HomeMy WebLinkAboutCM_KC Renton Shop Construction Mitigation Narrative_190426_v1Renton Shop – Construction Mitigation Narrative 1 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Parks and Recreation Division King County Parks – Renton Shop Construction Mitigation Description As part of the Conditional Use Permit application package, the City requests a Construction Mitigation Description be provided with responses to the following items: 1. Proposed construction dates Applicant Response: At this time King County has identified construction occurring during the 2020-2022 time frame. A minimum two-year construction window is anticipated due to phasing to allow continuation of parks maintenance operations and dispatch from the site as construction is ongoing. Because of the potential delays related to the phasing, King County Parks requests extensions for civil construction and building permit approvals to be valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issuance; thereby avoiding the need to reapply for new permits while construction is on-going. 2. Hours and days of operation Applicant Response: Construction of this facility is not expected to extend beyond typical construction work hours allowed by Renton code. Construction activities shall be restricted per RMC 4-4-030.C.3.b. to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work would occur on Sundays. 3. Proposed hauling/transportation routes Applicant Response: The Renton Shop site is accessed from Jefferson Avenue NE, a private road owned by King County. The access road is used by other King County departments such as the Roads Division and Solid Waste Division to access their facilities to the south of the Renton Shop site. Jefferson Avenue NE intersects with NE 3rd Street at the signalized intersection north of the project site. It is anticipated that construction equipment, materials and supplies would be delivered to the site via Interstate 405 (I-405) heading east on NE 3rd Street and turning south on Jefferson Avenue NE. Construction debris haulers would utilize the same route heading back towards I-405. Haul hours shall be restricted to the hours between eight-thirty (8:30) a.m. and three-thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 4. Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics Applicant Response: King County Parks will develop detailed construction plans and specifications with the intent to minimize and avoid noxious impacts related to the Renton Shop. Renton Shop – Construction Mitigation Narrative 2 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Parks and Recreation Division Dust – King County will include specifications that require covering of soil stockpiles, water spraying of exposed soils, covered dump truck and loads of soil entering or leaving the site, and other dust related best management practices (BMPs) as appropriate. This will be important because King County Parks’ staff may continue working on-site throughout all phases of construction. Traffic and Transportation – The Renton Shop will only require minimal traffic disruption for the connection of utilities in City of Renton right-of-way. Application information for the Renton Civil Construction permit will include detail of any proposed temporary road lane closures, lane restrictions, or detours and reference Renton standard engineering requirements for these activities. Erosion and mud – King County will develop Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans (TESC) and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to provide guidance and BMPs to reduce and manage erosion potential. The construction contract issued for bid will require the contractor to provide a Certified Erosion Sedimentation Control Lead (CESCL) professional. Noise – The contractor will be required to abide by the City of Renton noise code for construction activities. 5. Special hours proposed for construction or hauling (i.e. weekends, late nights) Applicant Response: It is unknown at this time if weekend or night time construction work will occur; however it will be the contractor’s responsibility to file the proper permit requests and obtain the work hour extension variances if they intend to conduct construction activities outside the hours allowed by the Renton Municipal Code. 6. Preliminary traffic control plan Applicant Response: The Renton Shop site does not have frontage adjacent to a public right-of-way. The site is accessed from a private road, also known as Jefferson Avenue NE, owned by King County that connects with NE 3rd Street at the signalized intersection to the north. Traffic control would be required for several utility connections in NE 3rd Street. Detailed design, including traffic control will be prepared as the plans develop and permit applications for construction are submitted. All efforts will be made to limit the impact to short-term lane closures during non-peak travel times to maintain traffic flow and minimize delays. 7. Use of construction cranes Applicant Response: It is anticipated that a construction crane will be needed. King County will contact the City Airport Manager and the FAA as deemed necessary by the City to obtain the proper notifications, approvals, and permits as required.