HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnexation Handouts ANNEXATION POLICY Background: • The City of Renton approved three large Potential Annexation Areas(PAAs) incorporated in the City Comprehensive Plan and King County Countywide Planning Policies.The three PAAs are divided between three large geographical areas: East Renton (approx. 6,500 pop.), West Hill (approx. 14,000 pop.), and Fairwood (approx. 23,000 pop.) (PAA map attached) • Since 1990,the City has completed 66 annexations totaling 4,886 acres and these annexations have significantly changed the size and character of the City. (Map attached) • Also during that same period of time, population in the City has gone from 41,688 to 104,100 today. • In 2016,the City resumed charging a fee for annexations; $2,500 for annexations larger than 10 acres and $5,000 for annexations smaller than 10 acres. Currently: • All annexations currently in process are small annexations using the property owner driven 60% Assessed Value method. These annexations range in size from 8-acres with an estimated 8 residents to 20-acres with an estimated 118 residents. • The City uses a fiscal analysis model that was developed by an interdepartmental group and includes costs that increase at a faster rate than revenue. The analysis evaluates current conditions and anticipated conditions in 10 years. o Since the model was developed in 2011, all proposed annexations are evaluated with this fiscal analysis and the vast majority have been either revenue neutral or a slight revenue gain to the City. o However, much of the gain is based on new housing development which over time declines, depending on the assessed valuation of the improvements, in regards to positive fiscal contributions and fiscal implications still merit consideration given changes in the economy in general and the long term impacts new residents have on City resources. • Many County annexed areas have presented challenges for the City in terms of vested residential development projects that the City must usher through the development process. The rural street standards also present challenges for the City. o In response to this, the Council adopted a Resolution asking King County to develop an Interlocal Agreement that ensures greater consistency between the County and the City within the PAA. ■ To date,the County has not acted on this request by the City. • Significant consideration is given to annexation requests that are within the Renton School District boundary(map attached). • When properties annex,the City benefits from ensuring new development occurs with Renton development regulations. If properties don't annex, new development will still occur, but using King County development regulations. In East Plateau,where the City is the sewer provider, new development is limited by requirements for septic systems. • Only areas within Renton's PAA's can be annexed.These areas were designated in 1994 and have not been reviewed or amended since. • Until January 1, 2015, state law supported annexations of populations over 10,000 by offering a "credit" against the state portion of the sales tax to offset transition costs and some of the deficits to serve the areas over 10 years.This funding helped cities close some of the gap between service costs and revenues. o Without this supportive funding from the state,the city faces financial challenges with annexing the PAA's. ■ In the absence of support from the State, it seems appropriate to no longer accept large annexations of Renton's PAA's. • Recently,the City has had some property owners not honor covenants to annex that were signed as part of extending sewer to their property. A sewer service area (map attached). Future: • The appropriateness and consistency with current goals and responsibilities of the City in maintaining all the three PAA's as areas that could be annexed to the City should be evaluated. o Small annexations that help make the City boundary more logical and balanced ("cleaned up")seem appropriate. • Should the City reconsider the extent of the City's future city limits as defined by the PAA? • Should the City review and consider revising the sewer service area boundary to be coterminous with existing City limits and amend the sewer service area boundary only after an area annexes? • Consider requesting, again,that King County develop a joint planning agreement to address consistency of developments with Renton's standards through an inter-local agreement. I SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FUNDING Background: • Sidewalks and walkways in the public right-of-way have long been a priority for the City. • The City's Street Standards require frontage improvements be installed with new subdivisions at the time they are developed. • Nevertheless, many arterial and local streets were constructed in Renton prior to the current standards and lack sidewalks on either one or both sides. • Additionally, annexations have incorporated new neighborhoods into the city that were developed under King County development standards.The newer neighborhoods have sidewalks per current King County Road Standards, but older neighborhoods may have been developed without sidewalks under older King County Road Standards. • An assessment of sidewalk needs were last addressed in the City of Renton—Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study(March 2008), which did not include most of the Benson Hill annexation (2008). • That Study estimated that of the 463 miles of street edge in the City, only 266 miles of sidewalk were in place, and that the minimum cost per linear mile of installing sidewalk to city standards was$700,000. • The City's current budget for the Walkway Program (the program that provides for the design and construction of high-priority sidewalks (i.e., "missing links")) is$200,000 for 2019, and $250,000 for each year after until 2024. Methods of funding construction and maintenance programs: A variety of sources are available to fund sidewalk construction and maintenance programs. In general, funding strategies can be split into two categories: (1) programs that are funded by abutting property owners, and (2) programs funded by community taxes,funds and fees. General Fund Sidewalk repair and replacement is commonly paid for through the general fund, which is typically funded by property and sales tax revenues. Sidewalk repair and replacement projects often compete with other projects and funding obligations. Community-Paid Repair and Maintenance Programs Many communities treat sidewalks as a community-wide asset,and fund their repair and maintenance directly. Typically, these funds come from a municipality's general fund or transportation fund. A community-paid program eases administrative costs compared to assessment programs and spreads the costs for pedestrian facility maintenance over the entire community. The primary concern with community-paid maintenance programs is that funds must be budgeted for the program. Fees and taxes that are commonly used to fund pedestrian facility maintenance programs are briefly discussed in the example below. Communitywide Assessments: Ann Arbor, Michigan The City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, has a voter-approved sidewalk millage tax (i.e., property tax) that generates$560,000 or more per year for sidewalk repair and replacement. The tax was proposed by city officials as a means to address significant sidewalk maintenance that was not being adequately addressed through the city's code requirements, which assigns the responsibility of sidewalk maintenance to the adjacent property owner. The special millage was seen as a more equitable and effective means to address the city's sidewalk maintenance needs and was approved by over 60%of voters. As a result of the 0.125-mill, the average household pays an additional $13 per year in local taxes. Improvement Districts Many communities have downtown or other business district areas that (i.e. Business Improvement Districts, Community Improvement Districts, Business Improvement Area, transportation improvement districts, etc.) have assumed responsibility of sidewalk maintenance. These special districts may fund sidewalk maintenance through their general funds or may assess local property owners for general sidewalk maintenance as well as necessary repairs and replacements. Utility Fees Utility fees are used by some municipalities to fund street and sidewalk maintenance.Often such fees are voter-approved. Typically the utility fee an individual household pays is relatively small, but the steady funding source enables municipalities to plan and execute maintenance activities in a systematic way. Utility fees may be specific line items, such as a sidewalk maintenance fee collected directly by the municipality, or may be a tax on electric or natural gas service collected by the utility. Utility Fees Corvallis, Oregon Corvallis,Oregon, includes a sidewalk maintenance fee as part of residents' monthly City Services bill, which also includes water and sewer charges. The $0.80 monthly fee was determined by taking the average yearly cost to repair defective sidewalks ($150,000) divided by the number of utility customers divided by 12. Prior to the imposition of the utility fee, property owners paid for repairs to sidewalks in the public right-of-way along their property. Now, the City will use the money raised by the fee to pay for repairs to defects on public sidewalks. Cheney, Washington Cheney, Washington, uses a voter-approved tax on electrical and natural gas services to fund maintenance of residential streets and sidewalks. The 4% electric and natural gas tax generates roughly $380,000 annually. This dedicated funding paid for the repair of nearly 18 miles of existing residential streets and nearly 6 miles of existing residential sidewalks throughout the city over 14 years. Sales Tax Many communities indirectly use sales tax revenues to fund pedestrian facility maintenance by way of the general fund.Additionally, many states allow local municipalities or counties to impose a small local sales tax that could be earmarked for pedestrian facility maintenance. Sales tax revenue, direct or indirect, is a common source of funding for street maintenance and there are communities that use these revenues to also fund sidewalk repair and replacement programs. Shoreline, Washington The City of Shoreline established a voter-approved sales and use tax of 0.2%, for a term of 20 years, to fund sidewalk transportation improvements. The tax will repay indebtedness issued from time to time to construct, maintain, rehabilitate, repair and/or preserve sidewalks and pedestrian improvements. Next Steps: Refer this matter to the Transportation/Aviation Committee and direct staff of the Department of Public Works to explore implementation of one or more of the above funding sources. Ammih, Potential Annexation Areas . , Ei7; %144 111/ ) 4— Bellevue rin1,11_ 1 - ..,, , ' IN 6vir z L- 1350 i -.` Mercer Island j _1 -._ i I I ,0 z•Z.r —( — 1_i Newcastle \ 51/ Pilfi / ia.-- OEM I--1 -. -1,1 1 - AIIIIIIIIIM In 1 1211=." 4,15 -------___., IIIIIIIINIIIII I Seattle 1=1111=1111. TIMM g i .41MI bits. '''',Iralk I , ___. ;.,. . ., t, .1....t.„._-• II= _ - 111111 111111111iviFino-;it, 1.1rar -,-, ,, , ......... ..... , • aisir-7-41 Am Unincorporated King County I ' , . Milligranilif ' ,-'11111Wiiii.1--\PI 4 Ill_rallididallia "ati _alio ; INNERA' ...mktilliku....m.-..411r1 fig 900 MINN V 11.22." 11IM ris iftliproi owl ,..„ 1 int ..... .,,e_L , ... .....i ago aim NNE 1 , .. . , 5,\\\ Ildramar West Hill Mar. 11111 PVIalitigiliitli IMIla a In " III ).---,. l.ftgr- ..-AvIlmtil, , !Am -) 0 livadreirito I Alija"' ri1 datieh.%,. ._ , i 1 _ i,. - kr • i L 11 alIr. (I' ' ';.1b,Ironf PION.--, IF t \ 11:11111IIIKT/OW'll'illi AMIKERILTIValgr ,--"ism .., . ....., - --.14migiii 01._,,__Mlii liopilf# - I 1 17. "i bWILIRIAmilifignt,-4 I "ittlg '-q11.11111414.1, --- 1011111114 (-! ' Aim° -- /17-24 aana-nuu i - c4)p lig A.UP ilr. IR ig nun I i ...., ....r....... Ina vim __..) gp ••ier,etomitirgosil K4 aro fir , . 1 , -cmzettvilowni, lk t*, et. , ou laminp igh , -..p. 11illme -7-',...,.. ET East Plateau MI vrillingt, Aiyintro oi _ 0. ,,,, .11011....t...1,000. Ilktimp.. on a- an n , _,, g. ci • wriiii11111 fil 11 11116,4 .:_,„„,....mir ..R.,0 ,..„44. %.`4..' • ,,, -., . v.: I All".17154 v 53 1: ,.,...,* allr 1111!al Inums i‘teidli ii. 4 otil - "S.iraillibk'S. 41116"R' ' Tukwila Ali . :, 41 ....... .... ..,.........z...7;;411, Pill IF ilio- 64311.46 ( .4 %ill ' '' jilr1.11Thrillr& IF att rgi eirtml 11111 'lib theirkillirlria"3-4 I, wki r 111114M1 17=-7 '- 0.1....... „v., 1.71 _____Iitt,, Fasirwood a ainli;fr . 1:44‘11%;•=il _11111 %PO 0 1/11f go i Ph; Bianaidkitih- I edi gr k., c ne . 4.411F Ili I .1'1111 - r. %dr 1 A.K0 141/11111 ' k- '1143') 4 141 1 NIV tritifoXin" i ) \.) 1 41 lendmit'lII \gj - mu _UM ao-4-"' miki g 22 :rig ills'. V / Aft' n-k I i 1 MI ) ..- il 1 41_ 1 0 CI"1 I Kent . id 1 I -E*r I Unincorporated King County ,-I .1111 Renton City Limits 1 (31 o , 0.5 1 I Renton Potential I I Miles is) I Annexation Areas (PAA) Source:City of Renton,2019 • Annexations Since GMA (April, 1 990) 1 Bellevue -1 ' Mercer Island ( �)-J / y Newcastle \ I i 4275 r----,, I L_-1 I Seattle 5318 I 5543 N ,� 5138 O P o h M w 506 5 Unincorporated King County r 0 481 sue 5147\ 4383 5161 0 .o ^ West Hill r 5203 5459 •• t;` 4924 4760 r .. 5484 m sns 5073163 4ml$• 4891 456454 454 5140 R sn 5722 East Plateau t. 5398 5243 QI----L-4 /--L Tukwila 565 ik 5373 I 7 I.... `_ a Fairwood 5327 C1 �-- SeaTac II Unincorporated King County I s2os I i 5301._+r � Kent �1 ce-SII %A \-L1 IICIRenton,2Ol95 D City Limits •4642,11/27/1996,Hughes WS 5074,5/26/2004,Carlo MI 5236,5/24/2007,Hudson IN 5484,10/14/2009,Earlington Q Potential Annexation Areas(PAA) •4684,11/5/1997,Hoffman •5092,9/22/2004,Tydico MI 5243,1/14/2007,Maplewood Addition MI 5488,10/30/2009,Duvall South 4760,4/21/1998,East Renton Plateau NI 5096,11/2/2004,Johnson 5261,3/15/2007,Perkins 11111 5543,8/1/2010,Sierra Heights Elementary Annexation History(Since GMA Adoption) IIII 4780,5/19/1999,Davis NI 5138,6/1/2005,Honey Creek III 5283,6/11/2007,Leitch I■5545,8/1/2010,Maplewood Heights Element, Ordinance Nbr,Effective Date,Annexation III 4819,1 2/15/1999,Smith III 5140,6/1/2005,Maplewood East 5293,7/30/2007,Aster Park 111 5552,11/7/2010,Kendall 3163,10/24/1997,18F Investment 4829,2/16/2000,Morrison 5142,6/1/2005,Merritt I IN 5301,10/22/2007,Anthone 1111 5631,11/13/2011,Tess 4275,7/29/1990,Duncan IIII 4876,12/13/2000,Knight IN 5147,7/4/2005,Wedgewood Lane M 5315,12/24/2007,Marshall Ell 5632,11/20/201 1,Gaile I.4318,7/21/1991,Shurgard IIIII 4891,2/21/2001,Merlin Empire Estates 5161,11/27/2005,Pork Terrace IIII 5318,4/16/2008,Merrit II 5655,4/1/2012,Fairlane Woods 4337,1/25/1992,Honey Creek Ridge 4918,10/24/2001,Lee •5171,1/8/2006,Mosier II 5327,3/1/2008,Benson Hill IIII 5665,7/4/2012,Windstone V •4383,12/16/1992,Senescu •4924,12/5/2001,Piele III 5175,12/21/2005,Lindberg IIII 5373,6/9/2008,AQUA BARN I♦571 3,4/30/2014,Maertins •4476,10/26/1994,Winsper IIII 5012,6/18/2003,Vuong 5203,5/3/2006,H uiam oq li 5398,8/11/2008,liberty IN 5719,8/17/2014,Alpine Nursery In 4510,5/3/1995,Stonegate lid 5041,12/10/2003,Falk 5205,5/3/2006,Falk II 1111 5447,4 10 2009,S brook Terrace M 4564,1 2 1 1 1995,Holman / / p^ng � 5722,9/24/2014,Trace Matthew / / •5064,3/24/2004,Bales •5208,6/18/2006,Akers Farms 5456,5/31/2009,MacKay IIII 5857,10/15/2017,Tim D 4579,2/14/1996,Anmarco iN 5068,4/28/2004,Stoneridge N 5223,11/19/2006,Querin II IM 5459,7/5/2009,Shamrock 5879,4/8/2018,Eric Reeler II (IiIID Potential Annexation Areas & School Districts Bellevue School i District Bellevue _ -ri Mercer Island ' —� L, School District Mercer Island I r( ) _ J l �- Iii Newcastle — ` a - " inIN I 21 - t ill S os 1 i Seattle 1108 - vl PAINz I: _7 District 74/kI Issaquah School .i—ji.- Seattle School +� \ IriI�l�1p,,., �1 1�1 ' -1 imrt.�� District er, f Iwo �`_■� C v }it 1�•: i P r ?,,, .. �`® Unincorporated King County 14,-,•_.„.„:„,„,,_ ... i, ,. , \ ,4i�i �.1111/,..27141, NI" Klima _ li >� ' At lillll'— _ lr '1111=� / - ✓ � e `ilE 11nutLI il ILL i�./i01111 U. - C in �� 4t1 . 4ehtonSchoo �District ~' 1 1 cam`trill I 4 — -- Tukwila T pnew �����inn 1 —iii ( — 41, tavivillimpriow,. / 11111 - ,.. -x Il -silk" r r: IMIlirIg ...�■ ,.r.1111 1 �� �(I �... Tukwila School I� „'C Ftt_. �`A ��� District — r 1 � .■• �'•^ om• • shoo ��'' �'�(i"'al �r� �� District it 1.6.111112,3,,e,i, , , , _, . _ ) L... , 'I ail `JIlE "\ .Irwaa• . t IIP NI F_ : l � -, r, 1 i JE---L---34iviows't ,, A . ...41.,,, I ; ! . \,..... 1.,a hn— I . i' 1 - -?1- 1 , !! ' ul "1 � ' IL co • Unincorporated King Co,;ntI ,4 1 ^ I Kent School " District Ilill Renton City Limits Kent Renton Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) Oo o.s 1 0 i Renton School District I I I Miles , NMOther School Districts Source:City of Renton,2019 Potential Annexation Areas & Sewer Districts I*sor at 1130 4 pBellevue - a �C ,� L I rcll�I_ I Wilt 11 L, Mercer Island ] IA Newcastle r- i All - Coal Creek ,. ....i. _i, L Seattle �� aos l"ibI1tlA i‘l'lj0 f1ii111t1nk.5l-Il1i1-1 fid1i'LiE,lf-r1_11Ail4kmMC1,il i 4g1.lr.-.*.•1roffRie11 1a1l11tr1y fii.r1lj6 �XP w,k'iM1 r e�� viMrIi"bulaii,,lVi r;piI,tN4.ftr1N_1a1 iiii 1Ik1:Nrdo iiO4lb%fiil.1osi dirt:.„ • �� '.,, �� �� e. Unincorporated Kin Couni ale z. ars* +rA�', wi 900 ai IilM ;•_!�����..! -- ' ; � ` li1111111�IIII_•.+7s�`' ����ie �'A _ ,lE� �.. ,t.g.e,-, ,4,,,k eo,1 l7nekw0w4 A9i=401 pm))i.t4 l.g*c4..."a‘:4•u1•,N u„l ii,rr&g nt ill a,ttgiNsi.Ni.....r R34El'A a.L E:.o.,l.l2L,0 v:1..iiE k, 'o pt. . 1101IIII111111= r�� t -. ��ri" . 1 r1 2r ;t.,11, un_Ii Tukwila i T� `` w,�/llull2 m IPpii%.t0fIo)1k,3 4 0."t0,\gPi.)-" ,:L 17 : ll ; AK. II5414 -'14010-:0111110.41&P' ' L Iv iiik „4,.., ifk• 12 Tukwila • • ` : `-I / _ ® y. 233j4 aq v IAA t Y _ ) II ,,„ T r:ntit�'Ir : 1 ;4 Air ir,„ 0 - ... "614 � llijlij' 7 .i+ "lee r ■ r' j' MI 9it�� �1� �t��yy Ai "is CD ?I L` , 'pil ,` it�i �,�1, � i ' Soos Cre k Unincorporated King * unty a ‘ k, ,Kent . °�� / Renton City Limits Na Kent Renton Potential Annexation Areas (PAA) O 0 0.5 1 ® IIM Renton Sewer District I I Miles I= Other Sewer Districts Source:City of Renton,2019 PLANNED GROWTH Background: • The City's Business Plan states that the city supports planned growth by fostering development of vibrant, sustainable, attractive, mixed-use neighborhoods in urban centers. • The City has accepted responsibility for planning for 14,050 new household and 28,755 new jobs by 2035 as identified in the King County household and employment growth targets(attached). • According to Buildable Lands analysis (attached), which evaluates the number of households the City can accommodate based on current zoning, the City has the capacity to accommodate 15,351 new households. • Recent projections from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) indicate the region needs to plan for 1.8 million more people and 1.2 million more jobs by 2050. • Since the adoption of Growth Management Act(GMA),the State has put significant limitations on the authority of cities to tax residential development. o Generally, residential growth no longer pays in taxes the cost it requires for facilities and services. • When the GMA was adopted,there was an expectation that the State would provide additional funding for infrastructure to ensure adequate facilities were in place at the time of development. This has not occurred.There have been mixed results with state investments. Comprehensive Plan Update and Development Regulations Amendments: • The City has adopted several amendments to the development regulations that are impacting the look and feel of density, in single family residential zones in particular. In some cases,the amendments have reduced the number of lots a parcel can be subdivided into. These items include: o Tree retention.Trees that are retained as part of a subdivision that are not located on a residential lot are required to be placed in tracts. This is a new requirement. It has in some cases reduced the number of lots developed because tracts are not a buildable area. o Minimum lot sizes and setbacks. In the R-4 zone, minimum lot size was increased from 8,000 to 9,000 square feet. Additionally, the side setback was increased from 5 feet to a combined 20 feet. In the R-8 zone, the minimum lot size was standardized to 5,000 square feet. Previously, subdivisions of parcels larger than 1 acre were allowed 4,500 square foot minimum lot sizes. Additionally, in the R-8 zone the front setback increased from 15 feet to 20 feet and the side setback increased from 5 feet to a combined 15 feet. In these two zones,these standards, in particular the increased minimum lot size in R-4, have in some cases reduced the number of lots that can be developed in a subdivision. • A new single-family residential zone was created, R-6.This zone improved the range of options available for zoning (previously zoning went from R-4 to R-8, a doubling of density). It also serves as a transition between the lower density residential zones and the smaller lot development that is associated with R-8 development. Many areas(portions of Kennydale, Highlands, and Cascade neighborhoods)that are largely built out with R-6 zone lot sizes (7,000 square feet)were rezoned from R-8 to R-6. • In response to community desire to preserve single-family character, rezoned much of South Renton from RMT(Residential Multi-Family Traditional)—35 dwelling units per acre, RMU (Residential Multi-Family Urban)—75 dwelling units per acre, and/or CD (Center Downtown)— 100 dwelling units per acre to R-14. • RMF zoned areas without existing multi-family development or with predominant multi-family development in the area were rezoned to lower density zones (R-8 or R-10). Several areas with CA zoning were rezoned to lower density zones; and the maximum density in East Plateau and Kennydale were reduced to 30 dwelling units per acre. Multi-family residential development is no longer allowed in the CA zone in Benson and Talbot. • With these changes, high density multi-family has been focused into areas where: 1) adequate planning and infrastructure exist or have been planned for and 2) where it will leverage redevelopment of existing antiquated housing or commercial buildings. • The CO (Commercial Office) zone was amended to allow multi-family development when it is in close proximity to significant transportation infrastructure (for example, in the Longacres area near the Sounder station). This creates an opportunity to create Transit Oriented Developments where significant employment areas also have housing. • Bonus density criteria were amended to only allow density bonuses for providing affordable housing. Next Steps: • Coordinate with King County to evaluate the Buildable Lands available in Renton. • Participate in Countywide assessment and designation of Housing and Employment Growth Targets. • Continue to monitor land availability data. • As Community Plans are developed, review zoning and land uses in the Plan area with the community. • Continue to plan and construct Capital Facilities and Transportation infrastructure in areas where density is planned. • Continue to coordinate with and represent Renton on the King County Growth Management Policy Board, the PSRC, and the Sound Cities Association. • Review and possibly comment on PSRC SEPA (attached). • Participate in State (Legislature), regional (PSRC), and countywide planning bodies (SCA, GMPB) to insure Renton vision for growth and development are consistent with the work products of these bodies/organizations. 7--- 3 3 Cn` Cl) 71 -1:1 CD O D r ' j 13 pAw o = vcnwo &'i .icnwoFi? 3 p u) m = N3 x1 �, 3 w CO W c�' i i i (D 1 i 1 1 m d 7 CD 7. w N a m I J ,7 CD + 1 1 1 _, O 3 �* O CO J Cr W Jr, O CO CO �7 CT co CD x CD O CO Q 0 7 N (n • O W f2 _ Q Q Q Q �7 O Q Q Q Q p C1 Q Of C C OJ O O g N a Q a Q cow -0 0 nc�i `v a) w - o d v w c a d v O u =' P3c . m - (D o E C C o -, O - Fd C) C) o o `� n n n n CD () 7 (D NCO CD 7 ° Z �' m fD m m m m m m m m m m a �'• a - 7 No 2 CD O — m m m m Fif V a° Nov ° < NJ D _ r N Fif 41 (D - 7 j (D 3 0 C 7 _ Duo • m m ° cD m N CA N Cl O:`W O. >y O N O) O CD Oy n .l a) C a G O �I V �'.N O CD V CA O CT 0 C7 N ' Q ,� m N N U1 CD 'co 01 A Q W N CD -I 7 I- , S U (DQ- 00 CD _ _ O O W O D W CO CO W O y y y O a 7 (D 0 m A O O -, W O -o C) (O -, CO �7 O CD Q 7 _O IV 0 Z n S7 XI O n _ (D !n 7 N n Q O O - 1 C 6 CC Cr 7 (p �D -, 0 ,J00 CD p 3 < (n. 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NI' u) :u) 0 u) 0 CD V CD 0 co 1 0 * (0 '0 (...) --4 * ri• ...). -. < n 43 K3 ...i • 0) co 0 to 0 --, o tv if') M o -• = -11 0 0) 3 , (1) i Zi K) o CD CD Z 1 a) = m ID iD - N.)co cri c - co r. so 0.1 cr) 0 C.I1 Is.) .< ,,-,. 5 co ED Z w co w co K.) -4).Ofq L;p o 0 CO, -,1 7 K.) Ko -NI II. CD 0 0 (/) CO '03 C.0 tO 6 i ID 0 o 7 ••••/ 0 •••1 CO 0 0 ---1 1 7 •-•., -I=. ,-o Z Exhibit 2. King County Growth Targets (2006-2031) Compared to 2007 Capacity Regional Geography PAA Housing Housing +/- Employment PAA Emp. Employment +/- City/Subarea Housing Target Target Capacity ? Target Target Capacity ? Net New Units Net New lints Net New Units Net New Jobs Net New Jobs Net New Jobs 2006-2031 2006-2031 2006,from BLR 2006-2031 2006-2031 2006,from BLR Metropolitan Cities Bellevue 17,000 290 13,670 53,000 49,100 - Seattle 86,000 128,900 111 146,700 254,900 If Total 103,000 142,570 199,700 304,000 Core Cities Auburn 9,620 9,190 - 19,350 - 17,760 - Bothell 3,000 810 2,860 - 4,800 200 6,040 4 Burien 4,440 3,170 4,960 3,260 Federal Way 8,100 2,390 5,670 . 12,300 290 8,860 Kent 9,270 90 9,080 - 13,280 210 12,540 111 Kirkland 8,570 - 6,380 20,850 - 12,600 Redmond 10,200 640 8,99041 23,000 25,075 111 Renton 14,835 3,895 16,250 29,000 470 29,550 SeaTac 5,800 5,240 - 25,300 17,730 Tukwila 4,800 50 3,490 . 15,500 2,050 16,200 Total 78,635 70,320 168,340 149,615 Larger Cities Des Moines 3,000 3,300 3 5,000 3,950 Issaquah 5,750 290 6,900 3I 20,000 19,100 Kenmore 3,500 5,020 ;`4t 3,000 3,050 Maple Valley 1,800 1,060 2,380 Y 2,000 3,770 II Mercer Island 2,000 1,760 = 1,000 820 Sammamish 4,000 350 3,740 - 1,800 - Shoreline 5,000 6,890 . 4 5,000 3,490 Woodinville 3,000 _ 2,1401l 5,000 3,770 Total 28,050 32,130 42,800 37,950 Small Cities Algona 190 320 4 210 580 4 I Beaux Arts 3 5 4 3 - ? Black Diamond 1,900 4,270 'V 1,050 4,700 4 Carnation 330 800 4 370 1,570 4 Clyde Hill 10 25 4 - - 4 Covington 1,470 3,300 4 1,320 3,330 4 Duvall 1,140 2,650 J 840 1,600 4 Enumclaw 1,425 3,250 4 735 1,790 4 Hunts Point 1 1 4 - - d Lake Forest Park 475 675 ' 4 210 380 4 Medina 19 40 3 - - 4 Milton 50 90 420 4 160 2,470 4 Newcastle 1,200 1,500 I/ 735 870 Normandy Park 120 275 4 65 170 4 North Bend 665 1,600 4 1,050 7,760 4 Pacific 285 135 560 11 370 350 - Skykomish 10 35 41 - - Snoqualmie 1,615 3,480 4 1,050 900 Yarrow Point 14 35 11 - - Total 10,922 23,241 8,168 26,470 Urban Unincorporated Total 12,470 20,190 4 9,060 9,200 4 I King County UGA Total 233,077 288,451 428,068 527,235 The base year for these Targets is 2006.As cities annex territory,PAA targets Key: Sufficient capacity 4 'capacity in 2007 BLR shift into Targets column. meets target Adjustments to Burien,Kent&Kirkland targets have been made to account for Slight shortfall - less than 10%short 2010 and 2011 annexations. of target King County Growth Targets Committee,Growth Management Pbnnng Councl,August Substantial shortfall-more than 10%short 2009.Adjusted June2011 of target July 23, 2014 King County Buildable Lands Report 2014 Page 13 a S 0 C • • � ✓ . , ••y k , • • � Draft SEIS Open Houses We need your input! PSRC will be seeking comments in March 2019 on the Draft Supplemental Environment Impact Statement (SETS) for VISION 2050, the region's long-range plan to keep the central Puget Sound region healthy and vibrant as it grows. The SEIS reviews the environmental effects of three regional growth alternatives that distribute growth in unique patterns throughout the region. Drop in to an open house to learn more about the alternatives and join the regional conversation: Tuesday, March 12 / 4-6PM / Edmonds City Hall 121 5'h Avenue N, Edmonds, 98020 Wednesday, March 13 / 4-6PM / South Tacoma Public Library As the region prepares 3411 S 56'h Street, Tacoma, 98409 to add more people and Monday, March 18 / 4-6PM / Bothell Police Community Room more jobs in the coming 18410 1015'Avenue NE, Bothell, 98011 decades — about 1.8 Tuesday, March 19 / 4-6PM / Bremerton City Council Chambers million more people by 345 6'h Sreet, #600, Bremerton, 98377 2050 —VISION 2050 Thursday, March 21 / 12-2PM/ PSRC Boardroom 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, 98104 will provide a guide for sustaining a healthy Can't attend an open house in person? Participate online environment, thriving at https://www.psrc.oro/. communities, and a For more information, please email VISI0N2050@psrc.org, strong economy. call 206-464-7090, or visit https://www.psrc.ora/vision. I -' Puget Sound Regional Council 1011 Western Avenue,Suite 500 * Seattle,WA 98104-1035 . 206-464-7090 psrc.org • January 2019 Renton VISION MISSION The City of Renton, in partnership and communication with residents, businesses, and schools, is dedicated to: Renton:The center of opportunity in Providing a safe, healthy, welcoming atmosphere where people choose to live the Puget Sound Promoting economic vitality and strategically positioning Renton for the future Region where Supporting planned growth and influencing decisions that impact the city families and businesses thrive Building an inclusive informed city with opportunities for all Meeting service demands through high quality customer service, innovation, a positive work environment, and a commitment to excellence 2019-2024 GOALS ff ,4\„.v , i 0 .t - w- , I tr itz *_..., a: i _ _ _1.! -- _ --, 1 lillf • A Provide a safe, Promote economic Support planned Building an inclusive Meet service demands healthy,vibrant vitality and strategically growth and influence informed city with and provide high community position Renton for decisions that impact opportunities for all quality customer • Promote safety,health, the future the city service Y • Improve access to city and security through • Promote Renton as the • Foster development services,programs and ■ Plan,develop,and effective communication progressive,opportunity- of vibrant,sustainable, employment,and make maintain quality services, and service delivery rich city in the Puget attractive,mixed-use residents and businesses infrastructure,and • Facilitate successful Sound region neighborhoods in urban aware of opportunities amenities neighborhoods through • Capitalize on centers to be involved with their • Prioritize services at community involvement opportunities through • Uphold a high standard community levels that can be sustained • Encourage and partner bold and creative of design and property ■ Build connections with by revenue in the development of economic development maintenance ALL communities that strategies reflect the breadth and • Retain a skilled quality housing choices ■ Advocate Renton's workforce by making for people of all ages and richness of the diversity p P 9 ■ Recruit and retain interests through state and in our cit Renton the municipal income levels businesses to ensure federal lobbying efforts, y employer of choice • Promote a walkable, a dynamic,diversified regional partnerships and ■ Promote understanding pedestrian and bicycle- employment base other organizations and appreciation of ■ Develop and maintain our diversit throu h collaborative partnerships friendly city with complete ■ Nurture ■ Pursue transportation y g and investment strategies celebrations and festivals streets,trails,and entrepreneurship and other regional that improve services connections between and foster successful improvements and services • Provide critical and neighborhoods and relevant information on a • Respond to growing g partnerships with that improve quality of life community focal points businesses and timely basis and facilitate service demands through • Balance development partnerships,innovation, • Provide opportunities community leaders with environmental two-way dialogue between and outcome management city government and the for communities to be g ■ Leverage public/ protection community better prepared for private resources to emergencies focus development on economic centers • RENTON. AHEAD OF THE CURVE.