HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090909_TIBInspector's Daily Report Project Name Date Shift Sheet 1 of 2 day Weather AM PM Inspector IDR Report # No. Photos/Videos taken today? Yes x No File: Inspector's Shift Hours From: To:Inspector's Signature Reviewed By Signs Barricades I-405/I-5 to SR169 Stage 2 - Widening and SR515 Interchange Project Traffic Control Reviewed Subcontractor Number & Classification Plan SheetItem Quanity IDR Sheet Item Number Material / Item Description Major Equipment on Project CDB Number & Classification Tim Bergstrom 20090909 TB Bid Items Inspected Today/Field Note Flaggers Location Structure#/Station Acceptable Date 7:00am Date 4:00pm TR (9/9/2009) September 9, 2009 September 9, 2009 Tim Bergstrom Inspector's Daily Report Project Number Sheet 2 of 2 Inspector IDR Report # 20090909 TB September 9, 2009 DateIDR Sheet Tim Bergstrom I-405/I-5 to SR169 Stage 2 - Widening and SR515 Interchange Project Inspector's Notes T09082 Todays activities: I att ended a cl ass t hi s mor ni ng c onveri ng WS D OT constr ucti on i nspecti on doc u ment ati on gi ven by Jeff Gr ube WS D OT. Perf or med l ab wor k i ncl udi ng; moi st ur e densit y r el ati onshi p f r o m mat eri al sa mpl ed y est er day at t he Def oor sit e. The sa mpl e was s plit i n acc or dance wit h AASHT O T248, unused mat eri al was bagged and l abel ed f or l at er co mpari son t esti ng. A CSBC sa mpl e was t aken fr o m Kangl ey Sand and Gr avel t o r e-check a gr adati on t hat pr evi ousl y f ail ed t he 5/8" scr een. The CSB C sa mpl e was al so s plit i n acc or dance wit h AASHT O T248 t o a s mall er si ze still i n acc or danc e wit h AASHT O T27. TImothy I. Bergstrom, Mayes Testing Engineers, Inc. tbergstrom@mayestesting.com 253-223-5360 Inspector's Daily Report Project Number Sheet 3 of 3 Inspector IDR Report # See attached field density report. IDR Sheet Date 20090909 TB Inspector's Notes I-405/I-5 to SR169 Stage 2 - Widening and SR515 Interchange Project September 9, 2009 Tim Bergstrom