HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc_Variance_Application_Checklist_190612_v11 Variance Application Checklist Project Name: Hansra Covered Patio Variance Owners/Applicants: Tejpal (Paul) S. Hansra and Rupinder (Ruby) K. Hansra Project Location: 5507 NE 1st Pl., Renton, WA 98059 Summary: This application is being submitted to request approval of an Administrative Variance from the provisions of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) regulating side yard setbacks, impervious surface, and building coverage for a primary single-family addition to an existing structure in the Residential – 4 dwelling unit per acre (R-4) zone (RMC 4-2-110A). The purpose of the variance is to allow for the addition of an outdoor deck and associated roof cover (collectively, “covered patio”) at 5507 NE 1st Place, Renton, WA 98059. Applicants are proposing an approximately 470 square foot covered patio attached to the south side (rear) of the existing home. The existing footprint of the single-family home is 2,798 square feet and is proposed to be increased to approximately 3,268 square feet. The lot is 8,130 square feet in area. R-4 zoning requires side yard setbacks of a combined 20 feet with not less than 7 ½ feet on either side, a maximum building coverage of 35%, and a maximum impervious surface area of 50%. Applicants are requesting a variance to allow the proposed covered patio to encroach 2 ½ feet into the eastern side yard setback (while more than meeting the combined 20 feet setback), a building coverage of approximately 40%, and an impervious surface coverage of approximately 54% (as a portion of the covered patio is being built over an existing concrete slab). No trees will be removed as part of the addition. 1. Pre-Application Meeting Summary A Pre-Application Meeting Summary is included. 2. Waiver Form A completed Waiver Form is included. 3. Land Use Permit Master Application Form A completed Land Use Permit Master Application Form is included. 4. Fees Applicants have made a check payable to the City of Renton in the amount of $1,365.00 which will be paid to the Cashier on the 1st Floor of City Hall. 2 5. Project Narrative A Project Narrative is included. 6. Variance Request Justification A Variance Request Justification is included. 7. Density Worksheet This item was waived. 8. Plat Certificate or Title Report A Title Report prepared by Stewart Title is included. 9. Neighborhood Detail Map A Neighborhood Detail Map is included. 10. Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign An Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign is included. 11. Site Plan A Site Plan is included. 12. Landscape Analysis, Lot Coverage, and Parking Analysis This item was waived, as it is required for commercial/industrial properties only. 13. Floor Plans This item was waived. 14. Tree Retention/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan This item was waived, as no trees are being removed. 15. Tree Retention Worksheet This item was waived, as no trees are being removed. 16. Arborist Report This item was waived, as no trees are being removed. 3 17. Wetland Assessment This item was waived. However, Applicants note that, in the Parkland Court Subdivision, there is a Native Growth Protection Easement for a Sensitive Area identified as 666450TR-A, which is located east of the project location. Such area is offsite from the project and is separated from the proposed addition by the residence located at 5513 NE 1st Place. 18. Standard Stream or Lake Study This item was waived. 19. Flood Hazard Data This item was waived. 20. Biological Assessment/Critical Areas Study This item was waived. 21. Habitat Data Report This item was waived. 22. Geotechnical Report This item was waived. 23. Letter of Understanding Geologic Risk This item was waived. 24. Utilities Plan, Generalized (sewer, water, stormwater, transportation improvements) This item was waived. 25. Architectural Elevations This item was modified, as photographs were asked to be provided in place of architectural elevations. Applicants are attaching photographs of the project. 26. Drainage Control Plan This item was waived. 27. Grading Elevations and Plan, Conceptual This item was waived. 4 28. Photographs of the Property Photographs of the property are included. 29. Colored Maps for Display A Site Plan and Neighborhood Detail Map are included.