HomeMy WebLinkAboutC19-174_Exhibit 2CITY OF RENTON im DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER, EXHIBITS Project Name: Code Case Number: Code Compliance Appeal Hearing CODE19-000174 Date of Hearing Staff Contact Violator Violation Location TBD Kevin Louder Deborah Harris Parcel Number 0923059101 425-430-7277 Exhibit 2 CITY OF entonw RENTON CODE COMPLIANCE CODE19-000174 NARRATIVE April 29, 2019 Address: Parcel Number 092305-9101 Violator: Deborah Harris • RMC Violation: RMC 4-2-060:Zoning Use Table: Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations March 27, 2019: An inspection request was received via the code compliance e-mail for a commercial truck parked and running for hours at a time located at the intersection of NE 6th ST and Shelton Ave NE. March 28, 2019: 1 observed and photographed from the right of way a commercial truck and a black sedan parked on the vacant property with Parcel Number 0923059101. See exhibit 4. April 1, 2019: 1 observed and photographed from the right of way a commercial truck parked on the vacant property with Parcel number 0923059101. 1 determined via the King County Assessor's website that the property's current use is vacant and the current zoning is R-8. After reviewing the allowed uses in the zoning table in RMC 4-2-060, 1 determined that vehicle storage is not allowed in the R-8 zoning. I mailed the Warning of Violation dated April 1, 2019 certified and first class mail to the address on file with the King County Tax Assessor. See exhibits 3, 4, & 5. April 08, 2019: 1 received a voicemail from Deborah Harris from phone number 425-277- 7622. The message stated that she had questions about the violation. I called back and left a message with a male to have Deborah Harris call back. April 16, 2019: 1 conducted an inspection of the property. I observed and photographed from the right of way a commercial truck and a black sedan. I spoke with a male on the property that identified himself as a relative of Deborah Harris and the driver of the truck. I told him that the current use of the property was vacant and that until a change of use was approved the lot was required to remain vacant. He did not agree. I left my business card and asked that Deborah Harris call me. See Exhibit 7 April 17, 2019: 1 issued the Finding of Violation dated April 17, 2019. 1 mailed certified and priority. See Exhibit 6. April 26, 2019: The City Clerk's Office received Appeal Request. See exhibit 1. The city's position is that more than ample time has been granted to make substantial gains in bringing the property into compliance, which has not happened. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. signed on "1 —LzL�- in Renton, Washington Kevin Louder Code Compliance Inspector Assigned To: Kevin Louder Address: Data Entry Date Created By 04/01/2019 Kevin Louder Kevin Louder 04/16/2019 Kevin Louder Kevin Louder 04/29/2019 Kevin Louder Violator: Deborah Harris Owner: Deborah Harris Opened Date: 04/01/2019 Closed Date: Activity Type Activity Name Comments Diary Log Inspection request was e-mailed. Person was concerned with a commercial truck parked and running for long periods of time. 03-28-19 Inspection I photographed vehicle from the ROW. R-8 zoned. Use is vacant. 04-01-19 Inspection Commercial vehicle still present. I e-mailed requestor and stated that I have opened a code case. Diary Log Violation is vehicle storage. The lot's current use is vacant. That use does not allow parking of any vehicles on the lot. Contact Violator 04-16-19 Inspection The semi truck is still there. While I was photographing a man who identified himself as the truck driver and relative of Deborah Harris spoke to me. He asked about the letter that was sent out. He did not agree that the vacant lot needed to remain vacant. I told him that there was no approved use for the parcel. He asked how to change the use and I told him to speak with planning. I told him tha the zoning did not allow for the storage of vehicles. I told him that if you did not agree then I would issue a finding of violation and you have the option to appeal. Contact Violator I received a voicemail on 04-08-19 from Deborah Harris 425-277-7622 1 returned the call and a man answered and I asked him to have Deborah call me. Diary Log appeal request received 04-26-19 April 29, 2019 Page 1 of 1