HomeMy WebLinkAboutMedium Industrial (IM) Zone Amend - Theaters as Secondary Use (12/11/1995) December 18. 1995 I'll" Renton City Council Minutes `" Page 485 KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 95-095, Maplewood Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Golf Course recommending concurrence in the staff and Park Board recommendation to Concessionaire, All My amend the lease and concession agreement between All My Restaurants, Inc. Restaurants and the City of Renton for the Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse. The amendment eliminates room rental fees and increases the City's percentage of return on gross from the concessionaire to the City for the banquet facility. It also provides for the replacement of the banquet tables and chairs, and for potential future construction development. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor, the Chairman for the Board of Park Commissioners and the City Clerk be authorized to execute this amendment upon receipt of all required approvals. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Committee regarding non-conforming uses. The Committee worked with staff and Building: Non-Conforming interested property owners to draft an amendment to the Zoning Code Use Procedures addressing the continued use of non-conforming uses and structures. These amendments establish definitions, procedures, and criteria for reviewing and approving uses and structures that became non-conforming as a consequence of the area-wide zoning changes adopted by the City Council beginning in June, 1993. The Committee has reviewed the draft ordinance amendment and recommends that the City Council set a public hearing for January 15, 1996. In addition to the Code amendments, the Committee has reviewed staff analysis of several requests for conditional approval of non-conforming uses and structures. The Committee further recommended that the Council consider approval of these requests following the adoption and effective date of the amendments. The general topic of how to handle non-conforming uses should be referred back to staff to consider alternatives. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Corman explained that this general topic will remain in Committee because the city's legal advisers are not convinced that granting Class A non-conforming uses is the best way to handle properties made non- conforming by rezones. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Police: Staff Changes re: concurrence in the request to make the two current temporary police sergeant 3/3 12 Patrol Officer positions permanent, and to eliminate the four corporal positions retroactive to Schedule November 1, 1995. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #4570 An ordinance was read amending sections 4-31-11.2.B and 4-31-11.2.D.1 of Zoning: Medium Industrial Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by (IM) Change to Allow adding theaters as a secondary use in the Medium Industrial (IM) Zone. Movie Theaters MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Amends ORD 4404 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4570 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-31-11.2 .B.2 AND 4-31-11.2 .D.1 OF CHAPTER 31, ZONING CODE, OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) , OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY ADDING THEATERS AS A SECONDARY USE IN THE MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (IM) ZONE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I. Section 4-31-11 . 2 .B. 2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-11.2 .B.2 : Secondary Uses : The following uses are permitted subject to the following conditions : a. Offices : Administrative/headquarters office : (1) . These offices shall be associated with a primary permitted use on the same site or a contiguous site . (2) . The office uses may be developed in conjunction with, or subsequent to, the industrial use. (3) . The office uses may serve the administrative needs of employees company-wide including those employees located on other sites . ORDINANCE NO. 4570 b. Theaters : Theaters Location shall be limited to those parcels abutting a Commercial Arterial (CA) Zone in the S .W. 41st/S .W. 43rd corridor. The following uses are permitted in conjunction with a primary permitted use when operated primarily for employees of the industrial zone in which they are located and with consideration given to community need (i .e. , suitable location) . c . Eateries : Eating and drinking establishments : (1) . No drive-through service . (2) . Limited external signage. (3) . No freestanding buildings . d. Business : General business services . e. Personal : Personal offices . f . Parks And Trails : New neighborhood, community and regional parks and trails and open space subject to: (1) . Site plan approval . (2) . Consistency with the City Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan and Trails Master Plan. g. Finance : Financial institutions : (1) . No freestanding structures . (2) . Single drive-up window in conjunction with a branch operation. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4570 h. Gas : Gasoline service stations subject to site plan approval . i . Recreation: Recreation facilities subject to site plan approval . j . Retail Uses : Retail uses which are incidental to a permitted primary use and occupy no more than thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area. k. Community Facilities : The following development standards, in addition to those in subsection D below, shall apply to all uses having a "P" suffix designation. Where these standards conflict with those generally applicable, these standards shall apply: (1) . Height : (A) . Publicly owned structures housing such uses shall be permitted an additional fifteen feet (15 ' ) in height above that otherwise permitted in the zone if "pitched roofs" , as defined herein, are used for at least sixty percent (60%) or more of the roof surface of both primary and accessory structures . (B) . In addition, in zones where the maximum permitted building height is less than seventy five feet (75 ' ) , the maximum height of a publicly owned structure housing a public use 3 *110 ORDINANCE NO. 4570 may be increased as follows, up to a maximum height of seventy five feet (75 ' ) to the highest point of the building: (i) When abutting a public street, one additional foot of height for each additional one and one-half feet (1 1/2 ' ) of perimeter building setback beyond the minimum street setback required at street level unless such setbacks are otherwise discouraged (e .g. , inside the downtown core area in the CD Zone) ; (ii) When abutting a common property line, one additional foot of height for each additional two feet (2 ' ) of perimeter building setback beyond the minimum required along a common property line; and (iii) On lots four (4) acres or greater, five (5) additional feet of height for every one percent (l0) reduction below a twenty percent (200) maximum lot area coverage by buildings, for public amenities such as recreational facilities, and/or landscaped open space areas, etc . , when these are open and accessible to the public during the day or week. SECTION II . Section 4-31-11 . 2 .D. 1 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to reads as follows : 4-31-11.2 .D.1.b: Special Setback Requirement : 4 +✓ w ORDINANCE NO. 4570 (1) A fifty foot (50' ) wide setback, including a ten foot (10 ' ) wide sight-obscuring landscaping strip and a six foot (6' ) high solid fence, shall be required along the common property line if an IM lot is adjacent to a lot designated residential on both the City Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map. (2) A twenty foot (20' ) setback, including a five foot (5' ) wide landscaping strip and a solid six foot (6 ' ) high barrier, shall be required along the property line if an IM lot is adjacent to a lot designated for commercial, office or public/quasi-public use on the City Comprehensive Plan. (3) When a commercial use on an IM zoned property is adjacent to or abutting a lot designated for commercial, office or public/quasi-public use on the City Comprehensive Plan, the Special Setback Requirements of section 4-31-11 . 2 .D. 1 .b . (2) shall not apply. SECTION III . This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1P. h day of December , 1995 . Marilyn J. etersen, City Clerk 5 ORDINANCE NO. 4570 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of December , 1995 . CND X�v Earl Clymer, M r Approve s to form: Lawrence J. War n, City Attorney Date of Publication: December 22 , 1995 ORD.531 : 12/11/95 :as . 6 December 11, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes ""� Page 473 Budget: 1995, Flooding- An ordinance was read providing for 1995 budget amendments in the amount Related Contingency of $150,000 for contingency funding for 1995 flood containment of the Cedar Funds River, and an additional $200,000 for emergency care of the golf course. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4569 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Budget: 1995, Flooding- MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, Related Contingency COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: Funds ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/18/95 for second and final reading: Zoning: Medium Industrial An ordinance was read amending sections 4-31-11.2.B and 4-31-11.2.D.1 of (IM) Change to Allow Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by Movie Theaters adding theaters as a secondary use in the Medium Industrial (IM) Zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/18/95. CARRIED. Building: Temporary An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending sections 4-31-4.1, Permitting of Mobile 4-31-4.2, 4-31-4.3, 4-31-5, 4-31-6 and 4-31-7, of.Chapter 31, Zoning Code, Homes for Medical of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by adding a new subsection Hardships for temporary uses and permitting a manufactured home as a temporary dwelling on the same lot as a permanent dwelling for caregivers in cases of medical hardship. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/18/95. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Corman invited members of the public to celebrate the dedication Public Works: Maplewood of the Maplewood Golf Course booster station at the open house on Tuesday, Booster Station Dedication December 19th at 2:30 p.m. & Open House Personnel: New Position Councilman Edwards suggested that the City develop a policy and procedure Requests Policy & for evaluating reclassification requests as they affect new employee positions. Procedure MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Events: Ivar's Councilman Stredicke announced that the 1995 Ivar's Clam Lights will be Clam Lights turned on Friday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m. Police: Magnuson Councilman Stredicke requested additional police presence, perhaps by the Apartments Criminal City's bicycle patrol, at the Magnuson Apartments as this area has been Activity afflicted with purse snatchings and other crimes. Police Chief Wallis agreed to increase patrol efforts in this area. AUDIENCE COMMENT Oli Fryc, 21505 - 196th Ave. SE, Renton, suggested that the City make S. 3rd Citizen Comment: Fryc - St. pedestrian-only, as he felt this would help attract more businesses and Suggested Transportation customers. Also, noting that Petrovitsky Road in southeast Renton has Improvements become heavily trafficked in recent years, he said providing public transportation on this street would help relieve this problem. .✓ RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 11, 1995 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TIMOTHY SCHLITZER, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; BOB COUNCILMEMBERS EDWARDS; TONI NELSON; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; RICHARD STREDICKE; JESSE TANNER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN J. PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; SUSAN CARLSON, Economic Development Director; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Parks Director; BONNIE RERECICH, Recreation Program Coordinator; JERRY RERECICH, Recreation Supervisor; PRISCILLA PIERCE, Administrative Analyst; PAULA HENDERSON, Financial Planning Manager; CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER, Fire Department; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 1995, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL State Senator Margarita Prentice addressed Council, the Mayor and audience PRESENTATIONS members regarding legislative issues of concern to the City, including property Legislative: State Senator tax reform, property rights/"takings", runaways, and reductions in Medicare Margarita Prentice and Medicaid benefits. Senator Prentice noted that Renton deserves credit for having adopted a business tax for transportation projects, since the street utility taxes instituted by other jurisdictions for these improvements were recently declared unconstitutional. Mayor Clymer presented Senator Prentice with a photo montage of Renton in appreciation for her contributions to the community. Executive: Senior Mary Burns, Senior Advisory Committee Chairperson, presented Mayor Advisory Committee Clymer with a copy of the recently published book "Home Away From Presentation Home," on the history of the Renton Senior Activity Center. Noting that research efforts on the book began in 1989, Mrs. Burns thanked the Mayor, Council, the Park Board and various Parks staff members for their support of this project and of the Senior Center. School District: Ken Hoben, Renton School District Boardmember, presented Jay Covington, Communities in Schools Terry Higashiyama and Jerry Rerecich with "Special Contribution Awards" for Program the valuable support and assistance they have provided to the Communities in Schools program. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Zoning: Medium Industrial in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public (IM) Change to Allow hearing to consider the proposed amendments to the Medium Industrial (IM) Movie Theaters zoning classification to allow motion picture theaters as a secondary use. December 11, 1995 r , Renton City Council Minutes ' Page 467 Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, said the proposed amendments would add theaters as a secondary use in the IM zone, and also exempt commercial uses from special setbacks. Mr. Katterman explained that commercial uses in the IM zone are subject to industrial standards. The proposed exemption would apply only to commercial uses that are adjacent to or that abut non-residential uses. Mr. Kattermann said these changes are being proposed because ACT III Theatres wants to build a multi-screen movie theater in the valley on property currently zoned IM. This zone, however, allows limited commercial uses not including theaters. Mr. Kattermann noted that staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission on this matter. Audience comment was invited. Tim Reid, ACT III Theatres Vice President of Real Estate, 919 SW Taylor, Suite 900, Portland, OR, 97205, stated that ACT III has been searching for a suitable location for a new theater, and believes the one under discussion this evening is the best site. He asked that Council approve the changes as recommended. Correspondence from the Planning Commission on this matter was entered into the record. The Commission recommended approval of the proposed amendments to add theaters as a secondary use in the IM zone, with the following conditions: 1) location shall be limited to those parcels abutting Commercial Arterial (CA) zoned property in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor; and 2) when a commercial use on an IM-zoned property is adjacent to or abuts a lot designated for commercial, office or public/quasi-public use on the City Comprehensive Plan, the special setback requirements of section 4-31- 11.2.D.1.b shall not apply. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Edwards, Mr. Kattermann confirmed that at the Commission's direction, staff will initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment for this area in 1996 in recognition of its changing land use character. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See page 473 for ordinance.) Mayor Clymer commended Economic Development Director Susan Carlson for her work on this and other business development projects. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, said it would be preferable to Citizen Comment: Webb - have the Renton Report printed in the Valley Daily News rather than the Renton Report; Home Renton Reporter, because the name similarity of the publications would not be Occupations in Multi- a problem and the relationship between the VDN newspaper staff and the City Family Zones is not as close. He felt that having the Renton Report as a stand-alone publication would help distinguish it as a separate document and thus preserve its integrity, and asked whether public comment would be welcome at tomorrow's Community Services Committee meeting on this issue. On another subject, Mr. Webb asked whether a public hearing had been held on Ord. #4563, recently adopted, which allows home occupations in multi- IM ZONE AMENDMENTS CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING 12/11/95 7 0 AMENDMENTS TO IM ZONE • ADD THEATERS AS SECONDARY USE • EXEMPT COMMERCIAL FROM SPECIAL SETBACKS IN IM ZONE 8 0 SPECIAL SETBACK REQUIREMENTS • COMMERCIAL IN IM ZONE SUBJECT TO INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS • EXEMPT COMMERCIAL ADJACENT OR ABUTTING NON-RESIDENTIAL 9 0 ACT III THEATERS • WANT TO LOCATE IN VALLEY • PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED IM • IM ALLOWS LIMITED COMMERCIAL, NOT THEATERS 10 0 RECOMMENDATION • PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS APPROVAL WITH LIMITATION ON LOCATION • COMMISSION ALSO RECOMMENDS '96 COMP PLAN AMENDMENT TO REVIEW DESIGNATION FOR THIS AREA • STAFF CONCURS 1 j• ' a'cif 1 ♦ "1•• s ._ 1,, cxr � � f/F/'` ,�`" ♦} tv,,`J, .f,..+t 1? 'i.. ,411. as N. /i. v >•; is IV. tt r. /. „-: ir.,"-0" , F icw M• ma r f/ i f' � � � i tip. '�� �• E ,(• I, I t iSI'�jr.� ' lil • . ,( • �' l ` ir '� .:� " , i lie , , C.) , , , \ 77 >II' ` gyp . i r igcr ��• i 1fl� kx 2 , W o� • *i' b a�W . co 4 , ,,..,, . maw 1FM. 0 laid'', i' ry t LiCj ` , a .E ,x ,_ Fes . - - WZ w ` ' . 0 `I • 0 LU Ln J ,{ . . I II:e < . r •., _ . I- ,. fir, kn , • ; f. I ' , „4,c, t I 47, i r 1 t : i 0M ..ii ,i.' ,,... ,,.,,'i.). :-:r ; .t„ W ' vim. r 1 ' 5,�.. C _2 .ii rf O `` f N i si d. ` �k,/ �• L / � Z r T •' i � �`,h t OS, j o ,c cc O ,. , )n'' — C 1.5 .. •• e 4 ,, •� z .� 6h` Q a + , 14' 3 t LU i • :... - Au- ' ' ..." i 0 j0 yea jV a / �� O ' V t c t / , ` t i % } • O N pp p E-d fx ,. ) 1 ' ' �aZ Q yew CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM DATE: December 7, 1995 TO: Mayor Earl Clymer Members of the City Council FROM: Richard Wagner, Acting Chair Planning Commission SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION ON AMENDMENTS TO IM ZONE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the proposed zoning code amendment, as amended (see attached), to add theaters as a secondary use in the Medium Industrial (IM) zone Planning Commission Action and Recommendation At its meeting on November 29, 1995, the Planning Commission considered an amendment to the Medium Industrial (IM)Zone to allow theaters as a secondary use. There were brief presentations by the staff and by the proponents, Act III Theaters, describing the location and considerations that were made in pursuing the proposed amendment. The Commission recalled their earlier deliberations on the land use of this specific area and that they had considered recommending commercial at that time. Their recollection was that they had wanted to retain an adequate amount of industrial land in the city because of the lack of land for that purpose in Renton and other parts of King County. The Commission also recognizes the commercial nature of this area and the importance of expanding the commercial tax base in the city. Other concerns raised by the Commission in their deliberation on this proposed amendment had to do with traffic impacts and ensuring that this amendment did not open up a large part of the industrial valley to commercial use. Staff explained that the traffic impacts would be reviewed as part of the project proposal, but that traffic was an issue that was analyzed for a large bulk retail use proposed on this site a few years ago. The draft language intentionally limits the possibility of this use in a specific part of the valley to ensure that it could not proliferate in industrial zones elsewhere in the city. After hearing the information and deliberating on the matter, the Commission voted to recommend approval of the draft language, as amended(see attached), to the City Council. In addition, in recognition of the changing land use character of this area, the Commission included in the motion a provision to initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment for this general area in 1996. PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT ADD THEATERS AS A SECONDARY USE IN THE MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (IM) ZONE 4-31-11.2: MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL ZONE OM): 2. Secondary Uses: The following uses are permitted subject to the following conditions: b. Theaters: Theaters (1) Location shall be limited to those parcels abutting a eCommercial Arterial (CA) zone or-use-in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor. D. 1. c. When a commercial use on an IlVI zoned property is adjacent to or abutting a lot designated for commercial, office or public/quasi-public use on the City Comprehensive Plan, the Special Setback Requirements of section 4-31-11.2.D.1.b shall not apply. • ,iiiiiiiiiii.a.T:.iiiiiimi.:eink-rt.i:liem.i...iam.;.tim..i:;:mii:..:::mmii::iiimiiiii;igimiliima4,,,mic "Vilf) CG...O ::.PROPOS ► AMEND E NTS : :` : `or additional;informat lease.contact Mike:Kattermann Plamm� ::and T chnrcal Services: :Director,at 2 :.:.,.;:: ..:.:: . ..... ::. :::::.::.. ... ISSUE: Whether to amend the IM Zone to allow Theaters as a Secondary Use. RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommends adoption of the proposed amendment to the IM Zone. BACKGROUND: Act III Theaters has approached the City of Renton about locating amulti-screen motion picture theater in the IM Zone in the southern portion of the Valley. Most of the surrounding area is zoned as Medium Industrial (IM), with some Commercial Office (CO). The CO zoned parcels contain a significant number of commercial uses and already allow theaters as a Primary Permitted Use. In addition, two of the dominant commercial uses in the area, IKEA and Home Base, are located in the IM zone. These were deemed to be"bulk retail," uses that are already allowed in the IM Zone as Primary Permitted uses. The combination of the retail in the CO zoned properties and the bulk retail uses has established a land use pattern in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor that is becoming more retail than industrial in character. Currently, the IM Zone does allow for some commercial uses(e.g. eateries, personal services, gas stations, retail uses), but they are intended to serve the employees of the area and be secondary to the primary industrial uses. In some cases the secondary uses are also limited to 33% of the gross floor area. The Comprehensive Plan land use policies support limited commercial uses in the Employment Area- Industrial designation and seek to preserve about the same percentage of industrial land. However, the land use policies also support expansion of the commercial land base. Economic development policies also speak to the expansion of the city's sales tax base. Key policies include: Employment Area General Policies LU-146 --Adequate amounts of land suitable for all types of industrial, light industrial, office and commercial uses should be available for present and future development.... a. Commercial: Provide for local and regional shopping needs of the residential and employment sectors of the community. In the recent past, Renton has provided 6.7% of its land base for Public Hearing Handout--IM Zone Amendments 12/11/95 Page 2 11111110 commercial uses. This percentage should be expanded to capture a larger share of the commercial market. b. Industrial: Sustain the land use base for existing industrial users. Traditionally, Renton has provided 20% of its land base for industrial uses, a higher percentage than many other of the area's cities. This percentage should not be substantially reduced. LU-149--Employment Area designations should each have a primary emphasis but allow a range of allowable secondary uses. Employment Area-Industrial Policies LU-195 -- The primary use in the Employment Area-Industrial designation should be industrial. LU-200--Development standards should restrict the number and intensity of secondary uses in Employment Area-Industrial designations to insure that secondary uses do not significantly reduce the amount of land available for industrial activity in the City. Economic Development Policies ED-8 -- Increase the retail sales tax base of the City. ED-11 --Ensure an adequate amount of land is designated for retail/commercial uses based on site characteristics, market demand, community need, and adequacy of facilities and services. Based on review by staff, a Comprehensive Plan map amendment to another Employment Area designation would be the preferred course of action. However, the timing and length of that process would likely cause Act III to locate outside of Renton, resulting in a lost opportunity for additional tax base and a significant attraction to the City. Staff decided to pursue the zone amendment at this time with the understanding that the Comprehensive Plan map and/or policies for this immediate area should be a top priority for review in the 1996 amendment cycle. The Planning Commission has reviewed this amendment and approach and recommends Council approval. PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 4-31-11.2: MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL ZONE (IM): 2. Secondary Uses: The following uses are permitted subject to the following conditions: b. Theaters: Theaters (1) Location shall be limited to those parcels abutting a Commercial Arterial (CA)zone in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor. D. 1. b. When a commercial use on an IM zoned property is adjacent to or abutting a lot designated for commercial, office or public/quasi-public use on the City Comprehensive Plan, the Special Setback Requirements of section 4-31- 11.2.D.1.b shall not apply. mk:c:\winword\document\ecdev\actiiiph.doc CITY OF RENTON IIIIIIIMPOODIDOODDIEMEEPUBLIUMIFORMATIONNEANDOUTMi!il:Efi.ii.SEREMBEERE 0 P BLIC REARING ON PROPOSED► AMENDIVIEN'T gi'ffiiiig'iiliffiiiiiiiinigEMENTOIMEDIUMANDUSTRIALiiii(IM)NZONEMliiiiiiiiiiiiiiMENIMM MINEENEMEigg DECEMER 11, 195 Fur additional information please contact Mike Kattermann Planning and Technical Services Director,at. 77-619U. ISSUE: Whether to amend the IM Zone to allow Theaters as a Secondary Use. RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommends adoption of the proposed amendment to the IM Zone. BACKGROUND: Act III Theaters has approached the City of Renton about locating a multi-screen motion picture theater in the IM Zone in the southern portion of the Valley. Most of the surrounding area is zoned as Medium Industrial (IM), with some Commercial Office (CO). The CO zoned parcels contain a significant number of commercial uses and already allow theaters as a Primary Permitted Use. In addition, two of the dominant commercial uses in the area, IKEA and Home Base, are located in the IM zone. These were deemed to be"bulk retail," uses that are already allowed in the IM Zone as Primary Permitted uses. The combination of the retail in the CO zoned properties and the bulk retail uses has established a land use pattern in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor that is becoming more retail than industrial in character. Currently, the IM Zone does allow for some commercial uses (e.g. eateries, personal services, gas stations, retail uses), but they are intended to serve the employees of the area and be secondary to the primary industrial uses. In some cases the secondary uses are also limited to 33% of the gross floor area. The Comprehensive Plan land use policies support limited commercial uses in the Employment Area- Industrial designation and seek to preserve about the same percentage of industrial land. However, the land use policies also support expansion of the commercial land base. Economic development policies also speak to the expansion of the city's sales tax base. Key policies include: Employment Area General Policies LU-146 -- Adequate amounts of land suitable for all types of industrial, light industrial, office and commercial uses should be available for present and future development.... a. Commercial: Provide for local and regional shopping needs of the residential and employment sectors of the community. In the recent past, Renton has provided 6.7% of its land base for - Public Hearing Handout--IM Zone Amendments 12/11/95 Page 2 �..r commercial uses. This percentage should be expanded to capture a larger share of the commercial market. b. Industrial: Sustain the land use base for existing industrial users. Traditionally, Renton has provided 20% of its land base for industrial uses, a higher percentage than many other of the area's cities. This percentage should not be substantially reduced. LU-149 --Employment Area designations should each have a primary emphasis but allow a range of allowable secondary uses. Employment Area-Industrial Policies LU-195 -- The primary use in the Employment Area-Industrial designation should be industrial. LU-200 --Development standards should restrict the number and intensity of secondary uses in Employment Area-Industrial designations to insure that secondary uses do not significantly reduce the amount of land available for industrial activity in the City. Economic Development Policies ED-8 -- Increase the retail sales tax base of the City. ED-11 --Ensure an adequate amount of land is designated for retail/commercial uses based on site characteristics, market demand, community need, and adequacy of facilities and services. Based on review by staff, a Comprehensive Plan map amendment to another Employment Area designation would be the preferred course of action. However, the timing and length of that process would likely cause Act III to locate outside of Renton, resulting in a lost opportunity for additional tax base and a significant attraction to the City. Staff decided to pursue the zone amendment at this time with the understanding that the Comprehensive Plan map and/or policies for this immediate area should be a top priority for review in the 1996 amendment cycle. The Planning Commission has reviewed this amendment and approach and recommends Council approval. PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 4-31-11.2: MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL ZONE (IM): 2. Secondary Uses: The following uses are permitted subject to the following conditions: b. Theaters: Theaters (1) Location shall be limited to those parcels abutting a Commercial Arterial (CA)zone in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor. D. 1. b. When a commercial use on an IM zoned property is adjacent to or abutting a lot designated for commercial, office or public/quasi-public use on the City Comprehensive Plan, the Special Setback Requirements of section 4-31- 11.2.D.1.b shall not apply. mk:c:\winword\document\ecdev\a.ctiiiph.doc .r CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed December 11, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton 98055, to consider the following: Proposed amendment of IM (Medium Industrial) zoning classification to allow theaters as a secondary use. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information or 277-4453 TDD. Mari yn r . tersen, MC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News December 1, 1995 Account No. 50640 November 27. 1995 Renton Citv Council Minutes r�.r Page 447 THE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ON CASTLE ROCK RESTAURANT & LOUNGE. CARRIED. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman confirmed that four complaints regarding noise were received on Thursday, November 23rd. That same night, police officers observed approximately 30 vehicles parked on the grass. Two noise complaints were phoned in on Friday, and four on Saturday. Councilman Corman commented that the police report for Friday, November 24th characterized this evening as a "slow night" for Castle Rock, although the parking lot was three-quarters full and two noise complaints were received. Citizen Comment Dorothy Bosteder, 520 SW 123rd PI., Seattle, board vice president for Bosteder - DAWN Domestic Abuse Women's Network (DAWN), thanked Council and the Funding Administration for their continued financial support of this agency. Ms. Bosteder said in the first nine months of 1995, DAWN's 24-hour crisis line received 311 calls from Renton residents, and 33 women with 64 children had intakes with the Renton community advocate. DAWN also provided support groups, childcare, and legal assistance for Renton women, and four women and five children received shelter at DAWN's house, a 24-hour confidential shelter in south King County. In the same period, however, 63 Renton women, many with children, requested shelter but had to be turned away. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Release of Easement: RE- City Clerk submitted request for release of two easements from Jan-West 95-001, NE 20th/Jones Homes, Inc. (Pohl lot line adjustment), located north of NE 20th and east of Ave NE (Jan-West Homes) Jones Ave. NE (RE-95-001), in exchange for one easement in close proximity. Refer to Board of Public Works and Utilities Committee. Zoning: Medium Industrial Planning & Technical Services Division requested a public hearing be set for (IM) Zone Change to 12/11/95 to take comment on a proposed amendment to the Medium Allow Movie Theatres Industrial (IM) Zone to allow motion picture theatres. Council concur. Police: Staff Changes re: Police Department submitted Memorandum of Understanding between the 3/3 12 Patrol Officer City and the Renton Police Officers' Guild representing commissioned Schedule employees; the agreement makes permanent two current temporary sergeant positions and eliminates four corporal positions retroactive to 11/01/95, as a result of the three on/three off 12-hour patrol officer schedule. Refer to Public Safety Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Utilities Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the final draft Olympic Public Works: Olympic Pipeline Company franchise renewal, and to submit the ordinance to Olympic Pipeline Franchise Pipeline Company for acceptance. The Committee further recommended that Renewal the ordinance be presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading after Olympic Pipeline Company has signed the acceptance statement. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Utilities Chair Corman assured him that the franchise renewal involves no new pipelines. rrr CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: 6 b SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF: November 27, 1995 Dept/DivBoard....PB/PW Technical Services Staff Contact Mike Kattermann AGENDA STATUS: Consent XX SUBJECT: Public Hearing Amendment to Medium Industrial(IM)Zone to allow Correspondence... Motion Picture Theatres Ordinance Resolution Old Business EXHIBITS: New Business Issue Paper —A 14,161e -17-95 Study Session Other RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Set public hearing for December 11 I Legal Dept Finance Dept Other FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required N/A Transfer/Amendment.... Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated SUMMARY OF ACTION:: Set a public hearing to take testimony on the proposed change to the IM zone. •.• CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 27, 1995 TO: Timothy J. Schlitzer, Council President Members of the City Council VIA: iCr,C Mayor Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator 6- CONTACT: Mike Kattermann (ext. 6190) SUBJECT: Amendment to Medium Industrial (IM)Zone to allow Theaters as Secondary Use ISSUE: Whether to amend the IM Zone to allow Theaters as a Secondary Use. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council set a public hearing for December 11, 1995 to take public comment on the proposed amendment to the IM Zone. BACKGROUND: Act III Theaters has approached the City of Renton about locating a multi-screen motion picture theater in the IM Zone in the southern portion of the Valley. Most of the surrounding area is zoned as Medium Industrial (IM), with some Commercial Office (CO). The CO zoned parcels contain a significant number of commercial uses and already allow theaters as a Primary Permitted Use. In addition, two of the dominant commercial uses in the area, IKEA and Home Base, are located in the IM zone. These were deemed to be "bulk retail," uses that are already allowed in the IM Zone as Primary Permitted uses. The combination of the retail in the CO zoned properties and the bulk retail uses has established a land use pattern in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor that is becoming more retail than industrial in character. Currently, the IM Zone does allow for some commercial uses (e.g. eateries, personal services, gas stations, retail uses), but they are intended to serve the employees of the area and be secondary to the primary industrial uses. In some cases the secondary uses are also limited to 33% of the gross floor area. The Comprehensive Plan land use policies support limited commercial uses in the Employment Area-Industrial designation and seek to preserve about the same percentage of industrial land. However, the land use policies also support expansion of the commercial land base. Economic development policies also speak to the expansion of the city's sales tax base. Key policies include: Employment Area General Policies LU-146 -- Adequate amounts of land suitable for all types of industrial, light industrial, office and commercial uses should be available for present and future development.... a. Commercial: Provide for local and regional shopping needs of the residential and employment sectors of the community. In the recent past, Renton has provided 6.7% of its land base for commercial uses. This percentage should be expanded to capture a larger share of the commercial market. b. Industrial: Sustain the land use base for existing industrial users. Traditionally, Renton has provided 20% of its land base for industrial uses, a higher percentage than many other of the area's cities. This percentage should not be substantially reduced. LU-149 --Employment Area designations should each have a primary emphasis but allow a range of allowable secondary uses. Employment Area-Industrial Policies LU-195 -- The primary use in the Employment Area-Industrial designation should be industrial. LU-200 --Development standards should restrict the number and intensity of secondary uses in Employment Area-Industrial designations to insure that secondary uses do not significantly reduce the amount of land available for industrial activity in the City. Economic Development Policies ED-8 -- Increase the retail sales tax base of the City. ED-i l --Ensure an adequate amount of land is designated for retail/commercial uses based on site characteristics, market demand, community need, and adequacy of facilities and services. Based on review by staff, a Comprehensive Plan map amendment to another Employment Area designation would be the preferred course of action. However, the timing and length of that process would likely cause Act III to locate outside of Renton, resulting in a lost opportunity for additional tax base and a significant attraction to the City. After a review by staff from Planning, Development Services, the Legal Department and the Mayor's Office, a decision was made to pursue the zone amendment at this time with the understanding that the Comprehensive Plan map and/or policies for this immediate area should be a top priority for review in the 1996 amendment cycle. cc: Jay Covington Sue Carlson mk:c:\winword\document\ecdev\actiiipc.doc PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT ADD THEATERS AS A SECONDARY USE IN THE MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (IM) ZONE 4-31-11.2: MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL ZONE (IM): 2. Secondary Uses: The following uses are permitted subject to the following conditions: k. Theaters: Theaters (1) Location shall be limited to those parcels abutting a commercial zone or use in the SW 41st/SW 43rd corridor (2) Administrative Site Plan review, with particular attention to creating a high- quality development that will enhance the image of the City and the following site plan criteria: 3. Mitigation of Impacts of a Proposed Site Plan to the Site; 4. Circulation and Access; and 5. Signage.