HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_ HEX_I-Kuan Tao Cultural Center Addition, Conditional Use Permit1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: I-Kuan Tao Cultural Center Addition Conditional Use Permit FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND FINAL DECISION LUA18-000679, CU-H, MOD, MOD Summary The Applicant is requesting a hearing examiner conditional use permit, parking modification (to reduce required parking from 139 stalls to 44 stalls) and street modification (to retain existing street frontage improvements) in order to operate a service and social service organization (I-Kuan-Tao Cultural Center) within an existing single-family home located at 711 Monroe Ave NE. The applications are approved subject to conditions. Testimony Angelea Weihs, City of Renton Associate Planner, summarized the staff report. Ms. Weihs clarified that the staff report is in error in its references to street waivers and the Applicant is not requesting any street waiver. In response to examiner questions, Vanessa Dolbee, Renton Planning Manager, noted that the conditional use permit isn't personal to the Applicant, but the permit only authorizes the use proposed, which includes the hours of operation. Exhibits Exhibits 1-12 identified at Page 2 of the January 15, 2019 staff report were admitted into the record CONDITIONAL USE - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 during the hearing. The following exhibits were also admitted during the hearing: Exhibit 13: City of Renton COR maps Exhibit 14: Google Earth aerial photographs of site Exhibit 15: Staff PowerPoint FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: 1. Applicant. I-Kuan Tao FYCD Cultural and Educational Association Washington; 711 Monroe Ave NE, Renton, WA 98056. 2. Hearing. A hearing was held on the application at 10:00 am on January 15, 2019 in the Renton Council Chambers. 3. Project Description. The Applicant is requesting a hearing examiner conditional use permit, parking modification (to reduce required parking from 139 stalls to 44 stalls) and street modification to retain existing street frontage improvements) in order to operate a service and social service organization (I-Kuan-Tao Cultural Center) within an existing single-family home located at 711 Monroe Ave NE. The subject property totals 13,552 square feet. The proposal includes the reconfiguration of the first floor and the addition of a second story to an existing residence, resulting in a total floor area of 3,486 square feet. A drive aisle and surface parking for 11 vehicles is proposed within the front yard area of the proposed I-Kuan-Tao Cultural Center. A shared parking agreement has been established between the I-Kuan-Tao Cultural Center and the Community of Christ Church to the south of the project site for the use of 33 parking stalls. The Cultural Center would operate on Saturdays for Chinese class and religious seminar. Chinese class would be held from 9:45 am to 12:00 pm and the religious seminar would be held from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The Applicant anticipates 14 students would attend the Chinese class and 12 people would attend the religious seminar. It is not anticipated that more than 30 people would attend Chinese class or the religious seminar. Two to three people would be stationed on -site from Sunday through Friday for administrative reasons. Access to the site would be provided via a curb cut off of Monroe Ave NE. 4. Surrounding Uses. Surrounding uses on three of the four sides are single-family use. A religious institution adjoins the project on its south side. 5. Adverse Impacts. There are no significant adverse impacts associated with the proposal. Pertinent impacts are more specifically addressed as follows: A. Compatibility/Noise/Light/Glare. The proposal is compatible with surrounding residential and religious institution use. Exterior alterations will be consistent with the design for a single-family home. The proposed structure includes two stories with a basement. Although the proposal is exempt from residential design standards, the proposed CONDITIONAL USE - 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 structure complies, if not exceeds, all design requirements that would apply to single-family residences, including window trim, belly band, glazing, garage, and front porch design standards. The building will also be buffered from adjoining uses by perimeter landscaping that surrounds the project site as outlined in Finding of Fact No. 5(E) below and the project also exceeds setback and lot size requirements to provide enhanced separation from surrounding uses. The moderate intensity of the proposed use due to its limited hours of operation and low number of patrons assures that the use will not be associated with any significant adverse noise. Activities and assemblies would be held indoors. Exterior noise impacts would be limited to vehicles arriving and departing the site. The Applicant has indicated that new outdoor lighting will not be directed towards neighboring uses. Details of the lighting plan were not provided with the project application, therefore, a condition of approval requires that a lighting plan be provided with the building permit application demonstrating compliance with RMC 4-4-075. With no significant light or noise impacts along with fully compatible aesthetic design, the project is found to be compatible with the adjoining single family and religious institution use. B. Critical Areas and Natural Features. There are no critical areas on site. C. Parking. The parking is found to be adequate and not injurious to surrounding properties via approval of the parking modification requested by the Applicant. The parking modification (Exhibit 8) seeks a reduction in parking from 139 stalls required by RMC 4-4- 080 to 11 on -site parking spaces and a shared parking agreement for use of 33 off -site parking stalls. The reduction in parking is amply justified by the low intensity use proposed by the Applicant. The applicant states that both Chinese class and religious seminar activities will occur on Saturdays. The proposed hours for the Chinese class would be from 9:45am to noon, and the proposed hours for religious seminar would be from 1pm to 3pm. The applicant states that is not anticipated that attendance would exceed 30 people; therefore, 11 on -site parking spaces and 33 off -site parking spaces would be more than enough to satisfy the needs of the proposed use. Per RMC 4-4-080E.2, off -site parking is permitted provided the applicant can demonstrate that sufficient parking is not available on the premises of the use and a parking agreement ensuring that off -site parking is available for the duration of the use is approved by the Community and Economic Development Administrator. Due to the limited size of the lot 13,552 square feet), satisfying the requirement for 139 parking spaces is not feasible on - site. The existing church to the south operates on Sundays. As a result, the church parking spaces would be available for cultural center usage on Saturdays for Chinese classes and religious seminars, and no conflicts of hours for the two businesses are anticipated. Therefore, the shared parking agreement will not conflict with the minimum parking requirements for the abutting site to the south. A condition of approval requires that the CONDITIONAL USE - 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 parking agreement (Exhibit 8) be maintained for the duration that the proposed use is located on the site or until a new agreement is obtained and approved by the City. The proposed 11 parking spaces will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The proposal for 11 on -site parking spaces is significantly more compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood in comparison with the code requirement of 139 parking spaces. Further, for the reasons outlined above, the amount of proposed parking is more than sufficient to accommodate any parking demand created by the proposal. D. Traffic. As determined by City planning staff, the project site design assures the safe movement or vehicles and pedestrians and will not create any need for project specific off - site transportation improvements. A traffic impact analysis is required when the estimated vehicular traffic generated from a proposed development exceeds 20 vehicles per hour in either the AM (6:00 — 9:00) or PM 3:00 — 6:00) peak periods. Neither the Chinese class activities nor religious seminars will be active during the AM or PM peak periods, and weekday administrative activities are not anticipated to exceed 20 vehicle trips per hour; therefore, a traffic impact analysis was not required. Pedestrians can continue to take access via an existing sidewalk on Monroe Ave NE. For these reasons, staff concluded that it is not anticipated that the proposed use will have any negative impacts on vehicle or pedestrian movement or any negative effects on the surrounding area. E. Landscaping. The Applicant proposes landscaping that will provide significant buffering to adjoining uses and that, as conditioned, will also comply with the City's landscaping standards. The Applicant submitted a Landscape Plan (Exhibit 4) with the project application. The landscape plan included a 15-foot landscape strip along the site's Monroe Ave NE street frontage. In addition to the proposed ROW street frontage landscaping, the applicant is also proposing perimeter parking landscaping that also serves as a 10-foot wide fully sight -obscuring landscaped visual barrier, which is required along common property lines for proposed nonresidential uses. The Applicant also proposes a 6-foot cedar fence along the side and rear property lines (starting approximately 90 feet back from the front property line) in order to further screen the proposed use. It is anticipated that the proposed 10-foot vegetated buffer around the project perimeter would adequately screen the proposed use from the surrounding single-family residential uses, provided conditions of approval are met. Conditions of approval require some minor revisions to the Applicant's landscaping plan to assure full compliance with the City's landscaping standards. Conclusions of Law 1. Authority. Hearing examiner conditional use permits qualify as Type III review pursuant to RMC 4-8-080(G). The modification requests are classified by RMC 4-8-080(G) as Type I review. CONDITIONAL USE - 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 RMC 4-8-080(C)(2) requires consolidated permits to each be processed under "the highest -number procedure". The Type III conditional use review is the "highest -number procedure" and therefore must be employed for all of the permit applications. As outlined in RMC 4-8-080(G), the Hearing Examiner is authorized to hold hearings and issue final decisions on Type III applications subject to closed record appeal to the Renton City Council. 2. Zoning/Comprehensive Plan Designations. The subject property is within Residential Medium Density Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the R8 zoning classification. 3. Review Criteria/Modification Approval. RMC 4-2-060 requires a hearing examiner conditional use permit for service and social organizations in the R8 zone. Conditional use criteria are governed by RMC 4-9-030(D). Applicable conditional use standards are quoted below in italics and applied through corresponding conclusions of law. The requested street and parking modifications are found to be consistent with all applicable criteria for the reasons identified in Findings 17 and 18 of the staff report, adopted by this reference as if set forth in full. Conditional Use The Administrator or designee or the Hearing Examiner shall consider, as applicable, the following factors for all applications: RMC 4-9-030(C)(1): Consistency with Plans and Regulations: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general goals, objectives, policies and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations and any other plans, programs, maps or ordinances of the City of Renton. 4. The proposal is consistent with all applicable comprehensive plan policies and development standards as outlined in Findings of Fact No. 13-15 of the staff report, adopted by this reference as if set forth in full. RMC 4-9-030(C)(2): Appropriate Location: The proposed location shall not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed location shall be suited for the proposed use. 5. The proposed use is fully compatible with surrounding uses and will create no significant adverse impacts for the reasons identified in Finding of Fact No. 5. There is no overconcentration of church use in the area as the proposed use is the only Chinese cultural center within the City of Renton.. Given these factors, the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. RMC 4-9-030(C)(3): Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. 6. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5, there are no adverse impacts associated with the proposal, so it will not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. CONDITIONAL USE - 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 RMC 4-9-030(C)(4): Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. 7. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(A), the proposed use is compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. RMC 4-9-030(C)(5): Parking: Adequate parking is, or will be made, available. 8. Parking is adequate as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(C). RMC 4-9-030(C)(6): Traffic: The use shall ensure safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and shall mitigate potential effects on the surrounding area. 9. The proposal provides for safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles and doesn't create adverse traffic impacts as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(D). RMC 4-9-030(C)(7): Noise, Light and Glare: Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use shall be evaluated and mitigated. 10. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(A), the proposal will not result in any adverse light, noise or glare impacts. RMC 4-9-030(C)(8): Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings, paving, or critical areas. Additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. 11. The site is fully and adequately landscaped as shown in the landscape plan, Ex. 4, and described in Finding of Fact No. 5(E). 17 016i R4 0]I As described and limited by this decision, the conditional use permit application satisfies all applicable conditional use criteria for the reasons identified in the findings and conclusions of this decision and for that reason is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a final detailed landscape plan at the time of Utility Construction Permit application, for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. The final detail landscape plan shall include, but is not limited to, 10-foot on -site street frontage landscaping along Monroe Ave NE (following the deduction of public ROW), perimeter landscaping along the west side of the proposed parking lot, and shall demonstrate compliance with minimum shrub planting rate and size for perimeter landscaping. All landscaping shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the proposed cultural center change of use and expansion. 2. The applicant shall either submit a revised landscape/tree retention plan that shows the two on -site (6 caliper inch) maple trees and one off -site (13 caliper inch) deciduous tree as CONDITIONAL USE - 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 retained, with required tree protection fencing, or the applicant shall submit an arborist report that demonstrates that retention of these trees is not feasible. The revised landscape/tree retention plan or arborist report shall be submitted at the time of Utility Construction Permit Review for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. 3. A lighting plan shall be provided with the building permit application demonstrating compliance with RMC 4-4-075. The lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the current planning project manager prior to building permit issuance. 4. The parking agreement (Exhibit 8) shall be maintained for the duration that the proposed use is located on the site or until a new agreement is obtained and approved by the City. 5. The applicant shall pay a fee in lieu of street improvements prior to Utility Construction Permit issuance. 6. The applicant shall submit a draft Deed of Dedication for review and approval by Development Engineering, prior to Utility Construction Permit issuance. 7. The I-Kuan Tao Cultural Center shall limit the operation of Chinese classes, culture studies, and religious seminars, to Saturdays only. Expansion of the centers operating hours beyond Saturdays, other than for administrative activities only, would require a new conditional use permit application. DATED this 29th day of January 2019. Wit A.Olhrechts City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-080(G) classifies the application(s) subject to this decision as Type III application(s) subject to closed record appeal to the City of Renton City Council. Appeals of the hearing examiner's decision must be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing examiner may also be filed within this 14-day appeal period. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. CONDITIONAL USE - 7