HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_Justification_Frontage Improvements_190607_v1.pdf May 10, 2019 Core No. 18227 Mr. Chip Vincent, Development Administrator City of Renton, Community & Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Subject: Kiddie Research Daycare Center, Renton, WA Modification Request – Frontage Improvements Dear Mr. Vincent: The Kiddie Research Daycare Center development is seeking a modification to the City standards for frontage improvements along both NE Sunset Boulevard and NE 12th Street. This modification request asks for modification of the following code requirements: • RMC 4-6-060 Principal Arterial Street Section for NE Sunset Boulevard (103-foot total ROW width, 66-foot total pavement width, along with 6-inch curb, 8-foot planter, 8-foot sidewalk, 2-foot clear between back sidewalk and ROW, both sides) • RMC 4-6-060 Collector Arterial Street Section for NE 12th Street (94-foot total ROW width, 57-foot total pavement width, along with 6-inch curb, 8-foot planter, 8-foot sidewalk, 2-foot clear between back sidewalk and ROW, both sides) DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION REQUESTED The subject site is composed of one parcel (#0423059155) addressed 3123 NE Sunset Boulevard. The site is bordered by NE Sunset Boulevard to the west and NE 12th Street to the south. Proposed development of the property will include the construction of a building and parking which will accommodate and house a daycare center. Access will be via NE 12th Street. The existing construction/ROW dedication along frontage roads currently don’t meet ultimate build-out standards. NE 12TH STREET Currently, NE 12th Street, consists of approximately 44 feet of pavement, curb and adjacent sidewalk on both sides within a 60-foot right of way. Per the preapplication meeting notes dated January 25, 2017, the City’s Transportation Department and CED have looked at this portion of NE 12th Street and recommend keeping the curb line in the existing location. An 8-foot planter, 8-foot sidewalk, and 2-foot clear space at back of sidewalk will be required behind the existing curb line. Right of way dedication is required to the back of the 2-foot clear space. May 10, 2019 Chip Vincent Page 2 J:\2018\18227\Documents\Engineering Reports\Modification Request\18227 Modification Request Frontage Improvements Request.docx Approximate right of way dedication along the NE 12th Street frontage is 10 feet. A street modification will be required with the land use submittal to conform to this modified collector arterial street standard. New curb will be required in the location of the existing curb line along the NE 12th Street frontage. We are proposing to install frontage improvements along NE 12th Street in conformance to the City’s recommendation as delineated in the preapplication meeting notes. Based on the existing curb location, a 10.1-foot right of way dedication will accommodate the requested improvements. NE SUNSET BOULEVARD Currently, NE Sunset Boulevard consists of approximately 58 feet of pavement, curb and adjacent sidewalk on both sides within a variable 84-foot to 92-foot right of way. Per the preapplication meeting notes dated January 25, 2017, the City’s Transportation Department has a capital improvement project along this portion of NE Sunset Boulevard. The City’s 30% preliminary design plans have delineated additional right of way that is needed to construct the improvements. Right of way on this site that has been preliminarily determined as needed varies from approximately 26 feet at the corner of NE Sunset Boulevard and NE 12th Street and from 11 feet to 20 feet along the NE Sunset Boulevard frontage. The City plans to start construction on this capital improvement project in approximately 3 to 4 years. The City will require that dedication in accordance with the latest version of the capital improvement project plans is provided along the NE Sunset Boulevard frontage and at the NE Sunset Boulevard and NE 12th Street corner. The City will grant a waiver of installation of new frontage improvements along the NE Sunset Boulevard frontage and at the corner of NE Sunset Boulevard and NE 12th Street. The City will improve this frontage and corner as part of the capital improvement project. We are proposing to dedicate the requested right of way along NE Sunset Boulevard per the City’s 30% preliminary design plans in conformance to the City’s recommendation as delineated in the preapplication meeting notes. MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PER RMC 4-9-250.D.2 Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title, the Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided he/she shall first find that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical, that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. May 10, 2019 Chip Vincent Page 3 J:\2018\18227\Documents\Engineering Reports\Modification Request\18227 Modification Request Frontage Improvements Request.docx The subject modifications achieve these criteria as delineated below. a.Frontage improvements will be completed in conformance to the City’s recommendations as delineated within the referenced preapplication notes. b.It can be assumed the proposed CIP for NE Sunset Blvd and the City’s recommendation for frontage improvements along NE 12th Street take into account the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements and is based upon sound engineering judgment. c. This deviation does not affect surrounding properties. d.It can be assumed the City’s suggested frontage improvements, as delineated in the subject preapplication letter, were considered against the Code and conform to the intent and purpose of the Code. e. It can be assumed the City’s suggested frontage improvements, as delineated in the subject preapplication letter, were internally reviewed against the criteria of whether the proposed alternate frontage improvements are justified and required for the use and situation intended. f.This deviation does not affect surrounding properties. Based on the above discussion, the requested modifications, as listed above, are reasonable and approval is requested. Please contact me with any comments and questions at (425) 885-7877 or grb@coredesigninc.com. Sincerely, CORE DESIGN, INC. Gina R. Brooks, P.E. Associate Partner, Sr. Project Engineer