION  Clearing Limits  Cover Measures  Perimeter Protection  Traffic Area Stabilization  Sediment Retention  Surface Water Collection  Dewatering Control  Dust Control  Flow Control  Protection of Flow Control BMP Facilities (existing and proposed)  Maintain BMPs / Manage Project MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION  Stabilize exposed surfaces  Remove and restore Temporary ESC Facilities  Clean and remove all silt and debris, ensure operation of Permanent Facilities, restore operation of Flow Control BMP Facilities as necessary  Flag limits of SAO and open space preservation areas  Other ______________________ Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS (Note: Include Facility Summary and Sketch) Flow Control Type/Description Water Quality Type/Description  Detention  Infiltration  Regional Facility  Shared Facility  Flow Control BMPs  Other ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________  Vegetated Flowpath  Wetpool  Filtration  Oil Control  Spill Control  Flow Control BMPs  Other ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 2016 Surface Water Design Manual 4/24/2016 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X NONE: SEE COR #3 SAFE DRAIN CATCH BASINS OIL WATER SEPERATOR/ MODULAR WETLAND LIGHT PLANE MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES SEE BOEING SWPPP IN APPENDIX F OF TIR REPORT OIL WATER SEPERATOR MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER, BOEING SAFE DRAIN CATCH BASINS, NYLOPLAST PVC DRAIN BASINS, SLOTTED DRAINS X SOIL AMENDMENT X ENHANCED WATER QUALITY VIA MODULAR WETLAND X DRAINAGE/OUTFALL EASEMENT FROM DNR FOR OUTFALLS 003, 004, 002A, AND FIRE SYSTEM PRESSURE RELIEF DISCHARGE TO BE PROVIDED AS DEFERRED SUBMITTAL 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 1 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location)Date ___________________ OVERVIEW:NPDES Permit No.___________________ Project Name Parcel No.____________________________ Project Location Retired Parcel No.____________________________ Downstream Drainage Basins:Project includes Landscape Management Plan?yes Major Basin Name ______________________________________________(include copy with TIR as Appendix)no Immediate Basin Name ______________________________________________ GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION: Leachable Metals Infiltration Impervious Surface Limit Type # of Type # of Type # of facilities Flow Control BMPs Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Basic Clearing Limit Vaults ______ Tanks ______ Vaults ______ Conservation Drainage Facility Tanks ______ Trenches _____ Tanks ______ Flood Problem Landscape Management Plan If no flow control facility, check one: Project qualifies for KCSWDM Exemption (KCSWDM 1.2.3): Basic Exemption (Applies to Commercial parcels only)Area % of Total Redevelopment projects Cost Exemption for Parcel Redevelopment projects Direct Discharge Exemption Other _____________________ Total impervious surface served by Project qualifies for 0.1 cfs Exception per KCSWDM 1.2.3 flow control facility(ies) (sq ft) Impervious surface served by flow KCSWDM Adjustment No. ___________________control facility(ies) designed 1990 or later (sq ft) approved KCSWDM Adjustment No. __________________ Impervious surface served by Shared Facility Name/Location: _________________________ pervious surface absorption (sq ft) No flow control required (other, provide justification): Impervious surface served by approved ____________________________________________________ water quality facility(ies) (sq ft) Flow Control Performance Std Declarations of Covenant Recording No. Water QualityDetention TREATMENT SUMMARY FOR TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES ----- Total Impervious Acreage (ac) No flow control required per approved Flow control provided in regional/shared facility per approved PROVIDE FACILITY DETAILS AND FACILITY SKETCH FOR EACH FACILITY ON REVERSE. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED FOR ADDITIONAL FACILITIES Impervious Surface Exemption for Transportation Total Acreage (ac) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON XLAKE WASHINGTON 2 X 2.729 2.729 N/A N/A N/A 2.729 100% 100% OUTFALL 014A - OWS 062 AND RTU-11 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 2 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location) Project Name Downstream Drainage Basins: Major Basin Name _______________________________ Project Location Immediate Basin Name ___________________________ FLOW CONTROL FACILITY:Basin: Facility Name/Number _______________________________________ New Facility Project Impervious Facility Location ____________________________________________ Existing Facility Acres Served ________ UIC? □ yes □ no UIC Site ID:% of Total Project Impervious cu.ft.Volume Factor Acres Served ________ _____________ ac.ft.____________of Safety _______No. of Lots Served ________ Control Structure location: _______________________________________________ Type of Control Structure:No. of Orifices/Restrictions __________ Riser in vault Size of Orifice/Restriction (in.) No.1 ______ cu.ft. Riser in Type II CB (numbered starting with lowest No.2 ______ ac.ft. Weir in Type II CB orifice): No.3 ______ (inches in decimal format)No.4 ______ WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Design Information Indicate no. of water quality facilities/BMPs for each type:Water Quality design flow (cfs) _______Flow dispersion Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter) (cu.ft.) _______Filter strip Water Quality storage volume (wetpool) (cu.ft.) _______Biofiltration swale regular, wet or Landscape management plan Farm management plan continuous inflow _______Wetvault combined w/detention ______High flow bypass structure (e.g., flow-splitter catch basin) _______Wetpond basic large combined w/detention ______Oil/water separator baffle coalescing plate _______Pre-settling pond ______Storm filter _______Stormwater wetland ______Pre-settling structure (Manufacturer:______________________) _______Sand filter basic large Sand bed depth ______Catch basin inserts (Manufacturer:________________________) regular linear vault (inches)______________Source controls _________________________________________ ● Is facility lined? yes no If so, what marker is used above liner?_____________________________________________________ Facility Summary Sheet Sketch: All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch (11"x17" reduced size plan sheets preferred). Dam Safety Regulations (WA State Dept of Ecology): Reservoir Volume above natural grade Depth of Reservoir above natural grade (ft) Live Storage Volume Live Storage Depth (ft) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON LAKE WASHINGTON N/A N/A X SAFE DRAIN USA SEE APPENDIX H STRUCTURES RTU-11 AND ROWS-062 OUTFALL 014A - OWS 062 AND RTU-11 X X 2.729 100% OTHER - MODULAR WETLAND WQ - 0.202 OWS - 0.713 X 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 1 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location)Date ___________________ OVERVIEW:NPDES Permit No.___________________ Project Name Parcel No.____________________________ Project Location Retired Parcel No.____________________________ Downstream Drainage Basins:Project includes Landscape Management Plan?yes Major Basin Name ______________________________________________(include copy with TIR as Appendix)no Immediate Basin Name ______________________________________________ GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION: Leachable Metals Infiltration Impervious Surface Limit Type # of Type # of Type # of facilities Flow Control BMPs Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Basic Clearing Limit Vaults ______ Tanks ______ Vaults ______ Conservation Drainage Facility Tanks ______ Trenches _____ Tanks ______ Flood Problem Landscape Management Plan If no flow control facility, check one: Project qualifies for KCSWDM Exemption (KCSWDM 1.2.3): Basic Exemption (Applies to Commercial parcels only)Area % of Total Redevelopment projects Cost Exemption for Parcel Redevelopment projects Direct Discharge Exemption Other _____________________ Total impervious surface served by Project qualifies for 0.1 cfs Exception per KCSWDM 1.2.3 flow control facility(ies) (sq ft) Impervious surface served by flow KCSWDM Adjustment No. ___________________control facility(ies) designed 1990 or later (sq ft) approved KCSWDM Adjustment No. __________________ Impervious surface served by Shared Facility Name/Location: _________________________ pervious surface absorption (sq ft) No flow control required (other, provide justification): Impervious surface served by approved ____________________________________________________ water quality facility(ies) (sq ft) Flow Control Performance Std Declarations of Covenant Recording No. Water QualityDetention TREATMENT SUMMARY FOR TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES ----- Total Impervious Acreage (ac) No flow control required per approved Flow control provided in regional/shared facility per approved PROVIDE FACILITY DETAILS AND FACILITY SKETCH FOR EACH FACILITY ON REVERSE. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED FOR ADDITIONAL FACILITIES Impervious Surface Exemption for Transportation Total Acreage (ac) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON XLAKE WASHINGTON 2 X 2.711 2.711 N/A N/A N/A 2.711 100% 100% OUTFALL 012A - OWS 063 AND RTU-12 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 2 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location) Project Name Downstream Drainage Basins: Major Basin Name _______________________________ Project Location Immediate Basin Name ___________________________ FLOW CONTROL FACILITY:Basin: Facility Name/Number _______________________________________ New Facility Project Impervious Facility Location ____________________________________________ Existing Facility Acres Served ________ UIC? □ yes □ no UIC Site ID:% of Total Project Impervious cu.ft.Volume Factor Acres Served ________ _____________ ac.ft.____________of Safety _______No. of Lots Served ________ Control Structure location: _______________________________________________ Type of Control Structure:No. of Orifices/Restrictions __________ Riser in vault Size of Orifice/Restriction (in.) No.1 ______ cu.ft. Riser in Type II CB (numbered starting with lowest No.2 ______ ac.ft. Weir in Type II CB orifice): No.3 ______ (inches in decimal format)No.4 ______ WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Design Information Indicate no. of water quality facilities/BMPs for each type:Water Quality design flow (cfs) _______Flow dispersion Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter) (cu.ft.) _______Filter strip Water Quality storage volume (wetpool) (cu.ft.) _______Biofiltration swale regular, wet or Landscape management plan Farm management plan continuous inflow _______Wetvault combined w/detention ______High flow bypass structure (e.g., flow-splitter catch basin) _______Wetpond basic large combined w/detention ______Oil/water separator baffle coalescing plate _______Pre-settling pond ______Storm filter _______Stormwater wetland ______Pre-settling structure (Manufacturer:______________________) _______Sand filter basic large Sand bed depth ______Catch basin inserts (Manufacturer:________________________) regular linear vault (inches)______________Source controls _________________________________________ ● Is facility lined? yes no If so, what marker is used above liner?_____________________________________________________ Facility Summary Sheet Sketch: All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch (11"x17" reduced size plan sheets preferred). Dam Safety Regulations (WA State Dept of Ecology): Reservoir Volume above natural grade Depth of Reservoir above natural grade (ft) Live Storage Volume Live Storage Depth (ft) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON LAKE WASHINGTON N/A N/A X SAFE DRAIN USA SEE APPENDIX H STRUCTURES RTU-12 AND ROWS-063 OUTFALL 012A - OWS 063 AND RTU-12 X X 2.711 100% OTHER - MODULAR WETLAND WQ - 0.20 OWS - 0.713 X 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 1 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location)Date ___________________ OVERVIEW:NPDES Permit No.___________________ Project Name Parcel No.____________________________ Project Location Retired Parcel No.____________________________ Downstream Drainage Basins:Project includes Landscape Management Plan?yes Major Basin Name ______________________________________________(include copy with TIR as Appendix)no Immediate Basin Name ______________________________________________ GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION: Leachable Metals Infiltration Impervious Surface Limit Type # of Type # of Type # of facilities Flow Control BMPs Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Basic Clearing Limit Vaults ______ Tanks ______ Vaults ______ Conservation Drainage Facility Tanks ______ Trenches _____ Tanks ______ Flood Problem Landscape Management Plan If no flow control facility, check one: Project qualifies for KCSWDM Exemption (KCSWDM 1.2.3): Basic Exemption (Applies to Commercial parcels only)Area % of Total Redevelopment projects Cost Exemption for Parcel Redevelopment projects Direct Discharge Exemption Other _____________________ Total impervious surface served by Project qualifies for 0.1 cfs Exception per KCSWDM 1.2.3 flow control facility(ies) (sq ft) Impervious surface served by flow KCSWDM Adjustment No. ___________________control facility(ies) designed 1990 or later (sq ft) approved KCSWDM Adjustment No. __________________ Impervious surface served by Shared Facility Name/Location: _________________________ pervious surface absorption (sq ft) No flow control required (other, provide justification): Impervious surface served by approved ____________________________________________________ water quality facility(ies) (sq ft) Flow Control Performance Std Declarations of Covenant Recording No. Water QualityDetention TREATMENT SUMMARY FOR TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES ----- Total Impervious Acreage (ac) No flow control required per approved Flow control provided in regional/shared facility per approved PROVIDE FACILITY DETAILS AND FACILITY SKETCH FOR EACH FACILITY ON REVERSE. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED FOR ADDITIONAL FACILITIES Impervious Surface Exemption for Transportation Total Acreage (ac) RENTON, WASHINGTON XLAKE WASHINGTON 3 X 3.400 3.400 N/A N/A N/A 3.400 100% 100% BOEING COMMERICAL AIRPLANES MITIGATION HANGAR PROJECT OUTFALL 004A - OWS 064 AND RTU-13, RTU-14 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 2 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location) Project Name Downstream Drainage Basins: Major Basin Name _______________________________ Project Location Immediate Basin Name ___________________________ FLOW CONTROL FACILITY:Basin: Facility Name/Number _______________________________________ New Facility Project Impervious Facility Location ____________________________________________ Existing Facility Acres Served ________ UIC? □ yes □ no UIC Site ID:% of Total Project Impervious cu.ft.Volume Factor Acres Served ________ _____________ ac.ft.____________of Safety _______No. of Lots Served ________ Control Structure location: _______________________________________________ Type of Control Structure:No. of Orifices/Restrictions __________ Riser in vault Size of Orifice/Restriction (in.) No.1 ______ cu.ft. Riser in Type II CB (numbered starting with lowest No.2 ______ ac.ft. Weir in Type II CB orifice): No.3 ______ (inches in decimal format)No.4 ______ WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Design Information Indicate no. of water quality facilities/BMPs for each type:Water Quality design flow (cfs) _______Flow dispersion Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter) (cu.ft.) _______Filter strip Water Quality storage volume (wetpool) (cu.ft.) _______Biofiltration swale regular, wet or Landscape management plan Farm management plan continuous inflow _______Wetvault combined w/detention ______High flow bypass structure (e.g., flow-splitter catch basin) _______Wetpond basic large combined w/detention ______Oil/water separator baffle coalescing plate _______Pre-settling pond ______Storm filter _______Stormwater wetland ______Pre-settling structure (Manufacturer:______________________) _______Sand filter basic large Sand bed depth ______Catch basin inserts (Manufacturer:________________________) regular linear vault (inches)______________Source controls _________________________________________ ● Is facility lined? yes no If so, what marker is used above liner?_____________________________________________________ Facility Summary Sheet Sketch: All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch (11"x17" reduced size plan sheets preferred). Dam Safety Regulations (WA State Dept of Ecology): Reservoir Volume above natural grade Depth of Reservoir above natural grade (ft) Live Storage Volume Live Storage Depth (ft) BOEING COMMERICAL AIRPLANES MITIGATION HANGAR PROJECT RENTON, WASHINGTON LAKE WASHINGTON N/A N/A X X 3.400 100% OTHER - MODULAR WETLANDS (2) WQ - 0.25 OWS - 0.88 X OUTFALL 004A - OWS 064 AND RTU-13, RTU-14 SEE APPENDIX H STRUCTURES RTU-13, RTU-14, AND ROWS-064 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 1 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location)Date ___________________ OVERVIEW:NPDES Permit No.___________________ Project Name Parcel No.____________________________ Project Location Retired Parcel No.____________________________ Downstream Drainage Basins:Project includes Landscape Management Plan?yes Major Basin Name ______________________________________________(include copy with TIR as Appendix)no Immediate Basin Name ______________________________________________ GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION: Leachable Metals Infiltration Impervious Surface Limit Type # of Type # of Type # of facilities Flow Control BMPs Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Basic Clearing Limit Vaults ______ Tanks ______ Vaults ______ Conservation Drainage Facility Tanks ______ Trenches _____ Tanks ______ Flood Problem Landscape Management Plan If no flow control facility, check one: Project qualifies for KCSWDM Exemption (KCSWDM 1.2.3): Basic Exemption (Applies to Commercial parcels only)Area % of Total Redevelopment projects Cost Exemption for Parcel Redevelopment projects Direct Discharge Exemption Other _____________________ Total impervious surface served by Project qualifies for 0.1 cfs Exception per KCSWDM 1.2.3 flow control facility(ies) (sq ft) Impervious surface served by flow KCSWDM Adjustment No. ___________________control facility(ies) designed 1990 or later (sq ft) approved KCSWDM Adjustment No. __________________ Impervious surface served by Shared Facility Name/Location: _________________________ pervious surface absorption (sq ft) No flow control required (other, provide justification): Impervious surface served by approved ____________________________________________________ water quality facility(ies) (sq ft) Flow Control Performance Std Declarations of Covenant Recording No. Water QualityDetention TREATMENT SUMMARY FOR TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES ----- Total Impervious Acreage (ac) No flow control required per approved Flow control provided in regional/shared facility per approved PROVIDE FACILITY DETAILS AND FACILITY SKETCH FOR EACH FACILITY ON REVERSE. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED FOR ADDITIONAL FACILITIES Impervious Surface Exemption for Transportation Total Acreage (ac) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON XLAKE WASHINGTON 2 X 2.477 2.477 N/A N/A N/A 2.477 100% 100% OUTFALL 004 - OWS 065 AND RTU-15 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 2 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location) Project Name Downstream Drainage Basins: Major Basin Name _______________________________ Project Location Immediate Basin Name ___________________________ FLOW CONTROL FACILITY:Basin: Facility Name/Number _______________________________________ New Facility Project Impervious Facility Location ____________________________________________ Existing Facility Acres Served ________ UIC? □ yes □ no UIC Site ID:% of Total Project Impervious cu.ft.Volume Factor Acres Served ________ _____________ ac.ft.____________of Safety _______No. of Lots Served ________ Control Structure location: _______________________________________________ Type of Control Structure:No. of Orifices/Restrictions __________ Riser in vault Size of Orifice/Restriction (in.) No.1 ______ cu.ft. Riser in Type II CB (numbered starting with lowest No.2 ______ ac.ft. Weir in Type II CB orifice): No.3 ______ (inches in decimal format)No.4 ______ WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Design Information Indicate no. of water quality facilities/BMPs for each type:Water Quality design flow (cfs) _______Flow dispersion Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter) (cu.ft.) _______Filter strip Water Quality storage volume (wetpool) (cu.ft.) _______Biofiltration swale regular, wet or Landscape management plan Farm management plan continuous inflow _______Wetvault combined w/detention ______High flow bypass structure (e.g., flow-splitter catch basin) _______Wetpond basic large combined w/detention ______Oil/water separator baffle coalescing plate _______Pre-settling pond ______Storm filter _______Stormwater wetland ______Pre-settling structure (Manufacturer:______________________) _______Sand filter basic large Sand bed depth ______Catch basin inserts (Manufacturer:________________________) regular linear vault (inches)______________Source controls _________________________________________ ● Is facility lined? yes no If so, what marker is used above liner?_____________________________________________________ Facility Summary Sheet Sketch: All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch (11"x17" reduced size plan sheets preferred). Dam Safety Regulations (WA State Dept of Ecology): Reservoir Volume above natural grade Depth of Reservoir above natural grade (ft) Live Storage Volume Live Storage Depth (ft) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON LAKE WASHINGTON N/A N/A X SAFE DRAIN USA SEE APPENDIX H STRUCTURES RTU-15 AND ROWS-065 OUTFALL 004 - OWS 065 AND RTU-15 X X 3.400 100% OTHER - MODULAR WETLAND WQ - 0.183 OWS - 0.647 X 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 1 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location)Date ___________________ OVERVIEW:NPDES Permit No.___________________ Project Name Parcel No.____________________________ Project Location Retired Parcel No.____________________________ Downstream Drainage Basins:Project includes Landscape Management Plan?yes Major Basin Name ______________________________________________(include copy with TIR as Appendix)no Immediate Basin Name ______________________________________________ GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION: Leachable Metals Infiltration Impervious Surface Limit Type # of Type # of Type # of facilities Flow Control BMPs Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Ponds ______ Basic Clearing Limit Vaults ______ Tanks ______ Vaults ______ Conservation Drainage Facility Tanks ______ Trenches _____ Tanks ______ Flood Problem Landscape Management Plan If no flow control facility, check one: Project qualifies for KCSWDM Exemption (KCSWDM 1.2.3): Basic Exemption (Applies to Commercial parcels only)Area % of Total Redevelopment projects Cost Exemption for Parcel Redevelopment projects Direct Discharge Exemption Other _____________________ Total impervious surface served by Project qualifies for 0.1 cfs Exception per KCSWDM 1.2.3 flow control facility(ies) (sq ft) Impervious surface served by flow KCSWDM Adjustment No. ___________________control facility(ies) designed 1990 or later (sq ft) approved KCSWDM Adjustment No. __________________ Impervious surface served by Shared Facility Name/Location: _________________________ pervious surface absorption (sq ft) No flow control required (other, provide justification): Impervious surface served by approved ____________________________________________________ water quality facility(ies) (sq ft) Flow Control Performance Std Declarations of Covenant Recording No. Water QualityDetention TREATMENT SUMMARY FOR TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES ----- Total Impervious Acreage (ac) No flow control required per approved Flow control provided in regional/shared facility per approved PROVIDE FACILITY DETAILS AND FACILITY SKETCH FOR EACH FACILITY ON REVERSE. USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED FOR ADDITIONAL FACILITIES Impervious Surface Exemption for Transportation Total Acreage (ac) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON XLAKE WASHINGTON 2 X 2.444 2.444 N/A N/A N/A 2.444 100% 100% OUTFALL 002A - OWS 066 AND RTU-16 2016 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, REFERENCE D 4/24/2016 Page 2 STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET DPER Permit No.___________________ (provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per Natural Discharge Location) Project Name Downstream Drainage Basins: Major Basin Name _______________________________ Project Location Immediate Basin Name ___________________________ FLOW CONTROL FACILITY:Basin: Facility Name/Number _______________________________________ New Facility Project Impervious Facility Location ____________________________________________ Existing Facility Acres Served ________ UIC? □ yes □ no UIC Site ID:% of Total Project Impervious cu.ft.Volume Factor Acres Served ________ _____________ ac.ft.____________of Safety _______No. of Lots Served ________ Control Structure location: _______________________________________________ Type of Control Structure:No. of Orifices/Restrictions __________ Riser in vault Size of Orifice/Restriction (in.) No.1 ______ cu.ft. Riser in Type II CB (numbered starting with lowest No.2 ______ ac.ft. Weir in Type II CB orifice): No.3 ______ (inches in decimal format)No.4 ______ WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Design Information Indicate no. of water quality facilities/BMPs for each type:Water Quality design flow (cfs) _______Flow dispersion Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter) (cu.ft.) _______Filter strip Water Quality storage volume (wetpool) (cu.ft.) _______Biofiltration swale regular, wet or Landscape management plan Farm management plan continuous inflow _______Wetvault combined w/detention ______High flow bypass structure (e.g., flow-splitter catch basin) _______Wetpond basic large combined w/detention ______Oil/water separator baffle coalescing plate _______Pre-settling pond ______Storm filter _______Stormwater wetland ______Pre-settling structure (Manufacturer:______________________) _______Sand filter basic large Sand bed depth ______Catch basin inserts (Manufacturer:________________________) regular linear vault (inches)______________Source controls _________________________________________ ● Is facility lined? yes no If so, what marker is used above liner?_____________________________________________________ Facility Summary Sheet Sketch: All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch (11"x17" reduced size plan sheets preferred). Dam Safety Regulations (WA State Dept of Ecology): Reservoir Volume above natural grade Depth of Reservoir above natural grade (ft) Live Storage Volume Live Storage Depth (ft) APRON R INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON, WASHINGTON LAKE WASHINGTON N/A N/A X SAFE DRAIN USA SEE APPENDIX H STRUCTURES RTU-16 AND ROWS-066 OUTFALL 002A - OWS 066 AND RTU-16 X X 2.44 100% OTHER - MODULAR WETLAND WQ - 0.181 OWS - 0.643 X Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Renton, Washington Appendix H Maintenance and Inspection Guidelines Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:23 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3P.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C59C500-3P STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 4 RENTON SITE R-401376 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:23 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3Q.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C60C500-3Q STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 5 RENTON SITE R-401377 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:23 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3R.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C61C500-3R STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 6 RENTON SITE R-401378 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:23 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3S.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C62C500-3S STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 7 RENTON SITE R-401379 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:24 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3T.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C63C500-3T STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 8 RENTON SITE R-401380 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:24 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3U.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C64C500-3U STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 9 RENTON SITE R-401381 Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:24 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3V.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C65C500-3V STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 10 RENTON SITE R-401382 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:24 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3W.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C66C500-3W STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 11 RENTON SITE R-401383 SCALE: NTS Last Saved by: Joni.lund on: Sep 26, 2018 3:25 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Dwgs\08_4-Apron-R-C500-3X.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 STEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN G T ON31271R EGISTER E DPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208CIVIL PERMIT C67C500-3X STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS - SHEET 12 RENTON SITE R-401384 www.modularwetlands.com Maintenance Guidelines for Modular Wetland System - Linear Maintenance Summary o Remove Trash from Screening Device – average maintenance interval is 6 to 12 months.  (5 minute average service time). o Remove Sediment from Separation Chamber – average maintenance interval is 12 to 24 months.  (10 minute average service time). o Replace Cartridge Filter Media – average maintenance interval 12 to 24 months.  (10-15 minute per cartridge average service time). o Replace Drain Down Filter Media – average maintenance interval is 12 to 24 months.  (5 minute average service time). o Trim Vegetation – average maintenance interval is 6 to 12 months.  (Service time varies). System Diagram Access to screening device, separation chamber and cartridge filter Access to drain down filter Pre-Treatment Chamber Biofiltration Chamber Discharge Chamber Outflow Pipe Inflow Pipe (optional) www.modularwetlands.com Maintenance Procedures Screening Device 1. Remove grate or manhole cover to gain access to the screening device in the Pre-Treatment Chamber. Vault type units do not have screening device. Maintenance can be performed without entry. 2. Remove all pollutants collected by the screening device. Removal can be done manually or with the use of a vacuum truck. The hose of the vacuum truck will not damage the screening device. 3. Screening device can easily be removed from the Pre-Treatment Chamber to gain access to separation chamber and media filters below. Replace grate or manhole cover when completed. Separation Chamber 1. Perform maintenance procedures of screening device listed above before maintaining the separation chamber. 2. With a pressure washer spray down pollutants accumulated on walls and cartridge filters. 3. Vacuum out Separation Chamber and remove all accumulated pollutants. Replace screening device, grate or manhole cover when completed. Cartridge Filters 1. Perform maintenance procedures on screening device and separation chamber before maintaining cartridge filters. 2. Enter separation chamber. 3. Unscrew the two bolts holding the lid on each cartridge filter and remove lid. 4. Remove each of 4 to 8 media cages holding the media in place. 5. Spray down the cartridge filter to remove any accumulated pollutants. 6. Vacuum out old media and accumulated pollutants. 7. Reinstall media cages and fill with new media from manufacturer or outside supplier. Manufacturer will provide specification of media and sources to purchase. 8. Replace the lid and tighten down bolts. Replace screening device, grate or manhole cover when completed. Drain Down Filter 1. Remove hatch or manhole cover over discharge chamber and enter chamber. 2. Unlock and lift drain down filter housing and remove old media block. Replace with new media block. Lower drain down filter housing and lock into place. 3. Exit chamber and replace hatch or manhole cover. www.modularwetlands.com Maintenance Notes 1. Following maintenance and/or inspection, it is recommended the maintenance operator prepare a maintenance/inspection record. The record should include any maintenance activities performed, amount and description of debris collected, and condition of the system and its various filter mechanisms. 2. The owner should keep maintenance/inspection record(s) for a minimum of five years from the date of maintenance. These records should be made available to the governing municipality for inspection upon request at any time. 3. Transport all debris, trash, organics and sediments to approved facility for disposal in accordance with local and state requirements. 4. Entry into chambers may require confined space training based on state and local regulations. 5. No fertilizer shall be used in the Biofiltration Chamber. 6. Irrigation should be provided as recommended by manufacturer and/or landscape architect. Amount of irrigation required is dependent on plant species. Some plants may require irrigation. www.modularwetlands.com Maintenance Procedure Illustration Screening Device The screening device is located directly under the manhole or grate over the Pre-Treatment Chamber. It’s mounted directly underneath for easy access and cleaning. Device can be cleaned by hand or with a vacuum truck. Separation Chamber The separation chamber is located directly beneath the screening device. It can be quickly cleaned using a vacuum truck or by hand. A pressure washer is useful to assist in the cleaning process. www.modularwetlands.com Cartridge Filters The cartridge filters are located in the Pre-Treatment chamber connected to the wall adjacent to the biofiltration chamber. The cartridges have removable tops to access the individual media filters. Once the cartridge is open media can be easily removed and replaced by hand or a vacuum truck. Drain Down Filter The drain down filter is located in the Discharge Chamber. The drain filter unlocks from the wall mount and hinges up. Remove filter block and replace with new block. www.modularwetlands.com Trim Vegetation Vegetation should be maintained in the same manner as surrounding vegetation and trimmed as needed. No fertilizer shall be used on the plants. Irrigation per the recommendation of the manufacturer and or landscape architect. Different types of vegetation requires different amounts of irrigation. www.modularwetlands.com Inspection Form Modular Wetland System, Inc. P. 760.433-7640 F. 760-433-3176 E. Info@modularwetlands.com For Office Use Only (city) (Zip Code)(Reviewed By) Owner / Management Company (Date) Contact Phone ( )_ Inspector Name Date / / Time AM / PM Weather Condition Additional Notes Yes Depth: Yes No Modular Wetland System Type (Curb, Grate or UG Vault):Size (22', 14' or etc.): Other Inspection Items: Storm Event in Last 72-hours? No Yes Type of Inspection Routine Follow Up Complaint Storm Office personnel to complete section to the left. 2972 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, CA 92058 P (760) 433-7640 F (760) 433-3176 Inspection Report Modular Wetlands System Is the filter insert (if applicable) at capacity and/or is there an accumulation of debris/trash on the shelf system? Does the cartridge filter media need replacement in pre-treatment chamber and/or discharge chamber? Any signs of improper functioning in the discharge chamber? Note issues in comments section. Chamber: Is the inlet/outlet pipe or drain down pipe damaged or otherwise not functioning properly? Structural Integrity: Working Condition: Is there evidence of illicit discharge or excessive oil, grease, or other automobile fluids entering and clogging theunit? Is there standing water in inappropriate areas after a dry period? Damage to pre-treatment access cover (manhole cover/grate) or cannot be opened using normal lifting pressure? Damage to discharge chamber access cover (manhole cover/grate) or cannot be opened using normal lifting pressure? Does the MWS unit show signs of structural deterioration (cracks in the wall, damage to frame)? Project Name Project Address Inspection Checklist CommentsNo Does the depth of sediment/trash/debris suggest a blockage of the inflow pipe, bypass or cartridge filter? If yes, specify which one in the comments section. Note depth of accumulation in in pre-treatment chamber. Is there a septic or foul odor coming from inside the system? Is there an accumulation of sediment/trash/debris in the wetland media (if applicable)? Is it evident that the plants are alive and healthy (if applicable)? Please note Plant Information below. Sediment / Silt / Clay Trash / Bags / Bottles Green Waste / Leaves / Foliage Waste:Plant Information No Cleaning Needed Recommended Maintenance Additional Notes: Damage to Plants Plant Replacement Plant Trimming Schedule Maintenance as Planned Needs Immediate Maintenance www.modularwetlands.com Maintenance Report Modular Wetland System, Inc. P. 760.433-7640 F. 760-433-3176 E. Info@modularwetlands.com For Office Use Only (city) (Zip Code)(Reviewed By) Owner / Management Company (Date) Contact Phone ( )_ Inspector Name Date / / Time AM / PM Weather Condition Additional Notes Site Map # Comments: 2972 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, CA 92058 P. 760.433.7640 F. 760.433.3176 Inlet and Outlet Pipe Condition Drain Down Pipe Condition Discharge Chamber Condition Drain Down Media Condition Plant Condition Media Filter Condition Long: MWS Sedimentation Basin Total Debris Accumulation Condition of Media 25/50/75/100 (will be changed @ 75%) Operational Per Manufactures' Specifications (If not, why?) Lat:MWS Catch Basins GPS Coordinates of Insert Manufacturer / Description / Sizing Trash Accumulation Foliage Accumulation Sediment Accumulation Type of Inspection Routine Follow Up Complaint Storm Storm Event in Last 72-hours? No Yes Office personnel to complete section to the left. Project Address Project Name Cleaning and Maintenance Report Modular Wetlands System Technical Information Report Renton Site Logistics Renton, Washington Appendix I Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) Construction Stormwater General Permit Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Prepared for: The Washington State Department of Ecology Northwest Regional Office Permittee / Owner Developer Operator / Contractor The Boeing Company Unknown Unknown Project Site Location The Boeing Company 800 N. 6th Street Renton, WA 98055 Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Name Organization Contact Phone Number Unknown Unknown Unknown SWPPP Prepared By Name Organization Contact Phone Number Jourden Makinen, E.I.T. BergerABAM (206) 431-2351 Brook Emry, P.E. BergerABAM (206) 431-2351 SWPPP Preparation Date October 1, 2018 Project Construction Dates Activity / Phase Start Date End Date Apron R Construction January 2019 December 2021 P a g e | 1 Table of Contents 1 Project Information .............................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Existing Conditions ...................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Proposed Construction Activities .................................................................................. 8 2 Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) ........................................... 8 2.1 The 13 Elements .......................................................................................................... 9 2.1.1 Element 1: Preserve Vegetation / Mark Clearing Limits ........................................ 9 2.1.2 Element 2: Establish Construction Access ............................................................ 9 2.1.3 Element 3: Control Flow Rates ............................................................................10 2.1.4 Element 4: Install Sediment Controls ...................................................................10 2.1.5 Element 5: Stabilize Soils ....................................................................................11 2.1.6 Element 6: Protect Slopes....................................................................................11 2.1.7 Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets ............................................................................12 2.1.8 Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets ..........................................................12 2.1.9 Element 9: Control Pollutants ...............................................................................12 2.1.10 Element 10: Control Dewatering ..........................................................................15 2.1.11 Element 11: Maintain BMPs .................................................................................16 2.1.12 Element 12: Manage the Project ..........................................................................16 2.1.13 Element 13: Protect Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs .................................18 3 Pollution Prevention Team .................................................................................................19 4 Monitoring and Sampling Requirements ............................................................................20 4.1 Site Inspection ............................................................................................................20 4.2 Stormwater Quality Sampling ......................................................................................20 4.2.1 Turbidity Sampling ...............................................................................................20 4.2.2 pH Sampling ........................................................................................................22 5 Discharges to 303(d) or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waterbodies .........................23 5.1 303(d) Listed Waterbodies ..........................................................................................23 5.2 TMDL Waterbodies .....................................................................................................23 6 Reporting and Record Keeping ..........................................................................................24 6.1 Record Keeping ..........................................................................................................24 6.1.1 Site Log Book ......................................................................................................24 6.1.2 Records Retention ...............................................................................................24 6.1.3 Updating the SWPPP ...........................................................................................24 6.2 Reporting ....................................................................................................................25 6.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports ..............................................................................25 6.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance ..............................................................................25 P a g e | 2 List of Tables Table 1 – Summary of Site Pollutant Constituents ..................................................................... 7 Table 2 – Pollutants ..................................................................................................................12 Table 3 – pH-Modifying Sources ...............................................................................................14 Table 4 – Dewatering BMPs ......................................................................................................15 Table 5 – Management .............................................................................................................17 Table 6 – Team Information ......................................................................................................19 Table 7 – Turbidity Sampling Method ........................................................................................21 Table 8 – pH Sampling Method .................................................................................................22 List of Appendices Appendix/Glossary A. Site Map B. BMP Detail C. Correspondence D. Site Inspection Form E. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) F. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) G. 303(d) List Waterbodies / TMDL Waterbodies Information H. Contaminated Site Information I. Infiltration Locations J. Engineering Calculations P a g e | 3 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym / Abbreviation Explanation 303(d) Section of the Clean Water Act pertaining to Impaired Waterbodies BFO Bellingham Field Office of the Department of Ecology BMP(s) Best Management Practice(s) CESCL Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead CO2 Carbon Dioxide CRO Central Regional Office of the Department of Ecology CSWGP Construction Stormwater General Permit CWA Clean Water Act DMR Discharge Monitoring Report DO Dissolved Oxygen Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ERO Eastern Regional Office of the Department of Ecology ERTS Environmental Report Tracking System ESC Erosion and Sediment Control GULD General Use Level Designation NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units NWRO Northwest Regional Office of the Department of Ecology pH Power of Hydrogen RCW Revised Code of Washington SPCC Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure su Standard Units SWMMEW Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington SWMMWW Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TESC Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control SWRO Southwest Regional Office of the Department of Ecology TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load VFO Vancouver Field Office of the Department of Ecology WAC Washington Administrative Code WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation WWHM Western Washington Hydrology Model P a g e | 4 1 Project Information Project/Site Name: Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Street/Location: 800 N. 6th Street City: Renton State: WA Zip code: 98005 Subdivision: N/A Receiving waterbody: Lake Washington The proposed project is located at The Boeing Commercial Airplane 737 Airplane Production Renton Plant, which is on the southern shore of Lake Washington, within the city limits of the City of Renton, Washington. The facility is bordered by the Cedar River to the west and Logan Avenue to the east. The City of Renton Stadium is located directly south of the Boeing Renton Production Plant. The surrounding land use is predominantly commercial, industrial, and retail. The City of Renton Municipal Airport is adjacent to the project site on the western bank of the Cedar River. The Landing, a mixed-use development, a newly constructed hotel and parking garage, and an outdoor storage yard are located just east of the site. A site vicinity map is provided in Appendix A. The project site is located at the northern extent of the Boeing Renton Plant, directly adjacent to Lake Washington. Apron R is a large open-paved space used to provide a transportation corridor for aircraft, personnel, and material from the end of several key production lines to the Renton Municipal Airport via a bridge crossing the Cedar River. Apron R is also used to stage production materials and components and to provide a staging area for partially completed aircraft. Apron R is a key infrastructure component in the aircraft production and delivery line for the Renton Plant and must remain operational throughout construction. Assessment of the aging Apron R infrastructure along Lake Washington done in 2015 found deteriorating timber superstructures at the northwest corner of the site, a deteriorating sheet pile wall at the northeast corner of the site, undermining of an existing bulkhead, and widespread pavement failure due to differential settlement and subgrade material loss. The primary objective of this project is to prevent infrastructure failure at Apron R that could result in suspension of aircraft production. The replacement of pavement and subgrade improvements throughout this key production and transportation corridor creates an opportunity to replace and upgrade underground infrastructure, including stormwater collection and conveyance facilities. A secondary objective of the Apron R project will be to replace the drainage collection and conveyance system installed in the 1950s and 1960s with systems that meet current standards of care, including the capacity to convey large storm events, oil control facilities, and water quality treatment. Additionally, the existing outfalls will be consolidated to eliminate discharge points. The replacement outfalls will be extended beyond shallow water habitat and include spill containment and fish protection measures that were not considered at the time the original infrastructure was installed. Additional improvements planned as a part of this project will include the replacement of underground dedicated fire protection water mains and replacement of existing utility infrastructure that supports light manufacturing activities in aircraft staging areas. The Apron R project includes the elimination of pile-supported apron structures; sub-grade improvements to alleviate differential settlement; new walls to facilitate raising pavement elevations along the northern edge of the Apron; the placement of in-water rock protection, a P a g e | 5 planting bench, and shallow water habitat fill to eliminate the existing bulkhead wall; and the replacement of the existing pavement with new concrete pavement. The overwater pile supported ramps within Lake Washington will be removed, utility support systems will be replaced, and stormwater conveyance systems from the apron and adjacent production buildings and other drainage systems that flow to the north will be improved during this project. Stormwater improvements include the extension and/or relocation of existing outfalls in Lake Washington, installation of new catch basins and piping to eliminate nuisance flooding on the apron, and the installation of oil control and water quality treatment systems. The project has been divided into three areas as shown in the Area Overview below. Area 1 – Pile Supported Structure, Bulkhead and West Apron Improvements Area 2 – NE Corner Wall and East Apron Improvements Area 3 – Central Apron Improvements Figure 1. Area Overview 1.1 Existing Conditions Apron R is an opened paved area that serves as a major transport corridor for plane production and supports aircraft staging, light manufacturing activities, and materials staging. The site is bordered by Lake Washington to the north and Buildings 4-41, 4-20, 4-81, 4-82, and 4-83 to the south. From 1941 to 1962, the U. S. Air Force used the site to manufacture planes. Boeing acquired the property in 1962 and has used the existing Apron R area of the site in its inherited condition since that time, with only minor repairs and updates to the original infrastructure. The entire project site is impervious in its current condition, and its topography is relatively flat, with slopes generally ranging from less than 1 to no more than 5 percent. Site runoff from the project site generally sheet flows to the north and either directly or indirectly discharges to Lake Washington. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) owns and maintains a portion of the Lake Washington shoreline just north of the Apron R project site. This area was recently improved by invasive species removal, installation of native plantings, and shoreline softening P a g e | 6 as a mitigation site for impacts to Lake Washington resulting from improvements on the 520 Floating Bridge. Shoreline softening improvements made as a part of the 2014 mitigation project included the removal of a portion of the sheet pile flume that historically extended from the former Puget Sound Energy plant around the northeast corner of Apron R and into Lake Washington, as well as in-water fill to recreate a natural shoreline. Additionally, outfalls from the Boeing Renton Plant that extended across the DNR-owned land were extended beyond the shallow water habitat as a part of that project. A building improvement project, the Mitigation Hangar, is planned just south of the Area 3 and west of Building 4-81. The Mitigation Hangar project will be constructed under separate permit; however, provisions for permanent stormwater connections to this area are included in the design of the Apron R infrastructure improvements. Construction of the Apron R Area 3 improvements and adjacent improvements constructed under the Mitigation Hangar permit may occur concurrently. The majority of the Apron R project site lies within 200 feet of Lake Washington and is identified as Reach I within the City of Renton Shoreline Master Plan. The Boeing Commercial Airplane 737 Airplane Production Renton Plant operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. The industrial activities that occur at the project site require the Boeing Renton facilities to participate in a statewide Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP) and maintain a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) meeting the requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). There are ten outfalls to Lake Washington that will be affected either directly or indirectly by the project. The proposed project will alter or eliminate Basins 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 56, 57, and 58. The tributary areas for Basins 26 and 31 will be reduced as a result of the proposed improvements. Outfalls 016, 014, 012, 011, 010, 004A, and 002 will be replaced and relocated or eliminated by the proposed improvements. Revisions to the upstream conveyance system and associated tributary areas for Outfalls 021, 004, and 003 will be included as a part of the project improvements. Most stormwater runoff from the Renton Plant discharges to Lake Washington; therefore, the majority of these outfalls receive runoff from tributary areas south of the project site. Apron R is underlain by 4 to 10 feet of compacted structural fill over 10 to 20 feet of very soft organic and inorganic silt. The native silt is generally underlain by alluvial deposits consisting of loose- to medium-dense silty sand that extend to depths of greater than 100 feet. Because of its close proximity to Lake Washington, groundwater elevations within the project site follow the water level of the lake, which is controlled at the Ballard Locks by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The water level varies from approximately 3 feet below grade in the summer months to 5 feet below grade in the winter months. Contaminated soils were identified on the Boeing Renton Site in 1990. Ongoing soils testing has identified that contaminants in the project vicinity are below reportable levels. Soil and groundwater testing will be performed prior to disposal of site spoils or offsite discharge of groundwater from de-watering efforts. Existing utilities within the project limits include fire protection water mains and production support utilities that feed compressed air, potable water, power, and communications to aircraft staging areas to facilitate light manufacturing activities. Existing lighting for the Apron is P a g e | 7 provided by building mount fixtures on the structures along the southern extent of the project site. Total acreage (including support activities such as off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas). Surface Cover Existing Condition Developed Condition Project Site Area 12.915 acres (562,578 sf) Pervious (Landscape) 0.426 acres (18,557 sf) 0.60 acres (26,120sf) Impervious (Pavement, buildings, water, etc.) 12.489 acres (544,010 sf) 12.315 acres (536,458 sf) New Impervious Area 0 acres (0 sf) Total New Pollution-Generating Impervious 0.076 acres (3,317 sf) Removed Pollution-Generating Impervious 0.115acres (5,005 sf) Total Replaced Impervious Area 12.239 acres (533,141 sf) Total Replaced Pollution-Generating Impervious 12.366 acres (538,645 sf) Drainage patterns: Direct Discharge to Lake Washington via existing outfalls and direct sheet flow. Existing Vegetation: Minimal to none on the the project site. The Department of Natural Resource (DNR) land, located between the project site and Lake Washington, is fully vegetated with grass, shrubs, and trees. Critcal Areas: (wetland, streams, high erosion risk, steep slopes) Lake Washington and adjacent vegetated DNR property. List of known impairments for 303(d) listed or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the receiving waterbody: Bacteria Table 1 includes a list of suspected and/or known contaminants associated with the construction activity. Table 1 – Summary of Site Pollutant Constituents Constituent (Pollutant) Location Depth Concentration (ug/L) Bacteria Lake Washington N/A N/A P a g e | 8 1.2 Proposed Construction Activities The proposed improvements will focused on replacing outdated and deteriorating infrastructure including walls, pavement, storm drainage facilities, and utilities. The improvements will completed in several different phases in order to keep the manufacturing facility operational throughout the project. Topography at the project site will be altered to prevent uncontrolled sheetflow into the lake, direct runoff into the new stormwater treatment systems before discharging into the lake, and prevent localized flooding. Surface cover will be essentially unchanged by the proposed improvements. These changes will result in a fill section of nearly 2 feet along the northern boundary of the Apron. To construct the improvements a variety of construction activities will occur including trenching, dewatering, placing fill, constructing subgrade improvements, and placing temporary and permanent pavement. Demolition will also take place with the removal of all pile supported structure, existing pavement, and certain existing utilities. In-water improvements will include structure removal and repair, stormwater outfall reconfiguration, and new habitat construction. In-water structure removal will be limited to the removal of pile-supported boat ramps along the concrete bulkhead just north of the 4-20 Building. Within the northwest corner of the site, the pile-supported portion of the Apron will be isolated from Lake Washington with a new temporary sheet pile containment wall. The deteriorating structure will be removed, and a new mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) fill section and pavement will be installed, behind the containment wall. At the face of the containment wall, a habitat bench will be constructed to continue the softened shoreline. Once the habitat bench has been completed, the temporary wall will be cut below grade or removed. This temporary containment wall and habitat bench will be extended along the face of the existing bulkhead. Historically, manufacturing equipment has been delivered to the Renton plant via barge and unloaded onto Apron R at the eastern end on the existing bulkhead. To preserve this essential function, in-water fill at this location will be limited to riprap protection. Two outfalls along the bulkhead will be extended beyond the softened shoreline and improved shallow water habitat. A third outfall just east of the bulkhead will be extended beyond the shallow water habitat as a part of this project. Within the northeast corner of the site, a new structural wall will be constructed behind the existing sheet pile wall. The existing outfall in the northeast corner will be reconfigured to direct stormwater runoff away from the DNR mitigation site. The project includes the replacement of underground dedicated fire-protection water mains and replacement of existing utility infrastructure that supports light manufacturing activities in aircraft staging areas. The project will repave the entire apron within all three areas to address pavement deterioration and eliminate transitions and differential settlements. The repaving will include demolition and replacement of all existing pavement within the project site. Base layers will be supplemented where voids are present. There will be a small amount of permanent pavement removal at the existing central boat ramp and at the western edge of the DNR property. Replaced pavement will be sloped to provide positive stormwater drainage and direct all runoff towards the newly installed treatment systems. New paved surface will be limited to a small sliver of area at the P a g e | 9 northwest corner of the project site, which will be created as a part of the pile-supported structure replacement. 2 Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) All BMP numbers listed below correspond to the Department of Ecology’s 2014 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and shall be installed, maintained, and removed in accordance with said manual. TESC Plans showing proposed BMP locations are included in Appendix A. The SWPPP is a living document reflecting current conditions and changes throughout the life of the project. These changes may be informal (i.e., hand-written notes and deletions). Update the SWPPP when the CESCL has noted a deficiency in BMPs or deviation from original design. 2.1 The 13 Elements 2.1.1 Element 1: Preserve Vegetation / Mark Clearing Limits To protect adjacent buildings, pavement areas, and vegetated areas, site work limits will be coordinated with Boeing Site Services and Construction Management. Construction fencing will be installed to clearly designate the construction and laydown area, and shall be installed prior to the start of construction work. Clear construction limits will be critical because of the different phases required to complete the project. Boeing manufacturing work and construction will be occurring at the same time in the project site at close proximity. BMPs implemented to control and mark work areas will be coordinated with Boeing Construction Management and Site Services prior to implementation. Sediment Fence may also be used to mark the construction limits if in accordance with BMP C103 requirements. Natural vegetation existing between the construction site and Lake Washington will be preserved to lower the risk of direct discharges of contaminants/sediments to Lake Washington. The BMPs relevant to marking the work limits that will be applied for this project include: · Construction Fencing/Barricades (as coordinated and approved by Boeing) · High Visibility Fence (BMP C103) · Preserving Natural Vegetation (BMP C101) · Sediment Fence (BMP C233) 2.1.2 Element 2: Establish Construction Access The project site is nearly completely paved, and construction access will be via existing paved drive aisles and interior roadways. Construction access, main haul routes, and the airplane tow path will need to be maintained throughout construction and all phases of work. A construction traffic plan will be prepared by the contractor to coordinate construction access with Boeing Construction Management and Site Services. Within each project task designated work area, existing drive aisles will be used for construction access, and designated areas within the project site will be used for construction staging and soil stockpile. Proposed staging/stockpile areas will be marked on the TESC plans by the contractor (see Appendix A and Section 2.1.4). A construction staging area North of the 4-41 building will be used throughout the entirety of the P a g e | 10 project (see Appendix A for staging area location). Excavation work includes pavement demolition, existing pile supported structure demolition, structural earth wall and subgrade improvement, utilities construction/trenching and utilities structures installation. Sweeping and cleaning will be done to prevent sediment from entering area storm structures and State receiving waters (Lake Washington). All wash wastewater will be controlled on the site, and area catch basins protected from such wash wastewater. The specific BMPs related to establishing construction access that will be used include: · Stabilized Construction Entrance (Existing paved drives) · Wheel Wash (BMP C106) · Rumble Strip (BMP C105) 2.1.3 Element 3: Control Flow Rates In order to protect properties and waterways downstream of the project construction site, stormwater discharge from the site will be controlled to match the existing condition. Stormwater run-off from the project site either sheet flows into Lake Washington or is collected via catch basins and is discharged via a closed conveyance system directly into Lake Washington, which is flow control exempt receiving water. Flow rate and discharge locations will match current conditions. No permanent stormwater retention or detention ponds will be constructed. No increase in impervious areas that will alter site hydrology is anticipated during or after the construction of the proposed improvements that will create flooding or erosion concerns at the project site’s outfall locations. Catch basins within the project site shall be protected from sediment as indicated in Section 2.1.4 below. If the existing system is deemed to be ineffective during construction to satisfy the requirements set forth in the General NPDES Permit (see Appendix F) for controlling flows, the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) will promptly initiate the implementation of one or more alternative BMPs, including: · Flow Control BMP (i.e., Baker Tanks) · Infiltration Injection (see Section 2.1.10) 2.1.4 Element 4: Install Sediment Controls All stormwater runoff from disturbed areas will pass through an appropriate sediment removal BMP before leaving the construction site area. During construction, the amount of disturbed area will be limited to prevent sedimentation. The phasing of the project will allow for the use of temporary and permanent pavement to keep exposed surface area limited to the work area only. Proposed soil stockpile areas will be located on existing asphalt pavement or where space is available. All soil stockpiles will be coordinated with Boeing Construction Management and Site Services before implementation. The locations of soil stockpiles shall be marked on the TESC plans located in Appendix A. Plastic sheeting will be laid under the soil stockpiles, and triangular silt dikes (geotextile encased check dams) secured to the pavement will be installed for sedimentation and erosion control. The specific BMPs to be used for controlling sediment include: · Straw Wattles/ Compost Socks (BMP C235) · Triangular Silt Dike (Geotextile Encased Check Dam) (BMP C208) P a g e | 11 · Diversion Dike (BMP C200) · Plastic Cover (BMP C123) · Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220) · Portable Water Storage Tanks (e.g., Baker Tank for sedimentation prior to release to King County sanitary sewer system if construction dewatering is routed to the sanitary sewer system) · Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment, Chitosan Filtration System · Infiltration Injection (see Section 2.1.10) 2.1.5 Element 5: Stabilize Soils Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with the application of effective BMPs to prevent erosion throughout construction. The specific BMPs for soil stabilization that will be used include: · Dust Control (BMP C140) · Plastic Covering (BMP C123) · Surface Roughening (BMP C130) · (See also Section 2.1.4 above) The project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest. As such, no soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 7 days during the dry season and not more than 2 days during the wet season (see table below). Regardless of the time of year, all soils will be stabilized at the end of the shift and before a holiday or weekend if needed based on weather forecast. In general, cut and fill slopes will be stabilized as soon as possible and the soil stockpile area will be covered with plastic sheeting. All stockpiled soils shall be stabilized from erosion, protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest Season Dates Number of Days Soils Can be Left Exposed During the Dry Season May 1 – September 30 7 days During the Wet Season October 1 – April 30 2 days Soils must be stabilized at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. 2.1.6 Element 6: Protect Slopes All cut and fill slopes will be designed, constructed, and protected in a manner that minimizes erosion. The following specific BMPs will be used to protect slopes at wall and trench excavations if required: · Plastic Cover (BMP C123) P a g e | 12 · Nets and Blankets (BMP C122) · Surface Roughening (BMP C130) 2.1.7 Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets All adjacent existing and newly constructed storm drain inlets, trench drains, slot drains, and catch basins operable during construction shall be protected to prevent unfiltered or untreated water from entering the stormwater conveyance system(s). The first priority is to keep all construction areas clean of sediment, and keep pavement wash waste water from entering storm drains until treatment can be provided. The following inlet protection measures will be applied: · Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220) 2.1.8 Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets Where site runoff is to be conveyed in channels, or discharged to a stream or some other natural drainage point, efforts will be taken to prevent downstream erosion. The specific BMPs for channel and outlet stabilization that shall be used on this project include: · No BMPs anticipated to be implemented. This construction project is located on a nearly fully paved site. Drainage will discharge to the downstream receiving water (Lake Washington) via a manmade closed conveyance system. Drainage will, as in the existing condition, be directed to the Apron R conveyance systems, which will be protected from sediment as specified in Section 2.1.7 above. See also Section 2.1.3 above addressing control of flows from the construction site. Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches, will be installed at the outlets of all conveyance systems. 2.1.9 Element 9: Control Pollutants Contaminated soils were identified on the Boeing Renton Site in 1990. There are soil monitoring locations and areas of potential contaminated soils within the project limits (see Appendix H). Previous data shows constituent pollutants in the groundwater and soils contained within the project site at below reportable levels. However, if groundwater or soil pollutants are detected at reportable levels through the course of construction it is the responsibility of the CESCL to promptly initiate the implementation of specific BMPs to treat the pollutants. There will also be several pollutants of concern arising from general construction activities. The following pollutants are anticipated to be present on-site: Table 2 – Pollutants Pollutant (List pollutants and source, if applicable) Vehicles, Equipment, Petroleum Storage and Dispensing Chemicals and Chemical Storage Dewatering Waste P a g e | 13 Demolition Materials and Waste Concrete and Grout Sanitary Wastewater Contaminated Soils Solid Waste All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris occurring on the construction site, will be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. Good housekeeping and preventative measures will be taken to ensure that the site will be kept clean, well-organized, and free of debris. If required, BMPs to be implemented to control specific sources of pollutants are discussed below, and will be coordinated by the CESCL with Boeing Construction Management, Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) and Site Services prior to implementation. Vehicles, construction equipment, and/or petroleum product storage/dispensing: · All vehicles, equipment, and petroleum product storage/dispensing areas will be inspected regularly to detect any leaks or spills, and to identify maintenance needs to prevent leaks or spills. · On-site fueling tanks and petroleum product storage containers shall include secondary containment. · Spill prevention measures, such as drip pans, will be used when conducting maintenance and repair of vehicles or equipment. · In order to perform emergency repairs on site, temporary plastic will be placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. · Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Chemical storage: · Any chemicals stored in the construction areas will conform to the appropriate source control BMPs listed in Volume IV of the Ecology stormwater manual. In Western WA, all chemicals shall have cover, containment, and protection provided on site, per BMP C153 for Material Delivery, Storage and Containment. · Application of agricultural chemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides, shall be conducted in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Manufacturers’ recommendations for application procedures and rates shall be followed. Excavation and tunneling spoils dewatering waste: · Dewatering BMPs and BMPs specific to the excavation (including handling of contaminated groundwater) are discussed under Element 10. Demolition: · Dust released from any demolition work will be controlled using Dust Control measures (BMP C140). P a g e | 14 · Storm drain inlets vulnerable to stormwater discharge carrying dust, soil, or debris will be protected using Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220 as described above for Element 7). · Process water and slurry resulting from sawcutting and surfacing operations will be prevented from entering the waters of the State by implementing Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention measures (BMP C152). Concrete and grout: · Process water and slurry resulting from concrete work will be prevented from entering the waters of the State by implementing Concrete Handling measures (BMP C151). Sanitary wastewater: · Portable sanitation facilities will be firmly secured, regularly maintained, and emptied when necessary. · Wheel wash wastewater will be discharged to a separate on-site treatment system or to the sanitary sewer as part of Wheel Wash implementation (BMP C106). Solid Waste: · Solid waste will be stored in secure, clearly marked containers. Other: · Other BMPs will be administered as necessary to address any additional pollutant sources on site Table 3 – pH-Modifying Sources None Bulk cement Cement kiln dust Fly ash Other cementitious materials New concrete washing or curing waters Waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing Exposed aggregate processes Dewatering concrete vaults Concrete pumping and mixer washout waters Recycled concrete Recycled concrete stockpiles Other (i.e., calcium lignosulfate) [please describe: ] P a g e | 15 Concrete trucks must not be washed out onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Excess concrete must not be dumped on-site, except in designated concrete washout areas with appropriate BMPs installed. 2.1.10 Element 10: Control Dewatering A dewatering plan will be prepared for each of the three project areas (see Figure 1 in Section 1), and will be included in Appendix A. Groundwater testing protocol shall be coordinated prior to beginning any excavation work with Boeing Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS). Dewatering drainage will be discharged via several different methods. Proposed infiltration injection sites, as indicated in Appendix I, will allow dewatering drainage to be discharged directly back into the ground via infiltration. In locations where infiltration injection is not possible, water from dewatering activities may be discharged to the onsite private storm sewer system, once treated through a chitosan filtration system (see Appendix H). However if water from excavations is determined to be contaminated above acceptable levels to release to the onsite private storm sewer system, this water will be pumped to portable tanks (e.g., Baker Tanks) for sediment settling and appropriate treatment before being discharged to the King County sanitary sewer system or discharged directly to Lake Washington. If one of these methods is not sufficient, the contractor may truck the contaminated dewatering drainage to an approved off-site facility for treatment. The off-site facility and transport methods shall be coordinated prior to beginning any trucking of contaminated water with Boeing Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS), and City of Renton officials. All dewatering drainage must meet the standard water quality requirements (as seen in Section 4.2 of this plan) before discharged into Lake Washington. An Industrial Waste Program Construction Dewater Form application will be completed and submitted to EHS for their review and submittal to King County for approval prior to any discharge to King County’s sanitary sewer system. A copy of the approved Construction Dewater Permit will be posted prior to any excavation/dewatering work at the construction site. The BMPs to be used for pollutant removal and turbidity reduction prior to release to the private storm sewer system, and sediment trapping and turbidity reduction prior to release to the King County sanitary sewer system include the following: · Portable Tanks (e.g., Baker Tanks) (BMP C 240) · Concrete Handling (BMP C151) · Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment, Chitosan Filtration System · Infiltration Injection (see Appendix I for locations and Appendix B for details) · Truck Off-Site to Approved Disposal Facility Table 4 – Dewatering BMPs Infiltration Transport off-site in a vehicle (vacuum truck for legal disposal) Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval (last resort) Use of sedimentation bag with discharge to ditch or swale (small volumes of localized dewatering) P a g e | 16 2.1.11 Element 11: Maintain BMPs All temporary and permanent Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to ensure continued performance of their intended function. Maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP specification (see Volume II of the SWMMWW or Chapter 7 of the SWMMEW). Visual monitoring of all BMPs installed at the site will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any stormwater or non-stormwater discharge from the site. If the site becomes inactive and is temporarily stabilized, the inspection frequency may be reduced to once every calendar month. All temporary ESC BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be stabilized on-site or removed. Disturbed soil resulting from removal of either BMPs or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. Additionally, protection must be provided for all BMPs installed for the permanent control of stormwater from sediment and compaction. BMPs that are to remain in place following completion of construction shall be examined and restored to full operating condition. If sediment enters these BMPs during construction, the sediment shall be removed and the facility shall be returned to conditions specified in the construction documents. 2.1.12 Element 12: Manage the Project The project will be managed based on the following principles: · Projects will be phased to the maximum extent practicable and seasonal work limitations will be taken into account. o From October 1 through April 30 clearing, grading, and other soil disturbing activities shall comply with wet season BMPs approved by Ecology for use, and shall comply with Boing and local permitting authority requirements in order to prevent silt-laden runoff from leaving the construction site work area through a combination of the following: Exposed work soil areas/stockpiles will be covered with plastic. The use of ditching, sumps, dewatering, and other measures will be employed as necessary to allow proper completion of the construction work. Grading and earthwork will not be accomplished during periods of heavy, continuous rainfall. From October 1 through April 30, no soils will remain exposed and un- worked for more than two (2) days. Daily visual monitoring of BMPs will be done. o Based on the information provided and/or local weather conditions, the local permitting authority may expand or restrict the seasonal limitation on site disturbance. o The following activities are exempt from the seasonal clearing and grading limitations: P a g e | 17 Routine maintenance and necessary repair of erosion and sediment control BMPs; and, Routine maintenance of public facilities or existing utility structures that do not expose the soil or result in the removal of the vegetative cover or other surface cover to soil. · Inspection and monitoring: o Inspection, maintenance and repair of all BMPs will occur as needed to ensure performance of their intended function. o Site inspections and monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Special Condition S4 of the CSWGP. Sampling locations are indicated on the Site Map. Sampling station(s) are located in accordance with applicable requirements of the CSWGP. · Maintain an updated SWPPP. o The SWPPP will be updated, maintained, and implemented in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4, and S9 of the CSWGP. As site work progresses the SWPPP will be modified routinely to reflect changing site conditions. The SWPPP will be reviewed monthly to ensure the content is current. Table 5 – Management Design the project to fit the existing topography, soils, and drainage patterns Emphasize erosion control rather than sediment control Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed Keep runoff velocities low Retain sediment on-site Thoroughly monitor site and maintain all ESC measures Schedule major earthwork during the dry season Other (please describe) P a g e | 18 2.1.13 Element 13: Protect Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs Apron R is exempt from flow control requirements using the Direct Discharge Exemption, in accordance with Section and therefore does not need to achieve the Low Impact Development (LID) Performance Standard, or consider bioretention, permeable pavement, and full dispersion. P a g e | 19 3 Pollution Prevention Team Table 6 – Team Information Title Name(s) Phone Number Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) To Be Determined To Be Determined Resident Engineer To Be Determined To Be Determined Emergency Ecology Contact Northwest Region (425) 649-7000 Emergency Permittee/ Owner Contact To Be Determined To Be Determined Non-Emergency Owner Contact To Be Determined To Be Determined Monitoring Personnel To Be Determined To Be Determined Ecology Regional Office Northwest Region (425) 649-7000 P a g e | 20 4 Monitoring and Sampling Requirements Monitoring includes visual inspection, sampling for water quality parameters of concern, and documentation of the inspection and sampling findings in a site log book. A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: · A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements · Site inspections · Stormwater sampling data A blank Site Inspection Form can be found under Appendix D. Numeric effluent limits may be required for certain discharges to 303(d) listed waterbodies. See CSWGP Special Condition S8 and Section 5 of this plan. 4.1 Site Inspection Site inspections will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours following any discharge from the site. For sites that are temporarily stabilized and inactive, the required frequency is reduced to once per calendar month. The site inspector (CESCL) will record each site inspection using the site log Inspection Checklist form provided in Appendix E. The site inspection log (Inspection Checklist form(s)) may be separated from this SWPPP document, but will be maintained on-site or within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Boeing Construction Management, EHS, Site Services, and Ecology or other local jurisdiction having authority. The discharge point(s) are indicated on the Site Map (see Appendix A) and in accordance with the applicable requirements of the CSWGP. The contractor will update the discharge points throughout the project as required by on-site conditions. 4.2 Stormwater Quality Sampling 4.2.1 Turbidity Sampling Turbidity sampling and monitoring shall be conducted during the entire construction phase of the project. Sampling will be done within 24 hours of any discharge from the project site and at least once per calendar week. Because the project is replacing multiple outfalls to Lake Washington, monitoring points will vary significantly as the work progresses. The contractor shall choose an appropriate sampling location for each phase of the project. The contractor shall note sampling points on the Site Plan provided in Appendix A of this SWPPP document. Turbidity sampling will follow the analytical methodologies described in Section S4 of the General Permit. Turbidity analysis will be done with a calibrated turbidity meter either on site or at the Boeing Environmental Lab. Results will be recorded in the site log book (see Appendix D). P a g e | 21 Method for sampling turbidity: Table 7 – Turbidity Sampling Method Turbidity Meter/Turbidimeter (required for disturbances 5 acres or greater in size) Transparency Tube (option for disturbances less than 1 acre and up to 5 acres in size) The benchmark for turbidity value is 25 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and a transparency less than 33 centimeters. If the discharge’s turbidity is 26 to 249 NTU or the transparency is less than 33 cm but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9. Make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. If the turbidity exceeds 250 NTU or the transparency is 6 cm or less at any time, the following steps will be conducted: · Telephone or submit an electronic report to the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) within 24 hours. · Central Region (Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, Yakima): (509) 575-2490 or http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/spills/forms/nerts_online/CRO_nerts_online.html · Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400 or http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/spills/forms/nerts_online/ERO_nerts_online.html · Northwest Region (King, Kitsap, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000 or http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/spills/forms/nerts_online/NWRO_nerts_online.html · Southwest Region (Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum,): (360) 407-6300 or http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/spills/forms/nerts_online/SWRO_nerts_online.html · Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period P a g e | 22 · Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. · Continue to sample discharges daily until one of the following is true: · Turbidity is 25 NTU (or lower). · Transparency is 33 cm (or greater). · Compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity is achieved. o 1 - 5 NTU over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTU o 1% - 10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTU or greater · The discharge stops or is eliminated. 4.2.2 pH Sampling pH monitoring is required for “Significant concrete work” (i.e., greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete over the life of the project). The use of recycled concrete or engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD] or fly ash) also requires pH monitoring. Samples will be collected weekly at the monitoring point (see the Site Plan in Appendix A) prior to discharge to the site closed conveyance storm drainage system, which outfalls to Lake Washington. For significant concrete work, sampling and monitoring for pH will begin when concrete is first poured and exposed to precipitation, and will continue weekly throughout and after the concrete pour and curing period until fully cured (3 weeks from last pour) and discharges are documented to be between pH 6.5 to 8.5 (standard units, su). For engineered soils and recycled concrete, pH sampling begins when engineered soils or recycled concrete are first exposed to precipitation and continues until the area is fully stabilized. If the measured pH is 8.5 or greater, the following measures will be taken: 1. Prevent high pH water from entering storm sewer systems or surface water. 2. Adjust or neutralize the high pH water to the range of 6.5 to 8.5 su using appropriate technology such as carbon dioxide (CO2) sparging (liquid or dry ice). 3. Written approval will be obtained from Ecology prior to the use of chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging or dry ice. Method for sampling pH: Table 8 – pH Sampling Method pH meter pH test kit Wide range pH indicator paper P a g e | 23 5 Discharges to 303(d) or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waterbodies 5.1 303(d) Listed Waterbodies Is the receiving water 303(d) (Category 5) listed for turbidity, fine sediment, phosphorus, or pH? Yes No List the impairment(s): Total Phosphorus, Bacteria Because Lake Washington is listed for Total Phosphorus and Bacteria TMDL Section S8.D and S8.C from the CSWGP apply (see Appendix E). 5.2 TMDL Waterbodies Waste Load Allocation for CWSGP discharges: · 25 NTUs, at the point where stormwater is discharged from the site, or in compliance with the surface water quality standard for turbidity (see CSWGP S8.C.2.a). · pH of stormwater discharge in the range of 6.5 – 8.5. Turbidity and pH levels entering Lake Washington will be monitored per the CSWGP and Section 4 of the plan. The BMPs used to keep these pollutants below the specified Waste Load Allocation are described in full in Section 2 regarding the Construction Best Management Practices in this plan. Discharges to TMDL receiving waterbodies will meet in-stream water quality criteria at the point of discharge. The Construction Stormwater General Permit Proposed New Discharge to an Impaired Water Body form is included in Appendix F. P a g e | 24 6 Reporting and Record Keeping 6.1 Record Keeping 6.1.1 Site Log Book A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: · A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements · Site inspections · Sample logs Site inspections will be conducted at least once a week and within 24 hours following any discharge from the site. For sites with temporary stabilization measures, the site inspection frequency can be reduced to once every month. The site inspector (CESCL) will record each site inspection using the site log Inspection Checklist form provided in Appendix E. The site inspection log (Inspection Checklist form(s)) may be separated from this SWPPP document, but will be maintained on-site or within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Boeing Construction Management, EHS, Site Services, and Ecology or other local jurisdiction having authority. 6.1.2 Records Retention Records will be retained during the life of the project and for a minimum of three (3) years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with Special Condition S5.C of the CSWGP. Permit documentation to be retained on-site: · CSWGP · Permit Coverage Letter · SWPPP · Site Log Book Permit documentation will be provided within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. A copy of the SWPPP or access to the SWPPP will be provided to the public when requested in writing in accordance with Special Condition S5.G.2.b of the CSWGP. 6.1.3 Updating the SWPPP The SWPPP will be modified if: · Found ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. P a g e | 25 · There is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. The SWPPP will be modified within seven (7) days if inspection(s) or investigation(s) determine additional or modified BMPs are necessary for compliance. An updated timeline for BMP implementation will be prepared. 6.2 Reporting 6.2.1 Discharge Monitoring Reports Cumulative soil disturbance is one (1) acre or larger; therefore, Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) will be submitted to Ecology monthly. If there was no discharge during a given monitoring period the DMR will be submitted as required, reporting “No Discharge”. The DMR due date is fifteen (15) days following the end of each calendar month. DMRs will be reported online through Ecology’s WQWebDMR System. 6.2.2 Notification of Noncompliance If any of the terms and conditions of the permit is not met, and the resulting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment, the following actions will be taken: 1. Ecology will be notified within 24-hours of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (Regional office numbers listed below). 2. Immediate action will be taken to prevent the discharge/pollution or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance. If applicable, sampling and analysis of any noncompliance will be repeated immediately and the results submitted to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 3. A detailed written report describing the noncompliance will be submitted to Ecology within five (5) days, unless requested earlier by Ecology. Anytime turbidity sampling indicates turbidity is 250 NTUs or greater, or water transparency is 6 cm or less, the Ecology Regional office will be notified by phone within 24 hours of analysis as required by Special Condition S5.A of the CSWGP. · Central Region at (509) 575-2490 for Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, or Yakima County · Eastern Region at (509) 329-3400 for Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, or Whitman County · Northwest Region at (425) 649-7000 for Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, or Whatcom County · Southwest Region at (360) 407-6300 for Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, or Wahkiakum P a g e | 26 Include the following information: 1. Your name and / Phone number 2. Permit number 3. City / County of project 4. Sample results 5. Date / Time of call 6. Date / Time of sample 7. Project name In accordance with Special Condition S4.D.5.b of the CSWGP, the Ecology Regional office will be notified if chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging is planned for adjustment of high pH water. P a g e | 27 Appendix/Glossary A. Site Map B. BMP Detail C. Correspondence D. Site Inspection Form E. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) F. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) G. 303(d) List Waterbodies / TMDL Waterbodies Information H. Contaminated Site Information I. De-Watering Considerations J. Engineering Calculations P a g e | 28 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix A Site Map P a g e | 29 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix B BMP Details P a g e | 30 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix C Correspondence P a g e | 31 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix D Site Inspection Form Construction Stormwater SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Project____________ Permit No.__________ Inspector___________ Date_______ Time______ Excerpt from How to do Stormwater Monitoring, Publication # 06-10-020 Overall Need Site BMPs Condition Repair? Comments/Observations Clearing Limits ●Buffer Zones around sensitive areas G F P Y N ● G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Construction Access/Roads ●Stabilized site entrance G F P Y N ●Stabilized roads/parking area G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Control Flow Rates ●Swale G F P Y N ●Dike G F P Y N ●Sediment pond G F P Y N ●Sediment trap G F P Y N ● G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Install Sediment Controls ●Sediment pond/trap G F P Y N ●Silt fence G F P Y N ●Straw bale barriers G F P Y N ● G F P Y N ● G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Preserve Vegetation/Stabilize Soils ●Nets and blankets G F P Y N ●Mulch G F P Y N ●Seeding G F P Y N ● G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Protect Slopes ●Terrace G F P Y N ●Pipe slope drains G F P Y N ● G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Protect Drain Inlets ●Inserts G F P Y N ● G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Stabilize Channels and Outlets ●Conveyance channels G F P Y N ●Energy dissipators G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Control Pollutants ●Chemical Storage Area covered G F P Y N ●Concrete handling G F P Y N ● G F P Y N Control De-watering ● G F P Y N G=Good F=Fair P=Poor Y=Yes N=No Construction Stormwater SITE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Project____________ Permit No.__________ Inspector___________ Date_______ Time______ Excerpt from How to do Stormwater Monitoring, Publication # 06-10-020 Will existing BMPs need to be modified or removed, or other BMPs installed? YES NO IF YES, list the action items to be completed on the following table: Actions to be Completed Date Completed/ Initials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Describe current weather conditions Approximate amount of precipitation since last inspection: __________ inches and precipitation in the past 24 hours*: __________inches *based on an on-site rain gauge or local weather data. Describe discharging stormwater, if present. Note the presence of suspended sediment, “cloudiness”, discoloration, or oil sheen. Was water quality sampling part of this inspection? YES NO If yes, record results below (attach separate sheet, if necessary): Parameter: Method (circle one) Result Units Turbidity tube, meter, laboratory NTU (cm, if tube used) pH paper, kit, meter pH standard units Is the site in compliance with the SWPPP and the permit requirements? YES NO If no, indicate tasks necessary to bring site into compliance on the “Actions to be Completed” table above, and include dates each job WILL BE COMPLETED. If no, has the non-compliance been reported to Dept. of Ecology? YES NO If no, should the SWPPP be modified: YES NO Sign the following certification: “I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Inspection completed on:____________ by: (print+signature)___________________ Title/Qualification of Inspector:___________________________________________ P a g e | 32 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix E Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) Issuance Date: Effective Date: Expiration Date: November 18, 2015 January I, 2016 December 31, 2020 Modification Issuance Date: March 22, 2017 Modification Effective Date: May 5, 2017 CONSTRUCTION STORMW ATER GENERAL PERMIT National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity State of Washington Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98504 In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (State of Washington Water Pollution Control Act) and Title 33 United States Code, Section 1251 et seq. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (The Clean Water Act) Until this permit expires, is modified, or revoked, Permittees that have properly obtained coverage under this general permit are authorized to discharge in accordance with the special and general conditions that follow. her R. Bartlett Wa r Quality Program Manager Washington State Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................3 SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS .....................................................................4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................5 S1. PERMIT COVERAGE ........................................................................................................5 S2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................8 S3. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS .............................................................................12 S4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, BENCHMARKS, AND REPORTING TRIGGERS ................................................................................................13 S5. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS .........................................20 S6. PERMIT FEES...................................................................................................................23 S7. SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL ....................................................................23 S8. DISCHARGES TO 303(d) OR TMDL WATERBODIES ................................................23 S9. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN...................................................27 S10. NOTICE OF TERMINATION .........................................................................................37 GENERAL CONDITIONS ...........................................................................................................38 G1. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS ...........................................................................................38 G2. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................38 G3. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY .........................................................................39 G4. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION ......................................39 G5. REVOCATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT .............................................39 G6. REPORTING A CAUSE FOR MODIFICATION ............................................................40 G7. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES .............................................40 G8. DUTY TO REAPPLY .......................................................................................................40 G9. TRANSFER OF GENERAL PERMIT COVERAGE .......................................................41 G10. REMOVED SUBSTANCES .............................................................................................41 G11. DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ...........................................................................41 G12. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR ...........................................................................41 G13. ADDITIONAL MONITORING ........................................................................................41 G14. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS .............................................41 G15. UPSET ...............................................................................................................................42 G16. PROPERTY RIGHTS ........................................................................................................42 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 3 G17. DUTY TO COMPLY ........................................................................................................42 G18. TOXIC POLLUTANTS.....................................................................................................42 G19. PENALTIES FOR TAMPERING .....................................................................................43 G20. REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES .............................................................................43 G21. REPORTING OTHER INFORMATION ..........................................................................43 G22. REPORTING ANTICIPATED NON-COMPLIANCE .....................................................43 G23. REQUESTS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT ..........44 G24. APPEALS ..........................................................................................................................44 G25. SEVERABILITY ...............................................................................................................44 G26. BYPASS PROHIBITED ....................................................................................................44 APPENDIX A – DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................47 APPENDIX B – ACRONYMS .....................................................................................................55 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of Required Submittals ................................................................................... 4 Table 2: Summary of Required On-site Documentation............................................................... 4 Table 3: Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements .......................................................... 15 Table 4: Monitoring and Reporting Requirements ..................................................................... 17 Table 5: Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters .................................................................................................... 25 Table 6: pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters ...................................................... 26 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 4 SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS Refer to the Special and General Conditions within this permit for additional submittal requirements. Appendix A provides a list of definitions. Appendix B provides a list of acronyms. Table 1: Summary of Required Submittals Permit Section Submittal Frequency First Submittal Date S5.A and S8 High Turbidity/Transparency Phone Reporting As Necessary Within 24 hours S5.B Discharge Monitoring Report Monthly* Within 15 days following the end of each month S5.F and S8 Noncompliance Notification – Telephone Notification As necessary Within 24-hours S5.F Noncompliance Notification – Written Report As necessary Within 5 Days of non-compliance S9.C Request for Chemical Treatment Form As necessary Written approval from Ecology is required prior to using chemical treatment (with the exception of dry ice or CO2 to adjust pH) G2 Notice of Change in Authorization As necessary G6 Permit Application for Substantive Changes to the Discharge As necessary G8 Application for Permit Renewal 1/permit cycle No later than 180 days before expiration G9 Notice of Permit Transfer As necessary G20 Notice of Planned Changes As necessary G22 Reporting Anticipated Non-compliance As necessary SPECIAL NOTE: *Permittees must submit electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) to the Washington State Department of Ecology monthly, regardless of site discharge, for the full duration of permit coverage. Refer to Section S5.B of this General Permit for more specific information regarding DMRs. Table 2: Summary of Required On-site Documentation Document Title Permit Conditions Permit Coverage Letter See Conditions S2, S5 Construction Stormwater General Permit See Conditions S2, S5 Site Log Book See Conditions S4, S5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) See Conditions S9, S5 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS S1. PERMIT COVERAGE A. Permit Area This Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) covers all areas of Washington State, except for federal operators and Indian Country as specified in Special Condition S1.E.3. B. Operators Required to Seek Coverage Under this General Permit: 1. Operators of the following construction activities are required to seek coverage under this CSWGP: a. Clearing, grading and/or excavation that results in the disturbance of one or more acres (including off-site disturbance acreage authorized in S1.C.2) and discharges stormwater to surface waters of the State; and clearing, grading and/or excavation on sites smaller than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale, if the common plan of development or sale will ultimately disturb one acre or more and discharge stormwater to surface waters of the State. i. This includes forest practices (including, but not limited to, class IV conversions) that are part of a construction activity that will result in the disturbance of one or more acres, and discharge to surface waters of the State (that is, forest practices that prepare a site for construction activities); and b. Any size construction activity discharging stormwater to waters of the State that the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology): i. Determines to be a significant contributor of pollutants to waters of the State of Washington. ii. Reasonably expects to cause a violation of any water quality standard. 2. Operators of the following activities are not required to seek coverage under this CSWGP (unless specifically required under Special Condition S1.B.1.b. above): a. Construction activities that discharge all stormwater and non-stormwater to ground water, sanitary sewer, or combined sewer, and have no point source discharge to either surface water or a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. b. Construction activities covered under an Erosivity Waiver (Special Condition S2.C). c. Routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of a facility. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 6 C. Authorized Discharges: 1. Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity. Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, Permittees are authorized to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. (Note that “surface waters of the State” may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site.) 2. Stormwater Associated with Construction Support Activity. This permit also authorizes stormwater discharge from support activities related to the permitted construction site (for example, an on-site portable rock crusher, off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas, etc.) provided: a. The support activity relates directly to the permitted construction site that is required to have an NPDES permit; and b. The support activity is not a commercial operation serving multiple unrelated construction projects, and does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity; and c. Appropriate controls and measures are identified in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the discharges from the support activity areas. 3. Non-Stormwater Discharges. The categories and sources of non-stormwater discharges identified below are authorized conditionally, provided the discharge is consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit: a. Discharges from fire-fighting activities. b. Fire hydrant system flushing. c. Potable water, including uncontaminated water line flushing. d. Hydrostatic test water. e. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate. f. Uncontaminated ground water or spring water. g. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering water (in accordance with S9.D.10). h. Uncontaminated discharges from foundation or footing drains. i. Uncontaminated or potable water used to control dust. Permittees must minimize the amount of dust control water used. j. Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. k. Landscape irrigation water. The SWPPP must adequately address all authorized non-stormwater discharges, except for discharges from fire-fighting activities, and must comply with Special Condition S3. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 7 At a minimum, discharges from potable water (including water line flushing), fire hydrant system flushing, and pipeline hydrostatic test water must undergo the following: dechlorination to a concentration of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH adjustment to within 6.5 – 8.5 standard units (su), if necessary. D. Prohibited Discharges: The following discharges to waters of the State, including ground water, are prohibited. 1. Concrete wastewater. 2. Wastewater from washout and clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials. 3. Process wastewater as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.2 (see Appendix A of this permit). 4. Slurry materials and waste from shaft drilling, including process wastewater from shaft drilling for construction of building, road, and bridge foundations unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9.j. 5. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance. 6. Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing. 7. Wheel wash wastewater, unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9. 8. Discharges from dewatering activities, including discharges from dewatering of trenches and excavations, unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.10. E. Limits on Coverage Ecology may require any discharger to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Such alternative coverage will be required when Ecology determines that this CSWGP does not provide adequate assurance that water quality will be protected, or there is a reasonable potential for the project to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. The following stormwater discharges are not covered by this permit: 1. Post-construction stormwater discharges that originate from the site after completion of construction activities and the site has undergone final stabilization. 2. Non-point source silvicultural activities such as nursery operations, site preparation, reforestation and subsequent cultural treatment, thinning, prescribed burning, pest and fire control, harvesting operations, surface drainage, or road construction and maintenance, from which there is natural runoff as excluded in 40 CFR Subpart 122. 3. Stormwater from any federal operator. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 8 4. Stormwater from facilities located on “Indian Country” as defined in 18 U.S.C.§1151, except portions of the Puyallup Reservation as noted below. Indian Country includes: a. All land within any Indian Reservation notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including rights-of-way running through the reservation. This includes all federal, tribal, and Indian and non-Indian privately owned land within the reservation. b. All off-reservation Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same. c. All off-reservation federal trust lands held for Native American Tribes. Puyallup Exception: Following the Puyallup Tribes of Indians Land Settlement Act of 1989, 25 U.S.C. §1773; the permit does apply to land within the Puyallup Reservation except for discharges to surface water on land held in trust by the federal government. 5. Stormwater from any site covered under an existing NPDES individual permit in which stormwater management and/or treatment requirements are included for all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. 6. Stormwater from a site where an applicable Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirement specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity. S2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Permit Application Forms 1. Notice of Intent Form/Timeline a. Operators of new or previously unpermitted construction activities must submit a complete and accurate permit application (Notice of Intent, or NOI) to Ecology. b. Operators must apply using the electronic application form (NOI) available on Ecology’s website http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/ construction/index.html. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper NOI. Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 9 c. The operator must submit the NOI at least 60 days before discharging stormwater from construction activities and must submit it on or before the date of the first public notice (see Special Condition S2.B below for details). The 30- day public comment period begins on the publication date of the second public notice. Unless Ecology responds to the complete application in writing, based on public comments, or any other relevant factors, coverage under the general permit will automatically commence on the thirty-first day following receipt by Ecology of a completed NOI, or the issuance date of this permit, whichever is later; unless Ecology specifies a later date in writing as required by WAC173- 226-200(2). d. If an applicant intends to use a Best Management Practice (BMP) selected on the basis of Special Condition S9.C.4 (“demonstrably equivalent” BMPs), the applicant must notify Ecology of its selection as part of the NOI. In the event the applicant selects BMPs after submission of the NOI, it must provide notice of the selection of an equivalent BMP to Ecology at least 60 days before intended use of the equivalent BMP. e. Permittees must notify Ecology regarding any changes to the information provided on the NOI by submitting an updated NOI. Examples of such changes include, but are not limited to: i. Changes to the Permittee’s mailing address, ii. Changes to the on-site contact person information, and iii. Changes to the area/acreage affected by construction activity. f. Applicants must notify Ecology if they are aware of contaminated soils and/or groundwater associated with the construction activity. Provide detailed information with the NOI (as known and readily available) on the nature and extent of the contamination (concentrations, locations, and depth), as well as pollution prevention and/or treatment BMPs proposed to control the discharge of soil and/or groundwater contaminants in stormwater. Examples of such detail may include, but are not limited to: i. List or table of all known contaminants with laboratory test results showing concentration and depth, ii. Map with sample locations, iii. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plans, iv. Related portions of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that address the management of contaminated and potentially contaminated construction stormwater and dewatering water, v. Dewatering plan and/or dewatering contingency plan. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 10 2. Transfer of Coverage Form The Permittee can transfer current coverage under this permit to one or more new operators, including operators of sites within a Common Plan of Development, provided the Permittee submits a Transfer of Coverage Form in accordance with General Condition G9. Transfers do not require public notice. B. Public Notice For new or previously unpermitted construction activities, the applicant must publish a public notice at least one time each week for two consecutive weeks, at least 7 days apart, in a newspaper with general circulation in the county where the construction is to take place. The notice must contain: 1. A statement that “The applicant is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit”. 2. The name, address and location of the construction site. 3. The name and address of the applicant. 4. The type of construction activity that will result in a discharge (for example, residential construction, commercial construction, etc.), and the number of acres to be disturbed. 5. The name of the receiving water(s) (that is, the surface water(s) to which the site will discharge), or, if the discharge is through a storm sewer system, the name of the operator of the system. 6. The statement: “Any persons desiring to present their views to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding this application, or interested in Ecology’s action on this application, may notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days of the last date of publication of this notice. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from this project would cause a measurable change in receiving water quality, and, if so, whether the project is necessary and in the overriding public interest according to Tier II antidegradation requirements under WAC 173-201A-320. Comments can be submitted to: Department of Ecology, PO Box 47696, Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Attn: Water Quality Program, Construction Stormwater.” Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 11 C. Erosivity Waiver Construction site operators may qualify for an erosivity waiver from the CSWGP if the following conditions are met: 1. The site will result in the disturbance of fewer than 5 acres and the site is not a portion of a common plan of development or sale that will disturb 5 acres or greater. 2. Calculation of Erosivity “R” Factor and Regional Timeframe: a. The project’s rainfall erosivity factor (“R” Factor) must be less than 5 during the period of construction activity, as calculated (see the CSWGP homepage http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html for a link to the EPA’s calculator and step by step instructions on computing the “R” Factor in the EPA Erosivity Waiver Fact Sheet). The period of construction activity starts when the land is first disturbed and ends with final stabilization. In addition: b. The entire period of construction activity must fall within the following timeframes: i. For sites west of the Cascades Crest: June 15 – September 15. ii. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, excluding the Central Basin: June 15 – October 15. iii. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, within the Central Basin: no additional timeframe restrictions apply. The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. For a map of the Central Basin (Average Annual Precipitation Region 2), refer to http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/ construction/resourcesguidance.html. 3. Construction site operators must submit a complete Erosivity Waiver certification form at least one week before disturbing the land. Certification must include statements that the operator will: a. Comply with applicable local stormwater requirements; and b. Implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs to prevent violations of water quality standards. 4. This waiver is not available for facilities declared significant contributors of pollutants as defined in Special Condition S1.B.1.b. or for any size construction activity that could reasonably expect to cause a violation of any water quality standard as defined in Special Condition S1.B.1.b.ii. 5. This waiver does not apply to construction activities which include non- stormwater discharges listed in Special Condition S1.C.3. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 12 6. If construction activity extends beyond the certified waiver period for any reason, the operator must either: a. Recalculate the rainfall erosivity “R” factor using the original start date and a new projected ending date and, if the “R” factor is still under 5 and the entire project falls within the applicable regional timeframe in Special Condition S2.C.2.b, complete and submit an amended waiver certification form before the original waiver expires; or b. Submit a complete permit application to Ecology in accordance with Special Condition S2.A and B before the end of the certified waiver period. S3. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS A. Discharges must not cause or contribute to a violation of surface water quality standards (Chapter 173-201A WAC), ground water quality standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC), sediment management standards (Chapter 173-204 WAC), and human health-based criteria in the National Toxics Rule (40 CFR Part 131.36). Discharges not in compliance with these standards are not authorized. B. Prior to the discharge of stormwater and non-stormwater to waters of the State, the Permittee must apply all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (AKART). This includes the preparation and implementation of an adequate SWPPP, with all appropriate BMPs installed and maintained in accordance with the SWPPP and the terms and conditions of this permit. C. Ecology presumes that a Permittee complies with water quality standards unless discharge monitoring data or other site-specific information demonstrates that a discharge causes or contributes to a violation of water quality standards, when the Permittee complies with the following conditions. The Permittee must fully: 1. Comply with all permit conditions, including planning, sampling, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping conditions. 2. Implement stormwater BMPs contained in stormwater management manuals published or approved by Ecology, or BMPs that are demonstrably equivalent to BMPs contained in stormwater technical manuals published or approved by Ecology, including the proper selection, implementation, and maintenance of all applicable and appropriate BMPs for on-site pollution control. (For purposes of this section, the stormwater manuals listed in Appendix 10 of the Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit are approved by Ecology.) D. Where construction sites also discharge to ground water, the ground water discharges must also meet the terms and conditions of this CSWGP. Permittees who discharge to ground water through an injection well must also comply with any applicable requirements of the Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations, Chapter 173-218 WAC. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 13 S4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, BENCHMARKS AND REPORTING TRIGGERS A. Site Log Book The Permittee must maintain a site log book that contains a record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements, including the installation and maintenance of BMPs, site inspections, and stormwater monitoring. B. Site Inspections The Permittee’s site inspections must include all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all stormwater discharge points under the Permittee’s operational control. (See Special Conditions S4.B.3 and B.4 below for detailed requirements of the Permittee’s Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead [CESCL].) Construction sites one acre or larger that discharge stormwater to surface waters of the State must have site inspections conducted by a certified CESCL. Sites less than one acre may have a person without CESCL certification conduct inspections. 1. The Permittee must examine stormwater visually for the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen. The Permittee must evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs and determine if it is necessary to install, maintain, or repair BMPs to improve the quality of stormwater discharges. Based on the results of the inspection, the Permittee must correct the problems identified by: a. Reviewing the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and making appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection. b. Immediately beginning the process of fully implementing and maintaining appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems no later than within 10 days of the inspection. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial 10-day response period. c. Documenting BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 2. The Permittee must inspect all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all stormwater discharge points at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any discharge from the site. (For purposes of this condition, individual discharge events that last more than one day do not require daily inspections. For example, if a stormwater pond discharges continuously over the course of a week, only one inspection is required that week.) The Permittee may reduce the inspection frequency for temporarily stabilized, inactive sites to once every calendar month. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 14 3. The Permittee must have staff knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The CESCL (sites one acre or more) or inspector (sites less than one acre) must have the skills to assess the: a. Site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater, and b. Effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges. 4. The SWPPP must identify the CESCL or inspector, who must be present on site or on-call at all times. The CESCL must obtain this certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by Ecology (see BMP C160 in the manual referred to in Special Condition S9.C.1 and 2). 5. The Permittee must summarize the results of each inspection in an inspection report or checklist and enter the report/checklist into, or attach it to, the site log book. At a minimum, each inspection report or checklist must include: a. Inspection date and time. b. Weather information, the general conditions during inspection and the approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection, and precipitation within the last 24 hours. c. A summary or list of all implemented BMPs, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. d. A description of the locations: i. Of BMPs inspected; ii. Of BMPs that need maintenance and why; iii. Of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended; and iv. Where additional or different BMPs are needed, and why. e. A description of stormwater discharged from the site. The Permittee must note the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen, as applicable. f. Any water quality monitoring performed during inspection. g. General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance or installations made following the inspection. h. A summary report and a schedule of implementation of the remedial actions that the Permittee plans to take if the site inspection indicates that the site is out of compliance. The remedial actions taken must meet the requirements of the SWPPP and the permit. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 15 i. The name, title, and signature of the person conducting the site inspection, a phone number or other reliable method to reach this person, and the following statement: “I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.” Table 3: Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements Size of Soil Disturbance1 Weekly Site Inspections Weekly Sampling w/ Turbidity Meter Weekly Sampling w/ Transparency Tube Weekly pH Sampling2 CESCL Required for Inspections? Sites that disturb less than 1 acre, but are part of a larger Common Plan of Development Required Not Required Not Required Not Required No Sites that disturb 1 acre or more, but fewer than 5 acres Required Sampling Required – either method3 Required Yes Sites that disturb 5 acres or more Required Required Not Required4 Required Yes 1 Soil disturbance is calculated by adding together all areas that will be affected by construction activity. Construction activity means clearing, grading, excavation, and any other activity that disturbs the surface of the land, including ingress/egress from the site. 2 If construction activity results in the disturbance of 1 acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (1,000 cubic yards of poured concrete or recycled concrete over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD], or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area drains to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer stormwater collection system that drains to other surface waters of the State, the Permittee must conduct pH sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.D. 3 Sites with one or more acres, but fewer than 5 acres of soil disturbance, must conduct turbidity or transparency sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C. 4 Sites equal to or greater than 5 acres of soil disturbance must conduct turbidity sampling using a turbidity meter in accordance with Special Condition S4.C. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 16 C. Turbidity/Transparency Sampling Requirements 1. Sampling Methods a. If construction activity involves the disturbance of 5 acres or more, the Permittee must conduct turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C. b. If construction activity involves 1 acre or more but fewer than 5 acres of soil disturbance, the Permittee must conduct either transparency sampling or turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C. 2. Sampling Frequency a. The Permittee must sample all discharge points at least once every calendar week when stormwater (or authorized non-stormwater) discharges from the site or enters any on-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site); sampling is not required on sites that disturb less than an acre. b. Samples must be representative of the flow and characteristics of the discharge. c. Sampling is not required when there is no discharge during a calendar week. d. Sampling is not required outside of normal working hours or during unsafe conditions. e. If the Permittee is unable to sample during a monitoring period, the Permittee must include a brief explanation in the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). f. Sampling is not required before construction activity begins. g. The Permittee may reduce the sampling frequency for temporarily stabilized, inactive sites to once every calendar month. 3. Sampling Locations a. Sampling is required at all points where stormwater associated with construction activity (or authorized non-stormwater) is discharged off site, including where it enters any on-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site). b. The Permittee may discontinue sampling at discharge points that drain areas of the project that are fully stabilized to prevent erosion. c. The Permittee must identify all sampling point(s) on the SWPPP site map and clearly mark these points in the field with a flag, tape, stake or other visible marker. d. Sampling is not required for discharge that is sent directly to sanitary or combined sewer systems. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 17 e. The Permittee may discontinue sampling at discharge points in areas of the project where the Permittee no longer has operational control of the construction activity. 4. Sampling and Analysis Methods a. The Permittee performs turbidity analysis with a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter) either on site or at an accredited lab. The Permittee must record the results in the site log book in nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs). b. The Permittee performs transparency analysis on site with a 1¾-inch-diameter, 60-centimeter (cm)-long transparency tube. The Permittee will record the results in the site log book in centimeters (cm). Table 4: Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Parameter Unit Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Benchmark Value Phone Reporting Trigger Value Turbidity NTU SM2130 Weekly, if discharging 25 NTUs 250 NTUs Transparency cm Manufacturer instructions, or Ecology guidance Weekly, if discharging 33 cm 6 cm 5. Turbidity/Transparency Benchmark Values and Reporting Triggers The benchmark value for turbidity is 25 NTUs or less. The benchmark value for transparency is 33 centimeters (cm). Note: Benchmark values do not apply to discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State’s 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus; these discharges are subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity. Refer to Special Condition S8 for more information. a. Turbidity 26 – 249 NTUs, or Transparency 32 – 7 cm: If the discharge turbidity is 26 to 249 NTUs; or if discharge transparency is less than 33 cm, but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the Permittee must: i. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. ii. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 18 iii. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. b. Turbidity 250 NTUs or greater, or Transparency 6 cm or less: If a discharge point’s turbidity is 250 NTUs or greater, or if discharge transparency is less than or equal to 6 cm, the Permittee must complete the reporting and adaptive management process described below. i. Telephone or submit an electronic report to the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number (or through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal [WQWebPortal] – Permit Submittals when the form is available) within 24 hours, in accordance with Special Condition S5.A.  Central Region (Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat, Benton): (509) 575-2490  Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400  Northwest Region (Kitsap, Snohomish, Island, King, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000  Southwest Region (Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Thurston, Pierce, Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Wahkiakum, Clallam, Jefferson, Pacific): (360) 407-6300 Links to these numbers and the ERTS reporting page are located on the following web site: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html. ii. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. iii. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. iv. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. v. Sample discharges daily until: a) Turbidity is 25 NTUs (or lower); or b) Transparency is 33 cm (or greater); or Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 19 c) The Permittee has demonstrated compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity: 1) No more than 5 NTUs over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTUs, or 2) No more than 10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTUs or greater; or d) The discharge stops or is eliminated. D. pH Sampling Requirements – Significant Concrete Work or Engineered Soils If construction activity results in the disturbance of 1 acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (significant concrete work means greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD], or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area drains to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State, the Permittee must conduct pH sampling as set forth below. Note: In addition, discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State’s 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH are subject to a numeric effluent limit for pH; refer to Special Condition S8. 1. For sites with significant concrete work, the Permittee must begin the pH sampling period when the concrete is first poured and exposed to precipitation, and continue weekly throughout and after the concrete pour and curing period, until stormwater pH is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 2. For sites with recycled concrete where monitoring is required, the Permittee must begin the weekly pH sampling period when the recycled concrete is first exposed to precipitation and must continue until the recycled concrete is fully stabilized with the stormwater pH in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 3. For sites with engineered soils, the Permittee must begin the pH sampling period when the soil amendments are first exposed to precipitation and must continue until the area of engineered soils is fully stabilized. 4. During the applicable pH monitoring period defined above, the Permittee must obtain a representative sample of stormwater and conduct pH analysis at least once per week. 5. The Permittee must sample pH in the sediment trap/pond(s) or other locations that receive stormwater runoff from the area of significant concrete work or engineered soils before the stormwater discharges to surface waters. 6. The benchmark value for pH is 8.5 standard units. Anytime sampling indicates that pH is 8.5 or greater, the Permittee must either: Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 20 a. Prevent the high pH water (8.5 or above) from entering storm sewer systems or surface waters; or b. If necessary, adjust or neutralize the high pH water until it is in the range of pH 6.5 to 8.5 (su) using an appropriate treatment BMP such as carbon dioxide (CO2) sparging or dry ice. The Permittee must obtain written approval from Ecology before using any form of chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging or dry ice. 7. The Permittee must perform pH analysis on site with a calibrated pH meter, pH test kit, or wide range pH indicator paper. The Permittee must record pH sampling results in the site log book. S5. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS A. High Turbidity Reporting Anytime sampling performed in accordance with Special Condition S4.C indicates turbidity has reached the 250 NTUs or more (or transparency less than or equal to 6 cm) high turbidity reporting level, the Permittee must either call the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number by phone within 24 hours of analysis or submit an electronic ERTS report (or submit an electronic report through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal) – Permit Submittals when the form is available). See the CSWGP web site for links to ERTS and the WQWebPortal: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/ index.html. Also, see phone numbers in Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i. B. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) Permittees required to conduct water quality sampling in accordance with Special Conditions S4.C (Turbidity/Transparency), S4.D (pH), S8 (303[d]/TMDL sampling), and/or G13 (Additional Sampling) must submit the results to Ecology. Permittees must submit monitoring data using Ecology's WQWebDMR web application accessed through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal. To find out more information and to sign up for WQWebDMR go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/ wq/permits/paris/portal.html. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper copy DMR at: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Permittees who obtain a waiver not to use WQWebDMR must use the forms provided to them by Ecology; submittals must be mailed to the address above. Permittees shall Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 21 submit DMR forms to be received by Ecology within 15 days following the end of each month. If there was no discharge during a given monitoring period, all Permittees must submit a DMR as required with “no discharge" entered in place of the monitoring results. DMRs are required for the full duration of permit coverage (from issuance date to termination). For more information, contact Ecology staff using information provided at the following web site: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/permits/paris/contacts.html. C. Records Retention The Permittee must retain records of all monitoring information (site log book, sampling results, inspection reports/checklists, etc.), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, copy of the permit coverage letter (including Transfer of Coverage documentation), and any other documentation of compliance with permit requirements for the entire life of the construction project and for a minimum of three years following the termination of permit coverage. Such information must include all calibration and maintenance records, and records of all data used to complete the application for this permit. This period of retention must be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the discharge of pollutants by the Permittee or when requested by Ecology. D. Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken, the Permittee must record the following information: 1. Date, place, method, and time of sampling or measurement. 2. The first and last name of the individual who performed the sampling or measurement. 3. The date(s) the analyses were performed. 4. The first and last name of the individual who performed the analyses. 5. The analytical techniques or methods used. 6. The results of all analyses. E. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit using test procedures specified by Special Condition S4 of this permit, the results of this monitoring must be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the Permittee’s DMR. F. Noncompliance Notification In the event the Permittee is unable to comply with any part of the terms and conditions of this permit, and the resulting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment (such as but not limited to spills of fuels or other materials, catastrophic pond or slope failure, and discharges that violate water quality standards), or exceed Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 22 numeric effluent limitations (see S8. Discharges to 303(d) or TMDL Waterbodies), the Permittee must, upon becoming aware of the circumstance: 1. Notify Ecology within 24-hours of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (refer to Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i. or www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/turbidity.html for Regional ERTS phone numbers). 2. Immediately take action to prevent the discharge/pollution, or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance, and, if applicable, repeat sampling and analysis of any noncompliance immediately and submit the results to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 3. Submit a detailed written report to Ecology within five (5) days, of the time the Permittee becomes aware of the circumstances, unless requested earlier by Ecology. The report must be submitted using Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal) - Permit Submittals, unless a waiver from electronic reporting has been granted according to S5.B. The report must contain a description of the noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. The Permittee must report any unanticipated bypass and/or upset that exceeds any effluent limit in the permit in accordance with the 24-hour reporting requirement contained in 40 C.F.R. 122.41(l)(6). Compliance with these requirements does not relieve the Permittee from responsibility to maintain continuous compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit or the resulting liability for failure to comply. Upon request of the Permittee, Ecology may waive the requirement for a written report on a case-by- case basis, if the immediate notification is received by Ecology within 24 hours. G. Access to Plans and Records 1. The Permittee must retain the following permit documentation (plans and records) on site, or within reasonable access to the site, for use by the operator or for on-site review by Ecology or the local jurisdiction: a. General Permit b. Permit Coverage Letter c. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) d. Site Log Book 2. The Permittee must address written requests for plans and records listed above (Special Condition S5.G.1) as follows: Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 23 a. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to Ecology within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. b. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to the public when requested in writing. Upon receiving a written request from the public for the Permittee’s plans and records, the Permittee must either: i. Provide a copy of the plans and records to the requester within 14 days of a receipt of the written request; or ii. Notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the written request of the location and times within normal business hours when the plans and records may be viewed; and provide access to the plans and records within 14 days of receipt of the written request; or iii. Within 14 days of receipt of the written request, the Permittee may submit a copy of the plans and records to Ecology for viewing and/or copying by the requester at an Ecology office, or a mutually agreed location. If plans and records are viewed and/or copied at a location other than at an Ecology office, the Permittee will provide reasonable access to copying services for which a reasonable fee may be charged. The Permittee must notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the request where the plans and records may be viewed and/or copied. S6. PERMIT FEES The Permittee must pay permit fees assessed by Ecology. Fees for stormwater discharges covered under this permit are established by Chapter 173-224 WAC. Ecology continues to assess permit fees until the permit is terminated in accordance with Special Condition S10 or revoked in accordance with General Condition G5. S7. SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL The Permittee must handle and dispose of solid and liquid wastes generated by construction activity, such as demolition debris, construction materials, contaminated materials, and waste materials from maintenance activities, including liquids and solids from cleaning catch basins and other stormwater facilities, in accordance with: A. Special Condition S3, Compliance with Standards B. WAC 173-216-110 C. Other applicable regulations S8. DISCHARGES TO 303(d) OR TMDL WATERBODIES A. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits For Certain Discharges to 303(d)-listed Waterbodies Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 24 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of waterbodies listed as impaired by the State of Washington under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus, must conduct water quality sampling according to the requirements of this section, and Special Conditions S4.C.2.b-f and S4.C.3.b-d, and must comply with the applicable numeric effluent limitations in S8.C and S8.D. 2. All references and requirements associated with Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act mean the most current listing by Ecology of impaired waters (Category 5) that exists on January 1, 2016, or the date when the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. B. Limits on Coverage for New Discharges to TMDL or 303(d)-listed Waters Operators of construction sites that discharge to a TMDL or 303(d)-listed waterbody are not eligible for coverage under this permit unless the operator: 1. Prevents exposing stormwater to pollutants for which the waterbody is impaired, and retains documentation in the SWPPP that details procedures taken to prevent exposure on site; or 2. Documents that the pollutants for which the waterbody is impaired are not present at the site, and retains documentation of this finding within the SWPPP; or 3. Provides Ecology with data indicating the discharge is not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of a water quality standard, and retains such data on site with the SWPPP. The operator must provide data and other technical information to Ecology that sufficiently demonstrate: a. For discharges to waters without an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that the discharge of the pollutant for which the water is impaired will meet in- stream water quality criteria at the point of discharge to the waterbody; or b. For discharges to waters with an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that there is sufficient remaining wasteload allocation in the TMDL to allow construction stormwater discharge and that existing dischargers to the waterbody are subject to compliance schedules designed to bring the waterbody into attainment with water quality standards. Operators of construction sites are eligible for coverage under this permit if Ecology issues permit coverage based upon an affirmative determination that the discharge will not cause or contribute to the existing impairment. C. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits for Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for Turbidity, Fine Sediment, or Phosphorus 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus must conduct turbidity sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C.2 and comply with either of the numeric effluent limits noted in Table 5 below. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 25 2. As an alternative to the 25 NTUs effluent limit noted in Table 5 below (applied at the point where stormwater [or authorized non-stormwater] is discharged off-site), Permittees may choose to comply with the surface water quality standard for turbidity. The standard is: no more than 5 NTUs over background turbidity when the background turbidity is 50 NTUs or less, or no more than a 10% increase in turbidity when the background turbidity is more than 50 NTUs. In order to use the water quality standard requirement, the sampling must take place at the following locations: a. Background turbidity in the 303(d)-listed receiving water immediately upstream (upgradient) or outside the area of influence of the discharge. b. Turbidity at the point of discharge into the 303(d)-listed receiving water, inside the area of influence of the discharge. 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for turbidity constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit shall sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non- compliance notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F. Table 5: Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters Parameter identified in 303(d) listing Parameter Sampled Unit Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Numeric Effluent Limit1  Turbidity  Fine Sediment  Phosphorus Turbidity NTU SM2130 Weekly, if discharging 25 NTUs, at the point where stormwater is discharged from the site; OR In compliance with the surface water quality standard for turbidity (S8.C.2.a) 1Permittees subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity may, at their discretion, choose either numeric effluent limitation based on site-specific considerations including, but not limited to, safety, access and convenience. D. Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for High pH 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH must conduct pH sampling in accordance with the table below, and comply with the numeric effluent limit of pH 6.5 to 8.5 su (Table 6). Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 26 Table 6: pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters Parameter identified in 303(d) listing Parameter Sampled/Units Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Numeric Effluent Limit High pH pH /Standard Units pH meter Weekly, if discharging In the range of 6.5 – 8.5 2. At the Permittee’s discretion, compliance with the limit shall be assessed at one of the following locations: a. Directly in the 303(d)-listed waterbody segment, inside the immediate area of influence of the discharge; or b. Alternatively, the Permittee may measure pH at the point where the discharge leaves the construction site, rather than in the receiving water. 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for pH (outside the range of 6.5 – 8.5 su) constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit shall sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non- compliance notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F. E. Sampling and Limits for Sites Discharging to Waters Covered by a TMDL or Another Pollution Control Plan 1. Discharges to a waterbody that is subject to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus must be consistent with the TMDL. Refer to http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/tmdl/ TMDLsbyWria/TMDLbyWria.html for more information on TMDLs. a. Where an applicable TMDL sets specific waste load allocations or requirements for discharges covered by this permit, discharges must be consistent with any specific waste load allocations or requirements established by the applicable TMDL. i. The Permittee must sample discharges weekly or as otherwise specified by the TMDL to evaluate compliance with the specific waste load allocations or requirements. ii. Analytical methods used to meet the monitoring requirements must conform to the latest revision of the Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 CFR Part 136. Turbidity and pH methods need not be accredited or registered unless conducted at a laboratory which must otherwise be accredited or registered. b. Where an applicable TMDL has established a general waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not identified specific requirements, Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 27 compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. c. Where an applicable TMDL has not specified a waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not excluded these discharges, compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. d. Where an applicable TMDL specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity, the operator is not eligible for coverage under this permit. 2. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus that is completed and approved by EPA before January 1, 2016, or before the date the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. TMDLs completed after the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology become applicable to the Permittee only if they are imposed through an administrative order by Ecology, or through a modification of permit coverage. S9. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Permittee must prepare and properly implement an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activity in accordance with the requirements of this permit beginning with initial soil disturbance and until final stabilization. A. The Permittee’s SWPPP must meet the following objectives: 1. To implement best management practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion and sedimentation, and to identify, reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater contamination and water pollution from construction activity. 2. To prevent violations of surface water quality, ground water quality, or sediment management standards. 3. To control peak volumetric flow rates and velocities of stormwater discharges. B. General Requirements 1. The SWPPP must include a narrative and drawings. All BMPs must be clearly referenced in the narrative and marked on the drawings. The SWPPP narrative must include documentation to explain and justify the pollution prevention decisions made for the project. Documentation must include: a. Information about existing site conditions (topography, drainage, soils, vegetation, etc.). b. Potential erosion problem areas. c. The 13 elements of a SWPPP in Special Condition S9.D.1-13, including BMPs used to address each element. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 28 d. Construction phasing/sequence and general BMP implementation schedule. e. The actions to be taken if BMP performance goals are not achieved—for example, a contingency plan for additional treatment and/or storage of stormwater that would violate the water quality standards if discharged. f. Engineering calculations for ponds, treatment systems, and any other designed structures. When a treatment system requires engineering calculations, these calculations must be included in the SWPPP. Engineering calculations do not need to be included in the SWPPP for treatment systems that do not require such calculations. 2. The Permittee must modify the SWPPP if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is, or would be, ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The Permittee must then: a. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection or investigation. b. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems no later than 10 days from the inspection or investigation. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial 10-day response period. c. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. The Permittee must modify the SWPPP whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. C. Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) BMPs must be consistent with: 1. Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (most current approved edition at the time this permit was issued), for sites west of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or 2. Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (most current approved edition at the time this permit was issued), for sites east of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or 3. Revisions to the manuals listed in Special Condition S9.C.1. & 2., or other stormwater management guidance documents or manuals which provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, that are approved by Ecology and incorporated into this permit in accordance with the permit modification requirements of WAC 173-226-230; or Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 29 4. Documentation in the SWPPP that the BMPs selected provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, compared to the applicable Stormwater Management Manuals, including: a. The technical basis for the selection of all stormwater BMPs (scientific, technical studies, and/or modeling) that support the performance claims for the BMPs being selected. b. An assessment of how the selected BMP will satisfy AKART requirements and the applicable federal technology-based treatment requirements under 40 CFR part 125.3. D. SWPPP – Narrative Contents and Requirements The Permittee must include each of the 13 elements below in Special Condition S9.D.1-13 in the narrative of the SWPPP and implement them unless site conditions render the element unnecessary and the exemption from that element is clearly justified in the SWPPP. 1. Preserve Vegetation/Mark Clearing Limits a. Before beginning land-disturbing activities, including clearing and grading, clearly mark all clearing limits, sensitive areas and their buffers, and trees that are to be preserved within the construction area. b. Retain the duff layer, native topsoil, and natural vegetation in an undisturbed state to the maximum degree practicable. 2. Establish Construction Access a. Limit construction vehicle access and exit to one route, if possible. b. Stabilize access points with a pad of quarry spalls, crushed rock, or other equivalent BMPs, to minimize tracking sediment onto roads. c. Locate wheel wash or tire baths on site, if the stabilized construction entrance is not effective in preventing tracking sediment onto roads. d. If sediment is tracked off site, clean the affected roadway thoroughly at the end of each day, or more frequently as necessary (for example, during wet weather). Remove sediment from roads by shoveling, sweeping, or pickup and transport of the sediment to a controlled sediment disposal area. e. Conduct street washing only after sediment removal in accordance with Special Condition S9.D.2.d. Control street wash wastewater by pumping back on site or otherwise preventing it from discharging into systems tributary to waters of the State. 3. Control Flow Rates a. Protect properties and waterways downstream of development sites from erosion and the associated discharge of turbid waters due to increases in the Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 30 velocity and peak volumetric flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site, as required by local plan approval authority. b. Where necessary to comply with Special Condition S9.D.3.a, construct stormwater retention or detention facilities as one of the first steps in grading. Assure that detention facilities function properly before constructing site improvements (for example, impervious surfaces). c. If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, protect these facilities from siltation during the construction phase. 4. Install Sediment Controls The Permittee must design, install and maintain effective erosion controls and sediment controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants. At a minimum, the Permittee must design, install and maintain such controls to: a. Construct sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters, infiltration facilities, etc.) as one of the first steps in grading. These BMPs must be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. b. Minimize sediment discharges from the site. The design, installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls must address factors such as the amount, frequency, intensity and duration of precipitation, the nature of resulting stormwater runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site. c. Direct stormwater runoff from disturbed areas through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal BMP, before the runoff leaves a construction site or before discharge to an infiltration facility. Runoff from fully stabilized areas may be discharged without a sediment removal BMP, but must meet the flow control performance standard of Special Condition S9.D.3.a. d. Locate BMPs intended to trap sediment on site in a manner to avoid interference with the movement of juvenile salmonids attempting to enter off-channel areas or drainages. e. Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal and maximize stormwater infiltration, unless infeasible. f. Where feasible, design outlet structures that withdraw impounded stormwater from the surface to avoid discharging sediment that is still suspended lower in the water column. 5. Stabilize Soils a. The Permittee must stabilize exposed and unworked soils by application of effective BMPs that prevent erosion. Applicable BMPs include, but are not limited to: temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, erosion control fabrics and matting, soil application of polyacrylamide Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 31 (PAM), the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved, and dust control. b. The Permittee must control stormwater volume and velocity within the site to minimize soil erosion. c. The Permittee must control stormwater discharges, including both peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion. d. Depending on the geographic location of the project, the Permittee must not allow soils to remain exposed and unworked for more than the time periods set forth below to prevent erosion: West of the Cascade Mountains Crest During the dry season (May 1 - September 30): 7 days During the wet season (October 1 - April 30): 2 days East of the Cascade Mountains Crest, except for Central Basin* During the dry season (July 1 - September 30): 10 days During the wet season (October 1 - June 30): 5 days The Central Basin*, East of the Cascade Mountains Crest During the dry season (July 1 - September 30): 30 days During the wet season (October 1 - June 30): 15 days *Note: The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. e. The Permittee must stabilize soils at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. f. The Permittee must stabilize soil stockpiles from erosion, protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. g. The Permittee must minimize the amount of soil exposed during construction activity. h. The Permittee must minimize the disturbance of steep slopes. i. The Permittee must minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil. 6. Protect Slopes a. The Permittee must design and construct cut-and-fill slopes in a manner to minimize erosion. Applicable practices include, but are not limited to, reducing continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reducing slope steepness, and roughening slope surfaces (for example, track walking). Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 32 b. The Permittee must divert off-site stormwater (run-on) or ground water away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, pipes, and/or swales. Off-site stormwater should be managed separately from stormwater generated on the site. c. At the top of slopes, collect drainage in pipe slope drains or protected channels to prevent erosion. i. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the peak 10-minute flow rate from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate predicted by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area.” ii. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the expected peak flow rate from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. d. Place excavated material on the uphill side of trenches, consistent with safety and space considerations. e. Place check dams at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope. 7. Protect Drain Inlets a. Protect all storm drain inlets made operable during construction so that stormwater runoff does not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. b. Clean or remove and replace inlet protection devices when sediment has filled one-third of the available storage (unless a different standard is specified by the product manufacturer). 8. Stabilize Channels and Outlets a. Design, construct and stabilize all on-site conveyance channels to prevent erosion from the following expected peak flows: i. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the peak 10-minute flow rate from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate indicated by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 33 cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the WWHM to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area.” ii. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the expected peak flow rate from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. b. Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches at the outlets of all conveyance systems. 9. Control Pollutants Design, install, implement and maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants. The Permittee must: a. Handle and dispose of all pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris that occur on site in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. b. Provide cover, containment, and protection from vandalism for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other materials that have the potential to pose a threat to human health or the environment. On-site fueling tanks must include secondary containment. Secondary containment means placing tanks or containers within an impervious structure capable of containing 110% of the volume contained in the largest tank within the containment structure. Double- walled tanks do not require additional secondary containment. c. Conduct maintenance, fueling, and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles using spill prevention and control measures. Clean contaminated surfaces immediately following any spill incident. d. Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed-loop recirculation or upland land application, or to the sanitary sewer with local sewer district approval. e. Apply fertilizers and pesticides in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Follow manufacturers’ label requirements for application rates and procedures. f. Use BMPs to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff by pH-modifying sources. The sources for this contamination include, but are not limited to: bulk cement, cement kiln dust, fly ash, new concrete washing and curing waters, recycled concrete stockpiles, waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing, exposed aggregate processes, dewatering concrete vaults, concrete Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 34 pumping and mixer washout waters. (Also refer to the definition for "concrete wastewater" in Appendix A--Definitions.) g. Adjust the pH of stormwater or authorized non-stormwater if necessary to prevent an exceedance of groundwater and/or surface water quality standards. h. Assure that washout of concrete trucks is performed off-site or in designated concrete washout areas only. Do not wash out concrete truck drums or concrete handling equipment onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Washout of concrete handling equipment may be disposed of in a designated concrete washout area or in a formed area awating concrete where it will not contaminate surface or ground water. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge directly to groundwater or surface waters of the State is prohibited. Do not wash out to formed areas awaiting LID facilities. i. Obtain written approval from Ecology before using any chemical treatment, with the exception of CO2 or dry ice used to adjust pH. j. Uncontaminated water from water-only based shaft drilling for construction of building, road, and bridge foundations may be infiltrated provided the wastewater is managed in a way that prohibits discharge to surface waters. Prior to infiltration, water from water-only based shaft drilling that comes into contact with curing concrete must be neutralized until pH is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 10. Control Dewatering a. Permittees must discharge foundation, vault, and trench dewatering water, which have characteristics similar to stormwater runoff at the site, into a controlled conveyance system before discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. b. Permittees may discharge clean, non-turbid dewatering water, such as well- point ground water, to systems tributary to, or directly into surface waters of the State, as specified in Special Condition S9.D.8, provided the dewatering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of receiving waters. Do not route clean dewatering water through stormwater sediment ponds. Note that “surface waters of the State” may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site. c. Other dewatering treatment or disposal options may include: i. Infiltration. ii. Transport off site in a vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute state waters. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 35 iii. Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies (see S9.D.9.i. regarding chemical treatment written approval). iv. Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval, if there is no other option. v. Use of a sedimentation bag with discharge to a ditch or swale for small volumes of localized dewatering. d. Permittees must handle highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water separately from stormwater. 11. Maintain BMPs a. Permittees must maintain and repair all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function in accordance with BMP specifications. b. Permittees must remove all temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs within 30 days after achieving final site stabilization or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. 12. Manage the Project a. Phase development projects to the maximum degree practicable and take into account seasonal work limitations. b. Inspection and monitoring – Inspect, maintain and repair all BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Conduct site inspections and monitoring in accordance with Special Condition S4. c. Maintaining an updated construction SWPPP – Maintain, update, and implement the SWPPP in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4 and S9. 13. Protect Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs The primary purpose of LID BMPs/On-site LID Stormwater Management BMPs is to reduce the disruption of the natural site hydrology. LID BMPs are permanent facilities. a. Permittees must protect all Bioretention and Rain Garden facilities from sedimentation through installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control BMPs on portions of the site that drain into the Bioretention and/or Rain Garden facilities. Restore the facilities to their fully functioning condition if they accumulate sediment during construction. Restoring the facility must include removal of sediment and any sediment-laden Bioretention/Rain Garden soils, and replacing the removed soils with soils meeting the design specification. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 36 b. Permittees must maintain the infiltration capabilities of Bioretention and Rain Garden facilities by protecting against compaction by construction equipment and foot traffic. Protect completed lawn and landscaped areas from compaction due to construction equipment. c. Permittees must control erosion and avoid introducing sediment from surrounding land uses onto permeable pavements. Do not allow muddy construction equipment on the base material or pavement. Do not allow sediment-laden runoff onto permeable pavements. d. Permittees must clean permeable pavements fouled with sediments or no longer passing an initial infiltration test using local stormwater manual methodology or the manufacturer’s procedures. e. Permittees must keep all heavy equipment off existing soils under LID facilities that have been excavated to final grade to retain the infiltration rate of the soils. E. SWPPP – Map Contents and Requirements The Permittee’s SWPPP must also include a vicinity map or general location map (for example, a USGS quadrangle map, a portion of a county or city map, or other appropriate map) with enough detail to identify the location of the construction site and receiving waters within one mile of the site. The SWPPP must also include a legible site map (or maps) showing the entire construction site. The following features must be identified, unless not applicable due to site conditions: 1. The direction of north, property lines, and existing structures and roads. 2. Cut and fill slopes indicating the top and bottom of slope catch lines. 3. Approximate slopes, contours, and direction of stormwater flow before and after major grading activities. 4. Areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed. 5. Locations of structural and nonstructural controls (BMPs) identified in the SWPPP. 6. Locations of off-site material, stockpiles, waste storage, borrow areas, and vehicle/equipment storage areas. 7. Locations of all surface water bodies, including wetlands. 8. Locations where stormwater or non-stormwater discharges off-site and/or to a surface waterbody, including wetlands. 9. Location of water quality sampling station(s), if sampling is required by state or local permitting authority. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 37 10. Areas where final stabilization has been accomplished and no further construction- phase permit requirements apply. 11. Location or proposed location of LID facilities. S10. NOTICE OF TERMINATION A. The site is eligible for termination of coverage when it has met any of the following conditions: 1. The site has undergone final stabilization, the Permittee has removed all temporary BMPs (except biodegradable BMPs clearly manufactured with the intention for the material to be left in place and not interfere with maintenance or land use), and all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity have been eliminated; or 2. All portions of the site that have not undergone final stabilization per Special Condition S10.A.1 have been sold and/or transferred (per General Condition G9), and the Permittee no longer has operational control of the construction activity; or 3. For residential construction only, the Permittee has completed temporary stabilization and the homeowners have taken possession of the residences. B. When the site is eligible for termination, the Permittee must submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) form, signed in accordance with General Condition G2, to: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program – Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 When an electronic termination form is available, the Permittee may choose to submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) form through the Water Quality Permitting Portal rather than mailing a hardcopy as noted above. The termination is effective on the thirty-first calendar day following the date Ecology receives a complete NOT form, unless Ecology notifies the Permittee that the termination request is denied because the Permittee has not met the eligibility requirements in Special Condition S10.A. Permittees are required to comply with all conditions and effluent limitations in the permit until the permit has been terminated. Permittees transferring the property to a new property owner or operator/Permittee are required to complete and submit the Notice of Transfer form to Ecology, but are not required to submit a Notice of Termination form for this type of transaction. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 38 GENERAL CONDITIONS G1. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS All discharges and activities authorized by this general permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of this general permit. Any discharge of any pollutant more frequent than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by the general permit must constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit. G2. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS A. All permit applications must bear a certification of correctness to be signed: 1. In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer; 2. In the case of a partnership, by a general partner of a partnership; 3. In the case of sole proprietorship, by the proprietor; or 4. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. B. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by Ecology (including NOIs, NOTs, and Transfer of Coverage forms) must be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: 1. The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and submitted to Ecology. 2. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant manager, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters. C. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under paragraph G2.B.2 above is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph G2.B.2 above must be submitted to Ecology prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative. D. Certification. Any person signing a document under this section must make the following certification: “I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 39 knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” G3. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY The Permittee must allow an authorized representative of Ecology, upon the presentation of credentials and such other documents as may be required by law: A. To enter upon the premises where a discharge is located or where any records are kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. B. To have access to and copy – at reasonable times and at reasonable cost – any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. C. To inspect – at reasonable times – any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, methods, or operations regulated or required under this permit. D. To sample or monitor – at reasonable times – any substances or parameters at any location for purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act. G4. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 173-226 WAC. Grounds for modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination include, but are not limited to, the following: A. When a change occurs in the technology or practices for control or abatement of pollutants applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit. B. When effluent limitation guidelines or standards are promulgated pursuant to the CWA or Chapter 90.48 RCW, for the category of dischargers covered under this permit. C. When a water quality management plan containing requirements applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit is approved, or D. When information is obtained that indicates cumulative effects on the environment from dischargers covered under this permit are unacceptable. G5. REVOCATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT Pursuant to Chapter 43.21B RCW and Chapter 173-226 WAC, the Director may terminate coverage for any discharger under this permit for cause. Cases where coverage may be terminated include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Violation of any term or condition of this permit. B. Obtaining coverage under this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 40 C. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge. D. Failure or refusal of the Permittee to allow entry as required in RCW 90.48.090. E. A determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the environment, or contributes to water quality standards violations. F. Nonpayment of permit fees or penalties assessed pursuant to RCW 90.48.465 and Chapter 173-224 WAC. G. Failure of the Permittee to satisfy the public notice requirements of WAC 173-226- 130(5), when applicable. The Director may require any discharger under this permit to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Permittees who have their coverage revoked for cause according to WAC 173-226-240 may request temporary coverage under this permit during the time an individual permit is being developed, provided the request is made within ninety (90) days from the time of revocation and is submitted along with a complete individual permit application form. G6. REPORTING A CAUSE FOR MODIFICATION The Permittee must submit a new application, or a supplement to the previous application, whenever a material change to the construction activity or in the quantity or type of discharge is anticipated which is not specifically authorized by this permit. This application must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to any proposed changes. Filing a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not relieve the Permittee of the duty to comply with the existing permit until it is modified or reissued. G7. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES Nothing in this permit will be construed as excusing the Permittee from compliance with any applicable federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations. G8. DUTY TO REAPPLY The Permittee must apply for permit renewal at least 180 days prior to the specified expiration date of this permit. The Permittee must reapply using the electronic application form (NOI) available on Ecology’s website. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper NOI. Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 41 G9. TRANSFER OF GENERAL PERMIT COVERAGE Coverage under this general permit is automatically transferred to a new discharger, including operators of lots/parcels within a common plan of development or sale, if: A. A written agreement (Transfer of Coverage Form) between the current discharger (Permittee) and new discharger, signed by both parties and containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability (including any Administrative Orders associated with the Permit) is submitted to the Director; and B. The Director does not notify the current discharger and new discharger of the Director’s intent to revoke coverage under the general permit. If this notice is not given, the transfer is effective on the date specified in the written agreement. When a current discharger (Permittee) transfers a portion of a permitted site, the current discharger must also submit an updated application form (NOI) to the Director indicating the remaining permitted acreage after the transfer. G10. REMOVED SUBSTANCES The Permittee must not re-suspend or reintroduce collected screenings, grit, solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of stormwater to the final effluent stream for discharge to state waters. G11. DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION The Permittee must submit to Ecology, within a reasonable time, all information that Ecology may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The Permittee must also submit to Ecology, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit [40 CFR 122.41(h)]. G12. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR All other requirements of 40 CFR 122.41 and 122.42 are incorporated in this permit by reference. G13. ADDITIONAL MONITORING Ecology may establish specific monitoring requirements in addition to those contained in this permit by administrative order or permit modification. G14. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS Any person who is found guilty of willfully violating the terms and conditions of this permit shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Each day upon which a willful violation occurs may be deemed a separate and additional violation. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 42 Any person who violates the terms and conditions of a waste discharge permit shall incur, in addition to any other penalty as provided by law, a civil penalty in the amount of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for every such violation. Each and every such violation shall be a separate and distinct offense, and in case of a continuing violation, every day’s continuance shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct violation. G15. UPSET Definition – “Upset” means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of the following paragraph are met. A Permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset must demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that: 1) an upset occurred and that the Permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset; 2) the permitted facility was being properly operated at the time of the upset; 3) the Permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Special Condition S5.F, and; 4) the Permittee complied with any remedial measures required under this permit. In any enforcement proceeding, the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. G16. PROPERTY RIGHTS This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege. G17. DUTY TO COMPLY The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit renewal application. G18. TOXIC POLLUTANTS The Permittee must comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish those standards or prohibitions, even if this permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 43 G19. PENALTIES FOR TAMPERING The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person under this condition, punishment shall be a fine of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment of not more than four (4) years, or both. G20. REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES The Permittee must, as soon as possible, give notice to Ecology of planned physical alterations, modifications or additions to the permitted construction activity. The Permittee should be aware that, depending on the nature and size of the changes to the original permit, a new public notice and other permit process requirements may be required. Changes in activities that require reporting to Ecology include those that will result in: A. The permitted facility being determined to be a new source pursuant to 40 CFR 122.29(b). B. A significant change in the nature or an increase in quantity of pollutants discharged, including but not limited to: for sites 5 acres or larger, a 20% or greater increase in acreage disturbed by construction activity. C. A change in or addition of surface water(s) receiving stormwater or non-stormwater from the construction activity. D. A change in the construction plans and/or activity that affects the Permittee’s monitoring requirements in Special Condition S4. Following such notice, permit coverage may be modified, or revoked and reissued pursuant to 40 CFR 122.62(a) to specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited. Until such modification is effective, any new or increased discharge in excess of permit limits or not specifically authorized by this permit constitutes a violation. G21. REPORTING OTHER INFORMATION Where the Permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to Ecology, it must promptly submit such facts or information. G22. REPORTING ANTICIPATED NON-COMPLIANCE The Permittee must give advance notice to Ecology by submission of a new application or supplement thereto at least forty-five (45) days prior to commencement of such discharges, of any facility expansions, production increases, or other planned changes, such as process modifications, in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit limits or conditions. Any maintenance of facilities, which might necessitate Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 44 unavoidable interruption of operation and degradation of effluent quality, must be scheduled during non-critical water quality periods and carried out in a manner approved by Ecology. G23. REQUESTS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT Any discharger authorized by this permit may request to be excluded from coverage under the general permit by applying for an individual permit. The discharger must submit to the Director an application as described in WAC 173-220-040 or WAC 173-216-070, whichever is applicable, with reasons supporting the request. These reasons will fully document how an individual permit will apply to the applicant in a way that the general permit cannot. Ecology may make specific requests for information to support the request. The Director will either issue an individual permit or deny the request with a statement explaining the reason for the denial. When an individual permit is issued to a discharger otherwise subject to the construction stormwater general permit, the applicability of the construction stormwater general permit to that Permittee is automatically terminated on the effective date of the individual permit. G24. APPEALS A. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to the appropriate class of dischargers, are subject to appeal by any person within 30 days of issuance of this general permit, in accordance with Chapter 43.21B RCW, and Chapter 173-226 WAC. B. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to an individual discharger, are appealable in accordance with Chapter 43.21B RCW within 30 days of the effective date of coverage of that discharger. Consideration of an appeal of general permit coverage of an individual discharger is limited to the general permit’s applicability or nonapplicability to that individual discharger. C. The appeal of general permit coverage of an individual discharger does not affect any other dischargers covered under this general permit. If the terms and conditions of this general permit are found to be inapplicable to any individual discharger(s), the matter shall be remanded to Ecology for consideration of issuance of an individual permit or permits. G25. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby. G26. BYPASS PROHIBITED A. Bypass Procedures Bypass, which is the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility, is prohibited for stormwater events below the design criteria for Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 45 stormwater management. Ecology may take enforcement action against a Permittee for bypass unless one of the following circumstances (1, 2, 3 or 4) is applicable. 1. Bypass of stormwater is consistent with the design criteria and part of an approved management practice in the applicable stormwater management manual. 2. Bypass for essential maintenance without the potential to cause violation of permit limits or conditions. Bypass is authorized if it is for essential maintenance and does not have the potential to cause violations of limitations or other conditions of this permit, or adversely impact public health. 3. Bypass of stormwater is unavoidable, unanticipated, and results in noncompliance of this permit. This bypass is permitted only if: a. Bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage. “Severe property damage” means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. b. There are no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime (but not if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance), or transport of untreated wastes to another treatment facility. c. Ecology is properly notified of the bypass as required in Special Condition S5.F of this permit. 4. A planned action that would cause bypass of stormwater and has the potential to result in noncompliance of this permit during a storm event. The Permittee must notify Ecology at least thirty (30) days before the planned date of bypass. The notice must contain: a. A description of the bypass and its cause. b. An analysis of all known alternatives which would eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the need for bypassing. c. A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternatives including comparative resource damage assessment. d. The minimum and maximum duration of bypass under each alternative. e. A recommendation as to the preferred alternative for conducting the bypass. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 46 f. The projected date of bypass initiation. g. A statement of compliance with SEPA. h. A request for modification of water quality standards as provided for in WAC 173-201A-110, if an exceedance of any water quality standard is anticipated. i. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the bypass. 5. For probable construction bypasses, the need to bypass is to be identified as early in the planning process as possible. The analysis required above must be considered during preparation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and must be included to the extent practical. In cases where the probable need to bypass is determined early, continued analysis is necessary up to and including the construction period in an effort to minimize or eliminate the bypass. Ecology will consider the following before issuing an administrative order for this type bypass: a. If the bypass is necessary to perform construction or maintenance-related activities essential to meet the requirements of this permit. b. If there are feasible alternatives to bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, stopping production, maintenance during normal periods of equipment down time, or transport of untreated wastes to another treatment facility. c. If the bypass is planned and scheduled to minimize adverse effects on the public and the environment. After consideration of the above and the adverse effects of the proposed bypass and any other relevant factors, Ecology will approve, conditionally approve, or deny the request. The public must be notified and given an opportunity to comment on bypass incidents of significant duration, to the extent feasible. Approval of a request to bypass will be by administrative order issued by Ecology under RCW 90.48.120. B. Duty to Mitigate The Permittee is required to take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or sludge use or disposal in violation of this permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 47 APPENDIX A – DEFINITIONS AKART is an acronym for “all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment.” AKART represents the most current methodology that can be reasonably required for preventing, controlling, or abating the pollutants and controlling pollution associated with a discharge. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus, which was completed and approved by EPA before January 1, 2016, or before the date the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. Applicant means an operator seeking coverage under this permit. Benchmark means a pollutant concentration used as a permit threshold, below which a pollutant is considered unlikely to cause a water quality violation, and above which it may. When pollutant concentrations exceed benchmarks, corrective action requirements take effect. Benchmark values are not water quality standards and are not numeric effluent limitations; they are indicator values. Best Management Practices (BMPs) means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other physical, structural and/or managerial practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the State. BMPs include treatment systems, operating procedures, and practices to control: stormwater associated with construction activity, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. Buffer means an area designated by a local jurisdiction that is contiguous to and intended to protect a sensitive area. Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility. Calendar Day A period of 24 consecutive hours starting at 12:00 midnight and ending the following 12:00 midnight. Calendar Week (same as Week) means a period of seven consecutive days starting at 12:01 a.m. (0:01 hours) on Sunday. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) means a person who has current certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by Ecology (see BMP C160 in the SWMM). Chemical Treatment means the addition of chemicals to stormwater and/or authorized non- stormwater prior to filtration and discharge to surface waters. Clean Water Act (CWA) means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act enacted by Public Law 92-500, as amended by Public Laws 95-217, 95-576, 96-483, and 97-117; USC 1251 et seq. Combined Sewer means a sewer which has been designed to serve as a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer, and into which inflow is allowed by local ordinance. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 48 Common Plan of Development or Sale means a site where multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules and/or by different contractors, but still under a single plan. Examples include: 1) phased projects and projects with multiple filings or lots, even if the separate phases or filings/lots will be constructed under separate contract or by separate owners (e.g., a development where lots are sold to separate builders); 2) a development plan that may be phased over multiple years, but is still under a consistent plan for long-term development; 3) projects in a contiguous area that may be unrelated but still under the same contract, such as construction of a building extension and a new parking lot at the same facility; and 4) linear projects such as roads, pipelines, or utilities. If the project is part of a common plan of development or sale, the disturbed area of the entire plan must be used in determining permit requirements. Composite Sample means a mixture of grab samples collected at the same sampling point at different times, formed either by continuous sampling or by mixing discrete samples. May be "time-composite" (collected at constant time intervals) or "flow-proportional" (collected either as a constant sample volume at time intervals proportional to stream flow, or collected by increasing the volume of each aliquot as the flow increases while maintaining a constant time interval between the aliquots. Concrete Wastewater means any water used in the production, pouring and/or clean-up of concrete or concrete products, and any water used to cut, grind, wash, or otherwise modify concrete or concrete products. Examples include water used for or resulting from concrete truck/mixer/pumper/tool/chute rinsing or washing, concrete saw cutting and surfacing (sawing, coring, grinding, roughening, hydro-demolition, bridge and road surfacing). When stormwater comingles with concrete wastewater, the resulting water is considered concrete wastewater and must be managed to prevent discharge to waters of the State, including ground water. Construction Activity means land disturbing operations including clearing, grading or excavation which disturbs the surface of the land. Such activities may include road construction, construction of residential houses, office buildings, or industrial buildings, site preparation, soil compaction, movement and stockpiling of topsoils, and demolition activity. Contaminant means any hazardous substance that does not occur naturally or occurs at greater than natural background levels. See definition of “hazardous substance” and WAC 173-340-200. Contaminated Groundwater means groundwater which contains contaminants, pollutants, or hazardous substances that do not occur naturally or occur at levels greater than natural background. Contaminated Soil means soil which contains contaminants, pollutants, or hazardous substances that do not occur naturally or occur at levels greater than natural background. Demonstrably Equivalent means that the technical basis for the selection of all stormwater BMPs is documented within a SWPPP, including: 1. The method and reasons for choosing the stormwater BMPs selected. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 49 2. The pollutant removal performance expected from the BMPs selected. 3. The technical basis supporting the performance claims for the BMPs selected, including any available data concerning field performance of the BMPs selected. 4. An assessment of how the selected BMPs will comply with state water quality standards. 5. An assessment of how the selected BMPs will satisfy both applicable federal technology- based treatment requirements and state requirements to use all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (AKART). Department means the Washington State Department of Ecology. Detention means the temporary storage of stormwater to improve quality and/or to reduce the mass flow rate of discharge. Dewatering means the act of pumping ground water or stormwater away from an active construction site. Director means the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology or his/her authorized representative. Discharger means an owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to regulation under Chapter 90.48 RCW or the Federal Clean Water Act. Domestic Wastewater means water carrying human wastes, including kitchen, bath, and laundry wastes from residences, buildings, industrial establishments, or other places, together with such ground water infiltration or surface waters as may be present. Ecology means the Washington State Department of Ecology. Engineered Soils means the use of soil amendments including, but not limited, to Portland cement treated base (CTB), cement kiln dust (CKD), or fly ash to achieve certain desirable soil characteristics. Equivalent BMPs means operational, source control, treatment, or innovative BMPs which result in equal or better quality of stormwater discharge to surface water or to ground water than BMPs selected from the SWMM. Erosion means the wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice, or other geological agents, including such processes as gravitational creep. Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs means BMPs intended to prevent erosion and sedimentation, such as preserving natural vegetation, seeding, mulching and matting, plastic covering, filter fences, sediment traps, and ponds. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are synonymous with stabilization and structural BMPs. Federal Operator is an entity that meets the definition of “Operator” in this permit and is either any department, agency or instrumentality of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 50 the Federal government of the United States, or another entity, such as a private contractor, performing construction activity for any such department, agency, or instrumentality. Final Stabilization (same as fully stabilized or full stabilization) means the establishment of a permanent vegetative cover, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (examples of permanent non-vegetative stabilization methods include, but are not limited to riprap, gabions or geotextiles) which prevents erosion. Ground Water means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the land surface or a surface waterbody. Hazardous Substance means any dangerous or extremely hazardous waste as defined in RCW 70.105.010 (5) and (6), or any dangerous or extremely dangerous waste as designated by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any hazardous substance as defined in RCW 70.105.010(10) or any hazardous substance as defined by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any substance that, on the effective date of this section, is a hazardous substance under section 101(14) of the federal cleanup law, 42 U.S.C., Sec. 9601(14); petroleum or petroleum products; and any substance or category of substances, including solid waste decomposition products, determined by the director by rule to present a threat to human health or the environment if released into the environment. The term hazardous substance does not include any of the following when contained in an underground storage tank from which there is not a release: crude oil or any fraction thereof or petroleum, if the tank is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local law. Injection Well means a well that is used for the subsurface emplacement of fluids. (See Well.) Jurisdiction means a political unit such as a city, town or county; incorporated for local self- government. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act, for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the State from point sources. These permits are referred to as NPDES permits and, in Washington State, are administered by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Notice of Intent (NOI) means the application for, or a request for coverage under this general permit pursuant to WAC 173-226-200. Notice of Termination (NOT) means a request for termination of coverage under this general permit as specified by Special Condition S10 of this permit. Operator means any party associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria:  The party has operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications; or Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 51  The party has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a SWPPP for the site or other permit conditions (e.g., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the SWPPP or comply with other permit conditions). Permittee means individual or entity that receives notice of coverage under this general permit. pH means a liquid’s measure of acidity or alkalinity. A pH of 7 is defined as neutral. Large variations above or below this value are considered harmful to most aquatic life. pH Monitoring Period means the time period in which the pH of stormwater runoff from a site must be tested a minimum of once every seven days to determine if stormwater pH is between 6.5 and 8.5. Point Source means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, and container from which pollutants are or may be discharged to surface waters of the State. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture. (See Fact Sheet for further explanation.) Pollutant means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, domestic sewage sludge (biosolids), munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste. This term does not include sewage from vessels within the meaning of section 312 of the CWA, nor does it include dredged or fill material discharged in accordance with a permit issued under section 404 of the CWA. Pollution means contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties of waters of the State; including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, or odor of the waters; or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into any waters of the State as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare; or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses; or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life. Process Wastewater means any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product. If stormwater commingles with process wastewater, the commingled water is considered process wastewater. Receiving Water means the waterbody at the point of discharge. If the discharge is to a storm sewer system, either surface or subsurface, the receiving water is the waterbody to which the storm system discharges. Systems designed primarily for other purposes such as for ground water drainage, redirecting stream natural flows, or for conveyance of irrigation water/return flows that coincidentally convey stormwater are considered the receiving water. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 52 Representative means a stormwater or wastewater sample which represents the flow and characteristics of the discharge. Representative samples may be a grab sample, a time- proportionate composite sample, or a flow proportionate sample. Ecology’s Construction Stormwater Monitoring Manual provides guidance on representative sampling. Responsible Corporate Officer for the purpose of signatory authority means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy- or decision-making functions for the corporation, or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make management decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures (40 CFR 122.22). Sanitary Sewer means a sewer which is designed to convey domestic wastewater. Sediment means the fragmented material that originates from the weathering and erosion of rocks or unconsolidated deposits, and is transported by, suspended in, or deposited by water. Sedimentation means the depositing or formation of sediment. Sensitive Area means a waterbody, wetland, stream, aquifer recharge area, or channel migration zone. SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) means the Washington State Law, RCW 43.21C.020, intended to prevent or eliminate damage to the environment. Significant Amount means an amount of a pollutant in a discharge that is amenable to available and reasonable methods of prevention or treatment; or an amount of a pollutant that has a reasonable potential to cause a violation of surface or ground water quality or sediment management standards. Significant Concrete Work means greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project. Significant Contributor of Pollutants means a facility determined by Ecology to be a contributor of a significant amount(s) of a pollutant(s) to waters of the State of Washington. Site means the land or water area where any "facility or activity" is physically located or conducted. Source Control BMPs means physical, structural or mechanical devices or facilities that are intended to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater. A few examples of source control Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 53 BMPs are erosion control practices, maintenance of stormwater facilities, constructing roofs over storage and working areas, and directing wash water and similar discharges to the sanitary sewer or a dead end sump. Stabilization means the application of appropriate BMPs to prevent the erosion of soils, such as, temporary and permanent seeding, vegetative covers, mulching and matting, plastic covering and sodding. See also the definition of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs. Storm Drain means any drain which drains directly into a storm sewer system, usually found along roadways or in parking lots. Storm Sewer System means a means a conveyance, or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater. This does not include systems which are part of a combined sewer or Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. Stormwater means that portion of precipitation that does not naturally percolate into the ground or evaporate, but flows via overland flow, interflow, pipes, and other features of a stormwater drainage system into a defined surface waterbody, or a constructed infiltration facility. Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) or Manual means the technical Manual published by Ecology for use by local governments that contain descriptions of and design criteria for BMPs to prevent, control, or treat pollutants in stormwater. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) means a documented plan to implement measures to identify, prevent, and control the contamination of point source discharges of stormwater. Surface Waters of the State includes lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, salt waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the State of Washington. Temporary Stabilization means the exposed ground surface has been covered with appropriate materials to provide temporary stabilization of the surface from water or wind erosion. Materials include, but are not limited to, mulch, riprap, erosion control mats or blankets and temporary cover crops. Seeding alone is not considered stabilization. Temporary stabilization is not a substitute for the more permanent “final stabilization.” Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) means a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet state water quality standards. Percentages of the total maximum daily load are allocated to the various pollutant sources. A TMDL is the sum of the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing point and nonpoint sources. The TMDL calculations must include a "margin of safety" to ensure that the waterbody can be protected in case there are unforeseen events or unknown sources of the pollutant. The calculation must also account for seasonable variation in water quality. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 54 Transfer of Coverage (TOC) means a request for transfer of coverage under this general permit as specified by General Condition G9 of this permit. Treatment BMPs means BMPs that are intended to remove pollutants from stormwater. A few examples of treatment BMPs are detention ponds, oil/water separators, biofiltration, and constructed wetlands. Transparency means a measurement of water clarity in centimeters (cm), using a 60 cm transparency tube. The transparency tube is used to estimate the relative clarity or transparency of water by noting the depth at which a black and white Secchi disc becomes visible when water is released from a value in the bottom of the tube. A transparency tube is sometimes referred to as a “turbidity tube.” Turbidity means the clarity of water expressed as nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) and measured with a calibrated turbidimeter. Uncontaminated means free from any contaminant. See definition of “contaminant” and WAC 173-340-200. Waste Load Allocation (WLA) means the portion of a receiving water’s loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs constitute a type of water quality based effluent limitation (40 CFR 130.2[h]). Water-only Based Shaft Drilling is a shaft drilling process that uses water only and no additives are involved in the drilling of shafts for construction of building, road, or bridge foundations. Water quality means the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water, usually with respect to its suitability for a particular purpose. Waters of the State includes those waters as defined as "waters of the United States" in 40 CFR Subpart 122.2 within the geographic boundaries of Washington State and "waters of the State" as defined in Chapter 90.48 RCW, which include lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, underground waters, salt waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington. Well means a bored, drilled or driven shaft, or dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension. (See Injection well.) Wheel Wash Wastewater means any water used in, or resulting from the operation of, a tire bath or wheel wash (BMP C106: Wheel Wash), or other structure or practice that uses water to physically remove mud and debris from vehicles leaving a construction site and prevent track- out onto roads. When stormwater comingles with wheel wash wastewater, the resulting water is considered wheel wash wastewater and must be managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 55 APPENDIX B – ACRONYMS AKART All Known, Available, and Reasonable Methods of Prevention, Control, and Treatment BMP Best Management Practice CESCL Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead CFR Code of Federal Regulations CKD Cement Kiln Dust cm Centimeters CTB Cement-Treated Base CWA Clean Water Act DMR Discharge Monitoring Report EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERTS Environmental Report Tracking System ESC Erosion and Sediment Control FR Federal Register LID Low Impact Development NOI Notice of Intent NOT Notice of Termination NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit RCW Revised Code of Washington SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SWMM Stormwater Management Manual SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load UIC Underground Injection Control USC United States Code USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency WAC Washington Administrative Code WQ Water Quality WWHM Western Washington Hydrology Model P a g e | 33 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix F National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) P a g e | 34 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix G 303(d) List Waterbodies / TMDL Waterbodies Information ECY 070-399 (Rev. 12/15) 1 Part 1. Site Information 1a. Site or Project Name: 1b. Site Address or Location Description: City: County: 1c. Impaired Water Body: 1d. Impairment Pollutant(s): Part 2. Discharge Certification Ecology will not grant coverage under the Construction Stormwater General Permit for new discharges to an impaired (303(d)-listed) water body if the discharge will cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. For Ecology to determine whether permit coverage is appropriate, the site operator (Permittee) must select one of the three options below, complete this form, and provide the required documentation to Ecology. Select the one option below that most clearly applies to your site. Additionally, submit the relevant portions of the SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) that support the chosen option. If you have not yet developed the SWPPP, submit relevant documentation to be included in the SWPPP to justify the chosen option. 2a. The pollutant(s) for which the water body is impaired is/are not present on the site. Documentation of this finding is contained within the SWPPP. (If the water body is impaired for more than one pollutant, check this box only if NONE of the impairment pollutants are present on site). 2b. Stormwater will not be exposed to the pollutant(s) for which the water body is impaired, and the SWPPP details procedures taken to prevent exposure on site. (This statement must be true for all pollutants for which the water body is impaired. If any impairment pollutant does not meet 2a or 2b, you must complete 2c). 2c. You don’t expect the discharge to cause or contribute to an exceedance of a water quality standard. Provide Ecology with data to support this statement, and retain such data on site with the SWPPP. The operator must provide data and other technical information to Ecology that sufficiently demonstrates one of the following: i. For discharges to waters without an EPA-approved or established TMDL (water cleanup plan), the discharge of the impairment pollutant(s) will meet in-stream water quality criteria at the point of discharge to the water body. ii. For discharges to waters with an EPA-approved or established TMDL, there is sufficient remaining wasteload allocation in the TMDL to allow the construction stormwater discharge and that existing dischargers to the water body are subject to compliance schedules designed to bring the water body into attainment with water quality standards. *If none of the options above apply to your site, your site will not be eligible for coverage under the permit. Construction Stormwater General Permit Proposed New Discharge to an Impaired Water Body ECY 070-399 (Rev. 12/15) 2 Part 3. Signature 3a. “I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.” / . Printed Name / Company (Operator/Permittee only) Title . Signature of Operator/Permittee* Date * Signature of Operator/Permittee requirements: A. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. B. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively. C. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public facility: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. Please sign and return this document to the following address: Washington Department of Ecology - Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 If you have questions, please call: Location Contact Name Phone E-mail Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whatcom, and Whitman counties Shawn Hopkins 360-407-6442 shawn.hopkins@ecy.wa.gov Island, King (except Seattle), and San Juan counties RaChelle Stane 360-407-6556 rachelle.stane@ecy.wa.gov City of Seattle and Kitsap, Pierce, and Thurston counties Josh Klimek 360-407-7451 josh.klimek@ecy.wa.gov Benton, Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Douglas, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lewis, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, Skamania, Wahkiakum, and Yakima counties Joyce Smith 360-407-6858 joyce.smith@ecy.wa.gov To request ADA accommodation including materials in a format for the visually impaired, call the Water Quality Program at 360-407-6600. Persons with impaired hearing may call Washington Relay Service at 711. Persons with speech disability may call 877-833-6341. ECY 070-399 (Rev. 12/15) 3 Directions for Completing the Impaired (303[d]-List) Water Body New Discharger Form Part 1. 1a and 1b: Provide site information. This site information must be identical to the information provided on your notice of intent application form to obtain coverage under the Construction Stormwater General Permit. 1c: Write the name of the 303(d)-listed (also called Category 5) water body segment(s) to which your site drains or discharges into. 1d: List all pollutants (for example, temperature, fecal coliform, bacteria, etc.) for which the Category 5 water body is impaired. See the following website for information on TMDLs: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/tmdl/TMDLsbyWria/TMDLbyWria.html Part 2. If your site may discharge to a 303(d)-listed (Category 5) water body segment, you are required to select one of the three options (2a, 2b, or 2c) most appropriate to your site's situation in order to be eligible for coverage under the permit. [Please note that the examples below are NOT specific to the pollutants used in the examples. Any impairment pollutant may apply to any of the three options.] Option 2a: Choose this option if the pollutant(s) of concern is not present on site. You will need to attach additional documents to fully meet the submittal requirements of this option (a copy or excerpt from the SWPPP, a brief narrative of pollution control methods, sampling data, etc.). For example:  The water body segment is impaired for fecal coliform bacteria, but there is no known source of fecal coliform bacteria (waste from animals or humans) contamination on the site.  The water body is impaired for temperature, but due to site characteristics (soils, vegetation, drainage, etc.) and time of year that discharges are most likely to occur (Oct-April), there will not be a source of warm water that would cause an increase in the receiving water temperature.  The water body sediments are impaired for PCBs and dioxin, but there are no known sources of these pollutants on the site. Option 2b: Choose this option when the pollutant(s) of concern is on site but stormwater will not come in contact with this pollutant. For example:  The water body segment is impaired for phosphorus, high pH and low dissolved oxygen. Soil on the site contains phosphorus that may contribute to excessive plant growth, which in turn may cause high pH and low dissolved oxygen levels in water bodies. The SWPPP contains detailed plans to cover all exposed soils (with plastic sheets, straw mulch, etc.) to prevent stormwater from conveying soil/sediment (and the attached phosphorus) into the water body. Soil stabilization and revegetation will not include the use of phosphorus-containing fertilizers, compost or other products that could cause excess phosphorus or other nutrients to be discharged. In addition, sediment control measures (traps, ponds, silt fence, waddles, etc.) will be installed and maintained to ensure that sediment laden stormwater is not discharged during the construction activity.  The water body sediment is impaired for total petroleum hydrocarbons (constituents of gasoline, diesel, oil and other petroleum-based products), but the SWPPP contains measures to ensure that all petroleum products (for example, fuel, lubricants) used during construction are covered and contained to prevent the discharge of petroleum hydrocarbons into the receiving water.  The water body is impaired for dioxin, and the site’s groundwater contains dioxin. However, the dioxin- contaminated groundwater will be pumped into tanks for off-site disposal and treatment, while preventing the groundwater (and dioxin) from co-mingling with stormwater. ECY 070-399 (Rev. 12/15) 4 Option 2c: Choose this option when the pollutant(s) of concern is on site, will be exposed to stormwater, and will be discharged off site. You will need to document, in advance, how the pollutant will be controlled, minimized, and discharged to meet the in-stream water quality criteria for the water body. You will need to attach additional documents to fully meet the submittal requirements of this option (a copy or excerpt from the SWPPP, a brief narrative of pollution control methods, sampling data, etc.). For example:  The receiving water body is impaired for turbidity and fine sediments. Mandatory BMPs (Best Management Practices) and erosion-control practices put in place by the permit will appropriately minimize the turbidity of the stormwater discharges. Additionally, retention ponds will allow for suspended solids to settle out before stormwater is discharged. The conditions of 2c.i apply for discharges to water bodies without a TMDL and require providing data and other technical information to demonstrate that the discharge will not cause or contribute to a violation of the water quality standards at the point of discharge. This would typically involve pre-construction water quality sampling, or other site-specific investigation(s). You should contact Ecology to discuss the development of an appropriate sampling and/or site characterization plan. This option should only be pursued if Options 2a or 2b are not applicable to your site. The conditions of 2c.ii would only apply if your site discharges to a water body segment with an EPA-approved or EPA-established TMDL. If that is the case, contact your Ecology permit administrator – this person will help you determine whether there is sufficient remaining wasteload allocation to allow additional construction stormwater discharges and the existing discharges are subject to compliance schedules to bring the water body into compliance with the water quality standards. Definitions 303(d) List: The term "303(d) list" is the list of impaired and threatened waters (stream/river segments, lakes, etc) that the Clean Water Act requires all states to submit for EPA approval every two years in even-numbered years. The states identify all waters where required pollution controls are not sufficient to attain or maintain applicable water quality standards, and establish priorities for development of "total maximum daily loads," or TMDLs (water cleanup plans), based on the severity of the pollution and the sensitivity of the uses to be made of the waters, among other factors (40C.F.R. §130.7[b][4]). States then provide a long-term plan for completing TMDLs within 8 to 13 years from first listing. Impaired (303[d]-Listed) Water Body: Water bodies that do not meet water quality standards and are listed on the 303(d) list (see 303(d) List). SWPPP: Stormwater pollution prevention plan. The Permittee’s SWPPP is required to be maintained and updated on site, and must support the site operator's efforts to implement best management practices (BMPs) to prevent erosion and sedimentation and to identify, reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater contamination and water pollution from construction activity; to prevent violations of surface water quality, ground water quality, or sediment management standards; and to control peak volumetric flow rates and velocities of stormwater discharges. The SWPPP must include a narrative and drawings. The SWPPP narrative must include documentation to explain and justify the pollution prevention decisions made for the project. (All BMPs must be clearly referenced in the narrative and marked on the drawings.) TMDL: The TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load or water cleanup plan) calculates the maximum amount of a pollutant allowed to enter a water body so that the water body will meet water quality standards for that particular pollutant. (http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/lawsguidance/cwa/tmdl/overviewoftmdl.cfm) P a g e | 35 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix H Contaminated Site Information 12" CTN 8" DEC GW190S GW051S GW196D GW050S GW215SGW213S GW214S GW193SIPR1IPR2 GW187S GW185S GW197S GW192S GW186S GW245S GW194S GW191D GW246S GW195S GW003 GW002 GW217S GW006S GW007S GW005S GW004S GW251S GW216S GW218S GW001S AOC-093 (FORMER URE-07) AOC-034(FORMER URE-07) AOC-035(FORMER URE-08) AOC-001-002SOURCE AREAEXCAVATION AOC-034-035SOURCE AREAEXCAVATION Plot Date: 03/20/17 - 2:29pm, Plotted by: adam.stenbergDrawing Path: C:\Users\adam.stenberg\Desktop\AMEC2\BoeingRenton\ApronR\FromABAM\Planting\, Drawing Name: eBase(DHA)_AFW-WellOverlay_032017.dwgProject No.Date:By:XXX 03/20/17 00000.000 Figure 50 100 0 APRON RBoeing Renton FacilityRenton, Washington AOC-093 GW190S PP065 PP094 PP095 PP118 PP099 PP090 PP091 PP097 PP134 PP132 PP139 GW051S CONDITIONAL POC FOR AOC-001/AOC-00260' FROM SHORELINE LAKE WASHINGTON GW196D CONDITIONAL POCFOR AOC-093 AOC-001 AOC-002 STORM WATERWET VAULT PP013 PP012 PP066 PP116 PP011 GW050S GW049S (SECONDARYSOURCE AREA) GW215SGW213S GW214S PP129 PP098PP192PP081 PP130 PP131 PP115 PP113 PP096 PP112 PP111 PP133 PP137 PP138 PP140 PP152 PP145 PP151PP141 GW193SIPR1IPR2 PP114 STORM WATERDIVERSION STRUCTURE 14.38 14.06 14.15 14.00 13.83 PP117 PP146 PP144 PP143PP153 PP150 PP119 GW187SMONITORING WELL FOR AOC-093 GW185S GW197S14.25 13.86 13.63 PP136 14.21GW192S 13.79 PP135 NMGW186S PP147 GW245S 14.0014.20GW194S13.82 14.1014.0013.9013.80 14.1014.2013.9013.80GW191D GW246S GW195S Plot Date: 01/20/17 - 3:21pm, Plotted by: adam.stenbergDrawing Path: S:\8888_2006\088_4q16-GW-MR\, Drawing Name: AOC-001-002-093_GW-ELEV_4Q16_122916.dwgProject No.Date:By:APS 01/20/17 8888 BOEING RENTONFACILITY MAP 0 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 30 60 AOC-001, AOC-002 AND AOC-093LOCATION MAP IPR1 GW215S MONITORING WELL LOCATION WITHGROUNDWATER ELEVATION (NGVD-FEET) NOT MEASURED GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR (IN FEET) (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) GENERAL DIRECTION OF GROUNDWATER FLOW ABANDONED MONITORING WELL EXISTING ELECTRON DONOR INJECTION WELL EXISTING INJECTION PIPE RISER PUSH PROBE SAMPLING LOCATION APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE FENCE LINE APPROXIMATE LIMIT OF NOVEMBER 2005 SOURCE AREAEXCAVATION AOC-001, AOC-002 CONDITIONAL POINT OF COMPLIANCE AOC-093 CONDITIONAL POINT OF COMPLIANCE LEGEND GW190S HIGHLIGHTED WELLS INCLUDED IN MONITORING NETWORK PP011 Amec Foster WheelerEnvironment & Infrastructure, Inc. 14.15 14.00 WELL SCREENED IN LOWER PORTION OF AQUIFER, SO WATERLEVEL IS NOT USED FOR CONTOURING. WATER LEVEL IS ANOMALOUS, SO WATER LEVEL IS NOT USEDFOR CONTOURING * GW227S AOC-001, AOC-002 AND AOC-093MONITORING WELL LOCATIONSAND GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONSNOVEMBER 10, 2016Boeing Renton FacilityRenton, Washington2. 1. 3. NOTES HORIZONTAL DATUM: WASHINGTON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM NORTH ZONE NAD83 (91)VERTICAL DATUM: NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM (NGVD1929) BASEMAP COMPILED BY DUANE HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC., DECEMBER 1994. 'S' DESIGNATION INDICATES WELL SCREENEDLESS THAN 25 FEET IN DEPTH.'D' DESIGNATION INDICATES WELL SCREENEDGREATER THAN 25 FEET IN DEPTH.Figure 11 ** ** NM * * P a g e | 36 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix I De-watering Considerations 3213 Eastlake Ave E Ste B Seattle, WA 98102-7127 T (206) 262-0370 F (206) 262-0374 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 01 Geotechnical & Earthquake Engineering Consultants TO: Mr. Steven True BergerABAM 33301 – 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, WA 98003 PREPARED BY: Yi-Hsun William Chao, P.E. Siew L. Tan, P.E. SUBJECT: Construction Dewatering Considerations Apron R Improvements, Boeing Renton Apron R, Renton, WA PROJECT NO.: 15-193 DATE: September 12, 2017 This technical memorandum provides a brief summary of subsurface conditions at the site and considerations for construction dewatering. Our recommendations and opinion are based on our understanding of the proposed construction and anticipated subsurface conditions based on test borings and CPT soundings completed at the site. The approximate locations of these test borings and CPTs are indicated on the attached Figure 2. Summary boring and CPT logs are also attached for reference. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on the results of CPTs and test borings completed to date, the existing apron pavement is generally underlain by about 4 to 10 feet of compacted granular fill over about 10 to 20 feet of very soft organic and inorganic silt. The organic silt is generally underlain by loose to medium dense silty sand (i.e. alluvial deposits) that extends to 100-plus feet deep. Groundwater was indicated at about Elevation 13 feet (National Geodetic Vertical Datum, 1929) in the previous test boring B-2 for Boeing Renton North Bridge Replacement project (Soil & Environmental Engineering, 2012). The groundwater level was also indicated at about 3 feet below the ground surface (ground surface elevation unknown) in the previous Technical Memorandum 01 – Construction Dewatering Considerations Apron R Improvements, Boeing Renton, Renton, Washington September 12, 2017 15-193 Apron R Improvements__Dewatering Memo Page 2 of 4 PanGEO, Inc. boring B-1 for 1101 Lake Washington Boulevard North project (Geotech Consultants, 1999). We anticipate that, due to the proximity of the Lake Washington, the groundwater level at Apron R is likely similar to the water level in Lake Washington. Groundwater elevations are likely to vary seasonally and influenced by the water level in Lake Washington. CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING Groundwater is anticipated to be about 3 to 4 feet below the existing grades; however, some of the proposed excavations for utility improvement will extend below the groundwater level. As such, we anticipate dewatering will be needed during the construction phase of the project. Due to presence of organic/inorganic silt within upper 10 feet of soils, it is our opinion that construction dewatering consisting of widely-spaced deep dewatering wells will not be effective. If the base of the excavation is anticipated to be about 1 to 2 feet below the groundwater level and within the silt layer, temporary groundwater controls may be accomplished using sumps and pumps. For deeper excavations, the use of closely-spaced small diameter well points may be considered to lower the groundwater. Alternatively, the use of steel sheetpile cofferdams with adequate embedment to cut flows of water may also be considered. INFILTRATION We understand that, during construction, groundwater collected in the excavations may be discharged into temporary on-site infiltration trenches/pits. Due to shallow groundwater depths, the bottom of the infiltration trenches will likely need to be no more than about 2 feet below the existing grades. Based on the results of PanGEO CPT and previous test borings, we anticipate that the soils at the bottom of the infiltration trenches at about 2 feet below the existing grade will likely consist of previously placed structural fill (i.e. sand with a varying amount of silt, clay, and gravel), except at CPT-1 location where silt and clay is present at about 2 feet below the existing grade. In our opinion, on-site infiltration is feasible in the areas where at least 3 feet of granular soils (i.e. relatively clean sand) are present immediately below the base of the infiltration trenches/pits. Due to the presence of a high groundwater level at the site, we anticipate groundwater mounding could occur in the infiltration trenches/pits, which would reduce the infiltration Technical Memorandum 01 – Construction Dewatering Considerations Apron R Improvements, Boeing Renton, Renton, Washington September 12, 2017 15-193 Apron R Improvements__Dewatering Memo Page 3 of 4 PanGEO, Inc. rates when a large, constant amount of groundwater is discharged into a concentrated area. In the event of groundwater mounding, the size of the infiltration trenches/pits may need to be expanded to avoid potential overflow unless the discharge rates are reduced. We also recommend that the sediments accumulated at the bottom of the infiltration trenches be removed regularly to avoid clogging. To increase storage capacity of the temporary infiltration facilities, large diameter (i.e. 8 to 10-foot diameter) corrugated pipes may be placed vertically in the infiltration trenches/pits with a 2 to 4-foot stick-up above ground surface. The below-grade portion of the should be backfilled with quarry spalls to maintain the stability of pipes and to prevent scouring/erosion. Estimated Infiltration Rates – We understand the locations of the proposed infiltration trenches/pits have not been determined. For planning purposes, we estimated the infiltration rates based on the subsurface conditions encountered at each CPT and previous boring location. In summary, assuming the base of the trenches/pits at about 2 feet below existing grade, it is our opinion that a short-term infiltration rate on the order of 6 inches per hour may be used for sizing the infiltration trenches/pits in the vicinity of CPT-5, CPT- 6, CPT-8, B-1 and B-2 locations where at least 3 to 10 feet of sand is present directly below the base of the infiltration trenches/pits. At other CPT and boring locations, we anticipate infiltration is likely infeasible due to the presence of silt layer at shallow depths. It should be noted that, due the variability of localized soil conditions, infiltration rate could be lower than 6 inches per hour and the infiltration trenches/pits may need to be resized in the field or the number of infiltration trenches/pits may need to be increased, depending on the actual soil conditions encountered and performance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Technical Memorandum 01 – Construction Dewatering Considerations Apron R Improvements, Boeing Renton, Renton, Washington September 12, 2017 15-193 Apron R Improvements__Dewatering Memo Page 4 of 4 PanGEO, Inc. Attachments: Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Site and Exploration Plan Appendix A PanGEO CPT Logs Logs of CPT-1 through CPT-8 Appendix B Previous Boring Logs Boring Log B-1 through B-4 for Boeing North Apron, Boeing Renton (S&EE, 2012) Boring Log B-2 for Boeing North Bridge Replacement, Boeing Renton (S&EE, 2012) Boring Log B-1 for Boeing Flume Wall, Boeing Renton (S&EE, 2012) Boring Log B-1 for 1101 Lake Washington Boulevard North, Renton WA (Geotech Consultants, 1999) Figure No.Project No.15-193 Apron R Improvements Boeing Renton Renton, Washington 1 Base Map: Google Maps VICINITY MAP Not to Scale 15-193 Fig 1 - Vicinity Map.dat 3/9/17 (09:43) wc Apron R ImprovementsBoeing RentonRenton, WashingtonSITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN15-1932Legend (PanGEO CPT and Previous Test Borings):PanGEO CPT LocationsBoeing Renton North Apron project (Soil & Environmental Engineering, 2012)Boeing Renton North Bridge Replacement project (Soil & Environmental Engineering, 2012)Boeing Renton Flume Wall project (Soil & Environmental Engineering, 2012)1101 Lake Washington Boulevard (Geotech Consultants, 1999)B-4B-3B-2B-1B-4B-1B-1Bldg 4-41Bldg 4-20Bldg 4-81Bldg 4-82Notes:1. Base map modified from Google Maps (Google, Inc.).2. Proposed project features are not shown in the above plan.Approx. Scale1" = 160'Lake WashingtonApron R Boundary(Approx.)EastRampCentralRampWestRampCPT-1CPT-2CPT-3CPT-4CPT-5CPT-6CPT-7CPT-8 APPENDIX A PANGEO CPT LOGS CPT-01 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/11/2017 9:50:08 AMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 42.979 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Silt & Clay Sand Sand & Silt with Clay interbeds Silt & Clay Sand to Silty Sand Sand & Silt with Clay interbeds CPT-02 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/11/2017 12:26:06 PMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 49.705 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Silt & Clay Sand to Silty Sand Sand to Silty Sand Sand and Silt with Clay interbeds Silt & Clay Sand to Silty Sand CPT-03 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/11/2017 10:58:51 AMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 50.197 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Sand to Silty Sand Silt & Clay Sand to Silty Sand with trace Silt/Clay pockets Silt & Clay CPT-04 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/12/2017 10:35:29 AMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 51.181 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Sand to Silty Sand Sand & Silt Silt & Clay Sand to Silty Sand CPT-05 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/12/2017 12:27:33 PMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 51.181 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Sand to Silty Sand Silt & Clay Silt & Clay Silt & Clay Sand & Silt Sand to Silty Sand Sand & Silt with Clay interbeds CPT-06 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/12/2017 11:29:58 AMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 50.853 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Sand to Silty Sand Sand & Silt Sand & Silt Silt & Clay Silt & Clay CPT-07 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/12/2017 9:32:24 AMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 55.610 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Interbeded Sand and Silt with Clay pockets Interbeded Sand and Silt with Clay pockets Silt & Clay Silt & Clay Silt & Clay Sand & Silt Sand & Silt CPT-08 CPT CONTRACTOR: In Situ EngineeringCUSTOMER: PanGEOLOCATION: RentonJOB NUMBER: 15-193 OPERATOR: Zak/MeronCONE ID: DDG1263TEST DATE: 5/12/2017 8:33:29 AMPREDRILL: Cored to 21"BACKFILL: SURFACE PATCH: TOTAL DEPTH: 57.251 ft Depth(ft) Tip Resistance (Qt)(TSF) 0 3000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Friction Ratio (Fs/Qt)(PERCENT) 0 8 Pore Pressure (U2)(TSF) -2 5 Soil Behavior Type(UNITLESS) 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) *SBT/SPT CORRELATION: UBC-1983 0 12 SPT Correlation(UNITLESS) 0 60 Generalized Soil Conditions Sand to Silty Sand Silt & Clay Sand to Silty Sand Silt & Clay Silt to Clayey Silt Interbeded Sand/Silt/ Clay APPENDIX B PREVIOUS BORING LOGS Boeing North Apron Boring B-1 (Sheet 1 of 3) Boeing North Apron Boring B-1 (Sheet 2 of 3) Boeing North Apron Boring B-1 (Sheet 3 of 3) Boeing North Apron Boring B-2 (Sheet 1 of 2) Boeing North Apron Boring B-2 (Sheet 2 of 2) Boeing North Apron Boring B-3 (Sheet 1 of 3) Boeing North Apron Boring B-3 (Sheet 2 of 3) Boeing North Apron Boring B-3 (Sheet 3 of 3) Boeing North Apron Boring B-4 (Sheet 1 of 2) Boeing North Apron Boring B-4 (Sheet 2 of 2) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 1 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 2 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 3 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 4 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 5 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 6 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 7 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 8 of 9) Boeing North Bridge Boring B-2 (Sheet 9 of 9) Boeing Flume Wall Boring B-1 (Sheet 1 of 5) Boeing Flume Wall Boring B-1 (Sheet 2 of 5) Boeing Flume Wall Boring B-1 (Sheet 3 of 5) Boeing Flume Wall Boring B-1 (Sheet 4 of 5) Boeing Flume Wall Boring B-1 (Sheet 5 of 5) 1101 Lake Washington Blvd N Boring B-1 (Sheet 1 of 4) 1101 Lake Washington Blvd N Boring B-1 (Sheet 2 of 4) 1101 Lake Washington Blvd N Boring B-1 (Sheet 3 of 4) 1101 Lake Washington Blvd N Boring B-1 (Sheet 4 of 4) P a g e | 37 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Apron R Infrastructure Improvements Renton, Washington Appendix J Engineering Calculations OUTFALL 021 OUTFALL 014 OUTFALL 012 OUTFALL 004A OUTFALL 004 OUTFALL 003 OUTFALL 002 WORK ZONE WORK ZONE 26B-455 21,656 SF 0.497 AC 56A-1073B40,645 SF 0.933 AC 57A-1086A 27,277 SF0.626 AC 57A-1086B 10,230 SF 0.235 AC 57B-1087A 10,245 SF 0.235 AC 28A-1105A 42,563 SF 0.977 AC 28A-1105B 19,445 SF 0.446 AC 28A-1106A 31,921 SF 0.733 AC 25D-1107A 19,587 SF 0.450 AC 25D-1107B 22,026 SF 0.506 AC 28A-1103 14,152 SF 0.325 AC 58A-1095C 34,207 SF 0.785 AC 57B-1087B 24,292 SF 0.558 AC 58A-1095B54,327 SF 1.247 AC 58A-727 13,212 SF 0.303 AC 58A-728 7,420 SF 0.170 AC 58A-1095A 9,044 SF 0.208 AC 30A 190,196 SF 4.366 AC 29A 99,292 SF 2.279 AC 58B-492A 259,780 SF 5.964 AC CONSTRUCTION CONVEYANCE MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 Boeing Renton - Apron RConveyance Flows9/20/2017Basin Const_Route_Storm_UPDATED.xlsx New 25 YEARAppended on: 9/20/2017 15:12BasinID Event Peak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/LossRaintype29A ROOF 10 year1.1228.01 0.6027 2.279 SCS TYPE1A.RAC30A ROOF 10 year2.2448.01 1.1545 4.366 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58B ROOF10 year3.248.013.2565.964SCS TYPE1A.RAC27A ROOF25 year4.988.01NANASCS TYPE1A.RAC27B BASIN (B27-1)25 year10.278.01NANASCS TYPE1A.RAC27I, 27H BASIN (B27-2)25 year6.138.01NANASCS TYPE1A.RAC56A-1073B 25 year0.72458.01 0.2467 0.933 SCS TYPE1A.RAC57A-1086A 25 year0.48618.01 0.1655 0.626 SCS TYPE1A.RAC57A-1086B 25 year0.18258.01 0.0621 0.235 SCS TYPE1A.RAC57B-1087A 25 year0.18258.01 0.0621 0.235 SCS TYPE1A.RAC57B-1087B 25 year0.48078.01 0.1637 0.619 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095A 25 year0.11498.01 0.0391 0.148 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095B 25 year0.67028.01 0.2282 0.863 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095C 25 year0.45668.01 0.1555 0.588 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095D 25 year0.65398.01 0.2227 0.842 SCS TYPE1A.RAC58A-1095E 25 year0.06138.01 0.0209 0.079 SCS TYPE1A.RAC28A-110325 year0.25328.010.08620.326SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1105A 25 year0.75878.010.25840.977SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1105B25 year0.34638.010.11790.446SCSTYPE1A.RAC28A-1106A25 year0.56928.010.19380.733SCSTYPE1A.RAC25D-1107A 25 year0.34948.01 0.119 0.45 SCS TYPE1A.RAC25D-1107B 25 year0.39298.01 0.1338 0.506 SCS TYPE1A.RACLicensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Last Saved by: Jourden.makinen on: Sep 17, 2018 5:37 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Design\JDM\Drawings\Storm_Const_Routing_EAST_DRAWING.dwgCIVIL PERMIT BLY T H E MEI GSSTATE O F WASHIN G T ONSTRUC TURAL E N G INEERPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEER28579 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208EAST O1 CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE - EAST EAST TEMPORARY DRAINAGE Last Saved by: Jourden.makinen on: Sep 17, 2018 5:41 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Design\JDM\Drawings\Storm_Const_Routing_EAST_EAST_DRAWING.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 CIVIL PERMIT BLY T H E MEI GSSTATE O F WASHIN G T ONSTRUC TURAL E N G INEERPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEER28579 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208EAST O2 CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE - EAST EAST TEMPORARY DRAINAGE Last Saved by: Jourden.makinen on: Sep 17, 2018 5:42 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2017\A17.0102\00\CADD\Design\JDM\Drawings\Storm_Const_Routing_WEST_DRAWING.dwg33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 CIVIL PERMIT BLY T H E MEI GSSTATE O F WASHIN G T ONSTRUC TURAL E N G INEERPROF E SSIONAL E N G INEER28579 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSTED-40-4013C-18003506LUA:18-00293PR:18-000208WEST O1 CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE - WEST WEST TEMPORARY DRAINAGE