HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_ CUP_Submittal_Requirements_190423_LDC_v1.pdf VERIZON SEA BLOOM 4/22/19 Submittal Requirement - Conditional Use Permit Project Narrative # 1 Pre Application Meeting Notes attached # 2 Waiver Form Attached # 3 Master Application Form Attached # 4 Fees To be paid by Credit Card # 5 Project Narrative Response #1 Verizon is submitting the attached Master Use Application for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) regarding a proposed Verizon Wireless Communications Facility (WCF) at 2701 East Valley Road on property owned by 2701 East Valley, LLC. The Verizon proposal includes the construction of an unmanned telecommunications facility consisting of a 59.9’ monopole within a 35’-7”x 5’-7” fenced lease area. Additional tower equipment includes (8) panel antennas, (1) microwave antenna, (8) RRUs and (2) OVP. In addition, Verizon proposes equipment cabinets to be located on top of a concrete pad, inside a secure fenced lease area at the South East end of the property. In addition, 2 Hybrid cables are proposed in conduits to run from the cabinets to the monopole, and includes power running in conduits from the building to the cabinets. The proposed antennas will be painted to match, in order to blend in with the surrounding area. The proposed equipment cabinets and a backup power generator will be fully screened inside a secure fenced lease area. The tower will be located within a CMU enclosure, located at the side of the property approximately 25’ to the East of the existing building. The existing CMU enclosure is screened from view behind the existing landscaping buffer along the public R/W of East Valley Road. The proposed equipment area is screened from view by CMU enclosure. Finally, Fiber will need to be trenched from the equipment location to the tower within the parking area. Response #2- Per Pre-Application meeting and scoping with City of Renton staff held on 9/28/18. Response # 3- The subject property is zoned Industrial Medium (IM) • The properties to the North, East, South, and West are all zoned Industrial. Response #4- The use of the subject property is a manufacturer of flashing materials for building construction. The proposed use is compatible with the industrial-commercial uses at the property. Response #5- There are no identified special site features in the Industrial Medium zoned property. RECEIVED 05/08/2019 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION Response #6 The site is flat, used mostly for the building footprint and parking; and is not subject to drainage issues as an established business in the built environment of an industrial zone. Response #7 The site is not subject to plat, subdivision, or lot adjustment of record. Response #8 The project does not include or require any off-site improvements or change to public improvements on the property or adjacent properties. Response #9 The current Project valuation is estimated at $ 82,000.00. Response # 10 The project is located in a vacant parking lot area at a refuse area which was outgrown for the intended purpose. Cables will need to be trenched from the exterior South Side of the existing building to the equipment cabinets and then to monopole. Response # 11 No trees will be removed or affected. Response # 12 No lands are proposed or required to be dedicated to the City. Response # 13 No proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and or model homes are proposed or required. Response # 14 Verizon proposal is consistent with the City codes for wireless facilities. The project complies with Federal, State and local ordinances. A NIER report is provided from a 3rd Professional Engineer. Responses # 15 & 16 The site is not within 100’ of stream or wetland or within 200’ of Cedar River. # 6 Environmental Checklist SEPA Exempt # 7 CUP Justification Attached # 8 Density Worksheet Waived # 9 Construction Mitigation Description Response # 1 Forecast for proposed construction is August/September 2019. Response # 2 Verizon proposed work days of Mon-Friday; work hours 7am – 5pm. Response # 3 Verizon proses ingress and egress to site from East Valley Road. If excavation of material is required, a haul to East Valley Road and the I-405 will be used for any asphalt removal for fiber trenching and any spoils to an approved recycle and/or fill site. Response # 4 Best Construction Practices to be used. Response # 5 The need for a Traffic Control Plan is not anticipated. Response #6 A small crane will be needed for construction monopole, and will occur on private property. The selected contractor will contact the City’s Airport Manager as required by the City. # 10 Title Report Attached # 11 Draft Legal Documents N/A # 12 Neighborhood Detail Map See Plans # 13 Affidavit of Sign Posting To be provided # 14 Site Plan See Plans # 15 Architectural Elevations See Plans # 16 Landscape Plan N/A # 17 Floor Plans N/A # 18 Topography Map See survey in plans and 1A attached # 19 Tree Retention Plan N/A No Trees or vegetation to be removed. Any landscaping affected by the trenching for fiber to be replanted or replace at like or better plantings. # 20 Tree Retention Worksheet N/A # 21 Arborist Report N/A # 22 – 27 Waived # 28 Letter – Geologic Risk N/A # 29 – 34 Waived Please see cover letter and attachments for Wireless materials. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submittal Requirement - Conditional Use Permit Conditional Use Permit Justification • Consistency with Plans and Regulations: The proposal for a monopole I WCF in the IM zone is allowed under review and approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use per RMC 4-2 060 Zoning Code Tables – Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations. The zoning for and proposed use are conforming to the Comprehensive Plan for the IM zone. • Appropriate Location: The use of an industrial medium zone and commercial structure for siting of a wireless facility are contemplated in RMC 4-2130A. The proposal exceeds the base height of the zone by 10’ however, it stays below the 60’ maximum per RCM4-3-020. The proposed design for the monopole and equipment behind CMU walls shall adhere to the code standards. • Effect on Adjacent Properties: The project is proposed within an Industrial Warehouse property which is an Industrial Medium zone with uses that experience high traffic including patrons and vendors/suppliers that mostly travel through the area in vehicles on major arterials that intersect the area. Adequate wireless service is an essential component for business and personal communication at and through the area. • Compatibility: The proposed WCF is compatible with the surrounding structures and uses. The proposed antennas will be constructed with materials and colors that are meant to blend in with surroundings. • Parking: There is adequate parking, at the property location, and in the general area. The proposal will not reduce or displace any existing parking after the construction phase of the project. There is adequate parking for Verizon Technicians regarding routine and periodic maintenance calls. Once the facility is operational, there are 1-2 trips to the facility expected per month by Verizon employees or contractors. • Traffic: The construction phase of the project will require staging of equipment and materials for crane lifts, excavation equipment for trenching and possible site prep, and concrete truck for slab construction, on a short term basis during daylight hours. The Verizon contractor may be able to work off peak hours/days to mitigate potential traffic impacts. • Noise, Light, & Glare: There will be some noise during daylight and normal work hours during the construction phase of the project on a short term basis for 5 -10 work days. The telecommunication facility is constructed of non-glare materials painted with neutral colors and to the minimum area required to conceal the facility. The monopole is proposed behind an existing CMU wall enclosure and the equipment cabinets will be secured within a fenced lease area using chain link gates and fencing. The facility will meet City Noise Ordinances. • Landscaping: Landscaping is not proposed due to the current landscaping at the site. The project is not visible as the ground equipment and tower base is proposed within an existing CMU wall enclosure and the enclosure is further screened by a landscape buffer along South property line. SPECIAL DECISION CRITERIA FOR WIRELESS FACILITIES • The proposed height of the tower at 59’ 11” is the minimum height required to provide adequate coverage to the coverage area (see RF Propagation maps) per the RF Justification Report provided by the assigned Verizon Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer. • The subject property is located at the SW corner of the Intersection of SW 27th Street and East Valley Road. There are a number of manufacturing and shipping warehouses to the West and South of the site, and Shipping and other warehouse uses to the North of the site across SW 27th Street. There are Mixed Commercial Use/Professional Office type businesses to the NE, a Lumber Yard to East, and a property underdevelopment to the SE, across East Valley Road from the Site. The area is a high volume Industrial Manufacturing/Warehouse area with associated Shipping/Transportation uses predominate, with more commercial arterial uses along East Valley Road. • There are no residential uses on residential zoned properties in the general area. • There are spotted areas of wetlands and mature trees in the general area West of East Valley Road with some areas that appear to be in conservation status however the site is bounded by a Railroad spur and other warehouses to the West, SW 27th Street to the North, East Valley Road to the East, and other Warehouses to the South of the site. The site is flat. There is a City of Renton Water Easement along the West and South property lines on the property. • Access to the site for Verizon Ingress and Egress will be from East Valley Road directly to the proposed WCF. • The existing Industrial Uses at the site and adjacent uses (including Shipping and Warehousing ) produce Noise and other impacts for swing shifts at adjacent sites. The proposal will not produce noise except an Emergency backup power generator is proposed but will only be in operation when the power grid is off-line. The pole can be painted to be keeping in with the surrounding natural features of the area. The equipment will be of non-reflective materials on the tower and the proposed ground equipment is on the South side of the building therefore not visible from the Public R/W. • The proposed height of the tower is needed to avoid signal blockage by nearby buildings and other structures as well as mature trees in the area for RF Line of Sight (LOS) required for adequate RF service. There are no exiting towers isn the area and several other sites were considered for rooftop type facilities including the building on the subject property however are not of adequate height or were deemed not viable for other reasons.