HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 02 CAG-17-149 , Adden #2-19 Washington State Department of Tiransportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 2 KPG,PS, 3131 Elliott Avenue Suite 400 Seattle WA Original Agreement Number 98121 CAG-17-149 Phone: 253-627-0720 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 10/24/2017 12/31/20 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S(Conversion) $1,110,550.18 + $96,408.00=$1,206,958.18 Description of Work Develop Bid Ready Plans, Specifications, and Estimates for the Houser Way/BNSF Improvements. The Local Agency of City of Renton desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with KPG. P.S. and executed on 10/24/2017 and identified as Agreement No. CAG-17-149 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The General Scope of Work of the Original Agreement is supplemented to include the attached Exhibit A. I I Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: Remains unchanged - 12/31/20. III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: See attached Exhibits A and D. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stat bove, pleas sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: • ler „""4/ irs,,0 'F''BY Mayor Denis Law on nt Signature ' �✓ ; Jas Seth, City Clerk 111 Jz' /4' <3/012/ Date DOT Form 140-063 ah' SF,Q\`�� Revised 09/2005 1,, Rpap ��0 ��� EXHIBIT A CITY OF RENTON WILLIAMS AVENUE S AND WELLS AVENUE S CONVERSION PROJECT SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS AND COMPLETE STREETS CAG 17-149 SCOPE OF WORK FEBRUARY 14, 2019 A. PROJECT BACKGROUND/DESCRIPTION During the Final Design phase of the Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Conversion Project, the City of Renton ("City") advanced the coordination efforts with BNSF to relocate their railroad signals located at the intersections of Houser Way-Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S. During these coordination efforts, the City determined that the horizontal and vertical geometry of these two intersections needed to be revised to accommodate the locations of the new BNSF signals whilst providing accessible pedestrian access routes (PAR). Additionally, the City has received funding from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Compete Street Program to provide additional improvements at these intersections in accordance with the City's adopted Downtown Streetscape Standards. The City has requested that KPG ("Consultant") enter into a supplemental agreement to provide plans,specifications,and estimates(PS&E)to support this effort and it is the City's desire to separate these improvements from the Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Conversion Project due to differing funding sources and milestones. It is estimated that the Project will provide the following improvements: • New BNSF pole style railroad signals at Houser Way/Williams Ave S and Houser Way/Wells Ave S. • New BNSF controllers (bungalows) at Houser Way/Williams Ave S and Houser Way/Wells Ave S. • New curb bulbs, sidewalk, and curb ramps at Houser Way/Williams Ave S and Houser Way/Wells Ave S. • New planters (if space is available) at Houser Way/Williams Ave S and Houser Way/Wells Ave S. • New decorative illumination at Houser Way/Williams Ave S and Houser Way/Wells Ave S. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS KPG Project Number: 16125 1 Feb,2019 • Revised storm drainage at locations of new curb bulbs. • Revised channelization and crossing markings. • Relocation of hydrants that are in conflict with the PAR. • (Possible) relocation of a luminaire at Houser Way/Williams Ave S. B. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were identified to provide direction with design: u The project is funded by City and TIB funds only. u All permitting efforts will be led by the City. The Consultant shall support the permitting process with graphics where necessary. u Temporary Construction Easements (TCE) and Permanent Easement (PE) will be required and the acquisition of all ROW will be led by the City. u Utility coordination, explorations, and relocations required for the installation of the BNSF improvements will be the responsibility of the City and BNSF u The Consultant will develop PS&E for the Houser Way/BNSF Improvement and Complete Street Project separate from the Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Conversion Project. u BNSF coordination for the revised railroad signals on Wells Ave S and Williams Ave S at Houser Way S will be conducted by the City. ❑ Geotechnical and structural engineering services for the BNSF signal improvements(if required) are not included in this scope of work. u The design, placement,exploration, and development of discipline reports associated with the BNSF equipment and their installation, will be the responsibility of the City and BNSF. C. KPG DELIVERABLES Deliverables prepared by the Consultant are identified at the end of each Work Element (WE). D. CITY OF RENTON PROVIDED ITEMS: The City of Renton will be responsible for the following: ❑ Submittal reviews, comments, and approvals (1 to 2 sets of comments per submittal) u Public notices, property owner mailings, and postage u Meeting room arrangements ❑ Environmental Permits u ROW Coordination and Services ❑ Coordination with BNSF for the Design and Construction of the revised railroad signals u City General Special Provisions City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS KPG Project Number: 16125 2 Feb,2019 E. SCOPE OF WORK WORK ELEMENT 20—MANAGEMENT/COORDINATION/ADMINISTRATION The Estimated project duration is 8 months. 20.1 The Consultant will provide continuous project management for the project duration of the project through Preliminary Design (estimate 8 months). The Consultant will prepare monthly progress reports identifying work completed in the previous month, work in progress, upcoming work elements, and reporting of any delays, problems, or additional information needs. These reports will be submitted with the Consultant invoices. 20.2 The Consultant will conduct regular project team meetings (estimate 4 meetings total) with internal staff. 20.3 The Consultant will provide internal quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) reviews of all major deliverables prior to submittal to the City. Work Element 20 Deliverables: ■ Monthly progress reports (4 months) WORK ELEMENT 21-RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION SUPPORT SERVICES This WE covers the necessary effort to provide the City with ROW Acquisition Support Services. 21.1 The Consultant will prepare up to 8 property owner exhibits to be utilized during meetings/negotiations with the property owners. The purpose of these exhibits is to give each property owner a clear understanding of the TCE impacts along their frontage. The exhibits will contain the following information: a Existing parcel features, ROW lines, and Parcel Lines a Proposed Frontage Improvements and dimensions where necessary a Proposed temporary easement lines ❑ Parcel name and number a Scale, north arrow, and legend Work Element 21 Deliverables: ■ Up to 8 parcel exhibits in PDF format. Work Element 21 Assumptions: • Only Temporary Construction Easements are assumed. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS KPG Project Number: 16125 3 Feb,2019 • Existing and proposed ROW/Easement staking is not included in this scope of services. • Acquisition of all new Easements will be the responsibility of the City. • ROW plans will not be required. WORK ELEMENT 22—STORMWATER ANALYSIS This Work Element includes the effort required to perform analysis and documentation of the project's stormwater management requirements in accordance with the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual(RSWDM). 22.1 Determine the project's areas of new and replaced impervious surfaces. Determine the applicability of the Core and Special requirements of the RSWDM. 22.2 Prepare a technical memorandum documenting the findings of this analysis. Work Element 22 Deliverables: • Draft Storm water Technical Memorandum, pdf file. • Final Storm water Technical Memorandum, pdf file. Work Element 22 Assumptions: • Since the project will only add approximately 200 square feet of new impervious surface and is in located in a Zone 1 Aquifer Protection Area where On-Site BMPs that rely on infiltration are prohibited per Special Requirement #6, the project will not require any constructed storm water management facilities. • The technical memorandum will be brief, documenting the applicability of core and special requirements only, and as result will not contain all the elements of a Technical Information Report as specified in RSWDM WORK ELEMENT 23—UTILITY COORDINATION The Consultant will coordinate with private utilities affected by the proposed improvements. Efforts included under this WE are as follows: 23.1 Prepare notices to the utilities at each submittal phase. 23.2 Utility Conflict Plan: This plan will be submitted to all purveyors with utilities in the project limits to assess whether said utilities may be in conflict with the proposed improvements. 23.3 Potholing to identify potential utility conflicts will be completed as necessary for design (4 estimated). The locations of the potholes will be surveyed and added to the base map. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS KPG Project Number: 16125 4 Feb,2019 Work Element 23 Deliverables: ■ Notices to Purveyors ■ Utility Conflict Figure(11x17) ■ Updated basemap showing utility potholes and actual utility locations Work Element 23 Assumptions: ■ Survey required for utility relocations is not included. ■ Any franchise utility expansion which is required to be incorporated into the project is not included. WORK ELEMENT 24—DESIGN(10%,60%,100%CHECK SET,BID DOCUMENTS) The Consultant shall prepare a 10% Design Layout and 60%, 100% 'Check Set', and Bid Document Plans, Specifications,and Estimates for review and approval by the City. Plans shall be formatted to provide sufficient detail for convenient field layout of all proposed facilities. City Standard Details and WSDOT standard plans will be supplemented with project specific details as required. All design plans and documents will be signed by a licensed professional engineer in the State of Washington. 24.1 10% Design Layout (AutoCAD format) will show sidewalks, planters and tree locations, curb ramps, crosswalks, lighting, BNSF signals and equipment, and roadway channelization. It is estimated that the 10% Design will be reviewed by the City before plan production begins. The Consultant will make revisions (2 reviews estimated)to the 10% Design addressing the City's comments. 24.2 The Consultant shall evaluate lighting performance using the AG132 illumination model that shows lighting levels and uniformity at the intersections Houser Way/Williams Ave S and Houser Way/Wells Ave S. It is assumed that the City's Decorative Roadway Illumination pole and fixture standards will be utilized on the project. 24.3 The consultant shall prepare 60% plans for review and approval by the City. The 60% submittal will include all comments received from the 10% Design project meetings. 24.4 The consultant shall prepare 100% 'Check Set' plans for review and approval by the City. The 100%'Check Set' submittal will include all comments received from the 60% review. 24.5 The Consultant shalt prepare Bid Documents (Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate) for advertisement by the City. The Bid Documents will include all comments received from the 100% 'Check Set' review submittal. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS KPG Project Number: 16125 5 Feb,2019 24.6 Consultant will calculate quantities and prepare cost estimates in support of the 10% Design Layout, 60%, 100% 'Check Set', and Bid Document Submittals. 24.7 Consultant will prepare specifications based on 2018 WSDOT Standard Specifications, using contract boilerplate, federal funding requirements, and general special provisions provided by the City for the 100% 'Check Set' and Bid Document Submittals. The estimated sheet count is the following: ❑ 1 Cover Sheet ❑ 1 Sheet Index,Alignment Plan, and Survey Control ❑ 1 Legend and Abbreviations ❑ 1 Roadway Details ❑ 2 Site Preparation Plans and TESC Plans ❑ 2 Roadway and Drainage Plans ❑ 1 Drainage Profiles ❑ 2 Flowline and Sidewalk Layout Plan ❑ 2 Illumination Plans and Details ❑ 2 Landscape Plans and Details ❑ 2 Channelization and Signing Plans Total: 17 Sheets 24.8 Consultant will assist the City during the bidding process in answering questions by the Contractors, or in providing information for an addendum, as requested by the City. Work Element 24 Deliverables: ■ 10%Design Layout-Roll Plot ■ AGI Lighting Report ■ One(1)%-size unbound,five(5)%-size bound of the 60%Plans ■ One(1)%-size unbound,five(5)%-size bound of the 100%Check Set Plans ■ One(1) '4-size unbound,five(5)%-size bound of the Bid Plans ■ One(1)hard copy, and two (2)electronic versions(PDF and Excel)of the 10% Design, 60%, 100% 'Check Set', and Bid Engineer's Estimate ■ Five (5) hard copies, and electronic versions (PDF) of the 100% 'Check Set' and Bid Engineer's Estimate ■ Addenda and Answers to Questions During Bidding Work Element 24 Assumptions: ■ PS&E developed under this WE will remain separate from the Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Conversion PS&E. ■ WSDOT Reviews, PIF and MEF will not be required. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS KPG Project Number: 16125 6 Feb,2019 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The City may require additional services of the Consultant. The scope of these services will be determined based on the unanticipated project needs or other considerations at the sole discretion of the City. These services will be authorized under a future contract supplement if necessary. At the time these services are required, the Consultant shall provide a detailed scope of work and an estimate of costs. The Consultant shall not proceed with the work until the City has authorized the work and issued a notice to proceed. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 2—HOUSER WAY/BNSF IMPROVEMENTS KPG Project Number: 16125 7 Feb,2019 • Exhibit D �� Washington State Traneportalion Building Department of Transportation 310 Maple Park Avenue S.E. P.O.Box 47300 Olympia,WA I38504-7300 360-705-7000 ITV:1-800-833-6388 www.wsdotwa.gov April 19,2018 KPG, P.S. 3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98121 Subject: Acceptance FYE 2017 ICR—Risk Assessment Review Dear Ms. Suzy Rowe: Based on Washington State Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) Risk Assessment review of your Indirect Cost Rate (ICR), we have accepted your proposed FYE 2017 ICR of 146.70%. These rates are applicable to Washington Local Agency Contracts only.These rates may be subject to additional review if considered necessary by WSDOT. Your ICR must be updated on an annual basis. Costs billed to agreements/contracts will still be subject to audit of actual costs, based on the terms and conditions of the respective agreement/contract. This was not a cognizant review. Any other entity contracting with your firm is responsible for determining the acceptability of the ICR. If you have any questions,feel free to contact our office at(360)705-7019 or via email consul tantrates @ wsdot.wa,gay. Regards; Janson, Erik �- Apr 20 201 8 8:02 AM cosi8n ERIK K. JONSON Manager,Consultant Services Office EKJ:kms Acceptance ICR Audit Office Rev;ew * \� k 8 ) 888 HA \8\ ) 88888888888888 \ % %) ! a, a ` �� P ::;::::::::::: i - � ) \�\ a \ / ® \ IIIII « t EE co _ III 1101 I A' /'/\ ) } lb§ L \ 111101' I ! ` ƒ{/{{\ ) . ii: IIIII f\ 5 °- 2 ! . ”EA8- \ \ ° IIII : : e a 7.1 \ A\}\ ° ' 1111 IIII z =z : ' } 8. \\/ le Hill 1 m ee .. k & / 84 @ /2)7 / ®; n —a \ \ \& 2-: ■ . 1111IIIII __ \ w E. '| ! gf,2,W!i ; $ {2f!!$z) !: - la ;: :!!; ) 3�l�,7_ ® ;!¥:!, - f \ - \\ \\ \ / \ •_ 0 ! Th }m # _ 2 _ 0 [ !§ f/ 2 _ - _))( k })j \ ` $ ( /)f( ` ok1\u2 \f¥ 0 E - ±»w! _ 1 1 k\k/\< / S � f -� „g \/ : $ :: q \ @Ra ¥ :2m £ \_; \ ! 88888888888888888 , g §FF-R !«5(§$\\( § a 8 § % \ �Fii ; } E��� �a��w, , w 0� � ` / ) - } \\{ } I » i ! |k \ -\4 / !; ` \ \ ` D LJU\( k - 0 \$$}ko/~ ` - ;t 8.\ , _ / {{{ - -----,---- � ■ a/ . \ ! \/{ \ \ z -® a ,ƒ\ § /; \ / \ TA a T. / / @ 2 : a . \ @ w ; \� \ 2 e - { t.\. / ce 2 .17;\m)� . ^ ` / { _ ,,,,�_0 , R: - , \ 8 1- 2242® 8 ; ! a \k,v;F2,\{ `vigglg7% cn « // ) 1 \ < \ _w. a }`�, . - 8 - w O. !m , \!\tok , cx\, / a - g/)\ /0 \ \ T. \ P. _ IEo0 �Z}/(! $ ,,,, February 21, 2019 Keith Woolley City of Renton Public Works—5th Floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: KPG Project Team Commitment—Houser Way/BNSF Complete Streets Dear Mr. Woolley: KPG is committing for the duration of the project the discipline leads listed below. These professionals will not be replaced without advance notification and subsequent authorization from the City. Employees Title Sessyle Asato QA/QC Manager Jason Fritzler Project Manager Olivia Paraschiv Engineering Lead Kirk Smith Stormwater Lead Ray Edralin Stormwater Engineer Jan Ciganik Signal/Illumination/ITS Lead Elizabeth Gibson Landscape/Irrigation Lead Phuong Nguyen Urban Design Lead Coreen Schmidt LA Hidemi Tsuru Signal/Lighting Engineer George Hilen Lighting Engineer Justin Wu Roadway Engineer Judy Johnson Landscape Tech Danielle Winklemann Admin Terri Simms Admin Michelle Torres Admin Vonnie Stockman CAD Tech Daniel Clark CM Lead Sincerely, Jason Fritzler, PM KPG Exhibit D Project Name: Wells and Williams Ave Conversion Project Consultant: KPG,Inc. Consultant fee calculation worksheet Appendix 31.77 Rate Weight Value Degree of Risk The degree of risk for this project is: [above average 25 0.32 8.00 Weight from 0.17 to 0.35,0.35 being riskiest Relative Difficulty of Work The difficulty of work for this project is: 'above average 20 0.32 6.40 Weight from 0.17 to 0.35,0.35 being most difficult Size of Job $ 600,000.00 I <100,000=0.35 15 0.32 4.80 100,000-5,000,000 proportionate from 0.34 to 0.21 5,000,000 -10,000,000-proportionate from 0.21 to 0.17 Period of Performance >24 months=0.35 12lmonths 2-24 months proportionate from 0.17 to 0.35 15 0.25 3.75 <2 months=0.17 Assistance by the Agency The amount of assistance from the agency is: IFew items provided 15 0.35 5.25 rate from 0.17 to 0.35,0.35 being few items provided Sub-Consulting 10 0.22 2.20 10%lof cost >40%=0.35 0-40%proportionate from 0.17 to 0.35 0%=0.17 Total 30.40 Fraction,rounded to two digits 0.3