HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 03 Jun 2019 - Agenda - PdfCITY OF RENTON AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:30 PM- Monday, June 3, 2019 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall —1055 S. Grady Way 1. Legislative Session Wrap-up a) Presentation 2. Airport Landside Alternative a) Presentation 3. Emerging Issues Overview of the 2019 Session of the Legislature for Renton City Council 5:30P.M. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2019 Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs A dm in is tra to rr Doug Levy, Outcomes By Levy, LLC, 425-922-3999 Doug@outcomesbylevy@onmicrosoft.com u 0 T� FN�o 0 BIG PICTURE Legislature finished biennial -budget -year Session on time "Activist" Legislature enacted 474 bills They'll get kudos for some game -changers Moved up Presidential Primary All renewable energy sources by 2045 Orca recovery B&O tax to fund free and low-cost college & work force education Prohibiting tobacco sales to those under 21 Tenant protection and affordable housing Long-term care Daylight Savings time They'll take knocks for $8 billion (18%) increase in spending and up to $16 in new revenues, as well as much lower than requested investment in culverts THROUGH A LOCAL GOVERNMENT LENS Very good Session overall! On the 'do no harm' front —most adverse legislation headed off Cost implications of SSB 5163 wrongful injury/death HB 2144 diverts $300M in LEOFF 2 monies to Public Safety Benefit Enhancement Account $160M continued diversion of Public Works Assistance Account On the plus side State -shared revenues Key public safety funding preserved if not enhanced Significant mental health investments "SST" for a dozen cities Needle moved forward in big way for BLEA Affordable housing construction Storm water funding Sexual assault & rape -kit -test backlog NOW LET'S BE RENTON-SPECIFIC Public Safety Sexual Assault & Rape -Kit Testing $10.3 million for FTEs/resources for WSP to set up `high -throughput lab' in Vancouver Backlog to be eliminated in two years Accountability —including 45-day processing time -frame Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) $4.5 million to cover state's 75% cost of nine (9) new Academy classes in Burien Mental Health Field Response Teams $4M for grant program enabling law enforcement & mental health professionals to team up Also $2.2M for diversion & therapy for those in jail settings Z v Increased Jail Bed Rates to SCORE ® n First time ever proviso language directing DOC to negotiate m rate increase with SCORE RFNTON-SPECIFIC Enhance Quality of Life Gene Coulon Park: $610,000 toward new play equipment, drainage improvements Downtown Civic Core Plan —Renton Connector: $500,000 to initiate work on this project Capital Budget noteworthy item: $1M for Sunset Multi -Use Service Center Affordable housing, Homelessness, Mental Health $175M for HTF & passage of SHB 1406 Over $500M in credits over next 20 years: $215K—$430K per year for Renton depending on whether `qualifying tax' initiated RENTON-SPECIFIC ■ Fiscal stability Protect state -shared revenues, programs that provide resources to local jurisdictions Investment in Transportation 405 Express -Toll Lanes Authorization —ESSB 5825 enacted, includes $215M in bonds for Renton -to -Bellevue, $20M and "construct" for N. gth $1.75M for Williams & Wells in-house budget but not in final, important for City to close out funding 1-405/441" Street "Green-scaping", $210K secured Potential New Revenue Package `dies' in Senate Would have provided $16 billion over 10 years Had full N 8th funding in it These packages are normally a multi -year effort WHAT'S NEXT? Start building 2020 Legislative Agenda in July —State Legislative advocacy is a year-round proposition Take a step back and say "thank you" Levy comprehensive report being provided Important actions we need to take include those under SHB 1406 affordable housing sales tax credits; E2SHB 1923 actions to increase density/affordability W__, I HOUSING AND DENSITY Specific actions for Council to take Council must take SHB 1406 Resolution of Intent action within 6 months (1/28/2020) Council must take "legislation" (Ordinance) action within 12 months (7/28/2020) Your est. $215K per year state sales tax credits could be doubled with `qualifying local tax' within one year (7/28/2020) "Qualifying local tax" would need to be a housing levy —amount and purpose flexible as long as 60% AMI Separate bill-2ESHB 1923 on density —gives you ability to do n "Housing Action Plan" and access $100K state grant m z We recommend this matter be referred to n Planning and Development Committee m QUESTIONS? P RENT N-M OJCJFA F JRFORT 1T[iTipal A • GTY 9E N TOc' 0 I n � Master Plan z °n Renton Municipal Airport/ Clayton Scott Field N Renton �} I Master Plan Renton Municipal Clayton Scott Field Airport Agenda } Project Schedule } Preferred Comprehensive Airfield Alternative Landside Alternatives ■ Assumptions and Goals for Development ■ Landside Areas 1 through 4 and seaplane Alternatives + Comments and Questions Next Steps Project Schedule ProjectElements ■ Inventories (COMPLETED) ■ Forecasts of Aviation Activit ■ Facility Requirements (COMP! ■ Airside Alternatives (COMPLET Landside Alternatives & CDF FAA Coordination on CDP Env. Review, Land Use, SEPA Financial Implementation Ai Airport Plans Milestones & Documentatio Time Frame Completed Project Element UPDATED: February 25, 2019. I Master Plan 2019 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG FAA REVLEWAND APPROVAL PROCESS 0 City Decision/Acceptance Points 0 Renton AirportAdvisory Committee Working Papers OPublic Information Meeting/Open House Draft Master Plan Final Report Master Plan Final Report W n, ro Master Plan m Renton Municipal Airport/N Clayton Scott Field Preferred Comprehensive Airfield Alternative: Declared Distances & EMAS with North Shift I Master Plan 1O BALL FIELDS O2 MEDICAL CENTER O3 PARKING O4 COMMERCIAL O VACANT W DEPARTURE RPZ APPROACH RPZ 600' x 500' RSA UNDERSHOOT T 350' X 170' EMAS NEW SEAPLANE DOCK & PULL OUT AREA 227' DISPLACED THRESHOLD Notes: ** RW77W separation to be addressed with operational mitigation. Disclaimer. This illustration is for study purposes only, based on national FAA standards, and is not necessarily intended for implementation. For further information please see Chapter of the Airport Master Plan and the FAQ document on the Airport's website. FIGURED7 Alternative 5 -Declared Distances and EMAS w/North Shift IUNWAY 16/34 _ 5300' RUNWAY 34 ASW 'RUNWAY 34 LDA REALIGN CEDAR RIVER & 1L G �, b — RELOCATEI �J REPLACE '' RELOCATE REPLACE BRIDGE COMPASS ROSE —R—III — ——+i=ROVAIri ilk. r— LJ — i��l mom, 227' DISPLACED THRESHOLD a� I Mead MagerPlan &Hunt DEPARTURE RPZ APPROACH RPZ uaLL rp d�17 'i o L C � 1 _ q 0 . 600' x 500' RS _ UNDERSHOO RAINIER AVE. _ I L I r t p C r —_ � 1 _ v c it �: RPZEASEMENT CLOSE TOBIN RD. ACQUISITION 507T RUNWAY 16 LDA MODIFICATION TO STANDARD 7 5300' RUNWAY 16 ASDA FOR PERIMETER ROAD IN ROFA v 350' X 170' EMAS i LEGEND I -- EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FUTURE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA EXPANSION .4 NONSENSE ROADCLOSURE FUTURE PAVEMENT FUTURE ROADWAY ALIGNMENT — RPZ CONTROLLED ACTIVITY AREA (EASEMENT)' 0 600 120� 1 1 I —��— FUTURE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA (RSA) FUTURE SEAPLANE DOCK —Ao-,— FUTURE RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(ROFA) PROPOSED BUILDING/FACILITY DEMOLITION Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet FUTURE TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA(TOFA) RPZ FEE SIMPLE ACQUISITION FOR APPROACH PROTECTION PURPOSES 1111111111 FUTURETAXIWAY ® FUTURE RPZ EASEMENT T`F` FUTURE ENGINEERED MATERIAL Renton Municipal Airport/ ;V ARRESTING SYSTEM (EMAS) Clayton Scott Field M. P I - RENT N-M OJCJFA F JRFORT i[iTi[7: Ra Alternatives CC-IITYOF om O ---��Renton u n � Master Plan z °n Renton Municipal Airport/ Clayton Scott Field N Assumptions for Landside Alternatives + Airport's role will remain the same Airport will be developed/operated consistent with federal rules/regs RDC D-III standards Maximize GA aircraft facilities where possible + Consider economic development/promote land use compatibility + Incorporate goals/objectives of Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) Landside Area Alternatives + Four Landside Development Areas ■ Four Development Categories • General Aviation • Aviation Industrial • Seaplane Related Facilities • Airport Support Facilities Landside Alternative Screening ■ Priority is to maximize GA uses to accommodate demand Renton 0 Master Plan .0AREA r ---, i 1 I Y-Fdy--1 I '-) 1i 1 1 1 i4 1 1 I 4 JI p• ! � i L— y= J v ' 2 r - 1 3 U.S. Customs & ,� n L-�'—' 1 I■wo Border Protection ■ ■ t^=4,000' L----� (C.B.P) z _ PARCELS -- • Ql City Maintained ■ City Tiedowns r i • 3 Northwest Seaplanes Inc. �� i I• BHC Inc. City Tiedown Row Apply for MOD © Boeing Employee Flying ■ ■ Assoaation • 70 Rainier Flight Service Imo-, rn ■ • (subleased to Boeing) I q Rainier Flight Service I I J � 9 Airport Maintenance r —�---� c Boeing g v LEGEND EXISTING PROPERTY LINE w IFUTURERSA 300' - A - —a„>— FUTUREROFA EXISTING TAXIWAY —1 c----------^^I X OBJECT FREE AREA � t I ___ -- LEASE PARCEL LINE 7 i °' I "", FUTURE TAXIWAY I D FUTURERUNWAY 1 ® FUTURE EMAS I j AVIATION INDUSTRIAL GENERAL AVIATION r SEAPLANE 9 I � VIEWING AREA PAVEMENT DEMOLITI JM Apply for MOD � �� � 0 1 APRON SERVICE ROAD v Apron C ♦ A 0 300' 600' y I I11 70 I I I I � 1 I m 1 I1� Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet I Renton Municipal Airport/ N "I'URED9 Landsidw Area 1-Minimal Action Clayton Scott Field ER OF Renton �} Master Plan Existin ` �— Seaplane AREA econ I ure ark Trials& oc Ramp &Dk Roads) Demolition L 1, � I New Seaplane Dock I \4 I Maintain ,�I ' Residential Access Outside , '�"'pi r-I' � L= �_� ■ ■ I r---� ' I Perimeter Fence o rso -_ ��3 Seaplane Base ■ ■ c_�.! Expansion I� 1^_4,000' L____J New Seaplane Ramp 2 (Apply for MOD) an ■ PARCELS ■ I ,)--- - - I New Perimeter � � q (, I: 1 City Maintained r� z City 7iedowns Fence � I � � 6 '■ ■ 3 Northwest Seaplanes Inc. General Aviation 'I 3 a ■ ■ 4 BHC Inc. Paarkkinn .0 i o■ 5 CityTiedown Row Relocate CBP ' : '� © Boeing Employee Flying Assoaation Outside ROFA I_ ■ ------- ■ Q7 Rainier Flight Service Partial Hangar i , a 8 Rainier Flight Service I Demolition �� 11 Airport Maintenance O ----_— , 1 Boeing ' �n LEGEND I EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 2.a t '1 6 93, , 300' FUTURERSA i y I I I —•� FUTURE ROFA t X —T�•6�— FUTURETAXIWAY AREA �I O w OBJECT FREE ----- LEASE PARCEL LINE I RJiURETAXIWAY FUTURE RUNWAY IAp on j y, ® FUTURE EMAS GENERAL AVIATION HANGARDEMOLITION)�b t - I PAVEMENT DEMOLITICQ mSEAPLANE Apply for MOD ,,,, 10 APRON SERVICE ROAD Ao. O 1 n ,� I' i 0 300' 600 ' y I II''O 10 I I I Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet I FIGURE D1oIandside.Areal -AhmatiyeI Renton Municipal Airport/ !V A Clayton Scott Field 1b Renton 0 r'lloo 540Renton Ili Hangar LLC Parcel Lane Hangar -- Condo Association Parcel I 1 I' rt Existing Boeing I' ' 93' Parcel II II 1 �pron B III it Chamber Building II II �1 III Apply for MOD Existing Levan Hangar I "Restrict"�� _ Aircraft Parking ..- FIGURE Di i Landside: Area 2 - Minimal Action Master Plan I f I 1 � I X i j I 1 I iy A6 m I j li i r W 17 I L W .I TWYB ?—_,l. 31 z LEGEND — EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 300' FUTURE RSA FUTUREROFA EXISTINGTAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA -- LEASE PARCEL LINE I FUTURETAXIWAY - FUTURE RUNWAY FUTURE EMAS o AVIATION INDUSTRIAL -o _ j GENERALAVIATION PAVEMENT DEMOLITION APRON SERVICE ROAD D'I RPZ FEE SIMPLE _ ACQUISITION FOR I APPROACH PROTECTION '.• .•rrrewrow ouerur� rerrrem rerrrrrn ♦ O A4 0 300' 600' I 1 I y Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet Renton Municipal Airport/ !V Clayton Scott Field Renton 0 540 Renton 1 Hangarl-LC 1 Parcel Ire I Demolition 11 Lane Hangar Condo Association --- Parcel� 1 Chamber Building Existing Boeing Parcel Apply for MOD Demolition Convert Existing Levan Parcel into Two B-737 Hard Stands FIGURE DI Landside: Area 2 - Alternative 1 i ■.,V... - .4 T s I 1 I �= • •_I :f lMEN ogo low, Master Plan r----� ➢ I� I I �I I it I l i 3 LEGEND -- EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FUTURE RSA FUTUREROFA FUTURETAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA - LEASE PARCEL LINE I APRON SERVICE ROAD FUTURETAXIWAY IFUTURE RUNWAY ® FUTURE EMAS AVIATION INDUSTRIAL GENERALAVIATION ® HANGAR DEVELOPMENT HANGAR DEMOLITION PAVEMENT DEMOLITION RPZ FEE SIMPLE ACQUISITION FOR APPROACH PROTECTION PURPOSES v 0 300' 600' y 1 1 I Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet Renton Municipal Airport/ N Clayton Scott Field lb Renton �} Master Plan Cl 1 i l I �!4 I I 1 1 , I �r '�'t•:•'•.;.OIwwwwwwwlQ•'.'•y v:❖.r..ogwnwnwr6;•• 1 lwwwwwi�i � . 11 ieiiiiiai 1- ewwwwwww. _ i ,wwwwwm lwwnwwn ri 'on- -- Hang Apply . 2.?d-I . rn LEGEND Z --- EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FUTURE RUNWAY v —gym— FUTURE RSA ® FUTURE EMAS A FUTURE ROFA ` _j AVIATION INDUSTRIAL EXISTING TAXIWAY GENERAL AVIATION 0 300' 6O0.� OBJECT FREE AREA PAVEMENT DEMOLITION I 1 I ----- LEASE PARCEL LINE FUTURE TAXIWAY RPZFEESIMPLE Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet ACQUISITION FOR APRON SERVICE ROAD APPROACH PROTECTION PURPOSES 49 FIGURE D13La1dside,Area 3- Minimal Acdon Renton Municipal Airport/ N Clayton Scott Field GR VIIIIIiI Renton ,} Master Plan II 1 � 1 \ 1"=4,000' L----11 I r3 I I \ I' \ I \ Remove Landing Gearworks Ind Add Clearspan Hangar Io 1 -Vehicle Parking (Group I & II) Air ft Parking 1 (1.5 A s) I:l `Clearspan Hangar `GA Aircraft Parking (0.18 Acres) —Perimeter Road Realignment Vehicle Parking Vehicle Par Large Hangar Replacement LEGEND — - — EXISTING PROPERTY LINE ® FUTURE EMAS v —^u�— FUTURERSA "", FUTURETAXIWAY FUTURE ROTA ` _j HANGAR DEMOLITION©� —*�^— EXISTING TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA HANGAR DEVELOPMENT O 300' GOOD y I 1 I -- LEASE PARCEL LINE PAVEMENT DEMOLITION -1 AVIATION INDUSTRIAL Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet pp p III FUTURE PAVEMENT — FUTURE RUNWAY APRON SERVICE ROAD RPZ FEE SIMPLE AC0UISITIQN Fop APPROACH PROTECTION Renton Municipal Airport/ FIGURE D14 Landside: Area 3- Alternative 1 PURPOSES ■ Clayton Scott Field lb OF Renton " Master Plan I ,. 1 � 1 Cl 93' i l I 'IL} I I yl_ _ A r II o L 1L Lr- J-.= ` O I , II I 1 I Hangar Demolition Bo GA (Group I & II) Aircraft Parking o (1.7 Acres) Future Property Vehicle Parking I LRebuild Hangars Within Current Footprint Perimeter Road Realignment Re lace Lar a Han ar r•........ .�.� `Vehicle Parking LEGEND Z --- EXISTING PROPERTY LINE ® FUTURE EMAS v -u+�- FUTURERSA rW' FUTURE RUNWAY A )b.-^�•�� FUTUREROFA '���' FUTURETAXIWAY 16, -TOT^- EXISTING TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA HANGAR DEMOLITION D O 300' GOO HANGAR DEVELOPMENT -- LEASEPARCELLINE PAVEMENT DEMOLITION Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet E7Z,o FUTUREPAVEMENT AVIATION INDUSTRIAL APRON SERVICE ROAD RPZ FEE SIMPLE ACQUISITION FOR APPROACH PROTECTION TF Renton Municipal Airport/ p p N FIGUREDIS LandSide: Area 3 - Alternative 2 PURPOSES Clayton Scott Field lb Renton 0 Master Plan nit I �I 44.6 300 1 ➢ 1, 11 Bo ing Prop rty 1 1 (Off -Ai o,t I o Existing River Hangars 1 (City Maintained Parcel) TWY 64 Existing Leven EastsideTiedowns its I Existing Compass Rose Apron 5 to be relocated outside ROFA 1 Existing Boeing Parcel 1 1 LEGEND to--- EXISTING PROPERTY LINE ILGiin FUTURE PAVEMENT © to -aim- FUTURE RSA FUTURE RUNWAY FUTURE ROFA j AVIATION INDUSTRIAL 0 300' C00� -T�^- EXISTING TAXIWAY � GENERAL AVIATION I I OBJECT FREE AREA HANGAR & AIRCRAFT Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet ----- LEASE PARCEL LINE PARKING REMOVED yy� TF Renton Municipal Airport/ N FIGURE DI6Landside:Area 4-Minimal Action Clayton Scott Field Renton �} Master Plan o Vehicle Parking 1 LJ_P may--� % 30045 1 Boeing Property I `4 1 1 11 1 r`L__J 1 r- Hangar Demolition �3 � 25' 1 L 2--: �\ 1"-4,000' L____J g 1� Existing River Hangars g \1 (City Maintained Parcel) \ New River T-Hangars > \ GA Aircraft Apron Expansion (Approx. 0.8 Acres) 1 � I `11 I Pavement Demolition/Convert to Grass a� Relocated Compass Rose Apron �1 Al Existing Boeing Parcel X Apron A LEGEND I — - — EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FUTURE RUNWAY v —��— FUTURERSA i AVIATION INDUSTRIAL FUTURE ROFA i GENERAL AVIATION©� FUTURETAXIWAY - ,i HANGAR DEMOLITION 0 300' C00'y OBJECT FREE AREA -- LEASEPARCELLINE HANGAR DEVELOPMENT I 1 I PAVEMENT DEMOLITION Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet IlluO FUTUREPAVEMENi Renton Municipal Airport/ IV FIGURE D17Landside:Area 4- Alternative ) Clayton Scott Field � Renton 0 Master Plan ° Hangar Demolition Existing River Hangars 44.5 (City Maintained Parcel) 300'` i 1 i 1 r- -1 ;to i 25 Boeing Property L 1 ice— �= � 1 1 Aviation Industrial I � — � Vehicle Parking I D 1 1 � m Aviation Industrial Expansion (Approx. 2.9 Acres) � Apron Expansion I # 1� Relocated Compass Rose Apron 11 11 Widen Taxiway B R I e , to 50' and Strengthen x - °� I _ Apron A 1k Existing Boeing Parcel I '1 LEGEND v --- EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FUTURE RUNWAY FUTURE RSA i11LLD FUTURE PAVEMENT©, FUTURE ROFA _i AVIATION INDUSTRIAL 0 300' C00� I 1 I —A— FUTURE TAXIWAY GENERAL AVIATION OBJECTFREEAREA ----- LEASE PARCEL LINE HANGAR DEMOLITION Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet PAVEMENT DEMOLITION Renton Municipal Airport/ N FIGURE W8Landside:Area 4- Alternative 2 Clayton Scott Field GR OF Renton �} Master Plan Existing Seaplane ; Ramp & Dock 4J Demolition I � 1 i 1 \ 1 � 1 I \ New Seaplane Ramp (Apply for MOD) New Seaplane 1 —4,000 Dock Kodia PARCELS City Maintained 2 City Tiedowns i I 3 Northwest Seaplanes Inc. Beaver Kodiak RE 0 0l LEGEND — - EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FUTURE RSA Maintain Residential U) FUTUREROFA Access FUTURETAXIWAY x OBJECT FREE AREA Reconfigured y --- LEASE PARCEL LINE and Expanded !I FUTURETAXIWAY Seaplane Base v_ New Perimeter t�1 - FUTURE RUNWAY Fence �q11 I ��?I GENERAL AVIATION 1L�-�IWIpJ11 �� _ r SEAPLANE BASE RSA EXPANSION AREA I _ 1 SEAPLANE APRON SERVICE ROADM / 49. EX TO A / 96' FUT. TOFA ro I©� O o 100 zoo y Approximate Graphic Scale in Feet M FIGURE D19Seaplane Am-AltemadveI Renton Municipal Airport/ N Clayton Scott Field Recommended + Landside Alternatives ■ Landside Area 1— Existing /Minimal Improvements ■ Landside Area 2 — Alternative 1 ■ Landside Area 3 — Alternative 1 ■ Landside Area 4 — Alternative 1 ■ Seaplane Area — Alternative 1 Next Steps } Refine Landside Alternatives } Select Landside Preferred Alternatives Finalize Conceptual Development Plan and Prepare Project List Fall 2019 ■ Environmental Review, Land Use, SEPA ■ Working Paper and RAAC Meeting Project Schedule ProjectElements ■ Inventories (COMPLETED) ■ Forecasts of Aviation Activit ■ Facility Requirements (COMP! ■ Airside Alternatives (COMPLET Landside Alternatives & CDF FAA Coordination on CDP Env. Review, Land Use, SEPA Financial Implementation Ai Airport Plans Milestones & Documentatio Time Frame Completed Project Element UPDATED: February 25, 2019. I Master Plan 2019 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG FAA REVLEWAND APPROVAL PROCESS 0 City Decision/Acceptance Points 0 Renton AirportAdvisory Committee Working Papers OPublic Information Meeting/Open House Draft Master Plan Final Report Master Plan Final Report W n, ro Master Plan m Renton Municipal Airport/N Clayton Scott Field P I - RENT N-M OJCJFA F JRFORT 311pstic CITY • G�Ty O ----,,m�Renton �. 4ENTOc' n � Master Plan z °n Renton Municipal Airport/ Clayton Scott Field N