HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2019-04 SKHHP Rules of Procedure Attachment A SOUTH KING HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS PARTNERS RULES OF PROCEDURE ADOPTED , 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION SUBJECT PAGE I. AUTHORITY....................................................3 II. MEETINGS...................................................3-4 III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS .............................4 IV. CHAIR..........................................................4-5 V. QUORUM ........................................................5 VI. VOTING .......................................................5-6 VI I. RULES OF ORDER ........................................6 VIII. AMENDMENT .................................................6 RULES OF PROCEDURE Draft 05.10.19 Page 2 of 6 I. AUTHORITY: The authority to adopt and amend Bylaws governing the procedures and operations of the South King Housing and Homelessness Partners ("SKHHP") is derived from the Interlocal Agreement providing for the formation of SKHHP ("ILA") executed by the Parties. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in these Rules, these Rules apply to both the Executive Board and the Advisory Board provided for in the ILA. II. MEETINGS: 1. Regular meetings shall be held at the time(s) and place(s) established by the Executive Board. The time and location of a meeting may be changed with at least 24 hours' notice. 2 If the scheduled meeting date is a legal holiday, the regular meeting shall be held on the next business day. 3. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair. Special meetings of the Board may also be called by any 3 members of the Board. A minimum notice of 24 hours shall be provided for special meetings in accordance with State law. 4. If no matters over which the Board has jurisdiction are pending upon its calendar, a meeting may be canceled at the notice of the Program Manager or Chair provided at least 24 hours in advance. 5. Except as modified by these rules of procedure, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, most current version, shall govern the conduct of the meetings. 6. Meetings of the Board shall be conducted in conformity with the requirements of the Washington State Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 42.30 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Executive sessions can only be held in accordance with the provisions of Section 42.30.110 RCW. 7. The Board may conduct business in closed session as allowed in conformity with Section 42.30.140 RCW. 8. An agenda shall be prepared in advance of every regular and special meeting of the Board. Meeting agendas and materials on items on an agenda for a regular meeting shall be provided to members of the Board not less than five working (5) days in advance of the regular meeting. Meeting agendas and materials on items on an agenda for a special meeting shall be provided to members of the Board as promptly in advance RULES OF PROCEDURE Draft 05.10.19 Page 3 of 6 of the meeting as can reasonably be accomplished. Materials to be included in an agenda packet must be provided to the Administering Agency not less than 8 working days before the scheduled meeting. 9. For purposes of providing adequate and broad public notification of meeting details, discussion topics, and decisions of the Board, the Administering Agency will include representatives of each member of the SKHHP partnership in its public notice distribution list. Each SKHHP member will utilize local methods of posting and distributing materials within its community. III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: 1. The officers of the Board shall consist of a Chair and Vice Chair elected from the appointed members of the Board and such other officers as the Board may, by the majority vote, approve and appoint. 2. The election of officers shall take place once each year at the Board's first regular meeting of each calendar year, or as soon thereafter as possible. The term of office of each officer shall run until the subsequent election. Officers may hold over in their positions until a successor is appointed. 3. If the Chair or Vice-Chair vacates their position mid-term, the Board will re- elect officers at their next scheduled meeting and as their first order of business. If it is the Chair position that has been vacated, the Vice-Chair will administer the election proceedings. IV. CHAIR: 1. The Chair shall preside over the meetings of the Board and may exercise all the powers usually incident of the office. The Chair is a member of the Board and has the full right to have their own vote recorded in all deliberations of the Board. Unless stated otherwise, the Chair's vote shall be considered to be affirmative for the motion. 2. The Chair shall have power to create temporary committees of one or more members. Standing committees of the Board shall be created at the direction of the Board and appointed by the Chair. Standing or temporary committees may be charged with such duties, examinations, investigations and inquiries relative to one or more subjects of interest to the Board. No standing or temporary committee shall have the power to commit the Board to the endorsement of any plan or program without the approval at the regular or special meeting of the Board. 3. The Vice Chair shall in the absence of the Chair, perform all the duties incumbent upon the Chair. RULES OF PROCEDURE Draft 05.10.19 Page 4 of 6 4. In the event of the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, the senior member of the Board present shall act as Chair for that meeting or may delegate the responsibility to another member. V. QUORUM: A simple majority of the appointed members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. if at any time during the meeting, a quorum is no longer present, the meeting may only continue for the time and duration necessary to fix a time for adjournment, adjourn, recess or take measures to obtain a quorum. Members may participate by phone or video conferencing for all purposes, including voting and establishing a quorum. VI. VOTING: 1. A simple majority of the membership is required to approve any action, except that a 2/3ds majority is required to appoint the Administrative Agency, add a new Party to the ILA, or to modify the contribution methodology for dues and assessments. Any member, including the Chair, not voting or not voting in an audible voice shall be recorded as voting in favor of the motion. 2. The Chair, or on request from a Board member, may take a roll call vote. 3. It is the responsibility of each member of the Board to vote when requested on a matter before the full Board. However, a member may abstain from discussion and voting on a question because of a stated conflict of interest. 4. If any member of the Board wishes to abstain, or has disclosed a conflict of interest and must abstain from a vote on the motion, that member shall so advise the Chair and, if there is no objection to the abstention, shall physically remove and absent themselves from the meeting, all deliberations, and considerations of the motion, and shall have no further participation in the matter. 5. If the intended abstention can be anticipated in advance, the for that purpose before proceeding further. 6. If a tie vote exists, after recording the Chair's vote, the motion fails. However, a motion for denial that fails on a tie vote shall not be considered an approval. 7. The ILA offers flexibility in the method used for the Executive Board to take action. At a minimum, in order to ensure an efficient, clear and organized record of Executive Board decision making, the following types of actions shall be taken under Resolution: RULES OF PROCEDURE Draft 05.10.19 Page 5 of 6 a. Annual budget b. Annual work plan c. Adoption and amendments to Rules of Procedure d. Establishment of the frequency, day and time of the Executive Board's meeting schedule in order to ensure meetings are categorized as a general meeting e. Amendments to the Interlocal Agreement f. Determination of Administering Agency and host city locations g. Adding new member jurisdictions VI. RULES OF ORDER. All meetings of the Executive Board shall be conducted in accordance with the latest edition or revision of Robert's Rules of Order. VII. AMENDMENT: The Rules of Procedure may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board by a majority vote of the entire membership. The proposed amendment should be presented in writing at a preceding regular meeting. RULES OF PROCEDURE Draft 05.10.19 Page 6 of 6