HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, May 20, 2019 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) National Public Works Week - May 19 - 25, 2019 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) 2020 - 2025 Medic One/EMS Levy 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting. • Each speaker is allowed five minutes. • When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: Pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of May 13, 2019. Council Concur b) AB - 2386 City Clerk submits a 60% Direct Petition to Annex for the proposed Bill annexation, and recommends a public hearing to consider the annexation of the area be set for June 3, 2019; 7.5-acres located at the eastern portion of the City limits. It is bordered by parcel lines to the north, Toledo Avenue SE to the east, a parcel line in proximity of SE 139th Place (if extended), and a 152nd Ave SE to the west. The boundaries to the north and east are coterminous with existing City limits. Council Concur; Set Public Hearing on 6/3/2019 c) AB - 2388 Human Resources / Risk Management Department recommends adoption of an ordinance amending Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 2-4-3, 2-4-4, and 2-4-6, regarding Civil Service regulations. Refer to Public Safety Committee d) AB - 2387 Public Works Administration requests authorization to purchase five vehicles, estimated at $116,517, using state bid contracts. The funding was included in the 2019 Carry Forward and First Quarter budget amendment ordinance. Council Concur 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers, Utility Leak Adjustment - Gamble, Community Services Department Fee Waivers Request, Willowcrest Townhomes Grant Award, Fresh Bucks Agreement Amendment (CAG-16-129), TIB Complete Streets Grant b) Utilities Committee: Local Hazardous Waste Management Program (LHWMP) Projects Agreement, Waste Reduction & Recycling Grant Agreement, Park Ave Water Line Extension Cost Sharing Agreement 9. LEGISLATION 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 5:30 p.m. - 7th Floor - Conferencing Center Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings 0DenisLawMayorProctamatbnfrtlfiereas,publicworksprofessionalslocusoninfrastructureandservicesthatareofvitalimportancetoasustainableandresilientcommunityandtothepublichealth,highqualityoflife,andwell-beingofthepeopleofRenton;andWfiereas,suchinfrastructureandservicescouldnotbeprovidedwithoutthededicatedeffortsofpublicworksprofessionalswhoareresponsibleforbuilding,maintaining,improving,andprotectingourcity’smobilitynetwork,pipedutilities,solidwastesystems,andotheressentialpublicworkssystems;and‘14)ñereas,itisinthepublicinterestfortheresidents,leaders,andchildrenofRentontogainknowledgeofandtomaintainaprogressiveinterestandunderstandingoftheimportanceofpublicworksandpublicworksprogramsinourcommunity;andWfiereas,2019marksthe59thannualNationalPublicWorksWeek,“ItStartsHere,”sponsoredbytheAmericanPublicWorksAssociation;and‘frllñereas,thankstotheseprofessionals,ourstreets,roads,bridges,andpublictransportationkeepuslinkedtogether,andourcleanwaterandsanitationserviceskeepushealthyandallowourcommunitytogrowandprosper;fAlow,tfierefore,I,DenisLaw,MayoroftheCityofRenton,doherebyproclaimMay19-25,2019,tobeWationatPubCicWork,sWeekintheCityofRenton,andIencourageallresidentstorecognizethecontributionspublicworksprofessionalsmakeeverydaytoourhealth,safety,comfortandqualityoflife.InwitnesswfiereqfIhavehereuntosetmyhandandcausedthesealoftheCityofRentontobeaffixedthis20thdayofMay2019.CkfDenisLaw,MayorCityofRenton,WashingtonRentonCityHaIl,7thFloor1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.govAGENDA ITEM #3. a) Update on the 2020‐2025 Medic One/EMS Strategic Plan andLevy ReauthorizationOverviewShoreline City Council BriefingMay 13, 2019AGENDA ITEM #4. a) TieredEMS SystemAGENDA ITEM #4. a) PopulationSquare MilesNumber of EMS responsesAverage medicresponse time2.1 million2,134211,5517.756%Cardiac arrest survival rate*EMS 2018 Annual ReportAGENDA ITEM #4. a) RegionalEMS SystemAGENDA ITEM #4. a) The Medic One/EMS SystemAGENDA ITEM #4. a) The Medic One/EMS SystemInsert Dispatch MapAGENDA ITEM #4. a) The Medic One/EMS SystemAGENDA ITEM #4. a) The Medic One/EMS SystemAGENDA ITEM #4. a) The Medic One/EMS SystemAGENDA ITEM #4. a) The Medic One/EMS SystemAGENDA ITEM #4. a) Guiding Principles of our EMS SystemEMS system remains committed to medical model.Remains a regional, tiered system that is rooted in partnerships.Remains committed to finding cost efficiencies and system effectiveness.Remains supported by a levy to ensure financial security.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) 2020‐2025 Levy Planning Process Current 6‐year Medic One/EMS levy expires December 31, 2019.Need to develop Strategic Plan and financing plan (levy) for King County voters to renew in 2019.EMS Advisory Task Force:  governing body for this process.Priority:  Ensure integrity of our regional, tiered EMS system.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Recommendations Endorsed by the Task ForcePresented to the Task Force at its 9/18/18 meetingAGENDA ITEM #4. a) ALS ProgramRecommendations•CONTINUE USING the unit allocation to fully fund Advanced Life Support (ALS).•INCLUDE A “PLACE HOLDER”for adding a potential future unit.•EXPLORE OPTIONS to address paramedic workforce needs and other efficiencies.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) •CONTINUE  the Basic life Support (BLS) allocation;  STREAMLINEthe BLS funding sources and DISTRIBUTE it using agencies’ current AV and service levels.•COMMIT$4 million a year to exploring a Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) model; DISTRIBUTEto all agencies.•ESTABLISHguidelines for MIH to create consistency around data collection, measures and program reporting.BLS ProgramRecommendations AGENDA ITEM #4. a) •CONTINUEdelivering programs that provide essential support to the system.•MAINTAINregional focus on creating additional efficiencies and system effectiveness to improve patient care and outcomes.•SUPPORT Strategic Initiatives that leverage previous regional investments to improve patient care and outcomes.Regional Services ProgramsRecommendations AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Finance RecommendationsMAINTAINfinancial policies that provide stability to the system:Meet King County “Rainy  Day fund” policy.Incorporate sufficient reserves to mitigate unforeseen financial risk.Support an EMS levy length that ensures sufficient funding.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) EXPENDITURES & REVENUES(in millions)Aug. 2018@ .27 centsMar. 2019 @ .27 centsMar. 2019 @ .265centsTotalExpenditures $1,073.9 $1,073.9 $1,073.9Reserves (Expenditure & Rainy Day) $41.6 $41.6 $41.6TOTAL EXPENDITURES  & RESERVES  $1,115.5 $1,115.5 $1,115.52020‐2025 Property Tax Forecast $1,094.7 $1,117.4 $1,096.72020‐2025 Other Revenues (KC) $8.6 $8.7 $8.0Carryforward Reserves from 2014‐2019 $20.0 $20.0 $20.0TOTAL REVENUES $1,123.3 $        1,146.1 $1,124.7Funds availableto supplement reserves$7.8 $30.6 $9.2Financial Plan –Summary of Seattle & King County2020‐2025 EMS Levy:  Financial ProposalAGENDA ITEM #4. a) Based on OEFA March 2019  Forecast(in millions  ‐‐26.5 cent levy rate)REVENUES:Seattle KC EMS TotalProperty Taxes $452.1 $644.6 $1,096.7Other Revenue (KC EMS Fund) $8.0 $8.0TOTAL REVENUE  $452.1 $652.6 $1,104.7EXPENDITURES:Advanced Life Support (ALS) $149.1 $370.1 $519.2Basic Life Support (BLS) $302.2 $140.6 $442.8Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) $26.3 $26.3Regional Services (RS) $78.9 $78.9Strategic Initiatives (SI) $6.7 $6.7TOTAL EXPENDITURES $451.3 $622.6 $1,073.9ALS Reserves $13.8 $13.8Required Rainy Day Reserves (90‐days) 27.8 27.8TOTAL WITH RESERVES $451.3 $664.2 $1,115.5Financial Plan ‐Seattle & King County2020‐2025 EMS Levy:  Financial ProposalAGENDA ITEM #4. a) Financial Plan –King County, excluding SeattleProgram Comparison:  Status Quo and Proposed(difference  of $74 millionTOTAL or $12 million a year)$0$100$200$300$400$500$600$700PSQ ProposedAmount in millionsALSBLSMIH/CMTRS/SI61%*23%14%60%*22%4%2%14%*ALS includes ALS ReservesAGENDA ITEM #4. a) What are the changes?2020‐2025 EMS Levy: Distribution of Programmatic Increases for King County, excluding SeattleALS (including ALS Reserves)50%BLS9%Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH)23%Regional Services4%Strategic Initiatives3%Reserves*11%* Rainy Day Reserves ONLY; ALS Reserves shown as part of ALSAGENDA ITEM #4. a) EndorsedRecommendationsIN SUMMARY, THE PROPOSAL:Ensures our programmatic and financial needs are met.Includes sufficient reserves to protect the system from unforeseen financial risks.Incorporates sound financial policies that provide additional protection and flexibility.Continues the practice of prudent use of funds.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) EndorsedRecommendationsPROPOSAL SUPPORTS:6‐year levy 26.5 cents per $1,000 assessed valueTotal financial plan: $1.115  billion2019 ballot timing –November 2019Annual cost to a homeowner:         $135$132.5Based on $500,000 home priceAGENDA ITEM #4. a) Next StepsCity and County Approval of EMS LevyRCW:  Levy proposal must be approved by cities with over 50,000 in population, and the King County Council to be placed on the ballotRecent RCW change = 75% of those cities must approve (formerly 100%)Approval by 11 citiesApproval by King County CouncilAGENDA ITEM #4. a) Questions?AGENDA ITEM #4. a) May 13, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CITY OF RENTON MINUTES - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, May 13, 2019 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Don Persson, Council President Randy Corman Ryan McIrvin Ruth Pérez Armondo Pavone Ed Prince Councilmembers Absent: Carol Ann Witschi MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER CAROL ANN WITSCHI. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Robert Harrison, Chief Administrative Officer Leslie Clark, Senior Assistant City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Commander Jeff Eddy, Police Department PROCLAMATION a) Do Something Good for your Neighbor Day: A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring May 16, 2019 to be Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day in the City of Renton, encouraging all members of the community to join in this special observation. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) May 13, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. b) Affordable Housing Week: A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring May 13 - 17, 2019 to be Affordable Housing Week in the City of Renton, encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Robert Harrison reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2019 and beyond. Items noted were:  Come meet Renton Police Officers at Coffee with a Cop. The mission is to break down barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve by removing agendas and allowing opportunities to ask questions, voice concerns, and get to know the officers in your neighborhood. The next Coffee with a Cop will take place on Saturday, May 18 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Everest Tea & Coffee House, 200 SW 43rd Street in Renton.  Visit the Renton Senior Activity Center for Newcomers Hour on May 17 at 10 a.m. Meet in the lobby for a free tour where you will meet the staff and learn about the programs and activities available. Visit the City website for more information. The Renton Senior Activity Center is located at 211 Burnett Avenue North. AUDIENCE COMMENTS  Robert Steele, Renton, spoke in opposition to King County issuing a permit for an expansion of an asphalt plant located along the Cedar River. He urged Council and the Administration to send a letter to King County opposing the permit. He also provided two hand-outs regarding the project. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. At the request of Councilmember Pérez, Item 6.e. was removed for separate consideration. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of May 6, 2019. Council Concur. b) AB - 2385 Mayor Law reappointed the following individuals to the Renton Airport Advisory Committee with terms expiring May 7, 2022: Mr. Shane Carlson, Airport-At-Large, primary position; Mr. James Young, Airport-At-Large, alternate position; Mr. Gordon Alvord, Airport Leaseholder, primary position; Ms. Marie Campbell, Airport Leaseholder, alternate position; Mr. Lee Chicoine, North Renton Neighborhood, primary position; Mr. Ben Johnson, North Renton Neighborhood, alternate position; and Mr. Harold Jones, Highlands Neighborhood, primary position. Council Concur. c) AB - 2382 Community & Economic Development Department recommended accepting $20,000 in grant funds from the 4Culture Sustained Support Program which will be used to raise awareness of art and culture in Renton, specifically targeting culturally or linguistically isolated segments of the community. Council Concur. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) May 13, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES d) AB - 2384 Public Works Administration requested authorization to purchase two pieces of equipment, totaling $272,205, utilizing the State bid contract 10212 and the Houston- Galveston Area Council purchasing contract. Council Concur. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, MINUS ITEM 6.E. CARRIED. SEPARATE CONSIDERATION - ITEM 6.E. e) AB - 2383 Utility Systems Division recommended executing Change Order No. 6 to CAG-17- 174, contractor Laser Underground & Earthworks, Inc., in the amount of $115,214.46, for roadway restoration of S 7th St. between Cedar Ave S and Renton Ave S with cement concrete pavement. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY PÉREZ, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.E. AS COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Planning & Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Mr. Sean Conway to the Benson Hill Community Plan Advisory Board with a term expiring 5/1/24. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL REFER EMAILS FROM THE NORTH RENTON NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION CRITICIZING THE CITY TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:16 P.M. Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder Monday, May 13, 2019 AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar May 13, 2019 May 20, 2019 Monday 2:30 PM Transportation Committee, Chair McIrvin – Council Conference Room 1. 20mph Speed Limit in Neighborhoods * 2. Emerging Issues in Transportation • TIP Schedule and Priorities Discussion 3:30 PM Utilities Committee, Chair Pérez – Council Conference Room 1. LHWMP Projects Agreement 2. Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Agreement 3. Park Ave Water Line Extension Cost Sharing 4. Emerging Issues in Utilities • Christelle Ridge Sewer Service Agreement 4:30 PM Finance Committee, Chair Pavone – Council Conference Room 1. Utility Leak Adjustment - Gamble 2. Community Services Department Fee Waivers Request 3. Willowcrest Townhomes Grant Award 4. Fresh Bucks Agreement Amendment 5. TIB Complete Streets Grant 6. Vouchers 7. Emerging Issues in Finance 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Persson – Conferencing Center ** 1. Airport Building Lease Proposals Discussion 2. Community Services Bond-funded Projects Update (Continued) 3. Boeing Apron R Update 4. Recreation & Neighborhoods Division Updates 5. Parks & Trails Division Updates *Topic Removed **Topic Added AGENDA ITEM #7. a) AB - 2386 City Council Regular Meeting - 20 May 2019 SUBJECT/TITLE: Proposed Annexation - Bill 60% Direct Petition to Annex RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur; Set Public Hearing on XX/XX/XXXX DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: At its January 14, 2019 public meeting, Council accepted the 10% Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation Proceedings petition and authorized the circulation of a 60% Direct Petition to Annex. On March 12, 2019, the petitioner submitted the 60% Direct Petition to Annex. That petition was certified as sufficient, with signatures of property owners representing at least 60% of the taxable value of the annexation area, by King County on April 8, 2019. Therefore, staff recommends a Public Hearing to consider the 60% Direct Petition to Annex for the proposed Bill Annexation be set for June 3, 2019. The proposed 7.5-acre Bill annexation is located at the eastern portion of the City limits. It is bordered by parcel lines to the north, Toledo Avenue SE to the east, a parcel line in proximity of SE 139th Place (if extended), and a 152nd Ave SE to the west. The boundaries to the north and east are coterminous with existing City limits. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. King County Certification Letter C. Vicinity Map STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Set June 3, 2019 as a Public Hearing to consider the 60% Direct Petition to Annex for the proposed Bill annexation. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 7, 2019 TO: Don Persson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Chip Vincent, Administrator x6588 STAFF CONTACT: Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manger x6576 SUBJECT: Bill Annexation - Acceptance of 60% Direct Petition to Annex ISSUES: Should the City Council accept the 60% Direct Petition to Annex from the Bill Annexation Area now that the petition has been certified by the King County Department of Assessments? If the City Council accepts the 60% Direct Petition, should the Administration be directed to forward the Notice of Intent package for this annexation to the Boundary Review Board? RECOMMENDATION: Council accept the 60% Direct Petition to Annex the approximately 8.6- acre Bill Annexation site; Council authorize the Administration to forward the Notice of Intent for the Bill Annexation to the Boundary Review Board for King County for their review. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: At its January 14, 2019 public meeting, Council accepted the 10% Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation petition and authorized the circulation of a 60% Direct Petition to Annex. City of Renton departments reviewed the annexation proposal and all staff reported that the annexation represents a logical extension of their respective services and systems. There were no issues identified that would impede the annexation. A more detailed discussion of this proposed annexation and review comments are contained in the Department’s January 7, 2019, Bill Annexation 10% Notice of Intent issue paper. On March 12, 2019, the petitioner submitted the 60% Direct Petition to Annex. That petition was certified as sufficient, with signatures of property owners representing at least 60% of the taxable value of the annexation area, by King County on April 8, 2019. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Don Persson, Council President Page 2 of 2 May 7, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Zoning: The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the annexation area is Residential Low Density (RLD). The area was prezoned Residential Four Dwelling Units per net Acre (R-4) as part of the East Renton Prezone Ordinance #5254. The R-4 zoning will become effective at the time of annexation. CONCLUSION: The proposed Bill Annexation has been certified as having sufficient signatures representing at least 60% of the area’s assessed value. It also has reasonable boundaries and appears to comply with Boundary Review Board objectives. Reviewing staff raised no objections to this annexation. The proposed Bill Annexation furthers the City’s Business Plan goals and is in the general welfare and interest of the City. The Administration recommends the Council accept the 60% Direct Petition and authorize staff to forward the Notice of Intent package to the Boundary Review Board for King County. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) KingCountyDepartmentofAssessmentsAccountingDivision500fourthAvenue,ADM-AS-0725Seattle,WA98104-2384(206)263-2308fAX(206)296-0106Email:assessor.infokingcounty.govhttp://www.kingcountv.ov/assessor/JohnWilsonAssessorANNEXATIONPETITIONCERTIFICATIONTHISISTOCERTIFYthatthepetitionsubmittedMarch12,2019,totheKingCountyDepartmentofAssessmentsbyAngieMathias,LongRangePlanningManagerfortheCityofRenton,supportingtheannexationtotheCityofRentonofthepropertiesdescribedastheBillAnnexation,hasbeenexamined,thepropertytaxpayers,taxparcelnumbers,andassessedvaluesofeachpropertylistedthereoncarefullycomparedwiththeKingCountytaxrollrecords,andasaresultofsuchexamination,foundtobesufficientundertheprovisionsoftheRevisedCodeofWashington,Section35A.01.040.TheDepartmentofAssessmentshasnotverifiedthatthesignaturesonthepetitionarevalidthroughcomparisonwithanyrecordofactualsignatures,northatthesignatureswereobtainedorsubmittedinanappropriatedtimeframeandthisdocumentdoesnotcertifysuchtobethecase.Datedthis8thdayofApril,2019AGENDA ITEM #7. b) QuincyA ve N E 147th Pl SESE145thPl 156th Ave SEOrcasAveNEYakima Ave NESE 3rd St SE 2nd Pl 152nd Ave SESE 2nd St SE 144th St148thPlSENE 1st St SE 142nd St SE 138th Pl 149th Pl SESE 7th StShadow Pl SE154thAveSERosarioPlSENE 1st Pl SE 8th St SE 143rd Pl Toledo Ave SESE 3rd Pl SE 2nd Ln NE 1s t Pl Rosario Ave SEYakimaAveSESE 142nd P l SE 144th Pl Yakima Pl SE151st Pl SE148th Pl SESE 4th Pl 147th Pl SESE 7th Pl SE 6th St SE 3rd Pl SE 5th Pl SE 3rd St NE 1st St 154thPlSESE 139th Pl SE2ndCt SE 143rd St150th Pl SECity of Renton Exhibit A Vicinity Bill Annexation Area Unincorporated King County Source: City of Renton, 2019 °0 225 450 Feet Annexation Boundary Parcels City Limits Unincorporated King County AGENDA ITEM #7. b) AB - 2388 City Council Regular Meeting - 20 May 2019 SUBJECT/TITLE: Ordinance amending Civil Service Commission regulations RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Public Safety Committee DEPARTMENT: Human Resources / Risk Management Department STAFF CONTACT: Ellen Bradley-Mak, Administrator EXT.: 7657 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: This ordinance removes the requirement from the Renton Municipal Code of inquiring as to the political party of Civil Service Commissioners. The formation of the Renton Regional Fire Authority necessitates the deletion of the reference to RCW 41.08. EXHIBITS: A. Draft Ordinance STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the ordinance amending Civil Service regulations. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS  2‐4‐3, 2‐4‐4, AND 2‐4‐6 OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, AMENDING CIVIL  SERVICE COMMISSION REGULATIONS, AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND  ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. All portions of the Renton Municipal Code in this ordinance not shown in  strikethrough and underline edits remain in effect and unchanged.  SECTION II. Sections 2‐4‐3, 2‐4‐4, and 2‐4‐6 of the Renton Municipal Code are  amended as follows:  CHAPTER 4  CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION  SECTION:  2‐4‐1:    Creation Of Civil Service Commission  2‐4‐2:    Authority  2‐4‐3:    Function  2‐4‐4:    Appointment And Members  2‐4‐5:    Terms; Vacancies  2‐4‐6:    Quorum And Voting    2‐4‐1 CREATION OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION:  There is hereby created the Police Civil Service Commission.   2‐4‐2 AUTHORITY:  The Police Civil Service Commission is established under the authority of  RCW 35A.11.020.  2‐4‐3 FUNCTION:  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  The Police Civil Service Commission shall have power to make such rules and  regulations as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of Chapters 41.08 and  41.12 RCW. The Commission shall also have the power to make rules and  regulations governing the Commission in the conduct of its meetings and any  other matter over which it has authority. Any police civil service rules and  regulations in effect as of the adoption of this Chapter are hereby confirmed as  the present police civil service rules and regulations.  2‐4‐4 APPOINTMENT AND MEMBERS:  The Civil Service Commission shall consist of five (5) members, who shall be  appointed by the Mayor. No person shall be appointed a member of such  Commission unless that person is a citizen of the United States, a resident of the  City for at least three (3) years immediately preceding such appointment, and is  an elector of the county wherein he or she resides. At the time of any  appointment, no more than two Commissioners shall be adherents of the same  political party.   2‐4‐5 TERMS; VACANCIES:  The term of office of such Commissioners shall be for six (6) years. The members  of the commission serving at the time of this Chapter shall serve the remaining  portions of their terms. Any member of such Commission may be removed from  office for incompetence, incompatibility or dereliction of duty, or malfeasance of  office, or other good cause; provided, however, that no member of the  Commission shall be removed until charges have been preferred, in writing, due  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  notice and a full hearing had before the remaining members of the Commission.  The members of such Commission shall devote due time and attention to the  performance of the duties hereinafter specified, and imposed upon them him/her.  Should any member of the Commission resign from office or be removed from  office, then the Mayor shall appoint a successor to that position for the remainder  of the unexpired term.   2‐4‐6 QUORUM AND VOTING:  Three (3) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum and the votes of  any three (3) members concurring shall be the decision of the Commission.   SECTION III. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or work of this  ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court or competent jurisdiction,  such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other  section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance.  SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after  publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall  consist of this ordinance’s title.      PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2019.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2019.                         Denis Law, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:2049:12/10/18:scr  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) AB - 2387 City Council Regular Meeting - 20 May 2019 SUBJECT/TITLE: Authorization to Purchase Fleet Vehicles as Approved in the 2019- 2020 Biennium Budget RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Public Works Administration STAFF CONTACT: Ron Kahler, Fleet Manager EXT.: 2660 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The Fleet Maintenance Section has obtained quotes for the purchase of five replacement vehicles for the Community Services Department. The total estimated cost for these vehicles is $116,517 . All vehicles were part of the 2019 Carry Forward and First Quarter Budget Amendment approved by Council April 15, 2019. As a result these vehicles are now included in the 2019-2020 Council approved Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule. Two of the quotes received are within the estimated budget. However the two John Deere gators have come in over budget by approximately $4,300 combined, and a Ford Transit is quoted at $3,584 over budget. These overages will be absorbed in future purchases as quotes being received for additional Community Services vehicles are coming in well under the amounts budgeted. All vehicles will be purchased from various vendors using state bid contracts. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Fleet Maintenance Section has received the below listed quotes. This request is to authorize the purchase of the vehicles. Funding for these vehicles is included as part of the 2019 Carry Forward and First Quarter Budget Amendment Ordinance approved by Council April 15, 2019. Existing Vehicle Department Year Purchased Replacement Make & Model Replacement Cost Vendor & State Contract Bid Number C211 Community Services 2002 Transit Connect $29,321 Columbia Ford Washington State 05916 C212 Community Services 2002 Transit Connect $29,321 Columbia Ford Washington State 05916 P106 Community Services 1999 John Deere Gator $12,553 Washington Tractor 05218 P113 Community Services 2000 John Deer Gator $11,737 Washington Tractor 05218 B095 Community Services 2001 Ford Transit $33,585 Columbia Ford Washington State 05916 TOTAL $116,517 EXHIBITS: AGENDA ITEM #7. d) A. Columbia Ford Quote 2019-5-104 B. Washington Tractor, Inc. Quote 19533600 C. Washington Tractor, Inc. Quote 19533487 D. Columbia Ford Quote 2019-5-124 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the purchase of five vehicles for an estimated total of $116,517. Funding for these vehicles is included as part of the 2019 Carry Forward and First Quarter Budget Amendment Ordinance approved by Council April 15, 2019. The vehicles will be purchased from various vendors using state bid contracts. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) Vehicle Quote Number: 2019-5-104 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #: 05916 Dealer: Columbia Ford (W403) Dealer Contact: Marie Tellinghiusen 700 7th Avenue Dealer Phone: (360) 423-4321 Ext: 187 Longview WA 98632 Dealer Email: orders@colford.com Organization Information Organization: RENTON, CITY OF - 21725 Email: rkahler@rentonwa.gov Quote Notes: Vehicle Location: Renton Color Options & Qty Race Red (PQ) - 2 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2020-0425-001 2020 Ford Transit Connect Mini Cargo Van 2 $22,303.00 $44,606.00 2020-0425-010 2020 Ford Transit Connect Mini Cargo Van, XL Trim Level, 2.0L GDI I-4 Gas Engine with Auto Stop/Start Technology, 8-Speed SelectShift Automatic Transmission, 24/27 MPG, Dual Rear Doors (NO GLASS), Dual Sliding Side Cargo Doors (NO GLASS), 105WB, 173.9 inch Overall Length (S6E/100A) THIS IS THE BASE VEHICLE -- Please review the vehicle standard specifications for a complete description. 2 $0.00 $0.00 2020-0425-011 XL Trim Level - Extended Length Cargo Van, 121WB, 189.7 inch Overall Length (includes all base vehicle equipment) (S7E/100A) 2 $933.00 $1,866.00 2020-0425-044 SYNC3 with 6.5in LCD Touch Screen (includes NAVIGATION) (includes AM/FM stereo receiver, SiriusXM Satellite Radio, 911 Assist, AppLink, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto compatibility, plus two (2) smart-charging USB ports (available with base XL Trim Level) (58Y) 2 $952.00 $1,904.00 2020-0425-311 Adrian Steel Commercial Shelving Package (Includes P2TCS14 Partition, Fits Long Wheelbase Only) (ADR 5218) (ABW311) 2 $1,716.00 $3,432.00 2020-0425-360 Lighting - Federal Signal surface mounted Impaxx 300-2 amber warning lights installed 2 in the front and two in the rear (total of 4) wired to one lighted switch on the dash (ALL FDT- IPX300PKG) (ABW360) 2 $1,145.00 $2,290.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles: 2 Sub Total: $54,098.00 8.4 % Sales Tax: $4,544.23 Quote Total: $58,642.23 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) JOHNDEEREALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBEMADEOUTTO(VENDOR):Deere&Company2000JohnDeereRunCary,NC27513FEDID:36-2382580;DUNS#:60-7690989ALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBESENTTODELIVERINGDEALER:WashingtonTractor,Inc.2700136thAveCtESumner,WA98390253-863-4436QuoteSummaryPreparedFor:DeliveringDealer:CityOfRentonParks&RecreationDepartmentWashingtonTractor,Inc.1055SGradyWayScott-s0416NordeenRenton,WA980572700136thAveCtEBusiness:425-235-2629Sumner,WA98390Phone:253-863-4436snordeen@washingtontractor.comQuoteID:19533600CreatedOn:03May2019LastModifiedOn:03May2019ExpirationDate:31May2019EquipmentSummarySellingPriceQtyExtendedJOHNDEEREHPX615E(MY19)$11,412.05X1=$11,412.05Contract:WALawnandGrounds05218(PG4SCG22)PriceEffectiveDate:January16,2019EquipmentTotal$11,412.05*IncludesFeesandNon-contractitemsQuoteSummaryEquipmentTotal$11,412.05TradeInSubTotal$11,412.05SalesTax-(10.00%)$1,141.21Est.Service$0.00AgreementTaxTotal$12,553.26DownPayment(0.00)RentalApplied(0.00)BalanceDue$12,553.26Salesperson:xAcceptedBy:XConfidentialAGENDA ITEM #7. d) JOHNDEEREQuoteId:19533600LJIrf.CIlviL..INALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBEMADEOUTTO(VENDOR):Deere&Company2000JohnDeereRunCary,NC27513FEDID:36-2382580;DUNS#:60-7690989ALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBESENTTODELIVERINGDEALER:WashingtonTractor,Inc.2700136thAveCtESumner,WA98390253-863-4436US/CanadaBuildToOrderTurfTires-YellowBenchSeatYellowCargoBoxwithSprayInLiner,BrakeandTailLightsCargoBoxPowerLiftOPSwithNetsLessBlackPolyRoofFrontBrushGuardStandardOptionsTotalBM22987Heavy-DutyFenderGuardBM26183TurnSignalLightHarnessKit1$11,159.00StandardOptions-PerUnit1$0.0012.501$0.0012.50I$150.0012.501$0.0012.501$442.0012.501$849.001$0.001$-460.001$255.00$1,236.00ValueAddedServicesTotalSuggestedPrice$0.00$0.00$0.00$11,412.06TotalSellingPrice$13,042.36$1,630.31$11,412.05$11,412.06SellingEquipmentCustomerName:CITYOFRENTONPARKS&RECREATIONJOHNDEEREHPX6I5E(MYI9)Hours:StockNumber:Dontract:WALawnandGrounds05218(PG4SCG22)SellingPrice*PriceEffectiveDate:January16,2019$11,412.05*Priceperitem-includesFeesandNon-contractitemsCodeDescription57G1MHPX615E(MY19)QtyListPriceDiscount%DiscountAmountContractExtendedPriceContractPrice001A0505101320063003310040004049420112.50$1,394.88$9,764.12$9,764.12$0.00$0.00$18.75$0.00$55.25$106.13$0.00$-57.50$31.88$154.5112.5012.5012.5012.50$0.00$0.00$131.25$0.00$386.75$742.87$0.00$-402.50$223.12$1,081.49$200.37$122.65$243.43$566.45$0.00$0.00$131.25$0.00$386.75$742.87$0.00$-402.50$223.12$1,081.49$200.37$122.65$243.43$566.45DealerAttachments!Non-ContractlOpenMarket1$228.9912.50$28.621$140.1712.50$17.52BUC1O17OTurnsignalkitDealerAttachmentsTotal1$278.20$647.3612.50$34.78$80.92ConfidentialAGENDA ITEM #7. d) JOHNDEEREALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBEMADEOUTTO(VENDOR):Deere&Company2000JohnDeereRunCary,NC27513FEDID:36-2382580;DUNS#:60-7690989ALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBESENTTODELIVERINGDEALER:WashingtonTractor,Inc.2700136thAveCtESumner,WA98390253-863-4436QuoteSummaryPreparedFor:DeliveringDealer:CityOfRentonParks&RecreationDepartmentWashingtonTractor,Inc.1055SGradyWayScott-s0416NordeenRenton,WA980572700136thAveCtEBusiness:425-235-2629Sumner,WA98390Phone:253-863-4436snordeen@washingtontractor.comQuoteID:19533487CreatedOn:03May2019LastModifiedOn:03May2019ExpirationDate:31May2019EquipmentSummarySellingPriceQtyExtendedJOHNDEERETH6X4Gas(Model$10,669.69X1=$10,669.69Year19)Contract:WALawnandGrounds05218(PG4SCG22)PriceEffectiveDate:January15,2019EquipmentTotal$10,669.69IncludesFeesandNon-contractitemsQuoteSummaryEquipmentTotal$10,669.69TradeInSubTotal$10,669.69SalesTax-(10.00%)$1,066.97Est.Service$0.00AgreementTaxTotal$11,736.66DownPayment(0.00)RentalApplied(0.00)BalanceDue$11,736.66Salesperson:XAcceptedBy:XConfidentialAGENDA ITEM #7. d) JOHNDEERESellingEquipmentQuoteId:19533487CustomerName:CITYOFRENTONPARKS&RECREATIOND[PARTM[NTALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBEMADEOUTALLPURCHASEORDERSMUSTBESENTTO(VENDOR):TODELIVERINGDEALER:Deere&CompanyWashingtonTractor,Inc.2000JohnDeereRun2700136thAveCtECary,NC27513Sumner,WA98390FEDID:36-2382580;DUNS#:60-7690989253-863-4436JOHNDEERETH6X4Gas(ModelYear19)ValueAddedServicesTotalSuggestedPrice$0.00$0.00$0.00$10,669.69TotalSellingPrice$12,626.86$1,957.17$10,669.69$10,669.69Hours:StockNumber:ontract:WALawnandGrounds05218(PG4SCG22)PriceEffectiveDate:January15,2019Description*Priceperitem-includesFeesandNon-contractitemsQtyListPriceDiscount%SellingPrice*$10,669.69CodeDiscountContractExtendedAmountPriceContractPrice561AMTH6X4Gas(ModelYearI$10,749.0015.50$1,666.10$9,082.90$9,082.9019)StandardOptions-PerUnitOOIAUS/Canada1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.000501PR-Base1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.001015TurfTires1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.002016NonAdjustableSeatI$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.003001DeluxeCargoBoxwithPaint1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.00andReflectors3100CargoBoxManualLift1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.004099LessFrontProtection1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.00Package4199LessRearProtection1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.00Package6018LessRearReceiverHitch1$0.0015.50$0.00$0.00$0.00StandardOptionsTotal$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00(DealerAttachmentslNon-Contract!OpenMarketBM23459FrontBumperandBrush1$370.2115.50$57.38$312.83$312.83GuardBM23457FrontFenderGuardI$176.5615.50$27.37$149.19$149.19BM23759CargoBoxPowerLift1$908.4315.50$140.81$767.62$767.62BUC1O173DeluxeLightKitI$422.6615.50$65.51$357.15$357.15DealerAttachmentsTotal$1,877.86$291.07$1,586.79$1,586.79ConfidentialAGENDA ITEM #7. d) Vehicle Quote Number: 2019-5-124 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #: 05916 Dealer: Columbia Ford (W403) Dealer Contact: Marie Tellinghiusen 700 7th Avenue Dealer Phone: (360) 423-4321 Ext: 187 Longview WA 98632 Dealer Email: orders@colford.com Organization Information Organization: RENTON, CITY OF - 21725 Email: rkahler@rentonwa.gov Quote Notes: B095 Vehicle Location: Renton Color Options & Qty Race Red (PQ) - 1 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2019-0418-001 2019 Ford Transit Full-Size Cargo Van 1 $23,596.00 $23,596.00 2019-0418-011 Low Roof T15, 8600# GVWR, Long Length, 148in WB, 238in OL, 83.6in OH (E9Z/101A/148WB) 1 $821.00 $821.00 2019-0418-048 Daytime Running Lights (942) 1 $43.00 $43.00 2019-0418-058 HD Trailer Tow Package (Includes Tow/Haul Mode with Trailer Wiring Provisions #59B, 4/7-pin connector, electric brake controller tap-in capability, relay system for back-up/B+/running lights, frame-mounted hitch receiver) (Deletes Rear Recovery Eye) (53B) 1 $469.00 $469.00 2019-0418-059 Trailer Brake Controller (must also order HD Trailer Tow Package #53B and Cruise Control #60C)(67D) 1 $222.00 $222.00 2019-0418-097 Audio Package: AM/FM with audio input jack, microphone, USB port and Bluetooth interface. (Not available with Lane Keeping Alert #41C) (if ordered with low roof, also includes illuminated sun visors) (585) 1 $130.00 $130.00 2019-0418-113 NEW - HD Cargo Flooring (148WB, Long Length) (also includes HD Rear Scuff Plate Kit #85B to be installed by dealer/upfitter) (Not available with Dual Sliding Side Cargo Doors, Dual Rear Wheels or Auxiliary Front/Rear AC #57G) (60B) 1 $769.00 $769.00 2019-0418-304 Adrian Steel S-M-C Series Partition with center door (Fits Low Roof Van only) (ALL ST-FDTS- PRTWD) (ABW304) 1 $1,027.00 $1,027.00 2019-0418-316 Adrian Steel Base Shelving Package (Fits Low Roof, 148in WB Van Only) (ADR 5156TL148) (ABW316) 1 $2,711.00 $2,711.00 2019-0418-451 Lighting - Federal Signal surface mounted Impaxx 300-2 amber warning lights installed 2 in the front and two in the rear (total of 4) wired to one lighted switch on the dash (ALL FDT- IPX300PKG) (ABW451) 1 $1,194.00 $1,194.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles: 1 Sub Total: $30,982.00 8.4 % Sales Tax: $2,602.49 Quote Total: $33,584.49 AGENDA ITEM #7. d)