HomeMy WebLinkAboutResidential Multi-family Urban Zoning Code Amends (6/7/1999) 00. Amends ORD 4587 , 4773 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-2-110.F AND 4-2-110.G OF CHAPTER 2, LAND USE DISTRICTS, AND SECTION 4-8-100.A.1 OF CHAPTER 8, PERMITS AND DECISIONS, OF TITLE 4 (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS), OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY AMENDING THE DENSITY, BUILDING DESIGN AND PARKING LOCATION IN THE RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY URBAN ZONE, TABLES 4-2-110.F AND 4-2-100.G, AND AMENDING PREAPPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-2-110.F, Development Standards for Residential Zoning Designations, of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended by changing the RM column of this table to read as follows: DENSITY (Net Density in Dwelling Units Per Acre) Maximum Housing Density "U" suffix: 25 units per acre. Potential for up to 150 dwelling units per acre with design review. "C" suffix: 20 units per acre "N" suffix: 15 units per acre "I" suffix: 20 units per acre BUILDING STANDARDS Building Design "U" Suffix 1) Modulation of vertical and horizontal facades is required at a minimum of two feet at an interval of a minimum offset of 40 feet on each building face. 1 lime ORDINANCE NO. 4788 PARKING Location "U" Suffix For lots abutting an alley, all parking shall be provided in the rear portion of the yard. For lots not abutting an alley no portion of covered or uncovered parking shall be located between the primary structure and the front property line. Parking structures shall be recessed from the front façade of the primary structure a minimum of 2 feet. SECTION II. Section 4-2-110G, Development Standards For Residential Zoning Designations, of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title 4 (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended by changing the RM column of this table to read as follows: LOCATION General "U" Suffix Garages and carports shall only have access from the alley when lots abut an alley. When lots do not abut an alley, garages and carports shall be located in the rear yard or side yard. SECTION III. Section 4-8-100.A.1 of Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions, of Title 4 (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Pre-application required: A pre-application meeting prior to formal submittal of a development application is required if a waiver of submittal requirements is requested, a modification of special development standards is requested in a Centers Residential Demonstration District, RMC Section 4-3-120..B.3, or a proposal is located in the RM-U Zone designation. 2. Pre-application recommended: A pre-application meeting is recommended for all other projects. SECTION IV. This ordinance will be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after publication. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4788 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 19th day of July 1999. 144.1 Marilyn J. ete n, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 19th day of July , 1999. Jes anner, Mayor Approved as to legal form: OetA),..ciAA4Pa://14-1--",.12.4.— Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: July 23, 1999 (Summary Only) ORD.788:06/29/99:as. 3 July 19, 1999 *ere Renton City Council Minutes `"1"1 Page 260 Planning: Residential Multi- An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-2-110.F and 4-2-110.G of Chapter _Eamily Urban Zoning Code 2,Land Use Districts,and Section 4-8-100.A.1 of Chapter 8,Permits and Amendments Decisions, of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code by amending the density,building design and parking location in the Residential Multi- Family Urban Zone,Tables 4-2-110.F and 4-2-110.G, and amending pre- application requirements. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL WAIVE SECOND READING OF THE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Ordinance#4788 MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Planning: Residential Multi- ADOPT THE RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY URBAN ZONING CODE _Family Urban omng o e ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Amendments NEW BUSINESS Council President Parker announced that the City's newest park, Ron Regis Parks: Ron Regis Park Park on Maple Valley Highway east of the golf course, will be formally Dedication on 7/21 dedicated on Wednesday July 21st Solid Waste: Collection Noting that the City is preparing to solicit proposals for its solid waste Service Proposals collection service, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW OF THE INVITATION TO BID BEFORE IT IS FORMALLY ISSUED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pam Carter,4115 S. 139th St., Tukwila,Tukwila City Councilmember,thanked Citizen Comment: Carter— Council for adopting the resolution reiterating Renton's position on light rail Tukwila Light Rail alignments in the Valley area. Alignments ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:00 p.m. MARILYN . RSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold July 19, 1999 June 21, 1999 'ter Renton City Council Minutes `✓ Page 229 amortization period remain in committee pending comments from the public hearing as well as additional staff review. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler added that Council will hold a public hearing on this issue next week(June 28th) Zoning: Residential Multi- Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Family Urban Amendments regarding the proposed Residential Multi-Family Urban Zoning Code amendments. The Committee reviewed the proposed amendments on May 20th and June 17th, and a public hearing was held before the City Council on June 7th. The Committee recommended approval of the amendments to the Residential Multi-Family Urban zone as shown on the draft dated June 15, 1999, and further recommended that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance for first and second reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. t CARRIED. Planning: Off-Street Parking Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Regulations for Multi-Family regarding modifications to off-street parking. The Committee recommended Zones that: 1. The City increase the ratio of off-street parking required per dwelling unit in Section 4-4-080.F,Parking Lot Design Standards, from 1.75 spaces per unit to 2.0 spaces per unit in the City's RM-N,RM-C and RM-I multi-family zones by increasing the ratio of guest parking from 0.25 spaces per dwelling unit to 0.50 spaces per dwelling unit; 2. The City allow off-street resident parking to be tandem parking provided the ratio of 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit for off-street resident parking is increased to 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit for this type of parking, and a restrictive covenant or other device acceptable to the City is provided assigning such parking to the exclusive use of specific dwelling units; and 3. The City revise the nomenclature for single-family and multi-family dwelling units to be consistent with the definitions embodied in Ordinance 4773 and Section 4-11-040,Definitions D., i.e. "Detached,""Semi-attached," and"Attached"Dwellings. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Development Services: Ribera Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Removal of Restrictive regarding removal of restrictive covenants for the Ribera property on NE 4th Covenants Street. The Committee recommended concurrence with the staff recommendation to authorize the removal of restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property to B-1 (Business Use) and R-3 (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential) in 1990. The covenants require: 1. Only the residential site plan concurrently approved by the Hearing Examiner's decision dated May 15, 1990, shall be developed; and 2. There shall be no more than one-hundred-eleven(111)dwelling units placed on the subject site. The development of the site, as approved under the site plan included with the rezone application, was never implemented and the approved short plat of the property was never recorded. The covenants no longer fulfill their intent as APPROVED DY CITY COUNCIL Date PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT June 21, 1999 Residential Multi-Family Urban Zoning Code Amendments Referred 7/27/98 The Planning and Development Committee reviewed the proposed amendments on May 20`h and June 17th, and a public hearing was held before the City Council on June 7`h' 1999. The Committee recommends approval of the Amendments to the Residential Multi-Family Urban Zone as shown on the draft dated June 15, 1999, and recommends that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance for first and second reading. 4/tti 1 Kathy Ke6lker-Wheeler, Chair Bob Edwards, Vice Chair Dan Clawson,Member cc: jirrer - •• a Sue Carlson • RMUP&D\ Final Version June 15, 1999 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON,AMENDING TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS)OF ORDINANCE NO 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON"BY AMENDING THE RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY URBAN ZONE,AND SECTION 4- 8-100 A.1 CHAPTER 8,PERMITS AND DECISIONS SECTION I. The RM column of Table 4-2-110 of Development Standards For Residential Zoning Designations (Primary and Attached Accessory Structures),Chapter 2,Land Use Regulations,of Title IV(Development Regulations), of Ordinance No 4260 entitled"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton"is hereby amended to read as follows: DENSITY(Net Density in Dwelling Units Per Acre) • Maximum Housing Density "U"suffix: 25 units per acre.Potential for up to 150 dwelling units per acre with design review. "C"suffix: 20 units per acre "N"suffix: 15 units per acre "I" suffix: 20 units per acre BUILDING STANDARDS Building Design "U" Suffix 1) Modulation of vertical and horizontal facades is required at a minimum of two feet at an interval of a minimum offset of 40 feet on each building face. PARKING Location "U" Suffix For lots abutting an alley, all parking shall be provided in the rear portion of the yard. For lots not abutting an alley no portion of covered or uncovered parking shall be located between the primary structure and the front property line. Parking structures shall be recessed from the front façade of the primary structure a minimum of 2 feet. SECTION II. Section 4-8-100A.1 of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions, of Title IV(Development Regulations), of Ordinance No 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" "U" Suffix 1. Pre-application required: A pre-application meeting prior to formal submittal of a development application is required if a waiver of submittal requirements is requested, a modification of special development standards is requested in a Centers Residential Demonstration-District,RMC Section 4-3-120.B3,.or a proposal is located in the RM-U Zone designation. 2. Pre-application recommended: A pre-application meeting is recommended for all other projects. June 7, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes `"' Page 202 enforcement to intervene. Judge Jurado reported that Renton now requires anyone arrested on a domestic violence charge to appear before the court prior to being allowed to post bail. Doing so gives time for the police report to be completed so when the offender does appear before the court,the presiding judge can better determine whether a no-contact order is appropriate before the offender is released. He noted that no studies have been done to determine whether counseling helps offenders reduce or stop their violent actions. Ms. Marshall added that the Victim Court Advocate's duties include the following: assist the prosecutor in domestic violence cases; contact each victim and remain in contact for the duration of the case; accompany victims to court; take photographs of victims; order and review 911 tapes; work with victims to ensure they have a safety plan; refer victims to appropriate service organizations; and work with the Police Department on individual cases and to develop and implement the depaitiuent's domestic violence training sessions. Assistant City Attorney Stephanie Dikeakos explained that her job primarily consists of prosecuting domestic violence cases. She emphasized that the work of the Victim Court Advocate is crucial to her office, and she relies on this person in many ways. Tracey Thomas,Victim Court Advocate,reiterated that she works exclusively on domestic violence issues. She noted that in some cases she is able to secure information from victims which they may not be willing to share with police; for example,correspondence they have received from the offender while the defendant is incarcerated. Responding to Council President Parker,Judge Jurado said most domestic violence cases involve misdemeanors such as simple assault,harassment or malacious mischief. He noted that anything involving"serious bodily injury" constitutes a felony,but this term is not well-defined and therefore, subject to interpretation. Felony cases are forwarded to the King County Superior Court. In response to Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler, Chief Anderson confirmed that State law requires an arrest be made within four hours (if possible) after the responding officers determine that a crime has been committed. Audience comment was invited. Victoria Gilliam, 201 Union Ave.,Renton, 98056, said as a victim of domestic violence she can attest to the need for police officers to have specific training in how to sensitively respond to these situations. Saying that an intern was used to prosecute her case, she cautioned that those with less experience must be carefully supervised to ensure that all victims receive the same degree of service and protection under the law. Expressing disappointment that the Victim Court Advocate was unavailable to attend her trial,Ms. Gilliam concluded that offenders should not receive treatment in lieu of punishment by imprisonment. There being no further audience comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROPOSED SPENDING PLAN FOR THE 1998 LLEBG FUNDS. Zoning: Residential Multi- This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Family Urban Amendments accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing to consider the proposed Residential Multi-Family Urban(RM-U)Zoning Code June 7, 1999 `"oir" Renton City Council Minutes Page 203 amendments. Mike Kattermann,Director of Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning,explained that the proposed changes would affect the downtown area commonly referred to as South Renton as well as the area south of the Cedar River and north of downtown. The purposes are to improve design and provide short-term regulation of parking locations for individual residences. They were prompted by concerns with"box-type"attached multi-family units and infill development which positions garages in front of a home's primary entry. Design guidelines are proposed to achieve development that better fits existing neighborhoods. Continuing,Mr.Kattermann said the proposal emphasizes alley access for vehicles. If no alley is available,parking would be allowed in the rear or on the side. Front parking would be allowed only on lots too narrow to preclude other possibilities. Also,minimal design standards would be adopted to require modulation every 40 feet, certain private residential entry features,and garage setbacks(two feet from the home's primary facade). The amendments would also lower the threshold triggering design review from 100 dwelling units per acre to 25 units per acre. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Mr. Kattermann noted that this matter is still in the Planning&Development Committee where it will remain pending a final recommendation to the full Council. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1999 and beyond. Items noted included: * A comprehensive listing of public meetings in Renton can now be found on-line at the City's web site. * The City's Resource Directory for outside service organizations and agencies is now available in Russian and Spanish in addition to English. * Over 100 senior citizens joined 250 McKnight Middle School students at a dance and party held at McKnight on June 2nd, where a good time was had by all. * Wal-Mart employees donated over$2,000 to the Police Department's Chaplaincy Committee,which provides emergency services to persons in need of housing, food and clothing. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave.N.,Renton, 98055,expressed strong Citizen Comment: Richter— disagreement with the City's decision to allow a single family house to be New Single Family Dwelling constructed between Factory Ave.N. and Factory Pl. N. Producing a drawing at 308 Factory Ave N which shows that the house has access only off of the alley located between these streets, she questioned how and why the City approved this. Mrs. Richter refuted the claim of the builder that a different house had existed at this location previously, saying that no house nor any garage or even a storage shed was at this site. Emphasizing that even though the builder has permits to build only five houses, he is building six, she concluded that the City should fine the builder and not allow him to finish constructing this house, since doing so would constitute an illegal use of the alley. Responding to Councilman Corman,Mayor Tanner said this was the first he C- 1Q 2 CODE AMENDMENT Revisions to Multi-family Development Standards in Urban Centers 3 O Location •South Renton •South of Cedar River/North of Downtown 4 0 Purpose •Short term control of parking location •Provide a mechanism to improve design 5 C! Council Concerns with MF •Dislike "Box type" attached/MF units —Desire development with better neighborhood fit •Concern about infill with garages on the street 6 L J Design Related Issues •Council desires higher quality *Consider some form of design guidelines O Proposal •Alley access to be used •If no alley —Parking in rear or side —Front parking only with narrow lot width •Pre-application required 8 O Proposal (continued) •Design threshold at 25 du/ac •Minimal design standards —Modulation every 40 feet —Private residential entry features Garages setback 2 ft. from primary facade 9 O Staff Recommendation •Action to approve 10 O Planning Commission Recommendation •Support staff recommendation N. Y Q ., > , 3 ♦ 410 City O Renton �� PUBLIC INFORMATIONHANDOUT June 7, 1999 ro Z Amendments'to the Residential Multi-family 'Urban Zone `For additional information,please contact: City of Renton Strategic Planning at(425)430 6575# g ,,. or call Rebecca Lind directly at 425-430=6588 The Administration proposes several procedural changes to the Residential Multi-Family Urban Zone. These changes will allow staff to provide more comprehensive review of applications as an interim solution to growth pressures in the downtown area. The amendment includes the following provisions: • lowers the threshold triggering design review from 100 dwelling units per acre to 25 dwelling units per acre, • establishes a pre-application requirement, • requires use of alley access where existing alleys are available, • requires parking in the side and rear yards unless lot width is too narrow to allow this parking location, • requires front loaded garages to be set back a minimum of 2 feet from the front façade of the primary structure, and • establishes modulation and entry standards for residential structures. These code amendments are proposed to reduce the occurrence of "cookie cutter" and "big box" multi-family developments,which do not create the type of quality housing that the City desires. Now ',vow a) >•0aDa> >, , o 0 as ctr-Ot c v m vca--... �,_. coaydca> To .c a) C E Nana•ca U `._ Lf� c0- Q- m N a) 0.us m c =. U W r t c o z a c,ci) c , �� 3 n o E > maEoc°i .2 >,t. -8 ¢c m w • —w M c -'r" r c'LLZ : >•D2 . 8 �5NO.2 ow,...) a .� ,. m a) U — ' 4 aCR >.Oo� aoc im -. mOCw. rn _ =m wt E¢a =r UUMg mya1n 'o, Z f= caipEceC = a = Ecma c9aYtIOco c � �a' ao Ze. � TcT1oasaogc. VU�N aC o Em¢3 0¢ Vo—ag 21 m._Ea U2 � g a) Co a) C N U O >. Co Co .L••• To ° L t c m N9 0 c E 5 o o O O X = O a) ,Y. as -co— v)UU U . E a) CoN C L L cn U O ••i cc -C .0 0 Co ` \\ C ) .LL ~ N ° a) ,mcWcu VVV"` 1 O) Z Rf 00 Q iT a .-• a (A O L Q) i C O CZ 2. C c ° a) ° ..... a) C 0. O ' 0 VJ -C L Co ` L co —° 0 3 E ° tn. C �- c ) C cc I— Z pA a) i L C iA O O \ ICE L r , C C �O cn s v- -a '0 (0 ` 1 2, \ .- VN :>~ ° °cc L L >, Co c) O r cfj ones a� -a .n aa) _II o � \ c o J O 3 O c � ° = rn o E a O (n v) CO .� ti coccC >, alai a co ' C _c C a) L C = .0 O U c c L >, 1 a) L a) O L. cc CO — a) .O +- .. C co aun. h x al _ ° a 33 ° E a) o o � � OCij E C O-Y ° ° a U J O C cO y _ f U.- Cc •• c ccO CO d . L Q �v if c , .c U~ Y , o C as 13 o o o .- .E - = 0 OL o a (1)) o `� 0 N C Q O !••`i C > o ° " o ° o l— N rn —1 a) Z &- Y OU C o ^� g tock) rncOc w a cc moo \ V LL can 03 .0 .0 a) Y ca) D aa)) 0 11 ° \ cn = m > � a) Q o. >, rn a) cn a) LL. = c, • a- C O O L as a) ..- 0 L �\willlls'',� Q v v> > Rs > >, a c = ) E CO a) ao C ��� ��i a ,_ a— ac . u) c\l .0 �` h �i� g o o O i cp C o -oo c v) o w oZ 3 ``pp �s• ..�0•�O' L a aw w (to a°) O C O cc C U CO 'C co Q�Q 4....yi aa)) `E m � >' o c � L cco a)-CI ._ .0 E o E -0 _..J :° II • m ao;t= J >, a, cciso RSa a) 5- 0 Z c s y a c,: c c C ' '•� M.•• 1 o CZ C d U Cl) - 'C U- RS I— V J /,/i/OJ//tf+�....t;;`S•SIt. • Ilil CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of June, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055, to consider the following: Residential Multi-Family Urban Zoning Code Amendments All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. Marilyn to s n City Clerk Published South County Journal May 28, 1999 Account No. 50640 4 May 24, 1999 '""' Renton City Council Minutes \ Page 193 The City's offer of the$60,000 payment is an incentive for business owners to expedite the relocation of their business out of Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area by the end of 1999, thereby reducing the risk of contamination of the aquifer. The relocation incentive was not intended to compensate for all relocation costs or to buy out existing businesses. Staff will work with the applicant and the applicant's lending institution to assure that funds are available for use consistent with City Code and with the administrative rules regarding the business relocation assistance program. All agreements related to the disbursement of funds will be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. (The minority committee report follows.) Public Works: Tony's Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a minority committee report Cleaners Relocation regarding Tony's Cleaners business relocation incentive. The Committee met Assistance(Aquifer Protection twice to consider the request from Tony's Cleaners for an increase in business Regulations) relocation incentive and for the disbursement of payment prior to incurring relocation expenses. A minority of the committee recommended the following: 1. Authorize an increase in the total relocation incentive from the current maximum limit of$60,000 to$74,000; and 2. Not disburse the relocation incentive payment until the applicant submits verification of relocation expenses. As an alternate, the City can deposit the remaining balance of relocation incentive funds into an escrow account. The funds can only be disbursed to cover the costs incurred by the applicant as allowed by the business relocation assistance program administrative rules. With Council concurrence,the Chair further requested that the Administration prepare an ordinance for Council's consideration that would amend the City Code to raise the maximum relocation incentive to $74,000. (See later this page for Council action on the majority committee report.) Councilman Clawson felt that the proposal to increase the funds paid to Tony's Cleaners from$60,000 to $74,000 was reasonable and a fairly good solution to this situation. He emphasized that the$14,000 under discussion,while not a large amount to the City, would nonetheless be of great consequence to the owners of Tony's. Councilman Parker said although he supported the minority committee report when this matter was first brought before Council two weeks ago,he now believed that it was a question of fairness. Noting that all the businesses who were potentially affected by the Aquifer Protection regulations were given the same information describing the relocation incentive program,he added that the City has allowed businesses plenty of time to relocate under this program. Mr. Parker concluded that he now supported the majority committee report. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MAJORITY COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Edwards, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler confirmed that one condition of the administrative rule on this matter states that Tony's must maintain a business presence in Renton in order to qualify for the incentive program. The owners can accomplish this by simply having a"drop shop"where customer orders continue to be processed although the actual drycleaning is done elsewhere. *MOTION CARRIED. Planning& Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report May 24, 1999 r"' Renton City Council Minutes Anse Page 194 V Committee recommending that a public hearing be set on June 7, 1999 on proposed Planning: Multi-Family Urban changes to the Multi-Family Urban Zoning Code. These proposed changes Zoning Code Changes would make several procedural changes in the zoning text. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Convenience Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Commercial (CC)Zone regarding the proposed development agreement and covenants for the area of Changes the Taco Time headquarters, and proposed amendments to the Convenience Commercial(CC)zone. First,based on the adopted Planning&Development Committee report from January 4, 1999, staff has prepared proposed amendments to the CC zone office allowances as well as minor amendments to accessory storage in all commercial and industrial zones. A public hearing is needed in relation to the proposed amendments. Second,also based on the adopted committee report, staff in conjunction with the City Attorney have prepared a proposed development agreement for the Taco Time corporation and property owner. The development agreement is based on the ultimate adoption of CC zone amendments regarding allowances for existing, legal administrative headquarters offices with minor parking and square footage allowances. The agreement would include Environmental Review Committee mitigation measures. Since the proposed development agreement changed substantially since the time of the Planning Commission's public hearing last September 1998, another public hearing should be held. Last, as another implementation of the last adopted committee report,the City Attorney has prepared covenants for the Conrad properties to be redesignated from Residential Single Family/R-8 to Residential Options/R-10. Other covenants have been prepared related to ERC mitigation measures for the Cedar River Barbershop and Market which would be redesignated from Residential Single Family/R-8 to Convenience Commercial (CC). The Planning and Development Committee also recommended two public hearings be held on the same evening for the CC zone amendments,and for the proposed Taco Time development agreement. The recommended hearing date for both items would be June 14, 1999. The Committee also recommended approval of the proposed covenants for the Conrad and the Cedar River Market and Barbershop properties. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Schiltzer explained that his "no"vote reflected his opposition to the expansion of the Taco Time headquarters building,which was approved by Council in January. Development Services: Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Bethlehem Lutheran Church regarding the request from Bethlehem Lutheran Church for tree clearing. This Tree Clearing(Variance issue was heard by the committee on May 20, 1999. Mr. Larry Holcomb, Request) representing Bethlehem Lutheran Church(1024 Monroe Ave.NE),had requested that the Council allow the church to vary from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance by permitting the removal of 24 cottonwood trees simultaneously,rather than at the rate of six trees per year as allowed by Code. Four potential options were identified: 1. The church could apply for a hearing examiner variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to allow the simultaneous clearing of 24 trees. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date a '„ 77 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT May 24, 1999 Residential Multi-family Urban Zoning Code Amendments Referred 7/27/98 The Planning and Development Committee recommends that a public hearing be set on June 7, 1999 on proposed changes to the Multi-family Urban Zoning Code. These proposed changes would make several procedural changes in the zoning text. ,1 42 /CAKathy Kfo lk Chair Dan lawson, ember / Timothy J. S 1. er, Alternate cc: --IoMay4oThuxrer Sue Carlson RMU.rpt\