HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Executive Roles in Disaster ��� Kc���.�{���- ��,��.� Executive Roles in Disaster Response and Recovery City Council serves in the same policy-making role during disasters as during normal operations. The Policy Advisory Group is a special group that convenes during a disaster to review incident information and provide recommendations or referrals to the City Council when policy-level decisions arise that require Council input or action. Although additional members may be included at the discretion of the members, the Policy Advisory Group core membership includes: � Mayor • Community Services Administrator � City Attorney • Human Resources and Risk Management • Chief Administrative Officer Administrator • Deputy Public Affairs Administrator • Police Chief/Administrator � Administrative Services Administrator • Public Works Administrator • Community and Economic Development • Renton Regional Fire Authority Fire Chief Administrator • Others may be added Activity Policy Advisory Group Council 1. Stay informed The Administrator from the lead Incident The Mayor will provide the most recent Command department will provide the incident information to Council. most recent incident information. 2. Ensure In the event that an appointed position is In the event that an elected official is continuity of vacant because of the impacts of a disaster, unable to continue in his/her position, a government government leadership will make interim delegate should be appointed for that appointments to fill essential vacancies. position in accordance with the City's defined line of succession. RCW 42.14 provides guidance. 3. Convene as The Policy Advisory Group is assembled Council members remain visible in their required when the event magnitude is such that the community. Council convenes upon the EOC would be fully activated or when any request of the Mayor when a policy member of the Policy Advisory Group decision is needed. A meeting schedule requests the group to convene. A meeting will be established based on the needs schedule will be established based on the of the emergency. needs of the emergency. 4. Issue The Mayor may issue an emergency The proclamation is made by the Mayor emergency proclamation. Emergency proclamations under emergency conditions. Council proclamation may serve a number of purposes, including: supports the proclamation by passing a Announcing that the City recognizes a resolution at the soonest available serious emergency situation; Authorizing opportunity. emergency expenditures that forgo normal purchasing processes; Invoking a jurisdiction's emergency plan to carry out emergency functions;Authorizing extreme measures to protect life and property; Formally requesting state assistance; Encouraging the governor to proclaim a state emergency and pursue a presidential declaration of disaster. Activity Policy Advisory Group Council 5. Establish The Incident Commander is responsible for Under an emergency proclamation, administrative operational aspects of the response.The urgent decisions are made by the objectives Policy Advisory Group is involved when Incident Commander and the Mayor, departmental or citywide priorities may with input from the Policy Advisory significantly affect the response. The Policy Group. Council may be involved when Advisory Group discusses and decides these sufficient time allows for more priorities and communicates with one voice traditional/non-emergency policy-level to the Incident Commander. decision-making on issues such as: Legal/policy restraints and/or freedoms; Limitations on authority; Political and social concerns; Environmental issues; Cost considerations. 6. Provide public The Mayor's Office will work with PIOs at Council is provided with key messages information the EOC to provide emergency public for public information by the Mayor's information to the media. The Policy Office. Media interactions and/or public Advisory Group will provide key messages speaking opportunities are in turn from the Policy Advisory Group perspective. coordinated with the Mayor's Office. The official spokesperson will be designated The goal is to have the City speak with a from the Mayor's Office. unified voice so that conflicting messaging does not occur. 7. Allocate Each member of the Policy Advisory Group Although necessary expenditures are money to should be prepared to evaluate and authorized by the Mayor under an meet disaster prioritize other department and City emergency proclamation, Council needs response costs and balance them against should be prepared to evaluate and future project needs to ensure adequate provide input on budgeting to support funding is provided to the disaster the disaster response, including response. recommendations on spending limits based on long-range needs of the City. 8. Issue When an issue is beyond the authority of Council may be asked to formally enact emergency the Incident Commander to address, the emergency policies and ordinances to orders/ Dept. Administrator may make changes to support the emergency response. ordinances standard operating procedures in response to disaster conditions. Where multiple departments are affected the Policy Advisory Group will convene to make appropriate decisions. 9. Adjust It may be necessary to discontinue non- Council meetings may be suspended government mission critical government services. This under emergency conditions, or may be operations will free up personnel and other resources held at an alternate location if for use in disaster response activities.The appropriate. Policy Advisory Group will convene to decide upon and communicate these adjustments.