HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop Go�� -��ti'��� ��� �/�� 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop - Introduction Exercise Objectives • Discuss how the City of Renton would respond to a significant winter storm. • Explore policy issues that may surface from a significant winter storm. Rules and Assumptions • Base responses on current policies, capabilities, resources, and equipment. • Differing viewpoints are expected; there are no wrong answers. • The scenario is plausible, events would occur as they are presented. • There is not hidden agenda. • Don't fight the details, focus on the process. Background • Haven't held a meetings since Monday, December 11tn o Already cancelled Monday, January 15t o Scheduled holiday Monday, January 15tn • Mayor is out of town on vacation. • Time sensitive council agenda item is scheduled for action on Monday, January 8t". A $16 million, short-notice federal redevelopment grant contract that requires Council acceptance prior to January 10tn Saturday, December 31St • The Council President has received a Situation Report from the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), summarized below: o Severe winter storm is expected to hit early this week. o Probable power outages. o Frozen pipes and lack of access to potable water. o Dangerously low temperatures. o Severe ice on roadways. • The EOC is planning to activate on Monday, January 15t at 8:00 a.m. to monitor the situation. • Several council members are iced into their homes and cannot safely navigate roadways. Renton City Council August 21, 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop December 2017 �'t�Lti' ��a�'��'� � ���'�'7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Council Meeting 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 No Council Meeting 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 No Council Meeting 31 Situation Report Sent print-a-calendar.com )anuary 2018 G��w ����"� �/�'fi7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 No Council Meeting IN)ECT 1 IN)ECT 2 INJECT 3 EOC Activates 8:00 a.m. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Scheduled Council Council Action Due City Hall estimated Meeting on Grant reopen 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MLK Day- No Council Meeting 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 i I 28 29 30 31 � � print-a-calendar.com ��C�w �u►/�:���.� g/��l �7 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop - Inject 1 Tuesday, January 2nd • Storm hits at 3:00 a.m. • Cold Weather Shelter was ful) last night. • City Hall loses power at 5:00 a.m., along with many Renton residents. • City Hall is predicted to be closed through Wednesday, January 11tn • Homeless advocates are asking for additional shelters, specifically requesting the construction of tiny homes. • Emergency Management has requested consideration of an Emergency Proclamation. This requires authorization from the Mayor. Let's Discuss... • Who has authority to issue an Emergency Proclamation? • How will Council communicate and receive important information? • What other policy concerns or issues do you anticipate at this point? Notes: Renton City Council August 21, 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop ( �`v� �C�� �-- ��� � /� 7 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop - Inject 2 Thursday, January 4tn • 3 homeless people have died from cold exposure in Renton. • Transportation routes are difficult to navigate with current conditions. Retail supply chains have been interrupted, there is not enough food or water coming into the City to adequately meet everyone's needs. • Some merchants are price gouging food and water, low income households are unable to afford basic goods. Let's Discuss... • How to address price gouging? • How will Council communicate about the issues that need their attention? Notes: Renton City Council August 21, 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop �Uv.� -��u���.,�- �� d � � � 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop - Inject 3 Friday, January 5tn • 50 Pallet Shelters have been donated and deposited at Liberty Park without prior coordination with City staff. o Homeless individuals are already assembling the homes and are self- organizing living areas. o Homeless activists are clashing with local residents who don't want shelters at the park. o The generous donation has made nationwide news, and KIRO has a satellite truck present and is covering the situation live. Let's Discuss... � Will temporary housing be allowed or will the homeless individuals be asked to leave? • What is Council's role in dealing with public perception around this issue? Notes: � � ��a� �� �.� T�,: � � � . ��� � � $. ..�.._. ,,,,_,,,� �#�,,� � �' v� P� � . }{"fi'? i � �i�` . �� -. Y �M f� ���,� r,�� a.. .� w �v � E t� �;�, ; � �� ����. ='�� ti a��:,r pa�h �# ��,�,� � x.� �� � One of the donated Pallet Shelters. Can sleep 4 adults and store belongings. Comes with solar powered heat, light, and power. Easy assembly. Renton City Council August 21, 2017 Winter Storm Tabletop