HomeMy WebLinkAboutMFP18005171.pdf !" !"#$""% &’( &)* ++ ,-%$.$-/#!%!/!"0 1!2(’’3&(4’’)&’5(6(3&’57(1-4&&( 4’’)&’5(’&3&5553 &&&7 891 1!&6&((4’’)&’5(653&’5’&((&: ;&1 1!&77;&5(6(;&&(65 ’,<&(5&&:;&’,’&( &;;3&&77;&1 +1.’4&&76(4’’)&’5(637&(’7<& 8((<4’&7’743((0=>&’(&4 ’’) &’<=>&)(’(;;(6&7&’(4’’)&’<4’’&((’& ;&;&’)(’(&&7 ’;;(7(&&(<=>&( 5&&3&&64’’)&’’&4&55&’&&(1.’4&&(5(6 4’&75’7(3 ’?5’&&(1 &76@&4&A3&675;&-;;7+(% 5(!31&(;;((3’&76 ’!3755((1’& 2((1(&;,7 (&&(1 " !" /:#( $ ’ B<C! @0=>++,& !#."$D+++ ."$D" ,$. -.-C E&C& <C! 4 !-$#B*! *E.*-%-E ",.$, ’ B<C! @0=>;&F @ G #$ %&’ 5(((’637’4:(6 ’(;5&’(’&&’ &;;3;&(&(;7&(;&’<(6)5;&4’’&7’,71 .’(;5&;&(5(6;(&’)6(&&5(1 $’67’&4:(62;&((6&63&&;;3;&(<&’&4:(75 .’(&&3&?5(1 ,&=+>+04441@51 54:&&3&(’&(;(&7!- 4:’’7C&1 ,&&(&&(476(((&(;&2&3&1 $&&4’,C11=+>’;5’(?&=C&5(-’4(;&+11 > =5;;&11>=&+11>?(&(&4’’&(5(( ;;5;&;;75&(2&3&&3(1.’(?5 (4’’ &(5((;;5;&(&’?5,&67 %&(?,C11 (&&&)&(*)&& (&&&)&(*)&& DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 | Published: 3/30/2017 Planning Division | 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200 Email: franchisepermits@rentonwa.gov Website: rentonwa.gov FRANCHISE PERMIT APPLICATION Published: 3/30/2017 TO THE APPLICANT: Submit an electronic copy of the plans with the Franchise Permit Application and the Traffic Control Application to franchisepermits@rentonwa.gov. Permit cost is $360.50. Inspection fee for trenching more than 60 lineal feet or installation of 6 or more poles will be billed at $60.00 per hour. Franchise Agency: Franchise Job Number: Phone: Contact Name: Email: Job Site Address:Project Name: Description of Work: Please check all that apply: տ New Construction տ Repair/Relocate տ Underground տ Overhead տ Sidewalk տ Street տ Open Trench տ Bore # of feet: Contractor Name: Phone: State Contractors License #: City of Renton Business License #: “I certify that I am the owner or applicant’s authorized agent and do hereby agree to abide to the terms and conditions set forth under this permit and shall comply with the City of Renton’s Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. ” Signature Date INSPECTIONS SHALL BE REQUESTED 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ALL WORK BY CALLING THE INSPECTION LINE AT 425-430-7203 OR BY GOING TO MYBUILDINGPERMIT.COM Jobs are required to be called in for job start, re-inspection and project final. Re-inspection fees are billed at $75/hour. All Pre-Construction meetings shall be scheduled at a maximum of 14 days prior to the job start date. Plan Review/Development Engineering Date Approved as submitted Pre-Construction Meeting required Site Construction Inspector Date Approved with comments or redlines Camera inspection of utilities required Development Engineering Manager Date Puget Sound Energy - Electric 143004260 Anish Kumar 253-208-2183 anish.kumar@pse.com Beacon Way S 143004260 PSE will be placing underground fiber on Beacon Way S approx 1200 feet. This method will be a directional bore from PSE pole at NE property corner of 2400 S Puget Dr to Edmonds Ave SE. Beacon Way S is a dirt road. PSE also proposes overhead fiber on 116th Ave SE from Edmonds to SE 192nd St. No pavement cuts. Restoration per City of Renton standards. 1200' Potelco Inc.253-208-2183 BL005109 Poteli*227PL 6/22/2018 2500 SE Royal Hills Dr MFP18005171 Scott Warlick 9/14/2018 This permit is for major construction work in the ROW and will be billed at an additional $60/hr for inspections. After hours work and weekend work will be charged at $75/hr POTHOLE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES Justin Johnson 9-24-2018 CITY OF RENTON TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN PROJECT NAME: PERMIT# CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: PHONE#: CONTACT NAME: PHONE#: ADDRESS: CELL#: E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX#: PROJECT LOCATION: N/E/S/W OF: WORK TIME: APPROVED BY: WORK DATE: APPROVAL DATE: OFFICE COPY T- CONTRACTOR DEV. SERVICE, INSPECTION P. MILLER DEV. SERVICE, PLAN REVIEW B. BANNWARTH POLICE CHARLES KARLEWICZ FIRE FIRE MARSHALL FS #13 Permit Holder agrees to all the following: •Comply with all traffic regulations of the City of Renton and the State of Washington. •Prepare a traffic control plan and obtain City approval of that plan. That plan shall be implemented for all street and lane closures, and the plan shall be performed in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. •Notify emergency services (253-852-2121) twenty-four (24) hours before any street or lane closures. •Any lane or street closures not in conformance with the approved traffic control plan and/or without notification of emergency services may result in receiving a citation for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 through 47.36.220, 9A.36.050 Reckless Endangerment, and other applicable State and City codes. •Indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, including all costs of defense and attorney’s fees incurred in defending against same, arising from and related to implementation of the approved traffic control plans including claims arising from towing of private vehicles and the acts of the Permit Holder’s agents and employees. •The City of Renton shall be entitled, in its reasonable discretion, to settle claims prior to suit or judgment, and in such event shall indemnify and hold harmless the City for any such claims paid, including the City’s reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation costs incurred resulting from such claim. •In the event any claim or suit is brought against City within the scope of this Agreement, Permit Holder will pay for legal counsel chosen by the City to defend against same. •Flagger and sign placement are subject to revision by the City Inspector on site, if needed to address traffic or pedestrian safety or travel. •By my signature herein, I acknowledge all the above requirements. PRINT NAME: DATE: SIGNATURE: Reset FormPrint Form 143004260 PSE/Potelco Inc. Dennis Libadia 425-223-2108 6905 S 228th St, Kent, WA 98032 dennis.libadia@pse.com Beacon Way S TBD 7/16/2018 Anish Kumar 6/22/2018 MFP18005171 Justin Johnson 9-24-2018 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday SKETCH I -- NORTH -- I NOTES: •Work Zone Traffic Control shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and shown by sketch or reference to WSDOT. •The plan must be submitted to the City’s PW/Transportation Division for review and/or approval at least three working days prior to work. •Approved Temporary Traffic Control Plan must be at the work site during work hours. •Contractor or entity must call Renton School District (425-204-4455) or any public/private agency to be affected by a temporary lane or road closure. •Complete assistance and accommodation shall be provided to all kinds of pedestrian traffic when sidewalk or walkway is impeded. •Total road closure lasting more than 24 hours is subject to the approval by the City Council. •Any vehicle, equipment, barricade, or portable tow-away sign used within the work area must display a company logo or any legally acceptable sign showing the company name, address, and telephone number at a conspicuous place on the vehicle or equipment. In the case of Temporary No Parking Zones, all the following apply in addition to previous: •Contractor must complete form to show limits of Temporary No Parking Zone identifying barricade locations for vacate parking or curb lane usage. •Contractor must post notice of dates and time of Temporary No Parking Zone with at least two signs per block 72 hours in advance of effective date and time. •The cover sheet of this Traffic Control Plan form must be attached to each Temporary No Parking Sign on the project site. •Temporary traffic control devices must be removed immediately when work is done or no construction activities are going on. If deemed abandoned, City crews will remove and store them at the City’s maintenance shop (3555 NE 2nd Street). !"# !"#$%"&’"%" ""()"*!#’+("+!!"%",’(%-.. $/.0..1..#"%"!$% &12%3&’(#)**+#,%,*-..,)/01234521567)*-(8/0(6!*&)))###+")’*7304/-’*9:;*%;%",4-5<& =%;:(0%;:((%;:(/!!64466777744466644464468"9 %$>!7774%9:&%’#(9&:(#&&289;#91&*29(2%’#(9&:’ #’2<#&:2&647,,.?#/2 46@;+/2 46@42 46@,/2 /72 " &:**;A*BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBC*BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB(00D(00D(00D(00D&,,(00D&,,%#2;%% ;A%%;A(00D(00D(00D(’+!.35 7#%5 7#%=%%5 %%5 #%25 #%2=%24%5 %6%5 %(#"# #!’"!!!’’MFP18005171 !"# !"#$%"&’"%" ""()"*!#’+("+!!"%",’(%-.. $/.0..1..#"%"!$% &12%3&’(#)**+#,%,*-..,)(/0123410456)*-78(/75!*&)))###+")’*62/3(-’*9:;*%;%",4-5<& =%;:7/%;:77%;:7(!!64466777744466644464468"9 %$>!7774%9:&%’#(9&:(#&&289;#91&*29(2%’#(9&:’ #’2<#&:2&647,,.?#@1 35A;+@1 35A@1 35A,@1 @61 " &:**;B*CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCD*CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC7//E7//E7//E7//E7//E7//E7//E&,,7//E&,,7//E&,,7//E7//E7//E%%#1;:)#)%%;B%% ;B%%;B(’+!.35 64#%=%6%5 %’=7#%5 %6%=7#%5 %6%6#%5 %%=76#%5 %%=+<%5 %2%=74#%5 %2%=76#5 %2%=#%25 %2%=!#%25 %2%=#%25 %27%=%2’%25 %27%=%2#%25 %27%=%2%25 #%2=%2785 #%2=%26%5 #%2=%246’5 #%2=%26%5 #%2=%266%5 #%2=%26%5 #%2=%24%5 #%2=%24%5 #%2=%24%5 #%2=%2%5 #%2=%2%5 #%2=%2%5 #%2=%2%5 #%2=%2%5 #%2=%24%(#"# #!’"!!!’’MFP18005171 !"# !"#$%"&’"%" ""()"*!#’+("+!!"%",’(%-.. $/.0..1..#"%"!$% &12%3&’(#)**+#,%,*-..,)/01234521567)*-89/086!*&)))###+")’*7304/-’*:;<*%<%",4-5=& >%<;80%<;88%<;8/!!64466777744466644464468"9 %$?!7774%9:&%’#(9&:(#&&289;#91&*29(2%’#(9&:’ #’2<#&:2&647,,.@#42 46A<+42 46A42 46A,42 (72 " &;**<B*CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCD*CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC800E800E800E800E800E800E800E&,,800E&,,800E&,,800E800E800E%%#2<;)#)%%<B%% <B%%<B800E&,,800E%%<B800E800E(’+!.35 %%=7#%5 %2%=6#%25 #%2=%26785 #%2=%26%5 #%2=%26%5 #%2=%27%5 %2%=6#%25 #%2=%2%(#"# #!’"!!!’’MFP18005171 !" !"#$%"&’"%" ""()"*!#’+("+!!"%",’(%-.. $/.0..1..#"%"!#$ &12%3%&’()*++,)-.)/012344*5(6$6*7886)93,:1’;:,;24)*7+/93+2!*%)))(((5")&*413’97&*<=0*$0$",4-5>% ?$0=+3$0=++$0=+9!!64466777744466644464468"9 $#@!7774%9:&%’#(9&:(#&&289;#91&*29(2%’#(9&:’ #’2<#&:2&647668-(;: ’2A05B: ’2A’: ’2A! );: ’2A6,: ’3: " %=**0C*DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDE*DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD#%2=<!*%2><>#76#%<!*%2%20!%2%2%2%+33F+33F+33F+33F+33F+33F$$ 0C $$0C+33F+33F+33F0C+33F+33F+33F+33F+33F$$0C+33F+33F+33F(#"# #!’"!!!! 0C+33F+33F! 0C! +33F+33F0C+33F+33F+33F! !%(!#<5&.!#’’’’’MFP18005171 !"#$ !"#$%"&’"%" ""()"*!#’+("+!!"%",’(%-.. $/.0..1..#"%"!%& &12%3’()*$+,-.$$/,,-$0$123.4).+5*6&6+7##6$84-93:;9-;.)$+7,184,.!+’$$$***5"$(+)34:87(+<=2+&2&",4-5>’ ?&2=,4&2=,,&2=,8!!64466777744466644464468"9 &%@!7774%9:&%’#(9&:(#&&289;#91&*29(2%’#(9&:’ #’2<#&:2&64766#0*,:9 A$.9 :.B25,9 :.B#$;9 :.B! $89 :.B0"0,9 :.B2##*;9 :.B6,9 $ ,9 #6 *##*89 :49 " ’=++2A+CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCD+CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%26%=#%2><>#766%26%#%2%27%7%%2’""2?!"(/.0’1..*! 2A,44E,44E,44E! 2A! 2A,44E,44E,44E! 2A,44E,44E,44E&&"! 2A,44E,44E,44E,44E34E#$34E#$*@22’<9:,44E,44E,44E%24!8 %24(,44E2A! ,44E,44E,44E2A&= ! 2A ,44E,44E,44E,44E,44E@22’<9:@22’<9:(#"# #!’"!!! 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""#!!!’!’’MFP18005171 1/7TALBOT SUBSTATION TO KENT FLEETRENTONCITY OFConfidential and ProprietaryPuget SoundEnergy 143004260MFP18005171 12/7TALBOT SUBSTATION TO KENT FLEETRENTONCITY OFConfidential and ProprietaryPuget SoundEnergyMATCH TO SHEET BPLAN VIEWA#MFP18005171 3/5TALBOT SUBSTATION TO KENT FLEETRENTONCITY OFConfidential and ProprietaryPuget SoundEnergyMATCH TO SHEET APLAN VIEWB#MATCH TO SHEET CMFP18005171 4/7TALBOT SUBSTATION TO KENT FLEETRENTONCITY OFConfidential and ProprietaryPuget SoundEnergyMATCH TO SHEET DMATCH TO SHEET CMATCH TO SHEET EMATCH TO SHEET DMATCH TO SHEET FPLAN VIEWCDE#MATCH TO SHEET BMFP18005171 5/7TALBOT SUBSTATION TO KENT FLEETRENTONCITY OF Confidential and ProprietaryPuget SoundEnergyMATCH TO SHEET GMATCH TO SHEET FMATCH TO SHEET HMATCH TO SHEET GPLAN VIEWF/G/H#MATCH TO SHEET EMFP18005171 6/7TALBOT SUBSTATION TO KENT FLEETRENTONCITY OFConfidential and ProprietaryPuget SoundEnergySite DetailsMFP18005171 7/7TALBOT SUBSTATION TO KENT FLEETRENTONCITY OFConfidential and ProprietaryPuget SoundEnergySITE PHOTOS#PHOTO 1# SEE PLAN VIEW AUNDERGROUNDMFP18005171 August 24th, 2018 City of Renton Attn.: Right of Way Variance personnel 1055 S Grady Way Renton, Wa. 98057 PSE fiber submitted a permit application week of June 18th 2018 and the permit was held to further review PSE Franchise for the placement of fiber within the City of Renton jurisdiction. On Aug 22nd PSE Franchise was review with City of Renton officials and PSE Municipal Liaison person. It was determined that the permit for PSE overhead fiber on 116th Ave SE would require a Variance Letter from PSE Fiber Engineer. This Variance letter will hopefully help to understand the justification for the over lashing of existing PSE fiber optic on 116th Ave SE from Beacon Way S to SE 192nd St. PSE’s Talbot substation, which is a major hub for the handoff of BPA power to PSE power and has a requirement for communications between a 230kV substation, such as Talbot substation and other 230kV surrounding substation in the Renton and Kent area. This fiber optic cable serves as a link, communication, and eyes for the load office. The proposed fiber optic cable to be placed on 116th Ave SE supports the power grid, therefore assisting with “power reliability” to the Renton and Kent area. The PSE fiber is only used for PSE use to support the grid and not for commercial use outside of PSE. Please refer to exemption: RMC 4-6-090 utility lines – Underground installation D. Exemptions c. Electric transmission systems of a voltage fifty five (55) kv or more (including poles and wires) and equivalent communication facilities where the utility provider providing electrical energy provides at its expense an underground street lighting circuit (including all conductors and conduits) to a point on the poles at least forty feet (40') above ground to serve utility provider owned street lighting fixtures to be mounted on the poles at said location. Thanks for your understanding. Dennis Libadia PSE Transport Engineer 425 223 2108 cell phone October 17, 2018 Dennis Libadia PSE Transport Engineer Puget Sound Energy - Electric P.O. Box 97034 Bellevue, WA 98009-9734 Via Email: anish.kumar@pse.com SUBJECT: Request for Undergrounding Exemption (PSE#11226676, MFP18003573, 1223 S 3rd Street) Dear Mr. Kumar: The City of Renton has reviewed your request to grant Puget Sound Energy (PSE) an exemption from Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6-090(C) which states that all new electrical or communication facilities shall be required to be installed underground, pursuant to the standards of the section of RMC. Ordinance 5834 grants Puget Sound Energy, the right to construct, operate, set, erect, support, attach, connect, maintain, repair, replace, enlarge and use facilities for purposes of transmission, distribution and sale of electrical energy and gas, in, upon, over, under, along, across and through the franchise area. PSE proposes to have Potelco Inc. replace approximately 13,000 lineal feet of the failing fiber lines that support the 230kV surrounding substations in Renton and Kent. The new 48 count fiber line is proposed to be over lashed on the existing poles on which the 115kV power transmission lines are placed. The replacement of the fiber line is proposed to begin overhead on the existing 115kV power poles just west of the intersection of Beacon Way South and Royal Hills Drive SE, extend east along Beacon Way South to 116th Avenue SE, and continue south on 116th Avenue SE to SE 192nd Street, the City of Renton south boundary. (The location of the project is hereinafter referred to as the “Project Reach.”) You have noted in coordination of this permit that due to the failing fiber lines, the replacement of these lines is of an urgent nature. ANALYSIS: The City considered the request for an exemption identified under RMC 4-6-090(D)(1)(c), Electrical transition systems of a voltage 55kV or more. Although the new 48 count fiber line provides communication between the 230kV substations, the fiber line itself is not a facility that is of 55kV or more as required in order to qualify for the exemption from RMC 4-6-090(D)(1)(c); thus, this exemption is not available. However, the urgent need to replace this failing fiber line supporting the power grid invokes the exemption under RMC 4-6-090(D)(1)(i)(i) for technological difficulty associated with a particular facility. Undergrounding this length of fiber in the Project Reach will take time to coordinate and execute, causing risk exposure to the power grid that is depending on more immediate replacement. Therefore, the City PSE Electric #143004260 Page 2 of 2 October 17, 2018 is will to grant an exemption with conditions, per the technological difficulty exemption of RMC 4-6- 090(D)(1)(i)(i). DECISION: The requested exemption from underground utility installation requirements RMC4-6-090 (C) as requested by the applicant for the Project Reach is approved with conditions subject to the conditions below as the request complies with exemption criteria of RMC 4-6-090(D)(1)(i)(i). Conditions of Approval: 1. Any existing height violations within the Project Reach must be resolved at the time of construction. New aerial lines within the Project Reach must have a minimum vertical clearance of 15’-6”. 2. Any abandoned or unused lines within the Project Reach must be removed at the time that construction is taking place. 3. A traffic control plan must be separately submitted to the City, and no construction may take place until the City has approved a traffic control plan. 4. The new aerial fiber lines within the Project Reach must be converted to underground facilities in the future, at PSE’s cost, when any one of the following events occurs: (1) any other utilities are undergrounded within the Project Reach, (2) a joint use trench is proposed by a franchisee within the Project Reach, in which case PSE shall participate in the joint use trench installation for the purpose of undergrounding its aerial lines, or (3) a conduit is made available within the Project Reach that will accommodate the aerial lines. The new aerial lines must be undergrounded within one year from the first event triggering the requirement to underground the aerial lines. This decision to approve the exemption with conditions is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter per RMC 4-8-110. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City Clerk, along with the required appeal fee, by 5:00 pm, November 1, 2018. Sincerely, Brianne Bannwarth, PE Development Engineering Manager cc: C.E. “Chip” Vincent, CED Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, PW Administrator Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Justin Johnson, Civil Engineer II Scott Warlick, Engineering Specialist II Holly Powers, Permit Technician Pat Miller, Construction Inspection Supervisor Anish Kumar, Puget Sound Energy anish.kumar@pse.com Franchise Permits