HomeMy WebLinkAboutCitizen Comments Dear Renton Mayor and City Council members, Airport and aviation issues are complex and require considerations by all parties involved. In the FAA's own published documents it addresses these issues in the following statements. "Aviation contributes to quality of life- allowing us to visit friends and relatives, to travel, to experience new places, to shrink the world. Aviation must develop if it is to continue to meet the needs of a growing economy and an expanding population. At the same time, aviation must be environmentally sustainable, operating harmoniously within the constraints imposed by the need for clean air and water, limited noise impacts, and a livable climate." In July 2012 the FAA published the "Aviation Environmental and Energy Statement" within which it lists "Limiting and reducing future aviation environmental impacts to levels that protect public health and welfare" as its first guiding principle. The Renton Municipal Airport Master Plan establishes guidelines for the next 20 years of operation. The Master Plan has identifies the following airport categories and users. 1. General Aviation Category, representing 97-99%of the airports operations and includes the following. There are 276 aircraft based at RNT with 19 (about 7%)from Renton zip codes and the other 93%from zip codes primarily surrounding Lake Washington and Mercer Island. Four flight training Services with a number of solo flight instructors providing instruction for hire.This sector has resulted in increased operation over the past 5 years and is responsible for the"touch and go"operations at the airport. According to long term lease records this sector is poised for continual expansion at the airport. It is aircraft in this category that are the least regulated. Currently smaller aircraft have no emission requirements, continue to use leaded fuels and have made no improvements in noise reduction. 2. Air Taxi Category, represent the second largest airport operations and according to the Master Plan its operations are expected to remain constant. 3. Air Carrier Category, represents the third largest airport operation and is made up entirely of Boeing departures of 737 and occasional arrivals. According to the Master Plan this category is projected to remain constant or experience some level of increase. As stated in the Master Plan, the largest Airport operations and the most likely area for expanded operations at the airport involve those types of aircraft with the greatest impact on noise and air pollution in the City of Renton. In keeping with the stated FAA goals I would like to know how the Renton Municipal Airport plans to addresses the following concerns over the next 20 years 1. What plan will be implemented to reducing and eliminating lead pollution? 2. What plan will be implemented to reducing noise pollution? 3. How will Airport operation hours be managed to minimize impact on surrounding communities. Even SEATAC Airport regulates its hours of operation to minimize impact on neighboring communities. 4. Does Boeing have any long range plans to change its use of the Airport to warrant a longer runway? 5. Are there any changes in planned Military use at the Airport to warrant a longer runway? 6. What is it in the projected use of the Airport that warrants a longer runway? With advancement in 737 design, the required takeoff distance for the 737 has been dramatically reduced. 7. How will City residents know when the proposal goes to the SEPA review process? 8. How will City residents be able to petition the SEPA review process? Jeff Dineen 320 Smithers Ave S Renton WA 98057 Jason Seth From: Howard Mcomber <howardmcomber@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 3:41 PM To: Denis Law; Chip Vincent; Council; Howard Mcomber; CityClerk; Don Persson Subject: The Homeless and vulnerable in Renton Dear Mayor Law, Renton City Council and friends, The snow is coming fast and I can't get out of my driveway. I would like to be with you but I will send you an email instead. I know that you all care for the homeless, and shelterless people out in this awful storm. You already do much for our most vulnerable here in Renton. Please continue to work with REACH ,and the other volunteer organizations that are making a difference to comfort and sustain the poor and the abused. Please continue to help us to provide a meal every night at either the Salvation Army from Monday through Thursday or REACH Friday through Sunday at 5;30 PM. and breakfast 5 mornings a week at the old chamber building. Thank you for helping us to locate a place where we can continue to feed the Hungry. We really need a shelter where those who have no other option can sleep in safety. Together I know we can lessen the suffering. I am grateful for all that you do. Together we must help the hopeless. Every person in precious. Thanks, Howard howardmcomber@hotmail.com 206 679 6694 i