HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Topgolf_Renton_Phase_I_ESA_Recomendations_Letter_190429_v1Project Number: 0581204 April 20, 2018 www.intertek.com/building Professional Service Industries, Inc. 6032 N. Cutter Circle | Suite 480 | Portland, OR 97217 Phone: (503) 289-1778 Fax: (503) 289-1918 Top Golf USA, Inc. 8750 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75231 Attention: Tanner Micheli | Director of Real Estate Development tanner.micheli@topgolf.com SUBJECT: Recommendations Opinion | Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Proposed Topgolf Renton, WA SEC Logan Avenue AND 8th Street | Renton, WA Dear Mr. Micheli: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the referenced property. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Park Avenue North and North 8th Street, extending west to Logan Avenue North. The site address is 745 Park Avenue North, Renton, WA 98057. The site is also defined by the King County Assessor as Parcel Number 088661-0010. Currently, the subject property is a 13.71 acre parcel of undeveloped land with heavily deteriorated paved parking areas. No hazardous materials were observed during the site reconnaissance. FINDINGS The subject property was undeveloped wetlands from at least 1897 to the mid 1940s when Boeing developed the site and surrounding area into an aircraft development and manufacturing facility. Historical documentation reviewed by PSI indicates that the former subject property buildings, known as the "10-80 Buildings", were used as storage areas, offices, and photograph development labs. Four ASTs and a UST containing diesel fuel were located on the western portion of the subject property. The UST was decommissioned in 1987. All buildings and ASTs were removed from the subject property by 2011. PSI reviewed Phase I ESA and Phase II ESA reports for assessments previously performed at the property by Golder. Golder conducted soil, groundwater, and soil vapor sampling activities to define potential impacts to the site from RECs previously identified in their March 2005 Phase I ESA. Findings of the Phase II ESA were as follows: • A regulatory exceedance of vinyl chloride in groundwater ranging from 0.9 μg/L to 3.2 μg/L was present in five sampling locations on the northwest portion of the subject property. The Department of Ecology cleanup level for vinyl chloride is 0.2 μg/L. Additionally, a regulatory exceedence of benzene and trichloroethene was detected at one sample location. • A regulatory exceedance of arsenic in soil ranging from 5 mg/kg to 21 mg/kg was present at the subject property. The current, most stringent regulatory cleanup level for arsenic in soil is 0.667 mg/kg Project Number: 0581204 Recommendations Opinion | Proposed TopGolf, Renton, WA April 20, 2018 Page 2 www.intertek.com/building • The soil vapor investigation indicated a regulatory exceedance of VOCs (1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3- butadiene, benzene, chloroform, and vinyl chloride) was present at the northwest portion of the subject property. More recent groundwater sampling indicates that concentrations of vinyl chloride in groundwater are now below analytical detection limits. PSI understands that the client has requested an opinion regarding the projected impact of these findings on proposed construction activities, and the potential for liability associated with the property purchase. CONCLUSIONS Projected Impact of Findings on Proposed Construction Activities • According to the 2001 Remedial Investigation Report performed on the Boeing Renton Plant by Roy F Weston, residual soil impact associated with the former diesel UST is reportedly present at the property. Soil impact, if present, could require disposal as special waste. • Based on the shallow depth to groundwater (3-10 feet bgs), dewatering is likely to be required during installation of the targets on the subject property. Dewatering activities may result in the need to handle and dispose of contaminated groundwater, resulting in excess costs. PSI Recommendations • Although PSI has not identified any current RECs for the property, PSI recommends that Topgolf consider performing soil gas assessment in the area of the future building footprint, and potentially limited soil and groundwater sampling to confirm prior findings and verify the absence of groundwater impact as a result of the upgradient PACCAR contamination site. Depending upon the findings of the additional assessment recommended above, PSI recommends the following: • PSI recommends development of a soil and groundwater handling plan that defines how materials will be handled and the actions to take in the event previously unidentified pockets of contaminated soil are encountered. • PSI recommends a risk based assessment of soil and groundwater be performed to evaluate the potential risks to construction workers and building occupants. • PSI recommends that once sampling is completed and contaminants are delineated, that a Health and Safety Plan (HASP) be prepared prior to commencement of construction at the facility. WARRANTY The information provided herein was prepared in general accordance with the Master Services Agreement between PSI and Topgolf and is intended exclusively for Topgolf as the information pertains to the subject property. The professional services provided have been performed in accordance with practices generally Project Number: 0581204 Recommendations Opinion | Proposed TopGolf, Renton, WA April 20, 2018 Page 3 www.intertek.com/building accepted by other appropriate environmental professionals, geologists, engineers, and environmental scientists practicing in this field. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. PSI is not an insurer and makes no guarantee or warranty that the services supplied will avert or mitigate occurrences, or the consequences of occurrences, that the services are designed to prevent or ameliorate. The opinion or conclusions provided are based on the review of provided data or collected data, there is no guarantee that the work conducted has identified any and all sources or locations of petroleum hydrocarbons or hazardous substances or chemicals in the soil and/or groundwater. This Summary Opinion Report is issued with the understanding that the Client is responsible for ensuring that the information contained in this report is brought to the attention of the appropriate parties. CLOSING Please call with any questions you may have, or if PSI can be of additional service. We look forward to working with you on this and future projects. Respectfully Submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. Shawn Daviou Elizabeth Noakes Environmental Scientist Principal Consultant