HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Street Design Subdivision & Zoning Code Amends (8/12/1996) • Amends: ORD 4404, 4502, 4522, 4571 *Nisi CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4636 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DELETING SUBSECTIONS 4-31-5 .F.2, 4-31-6 .D.17 AND 4-31-7 .F.2 OF CHAPTER 31, ZONING CODE, OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) , AND AMENDING SECTIONS 9-12-2 AND 9-12-15 OF CHAPTER 12, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, OF TITLE IX (PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY) , OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" PERTAINING TO STREET PATTERNS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I. Subsections 4-31-5 .F. 2, 4-31-6 .D. 17 and 4-31- 7 . F .2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby rescinded. SECTION II . Section 9-12-2 , Definitions, of Chapter 12, Subdivision Ordinance, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding the following definitions : GRID-LIKE STREET PATTERN (OR FLEXIBLE GRID) : A street system based upon a standard grid pattern (i . e . checker board blocks) ; however, offset intersections, loop roads, and cul-de-sacs as well as angled or curved road segments may also be utilized on a limited basis . The block pattern is characterized by regular (i . e. time ORDINANCE NO. 4636 rectangular or trapezoidal) blocks and irregular polygons do not predominate . ARTERIAL PASS-THROUGH TRAFFIC: Traffic with neither an origin nor destination in an affected area which is diverted from an arterial road. SUBSTANTIAL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS : Physical improvements, such as residential and/or commercial structures and their accessory structures, which have a reasonable remaining economic life as indicated by their assessed valuation. SECTION III . Subsection 9-12-15 .E of Chapter 12 , Subdivision Ordinance, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : E: Street Pattern: 1 . A grid-like street pattern (or flexible grid) shall be used to connect existing and new development and shall be the predominant street pattern in any subdivision permitted by this Ordinance. 2 . Linkages including streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths, shall be provided, to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official within and between neighborhoods when they can create a continuous and interconnected network of roads and pathways. 2 'ORDINANCE NO. 4636 3 . Exceptions : a. The flexible grid pattern may be adjusted by reducing the number of linkages between roads, in consideration of two of the following factors : (1) topographical constraints, (2) environmental constraints, (3) achievement of minimum density, (4) increase in arterial pass-through traffic, (5) safety, (6) creation of dual street frontage, and (7) the location of substantial existing improvements . b. Offset or loop roads are the preferred alternative configurations . c . Cul-de-sac streets may be permitted by the Reviewing Official where the street is not required as a connection' to the greater neighborhood street system. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval , and thirty days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of September , 1996 . Marilyn J. etersen, City Clerk 3 ORDINANCE NO. 4 6 3 6 *44110 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this23rd day of September , 1996 . .aa•-tom Jesse Tanner, Mayor Approv as to %pile Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: September 27 , 1996 ORD. 598 : 9/17/96 :as . 4 September 23, 1996 `' Renton City Council Minutes Page 362 CAG: 96-111, Carco Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Theatre HVAC recommending award of the bid to United Systems, Inc. for CAG-96-111, Replacement Carco Theatre HVAC Replacement project, in the revised amount of $87,830.00. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute this agreement. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Municipal Court Judge Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding Pro tem Appointments Municipal Court Judge Pro tern appointments. The Committee convened to consider four individuals to be added to the list of approved Pro tem judges used by the City of Renton. The four individuals are John D. Lawson, Georgina D. Sierra, Michael J. Finkle, and Denise C. Marti. The Committee recommended that Council approve the appointment of these indivudals as Pro tem judges for Renton Municipal Court. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. H&HS: 1997 CDBG Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Funding Contingency Plan recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that the 1997 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) contingency plan be adopted, according to the Human Services Advisory Committee recommendations. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 10/07/96 for second and final reading: Legal: Criminal Trespass An ordinance was read amending Section 6-10-1 of Chapter 10, Criminal at Medical Facilities Code, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code by adding two sections which will allow police to enforce State laws when people trespass or become obstreperous at a medical facility. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/07/96. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4635 An ordinance was read relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the Finance: Mini-Bond issuance of $635,000 par value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Issuance for Fire Pumper 1996, of the City for general City purposes to provide funds with which to Truck Purchase acquire firefighting and lifesaving equipment; fixing the date, form, maturities, maturity amounts and accreted value at maturity, interest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds; establishing a bond redemption fund; and approving the sale and providing for the sale and delivery of the bonds. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4636 An ordinance was read deleting subsections 4-31-5.F.2, 4-31-6.D.17 and 4- Planning: Street__ 31-7.F.2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), and Grid/Street Patterns amending sections 9-12-2 and 9-12-15 of Chapter 12, Subdivision Ordinance, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of City Code pertaining to street patterns. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Nftoi September 16, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 353 Finance: Mini-Bond An ordinance was read relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the Issuance for Fire Pumper issuance of $635,000 par value of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, Truck Purchase 1996, of the City for general City purposes to provide funds with which to acquire firefighting and lifesaving equipment; fixing the date, form, maturities, maturity amounts and accreted value at maturity, interest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds; establishing a bond redemption fund; and approving the sale and providing for the sale and delivery of the bonds. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/23/96. CARRIED. Planning: Street An ordinance was read deleting subsections 4-31-5.F.2, 4-31-6.D.17 and 4- , Grid/Street Patterns 31-7.F.2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), and amending sections 9-12-2 and 9-12-15 of Chapter 12, Subdivision Ordinance, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of City Code pertaining to street patterns. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/23/96. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4633 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-19-2 of Chapter 19, Shoreline Development Services: Master Program, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to Shoreline Master Program shoreline amendments. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, Amendment Process COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4634 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Bronson Way North (RAMAC, Vacation: Bronson Way N Inc./Shane, VAC-94-006). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY (RAMAC/Shane, VAC- CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL 94-006) CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Richard Wolf, 14702 SE 105th St., Renton, 98059, provided a written copy of Citizen Comment: Wolf - the comments made earlier by his wife, Beverly Wolf, regarding the proposed Miller/May Valley May Valley prezone. Annexation Prezoning MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THESE COMMENTS TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Larry Brosman, 3625 NE 9th St., Renton, 98056, thanked Council for Brosman - Affordable nominating him to the Housing Finance Implementation Committee (HFIC) as Housing Shared part of the Affordable Housing Shared Commitment Program. Mr. Brosman Commitment Program looked forward to serving on the committee in the interest of working for (HFIC) Appointment affordable housing. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:47 p.m. ktilktda) C BRENDA FRITS OLD, Deputy City Clerk 9/16/96 September 16, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 352 How existing housing programs are to be credited toward funding efforts; and 4) How units produced are credited toward adopted housing targets. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Administration send a letter to the HFIC reflecting the City's willingness to participate in the development of the Shared Commitment Program without endorsing specific project components at this time and to include the following specific comments: 1. That Renton Planning Commissioner Larry Brosman be nominated to join the Housing Finance Implementation Committee which is charged with the responsibility of developing this program. 2. That, based on the four issues before the HFIC, the City Council support further refinement of the following approaches: a. Funding Approach C, which bases a City's contribution on its existing percentage of affordable units; b. Local administration through the City's Human Services Division; c. Full credit toward funding for all of the City's existing housing programs; and d. Credit both toward the reduction of existing housing needs and toward meeting targets for new construction when units are funded through the program. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Edwards noted that the HFIC appointments will be made by the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC); therefore the nomination of Larry Brosman should be directed to the GMPC. Plannin. & Develo i ment Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Corman presented a report Committee regarding amendments to the Subdivision and Zoning Codes for street design Planning: Street (grid street). The Committee reviewed modifications to the draft Code Grid/Street Patterns amendments as prepared by staff. These amendments reflected public input and City Council direction given at the public hearing on the issues of cul- de-sacs and pass-through traffic. The Committee recommended approval of the amendments and that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 353 for ordinance.) Councilman Corman noted that these changes will make the City's policies on cul-de-sacs somewhat more lenient, while keeping the flow of traffic in new developments smooth. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3227 A resolution was read authorizing the sale of surplus equipment. MOVED BY Finance: Surplus SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Equipment Declaration & RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Sale The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 9/23/96 for second and final reading: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date % / 4 - 9G PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT September 16, 1996 Street Design(Grid Street) Subdivision and Zoning Code Amendments (Referred April 8, 1996) The Planning and Development Committee reviewed modifications to the Draft Code Amendments as prepared by staff. These amendments reflected public input and City Council direction given at the public hearing on the issues of cul-de-sacs and pass through traffic. The Committee recommends approval of the amendments and forwarding the draft code for first reading. (701-4../ /dA—eki — Oti Kathy Ke6lker-Wheeler, Chair r J• :t I I Randyo`unan, is`Chair King Parker for Tim Schlitzer cc: Gregg Zimmerman Neil Watts planning/zoning/street5 CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ` Er G 9 19% MEMORANDUM REC,EIVED ITY CLERK'S OFFICE DATE: September 9, 1996 TO: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair Planning and Development Committee FROM: Rebecca Lind,Principal Planner, Long Range Planning SUBJECT: Street Pattern Amendments The attached draft subdivision and zoning code amendments are scheduled for the Planning and Development Committee on September 11th. Changes were made by staff in response to Council direction and testimony at the public hearing on the proposed street pattern amendments. These amendments also incorporate the changes suggested by Transportation staff. Substantive changes include the following. • Definitions Implementation of Transportation Division's suggested language for the definition of arterial pass through traffic. • Section 3. Exceptions (4) Change the language from"reduction of a significant increase in arterial pass through traffic"to read"increase in arterial pass through traffic" • Section 3. Exceptions c. Elevate the language on cul-de-sacs from a subset of the allowed alternative configurations. It was previously 3.b.(1) and was limited to situations when a loop or off set road would not be practical.With the new language cul-de-sacs would become another type of allowed alternative. The language was also amended to read"cul-de-sac streets may be permitted by the Review Official where the street is not required as a connection to the greater neighborhood grid system" • Housekeeping changes Change Exception a(1) from topography to topographical constraints and eliminating the word"avoiding"in Exception a(6). street6 PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS Revisions August 14, 1996 .:�:ir{:{::.i::i.:ry:.v�:x: .:::... .{•..• }••rw:.;:�fiv ..;ti": ;4.. ... •:'. ...•r........ r xfi. }: C ik 'F .':jY::ti•,{.•'^�:•::{:�.; �x: 'vi. "v::;.}::: Eh �+ f1 6. ..�' •:s••.: z. r;:. :Yv�:.c�',+,�. do 4/}s�f7' .�*_�;.;� :•t,�,'�,��5.'•�:•V•..•.•.r��:•,.�t•"".+�• 09��:.{r'.�., �iyx•'.•'•:�•:.:�{�.t,:::.:.'`n,.:4.'a;'Rc'€??''Gorat• q,;,i�c4:,: .h::....:: ..:;.n:..:...:.v::..:l.:.::::.:.::. .... ...:.{:v:.Iry....:. {...'.\ 4:.1•.ii:•i:•}ii... S>S:+SS:' Grid-Like Street Pattern (or flexible grid): A street system based upon a standard grid pattern (i.e. checker board blocks),however,offset intersections, loop roads,and cul-de-sacs as well as angled or curved road segments may also be utilized on a limited basis. The block pattern is characterized by regular(i.e. rectangular or trapezoidal)blocks and irregular polygons do not predominate. Stgnifieant increase- arterial pas hrough tra c: Addit:,nal t_a ffie i neither _ a tr. reduce tt.e T .el of Service at :.,te-s ction. =Pass Through Arterial Traffic:Traffic with neither an origin nor destination in an affected area, which is diverted from an arterial road. Substantial existing improvements: Physical improvements such as residential and/or commercial structures and their accessory structures,which have a reasonable remaining economic life as indicated by their assessed valuation. • tiHRItilit4VtMittrMitlh•^•:Y'vlfl.✓6w;iyf{ 4.!t+a3xirix%/,,Y. .•:Y+�e 9-12-15: General Requirements and Minimum Standards-Streets E. Street Pattern: 1. A grid-like street pattern(or flexible grid)shall be used to connect existing and new development and shall be the predominant street pattern in any subdivision permitted by this Ordinance. 2. Linkages including streets,sidewalks,pedestrian or bike paths, shall be provided,to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official within and between neighborhoods when they can create a continuous and interconnected network of roads and pathways. 3. Exceptions: a. The flexible grid pattern may be adjusted by reducing the number of linkages between roads, in consideration of one of the following factors: (1) topographical constraintsy, (2) environmental constraints, (3) achievement of minimum density, (4)red ,.t: ofa . :a sthr gh tra n result in an increase in arterial pass through traffic (5) safety, (6) avoiding creation of dual street frontage,and (7) the location of substantial existing improvements_ b. Offset or loop roads are the preferred alternative configurations. strreti ' e c. Cul-de-sac streets may be permitted by the Reviewing Official where the street is not required as a connection to the greater neighborhood street grid system.. .....:.......:..:.. ...:..:::.:.....�.::v::..:..i:.v..., J::.::i.Li:•:•:�v::: .•.•:::i�:'xi":v•:x4ii{:y v:•{::viiYii:v} v:<^•.v :!{:t4'iy�' %C•�:i5•: ::.::::::;::.:,•:.•:.:.::,:,,......:.;...i.;.:......:::............:.::..,..;:......,,.t. {,.::•::..,..,fs`•:•:{::x� rr,�.r... •.,'rf`:� .•:ko: rx{r::�:y:�r{c'„'+�.{�;:?{n{>Y•..•aii`.c. ,dy., ::..�.;;:;. rsf,'•'� ui,;.r{;,.yy?{. .• a} yy��yy 4' 4<'•:Sy/"/ � .w::: .:. .::f.✓r:::•:.:::.5>r,:i`t'%'{?• X� Z.;. ti .1S'Y:: : IMI •: •OMi, .4 h CS:.' 'I a^;y:::IZvA••:f v�"t:.:J:•ui;N4?.i4 .X: AC)t�:fFv� DELE'�'tQl�FR4M.,..:..0...,� fs...G:� ..�.:.�..�..�•� `,�.::::.:.....:�..�.��..�.'��4�. k..n:�.>:,..,.::.:.�• �:.,:.:: .�•., <... ..>.:��::.:.:t•:::.. 4-31-5,F.2. Street Pattern a 4-31-6,F.2. Street Pattern provided-Of-where-tepegraphy.ef-sensitive-afeas-neeessitate-them 4.31-7.F.2. Street Pattern • , I r . street) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 12, 1996 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN COUNCILMEMBERS CLAWSON; KING PARKER; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER; RANDY CORMAN; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; REBECCA LIND, Principal Planner; MARK PYWELL, Senior Planner; JENNIFER TOTH HENNING, Senior Planner; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; STAFF SERVICES MANAGER PENNY BRYANT, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 22, 1996, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring September 28, 1996, to Day of Concern for the be Day of Concern for the Hungry in the City of Renton, and urging all Hungry: September 28, citizens to join with the Emergency Feeding Program to feed those who are 1996 hungry. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Planning: Street Grid and in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public Subdivision Zoning Code hearing to consider the Street Design (Street Grid) Subdivision and Zoning Amendments i Code amendments. Rebecca Lind, Principal Planner, explained that the major change in the proposed regulations is to move the language addressing street patterns from the Zoning Code to the Subdivision Code, and to provide a more flexible approach to regulations governing how new streets will be located and connected to the existing street systems. Ms. Lind further explained that three new definitions will be added to the Code. They are flexible grid, arterial pass-through traffic, and substantial existing improvements. Continuing, Ms. Lind said the proposed ordinance provides for a flexible grid system which would be the predominant street pattern for future subdivisions. Linkages including streets, sidewalks, and pedestrian/bike paths will be used within and between neighborhoods when they create a continuous and interconnecting network of roads and pathways. Ms. Lind explained that currently there are very rigid requirements for street patterns. The proposed language clarifies and broadens the application of modifications and provides additional exceptions. The exceptions include: topography, environmental constraints, achievement of minimum density, 'wore "oval August 12, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 304 reduction of pass-through arterial traffic, safety, avoiding creation of dual street frontage, and the location of substantial existing improvements. Ms. Lind concluded by pointing out that offset or loop roads are the preferred alternative configurations. However, cul-de-sac streets may be permitted where alternative configurations are not practical. Responding to Council inquiry, Ms. Lind explained the difference between the old and new language regarding the use of cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs are limited to circumstances where the other alternative configurations are not considered practical. She added that the new language further limits cul-de- sacs but the overall exceptions are more flexible. Mayor Tanner stated that he agreed that the use of cul-de-sacs should be limited, however, he does not want the new language to cause any misunderstanding. Mr. Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, clarified that in the past, the use of the word cul-de-sac applied to any street in a subdivision. The new language states that cul-de-sacs are allowed in some cases as internal streets. In other cases, when streets that connect with other subdivisions and arterials are impractical, then the use of cul-de-sacs is allowed. Mr. Katterman added that offset or loop roads are the preferred alternative if innerconnections are not possible within or between subdivisions. Councilman Corman expressed his support for the use of cul-de-sacs. He pointed out that many people prefer living on cul-de-sacs because there is not as much traffic. Councilman Edwards said he agreed with Mr. Corman. On the other hand, Mr. Edwards noted, if the use of cul-de-sacs is increased there will be fewer innerconnections. Hence there is an advantage to the grid system because it disperses the traffic. Councilman Parker stated that he hoped there will continue to be additional new developments. He added that being flexible in the use of cul-de-sacs was important and desirable to future Renton residents. Audience comment was invited. David L. Halinen, 10500 NE 8th St., Suite 1900, Bellevue, 98004, representing AnMarCo, said that he has been involved in subdivision development for many years. He mentioned that developers favored the use of cul-de-sacs and recommended that they be considered the same as offset or loop roads. Mr. Halinen stated that there should be clarification in the new language regarding who has authority to make decisions about cul-de-sacs. He added that he preferred the department rather than the hearing examiner to have that authority. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC 1 HEARING. CARRIED. It was noted that the subject matter will remain in IPlanning & Development Committee for further review. r....:.:w::::::n......F................................m.v:nw:::::;:, .............:::.:v::::.v::::::::::::::::.v::::::nv w::::....................... ::cq;::::`•::£::;:;':;:` ::t't:'�:::::r•:���:�::f��£ :::'::<:fi�:� :2?: :r:�:':':::":::::';�<`:':?::::�:::�}•;•.�.':'f����:�:2':%%'�'4:�:�'�:�:'i%::�`.'• :::;:;:;. }:•:a::•}YY:t•;:•;;•;;.}}:•}}}:-:{•}}YY:-}::.::-::.:}:.isL.;:•::t::.:-}i:•}:-:i:;.}:.}:.;:.:;•:`Y:LLt.}}}:-::�:�:..;. 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's`E _ ...........................n..............:..........................................:.... S R ET FAIT t AMENDMENTS `Q SUBDI rISION. .1 ZONING -;0RDINANctiggisigagigoomougaggsimenignoweinaginaggiscommoingionsumminion iji::i�:•,:•:ii::•.::::ti i'L:�iiYi:;.•:•}:•}:{?•}:. :...... .... .....::....:.::?{:.:{??n?'4 ... .nv; . :.v:•:••w::v.;:} :::: :: } :.w :•?.::::r.; :. : •..:i:::.:v:•. {?:}:?'i}:}%?•i:tv':•:}+•}}}}}}}::i:•ri•}}}}}}Y}}:y:+•}'. a�dditurnal.. nfornni ti �: 1. : n y,}of }:- . . ... ,;.......}}}:•}}:•}•}}YY:.}ii: ...r................................... .........::.::.::::::r..:: . �. . :. �.�t�n�to�..�'�..�>r�l�lill�: .is:���.>:<:::::>::::::>:<:::>: ..........?....:....{.f.........n......n:...-0},.:::::%^:•::^:::in.:::}4:0}:L:•iYYY:: x n:. nrv.{.::•.w:•::n ..:+:C••:•::.{..:. :i:{.i:: }?C�:^iii?}:�i i}}:•}•::'w:...:::::::::::.:::::nv.::::::v. The Comprehensive Plan policies guiding standards for street design and configuration were amended as part of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. These proposed draft code amendments will implement the Comprehensive Plan by amending the definitions section of the Subdivision Ordinance to define"flexible grid/grid like street patterns". The amendments also move these regulations out of the R-8, R-10 and R-24 Residential Use designations in the zoning code. All of the regulations for street design are proposed to be housed in the Subdivision code. These code amendments provide a more flexible approach to regulations governing how new streets will be located and connected to existing street systems. The proposed language broadens the application of modifications by providing examples of when a flexible grid street pattern may be adjusted by the Reviewing Official. These conditions include topography, environmental constraints, achievement of required density, safety, pass through arterial traffic and the pattern of existing development. Specific preferences for alternative configurations, such as curved, off set or loop roads are also addressed. Pedestrian or bike paths are included in the list of linkages which can provide reasonable connections between neighborhoods. The Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of these code amendments on March 6, 1996. The Planning Commission commented that the amendments are needed to provide the Hearing Examiner greater guidance in meeting the intent of the Comprehensive Plan policies. The Commission recommended several changes to staffs draft language in order to increase the discretion of the Reviewing Official when infill development is proposed. The Commission felt that while a grid system is preferable,the pattern of existing development sometimes does not warrant such connections. The Planning and Development Committee reviewed and modified the Planning Commission recommendation to provide better definitions of "flexible grid", "arterial pass-through traffic" and "substantial development". The Committee also stipulated that cul-de-sacs would be permitted where alternative configurations are not practical. pl annin g/zoning/street3 ?ItOPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS RAP'[`: AMEND MENTS..1?e£cn:ttt obis ... ....... ........ ..:: ... ............. ::.:... ..... ....::::: Grid-Like Street Pattern(or flexible grid): A street system based upon a standard grid pattern(i.e. checker board blocks),however,offset intersections, loop roads,and cul-de-sacs as well as angled or curved road segments may also be utilized on a limited basis. The block pattern is characterized by regular(i.e. rectangular or trapezoidal)blocks and irregular polygons do not predominate. Significant increase in arterial pass through traffic: Additional traffic with neither an origin nor destination in an affected area,which is diverted from an arterial road and occurs at sufficient volumes to reduce the Level of Service at intersections. The Transportation Division recommends that this language be modified to read:Pass Through Arterial Traffic: Traffic with neither an origin nor destination in an affected area, which is diverted from an arterial road. Substantial existing improvements: Physical improvements such as residential and/or commercial structures and their accessory structures,which have a reasonable remaining economic life as indicated by their assessed valuation. L� .:......... .::..................... .......... Section 9-12-15: General Requirements and Minimum Standards-Streets E. Street Pattern: 1. A grid-like street pattern(or flexible grid) shall be used to connect existing and new development and shall be the predominant street pattern in any subdivision permitted by this Ordinance. 2. Linkages including streets,sidewalks,pedestrian or bike paths, shall be provided,to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official within and between neighborhoods when they can create a continuous and interconnected network of roads and pathways. 3. Exceptions: a. The flexible grid pattern may be adjusted by reducing the number of linkages between roads,in consideration of one of the following factors: (1) topography, (2) environmental constraints, (3) achievement of minimum density, (4) reduction of a significant increase in pass through arterial traffic, The Transportation Division recommends that(4)be amended to read "reduction of pass-through arterial traffic, (5) safety, (6) avoiding creation of dual street frontage, and (7) the location of substantial existing improvements. planning/zoning/street3 b. Offset or loop road? 're the preferred alternative configurations. (1) Cul-de-sac streets may be permitted where alternative configurations are not practical. ....................................... ........ 4-31-5, F.2. Street Pattern 4-31-6, F.2. Street Pattern 4.31-7. F.2. Street Pattern planning/zoning/street3 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed August 12, 1996. at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton 98055, to consider the following: Proposed Street Design Subdivision and Zoning Code Amendments All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information or 277-4453 TDD. 1 Marilyn sen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News August 2, 1996 Account No. 50640 July 22, 1996 Nave Renton City Council Minutes Page 296 appointed to an additional four-year term ending September 6, 2000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Civil Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Service Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Randall Rockhill to the Civil Service Commission to complete the unexpired six-year term ending 12/31/96 of Robert F. Stevenson, who resigned. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Human Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Rights Commission appointment of Charles Marr to the Human Rights Commission. Mr. Marr has withdrawn his name for consideration of appointment to the Commission; therefore, the Committee recommended no further action required. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Parker extended the City's sincere appreciation to those who are willing to serve on its various boards and commissions. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Police: Release of Renton release of Renton Municipal Jail prisoners from Okanogan County Jail. After Municipal Jail Prisoners reviewing the existing procedure, the Committee recommended that no further from Okanogan County action is necessary. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, Jail COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending that a public hearing be set for August 12, 1996, on Planning: Street Grid and Street Design (Street Grid) Subdivision and Zoning Code amendments. Subdivision Zoning Code MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, Amendments COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Multi-Family Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Density Ranges Code report recommending that a public hearing be set for August 19, 1996, on Amendments Multi-Family Density Ranges Code amendments. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #4619 An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain property (the Council: Property Main & Grady building) and property rights by eminent domain, providing Acquisition, Main & for the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition Grady Building for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for municipal offices, jail facility, and other municipal space needs. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: SIX AYES (NELSON, CORMAN, SCHLITZER, PARKER, CLAWSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), ONE NAY (EDWARDS). CARRIED. Ordinance #4620 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 2.63 acres located Rezone: King County at 4518 Talbot Rd. S. from P-1 (Public Use) to Commercial Office (CO) Property, 4518 Talbot Rd (King County-owned vacant property, File No. R-95-141). MOVED BY S NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. APPROVED BY ... CITY COUNCIL Date PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT • July 22,1996 Street Design (Grid Street) Subdivision and Zoning Code Amendments (Referred April 8,1996) The Planning and Development Committee recommends that a public hearing be set for Street Design (Grid Street) Code Amendments on August 12, 1996. ,>-e4 �C�of 2b W L1,3Lk', Kathy K lker-Wheeler, Chair ndy Corm ,Vice Chair imothy J. S 1. er, ember cc: Marilyn Peterson Mike Kattermann P&TS:Planning:Zoning:PHGrid April 8. 1996 `'Renton City Council Minutes "" Pane 139 H&HS: 1997 CDBG Housing & Human Services Division requested acceptance of 1997 Community Allocations Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the estimated amount of $357,102. Refer to Community Services Committee. Annexation: Boston, SE Planning & Technical Services Division requested a public meeting be set on 116th St/138th Ave SE April 22, 1996, to consider acceptance of the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex for the proposed Boston Annexation, approximately 20.6 acres located north of SE 116th St. and including a portion of 138th Ave. SE. Council concur. Transportation: Bus Zone Transportation Systems Division requested approval of a proposed agreement Accessibility with Metro in the amount of $190,000 to construct handicapped landings and Improvements, Metro, related wheelchair ramps and sidewalk/walkway improvements at Renton-area CAG-96- bus stops identified as inaccessible and/or hazardous to the handicapped. The City's cost share of the project is $21,000. Council concur. (See page 140 for resolution.) Added Item Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed Code amendments Planning: Street Linkages to: define terms, regulate street linkages and configurations, and transfer and Configurations language from the Zoning Code to the Subdivision Code implementing the Comprehensive Plan policies guiding street configurations. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. I MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO ADD ITEM 6.f. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from James L. Colt, Box 547, Renton, 98057, Citizen Comment Colt - president of Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Mausoleum, Crematory & Gardens, Mt Olivet Landfill regarding leachate entering the ground on property adjacent to the cemetery. Mr. Colt was concerned about possible contamination of adjacent residential areas, the Cedar River, and/or the City's storm water system. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTION. CARRIED. Mr. Warren explained that although Mr. Colt previously owned the adjacent property referred to in his letter, he allowed it to lapse into foreclosure by refusing to pay its property taxes. When Mr. Colt did own the property, the City attempted but was not successful in securing compliance from him to remedy these problems. Mr. Warren added that it now appeared Mr. Colt is trying to place responsibility on the City and the property's new owner. Councilman Edwards inquired about the severity of the leachate problem. Mr. Warren replied that the City has thus far detected no migration of contaminants to test wells, but a substantial risk remains that the City's drinking water could be polluted by these conditions. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Edwards recommended that the City not approve the requested Community Services acquisition of Tract A of the Black River Corporate Park. Saying that the Committee City invested significantly in the Oakesdale Ave. LID to encourage Parks: Black River Forest commercial development along this corridor, he added that this area remains Tract A Acquisition, King viable for economic development and these efforts should continue. Noting County and City Funding that in 1991, the City, along with several environmental groups, agreed that Tract A was to be used for commercial office buildings, Mr. Edwards urged that this property now be allowed to develop in accordance with this agreement. tfP P fflDL-INCte NSeitt ,yf&Qs # IY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA L AI #: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Planning and Technical Services Division April 8, 1996 Staff Contact Rebecca Lind (ext 6188) Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing... Correspondence.. Street Design Subdivision and Zoning Code Amendments Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Study Sessions Issue Paper and Comprehensive Plan Policies Information Planning Commission Recommendation Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to the Planning and Development Committee Legal Dept...X Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: N/A Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. Summary of Action: The proposed Subdivision and Zoning Code amendments will translate the Comprehensive Plan policies guiding street configurations into implementation. New language will be added to the Subdivision Code defining "flexible grid"and regulating street linkages and configurations. Existing language addressing these issues will be deleted from the Zoning Code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Refer the draft code amendments to the Planning and Development Committee for review and approval. H:Divisions\P&TS\Planning Zoning\gridrec CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: April 1, 1996 TO: Toni Nelson, Council President City Council VIA: Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator I,l Planning/Building/Public Works Department '�CQ STAFF CONTACT: Michael Kattermann (ext. 6190) SUBJECT: Code Amendments for Street Design ISSUE: To translate the Comprehensive Plan policy amendments for street design into implementation through amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance and Definitions. RECOMMENDATION: • Approve the street design code amendments in the Subdivision Ordinance and deletions of these regulations from the zoning code. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Comprehensive Plan policies guiding standards for street design and configuration were amended as part of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The proposed draft code amendments will amend the definitions section of the Subdivision Ordinance to define"flexible grid/grid like street patterns". They also propose new language to be located in the Subdivision Ordinance, which replaces existing code language in the R-8, R-10 and R-24 Residential Use designations in the zoning code. All of the regulations for street design are proposed to be housed in the Subdivision code. These code amendments provide a more flexible approach to regulations governing how new streets will be located and connected to existing street systems. While they continue to require a grid like street pattern to connect existing and new development, language is proposed to clarify the conditions under which modifications to a grid could occur. Administrators now have latitude under the existing code to allow cul-de-sacs where a through street can not be provided. There is some question among staff about how broadly the phrase"can not be provided"can be interpreted. Administrators may also allow different street configurations by determining that imposition of a grid would require streets with double frontage or creation of a dead-end street. April 1, 1996 Page 2 The proposed language broadens the application of modifications by providing examples of when a flexible grid street pattern may be adjusted by the Reviewing Official. These conditions include topography, environmental constraints, achievement of required density, safety, pass through arterial traffic and the pattern of existing development. Specific preferences for alternative configurations, such as curved, off set or loop roads are also addressed. Pedestrian or bike paths are included in the list of linkages which can provide reasonable connections between neighborhoods. The Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of these code amendments on March 6, 1996. The Planning Commission commented that the amendments are needed to provide the Hearing Examiner greater guidance in meeting the intent of the Comprehensive Plan policies. The Commission recommended several changes to staff's draft language in order to increase the discretion of the Reviewing Official when infill development is proposed. The Commission felt that while a grid system is preferable, the pattern of existing development sometimes does not warrant such connections. CONCLUSION: The proposed Subdivision and Zoning Code amendments will translate the Comprehensive Plan policies guiding street configurations into implementation. New language will be added to the Subdivision Code defining "flexible grid"and regulating street linkages and configurations. Existing language addressing these issues will be deleted from the Zoning Code. April 1, 1996 Page 3 PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS Grid- Like Street Pattern (or flexible grid): A street system based upon a standard grid pattern (i.e. checker board blocks), however, offset intersections, loop roads, and cul-de-sacs as well as angled or curved road segments may also be utilized on a limited basis. The block pattern is characterized by regular(i.e. rectangular or trapezoidal) blocks and irregular polygons do not predominate. DRAFT:CODE'AMEND1 EhIT$..S0b.0tsi0n Otdtnwyce.;::':> '>,> :: °:<>:>'::. :><: Section 9-12-15: General Requirements and Minimum Standards-Streets E. Street Pattern: A grid-like street pattern (or flexible grid) shall be used to connect existing and new development and shall be the predominant street pattern in any subdivision permitted by this Ordinance. The grid pattern may be adjusted, to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official, in consideration of factors including topography, environmental constraints, achieving required density, pass through arterial traffic, safety, avoiding creation of dual street frontage and the pattern of existing development. In these cases, curved, offset or loop roads are the preferred alternative configurations. The use of cul-de-sac streets may be permitted where connected streets are not warranted. Linkages, including streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths, shall be provided, to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official within and between neighborhoods when they can create a continuous and interconnected network of roads and pathways. Linkages shall be provided unless factors such as topography, environmental constraints and achieving required density preclude such connection or unless pass through arterial traffic, safety, avoiding creation of dual street frontage and the pattern of existing development do not warrant such linkages. ::.:......Tt]��T FROIVIC ZC�1�3Il�lG,�OUI✓. . 4-31-5, F.2. Street Pattern 4-31-6, F.2. Street Pattern where t pogr.,phy siti. tate them April 1, 1996 Page 4 4.31-7. F.2. Street Pattern STREETI.DOC CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 28, 1996 TO: Mayor Tanner City Council • FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: Street Pattern Revisions RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the revised code amendments on street patterns as amended at the Planning Commission meeting of March 6, 1996. Planning Commission Action and Recommendation: At the Planning Commission meeting of March 6, 1996, the Commission reviewed revisions made to the street patterns code. The Commission was concerned about how infill development would be accommodated with a rigid grid street system. The Commission felt that the existing pattern of development would sometime make a grid impractical and create a burden on a neighborhood. The Commission recommended adding language (underlined below) to the draft presented in the Staff Report dated February 16, 1996 to read as follows: A grid-like street pattern (or flexible grid) shall be used to connect existing and new development and shall be the predominant street pattern in any subdivision permitted by this Ordinance. The grid pattern may be adjusted, to the satisfaction of the Review Official, in consideration of factors including topography, environmental constraints,achieving required density, pass through arterial traffic, safety, avoiding creation of dual street frontage and the pattern of existing development. In these cases, curved, offset or look roads are preferred alternative configurations. The use of cul-de-sacs may be permitted where connected streets are not warranted. Linkages, including streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths, shall be provided, to the satisfaction of the Reviewing Official, within and between neighborhoods when they can create a continuous and interconnected network of roads and pathways. Linkages shall be provided unless factors such as topography, environmental constraints and achieving required densities preclude such connections, or unless pass through arterial traffic, safety, avoiding creation of dual street frontage, and the pattern of existing development do not warrant such linkages. March 28, 1996 Page 2 FOR: Brosman, Current, Lukins,Mehrens,Postlewait,Texeira, Wagner AGAINST: None ABSENT: Halstead, Ledbury Signed: George Mehrens, Jr. Acting Planning Commission Chair h:\div.\p&ts\plancom\gridrec.doc COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT EXHIBIT F STREET DESIGN • LAND USE ELEMENTS - GOALS 2. Promote new development and neighborhoods in the City which: a. contribute to a strong sense of community and neighborhood identity; b. are walkable places where people can; shop, play and get to work without always having to drive; c. are developed at densities sufficient to support public transportation and make efficient use of urban services and infrastructure; d. offer a variety of housing types for a population diverse in age, income and lifestyle; e. are varied or unique in character; f. support a "flexible grid" street and pathway pattern where appropriate; g. are visually attractive, safe, and healthy environments in which to live; h. offer connection to the community instead of isolation; and i. provide a sense of home. Objective LU-M: Provide more linkages within and between neighborhoods by developing a system of residential streets which serves both vehicles and pedestrians and creates a continuous, efficient, interconnected network of roads and pathways throughout the City without unduly increasing pass through traffic. Policy LU-70. Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The extensive or predominant use of cul-de-sacs and pipestems should be discouraged for new development. A "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways should be used to connect adjacent and future development. Policy LU-71. New streets should be designed to provide convenient access and a choice of routes between homes and parks, schools, shopping, and other community destinations. Policy LU-72. Access to and from individual residences should be restricted along primary arterial streets. In such areas, residential site design should ensure primary access to residences comes from collector streets. Objective LU-N: Promote development of attractive, walkable communities by ensuring that streets are safe, convenient, and pleasant for pedestrians and will visually enhance neighborhoods. Policy LU-73. Residential streets should be constructed to the narrowest widths (distance from curb to curb) feasible without impeding emergency vehicle access. Policy LU-74. Street parking should be considered for use as a safety buffer between pedestrians and moving vehicles and to reduce the need for on-site parking. Page 7 Policy LU-77. Sidewalks or walking paths should be provided along residential streets. Sidewalk or walking path width should be ample to safely and comfortably accommodate pedestrian traffic. Policy LU-317. Criteria should be developed to locate pedestrian and bicycle connections in the City. Criteria should consider: a) linking residential areas with employment and commercial areas; b) providing access along arterials; c) providing access within residential areas; d) filling gaps in the existing sidewalk system where appropriate; and e) providing access through open spaces and building entries to shorten walking distances. h:\p&tsldiv\pin\amends\cpaexh.doc Page 8