HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Drainage_Report_190215_v1.pdfCONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT Project:WCSD Cascade Village 17060 116th Ave SE Renton, WA 98057 Prepared For:Miller Hayashi Architects 118 N. 35th St. Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 Prepared By:Ryan Yokum, EIT Reviewed By:Marc Errichetti, PE Date:February 15, 2018 RECEIVED 03/06/2019 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Subject Page No. SECTION I PROJECT OVERVIEW........................................................................... 1 SECTION II CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY................................. 9 SECTION III OFFSITE ANALYSIS............................................................................ 11 SECTION IV FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS........................................................................... 11 SECTION V CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN............................... 12 SECTION VI SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES...................................................... 13 SECTION VII OTHER PERMITS............................................................................... 13 SECTION VIII CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN...................................................... 13 SECTION IX BOND QUANTITIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS........................................................ 14 SECTION X OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL................................... 15 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP..................................................................................... 2 FIGURE 2 TIR WORKSHEET................................................................................. 3 FIGURE 3 EXISTING SITE SOILS........................................................................... 6 FIGURE 4 EXISTING LAND COVER....................................................................... 7 FIGURE 5 DEVELOPED LAND COVER.................................................................. 8 LIST OF APPENDIXES APPENDIX A OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL REPORT WCSD Cascade Village Page 1 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC SECTION I – PROJECT OVERVIEW General Description: The WCSD project comprises the following major items of work: •Demolition some hardscape, and interior building improvements •Replacement of some hardscape surfaces •Areas of hard surface overlay The proposed redevelopment is designed to meet the requirements of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. The WCSD Cascade Village project is located at 17060 116th Ave SE in Renton Washington (See Figure 1 for vicinity map). A summary of the project data is provided in the TIR worksheet (see Figure 2). Existing Conditions: The existing site comprises a 13.63-acre (593,653 SF) parcel. The entire parcel consists of buildings, parking lots, and a large landscaped area on the east portion of the parcel. The underlying soils are glacial till soil. See figure 3 for an existing site soils map and Appendix B for the geotechnical report. Topography on the majority of the site is characterized by moderately sloping surfaces with slopes ranging from 2-5% on hardscape areas and 0-15% in landscaped areas. It is surmised that existing roof drainage is collected via roof downspouts and conveyed to the existing 12” main in SE 170th St. Runoff from the parking lot’s hardscaped areas appears to sheet flow into existing catch basins along the existing curb north east of the parking lot and then conveyed to the existing 12” main in SE 170th St. The existing conditions described above are presented graphically in Figure 4. Developed Conditions: The areas of proposed redevelopment account for 0.656 acres that comprise the 13.63- acre parcel. The proposed site will include a new bus loading and parent drop off area, an outdoor play area, and a new plaza area. See Figure 5 for proposed developed surfaces. Stormwater runoff from the proposed improvements will follow the same drainage patterns from that of the existing conditions. As there is a net decrease in impervious surfaces on this project site, there will be a small reduction in stormwater flow. Therefore, Core Requirement #4 of the RSWDM has been achieved. WCSD Cascade Village Page 2 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC FIGURE 1 – VICINITY MAP WCSD Cascade Village Page 3 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC FIGURE 2 TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Owner : Anna Johnson Address : 16950 116th Ave SE, LLC Phone : 503-970-7487 Project Engineer: Marc Errichetti, PE Company: Sitewise Design, PLLC Address/Phone: 206 402 4644 Project Name : WCSD Location : 17060 116th Ave SE Renton, Wa Quarter: SW Section: 28 Township: 23 Range: 5 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS Subdivision Short Subdivision •Grading •Commercial Other _______________________ _______________________________ DFW HPA Shoreline Management COE 404 Rockery DOE Dam Safety Structural Vaults FEMA Floodplain Other COE Wetlands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Renton Drainage Basin Soos Creek Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS River ________________________________ Stream ___________________________ Critical Stream Reach Depressions/Swales Lake Steep Slopes ______________________ Floodplain ______________________ Wetlands Seeps/Springs High Groundwater Table Groundwater Recharge Other __________________________ WCSD Cascade Village Page 4 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC Part 7 SOILS Soil Type Hardpan soils _________________ _________________ _________________ Slopes 2% to 5% _________________ _________________ _________________ Erosion Potential Low _________________ _________________ _________________ Erosive Velocities _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Additional Sheets Attached LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION Sedimentation Facilities Stabilized Construction Entrance •Perimeter Runoff Control •Clearing and Grading Restrictions •Cover Practices •Construction Sequence Other MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION •Stabilize Exposed Surface •Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities •Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas Other WCSD Cascade Village Page 5 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM Grass Lined Channel •Pipe System Open Channel Dry Pond Wet Pond Tank Vault Energy Dissipater Wetland Stream Infiltration Depression Flow Dispersal Waiver Regional Detention Method of Analysis WWHM Compensation/Mitigatio n of Eliminated Site Storage N/A Brief Description of System Operation: Piped conveyance to 12” storm main north of site Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation ____________ ________________ ________________________________________________ ____________ ________________ ________________________________________________ Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Part 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Cast in Place Vault Retaining Wall Rockery > 4’ High Structural on Steep Slope Other Drainage Easement Access Easement Native Growth Protection Easement Tract Other Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision has visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Signed/Date WCSD Cascade Village Page 6 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC FIGURE 3 – EXISTING SITE SOIL CONDITIONS design PLLC A CIVIL ENGINEERINGCOMPANY219 First Avenue S.,Suite 401 Seattle WA 98104 206 402 4644 design PLLC A CIVIL ENGINEERINGCOMPANY219 First Avenue S.,Suite 401 Seattle WA 98104 206 402 4644 WCSD Cascade Village Page 9 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC SECTION II – CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Core and Special Requirements are listed below along with a discussion of their applicability to this project. Core Requirements: Req. #1 Discharge at Natural Location: The discharge location will be maintained to the public storm drain. Req. #2 Offsite Analysis: See Section III below. Req. #3 Flow Control: Flow control is not required as the project will create less than 5,000 SF of new plus replaced impervious surface and less than ¾ acres of new pervious surface will be added. Req. #4 Conveyance System: The existing conveyance system will be used and there will be a decrease in stormwater flow as there is a net decrease in impervious surface area in the developed condition. Req. #5 Erosion and Sediment Control: Construction BMPs will be implemented to meet this requirement. See Section VIII. Req. #6 Maintenance and Operations: A Declaration of Covenant for flow control BMPs may be necessary for this project. Req. #7 Financial Guarantees: A financial guarantee may be necessary for this project. Bonding may be required for the construction of improvements and will be implemented as required. WCSD Cascade Village Page 10 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC Req. #8 Water Quality: Water quality is not required as the project will create less than 5,000 SF of new and replaced PGIS and less than 35,000 SF of PGPS. Req. #9 On-Site BMPs: On-Site BMPs have been proposed in accordance with Appendix C, Section C of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. See section IV of this report for BMP methods proposed. Special Requirements: Req. #1 Area Specific Requirements: No area specific requirements are applicable to this project. Req. #2: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation This project is not adjacent to any floodplains or floodways. Req. #3 Flood Protection Facilities: Not required. Req. #4 Source Controls: This is a commercial project and will provide appropriate source controls. Req. #5 Oil Control: No oil control requirements are applicable to this project. Req. #6 Aquifer Protection Area: The project site is not located within an aquifer protection zone area. WCSD Cascade Village Page 11 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC SECTION III – OFFSITE ANALYSIS Offsite analysis (core requirement #2) is not required for this project as exemption #2 in section 1.2.2 in the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual is true, which states: “The project adds less than 2,000 square feet of new impervious surface, AND less than ¾ acre of new pervious surface, AND does not construct or modify a drainage pipe/ditch that is 12 inches or more in size/depth or that receives runoff from a drainage pipe/ditch that is 12 inches or more in size/depth, AND does not contain or lie adjacent to a landslide hazard, steep slope hazard area, or erosion hazard area as defined in RMC 4-3- 050.” SECTION IV – FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Flow Control: This project is in a flow control duration standard area where forested conditions must be matched. However, flow control is not required as the project will create less than 5,000 SF of new plus replaced impervious surface and less than ¾ acres of new pervious surface will be added. Flow Control BMPs: Although this project creates 2,198 SF of new plus replaced impervious surface, there is a net decrease in impervious surface in the developed condition. The parcel of which our site area is on is approximately 593,653 SF. This project must therefore address the Large Lot BMP requirements listed in section of the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. A feasibility review is provided below: •C.2.1 Full Dispersion – Not feasible due to flow path limitations. •C.2.2 Full Infiltration of Roof Runoff – There are no new/replaced buildings proposed for this project. •C.2.2 Full Infiltration of Non-Roof Runoff – Not feasible as existing soil under the existing improvements are hardpan soils which are not suitable for infiltration. •C.2.3 Limited Infiltration – Not feasible as existing soil under existing improvements are hardpan soils which are not suitable for infiltration. •C.2.6 Bioretention – Not feasible as the minimum vertical separation of 1 foot to the hardpan soils cannot be met. •C.2.7 Permeable Pavement – There are two areas on the site with new/replaced impervious surface in the proposed conditions: WCSD Cascade Village Page 12 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC 1. The existing planter to be infilled with asphalt concrete pavement 2. The walking area northeast of the site The first area is infeasible as it exceeds the maximum run-on area ratio of 5:1, and the second area is infeasible as the existing surface is pollution generating and over hardpan soils. •C.2.4 Basic Dispersion – -Splash Blocks – Not feasible as there are no new/replaced buildings in the proposed conditions. -Rock Pads – Not feasible as existing grades in the parking lot adjacent to the north and east curbs are sloping away from the landscaped areas. -Gravel Filled Trenches – It is not feasible to isolate areas of the parking lot’s impervious surface in order to meet the maximum square footage of impervious surface requirement of 3,500 SF per trench and route them to individual trenches. -Sheet Flow – Not feasible as the existing grades in the parking lot adjacent to the north and east curbs are sloping away from the landscaped areas. •C.2.10 Native Growth Retention Credit – Infeasible as there is no native vegetation on site. •C.2.14 Tree Retention Credit – Infeasible as there are no trees onsite to be retained. •C.2.9 Reduced Impervious Surface Credit – The overall on-site impervious surface is to be reduced in the proposed conditions by 2,595 SF which is greater than that of the proposed new/replaced impervious surface. Water Quality Water quality treatment is not required per COR code, as the project will create less than 5,000 SF of new/replaced PGIS. SECTION V – CONVEYANCE SYSTEM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Section of the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual states: “Existing onsite conveyance systems that will not experience a change in flow characteristics as a result of the proposed project need not be analyzed for conveyance capacity.” WCSD Cascade Village Page 13 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC Therefore, Core Requirement #4 (Conveyance System) is not required as the existing system will be used for conveyance and there is a reduction in stormwater flow. SECTION VI – SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES A geotechnical report has been completed and is included in Appendix B. SECTION VII – OTHER PERMITS A building permit will be required for construction of the proposed project. SECTION VIII – CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Part A: ESC Measures will be addressed as follows: •Clearing Limits: Clearing limits will be delineated by perimeter silt fencing and chain link fencing. •Cover Measures: Temporary cover will be installed if an area is to remain unworked for more than seven days during the dry season (May 1 to September 30) or for more than two consecutive working days during the wet season (October 1 to April 30). Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seeded, sodded, or protected with plastic covering. •Perimeter Protection: Perimeter protection will be implemented by installing silt fencing around the site perimeter where drainage paths require. •Traffic Area Stabilization: Existing hard surfaces will be used for construction access. •Sediment Retention: Catch basin protection will be provided •Surface Water Control: Surface water will be collected and conveyed via swales as necessary. Check dams are not warranted as grades are relatively flat. •Dust Control: Dust control, if required, will be provided through the limited use of water trucks. WCSD Cascade Village Page 14 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC Part B: Anticipated SWPP Activities and the BMPs used to address them are indicated below. The contractor (to be determined later) will be required to provide and maintain a detailed SWPPP on site that will be maintained by the contractor’s CESCL. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Activity Worksheet Summary #Activity/Category Site Specific Activity Minimum BMP Implemented Add’tl BMB Implemented A-1 Required BMPs for All Commercial Properties Cleanstorm drainage system;Eliminate illicitconnectionstostorm drainage system; Stencil storm drains A-4 Storage of Soil, Sand, and Other Erodible Materials Stockpile soil for backfill Cover stockpiles; Routine maintenance Catch basin inserts A-9 Storage of Scrap and Recycling Materials Constructionwaste (wood,GWB,metal studs, cardboard, plastic, paper) Designated area for contaminated liquids; Check incoming equipmentforpotentialfluid andbatteries;Removeoldbatteries;Scrap materialstoredofftheground;Coverstockpiles ofmaterial;Routine maintenance Catch basininserts; OnsiteRecycling A-11 Cleaning or Washing of Tools and Equipment Cleaning small tools Holding tank and disposal into sewer A-1 7 Fueling Operations Fueling lifts Locatefueling toensure leaksdon'tdischarge intostorm,surface,orground;Usedrippans or absorbent pads; Lighting if fueling at night; Routine maintenance Spill control kit onsite A-20 Concrete and Asphalt at Temporary Sites Concrete slurry into backfill pits Drippanswhereappropriate;Stormdraincovers; Containandcollectslurry;Nodischargeinto street,storm,ordrainageditches;Routine maintenance Catch basin inserts A-27 Clearing,Grading,andPreparationof LandforSmallConstruction Projects Grading site Coordinateclearing,grading,anderosion controlrequirementswith City of Renton Erosion control onsite, includingsilt fencing;Catchbasin inserts A-31 Vehicle and Equipment Parking and Storage Vehicles parked onsite Sweep parking lots; Erosion control as required Erosioncontrolplan; Catchbasin inserts; Spill control kit onsite SECTION IX – BOND QUANTITIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT A bond quantity worksheet may be required for this project. A Declaration of Covenant for inspection and maintenance of the proposed flow control BMPs may be required. A draft of the Declaration of covenant will be included with the final TIR to be submitted for the building permit. WCSD Cascade Village Page 15 Project No. 18034 Sitewise Design PLLC SECTION X – OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL An operation and maintenance manual which outlines required regular maintenance necessary for the proposed stormwater system is provided in Appendix A. The maintenance of the stormwater facilities will by be performed by the Owner. Appendix A Operation and Maintenance Manual APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORMWATER FACILITIES AND ON-SITE BMPS 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 12/12/2016 A-41 NO. 30 – PERMEABLE PAVEMENT BMP MAINTENANCE COMPONENT DEFECT OR PROBLEM CONDITIONS WHEN MAINTENANCE IS NEEDED RESULTS EXPECTED WHEN MAINTENANCE IS PERFORMED Preventive Surface cleaning/ vegetation control Media surface vacuumed or pressure washed annually, vegetation controlled to design maximum. Weed growth suggesting sediment accumulation. No dirt, sediment, or debris clogging porous media, or vegetation limiting infiltration. Porous Concrete, Porous Asphaltic Concrete, and Permeable Pavers Trash and debris Trash and debris on the pavement interfering with infiltration; leaf drop in fall season. No trash or debris interfering with infiltration. Sediment accumulation Sediment accumulation on the pavement interfering with infiltration; runoff from adjacent areas depositing sediment/debris on pavement. Pavement infiltrates as designed; adjacent areas stabilized. Insufficient infiltration rate Pavement does not infiltrate at a rate of 10 inches per hour. Pavement infiltrates at a rate greater than 10 inches per hour. Excessive ponding Standing water for a long period of time on the surface of the pavement. Standing water infiltrates at the desired rate. Broken or cracked pavement Pavement is broken or cracked.No broken pavement or cracks on the surface of the pavement. Settlement Uneven pavement surface indicating settlement of the subsurface layer. Pavement surface is uniformly level. Moss growth Moss growing on pavement interfering with infiltration. No moss interferes with infiltration. Inflow restricted Inflow to the pavement is diverted, restricted, or depositing sediment and debris on the pavement. Inflow to pavement is unobstructed and not bringing sediment or debris to the pavement. Underdrain not freely flowing Underdrain is not flowing when pavement has been infiltrating water. Underdrain flows freely when water is present. Overflow not controlling excess water Overflow not controlling excess water to desired location; native soil is exposed or other signs of erosion damage are present. Overflow permits excess water to leave the site at the desired location; Overflow is stabilized and appropriately armored. Permeable Pavers Broken or missing pavers Broken or missing paving blocks on surface of pavement. No missing or broken paving blocks interfering with infiltration. Uneven surface Uneven surface due to settlement or scour of fill in the interstices of the paving blocks. Pavement surface is uniformly level. Compaction Poor infiltration due to soil compaction between paving blocks. No soil compaction in the interstices of the paver blocks limiting infiltration. Poor vegetation growth (if applicable) Grass in the interstices of the paving blocks is dead. Healthy grass is growing in the interstices of the paver blocks. Appendix B Geotechnical Report February 12, 2019 WCSD 16950 116th Ave SE LLC 107 Spring Street, Suite 4025 Seattle, WA 98104 Attn: Ms. Anna Johnson (503) 970-7487 Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 Doc ID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG INTRODUCTION This geotechnical engineering report summarizes our site observations, subsurface explorations, and engineering analyses and provides geotechnical recommendations and design criteria for the proposed improvements for the existing building located at 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast in Renton, Washington. The site location is shown on the Site Location Map, included as Figure 1. Our understanding of the project is based on our conversations with Ms. Anna Johnson with Washington Charter School Development, our review of the conceptual Site Plan by Miller Hayashi Architects, LLC dated April 30, 2018, our review of the Survey Plan by Puget Sound Surveying, Inc. dated October 31, 2017, our December 14, 2018 site visit and subsurface explorations, and our experience in the City of Renton area. We understand that the development will consist of a structural retrofit of the existing building and improvements to the parking area. You are proposing to convert the old grocery store into a new school building that will include a new awning area in the front and a playground area in the existing parking area. You are currently planning to keep the existing building and its foundations. Portions of the current parking area that is impervious will be converted to landscape areas. We anticipate that any new additions or structures will be a one or two-story, steel framed structure likely founded on conventional shallow foundations, similar to the existing building. The site is currently developed with a storm system and all other typical utilities and you are not proposing to increase the impervious area at the site and are actually decreasing it. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 2 SCOPE The purpose of our services is to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions across the site as a basis for providing geotechnical recommendations and design criteria for the proposed development. Specifically, the scope of services for this project will include the following: 1. Reviewing the available geologic, hydrogeologic, and geotechnical data for the site area; 2. Exploring surface and subsurface conditions by reconnoitering the site and performing 2 borings at select locations across the site; 3. Describing surface and subsurface conditions, including soil type, depth to groundwater, depth to impermeable soil strata, and an estimate of seasonal high groundwater levels; 4. Providing geotechnical conclusions and recommendations regarding seismic site class and design coefficients, seismic hazard analyzes, site grading activities, including site preparation, subgrade preparation, fill placement criteria, suitability of on-site soils for use as structural fill, temporary and permanent cut slopes and drainage and erosion control measures; 5. Providing conclusions regarding shallow foundations and floor slab support and design criteria, including bearing capacity and subgrade modulus as appropriate; 6. Providing our opinion about the feasibility of onsite infiltration in accordance with the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (2017 CORSWDM), including a preliminary design infiltration rate based on grain size analysis, as applicable; 7. Providing recommendations for erosion and sediment control during wet weather grading and construction; and, 8. Preparing a written Geotechnical Engineering Report summarizing our site observations and conclusions, and our geotechnical recommendations and design criteria, along with the supporting data. The above scope of work was summarized in our Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering Services dated November 13, 2018. We received authorization to proceed from you on December 3, 2018. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The site is located 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast in Renton, Washington, also known as Cascade Village, within an area of existing residential and commercial development. Based on King County iMap website, the site is irregular in shape, measures approximately 700 to 960 feet wide (north to south) by approximately 1,185 feet deep (east to west) and encompasses about 13.63 acres. The site is bounded by the CVAC baseball complex and Southeast 168th Street to the north, by existing residential development to the east, by existing commercial and residential development to the south, and by 116th Avenue Southeast to the west. Based on the topographic information obtained from the King County iMap website, the site is generally flat, and gently slopes down from the Northwest to the Southeast at approximately 2 percent. Total topographic relief across the site is on the order of 35 feet. The site was originally developed as a retail grocery store. The western and the southwestern portion of the site is currently developed with multiple commercial buildings, while the northern and northeastern portion of the site is currently developed with a paved parking lot. The existing site topography is WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 3 shown on the Site Topography Map, included as Figure 2a, while the existing and proposed site development is shown on the Site and Exploration Plan, included as Figure 2b. Site Soils The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey maps the subject site as being underlain by Arents, Alderwood material (AmC) soils. A small portion, southeastern portion of the site, is mapped as being underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgC) soils; and a small portion, western portion of the site, is mapped as being underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgB) soils. The Arents (AmC) soils are derived from Basal till, from on slopes of 6 to 15 percent, are listed as having a “moderate” erosion hazard, and are included in hydrologic soils group C. The Alderwood (AgB & AgC) soils are derived from glacial drift and/or glacial outwash over dense glaciomarine deposits, and are included in hydrologic soils group B. The Alderwood (AgB) soils form on slopes of 0 to 8 percent and are listed as having a “slight” erosion hazard. The Alderwood (AgC) soils form on slopes of 8 to 15 percent and are listed as having a “slight” to “moderate” erosion hazard. A copy of the NRCS Soil Survey Map is included as Figure 3. Site Geology The Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington (D. R. Mullineaux) maps the site and adjacent areas as being underlain by glacial till (Qgt). The glacial till soils were generally deposited during the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation, approximately 12,000 to 15,000 years ago. The glacial till consists of a heterogeneous mixture of clay, silt, sand and gravel that was deposited at the base of the continental ice mass and is typically encountered in a very dense condition. The till was overridden by the ice mass, and as such is considered overconsolidated, and exhibits high strength and low compressibility characteristics where undisturbed. An excerpt of the geologic map for the site area is included as Figure 4. No evidence of deep-seated instability or other active landslide activity was observed at the time of our site visit. No areas of landslide deposits or mass wasting are noted on the referenced map within the immediate vicinity of the site. Because the site is flat the risk of slope movement is low. Subsurface Explorations On December 14, 2018, a field representative from GeoResources, LLC (GeoResources) visited the site and monitored the drilling of two hollow stem auger boring to depths of 21½ feet below existing ground surface. The boring was drilled by a licensed driller operating a track mounted drill working under contract to GeoResources, LLC and utilities were located both with the public locate system and a private locator using ground penetrating radar. The specific number, locations, and depths of our explorations were selected with you based on our understanding of the proposed development and were adjusted in the field based on consideration for underground utilities, existing site conditions, site access limitations and encountered stratigraphy. A field representative from our office continuously monitored the explorations, maintained logs of the subsurface conditions encountered, obtained representative soil samples, and observed pertinent site features. Representative soil samples obtained from the explorations were placed in sealed plastic bags and taken to a laboratory for further examination and testing as deemed necessary. The borings were then abandoned per Washington State Department of Ecology requirements. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 4 During drilling, soil samples were obtained at 2½-foot and 5-foot depth intervals in accordance with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) as per the test method outlined by ASTM: D-1586. The SPT method consists of driving a standard 2-inch-diameter split-spoon sampler 18-inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through each 6-inch interval is counted, and the total number of blows struck during the final 12 inches is recorded as the Standard Penetration Resistance, or “SPT blow count”. The resulting Standard Penetration Resistance values indicate the relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of cohesive soils. The subsurface exploration drilled as part of this evaluation indicate the subsurface condition at specific location only, as actual subsurface conditions can vary across the site. Furthermore, the nature and extent of such variation would not become evident until additional explorations are performed or until construction activities have begun. Based on our experience in the area and extent of prior explorations in the area, it is our opinion that the soils encountered in the exploration are generally representative of the soils at the site. The soils encountered were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and ASTM D: 2488. The USCS is included in Appendix A as Figure A-1. The approximate locations of our borings are shown on the attached Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2b, while the descriptive logs of our boring are included in Appendix A. Subsurface Conditions The subsurface conditions encountered in our borings generally confirmed the mapped stratigraphy. Our borings encountered approximately 1½ to 2 inches of hot mix asphalt pavement with no crushed rock below it. Underlying the asphalt pavement in boring B-2 we observed about 1 foot of grey gravelly sand with silt in a dense, moist condition that appeared to be previously placed fill. We have assumed this material is likely undocumented fill from the construction of the original building. Both of our borings encountered several feet of brown and orange silty sand with some gravel in a loose to medium dense, moist condition that appeared to be consistent with weathered glacial till. Underlying these weathered and iron oxide stained soils, our borings encountered grey and orange silty sand with some gravel in a medium dense to dense becomes very dense, moist to wet condition that was encountered to the full depth explored. We interpret these deeper soils to be consistent with native, undisturbed glacial till. Laboratory Testing Geotechnical laboratory testing was performed on select samples retrieved from the boring explorations to determine soil index and engineering properties encountered. Laboratory testing included visual soil classification per ASTM D: 2488, moisture content determinations per ASTM D: 2216, and grain size analyses per ASTM D: 422 standard procedures. The results of the laboratory tests are included in Appendix B. Groundwater Conditions Groundwater seepage was observed in our boring B-1 at approximately 7 feet below the existing ground surface at the time of drilling. Iron-oxide staining, consistent with mottling was also observed in all our borings from about 2½ to 10 feet below the existing ground surface. Mottling can be indicative of a seasonal high perched groundwater table that typically develops when the vertical infiltration of precipitation through a more permeable soil is slowed at depth by a deeper, denser, WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 5 less permeable soil type, such as the deeper glacial till soils. We expect that perched groundwater may develop seasonally atop the dense glacial till soils encountered across the site. We anticipate fluctuations in the local groundwater levels will occur in response to precipitation patterns, off-site construction activities, and site utilization. ENGINEERING CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our data review, site reconnaissance, subsurface explorations, slope stability analyses and our experience in the area, it is our opinion that the proposed improvements are feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. Pertinent conclusions and geotechnical recommen- dations regarding the design and construction of the proposed development are presented below. Seismic Site Class Based on our observations and the subsurface units mapped at the site, we interpret the structural site conditions to correspond to a seismic Site Class “C” for the onsite soils in accordance with the 2015 IBC (International Building Code) documents and ASCE 7-10 Chapter 20 Table 20.3-1. For design of seismic structures using the IBC 2015, mapped short-period and 1-second period spectral accelerations, SS and S1, respectively, are required. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) completed probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA) for the entire country in November 1996, which were updated and republished in 2002 and 2008. The PSHA ground motion results can be obtained from the USGS website. The results of the updated USGS PSHA were referenced to determine SS and S1 for this site. The results are summarized in the following table with the relevant parameters necessary for IBC 2015 design. TABLE 4: 2015 IBC PARAMETERS FOR DESIGN OF SEISMIC STRUCTURES Spectral Response Acceleration (SRA) and Site Coefficients Short Period 1 Second Period Mapped SRA Ss = 1.394 S1 = 0.519 Site Coefficients (Site Class C) Fa = 1.0 Fv = 1.3 Maximum Considered Earthquake SRA SMS = 1.394 SM1 = 0.675 Design SRA SDS = 0.929 SD1 = 0.450 Earthquake-induced Geologic Hazards Earthquake-induced geologic hazards may include liquefaction, lateral spreading, slope instability, and ground surface fault rupture. According to the Department of Natural Hazard Map (Geologic Information Portal), the site is located south to the Seattle Fault Zone, as shown on Figure 5. Given the distance to the mapped fault zones and thickness of young, dense glacial sediments underlying the site, we interpret the risk for ground fault surface rupture to be low. No evidence of faulting was observed in our subsurface explorations. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 6 Liquefaction is a phenomenon where there is a reduction or complete loss of soil strength due to an increase in pore water pressure. The increase in pore water pressure is induced by seismic vibrations. Liquefaction mainly affects geologically recent deposits of loose, fine-grained sands that are below the groundwater table. Based on the density of the soils observed to underlie the site, it is our opinion that the risk for liquefaction to occur at this site during the design earthquake is negligible. Because the site is relatively flat and the risk of liquefaction is low, it is also our opinion that the risk of earthquake induced slope instability or lateral spreading is also low. Foundation Support As stated, we understand that you are keeping the existing building and its foundation. A structural engineer should be consulted if any additional loads are added to the existing building and its current foundation system. Based on the encountered subsurface soil conditions encountered across the site, we recommend that any new structures be supported by conventional spread and column footings, assuming the loads are relatively light. Footings should be founded on the shallow medium dense weathered till, dense to very dense native glacial till encountered at depth, or on structural fill that extends to suitable native soils. The native soils at the base of the excavations should be disturbed as little as possible. All loose, soft or unsuitable material should be removed or recompacted, as appropriate. A geotechnical expert or representative of GeoResources LLC should observe the foundation subgrade at the time of excavation to determine if suitable bearing surfaces have been prepared. We recommend a minimum width of 30 inches for isolated footings and at least 24 inches for continuous wall footings. All footing elements should be embedded at least 18 inches below grade for frost protection. Footings founded on the shallow weathered till or properly placed and compacted structural fill may be designed using an allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,500 psf (pounds per square foot) for combined dead and long-term live loads. While footings founded on the native, unweathered, and undisturbed glacial till encountered at depth may be designed using an allowable soil bearing capacity of 3,500 psf. The allowable bearing value may be increased by one-third for transient loads such as those induced by seismic events or wind loads. Lateral loads may be resisted by friction on the base of footings and floor slabs and as passive pressure on the sides of footings. We recommend that an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.35 be used to calculate friction between the concrete and the underlying native glacially consolidated outwash soils. Passive pressure may be determined using an allowable equivalent fluid density of 350 pcf (pounds per cubic foot) for structural fill. Factors of safety have been applied to these values. We estimate that settlements of footings designed and constructed as recommended will be less than 1-inch, for the anticipated load conditions, with differential settlements between comparably loaded footings of ½-inch or less across a 50–foot span. Most of the settlements should occur essentially as loads are being applied. However, disturbance of the foundation subgrade during construction could result in larger settlements than predicted. We do not know the original design criteria used for the existing footings. As such if additional loads are to be added to the existing foundation system the current elements should be analyzed by a structural engineer to determine if adequate support is available or additional separate elements added. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 7 Floor Slab Support Slab-on-grade floors, if constructed, should be supported on the near surface medium dense to dense glacial till soils or on structural fill prepared as described above. Areas of old fill material should be evaluated during grading activity for suitability of structural support. Areas of significant organic debris, fines, or other debris should be removed and replaced with appropriately prepared structural fill. We recommend that floor slabs be directly underlain by a capillary break of a minimum 4- inch thick pea gravel or clean 5/8-inch crushed rock. This layer should be placed and compacted to an unyielding condition and should contain less than 2 percent fines. A synthetic vapor retarder is recommended to control moisture migration through the slabs. This is of particular importance where the foundation elements are underlain by the silty soils in heated and covered indoo spaces where moisture migration through the slab is an issue, such as where adhesives are used to anchor carpet or tile to the slab. A subgrade modulus of 350 kcf (kips per cubic foot) may be used for floor slab design. We estimate that settlement of the floor slabs designed and constructed as recommended, will be ½- inch or less over a span of 50 feet. Subgrade and Below Grade Walls We do not anticipate subgrade and below grade walls be utilized at the site; however, if utilized, the lateral pressures acting on subgrade and retaining walls (such as basement walls) will depend upon the nature and density of the soil behind the wall. It is also dependent upon the presence or absence of hydrostatic pressure. If the walls are backfilled with granular well-drained soil, we recommend using an allowable equivalent fluid pressures of 35 pcf for the active condition and 55 pcf for the at rest condition. This design value assumes a level backslope and drained conditions as described below. Where required by code, a seismic surcharge of 10H is recommended for active conditions, calculated using the Mononobe-Okabe method. This surcharge is in addition to the static lateral earth pressure and should be assumed to have resultant at 0.6H and assumes the wall will be backfilled with adequately compacted structural fill. Adequate drainage behind retaining structures is imperative. Positive drainage which controls the development of hydrostatic pressure can be accomplished by placing a zone of drainage behind the walls. Granular drainage material should contain less than 2 percent fines and at least 30 percent greater than the US #4 sieve. A geocomposite drain mat may also be used instead of free draining soils, provided it is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. A soil drainage zone should extend horizontally at least 18 inches from the back of the wall. The drainage zone should also extend from the base of the wall to within 1 foot of the top of the wall. The soil drainage zone should be compacted to approximately 90 percent of the MDD. Over-compaction should be avoided as this can lead to excessive lateral pressures. A minimum 4-inch diameter perforated or slotted PVC pipe should be placed in the drainage zone along the base and behind the wall to provide an outlet for accumulated water and direct accumulated water to an appropriate discharge location. We recommend that a nonwoven geotextile filter fabric be placed between the soil drainage material and the remaining wall backfill to reduce silt migration into the drainage zone. The infiltration of silt into the drainage zone can, with time, reduce the permeability of the granular material. The filter fabric should be placed such that it fully separates the drainage material and the backfill and should be extended over the top of the drainage zone. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 8 Lateral loads may be resisted by friction on the base of footings and as passive pressure on the sides of footings and the buried portion of the wall, as described in the “Foundation Support” section. We recommend that an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.35 be used to calculate friction between the concrete and the underlying soil. Passive pressure may be determined using an allowable equivalent fluid density of 350 pcf (pounds per cubic foot). Factors of safety have been applied to these values. Temporary Excavations All job site safety issues and precautions are the responsibility of the contractor. The following cut/fill slope guidelines are provided for planning purposes only. Temporary cut slopes will likely be necessary during grading operations or utility installation. All excavations at the site associated with confined spaces, such as utility trenches and retaining walls, must be completed in accordance with local, state, or federal requirements. Based on current Washington State Safety and Health Administration (WSHA) regulations, the fill and the weathered till encountered at the site would be classified as Type C soils. The deeper glacial till encountered at the site would be classified as Type A soils. According to WSHA, for temporary excavations of less than 20 feet in depth, the side slopes in Type C soils should be sloped at a maximum inclination of 1½H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical); and the side slopes in Type A soils should be sloped at a maximum inclination of ¾H:1V. All exposed slope faces should be covered with a durable reinforced plastic membrane during construction to prevent slope raveling and rutting during periods of precipitation. These guidelines assume that all surface loads are kept at a minimum distance of at least one half the depth of the cut away from the top of the slope and that significant seepage is not present on the slope face. Flatter cut slopes will be necessary where significant raveling or seepage occurs, or if construction materials will be stockpiled along the slope crest. Where it is not feasible to slope the site soils back at these inclinations, a retaining structure should be considered. Where retaining structures are greater than 4-feet in height (bottom of footing to top of structure) or have slopes of greater than 15 percent above them, they should be engineered per Washington Administrative Code (WAC 51-16-080 item 5). This information is provided solely for the benefit of the owner and other design consultants, and should not be construed to imply that GeoResources assumes responsibility for job site safety. It is understood that job site safety is the sole responsibility of the project contractor. Site Drainage All ground surfaces, pavements and sidewalks at the site should be sloped away from the structures. The site should also be carefully graded to ensure positive drainage away from all structures and property lines. Surface water runoff should be controlled by a system of curbs, berms, drainage swales, and or catch basins, and conveyed to an appropriate discharge point. We recommend that footing drains are installed for new strip footings in accordance with IBC 1807.4.2, and basement walls (if utilized) have a wall drain as described above. The roof drain should not be connected to the footing drain. Figure 6 shows typical wall drainage and backfilling details. We do not know the current configuration or if the existing building was constructed with footing drains. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 9 Stormwater Infiltration As stated, groundwater seepage was observed in boring B-1 at approximately 7 feet below the existing ground surface at the time of drilling. Iron oxide staining consistent with mottling was observed in all our borings at approximately 1½ feet below the existing ground surface. Mottling is often evidence of seasonal perched groundwater table. We also encountered undocumented fill in boring B-2 and the glacial till soils encountered in both borings at a shallow depth are recognized by most jurisdictions as an indurate layer that DOES NOT support on site infiltration. Based on our observations and subsurface explorations, it is our opinion that onsite infiltration is not feasible for this project. We highly recommend that the City not require infiltration testing as it is a waste of resources that could be invested into the school instead. Additionally, there appears to be a functional storm system at site that any new or replaced impervious surface could be directed to this system provided it is determined to be adequate by the project team. Because the amount of impervious area currently at the site is proposed to be reduced it is our opinion that using the existing system should be the most appropriate method of stormwater management and should result in the lowest impact to the environment. EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS Site Preparation Because the site is currently developed, we do not anticipate significant stripping will be required. The areas where new foundations or hardscaping are proposed will likely require the removal of existing hardscaping and we recommend the underlying soils be observed by GeoResources after the areas have been cleared. Areas of current landscaping could be assumed to have topsoil thicknesses of 12 to 18 inches, however no subsurface explorations where completed in these areas. The previously placed, undocumented fill soils observed in the vicinity of boring B-2 at the site should be removed where new work is proposed and settlement is a concern. Recommendations regarding the potential reuse of the undocumented fill and native soils are discussed in the “Suitability of On-Site Materials as Fill” section. Where placement of fill material is required, the stripped/exposed subgrade areas should be compacted to a firm and unyielding surface prior to placement of any fill. Excavations for debris removal should be backfilled with structural fill compacted to the densities described in the “Structural Fill” section of this report. We recommend that a member of our staff evaluate the exposed subgrade conditions after removal of vegetation and topsoil stripping is completed and prior to placement of structural fill. The exposed subgrade soil should be proof-rolled with heavy rubber-tired equipment during dry weather or probed with a ½-inch-diameter steel rod during wet weather conditions. Soft, loose or otherwise unsuitable areas delineated during proofrolling or probing should be recompacted, if practical, or over-excavated and replaced with structural fill. The depth and extent of over-excavation should be evaluated by our field representative at the time of construction. The areas of previously placed, undocumented fill material should be evaluated during grading operations to determine if they need mitigation; recompaction or removal. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 10 Structural Fill All material placed as fill associated with mass grading, as utility trench backfill, under building areas, under retaining structures or under roadways should be placed as structural fill. The structural fill should be placed in horizontal lifts of appropriate thickness to allow adequate and uniform compaction of each lift. Structural fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of MDD (maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D-1557). The appropriate lift thickness will depend on the structural fill characteristics and compaction equipment used. We recommend that the appropriate lift thickness be evaluated by our field representative during construction. We recommend that our representative be present during site grading activities to observe the work and perform field density tests. The suitability of material for use as structural fill will depend on the gradation and moisture content of the soil. As the amount of fines (material passing US No. 200 sieve) increases, soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. During wet weather, we recommend use of well-graded sand and gravel with less than 5 percent (by weight) passing the US No. 200 sieve based on that fraction passing the 3/4-inch sieve, such as Gravel Backfill for Walls (WSDOT 9-03.12(2)). If prolonged dry weather prevails during the earthwork and foundation installation phase of construction, higher fines content (up to 10 to 12 percent) may be acceptable. Material placed for structural fill should be free of debris, organic matter, trash and cobbles greater than 6-inches in diameter. The moisture content of the fill material should be adjusted as necessary for proper compaction. Suitability of On-Site Materials as Fill During dry weather construction, any nonorganic onsite soil may be considered for use as structural fill; provided it meets the criteria described above in the “Structural Fill” section and can be compacted as recommended. If the moisture content of the soil is over optimum when excavated, it will be necessary to aerate or dry the soil prior to placement as structural fill. The previously placed, undocumented fill encountered at shallow depths at the site consisted of gravelly sand with silt. These soils could be suitable for reuse as structural fill but they should be evaluated as exposed by GeoResources personnel. Removal and processing of the undocumented fill soils should include excavating down to native soils, and an appropriate level of processing to meet the specification for common borrow WSDOT 9-03.14(3). GeoResources personnel should provide sufficient laboratory testing and monitoring to ensure the above specification is met and the material is replaced as structural fill. The shallow native weathered till and glacial till soils encountered at depths across the site generally consisted of silty sand with variable amounts of gravel. These soils are generally comparable to “common borrow” material and will be suitable for use as structural fill provided the moisture content is maintained within 2 percent of the optimum moisture level. Because of the high fines content, these soils are highly moisture sensitive, and will be difficult to impossible to compact during wet weather conditions, or where seepage occurs, such as in B-. If these soils are excessively moist to saturated, it will be necessary to aerate or dry the soil prior to placement as structural fill. We recommend that completed graded-areas be restricted from traffic or protected prior to wet weather conditions. The graded areas may be protected by paving, placing asphalt-treated base, a layer of free-draining material such as pit run sand and gravel or clean crushed rock material containing less than 5 percent fines, or some combination of the above. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 11 Erosion Control Weathering, erosion and the resulting surficial sloughing and shallow land sliding are natural processes. As noted, no evidence of surficial raveling or sloughing was observed at the site at the time of our site visit. To manage and reduce the potential for these natural processes, temporary and permanent erosion control measures should be installed and maintained during construction or as soon as practical thereafter to limit the additional influx of water to exposed areas and protect potential receiving waters. As a minimum, we recommend implementing the erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) prior to, during, and immediately after clearing and grading activities at the site. Erosion hazards can be mitigated by applying Best Management Practices (BMP’s) outlined in the Washington State Department of Ecology’s (DOE) Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. If the recommended erosion and sediment control BMPs are properly implemented and maintained, it is our opinion that the planned development will not increase the potential for erosion of the site. Similarly, it is our opinion that the planned development will not increase the potential for slope instability at the site or adjacent properties resulting from erosion. Wet Weather and Wet Condition Considerations In the Puget Sound area, wet weather generally begins about mid-October and continues through about May, although rainy periods could occur at any time of year. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that earthwork be scheduled during the dry weather months of June through September. Most of the soil at the site contains sufficient fines to produce an unstable mixture when wet. Such soil is highly susceptible to changes in water content and tends to become unstable and impossible to proof-roll and compact if the moisture content exceeds the optimum. In addition, during wet weather months, the groundwater levels could increase, resulting in seepage into site excavations. Performing earthwork during dry weather would reduce these problems and costs associated with rainwater, construction traffic, and handling of wet soil. However, should wet weather/wet condition earthwork be unavoidable, the following recommendations are provided: • The ground surface in and surrounding the construction area should be sloped as much as possible to promote runoff of precipitation away from work areas and to prevent ponding of water. • Work areas or slopes should be covered with plastic. The use of sloping, ditching, sumps, dewatering, and other measures should be employed as necessary to permit proper completion of the work. • Earthwork should be accomplished in small sections to minimize exposure to wet conditions. That is, each section should be small enough so that the removal of unsuitable soils and placement and compaction of clean structural fill could be accomplished on the same day. The size of construction equipment may have to be limited to prevent soil disturbance. It may be necessary to excavate soils with a backhoe, or equivalent, and locate them so that equipment does not pass over the excavated area. Thus, subgrade disturbance caused by equipment traffic would be minimized. WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 12 • Fill material should consist of clean, well-graded, sand and gravel, of which not more than 5 percent fines by dry weight passes the No. 200 mesh sieve, based on wet-sieving the fraction passing the ¾-inch mesh sieve. The gravel content should range from between 20 and 50 percent retained on a No. 4 mesh sieve. The fines should be non-plastic. • No exposed soil should be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. A smooth-drum vibratory roller, or equivalent, should roll the surface to seal out as much water as possible. • In-place soil or fill soil that becomes wet and unstable and/or too wet to suitably compact should be removed and replaced with clean, granular soil (see gradation requirements above). • Excavation and placement of structural fill material should be observed on a full-time basis by a geotechnical engineer (or representative) experienced in wet weather/wet condition earthwork to determine that all work is being accomplished in accordance with the project specifications and our recommendations. • Grading and earthwork should not be accomplished during periods of heavy, continuous rainfall. We recommend that the above requirements for wet weather/wet condition earthwork be incorporated into the contract specifications as necessary. Additional Services Prior to construction we are available for plan review, project coordination and consulting if necessary. Geotechnically related RFI’s or materials submittals can be reviewed at your request and the required time for all our tasks after the preparation of this report would be billed on a time and materials basis, We recommend that GeoResources, LLC be retained to observe the geotechnical aspects of construction including stripping, processing of the undocumented fill, foundation subgrade preparation, fill placement and compaction, drainage activities and othe geotechnical portions of the construction. This observation would allow us to verify the subsurface conditions as they are exposed during construction and to determine that work is accomplished in accordance with our recommendations and potentially avoid unnecessary costs and delays. If conditions encountered during construction differ from those anticipated, we can provide recommendations for the conditions actually encountered to mitigate potential problems. LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for use by Ms. Anna Johnson, Washington Charter School Development and other members of the design team, for use in the design of a portion of this project. The data used in preparing this report and this report should be provided to prospective contractors for their bidding or estimating purposes only. Our report, conclusions and interpreta- tions are based on our subsurface explorations, data from others and limited site reconnaissance, and should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Variations in subsurface conditions are possible between the explorations and may also occur with time. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the budget and schedule. Sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation should be provided by our firm during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 13 from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. The scope of our services does not include services related to environmental remediation and construction safety precautions. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. If there are any changes in the loads, grades, locations, configurations or type of facilities to be constructed, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report may not be fully applicable. If such changes are made, we should be given the opportunity to review our recommendations and provide written modifications or verifications, as appropriate    WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG.doc February 12, 2019 page | 14 We have appreciated the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, GeoResources, LLC Kyle Billingsley, PE Project Geotechnical Engineer Dana C. Biggerstaff, PE Keith S. Schembs, LEG Senior Geotechnical Engineer Principal CC:KSS:DCB/cc Doc ID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.RG Attachments: Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2a: Site Topography Map Figure 2b: Site & Exploration Plan Figure 3: Geologic Map Figure 4: Washington DNR Natural Hazard Map Figure 5: Fault Hazard Map Figure 6: Typical Wall Drainage and Backfill Detail Appendix A – Subsurface Explorations Appendix B – Laboratory Test Results Approximate Site Location (map created from King County Public GIS https://gismaps.kingcounty.gov/iMap/) Not to Scale Site Location Map Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.F February, 2019 Figure 1 Approximate Site Location (map created from King County Public GIS https://gismaps.kingcounty.gov/iMap/)) Not to Scale Topographic Map Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.F February, 2019 Figure 2a Not to scale Legend Map created from Site Plan by Puget Sound Surveying, Inc. dated October 31, 2017 Site and Exploration Plan Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.F2b February, 2019 Figure 2b B-2 B-1 Number and approximate location of borings Approximate Site Location Map created from Web Soil Survey (http://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoilSurvey.aspx) Soil Type Soil Name Parent Material Slopes Erosion Hazard Hydrologic Soils Group AgB Alderwood gravelly sandy loam Glacial drift and/or glacial outwash over dense glaciomarine deposits 0 to 8 Slight B AgC Alderwood gravelly sandy loam 8 to 15 Slight to Moderate B AmC Arents, Alderwood gravelly sandy loam Basal till 6 to 15 Moderate C Not to Scale NRCS Soils Map Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.F February, 2019 Figure 3 Approximate Site Location (An excerpt from the Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington by D. R. Mullineaux (1965)) Qgt Glacial Till Not to Scale USGS Geologic Map Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.F February, 2019 Figure 4 Approximate Site Location Map created from Washington DNR Geologic Information Portal (https://geologyportal.dnr.wa.gov/) Not to Scale Fault Hazard Map Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.F February, 2019 Figure 5 Seattle Fault Zone Notes Typical Wall Drainage and Backfill Detail Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: AllSeasonsIneVillage.F February, 2019 Figure 6 1. Washed pea gravel/crushed rock beneath floor slab could be hydraulically connected to perimeter/subdrain pipe. Use of 1” diameter weep holes as shown is one applicable method. Crushed gravel should consist of 3/4” minus. Washed pea gravel should consist of 3/8” to No. 8 standard sieve. 2. Wall backfill should meet WSDOT Gravel Backfill for walls Specification 9-03-12(2). 3. Drainage sand and gravel backfill within 18” of wall should be compacted with hand-operated equipment. Heavy equipment should not be used for backfill, as such equipment operated near the wall could increase lateral earth pressures and possibly damage the wall. The table below presents the drainage sand and gravel gradation. 4. All wall back fill should be placed in layers not exceeding 4” loose thickness for light equipment and 8” for heavy equipment and should be densely compacted. Beneath paved or sidewalk areas, compact to at least 95% Modified Proctor maximum density (ASTM: 01557-70 Method C). In landscaping areas, compact to 90% minimum. 5. Drainage sand and gravel may be replaced with a geocomposite core sheet drain placed against the wall and connected to the subdrain pipe. The geocomposite core sheet should have a minimum transmissivity of 3.0 gallons/minute/foot when tested under a gradient of 1.0 according to ASTM 04716. 6. The subdrain should consist of 4” diameter (minimum), slotted or perforated plastic pipe meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 304; 1/8-inch maximum slot width; 3/16- to 3/8- inch perforated pipe holes in the lower half of pipe, with lower third segment unperforated for water flow; tight joints; sloped at a minimum of 6”/100’ to drain; cleanouts to be provided at regular intervals. 7. Surround subdrain pipe with 8 inches (minimum) of washed pea gravel (2” below pipe” or 5/8” minus clean crushed gravel. Washed pea gravel to be graded from 3/8-inch to No.8 standard sieve. 8. See text for floor slab subgrade preparation. Materials Drainage Sand and Gravel ¾” Minus Crushed Gravel Sieve Size % Passing by Weight Sieve Size % Passing by Weight ¾” 100 ¾” 100 No 4 28 – 56 ½” 75 – 100 No 8 20 – 50 ¼” 0 – 25 No 50 3 – 12 No 100 0 – 2 No 100 0 – 2 (by wet sieving) (non-plastic) Appendix A Subsurface Explorations SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOL GROUP NAME COARSE GRAINED SOILS More than 50% Retained on No. 200 Sieve GRAVEL More than 50% Of Coarse Fraction Retained on No. 4 Sieve CLEAN GRAVEL GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GRAVEL WITH FINES GM SILTY GRAVEL GC CLAYEY GRAVEL SAND More than 50% Of Coarse Fraction Passes No. 4 Sieve CLEAN SAND SW WELL-GRADED SAND, FINE TO COARSE SAND SP POORLY-GRADED SAND SAND WITH FINES SM SILTY SAND SC CLAYEY SAND FINE GRAINED SOILS More than 50% Passes No. 200 Sieve SILT AND CLAY Liquid Limit Less than 50 INORGANIC ML SILT CL CLAY ORGANIC OL ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY SILT AND CLAY Liquid Limit 50 or more INORGANIC MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY, ORGANIC SILT HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT NOTES: SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS: 1. Field classification is based on visual examination of soil Dry- Absence of moisture, dry to the touch in general accordance with ASTM D2488-90. Moist- Damp, but no visible water 2. Soil classification using laboratory tests is based on ASTM D2487-90. Wet- Visible free water or saturated, usually soil is obtained from below water table 3. Description of soil density or consistency are based on interpretation of blow count data, visual appearance of soils, and or test data. W:\AaWIP\Projects\SweetbriarHOA.132ndStE Unified Soils Classification System Proposed Building Improvements 17060 – 116th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington PN: 2823059009 DocID: WCSD.CascadeVillage.F February, 2019 Figure A-1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 535 530 525 520 515 510 Asphalt pavement (about 1.5 to 2" thick) Brown silty SAND with occasional gravel (loose, moist) (SM) (Topsoil) Grey mottled silty SAND (dense, moist) (SM) (Glacial Till) Becomes wet Grey silty SAND with gravel (dense, moist to wet) (SM) Becomes very dense Bottom of Boring Completed12/14/2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 120 80 120 4 4 4 25 27 21 10 13 17 12 16 24 11 20 29 35 50/5 19 33 47 50/5 TOTAL DEPTH:21.5'EXCAVATION METHOD:HSA LOGGED BY:KEB TOP ELEVATION:538'EXCAVATION COMPANY:HAMMER TYPE:Cathead LATITUDE:EQUIPMENT:Track-mounted Drill HAMMER WEIGHT:140lb LONGITUDE:NOTES:Eastern parking lot NOTES Proposed Building Improvements 1. Refer to log key for definition of symbols, abbreviations and codes 2. USCS designation is based on visual manual classification and selected lab testing 3. Groundwater level, if indicated, is for the date shown and may vary 4. N.E. = Not Encountered LOG OF BORING B-1 JOB:WCSD.CascadeVillage Sheet 1 of GeoResources, LLC FIG.DepthElevationSOIL DESCRIPTION Drilling Notes SampleSamplerSymbolTest Results (new title) TEST RESULTS 10 20 30 40 50 Penetration - (blow per foot) % Fines (<0.075mm) % Water Content Plastic Limit Liquid Limit Blow Count GroundWater1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 535 530 525 520 515 510 Asphalt pavement (about 1.5 to 2" thick) Grey angular gravelly SAND with silt (dense, moist) (Fill) Brown silty SAND with some gravel (loose to medium dense, moist) (SM) Grey mottled silty fine to medium SAND with some gravel (medium dense to dense, moist to wet) (SM) (Weathered Till) Grey mottled silty SAND with some gravel (dense, moist) (SM) (Glacial Till) Bottom of Boring Completed12/14/2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 89 100 300 40 23 12 5 4 5 11 9 13 11 11 15 16 19 25 16 39 50/6 50/6 45 50/2 TOTAL DEPTH:21.5'EXCAVATION METHOD:HSA LOGGED BY:KEB TOP ELEVATION:538'EXCAVATION COMPANY:HAMMER TYPE:Cathead LATITUDE:EQUIPMENT:Track-mounted Drill HAMMER WEIGHT:140lb LONGITUDE:NOTES:Eastern corner of existing building NOTES Proposed Building Improvements 1. Refer to log key for definition of symbols, abbreviations and codes 2. USCS designation is based on visual manual classification and selected lab testing 3. Groundwater level, if indicated, is for the date shown and may vary 4. N.E. = Not Encountered LOG OF BORING B-2 JOB:WCSD.CascadeVillage Sheet 1 of GeoResources, LLC FIG.DepthElevationSOIL DESCRIPTION Drilling Notes SampleSamplerSymbolTest Results (new title) TEST RESULTS 10 20 30 40 50 Penetration - (blow per foot) % Fines (<0.075mm) % Water Content Plastic Limit Liquid Limit Blow Count GroundWater1 Appendix B Laboratory Results These results are for the exclusive use of the client for whom they were obtained. They apply only to the samples tested and are not indicitive of apparently identical samples.Tested By: Checked By: Particle Size Distribution Report PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 18.8 36.4 7.8 11.0 12.6 13.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Test Results (ASTM D 422 & ASTM D 1140) Opening Percent Spec.*Pass? Size Finer (Percent)(X=Fail) Material Description Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) Classification Coefficients Date Received:Date Tested: Tested By: Checked By: Title: Date Sampled:Location: B1 Sample Number: 1B Depth: 0-1 Client: Project: Project No:Figure silty gravel with sand 1.25 1 .75 .5 0.375 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100.0 89.2 81.2 70.8 57.6 44.8 37.0 31.7 26.0 21.1 17.1 13.4 NP NV NV GM A-1-a 25.8336 21.8401 10.0288 6.3040 0.6922 0.1009 12/14/2018 12/19/2018 AES KEB PM 12/14/2018 Washington Charter School Development Proposed Building Improvements WCSD.CascadeVillage PL=LL=PI= USCS (D 2487)=AASHTO (M 145)= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= Remarks *(no specification provided) GeoResources, LLC Fife, WA B-1 These results are for the exclusive use of the client for whom they were obtained. They apply only to the samples tested and are not indicitive of apparently identical samples.Tested By: Checked By: Particle Size Distribution Report PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 9.7 8.4 2.3 8.7 31.4 39.56 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Test Results (ASTM D 422 & ASTM D 1140) Opening Percent Spec.*Pass? Size Finer (Percent)(X=Fail) Material Description Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) Classification Coefficients Date Received:Date Tested: Tested By: Checked By: Title: Date Sampled:Location: B1 Sample Number: 4 Depth: 7.5 Client: Project: Project No:Figure silty sand with gravel 1 .75 .5 0.375 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100.0 90.3 86.9 83.9 81.9 79.6 76.6 70.9 60.7 50.0 39.5 NP NV NV SM A-4(0) 18.3278 10.6293 0.2416 0.1502 12/14/2018 12/19/2018 AES KEB PM 12/14/2018 Washington Charter School Development Proposed Building Improvements WCSD.CascadeVillage PL=LL=PI= USCS (D 2487)=AASHTO (M 145)= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= Remarks *(no specification provided) GeoResources, LLC Fife, WA B-2 These results are for the exclusive use of the client for whom they were obtained. They apply only to the samples tested and are not indicitive of apparently identical samples.Tested By: Checked By: Particle Size Distribution Report PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.2 12.0 39.4 39.46 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Test Results (ASTM D 422 & ASTM D 1140) Opening Percent Spec.*Pass? Size Finer (Percent)(X=Fail) Material Description Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) Classification Coefficients Date Received:Date Tested: Tested By: Checked By: Title: Date Sampled:Location: B2 Sample Number: 6 Depth: 12.5 Client: Project: Project No:Figure silty sand .5 0.375 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100.0 98.4 95.0 90.8 86.5 78.8 65.3 52.0 39.4 NP NV NP SM A-4(0) 1.7176 0.7414 0.2038 0.1341 12/14/2018 12/19/2018 AES KEB PM 12/14/2018 Washington Charter School Development Proposed Building Improvements WCSD.CascadeVillage PL=LL=PI= USCS (D 2487)=AASHTO (M 145)= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= Remarks *(no specification provided) GeoResources, LLC Fife, WA B-3