HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrails and Bicycle Master Plan 2009 (ORD 5797)-- r.� • r Ar 4-0 I i _ :_� �- - " '`~ - t • Y a a _Ilkir �4 ,igq•• ,• •jam" Ty, � F-• �s .J At �i r rrI ���'G,ir` . '. •I' '' - � 1. � � ��� tAdi As RENTON TRAILS AND BICYCLE MASTER PLAN Adopted May 11, 2009 City of PENTON- AHEAD OF THE CUR\iE N RENTON TRAILS AND BICYCLE MASTER PLAN May 2009 Adopted May 11, 2009 Prepared by: MacLeod Reckord Landscape Architects Connie Reckord and Kristen Lohse Transportation Engineering Northwest Michael Read, P.E. Andrew R. Goulding AIA SEGD, Signage Consultant City Of tTY ��T ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Denis Law, Mayor City Council Members Randy Corman, Council President Don Persson, Council President Pro Tern Terri Briere Marcie Palmer King Parker Greg Taylor Rich Zwicker Renton Parks Commission Tim Searing, Chairperson Cynthia Burns Al Dieckman Mike O'Donin Ron Regis Larry Weymann Troy Wigestrand Renton Non -Motorized Transportation Committee Pete Maas, Chair Janene Sestak, Vice -Chair Bob Elliot Margaret Feaster Dorothy Flower Jean Hobart Craig Paynter Robert Peterson Frances Pieper Paul Wantzelius City Administration Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Leslie Betlach, Parks Director Todd Black, Capital Project Coordinator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Peter Hahn, Deputy Public Works Administrator —Transportation Jim Seitz, Planning and Programming Supervisor Dan Hasty, Civil Engineer TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................3 PART 1: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW VisionStatement................................................................................................................9 Overviewand Purpose.....................................................................................................11 GrowthManagement Act..................................................................................................11 ProjectProcess................................................................................................................12 PublicOutreach................................................................................................................13 PublicInput......................................................................................................................14 Goalsand Objectives.......................................................................................................15 PART 2: CURRENT CONDITIONS TheSetting.......................................................................................................................19 Destinations and Trip Generators....................................................................................21 Existing Trails and Bicycle Facilities.................................................................................23 Planning Area Evaluations and Opportunities..................................................................27 PART 3: RECOMMENDATIONS Routing............................................................................................................................39 Evaluation Criteria & Methodology...................................................................................41 CrossSections.................................................................................................................43 DesignStandards.............................................................................................................55 Recommended Improvements and Prioritization.............................................................56 Recommended Improvement Maps................................................................................59 Recommended Improvement Tables...............................................................................63 Signage Recommendations.............................................................................................73 PART 4: BACKGROUND, PLAN AND POLICY REVIEW Review and Summary of Previous Plans and Policies.....................................................83 Cityof Renton.......................................................................................................83 RegionalLevel......................................................................................................88 StateLevel............................................................................................................91 TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS..........................................................................................93 BIBLIOGRAPHY.........................................................................................................................95 PROJECTSHEETS....................................................................................................................97 APPENDICES............................................................................................................................161 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDICES, Listed individually.............................................................................................161 A. City of Renton Resolution No. 4005 (May 11, 2009)................................................163 B. Table 3. Master List of Existing and Proposed Improvements and Routes..............167 C. What We've Heard: Summary of Public Comments, Open House #1 ....................175 D. What We've Heard: Summary of Public Comments, Open House #2 ....................179 E. Public Open House #3: Public Comments..............................................................183 F. 2004 Draft Trails Plan Routes and Status................................................................189 G. Puget Sound Regional Council Destination 2030 Update, Appendix 9: Projects (July 24, 2008).................................................................193 H. 1-405 Corridor Improvement Program Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Projects: Bike and Pedestrian Improvements (January 24, 2005).............................................................................................205 I. City of Renton Public Works and Transportation Systems Division 2009-2014 TIP...................................................................................................209 J. Non -motorized Funding Sources..............................................................................213 K. City of Renton Parks, Schools, and Trails (January 2008).......................................221 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1. Project Process..................................................................................................11 Fig. 2. Geographic Planning Areas...............................................................................21 Fig. 3. 2006 Aerial Photo..............................................................................................22 Fig. 4. "Ped Shed"........................................................................................................23 Fig. 5. Destinations and Existing Non -motorized Facilities...........................................25 Fig. 6. Sample Evaluation Matrix..................................................................................42 Fig. 7. General Guidelines for Selecting Cross-Sections..............................................43 Fig. 8. Types of Cross Sections....................................................................................44 Fig. 9. Proposed Trails and Bikeways Improvements...................................................59 Fig. 10. Proposed Trails and Bikeways Improvements—Downtown...............................61 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Draft Prioritized Matrix of Recommended Improvements ... Table 2. Recommended Improvements, by Division ......................... Table 3. (Appendix A)....................................................................... ......63-66 ......67-72 .........161 2 City of Renton EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan and Map Project is a comprehensive update of the City of Renton Trails Mas- ter Plan, adopted in 1993, and the Draft Trails Plan, produced by the Citizen's Non -motorized Transportation Committee in 2004. It represents a collaborative effort between the Trans- portation and Parks Divisions, and reflects the desire to cre- ate an interconnected trails, water trails, and non -motorized transportation network to accommodate both recreational and commuting uses, from pedestrians to cyclists. The project was initiated in 2006 with the receipt of a federal grant. The Master Plan provides a vision statement, goals and ob- jectives, and a review of policy at the local, state, and federal levels. It reviews existing conditions of the non -motorized system through the City, identifies new destinations and their service areas, and from this seeks to identify new projects and routes that are incomplete. Facility design guidelines are reviewed and current standards are proposed. A final project list is included, as well as project sheets for most routes. Cri- teria are developed and used to create a list of prioritized im- provements for each division. The following paragraphs summarize the content of each section. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW, PART 1 The first task of the project was to develop a vision state- ment, goals and objectives to define and guide the project and provide the foundation for the plan: The Bicycle and Trails Master Plan creates and fos- ters opportunity within Renton and neighboring com- munities for people to move through the city and to access multiple local and regional destinations includ- ing schools, parks, businesses and residential ar- eas. The master plan supports a city where residents and visitors can enjoy recreation and exercise contrib- uting to a healthy lifestyle, and where commuting by bicycle using an integrated trails/road network, be- comes a realistic transportation alternative. Project objectives and goals help to further articulate the vi- sion by providing more specific direction and guidance for actions implementing the vision. CURRENT CONDITIONS, PART 2 Inventory and analysis of existing conditions was gathered in a variety of ways. Base mapping was acquired from the City via the King County GIS Center, which had recently produced Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 3 a walking map for the Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila and Renton area. Field reconnaissance was performed across the City to confirm current non -motorized facilities, transit routes, routes that are currently used by bicyclists, and destinations. Addi- tional research on destinations, general conditions, and facili- ties was done using the City's CAD data, resources provided on the City's website, and King County's Bicycling Guide Map and Regional Trails Map. In addition, public comment was invaluable, gathered from e-mails to City staff and discussion during the project's four public open houses. The inventory was structured according the geographic plan- ning areas used by the City's Open Space and Recreation plan: Central, West, Southwest, Southeast, and North and East. Inventory and analysis reveal that existing bicycle fa- cilities in the City are limited and are not contiguous, and many of the routes proposed in the earlier plans remain in- complete. The Cedar River Trail is the longest non -motorized facility in the City, and because of its central location within the City, can therefore be seen as the spine of the City's trails and bicycle network. Pedestrian facilities, in the form of soft - surface trails, are more numerous, especially along other ri- parian corridors: the Black River, Springbrook Creek, Honey Creek, May Creek, Thunder Creek, and Soos Creek, though these trails are not all continuous or complete. A number of significant barriers to bicycle and pedestrian travel were identified: the steep topography between down- town and the neighborhoods, the limited crossing points of the Cedar River, Interstate-405, Sunset Boulevard/SR 900 and some other busy arterials. In particular, the lack of con- nections between downtown in the river valley and the neighborhoods above, due to the steep topography, are seen as critical connections to make, especially with multiple em- ployment centers in both downtown and the nearby Green River Valley. In addition, connections between the regional trails-- the Interurban/Green River Trail corridors, Lake Wash- ington Loop and the Cedar River Trail —are seen as essential links to be made. Public comment echoed the importance of these connections. RECOMMENDATIONS, PART 3 The recommendations section describes how routes are identified, selected, and prioritized, as well as how cross - sections are determined for the routes. Primary, secondary, and minor routes are developed, based on previously pro- posed routes and the survey of existing conditions and oppor- tunities, to ensure connections between all identified destina- tions and to serve the range of trips Rentonians make on foot or bike. 4 City of Renton Identification of routes as primary, secondary, or minor does not necessarily target them as priority projects, but helps en- sure a high level of connection between facilities and destina- tions. A set of criteria for evaluating, selecting, and prioritizing routes for the final master plan were developed. The criteria are as follows: • Safety • Accommodation/Accessibility • Continuity & Directness • Connectivity/Linkage • Regional Trail Connectivity • Trail Experience • Sensitivity • Concurrency • Funding/Construction Opportunities. Design Guidelines and Cross -Sections The design guidelines are intended to direct the construction of trail and bicycle facilities presented in the plan, and still allow some flexibility in implementation. The design guide- lines are based on recognized regional, state and national standards and/or guidelines and include dimensional recom- mendations for widths, separation of elements, and signage. The range of options includes bike lanes, signed shared roadways, paved shoulders, multi -use trails, and separated multi -use trails. Recommended Improvements Existing trails and bicycle facilities in Renton, including re- gional trails, bike lanes, signed shared roadways, and multi- use trails comprise nearly 26 miles. Over 60 existing and proposed routes were identified, including critical connections to regional trails. Additions to the City's non -motorized net- work as proposed in the recommended improvements are as follows: Proposed trails and bicycle facilities and approximate mileage: Separated multi -use trails, for bikes and pedestrians (paved) 3.2 miles Multi -use trails, for pedestrians only (unpaved) 12.2 miles Mixed cross -sections on the same route (e.g. bike lanes + multi -use trail) 9.5 miles Regional trails 9.7 miles New bike lanes 26.0 miles Extended bike lanes (including existing segments) 14.1 miles Signed shared roadways 21.8 miles TOTAL MILES PROPOSED TRAILS AND BICYCLE FACILITIES: 96.5 miles Trails and Bicycle Master Plan BACKGROUND/PLAN AND POLICY REVIEW, PART 4 This review of previous plans and policies includes local, re- gional, state and national levels. The previous trail plans are reviewed, as are local plans of relevance to the City's non - motorized network. Of most consequence are the documents at the regional level: possible improvements to several corri- dors passing over or under 1-405 as part of the 1-405 Corridor Improvement Project; possible rail to trail conversion of the BNSF rail line through Renton; and the King County Regional Trail Plan, which identifies several regional trails with connec- tion into and through Renton. PROJECT SHEETS, PART 5 A set of project sheets is included to provide more detail on proposed projects and selected existing routes. City of Renton _ 1 - - _ '',R;f,�^ •fir..., fF Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan VISION STATEMENT The Bicycle and Trails Master Plan creates and fosters opportunity within Renton and neighboring communities for people to move through the city and to access multiple local and regional destinations including schools, parks, businesses and residential areas. The mas- ter plan supports a city where residents and visitors can enjoy recrea- tion and exercise contributing to a healthy lifestyle, and where com- muting by bicycle using an integrated trails/road network, becomes a realistic transportation alternative. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 10 City of Renton PART 1: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE In 2006 the City of Renton's Transportation Division received a federal grant to produce a bicycle route map and future bi- cycle route plan for the City and the potential annexation ar- eas. Within the same time frame the City of Renton's Parks Division was in the process of hiring a consultant to update their trails planning document. Instead of having two docu- ments, one for bike routes and one for trails, the City of Ren- ton's Transportation and Parks Divisions have combined their resources to create this integrated and comprehensive plan- ning document that ties together the Parks Division's recrea- tion -oriented trails, paths, and sites and Transportation's bike route facilities. The most recent Parks trails planning document was adopted by Council in 1993, and an updated draft completed in 2004 in conjunction with the Non -motorized Transportation Advi- sory Committee. While progress has been made on the im- plementation of the adopted plan, major new developments, particularly in the City's core, have made the need for an up- date evident. Furthermore, there are more cyclists on the road today, as people recognize the health benefits of cycling for both recreational and commuting purposes, as well as the potential relief from traffic congestion and rising energy costs. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT The 2005 Amendments to Washington State's Growth Man- agement Act (GMA) mandates the incorporation of bicycle and pedestrian planning into each jurisdiction's comprehen- sive plan, as well as the consideration of approaches that promote physical activity. The recommendations of the Master Plan, when adopted, will be an implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Beyond compliance with state mandates, the value of non - motorized planning is evident to most communities in the Puget Sound region for the multiple benefits it provides: flexi- bility in transportation choice, congestion relief, health bene- fits, fun, and enhanced livability for communities. The unique combination and configuration of Renton's geo- graphic setting, land use patterns, transportation network, and recreational opportunities set the stage for the develop- ment of a well-connected network of trails and bikeways. Renton's central location within the Puget Sound region, in- terconnection with, and easy access to, the region's motor - Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Cedar River Trail The Landing, under construction Springbrook Trail Pedestrian sign off Lake Washington Boulevard North 11 ized transportation system, and the presence/existence of THE TRAILS AND BICYCLE major employment centers centrally located within the City, make it a readily accessible place to live, work, and play. MASTER PLAN Unique natural resources like the Cedar River, Lake Wash- • Builds on previous non -motorized ington, and proximity to the Green River Valley and Cougar plans Mountain Regional Wildland Park also make it an excellent recreational destination. Perhaps most significantly, the City • Goes beyond previously proposed is the hub of three major regional trails: the Cedar River routes t look at the big picture: Trail, the Lake Washington Loop, and the Interurban Trail, policy, plans, ans, and proposal at both providing Renton direct access to over 80 miles of regional the local and the regional scale trails. 12 Tying these resources together through a network of trails and bikeways, as this Master Plan outlines, will ensure that Renton remains "ahead of the curve" in terms of livability by creating an accessible, sustainable, and pleasant place to live, work, and play. PROJECT PROCESS The Master Plan was developed through a process that com- prised five main tasks: 1. Information Review and Preliminary Documentation: The first task entailed a planning and regulatory investiga- tion of policies at federal, state, and local levels as well as relevant local and regional plans and proposals. A set of guiding principals for the development, design, and imple- mentation of the trails and bicycle network was also de- veloped during this task. 2. Existing Conditions Evaluation: The second task consisted of an inventory of existing con- ditions and opportunities; assessment of traffic or trip gen- erators and destination service areas; and analysis of travel corridors, including soft -surface hiking and walking trails. This information was presented to the public at the project's first open house. 3. Routing Options & Evaluation Criteria The third task involved transportation planning analysis and identification of route options; designation of pro- posed routes and cross -sections; and establishment of evaluation criteria for designating priorities. A second open house was conducted to get the public's input at this stage of the process. 4. Draft Master Plan & Bicycle -Friendly Routes Map The Trails and Bicycle Master Plan document was drafted during this fourth task, incorporating information from the City of Renton two open houses and finalizing the recommendations. Two maps were created during this task; one showing existing trails and bicycle routes and a second map show- ing proposed routes. In addition a signage plan comple- menting the proposed routes and safety flyer were cre- ated. A third public meeting for the project was con- ducted, to share the Draft Master Plan and recommenda- tions to the public and get their feedback. 5. Final Master Plan and Bicycle -Friendly Routes Map Completion of the Master Plan included final evaluation of the recommended routes and the development of project sheets for selected routes. The signage elements were also finalized during this task, along with the bicycle - friendly routes map, which features safety information for cyclists. PUBLIC OUTREACH destinations and connections • evaluate existing network 4( 0 identify preferred network Public input and participation in the Master Plan process was �' ' '" �■ a valuable resource for on -the -ground information and overall validation of the project. As described above, the project conducted three public meetings, described in greater detail �;• below. Public Open House #1: The purpose of this first public open house was to further develop the inventory of destinations, identify all potential trail and bikeway routes, confirm existing conditions and opportunities, refine the program, and listen to concerns. The project team solicited comments from the community to supplement other inventory and research, and aid the team in evaluating corridors and options. Presentation graphics included goal statements, existing conditions maps, aerial photographs, and site images. Public Open House #2: The second open house included a presentation of the route options, evaluation criteria, cross sections, and other improvements. The goal of the meeting was to solicit comments from the public on the alternatives and seek consensus on a preferred network of routes. Com- ments from these meetings were incorporated into the Draft Trails and Bikeways Plan. Public Open House #3: The draft plan recommendations were presented and public comment sought. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan prioritize Figure 1. Project Process 13 14 PUBLIC INPUT Attendance at each of the open houses was between 20 and 40 attendees. Participants were able to offer their comments to the team during both presentations and working sessions, and comment forms and maps were available for those wish- ing to leave written comments. In addition, a brief project de- scription and contact information for City staff were posted on the City's website, and a number of comments were received via e-mail to City staff. The majority of comments were neighborhood -specific — routing recommendations and ideas for improvements, as well as trouble spots and missing links. A fair number of bicy- clists who commute into and out of Renton, as well as recrea- tional cyclists, made varied recommendations for regional - scale routes between Renton and its neighboring jurisdic- tions. On the whole, the public conveyed enthusiasm and support for the project and its recommendations. In addition to the public outreach, presentations by City staff and the project team were made throughout the project to the Parks Commission, Non -motorized Transportation Advisory Committee, City Council, and the Mayor. City of Renton GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Master Plan was developed in collaboration with both Transportation and Parks staff, reflecting the desire to create an interconnected network to accommodate both recreational and commuting uses, from pedestrians to cyclists, and im- prove mobility for non -drivers. With these concerns in mind, project goals and objectives were developed to guide the pro- ject. Project Objectives • Enhance public awareness about the benefits of walk- ing, cycling and recreating for the individual and com- munity health. • Create a safe and convenient trails and bikeways net- work to provide both local and regional connectivity in order to increase bicycling and trail use. • Interconnect neighborhoods and local destinations: schools, parks, shopping, civic sites, and other local destinations, emphasizing route safety for less skilled riders/users. • Develop commuting routes between neighborhoods, employment and business centers, and transit facili- ties that will accommodate more skilled riders/users. • Capitalize on the convergence of the Lake Washing- ton Loop, Cedar River Trail and Interurban Trail in Renton and enhance the connectivity of the regional trail network by creating connections to proximate re- gional trails: the Green River Trail, Soos Creek Trail, Lake Youngs Trail, and the East Lake Sammamish Trail, as well as neighboring communities. • Increase use of hiking and water trails, parks and other recreational sites. • Promote bicycle safety, especially on shared road- ways, by increasing awareness among the driving public. • Update policies, ordinances and procedures to make opportunities for walking and bicycling. • Introduce cycling skills into school curriculum. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 1 16 Project Goals • Identify local and regional destinations in a non - motorized network, for both commuting and recrea- tional purposes. • Inventory and evaluate existing non -motorized routes, hiking and water trails. • Identify missing links in the existing network to con- nect important destinations and complete routes. • Identify connections to regional trails. • Identify and provide signage for a preferred network of routes. • Identify safety issues on existing and proposed routes. • Develop a methodology to prioritize improvements. • Ensure accommodation of a wide variation in users and trip purposes: pedestrians and all types of bicy- clists: long distance and "fast" cyclists, recreational, less -skilled riders, and children. City of Renton ;_ a ..`i' 'R 1k} • .� _ . 16 :-� '� � ��, � `S'�73 •- wig. ��,:F �, -•, �.� M1 ,p�V 4 ` �i IT y PART 2: CURRENT CONDITIONS THE SETTING Renton is located on the south shore of Lake Washington, where the Cedar River flows into the lake. The central part of the City and its older neighborhoods lie in the level area south of the lake, while the rest of the City is spread out on the slopes of Lake Washington, and hillsides above the Ce- dar and Green River Valleys, and Honey, May, and Panther Creeks. The river valleys and plateaus are generally fairly level, and the roadways leading between these two distinct topographical areas are steep. The population is roughly 80,000, and the city's footprint on the landscape is just over 20 square miles. The City is centrally located within the Puget Sound environs, and is well connected to the rest of the region via Interstate 405, and State Routes 167 (Valley Freeway), 169 (Renton Maple Valley Road), 515 (Talbot Road/Benson Drive South), and 900 (Sunset Boulevard/SE Renton -Issaquah Road). As is often the case with major limited -access transportation corridors, these routes divide the City into distinct areas and pose significant barriers to non -motorized travel due to the great traffic volumes and limited crossing opportunities. In particular, I-405, and SR 167, as well as the Cedar River, de- marcate distinct neighborhood/planning areas and limit ac- cess to non -vehicular traffic Several major local arterials, however, run north -south, and provide alternative access to Seattle, Bellevue, Kent and points beyond. Rainier Avenue North, Lake Washington Boulevard and Duvall Avenue are all popular bicycle routes for both commuters and recreational cyclists. Renton is also well served by regional and local buses, through a hub -based transit system based at the downtown transit center. The RUSH (Renton Urban SHuttle) transports commuters from downtown Renton to the City's major em- ployment sites. Sounder Commuter Rail and Amtrak ser- vice, via the current temporary and planned final Tukwila Sta- tion at the Renton/Tukwila City line, make easy connections to Seattle's King Street Station and other points north and south. This well -established transit network provides an ex- cellent opportunity to create and enhance linkages with the non -motorized network, thereby increasing the efficiency and usage of both modes of travel. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 19 The Landing under construction Cedar River Park and Trail 20 DESTINATIONS AND TRIP GENERATORS The Trails and Bicycle Master Plan is about getting people where they want to go. A thorough analysis of where people are coming from and where they need and want to go, there- fore, lays the framework to create a highly connective non - motorized and recreational network. The determination of important destinations, neighborhood conditions and charac- ter, topography, natural features, and existing travel patterns and recreational routes are all part of this analysis. As a means of organization, the Master Plan uses the geo- graphic planning areas designated in the 2003 Park, Recrea- tion and Open Space Implementation Plan, updated to reflect current annexations. The areas are divided by the most sali- ent natural and manmade boundaries and for the most part form distinctive and fairly cohesive units in terms of topogra- phy, land use, and transportation networks. The City's 6 identified planning areas, as shown in Figure 2, are: • Central Planning Area • Southwest Planning Area • Southeast Planning Area • North Planning Area • East Planning Area • West Planning Area The project limits for the Master Plan are Potential Areas of Annexation (PAAs), to accommodate potential future annexa- tions. Employment Centers Renton is unique in that it has many major employers cen- trally located in or not far from the central business district. Some of the major employers are: • Central Planning Area (Urban Center Downtown, Ur- ban Center North): Boeing, PACCAR, Fry's Electron- ics, The Landing, including Target, Lowe's, and other "big box" retail, Renton Municipal Airport, Renton City Hall. • Southwest Planning Area (Valley): Green River Val- ley/Renton industrial area: Boeing Longacres, Valley Medical Center, IKEA, and various industrial, ranging from light to heavy. • East Planning Area: Sunset, East Renton, The High- lands City of Renton The advantage of these centrally -located employers is the GEOGRAPHIC PLANNING AREAS greater potential for residents to walk or bicycle to work, and these routes should be capitalized on. } `j Parks and Recreation Area The City of Renton has a variety of parks, recreation sites Central and open space resources, both natural and developed that fanning East are important destinations for its citizens. In addition to de- Afea Planning l nni g veloped parks, recreation sites, and open space, the City has est a number of open spaces that are linear in character, provid- Planning l nni g ing excellent opportunities for bicycling, walking, and hiking, east and boatingwater trails). Amon these linear open aces S utnwes Planning ( ) g p p Planning are: Lake Washington, the Cedar River, May, Hone Spring- lanning Area 9 Y, Y, p g- Area brook and Panther Creeks, in addition to several utility corri- dors that are currently used or have potential use for walking, hiking, and bicycling. Some highlights of the City's parks, recreation and open Figure 2. Geographic Planning Ar- space system: eas (from 2003 Park, Recreation, and Open Space Implementation Plan 12.5 miles of existing trails Two lake -front beaches along Lake Washington (Gene Coulon and Kennydale Beach) Many park/recreation/civic sites, including: o A community center (at Cedar River Park) o Two library branches (downtown and in the High- lands) o An historical museum (downtown) o A sports park complex (Ron Regis Park along SR 169 and the Cedar River Trail) o A skateboard park o An 18-hole public golf course o A central downtown park/Transit Center o A senior center (on the Cedar River). Schools Safe, convenient connections to schools are a primary build- ing block of a non -motorized network. Aside from the fact that children and most older students are non -drivers, schools are the one destination that are very often close enough to homes to enable walking or biking. Renton has over 20 schools. With an area of about 20 square miles, that equates roughly to a school in every square mile of City. In terms of walkable catchment area (or "ped shed"), deter- mined as the area encompassed in a 5-10 minute walk, (see Figure 4), that puts many schools in walkable or cycling range of many of Renton's citizens. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 21 Organizations like the National Center for Safe Routes to School attest that safe non -motorized routes provide multiple benefits, from personal and public health to reducing vehicle miles traveled, providing traffic calming and enhanced neighborhood livability. See Appendix K for map of Renton schools. Other destinations Some other notable destinations in Renton, both for its citi- zen's and for the larger regional community include: • Black River Riparian Forest • Henry Moses Aquatic Center • IKEA • Renton Civic Theater • Renton History Museum • Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center • Renton Technical College • CARCO Theater • Farmer's Market • Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park See Figure 5. Destinations and Existing Non -motorized Facili- ties. EXISTING TRAILS AND BICYCLE FACILITIES The Cedar River Trail, the keystone of the City's non - motorized network, runs through the heart of the City and of- fers both a rural and urban experience for both pedestrians and bicyclists. Across the City, existing trails, mostly soft - surface or rough (undeveloped) along the City's numerous creeks and utility corridors, provide ample walking trails for pedestrians. The situation for bicyclists is different. Bike lanes are few and nearly always discontinuous (not linking to other bike lanes or non -motorized facilities), as are separated multi -use trails. Some signed shared -use roadways exist, but often are not contiguous with other bicycle facilities. Below is an inventory of existing non -motorized facilities in and around Renton. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan "PED SHED" Defined as the walkable area around an origin or destination * Walkable area is considered to be '/4 to'h mile, the distance most people are willing to walk in 5-10 minutes It takes the average able-bodied person about 15-20 minutes to walk one mile Ted Shed" or Walkable Catchment Area Figure 4. 23 RCER M Destinations Cade LAND _ Park .... ... ... f �.,t s4 u, �� ... • School i j ,,, •._ Got Site Obtary. Post Office, m ... R� '•• '~-•• ASTLE Hospi[al,Fire Station, ete.] • g - ram.. c+a.. 40 Major Ernooymmt Site :.na.. Transit Cir/Park & Rlde 9 �X C� t wr�w •� "" v y SEATTLE ryL, r ° � 's [ ��• NE un wEm6,o €x.,9� i F a, —r ..•tits fir,;� �.. .- �• _ �n � � I ,� .....ice � ..I �• ------------- > TUKWILA ! 9E„�. w If s,_R ' { KENT +uewuc—�:raaoo r, - 1 Figure 5. Destinations and Existing Non -motorized Facilities SEPARATED MULTI -USE TRAILS: • Cedar River Trail also listed below under "Creeks and Greenway Corridors," (pedestrian -only section be- tween North 6th Street and the Lake Washington Shoreline) • Burnett Avenue South, Burnett Place South (Burnett Linear Park) • Garden Avenue North and North 8th Street Trail (along PACCAR property) • Ripley Lane • Strander Boulevard • Springbrook and Soos Creek Trails, also listed below under "Creeks and Greenway Corridors" • SW 27th Street BIKE LANES: • SW 16th Street west of Oakesdale Ave SW • Oakesdale Avenue SW • Monster Road SW • Duvall Avenue NE • Rainier Avenue North (alongside Renton Municipal Airport) • Lake Washington Boulevard North, north of Gene Coulon Memorial Park • Logan Avenue North • 140th Ave SE (King County) • NE 4th/SE 128th Street (Renton and King County) • Talbot Road South (south of 43rd Street) DESIGNATED SHARED USE ROADWAYS: • Airport Perimeter Road • Taylor Avenue NW and Hardie Avenue SW CREEK AND GREENWAY CORRIDORS: • Cedar River Trail • Honey Creek Trail • Black River Trail • Springbrook Trail (multi -use) • May Creek Greenway • Soos Creek Trail (multi -use) WATER TRAILS —LAUNCH AND LANDING SITES (Lake to Locks Water Trail) • Cedar River Boathouse • Gene Coulon Park • Cedar River Trail Park • Riverview Park Burnett Avenue South SW 27th Street Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 25 "PACCAR Trail" along Garden Avenue North and North 8th St. Black River Riparian Forest trailhead, Naches Avenue SW 26 UTILITY CORRIDORS: • PSE right-of-way through SE Renton, the "Tower of Power" trail system (informal walking and mountain biking trails) • Seattle -Mercer Island Waterline Right -of -Way City of Renton PLANNING AREA EVALUATIONS • Area character and Issues • Transit Routes • Existing Bicycle and Walking Routes • Opportunities Central Planning Area Renton's Central Planning area is a diverse area that in- cludes the central business district (downtown), an industrial area, and a residential neighborhood. The area is bounded by 1-405 to the south and east, Lake Washington to the north, and Rainier Avenue North (SR 167) to the West, and is tran- sected by the Cedar River. The street pattern of the industrial area, home to major em- ployers The Boeing Company and PACCAR, is an elongated grid, with some large industrial parcels. Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway tracks run along the east and west edges of the area, serving the industrial areas. The topogra- phy is flat. Some of the area is transitioning to commercial use, with big -box retail and mixed -use development through The Landing and Southport developments. The evolution of the area from industrial to a mix of retail, commercial, and residential land uses will bring more bicyclists and pedestri- ans to the area. Downtown Renton has a gridded street pattern with walkable block sizes, and has an economic vitality with small shops, businesses, and restaurants. Two pairs of one-way couplets provide through access through downtown, South 2nd and South 3rd Streets (SR 900 through downtown), running east - west, and Williams and Wells Avenues South, running north - south. Two distinctive features of the area: the BNSF rail corridor which passes through downtown in southwesterly - northeasterly direction, and Burnett Avenue South (also a former rail corridor) which runs north -south and forms a di- vided boulevard with park blocks in between. Also notable are the centrally located Piazza Park and Renton Transit Center. At the northern -most part of downtown lays the Renton Mu- nicipal Airport, Renton High School and the IKEA Center for the Performing Arts, forming larger blocks. The single-family residential neighborhoods are south of downtown and between the Cedar River and the industrial area to the north. The street network is a continuation of the downtown street grid, and there are four streets that bridge the river (Logan, Williams and Wells Avenues North and Bronson Way North). Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Boeing and The Landing under con- struction 27 Cedar River Trail at Logan Avenue North Bridge South 3rd Street, downtown 28 Waterfront Safe, convenient north -south non -motorized access around Lake Washington is lacking despite the fact that this makes up part of the Lake Washington Loop, an important and heav- ily -used regional bicycle route. The area between the inter- section of the Airport Perimeter Road/Logan Avenue North and Gene Coulon Park is a missing link in the regional trail network. A separated multi -use trail linking the east and west shores of Lake Washington would provide the most benefit to bicyclists and pedestrians. However, large industrial parcels and their access needs (by roadway and rail), existing river crossings, substantial north -south traffic volumes, and the basic physical constriction of space make this a challenging area for non - motorized improvements. In terms of river crossings, the Boeing Bridges, the northern at the mouth of the river and the southern near North 6tn Street are permitted through State Department of Natural Re- sources to Boeing, and the permit restricts use by others. The bridges' purpose is to allow airplanes to be hauled be- tween the Boeing Renton Plant and the Municipal Airport. The Logan Avenue Bridge has a narrow separated lane for pedestrians, but its width, approaches, and grade separation from the Cedar River Trail below make it a poor choice for bicyclists. Downtown As mentioned above, connections between regional trails are best accomplished with separated multi -use trails. Given that downtown Renton is probably the most fully built -out area of the city, flexibility and creativity will be required to achieve this aim. In addition, as the center of the City's commerce, parking is obviously a critical need, and something that is hugely valued by merchants. Squeezing non -motorized improvements into the existing urban fabric of downtown will also require creativ- ity, and likely some trade-offs. Downtown improvements in the bicycle and pedestrian net- work have the potential to bring great benefit to the City, in- cluding increased transit use; possible reductions in vehicle trips and demand for vehicular parking; and significantly, in- creased commerce. Such enhancements would likely boost the City's visibility, reputation and allure throughout the re- gion. City of Renton EXISTING ROUTES CURRENTLY USED BY BICYCLES AND PEDESTRIANS: • Cedar River Trail (bicycle access ends north of North 6th Street) • Houser Way North (southbound and northbound) • Garden and Park Avenues North • Lake Washington Loop Trail (parallel to 1-405 west of Ripley Lane) • Burnett Avenue North (Burnett Linear Park) • SW Grady Way • various other low volume streets TRANSIT ROUTES: • South 2nd and South 3rd • Rainier Avenue South • South/SW Grady Way • South/SW 7th Street • Park Avenue North • Bronson Way North • Park Avenue North/NE Park Drive OPPORTUNITIES: • Lower -volume streets (some one-way) such as Wil- liams, Wells, Garden, parallel the main north -south routes, Logan and Park Avenues, and could provide good non -motorized access and connections. • North 3ra 4th 6th Streets as east -west routes. • Possibility of grade separation between pedestrians and bicycles via street right-of-way that parallels the Cedar River Trail and the bank above the river (North Riverside Drive). • Potential availability of Renton High School property adjacent to Logan for a segment of separated trail. • The eventual need to upgrade the Logan Avenue Bridge and include a dedicated bike -pedestrian trail. • Possible redevelopment of the BNSF rail corridor. • Long-term redevelopment of Liberty Park, as identi- fied in the Tri-Park Master Plan, providing a potential opportunity to install new pathways around the pe- rimeter of the park. • A route for the Two Rivers Trail, utilizing SW 7th/South 71h Street (see West Planning Area, below), Shattuck Avenue South, and Houser Way South, with the fol- lowing additional opportunities: • Potential near -term and/or long-term redevelopment of Houser Way and the BNSF corridor. • Low -volume Shattuck Avenue South as another direct thoroughfare through downtown. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Ped/Bike Lane, Logan Avenue North Bridge Piazza Park, downtown South 2nd Street & Renton High School 29 Renton Transit Center Black River Riparian Forest trailhead, Naches Avenue SW spa. 30 • Burnett Avenue South as a core pedestrian route. • Connection with transit via the Renton Transit Center. • The Williams and Wells Avenues South one-way cou- plet as a direct thoroughfare through downtown. • Downtown bicycle and pedestrian amenities: wayfind- ing signage, information kiosks, benches, access to restrooms, etc. Southwest Planning Area The Green River Valley makes up most of Southwest Renton. It is bounded by the Valley Freeway (SR 167) on the east, Renton/Tukwila City limits on west (also the Interurban Trail and Green River), Martin Luther King, Jr. Way/SW Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) to the north, and SW 43rd and the Renton City limits to the south. The area has flat topography and consists mostly of large industrial -zoned parcels, with a rectilinear street pattern. The area also features a network of wetlands, along Springbrook Creek and the Springbrook Trail. The Southwest Planning area, with its recently redeveloped streets; proximity to existing passenger rail and future light rail (via Tukwila Station), regional trails in neighboring Tuk- wila, and the Springbrook Trail is one area where non - motorized transportation is gaining a foothold. Existing bike lanes in the area connect together, as well as to the Black River and Springbrook Trail, providing access to recreational resources, walking trails, and Tukwila Station, and regional bike commuting routes. EXISTING ROUTES CURRENTLY USED BY BICYCLES AND PEDESTRIANS: • SW 16th (bike lanes and signed shared roadway) • SW 27th (separated shared use trail, west end) • Oakesdale Avenue SW (bike lanes) • Springbrook Trail • The Interurban Trail TRANSIT ROUTES: • Lind Avenue SW • SW 16th Street • SW 43rd Street City of Renton OPPORTUNITIES: • Extension of SW 161" signed shared roadway to con- nect with transit route on Lind Avenue SW. • Extension north and south of Oakesdale Avenue SW bike lanes to connect with the Springbrook Trail. • Planned Strander Boulevard/SW 27t Street connec- tion between Renton and Tukwila. • Connections with Tukwila's non -motorized routes. • Missing links within the Springbrook Trail System. West Planning Area The West Planning area is bounded by the Renton City Limits to the north and west (bisected by Martin Luther King, Jr. Way/SW Sunset Boulevard/SR 900), 1-405 to the south and Rainier Avenue/SR 167 to the east. It is the smallest planning area, and its most notable feature is the Black River Riparian Forest, a remnant riparian forest with walking trails and a heron rookery, surrounded by industrial parcels. The indus- trial area is south of SW Sunset Blvd/SR 900, and is criss- crossed by railroad corridors and spurs. North of SW Sunset Blvd/SR 900, a residential neighborhood rises above the city on the hillsides of the Green River Valley. The hilly terrain of this area poses access challenges: both getting to and from downtown and points north as well as get- ting around the neighborhood. Unlike other areas of the City, the existing street network does not have a regular and ex- tensive system of collectors and arterials providing through - access. Industrial area The industrial area south of SW Sunset Boulevard/SR 900 has excellent potential to provide connections between the Green River, Interurban and Cedar River regional trails, be- tween Tukwila and Renton, and to make connections with downtown Renton, particularly through the railroad corridors. The trail in Black River Riparian Forest and the Springbrook Trail and bikes lanes on Monster Road already provide some connectivity. Extending the east -west connection would be ideal. In terms of the connection of existing regional trails; there is an excellent opportunity to close the missing link between the Green River Trail and Renton via railroad right-of-way and Fort Dent Park. The "Fort Dent Connector," which would link the Green River Trail to Renton, has been identified in sev- eral regional non -motorized planning documents as a high priority connection. Linkages between regional trails, and this Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Houser Way South, west of Burnett Avenue South SW 7th Street West Planning Area . E 31 Monster Road SW near Waterworks Park Green River at Fort Dent Park Taylor Avenue Northwest 32 connection in particular, were also identified through public comment at project open houses. A multi -use trail to the Black River Riparian Forest, adjacent to the existing railroad and connected to SW 7th via Naches would make connections to the east. The SW 7th corridor has a lot of potential, preferably as a separated multi -use trail and could become an excellent connection to downtown. Neighborhoods This area is hilly, making it challenging for bicycle access, even on the designated shared use routes, Hardie and Tay- lor. The major arterial in the area is Renton Avenue South, which is considered moderately bicycle friendly along some of its length. EXISTING ROUTES CURRENTLY USED BY BICYCLES AND PEDESTRIANS: • Monster Rd SW (bike lanes) • SW 7th Street • Black River Trail (walking trail) • Springbrook Trail (multi -use trail) • Taylor and Hardie Avenues SW (shared use) TRANSIT ROUTES: MILK Jr. Way South/SW Sunset Blvd (SR 900) SW 7th Street SW Grady Way OPPORTUNITIES: • Two Rivers Trail (see Central Planning Area, above). • Fort Dent Connector to connect the Green River Trail and Renton. • Conversion of undeveloped path alongside railroad corridor in Black River Riparian area. • Continuation of separated multi -use trail from Black River Riparian area down Naches to SW 7th. • Possibility for a separated multi -use trail along SW 7th Street to connect to downtown. • Extension north and south of Oakesdale Avenue SW bike lanes to connect with the Springbrook Trail. • Renton Avenue South as a connection to Seattle. • Future extension of Chief Sealth trail through the util- ity corridor. City of Renton Southeast Planning Area (Talbot/Benson/Fairwood/ Soos Creek) Steep hillsides rise up from the Green River Valley and Cedar River corridor. The southeast planning area sits above these two rivers, and borders on downtown. It is bounded by the Valley Freeway (SR 167) on the west, 1-405 to the north, the Cedar River to the northeast, and Renton City limits to the south and east. The terrain is hilly and is transected by utility corridors: Puget Sound Energy transmission lines and the Seattle -Mercer Is- land Waterline. The area is predominantly residential, with some commercial/retail nodes along the arterials. Arterials curve, sometimes in response to topography, and are some- what discontinuous; local streets form inwardly -focused neighborhood units. On the northeast side, The Cedar River Natural Area forms a sloped, wooded boundary between these neighborhoods and the Cedar River. Panther Creek and its wetland complex run parallel to SR 167 at the bottom of the west slope. Thunder Hills Creek flows toward I-405 and downtown from the southeast to the northwest. The area has several pockets of multi -family housing that would surely benefit from improved connections. The primary east -west route, SW 43rd Street/SE Carr Road/ SE 176th/Petrovitsky Road, though long, is steep in places and has a cross section that changes several times along its approximately 6-mile length. At the same time, multiple utility corridors in the area have the potential to provide miles of trails across the area. Pro- viding a balance of destination -oriented non -motorized facili- ties as well as recreational ones will be the challenge in Southeast Renton. There are several major north -south routes connecting to Kent and beyond: Talbot Road, Benson Road/108th Ave SE (SR 515), 116th Avenue SE, and 140th Avenue SE. EXISTING ROUTES CURRENTLY USED BY BICYCLES AND PEDESTRIANS: • Cedar River Trail (on north side of the river east of the Cedar River Natural Zone) • 140th Ave SE (existing bike lanes) • Benson Road South • Puget Drive SE • SE 164th • Talbot Road South (existing bike lanes south of SW 43 rd/ 1 79th /Carr Road SE • Hiking/walking trails in Cedar River Natural Zone Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Southeast Planning Area Benson Road South "Tower of Power" Trail near Philip Ar- nold Park 33 Separated trail along 116th Avenue Southeast Bike lanes on Talbot Road South North Planning Area 34 TRANSIT ROUTES: • 1081h Ave SE • 1161h Ave SE • Puget Drive SE • SE 168th Street • SE Carr Road • SE Fairwood Boulevard • SR 169 Renton -Maple Valley Road • Talbot Road South OPPORTUNITIES: • Expansion of existing soft -surface or rough path / trails in utility corridors. • Connections with Cedar River Natural Area. • Safe walk -to -school routes (Renton Park Elementary, Talbot Hill Elementary, Nelson Middle School, Cas- cade Elementary, Tiffany Park Elementary). • Regional trail connections: Interurban and Green River Trails and Soos Creek Trail, Soos Creek and the Cedar River Trail, Lake Youngs Watershed Trail. • Connections with Kent and points south via 116th Ave SE and 132n1/140t" Ave SE. • Panther Creek wetlands. • Trail along Thunder Hills Creek. • Trail along Panther Creek wetlands, connecting to the Edlund Property and onto the Springbrook Trail. • Pedestrian trails from multi -family areas to shopping areas. • Good overlap between transit and proposed non - motorized transit routes. North and East Planning Area (Ken nydale/Sunset/East Plateau/Cedar River) Though two separate planning areas, divided by Sunset Boulevard NE/SR 900, the North and East planning areas are grouped together for the purposes of this Master Plan be- cause they are more contiguous and interconnected than other planning areas. The East Planning area is bounded by Maple Valley Road (SR 169) to south, 1-405 and Lake Wash- ington on the west, and Sunset Boulevard NE/SR 900 to the north. The North Planning area is bounded by Lake Wash- ington to the west, Sunset Boulevard NE/SR 900 to the south, the May Creek corridor/May Creek urban separator and Renton City Limits to the north, and the Renton City Lim- its to the east. The terrain is hilly and slopes steeply to Lake Washington on the west and the Cedar River to south. It is primarily residen- tial, with commercial retail nodes and along the arterials, es- City of Renton pecially NE 3rd/NE 41h Street and NE Sunset Boulevard/SR 900. Like the South Planning Area, topography presents a chal- lenge to non -motorized travel in the North Planning Area, and currently limits connections between this area, downtown and Interstate 405 and its impact on nearby arterials and collec- tors also limit east -west access. The east -west routes, Sunset Boulevard NE and NE 3rd and 4th Streets, are busy commercial streets, with higher traffic volumes, higher speeds, and many access points into the strip -type commercial development lining the streets. How- ever, there are some routes parallel to these thoroughfares that can provide alternative access, even if these tend to be short, discontinuous segments. Multiple parallel north -south routes (Edmonds, Monroe, Union and Duvall Avenues NE) could make for a highly connective non -motorized network, and provide opportunities to connect with the area's many civic resources. EXISTING ROUTES CURRENTLY USED BY BICYCLES AND PEDESTRIANS: • Lake Washington Loop Trail and Lake Washington Boulevard North bike/pedestrian facilities • Cedar River Trail • May Creek Trail • Honey Creek Trail • Edmonds, Monroe, Union, Duvall Avenues NE • Sunset Boulevard NE (SR 900) • NE 3rd/4th Streets/SE 128th Street • NE 12th Street • 148th SE (connects to May Valley Road, May Valley Park, Hazen High School and Apollo Elementary) TRANSIT ROUTES: • Renton -Maple Valley Road (SR 169) • NE 3rd/4th/SE 128th Street • NE Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) • NE 27th Street • Edmonds Ave NE • Union Ave NE • Duvall Ave NE/Coal Creek Parkway • NE 7th Street • NE 12th Street Busy corner on Sunset Boulevard NE Devil's Elbow, along Honey Creek Trail Pedestrian path along NE 12th Street Union Avenue NE Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 35 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad line along the shoreline of Lake Wash- ington SE May Valley Road 36 OPPORTUNITIES: • NE 10t" and NE 12" Streets as bypass routes to Sun- set Boulevard. • Connections to good distribution of neighborhood parks. • Connections to May and Honey Creek Trails, Cedar River Trail. • Safe walk -to -school routes (Maplewood Heights, Hazen High School, McKnight Middle School). • Existing trails and planned development of the Honey Creek, May Creek, and Kennydale Creek corridors. • Good overlap between transit and possible non - motorized transit routes. • Possible redevelopment of the areas as a result of the Highlands Subarea Plan. • Connections to Bellevue, Newcastle and Issaquah. • Several scenic longer rural routes: SE May Valley Road, SE Jones Road. • Long term redevelopment of the BNSF railroad corri- dor. City of Renton PART 3: RECOMMENDATIONS �..���_�� - � !/ , � \/ � \\� \ \' � \/ .. . � k � \ :��� • �\' .�� 1 - r- � - �%�,, •���>.� �#�� � }-�� - ¥- .- �-- / r4- �- PART 3: RECOMMENDATIONS ROUTING In developing Renton's proposed non -motorized network, it was helpful to think about different categories of routes in or- der to ensure coverage to all kinds of destinations, as well as to determine which trail cross-section is most appropriate. Primary Routes Primary facilities provide regional connections through and within Renton. Because of the longer distances these facili- ties traverse, they will constitute the highest mileage of facili- ties in the system. Examples include the Lake Washington Loop and the Cedar River Trail, both of which are designated regional trails by King County. Primary facilities were selected based on the following crite- ria. The facility should: • Provide continuous connection between major portals to the CBD/downtown/City Center when completed • Serve and connect with the public transportation sys- tem • Avoid high traffic arterials and state highways unless no other feasible direct connection exists • Avoid roadways posted at speeds over 40 miles per hour unless no other feasible direct connection exists • Avoid major hills whenever possible. Secondary Routes Secondary facilities provide subarea/neighborhood connec- tions meant to augment the primary trail system. Typically, they serve smaller commercial, residential, or employment centers, or locations that are not connected by primary facili- ties. As with primary facilities, these facilities may also cover longer distances. An example would be a trail in a utility cor- ridor. Secondary facilities should: Connect the CBD to neighborhoods, major parks, and recreation centers Provide alternative connections to areas served by the primary trail system if either of the following crite- ria apply: Provide a connection between two primary facilities that otherwise would not be connected Trails and Bicycle Master Plan TYPES OF ROUTES • PRIMARY: through routes, connecting city to city • SECONDARY: connecting neighborhood to neighborhood • MINOR: connections within the neighbor- hoods 39 • Provide access to points of interest and scenic fea- tures/destinations that otherwise would not be served by the primary trail system. Minor Routes Minor routes connect residential neighborhoods, commercial centers, employment centers, parks, and specific activity cen- ter to the primary and secondary trail system, provide local connections within these areas, or connect these areas with other nearby locations such as schools. These facilities typi- cally cover shorter distances than either of the other types of facilities. Within this category there is the greatest opportu- nity for expansion, based on development patterns in the City. Encourage More Walking, Hiking and Biking According to a study by the Puget Sound Regional Council, about 5 percent of all trips made in the Central Puget Sound region are bicycle or walking trips, which is comparable to the national average. In Renton, 2.6 percent of commuting trips are made on foot or by bike. In order for Renton to meet the regional average of commuting trips made without cars, as well as to encourage healthier, more active lifestyles and boost recreation, the City must make primary, secondary, and local routes more accessible, and make them safer and more attractive to use on foot or on bike. Boost from Regional Connections On the regional scale, the completion of missing links, exten- sions, and new trail development would add approximately 30 more miles of trail in and around Renton, for a total of ap- proximately 112 miles of regional trail linkage in the City, which is about 63% of King County's total system. Connection to the Green River Trail is possible through the completion of a half -mile missing link between Renton and Tukwila. A planned extension of the Soos Creek Trail to the Cedar River Trail and the development of the Cedar- Sammamish Trail from the Cedar River Trail to Sammamish will provide many additional miles of regional trail through Renton. 40 City of Renton EVALUATION CRITERIA Evaluation criteria were developed to use as the basis for evaluating routes, determining the final selection of routes, the design and cross sections of the routes, and ultimately, as tools for prioritizing the trails for funding and construction. While all the criteria bear significant weight on planning deci- sions, first and foremost, trails and routes need to provide a safe experience for all user groups. The evaluation criteria are based on community needs, safe and efficient bicycle travel. The criteria are listed in proposed order of priority. Safety: The proposed facility should provide a safe trail experience. Accommodation/Accessibility: The proposed facility FACTORS AFFECTING should serve the needs of the maximum number of user SAFETY groups possible; both commuters and recreational users, * Potential for conflict with other trail young and old, pedestrians and cyclists. Some advocate users and vehicles, especially at accommodating differing travel modes, user abilities, and crossings trip purposes through separate facilities --separating faster * Traffic volume, speed, and type: cyclists or equestrians from a primary trail meant to ac- smaller, passenger vehicles vs. commodate pedestrians and less -skilled or slower cy- larger vehicles (e.g. trucks and clists. busses) Continuity & Directness: The proposed facility should * Cross section or geometry of facil- be continuous, clear and easy to follow, proceeding in the ity: proximity to vehicular travel most efficient, and direct pathway possible. Cyclists tend lanes, separation from vehicle to favor routes that require the least expenditure of their lanes, width of facility, grade, sight energy. In addition, navigability and ease of wayfinding distances, surfacing, etc. are extremely important to bicycles and pedestrians. * Perceived safety: overall sense of comfort with the facility Connectivity/Linkage: The proposed facility should link destinations of all levels: neighborhoods, employment centers, schools, parks, shopping, recreation and enter- tainment facilities, public services, and destinations be- yond the city limits. In addition the facility should synchro- nize with transportation nodes and modes through the City, to facilitate multi -modal connections. FACTORS AFFECTING TRAIL Regional Trail Connectivity: The proposed facility EXPERIENCE should take advantage of the nexus of several regional * Safety and comfort trails in the area, connecting to and between these sys- * Perceived safety tems to create an even larger network. * Trail volumes and types of users Trail Experience: The proposed facility should provide a * Noise, air pollution, traffic speeds comfortable and appealing trail experience, and should and volume take advantage of opportunities to follow scenic corridors and connect with scenic resources. In order of most de- * Scenery and scenic resources sirable to least desirable, the following cross -sections are Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 41 recommended: separated trail bicycle lanes, paved shoulders, signed shared roadway, and shared sidewalk. Sensitivity: The proposed facility should be designed to respect and avoid harm to wildlife corridors, critical areas, and other sensitive landscapes. Concurrency: The proposed facility should be concur- rent with other City, County and regional non -motorized planning efforts. Funding/Construction Opportunities: Identify opportu- nities to construct the proposed facility as part of other projects, such as the Transportation Improvement Pro- gram (TIP). METHODOLOGY The evaluation criteria above are listed in order of priority. The sample matrix in Figure 6 illustrates the evaluation meth- odology. The routes are evaluated by each criterion, using a simple to use scoring system. This methodology is designed to allow some flexibility and judgment. The final evaluation matrix (Table 1), which identifies projects and their ranking, is located at the end of Recommendations Section (Part 3). EVALUATION SYSTEM w Negative or Somewhat Strongly F insufficient positive positive z w M information J Lu U w ~ � Z E W U D d > r> w a r w D m P= _—� Z a x oc Z n w w w Z LUi QZ w U H � PROPOSED LL U z o FD z ¢ w z O z RANK PROJECT FROWTO IMPROVEMENTS ¢ Q � N "' ki LL COMMENTS 7 Any Trail Right to Multi use trail 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4kbank 2 Any street Intersection A to Intersection B Bike lanes, both sides 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 Q 0 Figure 6. Sample Evaluation Matrix 42 City of Renton CROSS SECTIONS The safety of the users of Renton's trails and bicycle network can be enhanced by building facilities to a consistent stan- dard and maintaining all facilities adequately. The Master Plan includes a set of guidelines for cross sections as a com- panion to the recommended routes. The design guidelines provide a reference to the minimum acceptable construction criteria which will satisfy commonly accepted guidelines for safety. The cross-section guidelines are based on recognized state and national standards, described in the Design Standards section (page 55). Recognized state and national standards include dimensional recommendations for widths, cross - slopes, grades, surface treatments, separation of elements, signage and other elements that make up a new facility or system. They are intended to define minimum dimensional criteria for development of safe facilities functioning under normal conditions. Figure 7, adapted from Washington State Department of Transportation guidelines, recommends cross sections based on roadway classification, traffic speed and volume. In addition to safety and roadway factors, the assignment of cross sections is based on other factors, such as the con- straints of existing conditions and the desired trail experience (see sidebar). GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SELECTING CROSS -SECTIONS ON ROADWAYS Adapted .. ROADWAY TRAFFIC VOLUME RECOMMENDED CLASSIFICATION AND SPEED ON -ROAD (ADT = average daily CROSS-SECTION traffic) Highways and other Speeds > 25 mph 1st choice: high -volume streets ADT > 2000 Shared use trail with limited access 2nd choice: 4' min. shoulders, each side Arterials in residential, 1st choice: commercial, industrial Shared use trail areas with higher ac- 2nd choice: cess needs Bike lanes, each side Local streets, rural Speeds < 25 mph Shared roadway highways, Collector or ADT less than 2000 minor arterials Figure 7. Guidelines for Selecting Cross -Sections Trails and Bicycle Master Plan FACTORS FOR DETERMIN- ING CROSS SECTIONS * Safety of trail/facility users * Availability of right-of-way, on road vs. off road * Location of destination, most direct route * Type of trail experience desired * Accommodation of different kinds of trail/facility users * Character of roadway (traffic speeds and volumes, etc.) * Constraints of existing conditions 43 44 TYPES OF CROSS OFF -ROAD FACILITIES ON -ROAD FACILITIES Multi -use Trail Bicycle lanes Separated Multi -use/ Paved shoulder Shared Use Trail Signed shared roadway Figure 8. Types of Cross Sections Figure 8, indicates that cross sections are categorized off - road or on -road. The individual cross sections are described below. Off -road Facilities Off -road facilities can offer a multitude of benefits: reduced potential for conflicts with motor vehicles, more spacious fa- cilities, scenic settings, direct access to open space and rec- reational facilities. There are two types of off -road facilities considered in this master plan: trails associated with road rights -of -way, and trails on other kinds of public or private lands. On -Street Facilities The beauty of the Renton's street network is that it takes peo- ple where they want to go. And yet for bicyclists and pedes- trians, skill -level, physical ability, level of comfort, and avail- able time determine what route is best. The most direct route may not be the best for every user. While some bicyclists feel comfortable riding on streets without dedicated bicycle facilities, many cyclists do not. According to Bike Plan Source: "Experienced bicyclists often prefer arterials for their traffic controls and directness. Other riders tend to avoid them, if possible, because of the traffic... Arterials ... may be the only streets that break certain barriers like railroad yards, freeways, and rivers. But arterials increasingly provide other benefits to cyclists as well. In suburban areas, for example, many popular destinations --schools, worksites, shops --can only be found along arterials. For destination -oriented bicy- clists, therefore, using arterials may be the only alternative." City of Renton A combination of the facilities described below will be em- ployed on busier roadways like arterials, as well as local and collector streets to create a trail and bicycle network in Ren- ton that will accommodate a wide range of users' comfort and skill levels. MULTI -USE TRAIL This cross-section applies to corridors that are not associated with road rights -of -way. The design of the trail is wide enough to accommodate two-way shared usage by bicyclists and/or pedestrians. Surfacing options include asphalt concrete, Portland cement, gravel or soft -surface. The latter is pre- ferred if hiking of the trail is expected. Examples of off -road trails would be stream, utility, or railroad corridors. MULTI -USE TRAIL at a glance • Not necessarily associated with road right-of-way: could be stream, utility, railroad corridor, park or open space • 1 and 2-way travel . Width: 3' minimum, 6-8' preferred, shoulder on each side where trail abuts steep slope • Surfacing varies AVAILABLE PROPER7Y WID7N VARIES 3'0" MIN. 70 MULTI -USE TRAIL soft surface Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 45 HIKING ONLY TRAILS Certain trails are designated for pedestrian and hiking only. These soft -surface trails vary in width, but are primarily two to four feet wide. Examples of hiking only trails are May and Honey Creeks, and an example of pedestrian only is the boardwalk on Springbrook Creek. WATER TRAILS The Lake -to -Locks Water Trail is a day -use trail with over 100 public places to launch and land small non -motorized boats in the midst of vibrant Pacific Northwest communities. The lakes of the Lake -to -Locks are Sammamish, Washing- ton, and Union. The locks of the Lake -To -Locks Trail are the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks where fresh water meets salt wa- ter. This is one way to reach the Cascadia Marine Trail on Puget Sound. Water launches from Renton can take place from the Cedar River and numerous locations along the shoreline of Lake Washington. 46 City of Renton SEPARATED MULTI -USE (OR SHARED USE) TRAIL In areas where the road right-of-way is wide enough, a two- way separated trail for shared usage is possible. As with the off -road trail cross-section, surfacing options include asphalt concrete, Portland cement, gravel, or soft -surface. Sepa- rated trails provide greater separation from noise, traffic fumes, and are typically preferred by less -skilled cyclists who do not feel comfortable maneuvering along traffic or who want to travel at lower speeds. According to The Pedestri- ans and Bicycling Information Center, Shared use paths are an addition, and complimen- tary, to the roadway network: they are not a substi- tute for providing access to streets and highways. In the past, some communities have treated the development of a shared use path as the only thing they needed to do to "provide for bicyclists" and give them somewhere to ride. However, even the most extensive trail network cannot provide access to all the origins and destinations in a community, and trail users have to be able to get to and from the trail on the regular street network. SEPARATED MULTI-USE/SHARED USE TRAIL at a glance . Facility in the right-of-way yet physically separated from traffic by open space or a barrier . 2-way travel Width: 10' minimum, 12' preferred + 2' shoulder on each side = 14' or 16' total • 5' minimum separated from roadway • Surfacing varies . Not always preferred by more skilled cyclists, commuters Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 47 RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH VARIES z 'fill N ■ -.LANE LANE 3'-0" 1010" MIN. MIN. CLEAR ZONE, 12`-0" 5'0" MIN. WIDTH TO PREFERRI D OBSTRUCTIONS SEPARATED MULTI -USE TRAIL 5' minimum separation between frail and roadway 21 _ 011 SHOULDER RIGHT -OF -I \AY WIDTH VARIF5 MULTI -USE TRAIL 10'0" MIN, 12' _ 011 PREFERRED Im LDER SEPARATED MULTI -USE TRAIL rural conditions, with shoulder 48 City of Renton BICYCLE LANES The bicycle lane cross section accommodates cyclists in a designated striped lane and pedestrians either in the shoul- der or on a sidewalk in the case of a curbed roadway. For reasons of safety, bicycle lanes are always one-way facilities traveling in the direction of traffic designated for the exclusive use by bicyclists. BICYCLE LANES at a glance • 1-way facilities traveling in the direction of traffic, usually on both sides of roadway • Exclusive use by bicyclists • Width: 5' minimum to curb face or guardrail, 4' minimum with- out curb and gutter • 13 feet: shared bike lane and parking area, without curb face • 14 feet: shared bike lane and parking area with a curb face • Paved surface denoted with pavement markings: 4" or 6" solid white line demarcating bike lane, bicycle lane symbol (see Signage plans) 4" solid white line demarcating parking area Bike lane symbol (6' high) and directional arrows should be painted on the far side of each intersection kt�'_ .. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 49 RIGHT -OF -NAY WIDTH VARIES SIDEWALK PARKING BIKE TRAVEL ILANEI LANE MIN. 9'-0" 5'-01 VARIES TRAVEL BIKE PARKING �SIDENALK LANE (LANE MIN. VARIES kl-O`� q'-d" BIKE LANES: TWO-WAY ROAD, with PARKING 2 travel lanes, 2 parking lanes, 2 bikes lames RIGHT-OF-WAY N 1 DTN VARIES K BIKE LANES: TWO-WAY ROAD, no PARKING 2 travel lanes, 2 bikes lanes 50 City of Renton 51DE- HALK RIGHT-OF-WAY NIDTN VARIES 60' -o" MIN. TRAVEL TV10-VIAY TRAVEL LANE LEFT TURN LANE '-a"i li'-0"1 12'-0" ill-0" SIDE- WALK BIKE LANES: ROAD, with TURN LANE 2 travel lanes, 1 two-way left tarn lane, 2 bikes lanes Existing examples: Talbot Road South, south of South 43rd Street; SW 16th Street, west of Oakesdale Avenue SW RIGHT-OF-WAY NIDTN VARIES 80' -0" MIN. i1c SIDE- BIKE TRAVEL TRAVEL TND-WAY TRAVEL TRAVEL BIKE SIDE- , TALK LANE LANE LANE LEFT TURN LANE LANE LANE WALk 5'-0" ill-0" le 12I-0" le 12'-0" 12'-0" II'-0" if 51-01, BIKE LANES: 4-LANE ROAD, with TURN LANE 4 travel lanes, 1 two-way left turn lane, 2 bikes lanes Existing example: Duvall Avenue NE, north of NE 4th Street Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 51 SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY When right-of-way widths and existing roadway conditions prohibit the addition of dedicated bicycle facilities, a roadway can be designated for shared use by motorists and bicyclists. Typically, this design solution is used on roadways with low traffic speeds and low levels of traffic or with wide curb lanes (i.e. 14 feet minimum). Signed shared roadways may provide a safer alternative to travel on busier parallel routes; direct cyclists toward particular destinations, such as parks, schools, shopping areas; or may serve as a link between dis- continuous segments of dedicated bicycle facilities. Because signed shared roadways are often local streets, they may not necessarily be the most direct route. Ideally, signed shared roadways give bicyclists more priority in traffic maneuvers. The WSDOT Design Manual recommends the following crite- ria be used in determining whether to sign a bike route/ shared roadway: • The route offers a higher degree of service than alter- native streets • The route provides for through and direct travel in bi- cycle corridors • The route connects bicycle facilities • Traffic control devices have been adjusted to accom- modate bicyclists • Street parking is prohibited for improved safety where lane width is critical • Surface hazards to bicyclists have been corrected • Maintenance of the route is at a higher level than comparable streets, such as more frequent street sweeping and repair. SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY at a glance • Bicyclists share roadway with motorists for safety, wayfinding, or other purposes • No change to roadway configuration required, though routes are often designated with signage and other measures to give bicyclists priority or enhance their safety and comfort • Usually on lower volume, speed roadways/local streets. • Signage: every'/4 mile, or at every turn SIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH VARIES .WALK PARKING SHARED SHARED PARKING SIDEI LANE BIKE/VEHICLE BIKEIVENICLE LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE MIN. �'-0" VARIES VARIES 91-011 TWO-WAY SHARED USE ROADWAY, with PARKING 2 shared bikelvehi0le travel lanes, 2 parking lanes 9 RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH VARIES SIDEWALK SNARED TWO-WAY SNARED BIKE/VEHICLE LEFT TURN BIKE/VEHICLE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL. LANE 151-0" I 121-011 I 151_0" TWO-WAY SHARED USE ROADWAY, with TURN LANE 2 shared bikeltravel Janes, I two-way left tum Jane 4ALK SIDEWALK Existing example: 5W 16th Street, east of Oakesdale avenue 5W Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 53 54 PAVED SHOULDERS Paved shoulders are for shared use by bicyclists and pedes- trians. In traffic situations shoulders are often used by stopped vehicles and for emergency uses. Even so, a paved shoulder goes a long way to enhancing the corridor for use by bicyclists and pedestrians. In addition to minimum width, paved shoulders should be free from obstructions and have a reliably smooth surface, without rumble strips. PAVED SHOULDERS at a glance • For use by bicyclists and pedestrians + stopped vehicles, emergencies • Width: 5' minimum with curb and gutter, 4' minimum without curb and gutter • Widths should be increased with higher bicycle use, motor ve- hicle speeds above 50 mph, higher percentage of truck and bus traffic. SHARED SIDEWALK A shared sidewalk cross-section allows cyclists to share the sidewalk with a pedestrian. This cross-section is considered a last resort solution in isolated situations such as across bridges and along high speed and high -traffic roadways, which lack adequate right-of-way for the provision of bicycle lanes, but have existing sidewalks. On sidewalks, bicyclists are expected to yield to pedestrians and walk their bicycles if sidewalks are particularly narrow. Both the shared roadways and shared sidewalk cross - sections are included among the alternatives as a means to fill in gaps at difficult locations. Neither is considered an opti- mum solution and both are avoided where possible. SHARED SIDEWALK at a glance • Generally not advised, except for special circumstances: bridges, high speed/high-traffic roadways • Bicyclists must yield to pedestrians COMBINED CROSS -SECTIONS Certain conditions, such as right-of-way limitations, traffic vol- umes, environmental conditions, etc. may preclude the con- sistent use of a single cross-section along a route or street. While consistency is generally the preference, it is preferable to have a facility that uses a combination of cross -sections rather than no facility at all, or one that ends abruptly. City of Renton IMPLEMENTATION OF CROSS SECTIONS It is recommended that, at the project design level, each pro- ject be reassessed to determine the appropriateness of the suggested improvements, and to determine the available right-of-way, etc. Moreover, it is also critical for the Master Plan to have some flexibility in the designation of cross-section. In the evolution of the planning process, certain assumptions were made about existing conditions, road locations in the right-of-way, condition and location of utilities, etc. When the project is finally in the development phase, a topographic and right-of- way survey will provide the first clear picture of the actual conditions of the route, and it may be necessary to implement a different design solution or combination of design solutions than are shown in the Master Plan. In addition, there may be development of other capital projects or changes in funding strategies that dictate a different cross section or facility clas- sification than the one currently identified. DESIGN STANDARDS AASHTO GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BICYCLE FACILITIES This manual of design standards is recognized nationally as the "industry standard for development of bicycle facilities." All of the design guidelines included in the recommendations section of this plan will meet the minimum standards articu- lated in the AASHTO document. WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines This manual identifies specific design standards related to bicycle and pedestrian facility installations. These standards are referenced in the design guidelines. KC Regional Trails Inventory & Guidelines According to the King County Trails website, "the King County Regional Trail System is one of the nation's most ex- tensive multi -use off -road systems with over 175 miles of trails for bicycling, hiking, walking, and horseback riding." King County Regional trail guidelines are closely aligned with the AASHTO guidelines but are intended to create and unify the regional network by standardizing regional trail design elements, based on the concerns of safety, convenience, aesthetic experience, and economical maintenance. The quality and connectivity of local non -motorized networks varies, but the King County system is the backbone of recrea- Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 55 56 tional and commuting use across the region. Some King County regional trails see as many as 2,000 users a day. As such, the regional trail standards are designed to accommo- dating a large number and variety of users in a safe, efficient and enjoyable manner. FUNDING The City of Renton includes a Bicycle Route Development Program in the annual Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is adopted annually by the City Council. The 2009-2014 TIP (Appendix 1) has programmed $448,000 to implement projects identified in the Trail and Bi- cycle Master Plan. The funding can be used for planning, design and construction phases of the projects as well as for local matches for state and federal grants, as identified in Ap- pendix J. Although it may not be the primary purpose of a particular project or program, many TIP projects have the po- tential to assist in implementing projects within the Trails and Bicycle Master Plan. The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) provides matching grants for trail acquisition and de- velopment, and is open to local and state agencies. Under the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP), eligible projects range from long-distance, cross -state rail -trail conversions to small paths connecting neighborhoods or to other trail systems. Grant applications are received on even calendar years. In 2007, King County voters approved Proposition 2, which includes expanding the regional trail system over a six year period, with the last distribution to cities ending in 2013. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS & PROJECT PRIORITIZATION The recommended trails and bikeways improvements are shown in Figure 9 (city-wide) and Figure 10 (downtown area detail). Tables 1 and 2, following the recommended improvements maps, is the prioritization matrix for the recommended im- provements evaluated on the criteria described earlier in this chapter, and described in the sample evaluation matrix (figure 6). These projects are organized from highest to lowest priority on the basis of their ranking among the criteria. The table identifies each project by location and cross-section. Follow- ing the prioritized matrix is a listing of recommended improve- ments broken down by Parks and Transportation divisions. City of Renton The complete inventory of proposed recommendations and existing facilities can be found in Appendix B, organized al- phabetically. The inventory identifies each route by location, length, proposed cross section, etc. IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIORITIZED PROJECTS Conditions and priorities in all communities change over time. Therefore the entire project list should be periodically re- evaluated. This review should be completed by a group in- cluding residents, committee members, City staff, and others to assure it reflects the needs and desires of the community at large. Reevaluation may involve changes as significant as redefining routes or as minor as shifting project priorities. Maintaining flexibility and responsiveness to the community's concerns and desires will assure long-term success and con- tinued growth of the system. Finally, opportunities for trails and bikeways development may arise (through property acquisition, grant approval, con- currence with other projects, public support, etc.) that could shift project priorities. This list should be reviewed and up- dated periodically as project implementation progresses. PROJECT SHEETS A selection of proposed improvements have been detailed as project sheets, which can be found at the end of the Master Plan. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 57 58 City of Renton NE castle C+o//flub �- \ Cougar Ridge SE 72nd St �°k ark East open Space / £ ` RCER Trail SoutM1 APark LAN® Merceer a=el ad / Eleme _Donegal Hazelwood .,j Park Sadhawk� Park r h.- FaIIs.Park Thomas Rouse Road HKt 1 m RParkn PIaYfi M 841h Ave SE Clarke �Feoiln Lak P v ritcheN `rJ Beaoh Park SE th St IS. r,renr. �a Be"d v�\ W 0 low E ol�G y Lake reek Open space pal*L N Aganllc b ••• Q ` ' \ I C„Ine B,11Ybunion GlcnPoa C Nursery 1 401h q� N� Park � Creek Park adk °°'hLak Iqn scno I N� WIy.�.ttC,ASTLE Bear / KBeatllale Q Q SE 81h S1 S E�avbry ugarlWMland ' Sheva BeachP k Park 88 i h N iB� '4Ch Morgan ♦• d Park•. Ma • Re 9ionPark Scnoo 1 J PRO Wlndh.. •k Cre ek Hignlanda � a k e Washington • QMay Creek Park - N 3Gtn s„J; ....Y P ; anway Park F Trell Forest �� vaw m9P :: ..••• �"/ Hutchinson S ..... Element NF 2]th St—' .T'• 911111111.11.11 �I/ m 'la Va/ eygrountl I �Em _ Sierra oney Creek HGreenway May reek Parr 9 Rtl e w e e H n dale - Li .Park �1� nta �° m eul '9e Q Q h0O ' - \ y • ) Slerta Petl. only�igMS Park PBS 11u Glenrpe Park W ~^ S c K. Sm entice I North Highlands Park&Co--ty m r m lr GaM* Park rSt1, Lakerld9e Park Hillcrest ecial Ctr ene '- y Services ntar I o, See Downtown Gw Ok Coulon h t PLYt 3 Q 2 LYy SEA,TLE 7m Improvements < ` Plan Park - g„ a.. d SE Rentonl ' Ybl< S cal@ S 1 t :y. Z Mitl le HI�FIan� DNR m NE 12th Libra��l L t. of(RE5U050 MeYPark `e M IIeY Valley Rainer Vlry ''•••� uI .- 1 N , POP• • Q N P F� t„ E m IW.eedS� l Couk P` fmrM atura �q G °ry g n uJGetlar a ur ry m _ Rrver \ o Boat House \ ¢ rea h • r . , .. .. N 1.11h St. 0S m ry < On q Q QjjII Bryn Cedar \ HigM1lantlr I �� IK� \ , IE I __ I -Rent .El .� N - f Q tf' olJ Mawr vJ —River s IalI� do' n Trail %,f' \ 'kl 4h..d ne dew ry �7 w ��i777�i77 Parka ➢ str t9 m Q u Q ♦ Campbell m Skyway Hill �O \1 ` dy ♦♦ ^ t Park ✓✓✓ / t z ' \♦ N ♦ S d i NN 0 .rltlirl I!iI III :.1 li Q m Coalfield Park S a - Li Z m M e-i _ Windsor Renon S_ �k \ �r6 HIIS ak eohneal Ili.l Al.I IN, NE NPrT E 4th St College I.11.1 NE 4Ih St �� ♦♦ t S Lan son BI S h Rtl /a - / Greenwaotl "nrat ul le Lij., ,a,J Memodal _ Post _ orgce SE 128(h 51 17 'M1^Hve�6 32nd S Renton AirP - Park Herila9� _ y Park . Park♦♦ S 133rtl St S tan Y. Y way 1 % I/ t OI vet a'k 9 NI Ind st �. ¢' �• m F°ster God ♦ 7341ry St I. ■"� I= Cemete rq ♦ S en on R / berry ry c 36th St c 1 rf' Course \ t -Hg„� • l C d,, Par y _ m MHce ntsd ■ ry w 65 ry Q Eadln9ton aYoo Rtl rr 2]tir�i` war Per m •SE 136liiiQ Elementary ■ N iO Pak WO ... rtl SIF' a k 2 Q Ma otl ¢' m SE 6th St Rlvedi `� 'Ri s _ w w __ Par \♦ ° I �• Black Rve� ♦ Wy IBI d Fretl Gi p a\ j Parr_ \ ids /.� R'Per an @ en m 3Q E _-aplewootl Roatls tle ■ N ■ Geen ♦ �y Forest "----11*'�` iarN 4 SE 14 yst ■ ¢ m _ ♦�I I ■ �� 9 =tree Ri wPark Park TI Y 14 d _ .toil Pk aht. Pa Q ■ M cedam t Q T -v M Tuekwil 3Mtyetro °SI _ ■ SW 7th SI c I a Park oil . S� 19 - gands m - ibr" WLFard<s C.d., er ' S RryE 144th k St ■ *He elms 147t �_ nn.1 Natural Maplew^otl - '' �� I r Park -' ra Wa -X Arnold v grea Golf Course ' i GOredYwaGlty- 3 EIImeS115 ym :�:: Sw0 del Club Halll!,- . Q M 16th St •,. '. E • 169 Lake SI[eet ='. Ti., : Park p prey. RwerdPark ,or / •+v �� N �... •Par .. I .. I .. I .� h0enle,o Ikawa � Sound SPringbrook ✓mar �_ me � zVpr �beky • .......... ce hGl, ■ _1. 1 ♦ / S A a Par ' r.nv and Tr � � ° Sf v�rt SE Renton Maple Ve ir` nm t■ I Iley Rd - D r Q ••: Hlboll asdale�nNelsen Cas a •Cascade •••••� ■ •��� S Wool Eleme Lary r ePark -In Middle ark ••• re Strande Ivd el�n'n 'Y ��°1 ° SE 164th St'.' Inter -an ' 11.1 I.11•ll�l.i l�'I I.I I.I'� _ L Fdlnylo MCGarvey 3 Trail Renton 167,: _ �'• - Wetlantls _ �\I�/ Tukwua - creek - m SE 188th St -, Pend - a',`s�� Wetlantls _ r C Renton •Far tl ,,�' _ Wo Ba lfeld • / SW 1hS .. Park Lib 1 t W _ r" a Pand Park - 's' l m �'h•n•• A� styeU K��/��J L '- se 1761n st � r ��� <�'•. �' � 3� Sw41. t Luv- a aom=lunr , / �up�linmu JilntJ 2N� 1 hSt �� q /. W , Fa N. Creek I !< n10 , Ama ghl.rl �...... ��.I .I . I • YI I,..I I.I I.I 118� l S; S .I I.I I. � aC-!t SSE Cr.. m Ike dT� - Fa nvood Petro I II • Square sky �, I.� • Ridgewood Pzjk Lake De. I/ Elementary �I Y I.I I.I 111J�.• _ 3 `i� � Lake Voungs Bn a Meander = ,n I r TrailM1ead Park ?+ Jaw J Element. Legend 3 �a lementa i Green RIYer L Freeway Trail e k Arterial Street r Mcddl� Gre n Rive SE 192nd St F SE 192nd St Local Street s 196 st G d' - EXISTING ROUTES S 196th St RicM1a _ Soos yLak9s P�n n _ _ Geek Park 1. Multi -use trail, Regional rl 9 /� Q ■ end Trell Lek aruean aterebd -_ E ary Multi -use trail, Local Trail �. 0 ........... . . t. 1.110 q. .Ili m \ v gig. �+ Bicycle Lane v rersbea r ,, �I a' waterenee aka da a9 h e Signed shared roadway KENT _ _,•,•— NP PabkD c G ,Pu h Pedestrian -only trail ighS h .Greek PROPOSED ROUTES High School 40th ODen m 4 I.I I.I 1.1 10 S20et't = - ••�� Multi -use trail, Regional - P Multi -use trail, Local n t S2`� = Lake Voungs vt�//��n Bicycle Lane Emerald Geen `• 1 . Signed shared roadway Park Q _ Q Q Parh Tree ESE 216th 51 Lake Voungs Lake Vounga �� ...k. Pedestrian -only trail N - - - Elementary Park T, S218thSt ° E ail Future rails -trails corridor WE EI ment rY se ,,11�'+',,11`` m /, Geerk pa e� Interstate Fwy 18 State Hwy S 24th P El g .1 .5 1 mile m m - �� w SE 224Ih g w M w lmile a = o Nortn snow m Park 0 School Blameter S228th St8228- Park Orchard Creek Park i 1.0 St = Park MP.,k n Park antl Treil MAP SCALE-1:36,000 ]� Amenity Opportunity Location SOUKE:C,VfRnton,King Counry GISCen[ May2007 / n J Water Trail Launch/Landing Site eGityuf Trails and Bic cle Master Plan � y a Trails and Bicycle Improvements Plan MAY 2009 1 6th St ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ z o (D .41 -- I Renton = a Memorial Stadium ¢ ONE ,� ♦ o o Ceda __.River.Trai Z O Sartori m Educatio Center ♦� ♦� Renton e - Senior - i �fl Center ONE WAY Z - 1° > > d� n'F1 �'j i ° t a ti �s psi N 2nd St '' dw • o Tiliilcum iL v ♦ 1 a Q ■a Y Tobin St ■ 'sue � N � ♦ (n u' N ' Liberty Jones Park ' Park Renton Renton �.lJ YI High Irf , Renton ai Cedar 0 N SchoolPerf. Arts J , Ctr L fy u _ ONE WAY _ Old City Hall y River Park Q Sa way Gafeway Ctri �—' Park ity — = Stati R mon arking ng I° Hi orical Ce aar S 3rd St ,"'� - z ¢ M e tera ns - /der ONE WA, z P Post =■ r�ai/ ear i t. O Office 1F e 3 rd PI ntho N M yer choo > Re ton S Q Park o L r^ Q�V Z ° / , hP\ rvU) D p o Ge Q, - Q { Q g 0 - S. 5th St 'I'CU m - S. 6th St '� � \ o °° Q5.5 nett__ #near = Renton 0 .1 1.Okilome SW 7th St SS th Park i Hai l o ■ ri�� ■ ■ ■--� T rJ E Legend EXISTING ROUTES PROPOSED ROUTES 1w Paved trail, regional 40*Al& Multi -use trail, regional Paved trail, local Multi -use trail, local Bicycle Lane AVIVReav Bicycle Lane 1r Signed shared roadway - WIN . Signed shared roadway Pedestrian only trail `"'•►i► Pedestrian only trail Future rails -trails corridor City of o ;y 'Ez Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Trails and Bicycle Improvements Plan: Downtown •',:, MAY 2009 RENTON TRAILS & BICYCLE MASTER PLAN TABLE 1. PRIORITIZATION MATRIX FOR RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Negative or Insufficent Somewhat Positive Strongly Positive Evaluation Key Info. 0 1 0 2 0 3 z W TRAIL/ROUTE O a v 'Z v H Lu P NOTES, PROP. CROSS NAME FROM TO O JCc N > > Lu CL } Lu Cc z Possible Proposed routes on/y SECTION } N Z� Lu z W W > D z Cc Funding w O v � v Lu z a O z N v p p Za Sources a V1 V Q a C°C V 0 Cz V J W0 tc l.! aac H W V1 o V u. O HIGHEST PRIORITY IMPROVEMENTS 1a-1g TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Green River Cedar River SEPARATED MULTI- KC, TIP 1,2,12, Fort Dent Connector, Trail Trail USE TRAIL, PAVED 14 Black River Riparian Forest, Naches Ave SW, 000000000 SW 7th Street, Shattuck Ave South, Houser Way South 2 SPRINGBROOK TRAIL Black River SW 43rd SEPARATED MULTI- Trail/Monster Street USE TRAIL, SOFT 000000000 Road SW SURFACE (COMPLETE) 3 MAY CREEK TRAIL Lake Washington Cougar Mountain USESEPARATED L,SOFT I- USE TRAIL, SOFT 000000000 Blvd North County Park SURFACE 4 PANTHER CREEK TRAIL Cleveland Lake Street SEPARATED MULTI- 1-405 Richardson Park USE TRAIL, SOFT • O O O O O O O O Congestion Property SURFACE I Relief, TIP 5 5 HONEYCREEKTRAIL Honey Union Avenue SEPARATED MULTI- Creek/May NE USE TRAIL, SOFT Creek SURFACE 000000000 confluence 6 DEVIL'S ELBOW Edmonds Duvall MIXED CROSS - Avenue NE Avenue SECTION: NE/Coal Creek SEPARATED MULTI- 000000000 Parkway USE TRAIL, PAVED (EXISTING) + BICYCLE LANES 7 DUVALL AVENUE NE SE 136th Street/ Coal Creek BICYCLE LANES TIP 3, 4,5 BICYCLE LANES Maplewood Hts Parkway/ (EXTEND EXISTING) Elem. Northern City 000000000 Limits 8 LIBERTY PARK Cedar River Trail Bronson Way SEPARATED MULTI- TIP 12,14 CONNECTOR North/ USE TRAIL, PAVED Factory 000000000 Avenue North 9 SAM CHASTAIN WATERFRONT TRAIL Cedar River Trail Gene Coulon Park MULTI -USE TRAIL, BOARDWALK 000000 0 • • • • 000 TIP 11 10 NE 3rd AND 4th Logan Avenue Eastern City SEPARATED MULTI- TIP 9, 18, 19, WS STREET BICYCLE LANES North Limits USE TRAIL + BICYCLE LANES (EXTEND 000000 0•••0 • • • PBP EXISTING) 11 TUKWILA STATION/ Oakesdale Tukwila SEPARATED MULTI- TIP 12,14 LONGACRES WAY Avenue SW Station USE TRAIL+ BICYCLE CONNECTOR (South LANES 000000000 Grady Way and Longacres Way SW) 12a-12b LAKE WASHINGTON West entrance Park Avenue BICYCLE LANES TIP 11 LOOP: AIRPORT to Airport North (EXTEND EXIST. PERIMETER ROAD & SOUTH OF NORTH LOGAN AVENUE 6TH STREET) + MULTI 0 0 0 0 •O • • • NORTH USE TRAIL BETWEEN 6TH AND CEDAR RIVER. 13 SE PETROVITSKY ROAD BICYCLE LANES Tukwila/Green River Trail and Petrovitsky Park BICYCLE LANES O 0 • • • 0 • O O TIP 1, 2; WS PBP Interurban Trail 14 GARDEN AVENUE Cedar River/ North 3rd BICYCLE LANES TIP 1, 2, 18. 19; NORTH & NORTH 6th Cedar River Street 0 • • • • O • • • STP MPO Alloc. STREET BICYCLE Trail LANES 15 CASCADE TRAIL AND Puget Drive SEPARATED MULTI- Tukwila/ SW 27th STREET �Oakesdale Avenue SW & SE USE TRAIL+ BICYCLE 0 • • 0 • O • 001 Renton Project CONNECTOR SW 27th Street LANES 63 Negative or lnsufficent Somewhat Positive Strongly Positive Evaluation Key Info. O1 O 2 • 3 z O W v TRAIL/ROUTE PROP. CROSS a O J � N > > LU } v H NOTES, Possible NAME FROM TOLU SECTION � Z LU W w W > LU z z Z Funding Proposed routes only } Lu v LUZ z a O z N lam! p p Sources LUO a V Q C°C LU Cz W0 cc W o �a kA a V 0 V J ¢ l.! H ut V u. O 16 NE 7th STREET BIKEWAY NE Sunset Blvd Monroe Avenue NE SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY O O • 00.00 • O • O O 17 NE 10th STREET NE Sunset Blvd 164th Ave SE SIGNED SHARED 1-405 BIKEWAY ROADWAY O • • • • O • O • Cogestion Relief, STP MPO 18 OAKESDALE AVENUE SW BICYCLE LANES SW 7th Street SW 43rd Street BICYCLE LANES (EXTEND EXISTING) O O • • • O • O O TIP 1, 2 19 BURNETT AVENUE South 7th Cedar River SIGNED SHARED 000000000 STP SOUTH LINEAR AND Street Trail ROADWAY Enhancements PEDESTRIAN PARK 20 �TALBOT ROAD SOUTH BICYCLE LANES SW 7th Street Renton City Limits BICYCLE LANES (EXTEND EXISTING) O O • • • O • O O TIP 1, 2 (southwest) 21 EAVENUE NE NE 4th Street NE 27th SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAYIKEWAY Street ROADWAY 000000000 22 BENSONDRIVE SOUTH/ SOUTH/ SR 515 South Grady Way SE 192nd Street BICYCLE LANES 000000000 BICYCLE LANES 23 NORTH RIVERSIDE Williams Bronson Way SIGNED SHARED DRIVE BIKEWAY Avenue North North ROADWAY 000000000 24 BENSON ROAD South 2nd SE Carr BICYCLE LANES 1-405 SOUTH/MAIN AVENUE Street Road/SE Congestion SOUTH BIKEWAY Petrovitsky 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Relief Rd MEDIUM PRIORITY IMPROVEMENTS 25 SOUTH 2nd AND 3rd STREET BIKEWAY Rainier Avenue South Bronson Way SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY O O • • • O • O O 26 FACTORY AVENUE NORTH BICYCLE Bronson Way South North 4th Street BICYCLE LANES 000000000 LANES 27 116th AVENUE SE Puget Drive SE City Limits SEPARATED MULTI- Safe Routes to BICYCLE LANES (south) USE TRAIL, PAVED 000000000 Schools (EXISTING) + BICYCLE LANES 28 LAKE -TOBIN - SHATTUCK STREET Airport Perimeter Road Houser Way South SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY O O O• O O• O O TIP 1, 2, 11 BIKEWAY 29 WILLIAMS & WELLS South Grady N. 6th St SIGNED SHARED O O • • • O • O p AVENUE BIKEWAY Way ROADWAY 30 LAKE TO CREEK Lake Edmonds BICYCLE LANES O O • • • O • O O TIP 1,2 CONNECTOR Washington Avenue NE/ Blvd North Honey Creek 31 SEATTLE WATERLINE TRAIL Cedar River/ Riverview Park Lake Youngs Watershed SEPARATED MULTI - USE TRAIL, ROUGH • O O O • O O O O SURFACE 32 SEATTLE WATERLINE SPUR Cedar River/ Riverview Park 16131 st Ave N NE SEPARATED MULTI- USE TRAIL, ROUGH • O O O • O O O O SURFACE 33 NE STREET Edmonds Union Avenue SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAY Avenue NE NE ROADWAY 0000001000 34 NE SUNSET BLVD/ NE 3rd/NE 4th SE May Valley BICYCLE LANES TIP 1, 2; WS PBP SR 900 BICYCLE LANES Street Road 000000000 35 MAPLEWOOD Duvall Avenue SE 132nd SIGNED SHARED Safe Routes to HEIGHTS SCHOOL NE to SE 132nd Street to ROADWAY Schools ROUTE Street to 144th Avenue SE 144th Avenue SE 000000000 36 LINDBERGH/RENTON 108th Avenue 128th Avenue SIGNED SHARED Safe Routes to PARK SCHOOL ROUTE SE SE (Renton ROADWAY 000000000 O•••OOOO Schools Park Elementary) 37 MONROE AVENUE NE NE 4th Street NE 12th BICYCLE LANES TIP 1, 2 BICYCLE LANES Street 000000000 38 SOUTH 3rd PLACE Rainier Ave. Shattuck Ave. BICYCLE LANES TIP 1, 2 BICYCLE LANES South South 000000000 64 Negative or lnsufficent Somewhat Positive Strongly Positive Evaluation Key Info. O1 O 2 • 3 Z O W v TRAIL/ROUTE PROP. CROSS a O J N > _J > 'Z w } v H Lu NOTES, Possible NAME FROM TO SECTION g n n w Z z ~ W ~ Z w a x ~ uzi z °C z Z I— Funding Proposedrouteson/y a g O v v tW7 Z a O Z Lu � N v p p Sources Lu a ✓Q 0Lu !E Cz W0 cc W o �a V u. O 39 GREEN RIVER TO LAKE YOUNGS CONNECTOR SR 167 (Kent/ Green River Lake Youngs BICYCLE LANES O O O • 000 O• O O TIP 1, 2 ultimately) 40 140th AVENUE SE BICYCLE LANES Maple Valley Hwy (SR 169) SE Streeteet BICYCLE LANES (EXTEND EXISTING) O • O • • O • O O WS PBP 41 PUGET DRIVE SE AND Panther Creek 116th Avenue BICYCLE LANES/ TIP 1, 2 SOUTH 2STREET SE and CLIMBING LANES LA BICYCLE LANES Beacon Way 000000000 SE LOWER PRIORITY IMPROVEMENTS 42 PARK AVENUE NORTH North 30th North 40th SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAY Street Street/Lake Washington ROADWAY 000000000 Blvd 43 FAIR PETROVITSOVITSKY PARK 140th Avenue SE Petrovitsky Park SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY 000000000 BIKEWAY 44 UNION AVENUE NE BICYCLE LANES SE 95th Way Dead end (about SE 4th BICYCLE LANES O O • 0000 O O • O O TIP 1, 2 Street) 45 TAAVENUE NW &Lake HARDIE RDIE AVENUE SW Washington SW 7th St SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY 000000000 BIKEWAY Blvd North (EXISTING) 46 CHIEF SEALTH TRAIL Seattle City limits Renton City Limits REGIONAL TRAIL, PAVED 000000000 KC (west) 47 THUNDER CREEK TRAILI-405 Puget Drive SE USESEPARATED MU USE TRAIL, ROUGHH 000000000 SURFACE 48 PHILIP ARNOLD PARK Cedar Avenue Beacon Way SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAY SE South/ Puget ROADWAY O O O O O O• O O Drive SE 49 SE 171st WAY 140th Avenue SE l SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAY SE Streetet ROADWAY 0000000010 50 CEDAR-SAMMAMISH TRAIL Cedar River at 154th Avenue Issaquah City Limits REGIONAL TRAIL, PAVED 0000000SE O • KC 51 SOOS CREEKTRAIL Cedar River Lake Meridian REGIONAL TRAIL, KC Trail PAVED 000000000 52 MAY VALLEY ROAD BIKEWAY BIKEWAY Lake Washington Issaquah- Hobart Road SIGNED SHARED ROADWAY 000000000 Blvd North KEY TO POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES: (refer to Appendices G, H and 1) CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program, MPO Allocation 1-405 Congestion Relief WSDOT KC King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks - Regional Trails STP - Enhancement Surface Transportation Act, Enhancment Program STP - MPO Allocation Surface Transportation Act, MPO Allocation TIP City of Renton Transporation Improvement Program WS PBPB Washington State Pedestrian and Bicycle Program KC Prop 2 King County Proposition 2 RCO/Trails Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office Parks CIP City of Renton Parks Capital Improvement Project 65 RENTON TRAILS & BICYCLE MASTER PLAN Table 2. DIVISION -SEPARATED ROUTE INVENTORY AND RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL /ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION NOTES in Miles PARKS DIVISION - PRIORITIZED BY PROJECT la TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Fort Dent Park Monster 0.25 Soft -surface trail, SEPARATED MULTI- UP & BNSF ROW FORT DENT TRAIL Road SW rough, under USE TRAIL, PAVED between Tukwila/ Ft. CONNECTOR railroad trestle Dent Park/ Interurban Trail and Renton. Path follows Black River to its confluence with Green River lb TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Black River Naches 0.9 Soft -surface trail, SEPARATED MULTI- Trail parallels railroad BLACK RIVER TRAIL Riparian Forest Avenue SW rough USE TRAIL, PAVED ROW Trailhead/ Monster Road SW 1c TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Black River SW 7th St 0.2 Local street SEPARATED MULTI- NACHES AVENUE SW Riparian Forest USE TRAIL, PAVED Trailhead 1d TWO RIVERS TRAIL: SW Oakesdale Burnett 1.3 Minor arterial with SEPARATED MULTI- Add bikes lanes 7th STREET Avenue SW sidewalks USE TRAIL, PAVED through "road diet" to create SEPARATED trail? 1e TWO RIVERS TRAIL: South 7th Houser Way 0.17 Collector with some SEPARATED MULTI- Reconfigure on- SHATTUCK AVENUE Street South sidewalks, USE TRAIL, PAVED street parking to SOUTH perpendicular accommodate bikes parking on west side 1f TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Shattuck Burnett 0.3 Local street without SIGNED SHARED HOUSER WAY SOUTH Avenue South Avenue sidewalks ROADWAY South 1g TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Burnett Avenue Main 0.3 Local street+ RR SEPARATED MULTI- New cross-section to HOUSER WAY SOUTH South Avenue tracks and sidewalks USE TRAIL, PAVED allow RR use (RAILROAD ROW) South between Burnett and Main (long term?) 2 SPRINGBROOK TRAIL Black River SW 43rd 2.85 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- 2 segments to be Trail/Monster Street trail, paved USE TRAIL, PAVED completed Road SW AND SOFT SURFACE 3 MAY CREEK TRAIL Lake Cougar 3.8 Soft -surface hiking SEPARATED MULTI- Missing link Lake Washington Mountain only trail USE TRAIL, SOFT Washington. County Park SURFACE Hiking/walking only. Creek crossing required. 4 PANTHER CREEK TRAIL Cleveland Lake Street 2 No existing trail SEPARATED MULTI- 1.7 to City Limits, 2.8 Richardson Park USE TRAIL, SOFT to Springbrook Property SURFACE Watershed Park. Could be included as part of 1-405 redevelopments. Include connection to Edlund Property. 5 HONEY CREEK TRAIL Honey Creek/ Union 1.25 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Hiking/walking only. May Creek Avenue NE trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, SOFT Creek crossing confluence SURFACE required. 67 Table 2. DIVISION -SEPARATED ROUTE INVENTORY AND RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL /ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES in Miles CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION 6 DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL Edmonds Duvall 1.7 Abandoned local MIXED CROSS - Avenue NE Avenue street, with SECTION: NE/Coal sidewalks SEPARATED MULTI - Creek USE TRAIL, PAVED Parkway (EXISTING) + BICYCLE LANES 7 LIBERTY PARK Cedar River Trail Bronson 0.2 Public park; informal SEPARATED MULTI- Need a bikeway on CONNECTOR Way North/ access through park USE TRAIL, PAVED east side of park to Factory connect Cedar River Avenue Trail and Garden Ave. North 8 SAM CHASTAIN Cedar River Gene 0.7 No existing trail MULTI -USE TRAIL, Not intended for MEMORIAL TRAIL Trail Coulon Park BOARDWALK bikes; on hold indefinitely. 9 BURNETT AVENUE South 7th Cedar River 1 Collector/linear park SIGNED SHARED SOUTH LINEAR AND Street Trail with paved path and ROADWAY PEDESTRIAN PARK sidewalks & separated multi -use path & street 10 SEATTLE WATERLINE Downtown/ Lake Youngs 3.75 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Utilizes utility TRAIL 1-405 at Cedar Watershed trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, ROUGH corridor, w. spur to Ave. South SURFACE Cascade Park 11 SEATTLE WATERLINE Cedar River/ 161 st/131 st 1 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Utilizes utility SPUR Riverview Park Ave SE trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, ROUGH corridor SURFACE 12 THUNDER CREEK TRAIL 1-405 Puget Drive 0.9 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Could be included w/ SE trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, ROUGH 1-405 redevelopment SURFACE 13 BLACK RIVER TRAIL Black River Springbrook 1.53 Separated SEPARATED MULTI- Trail alongside Riparian Forest Trail pedestrian trail, soft- USE TRAIL, SOFT water/heron rookery Trailhead/ surface SURFACE Monster Road (EXISTING) 14 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL Lake City Limits 4.5 Paved regional trail REGIONAL TRAIL, Ped. only: 6th to Washington (east) PAVED (EXISTING) Lake Washington (.6 mi) 15 INTERURBAN TRAIL Sumner Tukwila 10 Paved regional trail REGIONAL TRAIL, PAVED (EXISTING) 16 RENTON SENIOR Logan Avenue Williams 0.15 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Confirm ability to CENTER North Avenue path, paved USE TRAIL, PAVED share path alongside North (EXISTING) Sr. Center (combine bikes and peds.) KING COUNTY PARKS TWO RIVERS TRAIL: see Parks Division Projects SOOS CREEK TRAIL Cedar River Soos Creek 4.5 Separated multi -use REGIONAL TRAIL, Some existing Trail Park (Kent) trail, rough surface PAVED (EXTEND) segments; some at SE 208th segments being Street developed by King County CHIEF SEALTH TRAIL Seattle City Renton City TBD Utility corridor, REGIONAL TRAIL, Various options to limits/ terminus Limits (west) undeveloped PAVED connection point to of exist. trail Renton CEDAR-SAMMAMISH Cedar River at Issaquah 1.8 No existing trail REGIONAL TRAIL, King County Trails TRAIL 154th Avenue City Limits PAVED Project; acquisition SE and route planning in progress 68 Table 2. DIVISION -SEPARATED ROUTE INVENTORY AND RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL /ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles TRANSPORTATION DIVISION - PRIORITIZED BY PROJECT 1 DUVALL AVENUE NE SE 136th St/ Coal Creek 2.9 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES Carry bike lanes BICYCLE LANES Maplewood Parkway/ sidewalks and bike (EXTEND EXISTING) through (138th Avenue SE/Coal Heights Elem. Northern lanes NE 4th to SR intersections. Creek Pkwy) City Limits 900 0.15 mi existing) 2 NORTH AND NE 3rd/4th Logan Avenue Eastern City 3 Principal arterial MIXED CROSS - STREET BICYCLE LANES North Limits with sidewalks and SECTION: limited bikes lanes SEPARATED MULTI- USE TRAIL + BICYCLE LANES 3 TUKWILA STATION/ Monster Road Tukwila Principal arterial + MIXED CROSS- LONGACRES WAY SW Station collector SECTION: CONNECTOR (SW Grady SEPARATED MULTI - Way and Longacres Way USE TRAIL + SW) BICYCLE LANES 4 LAKE WASHINGTON West entrance Park Avenue 1.3 Shared use SIGNED SHARED Longterm: add LOOP: to Airport North roadway/ ROADWAY separate bike/ped. AIRPORT PERIMETER designated bike (EXISTING) bridge over river ROAD & LOGAN route + bike lanes crossing at AVENUE NORTH on Logan Logan/Airport Rd. Bridge possibly in Parks' purview? Bike lanes planned and funded; long term: improve river crossing at Logan/Airport 5 SE PETROVITSKY ROAD Tukwila/Green Petrovitsky 6 Principal arterial BICYCLE LANES Busy, narrow street. BICYCLE LANES (South River Trail and Park with some ROW looks to be 43rd Street/ 179th Interurban Trail sidewalks, short nearly fully utilized. Street/SE Carr Road / SE separated multi -use Some ex. separated Petrovitsky Rd) trail segment near trail at Ridgewood Ridgewood Elem. Elem. 6 GARDEN AVENUE Cedar River Bronson Way 1.12 Garden: BICYCLE LANES Reconfigure NORTH AND NORTH 6th Trail Local/minor arterial median/curb on 6th STREET BICYCLE LANES (4th to 6th) with to allow bikes to sidewalks. 6th: make principal arterial left/southbound turn (minor Park to onto Williams Ave. Garden) with North sidewalks 7 CASCADE TRAIL AND Interurban Talbot Road 1.3 Utility corridor, MIXED CROSS- 23rd: Oakesdale to SW 27TH STREET Trail/Strander South streets with SECTION: Shattuck/ Shattuck: CONNECTOR Blvd sidewalks, exist. 0.3 SEPARATED MULTI- 23rd to S. 15th/ S. mile segment of USE TRAIL + 15th: Shattuck separated trail west SHARED Avenue S. to S. Puget of Oakesdale ROADWAY Dr/ S. Puget Dr: S. Avenue SW 15th S to Cascade Park 8 NE 7th STREET BIKEWAY NE Sunset Blvd Monroe 0.5 Street: collector SIGNED SHARED Existing on -street Avenue NE with some ROADWAY trail separated with sidewalks; on -street curb school walk route on south side 9 NE 10th STREET NE Sunset Blvd NE 164th St 1.25 Street: collector SIGNED SHARED Existing on -street BIKEWAY with some ROADWAY trail separated with sidewalks; on -street curb school walk route on south side 69 Table 2. DIVISION -SEPARATED ROUTE INVENTORY AND RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL /ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles 10 OAKESDALE AVENUE SW 7th Street SW 43rd 2.2 Arterial with BICYCLE LANES Extend existing bike SW BICYCLE LANES Street sidewalks and bike (EXTEND EXISTING) lanes north under (- lanes 405 overpass with I- 405 improvements, to connect with SW 7th Street; 11 TALBOT ROAD SOUTH SW 7th Street Renton City 3.25 Collector, bike lanes BICYCLE LANES Bike lane/trail under (- BICYCLE LANES Limits north of SW 43rd (EXTEND EXISTING) 405 could be (southwest) Street. Some included w/ 1-405 sidewalks; on -street redevelopment school walk route on east side, bike lanes from SW 43rd to S. 200th 12 EDMONDS AVENUE NE NE 4th Street NE 27th 2 Arterial and MIXED CROSS- Bike Lanes: NE 27th BIKEWAY AND BICYCLE Street collector street with SECTION: BICYCLE to NE 7th Streets LANES sidewalks LANES + SIGNED Signed shared SHARED roadway: NE 7th to ROADWAY NE 3rd Streets 13 BENSON DRIVE SOUTH/ South Grady SE 192nd 4.1 Major arterial BICYCLE LANES SR 515 BICYCLE LANES Way Street 14 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Williams Bronson 0.23 Street: local without SIGNED SHARED NORTH BIKEWAY Avenue North Way North sidewalks ROADWAY 15 BENSON ROAD AND South 2nd SE 176th 2.5 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES Bike lanes/trail could MAIN AVENUE SOUTH Street Street some sidewalks be added to BICYCLE LANES Overpass over 1-405 with 1-405 redevelopment 16 SOUTH 2nd AND 3rd Rainier Avenue Main 1 Principal arterial, SIGNED SHARED Check to see if bike STREET BIKEWAY South Avenue one-way, with ROADWAY lanes can be South sidewalks accommodated thru narrowing of lanes 17 FACTORY AVENUE Bronson Way North 4th 0.3 Minor arterial BICYCLE LANES NORTH BIKELANES South Street 18 SHATTUCK AVENUE Houser Way South 2nd 0.34 Collector street with BICYCLE LANES SOUTH BICYCLE LANES South Street sidewalks 19 116th AVENUE SE Beacon Way City Limits 2.5 Minor arterial, exist. MIXED CROSS - BICYCLE LANES SE/Puget Drive (south) separated path SECTION: SE north of SE 168th SEPARATED MULTI- USE TRAIL, PAVED (EXISTING) + BICYCLE LANES 20 LAKE/ TOBIN/ Airport South 2nd 0.4 Local street, with SIGNED SHARED Required to because SHATTUCK BICYCLE Perimeter Road Street sidewalks ROADWAY 2nd and 3rd are one - LANES way. Alternative would be Logan from Airport Way to 2nd or 3rd. 21 WILLIAMS & WELLS South Grady North 6th St 1 Minor arterial, one- SIGNED SHARED Reconfigure crossing AVENUE BIKEWAY Way way, with sidewalks ROADWAY at 6th to allow bike passage 22 LAKE TO CREEK Burnett Avenue Honey Creek 1.2 Street: collector and BICYCLE LANES CONNECTOR (North North minor arterials with 30th/ Kennewick Place sidewalks and bike North/ NE 27th Street) lanes 70 Table 2. DIVISION -SEPARATED ROUTE INVENTORY AND RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL /ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles 23 NE 12th STREET Edmonds Union 1 Street: collector SIGNED SHARED Existing on -street BIKEWAY Avenue NE Avenue NE with some ROADWAY trail separated with sidewalks; on -street curb school walk route on south side 24 NE SUNSET BLVD/ NE 3rd/NE 4th SE May 6.5 Principal arterial BICYCLE LANES 4.1 in Renton, 6.5 SR 900 BICYCLE LANES Street Valley Road with sidewalks total 25 MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS Duvall Avenue SE 132nd 1.2 Street: local with SIGNED SHARED SCHOOL ROUTE NE to SE 132nd Street to some sidewalks ROADWAY (Duvall Avenue NE to SE Street to 144th 144th 132nd Street to 144th Avenue SE Avenue SE Avenue SE) 26 LINDBERGH/RENTON 108th Avenue 128th 2.4 Collector and local SIGNED SHARED PARK SCHOOL ROUTE SE Avenue SE streets ROADWAY (SE168th Street, 128th (Renton Park Avenue SE and SE 164th Elementary) Street) 27 MONROE AVENUE NE NE 4th Street NE 12th 1 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES BICYCLE LANES Street sidewalks 28 SOUTH 3rd PLACE Rainier Ave. Shattuck 0.25 Local street BICYCLE LANES BICYCLE LANES South Ave. South 29 GREEN RIVER TO LAKE SR 167 Lake Youngs 3.9 Minor arterials BICYCLE LANES Extend to Kent YOUNGS CONNECTOR (Kent/Green (proposed grade (South 200th St, 196th River separated crossing of Avenue SE, SE 192nd ultimately) SR 167) to connect w. Street) Green River 30 140th AVENUE SE Maple Valley SE 208th 4.3 Principal arterial. BICYCLE LANES Existing segment SR BICYCLE LANES Hwy (SR 169) Street Existing bikes lanes (EXTEND EXISTING) 169 to Petrovitsky (2 SR 169 to SE mi); extend bike Petrovitsky Rd (2 mi). lanes south to S. 208th (2.3 mi) 31 PUGET DRIVE SE AND Talbot Road 116th 1 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES Climbing lanes uphill SOUTH 21st STREET South Avenue SE limited sidewalks (EXTEND EXISTING) only? BICYCLE LANES and Beacon Way SE 32 PARK AVENUE NORTH North 30th North 40th 0.75 Local street SHARED USE BIKEWAY Street Street/Lake ROADWAY Washington Blvd North 33 FAIRWOOD- SE 164th Street Petrovitsky 3.3 Arterial SHARED USE PETROVITSKY PARK Park ROADWAY BIKEWAY 34 UNION AVENUE NE SE 95th Way Dead end 2.1 Minor arterial with ADD BICYCLE BICYCLE LANES (about SE sidewalks LANES (132nd Avenue NE) 4th Street) 35 TAYLOR AND HARDIE Northern city SW 7th St 1.4 Shared use NO CHANGE BIKEWAY limits (toward roadway/ Rainier Avenue designated bike South) route (Collector, except Hardie from Renton Ave S Extension to Langston Rd S) 36 PHILIP ARNOLD PARK Beacon Way BIKEWAY (Cedar South and Avenue, South 7th Street Cedar Avenue and Beacon Way South) SE/Puget Drive Puget Drive Local and collector SHARED USE SE SE streets ROADWAY 37 SE 171 st WAY BIKEWAY 140th Avenue SE 176th 0.41 Street BICYCLE LANES SE Street Table 2. DIVISION -SEPARATED ROUTE INVENTORY AND RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL /ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles 38 NE 12th STREET NE Sunset Blvd Monroe 0.5 Street: collector SIGNED SHARED Existing on -street BIKEWAY Avenue NE with some ROADWAY trail separated with sidewalks; on -street curb school walk route on south side 39 SE MAY VALLEY ROAD Coal Creek Issaquah- 2.4 Rural arterial, no SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAY Parkway Hobart sidewalks ROADWAY Road/SR 900 40 LAKE WASHINGTON North 8th Street Park Avenue 0.5 Shared use SIGNED SHARED LOOP: HOUSER WAY North roadway/designated ROADWAY NORTH BIKEWAY bike route (Minor (EXISTING) Arterial) 41 MONSTER ROAD SW Oakesdale SW 16th 0.7 Collector street with BICYCLE LANES BICYCLE LANES Avenue Street bike lanes and some (EXISTING) SW/Black River sidewalks Trail Head 42 PACCAR Trail: GARDEN North 6th Street Houser Way 0.5 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Propose name AVENUE NORTH & North trail on east and USE TRAIL, PAVED change to NORTH 8th STREET south side on minor (EXISTING) distinguish from arterial with other section of sidewalks Garden - PACCAR trail. Need to determine how much more width is needed. 43 SW 16th STREET Longacres Drive Oakesdale 0.35 Collector street with BICYCLE LANES Extend to Lind or E. BICYCLE LANES Avenue SW sidewalks and bike (EXISTING) + Valley Road ("Longacres Bikeway") lanes SIGNEDSHARED ROADWAY 72 SIGNAGE RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction Road networks rely on signage to communicate what condi- tions drivers can expect to encounter and to communicate rules of the road and traffic control. Nonmotorized networks rely on those same signs, but require additional roadside caution signs and pavement markings to enhance awareness and safety for both motorized and nonmotorized users. In addition, wayfinding signage for bicycles is critical to the connectivity and convenience of the nonmotorized network, especially for links between regional trails, or routes where bicycle facilities may not be contiguous. The Trails and Bicycle Master Plan addresses both caution and wayfinding signage. Roadside caution signs and pavement markings follow the standards and guidelines of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the AASHTO Guidelines for the Devel- opment of Bicycle Facilities. Bicycle route signage is based on regional standards. The timing of the Trails and Bicycle Master Plan process coincided with the Downtown Wayfinding Project, the focus of which was to "guide people into and around the Downtown area, better connect Downtown with The Landing, and enhance Downtown identity." The Trails and Bicycle Master Plan coordinated with the Downtown Wayfinding Project to the extent that it helped identify gateways into the City and location kiosks in relation to the proposed trails and bicycle network. The following pages show examples of the proposed sign types. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 73 Roadside Caution Signs Shown mounted to freestanding posts or to existing utility poles or light standards. City of Renton Pavement marking showing loop detector location for bicy- cles. ,rs at nated Bicyclist Symbol Pavement Markers Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 75 Bike Route Signs Shown mounted to freestanding posts or to existing utility poles or light standards. City of Renton Bike Route Signs Sample application, shown at an existing signed shared roadway. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan T.r 226.6BQ �� - iT NII�O/iT �. • Bike Route Signs Sample application, shown at an existing signed shared roadway. I City of Renton �la c Renton Memorial Stadium C etla R ver Trait Re•ilon Senia- Center rist' S_7t!!ilcur� - a - S. Tobin St S* ' a """111 NT N CID a■ i Renton Renton Y- High IKEA J School Porf Arts- . t Ctr BONE WAY Sell wey ttan?y ity Ctrs St �in 121 Erl� aNE#ir1 !�1 iil li 3 _ r, 2 m Educat cat Center AK ONE WAY ■ �f rss N 2nd StIi 7Jn�os t Pa•k arking. S 3rd Strli. NE 7�r f u' Fred tlik"I" 3 rd PI ■ t- V) �■ m too Post tfi RMeYe c Q Q G K Ctr 4 SF CO M GG� S. 5th St _ M .�. ° E S. 5th St ; ner t3near SW 7th St Pak _S_7th 5t _ Renton Hai �A. L1 r Renton airy Jf Cedar i1Cy IH Ca11 River Park al Cedar River_ / �. Legend EXISTING ROUTES PROPOSED ROUTES WAYFINDING �r Paved trail, regional 40AI& Multi -use trail, regional Gateway Location —�_ Paved trail, local �� Multi -use trail, local Bicycle Lane ►sivy Bicycle Lane Kiosk Location Signed shared roadway - ■► 1 . Signed shared roadway •-�� Pedestrian only trail '"Isa4% Pedestrian only Y trail -- Future rails -trails corridor Proposed Signage Gateways and Kiosk Locations Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 79 80 City of Renton PART 4: BACKGROUND/PLAN AND POLICY REVIEW PART 4: BACKGROUND/PLAN AND POLICY REVIEW REVIEW AND SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS PLANS AND POLICIES A major task in the development of this trails and bikeways Master Plan was the review of previous planning documents and policies and the identification of information relevant to this plan. Planning for non -motorized facilities is addressed at all levels of government: local, region/county, state, and federal, and numerous plans were reviewed to ensure con - currency with current regional planning efforts and to avoid contradictory recommendations with previous planning ef- forts. At each level of government the messages about bicycle and pedestrian facilities is echoed: to make communities more livable, make them accessible by foot and bicycle. Provide safe and convenient routes through thoughtful design and arrange land uses to make destinations more accessible so people can and will choose to make non -motorized and tran- sit trips rather than driving. The primary basis of the review was the City's Comprehen- sive Plan, its open space plan, and most importantly, existing non -motorized plans: for trails (1993) and for walkways. Several regional plans also held particular relevance for this study. Finally, state and federal planning -level documents were reviewed. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING EFFORTS Comprehensive Plan Several sections of the Comprehensive Plan address non - motorized facilities: the Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Element; the Transportation Element; and the Commu- nity Design Element. Non -motorized facilities are addressed both directly and indi- rectly in several goals of the Transportation Element: Goal 1: Contribute to a balanced multi -modal transportation system through reasonable, planned, economically feasible arterial improvements that enhance HOV and transit opera- tions, support adopted land use plans, protect or improve business access, and protect Renton's neighborhoods. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 83 Goal 2: Maximize the use of transit in Renton by providing step-by-step improvements to produce regionally linked and locally oriented transit services and facilities needed to serve travel demand generated by Renton residents and busi- nesses. Goal 4: Maintain, enhance and increase pedestrian and bicy- cle travel by providing both safe and convenient routes and storage for the commuting and recreating public. The Non -motorized Transportation section further articulates these goals by stating that the plan is designed to "enhance the quality of life in Renton, to improve walking and bicycling safety, and to support the pedestrian and bicycle transporta- tion modes as alternatives to the use of automobiles." The plan's objectives include the following: • Recognize and capitalize upon the multi -functionality of non -motorized facilities: accommodate both com- muting and recreational uses • Enhance both internal circulation and linkages to re- gional routes and destinations • Provide connections to open space areas and other recreational opportunities • Ensure a comprehensive, interconnected non - motorized network • Facilitate connections to transit facilities • Recognize and accommodate the diversity of non - motorized travel modes, user abilities (ensuring ADA compliancy of new facilities) and trip purposes • Add hiking trails, water trails, canoe launches The Non -motorized section acknowledges that the City's ex- isting transportation system has not been oriented toward accommodating pedestrians and bicyclists and the policies. The non -motorized plan, therefore, provides a framework to reevaluate the existing system for the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists, and to provide for a better environment for non -motorized travel. Approximately a dozen policies provide a basis for expanding and enhancing the existing network, addressing the following aspects: • Bicyclists and pedestrians • Transit use • Universal access • The interrelation of the motorized network to the non - motorized 84 City of Renton • The diversity of transportation modes/user groups and trip purposes • Separation between modes/users and safety of users • Hiking • Water trails The existing bicycle and pedestrian network is briefly de- scribed and evaluated. Proposed routes are listed. Outside of the central business district, the Plan states that bicycles are allowed to share the sidewalks with pedestrians, provided they yield to those on foot. At the same time, the plan encourages the separation of modes, in the name of safety, to the greatest degree possible. As the City's network expands, this policy may need to be reevaluated in light of creating a more hospitable and safe environment for pedestri- ans. Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Element The following objectives and policies within the Parks, Rec- reation, Open Space, and Trails Element deal with non - motorized facilities: Objective P-F: Create a walkable community by developing and maintaining a comprehensive trails system that provides non -motorized access through the City, maximizes public ac- cess to parks, schools, and open space areas, connects to regional trail systems, and provides increased recreational opportunities for the public. Policy P-63: Trails should provide for the needs of a diverse population of users including groups such as adults, children, seniors, workers, the disabled and other people engaging in either passive and/or active pursuits including: a. pedestrians, b. recreational bicyclists, c. joggers/runners, d. in -line skaters, e. bicycle commuters f. canoeists and kayakers, and g. hikers. Policy P-66: Linkages should be provided with surrounding communities within major regional corridors such as the Ce- dar River, Green River, the Lake Washington Loop, and the Soos Creek Trail. Policy P-68: Integrate Renton's recreational trail needs into a comprehensive trail system serving both local and regional users. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 85 Policy P-69: Plan and coordinate appropriate pedestrian and bicycle commuter routes along existing minor arterial and col- lector arterial corridors. Policy P-69: Plan and coordinate appropriate pedestrian and bicycle commuter routes along existing minor arterials and collector arterial corridors. Policy 78: Provide opportunities for the public to access, via Lake Washington, the "Lakes to Locks" regional water trail system. Again, the separation between foot/bicycle and between trails and roadway, where possible, is advocated. Community Design Element The section on streets, sidewalks and streetscape in the Community Design Element promotes pedestrian -friendly de- sign through a number of objectives and policies aimed at more detailed design considerations. One policy in particular, however, suggests a number of important criteria for enhanc- ing non -motorized connectivity: Policy CD-60. Criteria should be developed to locate pedes- trian and bicycle connections in the City. Criteria should con- sider: • Linking residential areas with employment and com- mercial areas; • Providing access along arterials; • Providing access within residential areas; • Filling gaps in the existing sidewalk system where ap- propriate; and • Providing access through open spaces and building entries to shorten walking distances In conclusion, the inclusion, enhancement and promotion of non -motorized facilities are supported on many levels through the City's Comprehensive Plan. 1993 Trails Master Plan The 1993 Trails Master Plan is a thorough and well - considered plan for the development of a trail system in and around Renton, the first of its kind for the City. It was adopted as part of the Parks, Recreation, Trails, and Open Space Plan. The plan reflects a focus on open space, preser- vation, and recreation, and was created through a compre- hensive community involvement process. The plan breaks the City up into six geographic planning ar- eas (though the City now uses slightly different planning ar- eas), based on boundaries formed by major vehicular trans- 86 City of Renton portation corridors or major geographic features: Interstate 405, State Routes 900 (Sunset Boulevard), 167 (the Valley Freeway), and 169 (Maple Valley Road and the Cedar River). Within these areas, the plan identifies the major corridors and travel routes for non -motorized travel: • Northeast Corridors: East Shore Lake Washington, May Creek/Honey Creek • East Corridors: Renton -Issaquah • Southeast Corridors: Cedar River, Seattle and Mercer Island Waterlines • Southwest Corridors: Orillia-Petrovitsky, Green River Valley • West Corridor: Black River • Northwest Corridor: West Shore Lake Washington Each of the proposed corridors, and subsequently the feasi- bility of the proposed routes, is thoroughly analyzed. The plan recommends a separate, hierarchical system of major and minor trails for pedestrians (24 routes) and bicyclists (28 routes). Many routes share the street right-of-way, and five are mixed use, along separated rights -of -way. In addition, the plan details trail standards and puts forth an implementation plan. Though the proposed routes are not all still valid, and conditions throughout the City have changed, the plan provides an excellent foundation and resource for non -motorized planning today. It is interesting to contrast the 1990 plan's focus on open space, preservation, and recrea- tion with the current climate of non -motorized planning, with the greater emphasis on bicycling as a mode of transporta- tion. 2004 Draft Trails Plan The more recent current trails plan provides an updated in- ventory of existing and planned trails, and serves as a plan- ning -level resource. It identifies 31 trails or routes, for both hiking and biking, de- scribing in general terms the existing conditions and pro- posed character (surfacing, primarily) of each trail (see Ap- pendix F). In addition, connections and destinations (parks or facilities) are mapped on top of aerial photographs for each route. Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study (2003) The Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study is in some ways the counterpart to the trails and bikeways plan. The study features a detailed analysis of how pedestrians are ac- Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 87 commodated in the City's existing street network and an iden- tification of the missing links in the system. It also includes detailed analyses and strategies for building out sidewalks — cross-section options, evaluation/prioritization systems, time- lines, cost estimates, and funding options. The overall purpose of this study differs somewhat from the Trails and Bikeways Plan, with its focus on inventory, identifi- cation of missing links and the implementation of sidewalks. However, the study is a valuable complement to the Trails and Bikeways Plan. Long Range Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Implementation Plan (2003) The adopted Long Range Parks, Recreation, Open Space Plan presents a valuable mix of big -picture and more detailed analysis of the City's public lands, present and proposed. Parks and open spaces are important trip generators for non - motorized travel. The identification of existing and future des- tinations is an important component of the Renton Trails and Bikeways Master Plan. In addition, the plan nicely describes the City's physical setting — natural features, topography, and character. REGIONAL LEVEL Destination 2030: Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Central Puget Sound Region (revised 2006) The Puget Sound Regional Council developed Destination 2030 to provide a strategy for making regional decisions re- lated to growth, transportation, and other elements that affect the quality of life for residents of the region. The report proposes strategies to curb trends leading to greater congestion, many of which support and encourage non -motorized improvements. Specific policies that support the Trails and Bikeways Plan echo the policies in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Metropolitan Transportation Plan, last revised in 2006, was prepared as a first step toward implementation of the policies set forth in Vision 2030 and Destination 2030, a re- gional planning document that provides a strategy for deci- sions related to growth and transportation. The MTP identi- fies the need to invest in three major program areas: • Development of a Regional Network of Non -motorized Transportation Facilities. City of Renton • Development of Local Networks for Non -motorized Travel. • Development of Transit Access for Pedestrians and Cyclists. In addition, the MTP includes a map demarcating a Prelimi- nary Regional Non -motorized Network, which includes major separated trails or bikeways and shared use bikeways or walkways. Appendix 9 "Projects" identifies transportation im- provements; both motorized and non -motorized that are for- mally part of Destination 2030. Data obtained from these list- ings will be used as an aid in developing this plan. King County Regional Trail Inventory and Implementation Guidelines (2004) The City of Renton is sited at the juncture of several impor- tant regional trails. King County's regional trail inventory ex- amines each trail in its system, identifying missing links and proposing short-term and long-term uses for each of these corridors. The regional trails/corridors that pass through or near Renton include: • Interurban Trail • Green River Trail • Lake Washington Loop • Cedar River Trail • Soos Creek Trail Connections to and between these trails will provide both re- gional and local trail -user benefits and will be a priority of this plan. Of particular interest and priority to King County are connections between the following regional trail corridors: • Green River/Interurban Trail and Cedar River Trail/ Lake Washington Loop • Cedar River Trail and East Lake Sammamish Trail • Cedar River and Soos Creek Trails Making these connections has also been identified by the public as the highest priority for Renton's non -motorized net- work. Left by the Side of the Road: Puget Sound Regional Bicycle Network Study, Assessment and Recommendations (Cascade Bicycle Club, 2005) This document purports to be the "most detailed assessment of bicycle routes ever performed" in the Puget Sound region. The study examines existing conditions, identifies missing links and prioritizes key connections. It also rates existing Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 99 •M bike routes with a pass or fail rating based on a number of different factors. The plan examines routes through Downtown Renton, and rates the NE 3rd/4th Street route "fail." In addition, the plan identifies a missing link called the "Black River Connector Trail," which would connect the Interurban Trail with the Black River Trail (enabling a connection with the Lake Washington Loop) via 68th S/Monster Rd and Ft. Dent Park in Tukwila. This trail segment has appeared in other plans as the "Fort Dent Connector" and is also seen as a high priority by King County. As with King County's regional trail plan, improvements and completion of these routes would provide benefits beyond just the City of Renton, and are given high priority accord- ingly. 1-405 Corridor Improvements The 1-405 Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Projects is a multi -modal strategy that features a number of bicycle and pedestrian improvements through jurisdictions along the corridor, as part of the larger 1-405 Corridor Improvements Project. Six improvements are identified in the Renton/ Tukwila area and will help complete the non -motorized net- work. Some of these improvements, including some in Ren- ton, are described in the first phase of the master plan, and will be funded through the Washington State Department of Transportation 2003 "Nickel" Funding Package. Others are planned for future phases of the project, to be funded through various funding mechanisms (see Appendix J). Shorter -term enhancement possibilities associated with the I- 405 improvements include the widening of several routes that pass under or over 1-405: • Oakesdale Avenue Southwest • Talbot Road South • Benson Road South These routes are currently not wide enough to safely accom- modate bicycles and pedestrians. The City is working with WSDOT to create safer non -motorized routes as these corri- dors are redeveloped. BNSF Rail Corridor Preservation Study King County and the Port of Seattle are considering a pur- chase and land swap deal that would allow the approximately City of Renton 65-mile Burlington Northern Sante Fe rail corridor for devel- opment as a trail. The BNSF line is the route of the former Spirit of Washington Dinner Train, whose terminus was in downtown Renton at Burnett Avenue South. BNSF temporar- ily closed the line in 2007 to allow improvements to bridges through downtown Renton. The corridor will still be used to move fuselages between the Boeing Renton Plant and Everett. Details for the development of the corridor were be- ing negotiated during the Trails and Bicycle Master Plan proc- ess. The development of the corridor would provide several important opportunities for trail connections/trail heads, and access to the central business district, transit, and some parks/community centers through Renton. These potential connections will be incorporated into the Trails and Bikeways Plan. STATE LEVEL Washington's Transportation Plan (WTP) 2007-2026 (2006) The WTP recognizes the many benefits bicycling and walking provide to a community: environmental, health, and a reduc- tion in congestion and positive economic impact. "Innovation should also facilitate readily available alternative transporta- tion, including bicycles and walking, which conserve energy and contribute to personal health." The goals of the Bicycle Transportation and Pedestrian Walkways Plan are to in- crease non -motorized travel while also increasing safety, through the following strategies: Maximizing funding through partnerships Raising awareness of the needs for bicycle and pe- destrian safety Sharing information on bicycle and pedestrian issues between agencies, jurisdictions, and organizations in Washington State. Increasing safety is a major focus of the plan, and it proposes to do this through engineering, education and enforcement. Recommendations within Renton's Trails and Bikeways Plan will meet the following criteria for the funding of projects through state funds: • Improving intersections by providing: curb extensions, lighting, raised median, crosswalk enhancements, signs, signals, and mid -block crossing treatments • Completing bicycle lanes and sidewalks • Constructing bicycle and pedestrian paths • Providing safe routes to transit Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 91 • Providing pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements for at -risk group (children, the elderly, and people with disabilities) • Distribution of educational materials. 92 City of Renton TERMINOLOGYAND DEFINITIONS This master plan uses a variety of terms to describe pro- posed and facilities/improvements for bicyclists and pedestri- ans. These terms are adapted from WSDOT Design Manual, Section 1020 Bicycle Facilities. Bicycle route — An officially designated system of facilities for use by bicyclists. A series of bicycle facilities may be combined to establish a continuous route and may consist of any or all types of bicycle facilities. Bike lane — A portion of a highway or street identified by signs and pavement markings intended for exclusive use by bicycles. Dedicated facility— a bike lane, path or other improvement for the exclusive use by bicycles and/or pedestrians Facility— general term used to describe a set of improve- ments or measures designed to accommodate bicycles or pedestrians Path — In this master plan, the term path is used to denote an informal route, such as a footpath or desire path. Shared roadway — a roadway that is open to both bicycle and motor vehicle travel. This may be an existing roadway, a street with wide curb lanes, or a road with paved shoulders. Shared -use or multi -use path/trail — a facility, often within a road -right-of-way, that is physically separated from motor ve- hicle traffic and designed for use by a variety of non - motorized users. Signed shared roadway — a roadway that has been desig- nated as a route for bicycle use by signing and/or other measures intended to increase safety and convenience for bicycles. Trail — according the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (1999), "in many states, the term trail means an unimproved recreational facility". In this master plan, the term trail is used to denote an official non -motorized facility, whether planned or existing, and will be used with qualifying descriptors, such as multi -use trail. Walkway— pedestrian facilities that can be either separated from roadways, such as sidewalks and paths, or part of road- ways, such as crosswalks or wide shoulders. Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 93 94 City of Renton BIBLIOGRAPHY Cascade Bicycle Club. 2005. Left by the Side of the Road: Puget Sound Regional Bicycle Net- work Study, Assessment and Recommendations. City of Kent. 2007. City of Kent Transportation Master Plan. City of Newcastle. 2003. Comprehensive Plan, Figure PTR-2, Newcastle Trail System. City of Renton. 2004. Comprehensive Plan. City of Renton. 1993. Trails Master Plan. City of Renton. 20043. Draft Trails Plan. City of Renton. 2003. Parks, Recreation and Open Space Implementation Plan. City of Renton. 2003. Comprehensive Walkway Study. City of Tukwila. 2007. City of Tukwila Draft Non Motorized Plan. AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials). 1999. Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. Prepared by the AASHTO Task Force on Geometric De- sign. HDR, Bellevue, WA. 2007. BNSF Rail Corridor Preservation Study. Puget Sound Regional Coun- cil. Retrieved 3-26-2008 from www.psrc.org/projects/bnsf/index.htm. King County. 1992. King County Regional Trail Plan. King County Parks, Planning Resources Department, Parks Division. King County. 2004. Regional Trail Inventory and Implementation Guidelines. King County De- partment of Natural Resources and Parks. King County. 2007. HealthScape: Community Design for Health and the Environment/ Sustainability through Healthy Community Design. www.metrokc.gov/HealthScape National Center for Safe Routes to School. Retrieved 3-26-2008 from www.saferoutesinfo.org. Nelson, Alyse. 2007. Livable Copenhagen: The Design of a Bicycle City. Center for Public Space Research, Copenhagen and University of Washington, Seattle. Pedestrian and Bicycling Information Center. 2007. Shared Use Paths. Retrieved 3-26-2008 from www.bicyclinginfo.org/engineering/paths-principles.cfm Puget Sound Regional Council. 2003. Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Implementation Strategy for the Central Puget Sound Region 9. Accessed from www.psrc.org/projects/nonmotorized/ implementation/ch2.0f Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 95 Puget Sound Regional Council. No. T17, November 2001. Biking and Walking in the Central Puget Sound Region. Accessed from http://www.psrc-org/publications/pubs/trends/tl7novOl.pd Puget Sound Regional Council. November 2003. Puget Sound Trends: Census 2000 Data Illus- trate Diverse Commute Modes. Accessed from www.psrc.org/publications/pubs/trends/ t21 nov03.pdf Puget Sound Regional Council. Revised 2006. Destination 2030: Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Central Puget Sound. Retrieved 3-26-2008 from www.psrc.org/protects/mtp/index.htm Tracy -Williams Consulting. 1996. Bike Plan Source: Specific Roadway Environments. Re- trieved 3-26-2008 from www.bikeDlan.com/roads.htm Washington Department of Transportation. 2006. Washington Transportation Plan (WTP) 2007- 2026. Washington Department of Transportation. 2006. WSDOT Design Manual. Chapter 1020: Bicy- cle Facilities. Accessed from www.wsdot.wa.gov/publications/fuIItext/Policy/DesignManual/ DMChapters/DM1020 06 Nov.pdf Washington Department of Transportation. 2007 Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) Manual. 96 City of Renton . * b� �� ;-, •fir �� � �.- ��# � � 4'+ ti' ~ ��. '7C • � - r .: �+5#--r+� .R� �f ;yam ' � �'r �'wr.,_ } • i �4 -•• y t ' _ IL r IL Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan PROJECT SHEETS _ 1 "+" . _ 3 r Introduction The following recommended improvements have been detailed in Project Sheets, which are arranged alphabetically Maps Vicinity maps are included for each project to show project location and some of the surrounding context. The scale of the maps varies according to the length of the proposed pro- ject. The vicinity maps show only the proposed improvement, with connections to parks, schools and trails, and are de- scribed in the accompanying text. Refer to Figure 9, Pro- posed Trails and Bikeways Improvements, for a comprehen- sive view of all proposed improvements, and connections to parks, schools, etc. Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements Map Legend The legend for the proposed improvement type is shown below. This legend matches the legend in Figure 9. Legend EXISTING ROUTES Multi -use trail, Regional Multi -use trail, Local Bicycle Lane �- Signed shared roadway Pedestrian -only trail PROPOSE❑ ROUTES f*aM Multi -use trail, Regional Multi -use trail, Local 41101isir Bicycle Lane • 14 . • Signed shared roadway •I I've Pedestrian -only trail -�� Future rails -trails corridor Typical Cross -sections The cross -sections included in each project sheet are typical; they are meant to convey approximate dimensions and relationships between right-of-way elements. They do not depict actual conditions, such as actual right-of-way and lane widths, or the presence or absence of turn lanes, and other elements that may vary along the length of a right-of- way. Refer to the discussion on the implementation of cross -sections in the Master Plan. PROJECTS SHEETS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Listed in alphabetical order; refer to Table 3 for a complete listing of all projects PAGE 116th Avenue SE Bicycle Lanes .................................... 100 140th Avenue SE Bicycle Lanes .................................... 101 Benson Drive South/ SR 515 Bicycle Lanes .................. 102 Benson Road/Main Avenue South Bicycle Lanes.......... 103 Black River Trail............................................................. 104 Burnett Avenue South Linear and Pedestrian Park ....... 105 Cascade Trail and SW 27th Street Connector ............... 106 Cedar River Trail............................................................ 107 Cedar-Sammamish Trail ................................................ 108 Chief Sealth Trail........................................................... 109 Duvall Avenue NE Bicycle Lanes ................................... 110 Edmonds Avenue NE Bikeway and Bicycle Lanes ........ 111 Factory Avenue Bicycle Lanes ....................................... 112 Fairwood—Petrovitsky Park Bikeway ............................ 113 Garden Avenue North & North 6th Street Bicycle Lanes114 Green River to Lake Youngs Connector ........................ 115 Honey Creek Trail.......................................................... 116 Interurban Trail............................................................... 117 Lake —Tobin —Shattuck Avenue Bicycle Lanes ............. 118 Lake to Creek Connector ............................................... 119 Lake Washington Loop: Airport Perimeter Road .......... 120 Lake Washington Loop: Logan Avenue North .............. 121 Liberty Park Connector .................................................. 122 Lindbergh and Renton Park School Route ..................... 123 Maplewood Heights School Route ................................. 124 MayCreek Trail.............................................................. 125 Monroe Avenue NE Bicycle Lanes ................................ 126 NE 3rd and 4th Street Bicycle Lanes ............................. 127 NE 7th Street Bikeway ................................................... 128 NE 10th Street Bikeway ................................................. 129 NE 12th Street Bikeway ................................................. 130 NE Sunset Boulevard/SR 900 Bicycle Lanes ................. 131 North Riverside Drive Bikeway ...................................... 132 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements Oakesdale Avenue SW Bicycle Lanes..............................133 Panther Creek Trail...........................................................134 Park Avenue North Bikeway.............................................135 Philip Arnold Park Bikeway...............................................136 Puget Drive SE and South 21 st Street Bicycle Lanes ......137 Sam Chastain Waterfront Trail..........................................138 SE 171 st Way Bikeway.....................................................139 SE May Valley Road Bikeway...........................................140 SE Petrovitsky Road Bicycle Lanes..................................141 Seattle Waterline Spur......................................................142 Seattle Waterline Trail.......................................................143 Soos Creek Trail...............................................................144 South 2nd and 3rd Street Bikeway...................................145 South 3rd Place Bicycle Lanes.........................................146 Springbrook Trail...............................................................147 Talbot Road South Bicycle Lanes.....................................148 Taylor and Hardie Avenue Bikeway..................................149 Thunder Creek Trail..........................................................150 Tukwila Station/Longacres Drive Connector .....................151 Two Rivers Trail: Fort Dent Connector, Black River Railroad ROW Trail, Naches Avenue SW, SW/South 7th Street, Shattuck Avenue South, Houser Way South ...... 152-157 Union Avenue NE Bicycle Lanes......................................158 Williams & Wells Bikeway.................................................159 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) lei HT-Cf-I+1A7 AJOTH VARIES Q)1_0" I` IN_ 0 SIDE- ; TRAVEL TKO -IAA" TRAVEL SiDE- NALiG LAME LFF7 TURN :_AIDE 0 WALK 5-011'-C" 17-0" 110-o" '-0 ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements 116TH AVENUE SE BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Beacon Way SE/Puget Drive SE to SE 192nd Destination Street, generally aligned on 116th Ave SE Project Length 2.5 miles Existing Condition Minor arterial, 2 lanes Existing separated multi -use trail north of SE 168th Street Proposed Bicycle lanes Cross-section V 1111111���!IIICI User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: CVAC Ball fields, Cascade Elementary, Benson Hill Elementary TRAILS: Seattle Waterline, Philip Arnold Park Bike- way Project A north -south neighborhood route, with connec- Description tion to Kent Constraints and If adequate right-of-way exists, extension of ex - Considerations isting separated trail, even at less than 8' stan- dard, would make a good facility for less skilled riders 100 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) R1G-47-Or--WAY vil)T+4 VARIES oa,-10• MIN. B'OE- "RA-AF_ -;LL'JEL = Ao'"AY -RA-d . TR1'd� 513*- XALi -A%! . "E 9'r TOM LANE LAtiE xALK III -OF 2­0 r2 -0' 14`� ' S1'-0` 15 -0 ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements 140TH AVENUE SE BICYCLE LANES Project Status EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSION Origin and Maple Valley Highway/SR 169 to SE 208th Street Destination (Kent) Project Length 4.3 miles Existing Condition Principal arterial, 4 lanes Existing bicycle lanes SR 169 to SE Petrovitsky Rd (2 mi). Proposed I Bicycle lanes south of SE Petrovitsky Rd Cross-section V III IIJ;II M III Its I User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Cedar River, Fairwood Golf and County Club, Fair - wood Square, KC Library, City of Kent PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Carriage Crest and Lake Youngs Elementary TRAILS: Cedar River, Soos Creek, Seattle Water- line Project A north -south route connecting the Cedar River Description Trail in Renton and Kent. Parallels Soos Creek Trail and would provide accommodation for cy- clists. Provides access to commercial, civic and recreational destinations. Constraints and High speed and volume multi -lane arterial, with Considerations steep grades along stretches. itil MAP (scale varies) vim•., n e - i � 3 I Imo- APto R a �.... -. n TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGS -I i #F—IAA lq SIDE- TRAVEL TRAVEL KALK us LANE LANE MINI. MIN. '-0"' 11'-0" J II'-0" 6F SI DE- NALK y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements BENSON DRIVE SOUTH/SR 515 BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and South Grady Way to SE 192nd Street Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section 4.1 miles Major arterial Bicycle lanes *1II 11111, 111111I11 User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections City Hall PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Thomas Teasdale Park, Talbot Hill Elementary, Nelson Middle School TRAILS: Cascade BICYCLE LANES: Puget Drive SE, SE 176th Street, Benson and Talbot Road South Project A north -south route providing neighborhood ac- Description cess and access into downtown. Constraints and Steep and busy in places. Considerations itlj] MAP (scale varies) A TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGS -I i #F-IAA lq SIDE- TRAVEL TRAVEL KALK us LANE LANE MINI. MIN. '-011 11'-0" J II'-0" 1, Q. 1 4 -1 6F SI DE- NALK ' Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements hr BENSON ROAD/MAIN AVENUE SOUTH BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Main Street South and South Grady Way to SE Destination 176th Street Project Length 2.3 miles Existing Condition Minor arterial Proposed I Bicycle lanes Cross-section '41111 it) III Ill User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections City Hall PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Thomas Teasdale Park, Nel- son Middle School TRAILS: Cascade BICYCLE LANES: Puget Drive SE, SE 176th Street Project A north -south route providing neighborhood ac- Description cess. Constraints and Slope. 1-405 Redevelopment could provide oppor- Considerations tunities to enhance overpass. 103 MAP (scale varies) C4 to TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY I I)TH VARIES I0'-0n to 1'-0" Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements BLACK RIVER TRAIL EXISTING Black River Riparian Forest Trailhead/Monster Road SW to Springbrook Trail 1.53 miles Separated multi -use trail, soft surface No change User Groups Pedestrians Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Black River Riparian Forest TRAILS: Spring brook Trail Project A series of trails along the foot of the railroad em- Description bankment and along the riparian wetland area, the site of a heron rookery. Constraints and Considerations 104 MAP (scale varies) 7th St I F TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) PARTIAL RIGHT-OF-WAY ENTIRE ROW INCLUDES 2 ONE-WAY ROADNAYS DIVIDED BY LINEAR PARK IN MIDDLE 10, PATPNAY STARED PARKING TI4ROUGA LINEAR BIKE/VEHICLE LANE PARK TRAVEL LANE MIN. q' -p" Project Status Ceme• Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition `�Ri► Proposed Cross-section User Groups Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements BURNETT AVENUE SOUTH LINEAR AND PEDESTRIAN PARK EXISTING South 7th Street and Cedar River 1.0 mile Collector. Existing linear park between South 5th and 7th Streets provides wide pedestrian walk Shared use roadway + existing separated multi- use trail in park blocks Pedestrians, with bicyclists allowed. Connections Downtown shopping and services, Renton Transit Center PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Cedar River, Tonkin Park, TRAILS: Cedar River Trail, Two Rivers Trail I Project As the core downtown street, the former railroad Description right-of-way combines park space, parking, tran- sit, and walking trails into a linear transportation/ park corridor. Constraints and Bus traffic in Transit Center is challenging for Considerations through bicycle access. itiv, MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY KIDTI4 VARIES 3'0° MIN. To # I� ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements CASCADE TRAIL AND SW 27th CONNECTOR Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Interurban Trail/Strander Blvd to Cascade Park, Destination via Puget Drive SE Bicycle Lanes Project Length 1.3 miles, 0.3 existing Existing Condition Utility corridor, rough path Separated multi -use trail, SW 27th west of Oakes - dale Avenue SW (0.3 miles) Proposed Separated multi -use trail (soft -surface) Puget Cross-section Drive to Cascade Park. Separated multi -use trail (paved) Strander Boulevard to Puget Drive VIII Im;II III III IL User Groups Pedestrians and bicyclists (paved segments only) Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Tiffany, Cascade, Talbot and Teasdale Parks, Nelson Middle School TRAILS: Springbrook, Interurban, Panther Creek BICYCLE LANES: Oakesdale, Talbot, Puget Drive Project An east -west neighborhood trail following a util- Description ity corridor, well -linked to other trails and parks Constraints and Proposed grade separated crossing of SR 167, Considerations Panther Creek Wetlands, steep topography T�T� MAP (scale varies) rji NE 1 U h a W 1 Al" SE 11­ , TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGHT-OF-KAY WIDTA VARIES * f MULTI -USE TRAIL 2' —od 101011 MIN. SHOULDER 12'-0 PREFERRED LJ 2 _()1l SHOULDER v . + Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section User Groups Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements CEDAR RIVER TRAIL (King County Regional Trail) EXISTING Lake Washington to Landsburg 4.5 miles in Renton, 17 miles total Separated multi -use trail, paved in Renton No change Pedestrians and bicyclists; Ped. only Bronson to Logan, and north of N. 6th St Connections Lake Washington PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Liberty Park, Renton Sen- ior Center, Cedar River Park, NARCO Property, Ce- dar River Natural Area, Soos Creek Park and Trail, Ron Regis Park, Cedar River Trail Park TRAILS: Lake Washington Loop Project This regional trail follows an historic railroad Description route between the river and SR 169 and provides excellent views and access to the Cedar River, as well as access to Lake Washington and Renton's waterfront. Constraints and Considerations itij MAP (scale varies) r° f��y •'ram - i h TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) Y, 5 - �y T�4AIL y,,� ��/y-��II IYI1/4yy+p I{�y�fti. MIN xor'iE, 1Y1uL%y �I/yl CLEAR Fish! r410 4 .0 PfiEFERR p OMTRUC T 1ON5 WID7+1 VARIES TR;AV'i. J 'RAVE. I FMF_ 1 LAC Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements CEDAR-SAMMAMISH TRAIL (King County Regional Trail) PROPOSED Cedar River Trail and 154th Avenue SE to Renton/ Issaquah City limits/May Valley 1.8 in Renton, 3 miles from Cedar River Trail to SR 900 Undeveloped ■000man ook Separated multi -use trail, paved User Groups Pedestrians and bicyclists Connections Cedar River, Issaquah PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Cougar Mountain Re- gional Wildland Park, numerous parks on the Ce- dar River Trail, Maplewood Park, Maplewood Heights Elementary, County Park, Coalfield Park TRAILS: Cedar River Trail Project Description Constraints and Considerations Tell MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGHT -OF -HAY 1II0TA VARIES * f 21 —o;l SHOULDER Se.`i.r-.Lrs�r S Pyd - "Y .r I_(y11 SHOULDER Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements CHIEF SEALTH TRAIL (King County Regional Trail) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Terminus of Seattle Chief Sealth Trail to near Har- Destination die or Rainier Avenue South Project Length TBD Existing Condition Undeveloped utility right-of-way Proposed Separated multi -use trail Cross-section *•• as a " of 0 I User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Seattle, Skyway, Skyway Library PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Kubota Gardens, Skyway Park Project Extension of power -line right-of-way trail, con - Description necting Seattle to downtown Renton Constraints and May require acquisition and easements. Some Considerations steep slopes. PREFERRED 0• MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) R1G-4T-Or-wAY vil)T+4 VARIES oa,-10• MI.N. Ak a am B'OE- "RA.15- -kZYEL I —AO, "AY -tA-JL TR1'd� +�I7*- XALi _A%! ."E t9' TOM LANE LAtiE xALe 7 III -OF �21-0l rg'-pd 12:�cI S1'-0` 15 -0 ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements DUVALL AVENUE NE BICYCLE LANES Project Status ' EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSIONS Origin and SE 136th Street/ Maplewood Heights Elementary Destination School to northern City Limits Project Length 2.9 miles (1.15 existing) Existing Condition Principal arterial, with bicycle lanes NE 4th to SR 900 I Proposed Extension of bicycle lane north of SR 900 and Cross-section south of NE 4th V {II Im;II III !11 ICI User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Newcastle and May Valley PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Maplewood Park, Maple- wood Heights Elementary, Oliver Hazen High School, May Creek Park, May Valley I Project A north -south neighborhood connector. Also Description provides connections north to Newcastle, access to commercial areas, shopping. Constraints and Ensure bicycle facilities are carried through inter - Considerations sections at SR 900. d i] MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGS -I i #F-IAA lq SIDE- TRAVEL TRAVEL KALK us LANE LANE MINI. MIN. '-0"' W-0" a II'-0" 6p SI DE- NALK " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * ARProposedImprovements EDMONDS AVENUE NE BIKEWAY AND BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and NE 3rd Street to NE 27th Street Destination Project Length 2 miles Existing Condition Minor arterial, NE Sunset Blvd to NE 27th Street Collector, NE 3rd Street to NE Sunset Blvd Proposed I Bicycle lanes, NE 27th to NE 7th Streets Cross-section Signed shared roadway NE 7th to NE 3rd Streets i * III if) III III III III ' ■m r IBM + ■M User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Windsor Hills Park, High- lands and North Highlands Parks and Neighbor- hood Centers, McKnight Middle School, Hillcrest Special Services Center TRAILS: Devil's Elbow, Honey Creek BICYCLE LANES: NE 3rd/4th, NE Sunset Blvd, Lake to Creek Connector I Project A north -south neighborhood route providing ac- Description cess to schools, parks, shopping, civic and ser- vices. Constraints and Considerations III MAP (scale varies) cc�, s m Rent iwlerr�orial � } Sladw CL P-erimeter lid ? � kNFierrtonJ— '- School 3rd S do[JEnn TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) 51DE- WALK o lrl IT .n= .I.I AY Sefton Education {Center Q, . ibeity (11 er„� Sr Park PARKING TRAVEL TRAVEL PARKING LANE LANE t•T I1J. 1 ! i' i MIN, q`-0" 5'-Q' VARIES VARIES 5'-0" q'-0" Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements FACTORY AVENUE NORTH BICYCLE LANES L C Project Status PROPOSED FOrigin and Bronson Way/Liberty Park to North 4th Street G Destination Project Length 0.3 miles BIDEKALK Existing Condition Minor arterial Proposed Bicycle lanes Cross-section '%i 11i Ili lt1 liMl !11 Ili User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Downtown PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Liberty Park TRAILS: Cedar River, Two Rivers, Lake Washing- ton Loop I Project A north -south route providing linkage to major Description bicycle and walking routes. Constraints and Considerations 112 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) !_R Es VM t BALK PARKING 5PARED SHARED PARK;KG 51DIF-ki LANE 5K"E14IC1_F BIKENE #1CLE LANE i RAVEL LANE TRAV4. LANE MIN Q - VARJZS VARIES 011-00 NLK " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * ARProposedImprovements FAIRWOOD-PETROVITSKY PARK BIKEWAY (via SE Fairwood Boulevard, SE 165th Street, Parkside Way SE) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and SE 164th Street to Petrovitsky Park Destination Project Length 3.3 miles Existing Condition Minor arterial and collectors Proposed Signed shared roadway Cross-section WIN , 4al F no User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Soos Creek, McGarvey Park Open Space, Petrovitsky Park, Lindbergh High School, Renton Park, Fairwood and Ridgewood Ele- mentary Schools TRAILS: Seattle Waterline, Soos Creek BICYCLE LANES: 140th Avenue SE, SE 176th Street Project An east -west neighborhood route to schools and Description parks Constraints and Considerations 113 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIND'-F-iAY JAI I DTIN VARIES SIDE- TIRAVE,_ TRAVEL BALK LAME LANE MINI. MIN, "^ a' III-c" 0 III -oil SI DE- ALK ` ''_ Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements GARDEN AVENUE NORTH AND NORTH 6TH STREET BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and North 3rd Street to Cedar River Trail Destination Project Length 0.9 miles Existing Condition Principal arterial, North 6th Street from Logan to Park Avenues North. Minor arterial, Garden from North 4th to 8th Streets Proposed Bicycle lanes Cross-section v III Irr III IN) Ir+ Il4 User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections North Renton neighborhood and The Landing PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Liberty Park TRAILS: Cedar River, Two Rivers, PACCAR, Lake Washington Loop Project An east -west and north -south route through the Description north part of town, providing linkage to major bicycle and walking routes. Constraints and Considerations 114 MAP (scale varies) ..— r it �u ui ni W� _ : bY�'! .� -—:F»E•�... �. i w- u,u Hwy.,. - II =1 I ` S II TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RI PT-OF-KAY leil TIN VARIES A SIDE- TRAVEL HALK I LANE MIN, TRAVRI. LANE MIN. -nil SI DE- NALK " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements GREEN RIVER TO LAKE YOUNGS CONNECTOR (South 200th Street, 196th Avenue SE, SE 192nd Street) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and SR 167 to Lake Youngs Trail via South 200th Destination Street, 196th Avenue SE, SE 192nd Street Project Length 3.9 miles in Renton, 6.83 total Existing Condition Minor arterials Proposed Sidewalks and bicycle lanes Cross-section '%A III IM III User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Springbrook Watershed, Springbrook Elementary, Watershed Park, Meeker Middle School, Lake Youngs Watershed TRAILS: Green River, Interurban and Soos Creek Project An east -west connection between Renton and Description Kent using on -street facilities Constraints and Long-term vision includes grade separated cross - Considerations ing of SR 167 to connect South 196th Street and Russell Road South in Kent, for a more direct con- nection to the Interurban and Green River Trails. 115 MAP (scale varies) - J TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY H I DTW LIAR I ES 3'D" MIN. To 8I—oil Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements HONEY CREEKTRAIL Project Status EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSIONS Origin and Honey Creek/May Creek confluence to Union Destination Avenue NE Project Length 1.25 miles Existing Condition Existing trail (soft -surface) from Devil's Elbow to south end of Honey Creek Greenway Proposed Extension north to May Creek, separated multi - Cross -section use trail, soft -surface User Groups Pedestrians Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: May Creek, Honeydew Park BICYCLE LANES: Union Avenue NE Project Extension of existing trail alongside Honey Creek. Description Creek corridor is seen as a valuable natural re- source with high scenic quality. Constraints and Considerations 116 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGHT-OF-KAY WIDTA VARIES * f MULTI -USE 11�1 TRAIIL7.I 21—od 101011 MIN. SHOULDER 12'-0" PREFERRED 2 _()11 SHOULDER r Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section User Groups Connections Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements INTERURBAN TRAIL (KING COUNTY REGIONAL TRAIL) EXISTING Fort Dent Park, Tukwila to Pacific 15 miles Separated multi -use trail No change Pedestrians and bicyclists Tukwila, Kent, Auburn, Algona, Pacific Project This regional trail begins along the historic Inter - Description urban rail line route between Fort Dent Park in Tukwila and Pacific and continues along railroad and powerline rights -of -way. Provides a recrea- tional loop through the Green River Valley. Constraints and Considerations 117 MAP (scale varies) er7ta_ Airt via Li hri sfi r4 Renton �. Vrthon Schoo V Tth St ___1 r-___1 TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) !aIDNALK R1CI•-1T- OF-iNAY I* IDT44 VARIES PARKING 5PARED STARED PARKING LANE Bi<FJVEWICLF_ BI KEIVSIIGLE LANE 'GAVEL LANE i RAVEL SANE MIN Q'- VARJZS VARIES0 q'-' 51 D�rrtA4JC Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements LAKE—TOBIN— SHATTUCK BIKEWAY Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Airport Perimeter Road to Houser Way South Destination Project Length 0.84 miles Existing Condition Local streets Proposed Signed shared roadway Cross-section ■■ , 4MI f no User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Downtown PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Renton High School, Ren- ton IKEA Performing Arts Center TRAILS: Cedar River Trail, Two Rivers Trail, Lake Washington Loop Project On -street linkage between Lake Washington Description Loop and downtown. Required because South 2nd and 3rd Street couplet, with high traffic vol- umes, and one-way direction, limit bicycle access through the area. Constraints and Considerations im MAP (scale varies) QNR Property Pee. only path ►1 Coulon r�'ljl Park 1 TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH VARIES IDEWALK BIKE TRAVEL TRAVEL BIKE 51DEWA K LANE LANE LANE LANE MIN. I-011 III—OII +MIN, ill —oil (� 51- 01 y .+ Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements LAKE TO CREEK CONNECTOR (Burnett Ave North, N. 30th St/ Kennewick PI N. / NE 27th St) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Lake Washington Blvd North to Edmonds Avenue Destination NE/ Honey Creek Trail Project Length 1.3 miles Existing Condition 1 Collector and minor arterial streets with sidewalks Proposed I Bicycle lanes Cross-section %1Isi III III in, ire us User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Lake Washington, Gene Coulon Park, Kennydale Elementary, Kennydale Lyons Park, Honey Creek, May Creek Greenway TRAILS: Lake Washington Loop, Honey Creek Trail BICYCLE LANES: Edmonds Avenue NE Project An east -west route providing connections be - Description tween Lake Washington and the Highlands Constraints and Burnett Avenue and North 30th Street slope fairly Considerations steeply up from Lake Washington. 119 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) I i Nr-OF-NA`f V�,OTN VARiE SPARED 914ARF-D BIKE/VE4+GLE BIKE/VE-'C-= TRAVEL LANE TRAVE- ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * R + Proposed Improvements LAKE WASHINGTON LOOP: AIRPORT PERIMETER ROAD Project Status EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSIONS Origin and West entrance, Renton Municipal Airport at South Destination 117th PI/ Rainier Ave. North to Logan Ave. North Project Length 1.3 miles Existing Condition Existing signed shared roadway, Airport Perime- ter Road Proposed No change Cross-section I User Groups Bicyclists Connections Seattle, Newcastle, Bellevue, Downtown Renton, Lake Washington PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Gene Coulon Park, Renton Memorial Stadium TRAILS: Cedar River Trail Project Segment of a popular bicycle route that circles Description Lake Washington through several jurisdictions, utilizing bicycle lanes and signed shared road- ways. Constraints and Connection from Airport to Logan Avenue North Considerations bridge and Cedar River Trail needs enhancements for safety and ease of use. Signage and wayfind- ing are critical for this route given changing cross -sections. 120 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RiG-4T-Or-KAY HIPT44 VARIES B0, _40. n% r oe- -RATRAVFL G-r Y mAuc yAmj LAKE _er, TURN _ 1 11'-C' -4' 12'-0' TRAM LANE L TA �I +y�- LANE LANK IIII htLK Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements LAKE WASHINGTON LOOP: LOGAN AVENUE NORTH Project Status EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSIONS Origin and Cedar River to Park Ave. North Destination Project Length 1.46 miles total: 0.69 existing, 0.77 proposed Existing Condition Bicycle lanes on Logan (principle arterial) from Park Avenue North to North 6th Street Proposed I Bicycle lanes, North 6th Street to South 2nd Cross-section Street. Possible shared used path along Logan. Possible river crossing from North 6th Street to Cedar River. '011111i;11111rni« User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Seattle, Newcastle, Bellevue, Downtown Renton, Lake Washington PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Gene Coulon Park, Renton Memorial Stadium TRAILS: Cedar River Trail Project Segment of a popular bicycle route that circles Description Lake Washington through several jurisdictions, utilizing bicycle lanes and signed shared road- ways. Constraints and Connection from Airport to Logan Avenue North Considerations bridge and Cedar River Trail needs enhancements for safety and ease of use. Signage and wayfind- ing are critical for this route given changing cross -sections. 121 MAP (scale varies) Cl rr nr 6th st Denton z S adirmt Ru �M i�f y Air�artlA f � l High �c oI '02IN 1; Ic 91, n TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) CLEAR 2CKE, OMTRUC T 1ONS MULTI-45F TRAIL 1010` MIN. MIN 121-00 .510' M- FERR.ED l ISartori Education.}center �'_ P KIDTii VARIES 0% A. I TRAdE_ , 51054ALK LAN: I _AKE F Y h Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements LIBERTY PARK CONNECTOR Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Cedar River Trail to Bronson Way/Factory Avenue Destination North Project Length 0.35 miles Existing Condition Informal access through public park Proposed Separated multi -use trail Cross-section '�__-_-",_ User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Liberty Park, Cedar River Parks TRAILS: Cedar River Trail, Two Rivers Trail, Lake Washington Loop BICYCLE LANES: Park Avenue North and North 6th Street Project A perimeter trail around the park providing con - Description nections to regional trails, downtown, and north Renton bicycle routes Constraints and Considerations 122 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) A' /_R Es WM t BALK PARKING 5PARED SHARED PARK;KG SIVEW LANE 13KI VEWICLE BIKENE ICLE LANE i RAVEL LANE TRAM. LANE MIN Q - VARJZS VARIES C11-00 �WC ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * R + Proposed Improvements LINDBERGH AND RENTON PARK SCHOOL ROUTE (SE 168th Street, 128th Avenue SE and SE 164th Street) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and 108th Avenue SE to Soos Creek (SE 168th) Destination SE 176th Street to SE Fairwood Blvd 0 28th and 164th) Project Length 2.4 miles(168th = 1.4 mi., 128th & 164th = 1.0 mi.) Existing Condition 1 Collector, local streets Proposed I Signed shared roadway Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians, school children Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: CVAC Ball field, Lindbergh High School, Renton Park Elementary TRAILS: Soos Creek BICYCLE LANES: Benson Road South/108th Avenue SE, SE Petrovitsky Road, and 116th Ave SE; Fair- wood-Petrovitsky Park Bikeway Project A neighborhood school connection route, with ac- Description cess to Soos Creek Constraints and Considerations 123 MAP (scale varies) Maplewood' Golf Course = /UJt� Ron Regis �c Pare Q n TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIG+�T-DE-WAY WIDTH VARIES 60'-0'1 miN. y Neighs Park IF- n P i? SIDEWALK SNARED TWO-WAY SPARED SIDEWALK BIKEIVENICLE LEFT TURN BIKEIVENICLE TRAVEL LAME TRAVEL LANE 151 -011 121-011 151_01, Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS SCHOOL ROUTE PROPOSED NE 4th to Maplewood Heights Elementary via Du- vall Avenue NE, SE 132nd Street, 144th Avenue SE, SE 142nd Street, SE 142nd Place, 156th Ave SE 3.9 miles Collector (Duvall Avenue NE), local streets Proposed Signed shared roadways and sidewalks Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Maplewood Heights Ele- mentary, Maplewood Park TRAILS: Cedar Sammamish Trail (via Maplewood Park) I Project Neighborhood school connector route Description Constraints and Ensure safe crossing of NE 4th to connect with Considerations Duvall Avenue NE bicycle lanes 124 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY H I DTW LIAR I ES 3'D" MIN. To 8I-oil Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements MAY CREEKTRAIL Project Status EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSIONS Origin and Lake Washington Boulevard North to Cougar Destination Mountain County Park Project Length 3.8 miles (approx.) Existing Condition Existing trail on north side of creek between New- castle Waterline Trail and Windtree Park. Proposed I Multi -use trail, soft -surface on south side of creek. Cross-section User Groups Pedestrians Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: May Creek Greenway and Park TRAILS: Honey Creek, Devil's Elbow Project A greenway trail along the south side of May Description Creek, with a connection to Lake Washington and Honey Creek. Complement to Newcastle trail network on north side of creek. Constraints and Considerations 125 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGS -I i #F-IAA I TIN %/ARI E$ lq SIDE- TRAVEL TRAVEL KALK us LANE LANE MINI. MIN. '-0"' W-0" a II'-0" 6p SI DE- NALK ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * R + Proposed Improvements MONROE AVENUE NE BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and NE 4th Street to NE 12th Street Destination Project Length 1 mile Existing Condition Minor arterial Proposed I Bicycle lanes Cross-section 1AIII Im;II III III III User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Renton Technical College, Fire Station, Highlands Library PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Sunset Court Park, Honey- dew Elementary TRAILS: Devil's Elbow, Honey Creek BICYCLE LANES: NE 3rd/4th, NE Sunset Blvd Project A north -south neighborhood route providing ac- Description cess to schools, parks, shopping, civic and ser- vices. Constraints and Considerations 126 MAP (scale varies) fI: tx r+� TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) R+Cv..-iT-Or-HAY WMT++ VARIES anl_s• MN. c�nc- !�I-YA�lF. I -a: - -. n_��.v I �n.m I-c•�.:- -e_ min. min. Separated multi -use trail proposed on south side would take place of sidewalk and should include a 5-foot- wide minimum separation from traffic lanes. Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section User Groups Connections Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements NE 3RD AND 4TH STREET BICYCLE LANES PROPOSED Logan Avenue North to eastern City Limits 3.0 miles + Principal arterial. Existing bike lanes in King County Bicycle lanes + separated multi -use trail 1-405 to Jefferson VIII r+1;II III III III ------ Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Renton Technical College, Post Office PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Coalfield Park. BICYCLE LANES: Edmonds, Monroe, Union, Duvall TRAILS: Cedar-Sammamish I Project A major east -west route between downtown and Description the Highlands, providing neighborhood access, plus access to parks, shopping, civic services. Constraints and Topography on NE 3rd Street from 1-405 to Jeffer- Considerations son, 1-405 under -crossing presents challenging design conditions. 127 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) SID WIill VAINE MALK PARKING 514AFUD SNARED PARXiNG 51VIF^; LANE BIKMEWIMF SIXENE91CLE LANE TRAVEL LANE ;RAVEL LANE MIN Q - VARJZS VARIES q,-0` 4Lrt ` Y_ Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements NE 7TH STREET BIKEWAY Project Status PROPOSED Origin and NE Sunset Blvd to Monroe Avenue NE Destination Project Length 0.5 miles Existing Condition Collector street with some sidewalks Proposed Signed shared roadway Cross-section ■■ , 4o f no User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Highlands Park and Neighborhood Center, Highlands Elementary BICYCLE LANES: NE Sunset Blvd, Edmonds and Monroe Avenues NE Project An east -west route linking parks and schools in Description the Highlands Constraints and Considerations 1W:3 MAP (scale varies) 4TT T� TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) SID ZI.G4T-QF-1NAY WIDT?4 VARIES MALK PARKING 514AFUD SNARED PARXiNG 51VIF^; LANE BIKMEWIMF SIXENE91CLE LANE TRAVEL LANE ;RAVEL LANE MIN Q - VARJZS VARIES q,-0` NLA y Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section User Groups Connections Project Description Constraints and Considerations Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements NE 10TH STREET BIKEWAY PROPOSED NE Sunset Blvd to 164th Avenue SE 1.25 miles Collector street with some sidewalks Signed shared roadway Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Greater Highlands Center, Kiwanis Park, Oliver M. Hazen High School, Apollo Elementary BICYCLE LANES: NE Sunset Blvd, Monroe, Union, and Duvall Avenue NE An east -west route linking parks and schools in the Highlands NE 10th Street jogs at Union Avenue NE. Ensure good signage and possible crossing improve- ments to make the route safe for school children. IMM MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) rr B I DEVAALK RIG�IT-DE-WAY WIDTH VARIES 60'-01, P11N. SNARED THO-WAY SNARED BIKEIVENICLE LEFT TURN BIKEIVENICLE TRAVEL LAME TRAVEL LANE 1 1-0" 12'-0" 15'-0" SIDEHALK " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan *A A R Proposed Improvements NE 12TH STREET BIKEWAY Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Edmonds Avenue NE to Union Avenue NE Destination Project Length 1.0 miles Existing Condition Collector street with some sidewalks; on -street school walk route on south side Proposed Signed shared roadway Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Highlands Library, Department of Licensing PARKS AND SCHOOLS: McKnight Middle School Project An east -west connection serving a school and Description other civic sites in the Highlands. Also a transit route. Constraints and Consider a road diet to create a separated path in Considerations the future to create a safer school route. MAP (scale varies) PF .Is TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) R1G-47-Or-wAY vil)T+4 VARIES oa,-10` MIS. B'OE- "RA-AF_ -;LL'JEL = A0,"Ay -RA-d . TR1'd� 513*- XALi -A%! ."E t9' TOM LANE LAtiE xALK H Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/SR 900 BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and North 4th Street to SE May Valley Road/City Limits Destination Project Length 4.1 miles in Renton (incl. NE Park Dr), 6.5 total Existing Condition Principal arterial (SR 900), 4 lanes Proposed Bicycle lanes + separated path Cross-section User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Downtown, the Highlands, Highlands Library PARKS AND SCHOOLS: McKnight Middle School, Oliver Hazen High School, Sunset Court Park, May Valley Park TRAILS: Cedar-Sammamish BICYCLE LANES: Edmonds, Monroe, Union, Duvall Avenues NE Project A critical east -west connection between down - Description town and the Highlands, providing access to schools, parks, shopping, civic, and neighbor- hood services. Multi -use trail should be consid- ered from 1-405, Coulon Park due to bridge width. Constraints and Wayfinding signage at critical nodes necessary to Considerations direct slower cyclists to alternate signed shared roadway route on NE 10th Street. 131 MAP (scale varies) -Star. diu�tl, a -6 Educatkon Q � tenter � r W _ Airport vVay Kja Renton it Hugh c p ehaol o f Codar Ord S � R=vor Park AFT TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) SIDEEKALK RIG4T-OF{INAY A DTI VARIES PARKING 5PARED SWAREB PAZKiKG LADES 81aKElVE14ICLF_ 511<ElV5,I1GLE LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE MIS 411-0' VdRa S VARIES. q'-0a r 51DEKALAC Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements NORTH RIVERSIDE DRIVE BIKEWAY PROPOSED Williams Avenue North to Bronson Way North 0.23 miles Local street without sidewalks Proposed ' Signed shared roadway Cross-section , ON , 40 F ME F I User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on street Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Renton Senior Center, Liberty Park TRAILS: Cedar River Trail, Lake Washington Loop Project An alternate route for bicyclists that parallels the Description Cedar River Trail. The route provides connections to several other bicycle routes to downtown and North Renton. Constraints and Currently bicycles are not allowed on the lower Considerations path west of Williams Avenue North, adjacent to the Senior Center. Consider allowing bicycles with traffic calming measures to slow bicycle speeds. 132 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) R1G-4T-Or-WAY vil)T+4 VARIES MIN. la B'OE- "RAf5_ -AYE: = 9'r TOY 'LANE TLA%iE S13*- }+ikLi _d%! .�1�E t�' TIiRH ��7i= L4tiE Ad:X 7 ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * R + Proposed Improvements OAKESDALE AVENUE SW BICYCLE LANES Project Status EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSIONS Origin and SW 7th Street to SW 43rd Street Destination Project Length ' 2.2 miles Existing Condition Principal arterial, with bicycle lanes from SW 16th to SW 27th Streets Proposed I Extend bicycle lanes north of SW 16th Street and Cross-section south of SW 27th Street V Ill 11 41 Ill Ill Ill User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Boeing Longacres, Tukwila Station PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Black River Riparian For- est, Renton Wetlands, Springbrook Trail TRAILS: Tukwila Station/Longacres Drive Connec- tor Project A north -south bicycle connection parallel, in part, Description to the Springbrook Trail. Provides connection to rail transit . Constraints and As 1-405 is reconstructed the undercrossing Considerations should be made to allow for bicycle lanes to con- tinue through the intersection (under 1-405). 133 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY Sid I DTW VARIES 3'0" MIN_ TO " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan *A A R Proposed Improvements PANTHER CREEK TRAIL Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Springbrook Watershed to Lake Street Park Destination Project Length Approx. 2 miles Existing Condition Undeveloped Proposed Separated multi -use trail, soft -surface Cross-section User Groups Pedestrians Connections Valley Medical Center PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Edlund Property, Cleve- land Richardson Property, Lake Street Park TRAILS: Cascade BICYCLE LANES: SE Petrovitsky Road Project A wetland trail through the Panther Creek wet - Description lands Constraints and Redevelopment of 1-405 may provide opportuni- Considerations ties to develop this trail. 134 MAP (scale varies) Kenn Be Pt TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) SI a - = Ak + - - /-R Es BALK PARKING 5PARED SHARED PARK;KG 51DIF-ki LANE 5KFJVE14IC1_F BIKENE #1CLE LANE i RAVEL LANE TRAM. LANE MIN Q - VARJZS VARIES 1�_0• NLK Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements PARK AVENUE NORTH BIKEWAY Project Status PROPOSED Origin and North 30th Street to North 40th Street/Lake Destination Washington Blvd North Project Length 0.75 mile Existing Condition Collector Proposed Signed shared roadway Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections The Landing, Gene Coulon Park TRAILS: Lake Washington Loop BICYCLE LANES: NE Sunset Boulevard, Edmonds Avenue NE Project A route providing connection to the Highlands Description and the eastern Lake Washington shoreline, in- cluding Gene Coulon Park Constraints and Considerations 135 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RQG T-DE-WAY NIDTP VARIES 60'-01, P11N. 1J SIDEWALK SNARED TWO-WAY SNARED BIKEIVENICLE LEFT TURN BIKEIVENICLE TRAVEL LAME TRAVEL LANE 15'-0" 12'-0" 15'-0" SIDEWALK Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements PHILIP ARNOLD PARK BIKEWAY (Cedar Avenue South, South 7th Street, Beacon Way South) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Cedar Avenue South to Beacon Way South and Destination Puget Drive SE Project Length 1.3 miles Existing Condition Local and collector streets with some sidewalks Proposed Signed shared roadway Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Downtown Renton PARKS AND SCHOOLS: NARCO Site, Philip Arnold Park TRAILS: "Tower of Power," Cascade Trail BICYCLE LANES: Puget Drive SE, 116th Ave SE Project An on -street route that provides a continuous Description route for bicycles between downtown and the Tiffany/Cascade Park area. Constraints and Consider improvements to the barricade at Ar- Considerations nold Park preventing cut -through vehicular traffic to make it more easily accessible for bicycles. W11-1 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGS -I i #F-IAA I TIN %/ARI ES lq SIDE- TRAVEL TRAVEL KALK us LANE LANE MINI. MIN. '-0"' 11'-0" J I1!'-0" 6F SI DE- NALK " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan *A A R Proposed Improvements PUGET DRIVE SE & SOUTH 21 ST STREET BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Talbot Road South to Beacon Way/116th Avenue Destination SE Project Length 1.0 mile Existing Condition Minor arterial Proposed Bicycle lanes + separated path, between Benson Cross-section Drive South and Benson Road South and short spur up Grant Ave South '4111111"11141111111 11---- -- User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Talbot Hill Elementary, Talbot Hill Reservoir and Park TRAILS: Cascade, Seattle Waterline BICYCLE LANES: Talbot Road South, 1 16th Avenue SE Project I An east -west connection on a neighborhood Description arterial Constraints and Steep, curving roadway Considerations 137 MAP (scale varies) Gone y Couian Par[ .� y QNR +,.1 Properly p p' Cedar L N Sth St � C Z 2 �' l'•, � stt, S —� Rentan Sartorl ° Memorials m ti Education m Stadium � i _ center 2 Q , 1. mK D ❑p 3 �. n� _ Fefer F2d I�LJ I aRenton Lt. 1141 li !' na. /C P.har, TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) WA1 LABLE PROPER T Ne I DTI VARIES I01-011 to 12I -oil ` y . P I"J Greenwood Memorial Park h Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements SAM CHASTAIN WATERFRONT TRAIL PROPOSED Cedar River Trail to Gene Coulon Park 0.7 mile Undeveloped Multi -use trail (boardwalk), paved trail �{\11l111/111111 i1 User Groups Pedestrians Connections Gene Coulon Park, Lake Washington Waterfront, Cedar River TRAILS: Cedar River Trail Project A missing link between two of the City's most im- Description portant open spaces, and along the Lake Wash- ington shoreline Constraints and Property owned by Boeing and Washington State Considerations DNR; permitting challenges INS] MAP (scale varies) RIG+�T-DF-wAY WIDTH VARIES 601- 011 miN. SIDEWALK SNARED TWO-WAY SAARED SIDEWALK BIKEIVENICLE LEFT TURN BIKEIVENICLE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE 1 a1-011 121-011 151-011 y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements SE 171 ST WAY BIKEWAY Project Status PROPOSED Origin and 140th Avenue SE to SE Petrovitsky Road Destination Project Length 0.4 miles Existing Condition Local street Proposed Signed shared roadway Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Fairwood Library, Lake Youngs BICYCLE LANES: 140th Way SE, SE 176th Street, SE Petrovitsky Road Project A northeast -southwest neighborhood connector, Description providing access to shopping and services in the Fairwood area. Constraints and Considerations ISM MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) 1GW7-0E-X'AY WIDTH VARIES SHARED 51KE/VEµI LE TRAVFC _ LAN 15'-0" SNARED 31KE/V54]CLE TRAVEL. LANE 1-0' -011 ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * R + Proposed Improvements SE MAY VALLEY ROAD BIKEWAY Project Status I EXISTING, with PROPOSED EXTENSION Origin and Coal Creek Parkway to SR 900/Issaquah-Hobart Destination Road Project Length 3.4 miles (outside City limits) 1.0 on 164th Ave SE to SE 128th St Existing Condition Signed shared roadway, on 2-lane rural collector i Proposed Extend signed shared roadway down 164th Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on edge of road Connections Newcastle, Issaquah PARKS AND SCHOOLS: May Creek Greenway and Natural Area, Squak Mountain State Park, Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park TRAILS: May Creek BICYCLE LANES: Duvall Ave NE, NE Sunset Blvd Project An east -west route on a rural road used by recrea- Description tional cyclists, to make connections to/from Lake Washington to Issaquah Constraints and Curving road, access to residences, possible sight Considerations distance limitations. IEA9] MAP (scale varies) . R Project Status Origin and r= Destination Project Length +rirf �M f.f fq N Nmmmmmfn f.�fn �w ui iwmi.fmfn'�' rn>•� r{y Nf fy f TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) TRIJpL-;U,'EL -r,o- %.!Y -W.1VL TGCAJEL Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements SE PETROVITKSY ROAD BICYCLE LANES (SW 43rd Street/ SE Carr Road) PROPOSED Tukwila/Interurban Trail to Petrovitsky Park 6 miles Existing Condition Principal arterial, 2-4 lanes Short separated multi -use trail segment near Ridgewood Elem. Proposed Bicycle lanes (typical), see Constraints and Con - Cross -section siderations V 11111"11111111 111 User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Tukwila, Valley Medical Center, Fairwood Square, North Benson Center PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Soos Creek Park, Ridge- wood Elementary, Edlund Property TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Cascade, Soos Creek, Lake Youngs Project An east -west on -street connection between Tuk- Description wila and Lake Youngs, providing access to hospi- tal and a major employment center, shopping and several regional trails and parks Constraints and Steep grade in several spots, varying right-of-way Considerations widths, high volume road. May require a combi- nation of cross -sections depending on condi- tions. 141 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY H I DTW LIAR I ES 3'0" MIN. To 8I—oil Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements k11A_6_111 4 4TIT/A 14 :l I 10 I :i 1111 JA 111111 PROPOSED Downtown/1-405 at Cedar Ave. South to Lake Youngs Trail, with spur to Cascade Park 3.75 miles Utility corridor with rough pathway Local streets Proposed Separated multi -use trail, soft surface, Cross-section connections to shared use roadway on Beacon Way South , ■m r ■w I mm I yiolll14CF11IJ111III%. User Groups Pedestrians Connections Fairwood Library PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Cedar River and Cedar River Natural Area, Cascade Park, Charles Lindbergh High School. TRAILS: Cedar River, Soos Creek, Lake Youngs BICYCLE LANES: 140th Ave SE; 116th Ave SE and Philip Arnold Park Bikeway Project A hiking/walking path in utility corridor, with on - Description street neighborhood connections to downtown Constraints and Considerations 142 MAP (scale varies) Ron Regis 4; TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY H I DTW LIAR I ES 3'0" MIN. To 8I—oil " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * ARProposedImprovements SEATTLE WATERLINE SPUR Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Cedar River/Riverview Park to SE 160th Street Destination Project Length 1 mile Existing Condition Utility corridor with rough pathway Proposed Separated multi -use trail, soft -surface Cross-section % a. r vim' User Groups Pedestrians Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Cedar River Natural Area TRAILS: Cedar River, Soos Creek Project A spur trail from the Seattle Waterline Trail that Description provides a connection to the Cedar River Trail Constraints and Considerations 143 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGHT-OF-KAY --4dIDTN AI�IES� TRAIL 1—()'I 10'0" MIN. I_(y11 SHOULDER OL 12 '- IISHOULDER PREFERRED Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements SOOS CREEK TRAIL (King County Regional Trail) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Cedar River Trail to Soos Creek Park (Kent) at SE Destination 208th Street Project Length 4.5 miles Existing Condition Paved multi -use trail, SE 208th Street and Lake Meridian. Informal footpaths north of SE 208th Street Proposed Separated multi -use trail, paved. Cross-section f001"Iff..m. I User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Cedar River, Soos Creek Park, Charles Lindbergh High School, Renton Park Elementary, Meeker Middle School, Soos Creek/ 140th Open Space TRAILS: Cedar River, Lake Youngs, Seattle Water- line Project Extension of regional trail north along creek corri- Description dor to connect with the Cedar River and Cedar River Trail Constraints and Possible need for right-of-way acquisition, multi - Considerations ple road crossings. 144 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) L. RIGHT-0 -KX'-' KIDT�4 VARIES 5F1}EkAIIC PARrNG SNARED 5�A4 D LADS BIiCE/VEHICLE ES<=/-/^41CLE 'RAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE q`-()'I VARIES VARIES -Ak<iNG SsDEHALK I..ANE MIN. ql—Q . Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section User Groups Connections Project Description Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements SOUTH 2ND AND 3RD STREET BIKEWAY PROPOSED Rainier Avenue/South to Main Avenue South 1.0 mile 1 Principal arterials (SR 900) Signed shared roadways Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Downtown, shopping and services, PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Renton High School, Liberty Park, Renton Transit Center, Burnett Linear Park TRAILS: Cedar River Trail, Two Rivers Trail, Chief Sealth. BICYCLE LANES: Shattuck Avenue South, Main Avenue South This one-way couplet provides the best east -west access through the downtown commercial core. Constraints and These streets serve as SR 900 through downtown Considerations and as such are busy, high volume roads. Parallel parking on these streets is also considered crucial to nearby businesses. 145 MAP (scale varies) ton canT M� Airport Way TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) Rl NT-OF- +cAY WIDT4: VAR!ES 60' -0 P Sd�\Par r Park SIDE- TRAVEL TWO-KAY RAVEL 51DE- KALK LM6 LEFT TURN LANE Ke LK 8 5'-0' 11'-0" 12r_W Ill -a" 5'-0 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements SOUTH 3RD PLACE BICYCLE LANES Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Rainier Avenue South to Shattuck Avenue South Destination Project Length 0.25 miles Existing Condition Local street Proposed I Bicycle lanes Cross-section '%A III M III User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Shopping and services, downtown, park and rides BICYCLE LANES: Shattuck Avenue South Project Bicycle lane linkage to other bicycle lanes, routes, Description I and transit. Constraints and Considerations MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) AVAILABLE PROPERTY H I DTW LIAR I ES 3'D" MIN. To 8I—oil Project Status 1 EXISTING Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Proposed Cross-section User Groups Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements SPRINGBROOK TRAIL Black River Riparian Forest/Monster Road to SW 43rd Street 2.85 miles Separated multi -use trail, 8' paved, with a boardwalk segment south of SW 27th Complete missing links north and south of SW 27th Street and between SW 41 st and 43rd Streets. Pedestrians and bicycles Boardwalk segment south of SW 27th is pedestrian only. Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Black River Riparian Forest, Renton Wetlands TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Two Rivers Trails, BICYCLE LANES: Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 16th Street Project Wetland trail providing north -south passage Description through the Green River Valley from Black River area to Kent and the Interurban Trail Constraints and Considerations ILVA MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) 6 RIGHT -OF -HAY 1AY I DTI VARIES ?F. SIDE- ,1 TRAIVEL -RAVEL NALK LADE LAKE MIN. MIN. 111-0 , 111-011 51- Existing cross-section varies; some segments have two-way left turn. SIDE- NAL Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements EXISTING, WITH PROPOSED EXTENSIONS SR 515/Benson Drive South and South 21 st Street to beyond South 43rd Street 1.6 proposed, 2.5 total Existing Condition Collector, with bicycle lanes south of South 43rd Street/SE Carr Road Proposed Extension existing bicycle lanes north of South Cross-section 43rd Street and through intersection V 111111141111111111 User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Talbot Hill and Teasdale Parks, Cleveland Property, Springbrook Water- shed, Talbot Hill Elementary; Valley Med. Center TRAILS: Panther Creek BICYCLE LANES: Puget Drive SE, Benson Road and Drive South, Green River to Lake Youngs Connector Project A north -south route from the southern city limits Description to downtown, providing neighborhood access and connections to parks and Valley Medical Cen- ter. Constraints and Possible right-of-way limitations, steep slopes. I - Considerations 405 Redevelopment could provide opportunity to improve increased width at undercrossing. Narrow roadway between Benson and S. 43rd Street. 148 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) SI a- = A' " /_R Es BALK PARKING 5PARED „HARED PARK;KG 51DI~Vi LANE 13KI VEWICLE BIKENE #1CLE LANE i RAVEL LANE TRAV4. LANE MIN Ad Q - VARJZS VARIF C11-00 NLK ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements TAYLOR AND HARDIE AVENUE BIKEWAY (Taylor Avenue NW and Hardie Avenue SW) Project Status EXISTING Origin and SW 7th Street to northern City Limits (toward Destination Rainier Avenue North) Project Length 1.4 miles Existing Condition Signed shared roadway, collectors Proposed No change Cross-section User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Park and rides, Fred Meyer Center PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Renton Christian Acad- emy, St. Anthony School, Kiwanis Bicentennial Air Park TRAILS: Two Rivers, Chief Sealth Project A north -south neighborhood route through the Description west part of the city. Provides access to commer- cial/shopping near SW 7th Street and Rainier Ave- nue South. Constraints and Considerations M% MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) ,, R1GPT-OF-WAY 21 -01, SHOULDER WIDTH VARIES 1`11JLTI-IJSF TRAIL 10'0" MIN. 1 1-011 PREFERRED 21_oll SHOULDER ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements THUNDER CREEK TRAIL Project Status EXISTING Origin and 1-405 to Puget Drive SE Destination Project Length 1.0 miles Existing Condition Separated multi -use trail, rough surface Proposed Separated multi -use trail, soft -surface Cross-section User Groups Pedestrians Connections TRAILS: Cascade Trail BICYCLE LANES: Puget Drive SE Project A greenway trail along Thunder Creek and its ri- Description parian forest. Provides open space for nearby multi -family housing. Constraints and 1-405 redevelopment may provide an opportunity Considerations for improvements IM MAP (scale varies) l !0 -ft 5L i3lack River 110. Uri t$ Anthony Riparian % School FT Forest �►�� MeyerP � 7�3r � tr hRetro dSj SW 7th St 4 e Waterworks I ��j •Park I m �� I jI Sam's Club Sprin�raok ro �r h' Gr k N Hi e ST I Sounder — ¢ 21S St c TI �ln m r .Ibat TeasdaIE �8icintehnial 1� Ffifl �P } tl� vd Par f m _ W 27t TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) CLEAR ZONE, M;N YODTF+ 70 OMTRUC T IONS "1u,_TI-u5Z T4AIL 1010" MIN. MIN 12'-C' .510 PQEPER12C0 RIGHT -OF -NAY KQT+4 VARIES TRAVEL I TRAVEL ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements 7 TUKWILA STATION/LONGACRES DRIVE CONNECTOR (SW Grady Way and Longacres Drive SW) Project Status PROPOSED Origin and Oakesdale Avenue SW to Tukwila Station Destination Project Length 0.7 miles Existing Condition Principal arterial (South Grady Way), collector (Longacres Way SW) Proposed Separated multi -use trail, paved Cross-section User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Sound Transit's Tukwila Station, Tukwila PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Black River Riparian Forest TRAILS: Springbrook Trail, Interurban Trail BICYCLE LANES: Monster Road SW, SW 16th Street, Oakesdale Avenue SW Project Connection to Sound Transit commuter rail facil- Description ity, Tukwila, and regional trails. Constraints and Considerations 11611 MAP (scale varies) w ■s■ ■ie. �...�.RM his. �* TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) RIGHT-OF-KAY —VC)TH VARIE5� MULTI -USE TRAIL 10'0" MIN. i-IOULDER I_(yil t SHOULDER ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements hr Y TWO RIVERS TRAIL: FORT DENT CONNECTOR Project Status PROPOSED (Part of proposed Lake to Sound Regional Trail) Origin and Fort Dent Park to Monster Road SW Destination Project Length ' 0.2 mile this segment, 3.1 miles total trail Existing Condition Rough path under Union Pacific railroad trestle Proposed Separated multi -use trail, paved Cross-section I f0M;■.■■s, User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Tukwila, Downtown Renton PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Fort Dent Park, Black River Riparian Forest, Renton Wetlands, Burnett Linear Park TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Black River, Springbrook Trail, Burnett, Cedar River BICYCLE LANES: Monster Road SW Project Connection to Tukwila's Fort Dent Park connects Description the two cities and links regional trails. Constraints and Use of railroad right-of-way needs, dimensions of Considerations existing railroad trestle, crossing of Monster Road SW necessitate thoughtful approach. PREFER -RED 152 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) ,, RIGHT-OF-P4AY AII)TA VIE TRAIL 1— 11 10'0" MIN. I_(y11 SHOULDER 12 '— II SHOULDER PREFERRED " Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * ARProposedImprovements TWO RIVERS TRAIL: BLACK RIVER RAILROAD R.O.W.TRAIL Project Status PROPOSED (Part of proposed Lake to Sound Regional Trail) Origin and Monster Road SW to Naches Avenue SW Destination Project Length 0.9 mile this segment, 3.1 miles total trail Existing Condition Rough path parallel to Union Pacific and Burling- ton Northern Santa Fe railroad right-of-way Proposed I Separated multi -use trail, paved Cross-section '000"iRlemmsk User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Tukwila, Downtown Renton PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Fort Dent Park, Black River Riparian Forest, Renton Wetlands, Burnett Linear Park TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Black River, Springbrook Trail, Burnett, Cedar River BICYCLE LANES: Monster Road SW Project Multi -use trail through Black River Riparian Forest, Description separate from wetland trail Constraints and Considerations Possible permitting challenges 153 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) CLEAR ICKE, OMTRUC T 1ON5 PQEFERRfp MIN WID7+1 VARIES TI AV'EL J 'RANI!_ DI 2 Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements TWO RIVERS TRAIL: NACHES AVENUE SW PROPOSED (Part of proposed Lake to Sound Regional Trail) Black River Riparian Forest trailhead to SW 7th Street 0.2 mile this segment, 3.1 miles total trail Local street Proposed I Separated multi -use trail, paved Cross-section f00;a..m. I User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Tukwila, Downtown Renton PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Fort Dent Park, Black River Riparian Forest, Renton Wetlands, Burnett Linear Park TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Black River, Springbrook Trail, Burnett, Cedar River BICYCLE LANES: Monster Road SW Project Connection from Black River Riparian Forest to Description east -west route through commercial core of City Constraints and Considerations 154 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) WIDT+1 VARIES •.'fib .AL L i A TRAVEL TRAV!' 74AIL I MZ LANE .-III 1010` r41N. MIN CLEAR ICKE, Fish! r41074 70 P EFERRrp OMTRUC71ONS 51 2 Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Existing Condition Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements TWO RIVERS TRAIL: SW/SOUTH 7TH STREET PROPOSED (Part of proposed Lake to Sound Regional Trail) Oakesdale Avenue SW to Shattuck Avenue South 1.3 miles this segment, 3.1 miles total trail Principal arterial, 4 lanes + turn lane Proposed I Separated multi -use trail, paved Cross-section 'P...ftamns, I User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Tukwila, Downtown Renton PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Fort Dent Park, Black River Riparian Forest, Renton Wetlands, Burnett Linear Park TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Black River, Springbrook Trail, Burnett, Cedar River BICYCLE LANES: Monster Road SW Project A critical east -west route through the City's com- Description mercial core, as well as an important link between regional trails Constraints and High volume roadway with lots of business access Considerations on both sides. Intersection with Rainier Avenue South will require thoughtful creative approach. 155 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) CLEAR 20KE, OMTRUC T 1ONS MULTI - IJ5E T4AIL 1010� MIN. 121-00 fw.EFERR.E D MIN WIDT44 VAIZIES TRAVEL I TRAV!U- '5IDEIA" LANE "NZ Project Status Origin and Destination Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements TWO RIVERS TRAIL: SHATTUCK AVENUE SOUTH PROPOSED (Part of proposed Lake to Sound Regional Trail) South 7th Street to Houser Way South Project Length I 0.16 mile this segment, 3.1 miles total trail Existing Condition Collector with some sidewalks, perpendicular parking on west side Proposed I Separated multi -use trail, paved Cross-section f00;...m. I User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Tukwila, Downtown Renton PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Fort Dent Park, Black River Riparian Forest, Renton Wetlands, Burnett Linear Park TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Black River, Springbrook Trail, Burnett, Cedar River BICYCLE LANES: Monster Road SW Project Continuation of east -west route through the Description City's commercial core and downtown, as well as an important link between regional trails Constraints and Considerations 116V MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) WIDT44 VAIZIES MULTI-IJ5E TRAVEL TRAIL I I LANE .-III I010p MIN. MN CLEAR 20WE 121-00 IL51C M:N xlp'I+ '0 PREFERRED OMTRUC71Ovs TRAV!U- '3IDIIA" "N1* Project Status Origin and Destination Project Length Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements TWO RIVERS TRAIL: HOUSER WAY SOUTH PROPOSED (Part of proposed Lake to Sound Regional Trail) Shattuck Avenue South to Cedar River Trail 0.6 mile this segment, 3.1 miles total trail Existing Condition Local street, Shattuck to Burnett. Shared railroad/ street right-of-way, Shattuck to Mill Avenue South/Cedar River f��a�+ray Proposed Separated multi -use trail, paved Cross-section poommaMMUL User Groups Bicyclists and pedestrians Connections Tukwila, Downtown Renton PARKS AND SCHOOLS: Fort Dent Park, Black River Riparian Forest, Renton Wetlands, Burnett Linear Park TRAILS: Green River, Interurban, Black River, Springbrook Trail, Burnett, Cedar River BICYCLE LANES: Monster Road SW Project Continuation of east -west route through the Description City's commercial core and downtown, as well as an important link between regional trails Constraints and Railroad is grade separated on western segment. Considerations Eastern segment will require shared rail/trail con- figuration, with likely traffic revisions to Houser Way, plus some loss of parking. 157 MAP (scale varies) III FiXt— J rq - I S� Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Proposed Improvements UNION AVENUE NE BICYCLE LANES (132nd Avenue SE) . Project Status PROPOSED Origin and SE 95th Way to dead end near SE 4th Street Destination 1 Project Length 2.1 miles Existing Condition Minor arterial tit _ or r TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) R1 NT-OF- cAY PgIDT44 VAR!ES 64,-A0 14 1.- f IN SIDE- TRAVEL KALK LANE 5'-0 ' 111 Jill MIN. Ti-Z_P%AY RAVEL SIDE- LEP 7 7URI4 LANE r44LK 1 r_o11'-0" 5'-4 Proposed ' Bicycle lanes Cross-section 10Ill 11, Ill IN) ill at User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections PARKS AND SCHOOLS: May Creek Greenway, Ki- wanis and Heritage Parks TRAILS: May Creek, Honey Creek, BICYCLE LANES: NE Sunset Blvd, NE 4th Street I Project A north -south neighborhoods connector, provid- Description ing connection to Newcastle and May Valley, as well as access to commercial, shopping. Constraints and Considerations 11611 MAP (scale varies) TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION(s) !_R Es VM t BALK PARKING 5PARED SHARED PARK;KG SIDEw LANE I'KF V WIC�� EIiCL1V #1GLE LANE i a AVEL LANE TRAV4. LANE MIN Q - VARIZ619 _ VARIESAd 1�_0• 44 ` y Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan * Proposed Improvements WILLIAMS AND WELLS AVENUE BIKEWAY (Williams and Wells Avenues North and South Project Status PROPOSED Origin and South Grady Way to North 6th Street Destination Project Length 1 mile Existing Condition Minor arterials, South Grady Way to North 4th, local street North 4th to North 6th Street Proposed I Signed shared roadways Cross-section ■m , 49, User Groups Bicyclists, with pedestrians on sidewalks Connections Downtown, Jones Park TRAILS: Cedar River Trail, Two Rivers Trail Project A one-way couplet providing through access to Description the east side of downtown and over the Cedar River and providing access to shopping and downtown services. Constraints and South of the Cedar River Trail, higher road vol- Considerations umes and parallel parking make the route busier. North of the river, residential streets make the route less busy. APPENDICES A. City of Renton Resolution No. 4005 (May 11, 2009) B. Table 3. Master List of Existing and Proposed Improvements and Routes C. What We've Heard: Summary of Public Comments, Open House #1 D. What We've Heard: Summary of Public Comments, Open House #2 E. Public Open House #3: Public Comments F. 2004 Draft Trails Plan Routes and Status G. Puget Sound Regional Council Destination 2030 Update, Appendix 9: Projects (July 24, 2008) H. 1-405 Corridor Improvement Program Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Projects: Bike and Pedestrian Improvements (January 24, 2005) I. City of Renton Public Works and Transportation Systems Division 2009-2014 TIP J. Non -motorized Funding Sources K. City of Renton Parks, Schools, and Trails (January 2008) Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 161 162 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX A 163 164 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 4005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE MAY 2009 RENTON TRAILS AND BICYCLE MASTER PLAN. WHEREAS, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5186, passed by the Washington State Legislature in April 2005, and effective July 24, 2005, made two amendments to Washington State's Growth Management Act (GMA) mandating the incorporation of bicycle and pedestrian planning into each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan, as well as the consideration of approaches that promote physical activity; and WHEREAS, the May 2009 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan and Map Project is a comprehensive update of the City of Renton Trails Master Plan, adopted in 1993, and the Draft Trails Plan, produced by the Citizen's Non -motorized Transportation Committee in 2004. It represents a collaborative effort between the Transportation and Parks Divisions, and reflects the desire to create an interconnected trails, water trails, and non -motorized transportation network to accommodate both recreational and commuting uses, from pedestrians to cyclists; and WHEREAS, the May 2009 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan creates and fosters opportunity within Renton and neighboring communities for people to move through the city and to access multiple local and regional destinations including schools, parks, businesses and residential areas; and WHEREAS, the May 2009 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan document was presented to the City Council Committee of the Whole on May 11, 2009; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 165 RESOLUTION NO. 4005 SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The City Council does hereby adopt the May 2009 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan and asks that the Administration draw up a work program to begin implementing the plan. The May 2009 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan shall remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of May , 2009. - Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of May , 2009. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE S :1406:4/ 14/09: scr r Denis Law, Mayor 2 166 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX B 167 168 RENTON TRAILS & BICYCLE MASTER PLAN Table 3. MASTER LIST: EXISTING + PROPOSED ROUTES AND FACILITIES Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL/ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES in Miles CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION PROPOSED ROUTES, in ALPHABETICAL order 116th AVENUE SE Beacon Way SE 192nd 2.5 Minor arterial, exist. MIXED CROSS - BICYCLE LANES SE/Puget Drive Street separated path north SECTION: SE of SE 168th SEPARATED MULTI- USE TRAIL, PAVED AND BICYCLE LANES 140th AVENUE SE Maple Valley SE 208th 4.3 Principal arterial. BICYCLE LANES Existing segment SR 169 BICYCLE LANES Hwy (SR 169) Street (Kent) Existing bikes lanes SR (EXTEND EXISTING) to Petrovitsky (2 mi); 169 to SE Petrovitsky extend bicycle lanes Rd (2 mi). south to S. 208th (2.3 mi) BENSON DRIVE SOUTH South Grady Way SE 192nd 4.1 Major arterial BICYCLE LANES (SR 515) BICYCLE LANES Street BENSON ROAD/MAIN Main Avenue SE 176th 2.3 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES Bicycle lanes/trail could AVENUE SOUTH South and South Street some sidewalks be added to overpass BICYCLE LANES Grady Way over 1-405 with 1-405 redevelopment BURNETT AVENUE South 7th Street Cedar River 1 Collector/linear park SIGNED SHARED SOUTH LINEAR AND Trail with paved path and ROADWAY PEDESTRIAN PARK sidewalks & separated multi -use path & street CASCADE TRAIL and SW Interurban Cascade Park 1.3 Utility corridor, MIXED CROSS- 23rd: Oakesdale to 27TH CONNECTOR Trail/Strander via Puget streets with SECTION: Shattuck/Shattuck: 23rd Blvd Drive SE sidewalks, exist. 0.3 SEPARATED MULTI- to S. 15th/S. 15th: mile segment of USE TRAIL + Shattuck Avenue S. to S. separated trail west of SIGNED SHARED Puget Dr/S. Puget Dr: S. Oakesdale Avenue ROADWAY 15th to Cascade Park SW CEDAR-SAMMAMISH Cedar River at Renton- 1.8 No existing trail REGIONAL TRAIL, King County Trails TRAIL 154th Avenue SE Issaquah City PAVED Project; acquisition and Limits route planning in progress CHIEF SEALTH TRAIL Seattle terminus Renton City Utility corridor, REGIONAL TRAIL, Various options to of exist. trail Limits (west) undeveloped PAVED connection point to Renton DUVALL AVENUE NE SE 136th Street/ Coal Creek 2.9 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES Carry bicycle lanes (138th Avenue SE/Coal Maplewood Parkway/Nort sidewalks and bicycle (EXTEND EXISTING) through intersections. Creek Pkwy) Heights Elem. hern City lanes NE 4th to SR 900 Limits (1.15 mi. existing) EDMONDS AVENUE NE NE 3rd Street NE 27th 2 Arterial and collector MIXED CROSS- Bicycle lanes from NE BIKEWAY Street street with sidewalks SECTION: BICYCLE 27th to NE 7th Streets. LANES + SIGNED Signed shared roadway SHARED from NE 7th to NE 3rd ROADWAY Streets. FACTORY AVENUE Bronson Way North 4th 0.3 Minor arterial BICYCLE LANES NORTH BIKE LANES South Street FAIRWOOD- SE 164th Street Petrovitsky 3.3 Arterial SIGNED SHARED PETROVITSKY PARK Park ROADWAY BIKEWAY 169 Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL/ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles GARDEN AVENUE North 3rd Street Cedar River 0.9 Garden: Local/minor BICYCLE LANES Reconfigure median/curb NORTH AND NORTH 6th Trail arterial (4th to 6th) on 6th to allow bikes to STREET AND BICYCLE with sidewalks. 6th: make left/southbound LANES principal arterial turn onto Williams Ave. (minor Park to North Garden) with sidewalks GREEN RIVER TO LAKE SR 167 Lake Youngs 3.9 Minor arterials BICYCLE LANES Extend to Kent (proposed YOUNGS CONNECTOR (Kent/Green grade separated crossing (South 200th St, 196th River ultimately) of SR 167) to connect w/ Avenue SE, SE 192nd Green River Street) HONEY CREEK TRAIL Honey Union 1.25 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Hiking/walking. Requires Creek/May Creek Avenue NE trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, SOFT creek crossing. confluence SURFACE LAKE -TOBIN - Airport South 2nd 0.84 Local street, with SIGNED SHARED Required to because 2nd SHATTUCK BIKEWAY Perimeter Road Street sidewalks ROADWAY and 3rd are one-way. Alternative would be Logan from Airport Way to 2nd or 3rd. LAKE TO CREEK Lake Edmonds 1.3 Street: collector and BICYCLE LANES CONNECTOR (Burnett Washington Blvd Avenue minor arterials with Avenue North/North North NE/Honey sidewalks and bicycle 30th/Kennewick Place Creek lanes North/NE 27th Street) LAKE WASHINGTON West entrance to Park Avenue 1.46 Major arterial: bicycle BICYCLE LANES Extend exist. bicycle LOOP: Airport North lanes from Park (EXTEND EXISTING) lanes from N. 6th St to N. LOGAN AVENUE NORTH Avenue North to + SEPARATED 3rd St and/or add North 6th Street MULTI -USE TRAIL, separated trail. Long PAVED term: add separate bike/ped. bridge over river crossing at Logan/Airport Rd. LIBERTY PARK Cedar River Trail Bronson Way 0.35 Public park; informal SEPARATED MULTI- Need a bikeway on east CONNECTOR North/ access through USE TRAIL, PAVED side of park to connect Factory Cedar River Trail and Avenue Garden Ave. North LINDBERGH AND 108th Avenue SE 128th 2.4 Collector and local SIGNED SHARED RENTON PARK SCHOOL Avenue SE streets ROADWAY ROUTE (SE168th Street, (Renton Park 128th Avenue SE and SE Elementary) 164th Street) MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS Duvall Avenue SE 132nd 1.2 Street: local with SIGNED SHARED SCHOOL ROUTE NE to SE 132nd Street to some sidewalks ROADWAY (Duvall Avenue NE to SE Street to 144th 144th 132nd Street to 144th Avenue SE Avenue SE Avenue SE) MAY CREEK TRAIL Lake Cougar 3.8 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Missing link to Couger Washington Mountain trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, SOFT Mountain County Park. County Park SURFACE Creek crossing required. MONROE AVENUE NE NE 4th Street NE 12th 1 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES BICYCLE LANES Street sidewalks NE 10th STREET NE Sunset Blvd NE 164th St 1.25 Street: collector with SIGNED SHARED Existing on -street trail BIKEWAY some sidewalks; on- ROADWAY separated with curb street school walk route on south side 170 Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL/ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles NE 12th STREET Edmonds Union 1 Street: collector with SIGNED SHARED Existing on -street trail BIKEWAY Avenue NE Avenue NE some sidewalks; on- ROADWAY separated with curb street school walk route on south side NE 3rd AND 4th STREET Logan Avenue Eastern City 3 Principal arterial with MIXED CROSS- Existing bicycle lane BICYCLE LANES North Limits sidewalks and limited SECTION: begins east of Duvall. bike lanes SEPARATED MULTI- Carry bicycle lanes USETRAIL+ through intersections. BICYCLE LANES Need mid -block crossing at Post Office. NE 7th STREET BIKEWAY NE Sunset Blvd Monroe 0.5 Street: collector with SIGNED SHARED Existing on -street trail Avenue NE some sidewalks; on- ROADWAY separated with curb street school walk route on south side NE SUNSET BLVD (SR NE 3rd/NE 4th SE May Valley 6.5 Principal arterial with BICYCLE LANES 4.1 in Renton, 6.5 total 900) BICYCLE LANES Street Road sidewalks NORTH RIVERSIDE Williams Avenue Bronson Way 0.23 Street: local without SIGNED SHARED DRIVE North North sidewalks ROADWAY OAKESDALE AVENUE SW 7th Street SW 43rd 2.2 Arterial with BICYCLE LANES Extend existing bicycle SW BICYCLE LANES Street sidewalks and bicycle (EXTEND EXISTING) lanes north under 1-405 lanes overpass with 1-405 improvements, to connect with SW 7th Street PANTHER CREEK TRAIL Cleveland Lake Street 2 No existing trail SEPARATED MULTI- 1.7 to City Limits, 2.8 to Richardson Park USE TRAIL, SOFT Springbrook Watershed Property SURFACE Park. Could be included as part of 1-405 redevelopments. Include connection to Edlund Property. PARK AVENUE NORTH North 30th North 40th 0.75 Local street SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAY Street Street/Lake ROADWAY Washington Blvd North PHILIP ARNOLD PARK Cedar Avenue Beacon Way 1.3 Local and collector SIGNED SHARED BIKEWAY (Cedar Avenue, South SE and Puget streets ROADWAY South 7th Street and Drive SE Beacon Way South) PUGET DRIVE SE AND Talbot Road 116th 1 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES If space is constrained, SOUTH 21st STREET South Avenue SE limited sidewalks add climbing lanes uphill BICYCLE LANES and Beacon at a min. Way SE SAM CHASTAIN Cedar River Trail Gene Coulon 0.7 No existing trail SEPARATED MULTI- Not intended for bikes; WATERFRONT TRAIL Park USETRAIL, on hold indefinitely. BOARDWALK SE 171 st WAY BIKEWAY 140th Avenue SE SE Petrovitsky 0.41 Street BICYCLE LANES Road SE PETROVITSKY ROAD Tukwila/Green Petrovitsky 6 Principal arterial with BICYCLE LANES Busy, narrow street. ROW BICYCLE LANES (South River Trail and Park some sidewalks, short looks to be nearly fully 43rd Street/179th Interurban Trail separated multi -use utilized. Some ex. Street/SE Carr Road/SE trail segment near separated trail at Petrovitsky Rd) Ridgewood Elem. Ridgewood Elem. SEATTLE WATERLINE Cedar 161 st/131 st 1 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Utilizes utility corridor SPUR River/Riverview Ave SE trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, ROUGH Park SURFACE SEATTLE WATERLINE Downtown/ Lake Youngs 3.75 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Utilizes utility corridor, w/ TRAIL 1-405 at Cedar Watershed trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, ROUGH spur to Cascade Park Ave. South SURFACE 171 Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL/ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles SODS CREEK TRAIL Cedar River Trail Soos Creek 4.5 Separated multi -use REGIONAL TRAIL, Some existing segments; Park (Kent) at trail, rough surface PAVED some segments being SE 208th developed by King Street County SOUTH 2nd AND 3rd Rainier Avenue Main Avenue 1 Principal arterial, one- SIGNED SHARED Check to see if bicycle STREET BIKEWAY South South way, with sidewalks ROADWAY lanes can be accommodated thru narrowing of lanes SOUTH 3rd PLACE Rainier Ave. Shattuck Ave. 0.25 Local street BICYCLE LANES BICYCLE LANES South South SPRINGBROOK TRAIL Black River SW 43rd 2.85 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- 2 segments to be Trail/Monster Street trail, paved USE TRAIL, PAVED completed Road SW TALBOT ROAD SOUTH SW 7th Street Renton City 3.25 Collector, bicycle BICYCLE LANES Bicycle lane/trail under (- Limits lanes north of SW (EXTEND EXISTING) 405 could be included w/ (southwest) 43rd Street. Some 1-405 redevelopment sidewalks; on -street school walk route on east side, bicycle lanes from SW 43rd to S. 200th THUNDER CREEK TRAIL 1-405 Puget Drive 1 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Could be included w/ I - SE trail, rough surface USE TRAIL, ROUGH 405 redevelopment SURFACE TUKWILA Oakesdale Tukwila 0.7 Principal arterial + MIXED CROSS- STATION/LONGACRES Avenue SW Station collector SECTION: WAY CONNECTOR SEPARATED MULTI - (South Grady Way and USE TRAIL, PAVED Longacres Way SW) + BICYCLE LANES TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Black River Naches 0.9 Soft -surface trail, REGIONAL TRAIL, Trail parallels railroad BLACK RIVER TRAIL Riparian Forest Avenue SW rough PAVED ROW Trailhead/ Monster Road TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Fort Dent Park Monster Road 0.25 Soft -surface trail, REGIONAL TRAIL, BNSF Railroad ROW FORT DENT TRAIL SW rough, under railroad PAVED between Tukwila/Ft. CONNECTOR trestle Dent Park/Interurban Trail and Renton. Path follows Black River to its confluence with Green River TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Shattuck Avenue Main Avenue 0.6 Local street without REGIONAL TRAIL, New cross-section to HOUSER WAY SOUTH South South sidewalks, Shattuck to PAVED allow RR use between (RAILROAD ROW) Burnett. Local street Burnett and Main --long + RR tracks and term sidewalks, Burnett to Main. TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Black River SW 7th St 0.2 Local street REGIONAL TRAIL, NACHES AVENUE SW Riparian Forest PAVED Trailhead TWO RIVERS TRAIL: SW 7th Street Houser Way 0.16 Collector with some REGIONAL TRAIL, Reconfigure on -street SHATTUCK AVENUE South sidewalks, PAVED parking to accommodate SOUTH perpendicular bikes parking on west side TWO RIVERS TRAIL: Oakesdale Burnett 1.3 Minor arterial with REGIONAL TRAIL, Add bikes lanes through SOUTH/SW 7th STREET Avenue SW sidewalks PAVED "road diet" to create separated trail. UNION AVENUE NE SE 95th Way Dead end 2.1 Minor arterial with BICYCLE LANES (132nd Avenue NE) (about SE 4th sidewalks Street) WILLIAMS & WELLS South Grady Way North 6th St 1 Minor arterial, one- SIGNED SHARED Reconfigure crossing at AVENUE BIKEWAY way, with sidewalks ROADWAY 6th to allow bicycle passage 172 Approx CURRENT PROP. TYPICAL TRAIL/ROUTE NAME FROM TO Length NOTES CROSS-SECTION CROSS-SECTION in Miles EXISTING FACILITIES, in alphabetical order BLACK RIVER TRAIL Black River Springbrook 1.53 Separated pedestrian SEPARATED MULTI- Trail alongside Riparian Forest Trail trail, soft -surface USE TRAIL, SOFT water/heron rookery Trailhead/ SURFACE Monster Road (EXISTING) SW CEDAR RIVER TRAIL Lake City Limits 4.5 Paved regional trail REGIONAL TRAIL, Ped. only: 6th to Lake Washington (east) PAVED (EXISTING) Washington (0.6 mi) DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL Edmonds Duvall 1.7 Abandoned road, SEPARATED MULTI- Also part of Honey Creek (OFF -ROAD SEGMENT) Avenue NE Avenue local street with USE TRAIL, PAVED NE/Coal sidewalks (EXISTING) Creek Parkway INTERURBAN TRAIL Sumner Tukwila 10 Paved regional trail REGIONAL TRAIL, PAVED (EXISTING) LAKE WASHINGTON West entrance to Logan 1.3 SIGNED SHARED SIGNED SHARED LOOP: Airport Avenue ROADWAY/ ROADWAY AIRPORT PERIMETER North designated bicycle (EXISTING) ROAD route + bicycle lanes on Logan LAKE WASHINGTON North 8th Street Park Avenue 0.5 SIGNED SHARED SIGNED SHARED LOOP: HOUSER WAY North ROADWAY/ ROADWAY NORTH designated bicycle (EXISTING) route (Minor Arterial) MONSTER ROAD SW Oakesdale SW 16th 0.7 Collector street with BICYCLE LANES BICYCLE LANES Avenue Street bicycle lanes and (EXISTING) SW/Black River some sidewalks Trailhead PACCAR TRAIL: North 6th Street Houser Way 0.5 Separated multi -use SEPARATED MULTI- Propose name change to GARDEN AVENUE North trail on east and south USE TRAIL, PAVED distinguish from other NORTH & NORTH 8th side on minor arterial (EXISTING) section of Garden - with sidewalks PACCAR trail. Widen if possible. SE MAY VALLEY ROAD Coal Creek Issaquah- 3.4 SIGNED SHARED SIGNED SHARED Extend to SE 128TH along BIKEWAY Parkway Hobart Road ROADWAY ROADWAY 164TH Ave SE (SR 900) (EXTEND EXISTING) SW 16th STREET Longacres Drive Oakesdale 0.35 Collector street with BICYCLE LANES Extend to Lind or E. Valley BIKEWAY ("Longacres Avenue SW sidewalks and bicycle (EXISTING) Road Bikeway") lanes, signed shared use east of Oakesdale TAYLOR AND HARDIE Northern city SW 7th St 1.4 SIGNED SHARED SIGNED SHARED AVENUE BIKEWAY limits (toward ROADWAY/ ROADWAY Rainier Avenue designated bicycle (EXISTING) North) route (Collector, except Hardie from Renton Ave S Extension to Langston Rd S) 173 174 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX C 175 176 what we've heard SUMMARY OF COMMENTS TO DATE most frequently • Connect the regional trails: Interurban, Green River, Cedar River, Lake Washington Loop • Critical connections: Interurban via Fort Dent Park, Lake Washington Loop via south/Coulon Park • Establish a safe and convenient east -west route through downtown • Create safe routes to neighborhoods, especially the Highlands • Improve wayfinding signage, especially through downtown Foster more awareness of bicycle through "Watch for Cyclists"and other signage • Improve and maintain facilities with bikes in mind: detector loops that detect bikes, good roadway maintenance, storm drain covers and railroad crossings that are safe for bikes • Modify critical intersections to increase safety and convenience for bikes • Provide continuous roadway sweeping and regular maintenance on designated bike routes general • Redesign storm drain covers such that they don't conflict with or catch bike tires Provide bike parking and wayfinding signage downtown Look for routes that are inexpensive to develop recommended • Safe route to Renton Highlands, Sunset, Harrington, Renton Technical College • Kennydale to Green River Trail routes • Post office on NE 4th, between Union and Duvall is difficult to access by bike or foot • South Renton to Lake Washington Loop/Gene Coulon Park • SW 7th as east -west route through downtown • Williams/Wells as north -south routes through downtown • East -west - route along railroad right-of-way • 1-5 crossing at S.129th 1-405 crossings at Renton Hill, Kennydale (N.30th/Kennewick Place) • 1-405 improvements should include route from NE 44th St. interchange, parallel to freeway, to May Creek Trail • Houser Way N between 4th and downtown - convert to 2-way Bike route from Hwy 99 into the valley - Renton and Kent • Edmonds as north -south route through Highlands • Duvall to Coal Creek Parkway • SE May Valley Road • Newcastle to May Creek to Windtree subdivision • Honey Creek Trail to May Creek Trail • South 196th, with new overpass, as east -west route across valley between Kent and Renton 100th,116th, and 132nd Avenues SE as north -south routes from Renton to Kent • Problem interesections noted on Route Options maps signage e • "Watch for Cyclists" sign for motorists on critical routes g • Wayfinding signage into and out of downtown Renton opportunities ' Consider trail over top of utility duct on SW 7th • Rest stop along Lake Washington Loop at 30th Street • Need for a safe crossing of Sunset to Hazen High School edestrian/walk p wa y • Ensure good connections/pathways in and out of The Landing requests • Create safe pathways around Highlands Elementary and along Harrington to the Harrington Square • Don't develop undeveloped rights -of -way in the Highlands area • Add pedestrian -scale lighting - esp.In the Highlands, for safety • Provide lighting on a very public (visible) trail system (The Landing, McKnight Jr. High) May Creek Trail - provide better access to lower May Creek Trail paralleling 1-405 via overpass/underpass • Provide benches along Lake Washington Blvd Trail (bump -out at 30th St) • Provide additional soft surface trail (adjacent to Cedar River Trail specifically noted) Renton Trails and Bikeways Plan & Map Project mi, am Summary of Public Comments, Open House #1 •' 177 178 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX D 179 180 what we've heard SUMMARY OF COMMENTS TO DATE overall ' Importance of connections between regional trails stressed • Positive feedback on many routes: SW 7th, BNSF rail corridor, Panther Creek wetlands, Garden south of North 6th Street, Soos Creek and May Creek corridors, power line corridors • More detailed route recommendations • More input from South Renton and Earlington • Identification of many problem spots and shorter connection ideas, esp. to schools and important destinations general • Need trail and access from Renton Avenue South to Cedar River. • Need north/south route between Renton and Kent; maybe along Benson Drive SE/108th recommendations Avenue SE • Need an east/west route across southern Renton - it's basically an island - no good bikeway in or out. • Incorporate increased street sweeping into policy. • Identify discontinuous routes like Benson Road. • Renton Hill Association - neighborhood matching funds to do trail. Contact 255-0290. recommended Pedestrian path along SW Langston to Sunset to 68th Avenue South • Fort Dent connector should be a high priority. routes & improvements ' Continue Soos Creek Trail up to waterline ROW. • Smithers from 7th to high school is a good route. • Rainier Avenue South - difficult transition southbound at city limits. Northbound not as bad, but trail continuity could be better. • SW 7th is good path choice. • RR ROW from Monster Road to downtown is good path choice. • Need trail from NE 3rd Street through Liberty Park to Maple Valley Highway. • Need path to Hazen High School from Union Avenue NE along NE 10th Place. • Continue Duvall Avenue NE path to SE 136th Street. • South 4th Street from Shattuck to Burnett good path choice. • Continue garden south from North 6th to North 2nd Street, east to Factory Avenue North • Improve signage along Jones Road for traffic safety, make bike lane and sidewalk. • Panther Creek wetland path - good idea. • Improve Burlington Northern access from Monster Road to Green River Trail. • Use water/powerline easement for path along South 132nd Street between MLK Jr. Way South and Renton Avenue South • Connect May Creek Trail to Newcastle Trail. • Use BNSF corridor for mass transit (rail)/bike & trail • Earlington Park path along powerline, waterline at 134th, bike trail from P&R diagonally to NW or multi -use in Seattle City Light corridor. • Talbot Road South - need northbound transition on approach to South 43rd. roblem S • Talbot from City Hall to Puget Drive South is dangerous. p p OtS • Sidewalks force bikes into traffic at corners of SE 168th between 116th SE and SE 128th. • Need a northbound transition zone on Talbot Road at South 43rd. • Sidewalk alternate is bad to riding in traffic at South 43rd between 167 and Talbot Road South • Pedestrian pushbutton not responsive at Airport Way • Sunset at 38th; need left turn (northbound) bike lane • Need left -turn bike lane Duvall to NE 4th Street • Need left -turn bike lane; southbound Duvall to NE 4th Street • Difficult crossings: SW Sunset Blvd & Taylor South 3rd Place & Rainier Avenue S Logan & Airport Way Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Summary of Public Comments, Open House #2 182 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX E 183 184 Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan Public Open House #3: Public Comments November 12, 2008 Overall • Clarify information in the 6-year TIP. What money from that budget is available for these projects? • How long before 71n can be developed? • Is education/trail etiquette going to be addressed? Station 1: Routes and Cross Sections • 1541n/164tn corridor unsafe, especially at the bottom of the hill. Could paved shoulder be striped as bike lane? The bridge transition over the Cedar River eliminates the roadway shoulder for bikes/pedestrians to utilize and is an unsafe transition. • Don't wait so long to make improvements to an east/west corridor — specifically 7tn • 154tn crossing at Maple Valley Highway extremely dangerous • Put bike lanes on 7tn now. In response to the difficulty of eliminating a travel lane, commenter noted that a travel lane on Rainier was eliminated and that didn't create problems. • Grade separation between walkers and bikers on multi -use trails. Between Lake and Shattuck on 2nd, add a separated trail on the north side to address eastbound needs on one-way westbound street • 154tn shoulder could include a bike lane symbol. • 154tn has a "Share the Road" sign at the bottom, but needs same at the top of the hill • Designated bike lanes needed on Cemetery Road (NE 3rd/41n Streets) and Sunset. • Extremely difficult to get to post office (NE 4tn Street) — difficult crossing. • Time lines are important. Tell us in the final report what the schedule is for these improvements. • East -west route most critical to provide now - 7tn just needs paint, should be top priority. • Houser at north end at Lake Washington Blvd / by The Landing intersection— needs to be addressed. Cyclists have to go against 1-way traffic and cross railroad twice, which is extremely dangerous in wet conditions. Is there some way this route can be improved? • Another supporter for east -west connector — anywhere, just make it safe. • North 3rd and Sunset is the worst intersection in the City. 185 • Route that may need further study/consideration: Houser Way route past, but not through PACCAR gate, stay out of tunnel but divert onto sidewalk at 3rd. This puts you on the east side of the road, where it is possible to make connections up the hill. This route was identified as the best way to get from LW loop to the neighborhoods up on the hill, avoiding the construction underway further north on Park. This was also identified as a good route to skirt the busy downtown area. • Is Shari's/Silver Cloud/ Fire Route currently available and what improvements are planned? • At Garden and 41" — remove barrier and provide signage giving cyclists the ok to go against traffic. • SE 140t" at top of hill (light at Fairwood — by powerlines) — clean up glass and garbage. • Improve maintenance of shoulders, especially sweeping, and not just out of travel lanes, but off shoulders. • Education, especially on excessive bike speeds/passing courtesy important. • Check King County map to compare our existing conditions map. Cascade Club ride leaders often refer riders to this map to explain routes. • Other problematic intersections: Bronson Way and Factory Avenue North, South 3rd Street at Main and Mill Avenue South. Station 2: Projects and Priorities • The "triangle" between the Green River/Interurban Trails, the Cedar River Trail, and Lake Washington Loop is biggest missing link, esp. for recreational cyclists. • Cedar River Trail to Coulon Park/Lake Washington Loop is another big missing link. • Two Rivers Trail, especially SW 71" Street should be highest priority — multiple comments on this route. • East -west corridors needed to the south as well — between Kent, Tukwila and Renton. Lots of people commute north -south from Kent to points north. • Show completed sections of bike lanes on 140t" and Soos Creek trail. • On Philip Arnold Park connector, Renton/Cedar Ave. South preferred to Beacon between 4t" and 7t" Station 3: Wayfinding Signage 186 • On existing routes with parking, use "share the road" sign, especially residential streets where there is no room for bike lane. • Speed limit signs for designated bike trail (15 mph, see King County code). • On 154th Place SE/where it becomes SE 142"d, install "share the road" signs at top of hill for southbound (downhill) traffic. • Bridge at bottom of 154th not wide enough — use "Watch for Bikes" signage. • Add signs to separate fast/slow riders, where appropriate, for safe shared facilities (Bikers and Walkers 10 mph). • Add green bike boxes at intersections. • Research other pavement markings applicable to bicyclists, such as green lane markers. • Include Trail Ends sign to alert cyclists. • Use bike symbol to show bikes where to position on loop detectors • Consider signing a route up the hill to 1161h by way of waterline right-of-way past Philip Arnold Park. Guide Map • Benson, Carr/Petrovitsky Rd, NE 3rd/4th are too dangerous to be on the map — too narrow, no space for bikes. • Recommendation for route from Cedar River to points west: north on Mill, west on 2nd north on Burnett, west on Tobin. • Add trail etiquette tips on guide map. • Add chevron/grade arrows on Union, SE 1681h, SE 192"d • Add local bike route from downtown to Philip Arnold Park. • Add arrows at hills. Station 5: Intersections/Routes and Solutions • 7th and Talbot/Grady congestion and right-of-way issues at the intersection leads to driver/non-motorized user confusion and safety concerns. • Cedar River Bridge crossing at 154th Place from Highlands/Plateau to Cedar River Trail — bikers must merge into vehicle travel lane for non -motorized crossing of bridge. The transition is complicated with a 10% roadway grade and no traffic control measures to slow vehicles. • Bike lane transition through signalized intersections — consider installation of shared lane markings/striping before and after signal. 187 • Southbound Shattuck crossing Grady — bike detector loop needed. • 16" and Oakesdale eastbound — 16th signal induction loop has issues with bike detection/8`" and Garden also needs to have bike detection capability. • Bike lanes on Logan interrupted by curb bulb -outs. • Add pavement markings for bike loop detectors. 188 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX F 189 190 2004 Draft Trails Plan Routes & Status 2008 STATUS 1 ROUTE Black River Trail Type of Facility Multi -use LENGTH 1.53 SUR- FACING Paved & SS 2 Burnett Trail SW & BL 1.3 3 Cascade Trail (waterline) Multi -use 3.2 Paved & SS 4 Cedar River Trail Multi -use 4.5 EXISTING Ped only north of 6th St 5 Devil's Elbow Trail Multi -use 1.7 6 Duvall Trail SW & BL 2.6 EXISTING 7 Fairwood Trail (140th Ave SE) SW & BL 3 EXISTING 8 Honey Creek Trail Ped. only 0.95 Soft -surface 9 Lake Washington Trail Multi -use 2.7 EXISTING 10 Lake Youngs Trail Multi -use 2.7 Soft -surface 11 May Creek Trail Ped. only 2.5 Soft -surface 12 NE 3rd/NE 4th Trail SW & BL 2.8 13 Oakesdale Trail SW & BL 1.7 EXISTING Bike lane ends at 27th 14 Panther Creek Trail Ped. only 15 Petrovitsky Trail (S 43rd/SE Carr Rd/SE 176th St) SW & BL 4.8 16 Soos Creek Trail Ped. only 2.28 Paved EXISTING Extend from Blvd Park to SE Petrovitsky Rd 17 Springbrook Trail Multi -use 2.86 Paved EXISTING Two missing segments 18 Sunset Trail SW & BL 3.2 Paved 19 SW 7th Trail SW & BL 1.3 20 Talbot Trail SW & BL 2.4 21 Thunder Creek Trail Ped. only Soft -surface 22 Union Trail (132nd Ave SE) SW & BL 2.09 23 SW 16th Street Trail SW & BL EXISTING 24 Interurban Trail Multi -use 10 EXISTING Regional trail 25 Monster Road Trail BL EXISTING 26 Fort Dent Connector Multi -use 0.25 27 Sam Chastain Memorial Trail Ped. only 0.71 28 Cedar Sammamish Trail Multi -use 10-20 29 Seattle Waterline Trail Ped. only 2.5 Soft -surface 30 Puget Drive Trail SW & BL 0.85 31 Benson Trail SW & BL * Numbering system is from Trail Plan 191 192 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX G 193 194 DESTINATIO Appendix 9: Projects 71 '^r Rif f, Puget Sound Regionol Council July 24"i. 2008 195 DESTINATIO Uadate Appendix 9: Projects July 24, 2008 Puget Sound Regional Counci 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500 Seaf0e, Washington 98104-1035 206-464.7090 / FAx 206-587-4825 / psrc.org 196 'o uv? 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U � m � � t� z E w n cn W e w LO N N N CD CDN N N cq c a m m a o N t3 O X U iu v ¢ w CO CD fh N cn C N t ti 00 C � o 0 69 69 6. 64 N "6 '0 0) . Q c� O � Q) (0 O .r N N CO CL O Q) C "" C U) ' F � (�j� •O Ul 0 C C � � •0 .N � N C ` � Q � N O Q7 ,� U _,��, 'O 3 m t m C Q) Q m m C m ._ U L 0 > C O m O � 3 � N j p 'C3 O L U Q) W 0, 0 m vl �.—O`.�. _� Q p O C6 .0 w N Q U U N(13 In i]. — O. U n C G V CJ cnVSQ c[) �-0o Q 6.0< 2E m nnm Q)i0 oZ" O � W Z � c > m > vW i� m o m(D > 0 az° > oa' T t?Lt 'j 7 m O T N 0) 0 in co a� E .Q N o Z T T T C C C O C O p U p U U U C CD C C 0) C Y Y X Y C)V co co N N N co� W U U U uj Ewa �.° _ oCS c c a. c y C ci:z cL Ui- 7v ZaX ri% 204 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX H 205 206 Frequently Asked Questions Congestion Relief & Bus Rapid Transit Projects Bike & Pedestrian Improvements The 1-405 corridor multi -modal strategy includes improvements beyond commuter -focused accommodations. The 1-405 Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Projects improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the corridor by providing safe highway crossings, and neighborhood trail linkages. These include five improved crossings in Bothell and Snohomish County, one in Bellevue, and two in Renton. Ten missing connections between existing trails will help to create regional pedestrian/bicycle routes, including completion of non -motorized systems in Renton and Tukwila, improved use of railroad right-of-way in Kirkland, and providing key trail linkages in Bothell. The map to the right shows the existing trail system along the 1-405 corridor. The lettered bike/ped symbols indicate new or additional bicycle and pedestrian improvements as outlined in the 1-405 Corridor Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Master Plan. The "Nickel" projects in Kirkland, Bellevue, and Renton are the first phase of the Master Plan. The Nickel Funding Package for three projects on 1-405 provides for improved bike/pedestrian features within the nickel project designs. Additional bike/pedestrian improvements, as shown here, are planned in future phases of the project, which will be funded through future funding packages, grants, and funding mechanisms such as the Regional Transportation Investment District. -r sz� SNOHOMISH COUNTY KING COUNTY V► Burke Gilman r n 22 z S­­' River Tail Tolt PiPline T NE 160th S. NE 132nd St. NE 1280 St NE 124M St NE 116. St. NE 85 h SI NE )0th St W 2 NE 12M St NE 6th St. Main S,. SE 8th St. OTa Coal Creek \wI SE 112th Ave. SE Ire wasnmgron vain N ish Trail .' Cedar River Trail 518 - �� - r W j 6 River 167 nail 181 lnrerunun rrai — Paved Trail Soft Surface Trail QNew/Additional Bike & Pedestrian Improvements: A SR 524 (Filbert Rd) Crossing 1-405 from North Rd to Locust Wy — add sidewalk/paved shoulder B Damson Rd Crossing 1-405 from 192nd St SW to Logan Rd — add sidewalk/paved shoulder C SR 527 Crossing 1-405 from 220th St SE to 228th St SE — add pedestrian/bike facility D North Creek Trail Link 240th to 232nd — add pedestrian/bike trail E Fitzgerald Rd/21th Ave Crossing 1-405 from 228th St SE to 240th St SE — add pedestrian/bike facility F Connection between Sammamish River Trail and North Creek Trail Betwen SR 522 and NE 195th St — add pedestrian/bike overcrossing of I-405 G SE 8th to Totem Lake Add pedestrian/bike facility H Lake WA Blvd 1-405 to SE 60th — add pedestrian/bike facilities I Lake WA Blvd/112th Ave SE Crossing 1-405 from 106th Ave SE to 112th PI SE — add sidewalks 1 Lake WA Blvd/112th SE 60th to May Creek interchange — add pedestrian/bike facility K NE Park Dr Crossing 1-405 from SR 900/Sunset Blvd — add sidewalk/paved shoulder L Cedar River Trail S Extension 1-405 to Burnett Ave — add pedestrian/ bike facilities M Cedar RiverTrail/Lake WA Blvd Connector Cedar River Trail to Lake WA Blvd Loop — add pedestrian/bike facilities N 1-405/SR 167 Trail Connection Lind Ave SE to Talbot Rd S — add trail connection 0 Jackson SW/Longacres Dr SW Crossing 1-405 from S Longacres Wy to Monster Rd SW — add sidewalk/paved shoulder P Cedar-Duwamish Trail Connection 1-405 to Interurban Ave S — add bike lanes Q SR 181/W Valley Highway Crossing 1-405 from Strander Blvd to Fort Dent Wy — add bike lanes R 1-405/1-5Interchange Via or around 1-405/1-5 Interchange — add pedestrian/bike facilities WashingtonJanuary 24, 2005 207 Ti Department State Department of Transportation 208 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX 209 210 0 N Cl Cl 0 N z 0 m C. OO oLN Q m on O o W to c v 0 0 0 0 o0 qm F o v uri a5 Lo Lo o OM t- M d O W N O (3 � } U o co C.j Rj r m o X m to 0 o Lo o M D O o X<«) O O o O O' O m 'O N O] O O (•a D Q, YT7 O o D 0 0 M LO (o 6) O O m h 0 0 0 0iI C7- O O G N 1 QLo rDOI-V h oo0i]CS' o.. OLo m LO � M C1 t-f• � N m co s,I LAY 1� N N O m (9 CO D V N N N V' L0 7 L 4'] In N m i= = r t N N (D LO N V NLo co N W m' o) O cDcocicD O pp •GDOO G?. O o I�LOOOOCDm'00 0 0 0 0 0 (n O O O 00 o [`' j°" .n0 O O C'7 -O ,D,cl O O O cot-r,:o O O -o O 0000.00 O O O, O O O oIMI O co aD LO of O o""-`O O O (� U u7 N n m W N M h 0 0 o 0 0 m co CD O m O D 0 co 0 o 1 C L''� - "�'If? C O 17 D ui 0�0 C7�u') 0 co 0 O 0 0) Q!',L_ u) 0 o M 0 m 0 Q 0 O K9 0 o In 0 O o_ o O M O F= 'O tf5 O r LI) N In 'Fw. co h r 7- I� o O o0 � o r N c0 C 0) m co Lo e0 C c0' u] r d' N L) N o Lo, P�.. (A co 67 N N m u7 d' �� (O O r r Cil N In M r CD o r N � U. pM g 'a) o c). o resin (D0000000 o 0 0 o 0 0 W o m oO o 0 Oo 0 M. 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N M a eo rr UOIWAJasad saopijjoo �g s;oafoad �a}e paz�aouaN s aaN30 F pue ahueuajuiew Uoil 212 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX J 213 214 Non -motorized Funding Sources Grant Funds Federal Funds distributed through the PSRC (MPO) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) — MPO Allocation Qualifying projects include programs to limit portions of road surfaces or certain sections of the metropolitan area to the use of non -motorized vehicles or pedestrian use; for secure bicycle storage facilities and other facilities; for new construction and major reconstruction of non -motorized facilities; and establishment and funding of State bicycle/pedestrian coordinator positions. This includes public education, promotional, and safety programs for using such facilities. Surface Transportation Program (STP) — MPO Allocation Qualifying projects include bicycle and pedestrian facilities and spot improvements, wheelchair ramps, and other eligible enhancement activities, including the modification of public sidewalks to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Surface Transportation Program (STP) — Enhancement Program The monies are to be expended for non-traditional type projects including historic preservation transportation facilities and museums, landscaping and beautification, scenic highways, bike and pedestrian facilities and education, rail corridors preservation, and outdoor advertising control. State Funds Pedestrian & Bicycle Program Projects that help reduce fatal and injury collisions involving pedestrians and bicyclists in Washington are eligible to apply for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Grants. These safety -focused projects may also support increased mobility and encourage more people to bicycle and walk. Types of eligible projects and programs include those that make engineering improvements and provide public education and outreach. Sidewalk Program — TIB The intent of the Urban Sidewalk Program is to provide funding for projects that address safety, access to generators, and system connectivity. All projects must be transportation related on a federally classified route and be consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Safe Route to Schools The Washington State Legislature provides funding to support pedestrian and bicycle safety projects, such as pedestrian and bicycle paths, sidewalks, safe routes to school and transit. The Safe Routes to School Grants were established to address pedestrian and bicycle mobility and safety near schools. 215 Local Funding Parks Levy Trails can receive funding in two ways. Sixty percent of the King County Proposition 2 Levy is dedicated for "King County's acquisition and development of rights of way for regional trails... consistent with the Regional Trails Plan including acquisition of missing critical links and/or maximization of regional trail use, and for repayment of costs." Another 20% of the levy is dedicated for "distribution to cities in King County of which fifty percent shall be distributed based on city population, and of which fifty percent shall be distributed based on the assessed valuation. City projects means the acquisition of open space and natural lands and the acquisition and development of county regional trails or city trails that are regional in nature, and may specifically include local trails in underserved areas linking to city or county trails that connect to regional trails." (KC Ordinance 15750, Section 5). The last distribution to cities from this levy will be in 2013. General Fund Funding for non -motorized projects is a line item in a city's general fund. This funding can be used to fund non -motorized projects as the city deems appropriate. 216 Funding Source Grant Criteria: CMAQ 10 % for Non -motorized =150 Total Points 50 Points = Designated Urban Centers - Based on the urban center environment, the project's impact on urban center, and the circulation within the center. 50 Points = Manufacturing/Industrial Centers - Based on mobility and accessibility, connecting corridors, benefit to center, system continuity, and the long term benefit/sustainability. 10 Points = Project Readiness/Financial Plan 40 Points = Air Quality STP 10% for Non -motorized =150 Total Points 50 Points = Designated Urban Centers - Based on the urban center environment, the project's impact on urban center, and the circulation within the center. 50 Points = Manufacturing/Industrial Centers - Based on mobility and accessibility, connecting corridors, benefit to center, system continuity, and the long term benefit/sustainability. 30 Points = Project Readiness/Financial Plan 20 Points = Air Quality STP Project Enhancement Funds =100 Total Points 15 Points = Project supports regional growth centers, local town or activity centers and the corridors connecting these locations 15 Points Community demonstrates support for the project 20 Points Project Readiness/Financial Plan 50 Points Non -motorized projects criteria: • Project connects or links to a non -motorized system or network • Project connects to other multimodal facilities • Project addresses current non -motorized needs in the community • Level of current and future land use in the vicinity of the facility that would be expected to provide utilization of the facility Pedestrian and Bicycle Program =15 Total Points 5 Points = Current Conditions — Do the current conditions indicate risk for pedestrians and/or bicyclists. 217 5 Points = Project Impact — How well will the project: reduce potential pedestrian and bicycle conflicts with motor vehicle traffic and/or establish safer and fully accessible crossings, walkways, trails or bikeways. 5 Points = Implementation — Is there a demonstrated need for the proposed improvements, and, if appropriate for the project/program, a strong partnership among local agencies that will ensure this project moves ahead on time and on budget. Sidewalk Program (Urban and Regional) =100 Total Points 50 Points = Pedestrian Safety — How safe is the existing and future non -motorized connection based on the existing condition, proposed improvement, accident history, and existing hazards. 35 Points Pedestrian Access — What is the direct access from existing facilities and structure, what access improvements does the project make, and how does the project help complete the entire network. 15 Points = Local Support — How the project affects the community, and how much financial support is the community providing for the project. Safe Route to Schools Programs = 20 Total Points 5 Points = Engineering Improvements — How well the project has or will: reduce potential pedestrian and bicycle conflicts with motor vehicle traffic; reduce traffic volume around schools; and/or establish safer and fully accessible crossings, walkways, trails or bikeways. 5 Points = Education and Encouragement Efforts — How well the project has or will teach about: bicycling, walking and/or driving safety skills, the health effects of walking and biking, the impact to the environment, the broad range of transportation choices and provide events and activities utilized to promote walking and biking to school safely. 5 Points = Enforcement Component — How well the enforcement efforts of the project has or will address traffic safety and help to increase the number of children walking and biking to school safely? 5 Points = Implementation — Is there a demonstrated need for the proposed improvements and a strong partnership among local agencies that will ensure this project moves ahead on time and on budget? 218 ATTACHMENT: Program Source Timing Funding Level Due Dates Eligible Activities Competition Criteria Congressional request earmarks Federal Annual $0 - $10 m per year Aug -Sept Various National When a significant need is identified. Congestion Mitigation and Air Weighed heavily based project location in urban and Quality Program - MPO Allocation Federal Every 3 years $20 - $30 m per year Spring (2009) Air quality related projects Regional/Countywide manufacturing centers, and air quality impact. 10% to nonmotorized Surface Transportation Program All surface transportation Weighed heavily based project location in urban and (STP) - MPO Allocation (10% to Federal Every 3 years #30 - $40 m per year Spring (2009) related projects Regional/Countywide manufacturing centers, and moderately on nonmotorized) readiness and air quality impact. Nonmotorized projects weighted heavily if the Surface Transportation Program Federal Varies Varies Varies List of 12 eligible categories Statewide/Region connect urban centers, tranport facilities, meet non- (STP) - Enhancement Program motorized community needs, and predicted land use suited to utilize project. Pedestrian and bike safety Equally weighted among if a safety risk exists, if the Pedestrian & Bicycle Program State Annual $0 - $11 m May 9th, 2008 Statewide project remedies it, and if there is a demonstrated projects need and support for the project. Weighed heavily on existing and improved safety of Sidewalk Program - TIB State Annual $700 - $1 m Late August Pedestrian safety projects Statewide/Region corridor and moderately on current and future ped access. Equally weighted among the impact of physical Safe Route to Schools State Annual $0 - $11 m May 2nd, 2008 Routes to schools Statewide improvements, education and encouragement efforts, enforcement and use by children, and demonstrated need and local support. 219 220 Trails and Bicycle Master Plan APPENDIX K 221 222 -r RI yl a ejet S! ___________ fffi2nd St -CITY OF RENTON=====--=-=--=--=___ ________ SE 84th St -M1 St- « � r It SE ~ PARKS, SCHOOLS =______ _______ ______ - 64lAHL N W SE65fA S yl ifl � M .11 � bl � M c s5 i wee SE 65U t64U St AND TRAILS =___________ fi)t S o - 68tA PI r SE 1 PI SE fie", St SE SE W _ _ DEVELOPED PARKS ---- ---= ----= -- - ___ ______ M a 6 Y]kt sl $ s SE ]Aa st. _ - - e xnnda It J 0 OPEN SPACES -_-_ - -_ _ - - __ - _ ff ]3rd It 2,d St r NE 501A SL SE Jrd PI — PEDESTRIAN ONLY TRAILS =_____ ="t MIXED USE TRAIL _ SE ]6M SL a h' w OLF CLUB AT OEWCASTLE BIKE ROUTE SHARED ROADWAY- 6 _- / \ -� SE ]6U PI. y, y SE ]StA St Et SCHOOLS __ - 4, r - SE78Mg Smh �a9 -- �' a _ SEBOU It SE BOU t 1391M1 Ave SE SE ]BU --- BE 43ra -- CITY LIMITS = µ"1 - TRAIL ACCESS POINT i lit a < M L ED a SE T9M 4G iJMASE Technical Services o 4Dtn sf G® F1 411 It ff B tM1 St Planning/Building/Public Works R. MacOnie, D. Visneski �ti a6m a s fr January 2008 ` J ff Still - --- --- --- --- -------------------------------------------------- - - -- - - - - - - --- --- --- ----- - - - - --- g NN 3]tA $ e o 1 EMIao,ARY n DE 36U SE BBU It _____ BEACI+PA SE BBIh St _____% ___ _ _ _ _ _ 0 Mill SE 89U St '$' aft p cE B9w` v ______________ _ _ 03aU St Y N 34U It 'k SE 901 Stay E33rd St _ ____________------ _____________________________________________________ N 31st D J2ntl 0 32nd 5t N 32na sl //9112nd��5t a - SC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NE 31A St / ___________________Y --------------------------------------------------- NlOU N30U St NYJIn It 029th N29U St tN Wa d 0 28t, St 0 U St SE s SE 95tA PI 7L- ------------------- H26m St a EDDY LE 2 With It I o Y - oPed) o----------------------------------- _ d U LIOUS o f NE 26fnL - °a - _ _ ___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_- - - _ _ £" b PARK $IBflFP HFCHT� NE 25tA P' �"0E 26M St ------------------------------------------------- x z E24tA 8 Nf 241M1 t h SE IOOtA St f.LEd'LD�L `-1 E NE UCI Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________________ _ DE 2xa% LJ ® �H&8E NE 24M It ------------------------------------------------ 026U w NE 23rd PI s PARK NE24A N PS Sr°� Roinler AveS___________________________ 0 6 DE 2k N 22ntl NE 23ra St ryb NE 22ntl PI NE 22na PI U" NE 23-a NE 23rd NE 23rd C1 102nd <--------------------------------------- NE 21s151 OE 22ntl It NE 1Ae NE 22ntl PI NE 2Ut 9c,Nc L__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_- OE 20M St. DE 20M ' N 21a t o pw NE 21st PI -NE 215t OE 21st Ct f _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 4 " NE 2af G NE 19th S NE 20th - E 1I0�II Y t04tn SC S ...4th o � fs NHIGHLAO E ]RW o y 6 'E '�'nn--------------------------------- x W GHBORHO p R < wnit NEnl]tA <IM3 a 15M St NSeR'____________________________________________________ 6 c < T IIIR St 9 cb' yp Wk `I.0 4.� ____________________________ m P a a 3$$ W Or v� W'g9�5 . q`a b 6 a 4k St S 4 m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ g SCNOOL _ y° v It N a NE 12U St g Iltel n COUDTV P S 11JtA SL _ _ m C y 114M DOR i < a SUPSEb LOUR 111M1 PI. rrin .a 3 1t u ' SE 113tr S' a S 115U St - - PROPERTY PAR `T � NE 1MA At 11 d A �' NE lit R NE 11M St ff 114tA�a '^ e S 115M St 5 115N PI 5 115th P BOA HOUSE IMala DE 10th PI a S 11]U Sl S 116U St S 1181M1 St H S 116tA St % � 101M1PI. V .� � � � DE IOtM1 Lf. � A _ S)] y ^ < S 11]N Sl a NE 10M tNE I, St 101A Ln. NE IONE IOth St St S 11]tM1 PI 6m 5 1)tA St NE 9M OY SE 116M 51 S 1181h St � 116M p < a 0 IOM SL OE 9M PL 6 E 10tA St. ltBU PI e'Yw A y f s 11sU SI E S II]U W' � � 2' NE 9U St � NE 91M1 SL SE 11]Ih St 119tA St g RYD MAWR S 1181M1 S +A. 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