HomeMy WebLinkAboutSNP1-ProjectedCPMSchedule.pdftO Task Name Duration 1 ProjectStafl-Up 52 days -2 ContractAward 24 days 3 Sabwisals &Shop Drawings 25 days -4 Pro-Coostwdiov Meelisg 1 day Utility Locates 2 days S Notico to Proceed t day 7 Mobilization I Staging Area Sot-Up 2days -Survey &Layoal d days Construction Field Activities 11 TrafficCoolmI (Cc-Doing as Nneded( 12 --Erosion Conlwl Deywos I Relocate Temp.Cocslmctioo Fooco 13 Polholo for Eoisling Uliltins 14 Stdp Silo,Stockprln,Load,Haol &Dispose 15 Earthwork lOnsito Cullo rile 16 Cut,Load,Haul &Dispose Sarplas Matodal 17 Install Sonilary SnwocPipo &Slractorns 18 Install Storm Pipe,Pwcch Draic,Roof Draic &Stwcturns 19 lcslall Water Service Pipe 20 Finn Dradn &Prep Building Pads 21 -Solid Rnslroows &Pergola Slwclcrn 22 lcsluIl Electrical Conduit,JunctionGoons &Gases 23 -Pine Sradn Landscape Slopos &Walkways 24 Prep.Ponn &Poor Mow Slnps &Pednstdon Card -—2S1 Prep,Pawn &Pour Peroloas,Scared and Concwtn Walkway 26 j trnigatroc Sysrnw 27 -Topsoil,Landscape,Planlings,Sod &Sending 26 ParS Awncdlds /Bnschns,Trash Rncnptados,Goltards,ntc/ 2g -Install lltawrnation Pates &Piolorns 35 Install Concrnln Entry Sign &Sgnagn 31 32 Project Closeout 7 days Thu 1211117 Fri 12115117 33 SUBSTANTIAL Completion I Project Walh-Thvr 2 days Thu 1211117 Fe 1216117 34 Punchlist 2 days Pd 1216117 Mon 12)11/17 36 Final Cleao-ap &Dnworlrzalioo h days Mon 12111/17 Pd 12/15/17 CITY DF RENTON PROJECTED SCHEDULECONTRACTND ENGINEER:CH2M CITY OF RENTON SUNSET NEIGHBORHOOD PARK,PHASE 1 Juno -July Aagast .SnplewWr 000Wr Nonnwonr Uncewonr -Janaary FnSwStartiFinish5/7 5/14501505 6/4 6/116/166/257/2 7/9 -7/1671237130 S/b 6/139/200079/3 9/109/179/241S/11SIO 5/1 0/2 00 11/h-1/1 1/1 1/2 12/3 211:211 2)2!20 -1/7 1/141/21i1/2t2/4 Wed 5115117 Moo 7/24/17 Project Stats-Up Wed 5110/17 Ton6113117 [-Contract Award Moo 6/15117 Mon 7/24117 I Subminals &Shop Drawings Tan 600/17 Ton600/17 LwJ_eacooutnaction Meetiog Mon 70/17 Wed 7/9/17 —Utility Locates Wnd 7/5/17 Wed 7/5/17 J’dotice to Proceed Wed 7IgII7 Tho 716117 Mohilinalion I Staging Area Set-Up Wod 7/5/17 Mon 7/10/17 Survey &Layout 156 days 106 days 4 days 2 days days 5 days 6 days 4 days 6 days 2 dags 2 days 65 dags IS dogs 15 days 20 days 30 days 15 days 25 days 15 days 10 days 5 days Wed 7/0/17 Wed 1215(17 Wed 7/5/17 Wed 12/6/17 Wed 7/5/17 Mon 7/I0/17 Thu 7/6117 P67/7/17 P67/7/17 Tho7/13/17: Wed 7/12/17 Wed 7/19/17 - Tan 7/I 0/17 Tue 7/25/17 - Mon 7/24/17 Tho 7/27/17 Wnd 7/26/17 Wed 0/2/17 Wed 8/2117 Tha 8/3/17 Tha 8/3/17 Pv 8/4/17 P68/4/17 P6110/17 Tue 8/8/17 Mon 8125(17 Ton 502117 Tun 9I5/17 P69/1/17 Fit 909/17 Mon 9/10/17 Fit 1007/17 Tan 10/17/17 Moo 11/6/17 Tan 10/31/17 Wed 12/6/17 Tan 11/7/17 Wed 11/25/17 Toe 11/21/17 Wed 12/6/17 ma 11/30/17 Wed 12/6/17 --TraWc controt (On-Goingas Nnednd( Erosion control Denices /Relocate Temp.Construction Pence [frrLpotholn for Eoisting Utilities ‘‘J-lrip Site,Stockpile,Load,Haul &Disposo Earthwork /Onsite cutto Pun cat,Load,Haul &Dispose Surplus Material Install Sanitary SewerPipo &Structurns lootall Storm Pipe,French Drain,Roof Drain &Strnctnres - RInstall Water Service Pipe 11tinn Grade &Prep Building Pads L.._ _________ -Build Rostruumu-&Pergolu Structure LIosull Electrical Couduit,Junctino Goons 6,Buses -- Grade Landscape Slopes &Walkways - [j HPrep,Form &Pour Mow Strips &Pedestrian curb [-PmP.Form &Pour Pemlous,Snomd and concreteWalkway -Irrigation System H fr Topsoil,Landscapn,Plantings,Sod &S I Amenities (Beechns,Trash Receptacle -‘LlnsraIl Illumination Poles &natures iLJlnstulI concrete Eutry Sign &Signage Projectcloseout r.2/5TANTIAL Completion /Project W irlunchlisl Li Pisul Cteae-up &Dewoilizution Task Mrlcsl000 Rolled Up Cdtical Tusk _________________ Split Droop By Samwury VPm/ed:RENTON-SUNSET PARK Critical Tush - Summary V V Rolled Up Milostocc 0 Eotewal TusksDate:Tue 6/20/17 Progress Rolled Up Task Rolled Up Pwgress Projoct Suwmary V ROAD CONSTRUCTION NORTHWEST,INC.ORIGINAL DATED-6/20/2017 P.0,BOX 2280,RENTON,WA 98056 PHONE:(425)254-9999 FAX:(425)254-1334