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ROLL CALL OF KING PARKER, Council President;DAN CLAWSON;KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; BOB EDWARDS; TONI NELSON; RANDY CORMAN; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LARRY WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUSAN CARLSON, Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Administrator; CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER,Fire Department; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance&Information Services Administrator; MICHAEL KATTERMANN,Director of Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning; BETTY NOKES, Director of Economic Development; DEREK TODD, Finance Analyst; LARRY MECKLING,Building Official; JIM GRAY, Assistant Fire Marshall; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON,Police Department; DEPUTY CHIEF JOE PEACH, Police Department; COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department; COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH, Police Department; COMMANDER KATIE MCCLINCY,Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22, 1999 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Chief of Police Garry Anderson announced that Police Services Specialist PRESENTATIONS Katrina Cook and Police Officers Chris Edwards, Rick Anderson and Peter Police: Employee Recognition Kordel were each honored as an Employee of the Quarter in 1998. Detective Sergeant Paul Cline, the Employee of the Second Quarter,was also named Employee of the Year. Chief Anderson then presented a special award to Staff Services Manager Penny Bartley,who was instrumental in securing a $303,000 grant from the Department of Justice for the department's new mobile computer system, which cost$400,000. Executive: 1998 Financial Mayor Tanner gave a report on Renton's 1998 year-end financial status, saying Summary that the year ended very well with revenues in every area above projections. �S/50 ` "` Expenditures were all below budget with the one exception of retirement � payouts. On the revenue side, the mayor noted that 1998 was the first year in which the City's property tax collections matched accrual records. It was particularly notable that sales tax revenue last year surpassed property tax revenue. Sales tax collections were $1.3 million above 1997,increasing in every category save manufacturing. Continuing, the mayor said building permits reached almost$1.6 million Iast year and included 267 single family homes and 88 multi-family units. Utility taxes remained stable while gambling taxes rose to$2 million,due primarily to the much larger revenue generated by cardrooms. The mayor briefly noted investment interest revenue,average interest rates,and portfolio compositions for both the general governmental and the proprietary funds. March 1, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 70 Turning to expenditures, Mayor Tanner said the City Attorney's account exceeded its 1998 budget due to the need for increased legal services. Based on new revenues, expenditures and identified carryforwards,the City has a $545,144 fund balance. The mayor then highlighted each of the enterprise funds, which belong to the utility(water, solid waste, and sewer),golf course, equipment rental, and airport divisions. Noting that the capital funds are the most difficult to budget due to unanticipated issues in completing projects,he said revenues are made up of fund balances, the real estate excise tax,rate revenue, grants and business license fees. Commenting on last year's active real estate market, the mayor pointed out that 990 homes sold in Renton last year, an increase of more than 20%over 1997. A number of significant commercial sites were also sold,generating one-time revenue. Capital expenditures for 1998 were made for the Cedar River Park, a police records system and the demolition of the Holms building. Of additional interest is that the City's self-administered insurance fund ended 1998 with a balance of$519,000. Concluding, Mayor Tanner said in accordance with the City's policy, one-time revenues from growth will be used for one-time expenditures. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1999 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Army Corps of Engineers expects construction on Phase 2 of the Cedar River Flood Control project to begin by April 1st. * The Fire Department is helping publicize a nationwide recall of Central "Omega"fire sprinkler heads, specifically by trying to get this critical information to all multi-family complexes in Renton. * On February 23rd,the Police Department handled a protest event at the Seattle Fur Exchange, using great restraint while not allowing any crimes to be committed. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Darst, 2601 Edmonds Ave.NE, Renton, 98056,reported on the status of the Citizen Comment: Darst— Veterans' Memorial to be constructed at 3rd and Main, saying that the architect Veterans' Memorial firm of Calvin Jordan & Associates has offered to donate in-kind services worth almost$15,000 to this project as a charitable contribution. A stoneworker has been chosen and the organizers are now soliciting designs and illustration ideas for the memorial monument. Commenting on various fundraisers planned for the project, including a St. Patrick's Day dinner and dance on Friday,March 12r , Mr. Darst concluded by submitting a current financial statement showing the group's March 1st, 1999 balance to be over $5,000. Citizen Comment: Evans— Ralph Evans, 3306 NE l lth Pl., Renton, 98056,expressed disappointment that Highlands Neighborhood although the gymnasium at the Highlands Neighborhood Center was inadequate Center Reconstruction before this building was damaged by an arson fire last summer,the City proposes to rebuild it as it was while constructing a new section for larger-sized game, meeting and craft rooms. He wondered whether it would be possible to house the various program rooms in the old gym and construct a new,properly- sized gym alongside. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington responded that the concept being designed was approved by Council late last year. He explained that Renton's wilt✓ rrr Simply Stated 1906 . We ended the year very well. Revenue in every area was above budget ,, ein SU and exceeds 1997. • Expenditures in each ,, c category were below budget,with one i ' exception--retirement �.; pay outs. • ` ���. 1998 Financial Yaar In Review 1 1991 Financial Year In Review 2 General Governmental IOHLIGHT$ Revenues and Expenditures $60,000,000 represents new' Sso,000,000 ■Revs revenue and ex General Governmental I.NE"' �� 1 1 expenditures, Sao.000,000 `�`" Revenue s30,000,000 l ' I , , I allocation of I ' M • • I • • : I fund balance. $20,9o0,000 (Funds 000, Sto,000,000 I ' • NI = = ! 1101,103 106 92 93 94 95 98 97 98 199a Financial Year in Review 3 1996 Financial Year In Review 4 Property Taxes Sales Tax (in 000s) (in 000s) $18,000 • This is the first year that cash $18000 $14,000 collections match accrual $12,000 �� records. $14,000 NIA" ' „ • We had a one month'hit'in $12,000 , $10,000 1998. Usually December II .I 1 1 ' 1 1 revenue is recognized In $ 10,000 ■ ■ : : ; $8,000 11111111 January.dIn h thus 58000 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $8,000 created 13 months of revenue; , ' , „ , ': In 1998 we had only 11 months 58.000 ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , $4,000 I 1 1 ' , II I of revenue. 54,000 $2.0000 I , , , 1 1 , ' • estimate wasaloo h ofh eac io was $2,000 ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , based on an estimated AV that $0 , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I. I 01' 4? 4M 44 44 c'bek pi" was higher than actual. The 92 93 94 95 96 97 98!Mgt 98 Act 4e0 41, rate was set at$3.55. 1998 Financial Year In Review 6 1998 Financial Yaws In Review 6 `ae. Sales Tax Highlights Sales Tax by Source • Sales tax collections were$1.3 million above 1997. $16,000,000 • There is one negative--Manufacturing. $14,000,000 • "Miscellaneous"includes financial and real estate •Misc S12,000,000 Category. - ■Senlces $10,000,000 ■Auto • Where did the taxes come from? - Construction $444,000 24•/. $8,000,000 — El Retail . . ■ . 0 Wholesale - Wholesale $101,000 6% $6,000,000 — y 6";. _ ■Transportation - Retail $325,000 10% $4,000,000 _ t-^ — 0 Manufacturing - Autos $450,000 16% $2,000,000 1 '^ 1. 0 Construction - Services $242,000 14% tr. 3 . - Miscellaneous $102,000 33% $0 , - Manufacturing ($335,000) 43% 92 93 94 95 98 97 98 1998 Financial Year in Review 7 1998 Financial Year in Review 8 Sales Tax by Source: 1998 Building Revenues Misc Services 3% Construction $1,800,000 14% 17% • Building Permit revenues illustrate the strength of the St,600,000 economy. ,, Manufacturing $1,400,000 ------ Transportaton • Plan Check Fees decreased $1 200,000 I uBldg 1111 I I slightly from 1997. � I a% • The number of permits: $1,006000 '408.1,r a - 267 Single Family Homes 0800,000 Auto _� 1�. I I I Wholesale - 88 Multi Family Units nom nu 23% � x "" 12% - 6 New Store Permits $600,000 I 1 1�� ,x.. - 388 Alterations Permits $400,000 Retail ___. 92 93 94 96 96 97 98 1998 Financial Year in Review 9 1998 Financial Year in Review 10 Utility Taxes Gambling Taxes Phone collections are $2,500,000 $8,000,000 lower this year due to rebates; ❑Cardrooms S7.000,800 $2,000,000 se,000,000 • I c phone collections continue to be higher ■Bingo . . z111 .111:1 than estimates: ■Pulltabs $5,000,000 Cable collections are $1,500,000 54,000,000 ' •..• •s.e•. 1 lower than last year. $3,000,000 L.111r....• .. 1 $1,000,000 1 . . . . . . 1 :CRRAN8FER STATION .tx1o,000$2 1 . . . . . . 1 ci1UTURALGAS S500,000 $1.000,Oso 1'■'.I■'. .I. 1 UCELLPHONE ■PHONE " SO 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 °ELECTR,C 1996 1997 98 ACT 1998 Flnendal Year In Review 11 1998 Financial Year In Review 12 Infraction Revenues Other Court Revenue $800,000 $300,000 5700,000 m.o. ■Criminal • The number of 1998 • Collection of Probation citations written are,at Assessments earned $zs0,o0o ssoo,o00 over$142,300. This is OCoun Cosb ®Criminal least,the same number $500,000 , v;�.w Traffic 3200,000 as 1997. a service we"took over" I �e� �4� 1 ©DWI from King County. $400,000 • We are working with the $150,000 • ■A�brn.nc 5300,000 ' ,�,®,"®' ❑parking Court to understand • Public Defense Recoup sz0o,0o0 ' , , , „ these revenues more payments are higher s1oo,000 _ DPublic fen $100t000 ' • , , „ •Traffic fully. than any time in _ U RReecoup $o ' , , , , I Renton's history. $50,000 — 0 0. 41 64 0.9. so 00 P 96 96 97 ea gub d 1998 Financial Yen M Review 13 1998 Financial Year m Review 14 ELECTRONIC HOME DETENTION City of Renton Investment Interest Revenue Comparison-Year to Date REVENUE ALL FUNDS I00 fzoo,000.00 For Year Ending December 31,1998 • Total EHD days in 1998 "n"'"" 3" —�6 of People -sleo,000.90 Y $7,000 -�-199e Actual -4-$ $160.000.00 =11,556. -19see9aget 300 1997=10,807 $6,000 - .-1ee7 Actual —6110,000.00 • 250 -8120,000 00 • Avg Daily# =31.7 a$5,000 • CO was: '457511110" 200 5100,000.00 people a$4,000 • (1jLarge a Increase In 150 -seo,00s oo • Avg Length of stay= 'x$3,000 - Investment —s60,00000 29.8 days. s interest in Nov and Dec 1997 " ,00 • $40,000 00 • Shortest day use=2 $�oo0 due to salad so f1,000 - - Mutual Furls by -szo,00000 days the Fir emen's • 1 1 1 1 1 $000 • Longest day use=343 50 Pension Fund 1993 1994 1995 1998 1997 1998 days Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OctNov Dec 1996 Financial Year N Review 15 1998 Financial Year in Review 16 City of Renton City of Renton Average Interest Rate Comparison portfolio Composition For Year Ending December 31,1998 ForYear GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For Year Ending December 31,1998 Six-Month Average 5.60% Rate 2) Treasury Certificates nt.r..l R. 5.40% 5% of Deposit 0.20% 5.20% 0.15% ,->. ✓ "` 7% Role: (1)SIP/MIA.State 0.00%- ,aQ Investment Pool and Municipal investors Account 4.50% A 75% (2)City!twee bn•nte are In longer-term',dually. /.60% backed investments with higher ytotos then put six- IA0% month averages In most cases. 4.20% . . T-ea Fad Funds SIP/MIA(II CRY of Renton Avg 1990 Financial Yen M Review 17 1996 Financial Year In Review 18 rave I yeve e • City of Renton General Government Expenditures Ponfoto Composition Cash Basis PROPRIETARY FUNDS 120% For Year Ending December 31,1998 Percent of Budget Certificates lsosb n rn ' 1T1 rrn of Deposit Bg% 11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII I I 8% 40% 111111111111111111111 q� -- .- 2I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0% 11111.111111111111111I of 9 e ,seVe?ce cf" li 199E Financial Year In Review 19 199E Financial Year In Review 20 GG Summary Enterprise Funds 1/1/99 Fund Balance $ 6.984,337 New Revenues 51,208,460 • These are the city divisions that operate like a business. Expenditures (52,578,733) —Water/Solid Waste/Sewer/SF Utilities `',•arrr CarryForwards (862.620) —Golf Course —Equipment Rental 8%Operating Reserve $ (4.206,3001 —Airport Available FB $545,144 a Committed during budget process;and legal carry forwards. 199E Financial Year in Review 21 199E Financial Year In Review 23 Water Utilities Fund Summary Utility Fund Highlights F30,000,000 �Revenwe 9E.000.000 =e.c.nmm. Revenues Expenditures /& P szs,000000 '-+-Fe ss,000.000 • Water,Sewer,Storm • Metro expenses were Water,Metro rate higher--as it is a"pass szo.aoo.000 ' ■ I :..090.000 collections are all 1-5 through"from the City to S15,000,000IMI $3,000,000 percent above budget. the County for actual I • I i I W s1oaa0,000 s2,000,000 • This increased the fund use. balance by$650,000. • Overall,budget was ss,000,000 ' • • • , s1.000.000 • Inspection fees increased within 99%of so , • • • ' so fund balance by$45,000. appropriation authority. 96 97 98 a491 98 Act • Interest earnings were Fund Balance ended higher $136,000 above budget. than budget.We will have 9 82.8 as a FB.We need$1.9 to meet all reserve 1998 Financial Year In Review 24 requlremento. 199E Financial Year In Review 26 Golf Course Fund Highlights Revenues Expenditures Golf Course Fund Summary • Green Fees--right at • Spent 98.5%of budget; estimate! moss • Netting,HVAC,Irrigation s3,0o0,000• Driving Range-above were major improvements PM rexve Fund Balance --Fa will increase to budget by$8,282--or completed from the $2,500,000 $472,000. This 2,000 additional buckets! budget in 1998. $2,000,000 ; ■ ■ I will be used for capital • Room Rentals 16°/,above $,soo.000 I ■ ■ , improvements. budget. $1.000.000 • This helped to offset the ' ■ Ill , lower than original budget $500,000 , , for food services,which soMI was 4%below budget. 97 98Ba91 98 Act 1998 Financial Year in Review 26 1998 Financial Year in Review 27 Equipment Rental Fund Highlights Equipment Rental Revenues Fund Summary Expenditures • We actually charged • $600,000+worth of 54.000,000 Fund Balance is departments the true cost vehicles were purchased s3,500,000 rilliMr0eve $2.5 million. This Eapa ensures we are of depreciation, from this fund. $3,000,000 : 1. a �= now'fully funded' • This resulted in higher • In addition,orders for over w in the Equipment 'Nino revenue than budget. $2.800,000 . . -� Rental Fund as $300,000 in vehicles were s2,000,000 long as we maintain • Sale of fixed assets placed for delivery in , . ' , the planned gained$25,000 more than 1999. Thisguarantees $1,500.009 , E. ri , expenditure pattern budget. the best price. s1,0oo,000 , . , and the planned • Interest earnings were • Only 93.5%of actual $500,600III revenue for Ill IIdepreciation. higher than budget. budget was spent. so 97 98 ed9t 98 Act 1998 Financial Year he Review 28 1998 Financial Year In Review 29 Airport Fund Highlights Revenues Expenditures Airport Fund Summary • Airport Leases earned • Most significant problem $278,000 more than at airport is getting capital S3.000.000.00 forecasted. This results projects completed due to IN from having all leases on external forces. s2,690.000.90 Rev the same terms. • Total spent was 53.1%of $2.000,000.00 all . p 9 Fund Balance • Investment interest was total budget. "~FB is reserved for $78,000 higher than $l.soo.000.0o capital 9 Operating portion of budgeted. budget was at 75%of $1,000,000.00 improvements. • Overall,revenue to the budget. $000.0o0.00 fund was$365,000 above budget for a total of$1 so.00 million dollars. 97 98 Baal 98 Act 1998 neaedal Yew In Review 30 1998 Financial Year In Review 31 +.r wr Capital Funds Capital Fund Facts • Capital Funds are the most difficult to budget due to • The Big Four external issues in completing projects. -"General" Fund 316 • We tried,for the 1999 budget,to estimate 98 EOY expenditures. This is going to take further -Transportation Fund refinement. -Building Fund 301 • Capital Funds will make up the largest segment of -Utilities the Carry forward Ordinance. • Revenues are comprised of fund balances,REET, rate revenue,grants,business license fees. • Hotel/Motel revenue has been placed under this section for presentation purposes. 1995 Financial Year in Review 32 1998 Financial Year In Review 33 Hotel Motel Tax Collections 1998 Monthly Collections Real Estate Excise Tax • Collections began in $14,000 (REET) March,1998. $12,000• Three new hotels s1o,000 -__111 opened in the fall. sa,000 1M11111A **or • There are still se,000 rrn 1111 i r. « i�ll.� accounting/reporting s4,000 111111111 issues to be resolved $2,0o0 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 with DOR. so 111111111 Total 1998 Collections=$88,802 1998 Financial Year in Review 34 1998 Financial Yea,in Review I5 Housing Units Commercial Sites Sold • In 1997 820 homes sold. 1200 $180,000 • In 1998 990 homes sold—aMI • In addition to the amazing number of homes sold, 20.7%increase! $175,o00 l000 Renton also saw significant commercial site sales in • 1997 Avg Price=$152,304 I $170.000 1998. • 1998 Avg Price=$175,319 800 , pm • f165,000 • Examples: • In 1998 25 homes sold with Boo $1e0,000 — 101 SW Grady--$3.7 million a price of 5400,000 or 400 Iri Iligreater. $155,000 — Renton Hills Apartments—$2.3 million • Not including the$400,000 ■ mil 000$150, — 1616 N.E.30th St—$1 million plus homes,the average INN Homes j — East Valley Office Center-$29 million price of a Renton home was 200 .,A .P ce` $145,000 $165,933--an 8.9% 0 w i 8140000 This generates one-time revenue. increase from 1997. 1997 1998 1993 Financial Yaw M Rom* 35 19911 Financial Vent 4,Rav4w 37 r Nisor Nome General Capital Highlights REET Collections Revenues Expenditures • REET-collections are higher • Cedar River Park Payment of REST is a than estimate. improvements completed. 52.500,000 one-time cost of a P P property sale.Clearly, • Did not receive as much as • Holms Bldg demolished. $2,000,000 - 11CIP 1998 was an we had planned from sale of • Over 100 new computers f■�roo extraordinary year.This P $+.soo.000 revenue is allocated to the downtown property. installed and a Police the ClP and LTGO debt. • Interest earnings were Records System. This level of REET s+.o0o,000 collection was assumed $100,000 above budget. • Large expenditures"carry by the time the 1999 • Due to the fact one of our forward'ordinance will $500.000 budget was prepared and has been budgeted larger sales tax payers had include: the Ramp,Piazza Into 1999capital outstanding audit issues,we and Pavilion expenditures so • projects. were short$200,000 in sales and completion of the Main 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 98 P BOOT ACT taxes. and Grady Building. 1998 Financial Yea:In Review 38 1998 Financial Year in Review 39 General Capital Transportation Fund Fund Summary Highlights Business License Information s1o.soo,°°° Revenues $9,000,000 This graph illustrate that -sR... Renton is not actually Beside Grants,the most $3,000,000 50000 ss,000.osa .Ea spend'' everything that Is significant revenue here is 57,000,00o IIIII• °q g ry g g S2,5oo,000 45000 Em, FB appropriated annually. Business License Fees. —40000 se,000.00ar=11. firrli It also illustrates that Renton This graph illustrates that S2,00o,000 • -35000 $5,000,000 I ra ,j ,- expects to use most of the growth. Renton also , ' —30000 $4,000,00o 51,500,000 ' ,I �- fund balance from 1996 for collected$46,000 in Vehicle Ems 25000 $3.0oo,000 III 1999 projects. License Fees. St.000,000 —20000 ' i f� �� N of —15000 I , $2,000.000 Ex ditures 51,000,00o I, t pen Warm Ems 10000 ? • Oaksdale completed to new5000 S0 -' Boeing Headquarters. So I'I, _I 4 0 97 98 Bd91 98 Act 99 Bd91 • Walkway Program started. 95 96 97 98 98 Bd9tAct 1998 Financial Year in Review 40 1998 Financial Year in Review 41 Insurance Fund Summary Final Comments • We ended the year well. Ended the L12E Revenues Expenditures • But,we had expected to end the year well because we Year with have already allocated fund balance into 1999 and 2000. positive Liability $1,385,085 $1,311,640 balance of • How long will it last? That is the real question. 5519x. Healthcare 2,578,660 2,167,565 • We added 12 staff to the 1999 budget for police,fire, Dental 684,030 562,125 building and street divisions to meet growing demands. Industrial Ins 444,360 356,620 • We want to make certain our ongoing revenues can sustain our ongoing expenditures. Unemployment 64,650 74,000 • We have a policy that one time revenues from growth Miscellaneous z00.555 192.330 should be used for one time expenditures. • Our recommendations for the balance will adhere to this Total $5,350,340 $4,831,050 policy. 1998 Financial Year In Review 44 1998 Financial Year In Review 46 `,,otttllltsuoI w... N.. o •t C .4 cD v d c. c a) c c 0 i r; _ acp -, o. )7'ti IsN. v a. Z g 0aCO o .� o _ .+ ci su ao 0 sy o I `, 3 -, 3 cn y = r O O 2. Cp ,.. 3 '.9 ' 'e .... ',:e% N pa " 90 • f� p W 0. --ft 2 8 toil a 3. 41 -., O O .-) - < (ra Y.t.i `< c co 0 -0 t +oCD g g a = min ... < ° 0 c =• C °� a x 0...., =. h " 0 CD 0 0 a° = CO � O. , n � � r5 o CD O so m ..0 .< = ?`- -, m 03co a)(0 co . � Cc 0. 0 ` am Q `') r .....E 0 i 20. = 0 T3 5 (1) la ..., 01 01 Eh" �Hpp N ° -_ pp' O co —n \ N Ll 0 w ^I m 7" ..9 O 0 I \ lfl i \ C a m 5 N N r- 3 CD PT; 0 ng� R. m N•.< 0-., n 0� 3 m tv 0 0. ? CC0 CD 5 O om30wm-`d vmf_so *_ _ On Z r.a w —c) 5.v,°io=m.m�c3oa, = =a-`< can = my0 O ' 0,2 (i0 cDrr_. 3 —7 7cnU n aNa70 0 -. 030 3o. m R.,L O N C C 0 (D<V C o 3 m a < O_-a 9] a gam 37 m it m ai 0 C ?c0 C,(D N (D O 0 0 0 0F.ppom fD fa (0 0 7 0"% CJ m s: w ct,(D0A0—go- p0tn _y 700y(p000 N -4. ' .a .: N N• O(D 0 cD(D x o —0 0 (0D Zn'3O am Zca(D m 0 .... It io = a'c r-0—rn 3 0 0 0 o D3 0 vo D-33c Z , o c0 Z < Z t� ai m *^ m (° 0 sa (�g�o vi'n s 3 m v -Q. c mg' 0 o-o n�rnncp Sn0 . C)cD • • . mooa_ o � E. f n0 C°D CD fD D, (�DO.(c.j.,°DC N"0 0 A 0° Fc m 0DaO 2 m w O Wm m » p N G0 to 7 -C 7 'o.C >. nN E.�4,...i:C 0N .-. . 0 t0O - y ^O W Al o (A (D (D9 Q1 CaOfN3 41 7 (N ```1�111111U111!/////, CA ..� r- -4 n) Z a C.- Cr) L. 0 -o = 0) n CD �.� c4, W •'•C••.,O it cn m = 3 3 N v v :: m 0 o: . - 0' O a -, cr0- ° N N i . �f•: `� cnO . ncn = aO = cD n) , �') 0? • �� o w - `. cD v N . z •-0 ., -0 cD '���11!ll l lllll\1"\ \ / coo m a � 'o cso o = c vi_. vt, o N,, 4. 0 ._ °o °o fD CD cD 0 v3 h a =• sv m �, 3x = a 3 5 cn oZ _O ccDD \ a = -* O 0 cv z �, D) 00 cn C • _ x = C t N rn' a ? mo o ° 3 ° 0 d_ c CD 3' 0. S0 co ID n ` to n N = ? O n N N 0- 0 a . cD = v CT fD O n to (D D `� �' CO CO • ' C"' W C C 0 -� � � k a' 1111111 3= �-y st l uj O (0 \ 0 aO CD -I a, =' � O cD L \r c fr 'C = S. ? 3 (n a)a = p. 7 ° SD n CO � oo =0 _ 7 CD - cn = w = c om CD CD CD r O7 -. 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DW0.N6/ n -W7Ordc) 2t� N ?per -30Ow �7700 -..- o2_�•V, - 0 s c•3i Er-,- O o 7 '-w'9 c-c < = Z(0 .7.o= Z c0 N.a cw0 0 = Z t0 •� n c = = Z 7 0 =m Q m 3 = Z co= y Z 0 c2�- NC Dw^ D s D m = Dw a, , o = Dc0 wm _ = m cn-0 o °°-, = 3•as Z =co v o Z �x-,,,w�o Z I� o w zo.0, Z °' _ °� m n, a�Zm�c t7Z0 NN:. -g—o—c?= �w=co -n n = 0 o- 5-= 0 = ?oo-5 �n co oo'a- = _ CD c3 -D w co 7 -'m St-co 5m = v... >'m C) otc -m to �- a, Cl= 5m 3 _z 37 us wg = c°'rnc o _ a S' C� n ' m C) o m (�O H vn o L0 03 CU co awc nO n< Orn-I t). = r-oma o-- �2o - a "0.0om j, <_ oomtn -'A 5= Omc � Q a• -•o2DO 0 .� - 0 Ca A, 6,1 c CI m=`< V O w co "--.I C00 N 7`�"''j = tom/,' 7 n •'.1 61.a y a,`C `G Z Z - 7 �, -' ". a-- ...a 0- 00U &I-c0 y,. N=g»D�p V pp30 = OD.n..ag (")OC�O. p 0- .O S R,e,0_'• 7 Q w tc cD a C) 7 N .n.. p Q,=-.D _ = 3 ?�+ y cD v d a 37 !tfiW IIHf c _*c fD CO3fD rn .w C = • C) Np' �m � �• v = o s� ao _0N pW 7 O �.7 3 =N = 0 =ton^ - „ . n < December 14, 1998 i,.,. Renton City Council Minutes""" Page 4I3 ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL; ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4761 An ordinance was read providing for the 1998 year-end budget adjustments in Budget: 1998, Year-End the total amount of$7,677,000, and establishing the Waterworks Revenue Adjustments Parity Bond Fund. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL; ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN,AUTHORIZE THE Executive: Property Purchase ADMINISTRATION TO PURCHASE A 26,442 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL from Puget Western for City FROM PUGET WESTERN, INC. AT A COST OF$374,877.52 FOR THE Hall Ramp, AC- PURPOSE OF BUILDING A RAMP ADJACENT TO CITY HALL TO IMPROVE PUBLIC ACCESS. CARRIED. The parcel is located between Main Ave. S. and Grady Way. Council: 12/21/98 and Council President Edwards announced that the regularly scheduled Council 12/28/98 Meeting meetings of December 21 and December 28, 1998, and the Committee of the Cancellation Whole meeting on January 4, 1999,have been cancelled. Council: 1999 Council MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL OPEN President and Council NOMINATIONS FOR 1999 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL President Pro tern PRESIDENT PRO TEM. CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL NOMINATE COUNCILMAN KINGSLEY PARKER AS 1999 COUNCIL PRESIDENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS,COUNCIL NOMINATE COUNCILMAN RANDY CORMAN AS 1999 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 40 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION. Time: 8:28 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 p.m.;roll was called;all Councilmembers were present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:11 p.m. MARIL T RSEN, CMC,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann December 14, 1998 December 7, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes ,, . Page 403 Resolution #3365 A resolution was read declaring property surplus, located on the northwest EDNSP: Surplus Property, 339 corner of S.4th St. and Burnett Ave. S., and authorizing the Mayor and City Burnett Ave S Clerk to enter into agreements to sell such property at its fair market value. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of December 14, 1998 for second and final reading: Annexation: East Renton An ordinance was read annexing approximately 193 acres, including properties Plateau,A-98-001 located north and south of SE 128th St. from the Renton city limits to 152nd Ave. SE(if extended),to the City of Renton(East Renton Plateau annexation; A-98-001). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/98. CARRIED. Budget: 1998,Year-End An ordinance was read providing for the 1998 year-end budget adjustments in Adjustments the total amount of$7,677,000,and establishing the Waterworks Revenue Parity Bond Fund. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/98. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Budget: 1999,Property Tax An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for 1999 for both Levy general purposes and for voter-approved bond issues. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE.THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING.* Responding to Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler,Finance&Information Services Administrator Victoria Runkle confirmed that the recommended property tax levy revenues will provide sufficient funds for Council to allocate nearly$540,000 for specific items to be included in next year's budget. *MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4754 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Budget: 1999,Property Tax MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT Levy THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Schlitzer requested that the budget—including the prior year's comparison—be provided to Council earlier next year. He explained that allowing an extra month for purposes of evaluation and deliberation would help ease the burden on staff to respond to questions from Councilmembers. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance#4755 An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the amount ud t: 1998, Oakesdale Ave of$1,712,000 to accommodate planned expenditures for the Oakesdale Ave. S Project Expenditure SW project-Phase I. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. December 7, 1998 N,, Renton City Council Minutes *.ise Page 402 OLD BUSINESS Council President Edwards presented a report regarding City Council Committee on Committees compensation. The Committee on Committees reviewed the topic of increasing Council: Council the monthly compensation for City Councilmembers, and found that: Compensation 1. Council compensation was last reviewed in 1991; 2. Renton's population has increased steadily during the years since City Council compensation was last reviewed; 3. The City Council continues to address local and regional issues of increasing complexity; and 4. A recommended increase should consider 1) the annual cost of living increases for Renton city employees,2)the Consumer Price Index of the Seattle area,and 3)the compensation of other city councils in the region. It was understood that Councilmembers,under state law, cannot vote in their own salary increase for their current term of office. Therefore,the Committee recommended that the City Council approve an increase in the City Council salary to$950 per month,beginning January 1, 2000. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Budget: 1998,Year-End an ordinance authorizing adjustments in the amount of$7,677,000 to the 1998 Adjustments Budget to cover unanticipated or prior-approved costs. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 403 for ordinance.) HR&RM: Broker Service Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Agreement Cancellations; in the staff recommendation to cancel services of broker agreements with Washington Cities Insurance Arthur J. Gallagher&Co. -Denver and Giesy,Greer&Gunn, Inc. for 1999. In Authority Membership addition,the Finance Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to become a member of the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA)beginning January 1, 1999. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers 164659 - 164674& 165321 - 165772 and one wire transfer in the total amount of$2,755,838.97;and approval of Payroll Vouchers 163445 - 163698 and 518 direct deposits in the total amount of$1,268,579.16. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMI nEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Payroll Vouchers 163699- 163937 and 521 direct deposits in the total amount of$1,284,248.80. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMI FI hE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3364 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Regional Issues:Potential interlocal agreement between the cities of Renton and Kent relating to potential Annexation Area Boundaries, annexation area designations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Agreement with Kent SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE Date / COMMITTEE REPORT December 7, 1998 APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE 1998 YEAR-END ADJUSTMENTS TO BUDGET. (Referred November 23, 1998) The Finance Committee recommends adoption of ordinance that authorizes adjustments to the 1998 budget to cover unanticipated or prior approved costs. King Parker, Chair • c:e ; W )ke Kathy olker-Wheeler, Vice Chair Toni Nelson, Member cc: Victoria Runkle, Finance&Information Services Administrator Paul Kusakabe, Fiscal Services Director \\FN_SERVER\sYS2\SHARED\FINANCE\ADMINSUP\1_CommitteReports\98YearEndAdjustments.doc r CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4761 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR THE 1998 YEAR END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND ESTABLISHING THE WATERWORKS REVENUE PARITY BOND FUND. SECTION I. The following funds are hereby amended as follows: 1998 1998 Fund Adjusted Budget Amended No. Fund Description Budget Adjustment Budget 000 General Fund 38,837,537 460,000 39,297,537 215 LTGO Debt 789,270 251,000 1,040,270 302 Open Space Construction Fund 507,015 110,000 617,015 401 Waterworks Utility 21,808,715 2,803,000 24,611,715 402 Airport Fund 2,220,880 130,000 2,350,880 403 Solid Waste Utility 7,205,987 700,000 7,905,987 404 Golf Course Fund 2,271,445 100,000 2,371,445 451 Waterworks Parity Bond Fund 0 3,123,000 3,123,000 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS 7,677,000 TOTAL UNANTICIPATED REVENUE, 7,677,000 TRANSFER OF FUNDS, AND FUND BALANCE SECTION H. The monies for the budget adjustments shown in Section I are derived from the following sources: Fund Budget No. Detail Adjustment Source 000 Unanticipated retirement payout to employees and State $350,000 Fund Balance Retirement System. 000 Land Purchase, Black River LID Segregation, Lot 4 80,000 Fund Balance 000 Limited Term Inspector and Land Use Comp Officer(3 30,000 Fund Balance months for 1998) 215 Transfer to Fund 317 — Sidewalks 251,000 Fund Balance 302 Completion of Authorized Construction Projects (this 110,000 Fund Balance& action will allow closure of Fund 302) Unanticipated Revenues 1 fir+ ORDINANCE NO.: 4761 (Continued) Fund Budget No. Detail Adjustment Source 401 Transfer of Existing Reserves to Newly Established 3,028,000 Reserved Fund Fund 451 Balance 401 Reduction of Debt Service Cost for 1998 Resulting (225,000) from Refunding. 402 Control Tower HVAC ($60,000); and Runway 15 130,000 Fund Balance Safety Area Improvement ($70,000) 403 Pass Through to Contractor for Unanticipated Increase 700,000 Billed Revenue in Volume. 404 Capital Improvements and Increased Operating Cost 100,000 Additional Based on Volume. Course Fees 451 Debt Service Payments for all Waterworks Revenue 3,123,000 Transfer from Bonds 401 SECTION III. City of Renton Ordinance No. 4709 passed March 9, 1998, establishes the Waterworks Revenue Parity Bond Fund. The fund in designated as Fund 451. The purpose of the fund is to pay the principal and interest of all Revenue Parity Bonds and to identify the Reserve Fund Balance required by the bond ordinance. The appropriation in this ordinance establishes the authority to meet 1998 Waterworks Revenue Parity Bond debt service requirements. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of December , 1998. Marilyn J. ter , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of December , 1998. Jes anner, Mayor 2 ORDINANCE NO.: 4761 r..► Approved as to form: OecimpttiMe5Parte-t..--1 Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/18/98 (Summary) ORD.75 0:12/02/98:as. 3 raw CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 5 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR 1998 BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO ACCOMMODATE PLANNED EXPENDITURES FOR THE OAKESDALE AVENUE, S.W. PROJECT—PHASE I. WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable to amend the 1998 Budget to accommodate planned expenditures for the Oakesdale Avenue, S.W. Project—Phase I; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to appropriate revenue received in 1998 from The Boeing Company per an agreement between the City of Renton and The Boeing Company in which Boeing contributed and the City agreed to spend transportation mitigation monies in the amount of$1,712,000; and WHEREAS, the total transportation budget for this project is $8,645,421; NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Renton, Washington, do ordain as follows: SECTION I. An adjustment of $1,712,000 is hereby made to the Oakesdale Phase I Fund, Fund Number 105.000022, for transportation improvements to Oakesdale Avenue, S.W. as follows: 1998 Budget Adjustments 1998 Adopted Budget Per this Ordinance Adjusted Budget $6,933,421 $1,712,000 $8,645,421 SECTION H. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 7th day of December , 1998. Marilyn J. et en, City Clerk 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 5 5 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 7th day of December , 1998. Jes anner, Mayor o*R4,,,.„0_,,,,....p)roved as to f. $f • Lawrence J. War City Attorney ' Date of Publication: 12/11/9 8 ORD.745:10/26/98:as. 2 November 23, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes , , Page 389 improvements to Oakesdale Ave. SW from SW 16th Street to SW 27th Street. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) Planning&Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee recommending that Council authorize the Administration to execute the Regional Issues: Kent proposed agreement with the City of Kent relating to potential annexation area Potential Annexation Area designations. The Committee further recommended that the Administration be Boundaries Agreement authorized to annex approximately 31.6 acres between SR-167 on the west and 92nd Ave. S.on the east, and between S. 200th St. on the south and S. 55th St. on the north,when the City of Kent de-annexes it,pursuant to the agreement. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of Logan Ave. S. Resolution#3363 between S.2nd St. and S. 3rd St. for reconstruction. MOVED BY Streets: Logan Ave S SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Temporary Closure RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the meeting of December 7, 1998 for second and final reading: Budget: 1998 Amendment for An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the total Oakesdale Ave SW Project amount of$1,712,000 to accommodate planned expenditures for the Oakesdale Ave. SW project,Phase 1. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/07/98. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance#4752 An ordinance was read amending Title V(Finance and Business Regulations) Police: Peddler's License of City Code by adding Chapter 20, Peddler's License. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4753 An ordinance was read amending subsection 6-10-1.K of Chapter 10,Criminal Police: State Firearms & Code, of Title VI(Police Regulations)of City Code relating to the adoption by Dangerous Weapons Crimes reference of State firearms/dangerous weapons crimes. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Edwards noted that it has been seven years since the last Council: Councilmember compensation increase for City Councilmembers. MOVED BY EDWARDS, Compensation SECONDED BY PAPRKER,COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner commented that the Administration wholeheartedly supports an increase in Councilmember compensation. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 20 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 8:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:50 p.m.;roll was called; all CounciImembers present. November 23, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes .,./' Page 388 survey)indicate that Renton residents obtain information about the City from the Renton Reporter. The Renton Reporter's proposal guarantees free delivery of the newspaper which carries CitySource to every household within the Renton city limits, using the current circulation number of 27,100. CitySource will run as a two- page advertisement,normally falling in the center section. Total cost for the two pages will be$2,700 per month. This cost includes 27,100 copies mailed to residents,two additional colors and 500 copies of the newspaper for City employees. This rate will be honored for 1999 and 2000,with adjustments limited only to unforeseen postal-rate or newsprint increases. These adjustments will be limited to the actual cost increases,with newsprint calculated to the actual amount used by CitySource. Charges for added circulation(for example, annexations)will be limited to the actual cost of printing and postage. At current costs,added circulation will amount to$210 per 1,000 additional copies printed and mailed. The Community Services Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a two-year contract with the Renton Reporter to print and distribute CitySource. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMI 1"1'bE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: City Hall Ramp Design, Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Calvin Jordan, CAG-97-055 recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a supplemental agreement to CAG-97-055,contract with Calvin Jordan Associates,Inc., to add the City Hall ramp design to the current scope of work. The cost of this design agreement($191,757) is already included in the total cost of the ramp budget of$2,512,000.00. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMI t"1'hE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending that Fire: Ambulance Company the Administration be authorized to enter into service agreements with local Service Agreements ambulance companies. The Renton Fire Depai tuient has had verbal agreements with local ambulance companies in effect for many years. In the last few years, the number of ambulance companies asking to be put on rotation has increased. In order for the Fire Department to outline the level of appropriate care that is expected for our citizens, to set appropriate standards for companies responding in Renton, and to ensure that we have leverage in the event that a company does not meet our standards, it has become necessary to put the agreements in written form. The agreement details the response time requirements,dress code of ambulance employees, standards of service, equipment, staffing, insurance requirements and liability for each company. The purpose of the agreement is to provide an equal opportunity for the private ambulance companies to be placed on the rotation. It also gives the Fire Chief the ability to remove companies from rotation due to non-compliance with the agreement. Each company must sign and abide by the terms of the agreement in order to be placed on a dispatched rotation to provide basic life support transport for the • citizens of Renton. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of udget: 1998 Adjustment for an appropriation of$1,712,000 of mitigation revenue received in 1998 from Oakesdale Ave SW Project The Boeing Company per the agreement adopted on November 26, 1997,for November 23, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes .,.r Page 389 improvements to Oakesdale Ave. SW from SW 16th Street to SW 27th Street. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) Planning& Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee recommending that Council authorize the Administration to execute the Regional Issues: Kent proposed agreement with the City of Kent relating to potential annexation area Potential Annexation Area designations. The Committee further recommended that the Administration be Boundaries Agreement authorized to annex approximately 31.6 acres between SR-167 on the west and 92nd Ave. S.on the east,and between S. 200th St. on the south and S. 55th St. on the north,when the City of Kent de-annexes it,pursuant to the agreement. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of Logan Ave. S. Resolution#3363 between S.2nd St. and S. 3rd St. for reconstruction. MOVED BY Streets: Logan Ave S SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Temporary Closure RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the meeting of December 7, 1998 for second and final reading: Budget: 1998 Amendment for An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the total Oakesdale Ave SW Project amount of$1,712,000 to accommodate planned expenditures for the Oakesdale Ave. SW project,Phase 1. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/07/98. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance#4752 An ordinance was read amending Title V(Finance and Business Regulations) Police: Peddler's License of City Code by adding Chapter 20, Peddler's License. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4753 An ordinance was read amending subsection 6-10-1.K of Chapter 10, Criminal Police: State Firearms & Code, of Title VI(Police Regulations)of City Code relating to the adoption by Dangerous Weapons Crimes reference of State firearms/dangerous weapons crimes. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Edwards noted that it has been seven years since the last Council: Councilmember compensation increase for City Councilmembers. MOVED BY EDWARDS, Compensation SECONDED BY PAPRKER,COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner commented that the Administration wholeheartedly supports an increase in Councilmember compensation. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 20 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 8:30 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:50 p.m.;roll was called; all Councilmembers present. �, APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date /f-a - 9 g FINANCE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER 23, 1998 PROJECT: Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Phase I (11/16/98) The Finance Committee reccommends the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to adopt an ordinance to appropriate $1,712,000 of mitigation revenue received • in 1998 from The Boeing Company per the agreement adopted on November 26, 1997, for improvements to Oakesdale Avenue, from S.W. 16th Street to S.W. 27th Street. King P rker, Chair .,,./ /% .- t3 I Kathy Kee 'er-Wheeler, Vice-Chair <4:2--Au.--- ‘-"77d-ea-dP—x-c--J Toni Nelson, Member c: Connie Brundage Lee Haro Rich Richmire H:Trans/Connie/Commrepo/oakes2 November 23, 1998 Nor' Renton City Council Minutes , Page 387 Renton, 98059,Deborah Lea Hansen, 807 S. 32nd St.,Renton, 98055, and Doug Kyes, 3924 NE l lth Pl., Renton, 98059. Council concur. EDNSP: Declaration of Economic Development,Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning Department Surplus Property(339 Burnett recommended that a public hearing be set for December 7, 1998 to take Ave S) testimony on a proposal to declare City-owned property at 339 Burnett Ave. S. as surplus. Council concur. Annexation: East Renton Economic Development,Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning Department Plateau recommended a public hearing be set for December 7, 1998,on the 60% Petition to Annex 193 acres adjacent to the existing City limits on the East Renton plateau. Council concur. 6Budg_ e t: 1998 Final Finance&Information Services Department recommended approval of final Amendments 1998 Budget amendments in the total amount of$7,567,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Streets: Logan Ave S Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to temporarily close Temporary Closure (S 2nd to S Logan Ave. S.between S.2nd and 3rd Streets for approximately three months 3rd) beginning December 1, 1998, for road reconstruction. Council concur. (See agenda item 10. for resolution.) MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 7.d. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Finance& Information Services Department submitted proposed ordinance Item 7.d. approving the property tax levy for general governmental funds and voter- Finance: 1999 Property Tax approved bond issues. Ordinance Council President Edwards suggested that this item be considered in conjunction with all the other 1999-2000 budget items now before the Committee of the Whole. Emphasizing that he knew of no dissension with the Administration's property tax proposal, he nevertheless felt that,as this matter involves the budget, it should be included in that process. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL REFER THIS ITEM TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Craig Larsen,Director,King County King County: Elimination of Department of Parks&Recreation, announcing the proposal to eliminate King Park Patrol Operations County park patrol operations effective January 1, 1999. Finance: Pull Tab Tax A petition with 30 signatures of Renton-area pull-tab operators was read, (Petition) requesting that the City reduce its pull tab receipts tax from 5%of gross receipts to 7%of net receipts. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE PETITION TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Community Services proposed contract with the Renton Reporter to print and distribute CitySource. Committee CitySource,our monthly external newsletter, was established to enhance Executive: Contract with communication between City government and the Renton business and Renton Reporter for residential community. The basic goal is to inform Renton residents of current CitySource issues, upcoming events and important information about the City. The City requested proposals to print and distribute CitySource. A proposal was received from the Renton Reporter. Since 1995,the City has used the Renton Reporter for advertising timely information to our residents in a cost- effective manner. Two recent surveys(the pool survey and cable channel 28 ;ITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA E ... AI#: 'i.e. . SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF: 1(_ 02 3- I Dept/Div/Board Finance&Information Services Dept Staff Contact Paul Kusakabe, Fiscal Services Director AGENDA STATUS: Victoria Runkle,Administrator Consent SUBJECT: Public Hearing 1998 Budget Amendments Correspondence (The annual "clean up"Ordinance) Ordinance X Resolution Old Business New Business EXHIBITS: Study Session 1. Ordinance Information Other XX Executive • RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approvals Refer to Finance Committee December 7, 1998 Legal Dept X First reading of ordinance the same evening Finance Dept X Second reading on December 14th Other(Executive) X FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required None Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated SUMMARY OF ACTION: This ordinance adjusts the budget for prior approved action and other expenditures to address the costs of operating the City. Offsetting revenues are available to meet the requested expenditures. 1. Non-departmental 000- $ 350,000 Retirement payout to ex-employees and state retirement system 2. Non-departmental 000- $ 80,000 Land purchase, Black River LID lot 4 3. Public Works 000- $ 30,000 Two Limited Term FTE for 3 months—Inspector&Land Use Comp Officer 4. LTGO Debt 215- $ 251,000 Transfer to 317-Sidewalks 5. Water Works Util 401 -$3,028,000 Transfer of Reserve Funds to newly created Utility Debt Fund#451. Purpose is to segregate debt service&reserves from operating fund to provide a true fund balance for the operating fund#401 6. Water Works Util 401 - ($225,000)Reduce the appropriation in#401 to adjust for lower debt service 7. Airport 402 -$ 130,000 Tower HVAC& HNTB contract 8. Solidwaste 403 -$ 700,000 Pass through fees to contractor for increased service volume. 9. Golf Course 404- $ 100,000 Capital Improvements&Supplies for increased volume of activity 10. Water Works Bond 451 -$3,123,000 Debt Service Appropriation for newly created fund#451 (previously in#401) c:\iles\deannaWGNBIL9Scleanup CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR THE 1998 YEAR END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND ESTABLISHING THE WATERWORKS REVENUE PARITY BOND FUND. SECTION I. The following funds are hereby amended as follows: 1998 1998 Fund Adjusted Budget Amended No. Fund Description Budget Adjustment Budget 000 General Fund 38,837,537 460,000 39,297,537 215 LTGO Debt 789,270 251,000 1,040,270 401 Waterworks Utility 21,808,715 2,803,000 24,611,715 402 Airport Fund 2,220,880 130,000 2,350,880. 403 Solid Waste Utility 7,205,987 700,000 7,905,987 404 Golf Course Fund 2,271,445 100,000 2,371,445 451 Waterworks Parity Bond Fund 0 3,123,000 3,123,000 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS 7,567,000 TOTAL UNANTICIPATED REVENUE, 7,567,000 TRANSFER OF FUNDS, AND FUND BALANCE SECTION H. The monies for the budget adjustments shown in Section I are derived from the following sources: Fund Budget No. Detail Adjustment Source 000 Unanticipated retirement payout to employees and State $350,000 Fund Balance Retirement System. 000 Land Purchase, Black River LID Segregation, Lot 4 80,000 Fund Balance 000 Limited Term Inspector and Land Use Comp Officer (3 30,000 Fund Balance months for 1998) 215 Transfer to Fund 317 — Sidewalks 251,000 Fund Balance 401 Transfer of Existing Reserves to Newly Established 3,028,000 Reserved Fund Fund 451 Balance 1 ... ORDINANCE NO. (Continued) Fund Budget No. Detail Adjustment Source 401 Reduction of Debt Service Cost for 1998 Resulting (225,000) from Refunding. 402 Control Tower HVAC ($60,000); and Runway 15 130,000 Fund Balance Safety Area Improvement ($70,000) 403 Pass Through to Contractor for Unanticipated Increase 700,000 Billed Revenue in Volume. 404 Capital Improvements and Increased Operating Cost 100,000 Additional Based on Volume. Course Fees • • 451 Debt Service Payments for all Waterworks Revenue 3,123,000 Transfer from Bonds 401 SECTION III. City of Renton Ordinance No. 4709 passed March 9, 1998, establishes the Waterworks Revenue Parity Bond Fund. The fund is designated as Fund 451. The purpose of the fund is to pay the principal and interest of all Revenue Parity Bonds and to identify the Reserve Fund Balance required by the bond ordinance. The appropriation in this ordinance establishes the authority to meet 1998 Waterworks Revenue Parity Bond debt service requirements. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 1998. Marilyn J. Petersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 1998. Jesse Tanner, Mayor 2 ... ORDINANCE NO. .,.,,. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.750:11/18/98:as. 3 ter✓ a CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4750 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FROM THE GENERAL FUND (FUND 0000) EXCESS BALANCE TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND (FUND 316) AND INCREASING THE EXPENDITURE AUTHORITY IN FUND 316 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, additional equipment needs have been identified for the City Hall; and WHEREAS, the Administration has presented the needs and the Council has reviewed the needs; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The expenditures in the General and Capital Improvement Fund will increase as illustrated in the following table: Fund 1998 Adopted Budget 1998 Adjusted Budget General $38,367,573 $38,837,573 Capital Improvement Fund $ 8,499,336 $ 8,969,336 SECTION II. The General Fund will transfer the $470,000 from unallocated fund balance to the Capital Improvements Fund to pay for these expenditures. The expenditures are for the purposes of purchasing equipment and security capital items. 1 410 ORDINANCE NO. 4750 SECTION HI. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 26thday of October , 1998. .4111 Marilyn J. et•.en, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 26thday of October , 1998. ciilet"4"4"--.0/ Jes Tanner, Mayor Approved as orm: r G%t�rt Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 10/30/98 (summary) ORD.744:10/14/98:as. 2 Ncyember 9, 1998 w Renton City Council Minutes %.. Page 368 Streets: Oakesdale Ave SW Transportation Systems Division recommended appproval of a 1998 budget (Phase I),Boeing Funding adjustment apropriating revenue received from The Boeing Company in the amount of$1,712,000 for transportation improvements to the Oakesdale Ave. SW project-Phase I. Refer to Transportation Committee. Public Works: Downtown Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-98-005,Downtown Water Main Water Main Replacement, Replacement project; and requested approval of the project,authorization for DDJ Const, CAG-98-005 final pay estimate in the amount of$3,572.94, commencement of 60-day lien period,and release of retained amount of$19,336.46 to D.D.J. Construction Inc., contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Douglas R. Snyder, Assistant Superintendent, Citizen Comment: Issaquah Issaquah School District 411, 565 NW Holly St.,Issaquah,WA, 98027, School District—School requesting that Renton impose mitigation fees on its behalf if the City proceeds Impact Fees with annexing property within its jurisdiction. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Corrnan urged the Committee to seek assurances from the School District that any money collected from development in Renton would benefit Renton residents. He said if Renton agrees to impose mitigation fees on behalf of the Issaquah School District, this correlation must be made. Councilman Parker agreed, adding that the Renton School District does not impose development mitigation fees but rather obtains necessary funding through voter-approved bond issues and levies. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler said in the future, the City will probably want to address the problem of conflicting jurisdiction and special district boundaries, since confusion can result if someone has a Renton address,resides within the Issaquah School District, actually lives in unincorporated King County, and is served by a fire district. She suggested that some boundary line adjustments might be in order. Citizen Comment: Juvenile Correspondence was read from Arlene Rankin, 275 SW 194th P1.,Normandy Court Conference Committee Park,WA, 98166,requesting meeting accommodations at City Hall for the —Meeting Space for Diversion Juvenile Court Conference Committee Diversion Program. MOVED BY Program EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Community Services recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of David Fox to the Committee Human Rights and Affairs Commission. The two-year term expires on Appointment: Human Rights September 19, 2000. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, &Affairs Commission COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding changes to Legal: Adoption of State Laws the Criminal Code relating to dangerous weapons. The Committee convened re:Dangerous Weapons on November 9, 1998 to consider enacting legislation relating to the adoption of State law regarding firearms and other dangerous weapons. The following sections would be added to Renton's City Code by reference: RCW 9.41.240,which deals with individuals who are between 18 and 21 years of age. It identifies where such an individual may possess a pistol. A violation of this section is a misdemeanor. Now CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: /O, C , Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: November 9, 1998 DeptiDiweoard.. Transportation Systems Staff Contact Lee Haro,x7217 Agenda Status: Consent Subject: Public Hearing 1998 Budget Amendment to Accommodate planned Expenditures Correspondence for the Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Project Phase I Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business 1. Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Renton Study Sessions • and the Boeing Company regarding Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Information (11/26/97) Other 2. Proposed Ordinance Interlocal Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Finance Committee Legal Dept X (11/16/98) Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required $8,645,421 Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted $6,933,421 Revenue Generated $1,712,000 Budget Adjustment Summary of Action: This budget adjustment is necessary in order to appropriate revenue of $1,712,000 received in 1998 from the Boeing Company per the agreement between the City of Renton and the Boeing Company for improvements to Oakesdale Avenue S.W. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends that Council refer this item into Transportation Committee. H:Trens/cb/AGENDABILVsdbudgetgg • CAG-97-173 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RENTON AND THE BOEING COMPANY REGARDING OAKESDALE AVENUE, S.W. ✓oy 2 4 ��o 7998 rya.s'0°,1at, •`SYs is tams This MORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into this °"' � f,day of , 1997, by and between the CITY OF RENTON (the "City") and THE BOEING COMPANY ("Boeing") to establish the parties' agreements, understandings, rights and duties concerning the development of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. between S.W. 16th Street and S.W. 31st Street ("Oakesdale"). WHEREAS, Boeing has purchased the former Longacres site and began development of the property with the Customer Service Training Center and has recently announced plans to build the headquarters office building for the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group ("Headquarters") on the Longacres Office Park site; and WHEREAS, Renton has prepared an environmental impact statement (EIS) concerning the build-out of the Longacres Office Park; and WHEREAS, the development of the Headquarters can be accomplished under the Longacres Office Park EIS with a clarifying agreement concerning transportation, which this Agreement will partially provide; and WHEREAS, the City has constructed Oakesdale from the Monster Road bridge to Grady Way, the Oakesdale undercrossing, the S.W. 16th Street bridge replacement and Oakesdale from S.W. 43rd Street to S.W. 31st Street; and WHEREAS, the City and Boeing desire to complete Oakesdale between S.W. 16th Street and S.W. 31st Street as an arterial as described herein; and WHEREAS, the development of the Headquarters needs certain limited transportation infrastructure to service that building at occupancy, on October 2, 1998; and WHEREAS, the City and Boeing wish to enter into an agreement detailing their individual responsibilities and duties concerning the construction of Oakesdale between S.W. 16th Street and S.W. 31st Street; and MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 1 [00000-0000/55972970.182]3+ 11/11/97 *kw Neuro WHEREAS, establishing timelines for various construction tasks under this Agreement will materially aid Boeing in establishing its construction schedule for the Headquarters; and WHEREAS, establishing this Agreement will materially aid the City in approaching the state of Washington (the "State") and federal funding agencies for financial assistance in developing Oakesdale; and WHEREAS, Boeing has previously issued a letter to the City committing to certain contributions for the development of Oakesdale, premised upon, and in consideration of, the City and Boeing entering into this Agreement; and WHEREAS, entering into this Agreement considering the timing and • responsibilities for development of Oakesdale Avenue will establish facts crucial to Boeing in planning its development for the remainder of the Longacres Office Park; WHEREAS, the City and Boeing consider this effort a public-private partnership and approach it, and this Agreement, in the spirit of partners, anticipating that issues and unforeseen events will be resolved on a mutually agreeable basis as they arise during the course of performance of this Agreement. WHEREAS, the agreement and procedures described in this Agreement were initiated in the third quarter of 1996, well prior to execution of this Agreement, and the City and Boeing have worked cooperatively since then to implement the spirit and intent memorialized in this Agreement; WHEREAS, the City and Boeing now, by execution of this Agreement, intend to memorialize their commitments and agreements as described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Boeing agree as follows: 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Boeing will pay the principal sum of Two Million Five Hundred Twelve Thousand Dollars ($2,512,000) toward the Development of Oakesdale. 2. "Development of Oakesdale" means the design and construction to City and State Standards of a four lane arterial road(2 lanes in each direction of travel) from S.W. 16th Street to S.W. 31st Street. Between S.W. 16th Street and S.W. 27th Street, a median and/or center turn lane to provide separated left tum movements at the intersection of S.W. 16th Street, S.W. 19th Street, and S.W. 27th Street, at the entrances to the Headquarters Building, and at other locations as may be approved in the future as abutting property is developed; and other associated improvements, MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 2 [00000-0000/5B972970.18213+ 11/11/97 wore including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, traffic control markings, signing and signalization, street lighting, landscaping, roadway drainage facilities (including detention and treatment). South of S.W. 27th Street to S.W. 31st Street, the center turn lane/median will be dropped, providing four travel lanes. 3. Development of Oakesdale will be accomplished in two phases: Phase I: Design, construction and completion of a four-lane bridge over Springbrook Creek, with two vehicle travel lanes of road and additional turning lanes or median as necessary, from S.W. 16th Street to S.W. 27th Street, to City and State arterial road standards ("Phase I"). Phase I will include landscaping, curbs, gutters, lighting, and a bicycle lane and sidewalks on the west side of the Avenue. Phase II: Design, construction and completion of not less than four vehicle travel lanes, from S.W. 27th Street to S.W. 31st Street and the addition of two vehicle travel lanes from S.W. 16th Street to S.W. 27th Street, to City and State arterial road standards ("Phase II"). Phase II will include landscaping, curbs, gutters, lighting, bicycle lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the Avenue. 4. Boeing has also agreed to dedicate and convey to the City, without cost to the City, the real property, in its present condition, necessary for Oakesdale between S.W. 16th Street and S.W. 31st Street, but not to exceed five lanes, and to the extent that necessary right-of-way is located on Boeing property and reserving, however, utility easements as shown on the permit application submittals for the Headquarters. The dedication shall be made at the time required for each development phase. Boeing and the City will obtain an appraisal of the right-of-way to be dedicated following the processes established by the Transportation Improvement Board to establish a value for the real property dedicated. 5. Boeing will also convey and quitclaim to the City an easement for pedestrian use along and over the existing berm between S.W. 27th Street and S.W. 31st Street, subject to such rules of usage as may be appropriate, and to the extent the alignment is over Boeing property. The easement shall be substantially as attached hereto as Exhibit A. 6. Certain critical areas on Boeing property are adjacent to or near the proposed Oakesdale alignment. Boeing is obligated to preserve, protect and maintain MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 3 [00000-0000/S13972970.18213+ 11/11/97 these critical areas, including those restored and enhanced by Boeing, pursuant to certain permits and approvals received from the City of Renton, the State of Washington and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The City acknowledges the existence and location of these critical areas and agrees that it will protect them and their buffer areas from any construction activities or consequences, including without limitation, filling, dredging, damming or surface water runoff and from any activity • that exceeds or violates the terms of any permit, approval or condition or any federal, • state or local law. If modification or amendment of any applicable permit is necessary or desirable, the City and Boeing will use their best efforts to cooperate and agree on the proposed changes and shall submit a joint application for a modification or amendment to the agency or agencies with jurisdiction. The City shall assume lead responsibility for such review and seeking permit amendments or modifications. 7. Boeing property dedicated or sold to the City shall remain subject to the permits, and the terms, conditions and obligations of permits that affect the property. The City covenants to perform, observe and abide by the terms, conditions and obligations of the permits, without breach or violation, at its sole cost and expense and shall indemnify and hold Boeing harmless from any damage, claim, cause of action or penalty arising from any breach or violation by the City. If a single permit or combination of permits affects dedicated and non-dedicated land, the City will take no action or forbearance that would jeopardize the validity of the permit, nor will it seek to extend, amend, modify or revoke the permit without the express written consent of Boeing. Boeing and the City shall use their best efforts to cooperate and agree upon proposed amendments or modifications to permit, and/or in giving notice and seeking assignment of affected permits from the agency or agencies with jurisdiction. The City shall assume lead responsibility for such review and seeking permit amendments or modifications. 8. Boeing shall pay.the sum of$2,512,000 to the City, as follows: Payment Due Date Payment Amount a. August 1, 1997 $800,000 b. March 1, 1998 343,179 c. August 1, 1998 1,186,311 d. November 1, 1998 182,510 TOTAL $2,512,000 9. The City will bear the risk of any overruns on the costs of Phase I. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 4 (00000-0000/SB972970.18213+ 11/11/97 10. The City will complete construction of Phase I on or before October 2, 1998. The parties recognize, however, that permitting requirements may cause some delay in completion of that portion of Phase I North of SW 19th Street by October 2,. 1998, but agree to use their best efforts to complete Phase I as soon as possible. 11. "Complete Construction" means all paved surfaces constructed and finished and the road open to public use on or before October 2 ,1998 and striping finished, signali7ation installed and working, curb gutter, sidewalks and bicycle lanes finished and usable, and landscaping planted, staked and finished on the same date or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible, in accordance with paragraph 18 of this Agreement. 12. The City will complete Phase II at no cost to Boeing. Should the City determine that a portion of the costs for Phase II should be borne by any property owners, Boeing will not be included within those property owners from whom compensation will be sought. It is understood that Boeing's involvement in constructing Phase II shall be satisfied, without exception, by its payments and performance under this Agreement. 13. It is understood between the City and Boeing, however, that Boeing will contribute $75.00 per trip for its development within the Longacres Office Park, pursuant to RMC § 4-18-2 and the Transportation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted in February, 1995, or such fee as the City shall later determine by this or its successor ordinance to be the City's transportation mitigation fee in effect at the time future development occurs. 14. A representative of Boeing shall be included within the management team for development of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. between S.W. 16th Street and S.W. 27th Street. The Boeing representative shall be provided with current monthly information about design, progress, cost and details of the bids and construction and will be allowed input concerning design, construction and any change orders on design or construction. Boeing may change its designated representative with written notice to the City. 15. The City and Boeing shall create a joint steering committee to provide oversight of the development of Oakesdale. The committee shall be made up of such members as the City and Boeing shall designate and shall provide oversight and direction to the project manager and city technical staff. The committee shall meet as often as may be required to ensure that the project remains on schedule and within budget. Problems, unexpected conditions, financing and cost issues and other MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 5 [00000-0000/SB972970.182]3+ 11/11/97 1 i appropriate matters will be referred to or initiated by the steering committee for consideration, action and resolution. 16. The City and Boeing have been informed that the Hunter Douglas Company("Hunter Douglas") plans to develop the property commonly known as Winmar West site. Boeing has given Hunter Douglas the right to access its property through Boeing property and the City has approved of that arrangement. Hunter Douglas, Boeing and the City may be constructing in the same area at the same time. Boeing and the City agree to use their best efforts to coordinate construction activities and involve the Hunter Douglas in such coordination. 17. If progress toward meeting the October 2, 1998 completion date for Phase I is delayed or interrupted to such an extent that Boeing, in good faith, determines that the completion date may be substantially delayed, the City, at Boeing's request and expense, agrees to hire a project manager dedicated solely to the Oakesdale project. This remedy may be invoked only by Boeing. 18. If the City fails to Complete Construction of Oakesdale from S.W. 19th Street to S.W. 27th Street, as defined in paragraph 11 of this Agreement, on or before October 2, 1998, the City shall not withhold or delay the occupancy permit for the Headquarters, or any other permit or approval, necessary for access, use and occupancy of the building and the site and shall provide access to the Headquarters on a route acceptable to both parties. The parties agree that the finished surface of Oakesdale, even if construction is not complete as defined in paragraph 11 of this Agreement, will be an acceptable temporary route. The City and Boeing further agree that if certain elements of the project will not be completed on or before October 2, 1998, the incomplete items will be jointly reviewed to determine what elements, if any, can or should be delayed beyond October 2, 1998. 19. The City is committed to completion of Phase II as promptly as possible at no cost to Boeing. The City is currently evaluating the design, type of roadway structure, and expenses involved in the construction between S.W:-27th Street and S.W. 31st Street. Since the alignment of that section of Oakesdale necessarily will cross wetlands, the City is unsure whether or not the wetlands will have to be bridged or can be built at grade with certain wetlands improvements and enhancements. It is understood that it is crucial to Boeing that the City commit to the timing of this construction and establish a method of financing the construction. However, it is also understood that it is important to the parties to enter into this Agreement as soon as possible. Therefore, the parties commit themselves to supplementing this Agreement with the details of the City's timing, design and financing of this section of Oakesdale as those details become available, but not later than [October 1, 1998]. The City MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 6 (00000-0000/SB972970.18213+ 11/11/97 VOW `err" commits to exercising its best efforts to generate this information and to supplementing this Agreement by further refinement of Addendum One as soon as possible. 20. This Agreement is subject to the City's receipt of approval from the State Transportation Improvement Board, and to any conditions of approval, of funds for the design and construction of Phase I improvements. 21. This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by written agreement of the parties. The parties will memorialise amendments, supplements and significant interpretations of this Agreement by the addition of Addenda hereto. DATED this lb Z+4, day of )1,1-tA44stlizev , 1997. THE CITY OF RENTON By May esse Tanner ATTEST: By Marilyn J. P rsen, City Clerk THE BOEING COMPANY ame: J es Nelson Title: Vice President, Boeing Commercial • Airplane Group Facilities Asset Management Approved o Form: tv..A01/te544-71A Larry Warren, City A omey MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 7 (00000-0000/SB972970.18213+ 11/11/97 October 26, 1998 *meRenton City Council Minutes Page 351 Plaza parcel: Bounded on the east by Burnett Ave. S.,on the south by S. 3rd St.,on the west by Logan Ave. S.,and on the north by the south wall of the pavilion building. Gateway parcel: Bounded on the east by Logan Ave. S.,on the south by S. 3rd St.,on the west by the"Big 5"parcel, and on the north by the City of Seattle public utilities property. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMI I FEE REPORT. CARRIED. Municipal Court: Temporary Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Pro Tem Judges recommending concurrence with the staff recommendation to approve the appointment of six temporary Pro-tern judges. These judges will sit in Renton Municipal Court between November 2nd and November 10th for one courtroom calendar each as part of the judicial selection process to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Corinna Harn. The six candidates are: Cheryl B. Carey, Susan R. Irwin,Terry Lee Jurado,Norman R. Leopold, Robert L. Sewell,and Anita Crawford-Willis. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested that all Councilmembers receive a schedule of these calendars so they may attend one or more, if they wish. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: RESOLUTIONS Ordinance#4750 An ordinance was read appropriating$470,000 from the General Fund's(Fund Finance: City Hall Phase II 0000)excess balance to be transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund(Fund Improvements,Equipment 316)and increasing the expenditure authority in Fund 316 for the purpose of Expenditures purchasing equipment. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY I O1 EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Referring to a letter from the City Attorney regarding the Mission Springs v. Legal: Processing of Hearing City of Spokane court case, which raises issues relating to city councils hearing Examiner Appeals appeals of Hearing Examiner decisions, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:48 p.m. Ni./.5-e- /fp/ MARILYN J. ERSEN, CMC,City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold October 26, 1998 October 5, 1998 `law Renton City Council Minutes ""1" Page 340 grade 11 ($1,674) Court Clerk,grade 7,to Judicial Specialist, grade 8 ($4,416) Lead Court Clerk, grade 10, to Lead Judicial Specialist, grade 11 ($948) Golf Course Operations Specialist,grade 7 to grade 8 ($468). The above changes are effective July 1, 1998. These reclassifications will have no change in 1998 department budgets. The following positions will be reclassified effective January 1, 1998. These reclassifications will have no change in 1998 department budgets: Vehicle&Equipment Supervisor, grade MR-26, to Fleet Manager, grade 30 ($2,952) Utility Locator/Inspector, grade 12 to grade 14 ($2,076). The following position will be reclassified effective November 1, 1998. This reclassification will have no change in the depaituuent's 1998 budget: Court Services Director, grade MR-26 to grade 30. The Committee further directs the Administration to meet with the Union and address various issues related to the Court and the City Clerk. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3357 A resolution was read setting a hearing date on November 16, 1998 for Vacation: Oakesdale Ave SW vacating a portion of Oakesdale Ave. SW, SR-405 to Grady Way(IBID (I-405 to Grady Way), IBID Corporation, VAC-98-003). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY Corp, VAC-98-003 KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution#3358 A resolution was read objecting to the Bonneville Power Administration's Council: Federal Power (BPA)current allocation proposal for federal power benefits and requesting Benefits Allocation, Objection that BPA meet its statutory obligation and allocate all of the power resources to BPA Proposal not reserved for BPA-preference customers to the residential and small farm customers of Northwest investor-owned utilities. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of October 26, 1998 for second and final reading: Finance: City Hall Phase II An ordinance was read appropriating$470,000 from the General Fund's(Fund Improvements,Equipment 0000) excess balance to be transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund(Fund ,6UExpenditures 316)and increasingthe expenditure authority G (CI p in Fund 316 for the purpose of �` �� ll�� purchasing equipment. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/26/98. CARRIED. Development Services: An ordinance was read amending Section 4-36-5 of Chapter 36, Renton Subdivison Ordinance Regulatory Reform Ordinance. of Title IV(Building Regulations) and Chapter Changes 12, Subdivision Ordinance, of Title IX(Public Ways and Property)of City Code by amending definitions, creating a procedure for amendments to approved preliminary plats in the Subdivision Ordinance,revising the October 5, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes Page 338 Transportation: Downtown of the Downtown Renton Transit Center, including the concept of continuous Transit Center Final Design covered walkway with incorporated shelters in the cut-thru area. As part of constructing the continuous covered shelter, a cost-sharing agreement has been determined where Renton will not pay more than$205,000. This concept will be further developed in the engineering design phase, and will be brought back to the Committee of the Whole for further and more detailed review as the design details are developed. Having reviewed the concept, and the continuous shelter in the cut-thru, and having been briefed on the cost-sharing, the Committee of the Whole recommended that the City Council adopt the final concept for the Downtown Renton Transit Center. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: City Hall Phase II Council President Edwards presented a report regarding phase two funding for Improvements, Equipment City Hall improvements. The tenant improvements associated with the move to Expenditures the new City Hall building are nearing completion. The construction contract $ for the new jail has been let,and the design phase of the ramp and public access (� J project is underway. After reviewing the third quarter financial reports and the current status of all project elements,the Administration feels it is appropriate to consider including additional resources to complete the "Phase II Improvements" and to restore an appropriate contingency reserve for the jail construction. After reviewing the budget worksheets for Funds 301 and 316,the Committee of the Whole recommended that: 1. Investment interest of$325,000 on this construction project be allocated as follows: $141,000 for completion of Phase I,and $184,000 to increase the contingency reserve for the jail construction. 2. The unallocated$469,000 fund balance be allocated as follows: $159,000 for building and parking garage security improvements; $175,000 for furniture and furnishings in the Council Chambers, Court Rooms, conference rooms,and in other areas of the building; $20,000 for miscellaneous items that may be needed; $40,000 for project management for the jail construction; and$75,000 to increase the jail contingency (to total$259,000). Further,it is recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 340 for ordinance.) Planning&Development Planning &Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee regarding possible exemptions to the moratorium on multi-family development Planning: Partial Lifting of in various zoning designations. The Committee recommended lifting the Moratorium on Residential moratorium on multi-family development in the Residential/Multi-Family Development in Commercial Suburban Center and Residential/Multi-Family Neighborhood Center zoning Areas designations. The moratorium will be continued in the Center Suburban, Center Neighborhood and Commercial Arterial zones. The Committee further recommended that a zoning text amendment deleting residential uses from the Commercial Arterial zone be referred to the Planning Commission for processing. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Bonneville Finance: Bonneville Power Power Administration's proposed reallocation of federal power benefits. The ..,. AP�P1OV CITY COUN EDCILBY Date — _ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE REPORT October 19, 1998 PHASE II FUNDING FOR CITY HALL IMPROVEMENTS (Referred October 5, 1998 ) The tenant improvements associated with the move to the new city hall building are nearing completion. The construction contract for the new jail has been let, and the design phase of the ramp and public access project is underway. After reviewing the third quarter financial reports and the current status of all project elements, the administration feels it is appropriate for the Council to consider including additional resources to complete the "Phase II Improvements" and to restore an appropriate contingency reserve for the jail construction. After reviewing the budget worksheets for Funds 301 and 316,the Committee of the Whole recommends: • Allocate the $325,000 investment interest on this construction project as follows: $141,000 for completion of Phase I, and$184,000 to increase the contingency reserve for the jail construction. • Allocate the unallocated $469,000 fund balance as follows: $159,000 for building and parking garage security improvements; $175,000 for furniture and furnishings in the Council Chambers, Court Rooms, conference rooms, and in other areas of the building; $20,000 for miscellaneous items that may be needed; $40,000 for project management for the jail construction; and $75,000 to increase the jail contingency(to total $259,000). Further, it is recommended that the ordinance be presented for first reading. Bob Edwards,Council President cc: Victoria Runkle Jim Shepherd ,voilllll/P C ;.tl` 1, (/) r -1 p ac- � � 0 a c n) r '• . E`o c m = 0c0 ooc. m 0 ...21... o• tom -o a c. c iu c O * a �. c c o c cD c Cr) ' . : - c � N - -0.- C3 � f. + z - 1 (D A7 n N p> - CC c ra 3 cD (D < N `G cD (D E�. > w a aCD a � � ao cn !°� cn GJ O O . 3 co c a = a) c) �' a. O �,�•'1e;J:�dE!!hLl1�L�A p A 4). c cD O iv SD 0 -s 0. m CO a c m o � mo ° = 12- c `�'-0 CD 0 11 cfl a - al c' O cD Sv (Q N W O D) a O- v 3 !� an n n (n m ? -. 2 3 H c ' Z m I- " m -I 0c .. m 0 0�' 0 D maw 0 cQ a 0 3 co3 � � � c o C c � -p (n C� w = g to m a (n _. w c c c c-D Q X 7 3 < O o 3 3 w O CD - O Q cD O c con (0D Z c m 0) c .< S - O 0 Qc 0- (D c s. cn co CD c �' c � a� � � w 5. s0- `° a) o- � Q: 7 C 0 0 `° `� D `�� o E Z N � a 3 (n c0 1- (p O �_ �. _._� (or, m ao m -I05m o 0 o ='• CD . -, c o omm w m I 5n noco - N 1 coO O c 7' x cD O N O c c W S c c CD (D `< (0 C CD �400' mmn5.no=ccc( eDND o0o p Oc „Iv ▪ crg �•O � co =2mmcmm ~�coc?m O9) m rag g(u) 7D� E • w 0 Z 0 125- O AOc 66m2 to m O p -w Z m N C j O p Oo fD lD▪ 'n ='O Z w = Nov n vv7ma mC, 0 A _ y .,OZO0)n0)a n =O •T�_co ccroaia mc• cn. C � O o 0=Qwng c(.. na�al O OOr ir W'mo'acn 0-c�wmom > > cf C. 00 - ID wv ci- - g.= 0 01 m =•7=x irm m 5 a.w m? = 0 /9 fd CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 3 4 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO REIMBURSE FUND 301 FROM FUNDS DERIVED FROM A FINANCING CONTRACT FOR EXPENDITURES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING AND DIRECTING THE FINANCE & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE SUCH REIMBURSEMENT WHEN FUNDS ARE RECEIVED FROM SUCH REFINANCING. WHEREAS, the City of Renton, Washington (the "Local Agency") reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures described herein with the proceeds of a financing contract to be entered into by the Local Agency; and WHEREAS, the expenditures with respect to which the Local Agency reasonably expects to be reimbursed from the proceeds of Reimbursement Obligations will be made from Fund 301, the Building Construction Fund. The Fund is used to appropriate and track all costs associated with the acquisition and renovation of Renton's City Hall. The City used these expenditures to install new energy efficient lighting as recommended by Puget Sound Energy. The lighting provides better lighting for employees while at the same time using less energy, thereby lowering lighting, heating and cooling costs. Fewer lights replaced the original. lighting and the lighting provides less heat; and WHEREAS, the maximum principal amount of Reimbursement Obligations expected to be issued for the property described above is $278,171.30; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, do resolve as follows: 1. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. ` RESOLUTION NO. 3346 2. The City Council intends to reimburse Fund 301 from funds derived from a financing contract for expenditures for energy efficient lighting. 3. The Finance & Information Services Administrator is directed to make such reimbursement when funds are received from such refinancing. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this24th day of August 1998. v0 J Marilyn J. et rs , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this24th day of August , 1998. (90-0-1-4- c7:174. Jesse Tanner, Mayor Ape ved as to form: 10. 00 CLAA)-.NaAA4-C"DIA)002...,,,- Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.672:8/24/98 2 ca CO 60,., o1 Eui0c U.B ;d `p• c c C 70 i C 3 m Q0 .- �c CC3 al U c Z} a8 cmo� ¢ o` ocr� awi� a �w m wrn U cC. 3¢WVrom M0'c)�U 4.31.6 Yin 5oo2U :760:H� Y ,«r oN 4 IF,0.3)N C m�0 Y NWOO �T OUo`Z Q #2 coma ow 2 ooQ sZ Z ._ -v C U<i-- EdNUY OBEc O � ' C m¢ NNp C . wn z� O-y � � w co OU . oTZo5 . E¢ otim� ov_� aN C FZ w-a ON¢ O-f N + N o m.w..za N i r 0 co (b ].Z. U d C 0 L01• .* qq O)y lU 10 a) oX w. U M m C cu-16" wc � U4r-.d -�g�.. 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C O ffl O 7 O r co QT> pcoc -01 accdoom4 c0(6 as ttu_ ;.W d2J dN2U e ca c00o �.s C.) ea ° tH .c •C 3 2 coE > > o a , j . c co '� a V .c Ea coC '- t . 0 pJ N N C la 2 Cs ° o ! �'I c C CZ — cT9 " r o .c \ a) �` H_N C hue °CI) ,-/ Q0 -per �� � 1 'C c4 . ;4 C 3 ati L. .0 w d C V Si M a) a1 V1 0 ,G Cilip \ ++ o ° 0 a o To • �., mr � oL WN - I g. .. 0 30 to „- mob `° LL I h 70 N f ci ix,`°c' 3 �c N `� �� u. ca._ � a 0 o 0 —Ee ° .... o c N U N a. o O t �° > ° cas ,dccco cEcpz C 7 ° omc '�" oca� ° = ,� off Z N ^ J o ZLY a1111 I E..., =O 3 WHhlli o c E `011111111/,t 1. o h 5 N � I . :a ar c O E E a : Q ®s= oTCO qc ... O >,+ C..°-. C o ° o 5 Z a u3 y I Q �; U two c a c.) -7 (n . 1 ea I- 1n ��4y�0 ... ......P•P�```�. ✓/��/l/1it1111111s`‘‘ , July 20. 1998 Renton City Council Minutes N..e Page 248 CAG: 97-001, Cedar Water Utility Division submitted CAG-97-001, Cedar River Utility Crossing River Utility Xing Schedules C & D; and recommended approval of the project, authorization for Schedules C&D, DDJ final pay estimate in the amount of $8,203.10, commencement of 60-day lien Const period, and release of retained amount of $30,745.04 to D.D.J. Construction Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Glenn M. Olson, Business Administrator for Citizen Comment Olson - Rainier Christian Schools, 1215 Central Ave. S. Suite 120, Kent, WA, 98032, Rainier Christian Schools requesting that the City waive the $2,200 fee for a new conditional use permit Fee Waiver Request needed for site mprovements at the Highlands Christian School campus. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Carlson Correspondence was read from Heidi Carlson, 806 Index Ct. NE, Renton, - Waste Receptacles in the 98056, suggesting specific locations for City-installed and maintained waste Highlands receptacles in the Highlands to assist with community beautification efforts. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Edwards presented a report regarding the Suburban Cities Committee of the Whole Association's (SCA) revised proposal on Regional Finance & Governance. The Regional Issues: SCA Committee of the Whole recommended that the City Council approve the Regional Finance & revised proposal and direct the Administration to send a letter to the Suburban Governance Policy Cities Association expressing the Renton City Council's position. At its last briefing on Regional Finance & Governance, the Committee directed the Administration to determine a means for amending the West Hill potential annexation area boundary. The Committee recommended that the Council concur in the Administration's recommendation and proceed immediately and expeditiously with an emergency amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan removing that area of West Hill in unincorporated King County, excluding the pre-zone area currently under review by City staff. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilmembers suggested that the letter to the Suburban Cities Association be signed by both Mayor Tanner and Council President Bob Edwards. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3338 A resolution was read extending a moratorium on the permitting of adult book Legal: Adult Retail Uses stores, as defined, within specific geographical areas, and establishing a Moratorium termination date of January 20, 1999 for the moratorium. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4733, ! ff An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the amount Airport: Budget t0 of $790,000 for capital improvement projects for the Renton Municipal Amendments for Capital Airport. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL Improvement Projects ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ...� Pe / 'fit, CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4733 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR 1998 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable to amend the 1998 Budget to accommodate planned and unplanned expenditures for the Renton Municipal Airport; and WHEREAS, the Council authorized the Airport Manager to contract for design services for two projects; a Runway Safety Area Improvements Project, a Federal Aviation Administration grant project eligible for 90% reimbursement, and a Control Tower Heating and Ventilation Equipment Replacement Project; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration has agreed to provide an Airport Improvement Program Grant, eligible for 90% reimbursement of actual construction costs, for airport drainage improvements, which will be conducted by the Corps of Engineers in connection with the Cedar River Dredging Project; and WHEREAS, engineering estimates have been received for the construction phases of the three projects: Airport Runway 15 Safety Area - $460,000; Corps of Engineers Airport Drainage Improvements - $275,000; and Airport Control Tower HVAC Upgrade - $55,000. SECTION I. The following adjustments are hereby allowed and made to the Airport Capital Improvements Fund, Fund Number 402. 1998 Budget Adjustments 1998 Adopted Budget Per this Ordinance Adjusted Budget $491,500 $790,000 $1,281,500 1 f ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 3 3 The $780,000 will be from the Airport Fund Undesignated Fund Balance and the Avigation Easement Reserve Account. The use of the Avigation Easement Reserve Account is necessary because of the unexpected and unprogrammed Airport Drainage Improvements Project. This reserve account will be reconstituted upon receipt of Federal Aviation Administration reimbursements of approximately$661,500. SECTION IL This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2 0 today of July , 1998. Marilyn J. e r en, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20thday of July , 1998. Jess anner, Mayor roved as to . -�1J-v�c.P A/Lawrence J. Wa -n, City Attorney Date of Publication: July 2 4 , 19 9 8 ORD.727:7/06/98. 2 July 13, 1998 *me City Council Minutes __ Page 238 Resolution #3337 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Solid Waste: 1998 Local Memorandum of Understanding with the Seattle-King County Department of Hazardous Waste Public Health for the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program for 1998 Management Program, activities. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL King County Funding, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CAG-98- The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/20/98 for second and final reading: e Airport: Budget An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the amount Amendments for Capital of $790,000 for capital improvement projects for the Renton Municipal Improvement Projects Airport. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, 4)-6\j04/k L QM COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/20/98. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4731 An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the amount Budget: 1998 Amendments of $218,370 for operating costs associated with Port Quendall. MOVED BY for Port Quendall EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Operating Costs ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4732 ' An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Planning: May Valley 126 acres of unincorporated King County located between the corporate Prezone, Phase II boundaries of Renton and Newcastle, east of Coal Creek Parkway to be annexed to the City of Renton to Residential - One Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-1) and Residential - Five Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-5) (May Valley Prezone, Phase II, A-98-009). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:53 p.m. -16),NAA,,okg,(1,:,r,„„,(4 BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk 7/13/98 July 13, 1998 Winton City Council Minutes Page 236 Airport: Budget Transportation Division requested approval of transfer of $790,000 in Airport Amendments for Capital funds to three Airport construction projects (drainage improvements - Improvement Projects $275,000; runway 15 safety area - $460,000; and control tower HVAC upgrade \V - $55,000). Council concur. (See page 238 for ordinance.) CAG: 97-159, Airport 5- Transportation Division submitted CAG-97-159, Airport 5-02 Building 02 Building Residing, L&J Residing project; and requested approval of the project, commencement of Development 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $3,958.79 to L&J Development, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Metro: Renton Plant Utility Systems Division recommended adoption of resolution opposing any Expansion (City expansion of the Renton Metro wastewater treatment plant. Council concur. Opposition) (See page 237 for resolution.) Public Works: N 6th St Utility Systems Division requested authorization to construct a water line Water Line Xing Under crossing under the Cedar River at N. 6th Street (estimated cost $73,685.10) in Cedar River conjunction with the current flood damage control project. Council concur. CAG: 97-116, A.C. Water Water Utility Division submitted CAG-97-116, 1997 A.C. Water Main Main Replacement, Grant Replacement; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Const pay estimate in the amount of $12,637.49, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $18,092.06 to Grant Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Community Services request from Vision House to waive the mitigation fees for parks, fire and Committee transportation for their homeless facility on Union Ave. NE. The Committee Development Services: received the same request from Vision House last year, as well as a similar Vision House Request for request from Catholic Community Services. On July 14, 1997, the Committee Building Fee Waiver recommended, and the Council concurred, that the requests be denied and that further requests be considered on a case-by-case basis until policies or guidelines are developed for fee waivers. The Committee reaffirmed its recommendation that the fee waiver request be denied and that the Administration be directed to add development of policies and/or guidelines to the work program for 1999. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Executive: POW/MIA Flag Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding the Donation request from Mr. Jeff McIntyre to receive and fly a POW/MIA flag on City premises to commemorate American prisoners of war and missing in action veterans. The Committee recommended that the City Council approve the donation of the POW/MIA flag and authorize flying the flag on Veterans Day and Memorial Day holidays, either on the City Hall flag pole under the United States flag or at the proposed Veterans Memorial Park at 3rd and Main. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Solid Waste: 1998 Business concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Recycling/Special recommendation that the Council approve the King County City Optional Recycling Events, King Program Interlocal Agreement which authorizes the City to receive $31,620 in County Funding, CAG- funding from King County to continue the Business Recycling Program and 98- the Special Recycling Event for 1998. The Committee further recommended s 'V `CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA 1 L AI#: 1. L. Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: DepvDivBoard.. Transportation Division July 13, 1998 staff Contact. Gail Reed, Airport Manager Agenda Status Consent. X Subject: Public Hearing... Correspondence.. Approval of Transfer of Airport Funds to Three Airport Ordinance Construction Projects Resolution. Old Business Exhibits: New Business None Study Sessions Information Recommended Action: Approvals: Council Concur Legal Dept. X Finance Dept X Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $790,000 Transfer/Amendment $790,000 Amount Budgeted. $0.00 Revenue Generated $661,500 (FAA Grant) Total Project Budget $790,000 City Share Total Project.. $128,500 Summary of Action: City Council previously approved the design phase of three Airport projects. The construction phases are not currently funded in the 1998 Airport Fund budget. Engineer estimates have been received and the City Council approval of the transfer of funds from the Airport Fund balance to the appropriate project accounts is required to complete these projects. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Transportation Division staff recommends that the City Council approve the transfer of funds from the Airport Fund balance to the following accounts prior to the receipt of bids for construction of the following projects. All amounts are based upon engineer estimates. Project 1 -Airport Drainage Improvements (FAA AIP Grant 90%reimbursable) $275,000 Project 2 -Airport Runway 15 Safety Area(FAA AIP Grant 90%reimbursable) $460,000 Project 3 -Airport Control Tower HVAC Upgrade $55,000 Document3/ July 6, 1998 Menton City Council Minutes Page 230 lines on the east side of Renton's new municipal building will be raised 20 to 25 feet. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT THE DESCRIBED EASEMENTS TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3334 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Fire: Maple Valley Fire interlocal agreement with Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety for fire training Training Exercises (Hold exercises (hold harmless agreement). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED Harmless Agreement) BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/13/98 for second and final reading: Budget: 1998 Amendments An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the amount for Port Quendall of $218,370 for operating costs associated with Port Quendall. MOVED BY Operating Costs EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/98. CARRIED. Planning: May Valley An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Prezone, Phase II 126 acres of unincorporated King County located between the corporate boundaries of Renton and Newcastle, east of Coal Creek Parkway to be annexed to the City of Renton to Residential - One Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-1) and Residential - Five Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-5) (May Valley Prezone, Phase II, A-98-009). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/98. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4730 An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget adjustments in the amount Budget: 1998 Amendments of $4,008,970 ($3,758,970 in Transportation Capital Funds and $250,000 in for Transportation General Funds) for transportation improvement projects. MOVED BY Projects (Six-Year TIP) EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Referring to a letter which Mayor Tanner sent to King County Planning: Aqua Barn Councilmember Jane Hague expressing concern about proposed land use and Property Land Use & zoning amendments for the Aqua Barn property (located at 15227 SE Maple Zoning Changes Valley Highway, within Renton's potential annexation area), it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:58 p.m. MARILYN . 1 'ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 7/06/98 July 6, 1998 Benton City Council Minutes Pane 230 lines on the east side of Renton's new municipal building will be raised 20 to 25 feet. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT THE DESCRIBED EASEMENTS TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3334 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Fire: Maple Valley Fire interlocal agreement with Maple Valley Fire & Life Safety for fire training Training Exercises (Hold exercises (hold harmless agreement). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED Harmless Agreement) BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/13/98 for second and final reading: Budget: 1998 Amendments An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget amendments in the amount for Port Quendall of $218,370 for operating costs associated with Port Quendall. MOVED BY Operating Costs EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/98. CARRIED. Planning: May Valley An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Prezone, Phase II 126 acres of unincorporated King County located between the corporate boundaries of Renton and Newcastle, east of Coal Creek Parkway to be annexed to the City of Renton to Residential - One Dwelling Unit Per Acre (R-1) and Residential - Five Dwelling Units Per Acre (R-5) (May Valley Prezone, Phase II, A-98-009). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/98. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4730 An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget adjustments in the amount Budget: 1998 Amendments of $4,008,970 ($3,758,970 in Transportation Capital Funds and $250,000 in for Transportation General Funds) for transportation improvement projects. MOVED BY Projects (Six-Year TIP) EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Referring to a letter which Mayor Tanner sent to King County Planning: Aqua Barn Councilmember Jane Hague expressing concern about proposed land use and Property Land Use & zoning amendments for the Aqua Barn property (located at 15227 SE Maple Zoning Changes Valley Highway, within Renton's potential annexation area), it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:58 p.m. MARILYN . ItiTERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 7/06/98 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4731 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR 1998 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR OPERATING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PORT QUENDALL. WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable to amend the 1998 Budget to accommodate planned expenditures for the area know as Port Quendall; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the planned expenditures for further review and study into the clean up requirements for the Port Quendall area; and WHEREAS, there are funds available from the 1997 year-end surplus to meet the expenditure requirements. SECTION I. The following adjustments are hereby allowed and made to the General Fund, Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department. 1998 Budget Adjustments Per This 1998 Adopted Budget Ordinance Adjusted Budget _ $954,992 $218,370 $1,173,362 The $218,370 will be from the 1997 year-end surplus identified in the 1998 Carry Forward Ordinance. SECTION H. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 13 t h day of July , 1998. liMkAACKOl -*/kAinikOft Brenda Fritsvold, Deputy City Clerk NW ORDINANCE NO. 4731 rwo APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this1 3th day of July , 1998. Jess anner, Mayor Approved as to orm: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication:July 17, 1998 (Summary) ORD.810:6/24/98:as, 2 3 N W r _1 N O QL (n (- 0 -0 a N =Z•O, t' -+ 0- CO -0 a �. 0 s� oC � o' * a CD coca ..,, f-' c 6 SU O c 0 a a i S emu:• .77 Q C (n n 7 ? .-. N .. y 0 ,� (D 3 ? (D (D = C (D (D '. 0 .,0 �� ' `� .� a m a ? `mow ,Z CD ? m m �, CT � Qo � 0 'sss����eeeiiiis►��� `\``` a � = o N F. ° 07m � m � a0. a Cl) Co rn a -. C) co 0 0 (Dm o 0 _ ow - (D o � m m m c a � � � -0 �� CD o � CD CD co .� m m- omwCOwwo � a ci,- a 0 SO Q = n (na ? . 0 O A) N (D 7 < UQ z a Fe, Z o r �, a � � 0c C m o M,yl C a c �- C 'No ( r- a X m- o * ° 0 3 = a � 3 - � � 0 CD � a'�_ * a°i Z g 11 C 7 • CD 7 a C0 : N 0 y V S K ? C) (n Q C ? (D T (D O (a (D (p -O .a. N A, "1 .�. W a w - co c O `< 7 (n 0 _ CT Q O Sy 6 a a (D (n a O fD `— CT a ?CD (-D Al cr 7 Q o- ? O f L O. (D O (n r- N� 1> o _� as 3E0m "� ? 1 "- CD C .-. fD (D (o (D a- O (D --I (?D ? (-D 0 Z HIll P N v `< O 02) = 0 a .-. C co S (D 0) 6 (?D a c O Cl) N 0 . c 0Mm r2 v v d * a z�—.m `Z, o, 5.oITamy > wv O� CD o mvm ? m bmicoo ' frn� -v- m 3 �n R.. .p m 70 coa o00 . wilC � Z co mai co . 00� mom �7 Fp^� ivop0o�_ � m _nsn° mDmmO co0- w, —oo•Oo o a a' w o n< o._.. m - n = 3 c m R� 5d o vco al m o 3 a' 3 of m m W n o�.o n O OQ c o T. =o -cu - V O o`°�o CO m vo�oov oo .•. `. -. N• O NN < QX) ? n. c N C C O O m e _ w - fD 'O.Cl: CD Co O ,„ 3 Cy • June 22, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes Page 223 amount of $3,234,444.39; approval of Payroll Vouchers #160340 - 160615; and 500 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,269,862.52. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3333 A resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Transportation: Six-Year Improvement Program (TIP), 1999-2004. MOVED BY EDWARDS, TIP, 1999-2004 SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/06/98 for second and final reading: Budget: 1998 Amendments An ordinance was read providing for 1998 Budget adjustments in the amount for Transportation of $4,008,970 ($3,758,970 in Transportation Capital Funds and $250,000 in Projects (Six-Year TIP) General Funds) for transportation improvement projects. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/06/98. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4728 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately 14 Rezone: Oakesdale acres located at the northwest corner of SW 43rd St. and Oakesdale Ave. SW, Campus, SW south of Springbrook Creek, from Medium Industrial (IM) to Commercial 43rd/Oakesdale Ave SW, Arterial (CA) (Oakesdale Campus, R-98-005). MOVED BY EDWARDS, R-98-005 SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4729 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 12, Drug Paraphernalia, Sales or Legal: Drug Paraphernalia Use, of Title VI (Police Regulations) of City Code by adding a new section Sales & Distribution entitled "Drug Paraphernalia Infraction." MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Parker suggested that the Administration alert businesses who sell drug paraphernalia items that this ordinance will soon take effect. Police Chief Garry Anderson agreed that the department will do its best to spread the word. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:30 p.m. MARILY J. ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 6/22/98 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4727 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR 1998 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable to amend the 1998 Budget to accommodate planned expenditures for the downtown park area known as the Pia77a; and WHEREAS, the Council set aside $1,000,000 in reserve for these improvements in the Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund; and WHEREAS, the Executive has provided a plan to the Council to upgrade the building on the site, and this plan has been submitted to Council. SECTION I. The following adjustments are hereby allowed and made to the Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund, Fund Number 316. 1998 Budget Adjustments 1998 Adopted Budget Per this Ordinance Mjusted Budget $8,299,336 $200,000 $8,499,336 The $200,000 will be from the reserve of fund balance established in the 1998 carry forward ordinance. SECTION H. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this i 5thday of June , 1998. Marilyn J. '/te : , City Clerk 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 2 7 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 15thday of June , 1998. Jes anner, Mayor Approved air form Law dr . , t orney Date of Publication: F/1 ct/AR ORD.724:6/03/98. 2 Convi 't wbt sA1/9g :: CITY OF RENTON aiLL Finance & Information Services Department MEMORANDUM Date: April 29, 1998 To: City Council Members: Bob Edwards, Council President King Parker, Council President Pro-Tern Daniel Clawson Randy Corman Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Toni Nelson Timothy J. Schlitzer Via: Mayor Jesse Tanner 006.1- From: Victoria A. Runkle, Finance & IS Administrator Re: 1998 FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT Attached is a copy of the PowerPoint slides we will present at the Monday, May 4, Committee of the Whole meeting. These slides are based the data available for the first quarter of 1998 (ending March 31.) I expect to be adding more information to the narrative. Hotel/motel tax revenue for the first quarter is expected after May 1. The next payment from Freddie's gambling establishment should be here after May 5. The first quarter data does not tell us a great deal. However, it does indicate whether the economy softened late last year. Currently, it appears from other reports and our numbers that the economy continues to be healthy. I look forward to discussing the 1998 First Quarter Report with you Monday evening. VAR/d If Attachment,as stated 98-014 V.DOC rr, m fit)v CD °T o co rn 1----T 0 83 co w _ a LoI ; Z > m 3 c m c z Co i m po . d' > NI o W Q �' N N l0 co =O — O co . R. Q U Q l N+ + Ii I 1 Q. II co , co 1 ce co `" — ai a) N O cn c0 0) 3ei C y ' m co c CO N • CDN- CU e— 3 N, cv L 4-2, € N tC• N tj _ T co O _>,. i v` T N a T A O 0 co >, 2 8 w gc Q co C N QI + N I aND * e.CO IA. CO IC) 0)io c0 N N co t NN• (V C > t o IIIi A — 44 I E / I N C)VIP O m / 1 m CO LC) Ar V- CD V 0 > / N NN re V `m _c rq m g X If - m N GO r-- .- c ® o I LO O ONO N c m / c 11 >K\Sk . 0 0 (5 N N `- o o / !^ w § g g a 'A O 8 0 $ W o 0 a 2 S S Ts Q M N (`� m 13 2 O C -0 , _c I — al arc2 W Q ix S w r O E Sale _ �I,I -Ts A- 0�m1 $ / q1 & I - - - k ! 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""' 0 ice,, > 0= +-0 _� D x .-.E. ..c a) 1,... -c _c x 1— — a) 4_, F-- C S) 4-- I-- CO (U -3 M Ff _ _ - - lig a.) '� ' �i/ S oCD cu o Cii ( oti fn -C ,C CO 0)0 � �Eli C oo -D 6c 4-4 2 Q. � Cf) 0 . 0:11 t.I 1 C --t c a Iv' a) w E c. (,) E4---- . ... (i) . 0 -�— .� E o = a') w o x �- III _ s rn O W a. ( March 23, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes Page 108 Now *or, Transportation: Downtown Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Transit Hub Final Design regarding the downtown transit center's final design process. Previous transit Process center work has focused on developing an operational schematic, and the Council approved moving forward with a "T" layout. The transit center is now moving into the full design phase, which will specifically delineate architectural features and roadway features. The Committee reviewed the proposed approach for developing the final design for the downtown transit center. This approach, which includes input and reviews by both the public and government agencies, leads directly to the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E), and construction bid documents. The Committee has reviewed the process for developing a final design for the transit center, and recommended approval of the approach. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3315 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Public Works: East Side interlocal agreement with the City of Kent to conduct fisheries restoration Green River Watershed projects in the East Side Green River Watershed. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, Fishery Enhancement, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS City of Kent, CAG-98- PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 4/06/98 for second and final reading: Vacation: Lake Ave S An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Lake Ave. S. between S. 2nd and (Safeway/VAC-95-001) 3rd Streets (Safeway, Inc./VAC-95-001). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/06/98. CARRIED. EDNSP: CD Zone Changes An ordinance was read amending Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV re Gas Stations, Vehicle (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to gas stations, vehicle service, Service etc. mini-marts, and related uses, adding or modifying definitions related to those uses, adjusting land use allowances for those uses in commercial and industrial zones, and clarifying landscaping and screening requirements in the commercial and industrial zones when abutting other described uses. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/06/98. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4709 An ordinance was read revising the 1998 annual budget by increasing certain Budget: 1998 expenditure allowances in the 1998 budget of various city funds by Carryforwards and appropriation, re-appropriation, and transfer from various funds, and creating Adjustments a special hotel-motel excise tax fund, all by a vote of the City Council. Revised total 1998 expenditures: $39,348,389. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4710 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately Rezone: Valley Medical 30.42 acres located at 400 S. 43rd St. from P-1 (Public Use) to Commercial Center North Campus Office (CO) for the Valley Medical Center north campus property. MOVED Rezone to CO BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ti ` March 16 1998 Renton City Council Minutes Page 93 Concluding, Ms. Grueter said the proposed changes would also clarify or refine existing landscaping and screening requirements in the commercial and industrial zones affecting screening next to abutting residential zones, screening of outdoor storage, and other issues. For example, the term "landscaped visual barrier" will be redefined to mean screening that includes evergreen vegetation which becomes dense within three years. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Council President Edwards noted this item will remain in the Planning & Development Committee pending a recommendation to the full Council. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1998 and beyond. Items noted included: * The contractor on the Main Ave. S. sewer replacement is slightly ahead of schedule, having completed the trunk replacement last week. * Construction on the downtown water main replacement project will start this week. * A community involvement process has been defined for the downtown transit hub project. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mayor Tanner welcomed Parks Maintenance Worker Ken Ponder and his son, Boy Scout Kenneth Ponder. Kenneth was in attendance to fulfill his "citizenship in the community" requirement for a merit badge. Mr. Ponder added that Kenneth has been selected to serve as a student ambassador to Australia. Citizen Comment: Parker Del Parker, PO Box 998, Mercer Island, WA, 98040, objected that an attorney - Renton Public Defender who worked for the law firm from which the City contracts its public Associate Michael Noah defender services was charged with second degree felony theft in 1993. Mr. (Legal History) Parker asked if the City of Renton has any responsibility to inform persons who received public defense services of this situation. Councilman Corman asked that the Administration look into this issue. Citizen Comment: John Jankowski, 620 Grant Ave. S., Renton, 98055, expressed concern about Jankowski - Downtown the condition of the downtown core area, and urged that Council appropriate Piazza Phase II Funding funding for the first construction phase of the Downtown Piazza project. Saying this project is important to the revitalization of the downtown core, he O�Q� said this in turn will benefit the City as a whole. Emphasizing that .J _ investment follows investment, Mr. Jankowski implored Council not to hesitate in appropriating these funds as requested. Citizen Comment: Richter Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton, 98055, echoed Mr. - Downtown Piazza Phase Jankowski's concerns about the appropriation of funds for phase two of the II Funding Downtown Piazza project. Explaining she had heard that the $1 million budgeted for this phase will be held in reserve rather than appropriated at this time, she felt it would be better to distribute these funds now to keep the process moving forward. March 16, 1998 Renton City Council Minutes Page 94 MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLK ER-WHEELER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE 1998 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS AND CARRY FORWARDS. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending adoption Budget: 1998 Adjustments of the 1998 Carry Forward and Budget Adjustment ordinance. The total Carryforwards amount appropriated is $39,348,389. Of this total, over $36.6 million (90 percent of the total) is for legal obligations the City has outstanding from 1997, to be spent in 1998. The remaining $3.9 million is for new budgetary items, including, but not limited to, appropriations for the Oakesdale Phase II project, furniture purchases, and swimming pool removal. The ordinance also places in reserve $1.2 million in the Municipal Facilities Fund. Of these funds, $1 million is dedicated in reserve for the Downtown Piazza project. The remaining $200,000 will be held in reserve for the purchase of undesignated property. When opportunities and/or a plan for the piazza is complete, the Council will appropriate the reserves. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Councilman Parker clarified that if approved, the proposed action will designate $1 million for the piazza project as requested by the Administration. He considered the City to be in an enviable position to have these carryforward funds. Responding to Councilman Corman, Mayor Tanner confirmed that the piazza funds are already being held in reserve, and he had asked that these be appropriated to phase two of the project at this time. Most of the funds will not be needed for some time, except perhaps to clean up contamination on the property. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler felt it would be best not to appropriate the funds until a plan for the piazza has been agreed to by all parties, which has not yet been accomplished. Emphasizing that the money will not be spent on anything other than the piazza, she explained that this project is not the same as, for example, a simple road project. She reiterated that she wanted to be sure what the funds will be spent on before the money is appropriated. Noting his concern about sending a mixed message to the community on this issue, Councilman Corman said the City must make itself clear that it is committed to this project. Council President Edwards interpreted the Committee's recommendation as reflecting earnest passion on the part of Committee members to stay involved in this project. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 95 for ordinance.) CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 98-016, Mazda & City Clerk reported bid opening on 3/03/98 for CAG-98-016, Demolition of Holm Bldgs Demolition, the Mazda and Holm Buildings; 13 bids; project estimate $200,000; and Wyser Const submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Wyser Construction, Inc., in the total amount of $96,154.44. Council concur. C APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date ''/b- If FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT March 16, 1998 Referred March 16, 1998 The Committee recommends adoption of the 1998 Carry Forward and Budget Adjustment ordinance. The total amount appropriated is $39,348,389. Of this total over $36.6 million — 90 percent of the total is for legal obligations the city has outstanding from 1997 to be spent in 1998. The remaining $3.9 million is for new budgetary items, including, but not limited to, appropriations for Oakesdale Phase II, furniture purchases, and swimming pool removal. • This ordinance also places in reserve$1.2 million in the Municipal Facilities Fund. One Million of these funds will be dedicated in reserve for the Piazza project. The remaining $200,000 is in reserve for the purchase of undesignated property. When opportunities and/or a plan for the Piazza is complete, the Council will appropriate the reserves. A copy of the ordinance and the detail is attached. ing Pa er, Finance Chair 4. tyy /60-eiefrl ._ lAkeeb-----r Kathy Keyker-Wheeler,Vice Chair Toni Nelson, Committee Member e/e• ,..1.-G%,syr - DATE: 02/26/98 TO: Council Member King Parker, Finance Chair CITY OF RENTON All Council Members FEB 2 7 1998 VIA: Mayor Tanner RECEIVED FROM: Victoria A. Runkle L,ITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: End of the Year Fund Balances After December 31 of each year we review the revenues and expenditures from the previous year to determine our financial status. In this review we are ensuring we ended the year legally balanced, evaluating the outstanding invoices, and determining where our expenditures were under budget and where revenues were greater than we anticipated. Our first concern is to ensure revenues and expenditures are, minimally, balanced. We have usually analyzed this prior to the end of the year, and made changes in the "End of the Year Clean Up" ordinance to ensure we end the year legally balanced. This is the ordinance you review in December. Second, we also legally obligate funds during the year — and if the goods and invoices are not presented by the end of December, then we must "carry forward" 1997 monies to pay for those goods obligated with the monies of the year. Further, since these funds were not spent, we must again legally appropriate them. These we refer to as "carry forwards." They change the legal appropriation levels of the budget, but are not for new programs. We identify these changes in the "Budget Adjustment and Carry Forward Ordinance." Attachment B describes the "carry forwards"with one paragraph. Most of these should be quite familiar to you. In addition to the goods and services obligated, but not yet paid for, another common group of carry forward requests are for capital projects. The practice in Renton has been to budget for the entire project in one year. We seldom complete the entire project in a year; thus we carry forward the amounts to complete the project in the following year. These monies are dedicated, and in most cases, cannot be used for discretionary purposes. We will be talking to you in the future about different ways to appropriate for capital projects to minimize carry forwards in this area. However, for 1997/98 we must carry forward appropriation levels in order to accomplish these projects. The third area that has policy significance is in the excess fund balances in the "general governmental funds" or as I often refer to it — green money. Here each year, we examine the revenues and expenditures and determine what funds can be used for"new" purposes. General governmental funds include the following: General, Street, Library, and Parks. Further, since we appropriate general monies to the Municipal Facilities Fund and the Insurance Fund, we also examine those each year for their status, and we consider those to be "general governmental" purposes. The 1997/98 proposals are continuations of programs started in 1997. Actually, most of these programs were developed in 1996. We began to implement projects such as sidewalk/street repair, development of the building, Oakesdale, Piazza, and the swimming pool issues in 1997. In Attachment C we have provided a detail of the information for the recommendations. These new purposes are referred to as"Budget Adjustments." C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 1 of 14 14109 t wrr►t In addition to the information in Attachment C,we have provided the full costs of the new building, as requested by Council. I have provided that information by fund and different components (design, construction, etc) in Attachment D. I have also provided the same information by major project(building totals)in Attachment D2. Everyone looks at information differently, so I wanted to ensure we were giving information to you in the format that was requested. The updated spreadsheet with new information is provided in Attachment E. On February 9t , we presented both the carry forwards and the recommendations to spend the excess funds. In the spreadsheet presented, the carry forward totals were considered draft. We believe these totals are now very close to accurate. However, until we complete the ordinance, we recommend you consider these numbers draft. We continue to review these numbers and the necessity to reappropriate funds. We are completing the"Budget Adjustments and Carry Forward Ordinance."This takes more time as analyzing the capital projects expenditures takes a significant amount of time. This ordinance will be introduced for Finance Committee review the first of March. The attached information has been provided to you as more descriptive information prior to receiving the ordinance. Attachment A summarizes the updated information from February 9t. We have also included the updated spreadsheet. As always, I look forward to talking to you about these changes. • C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 2 of 14 ATTACHMENT A SUMMARY OF END OF"THE YEAR CARRY FORWARDS AND BtsitGET ADJUSTMENTS DESCRIPTIONS GR TTLS 1/1/97 FB 97 Revs 97 Exps 12/31/97 FB 16, 05,294 "Approved/Legal"Carryforwards: Port Quendall 97 00 Surveying Division PO Maintenance of the Transit Center s "' 7,000 Fire Replacement Radios Codification Books Fourth of July • x r 9000' Downtown Prgrm '15,0g0 Economic Development a ,830 Misc Street Needs POs • 5,705? Street Tree Repair000• Various Outstanding POS in HSry 000- DARE Program Contributions 438 DARE Program Sales r0,320` Black River Maintenance 10000 Grant Writing '20,000 Commute Tnp Reduction ,10 000 v., WAS SCCP `21;300 Narcotics Confiscation Fund 86,021.; Business Recruitment 31,300 Narcotics Grant Various 316 CarryForwards(See attach) 2:1Tt,9S5 Various Outstanding POS in CS g,54Q;t Transfer for Windsor Hills • Youth Basketball ,[1,000' Donations to be Carved over 25;602'. Extraordinary Insurance Claim 300 000; FS 14 Costs Not earlier identified 7000` City Paving 5,000 Additional$for ER 250,0©t? Arts Commission 2,900 Ending Fund Batance 97 383;, 98 Revs 5.5, 35,2'28 98 Exps 56b`9$,27 8%of 98 Exps with Carry Forwards #i90,530: j "Available FB" �F491,81:4` Identified"Needs"and Requests 4 rF Sidewalk Program h` 00,00fl Workstations for Bldg ▪ f50,O;r±T' Removal of Swimming Pool Lateral Files <_: Limited Term Position i Limited Term in Dvlp Sry 4;300 Oakesdale Phase II �gl00,Q00: Piazza Phase II �f`0Q0,000' Police Equipment 125,000. Phone/Alarm Costs • 500,000 Land Purchase 200,000 CS&IS Move OT 20,000 Ttl of the Requested"Nec 4y45900 "Available" FB 345'914 2/26/983:08 PM c:data:97bdgt:eoyfb ATTACHMENT B Description of the Carryforward Requests The following describes the carry forward requests. This information is not provided in any priority order, as these are all "legal" obligations. If the Council does not approve these, the City must pay for these services, and thus will use 1998 appropriations to do so. This would reduce 1998 levels of service. Port Quendall. In 1997 we began the Environmental Impact Statement process, and appropriated the entire amount as we expected the process to be completed within the year. It has not been completed. $197,000 Surveying POs. The PW division in charge of surveying contracted for services in December as they do each month. The invoices had not arrived yet for the services rendered. $15,000 Maintenance of the Transit Center. We have an ongoing contract with a third party vendor for the maintenance of the Transit Center through Metro. During our negotiations on the temporary site, we agreed to maintain certain services. In the negotiations for the permanent site, maintenance and funding for maintenance are issues. The Parks Division manages the contract. The appropriation is needed to pay for this new facility for 1998. This may become an ongoing cost, depending upon negotiations. $15,000 Replacement Radios — Fire. During 1997 two radios were inadvertently destroyed. The replacement money was provided to the department in late 1997 through the Insurance Fund. The radios were not purchased. The Insurance monies "fell" into fund balance. The radios still need to be purchased. This is in the category that 1998 funds could be used, but the commitment had been made in 1997, and the transfers were not accomplished until late 1997. $5,000 Codification Books. Each year we need to have various issues codified and then the sections or books reprinted. These costs are for the printing costs that were to occur in 1997, but the final changes were not made until late in 1997. $10,000 Fourth of July. We have agreed to return the Fourth of July celebration to Liberty Park. We had removed the costs of set up and clean up from the 1996 and 1997 budgets. With the return to Liberty Park, we need to reinstate these costs. The costs at Coulon Park cannot be transferred because those costs exist under any usage due to the use of the Park at that time. These costs will be ongoing in the 1999 budget. $9,000 Downtown Management Program. This is a program to have a consultant evaluate the uses of the Piazza garage and develop marketing information for other downtown developments. $15,000 Human Services/Planning Visioning. The City began a human services/long range planning process in 1997. The remainder of the contract will be spent in 1998. $3,830 Business Recruitment. The program was developed in 1996 at the Council Retreat and started in 1997. This program will continue to develop a business recruitment video, pamphlets and other marketing tools for trade shows to develop/encourage business development in the City. Miscellaneous Street Needs. Each year, the Street Division purchases street needs (sand, asphalt, etc.) at normal intervals. December is a normal interval. They order the goods, but the goods do not show up until late in the month, and the invoices do not make it until after January. Thus, we cannot pay the bill. Thus, we always carry forward this expenditure. $6,705 C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 4 of 14 Ammoromminir *NV Windsor Hills. The Council approved $250,000 for Windsor Hills street and sidewalk improvements in 1997. This was an accounting error in Finance. Due to staff changes the actual accounting transfer was not made in 1997. We got $50,000 of it transferred, but the remaining $200,000 must be taken from fund balance. It was a Finance Department major accounting error. Self Sustaining Programs. The Community Services Department collects revenue from programs, donations, etc. We have been working on accounting ways to determine how to address these issues. We clearly must continue to work on this. However, in this category, in 1998 for 1997, we have the following costs to be"carry forward." a. Youth Basketball: Fees collected for shirts and costs of the program$21,000 b. Various Donations: Donations for the Deck at the Senior Center, Day Camp Scholarship Programs, and for the Van $24,800. c. Various outstanding purchase orders for supplies ordered for self sustaining programs such as music for programs. $5,540 Total for self sustaining programs. $51,340. Street Tree Repair. We have invoices not yet paid of street tree repair. $7,000 Various Outstanding POs for the Human Services Department. $3,000 DARE Program Sales and Contributions. Contributions for DARE programs must be reappropriated in order to ensure we do not use these for general purposes. $108,800 Black River Maintenance. We have a contract with a third party for the maintenance of the Black River corridor. The work was accomplished in 1997, but the invoice did not arrive before the end of the year. $10,000 WASCCP. These are costs we incur for equipment for rental of equipment our Electronic Home Detention Program. The December invoices did not arrive in time to pay in December. $21,300 Narcotics Grant. We have several different federal grants that have revenues associated that must be reprogrammed for specific narcotics work. The revenues fall into the fund balance and must be reprogrammed for corresponding expenditures. $86,020. Donations for various programs. We have a variety of small donations for things that we are reallocating for plants, etc. $800 Extraordinary Insurance Claims. Prior to determining the "excess" fund balances, we first replenish the Insurance Fund for any claims that are significant. If we do not do it this way, then we must set insurance rates significantly higher in out year budgets for claims that may be attributed to one department or one extraordinary event. We are replenishing the fund for these 1997 claims. $300,000 FS# 14 Costs. There are utility, landscaping, and janitorial costs associated with Fire Station 14 that were not known at the time the budget was developed. These costs need to be added to the budget. Additional City Paving Issues. We have started a City -owned facility paving program. We have a similar program for the city park parking lots. This program will be most limited in 1998. We expect only to fill pot holes, and we repaired the handicap access in front of City Hall in order to permit access when it rained. We will put together a maintenance program for the 1999 — 2000 budget and six year CIP. $5,000 C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 5 of 14 Arts Commission. Each year the Arts Commission has some outstanding obligations and asks for their remaining funds to be reallocated for programs. We have always accommodated these requests due to their small budget and management of the same. $2,900. Additional Funding for Equipment Rental. As we stated, we are continuing to put aside funds for Equipment Rental in order to arrive at a point where we can replace vehicles on a normal cycle and with cash for short-lived vehicles. This $250,000 puts aside monies to the point where we believe we may get to that point. Our work program in 1998 includes an in-depth analysis of our fleet and to provide in the 1999—2000 budget a complete study to illustrate replacement. - Fund 316 Carry forwards. Each year we budget.funds for major projects in the CIP Funds. All capital funds carry forwards will be included in the final ordinance. However, 316 Funds can be used for discretionary purposes. Capital funds in the Transportation, Utilities, Airport and Golf Course Funds cannot be used for purposes outside their funds. Thus, at this time we review the 316 Fund. There is an attachment that outlines all the carry forward requests in Fund 316. The total is$2.172 million. The highlights of the requests include, but are not limited to: a. Municipal Space Needs. $1.04 million. These monies have been dedicated to renovating Old City Hall after we vacate. The actual needed funds will be determined after we negotiate with potential tenants. b. . Information Services Needs. -$53a,000. We budgeted funds in 1997 for "replacement of the Payroll system (20.00 issue); computers for the street group to use in their field jobs; imaging preplanning; and CD tower replacement to meet Library needs. We accomplished a significant amount of work in IS, but were not able to complete these projects. All are necessary, thus the carry forward requests. c. City Lot Repaving. We have identified a need for $250,000 annually to repave PARK parking lots. We did not accomplish Coulon Park as planned last year. Thus, we reprogrammed that amount in 1998 from 1997. Due to the workload, we cannot take on more than about$250,000 a year. d. Regional Park Development and Matching Funds Each year we program $334,000 to meet matching requirements, if necessary. We spent none of these in 1997; thus we reprogrammed many of the same funds. Please review Attachment b (small case) for further identification of projects by name, but not descriptions. Please call with any specific questions you may have regarding these carry forward requests. • C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 6 of 14 ATTACHMENT C RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ONE TIME FUNDING EXPENDITURES The following paragraphs describe the recommendations we have for the remaining fund balances. Each of these completes the work we have started in 1996 and 1997. Sidewalk Repair. We have attached a full memo on that from the PW Department. We began this project in 1997 in the Windsor Hills area with an allocation of $250,000 during the year. The additional $250,000 will be used to continue the program throughout the City, augmenting the programs we currently have. We will add $75,000 to the $80,000 in the Street Fund to meet the sidewalk repair program. The remainder, $175,0000, added to the TIP Sidewalk Program. This program builds new sidewalks in high-risk areas(around schools, etc). Removal of the Swimming Pool. Under any pool option, we have to remove the current tank at the old pool location. Without having a pool program there in 1998, we have a significant liability. We do not have the staff to monitor the area at all times. Removing the tank would accomplish several things. First, it minimizes liability risks of young people getting in there and damaging something. Second, it clearly illustrates we can not"fix" the old pool for use. Finally, it is a visual impact that we no longer have a pool in Renton. We highly recommend removing the pool tank. These funds do NOT remove the housing, etc. of the area. New Building Equipment. There has been a lot of discussion about the needs of the building. We have put these together as a discussion of the building equipment. a. Work Stations. $750,000. We erred in naming this only workstations on the spreadsheet. This money is to be used for not only work stations, but for equipping as many conference rooms as possible, adding equipment for jurors in the jury rooms, additional costs for council chambers, and other needs in the new building. We have always had $200,000 in the budget, but have always been consistent in knowing this would not be enough to meet the increased needs. We are adding space for workers, public,jurors, criminals, and others. We need to have places that can be used. Workstations will be the largest category of this request. We have provided copies of the proposals received from Bank and Office for the equipment. Please consider these confidential as we are negotiating with other companies prior to purchasing anything. However,we are examining"new"workstations for several different reasons: 1. In our current work environment few employees have standard space. We have built work modules that have as little as 30 square feet. In the new building, we will adhere to the standard of 80 square feet for each employee. With our current configuration, we have no standard equipment; no standards in dividers; and no standard in desk configurations. Even in PW where there were considerable dollars spent almost a decade ago, we have continued to"cut up"the space and will need, at least, additional dividers etc to make the new work area consistent throughout the work areas. 2. Desk areas we currently have are inadequate for the new technology. Over the past three years we have had to pay out$63,000 in carpal syndrome claims. This is because many of our staff using computers do not have the proper ergonomic equipment. Keyboards on top of desks cause tremendous problems; as does the layout in which many employees must work. Further, many employees, again, are working in a space woefully inadequate for their requirements. Developing standard work areas will permit them to be able to work in an efficient manner. 3. Standardization is important. One of the most costly things we have in the current building is the inability to exchange desks, dividers, and other equipment among employees as reorganizations or other staff changes occur. The result is that j we have had a significant amount of equipment in surplus and are purchasing new C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 7 of 14 440 equipment to meet the different configurations we have throughout the City. Changing to one vendor, one color, and standardizing sizes, work station elements, and all other configurations ensures we will be able to meet different demands as things do change. We will no longer have departments able to purchase their"own" thing. They will have to work with one vendor and adhere to standards. 4. More work stations. Again, we have people just working in areas carved out of space. They do not have a work station. This is occurring in every department. We are moving to ensure employees have a decent work area. We need to develop that. 5. We are NOT recommending the purchase of new equipment. When reviewing the proposals from Bank and Office you will note we have asked for several different scenarios—using the equipment from PW and not using it. BUT in every case we are NOT recommending new equipment. We are only considering the purchase of refurbished equipment. Further, if we do get all different furniture, all these prices include trade in value for the equipment we currently have. New equipment would begin at$1 million. Refurbished equipment is used equipment that has been cleaned. Thus, we are looking for ways to meet our needs at the lowest cost possible. 6. Finally, we are completing this building for the next century. We want this building to be updated and professional. If we do not do it right now, we will not get it right later. One of the primary concerns is ensuring our staff get the tools they need for this building. If we do not do this right, employee morale will be very low. We cannot give them a building without the tools. Thus, equipment is very important in this area, and in all areas. a. Police Equipment. We are over eight new rooms in the new building for police needs. One of the primary reasons for the new building was the police department's need for additional space. They need interview rooms for juveniles and domestic violence that is separate from the interview rooms for more violent offenders. We have a workout area. We have a real briefing room scheduled. We have even planned rooms where people no longer have to work on top of each other — but will have work areas that will be shared between shifts, but not attempt to use the same area by several people on the same shift! Additional needs require additional equipment. We need tables, chairs, white boards, work areas, computers, and recording equipment for these rooms. Because this building is being paid for from "green" monies and not other types of funds, the expenditures are a bit more obvious. However, all these needs were met in the new Fire Station—we simply used Impact Mitigation monies for these costs. c. Lateral files. STAFF came up with this solution. When we began to discuss this building, a team of people, led by the City Clerk, began to question how we could make our filing systems more efficient. While we can move all the old files, when attempting to develop space that is organized and standard, one of the areas we have to examine is the amount of paper we keep, the amount we have to maintain, and the amount we can normally rid ourselves of. This is an opportunity to develop space that requires people to organize themselves more efficiently and address questions that will ensure future space saving techniques. The team, based on space efficiency, selected lateral files as our standard. They also began to establish other standards (letter size, at all possible times, establishment of strict adherence to the retention schedule, not having boxes on floors, but establishing procedures and locations for such requirements). Are lateral files a necessity? Not today. However, again, this was an opportunity for staff to examine how they do things and how to make things cleaner and more efficient. It is the first step in a long journey using technology for records retention. This request addresses not j =hardware," it is using a color digital system for coding files which will initially develop coy across departments — and C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 8 of 14 hopefully across the City as we learn the system. It will begin to develop a standard system that can be used when we begin to use digital tools for storage. b. Phone System. The original estimates for the phone system have always been approximately$1.2 million. We have budgeted $1.3 million with consultant monies for writing two RFPs and ensuring we get what we need. The building has NO wiring for voice and data,therefore, all wiring has to be put in. In our day and age, we must have at least two sets of wires at each desk area—one for phone and one for computers. Because we are all interconnected, and we are getting rid of desktop printers, we must then have a connection from the computer to centralized printers. The future requires we will be able to send our documents to a copier, when necessary. Our consultant recommended we have four"drops"at every work station. We are asking for the cost of that, but we doubt we can afford that level of service. In addition, we now must connect back to the Library, Comm Center, Senior Center and the Shops. They are currently all running on our phone system. We will have to install an independent key system for them that will be interconnected to the new technology we are placing in the new building. This is to continue the practice of dialing four numbers to connect "in city? Finally, we have to replace our current phone system in any configuration. It is now over 10 years old, and we can no longer get parts for the system. Last summer when we had a significant power problem it took over two weeks for us to locate parts. We identified the $500,000 as a number that would be a cost to us in any scenario of building. If we stayed here we would have to replace our phone system. We have discussed this at various times when talking about technology. A couple of other points: We will be taking our hand sets...no new phones at the desktop. Changing the phones at the desk top would cost as much as$500,000 more. We are building a voice/data system for the future. We will be using fiber instead of copper wires. This is not particularly more expensive. It does require a bit more up front, but will save us operating costs within two years as US West changes services. Oakesdale Phase II. $1,000,000. We are recommending we set aside $1 million of our fund balances to complete the Oakesdale project from the Boeing property through our City. The $1 million, obviously, is not enough to finish this project. However, it does provide real cash for our transportation staff to go to the TIB and illustrate we are ready to continue the project, dedicated to it, and these are important factors in getting grant funds. In fact, our transportation people feel most confident that if we dedicate this now,.they can get the grants and be ready to complete the project by the year 2001. This would be the normal timing even if we had the funds today. This is a continuation of completing a system that encourages economic development in an area where we still have property. This continuation would make that area more feasible for development. Piazza Phase II. We want to put some pizzazz into the piazza! We want to realize the concepts that we started in 1996 and 1997. The 1998 budget includes only demolition of sections of the garage, a public process to develop the site, deconstruction of some of the parking to open the space, and connections with the Transit Center. The public process will provide a comprehensive plan for the development of that area. Further, we continue to want to do things in Renton as well as possible. This theme is in the building, Oakesdale and the Piazza. We want to have capital projects that will last and meet future requirements. This reservation, as all of the requests here, implement that strategy. Land Purchases. This is a reservation of funds for land purchase opportunities we have not identified. We may want to purchase property at the new building. We may need to add a few parcels at the Piazza. Just as the Parks Department has two contingency accounts for opportunities that may avail themselves for grants, we are proposing we set aside $200,000 for possibilities that may present themselves as we continue on the Piazza or the building. C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 9 of 14 Limited Term Positions. We have monies for limited term positions in both Developmental Services and in the Executive division. The Developmental Services costs are lower than actually two positions would cost as we are substituting temporary work for two full time positions. Community Services and Information Services Overtime. As we have been developing the move plans, it became apparent we are going to have to have certain staff work a significant amount of overtime. Staff may, by contract, ask for over time pay or bank time. Management can require overtime, pay for it and not grant time lieu of pay. We have had many discussions, and given the workload, it will not be possible to give people time off beyond their normal vacations and maintain levels of service. Thus, we would like to pay overtime for these move costs. This $20,000 expenditure will pay for overtime in both departments. There will be more in CS than in IS. Any funds not used will be returned at the end of the year. C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 10 of 14 ATTACHMENT D Full Costs of the Building by Fund Allocation and Component Parts Fund Fund Exps to 301 316 TOTAL BDGT Date Balance Purchase* 9,715,277 9,715,277 9,715,277 - Design - Building 550,000 550,000 379,950 170,050 Tech 50,000 25,000 75,000 39,800 35,200 Ramp 152,800 152,800 - 152,800 Construction - Building 2,832,000 2,832,000 2,832,000 Alternates 86,442 86,442 86,442 Carpet 246,181 246,181 246,181 Tech 750,000 475,000 1,225,000 1,225,000 Ramp 1,474,500 1,474,500 - 1,474,500 Jail 2,398,354 2,398,354 2,398,354 Other - - Furniture - - WorkStations 700,000 700,000 700,000 Police Equip 125,000 125,000 125,000 Files 125,000 125,000 125,000 Other 50,000 50,000 50,000 Soft Costs-Bldg 88,691 22,700 111,391 111,391 Items Not in TI 145,000 145,000 145,000 Contingency 265,799 265,799 265,799 Moving Costs 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 TOTALS 17;127,744 .3,170,000 20,297,744 10,135,027 10,162,717 ADOPTED BDGT 17,127,744 *Includes both purchase cost and financing costs. C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 11 of 14 ATTACHMENT D(2) Full Costs of the Building by Fund Allocation and Major Element Exps to 301 316 TOTAL BDGT Date Balance Purchase* 9,715,277 9,715,277 9,715,277 - Base Bldg 3,382,000 3,382,000 379,950 3,002,050 Alternatives 86,442 86,442 86,442 Voice/Data 800,000 500,000 1,300,000 39,000 1,261,000 Other TI 145,000 145,000 145,000 Carpet 246,181 246,181 246,181 Jail 2,398,354 2,398,354 2,398,354 Ramp 1,650,000 1,650,000 - 1,650,000 Other - - Furniture - - WorkStations 700,000 700,000 700,000 Police Equip 125,000 125,000 125,000 Files 125,000 125,000 125,000 Other 50,000 50,000 50,000 Soft Costs 88,691 88,691 88,691 Contingency 265,799 265,799 265,799 Moving Costs 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 TOTALS 17,127,744 3,170,000 20,297,744 10,134,227 10,163,517 ADOPTED 17,127,744 BDGT l . C:mydocuments:eoyfb Page 12 of 14 ATTACHMENT E 1997 EOY Fund Balance Detail FUND NUMBER General Parks Street Library 'iO3:01 Exps in Street 111/97 FB 6,720,739 Fund higher 378,518 939,997 268,704 lattfrat tevs 34,161,668 than bdgt due 7,426,887 4,760,093 1,198,824 2 97 Exps 34,196,762 to transfer out 6,848,363 5,191,793 1,138,992 i 7 •10,: 12/31/97 FB 6,685,645 of 400K. 957,042 508,297 328,536 p' • "Approved/Legal"Carryforwards: Port Quendall 197,000 These are as of Surveying Division PO 15,000 1/9/98. The staff 100 Maintenance of the Transit Center 15,000 and I are f4i OJ°: checking these Fire Replacement Radios 5,000 numbers. The r'�00, Codification Books 10,000 Narcotics Grant , 000' Fourth of July 9,000 is the most is"r 00 • Downtown Prgrm 15,000 significant 000 Economic Development 3,830 one. , , Misc Street Needs POs The Self 6,705 40. Street Tree Repair 7,000 Sustaining ;'=/p®.; Various Outstanding POS in HSry 3,000 number is being x 000 DARE Program Contributions 98,438 reviewed by staff as to its r & DARE Program Sales 10,320 continued ,, Black River Maintenance 10,000 necessity. r` 00 Grant Writing 20,000 - , ,ep Commute Trip Reduction 10,000 - ; , ,i,'` WASSCCP 21,300 ,, 6 Narcotics Confiscation Fund 86,021 t:6 .21;' Business Recruitment 31,300 300 Narcotics Grant Various 316 CarryForwards(See attach) ""rious Outstanding POS in CS 5,540 r ?Yiw -isfer for Windsor Hills 200,000 -s,o I;I i Youth Basketball 21,000 -r ;11r iY Donations to be Carried over 802 24,800 ;�± Extraordinary Insurance Claim FS 14 Costs Not earlier identified 7,000 ►V s s' City Paving 5,000 Op, Additional$for ER 250,000 %x., ,, � 0` Arts Commission 2,900 011 Ending Fund Balance 97 5,652,734 Make certain all 905,702 501,592 328,536 tz� 4 98 Revs 33,951,558 transfers of fund 7,453,900 4,856,251 1,184,325 •' 98 Exps 33,749,273 balance are in 7,423,468 4,848,846 1,192,322 1' }43 ,8 o the the 98 Exps. 8%of 98 Exps with Carry Forwards 2,699,942593,877 387,908 95,386 ; 11'.h; "Available FB" 3,155,077 342,257 121,089 225,153 r, 31477,0 Identified"Needs"and Requests Sidewalk Program 250,000 Most -s's Workstations for Bldg 750,000 "needs"on s ts+s Removal of Swimming Pool 110,000 the GF 'tai` sass' Lateral Files 125,000 funds were ti a`i Limited Term Position 35,600 placed in ,r,. in 000 Limited Term in Dvlp Sri 23,300 Fund %r' order to Oakesdale Phase II 1,000,000 0:( ,"e;01,. Piazza Phase II 1,000,000 keep track as�s on them. r Police Equipment 125,000 %_e Phone/Alarm Costs 500,000 s,a s i s<i 'd Purchase 200,000 `ss{, ....)&IS Move OT 20,000 'oss { Ttl of the Requested"Needs" 4,138,900 - - - ,r< •q0 "Available" FB (983,823) 342,257 121,089 225,153 (295,324) 2/26/983:12 PM c:data:97bdgt:eoyfb ATTACHMENT E 1997 EOY Fund Balance Detail FUND NUMBER 316 502 r' t * 1/1/97 FB 2,478,091 3,724,865 ,('0t:, 97 Revs 6,168,861 5,463,714 z `ili.,fibil 97 Exps 4,468,743 4,941,014 '1:0; .4 •6. 12/31/97 FB 4,178,209 4,247,565 "Approved/Legal"Carryforwards, Port Quendall ►►► Surveying Division PO ►►► Maintenance of the Transit Center i ► Fire Replacement Radios » !0e Codification Books 1,0=►►0�' Fourth of July fi ►►► Downtown Prgrm °°►►► Economic Development ► Misc Street Needs POs ? ► Street Tree Repair ¢ ►►► Various Outstanding POS in HSry c'*►►► DARE Program Contributions DARE Program Sales :.°4" ► Black River Maintenance ► ►►►r Grant Writing 000 ' Commute Trip Reduction ±0 00�, WASSCCP ►► , Narcotics Confiscation Fund 86,►2 Business Recruitment t *►► Narcotics Grant is Various 316 CarryForwards(See attach) 2,171,955 1 Various Outstanding POS in CS ► Transfer for Windsor Hills Doi 0 Youth Basketball 000 Donations to be Carried over -� ..► Extraordinary Insurance Claim 300,000 ► ►► FS 14 Costs Not earlier identified r s,,,t. s. City Paving ..,►►►�' Additional$for ER 50 ►►01 Arts Commission !-- i►' Ending Fund Balance 97 2,006,254 3,947,565 ', if 98 Revs 2,748,000 5,341,194 5,535 98 Exps 4,511,646 4,967,722 s •;693" ,0. 8%of 98 Exps with Carry Forwards - 3,922,407 r .99.520 "Available FB" 242,608 398,630 Identified"Needs"and Requests Do not Sidewalk Program maintain 8%of aa�,t, Workstations for Bldg CIP fund. , i �e e� Removal of Swimming Pool They are one t e e ea time and Lateral Files .1.000` "discretionary" x� Limited Term Position .e e by definition. *ra, Limited Term in Dvlp Sry -., . e e Oakesdale Phase II e e e e e e Piazza Phase II , I e e e Police Equipment . 5 e e0'= Phone/Alarm Costs 0,4 e II. a Land Purchases ere CS&IS Move OT ,s e e e�' Ttl of the Requested"Needs" - - • a a _. "Available" FB 242,608 398,630 s y !AO 2/26/983:12 PM c:data:97bdgt:eoyfb M gE B E .o o ci di s g i 8 co c •31 adima � t ii (140 § I-: E 0 NV E 3 25 v g $ p5 "I �N L -3 / y .58. ms, N 0, a JJJ"' rr c o E E 4 y 1 E >. 5 i : co A i v i t i . . . .., O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 In 0 o In o 0 0 o co n o In n o cn o ` rn cD M uon) O. v n n N a> .n § N Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O I.n a o coo V�..pii ,c,} M in sr n N C.) 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During that presentation it was mentioned that we were receiving requests through our Neighborhood Program and elsewhere to dedicate more resources to maintaining and repairing existing sidewalks and to constructing sidewalks in neighborhoods that do not currently have them. A front page article in the February 5 edition of the Renton Reporter provided information about our Sidewalk Program to our residents,and interest and inquiries about sidewalks have increased since that time. It is becoming ever more apparent that one of the leading concerns of our residents is to have more and safer sidewalks,particularly along school routes. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the use of$250,000 of the 1997 end of year General Fund balance for the purpose of restoring and repairing existing sidewalks and building new sidewalks in residential areas that do not currently have sidewalks. SIDEWALK REPAIR: As presented to Council on January 5,the City's main sidewalk repair program is an$80,000 per year program designating 1 FTE and materials for repairing sidewalks on our prioritized sidewalk inventory list. We propose that$75,000 be used to supplement this program. We are currently working on the worst sidewalks on this list,sidewalks that have vertical separations up to 6-inches. Adding$75,000 to this fund would significantly increase the amount of sidewalk we could repair and replace over and above the 21,600 square feet of hazardous sidewalks we repaired at various places along 15 streets in 1997. In order not to pull resources away from other elements of the street maintenance program,the$75,000 would probably be used to hire independent contractors to *ow imor February 16, 1998 Page 2 supplement the sidewalk repair/replacement work our City Crews do. We propose to use this additional funding to expedite the repair of sidewalks as prioritized in our sidewalk inventory list. NEW SIDEWALKS: The largest sub-program within the portion of the Sidewalk Program that is used to build new sidewalks is the Walkway Program,currently funded at$70,000 per year. This program is part of the 6-year Transportation TIP,and provides for the design and construction of high priority non- motorized transportation facilities for pedestrians as identified and prioritized in the 1991 Walkway Needs and Priority Report. This program typically funds the construction of sidewalk access and bus stop improvements to accommodate wheelchairs,and also to build walkways for safe pedestrian access along school routes. We propose to direct a portion of the remaining$175,000 into this program so as to expedite the construction of prioritized projects in the Walkway Needs and Priority Report. In addition,we intend to establish a new program to address citizen requests for new sidewalks, similar to the existing Sidewalk Complaint/Claims response Program in which the City responds to citizen complaints and claims related to damaged sidewalks. Staff will explore such options as requiring the requesting neighborhood or residents to pay for a percentage of the new sidewalks,and will also investigate the City's sidewalk construction standards to evaluate whether there are functional but less costly approaches to building neighborhood walkways. A means for evaluating citizen requests must also be established. This program would allow for fairly rapid response to citizen requests for the construction of new sidewalks. Staff will present options for Council consideration after these and related issues have been studied. One of the issues that would need to be determined is how much of the$175,000 would go into the existing Walkway Program,and how much would go into the proposed new program to respond to neighborhood complaints and requests. We propose that,initially,the full$175,000 be placed in the existing Walkway Program. When staff returns to Council in the coming weeks to present options for the new program,a decision could be made as to how much of the$175,000 would go into the new program,how much would stay in the Walkway Program,and also which specific project(s) would be built with this money. CONCLUSION: The 1997 end of year fund balance provides the City with a select opportunity to invest in our neighborhoods by enhancing the Sidewalk Program in residential areas. Our citizens have made it clear by their many requests for action that more and safer sidewalks are an important priority for them. Programming the money for these improvements will demonstrate that the City is listening and responding in an appropriate manner. cc: Jay Covington City Clerk Jack Crumley Sandra Meyer MEMO CC.DOT/ BANK & OFFICE INTPRIORS QUOTATION 016th Ave.S. 616 St Helens 610 E.North Foothi113'�It Seattle,WA 98108 Tacoma,WA 98402 Spokane,WA 99207 206-768-8000 253-383-3993 509-483-1000 Fax 206.768-0236 Fax 253-593-8710 Fax 509.483-1011 Page: 1 Visit us at:WWW.BANKANDOFFICE.COM ❑ ❑ ❑ •..i..: j�t� .::.td:}�•�:,';5' :•}:•fr.{•Y:}}:::r.;•{.,:fi.: r.,.},.•r?:•:•.�•:.- :.,•.y7.�cti:: .:.o. .v}..,........:r: ...:. � :{^:•.`•::i`•::aY:�• :•......:......o:::;.;:r r•........�(.�:. ..4"{�?;!:;:.;f;{{.;•..�:x:-: •' :?.:F•r•::i::ir:•:4r,:}':.;.:::}a:.. .;x?•r :r.;::•?•}:•::.;: #Itlt#::::::: .. : >•:.: ::: ::�•{i�= #31�AIt�:.{.>�}•i:;.Y::::. •?•}:•}::.:r.. ..:: .. ..:»k}...;.r....:..¢^i:S:'::•:`:{ :{'i:�:•ti4:'v}•}ri::: -..:;..w:::•:::..:......:::::+ .:... t7�1 ::ili.�:• � ...:....................:.:-}.•:n.C::?•}}}i'b:.,.;.v}\rr rn•:•::v�,,..•.�:Ni. 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RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 QU-'011 4( Termsl$ 20 DAYS, NET 30 ">4 ► .}: .}}:;r:catat ;:Alurklbe;Flf]� :::'.>:Eaii!�:::::: ...... :.::.;;:<;_<.;:.;;::;:.}:.:.>::}::<:?•::}:.>:><>:;.>:{.: ... ...... ..................if�c.:E�tttb>si::i:::::::;>:::E•x#errded..htlnd <�::>: ***************************************************** * Estimates for the various services required for * * the City of Renton's move to new facility have * been provided for budgetary purposes. It should be* * noted that these are merely budgetary figures and* * that actual costs will vary. ***************************************************** 1 1 REMAN 521,215.00 521,215.00 / Pricing to provi-d rimarily (-. remanufactured Steel ase Series 9000 ,.,,product_for the;-quantities and styles of typicals per customer-provided specifications. Includes delivery and installation during normal business hours. Pricing based on total project list value of $1, 886,994. . Estimated customer-owned product list total of $472,970. Price includes a 64% off of list discount on new Steelcase components, and includes a refurbishing cost of 20% oncustomer-owned product. Total product price at $521,215. . 2 120.00 B&OI 35.00 4,200.00 Design Estimate: Includes space planning, layout, and specification of furniture for the new building. 1 Included, as well, is the work to inventory current product, verify dimensions and locations on the floorplan of the future space. Estimate is based on a figure of $35.00 NOTE:PRICES ARE GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM DATE OF OUOTATION. ORDER SUBJECT TO BANK AND OFFICE INTERIORS'TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE ACCEPTED FOR B&Ot BY DATE BANK & ' O F F I C E I N T TIRIORS QUOTATION moo 56016th Ave.S. 616 St.Helens 610 E.North Footh4r. Seattle,WA 98108 Tacoma,WA 98402 Spokane,WA 99207 206-768-8000 253-383-3993 509.483-1000 Fax 206-768-0236 Fax 253-593-8710 Fax 509-483-1011 Page: 2 Visit us at:WWW.BANKANDOFFICE.COM 0 0 :M•:}:•• .:.: •h. .,••...:•. ... '•yyQy.:.;:t,....;::••; :;;C?;Y .i Ea?�'f4 .}i}• :??t:••}• : y'• y?,hv ';••::•:+:: x::.} >.... �• �fltix+k. ;;.'•3#': :•s•.••::£'•�: 3, v`•;;},•. tcd,�'••'�•f};s:}•:.—.;;�:^:r:?:rir:tt;Sjy::., :4t•::•.'•.• 2i:` :•u� .:.f•}.;?•}:•::..;:?+.$;..:. #..}•'�fi.•:':�:<�:':`:x:?kn' :_Wrap:: :} • • •�:•na ;.t:?.,•<.., .�,.•.•:,':�•$•,•,• ;t};.2:\�r'.•a•+:..•:::.t•}••: . 56267 4 REN003 RICHARD MISKHO .:J:d::r:::::ti:::::}�r{;n;:n....... : 'CBE }... Y•:•\ist?:i::iif:?•:?•}';}:;i}:;}'?.;:::•.,.:vt.:}::::•.}}}:• #�#�I:iJG:%::%....�li38. - ..:�. �;�Itt#tb��`� . . per hour, with 120 hours used as a labor requirement. This is based on using the preliminary space planning ordered seperately and the use of standard typical workstations. Substantial changes in scope, or responsibilities will alter this T7 1 (7) estimate. QU° � 3 206.00 B&OI 42.50 8,755.00 Project Management Services Estimate: These services include the coordination of various trades to facilitate a smoother transition, acting as a liason between customer, sales and operations personell, and setting up man-power requirements for moving and installation phases. Setting up and meeting project timelines is also included. Estimate based on a figure of $42.50 per hour, with 206 hours used as a preliminary time requirement. Substantial changes in scope, or responsibilites will alter this estimate. 4 275.00 B&OI 72.00 19,800.00 Electrical Service Estimate: Includes labor to connect building interfaces with furniture, connect all required panel-to-panel raceways, install indicated receptacles (by line number for correct phasing and isolation of dedicated circuits)and to route required cabling within the furniture. Does not include labor relating to data or communication cabling. This figure is based on current scope and timing requirements. This figure is based on the use of Journeyman electricians to complete work. Estimate is based on a per station cost • of $72.00, this is in accordance with r- jobs of similar size and scope that we NOTE:PRICES ARE GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM DATE OF QUOTATION. ORDER SUBJECT TO BANK AND OFFICE INTERIORS'TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE ACCEPTED FOR 11601 BY DATE BANK & OFFICE INTERIORS QUOTATION 'Snow 56016th Ave.S. 616 St Helens 610 E.North Foothills**. Seattle,WA 98108 Tacoma,WA 98402 Spokane,WA 99207 206-768-8000 253-383-3993 509-483-1000 Fax 206-768-0236 Fax 253-593-8710 Fax 509-483-1011 Page: 3 Visit us at:WWW.BANKANDOFFICE.COM 0 Cl 0 Nisoomg. ....,......:::•.......,.....:.:::::::...::::::.:::.:......:.�:::.:�.bus#or�Yet:..#kdec..i�tur::•}s:•}:.;_•} ...... .................................z .........:::.::.:,..::•:.,.::..�::::.:.:.,.................._...: . /k ::: i • ..... .::•::.�. .. •tiw:{}:•}.tia::�.:�:::..::n..:::::::.�:::::::::::::•:•:.�:::.�:::::::::::::r: ...... :::::n�.v::•:::::::•:.�..4.;, ...:......rr.n:::.�:::::::::.�::::-.::: .I.Y.-}:•}}' 56267 12/02/97 REN003 RICHARD MISKHO :;::: itf... :#:;::::•::..:......... :F111 r[1llBfel]#rGr lk#i#11 i.}:•}}:•:}:}:•}:•}:,.::::::::.....:::::. .:. :.>iJ3li FJ:iCe i>t s? At1EQslt A1110ti11t ': have done in the past. This labor will be put to bid as part of the Project Manager's resonsibilities. 5 275.00 B&OI 60.00 16,500.00 Moving Services Estimate: This figure includes the labor to move _ furniture and personal items from old _ location to new marked locations per current plan. Also included are boxes, tape and labels. Moving will be done in ,0•6 10 a professional manner with adequate 001 equipment and manpower to complete ,) service on the City of Renton's timeline. Weekend and overtime rates are assumed. This portion will also be bid as part of the Project Manager's responsibilities. 6 1.00 B&OI 5,600.00 5,600.00 Labor to tear-down and remove existing customer-owned furniture. Includes returning Steelcase Series 9000 for buy-back to B&OI Remanufacturing facility. Estimate based on customer provided 1991 "As-built" plans. Actual pricing may vary with increased volume of product. Sub Total 576,070.00 RTA TAX/KING/PIERCE/SNOHOMISH .4% 2,304.28 WASH, TAXABLE; KING OOUNTY: 8.2% 47,237.74 Grand Total 625,612.02 NOTE:PRICES ARE GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM DATE OF QUOTATION. ORDER SUBJECT TO BANK AND OFFICE INTERIORS'TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE ACCEPTED FOR B8.01 BY DATE - B A N K & OFFICE INTERIORS QUOTATION ale,WA986th Ave.i 8 Tacoma,L6 St Helena Wp98402 610 E.North Spokan A9922017�y 206-768-8000 253-383-3993 509-483-1000 Fax 206-768-0236 Fax 253-593-8710 Fax 509-483-1011. Page: 1 Visit us at:WWW.BANKANDOFFICE.COM ❑ ❑ 0 ...;.;.... :rv:.v:•i:•}:•}}}::ti?:•}}:.:' ...... r- ?{i}:}:?{•F•:{•::n•::i}:i:'w:r:•.v:.•.v:::•:•:::::}::'•.:::::::•Y:}nv;:}}• ...... ....::........ r... ...;>..;;.: r.; .:XL?•}i}}'4Yi};:vr Y{•• - ;•.,{tv... ,Y•{•'}:•:}v::::., .yr r.}:i�f•$}}:L{:;••:�v:g.}�•n:4:?n}�:....:v:•nv:....::r:::w:•:::•:nv. : •}iY::.}}}:.:vY•�•:... v :.{ k•.x.;:.}}k'•":-::Jtitirtitiv}:•}v::?v}:•ti::$$::i: .:.v y+ ..... ;..::;:{.};:...... y��,.�.,n•..vn`::?:.R........-T:T. :::�tiv.v v}:•::w........:....... ...........n�:•::{•:�•.v .•}v?�.. � •:• : ::?� . }� r�`,.{k,.:} ..}k•} l?�•^•.••;:? A :;i:LR�iR.:Si'r'::i:}:iii'f.••:;i}}:'r r �.•C .•:{••'''�.}}. : :.y,.v vv;:: :,y...Y. .......... .............rry.v...n '••Y :?i,.•r �rx,{ v,:.yt: .}i;:::..v..�.��:•:: •. ......�.;....,....:..:.:.:.<...::::?:•:nr::•:::.�:::. ••�Fil`S1�I�:::;..:....5....: ?.}r.:•}.^•.•��� `r�i�•r:{{{!.f.•.:•:G.4}:})..:::•�::;:;....:. L• .}}}; rr. 57427 12/02/97 REN003 RICHARD MISKHO QUOTE TO: CITY OF RENTON SHIP TO: CITY OF RENTON PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 200 MILL AVE. S. 200 MILL AVE. S. RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 Terms i% 20 DAYS, NET 30 6;) 0011C ? 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Includes delivery and installation during normal business hours. This estimate based on total project list value of $1,886,994 . Estimated customer owned list value before inventory verification at $472, 970. Price includes a 64% off of list discount for new Steelcases components, and includes a refurbishing cost of 20% of list on customer-owned product. Total sell = $604,641. 2 120.00 B&OI 35.00 4,200.00 Design Estimate: Includes space planning, layout, and specification of furniture for the new building. Included, as well, is the work to inventory current product, verify dimensions and locations on the floorplan of the future space. Estimate is based on a figure of $35.00 per hour, with 120 hours used as a labor requirement. This is based on using the preliminary space planning ordered seperately and the use of standard typical workstations. Substantial changes in scope, or NOTE:PRICES ARE GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM DATE OF QUOTATION. ORDER SUBJECT TO BANK AND OFFICE INTERIORS'TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE ACCEPTED FOR 8601 BY DATE ' BANK & OFFICE INTERIORS QUOTATION 056016thAve.S. 616 St.Helens 610 E.North Foo Seattle,WA 98108 Tacoma,WA 98402 Spokane,WA 99107 206-768-8000 253-383-3993 509-483-1000 Fax 206-768-0236 Fax 253-593-8710 Fax 509-483-1011 Page: 2 Visit us at:WWW.BANKANDOFFICE.COM 0 0 ❑ W•�•.•.•�iP:iIBn� � ::: 4..,:.v v..k... {�$i}�}.:.+i.�.l..,.r,.•.{..•�.a.,..}.�;i.:.•�rr: !'•}r:•r}:G}:: _�..:.#}�:.•.:.:.:l::..:.:.•v: ..,h+y},^h��t }�:i..?r.:'$f.:.•}.,r:�•'+ 4•n..wr } : , ; .k;:{•�y,.�•�••�aIS{{.��Vyy.. . ..: ......::.:.:_: ::�. � � •:•:r .:... IWt!' 1�F:•.}:ti{.,?+•.+..'r?•......`.<;Jti;:'v::w^•.•.•i}....................... ' 57427 12/02/97 REN003 RICHARD MISKHO .�.}•.;:?.::o:.}••}:•}:•}:•>:r:•r:::?_:•}:•r::•}rr}:r}s:•}r::�>::.:r>}}r::••:}:?•:•r.•;x•:?•:r:::•r:?.y.}• .}:•}:•:::•>••>:•r}:•>•;.}}}•??•}r>:::}}:a:::•}>:;:::•r:??.>xr.; ::;t�uarntll:. - :::.�� ::�iuttl�ei~1'� . t�>;< :: s ::>:.<.:>:<'::>:::�::.:.:}... .. l::Ft.Sao::?:::.........E1ci�t�4e614t:?:> responsibilities will alter this estimate. 3 206.00 B&OI 42.50 8,755.00 Project Management Services Estimate: These services include the coordination of various trades to facilitate a smoother transition, acting as a liason _ between customer, sales and operations personell, and setting up man-power requirements for moving and installation phases. Setting up and meeting project timelines is also included. Estimate based on a figure of $42.50 per C-1) hour, with 206 hours used as a IC preliminary time requirement. 14 Substantial changes in scope, or responsibilites will alter this estimate. 4 275.00 B&OI 72.00 19, 800.00 Electrical Service Estimate: Includes labor to connect building interfaces with furniture, connect all required panel-to-panel raceways, install indicated receptacles (by line number for correct phasing and isolation of dedicated circuits)and to route required cabling within the furniture. Does not include labor relating to data or communication cabling. This figure is based on current scope and timing requirements. • This figure is based on the use of Journeyman electricians to complete work. Estimate is based on a per station cost of $72.00, this is in accordance with jobs of similar size and scope that we have done in the past. • This labor will be put to bid as part of the Project Manager's resonsibilities. NOTE:PRICES ARE GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM DATE OF QUOTATION. ORDER SUBJECT TO BANK AND OFFICE INTERIORS'TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE ACCEPTED FOR B&OI BY DATE B A N K & OFFICE INTERIORS 5016th Ave.S. 616 St.Helens 610 E.North Foothi, QUOTATION ""ylaattle,WA 98108 Tacoma,WA 98402 Spokane,WA 9920/W 206-768-8000 253-383-3993 509-483-1000 Fax 206-768-0236 Fax 253-593-8710 Fax 509-483-1011 Page: 3 Visit us at:WWW.BANKANDOFFICE.COM � ❑ P;;:••rr. ::r:•:y:t:::•.:r ...,.::•.r:r:•r:.•:::::::::::::::::.r:•r:::::;i:::;:rr:�r:•r:•rrr:•rr:::-r:•r:•r:•rr:•rrx�•rrr':'•�:;;:,.r::::::::::..:•::.rrr:::.r:�::::::.:::......�:...... :.:.,.. ..... .:..:,... ..,.......:...........:::.•::;:-;;:•r:•r:�ttsiorner::: ;. ....... .. t.>.:�e::<:::ra::•;r::::::•:::::::::.�:::.::::. .. :::,,.r:rr;;:•rr:•>:<.::::::::::::.:..::.�::::: •.::::•..�:::.::: ..•:::::�t11`1.>iJ,#f;:::::::::r:::;ss:::�fe:::.:�:::::::�.r:;•rr:.r:•r:•:•:•:.rr:.::.:r:.�.::::rr.�::::•::::::::::•:.�.�::::.•_� :::,.:::::,.,.- .:::::. ::,.. - ::::::.�::.:•::::::::::::.:�:.�::::. ..::::.: ....... ....:.. •_ lV�ttstli�it::.;.:•;:•r:;..;:.>:::�:r:K•::.�:::..... . ..�:::.::::::...�.�.�::::••_:•::•r::r::.:�>::.:r.;.:.�:.� 57427 12/02/97 REN003 RICHARD MISKHO �'':Eum' saltEi#ti�i"'''�'.':�2�':'•' _ #''''':' � � r ::;?.:: ;:::?;:; :;,;::r:2::::: "::::::::::: ::':i::::'r'•�::: <?� �`� `'`�` ��5'>:.'-c ;''. ::;::;:;::;: '��`: ::2:�`?:::%::: :;�t<:>;:;�;:::::::::::�2 :?::::::: r:•::•::•>::•>r:•::-:•rr•>r;r:.:r::.;:.;:.r::? ::.: it (1�umb91�1Descrf!>�c�31! :•::rr:•r::<•::•r:•:;.:;.rr:•r:.:•.:•rr:•: :•r:•r:•: ... ... ....._..........................................:::.�: :.:::::.:::::::::::::::::.:�r:.�:r:.r:::;:.r:•>:.r:.::.:.r:.;;::.::•:;;.;:.;:;.:�:<•;r:.:;:.r:.r:.r Jili�tot>G�t1xr:•r:.:�:.> 5 275.00 B&OI 60,00 6,500.00 Moving Services Estimate: This figure includes the labor to move furniture and personal items from old location to new marked locations per current plan. Also included are boxes, tape and labels. Moving will be done in a professional manner with adequate — equipment and manpower to complete )( service on the City of Renton's timeline. 4: 16(3111::5)14' Weekend and overtime rates are assumed. This portion will also be bid as part of the Project Manager's responsibilities. 6 1.00 B&OI 5,600.00 5,600.00 Labor to tear-down and remove existing customer-owned furniture. Includes returning Steelcase Series 9000 for buy-back to B&OI Remanufacturing facility. Estimate based on customer provided 1991 "As-built" plans. Actual pricing may vary with increased volume of product. Sub Total 659,496.00 RTA TAX/KING/PIERCE/SNOHOMISH .4% 2,637.98 WASH, TAXABLE; KING COUNTY: 8.2% 54, 078.67 Grand Total 716,212.65 ! i f I NOTE:PRICES ARE GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM DATE OF QUOTATION. ORDER SUBJECT TO BANK AND OFFICE INTERIORS'TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE ACCEPTED FOR B&OI BY DATE CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL A I#: SUBMITTING DEPT.: FOR AGENDA OF: March 16, 1998 Finance and Information Services,Victoria Runkle AGENDA STATUS: Consent SUBJECT: Public Hearing 1998 Budget Adjustment and Carryforward Ordinance Correspondence Ordinance X • Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Ordinance has been forwarded to City Attorney's office,and should be available before Thursday, March 12,1998. New Business Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Legal Dept X For referral to Finance Committee of March 23, 1998 for first reading on the 23`d and second reading April 7th. Finance X Other:Executive X FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required... $40,605,000 Transfer/Amendment.. Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated...$40,650,000 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The ordinance will approve an increase in the budget for carryforwards and new expenditure limits. The carryforwards are primary the result of capital projects. The new expenditure limits are also for one time expenditures. This information has been reviewed by the Finance Committee over the past month in briefing documents that have been forwarded to the Council. The new expenditures include,but are not limited to,the following types of expenditures: $1 million for Oakesdale Phase II;$1 million for Piazza Phase II;$1 million for various furniture and equipment needs in the new building;and other various carryforwards. • ORDINANCE NO. Draft pending City Attorney Approval AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON: 1.) Revising the 1998 annual budget by increasing certain expenditure allowances in the 1998 budget of various City funds by appropriation, re-appropriation and transfer from various funds; and 2.) Creating a Special Hotel-Motel Excise Tax Fund, all by a vote of the City Council. WHEREAS,The foregoing appropriations are made to meet actual and necessary expenditures of the City of Renton for which insufficient appropriations have been made due to causes which could not have been foreseen at the time of the adoption of the 1998 budget;and WHEREAS,The State of Washington's SSB 5867, enacted Ch.452, Laws of 1997, provides that cities are authorized to levy and collect a special excise tax on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging; and WHEREAS, such tax shall be levied only to pay all or any part of the cost of tourism,acquisition of tourism-related • facilities, or operation of a tourism-related facility; and WHEREAS,to comply with the Hotel-Motel Tax change,the City of Renton will create a special fund to deposit and expend the tax revenues. NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I.The expenditure allowances in the designated Funds of the 1998 Budget of the City of Finance Renton are increased as follows: Fund Number-Fund Name: 1998 Expenditure Increases 000-General Fund 4,379,930 101 -Parks Fund 303,595 103-Street Fund 152,794 104-Community Development Block Grant Fund 200,302 105-Impact Mitigation Fund 6,605,397 106-Library Fund 178,375 125-1%for Art Fund 28,926 127-Cable Communication Fund 4,000 221 -L.I.D.Guaranty Fund 60,000 302-Open Space CIP Fund 507,015 316-Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 5,026,686 317-Transportation CIP Fund 10,768,570 401 -Waterworks Utility Fund 230,688 402-Airport Fund 327,540 403-Solid Waste Utility Fund 142,240 421 -Waterworks Construction Fund 11,710,323 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 40,626,381 by the appropriation and transfer, here by made and authorized from the unexpended and unencumbered balances in each fund. Exhibit"A"lists all budget adjustments by fund.The entire document may be viewed by the public in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton Municipal Building. SECTION II. There is hereby established a special fund for the special Hotel-Motel excise tax and there shall be paid into said fund the special Hotel-Motel excise tax revenues to pay for all or any part of the cost of tourism, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, or operation of a tourism-related facility. SECTION III.To provide for the cost of tourism, acquisition of tourism-related facilities,or operation of a tourism- related facility,the budgeted amount in such fund is increased as follows: Fund Number-Fund Name: 1998 Expenditure Increases 110-Special Hotel-Motel Tax 30,000 by the appropriation, hereby made and authorized,from revenues deposited in to the fund from the special Hotel- Motel excise tax. 1 3/9/98 ORDINANCE NO. ', Draft pending City Attorney Approval SECTION IV. Any action taken consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval,and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of April, 1998. Marilyn J. Petersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of April, 1998. Jesse Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney Exhibit"A" Date of Publication: ? 3/9/98 r Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 Rl1nt;FT Afl.Il1STMFNTS Dept/ 1995 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad)Budget FUND 000-GENERAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 000 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2.458,106 4,227,540 0 4,227,540 6,685,646 REVENUES: Hum Svcs Allocate LLEG grant funds. 000 000000 000 3310 0016 57 000004 44,411 18,472 0 18,472 62,883 Police Inmate Health&Welfare/Commis 000 000000 000 3410 0071 00 000000 0 0 14,600 14,600 14,600 Police Inmate Health&Welfare/Phone 000 000000 000 3410 0072 00 000000 0 0 6,500 6,500 6,500 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 34,235,647 0 0 0 34,235,647 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 36,738,164 4,246,012 21,100 4,267,112 41,005,276 EXPENDITURES: Exec Municipal Arts/Performing Arts 000 000000 003 5130 0021 49 000045 5,279 0 1,450 1,450 6,729 Exec Municipal ArtsNisual Arts 000 000000 003 5130 0021 49 000092 0 0 1,450 1,450 1,450 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 10 000000 266,673 0 27,500 27,500 294,173 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000001 20,000 0 2,060 2,060 22,060 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000003 17,346 0 2,090 2,090 19,436 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000004 16,867 0 3,150 3.150 20,017 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000009 4,625 0 800 800 5,425 IS Overtime for move 000 000000 004 5180 0080 10 000002 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 317ndsor Hills 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000107 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 317/Oakesdale Ph II 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000011 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 501/Repl Res 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000068 0 0 250,000 250,000 . 250,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 316/Fund Balance 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000098 0 0 2,097,108 2,097,108 2,097,108 Non-Dept Trf-out to 103/Sidewalk Program 000 000000 005 5970 0040 55 000053 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 317/Sidewalk Program 000 000000 005 5970 0040 55 000052 0 0 175,000 175,000 175,000 Non-Dept Codification Title IV Land Use Regulations 000 000000 007 5580 0013 49 000016 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Dev Svc Port Quendall consultants 000 000000 007 5580 0061 41 078122 0 196,272 0 196,272 196,272 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 11 000000 32,657 0 (7,009) (7,009) 25,648 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 10 000000 694,052 0 23,839 23,839 717,891 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 21 000001 2,449 0 (526) (526) 1,923 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000001 49,621 0 1,788 1,788 •51,409 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 21 000003 2,498 0 (536) (536) 1,962 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000003 '53,303 0 1,824 1,824 55,127 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000004 64,218 0 2,913 2,913 67,131. Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 21 000006 255 0 (69) (69) 186 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000006 8,358 0 125 125 8,483 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000007 2,632 0 112 112 2,744 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000009 18,270 0 705 705 18,975 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000070 2,644 0 108 108 2,752 Police D.A.R.E.Program Contributions 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000015 0 98,438 0 98,438 98,438 Police D.A.R.E.Program Sales 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000049 0 .10.328 0 10,328 10,328 Police Narcotics Confiscation Fund-City/State 000 000000 008 5210 0021 41 000055 0 73,605 0 73,605 73,605 Police Narcotics Confiscation Fund-Fed 000 000000 008 5210 0021 41 000056 0 12,417 0 12,417 12,417 Police Inmate Health&Welfare/Commis 000 000000 008 5230 0060 49 000005 0 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 Police Jail Commissary Overtime 000 000000 008 5230 0060 10 000020 0 0 3,100 3,100 3,100 Fire Fire Replacement Radios 000 000000 009 5220 0020 64 000030 0 4.708 0 4,708 4,708 Tech Svcs Professional survey services 000 000000 017 5320 0023 41 000148 83,806 14,984 0 14,984 98,790 Hum Svcs Self Sustaining Day Camp Scholar Prog. 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000183 6,500 2,630 0 2,630 9,130 Hum Svcs Per Dianne Utecht,1997 expense received 1/19/98,per 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000189 3,000 3.000 0 3,000 6,000 Hum Svcs Remaining LLEG grant funds including interest. 90%to 000 000000 020 5590 0031 00 000000 0 16,625 0 16,625 16.625 Hum Svcs Remaining LLEG grant funds including interest. 90%to 000 000000 020 5590 0031 31 000088 0 1,847 0 1,847 1,847 Econ Dev,N&SP Downtown Property Management-RFP for old Ford gar 000 000000 023 5580 0080 41 000194 15,000 15.000 0 15,000 30,000 Econ Dev,N&SP Bus Recruitment Campaign 000 000000 023 5580 0080 49 000097 43,500 31,264 0 31.264 74,764 Econ Dev,N&SP Remaining for contract w/Achievement Architects Non 000 000000 023 5580 0020 41 000085 15,375 3,830 0 3,830 19,205 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 32,325,345 0 0 0 32,325,345 Total Expenditures 33,754,273 694,948 3,684,982 4,379,930 38,134,203 Ending Fund Balance 000 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,983,891 3,551.064 (3,663,882) (112,818) 2,871,073 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 36,738,164 4,246.012 21,100 4,267,112 41.005,276 FUND 101-PARKS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 101 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 468,556 488,487 0 488,487 957,043 REVENUES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 7.453,900 0 0 0 7,453.900 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 7,922,456 488,487 0 488,487 8,410,943 EXPENDITURES: Tsf out to 316/Fund Balance 101 000000 020 5970 0070 55 000023 0 0 195,778 195,778 195,778 Pk Fac OT for Main&Grady move&July 4th cleanup. 101 000000 020 5180 0010 10 000002 3,000 15,000 9,000 24,000 27,000 Pk Fac City Paving 101 000000 020 5180 0010 41 000000 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 Pk Mtc Repairs&Mtc Street trees 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000000 10,000 7,106 0 7,106 17,106 Donations for Deck for Senior Center 101 000000 020 5550 0008 62 000016 0 14,398 0 14,398 14,398 Pk Mtc Transit Hub contr mtc. 97 contract funded thru Oct.,thi 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000090 25,000 7,000 55,000 62,000 87,000 Pk Mtc Water/Sewer/Metro for FS#14 101 000000 020 5760 0010 41 000040 7,285 7,000 0 7,000 14,285 Pk Mtc Reallocate contract mtc funds 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000085 55,000 0 (55,000) (55,000) 0 Pk Sr Cnt Donations for van repair and maintenance in 1998. 101 000000 020 5550 0008 48 000087 0 9,405 0 9,405 9,405 Pk Admin Purchases not yet finalized 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000053 5,525 1,816 0 1,816 7,341 Pk Admin Purchase of music,not yet finalized. 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000024 2,705 1,092 0 1,092 3,797 Pk Comm Cnt Youth Basketball program. 101 000000 020 5750 0050 49 000085 124,197 21.000 0 21,000 145,197 Pk Mte Black River Mtc. 1997 bill not yet received. 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000007 10,000 10.000 0 10,000 20,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 7,180,756 0 0 0 7,180,756 H 1Bdgtdoc19981Carryfwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 1 3/9/9e t Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 RI Jfl(,FT AflJI JSTMFNTS �..rr Dept/ 1998- 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Caryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Total Expenditures 7,423,468 93,817 209,778 303,595 7,727,063 Ending Fund Balance 101 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 498,988 394,670 (209,778) 184,892 683,880 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 7,922,456 488,487 0 488,487 8,410,943 FUND 103-STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 103 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 413,405 94,892 0 94,892 508,297 REVENUES: Trf in fm 000/Sidewalk Program 103 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000053 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 4,856,251 0 0 0 4,856,251 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 5,269,656 94,892 75,000 169,892 5,439,548 EXPENDITURES: Tsf out to 316/Fund Balance 103 000000 019 5970 0019 55 000102 0 0 41,866 41,866 41,866 Certification requirements for database tech 103 000000 019 5420 0090 43 000060 1,264 0 2,500 2,500 3,764 Econolite Control Products 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000045 8,373 1,768 0 1,768 10,141 Consultant Robert Bernstein 103 000000 016 5950 0092 41 000139 0 1,660 0 1,660 1,660 Grant writing support 103 000000 016 5950 0092 12 000000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,0c0 City CTR program 103 000000 016 5950 0092 43 000031 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Sidewalks 103 000000 019 5420 0092 31 000037 15,836 0 15,000 15,000 30,836 1998 Sidewalk Repairs 103 000000 019 5420 0092 31 000053 15,000 0 60,000 60,000 75,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 4,808,373 0 0 0 4,808,373 Total Expenditures 4,848,846 33,428 119,366 152,794 5,001,640 Ending Fund Balance 103 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 420,810 61,464 (44,366) 17,098 437,908 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 5,269,656 94.892 75,000 169,892 5,439,548 FUND 106-LIBRARY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 106 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 296,717 31,820 0 31,820 328,537 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 1,184,325 0 0 0 1,184,325 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,481,042 31,820 0 . 31,820 1,512,862 EXPENDITURES: Tsf out to 316/Fund Balance 106 000000 021 5970 0070 55 000001 0 0 178,375 178,375 178,375 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 1,192,322 0 0 0 1,192,322 Total Expenditures 1,192,322 0 178,375 178,375 1,370,697 Ending Fund Balance 106 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 288,720 31,820 (178,375) (146,555) 142,165 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,481,042 31,820 0 31,820 1,512,862 FUND 201•1997 LTD GO BONDS-CITY HALL Beginning Fund Balance 201 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 5.887 265 0 265 6,152 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 740,550 0 0 0 740,550 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 746,437 265 0 265 746,702 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 735,765 0 0 0 735.765 Total Expenditures 735,765 0 0 0 735,765 Ending Fund Balance 207 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 10,672 265 0 265 10.937 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 746,437 265 0 265 746,702 FUND 207-1978 LTD GO BONDS-SR CENTER Beginning Fund Balance 207 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,858 (381) 0 (381) 2,477 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 144 0 0 0 144 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,002 (381) 0 (381) 2,621 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 150 0 0 0 150 Total Expenditures 150 0 0 0 150 Ending Fund Balance 207 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2.852 (381) 0 (381) 2,471 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 3,002 (381) 0 (381) 2,621 FUND 212•1989 LTD GO REFUNDING BONDS•SHOP Beginning Fund Balance 212 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 63,002 (15) 0 (15) 62,987 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 291,000 0 0 0 291,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 354,002 (15) 0 (15) 353,987 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 290,998 0 0 0 290,998 Total Expenditures 290,998 0 0 0 290.998 Ending Fund Balance 212 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 63,004 (15) 0 (15) 62,989 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 354,002 (15) 0 (15) 353,987 FUND 215-GENERAL GOVT MISCELLANEOUS DEBT Beginning Fund Balance 215 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 404,816 123.846 0 123,846 528,662 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 555,000 0 0 0 555,000 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 959,816 123,846 0 123,846 1,083,662 HABdgtdoc19981Carrytwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 2 319/98 • Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 RI Jn(FT An.JI ISTMFNTS Dept/ wrn 19Nr. 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 789,270 0 0 0 789,270 Total Expenditures 789,270 0 0 0 789,270 Ending Fund Balance 215 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 170,546 123.846 0 123,846 294,392 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 959,816 123,846 0 123,846 1,083,662 FUND 102-ARTERIAL STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 102 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 135,934 (1,203) 0 (1,203) 134,731 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 342,925 0 0 0 342,925 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 478,859 (1,203) 0 (1,203) 477,656 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Total Expenditures 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Ending Fund Balance 102 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 158,859 (1,203) 0 (1,203) 157,658 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 478,859 (1,203) 0 (1,203) 477,656 FUND 104-COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 104 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 (51,728) 0 (51,728) . (51,728) REVENUES: C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000048 0 150,732 0 150,732 150,732 C000-96 ADA Improvements 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000098 0 18,368 0 18,368 18,368 C000-97 City Museum Bathroom 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000103 0 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 Unallocated Capital Funds 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000104 0 57,930 0 57,930 57,930 1998 Budgeted Revenues 340,413 0 0 0 340,413 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 340,413 200,302 0 200,302 540,715 EXPENDITURES: C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 41 000001 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 65 000004 0 145.732 0 145,732 145,732 C000-96 ADA Improvements 104 000000 020 5940 9656 65 000040 0 18,368 0 18,368 18,368 C000-97 City Museum Bathroom 104 000000 020 5940 9760 65 000043 0 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 Unallocated Capital Funds 104 000000 020 5940 9761 65 000044 0 6,202 0 6,202 6,202 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 340,413 0 0 0 340,413 Total Expenditures 340,413 200,302 0 200,302 540,715 Ending Fund Balance 104 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 340,413 200,302 0 200,302 540,715 FUND 105-MITIGATION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 105 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 300,000 6,264,278 0 6,264,278 6,564,278 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 292,500 0 0 0 292,500 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 592,500 6,264.278 0 6,264,278 6,856,778 EXPENDITURES: Trf out to 316/Downtown Redev Proj 105 000000 016 5970 0019 55 000099 0 0 38,996 38,996 38,996 SEPA/Glacier Tal 105 400 20 594 76 65 296 0 8 0 8 8 Conner Hm/Liberty View 105 551 16 595 00 55 30 0 29 0 29 29 SEPA/Woodland Inv/Young Plat 105 400 20 594 76 65 92 0 54 0 54 54 G&M Investments 105 501 16 595 00 60 04 0 54 0 54 54 SEPA/Pollos EsULitowitz Const 105 400 20 594 76 65 96 0 105 0 105 105 Accord Inc DBA Taco Time 105 590 16 595 00 60 32 0 132 0 132 132 SEPA/Talbot-Springbrk/Gateway 105 400 20 594 76 65 06 0 143 0 143 143 SEPA/Ellenswood Corp 105 400 20 594 76 65 58 0 159 0 159 159 SEPA/Gladys Neas 105 400 20 594 76 65 169 0 174 0 174 174 SEPA/Kensington Apts 105 400 20 594 76 65 79 0 175 0 175 175 Ne 4Th/Beacher/Fp119-90 105 586 16 595 00 60 59 0 412 0 412 412 SEPA/Sheets Unlim/Corr-Pro 105 400 20 594 76 65 87 0 474 0 474 474 SEPNWest Jack 105 400 20 594 76 65 291 0 506 0 506 506 SW 16th St Tech Center/801 SW 16th st 105 12172 16 595 30 60 201 0 506 0 506 506 SEPA/Powell Sreet Houses 105 400 20 594 76 65 132 0 547 0 547 547 SEPA/Jones Av Short Plat/Rob Wells 105 400 20 594 76 65 122 0 553 0 553 553 SEPNMunson 105 400 20 594 76 65 241 0 563 0 563 563 SEPNOalpay&Assoc 105 400 20 594 76 65 114 0 576 0 576 576 SEPNMathews 105 400 20 594 76 65 220 0 578 0 578 578 SEPA/Stromme Short Plat 105 400 20 594 76 65 219 0 582 0 582 582 SEPA/Lukasiewicz 105 400 20 594 76 65 215 0 585 0 585 585 SEPA/Leona Hawkin 105 400 20 594 76 65 171 0 609 0 609 609 SEPNDavid/Patty Worgan 105 400 20 594 76 65 166 0 614 0 614 614 SEPNJ&J Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 133 0 645 0 645 645 Lake Terrace Assoc 105 571 16 595 00 60 05 0 665 0 665 665 SEPA/Senescu 105 400 20 _594 76 65 168 0 694 0 694 694 SEPNMcClincy 105 400 20 594 76 65 289 0 724 0 724 724 Leady/Sa049-90 105 596 16 595 00 60 49 0 725 0 725 725 Hole in Wall Steak/SW 7th 105 599 16 595 00 60 226 0 734 0 734 734 Conwell,Inc 105 586 16 595 00 60 28 0 760 0 760 760 Munson SP 105 599 16 595 00 60 237 0 795 0 795 795 H:\Bdgtdoc1998/Carrytwa\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 3 3NN8 • Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 isuir RUDGFT ADJl1STMFNTS Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Mathews Short Plat/3605 Meadow Ave N 105 599 16 595 00 60 194 0 817 0 817 817 Stromme Short Plat/1324 N 40th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 200 0 821 0 821 821 Luke Short Platl/522 Monroe Ave NE 105 599 16 595 00 60 188 0 827 0 827 827 SEPA/K&M 105 400 20 594 76 65 290 0 1,083 0 1,083 1,083 Rivertech Assoc 105 572 16 595 00 60 121 0 1,085 0 1,085 1,085 SEPA/Ticon 105 400 20 594 76 65 258 0 1,108 0 1,108 1,108 SEPA/Persson 105 400 20 594 76 65 240 0 1,126 0 1,126 1,126 SEPA/J&J Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 221 0 1,157 0 1,157 1,157 SEPA/Ryan Short Plat 105 400 20 594 76 65 216 0 1,170 0 1,170 1,170 BC Northwest LP 105 599 16 595 00 60 137 0 1,225 0 1,225 1,225 SEPA/Charles/Bev Metzger 105 400 20 594 76 65 167 0 1,228 0 1,228 1,228 SEPA/Marion/Erica Lee 105 400 20 594 76 65 160 0 1,242 0 1,242 1,242 SEPA/Rockwood 105 400 20 594 76 65 159 0 1,253 0 1,253 1,253 SEPA/J&J Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 157 0 1,257 0 1,257 1,257 SEPA/Glauser Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 158 0 1,257 0 1,257 1,257 McClincy Home Deco/4604 NE 4th 105 599 16 595 00 60 238 0 1,286 0 1,286 1,286 SEPA Traverso Louis 105 400 20 594 76 65 134 0 1,290 0 1,290 1,290 K&M SP/1900 Edmonds Ave NE 105 599 16 595 00 60 242 0 1,462 0 1,462 1,462 Ticon Shrt Plt/420 S Tobin St 105 599 16 595 00 60 195 0 1,566 0 1,566 1,566 Rossman SP/533 Grant Ave S 105 599 16 595 00 60 202 0 1,591 0 1,591 1,591 Gibson Short Plat/NE 19th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 205 0 1,635 0 1,635 • 1,635 SEPA/Malesis 105 400 20 594 76 65 163 0 1,848 0 1,848 1,848 SEPA/Tim Burkhardt 105 400 20 594 76 65 162 0 1,852 0 1,852 1,852 Paccar/Truck Decking Facility 105 599 16 595 00 60 143 0 1,893 0 1,893 1,893 Bonnet!Ptnshp/705 Rainier 105 572 16 595 00 60 118 0 1,904 0 1,904 1,904 SEPA/K&M Tree 105 400 20 594 76 65 305 0 2,142 0 2,142 2,142 SEPA/CCS Renton 105 400 20 594 76 65 300 0 2,146 0 2,146 2,146 Burnett Ave Family Housing 105 599 16 595 00 60 251 0 2,215 0 2,215 2,215 Renton School District 105 573 16 595 00 60 09 0 2,288 0 2,288 2,288 Centron/The Ferris Co 105 585 16 595 90 40 24 0 2,358 0 2,358 ' 2,358 Sale of Plans/FS#14 105 464 09 594 22 65 905 0 2,376 0 2,376 2,376 SEPA/James Jacques 105 400 20 594 76 65 170 0 2,444 0 2.444 2,444 Albertson's Expansion 105 599 16 595 00 60 153 0 2.814 0 2,814 2,814. SEPA/John Lane 105 400 20 594 76 65 164 0 2,877 0 2,877 2,877 Pk Aq/Dv/G Bordner Constr 105 411 20 594 76 65 102 0 2,889 0 2,889 2,889 Austin Estates/Edmonds Ave 105 599 16 595 00 60 231 0 2,890 0 2,890 2,890 SEPA/Best Const 105 400 20 594 76 65 287 0 2,906 0 2,906 2,906 SEPA/Evans Real Estate 105 400 20 594 76 65 116 0 2,966 0 2,966 2,966 Arco Station/1616 NE 30th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 189 0 3,294 0 3,294 3,294 Sound Mitsubishi Used Car Lot 105 599 16 595 00 60 147 0 3,499 0 3,499 3,499 SEPA/Five Star 105 400 20 594 76 65 214 0 3,505 0 3,505 3,505 G Schneider 105 573 16 595 00 60 10 0 3,845 0 3,845 3,845 Holiday Inn Addtn/Rainier Av S 105 599 16 595 00 60 199 0 3,859 0 3,859 3,859 Best Duplexes/1500 Puget Drive 105 599 16 595 00 60 249 0 3,991 0 3.991 3,991 SEPANVA Devel 105 400 20 594 76 65 303 0 4.278 0 4,278 4,278 SEPA/Peterson 105 400 20 594 76 65 295 0 4,347 0 4,347 4,347 Swan Vue SP/N 38th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 230 0 4,534 0 4,534 4,534 SEPA/Sicorp Svs 105 400 20 594 76 65 115 0 4,635 0 4,635 4,635 WetLand/Comm Dev Proj/Metro 1991 Expan 105 012 20 594 76 65 1081 0 4,747 0 4,747 4,747 Park/Sunset Hills/Johnson Cont 105 411 20 594 76 65 127 0 4,933 0 4,933 4,933 St Matthews/1700 Edmonds Ave NE 105 599 16 595 00 60 239 0 5,039 0 5,039 5,039 Windsor Place Assoc 105 573 16 595 00 60 23 0 5,357 0 5,357 5,357 Humble Off Bldg/3500 MV Hwy 105 599 16 595 00 60 263 0 5,467 0 5,467 5,467 Crown Pointe 105 575 16 595 00 60 13 0 5,726 0 5,726 5,726 Raymond Ave Cntr/Raymond Ave SW 105 599 16 595 00 60 196 0 5,728 0 5,728 5,728 Vashon Place SP/758 Vashon PI 105 599 16 595 00 60 225 0 5,866 0 5,866 5,866 Renton 91 Apt/Coventry/Signal 105 592 16 595 00 60 34 0 5,899 0 5.899 5,899 Pierre Auto Sales/209 SW 13th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 184 0 6,114 0 6,114 6,114 SEPA/Bella Home 105 400 20 594 76 65 217 0 6,393 0 6,393 6,393 SEPA/Cath Corp Srvcs 105 400 20 594 76 65 292 0 6,459 0 6,459 6,459 US Rentals/Lind&SW 34th 105 599 16 595 00 60 227 0 6.476 0 6,476 6,476 Pk Aq/Dv/River Ridge 105 411 20 594 76 65 104 0 6,978 0 6,978 6,978 ParksNyzis 105 406 20 594 76 65 1064 0 7,104 0 7,104 7,104 SEPANV.A.Development 105 400 20 594 76 65 212 0 7,126 0 7,126 7,126 SEPA/Archer Development 105 400 20 594 76 65 165 0 7,370 0 7.370 7,370 Les Schwab/710 Rainier Av S 105 599 16 595 00 60 186 0 7,602 0 7,602 7,602 Ripley LNJH BAXTER 105 455 20 594 76 65 1089 0 8,002 0 8,002 8,002 SEPA/Camwest 105 400 20 594 76 65 161 0 8,067 0 8,067 8,067 Renton Place Plat/728 S 19th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 192 0 8.622 0 8,622 8,622 Jefferson Hsing/1000 Jefferson Ave 105 599 16 595 00 60 256 0 8,841 0 8,841 8,841 SEPANVest Tier 105 400 20 594 76 65 288 0 9,111 0 9,111 9,111 SEPA/Countryside 105 400 20 594 76 65 213 0 9,565 0 9,565 9,565 SEPANalley Development 105 400 20 594 76 65 156 0 9,659 0 9,659 9,659 Renton Hollywood Video/4th&Union 105 599 16 595 00 60 210 0 10,203 0 10,203 10,203 Sabey Corporation 105 581 16 595 90 40 21 0 11,016 0 11,016 11,016 Pac Rim Building Supply 105 599 16 595 00 60 141 0 11,133 0 11,133 11,133 Kor West Twnhs'/Queen&NE 4th 105 599 16 595 00 60 208 0 11,295 0 11,295 11,295 Orchards E&F/Duvall&6th 105 599 16 595 00 60 235 0 11,388 0 11,388 11,388 Dodge Dealership/J Solomon 105 599 16 595 00 60 146 0 12,525 0 12,525 12,525 H\Bdgtdoc1998/Carryfwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 4 319/96 r Exhibit"A" • CITY OF RENTON 1998 +.o... RllfGFT AQJ JSTM.FNTS Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Park/Honey Creek L.L.C. 105 411 20 594 76 65 173 0 12,627 0 12,627 12,627 Grdy Tbz/Chevron 105 572 16 595 00 60 67 0 12,872 0 12,872 12.872 SW 7th Office/Warehouse 105 599 16 595 00 60 248 0 12,920 0 12,920 12,920 KolV4904 Lk Wa BI 105 592 16 595 00 60 53 0 13.110 0 13,110 13,110 Park/Summrwd Dev I/Hendrsn Hms 105 452 20 594 76 65 1017 0 15,406 0 15,406 15,406 Gurudwara Singh Saba/WA Temple 105 599 16 595 00 60 183 0 15.696 0 15,696 15,696 501 Center/510 SW 10th 105 599 16 595 00 60 269 0 16,646 0 16,646 16,646 K-Mart Expansion 105 569 16 595 00 60 98 0 16,727 0 16,727 16,727 Renton 91 Apt/Coventry/Tbz 105 592 16 595 00 60 35 0 18,443 0 18,443 18,443 NW Handling Systems Inc 105 599 16 595 00 60 145 0 19,449 0 19,449 19,449 Sabey Public Storage/SW 39th 105 599 16 595 00 60 253 0 24,364 0 24,364 24,364 Sunst/Anacrts-Intrsct/Bechtolo 105 570 16 595 00 60 68 0 25,300 0 25,300 25,300 Renton Village/Tennessee Warehouse 105 572 16 595 00 60 129 0 27,038 0 27,038 27,038 Mazda Dealership/SW Rainier 105 599 16 595 00 60 155 0 28,268 0 28,268 28,268 Grdy Tbz/Arco 105 572 16 595 00 60 106 0 28,898 0 28,898 28,898 SEPA/GMass 105 400 20 594 76 65 229 0 29,209 0 29,209 29,209 Northward Development 105 599 16 595 00 60 142 0 30,668 0 30,668 30,668 SEPA/Chaffey/Stonegate 105 400 20 594 76 65 211 0 31.867 0 31,867 31,867 The Orchards II/Duvall&NE 8th 105 599 16 595 00 60 207 0 32,201 0 32,201 32,201 Lincoln Properly Co 105 576 16 595 00 60 07 0 33,271 0 33,271 33,271 SEPA/Cherrywood 105 400 20 594 76 65 297 0 34.233 0 34,233 • 34,233 K&M Meats 105 572 16 595 00 60 88 0 35,053 0 35,053 35,053 N Renton/E&H Garden&Pk Plaza 105 594 16 595 00 60 125 0 35,646 0 35,646 35,646 Good Chevrolet 105 599 16 595 00 60 178 0 37,371 0 37,371 37,371 SEPA/Renton CRW 105 400 20 594 76 65 304 0 37,861 0 37,861 37,861 Raymond Ave Cntr/Raymond Ave SW 105 599 16 595 00 60 196 0 40,815 0 40,815 40,815 SEPA/Talbot 105 400 20 594 76 65 218 0 43,472 0 43,472 43,472 Springbrook Condominiums 105 599 16 595 00 60 176 0 47,161 0 47,161 47,161 Chevron/McDonalds on 4th 105 599 16 595 00 60 181 0 47,998 0 47,998 47,998 Sw Grady Wy Tbz/RiverTech 105 572 16 595 00 60 44 0 48,357 0 48,357 .48,357 Renton Crown Apts 105 599 16 595 00 60 180 0 51.824 0 51,824 51,824 SEPA/Lyle Homes/JK Inc. 105 400 20 594 76 65 172 0 53,705 0 53,705 53,705 Village on Union Plat 105 599 16 595 00 60 154 0 54,836 0 54.836 54,836 SEPA/Security 105 400 20 594 76 65 286 0 55,406 0 55,406 55,406 Grady Wy Tbz/Metro Pint Expans 105 572 16 595 00 60 81 0 60,277 0 60,277 60,277 Walmart 105 599 16 595 00 60 174 0 76,335 0 76,335 76,335 Boeing/Longacres/SW 16th 105 022 16 595 00 60 228 0 82,644 0 82,644 82,644 . Grdy Tbz/Blumell/Blume II 105 572 16 595 00 60 63 0 90.090 0 90,090 90,090 SEPA/Lexington 105 400 20 594 76 65 259 0 92,557 0 92,557 92,557 Forrest Crest/Duvall&NE 6th 105 599 16 595 00 60 252 0 95,778 0 95,778 95,778 Grady Wy Tbz/E&H Properties 105 572 16 595 00 60 48 0 104,166 0 104,166 104,166 Fire Mitigatn Prog/Design 105 464 09 594 22 65 64 0 107,413 0 107,413 107,413 Grdy Tbz/Plumber 105 572 16 595 00 60 105 0 108,927 0 108,927 108,927 Lexington Ridge Apts 105 599 16 595 00 60 151 0 131,707 0 131,707 131,707 Safeway Expansion 105 599 16 595 00 60 140 0 132,523 0 132,523 132,523 Valley Distribution Center 105 599 16 595 00 60 149 0 185.769 0 185,769 185,769 Sw Grady Wy Tbz/Blume Distribu 105 572 16 595 00 60 41 0 195,502 0 195,502 195,502 Fire Mitigation/Multi-Fam 105 464 09 594 22 65 901 0 196,137 0 196,137 196,137 Valley Tbz/Rabanco 105 591 16 595 00 60 108 0 217,323 0 217,323 217,323 Fire Mitigation/Single-Fam 105 464 09 594 22 65 902 0 232.140 0 232,140 232,140 Fire Mitigatn Pumper Truck/Aid Unit purchase 105 464 09 594 22 64 00 0 400,000 0 400,000 400,000 8oeing/Oakesdale Proj 105 022 16 595 76 65 2228 0 822,410 0 822,410 822.410 Fire Mitigation/METRO 105 464 09 594 22 65 904 0 838.984 0 838,984 838,984 Fire Mitigation/Commerical 105 464 09 594 22 65 903 0 948.483 0 948,483 948,483 Exit 7 Assoc 105 582 16 595 00 60 25 0 18,746 0 18,746 18.746 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 6,566,401 38,996 6,605,397 6,605,397 Ending Fund Balance 105 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 592,500 (302,123) (38,996) (341,119) 251,381 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 592.500 6,264.278 0 6,264,278 6,856,778 • FUND 118-RESERVE FOR PATHS 8 TRAILS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 118 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 5,889 (3.082) 0 (3,082) 2,807 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 3,400 0 0 0 3,400 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 9,289 (3,082) 0 (3,082) 6,207 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 118 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 9.289 (3,082) 0 (3,082) 6,207 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 9,289 (3,082) 0 (3,082) 6,207 FUND 125-ONE PERCENT FOR ART Beginning Fund Balance 125 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 - 28,926 0 28,926 28.926 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 1,250 0 0 0 1,250 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,250 28.926 0 28,926 30,176 EXPENDITURES: H:tBdgtdoc1998/Carryfwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 5 3/9/98 r Exhibit"A" • • CITY OF RENTON 1998 BLIIDGFT AI7.Il1STMFNTS w.,.r Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Lind Ave Bridge/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000061 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Oakesdale/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000062 0 2,611 0 2,611 2,611 Oakesdale/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000063 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Court Facility/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000064 0 5,270 0 5,270 5,270 Other Art Projects 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000065 1,250 15,716 0 15,716 16,966 Fire Station#14/1996 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000067 0 1,829 0 1,829 1,829 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 1,250 28,926 0 28,926 30,176 Ending Fund Balance 125 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,250 28,926 0 28,926 30,176 FUND 127-CABLE COMMUNICATION DEV FUND Beginning Fund Balance 127 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 161,337 1,630 0 1,630 162.967 REVENUES: Budget repairs&Maint for TCI payment rc'd 127 000000 000 3690 0090 00 000018 0 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 1998 Budgeted Revenues 30,250 0 0 0 30,250 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 191,587 1,630 4,000 5,630 197,217 EXPENDITURES: Budget repairs&Maint for TCI payment rc'd 127 000000 004 5710 0010 48 000000 0 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 25,100 0 0 0 • 25,100 Total Expenditures 25,100 0 4,000 4,000 29,100 Ending Fund Balance 127 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 166,487 1,630 0 1,630 168,117 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 191.587 1,630 4,000 5.630 197,217 FUND 213-1983 UNLIMITED GO REF BONDS-PARK Beginning Fund Balance 213 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 599,758 (75,133) 0 (75,133) 524,625 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 661,000 0 0 0 661,000 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,260.758 (75,133) 0 (75.133) 1,185,625 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 770.814 0 0 0 770,814 . Total Expenditures 770,814 0 0 0 770.814 Ending Fund Balance 213 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 489,944 (75,133) 0 (75,133) 414,811 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,260,758 (75,133) 0 (75,133) 1,185,625 FUND 219-1989 UNLIMITED GO BONDS-SR HOUSING Beginning Fund Balance 219 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 396,949 (44,412) 0 (44,412) 352,537 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 518.000 0 0 0 518,000 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 914.949 (44,412) 0 (44,412) 870,537 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 498,933 0 0 0 498,933 Total Expenditures 498,933 0 0 0 498,933 Ending Fund Balance 219 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 416,016 (44,412) 0 (44.412) 371.604 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 914,949 (44,412) 0 (44,412) 870,537 FUND 220-LID DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 220 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 137,607 66,736 0 66,736 204,343 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 738.467 0 0 0 738,467 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 876.074 66,736 0 66,736 942.810 EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 696.495 0 0 0 696,495 Total Expenditures 696.495 0 0 0 696,495 Ending Fund Balance 220 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 179.579 66,736 0 66.736 246,315 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 876,074 66,736 0 66,736 942,810 FUND 221-LID GUARANTY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 221 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 929,423 61,309 0 61,309 990,732 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 33.229 0 0 0 33,229 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 962,652 61,309 0 61.309 1,023,961 EXPENDITURES: • LID Guar Transfer Out/Fund 316 221 000000 034 5970 0000 55 000316 0 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 545,000 0 0 0 545,000 Total Expenditures 545,000 0 60,000 60,000 605,000 Ending Fund Balance 221 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 417,652 61,309 (60,000) 1,309 418.961 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 962.652 61.309 0 61,309 1,023.961 FUND 301•CITY HALL CIP Beginning Fund Balance 301 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 H:\Bdgtdoc1998/Carrytwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 6 3/9/98 • Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 RI jnc4FT An.iljSTMFNTS Dept./ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget EXPENDITURES: City Hall/Main&Grady 301 000000 005 5940 0019 60 000000 0 7,028.786 0 7,028,786 7,028,786 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 302 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 FUND 302-OPEN SPACE Beginning Fund Balance 302 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 604,477 0 604,477 604,477 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 604,477 0 604,477 604,477 EXPENDITURES: CEDAR RIVER 302 000820 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0 243,243 0 243,243 243,243 LAC-CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 302 000824 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0 165,989 0 165,989 165,989 IAC-SPRINGBROOK 302 000837 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0 97,783 0 97,783 97,783 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 507,015 0 507,015 507,015 Ending Fund Balance 302 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 97,462 0 97,462 . 97,462 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 604,477 0 604,477 604,477 FUND 316-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP Beginning Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,819,422 2,358,787 0 2,358,787 4,178,209 REVENUES: Trf In fm 221/Correct Interfund Transfer 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000221 0 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 Trf in fm 000/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000098 0 0 2,097,108 2,097,108 2,097,108 Trf in fm 101/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000023 0 0 195,778 195,778 195,778 Trf in fm 103/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000102 0 0 41,866 41,866 •41,866 Trf in fm 105/Downtown Redevelop Proj 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000099 0 0 38,996 38,996 38,996 Trf in fm 106/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000001 0 0 178,375 178,375 178,375 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 2,748,000 0 0 0 2.748,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 4,567,422 2,358,787 2,612,123 4,970,910 9,538,332 EXPENDITURES: Trf out to 317/Logan Ave/Pipeline 316 000000 005 5970 0040 55 012181 0 0 5,735 5,735 5,735 Finance Tech Small Tools 316 000000 004 5940 0018 35 000906 0 3,500 0 3,500 3,500 Tech Plan Consulting 316 000000 004 5940 0018 41 000901 0 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 Technology Plan(reappropriated below) 316 000000 004 5940 0018 64 000090 930,000 0 (930,000) (930,000) 0 Non Dept Tech-Payroll/UB sys,Imaging,Internet 316 000000 005 5940 0018 41 000906 0 253,500 159,250 412,750 412,750 Copiers 316 000000 005 5940 0099 64 000091 49,000 7,300 0 7,300 56,300 Main&Grady Furniture and Equipment 316 000000 005 5940 0099 64 000017 0 0 1,375,000 1,375,000 1,375,000 Finance Tech Plan Software 316 000000 008 5940 0018 64 000904 0 0 750,000 750,000 750,000 Police Furniture 316 000000 008 5940 0021 64 000017 0 0 125,000 125,000 125,000 Self-Cont Breathing Apparatus 316 000000 009 5940 0022 64 000019 325,000 0 0 0 325,000 PW Tech-Laptops for Streets 316 000000 015 5940 0018 35 000906 0 49,500 0 49,500 49,500 PW Tech Plan Software 316 000000 015 5940 0018 64 000904 0 0 40,750 40,750 40,750 CS Plan Network Sys-CD Tower 316 000000 020 5940 0018 64 000905 0 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 Downtown Trail(moved to Downtown Redev Proj) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000009 250,000 0 (250,000) (250,000) 0 Regional Park Development 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000012 0 134,000 0 134,000 134,000 Matching Funds/Park Acq 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000013 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 Demolish Holmes Building 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000002 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 Main&Grady Bldg Improvements 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000015 1,650,000 0 0 0 1,650,000 Major Mtc Imprv/Carco Theater 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000019 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 Lake Wash Trail/Boathouse 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000020 0 131,125 0 131,125 131,125 Highlands Annex Acq/Demolition 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000026 85,000 0 0 0 85,000 Community Cntr Major Mtc 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000066 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Downtown Redevelopment Projects 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000099 0 220,000 1,353,996 1,573,996 1,573,996 City Hall Flood Wall 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000008 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 Repaving(moved to new account number) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000011 100,000 0 (100,000) (100,000) 0 Piazza Gateway(moved to Dwntwn Redev Proj) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000013 50,000 0 (50,000) (50,000) 0 Cedar River Erosion Protection 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000015 164,646 0 0 0 164,646 Swimming Pool Feasibility Study 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000016 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 N Highlands Gym Carpet Replacement 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000017 0 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 Downtown Park Study(moved to Dwntwn Redev) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000018 15,000 0 (15,000) (15000) 0 Municipal Space Needs 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000027 0 1,042,155 0 1,042,155 1,042,155 Fire Station Improvements 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000086 0 54.875 0 54,875 54,875 Senior Ctr Roof Replacement 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000099 23,000 0 0 0 23,000 Cedar River Park Improvements 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000104 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 RCC Carpet Replacement 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000115 32,000 0 0 0 32,000 City Lot Repaving 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000119 0 150,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 Sr Cntr Equip Major Mtc 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000087 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Park Play Equipment 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000109 150,000 0 _ 0 0 150,000 Opportunity Funds 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000013 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 Removal of Swimming Pool 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000017 0 0 110,000 110,000 110,000 Library Major Maintenance 316 000000 021 5940 0072 62 000022 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Main Library Major Maintenance 316 000000 021 5940 0072 62 000022 23,000 0 0 0 23,000 Police Cameras 316 000000 008 5940 0076 64 000110 0 21,000 0 21,000 21,000 H:\Bdgtdoc1998/Cam/fwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 7 3/9/98 S Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 +....r+ Rl If�C;FT AI).J(ISTMFNTS �.rr Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 4,511,646 2,151,955 2,874,731 5,026,686 9,538,332 Ending Fund Balance 316 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 55,776 206,832 (262,608) (55,776) 0 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 4,567,422 2.358,787 2,612,123 4,970,910 9,538,332 FUND 317-TRANSPORTATION CIP Beginning Fund Balance 317 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 123,703 866,910 0 866.910 990,613 REVENUES: BUSINESS LICENSE FEE 317 000000 000 3210 0090 00 000000 1,554,000 0 0 0 1,554.000 LOCAL VEHICLE LIC FEE/fRANSP 317 000000 000 3360 0000 81 000000 350,000 0 0 0 350,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 317 000000 000 3410 0050 00 000000 1,500 0 0 0 1,500 TRF IN FM 316/LOGAN AVE PROJ 317 012181 000 3970 0000 00 000000 0 0 5,735 5,735 5,735 LOGAN AVE/PIPELINE(sale of prop) 317 012181 000 3950 0010 00 000000 0 0 354,403 354,403 354,403 LOGAN AVE/PIPELINE(traffic mitigation) 317 012181 000 3180 0070 00 000000 0 0 39,862 39,862 39,862 PARK AVE/BRONSON/EDA 317 000008 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 0 0 0 0 PARK AVE N/BRONSON-N 10TH/TIB 317 000008 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 899 0 899 899 WALKWAY PROG/METRO 317 000009 000 3370 0007 00 000026 0 155,000 0 155.000 155,000 TRF IN FM 000/SIDEWALK PROGRAM 317 000009 000 3970 0000 00 000000 0 0 175,000 175,000 175,000 OAKESDL SW/SW 31ST-SW 16TH/TIB 317 000022 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 885,715 50,100 935,815 935,815 HOUSER RELOC/SUNSET/N 8/ISTEA 317 000025 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,035,367 0 1,035,367 1,035,367 HOUSER/SUNSET INTCHGNVSDOT 317 000025 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 630,365 0 630,365 ' 630,365 SW 43RD LOOP RAMP DES1G/FAUS 317 000028 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 715 0 715 715 RAMP METERING STUDYIWSDOT 317 000029 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 14,921 0 14,921 14,921 METRO HIGH CAPACITY TRANSIT 317 000029 000 3370 0007 00 000024 0 0 0 0 0 SR900 HOV/HOUSER INTCH/ISTEA 317 000032 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 75,705 0 75,705 75,705 SR 900/HOUSER/TIB/TIA 317 000032 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 60,170 0 60,170 60,170 BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIR/ISTEA 317 000106 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 77,800 0 77,800 77,800 HOUSER WY BRDG SEIS RETIWSDOT 317 000106 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 0 0 0 0 PARK AVE N/LK WA BLVD/EDA 317 012081 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 0 0 0 0 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 000 3330 0020 20 000000 46,918 0 0 0 46,918 STREE OVERLAY/PSE REIMB 317 012108 000 3410 0010 00 000000 0 0 59,373 59,373 59,373 OPR TRF-IN ART STR/OVERLAY PRG 317 012108 000 3970 0000 00 000050 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 OAKESDALE AV/MONSTER/SR900/KC 317 012116 000 3380 0095 00 000000 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000• TRF IN FM 000/OAKESDALE PH II 317 012116 000 3970 0000 00 000011 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE/FAUS 317 012117 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,090,425 0 1,090,425 1,090,425 LK WA BIKE/PEDESTN PATH/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 744,256 0 744,256 744,256 LK WA BIKE/PED PATH/NHS/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000001 0 102.000 0 102,000 102,000 TALBOT RD/43 TO SCUFAUS/ISTEA 317 012126 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 2,800 0 2,800 2,800 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE/ISTEA 317 012133 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 COMUTE TRP REDUCTN GRANTM/SEO 317 012135 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 13.853 0 13,853 13,853 TDWCTR 1994-95/K CTY 317 012135 000 3370 0007 00 000023 0 0 0 0 0 SR167/SW 27TH ST/HOV/ISTEA 317 012138 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 344,000 0 344,000 344,000 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD/TUKWILA 317 012140 000 3370 0007 00 000027 0 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 TRF IN FM 000NVINDSOR HILLS 317 012144 000 3970 0000 00 000107 0 200,000 50,000 250,000 250,000 LK WA BRIDGE REPLACE/FED AID 317 012147 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 452,000 0 452,000 452,000 N 3RD/SUNSET/MONTEREY/TIB 317 012154 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 71,844 0 71,844 71,844 BRONSON/HOUSER-SUNSET/TIB/UATA 317 012155 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 88,819 0 88,819 88,819 AIRPT WY/RAINIER/FED AID ISTEA 317 012157 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,730 0 1,730 1,730 MAIN AV S/S STH/BRONSON/TIB 317 012158 000 3340 0003 80 000000 1,555,200 1,057,516 0 1,057,516 2,612,716 ARTERIAL HOV PROJ DEVELOPMENT 317 012160 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 5,356 0 5,356 5,356 INTRA-CITY INTRMODL TRNS FROG 317 012163 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 21,691 0 21,691 21,691 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION/ISTEA 317 012165 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 272,000 0 272,000 272,000 RR CROSSG SFTY IMPRV/FED/WSDOT 317 012166 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 90.709 0 90,709 90,709 DOWNTWN TRNSIT ACCES PRG 317 012170 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 86,400 0 86.400 86,400 SW 16TH ST/OAKESDU/LIND/ISTEA 317 012172 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 507,581 0 507,581 507,581 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 457,705 0 0 0 457,705 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 4,409,026 9,254,547 1,734,473 10,989.020 15,398,046 EXPENDITURES: ARBITRAGE EXPENSE 317 000000 005 5920 0098 89 000006 0 12,108 0 12,108 12,108 PARK AVE/BRONSON WY N/RECONSTR 317 000008 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 181,896 0 181,896 181,896 WALKWAY PROGRAM 317 000009 016 5950 0000 67 000000 70,000 236,286 175,000 411,286 481,286 SOUTH COUNTY TBD 317 000011 016 5950 0094 41 000145 0 35,721 0 35,721 35,721 SW 16TH BRIDGE 317 000015 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,820 0 12,820 12,820 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP REPLACMENT 317 000016 016 5950 0000 67 000417 20,000 (782) 0 (782) 19,218 1405 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 317 000017 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 0 0 0 0 OAKESDALE AVE SW/31ST TO 16TH 317 000022 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 792,199 50.100 842,299 842,299 HOUSER WAY RELOCATED 317 000025 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 87,401 0 87,401 87,401 SW 43RD ST LOOP RAMP DESIGN 317 000028 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 7,804 0 7,804 7,804 ARTERIAL CIRCULATN STUDY IMPRV 317 000029 016 5950 0000 67 000000 250,000 343,768 0 343.768 593,768 SR 900 HOV HOUSER INTERCHANGE 317 000032 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 624,951 0 624,951 624,951 N 3RD STREET 317 000044 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 17,441 0 17,441 17,441 SIDEWALK REPAIR/REPLCMT PROGR 317 000056 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 29,850 0 29,850 39,850 MILL AVE S REBLD W/I-405 HOV -- 317 000070 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 155,569 0 155,569 155,569 S 192ND ST/SR167/SR515 317 000075 016 5950 0000 67 000032 0 14,486 0 14,486 14,486 LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT 317 000091 016 5950 0000 67 000430 15,000 2,921 0 2,921 17,921 BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIR 317 000106 016 5950 0000 67 000023 100,000 288,403 0 288,403 388,403 PARK/LK WA BLVD INTERSECTION 317 012081 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 128.241 0 128,241 128,241 H:\Begtdoc1998/Carrylwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 8 3/9/98 w Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 -Nue BllIlGFT Afl.11 ISTMFNTS Dept 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget 4TH BLV/LOGAN-MONTERY DR STUDY 317 012083 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 74,002 0 74,002 74,002 MISSING LINKS PROGRAM 317 012106 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 124,461 0 124,461 154,461 TBZ PLANNING STUDIES 317 012107 016 5950 0094 41 000162 10,000 44,821 0 44,821 54,821 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 016 5950 0000 67 000000 426,918 34,528 90,063 124,591 551,509 TRANSIT STUDY 317 012109 016 5950 0000 67 000000 210,000 121,095 0 121,095 331,095 CBD TRANSPORTATION STUDY 317 012111 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 168,892 0 168,892 168,892 CITY GATEWAYS PROGRAM 317 012112 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 91,770 0 91,770 91,770 TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT PROG 317 012113 016 5950 0000 67 000000 15,000 20,979 0 20,979 35,979 MISC TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMS 317 012115 016 5950 0000 67 000000 40,000 70,712 0 70,712 110,712 OAKESDALE AV SW/MNSTR RD-SR900 317 012116 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 117,731 1,000,000 1,117,731 1,117,731 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE 317 012117 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 542,881 0 542,881 542,881 LK WA BLVD/PARK TO N 44TH 317 012121 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 67,205 0 67,205 67,205 TALBOT RD/43RD TO CITY LMTS 317 012126 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,330 0 12,330 12,330 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE 317 012133 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 299,059 0 299,059 299,059 TRANSP DEMAND MGT PROGRAM 317 012135 016 5950 0000 67 000000 20,000 15,790 0 15,790 35,790 SR167/SW 27TH HOV 317 012138 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 454,022 0 454,022 454,022 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD 317 012140 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 99,954 0 99,954 99,954 WINDSOR HILLS REHAB 317 012144 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 284,969 0 284,969 284,969 WSDOT COORDINATION 317 012146 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 6,725 0 6,725. 16,725 LK WA BLVD BRIDGE/MAY CREEK 317 012147 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 899 0 899 899 VALLEY CONNECTIONS TO WEST 317 012149 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 49,799 0 49,799 • 49,799 PROJECT DEVEL&PRE-DESIGN 317 012150 016 5950 0000 67 000000 165,000 117,271 0 117,271 282.271 NE 3RD-SUNSET N TO MONTEREY NE 317 012154 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 174,887 0 174,887 174,887 BRONSON N-HOUSER WY TO SUNSET 317 012155 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 34,019 0 34,019 34,019 AIRPORT WY/RAINIER S RESURFACE 317 012157 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,722 0 2,722 2,722 MAIN AV S-S 5TH TO BRONSON WAY 317 012158 016 5950 0000 67 000000 1,905,000 1,185,561 0 1,185,561 3,090,561 ARTERIAL HOV PROJECT DEVELOPMT 317 012160 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 120,145 0 120,145 120,145 TRAFFIC SYSTEM EFFICIENCY IMPR 317 012162 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 105,266 0 105,266 135,266 INTRA-CITY INTERMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 016 5950 0000 67 000000 60,000 220,085 0 220,085 280,085 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 317 012165 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 303,705 0 303,705 303,705 RAILROAD CROSSG SAFETY IMPROV 317 012166 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 101,609 0 101,609 111,609 DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ACCESS PRG 317 012170 016 5950 0000 67 000000 310,000 167,799 0 167,799 477,799 1-405 HOV DIRECT ACCESS 317 012171 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 41,368 0 41,368 41,368, SW 16TH ST-OAKESDALE TO LIND 317 012172 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 90,203 0 90,203 90,203 BICYCLE ROUTE DEV PROGRAM 317 012173 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 117,745 0 117,745 117,745 TRANSIT PRIORITY SIGNAL SYSTEM 317 012174 016 5950 0000 67 000000 457,705 30,000 0 30,000 487,705 SR169 HOV-140TH TO SR900 317 012175 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 262,000 0 262,000 262,000 NE 3RD/NE 4TH TRANSIT 317 012176 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 PARK-SUNSET HOV 317 012177 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 SUNSET ROCKERY REPAIR 317 012178 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 103,315 0 103,315 103,315 1-405/NE 44TH INTERCHANGE 317 012179 016 5950 0000 67 000000 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 S 2ND/S 3RD/BRONSON 317 012180 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 LOGAN AVE/PIPELINE 317 012181 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 4,294,623 9,053,407 1,715,163 10.768,570 15,063,193 Ending Fund Balance 317 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 114,403 201,140 19,310 220,450 334.853 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 4,409,026 9,254.547 1,734,473 10,989,020 15,398,046 FUND 319-SENIOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION Beginning Fund Balance 319 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 319 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 FUND 320-LID CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 320 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2.315 128,057 0 128,057 130,372 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,315 128,057 0 128,057 130,372 EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 320 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,315 128.057 0 128,057 130,372 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,315 128.057 0 128,057 130.372 FUND 401-WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 401 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,404,614 2,286,766 0 2,286,766 5,691,380 REVENUES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 20,783,671 0 0 0 20,783,671 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 24,188,285 2,286,766 0 2.286,766 26,475,051 EXPENDITURES: H:\8dgtooc1998/Carryfwa\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 9 3/9198 Exhibit"A" • CITY OF RENTON 1998 ,,� Rl 11n(IFT Anil ISTMFNTS „io Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments AdJ Budget Water Maintenance Electricity 401 000000 019 5340 0050 47 000001 374,000 0 50,000 50,000 424,000 Water Mtc Contract,Asphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5340 0050 48 000010 0 0 89,000 89,000 89,000 Wastewater Mtc Contract,Asphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5350 0050 48 000010 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 Surface Water Contract,Patching 401 000000 019 5380 0032 48 000010 0 6,966 1,034 8,000 8,000 Surface Water Professional Services 401 000000 019 5380 0032 41 000148 30,000 34,873 0 34,873 64,873 Water,handheld pen computers 401 000000 019 5340 0050 64 000036 18,750 10,239 0 10,239 28,989 Wastewater,handheld pen computers 401 000000 019 5350 0050 64 000052 11,750 0 5,120 5,120 16,870 Surface Water.handheld pen computers 401 000000 019 5380 0032 64 000077 12,950 5,119 0 5,119 18,069 Pacific Groundwtr Grp,Olympic Pipeline Study 401 000000 018 5340 0020 41 000000 12,669 5,775 0 5,775 18,444 RH2 Engineering,Scott Glenn Lift Sta Rev 401 000000 018 5350 0020 41 000148 6,757 555 0 555 7,312 Water Util Techs eve&weekend standby 401 000000 018 5340 0050 10 000002 0 9,000 0 9,000 9,000 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,W'trNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 12 000000 34,611 0 (16,836) (16,836) 17,775 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 10 000000 361,007 0 18,804 18,804 379,811 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,W1rIWW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000001 1,282 0 (1,282) (1,282) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000001 27,231 0 1,411 1,411 28,642 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000003 2,648 0 (1,288) (1,288) 1,360 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000003 27,518 0 1,439 1,439 28,957 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000004 28,118 0 903 903 29,021 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000006 217 0 (123) (123) 94 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term.Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000006 1,164 0 90 90 1,254 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000007 1,280 0 72 72 • 1,352 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 0534 0020 20 000009 6,709 0 239 239 6,948 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wlr/VVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000070 1,399 0 77 77 1,476 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 12 000000 16,830 0 (16,830) (16,830) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/WN Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 10 000000 178,967 0 18,804 18,804 197,771 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term.WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 22 000001 1,282 0 (1,282) (1,282) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000001 13,696 0 1,411 1,411 15,107 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/ WV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 22 000003 1,288 0 (1,288) (1,288) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term.WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000003 13,801 0 '1,439 1,439 15,240 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term.Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 0535 0020 20 000004 12,839 0 903 903 '13,742 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term.WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 22 000006 123 0 (123) (123) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000006 537 0 90 90 627 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000007 604 0 72 72 676 , Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000009 3,664 0 239 239 3,903 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000070 688 0 77 77 765 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 0538 0030 11 000000 9,048 0 (9,048) (9,048) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 10 000000 281,597 0 10,217 10,217 291,814 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 21 000001 679 0 (679) (679) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000001 21,231 0 766 766 21,997 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 21 000003 692 0 (692) (692) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term.Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000003 21.396 0 781 781 22,177 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000004 24,764 0 1,248 1,248 26,012 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 21 000006 54 0 (54) (54) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000006 895 0 54 54 949 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000007 1,006 0 48 48 1,054 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000009 7,280 0 302 302 7,582 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000070 1,086 0 46 46 1,132 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 20,103.920 0 0 0 20,103,920 Total Expenditures 21,678,027 75,527 155.161 230,688 21,908,715 Ending Fund Balance 401 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,510,258 2,211,239 (155,161) 2,056,078 4,566.336 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 24,188.285 2.286,766 0 2.286,766 26,475.051 FUND 421-WATERWORKS UTILITY CIP FUND Beginning Fund Balance 421 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 709,563 3,017,600 0 3,017,600 3,727,163 REVENUES: REVENUE BOND PROCEEDS 421 000000 000 3820 0020 00 000000 25,000 3.710,000 0 3,710,000 3,735.000 PWTF LOAN DCD/E KENNYDALE INT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045055 0 1.811,679 0 1,811,679 1,811,679 PWTF LOAN DCD/HONEYCRK INTRCP 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045125 0 1,496.710 47,139 1,543.849 1,543.849 PWTF LOAN DCD/SANTRY SEW GRNT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045145 0 510.000 0 510,000 510,000 REIMB FM INSURANCE FD/FEMA 421 000400 000 3950 0020 00 045260 0 144,000 0 144,000 144,000 PWTF LOAN DCD/ROLLG HLS RSVR 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055240 0 38,600 0 38,600 38,600 PWTF LOAN DCD/CORROSION CNTRL 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055430 0 836.060 0 836,060 836.060 PWTF LOAN DCD/NE 27-ABERDN STM 421 000600 000 3830 0004 20 065045 0 621,350 0 621,350 621,350 KING CONSERV DIST FD TRUST AGR 421 000600 000 3830 0008 00 065285 0 11,340 0 11,340 11,340 SCS/P-1 CHNL/GRADY WY-16TH 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065200 0 12,398 0 12,398 12,398 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 5.296,500 0 0 0 5,296.500 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6,031,063 12.209,737 47,139 12,256,876 18,287,939 EXPENDITURES: BOND ISSUANCE COST/REV BDS 421 000000 018 5920 0034 84 000015 500 74,000 0 74,000 74,500 ARBITRAGE EXP 421 000000 018 5920 0034 89 000006 0 0 0 0 0 Wstewater Proj E RENTON INTERCEPTOR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045000 0 2.696 0 2,696 2.696 Wstewater Proj BOEING LIFT STATION REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045010 0 10,792 0 10.792 10.792 Wstewater PR)] RENTN CBD I-MILL AVE PIPELINE 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045035 _ 0 2,495 0 2,495 2,495 Wstewater Proj E KENNYDLE/ABERDEEN SEWR INTER 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045055 0 2,434,833 0 2,434,833 2,434,833 Wstewater Proj MISCELLANEOUS SEWER PROJECTS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045065 100,000 52,097 0 52,097 152,097 Wstewater Proj NE 7TH STREET SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045068 0 14,628 0 14,628 14.628 Wstewater Proj HONEYCREEK INTERCEPTOR PHS IV 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045125 0 37,120 0 37.120 37,120 Wstewater Proj SAN SEWER MAIN GROUTING 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045145 0 699,541 0 699.541 699,541 H:\8dgtdoc1998/Carrytwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 10 3/9/98 t" Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 RI In(-IFT Ar1.111STMFNTS v Dept/ Now' 1998 1997 Requests! Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Wstewater Proj HIGHGATE LIFT STATION ELIMIN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045150 0 7,423 0 7,423 7,423 Wstewater Proj REPL TELEMTRY/DATA LOGGING SYS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045160 0 20,723 0 20,723 20,723 Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH II 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045170 0 0 0 0 0 Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH III 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045175 0 86 (86) 0 0 Wstewater Proj E MAPLEWOOD COLL SYSTEM PRED 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045180 0 7,682 0 7,682 7,682 Wstewater Proj KENNYDALE LKFNT SEW SYS STUDY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045190 80,000 199,532 0 199,532 279,532 Wstewater Proj SR 169-MAPLE VLY HWY STUBS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045215 0 22,052 0 22,052 22,052 Wstewater Proj LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045225 25,000 (1,346) 0 (1,346) 23,654 Wstewater Proj MAIN AVE SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045230 0 (6,719) 7,000 281 281 Wstewater Proj S RENTON SEWER REPL PH I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045235 0 636,336 (7,000) 629,336 629,336 Wstewater Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGEMETRY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045240 0 1 (1) 0 0 Wstewater Proj 1997 LNG-RNGE WW MGMT PLAN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045245 0 52,839 0 52,839 52,839 Wstewater Proj REIMB METRO SLIPLINING CR PARK 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045250 70,000 5,841 0 5,841 75,841 Wstewater Proj GIS DATABASE AND CONVERSION 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045255 30,000 28,041 0 28,041 58,041 Wstewater Proj NW 7TH SEWER REPAIR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045260 0 126,602 0 126,602 126,602 Wstewater Proj SW 16TH ST SEWER REPLACEMENT 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045265 0 12,045 0 12,045 12,045 Wstewater Proj TALBOT CREST LIFT STA REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045270 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Wstewater Proj MISTY COVER/BAXTR LIFT STA REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045275 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Wstewater Proj SOUTH RENTON SEWER REPLACEMENT 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045280 1,400,000 0 0 0 1,400,000 Wstewater Proj OAKESDALE AVE SW STUBS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045285 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 Wstewater Proj EARLINGTON LIFT STATION REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045290 50,000 0 0 0 . 50,000 Water Proj MAPLEWOOD WELLS 17&11 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055005 55,000 328,565 30,000 358,565 413,565 Water Proj 1-405 CONST/WATERMN OVERSIZING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055015 0 171,856 (10,000) 161,856 161,856 Water Proj WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055020 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Water Proj WINDSOR HILLS PUMP STA REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055025 5,000 0 (5,000) (5,000) 0 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-RLNG HLS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055065 10,000 16,489 5,000 21,489 31,489 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-HIGHLANDS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055070 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WATER RESOURCE PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055080 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj ACQUIFER MANAGEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055085 0 8,198 10,000 18,198 18,198 Water Proj PIPE OVERSIZING COSTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055100 0 35,385 0 35,385 '35,385 Water Proj WELL FIELD PROTECTION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055110 0 5,624 0 5,624 5,624 Water Proj TELEMETRY IMPROVMTS PHASE III 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055120 0 34,321 0 34,321 34,321 Water Proj ACQUIFER AWARENESS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055135 20,000 2,548 0 2,548 22,548 Water Proj UPDATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055160 80,000 0 0 0 80,000 Water Proj STEEL WATERMAIN REPL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055170 100,000 359,296 0 359,296 459,296 Water Proj AC PIPE REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055175 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj LAB EQUIPMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055198 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WTR CONSERVA PROGRAM IMPLEMEN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055200 0 18,972 0 18,972 18,972 Water Proj I-405/MILL AVE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055205 0 49,578 0 49,578 49,578 Water Proj UPDATE FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055210 10,000 9,717 0 9,717 19,717 Water Proj GMA PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055230 0 6,250 0 6,250 6,250 Water Proj ROLLING HILLS 490 ZONE RESERVO 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055240 0 173,599 0 173,599 173,599 Water Proj PARK AVE WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055245 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WATER RATE STUDY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055255 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Water Proj RESERVOIR RECOATING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055260 30,000 13,476 0 13,476 43,476 • Water Proj EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055265 0 229,321 0 229,321 229,321 Water Proj TALBOT 12/24"WATER MAIN" 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055275 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj LARGE METER REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055280 0 29,895 0 29.895 29,895 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECT BUSINESS RELOC 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055285 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Water Proj DOWNTOWN CORE REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055290 500,000 19,396 0 19,396 519,396 Water Proj WATER QUALITY MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055310 0 5,890 0 5,890 5,890 Water Proj CATHODIC PROTECTION MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055320 10.000 13,628 0 13,628 23,628 Water Proj 565 RES RECOAT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055330 0 23,735 0 23,735 23,735 Water Proj CROSS CONNECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055340 0 1,914 0 1,914 1,914 Water Proj UPDATE CONSERVATION PLAN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055370 0 176 (176) 0 0 Water Proj GIS DATA-BASE AND CONVERSION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055380 40,000 24,612 0 24,612 64,612 Water Proj WELL 3 ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055400 0 586,598 0 586,598 586,598 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055410 0 3,577 0 3,577 3,577 Water Proj CORROSION CONTROL FACILITIES 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055430 0 1,516,927 0 1,516,927 1,516,927 Water Proj MT OLIVET WATER QUALITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055440 0 40.995 0 40,995 40,995 Water Proj WATER DISTRICT#90 INTERTIE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055445 0 48,301 0 48,301 48,301 Water Proj PHOTOGRAMMETIC MAPPING OF CITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055450 0 (1) 1 0 0 Water Proj REUSE PILOT PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055470 0 29,171 0 29,171 29,171 Water Proj AQUIFER INSPECTIONS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055475 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WATER QUALITY DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055480 0 3,186 0 3,186 3,186 Water Proj WATER SUPPLY AVAIL MODEL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055485 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj COLIFORM MONITORING IMP 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055490 0 28,754 0 28,754 28,754 Water Proj WELL 8&9 CHLORINE DELUGE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055495 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 Surf Wtr Proj STORM SEWER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065005 0 8,005 0 8,005 8,005 Surf WV Proj SMALL DRAINAGE PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065015 150,000 105,173 0 105,173 255,173 Surf Wtr Proj WETLANDS MOSQUITO ABATEMT PROG 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065020 25,000 7,275 0 7,275 32,275 Surf Wtr Proj VALLEY STUDY PROJECT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065025 0 (977) 977 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj NE 27TH-ABERDEEN CONTROL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065045 0 1,017,658 0 1,017,658 1,017,658 Surf Wtr Proj CEDAR RVR FLOOD CONTROL STUDY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065055 2,000 4,008 0 4,008 6,008 Surf Wtr Proj BLK RIV WATER QUALITY MOT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065065 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj PANTHER CK WETLAND ACQUISITION 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065076 0 84,264 0 84,264 84,264 Surf WV Proj STREAM FLOW MONITORING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065080 10,000 1.032 0 1,032 11,032 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDR RIV NONPT ACTN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065085 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDAR RIV BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065090 0 7,898 0 7,898 7,898 H:u3dgtdoc1998ICarryfwd\WRKSHT98 XLS Page 11 3/9/98 <r Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 RI If(FT An It 1STMFNTS Dept vow loge 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDR RIV SEDIMENT MGT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065095 2,500,000 16,767 0 16,767 2,516,767 Surf Wtr Proj WETLAND MITIGATION BANK PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065119 0 93,459 0 93,459 93,459 Surf Wtr Proj MAPLEW000 CK SEDIMENT POND/FIS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065120 200,000 145,415 0 145,415 345,415 Surf Wtr Proj MAY CREEK BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065125 0 11,886 0 11,886 11,886 Surf Wtr Proj MISSION HILLS(NE 10TH)STORM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065145 0 573,004 0 573,004 573,004 Surf Wtr Proj SW 7TH CAPACITY PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065150 0 1,825 0 1,825 1,825 Surf WV Proj LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD/NE 44TH E 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065160 0 45,892 0 45,892 45,892 Surf Wtr Proj BASIN/SUB-BASIN HYDROLOGIC ANA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065165 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj P-1 CHANNEUGRADY WY TO SW 16 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065200 0 12,740 0 12,740 12,740 Surf WV Proj NE 10TH&MONROE STORM REPLAC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065215 0 217.794 0 217,794 217,794 Surf Wtr Proj CEDAR BASIN PLAN CIP 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065220 0 200.000 0 200,000 200,000 Surf Wtr Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MAPPING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065225 0 1 (1) 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj EASTSIDE G RIVER FLOOD CNT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065230 0 4,754 (4,754) 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj ELLIOT LEVEE REPAIR&HAB ENHC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065235 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE SWM POLICY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065240 0 60.000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf Wir Proj RENTON STORM WATER MANUAL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065241 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf Wtr Proj HOUSER WAY STORM SYSTEM REPL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065245 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE AVE S&TOBIN STORM IMPRV 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065250 0 (1.099) 1,099 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj MONROE AVE NE&NE 4TH INFILTR 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065255 0 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 Surf WV Proj DEBRIS REMOVAL-CEDAR RVR DELTA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065260 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE WASH/CEDAR RIVER FORUM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065265 18,000 953 0 953 . 18,953 Surf Wtr Proj SW 43RD ST IMPROVEMENTS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065270 0 218,685 0 218,685 218,685 Surf Wtr Proj SR 167 IMPROVEMENTS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065275 33,000 8.581 0 8,581 41,581 Surf Wtr Proj OLYMPIC PIPELINE CULVERT REPL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065280 25,000 18,065 0 18,065 43,065 Surf Wtr Proj SPRINGBROOK CREEK CHANNEL WIDENING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065285 20,000 223.238 2,679 225,917 245,917 Surf Wtr Proj SW 27TH CULVERT IMPROVEMENT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065290 175,000 0 0 0 175,000 Surf Wtr Proj GREEN RIVER ECOSYSTEM STUDY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065295 13,000 0 0 0 13,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 6,026,500 11,650.585 59,738 11,710,323 17,736,823 Ending Fund Balance 421 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 4,563 559.152 (12,599) 546,553 551,116 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 6,031,063 12.209,737 47,139 12,256,876 18,287,939 FUND 402-AIRPORT Beginning Fund Balance 402 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2.242,774 591.660 0 591,660 2,834,434 REVENUES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 694,750 0 0 0 694,750 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,937.524 591,660 0 591,660 3,529,184 EXPENDITURES: Airport reimb Str Maint/Streel Fund 402 000000 016 5460 0020 91 000007 0 0 13,000 13,000 13,000 Intermittent hrs to control bird population 402 000000 016 5460 0020 12 000000 49,680 0 18,000 18,000 67,680 Tower Water Line Replacement 402 000710 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 7,570 0 7,570 7,570 Sealing/Paint Tower Bldg Exter 402 012021 016 5960 0046 63 000083 2.000 14,968 0 14,968 16,968 Relocate Hydraulic Gate 402 012024 016 5960 0046 63 000111 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Metal Siding-502 Bldg 402 012025 016 5960 0046 63 000112 0 54,227 42,375 96,602 96,602 Structures/Bldg Project 402 012027 016 5460 0020 63 000111 3.500 12,000 0 12,000 15,500 Facilities Project 402 012028 016 5460 0020 63 000112 20.000 1,400 0 1,400 21,400 Airfield Improvement 402 012029 016 5960 0046 63 000113 50.000 0 54,000 54,000 104,000 Structure/Bldg Improvement 402 012030 016 5960 0046 62 000066 50.000 70.000 0 70,000 120,000 Facilities Improvement 402 012031 016 5960 0046 63 000114 0 30.000 0 30,000 30,000 205 Cedar River Flood Reduc Proj 402 012032 016 5960 0046 63 000115 365.000 0 0 0 365,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 445.446 0 0 0 445.446 Total Expenditures 985,626 200.165 127,375 327,540 1,313,166 Ending Fund Balance 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 646,898 0 0 0 646,898 Airport Emergency Fund 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000001 100.000 0 0 0 100,000 Airport Maintenance Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000002 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Airport Obstruction Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000003 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Airport Bldg Replacement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000004 347,755 0 0 0 347,755 Air port Mitigation Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000005 239.082 0 0 0 239,082 Airport Aviaga Easement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000006 260,816 0 0 0 260,816 Airport Hazardous Material Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000007 217,347 0 0 0 217,347 Airport Cedar River Maint Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000008 100,000 0 0 0 100.000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2.937.524 200.165 127,375 327,540 3.265,064 FUND 403-SOLID WASTE UTILITY Beginning Fund Balance 403 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 204,479 47,208 0 47,208 251,687 REVENUES: DOE 26/39 Grant 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000097 0 41,189 0 41,189 41,189 KC/WR/R Grant Program 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000012 16,000 35,124 0 35,124 51,124 DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant/1998 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000098 0 0 15,590 15,590 15,590 DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000000 0 15.000 0 15,000 15,000 KC Optional/Business/1997 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000007 0 2.500 0 2,500 2,500 Loc Haz Wst Mgt Prog/Sea-KC Hth 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000002 20,500 2.000 0 2,000 22,500 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 7,152.604 0 0 0 7,152,604 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 7,393,583 143,021 15,590 158,611 7,552,194 EXPENDITURES: DOE 26/39 Grant 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000097 0 0 68,648 68,648 68,648 KC WR/R Grant Program 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000111 17.775 29.597 0 29,597 47,372 H:\3dgtdoc1998/Carryfwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 12 3/9/98 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 RI In(,FT Anil ISTMFNTS Dept/ 'esso" 19vJl, 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget KC Optional Special 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000098 3.000 0 5,000 5,000 8,000 Coordinated Prevention Grant 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000070 0 38,995 0 38,995 38,995 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 7,110,446 0 0 0 7,110,446 Total Expenditures 7,131,221 68,592 73,648 142,240 7,273,461 Ending Fund Balance 403 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 262,362 74,429 (58,058) 16,371 278,733 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 7,393,583 143,021 15,590 158,611 7.552.194 FUND 404-GOLF COURSE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 404 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 124,925 94,284 0 94,284 219,209 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 2,317,887 0 0 0 2,317.887 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,442,812 94,284 0 94,284 2.537,096 EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 2,271,445 0 0 0 2,271,445 Total Expenditures 2,271.445 0 0 0 2,271,445 Ending Fund Balance 404 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 171.367 94,284 0 94,284 265,651 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,442,812 94,284 0 94,284 2,537,096 FUND 424-GOLF COURSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 424 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 • EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 424 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 • 0 FUND 501-EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 501 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,070,478 569,727 0 569,727 1,640,205 REVENUES: Transfer in fm 000/Repl Reserve 501 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000068 0 0 250,000 250,000 250,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 2,571,962 0 0 0 2,571,962 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,642,440 569,727 250,000 819,727 4,462,167 EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 2,365.992 0 0 0 2,365,992 Total Expenditures 2,365,992 0 0 0 2,365,992 Ending Fund Balance 501 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 1,276,448 569,727 250.000 819,727 2,096.175 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 3,642.440 569.727 250,000 819,727 4,462.167 FUND 502-INSURANCE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 502 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 4,181.922 72,001 0 72,001 4,253,923 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 5,341.194 0 0 0 5,341,194 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 9,523,116 72,001 0 72,001 9,595,117 EXPENDITURES: _ 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 4.967,722 0 0 0 4.967,722 Total Expenditures 4,967,722 0 0 0 4,967,722 Ending Fund Balance 502 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 4,555.394 72,001 0 72.001 4,627,395 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 9.523.116 72.001 0 72,001 9,595,117 FUND 601-FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 601 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,873,184 2.215,168 0 2,215.168 6,088,352 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 298,880 0 0 0 298,880 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 4,172,064 2,215.168 0 2,215.168 6,387,232 EXPENDITURES: 199 Budgeted Expenditures 340,481 0 0 0 340,481 Total Expenditures 340.481 0 0 0 340,481 Ending Fund Balance 601 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,831,583 2,215.168 0 2,215,168 6,046,751 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 4,172.064 2,215.168 0 2,215,168 6,387,232 TOTAL ALL FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance 24,537,623 31,262.890 0 31,262,890 55,800,513 REVENUES 103,874,933 17,946.089 4,759,425 22,705,514 126,580,447 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 128,412,556 49,208.979 4,759,425 53,968.404 182.380,960 EXPENDITURES 106,806,380 31,325,068 9,301,313 40,626,381 147,432,761 Ending Fund Balance 21,606,176 17,883,911 (4,541,888) 13,342,023 34,948,199 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 128,412,556 49,208,979 4,759,425 53,968,404 182.380,960 H:'Bdgtdoc1998/Carryfwd\WRKSHT98.XLS Page 13 3/9/98 March 16, 1998 ,,�,, Renton City Council Minutes ,,r,, Page 95 Development Services: Development Services Division submitted proposed amendments to the City's Regulatory Reform Regulatory Reform Ordinance addressing exemptions from procedural Ordinance Changes requirements, exclusions from time limits, and public notice requirements. Refer to Planning & Development Committee; set a public hearing on April 6, 1998 to take testimony on the proposed changes. Public Works: East Side Surface Water Utility Division proposed an interlocal agreement with the City Green River Watershed of Kent to work toward restoring a healthy, self-reproducing fishery in the Fishery Enhancement, East Side Green River Watershed. Renton's cost share of already-completed City of Kent, CAG-98- projects relating to fishery restoration is $23,297.33. Refer to Utilities Committee. Public Works: SW 27th St Surface Water Utility Division recommended approval of a contract in the Culvert Replacement amount of $94,394 with R.W. Beck Inc. for preliminary design and permitting Design, RW Beck, CAG- of the SW 27th St. Culvert Replacement project, and requested fund transfers 98- from the SW 27th St. Culvert Replacement project as follows: $20,000 to the SW 43rd St. Storm Improvement project and $45,000 to the SR-167 Culvert project. Refer to Utilities Committee. Public Works: Olympic Surface Water Utility Division submitted a proposed agreement with Olympic Pipe Line Co Culvert at Pipe Line Company to allow installation of a box culvert at the SW 23rd St. SW 23rd St Channel, (Springbrook Creek) channel in lieu of undergrounding lines beneath the CAG-98- channel. In exchange for an easement from OPLC, Renton will pay for designing and permitting the box culvert as well as other minor cost items of the project (estimated total cost, $55,000). Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Ralph Evans, 3306 NE llth Pl., Renton, Citizen Comment: Evans - 98056, suggesting that Renton's Comprehensive Plan be revised to allow "sub- Proposed Zoning Changes regional" uses in the Center Neighborhood (CN) zone, and that the Zoning for the Highlands (Sub- Code be changed to increase square footage figures in the Center Suburban Regional Uses) (CS) and CN zones to allow development of "destination" type facilities (e.g., Target, the Bon Marche, an ice skating rink), at least in the Highlands area. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval Finance Committee of Claims Vouchers #156617 - 156636 and 157075 - 157512; two wire Finance: Vouchers transfers in the total amount of $1,816,459.10; approval of Payroll Vouchers #158455 - 158711; and 501 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,260,960.36. The check sequence 156637 through 157074 were machine voids due to a system error. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 3/23/98 for second and final reading: Budget: 1998 An ordinance was read revising the 1998 annual budget by increasing certain tarryforwards and expenditure allowances in the 1998 budget of various city funds by Adjustments appropriation, re-appropriation, and transfer from various funds, and creating a special hotel-motel excise tax fund, all by a vote of the City Council. Revised total 1998 expenditures: $39,348,389. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE • March 16, 1998 *or City Council Minutes ,�, Page 96 ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/23/98. CARRIED. Rezone: Valley Medical An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately Center North Campus 30.42 acres located at 400 S. 43rd St. from P-1 (Public Use) to Commercial Rezone to CO Office (CO) for the Valley Medical Center north campus property. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/23/98. CARRIED. Rezone: Valley Medical An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately 9.0 Center South Campus acres located at S. 43rd St. and Davis Ave. S. from P-1 (Public Use) to Rezone to CO Commercial Office (CO) for the Valley Medical Center south campus property. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/23198. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL DIRECT Metro: Interim Downtown THE ADMINISTRATION TO REQUEST THAT METRO PROVIDE Transit Hub Restroom RESTROOM FACILITIES AT THE INTERIM DOWNTOWN TRANSIT HUB. Facilities CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT John Jankowski, 620 Grant Ave. S., Renton, 98055, concurred that public Citizen Comment: restroom facilities are needed in the downtown core area. Saying that the Jankowski - Downtown parking lot of his business is frequently used for this purpose, he suggested Transit Hub Restroom that facilities be provided at either the transit hub, the piazza or the pavilion. Facilities Mayor Tanner stated that Metro vigorously resists including restrooms in its transit hub designs due to maintenance responsibilities. He was opposed to putting restrooms in the piazza proper, and felt these would be more appropriately located in the pavilion. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:27 p.m. D)1.4.4) MARILYN . 11 RSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 3/16/98 041)1 Serving the t6ilih... Pe©pte°f Revenue Research Report wasnington NUE LOCAL TAX DISTRIBUTIONS January — February 1998 Distributions of Local Taxes Reported for November— December Sales Local Sales Tax Distribution - Selected Counties Percent Change Jan/Feb 1997 - Jan/Feb1998 14/0 — 12.6% 12% — 11.0% 11.1% i / 10.5% a) 9.8% th 10% —, j 0 7.3% U 8 / 6.8/° / � 4.9/0 Cl" ° _ / 3.2/0 j o 2/0 % j � 0.3/0 o j j_ A / �minng_t Whatcom Snohomish King Kitsap Pierce Thurston Clark Benton Yakima Spokane State ' = State of Washington Department of Revenue Frederick C. Kga, Director Iwo Explanation of Graph on Cover This graph looks at year-end retail sales. The ten counties with the highest retail sales tax distribution for January and February 1998 are compared to the same months for 1997. These distributions are based on the retail sales in November and December, the year-end holidays, and are one indicator of the strength of the economy. Continued increases in the population, the workforce, and both commercial and residential construction contributed to the increases in state sales tax revenues. New hires at Boeing, Intel, and Microsoft contributed to the strong economy in the Puget Sound area. Spokane County's revenues grew especially with the opening of the new Valley Mall last August; however, a tax deferral due but not yet in, a field audit credit, and late tax filing from a major retailer offset the increased mall revenues and resulted in little gain for the county as a whole. Retail sales are expected to continue to increase as the Washington State economy is expected to be strong through the end of the year. The Local Tax Distributions can be found on the Internet at: http://www.wa.gov/DOR/wadorrpt.htm Please address comments on the Department of Revenue's Internet services to Taxpayer Services at: Communications@DOR.WA.GOV To request this document in an alternate format or language other than English, call (360) 753-3217 or TDD 1-800-451-7985. LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX DISTRIBUTIONS January-February 1998 Distributions for November-December 1997 Activity CONTENTS Page Notes on the Local Tax Distributions Revenue Research Report 1 Table 1: Distributions of Local Sales/Use Tax to Cities and Counties 4 Table 2: Distributions of Local Sales/Use Tax for Transit Purposes 12 Table 3: Distributions of Local Sales/Use Tax for Criminal Justice Purposes 13 Table 4: Distributions of Local Sales/Use Tax for Juvenile Detention Facilities 18 Table 5: Distributions of Local Sales/Use Tax to Other Jurisdictions 19 Table 6: Distributions of State-Shared Hotel/Motel Taxes to Cities and Counties 20 Table 7: Distributions of Additional Local Hotel/Motel Taxes to Cities and Counties 25 Table 8: Distributions of Local Taxes on Rental Cars 26 March 1998 Contact: Diane Mielke, (360) 664-3116 Questions on local sales tax and hotel/motel administration: Jim Harden, (360) 902-7103 NOTES ON THE LOCAL TAX DISTRIBUTIONS REVENUE RESEARCH REPORT The distributions reported in this publication are amounts disbursed to local governments, cities and counties, by the Office of the State Treasurer. These taxes are collected by the Department of Revenue which is responsible for the correct allocation of the funds. The amounts in this publication are based on the local share of retail sales and use taxes collected two months prior to the distribution. Distributions are made monthly; however, no allowances or adjustments are made for late returns. Distributions from late returns are made in the second month after the returns are received just as they are for current returns. The data are used by local governments to track disbursements and plan budgets. Differences Between Local Tax Distributions and the Quarterly Business Review The amounts reported in this publication should not be compared with the Quarterly Business Review (QBR) amounts for taxable retail sales by county and city (tables 3 and 4). The two amounts differ in the following respects. 1. The local distribution amounts are based on local retail sales and use taxes. QBR amounts are based on retail sales only. The use tax is levied on items purchased out of state but used in state and on other items on which sales tax has not been paid. 2. Local sales and use tax distributions are made monthly based on cash collections of two months prior, without regard to when the tax liability occurred. QBR taxable retail sales are reported for the month in which the liability occurs. Adjustments are made for returns up to two months late. 3. State administrative costs are deducted from the local distributions and the county share is deducted from city distributions. Local Sales and Use Tax Distributions A portion of the total sales and use tax collected is a local tax and is returned to the city or county or certain other local jurisdictions where the sales transaction took place. The local jurisdictions are identified by a location code on the tax form. The calculation for the distributions of the local sales and use tax is as follows. A 1 percent fee is deducted from the total reported collections for state administration of the program. (State law allows deduction of up to 2 percent for administration costs.) Of the remaining 99 percent, 15 percent is given to the county for transactions occurring within cities. The remaining 85 percent is distributed to the cities as their share of the basic or optional tax. Counties receive the full amount attributable to sales in the unincorporated areas, plus the 15 percent share for sales in cities. Distributions can fluctuate dramatically due to population changes, as well as annexations and incorporations. Businesses are notified if their location code has changed due to an incorporation or due to annexation into a public transportation benefit area(PTBA). 1 1010 Transit Tax Distributions Cities, counties or PTBAs may levy a local sales and use tax for transit programs. The tax ranges in rate from 0.1 to 0.6 percent (excluding the local tax for high capacity transit, as described below). After an administration fee of 1 percent is deducted, the remainder is returned to the transit districts. Criminal Justice Tax Distributions The criminal justice tax is an additional local sales/use tax of 0.1 percent for criminal justice programs. The criminal justice distribution is based on population rather than location code. This tax is levied only by the county and is imposed countywide, but the receipts are shared with the cities. Of the revenues collected for criminal justice, 1 percent is retained for administration. Of the amount remaining, 10 percent is distributed to the county and 90 percent to cities and counties on a per capita basis based on their official April 1 populations. Juvenile Detention Facility Tax Distributions The juvenile detention facility tax of 0.1 percent was approved by the 1995 Legislature for the purpose of providing funds for juvenile detention facilities and jails in counties with populations less than one million. Each county must vote to approve the tax. It is levied only by the county and is imposed countywide. Of the revenues collected, 1 percent is retained for administration and the remainder is distributed wholly to the county. Local Sales/Use Tax Distributions to Other Jurisdictions The Spokane County Public Facilities District is authorized to levy a 0.1 percent retail sales tax for the funding of a convention center. The funding measures for a professional baseball stadium in King County include an additional local sales and use tax at a maximum rate of 0.017 percent. This tax is credited against the 6.5 percent state tax, so the consumer does not experience an additional tax burden. Also included is a 0.5 percent local tax on food and beverages sold by restaurants,taverns and bars in King County. This tax is not deducted from the state rate, so it is an additional tax for the consumer. A local sales and use tax of 0.016 percent has been applied to all taxable sales in King County for the construction of a new stadium for a professional football team. This tax is credited against the state tax and does not increase the consumer's tax burden. Effective April 1, 1997, the local sales and use tax rates within the Regional Transit Authority area, which includes urban King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties, increased by 0.4 percent to fund a high capacity, rapid transit system. 2 Hotel/Motel Tax Distributions The "regular"hotel/motel tax distributions are for a local option tax of 2 percent on sales of hotel/motel rooms. The regular hotel/motel tax is not paid in addition to other state and local sales taxes. Instead,it is credited against the state's 6.5 percent retail sales tax. Cities can levy the regular hotel/motel tax within their corporate limits and counties can levy the tax in unincorporated areas and within cities that do not levy the tax. (There are two exceptions. The first is King County where the only city authorized to impose the tax is Bellevue and county government levies the hotel/motel tax throughout the entire county,including Bellevue. The second exception is in Yakima County where both the City of Yakima and the county levy the hotel/motel tax within the City of Yakima.) A blank in the table beside a county name indicates the county does not levy the tax. Cities not levying the tax have been excluded from the table. Zeros indicate the city or county levies the tax but did not receive a distribution that month. Disclosure To comply with state law requiring data on individual taxpayers to be kept confidential,in the regular and additional hotel/motel tax distribution tables,a"D" indicates that the data cannot be disclosed because the jurisdictions have fewer than three taxpayers who report on a monthly basis. The amounts distributed for the hotel/motel tax have been aggregated in the category called"Ds" in the summary table;they are not included in the totals for the cities or counties. Additional Hotel/Motel Taxes Effective July 27, 1997,any city,town or county is eligible to levy an "additional"(also referred to as "special")hotel/motel tax at a rate of up to 4 percent,unless previously authorized for more. Up to one- half,or 2 percent,of this amount could be credited against the state sales tax, as under the existing state- shared hotel/motel tax. These taxes are paid in addition to all other state and local sales taxes. Rental Car Tax Distributions Counties may impose an additional 1 percent sales tax upon rental cars. This tax is in addition to the regular retail sales tax rate and the 5.9 percent state rental car tax. Proceeds from this additional tax are to be used for public sports facilities and youth or amateur sport activities. One of the provisions of the funding measures for the professional baseball stadium in King County is an additional sales and use tax of 2 percent on car rentals in King County. The tax rate for car rentals in King County is therefore 17.1 percent which represents the total of the combined state and local retail sales tax (8.2 percent), the statewide car rental tax (5.9 percent), the optional King County car rental tax (1 percent) and the special stadium sales and use tax (2 percent). Within the Regional Transit Authority area of urban King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties, the rental car tax is increased by an additional 0.8 percent. This tax is credited against the state tax. 3 ammommorrommiimmiumommor ftro *gill Table 1 DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total ADAMS COUNTY 17,752.51 17,822.31 20,948.56 20,883.73 38,701.07 38,706.04 77,407.11 Hatton 7.09 7.12 213.59 212.93 220.68 220.05 440.73 Lind 5,644.96 5,667.16 1,462.80 1,458.27 7,107.76 7,125.43 14,233.19 Othello 23,073.25 23,163.97 50,441.14 50,285.04 73,514.39 73,449.01 146,963.40 Ritzville 8,011.94 8,043.44 10,824.76 10,791.26 18,836.70 18,834.70 37,671.40 Washtucna 371.07 372.53 290.23 289.33 661.30 661.86 1,323.16 Total Local 54,860.82 55,076.53 84,181.08 83,920.56 139,041.90 138,997.09 278,038.99 ASOTIN COUNTY 18,692.24 18,994.34 37,686.58 37,686.58 Asotin 1,462.39 1,852.29 3,314.68 3,314.68 Clarkston 38,682.71 46,601.26 85,283.97 85,283.97 Total Local 58,837.34 67,447.89 126,285.23 126,285.23 BENTON COUNTY 145,219.98 145,817.62 169,991.51 169,465.44 315,211.49 315,283.06 630,494.55 Benton City 4,377.86 4,395.07 5,686.87 5,669.27 10,064.73 10,064.34 20,129.07 Kennewick 326,370.45 327,750.69 418,956.69 417,660.16 745,327.14 745,410.85 1,490,737.99 Prosser 36,137.15 36,306.58 28,709.53 28,620.68 64,846.68 64,927.26 129,773.94 Richland 130,773.29 131,314.07 153,499.46 153,024.43 284,272.75 284,338.50 568,611.25 West Richland 6,608.26 6,634.24 6,973.72 6,952.14 13,581.98 13,586.38 27,168.36 Total Local 649,486.99 652,218.27 783,817.78 781,392.12 1,433,304.77 1,433,610.39 2,866,915.16 CHELAN COUNTY 128,086.36 128,589.98 152,432.11 151,960.38 280,518.47 280,550.36 561,068.83 Cashmere 5,954.44 5,977.85 7,873.28 7,848.91 13,827.72 13,826.76 27,654.48 Chelan 15,897.29 15,959.80 19,870.15 19,808.66 35,767.44 35,768.46 71,535.90 Entiat 1,534.86 1,540.89 1,685.58 1,680.36 3,220.44 3,221.25 6,441.69 Leavenworth 20,678.82 20,760.13 29,168.34 29,078.07 49,847.16 49,838.20 99,685.36 Wenatchee 186,213.64 186,945.80 215,538.33 214,871.31 401,751.97 401,817.11 803,569.08 Total Local 358,365.41 359,774.45 426,567.79 425,247.69 784,933.20 785,022.14 1,569,955.34 CLALLAM COUNTY 103,896.74 104,305.25 120,886.37 120,512.27 224,783.11 224,817.52 449,600.63 Forks 10,420.49 10,461.46 11,613.50 11,577.56 22,033.99 22,039.02 44,073.01 Port Angeles 85,358.80 85,694.42 104,699.42 104,375.41 190,058.22 190,069.83 380,128.05 Sequim 39,843.06 39,999.72 45,056.77 44,917.33 84,899.83 84,917.05 169,816.88 Total Local 239,519.09 240,460.85 282,256.06 281,382.57 521,775.15 521,843.42 1,043,618.57 CLARK COUNTY 596,161.79 690,359.27 726,511.74 929,084.78 1,322,673.53 1,619,444.05 2,942,117.58 Battle Ground 32,704.97 19,684.72 31,980.47 19,140.59 64,685.44 38,825.31 103,510.75 Camas 71,454.17 43,007.10 74,573.13 44,632.87 146,027.30 87,639.97 233,667.27 La Center 2,369.49 2,547.08 4,531.09 4,835.40 6,900.58 7,382.48 14,283.06 Ridgefield 7,750.63 8,331.51 3,615.40 3,858.21 11,366.03 12,189.72 23,555.75 Vancouver 548,437.48 824,182.31 1,372,619.79 1,372,619.79 Washougal 20,158.22 12,132.98 24,274.58 14,528.67 44,432.80 26,661.65 71,094.45 Yacolt 2,762.92 553.90 2,443.33 487.76 5,206.25 1,041.66 6,247.91 Total Local 1,281,799.67 776,616.56 1,692,112.05 1,016,568.28 2,973,911.72 1,793,184.84 4,767,096.56 COLUMBIA COUNTY 3,123.72 3,399.77 5,519.45 5,676.01 8,643.17 9,075.78 17,718.95 Dayton 6,517.84 6,543.47 7,489.79 7,466.61 14,007.63 14,010.08 28,017.71 Starbuck 262.73 174.18 436.91 436.91 Total Local 9,904.29 9,943.24 13,183.42 13,142.62 23,087.71 23,085.86 46,173.57 *No distribution due to previous overpayment. February 1998 4 Table 1 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total COWLITZ COUNTY 111,324.92 108,549.43 127,202.79 123,486.65 238,527.71 232,036.08 470,563.79 Castle Rock 7,166.02 7,194.20 8,599.76 8,573.15 15,765.78 15,767.35 31,533.13 Kalama 8,609.46 8,643.31 11,561.57 11,525.79 20,171.03 20,169.10 40,340.13 Kelso 69,200.92 69,473.01 95,664.92 95,368.87 164,865.84 164,841.88 329,707.72 Longview 181,061.31 181,773.22 223,269.87 222,578.92 404,331.18 404,352.14 808,683.32 Woodland 27,605.83 27,714.37 29,293.32 29,202.67 56,899.15 56,917.04 113,816.19 Total Local 404,968.46 403,347.54 495,592.23 490,736.05 900,560.69 894,083.59 1,794,644.28 DOUGLAS COUNTY 38,846.83 38,999.57 51,464.69 51,305.42 90,311.52 90,304.99 180,616.51 Bridgeport East Wenatchee 54,319.61 54,533.19 72,642.73 72,417.92 126,962.34 126,951.11 253,913.45 Mansfield 355.65 357.05 457.03 455.62 812.68 812.67 1,625.35 Rock Island 1,365.99 1,371.36 1,020.89 1,017.73 2,386.88 2,389.09 4,775.97 Waterville 1,086.81 1,091.08 2,944.75 2,935.64 4,031.56 4,026.72 8,058.28 Total Local 95,974.89 96,352.25 128,530.09 128,132.33 224,504.98 224,484.58 448,989.56 FERRY COUNTY 38,669.52 38,821.56 11,068.42 11,034.17 49,737.94 49,855.73 99,593.67 Republic 3,581.07 3.595.15 5,468.30 5,451.38 9,049.37 9,046.53 18,095.90 Total Local 42,250.59 42,416.71 16,536.72 16,485.55 58,787.31 58,902.26 117,689.57 FRANKLIN COUNTY 65,365.45 65,674.42 57,661.79 57,483.35 123,027.24 123,157.77 246,185.01 Connell 12,872.55 12,923.16 5,024.41 5,008.86 17,896.96 17,932.02 35,828.98 Kahlotus 384.89 386.40 162.04 161.54 546.93 547.94 1,094.87 Mesa 1,883.73 1,891.14 1,272.51 1,268.57 3,156.24 3,159.71 6,315.95 Pasco 170,531.91 171,496.84 169,759.30 169,233.95 340,291.21 340,730.79 681,022.00 Total Local 251,038.53 252,371.96 233,880.05 233,156.27 484,918.58 485,528.23 970,446.81 GARFIELD COUNTY 2,182.50 2,191.08 3,891.78 3,879.74 6,074.28 6,070.82 12,145.10 Pomeroy 6,488.16 6,513.67 5,832.07 5,814.02 12,320.23 12,327.69 24,647.92 Total Local 8,670.66 8,704.75 9,723.85 9,693.76 18,394.51 18,398.51 36,793.02 GRANT COUNTY 135,459.24 135,991.85 94,438.13 94,145.88 229,897.37 230,137.73 460,035.10 Coulee City 3,594.51 3,608.64 3,320.69 3,310.41 6,915.20 6,919.05 13,834.25 Electric City 678.90 681.57 817.50 814.97 1,496.40 1,496.54 2,992.94 Ephrata 29,880.82 29,998.31 34,716.58 34,609.14 64,597.40 64,607.45 129,204.85 George 2,939.12 2,950.68 1,105.34 1,101.92 4,044.46 4,052.60 8,097.06 Grand Coulee 5,903.60 5,926.81 6,978.17 6,956.57 12,881.77 12,883.38 25,765.15 Hartline 161.90 162.54 170.65 170.12 332.55 332.66 665.21 Krupp 68.56 68.83 * * 68.56 68.83 137.39 Mattawa 2,014.91 2,022.83 3,207.76 3,197.83 5,222.67 5,220.66 10,443.33 Moses Lake 115,352.84 115,806.39 128,479.04 128,081.44 243,831.88 243,887.83 487,719.71 Quincy 17,975.26 18,045.94 20,758.31 20,694.07 38,733.57 38,740.01 77,473.58 Royal City 3,851.41 3,866.55 2,346.19 2,338.93 6,197.60 6,205.48 12,403.08 Soap Lake 2,788.43 2,799.39 2,814.73 2,806.02 5,603.16 5,605.41 11,208.57 Warden 6,130.51 6,154.61 7,800.41 7,776.27 13,930.92 13,930.88 27,861.80 Wilson Creek 171.26 171.93 785.22 782.79 956.48 954.72 1,911.20 Total Local 326,971.27 328,256.87 307,738.72 306,786.36 634,709.99 635,043.23 1,269,753.22 5 February 1998 Amilormaimilwrommoimpe Table 1 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY 60,349.62 60,606.75 81,068.87 80,817.99 141,418.49 141,424.74 282,843.23 Aberdeen 110,205.22 110,638.53 116,169.92 115,810.41 226,375.14 226,448.94 452,824.08 Cosmopolis 4,862.75 4,881.87 5,401.35 5,384.63 10,264.10 10,266.50 20,530.60 Elma 14,875.55 14,934.04 12,653.49 12,614.33 27,529.04 27,548.37 55,077.41 Hoquiam 18,079.23 18,150.31 22,124.65 22,056.18 40,203.88 40,206.49 80,410.37 McCleary 1,786.79 1,793.82 2,233.39 2,226.48 4,020.18 4,020.30 8,040.48 Montesano 12,825.77 12,876.20 15,180.38 15,133.40 28,006.15 28,009.60 56,015.75 Oakville 3,348.03 3,361.19 2,098.54 2,092.05 5,446.57 5,453.24 10,899.81 Ocean Shores 11,663.17 11,709.03 12,199.19 12,161.44 23,862.36 23,870.47 47,732.83 Westport 5,628.79 5,650.92 6,447.92 6,427.97 12,076.71 12,078.89 24,155.60 Total Local 243,624.92 244,602.66 275,577.70 274,724.88 519,202.62 519,327.54 1,038,530.16 ISLAND COUNTY 91,021.70 91,379.58 114,042.22 113,689.30 205,063.92 205,068.88 410,132.80 Coupeville 6,075.81 6,099.70 8,363.21 8,337.33 14,439.02 14,437.03 28,876.05 Langley 6,792.79 6,819.50 11,672.31 11,636.19 18,465.10 18,455.69 36,920.79 Oak Harbor 70,329.71 70,606.24 85,897.48 85,631.66 156,227.19 156,237.90 312,465.09 Total Local 174,220.01 174,905.02 219,975.22 219,294.48 394,195.23 394,199.50 788,394.73 JEFFERSON COUNTY 50,789.10 50,988.80 72,876.27 72,650.74 123,665.37 123,639.54 247,304.91 Port Townsend 36,595.10 36,738.99 53,002.98 52,838.95 89,598.08 89,577.94 179,176.02 Total Local 87,384.20 87,727.79 125,879.25 125,489.69 213,263.45 213,217.48 426,480.93 KING COUNTY 2,246,680.02 2,255,802.33 3,017,517.48 3,008,152.44 5,264,197.50 5,263,954.77 10,528,152.27 Algona 6,983.94 7,011.40 7,694.84 7,671.03 14,678.78 14,682.43 29,361.21 Auburn 364,932.14 366,388.81 406,998.66 405,739.13 771,930.80 772,127.94 1,544,058.74 Beaux Arts Village 1,292.26 1,297.34 4,957.31 4,941.97 6,249.57 6,239.31 12,488.88 Bellevue 1,388,576.25 1,394,039.38 1,793,570.26 1,788,019.76 3,182,146.51 3,182,059.14 6,364,205.65 Black Diamond 1,921.92 1,929.48 5,841.19 5,823.11 7,763.11 7,752.59 15,515.70 Bothell 183,896.40 184,619.46 247,887.23 247,120.10 431,783.63 431,739.56 863,523.19 Burien 145,979.61 146,553.58 139,541.41 139,109.58 285,521.02 285,663.16 571,184.18 Carnation 6,347.51 6,372.47 11,212.58 11,177.88 17,560.09 17,550.35 35,110.44 Clyde Hill 3,299.93 3,312.90 4,590.06 4,575.86 7,889.99 7,888.76 15,778.75 Covington 14,992.00 15,050.95 36,210.83 36,098.77 51,202.83 51,149.72 102,352.55 Des Moines 36,173.02 36,315.25 43,433.38 43,298.97 79,606.40 79,614.22 159,220.62 Duvall 10,450.65 10,491.74 13,781.95 13,739.30 24,232.60 24,231.04 48,463.64 Enumclaw 51,455.05 51,657.36 66,932.73 66,725.60 118,387.78 118,382.96 236,770.74 Federal Way 318,804.47 320,057.96 475,373.72 473,902.60 794,178.19 793,960.56 1,588,138.75 Hunts Point 1,809.45 1,816.56 2,270.83 2,263.80 4,080.28 4,080.36 8,160.64 Issaquah 221,795.58 222,667.65 229,146.37 228,437.24 450,941.95 451,104.89 902,046.84 Kent 722,860.29 725,702.47 904,174.06 901,375.94 1,627,034.35 1,627,078.41 3,254,112.76 Kirkland 409,512.02 411,134.32 549,045.14 547,346.03 958,557.16 958,480.35 1,917,037.51 Lake Forest Park 10,127.80 10,167.62 14,405.18 14,360.60 24,532.98 24,528.22 49,061.20 Maple Valley 15,225.25 15,285.11 34,486.78 34,380.05 49,712.03 49,665.16 99,377.19 Medina 37,018.13 37,163.68 28,687.81 28,599.03 65,705.94 65,762.71 131,468.65 Mercer Island 57,603.93 57,830.42 77,757.75 77,517.12 135,361.68 135,347.54 270,709.22 Newcastle 16,293.59 16,357.65 20,698.79 20,634.73 36,992.38 36,992.38 73,984.76 Normandy Park 7,138.42 7,166.49 9,508.30 9,478.87 16,646.72 16,645.36 33,292.08 North Bend 52,787.09 52,994.64 55,652.06 55,479.84 108,439.15 108,474.48 216,913.63 Pacific 14,990.24 15,049.18 19,206.47 19,147.03 34,196.71 34,196.21 68,392.92 Redmond 472,518.55 474,376.42 697,890.55 695,730.81 1,170,409.10 1,170,107.23 2,340,516.33 Renton 473,732.41 475,595.06 587,762.14 585,943.21 1,061,494.55 1,061,538.27 2,123,032.82 SeaTac 169,784.26 170,451.83 245,160.12 244,401.43 414,944.38 414,853.26 829,797.64 Seattle 3,676,646.43 3,691,407.78 4,993,035.49 4,977,472.08 8,669,681.92 8,668,879.86 17,338,561.78 Shoreline 144,394.55 144,962.29 188,485.16 187,901.86 332,879.71 332,864.15 665,743.86 Skykomish 102.06 102.46 806.34 803.84 908.40 906.30 1,814.70 February 1998 6 Table 1 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total KING COUNTY (Cont'd) Snoqualmie 15,263.12 15,323.13 23,486.15 23,413.47 38,749.27 38,736.60 77,485.87 Tukwila 582,696.96 584,988.04 774,879.40 772,481.41 1,357,576.36 1,357,469.45 2,715,045.81 Woodinville 120,895.94 121,371.28 152,750.79 152,278.08 273,646.73 273,649.36 547,296.09 Yarrow Point 1,952.99 1,960.67 2,784.26 2,775.64 4,737.25 4,736.31 9,473.56 Total Local 12,006,934.23 12,054,775.16 15,887,623.57 15,838,318.21 27,894,557.80 27,893,093.37 55,787,651.17 KITSAP COUNTY 460,467.67 462,278.16 631,309.42 629,355.73 1,091,777.09 1,091,633.89 2,183,410.98 Bainbridge Island 55,463.28 55,681.35 73,074.63 72,848.49 128,537.91 128,529.84 257,067.75 Bremerton 160,213.80 160,843.74 188,655.00 188,071.18 348,868.80 348,914.92 697,783.72 Port Orchard 62,090.65 62,334.78 88,217.05 87,944.05 150,307.70 150,278.83 300,586.53 Poulsbo 56,810.53 57,033.90 71,845.07 71,622.73 128,655.60 128,656.63 257,312.23 Total Local 795,045.93 798,171.93 1,053,101.17 1,049,842.18 1,848,147.10 1,848,014.11 3,696,161.21 KITTITAS COUNTY 25,522.19 25,851.42 32,262.18 32,162.34 57,784.37 58,013.76 115,798.13 Cle Elum 12,510.13 12,559.32 14,025.56 13,982.16 26,535.69 26,541.48 53,077.17 Ellensburg 82,193.79 82,516.96 93,003.62 92,715.80 175,197.41 175,232.76 350,430.17 Kittitas 1,665.87 1,672.42 1,859.73 1,853.97 3,525.60 3,526.39 7,051.99 Roslyn 1,676.57 1,683.16 1,574.01 1,569.14 3,250.58 3,252.30 6,502.88 South Cle Elum 227.98 319.62 318.63 547.60 318.63 866.23 Total Local 123,796.53 124,283.28 143,044.72 142,602.04 266,841.25 266,885.32 533,726.57 KLICKITAT COUNTY 38,641.04 36,614.63 75,255.67 75,255.67 Bingen 3,224.45 5,898.88 9,123.33 9,123.33 Goldendale 7,841.24 9,148.63 13,884.29 14,917.05 21,725.53 24,065.68 45,791.21 White Salmon 5,695.69 11,115.52 16,811.21 16,811.21 Total Local 55,402.42 9,148.63 67,513.32 14,917.05 122,915.74 24,065.68 146,981.42 LEWIS COUNTY 144,065.71 144,632.16 176,887.57 176,340.16 320,953.28 320,972.32 641,925.60 Centralia 66,035.83 66,295.47 88,159.29 87,886.47 154,195.12 154,181.94 308,377.06 Chehalis 107,842.44 108,266.46 94,817.78 94,524.35 202,660.22 202,790.81 405,451.03 Morton 7,747.80 7,778.26 8,379.06 8,353.13 16,126.86 16,131.39 32,258.25 Mossyrock 1,851.88 1,859.16 2,155.17 2,148.50 4,007.05 4,007.66 8,014.71 Napavine 1,165.26 1,169.84 1,533.96 1,529.21 2,699.22 2,699.05 5,398.27 Pe Ell 1,135.53 1,139.99 2,426.02 2,418.51 3,561.55 3,558.50 7,120.05 Toledo 3,734.88 3,749.56 5,968.52 5,950.05 9,703.40 9,699.61 19,403.01 Vader 582.74 585.03 395.79 394.57 978.53 979.60 1,958.13 Winlock 3,928.39 3,943.84 4,864.34 4,849.29 8,792.73 8,793.13 17,585.86 Total Local 338,090.46 339,419.77 385,587.50 384,394.24 723,677.96 723,814.01 1,447,491.97 LINCOLN COUNTY 9,803.77 9,842.32 12,122.72 12,085.20 21,926.49 21,927.52 43,854.01 Almira 775.24 778.29 1,046.06 1,042.82 1,821.30 1,821.11 3,642.41 Creston 164.41 165.06 302.55 301.61 466.96 466.67 933.63 Davenport 4,749.04 4,767.71 6,636.01 6,615.47 11,385.05 11,383.18 22,768.23 Harrington 1,074.36 1,078.58 836.33 833.74 1,910.69 1,912.32 3,823.01 Odessa 4,860.61 4,879.72 5,150.58 5,134.64 10,011.19 10,014.36 20,025.55 Reardan 1,152.76 1,157.29 1,537.31 1,532.55 2,690.07 2,689.84 5,379.91 Sprague 2,231.13 2,239.90 1,795.21 1,789.65 4,026.34 4,029.55 8,055.89 Wilbur 2,658.75 2,669.20 3,794.32 3,782.58 6,453.07 6,451.78 12,904.85 Total Local 27,470.07 27,578.07 33,221.09 33,118.26 60,691.16 60,696.33 121,387.49 7 February 1998 Table 1 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total MASON COUNTY 77,169.91 77,473.33 81,769.79 81,516.74 158,939.70 158,990.07 317,929.77 Shelton 56,241.49 56,462.62 45,395.54 45,255.06 101,637.03 101,717.68 203,354.71 Total Local 133,411.40 133,935.95 127,165.33 126,771.80 260,576.73 260,707.75 521,284.48 OKANOGAN COUNTY 33,933.88 34,242.66 45,544.38 45,567.49 79,478.26 79,810.15 159,288.41 Brewster 9,037.95 9,073.49 10,348.73 10,316.70 19,386.68 19,390.19 38,776.87 Conconully 92.44 92.80 207.23 206.59 299.67 299.39 599.06 Coulee Dam 1,331.65 1,336.89 1,893.64 1,887.78 3,225.29 3,224.67 6,449.96 Elmer City 97.90 98.28 115.24 114.88 213.14 213.16 426.30 Nespelem * 20.57 20.57 20.57 Okanogan 12,667.27 12,717.08 10,803.50 10,770.07 23,470.77 23,487.15 46,957.92 Omak 32,353.07 32,492.06 25,610.68 25,531.42 57,963.75 58,023.48 115,987.23 Oroville 6,884.24 6,911.31 7,527.29 7,504.00 14,411.53 14,415.31 28,826.84 Pateros 1,181.83 1,186.48 1,195.88 1,192.18 2,377.71 2,378.66 4,756.37 Riverside 158.05 158.67 998.28 995.19 1,156.33 1,153.86 2,310.19 Tonasket 6,656.15 6,682.32 6,470.76 6,450.74 13,126.91 13,133.06 26,259.97 Twisp 4,960.29 4,979.79 5,475.35 5,458.41 10,435.64 10,438.20 20,873.84 Winthrop 3,102.83 3,115.03 5,512.85 5,495.79 8,615.68 8,610.82 17.226.50 Total Local 112,457.55 113,086.86 121,724.38 121,491.24 234,181.93 234,578.10 468,760.03 PACIFIC COUNTY 21,598.15 21,683.07 34,981.15 34,872.89 56,579.30 56,555.96 113,135.26 Ilwaco 5,858.76 5,881.80 5,015.22 4,999.70 10,873.98 10,881.50 21,755.48 Long Beach 8,340.16 8,372.95 8,287.72 8,262.07 16,627.88 16,635.02 33,262.90 Raymond 9,542.70 9,580.22 13,742.32 13,699.79 23,285.02 23,280.01 46,565.03 South Bend 3,304.56 3,317.55 3,401.25 3,390.72 6,705.81 6,708.27 13,414.08 Total Local 48,644.33 48,835.59 65,427.66 65,225.17 114,071.99 114,060.76 228,132.75 PEND OREILLE COUNTY 9,949.55 9,988.67 16,976.88 16,924.34 26,926.43 26,913.01 53,839.44 Cusick 538.16 540.28 1,334.11 1,329.98 1,872.27 1,870.26 3,742.53 Ione 1,886.91 1,894.33 1,693.70 1,688.46 3,580.61 3,582.79 7,163.40 Metaline 63.04 63.29 418.78 417.48 481.82 480.77 962.59 Metaline Falls 819.91 823.13 1,034.64 1,031.44 1,854.55 1,854.57 3,709.12 Newport 8,103.19 8,135.05 13,002.87 12,962.63 21,106.06 21,097.68 42,203.74 Total Local 21,360.76 21,444.75 34,460.98 34,354.33 55,821.74 55,799.08 111,620.82 PIERCE COUNTY 790,398.53 793,506.26 1,129,292.75 1,125,797.96 1,919,691.28 1,919,304.22 3,838,995.50 Bonney Lake 31,922.88 32,048.40 51,025.03 50,867.12 82,947.91 82,915.52 165,863.43 Buckley 11,252.04 11,296.28 11,155.54 11,121.02 22,407.58 22,417.30 44,824.88 Carbonado 334.62 335.94 664.02 661.97 998.64 997.91 1,996.55 Du Pont 9,241.01 9,277.34 36,422.96 36,310.24 45,663.97 45,587.58 91,251.55 Eatonville 8,061.23 8,092.93 12,344.54 12,306.34 20,405.77 20,399.27 40,805.04 Edgewood 6,423.40 6,448.66 7,728.94 7,705.02 14,152.34 14,153.68 28,306.02 Fife 124,855.08 125,345.99 145,987.93 145,536.15 270,843.01 270,882.14 541,725.15 Fircrest 6,485.72 6,511.22 8,570.52 8,544.00 15,056.24 15,055.22 30,111.46 Gig Harbor 70,687.71 70,965.64 90,281.49 90,002.10 160,969.20 160,967.74 321,936.94 Lakewood 150,370.73 150,961.97 196,954.08 196,344.57 347,324.81 347,306.54 694,631.35 Milton 26,849.83 26,955.40 28,661.25 28,572.55 55,511.08 55,527.95 111,039.03 Orting 6,733.18 6,759.65 8,836.46 8,809.11 15,569.64 15,568.76 31,138.40 Puyallup 336,712.50 338,036.40 478,319.96 476,839.72 815,032.46 814,876.12 1,629,908.58 Roy 5,020.90 5,040.64 3,580.27 3,569.19 8,601.17 8,609.83 17,211.00 Ruston 649.05 651.60 712.84 710.63 1,361.89 1,362.23 2,724.12 South Prairie 506.20 508.19 615.68 613.77 1,121.88 1,121.96 2,243.84 February 1998 8 Table 1 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total PIERCE COUNTY (Cont'd) Steilacoom 4,858.04 4,877.14 12,313.97 12,275.86 17,172.01 17,153.00 34,325.01 Sumner 65,777.39 66,036.02 84,945.19 84,682.31 150,722.58 150,718.33 301,440.91 Tacoma 987,092.69 990,973.79 1,343,068.97 1,338,912.62 2,330,161.66 2,329,886.41 4,660,048.07 University Place 38,696.03 38,848.18 43,931.86 43,795.91 82,627.89 82,644.09 165,271.98 Wilkeson 568.34 570.57 514.89 513.30 1,083.23 1,083.87 2,167.10 Total Local 2,683,497.10 2,694,048.21 3,695,929.14 3,684,491.46 6,379,426.24 6,378,539.67 12,757,965.91 SAN JUAN COUNTY 52,551.95 52,758.58 62,865.31 62,670.76 115,417.26 115,429.34 230,846.60 Friday Harbor 18,972.83 19,047.43 21,478.97 21,412.50 40,451.80 40,459.93 80,911.73 Total Local 71,524.78 71,806.01 84,344.28 84,083.26 155,869.06 155,889.27 311,758.33 SKAGIT COUNTY 180,097.03 181,347.65 192,400.47 192,174.66 372,497.50 373,522.31 746,019.81 Anacortes 51,707.24 51,910.55 55,673.17 55,500.88 107,380.41 107,411.43 214,791.84 Burlington 139,936.38 140,486.59 208,006.75 207,363.04 347,943.13 347,849.63 695,792.76 Concrete 1,808.97 1,816.08 2,720.94 2,712.52 4,529.91 4,528.60 9,058.51 Hamilton 261.51 262.54 398.15 396.92 659.66 659.46 1,319.12 La Conner 9,990.37 10,029.65 11,533.44 11,497.75 21,523.81 21,527.40 43,051.21 Lyman 539.93 370.75 910.68 910.68 Mount Vernon 123,625.59 124,114.22 149,332.09 148,869.96 272,957.68 272,984.18 545,941.86 Sedro Woolley 32,452.89 32,580.49 35,848.82 35,737.88 68,301.71 68,318.37 136,620.08 Total Local 540,419.91 542,547.77 656,284.58 654,253.61 1,196,704.49 1,196,801.38 2,393,505.87 SKAMANIA COUNTY 14,930.06 9,880.86 24,810.92 24,810.92 North Bonneville 690.88 816.28 2,209.58 2,590.76 2,900.46 3,407.04 6,307.50 Stevenson 8,647.49 8,653.15 17,300.64 17,300.64 Total Local 24,268.43 816.28 20,743.59 2,590.76 45,012.02 3,407.04 48,419.06 SNOHOMISH COUNTY 754,184.76 757,478.06 930,436.72 927,557.33 1,684,621.48 1,685,035.39 3,369,656.87 Arlington 55,323.01 55,540.53 69,286.33 69,071.91 124,609.34 124,612.44 249,221.78 Brier 4,511.44 4,529.18 8,460.28 8,434.10 12,971.72 12,963.28 25,935.00 Darrington 3,059.38 3,071.41 3,276.60 3,266.46 6,335.98 6,337.87 12,673.85 Edmonds 133,038.53 133,561.62 187,089.00 186,510.02 320,127.53 320,071.64 640,199.17 Everett 697,932.05 700,676.22 913,881.21 911,053.05 1,611,813.26 1,611,729.27 3,223,542.53 Gold Bar 2,216.09 2,224.80 2,054.59 2,048.23 4,270.68 4,273.03 8,543.71 Granite Falls 8,198.92 8,231.16 12,184.78 12,147.07 20,383.70 20,378.23 40,761.93 Index 583.98 586.28 623.14 621.21 1,207.12 1,207.49 2,414.61 Lake Stevens 21,429.93 21,514.19 21,217.47 21,151.81 42,647.40 42,666.00 85,313.40 Lynnwood 493,478.06 495,418.34 751,340.92 749,015.77 1,244,818.98 1,244,434.11 2,489,253.09 Marysville 108,444.53 108,870.92 144,065.00 143,619.17 252,509.53 252,490.09 504,999.62 Mill Creek 40,506.82 40,666.09 43,335.72 43,201.61 83,842.54 83,867.70 167,710.24 Monroe 79,702.14 80,015.52 101,572.19 101,257.86 181,274.33 181,273.38 362,547.71 Mountlake Terrace 38,336.03 38,486.76 48,313.26 48,163.75 86,649.29 86,650.51 173,299.80 Mukilteo 41,178.98 41,340.89 55,347.93 55,176.65 96,526.91 96,517.54 193,044.45 Snohomish 51,558.39 51,761.11 62,886.98 62,692.37 114,445.37 114,453.48 228,898.85 Stanwood 33,009.58 33,139.37 33,022.60 32,920.41 66,032.18 66,059.78 132,091.96 Sultan 7,303.10 7,331.81 8,337.05 8,311.25 15,640.15 15,643.06 31,283.21 Woodway 4,282.34 4,299.18 4,044.51 4,031.99 8,326.85 8,331.17 16,658.02 Total Local 2,578,278.06 2,588,743.44 3,400,776.28 3,390,252.02 5,979,054.34 5,978,995.46 11,958,049.80 9 February 1998 Arrimmounimisigiommaw ilissie `wry Table 1 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total SPOKANE COUNTY 907,129.41 939,728.25 1,165,019.50 1,161,297.95 2,072,148.91 2,101,026.20 4,173,175.11 Airway Heights 13,623.63 13,677.20 15,380.74 15,333.14 29,004.37 29,010.34 58,014.71 Cheney 21,671.23 21,756.44 23,608.81 23,535.75 45,280.04 45,292.19 90,572.23 Deer Park 12,746.64 12,796.76 15,546.33 15,498.22 28,292.97 28,294.98 56,587.95 Fairfield 2,022.83 2,030.78 2,934.49 2,925.41 4,957.32 4,956.19 9,913.51 Latah 476.78 670.48 1,147.26 1,147.26 Medical Lake 5,780.02 5,802.75 6,689.07 6,668.37 12,469.09 12,471.12 24,940.21 Millwood 6,087.05 6,110.98 6,453.69 6,433.72 12,540.74 12,544.70 25,085.44 Rockford 1,051.44 1,055.57 1,907.75 1,901.85 2,959.19 2,957.42 5,916.61 Spangle 1,977.46 1,985.24 1,769.58 1,764.10 3,747.04 3,749.34 7,496.38 Spokane 1,000,406.66 1,004,340.11 1,292,939.82 1,288,938.60 2,293,346.48 2,293,278.71 4,586,625.19 Waverly 179.05 * 179.05 179.05 Total Local 1,973,152.20 2,009,284.08 2,532,920.26 2,524,297.11 4,506,072.46 4,533,581.19 9,039,653.65 STEVENS COUNTY 53,412.52 53,622.53 60,213.30 60,026.96 113,625.82 113,649.49 227,275.31 Chewelah 7,386.80 7,415.84 8,914.50 8,886.91 16,301.30 16,302.75 32,604.05 Colville 54,016.60 54,228.99 44,846.38 44,707.60 98,862.98 98,936.59 197,799.57 Kettle Falls 4,359.45 4,376.59 4,403.57 4,389.94 8,763.02 8,766.53 17,529.55 Marcus * * 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 2.06 Northport 452.57 454.35 596.67 594.82 1,049.24 1,049.17 2,098.41 Springdale 842.79 846.10 1,234.11 1,230.29 2,076.90 2,076.39 4,153.29 Total Local 120,470.73 120,944.40 120,209.56 119,837.55 240,680.29 240,781.95 481,462.24 THURSTON COUNTY 214,990.34 215,835.65 283,373.14 282,496.19 498,363.48 498,331.84 996,695.32 Bucoda 531.62 533.71 634.23 632.27 1,165.85 1,165.98 2,331.83 Lacey 126,808.97 127,307.56 190,601.22 190,011.37 317,410.19 317,318.93 634,729.12 Olympia 363,392.10 364,820.90 513,839.63 512,249.47 877,231.73 877,070.37 1,754,302.10 Rainier 3,072.12 3,084.20 3,377.66 3,367.21 6,449.78 6,451.41 12,901.19 Tenino 4,198.32 4,214.83 4,475.31 4,461.46 8,673.63 8,676.29 17,349.92 Tumwater 72,222.28 72,506.25 92,635.06 92,348.39 164,857.34 164,854.64 329,711.98 Yelm 15,011.89 15,070.91 25,390.86 25,312.28 40,402.75 40,383.19 80,785.94 Total Local 800,227.64 803,374.01 1,114,327.11 1,110,878.64 1,914,554.75 1,914,252.65 3,828,807.40 WAHKIAKUM COUNTY 4,647.31 4,665.58 5,428.14 5,411.34 10,075.45 10,076.92 20,152.37 Cathlamet 1,436.62 1,442.27 2,576.58 2,568.61 4,013.20 4,010.88 8,024.08 Total Local 6,083.93 6,107.85 8,004.72 7,979.95 14,088.65 14,087.80 28,176.45 WALLA WALLA COUNTY 94,243.72 94,614.27 60,606.17 60,418.61 154,849.89 155,032.88 309,882.77 College Place 4,882.98 4,902.18 7,581.88 7,558.42 12,464.86 12,460.60 24,925.46 Prescott 507.27 509.26 998.68 995.59 1,505.95 1,504.85 3,010.80 Waitsburg 1,746.59 1,753.46 2,244.85 2,237.90 3,991.44 3,991.36 7,982.80 Walla Walla 114,572.58 115,023.06 152,025.49 151,555.02 266,598.07 266,578.08 533,176.15 Total Local 215,953.14 216,802.23 223,457.07 222,765.54 439,410.21 439,567.77 878,977.98 WHATCOM COUNTY 218,154.43 219,012.18 273,605.48 272,758.76 491,759.91 491,770.94 983,530.85 Bellingham 425,697.66 427,371.44 561,462.44 559,724.90 987,160.10 987,096.34 1,974,256.44 Blaine 22,702.36 22,791.62 27,478.74 27,393.70 50,181.10 50,185.32 100,366.42 Everson 4,978.17 4,997.74 6,037.40 6,018.72 11,015.57 11,016.46 22,032.03 Ferndale 28,893.51 29,007.12 33,762.07 33,657.59 62,655.58 62,664.71 125,320.29 Lynden 41,408.33 41,571.14 57,874.99 57,695.89 99,283.32 99,267.03 198,550.35 Nooksack 1,590.43 1,596.68 1,407.16 1,402.81 2,997.59 2,999.49 5,997.08 Sumas 4,975.92 4,995.48 4,659.88 4,645.46 9,635.80 9,640.94 19,276.74 Total Local 748,400.81 751,343.40 966,288.16 963,297.83 1,714,688.97 1,714,641.23 3,429,330.20 February 1998 10 Table 1 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO CITIES AND COUNTIES Basic (0.5% rate) and Optional (rates up to 0.5%) Taxes JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total WHITMAN COUNTY 36,906.84 37,051.95 37,578.43 37,462.14 74,485.27 74,514.09 148,999.36 Albion 172.46 173.14 354.17 353.07 526.63 526.21 1,052.84 Colfax 8,740.29 8,774.66 12,254.00 12,216.08 20,994.29 20,990.74 41,985.03 Colton 439.18 440.91 494.12 492.59 933.30 933.50 1,866.80 Endicott 250.83 251.82 634.87 632.91 885.70 884.73 1,770.43 Farmington 116.52 116.98 72.42 72.20 188.94 189.18 378.12 Garfield 769.22 772.24 782.90 780.48 1,552.12 1,552.72 3,104.84 La Crosse 1,085.43 1,089.70 1,310.98 1,306.92 2,396.41 2,396.62 4,793.03 Lamont 31.02 31.14 64.24 64.04 95.26 95.18 190.44 Malden 51.05 51.25 24.29 24.21 75.34 75.46 150.80 Oakesdale 710.33 713.12 759.15 756.80 1,469.48 1,469.92 2,939.40 Palouse 2,160.37 2,168.86 2,078.62 2,072.19 4,238.99 4,241.05 8,480.04 Pullman 83,266.14 83,593.53 86,968.51 86,699.37 170,234.65 170,292.90 340,527.55 Rosalia 994.80 998.71 1,070.62 1,067.31 2,065.42 2,066.02 4,131.44 St. John 2,476.93 2,486.67 5,529.90 5,512.79 8,006.83 7,999.46 16,006.29 Tekoa 1,152.32 1,156.85 1,699.78 1,694.52 2,852.10 2,851.37 5,703.47 Uniontown 400.65 402.23 2,596.60 2,588.56 2,997.25 2,990.79 5,988.04 Total Local 139,724.38 140,273.76 154,273.60 153,796.18 293,997.98 294,069.94 588,067.92 YAKIMA COUNTY 238,058.26 238,994.27 269,129.69 268,296.82 507,187.95 507,291.09 1,014,479.04 Grandview 29,558.45 29,674.67 26,509.14 26,427.10 56,067.59 56,101.77 112,169.36 Granger 1,594.24 1,600.51 2,045.20 2,038.87 3,639.44 3,639.38 7,278.82 Harrah 741.80 744.72 957.86 954.90 1,699.66 1,699.62 3,399.28 Mabton 1,600.51 1,606.80 1,566.67 1,561.82 3,167.18 3,168.62 6,335.80 Moxee City 16,461.41 16,526.13 1,960.22 1,954.15 18,421.63 18,480.28 36,901.91 Naches 2,465.02 2,474.71 5,085.40 5,069.66 7,550.42 7,544.37 15,094.79 Selah 21,255.86 21,339.43 16,839.54 16,787.43 38,095.40 38,126.86 76,222.26 Sunnyside 71,273.41 71,553.65 68,046.70 67,836.12 139,320.11 139,389.77 278,709.88 Tieton 3,469.12 3,482.76 2,517.43 2,509.64 5,986.55 5,992.40 11,978.95 Toppenish 18,883.14 18,957.39 18,721.46 18,663.52 37,604.60 37,620.91 75,225.51 Union Gap 82,349.26 82,673.05 96,478.27 96,179.70 178,827.53 178,852.75 357,680.28 Wapato 11,047.87 11,091.31 11,440.77 11,405.36 22,488.64 22,496.67 44,985.31 Yakima 434,785.41 436,494.92 514,537.74 512,945.42 949,323.15 949,440.34 1,898,763.49 Zillah 5,862.97 5,886.02 4,773.27 4,758.50 10,636.24 10,644.52 21,280.76 Total Local 939,406.73 943,100.34 1,040,609.36 1,037,389.01 1,980,016.09 1,980,489.35 3,960,505.44 Summary of Distributions of Local Sales/Use Tax To Cities and Counties JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Basic Optional Basic Optional Basic Optional Total Counties 8,234,479.27 8,313,906.59 10,394,815.20 10,499,422.66 18,629,294.47 18,813,329.25 37,442,623.72 Cities 20,557,419.39 19,978,740.63 26,705,222.13 25,673,677.99 47,262,641.52 45,652,418.62 92,915,060.14 Total Local 28,791,898.66 28,292,647.22 37,100,037.33 36,173,100.65 65,891,935.99 64,465,747.87 130,357,683.86 State Admin. Fee 291,940.82 285,764.79 373,613.88 365,396.54 665,554.70 651,161.33 1,316,716.03 The January and February 1998 distributions are based on November and December 1997 retail sales and use tax accruals. 11 February 1998 7 Table 2 DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX FOR TRANSIT PURPOSES (0.1 - 0.6% rates) Includes Counties, Cities and Public Transportation Benefit Areas (PTBAs) but not the Regional Transit Authority (see Table 5) CURRENT TRANSIT DISTRICT TAX RATE JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Benton-Franklin PTBA 0.3% $ 474,235.21 $ 555,149.79 $ 1,029,385.00 Chelan-Douglas PTBA 0.4 361,532.50 440,691.35 802,223.85 Clallam County PTBA 0.3 143,993.78 169,091.38 313,085.16 Clark County PTBA 0.3 770,184.10 1,014,318.84 1,784,502.94 Cowlitz PTBA 0.1 59,032.64 74,927.84 133,960.48 Everett 0.3 493,626.13 644,094.34 1,137,720.47 Grant County 0.2 99,333.20 104,908.47 204,241.67 Grays Harbor County 0.3 146,468.76 165,091.02 311,559.78 Island County PTBA 0.3 104,089.21 131,777.91 235,867.12 Jefferson County PTBA 0.3 52,533.56 75,410.40 127,943.96 King County 0.6 14,345,388.06 18,913,108.63 33,258,496.69 Kitsap County PTBA 0.5 766,765.50 1,016,936.27 1,783,701.77 Lewis County PTBA 0.1 40,993.18 42,987.00 83,980.18 Mason County 0.2 53,469.29 50,787.00 104,256.29 Pacific County 0.3 29,243.90 39,195.93 68,439.83 Pierce County PTBA 0.3 1,568,649.94 2,139,049.98 3,707,699.92 Skagit PTBA 0.2 200,065.83 241,194.67 441,260.50 Snohomish County PTBA 0.6 2,028,757.18 2,704,985.04 4,733,742.22 Spokane County PTBA 0.3 1,166,485.68 1,441,300.20 2,607,785.88 Thurston County PTBA 0.3 480,308.39 667,560.47 1,147,868.86 Walla Walla County PTBA 0.3 88,842.12 119,370.86 208,212.98 Whatcom County PTBA 0.3 442,659.70 568,180.69 1,010,840.39 Yakima (City) 0.3 307,510.27 362,640.95 670,151.22 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION $24,224,168.13 $31,682,759.03 $55,906,927.16 State Admin. Fee 245,703.42 319,531.92 565,235.34 February 1998 12 '.r .r Table 3 DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PURPOSES (0.1% rate) Tax Levied by Counties but Receipts Shared with Cities JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE ADAMS COUNTY 5,956.62 5,702.92 11,659.54 Hatton 75.14 71.94 147.08 Lind 297.44 284.77 582.21 Othello 3,378.27 3,234.38 6,612.65 Ritzville 1,111.48 1,064.14 2,175.62 Washtucna 174.08 166.67 340.75 Total 10,993.03 10,524.82 21,517.85 BENTON COUNTY 41,770.11 51,601.52 93,371.63 Benton City 1,802.94 2,227.30 4,030.24 Kennewick 41,517.44 51,289.38 92,806.82 Prosser 4,087.23 5,049.23 9,136.46 Richland 30,865.31 38,130.06 68,995.37 West Richland 5,852.16 7,229.58 13,081.74 Total 125,895.19 155,527.07 281,422.26 CHELAN COUNTY 72,187.94 84,818.08 157,006.02 Total 72,187.94 84,818.08 157,006.02 CLALLAM COUNTY 29,843.67 35,940.93 65,784.60 Forks 2,194.53 2,642.88 4,837.41 Port Angeles 11,981.12 14,428.94 26,410.06 Sequim 2,776.14 3,343.33 6,119.47 Total 46,795.46 56,356.08 103,151.54 FERRY COUNTY 2,685.90 2,878.81 5,564.71 Republic 395.04 423.41 818.45 Total 3,080.94 3,302.22 6,383.16 FRANKLIN COUNTY 19,795.44 18,974.91 38,770.35 Connell 2,709.31 2,597.00 5,306.31 Kahlotus 211.82 203.04 414.86 Mesa 413.78 396.63 810.41 Pasco 24,925.63 23,892.44 48,818.07 Total 48,055.98 46,064.02 94,120.00 GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY 22,042.20 24,989.78 47,031.98 Aberdeen 10,658.97 12,084.34 22,743.31 Cosmopolis 980.32 1,111.41 2,091.73 Elma 1,926.79 2,184.44 4,111.23 Hoquiam 5,770.14 6,541.75 12,311.89 McCleary 993.09 1,125.89 2,118.98 Montesano 2,305.50 2,613.80 4,919.30 Oakville 424.70 481.49 906.19 Ocean Shores 2,030.89 2,302.46 4,333.35 Westport 1,334.76 1,513.25 2,848.01 Total 48,467.36 54,948.61 103,415.97 ISLAND COUNTY 24,865.18 31,276.54 56,141.72 Coupeville 706.45 888.60 1,595.05 Langley 478.28 601.60 1,079.88 Oak Harbor 8,867.92 11,154.48 20,022.40 Total 34,917.83 43,921.22 78,839.05 JEFFERSON COUNTY 12,508.08 17,774.85 30,282.93 Port Townsend 4,987.14 7,087.06 12,074.20 Total 17,495.22 24,861.91 42,357.13 13 February 1998 i Table 3 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PURPOSES (0.1% rate) Tax Levied by Counties but Receipts Shared with Cities JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE KING COUNTY 793,471.04 1,045,484.06 1,838,955.10 Algona 2,655.68 3,499.14 6,154.82 Auburn 47,109.41 62,071.76 109,181.17 Beaux Arts Village 369.49 486.84 856.33 Bellevue 134,653.13 177,420.08 312,073.21 Black Diamond 2,674.92 3,524.50 6,199.42 Bothell 28,612.80 37,635.69 66,248.49 Burien 35,832.41 47,213.08 83,045.49 Carnation 2,116.84 2,789.17 4,906.01 Clyde Hill 3,873.18 5,103.34 8,976.52 Covington 16,036.70 21,130.09 37,166.79 Des Moines 34,677.76 45,691.71 80,369.47 Duvall 4,959.83 6,535.11 11,494.94 Enumclaw 13,450.30 17,722.23 31,172.53 Federal Way 97,451.83 128,403.34 225,855.17 Hunts Point 670.98 884.08 1,555.06 • Issaquah 12,329.02 16,244.81 28,573.83 Kent 89,945.37 118,512.77 208,458.14 Kirkland 56,089.97 73,904.61 129,994.58 Lake Forest Park 16,063.64 21,165.59 37,229.23 Maple Valley 13,542.67 17,843.94 31,386.61 Medina 3,954.01 5,209.84 9,163.85 Mercer Island 27,647.27 36,428.28 64,075.55 Newcastle 10,885.71 14,343.11 25,228.82 Normandy Park 9,137.07 12,039.08 21,176.15 North Bend 4,208.03 5,544.54 9,752.57 Pacific 7,125.06 9,395.24 16,520.30 Redmond 54,178.39 71,385.90 125,564.29 Renton 58,912.43 77,623.50 136,535.93 Sealac 29,918.07 39,420.30 69,338.37 Seattle 688,423.54 907,072.56 1,595,496.10 Shoreline 64,634.32 85,162.72 149,797.04 Skykomish 306.62 404.01 710.63 Snoqualmie 2,065.53 2,721.56 4,787.09 Tukwila 19,154.24 25,237.78 44,392.02 Woodinville 12,803.70 16,870.27 29,673.97 Yarrow Point 1,307.31 1,722.53 3,029.84 Total 2,401,248.27 3,163,847.16 5,565,095.43 KITSAP COUNTY 115,842.70 152,653.70 268,496.40 Bainbridge Island 11,910.54 15,695.32 27,605.86 Bremerton 22,838.41 30,095.71 52,934.12 Port Orchard 4,384.62 5,777.90 10,162.52 Poulsbo 4,148.55 5,466.82 9,615.37 Total 159,124.82 209,689.45 368,814.27 KITTITAS COUNTY 12,073.12 13,865.79 25,938.91 Cle Elum 1,272.22 1,461.12 2,733.34 Ellensburg 9,640.52 11,071.99 20,712.51 Kittitas (City) 793.81 911.68 1,705.49 Roslyn 663.40 761.90 1,425.30 South Cle Elum 365.01 419.21 784.22 Total 24,808.08 28,491.69 53,299.77 February 1998 14 -.rr Table 3 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PURPOSES (0.1% rate) Tax Levied by Counties but Receipts Shared with Cities JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE LEWIS COUNTY 43,446.87 50,052.12 93,498.99 Centralia 11,863.73 13,667.39 25,531.12 Chehalis 6,191.50 7,132.79 13,324.29 Morton 1,113.33 1,282.58 2,395.91 Mossyrock 492.86 567.78 1,060.64 Napavine 1,035.00 1,192.35 2,227.35 Pe Ell 541.26 623.55 1,164.81 Toledo 607.27 699.59 1,306.86 Vader 426.85 491.74 918.59 Winlock 1,071.08 1,233.92 2,305.00 Total 66,789.75 76,943.81 143,733.56 LINCOLN COUNTY 2,636.95 3,177.74 5,814.69 Almira 157.23 189.47 346.70 Creston 139.03 167.54 306.57 Davenport 891.81 1,074.71 1,966.52 Harrington 250.25 301.58 551.83 Odessa 497.98 600.10 1,098.08 Reardan 250.25 301.58 551.83 Sprague 229.02 275.99 505.01 Wilbur 452.48 545.27 997.75 Total 5,505.00 6,633.98 12,138.98 MASON COUNTY 22,725.91 21,591.60 44,317.51 Shelton 3,884.98 3,691.07 7,576.05 Total 26,610.89 25,282.67 51,893.56 OKANOGAN COUNTY 14,383.84 15,491.82 29,875.66 Brewster 1,087.73 1,171.52 2,259.25 Conconully 93.69 100.90 194.59 Coulee. Dam 471.09 507.37 978.46 Elmer City 164.09 176.73 340.82 Nespelem 124.39 133.97 258.36 Okanogan 1,278.29 1,376.75 2,655.04 Omak 2,379.24 2,562.53 4,941.77 Oroville 854.84 920.68 1,775.52 Pateros 314.94 339.20 654.14 Riverside 161.44 173.88 335.32 Tonesket 542.54 584.34 1,126.88 Twisp 529.31 570.08 1,099.39 Winthrop 198.49 213.78 412.27 Total 22,583.92 24,323.55 46,907.47 PIERCE COUNTY 269,231.31 368,657.33 637,888.64 Bonney Lake 6,859.00 9,392.00 16,251.00 Buckley 2,803.68 3,839.06 6,642.74 Carbonado 449.88 616.01 1,065.89 Du Pont 654.43 896.11 1,550.54 Eatonville 1,273.10 1,743.25 3,016.35 Edgewood 7,602.83 10,410.52 18,013.35 Fife 3,621.18 4,958.46 8,579.64 Fircrest 4,216.24 5,773.29 9,989.53 Gig Harbor 4,586.73 6,280.59 10,867.32 Lakewood 44,515.53 60,954.94 105,470.47 Milton 4,431.33 6,011.76 10,443.09 Orting 2,421.03 3,315.11 5,736.14 Puyallup 21,091.95 28,881.12 49,973.07 Roy 257.48 352.57 610.05 Ruston 529.27 724.72 1,253.99 South Prairie 382.64 523.95 906.59 15 February 1998 4 Table 3 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PURPOSES (0.1% rate) Tax Levied by Counties but Receipts Shared with Cities JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE PIERCE COUNTY (Cont'd) Steilacoom 4,423.66 6,057.30 10,480.96 Sumner 5,771.86 7,903.38 13,675.24 Tacoma 132,745.53 181,767.94 314,513.47 University Place 20,855.93 28,557.94 49,413.87 Wilkeson 307.55 421.12 728.67 Total 539,032.14 738,038.47 1,277,070.61 SAN JUAN COUNTY 12,377.09 14,607.66 26,984.75 Friday Harbor 1,931.69 2,279.82 4.211.51 Total 14,308.78 16,887.48 31,196.26 SKAGIT COUNTY 56,859.56 68,791.00 125,650.56 Anacortes 13,507.49 16,341.90 29,849.39 Burlington 5,464.21 6,610.82 12,075.03 Concrete 772.72 934.86 1,707.58 Hamilton 298.05 360.59 658.64 La Conner 782.75 947.00 1,729.75 Lyman 326.15 394.59 720.74 Mount Vernon 22,358.60 27,050.36 49,408.96 Sedro Woolley 7,676.99 9,287.93 16,964.92 Total 108,046.52 130,719.05 238,765.57 SNOHOMISH COUNTY 292,421.32 383,550.38 675,971.70 Arlington 5,213.86 6,838.68 12,052.54 Brier 5,361.34 7,032.12 12,393.46 Darrington 1,028.02 1,348.39 2,376.41 Edmonds 30,771.30 40,360.75 71,132.05 Everett 72,936.72 95,666.46 168,603.18 Gold Bar 1,318.65 1,729.58 3,048.23 Granite Falls 1,587.58 2,082.33 3,669.91 Index 122.32 160.44 282.76 Lake Stevens 4,589.24 6,019.41 10,608.65 Lynnwood 28,689.23 37,629.83 66,319.06 Marysville 16,439.70 21,562.90 38,002.60 Mill Creek 8,500.06 11,148.99 19,649.05 Monroe 7,548.38 9,900.73 17,449.11 Mountlake Terrace 17,675.93 23,184.39 40,860.32 Mukilteo 13,785.06 18,080.98 31,866.04 Snohomish 6,815.32 8,939.22 15,754.54 Stanwood 2,645.97 3,470.55 6,116.52 Sultan 2,329.32 3,055.22 5,384.54 Woodway 854.52 1,120.82 1,975.34 Total 520,633.84 682,882.17 1,203,516.01 SPOKANE COUNTY 205,766.89 271,648.21 477,415.10 Airway Heights 3,481.42 4,596.09 8,077.51 Cheney 6,956.12 9,183.29 16,139.41 Deer Park 2,430.86 3,209.15 5,640.01 Fairfield 524.02 691.80 1,215.82 Latah 185.05 244.30 429.35 Medical Lake 3,187.87 4,208.55 7,396.42 Millwood 1,408.89 1,859.98 3,268.87 Rockford 447.48 590.75 1,038.23 Spangle 210.28 277.61 487.89 Spokane 158,384.17 209,094.75 367,478.92 Waverly 103.46 136.58 240.04 Total 383,086.51 505,741.06 888,827.57 February 1998 16 Now, Nri Table 3 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PURPOSES (0.1% rate) Tax Levied by Counties but Receipts Shared with Cities JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE THURSTON COUNTY 98,722.41 136,836.15 235,558.56 Bucoda 456.74 633.07 1,089.81 Lacey 20,187.04 27,980.65 48,167.69 Olympia 28,244.62 39,149.02 67,393.64 Rainier 1,118.09 1,549.75 2,667.84 Tenino 1,147.32 1,590.27 2,737.59 Tumwater 8,867.27 12,290.66 21,157.93 Yelm 1,750.22 2,425.92 4,176.14 Total 160,493.71 222,455.49 382,949.20 YAKIMA COUNTY 89,417.93 103,270.24 192,688.17 Grandview 6,096.88 7,041.39 13,138.27 Granger 1,702.98 1,966.79 3,669.77 Harrah 379.81 438.64 818.45 Mabton 1,268.58 1,465.11 2,733.69 Moxee City 776.53 896.82 1,673.35 Naches 545.87 630.44 1,176.31 Selah 4,405.44 5,087.91 9,493.35 Sunnyside 9,210.67 10,637.56 19,848.23 Tieton 808.82 934.12 1,742.94 Toppenish 6,040.76 6,976.57 13,017.33 Union Gap 4,094.06 4,728.30 8,822.36 Wapato 2,983.09 3,445.22 6,428.31 Yakima 49,499.29 57,167.54 106,666.83 Zillah 1,799.08 2,077.79 3.876.87 Total 179,029.79 206,764.44 385,794.23 Summary of Distributions of Local Sales/Use Tax for Criminal Justice Purposes Distributions: JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Counties 2,261,032.08 2,923,636.14 5,184,668.22 Cities 2,758,158.89 3,595,388.36 6,353,547.25 Total 5,019,190.97 6,519,024.50 11,538,215.47 State Admin. Fee 50,798.39 65,746.69 116,545.08 17 February 1998 fir' 4010 Table 4 DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX FOR JUVENILE DETENTION FACILITIES (0.1%rate) Tax Levied by Counties COUNTY JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Benton $ 125,888.70 $ 155,523.46 $ 281,412.16 Franklin 47,830.33 46,029.13 93,859.46 Kittitas 24,808.08 28,491.69 53,299.77 Mason 25,540.95 25,249.79 50,790.74 Pierce 534,352.45 711,843.90 1,246,196.35 San Juan 14,309.32 16,875.84 31,185.16 Spokane 392,235.46 665,950.52 1,058,185.98 Thurston 158,684.15 220,301.52 378,985.67 Walla Walla 33,812.00 43,751.42 77,563.42 TOTAL $1,357,461.44 $1,914,017.27 $3,271,478.71 State Admin. Fee 13,738.65 19,303.55 33,042.20 February 1998 18 Table 5 DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL SALES/USE TAX TO OTHER JURISDICTIONS Taxes for Public Facility/Stadium Districts and Regional Transit Authority JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE JURISDICTION (RECEIPTS USED FOR) TAX RATE DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS 1. Spokane County Public Facilities District (convention center) Local sales/use tax 0.1% $386,155.99 $502,500.77 $888,656.76 State administrative fee 3,908.22 5,067.90 8,976.12 2. King County Public Facilities District (professional baseball stadium) Local sales/use tax* 0.017% $408,231.95 $538,675.76 $946,907.71 3. King County Public Facilities District (professional baseball stadium) Local food/beverage tax** 0.5% $979,755.47 $1,059,888.54 $2,039,644.01 State administrative fee 9,896.52 10,705.94 20,602.46 4. King County Public Stadium Authority (professional football stadium) Local sales/use tax* 0.016% $383,752.24 $503,870.51 $887,622.75 5. Regional Transit Authority (high capacity, rapid transit system) Local sales/use tax*** 0.4% $13,087,631.70 $16,725,835.34 $29,813,467.04 * Tax is credited against state sales/use tax, so the burden is shifted to the state general fund. ** Tax applies only to sales of food and beverages, alcoholic and otherwise, for consumption on-premises by restaurants, bars and taverns throughout King County. *** Tax generally applies within the metropolitan areas of King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. 19 February 1998 Table 6 DISTRIBUTIONS OF STATE-SHARED HOTEL/MOTEL TAXES TO CITIES AND COUNTIES (2% rate) Receipts are credited against state sales tax; no additional tax burden for purchasers JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Adams County Othello ---D 1,782.62 1,782.62 Ritzville 1,436.55 1,119.02 2,555.57 Total 1,436.55 2,901.64 4,338.19 Asotin County ---D 121.48 121.48 Clarkston 3,344.84 2,288.73 5,633.57 Total 3,344.84 2,410.21 5,755.05 Benton County Kennewick 13,484.67 10,058.84 23,543.51 Prosser 1,204.01 909.65 2,113.66 Richland 19,934.85 7,617.41 27.552.26 Total 34,623.53 18,585.90 53,209.43 Chelan County 4,485.55 9,720.36 14,205.91 Cashmere D D D Chelan 3,829.12 2,709.78 6,538.90 Leavenworth 10,751.39 18,132.19 28,883.58 Wenatchee 13,392.74 13,120.46 26,513.20 Total 32,458.80 43,682.79 76,141.59 Clallam County 3,297.20 3,007.62 6,304.82 Forks 1,658.11 2,083.71 3,741.82 Port Angeles 6,236.81 5,480.76 11,717.57 Sequim 1,270.78 1,299.19 2,569.97 Total 12,462.90 11,871.28 24,334.18 Clark County 5,415.51 4,391.99 9,807.50 Vancouver 19,205.26 22,910.41 42,115.67 Washougal D D D Total 24,620.77 27,302.40 51,923.17 Columbia County D D D Dayton -=-D-D 540.12 540.12 Total ---D 540.12 540.12 Cowlitz County 696.86 675.03 1,371.89 Castle Rock 911.64 456.91 1,368.55 Kalama ---D 278.80 278.80 Kelso 7,134.78 6,605.11 13,739.89 Longview 927.28 1,101.75 2,029.03 Woodland 1,148.08 1,240.72 2,388.80 Total 10,818.64 10,358.32 21,176.96 Douglas County Bridgeport D D D East Wenatchee 3,574.31 ---D 3,574.31 Total 3,574.31 ---D 3,574.31 Ferry County 37.70 56.87 94.57 Republic D D D Total 37.70 56.87 94.57 D = The amount cannot be disclosed. See the note on disclosure on page 3. February 1998 20 Table 6 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF STATE-SHARED HOTEL/MOTEL TAXES TO CITIES AND COUNTIES (2% rate) Receipts are credited against state sales tax; no additional tax burden for purchasers JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Franklin County Connell ---D 289.23 289.23 Pasco 8,465.20 5,916.89 14,382.09 Total 8,465.20 6,206.12 14,671.32 Grant County 934.58 1,761.14 2,695.72 Coulee City D D D Electric City D D D Ephrata 740.74 438.44 1,179.18 George D D D Grand Coulee D D D Moses Lake 10,177.89 4,832.41 15,010.30 Quincy D D D Soap Lake 576.31 883.80 1,460.11 Total 12,429.52 7,915.79 20,345.31 Grays Harbor County 7,299.52 7,345.78 14,645.30 Aberdeen 2,626.04 2,591.80 5,217.84 Elma ---D 502.32 502.32 Hoquiam 284.20 323.27 607.47 Montesano D D D Ocean Shores 14,120.46 8,158.51 22,278.97 Westport 2,289.07 1,906.23 4,195.30 Total 26,619.29 20,827.91 47,447.20 Island County 2,993.81 4,180.01 7,173.82 Coupeville 450.90 800.22 1,251.12 Langley 2,056.95 3,231.97 5,288.92 Oak Harbor 3,632.69 2,601.25 6,233.94 Total 9,134.35 10,813.45 19,947.80 Jefferson County 6,046.54 4,986.68 11,033.22 Port Townsend 5,900.48 6,595.45 12,495.93 Total 11,947.02 11,582.13 23,529.15 King County 823,414.21 689,038.59 1,512,452.80 Bellevue 106,336.16 116.800.34 223,136.50 Total 929,750.37 805,838.93 1,735,589.30 Kitsap County 5,478.78 4,860.70 10,339.48 Bainbridge Island 1,275.00 1,239.21 2,514.21 Bremerton 3,630.64 3,778.16 7,408.80 Port Orchard D D D Poulsbo ---D 1,780.14 1,780.14 Total 10,384.42 11,658.21 22,042.63 Kittitas County 1,390.91 2,379.73 3,770.64 Cle Elum 1,052.19 944.45 1,996.64 Ellensburg 5,659.37 4,592.09 10,251.46 South Cle Elum D D D Total 8,102.47 7,916.27 16,018.74 Klickitat County 1,185.80 1,698.84 2,884.64 Total 1,185.80 1,698.84 2,884.64 21 February 1998 Table 6 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF STATE-SHARED HOTEL/MOTEL TAXES TO CITIES AND COUNTIES (2% rate) Receipts are credited against state sales tax; no additional tax burden for purchasers JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Lewis County 1,678.31 2,088.73 3,767.04 Centralia 3,802.03 2,639.83 6,441.86 Chehalis ---D 866.50 866.50 Morton D D D Total 5,480.34 5,595.06 11,075.40 Lincoln County Davenport D D D Wilbur ---D 731.48 731.48 Total ---D 731.48 731.48 Mason County 3,209.03 177.98 3,387.01 Shelton D D D Total 3,209.03 177.98 3,387.01 Okanogan County 3,771.20 7,067.81 10,839.01 Brewster ---D 401.81 401.81 Conconully D D D Coulee Dam 522.70 ---D 522.70 Okanogan ---D 769.88 769.88 Omak 125.47 10,757.30 10,882.77 Pateros D D D Tonasket 12.78 95.94 108.72 Twisp ---D ---D ---D Winthrop 1,596.24 2,008.31 3.604.55 Total 6,028.39 21,101.05 27,129.44 Pacific County 2,160.63 2,664.09 4,824.72 Ilwaco ---D 117.59 117.59 Long Beach 4,429.27 3,770.77 8,200.04 Raymond 308.53 ---D 308.53 South Bend ---D 149.67 149.67 Total 6,898.43 6,702.12 13,600.55 Pend Oreille County ---D 660.84 660.84 Newport 683.47 0.00 683.47 Total 683.47 660.84 1,344.31 Pierce County 5,294.22 6,739.68 12,033.90 Buckley D D D Eatonville D D D Fife 12,128.42 18,474.44 30,602.86 Gig Harbor 1,284.41 3,477.27 4,761.68 Lakewood 5,223.55 4,134.41 9,357.96 Puyallup 5,706.03 5,138.98 10,845.01 Sumner 374.10 441.34 815.44 Tacoma 30,438.03 18,421.73 48,859.76 Total 60,448.76 56,827.85 117,276.61 San Juan County 8,376.90 10,393.10 18,770.00 Friday Harbor 3,515.10 2,606.24 6,121.34 Total 11,892.00 12,999.34 24,891.34 February 1998 22 Table 6 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF STATE-SHARED HOTEL/MOTEL TAXES TO CITIES AND COUNTIES (2% rate) Receipts are credited against state sales tax; no additional tax burden for purchasers JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Skagit County 1,330.57 2,259.42 3,589.99 Anacortes 2,121.01 3,973.28 6,094.29 Burlington 1,219.72 1,026.57 2,246.29 La Conner 3,269.22 2,735.48 6,004.70 Mount Vernon 8,775.40 4,427.51 13,202.91 Sedro Woolley D D D Total 16,715.92 14,422.26 31,138.18 Skamania County 2.40 690.68 693.08 Stevenson D D D Total 2.40 690.68 693.08 Snohomish County 14,434.32 12,678.68 27,113.00 Edmonds 4,589.76 4,347.06 8,936.82 Everett 16,650.73 13,836.00 30,486.73 Lynnwood 21,813.78 18,669.62 40,483.40 Marysville D D D Monroe 2,129.16 1,865.82 3,994.98 Mukilteo ---D 198.28 198.28 Snohomish 502.51 644.50 1,147.01 Total 60,120.26 52,239.96 112,360.22 Spokane County 25,057.03 24,179.34 49,236.37 Cheney Deer Park D D D Spokane 57,681.08 62,447.23 120,128.31 Total 82,738.11 86,626.57 169,364.68 Stevens County 210.09 156.42 366.51 Chewelah 502.85 353.88 856.73 Colville 2,400.54 ---D 2,400.54 Kettle Falls D D D Total 3,113.48 510.30 3,623.78 Thurston County 207.99 308.02 516.01 Lacey 5,702.21 6,157.80 11,860.01 Olympia 7,991.43 5,675.22 13,666.65 Tumwater 3,909.52 3,693.87 7,603.39 Yelm D D D Total 17,811.15 15,834.91 33,646.06 Wahkiakum County Total D D 0 Walla Walla County Walla Walla 6,119.90 5,425.91 11.545.81 Total 6,119.90 5,425.91 11,545.81 Whatcom County 3,400.64 5,346.46 8,747.10 Bellingham 17,550.30 15,000.02 32,550.32 Blaine 7,386.41 4,351.37 11,737.78 Ferndale 722.80 652.60 1,375.40 Lynden ---D 386.40 386.40 Sumas D D D Total 29,060.15 25,736.85 54,797.00 23 February 1998 Nftof NW Table 6 (Cont'd) DISTRIBUTIONS OF STATE-SHARED HOTEL/MOTEL TAXES TO CITIES AND COUNTIES (2% rate) Receipts are credited against state sales tax; no additional tax burden for purchasers JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Whitman County ---D 645.10 645.10 Colfax D D D Pullman 4,925.16 2,477.26 7,402.42 Total 4,925.16 3,122.36 8,047.52 Yakima County 19,999.49 15,642.26 35,641.75 Grandview 216.15 190.50 406.65 Selah ---D 315.70 315.70 Sunnyside 1,332.93 1,162.73 2,495.66 Toppenish 584.37 ---D 584.37 Union Gap 1,524.37 2,564.19 4,088.56 Yakima 18,834.51 13,557.83 32,392.34 Total 42,491.82 33,433.21 75,925.03 Summary of Distributions of State-Shared Hotel/Motel Taxes to Cities and Counties Distributions: JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE Counties... 951,809.79 825,923.43 1,777,733.22 Cities 547,325.46 519,082.48 1,066,407.94 Ds 26,601.87 19,498.84 46,100.71 Total 1,525,737.12 1,364,504.75 2,890,241.87 February 1998 24 Table 7 DISTRIBUTIONS OF ADDITIONAL LOCAL HOTEL/MOTEL TAXES TO CITIES AND COUNTIES (1% - 5% rates) Tax is in addition to sales tax; purchasers bear the tax burden JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE AREA TAX RATE DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS Chelan 3% $ 5,743.69 $ 3,537.39 $ 9,281.08 Leavenworth 3% 16,586.22 27,025.39 43,611.61 Wenatchee 4% 26,785.48 26,186.00 52,971.48 Forks 2% 1,288.77 1,632.03 2,920.80 Cowlitz County 2% 11,175.49 10,358.32 21,533.81 East Wenatchee 4% 4,856.59 2,824.55 7,681.14 Pasco 2% 8,465.20 5,924.22 14,389.42 Grays Harbor County 3% 15,790.74 15,657.22 31,447.96 Ocean Shores 3% 21,130.51 12,237.79 33,368.30 Westport 3% 3,433.59 2,932.46 6,366.05 Langley (1) 1% 1,114.72 1,114.72 Bellevue* 3% 155,559.65 155,505.38 311,065.03 Coulee Dam (2) 2% 522.70 418.66 941.36 Winthrop 3% 2,394.36 3,508.42 5,902.78 Long Beach 3% 6,643.91 5,656.18 12,300.09 Pierce County 2% 5,487.53 10,965.67 16,453.20 Buckley (3) 2% Eatonville (3) 2% Fife (4) 5% 12,171.08 36,521.47 48,692.55 Lakewood 5% 13,058.86 10,336.03 23,394.89 Puyallup 2% 5,706.03 5,138.98 10,845.01 Tacoma 2%-5% 64,751.85 47,729.53 112,481.38 La Conner 2% 3,269.22 2,735.48 6,004.70 Snohomish County 2% 61,097.52 53,104.81 114,202.33 Spokane County 2% 79,584.20 82,335.72 161,919.92 Yakima City 3% 28,251.77 20,336.75 48,588.52 * The Bellevue (King County) convention and trade center tax rate of 3 percent was effective January 1989 and is levied on establishments with 60 or more units. (1) Langley (Island County) imposed a new tax of 1 percent effective December 1, 1997. (2) Coulee Dam (Okanogan County) imposed a new tax of 2 percent effective November 1, 1997. (3) The special hotel/motel tax collected by Buckley and Eatonville is now distributed to Pierce County instead of to the cities. (4) Fife (Pierce County) increased its special hotel/motel tax from 2 percent to 5 percent effective December 1, 1997. 25 February 1998 Table 8 DISTRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL TAXES ON RENTAL CARS Taxes for Public Facilities and Regional Transit Authority(RTA) Except for the RTA tax,these rental car taxes apply countywide JANUARY FEBRUARY YEAR TO DATE JURISDICTION (RECEIPTS USED FOR) TAX RATE DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS 1. County Rental Car Taxes (sports facilities or youth/amateur sports) Franklin County 1.0% $ 3,689.97 $ 5,110.19 $ 8,800.16 King County 1.0% 134,091.34 137,527.41 271,618.75 Pierce County 1.0% 7,951.87 9,192.84 17,144.71 Spokane County 1.0% 19,553.90 19,448.98 39,002.88 State administrative fee 1,669.34 1,729.65 3,398.99 2. King County Public Facilities District (professional baseball stadium) King County 2.0% $268,182.08 $274,996.66 $543,178.74 State administrative fee 2,708.78 2,777.82 5,486.60 3. Regional Transit Authority (high capacity, rapid transit system) RTA rental car tax* 0.8% $132,951.99 $161,628.84 $294,580.83 * Tax is credited against state sales/use tax, so the burden is shifted to the state general fund. This tax generally applies within the metropolitan areas of King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. February 1998 26 Bulk Rate 410 U.S.Postage Paid REVENUE Washington State Dept.of Printing Washington State Department of Revenue Research Division PO Box 47459 Olympia WA 98504-7459 CITY OF RENTON APR 1 4 1998 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 3_0T.G1r 900 1-1-7 17 1 3 REHION CITY CLERK 200 mak AVE S REHM{ NA 96055-2132 ',avow Nisait 'm ,.$ p •, o t m E o - ,coGcmT � W `'GU ',-EeOfroCN1eR t_AS.L j �.mc q0. . >• ,.'YT`, Cy'r *ell. >c LUU °_rngrocroro ehamaiag .-to n m(� •� ? y c••o io '-.► o,c?•e.- �� co c o a a o ro"a W pU;m�• e._ m pch � WUUEc , .Z t v.0m ► ^. `eWMacmiH CC=°aQoO _ 008'CO�mmmmt m•-'oc v a a ro om 2Z :Eo • W« E. g 2+0 o Nr- o , y� m c'E._ S N. c be N. as;c -� N N r E a � o a p•_ m U • c-r c'- > pZUEmt Z. .ccxo2c ZUmv- oOc _ a� G pia 00C r • �¢;o 0 `°mco.Seoa'--oi� ' o�'�o� >OZ,%C .,:�Q-O"�c� agja S';.W.c�cR0)c'roU .- o F, m�C °.52m °c>.m> c ° o4 awa o • ' , I--cOmmg-ZmmE._`mro� ,U4- oi:, $ : OUNcDmF0,r .� ooONa moUm`oa`•o y5).> An JP. 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N . c;c m C a. o... ro It.. m U m 3 m H c� 9c=• o Irm�mor cai --Oa- . Qm cr)j� o t�iomW� e= O a oo..� m • o,.. v m-.cite Oro 0.0)7•t-ti u 0 > y c , ,,,.o :. _le .m.e�m$�Ua �.. a) m e U �. o . . U� N ° = '5 o caUo co \m es = c y 49 az • .. oU O . CO U NC w C- N .� N C o cn Vf C W d o O CD Z 00 ON �� « O !� �_ « �\ a) CD • O cu Q O O co .c , - j tLi� O W p i� C O C. '� .0to C C O L c uC - N C � nC Z , a a tis H ca 0 = > d iA 'C ,a , .E. E ................... w c rn c .. aP3 .. to iv z- o C �1 C) O w H O O >, c).) taw ,,. O ...._as a O E" c4 c C U o. 3 3 C \ O C 0) al � cQ Eco 3cWc as amO A Q > "" Hc r .. o U c U� a a> _ • co � ca0 c YOr L O Rvp,� 0 � iO : CNU C 'p \r�--� / CN CO p la dp CI F m w , LL O .?� ,, 6 Y O 4. a CO oo `��1111111tN��/IP/ Zi c E °' •� m � � aTac c y N w o `O` 0. z4 * 1i,,nI co o �41 �� co coo c .....� � c' . C N 0 'C W � N C C O 'O O O ` C `_� v' •0•4� = J • W m a 3 d = Ta) 3 = c o` _ H =W=v c) c, z sc cC.., tz � • .= o N H a c cvcaD7 m a .� cci i 4.-%0 ... . • lIIIIII f CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4710 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, REVISING THE 1998 ANNUAL BUDGET BY INCREASING CERTAIN EXPENDITURE ALLOWANCES IN THE 1998 BUDGET OF VARIOUS CITY FUNDS BY APPROPRIATION, RE-APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER FROM VARIOUS FUNDS, AND CREATING A SPECIAL HOTEL-MOTEL EXCISE TAX FUND, ALL BY A VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the foregoing appropriations are made to meet actual and necessary expenditures of the City of Renton for which insufficient appropriations have been made due to causes which could not have been foreseen at the time of the adoption of the 1998 budget ; and WHEREAS, the State of Washington' s SSB 5867, enacted Ch. 452 , Laws of 1997, provides that cities are authorized to levy and collect a special excise tax on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging; and WHEREAS, such tax shall be levied only to pay all or any part of the cost of tourism, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, or operation of a tourism-related facility; and WHEREAS, to comply with the Hotel-Motel Tax change, the City of Renton will create a special fund to deposit and expend the tax revenues; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I. The expenditure allowances in the designated Funds of the 1998 Budget of the City of Finance Renton are increased as follows : M � irr'ORDINANCE NO. 4 710 Fund Number-Fund Name: 1998 Expenditure Increases; 000-General Fund 4,394,930 101 -Parks Fund 288,595 103-Street Fund 152,794 104-Community Development Block Grant Fund 200,302 105-Impact Mitigation Fund 6,566,401 106-Library Fund 178,375 125-1%for Art Fund 28,926 127-Cable Communication Fund 4,000 221 -L.I.D.Guaranty Fund 60,000 302-Open Space CIP Fund 507,015 316-Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 3,787,690 317-Transportation CIP Fund 10,768,570 401 -Waterworks Utility Fund 230,688 402-Airport Fund 327,540 403-Solid Waste Utility Fund 142,240 421 -Waterworks Construction Fund 11,710,323 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES I 39,348,389 by the appropriation and transfer, hereby made and authorized from the unexpended and unencumbered balances in each fund. Exhibit "A" lists all budget adjustments by fund. The entire document may be viewed by the public in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton Municipal Building. SECTION II . There is hereby established a special fund for the special Hotel-Motel excise tax and there shall be paid into said fund the special Hotel-Motel excise tax revenues to pay for all or any part of the cost of tourism, acquisition of tourism- related facilities, or operation of a tourism-related facility. SECTION III . To provide for the cost of tourism, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, or operation of a tourism-related facility, the budgeted amount in such fund is increased as follows: Fund Number-Fund Name: 1998 Expenditure Increases, 110-Special Hotel-Motel Tax 30,000 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4 710 by the appropriation, hereby made and authorized, from revenues deposited in to the fund from the special Hotel-Motel excise tax. SECTION IV. Any action taken consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of March , 1998 . )1 s / Marilyn .('etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of March , 1998 . Je J14"0-t. cg:-.1"4"..._,.../ Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: Mk I A A A L/AA Gtt�ri,�it./ Lawn-we J. Warre , City Attorney Date of Publication: 3/27/98 (Summary) ORD. 709 :3/11/98 :as . 3 r Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 140 RU GFT AD.I(ISTMFNTS repV • 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 iv Description : Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad)Budget FUND 000-GENERAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 000 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,458,106 4,227,540 0 4,227,540 6,685,646 REVENUES: Hum Svcs Allocate LLEG grant funds. 000 000000 000 3310 0016 57 000004 44,411 18,472 0 18,472 62,883 Police Inmate Health&Welfare/Commis 000 000000 000 3410 0071 00 000000 0 0 14,600 14,600 14,600 Police Inmate Health&Welfare/Phone 000 000000 000 3410 0072 00 000000 0 0 6,500 6,500 6,500 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 34,235,647 0 0 0 34,235,647 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE • 36,738,164 4,246,012 21,100 4,267,112 41,005,276 EXPENDITURES: Exec Municipal Arts/Performing Ms 000 000000 003 5130 0021 49 000045 5,279 0 1,450 1,450 6,729 Exec Municipal ArtsNisual Ms 000 000000 003 5130 0021 49 000092 0 0 1,450 1,450 1,450 Exec Limited Tenn position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 10 000000 266,673 0 27,500 27,500 294,173 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000001 20,000 0 2,060 2,060 22,060 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000003 17,346 0 2,090 2,090 19,436 Exec Limited Tenn position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000004 16,867 0 3,150 3,150 20,017 Exec Limited Term position 000 000000 003 5130 0010 20 000009 4,625 0 800 800 5,425 Non-Dept Overtime for Main&Grady Bldg move 000 000000 005 5190 0090 10 000002 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 Non-Dept Trf-0ut to 317/Wtndsor Hills 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000107 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 317/0akesdale Ph it 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000011 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 501/Repl Res 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000068 0 0 250,000 250,000 250,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 316/Fund Balance 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000098 0 0 2,097,108 2,097,108 2,097,108 Non-Dept Trf-out to 103/Sidewalk Program 000 000000 005 5970 0040 55 000053 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 Non-Dept Trf-out to 317/Sidewalk Program 000 000000 005 5970 0040 55 000052 •0 0 175,000 175,000 175,000 Non-Dept Codification Title IV Land Use Regulations 000 000000 007 5580 0013 49 000016 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Dev Svc Port Ouendall consultants 000 000000 007 5580 0061 41 078122 0 196,272 0 196,272 196,272 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 11 000000 32,657 0 (7,009) (7,009) 25,648 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 10 000000 694,052 0 23,839 23,839 717,891 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 21 000001 2,449 0 (526) (526) 1,923 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000001 49,621 0 1,788 1,788 51,409 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 21 000003 2,498 0 (536) (536) 1,962 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000003 53,303 0 1,824 1,824 55,127 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000004 64,218 0 2,913 2,913 67,131 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 21 000006 255 0 (69) (69) 186 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000006 8,358 0 125 125 8,483 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000007 2,632 0 112 112 2,744 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000009 18,270 0 705 705 18,975 Dev Svc Intermitnt employee to limited term(Yue) 000 000000 007 5320 0020 20 000070 2,644 0 108 108 2,752 Police D.A.R.E.Program Contributions 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000015 0 98,438 0 98,438 98,438 Police D.A.R.E.Program Sales 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000049 0 10,328 0 10,328 10,328 Police Narcotics Confiscation Fund-City/State 000 000000 008 5210 0021 41 000055 0 73,605 0 73,605 73,605 Police Narcotics Confiscation Fund-Fed 000 000000 008 5210 0021 41 000056 0 12,417 0 12,417 12,417 Police Inmate Health&Welfare/Commis 000 000000 008 5230 0060 49 000005 0 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 Police Jail Commissary Overtime 000 000000 008 5230 0060 10 000020 0 0 3,100 3,100 3,100 Fire Fire Replacement Radios 000 000000 009 5220 0020 64 000030 0 4,708 0 4,708 4,708 Tech Svcs Professional survey services 000 000000 017 5320 0023 41 000148 83,806 14,984 0 14,984 98,790 Hum Svcs Self Sustaining Day Camp Scholar Prog. 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000183 6,500 2,630 0 2,630 9,130 Hum Svcs Per Dianne Utecht,1997 expense received 1/19/98,per 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000189 3,000 3,000 . 0 3,000 6,000 Hum Svcs Remaining LLEG grant funds including interest. 90%to 000 000000 020 5590 0031 00 000000 0 16,625 0 16,625 16,625 Hum Svcs Remaining LLEG grant funds including interest. 90%to 000 000000 020 5590 0031 31 000088 0 1,847 0 1,847 1,847 Econ Dev,N&SP Downtown Property Management-RFP for old Ford gara 000 000000 023 5580 0080 41 000194 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 30,000 Econ Dev,N&SP Bus Recruitment Campaign 000 000000 023 5580 0080 49 000097 43,500 31,264 0 31,264 74,764 Econ Dev,N&SP Remaining for contract w/Achievement Architects North 000 000000 023 5580 0020 41 000085 15,375 3,830 0 3,830 19,205 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 32,325,345 0 0 0 32,325,345 Total Expenditures 33,754,273 694,948 3,699,982 4,394,930 38,149,203 Ending Fund Balance 000 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,983,891 3,551,064 (3,678,882) (127,818) 2,856,073 I .TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 36,738,164 4,246,012 21,100 4,267,112 41,005,276 FUND 101-PARKS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 101 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 468,556 488,487 0 488,487 957,043 REVENUES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 7,453,900 0 0 0 7,453,900 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 7,922,456 488,487 0 488,487 8,410,943 EXPENDITURES: Tsf out to 316/Fund Balance 101 000000 020 5970 0070 55 000023 0 0 195,778 195,778 195,778 Pk Fac OT for July 4th cleanup. 101 000000 020 5180 0010 10 000002 3,000 0 9,000 9,000 12,000 Pk Fac City Paving 101 000000 020 5180 0010 41 000000 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 Pk Mtc Repairs&Mtc Street trees 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000000 10,000 7,106 0 7,106 17,106 Donations for Deck for Senior Center 101 000000 020 5550 0008 62 000016 0 14,398 0 14,398 14,398 Pk Mtc Transit Hub contr mtc. 97 contract funded thru Oct.,this 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000090 25,000 7,000 55,000 62,000 87,000 Pk Mtc Water/Sewer/Metro for FS#14 101 000000 020 5760 0010 41 000040 7,285 7,000 0 7,000 14,285 Pk Mtc Reallocate contract mtc funds 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000085 55,000 0 (55,000) (55,000) 0 Pk Sr Cnt Donations for van repair and maintenance in 1998. 101 000000 020 5550 0008 48 000087 0 9,405 0 9,405 9,405 Pk Admin Purchases not yet finalized 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000053 5,525 1,816 0 1,816 7,341 Pk Admin Purchase of music,not yet finalized. 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000024 2,705 1,092 0 1,092 3,797 Pk Comm Cnt Youth Basketball program. 101 000000 020 5750 0050 49 000085 124,197 21,000 0 21,000 145,197 Pk Mtc Black River Mtc. 1997 bill not yet received. 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000007 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 20,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 7,180,756 0 0 0 7,180,756 H.16dgtdoc1998ICarryfwd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 1 3/13/98 • Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 1311DGFT AI1.ILISTMFNL S •*o+ Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carrytwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Total Expenditures 7,423,468 78,817 209,778 288,595 7,712,063 Ending Fund Balance 101 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 498,988 409,670 (209,778) 199,892 698,880 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 7,922,456 488,487 0 488,487 8,410,943 FUND 103-STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 103 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 413,405 94,892 0 94,892 508,297 REVENUES: Trf in fm 000/Sidewalk Program 103 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000053 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 4,856,251 0 0 0 4,856,251 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 5,269,656 94,892 75,000 169,892 5,439,548 EXPENDITURES: Tsf out to 316/Fund Balance 103 000000 019 5970 0019 55 000102 0 0 41,866 41,866 41,866 Certification requirements for database tech 103 000000 019 5420 0090 43 000060 1,264 0 2,500 2,500 3,764 Econolite Control Products 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000045 8,373 1,768 0 1,768 10,141 Consultant Robert Bernstein 103 000000 016 5950 0092 41 000139 0 1,660 0 1,660 1,66G Grant writing support 103 000000 016 5950 0092 12 000000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 City CTR program 103 000000 016 5950 0092 43 000031 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 1998 Sidewalk Repairs 103 000000 019 5420 0092 31 000053 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 4,839,209 0 0 0 4,839,209 Total Expenditures 4,848,846 33,428 119,366 152,794 5,001,640 Ending Fund Balance 103 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 420,810 61,464 (44,366) 17,098 437,908 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 5,269,656 94,892 75,000 169,892 5,439,548 FUND 106-LIBRARY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 106 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 296,717 31,820 0 31,820 328,537 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 1,184,325 0 0 0 1,184,325 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,481,642 31,820 0 31,820 1,512,862 EXPENDITURES: Tsf out to 316/Fund Balance 106 000000 021 5970 0070 55 000001 0 0 178,375 178,375 178,375 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 1,192,322 0 0 0 1,192,322 Total Expenditures 1,192,322 0 178,375 178,375 1,370,697 Ending Fund Balance 106 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 288,720 31,820 (178,375) (146,555) 142,165 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,481,042 31,820 0 31,820 1,512,862 FUND 201-1997 LTD GO BONDS-CITY HALL Beginning Fund Balance 201 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 5,887 265 0 265 6,152 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 740,550 0 0 0 740,550 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 746,437 265 0 265 746,702 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 735,765 0 0 0 735,765 Total Expenditures 735,765 0 0 0 735,765 Ending Fund Balance 207 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 10,672 265 0 265 10,937 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 746,437 265 0 265 746,702 FUND 207-1978 LTD GO BONDS-SR CENTER Beginning Fund Balance 207 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,858 (381) 0 (381) 2,477 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 144 0 0 0 144 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,002 (381) 0 (381) 2,621 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 150 0 0 0 150 Total Expenditures 150 0 0 0 150 Ending Fund Balance 207 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,852 (381) 0 (381) 2,471 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 3,002 (381) 0 (381) 2,621 FUND 212-1989 LTD GO REFUNDING BONDS-SHOP Beginning Fund Balance 212 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 63,002 (15) 0 (15) 62,987 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 291,000 0 0 0 291,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 354,002 (15) 0 (15) 353,987 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 290,998 0 0 0 290,998 Total Expenditures 290,998 0 0 0 290,998 Ending Fund Balance 212 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 63,004 (15) 0 . (15) 62,989 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 354,002 (15) 0 (15) 353,987 FUND 215-GENERAL GOVT MISCELLANEOUS DEBT Beginning Fund Balance 215 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 404,816 123,846 0 123,846 528,662 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 555,000 0 0 0 555,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 959,816 123,846 0 123,846 1,083,662 H:1Bdgtdoc1998/Canytwd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 2 3/13/98 Exhibit"A" V CITY OF RENTON 1998 411110 RI IDGFT Anil1STMFNTS Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 ow Desaiptbn Budget Carryfwds New/Adj .Adjustments r Adj Budget EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 789,270 0 0 0 789,270 Total Expenditures 789,270 0 0 0 789,270 Ending Fund Balance 215 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 170,546 123,846 0 123,846 294,392 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 959,816 123,846 0 - 123,846 1,083,662 FUND 102-ARTERIAL STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 102 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 135,934 (1,203) 0 (1,203) 134,731 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 342,925 0 0 0 342,925 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 478,859 (1,203) 0 (1,203) 477,656 EXPENDITURES: ' 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Total Expenditures 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Ending Fund Balance 102 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 158,859 (1,203) 0 (1,203) 157,656 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 478,859 (1,203) 0 (1,203)c 477,656 FUND 104-COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 104 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 (51,728) 0 (51,728) (51,728) REVENUES: C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000048 0 150,732 0 150,732 150,732 C000.96 ADA Improvements 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000098 0 18,368 0 18,368 18,368 C000-97 City Museum Bathroom 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000103 0 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 Unallocated Capital Funds 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000104 0 57,930 0 57,930 57,930 1998 Budgeted Revenues 340,413 0 0 0 340,413 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 340,413 200,302 0 200,302 540,715 EXPENDITURES: C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 41 000001 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 65 000004 0 145,732 0 145,732 145,732 C000-96 ADA Improvements 104 000000 020 5940 9656 65 000040 0 18,368 0 18,368 18,368 C000-97 City Museum Bathroom 104 000000 020 5940 9760 65 000043 0 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 Unallocated Capital Funds 104 000000 020 5940 9761 65 000044 0 6,202 0 6,202 6,202 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 340,413 0 0 0 340,413 Total Expenditures 340,413 200,302 0 200,302 540,715 Ending Fund Balance 104 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 340,413 200,302 0 200,302 540,715 FUND 105-MITIGATION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 105 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 300,000 6,264,278 0 6,264,278 6,564,278 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 292,500 0 0 0 292,500 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 592,500 6,264,278 0 6,264,278 6,856,778 EXPENDITURES: SEPA/Glacier Tel 105 400 20 594 76 65 296 0 8 0 8 8 Conner Hm/Liberty View 105 551 16 595 00 55 30 0 29 0 29 29 SEPA/Woodland Inv/Young Plat 105 400 20 594 76 65 92 0 54 0 54 54 G&M Investments 105 501 16 595 00 60 04 0 54 0 54 54 SEPA/Pollos Est/Litowitz Const 105 400 20 594 76 65 96 0 105 0 105 105 Accord Inc DBA Taco Time 105 590 16 595 00 60 32 0 132 0 132 132 SEPAITalbot-Springbrk/Gateway 105 400 20 594 76 65 06 0 143 0 143 143 SEPA/Ellenswood Corp 105 400 20 594 76 65 58 0 159 0 159 159 SEPA/Gladys Neas 105 400 20 594 76 65 169 0 174 0 174 174 SEPA/Kensington Apts 105 400 20 594 76 65 79 0 175 0 175 175 Ne 4ThBeacher/Fp119-90 105 586 16 595 00 60 59 0 412 0 412 412 SEPA/Sheets Unlim/Corr-Pro 105 400 20 594 76 65 87 0 474 0 474 474 SEPAANestJack 105 400 20 594 76 65 291 0 506 0 =506:. 506 SW 16th St Tech Center/801 SW 16th st 105 12172 16 595 30 60 201 0 506 0 506 506 SEPA/Powell Sreet Houses 105 400 20 594 76 65 132 0 547 0 547 547 SEPA/Jones Av Short Plat/Rob Wells 105 400 20 594 76 65 122 0 553 0 553 553 SEPA/Munson 105 400 20 594 76 65 241 0 563 0 563 563 SEPA/Dalpay&Assoc 105 400 20 594 76 65 114 0 576 0 576 576 SEPA/Mathews 105 400 20 594 76 65 220 0 578 0 578 578 SEPA/Stromme Short Plat 105 400 20 594 76 65 219 0 582 0 582 582 SEPA/Lukasiewicz 105 400 20 594 76 65 215 0 585 0 585 585 SEPA/Leona Hawkin 105 400 20 594 76 65 171 0 609 0 609 609 SEPA/David/Patty Worgan 105 400 20 594 76 65 166 0 614 0 614 614 SEPA/J&J Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 133 0 645 0 645 645 Lake Terrace Assoc 105 571 16 595 00 60 05 0 665 0 665 665 SEPA/Senescu 105 400 20 594 76 65 168 0 694 0 694 694 SEPA/McClincy 105 400 20 594 76 65 289 0 724 0 724 724 Leady/Sa049-90 105 596 16 595 00 60 49 0 725 0 725 725 , Hole in Wall Steak/SW 7th 105 599 16 595 00 60 226 0 734 0 734 734 Conwell,Inc 105 586 16 595 00 60 28 0 760 0 760 760 Munson SP 105 599 16 595 00 60 237 0 795 0 795 795 Mathews Short Plat/3605 Meadow Ave N 105 599 16 595 00 60 194 0 817 0 817 817 Stromme Short Plat/1324 N 40th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 200 0 821 0 821 821 H 18dgtdoc1998/Car yrwd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 3 3/13198 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 view Now Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Luke Short Platl/522 Monroe Ave NE 105 599 16 595 00 60 188 0 827 0 827 827 SEPA/K&M 105 400 20 594 76 65 290 0 1,083 0 1,083 1,083 Rivertech Assoc 105 572 16 595 00 60 121 0 1,085 0 1,085 1,085 SEPA/Ticon 105 400 20 594 76 65 258 0 1,108 0 1,108 1,108 SEPA/Persson 105 400 20 594 76 65 240 0 1,126 0 1,126 1,126 SEPA/J&J Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 221 0 1,157 0 1,157 1,157 SEPNRyanShortPlat 105 400 20 594 76 65 216 0 1,170 0 1,170 1,170 BC Northwest LP 105 599 16 595 00 60 137 0 1,225 0 1,225 1,225 SEPA/Charies/Bev Metzger 105 400 20 594 76 65 167 0 1,228 0 1,228 1,228 SEPA/Marion/Erica Lee 105 400 20 594 76 65 160 0 1,242 0 1,242 1,242 SEPA/Rockwood 105 400 20 594 76 65 159 0 1,253 0 1,253 1,253 SEPA/J&J Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 157 0 1,257 0 1,257 1,257 SEPA/Glauser Construction 105 400 20 594 76 65 158 0 1,257 0 1,257 1,257 McClincy Home Deco/4604 NE 4th 105 599 16 595 00 60 238 0 1,286 0 1,286 1,286 SEPA/Traverso Louis 105 400 20 594 76 65 134 0 1,290 0 1,290 1,290 K&M SP/1900 Edmonds Ave NE 105 599 16 595 00 60 242 0 1,462 0 1,462 1,462 Ticon Shrt Plt/420 S Tobin St 105 599 16 595 00 60 195 0 1,566 0 1,566 1,566 Rossman SP/533 Grant Ave S 105 599 16 595 00 60 202 0 1,591 0 1,591 1,591 Gibson Short Plat/NE 19th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 205 0 1,635 0 1,635 1,635 SEPA/Malesis 105 400 20 594 76 65 163 0 1,848 0 1,848 1,848 SEPA/im Burkhardt 105 400 20 594 76 65 162 0 1,852 0 1,852 1,852 Paccar/Truck Decking Facility 105 599 16 595 00 60 143 0 1,893 0 1,893 1,893 Bonnet!Ptnshp/705 Rainier 105 572 16 595 00 60 118 0 1,904 0 1,904 1,904 SEPA/K&M Tree 105 400 20 594 76 65 305 0 2,142 0 2,142 2,142 SEPA/CCS Renton 105 400 20 594 76 65 300 0 2,146 0 2,146 2,146 Bumett Ave Family Housing 105 599 16 595 00 60 251 0 2,215 0 2,215 2,215 Renton School District 105 573 16 595 00 60 09 0 2,288 0 2,288 2,288 Centron/The Ferris Co 105 585 16 595 90 40 24 0 2,358 0 2,358 2,358 Sale of Plans/FS 3/14 105 464 09 594 22 65 905 0 2,376 0 2,376 2,376 SEPA/James Jacques 105 400 20 594 76 65 170 0 2,444 0 2,444 2,444 Albertson's Expansion 105 599 16 595 00 60 153 0 2,814 0 2,814 2,814 SEPA/John Lane 105 400 20 594 76 65 164 0 2,877 0 2,877 2,877 Pk Aq/Dv/G Bordner Constr 105 411 20 594 76 65 102 0 2,889 0 2,889 2,889 Austin Estates/Edmonds Ave 105 599 16 595 00 60 231 0 2,890 0 2,890 2,890 SEPA/Best Const 105 400 20 594 76 65 287 0 2,906 0 2,906 2,906 SEPA/Evans Real Estate 105 400 20 594 76 65 116 0 2,966 0 2,966 2,966 Arco Station/1616 NE 30th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 189 0 3,294 0 3,294 3,294 Sound Mitsubishi Used Car Lot 105 599 16 595 00 60 147 0 3,499 0 3,499 3,499 SEPA/Five Star 105 400 20 594 76 65 214 0 3,505 0 3,505 3,505 G Schneider 105 573 16 595 00 60 10 0 3,845 0 3,845 3,845 Holiday Inn Addtn/Rainier Av S 105 599 16 595 00 60 199 0 3,859 0 3,859 3,859 Best Duplexes/1500 Puget Drive 105 599 16 595 00 60 249 0 3,991 0 3,991 3,991 SEPANVA Devel 105 400 20 594 76 65 303 0 4,278 0 4,278 4,278 SEPA/Peterson 105 400 20 594 76 65 295 0 4,347 0 4,347 4,347 Swan Vue SPIN 38th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 230 0 4,534 0 4,534 4,534 SEPA/Sicorp Svs 105 400 20 594 76 65 115 0 4,635 0 4,635 4,635 WetLand/Comm Dev Proj/Metro 1991 Expan 105 012 20 594 76 65 1081 0 4,747 0 4,747 4,747 Park/Sunset Hills/Johnson Cont 105 411 20 594 76 65 127 0 4,933 0 4,933 4,933 St Matthews/1700 Edmonds Ave NE 105 599 16 595 00 60 239 0 5,039 0 5,039 5,039 Windsor Place Assoc 105 573 16 595 00 60 23 0 5,357 0 5,357 5,357 Humble Off Bldg/3500 MV Hwy 105 599 16 595 00 60 263 0 5,467 0 5,467 5,467 Crown Pointe 105 575 16 595 00 60 13 0 5,726 0 5,726 5,726 Raymond Ave Cntr/Raymond Ave SW 105 599 16 595 00 60 196 0 5,728 0 5,728 5,728 Vashon Place SP/758 Vashon PI 105 599 16 595 00 60 225 0 5,866 0 5,866 5,866 Renton 91 Apt/Coventry/Signal 105 592 16 595 CO 60 34 0 5,899 0 5,899 5,899 Pierre Auto Sales/209 SW 13th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 184 0 6,114 0 6,114 6,114 SEPA/Bella Home 105 400 20 594 76 65 217 0 6,393 0 6,393 6,393 SEPA/Cath Corp Srvcs 105 400 20 594 76 65 292 0 6,459 0 6,459 6,459 US Rentals/Lind&SW 34th 105 599 16 595 00 60 227 0 6,476 0 6,476 6,476 Pk Aq/Dv/River Ridge 105 411 20 594 76 65 104 0 6,978 0 6,978 6,978 ParksNyzis 105 406 20 594 76 65 1064 0 7,104 0 7,104 7,104 SEPA/W.A.Development 105 400 20 594 76 65 212 0 7,126 0 7,126 7,126 SEPA/Archer Development 105 400 20 594 76 65 165 0 7,370 0 7,370 7,370 Les Schwab/710 Rainier Av S 105 599 16 595 00 60 186 0 7,602 0 7,602 7,602 Ripley LNJH BAXTER 105 455 20 594 76 65 1089 0 8,002 0 8,002 8,002 SEPA/Camwest 105 400 20 594 76 65 161 0 8,067 0 8,067 8,067 Renton Place Platf728 S 19th St 105 599 16 595 00 60 192 0 8,622 0 8,622 8,622 Jefferson Hsing/1000 Jefferson Ave 105 599 16 595 00 60 256 0 8,841 0 8,841 8,841 SEPAIWestTier 105 400 20 594 76 65 288 0 9,111 0 9,111 9,111 SEPA/Countryside 105 400 20 594 76 65 213 0 9,565 0 9,565 9,565 SEPANalley Development 105 400 20 594 76 65 156 0 9,659 0 9,659 9,659 Renton Hollywood Video/4th&Union 105 599 16 595 00 60 210 0 10,203 0 10,203 10,203 Sabey Corporation 105 581 16. 595 90 40 21 0 11,016 0 11,016 11,016 Pac Rim Building Supply 105 599 16 595 00 60 141 0 11,133 0 11,133 11,133 Kor West Twnhs'/Queen&NE 4th 105 599 16 595 00 60 208 0 11,295 0 11,295 11,295 Orchards E&F/Duvall&6th 105 599 16 595 00 60 235 0 11,388 0 11,388 11,388 Dodge Dealership/J Solomon 105 599 16 595 00 60 146 0 12,525 0 12,525 12,525 Park/Honey Creek L.L.C. 105 411 20 594 76 65 173 0 12,627 0 12,627 12,627 Grdy Tbz/Chevron 105 572 16 595 00 60 67 0 12,872 0 12,872 12,872 H:1Bdgtdoc1998/Carrytwd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 4 3i13/98 , r Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 1 BllfGFT AD IUSTMFNTS t� Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget SW 7th OfficeANarehouse 105 599 16 595 00 60 248 0 12,920 0 12,920 12,920 Ko11/4904 Lk Wa BI 105 592 16 595 00 60 53 0 13,110 0 13,110 13,110 Park/Summrwd Dev I/Hendrsn Hms 105 452 20 594 76 65 1017 0 15,406 0 15,406 15,406 Gurudwara Singh Saba/WA Temple 105 599 16 595 00 60 183 0 15,696 0 15,696 15,696 501 Center/510 SW 10th 105 599 16 595 00 60 269 0 16,646 0 16,646 16,646 K-Mart Expansion 105 569 16 595 00 60 98 0 16,727 0 16,727 16,727 Renton 91 Apt/Coventry/Tbz 105 592 16 595 00 60 35 0 18,443 0 18,443 18,443 NW Handling Systems Inc 105 599 16 595 00 60 145 0 19,449 0 19,449 19,449 Sabey Public Storage/SW 39th 105 599 16 595 00 60 253 0 24,364 0 24,364 24,364 Sunst/Anacrts-Intrsct/Bechtolo 105 570 16 595 00 60 68 0 25,300 0 25,300 25,300 Renton Village/Tennessee Warehouse 105 572 16 595 00 60 129 0 27.038 0 27,038 27,038 Mazda Dealership/SW Rainier 105 599 16 595 00 60 155 0 28,268 0 28,268 28,268 Grdy Tbz/Arca 105 572 16 595 00 60 106 0 28,898 0 28,898 28,898 SEPA/GMass 105 400 20 594 76 65 229 0 29,209 0 29,209 29,209 Northward Development 105 599 16 595 00 60 142 0 30,668 0 30,668 30,668 SEPA/Chatfey/Stonegate 105 400 20 594 76 65 211 0 31,867 0 31,867 31,867 The Orchards IVDuvall&NE 8th 105 599 16 595 00 60 207 0 32,201 0 32,201 32,201 Lincoln Property Co 105 576 16 595 00 60 07 0 33,271 0 33,271 33,271 SEPA/Chenywood 105 400 20 594 76 65 297 0 34,233 0 34,233 34,233 K&M Meats 105 572 16 595 00 60 88 0 35,053 0 35,053 . 35,053 N Renton/E&H Garden&Pk Plaza 105 594 16 595 00 60 125 0 35,646 0 35,646 35,646 Good Chevrolet 105 599 16 595 00 60 178 0 37,371 0 37,371 37,371 SEPA/Renton CRW 105 400 20 594 76 65 304 0 37,861 0 37,861 37,861 Raymond Ave Cntr/Raymond Ave SW 105 599 16 595 00 60 196 0 40,815 0 40,815 40,815 SEPA/Talbot 105 400 20 594 76 65 218 0 43,472 0 43,472 43,472 Springbrook Condominiums 105 599 16 595 00 60 176 0 47,161 0 47,161 47,161 Chevron/McDonalds on 4th 105 599 16 595 00 60 181 0 47,998 0 47,998 47,998 Sw Grady Wy Tbz/RiverTech 105 572 16 595 00 60 44 0 48,357 0 48,357 48,357 Renton Crown Apts 105 599 16 595 00 60 180 0 51,824 0 51,824 51,824 SEPA/Lyle Homes/JK Inc. 105 400 20 594 76 65 172 0 53,705 0 53,705 53,705 Village on Union Plat 105 599 16 595 00 60 154 0 54,836 0 54,836 54,836 SEPA/Security 105 400 20 594 76 65 286 0 55,406 0 55,406 55,406 Grady Wy Tbz/Metro Pint Expans 105 572 16 595 00 60 81 0 60,277 0 60,277 60,277 Walmart 105 599 16 595 00 60 174 0 76,335 0 76,335 76,335 Boeing/Longacres/SW 16th 105 022 16 595 00 60 228 0 82,644 0 82,644 82,644 Grdy Tbz/Blumell/Blume II 105 572 16 595 00 60 63 0 90,090 0 90,090 90,090 SEPA/Lexington 105 400 20 594 76 65 259 0 92,557 0 92,557 92,557 Forrest Crest/Duvall&NE 6th 105 599 16 595 00 60 252 0 95,778 0 95,778 95,778 Grady Wy Tbz1E&H Properties 105 572 16 595 00 60 48 0 104,166 0 104,166 104,166 Fire Mitigatn Prog/Design 105 464 09 594 22 65 64 0 107,413 0 107,413 107,413 Grdy Tbz/Plumber 105 572 16 595 00 60 105 0 108,927 0 108,927 108,927 Lexington Ridge Apts 105 599 16 595 00 60 151 0 131,707 0 131,707 131,707 Safeway Expansion 105 599 16 595 00 60 140 0 132,523 0 132,523 132,523 Valley Distribution Center 105 599 16 595 00 60 149 0 185,769 0 185,769 185,769 Sw Grady Wy Tbz/Blume Distribu 105 572 16 595 00 60 41 0 195,502 0 195,502 195,502 Fire Mitigation/Multi-Fam 105 464 09 594 22 65 901 0 196,137 0 196,137 196,137 Valley Tbz/Rabanco 105 591 16 595 00 60 108 0 217,323 0 217,323 217,323 Fire Mitigation/Single-Fam 105 464 09 594 22 65 902 0 232,140 0 232,140 232,140 Fire Mitigatn Pumper Truck/Ald Unit purchase 105 464 09 594 22 64 00 0 400,000 0 400,000 400,000 Boeing/Oakesdale Proj 105 022 16 595 76 65 2228 0 822,410 0 822,410 822,410 Fire Mitigation/METRO 105 464 09 594 22 65 904 0 838,984 0 838,984 838,984 Fire Mitigation/Commerical 105 464 09 594 22 65 903 0 9411,483 0 948,483 9413,483 Exit 7 Assoc 105 582 16 595 00 60 25 0 18,746 0 18,746 18,746 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 6,566,401 0 6,566,401 6,566,401 Ending Fund Balance 105 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 592,500 (302,123) 0 (302,123) 290,377 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 592,500 6,264,278 0 6,264,278 6,856,778 I FUND 118-RESERVE FOR PATHS&TRAILS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 118 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 5,889 (3,082) 0 (3,082) 2,807 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 3,400 0 0 0 3,400 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 9,289 (3,082) 0 (3,082) 6,207 I EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 118 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 9,289 (3,082) 0 (3,082) 6,207 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 9,289 (3,082) 0 (3,082) 6,207 I FUND 125-ONE PERCENT FOR ART Beginning Fund Balance 125 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 28,926 0 28,926 28,926 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 1,250 0 0 0 1,250 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,250 28,926 0 28,926 30,176 I EXPENDITURES: Lind Ave Bridge/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000061 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Oakesdale/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000062 0 2,611 0 2,611 2,611 H dgtdoc1998/CarryAvd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 5 3/13/98 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 *air RUDGFT ADJUSTMENTS Nome Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad)Budget Oakesdale/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000063 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Court Facility/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000064 0 5,270 0 5,270 5,270 Other Art Projects 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000065 1,250 15,716 0 15,716 16,966 Fire Station#14/1996 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000067 0 1,829 0 1,829 1,829 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 1,250 28,926 0 28,926 30,176 Ending Fund Balance 125 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,250 28,926 0 28,926 30,176 FUND 127-CABLE COMMUNICATION DEV FUND Beginning Fund Balance 127 000000 000 3080 0000 CO 000000 161,337 1,630 0 1,630 162,967 REVENUES: Budget repairs&Maint for TCI payment rc'd 127 000000 000 3690 0090 00 000018 0 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 1998 Budgeted Revenues 30,250 0 0 0 30,250 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 191,587 1,630 4,000 5,630 197,217 EXPENDITURES: Budget repairs&Maint for TCI payment red 127 000000 004 5710 0010 48 000000 0 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 25,100 0 0 0 25,100 Total Expenditures 25,100 0 4,000 4,000 . 29,100 Ending Fund Balance 127 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 166,487 1,630 0 1,630 168,117 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 191,587 1,630 4,000 5,630 197,217 FUND 213-1983 UNLIMITED GO REF BONDS-PARK Beginning Fund Balance 213 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 599,758 (75,133) 0 (75,133) 524,625 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 661,000 0 0 0 661,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,260,758 (75,133) 0 (75,133) 1,185,625 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 770,814 0 0 0 770,814 Total Expenditures 770,814 0 0 0 770,814 Ending Fund Balance 213 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 489,944 (75,133) 0 (75,133) 414,811 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,260,758 (75,133) 0 (75,133) 1,185,625 FUND 219-1989 UNLIMITED GO BONDS-SR HOUSING .Beginning Fund Balance 219 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 396,949 (44,412) 0 (44,412) 352,537 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 518,000 0 0 0 518,000 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 914,949 (44,412) 0 (44,412) 870,537 EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 498,933 0 0 0 498,933 Total Expenditures 498,933 0 0 0 498,933 Ending Fund Balance 219 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 416,016 (44,412) 0 (44,412) 371,604 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 914,949 (44,412) 0 (44,412) 870,537 FUND 220-LID DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 220 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 137,607 66,736 0 66,736 204,343 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 738,467 0 0 0 738,467 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 876,074 66,736 0 66,736 942,810 EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 696,495 0 0 0 696,495 Total Expenditures 696,495 0 0 0 696,495 Ending Fund Balance 220 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 179,579 66,736 0 66,736 246,315 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 876,074 66,736 0 66,736 942,810 FUND 221-LID GUARANTY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 221 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 929,423 61,309 0 61,309 990,732 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 33,229 0 0 0 33,229 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 962,652 61,309 0 61,309 1,023,961 EXPENDITURES: LID Guar Transfer Out/Fund 316 221 000000 034 5970 0000 55 000316 0 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 545,000 0 0 0 545,000 Total Expenditures 545,000 0 60,000 60,000 605,000 Ending Fund Balance 221 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 417,652 61,309 (60,000) 1,309 418,961 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 962,652 61,309 0 61,309 1,023,961 FUND 301-CITY HALL CIP Beginning Fund Balance 301 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 EXPENDITURES: H:\Bdgtdoc1998/Carryfwd/WRKST98R.XLS Page 6 3/13/98 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 BLIDGFT Ali I(1STMFNTS Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryhvds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget City Hall/Main&Grady 301 000000 005 5940 0019 60 000000 0 7,028,786 0 7,028,786 7,028,786 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 302 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 7,196,470 0 7,196,470 7,196,470 FUND 302-OPEN SPACE Beginning Fund Balance 302 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 604,477 0 604,477 604,477 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 604,477 0 604,477, 604,477 I EXPENDITURES: CEDAR RIVER 302 000820 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0 243,243 0 243,243 243,243 IAC-CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 302 000824 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0 165,989 0 165,989 165,989 LAC-SPRINGBROOK 302 000837 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0 97,783 0 97,783 97,783 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 507,015 0 507,015 507,015 Ending Fund Balance 302 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 97,462 0 97,462 97,462 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 604,477 0 604,477 604,477 I FUND 316-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP Beginning Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,819,422 2,358,787 0 2,358,787 4,178,209 REVENUES: Trf In fm 221/Correct Interfund Transfer 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000221 0 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 Trf in fm 000/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000098 0 0 2,097,108 2,097,108 2,097,108 Trf in fm 101/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000023 0 0 195,778 195,778 195,778 Trf in fm 103/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000102 0 0 41,866 41,866 41,866 Trf in fm 106/Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000001 0 0 178,375 178,375 178,375 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 2,748,000 0 0 0 2,748,000 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 4,567,422 2,358,787 2,573,127 4,931,914 9,499,336 EXPENDITURES: Trf out to 317/Logan Ave/Pipeline 316 000000 005 5970 0040 55 012181 0 0 5,735 5,735 5,735 Finance Tech Small Tools 316 000000 004 5940 0018 35 000906 0 3,500 0 3,500 3,500 Tech Plan Consulting 316 000000 004 5940 0018 41 000901 0 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 Technology Plan(reappropriated below) 316 000000 004 5940 0018 64 000090 930,000 0 (930,000) (930,000) 0 Non Dept Tech-Payroll/UB sys,Imaging,Internet 316 000000 005 5940 0018 41 000906 0 253,500 159,250 412,750 412,750 Copiers 316 000000 005 5940 0099 64 000091 49,000 7,300 0 7,300 56,300 Main&Grady Furniture and Equipment 316 000000 005 5940 0099 64 000017 0 0 875,000 875,000 875,000 Main&Grady Phone System 316 000000 005 5940 0099 64 000039 0 0 500,000 500,000 500,000 Police Tech Plan Software 316 000000 008 5940 0018 64 000904 0 0 750,000 750,000 750,000 Police Furniture 316 000000 008 5940 0021 64 000017 0 0 125,000 125,000 125,000 Self-Copt Breathing Apparatus 316 000000 009 5940 0022 64 000019 325,000 0 0 0 325,000 PW Tech-Laptops for Streets 316 000000 015 5940 0018 35 000906 0 49,500 0 49,500 49,500 PW Tech Plan Software 316 000000 015 5940 0018 64 000904 0 0 40,750 40,750 40,750 CS Plan Network Sys-CD Tower 316 000000 020 5940 0018 64 000905 0 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 Downtown Trail(moved to Downtown Redev Proj) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000009 250,000 0 (250,000) (250,000) 0 Regional Park Development 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000012 0 134,000 0 134,000 134,000 Opportunity Funds 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000013 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 Demolish Holmes Building 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000002 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 Main&Grady Bldg Improvements 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000015 1,650,000 0 0 0 1,650,000 Major Mtc Imprv/Carco Theater 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000019 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 Lake Wash Trail/Boathouse 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000020 0 131,125 0 131,125 131,125 Highlands Annex Acq/Demolition 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000026 85,000 0 0 0 85,000 Community Cntr Major Mtc 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000066 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Downtown Redevelopment Projects 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000099 0 220,000 315,000 535,000 535,000 City Hall Flood Wall 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000008 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 Repaving(moved to new account number) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000011 100,000 0 (100,000) (100,000) 0 Piazza Gateway(moved to Dwntwn Redev Proj) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000013 50,000 0 (50,000) (50,000) 0 Cedar River Erosion Protection 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000015 164,646 0 0 0 164,646 Swimming Pool Feasibility Study 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000016 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 N Highlands Gym Carpet Replacement 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000017 0 12,000. 0 12,000 12,000 Downtown Park Study(moved to Dwntwn Redev) 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000018 15,000 0 (15,000) (15,000) 0 Municipal Space Needs 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000027 0 1,042,155 0 1,042,155 1,042,155 Fire Station Improvements 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000086 0 54,875 0 54,875 54,875 Senior Ctr Roof Replacement 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000099 23,000 0 0 0 23,000 Cedar River Park Improvements 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000104 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 RCC Carpet Replacement 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000115 32,000 0 0 0 32,000 City Lot Repaving 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000119 0 150,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 Sr Crntr Equip Major Mtc 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000087 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Park Play Equipment 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000109 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 Removal of Swimming Pool 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000017 0 0 110,000 110,000 110,000 Library Major Maintenance 316 000000 021 5940 0072 62 000022 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Main Library Major Maintenance 316 000000 021 5940 0072 62 000022 23,000 0 0 0 23,000 Police Cameras 316 000000 008 5940 0076 64 000110 0 21,000 0 21,000 21,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 4,511,646 2,151,955 1,635,735 3,787,690 8,299,336 Opportunity Reserve 0 0 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 ti.Vitlgtdoc1998/Cerryh„dMRKST9OR.XLS Page 7 3/13/98 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 NNW BUDGFT ADJ1jSTMFNJTS 'Name Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Canyfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Ending Fund Balance 316 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 55,776 206.832 (262,608) (55,776) 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 4,567,422 2,358,787 2,573,127 4,931,914 9,499,336 FUND 317-TRANSPORTATION CIP Beginning Fund Balance 317 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 123,703 866,910 0 866,910 990,613 REVENUES: BUSINESS LICENSE FEE 317 000000 000 3210 0090 00 000000 1,554,000 0 0 0 1,554,000 LOCAL VEHICLE LIC FEE/TRANSP 317 000000 000 3360 0000 81 000000 350,000 0 0 0 350,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 317 000000 000 3410 0050 00 000000 1,500 0 0 0 1,500 TRF IN FM 316/LOGAN AVE PROJ 317 012181 000 3970 0000 00 000000 0 0 5,735 5,735 5,735 LOGAN AVE/PIPELINE(sale of prop) 317 012181 000 3950 0010 00 000000 0 0 354,403 354,403 354,403 LOGAN AVE/PIPELINE(traffic mitigation) 317 012181 000 3180 0070 00 000000 0 0 39,862 39,862 39,862 PARK AVE/BRONSON/EDA 317 000008 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 0 0 0 0 PARK AVE N/BRONSON-N 10TH/TIB 317 000008 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 899 0 899 899 WALKWAY PROG/METRO 317 000009 000 3370 0007 00 000026 0 155,000 0 155,000 155,000 TRF IN FM 000/SIDEWALK PROGRAM 317 000009 000 3970 0000 00 000000 0 0 175,000 175,000 175,000 OAKESDL SW/SW 31ST-SW 16TWTIB 317 000022 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 885,715 50,100 935,815 935,815 HOUSER RELOC/SUNSET/N 8/ISTEA 317 000025 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,035,367 0 1,035,367 1,035,367 HOUSER/SUNSET 1NTCHG/WSDOT 317 000025 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 630,365 0 630,365 630,365 SW 43RD LOOP RAMP DESIG/FAUS 317 000028 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 715 0 715 • 715 RAMP METERING STUDY/WSDOT 317 000029 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 14,921 0 14,921 14,921 METRO HIGH CAPACITY TRANSIT 317 000029 000 3370 0007 00 000024 0 0 0 0 0 SR900 HOV/HOUSER INTCHASTEA 317 000032 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 75,705 0 75,705 75,705 SR 900/HOUSER/TIB/TIA 317 000032 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 60,170 0 60,170 60,170 BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIRASTEA 317 000106 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 77,800 0 77,800 77,800 HOUSER VW BRDG SEIS RETIWSDOT 317 000106 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 0 0 0 0 PARK AVE N/LK WA BLVD/EDA 317 012081 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 0 0 0 0 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 000 3330 0020 20 000000 46,918 0 0 0 46,918 STREE OVERLAY/PSE REIMB 317 012108 000 3410 0010 00 000000 0 0 59,373 59,373 59,373 OPR TRF-IN ART STR/OVERLAY PRG 317 012108 000 3970 0000 00 000050 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 OAKESDALE AV/MONSTER/SR900/KC 317 012116 000 3380 0095 00 000000 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 TRF IN FM 000/OAKESDALE PH II 317 012116 000 3970 0000 00 000011 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE/FAUS 317 012117 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,090,425 0 1,090,425 1,090,425 LK WA BIKE/PEDESTN PATH/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 744,256 0 744,256 744,256 LK WA BIKE/PED PATH/NHSASTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000001 0 102,000 0 102,000 102,000 TALBOT RD/43 TO SCL/FAUS/ISTEA 317 012126 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 2,800 0 2,800 2,800 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE/ISTEA 317 012133 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 COMUTE TRP REDUCTN GRANT/WSEO 317 012135 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 13,853 0 13,853 13,853 TDM/CTR 1994-95/K CTY 317 012135 000 3370 0007 00 000023 0 0 0 0 0 5R167/SW 27TH ST/HOV/ISTEA 317 012138 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 344,000 0 344,000 344,000 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD/TUKWILA 317 012140 000 3370 0007 00 000027 0 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 TRF IN FM 000/WINDSOR HILLS 317 012144 000 3970 0000 00 000107 0 200,000 50,000 250,000 250,000 LK WA BRIDGE REPLACE/FED AID 317 012147 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 452,000 0 452,000 452,000 N 3RD/SUNSET/MONTEREY/TIB 317 012154 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 71,844 0 71,844 71,844 BRONSON/HOUSER-SUNSET/TIB/UATA 317 012155 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 88,819 0 88,819 88,819 AIRPT WY/RAINIER/FED AID ISTEA 317 012157 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,730 0 1,730 1,730 MAIN AV S/S 5TH/BRONSON/TIB 317 012158 000 3340 0003 80 000000 1,555,200 1,057,516 0 1,057,516 2,612,716 ARTERIAL HOV PROJ DEVELOPMENT 317 012160 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 5,356 0 5,356 5,356 INTRA-CITY INTRMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 21,691 0 21,691 21,691 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION/ISTEA 317 012165 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 272,000 0 272,000 272,000 RR CROSSG SFTY IMPRV/FED/WSDOT 317 012166 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 90,709 0 90,709 90,709 DOWNTWN TRNSIT ACCES PRG 317 012170 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 86,400 0 86,400 86,400 SW 16TH ST/OAKESDU/LIND/ISTEA 317 012172 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 507,581 0 507,581 507,581 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 457,705 0 0 0 457,705 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 4,409,026 9,254,547 1,734,473 10,989,020 15,398,046 EXPENDITURES: ARBITRAGE EXPENSE 317 000000 005 5920 0098 89 000006 0 12,108 0 12,108 12,108 PARKAVEBRONSON WY N/RECONSTR 317 000008 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 181,896 0 181,896 181,896 WALKWAY PROGRAM 317 000009 016 5950 0000 67 000000 70,000 236,286 175,000 411,286 481,286 SOUTH COUNTY TBD 317 000011 016 5950 0094 41 000145 0 35,721 0 35,721 35,721 SW 16TH BRIDGE 317 000015 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,820 0 12,820 12,820 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP REPLACMENT 317 000016 016 5950 0000 67 000417 20,000 (782) 0 (782) 19,218 1405 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 317 000017 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 0 0 0 0 OAKESDALE AVE SW/31ST TO 16TH 317 000022 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 792,199 50,100 842,299 842.299 HOUSER WAY RELOCATED 317 000025 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 87,401 0 87,401 87,401 SW 43RD ST LOOP RAMP DESIGN 317 000028 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 7,804 0 7,804 7,804 ARTERIAL CIRCULATN STUDY IMPRV 317 000029 016 5950 0000 67 000000 250,000 343,768 0 343,768 593.768 SR 900 HOV HOUSER INTERCHANGE 317 000032 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 624,951 0 624,951 624,951 N 3RD STREET 317 000044 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 17,441 0 17,441 17,441 SIDEWALK REPAIR/REPLCMT PROGR 317 000056 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 29,850 0 29,850 39,85C MILL AVE S REBLD WA-405 HOV 317 000070 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 155,569 0 155,569 155,56.S S 192ND ST/SR1671SR515 317 000075 016 5950 0000 67 000032 0 14,486 0 14,486 14,48E LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT 317 000091 016 5950 0000 67 000430 15,000 2,921 0 2,921 17,921 BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIR 317 000106 016 5950 0000 67 000023 100,000 288,403 0 288,403 388,402 PARK/LK WA BLVD INTERSECTION 317 012081 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 128,241 0 128,241 128,24- 4TH BLVA.OGAN-MONTERY DR STUDY 317 012083 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 74,002 0 74,002 74,00: MISSING LINKS PROGRAM 317 012106 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 124,461 0 124,461 154,46 H-.1Bdgtaoc1998/Can wdVNRKST98R.XLS Page 8 3/13/98 4.1 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 vliiiv Rl jDGFT AD_USTAMFNITS Dept 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New!Adj Adjustments Adj Budget TBZ PLANNING STUDIES 317 012107 016 5950 0094 41 000162 10,000 44,821 0 44,821 54,821 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 016 5950 0000 67 000000 426,918 34,528 90,063 124,591 551,509 TRANSIT STUDY 317 012109 016 5950 0000 67 000000 210,000 121,095 0 121,095 331,095 CBD TRANSPORTATION STUDY 317 012111 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 168,892 0 168,892 168,892 CITY GATEWAYS PROGRAM 317 012112 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 91,770 0 91,770 91,770 TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT PROG 317 012113 016 5950 0000 67 000000 15,000 20,979 0 20,979 35,979 MISC TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMS 317 012115 016 5950 0000 67 000000 40,000 70,712 0 70,712 110,712 OAKESDALE AV SW/MNSTR RD-SR900 317 012116 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 117,731 1,000,000 1,117,731 1,117,731 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE 317 012117 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 542,881 0 542,881 542,881 LK WA BLVD/PARK TO N 44TH 317 012121 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 67,205 0 67,205 67,205 TALBOT RD/43RD TO CITY LMTS 317 012126 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,330 0 12,330 12,330 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE 317 012133 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 299,059 0 299,059 299,059 TRANSP DEMAND MGT PROGRAM 317 012135 016 5950 0000 67 000000 20,000 15,790 0 15,790 35,790 SR167/SW 27TH HOV 317 012138 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 454,022 0 454,022 454,022 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD 317 012140 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 99,954 0 99,954 99,954 WINDSOR HILLS REHAB 317 012144 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 284,969 0 284,969 284,959 WSDOT COORDINATION 317 012146 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 6,725 0 6,725 16,725 LK WA BLVD BRIDGE/MAY CREEK 317 012147 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 899 0 899 899 VALLEY CONNECTIONS TO WEST 317 012149 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 49,799 0 49,799 49,799 PROJECT DEVEL&PRE-DESIGN 317 012150 016 5950 0000 67 000000 165,000 117,271 0 117,271 282,271 NE 3RD-SUNSET N TO MONTEREY NE 317 012154 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 174,887 0 174,887 174,887 BRONSON N-HOUSER WY TO SUNSET 317 012155 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 34,019 0 34,019 34,019 AIRPORT WY/RAINIER S RESURFACE 317 012157 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,722 0 2,722 2,722 MAIN AV S-S 5TH TO BRONSON WAY 317 012158 016 5950 0000 67 000000 1,905,000 1,185,561 0 1,185,561 3,090,561 ARTERIAL HOV PROJECT DEVELOPMT 317 012160 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 120,145 0 120,145 120,145 TRAFFIC SYSTEM EFFICIENCY IMPR 317 012162 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 105,266 0 105,266 135,266 INTRA-CITY INTERMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 016 5950 0000 67 000000 60,000 220,085 0 220,085 280,085 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 317 012165 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 303,705 0 303,705 303,705 RAILROAD CROSSG SAFETY IMPROV 317 012166 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 101,609 0 101,609 111,609 DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ACCESS PRG 317 012170 016 5950 0000 67 000000 310,000 167,799 0 167,799 477,799 1-405 HOV DIRECT ACCESS 317 012171 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 41,368 0 41,368 41,368 SW 16TH ST-OAKESDALE TO LIND 317 012172 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 90,203 0 90,203 90,203 BICYCLE ROUTE DEV PROGRAM 317 012173 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 117,745 0 117,745 117,745 TRANSIT PRIORITY SIGNAL SYSTEM 317 012174 016 5950 0000 67 000000 457,705 30,000 0 30,000 487,705 SR169 HOV-140TH TO SR900 317 012175 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 262,000 0 262,000 262,000 NE 3RD/NE 4TH TRANSIT 317 012176 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 PARK-SUNSET HOV 317 012177 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 SUNSET ROCKERY REPAIR 317 012178 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 103,315 0 103,315 103,315 I-405/NE 44TH INTERCHANGE 317 012179 016 5950 0000 67 000000 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 S 2ND/S 3RD/BRONSON 317 012180 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 LOGAN AVE/PIPELINE 317 012181 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 4,294,623 9,053,407 1,715,163 10,768,570 15,063,193 Ending Fund Balance 317 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 114,403 201,140 19,310 220,450 334,853 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 4,409,026 9,254,547 1,734,473 10,989,020 15,398,046 FUND 319-SENIOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION Beginning Fund Balance 319 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 I EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 319 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 1 FUND 320-LID CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 320 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,315 128,057 0 128,057 130,372 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,315 128,057 0 128,057 130,372 EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 320 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,315 128,057 0 128,057 130,372 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,315 128,057 0 128,057 130,372 FUND 401-WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 401 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,404,614 2,286,766 0 2,286,766 5,691,380 REVENUES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 20,783,671 0 0 0 20,783,671 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 24,188,285 2,286,766 0 2,286,766 26,475,051 EXPENDITURES: Water Maintenance Electricity 401 000000 019 5340 0050 47 000001 374,000 0 50,000 50,000 424,000 Water Mtc Contract,Asphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5340 0050 48 000010 0 0 89,000 89,000 89,00C H:8dgldoc1998/Carrylwd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 9 3/13/98 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 Now, fillDGFT ADJUSTMMFNTS `✓ Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests! Total 1998. Div Description Budget Canyfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Wastewater Mtc Contract,Asphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5350 0050 48 000010 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 Surface Water Contract,Patching 401 000000 019 5380 0032 48 000010 0 6,966 1,034 8,000 8,000 Surface Water Professional Services 401 000000 019 5380 0032 41 000148 30,000 34,873 0 34,873 64,873 Water,handheld pen computers 401 000000 019 5340 0050 64 000036 18,750 10,239 0 10,239 28,989 Wastewater,handheld pen computers 401 000000 019 5350 0050 64 000052 11,750 0 5,120 5,120 16,870 Surface Water,handheld pen computers 401 000000 019 5380 0032 64 000077 12,950 5,119 0 5,119 18,069 Pacific Groundwtr Grp,Olympic Pipeline Study 401 000000 018 5340 0020 41 000000 12,669 5,775 0 5,775 18,444 RH2 Engineering,Scott Glenn Lift Sta Rev 401 000000 018 5350 0020 41 000148 6,757 555 0 555 7,312 Water Util Techs eve&weekend standby 401 000000 018 5340 0050 10 000002 0 9,000 0 9,000 9,000 Intmmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 12 000000 34,611 0 (16,836) (16,836) 17,775 Intmrtnt employee to Ltd tern,WVNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 10 000000 361,007 0 18,804 18,804 379,811 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000001 1,282 0 (1,282) (1,282) 0 Intmltnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000001 27,231 0 1,411 1,411 28,642 Intmltnt employee to Ltd tern,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000003 2,648 0 (1,288) (1,288) 1,360 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd tern,WtrANW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000003 27,518 0 1,439 1,439 28,957 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd tern,WtrNVW Utii(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000004 28,118 0 903 903 29,021 Intmrint employee to Ltd term,WVNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000006 217 0 (123) (123) 94 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000006 1,164 0 90 90 1,254 Intmttnt employee to Ltd tern,Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000007 1,280 0 72 72 1,352 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 0534 0020 20 000009 6,709 0 239 239 . 6,948 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,VNr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5340 0020 20 000070 1,399 0 77 77 1,476 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 12 000000 16,830 0 (16,830) (16,830) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 10 000000 178,967 0 18,804 18,804 197,771 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 22 000001 1,282 0 (1,282) (1,282) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd tern,VWA NN Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000001 13,696 0 1,411 1,411 15,107 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,VNrfW V Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 22 000003 1,288 0 (1,288) (1,288) 0 Intmant employee to Ltd term,WtrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000003 13,801 0 1,439 1,439 15,240 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/WV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 0535 0020 20 000004 12,839 0 903 903 13,742 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/W V Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 22 000006 123 0 (123) (123) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd tern,VVtr/WV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000006 537 0 90 90 627 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,WtrNVW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000007 604 0 72 72 676 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Wtr/WW Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000009 3,664 0 239 239 3,903 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,VNrNWV Util(Ellis) 401 000000 018 5350 0020 20 000070 688 0 77 77 765 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 0538 0030 11 000000 9,048 0 (9,048) (9,048) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wir(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 10 000000 281,597 0 10,217 10,217 291,814 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 21 000001 679 0 (679) (679) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd tern,Srfc W.r(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000001 21,231 0 766 766 21,997 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wir(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 21 000003 692 0 (692) (692) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000003 21,396 0 781 781 22,177 Intmrint employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000004 24,764 0 1,248 1,248 26,012 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc WV(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 21 000006 54 0 (54) (54) 0 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd tern,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000006 895 0 54 54 949 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000007 1,006 0 48 48 1,054 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000009 7,280 0 302 302 7,582 Intrmtnt employee to Ltd term,Srfc Wtr(Yue) 401 000000 018 5380 0030 20 000070 1,086 0 46 46 1,132 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 20,103,920 0 0 0 20,103,920 Total Expenditures 21,678,027 75,527 155,161 230,688 21,908,715 Ending Fund Balance 401 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,510,258 2,211,239 (155,161) 2,056,078 4,566,336 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 24,188,285 2,286,766 0 2,286,766 26,475,051 FUND 421-WATERWORKS UTILITY CIP FUND Beginning Fund Balance 421 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 709,563 3,017,600 0 3,017,600 3,727,163 REVENUES: REVENUE BOND PROCEEDS 421 000000 000 3820 0020 00 000000 25,000 3,710,000 0 3,710,000 3,735,000 PWTF LOAN DCD/E KENNYDALE INT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045055 0 1,811,679 0 1,811,679 1,811,679 PWTF LOAN DCD/HONEYCRK INTRCP 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045125 0 •1,496,710 47,139 1,543,849 1,543,849 PWTF LOAN DCD/SANTRY SEW GRNT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045145 0 510,000 0 510,000 510,000 REIMB FM INSURANCE FD/FEMA 421 000400 000 3950 0020 00 045260 0 144,000 0 144,000 144,000 PWTF LOAN DCD/ROLLG HLS RSVR 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055240 0 38,600 0 38,600 38,600 PWTF LOAN DCD/CORROSION CNTRL 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055430 0 836,060 0 836,060 836,060 PWTF LOAN DCD/NE 27-ABERDN STM 421 000600 000 3830 0004 20 065045 0 621,350 0 621,350 621,350 KING CONSERV DIST FD TRUST AGR 421 000600 000 3830 0008 00 065285 0 11,340 0 11,340 11,340 SCSIP-1 CHNUGRADY WY-16TH 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065200 0 12,398 0 12,398 12,398 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 5,296,500 0 0 0 5,296,500 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6,031,063 12,209,737 47,139 12,256,876 18,287,939 EXPENDITURES: BOND ISSUANCE COST/REV BDS 421 000000 018 5920 0034 84 000015 500 74,000 0 74,000 74,500 ARBITRAGE EXP 421 000000 018 5920 0034 89 000006 0 0 0 0 0 Wstewater Proj E RENTON INTERCEPTOR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045000 0 2,696 0 2,696 2,696 Wstewater Proj BOEING LIFT STATION REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045010 0 10,792 0 10,792 10,792 Wstewater Proj RENTN CBD I-MILL AVE PIPELINE 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045035 0 2,495 0 2,495 2,495 Wstewater Proj E KENNYDLE/ABERDEEN SEWR INTER 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045055 0 2,434,833 0 2,434,833 2,434,833 Wstewater Proj MISCELLANEOUS SEWER PROJECTS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045065 100,000 52,097 0 52,097 152,097 Wstewater Proj NE 7TH STREET SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045068 0 14,628 0 14,628 14,628 Wstewater Proj HONEYCREEK INTERCEPTOR PHS IV 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045125 0 37,120 0 37,120 37,120 Wstewater Proj SAN SEWER MAIN GROUTING 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045145 0 699,541 0 699,541 699,541 Wstewater Proj HIGHGATE LIFT STATION ELIMIN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045150 0 7,423 0 7,423 7,423 Wstewater Proj REPL TELEMTRY/DATA LOGGING SYS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045160 0 20,723 0 20,723 20,723 H:\Bdgtdoc1998/Carryfwd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 10 3/13/98 q Exhibit"A" 1000 CITY OF RENTON 1998 RI1L1GFT ADJLISTIIAFNTS 410 Dept/ 1998 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH II 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045170 0 0 0 0 0 Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH III 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045175 0 86 (86) 0 0 Wstewater Proj E MAPLEWOOD COLL SYSTEM PRED 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045180 0 7,682 0 7,682 7,682 Wstewater Proj KENNYDALE LKFNT SEW SYS STUDY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045190 80,000 199,532 0 199,532 279,532 Wstewater Proj SR 169-MAPLE VLY HWY STUBS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045215 0 22,052 0 22,052 22,052 Wstewater Proj LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045225 25,000 (1,346) 0 (1,346) 23,654 Wstewater Proj MAIN AVE SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045230 0 (6,719) 7,000 281 281 Wstewater Proj S RENTON SEWER REPL PH I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045235 0 636,336 (7,000) 629,336 629,336 Wstewater Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGEMETRY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045240 0 1 (1) 0 0 Wstewater Proj 1997 LNG-RNGE WW MGMT PLAN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045245 0 52,839 0 52,839 52,839 Wstewater Proj REIMB METRO SLIPLINING CR PARK 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045250 70,000 5,841 0 5,841 75,841 Wstewater Proj GIS DATABASE AND CONVERSION 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045255 30,000 28,041 0 28,041 58,041 Wstewater Proj NW 7TH SEWER REPAIR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045260 0 126,602 0 126,602 126,602 Wstewater Proj SW 16TH ST SEWER REPLACEMENT 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045265 0 12,045 0 12,045 12,045 Wstewater Proj TALBOT CREST LIFT STA REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045270 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Wstewater Proj MISTY COVER/BAXTR LIFT STA REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045275 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Wstewater Proj SOUTH RENTON SEWER REPLACEMENT 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045280 1,400,000 0 0 0 1,400,000 Wstewater Proj OAKESDALE AVE SW STUBS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045285 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 Wstewater Proj EARLINGTON LIFT STATION REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045290 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Water Proj MAPLEWOOD WELLS 17&11 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055005 55,000 328,565 30,000 358,565 413,565 Water Proj 1-405 CONSTIWATERMN OVERSIZING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055015 0 171,856 (10,000) 161,856 161,856 Water Proj WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055020 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Water Proj WINDSOR HILLS PUMP STA REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055025 5,000 0 (5,000) (5,000) 0 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-RLNG HLS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055065 10,000 16,489 5,000 21,489 31,489 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-HIGHLANDS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055070 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WATER RESOURCE PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055080 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj ACQUIFER MANAGEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055085 0 8,198 10,000 18,198 18,198 Water Proj PIPE OVERSIZING COSTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055100 0 35,385 0 35,385 35,385 Water Proj WELL FIELD PROTECTION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055110 0 5,624 0 5,624 5,624 Water Proj TELEMETRY IMPROVMTS PHASE III 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055120 0 34,321 0 34,321 34,321 Water Proj ACQUIFER AWARENESS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055135 20,000 2,548 0 2,548 22,548 Water Proj UPDATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055160 80,000 0 0 0 80,000 Water Proj STEEL WATERMAIN REPL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055170 100,000 359,296 0 359,296 459,296 Water Proj AC PIPE REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055175 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj LAB EQUIPMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055198 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WTR CONSERVA PROGRAM IMPLEMEN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055200 0 18,972 0 18,972 18,972 Water Proj 1-405/MILL AVE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055205 0 49,578 0 49,578 49,578 Water Proj UPDATE FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055210 10,000 9,717 0 9,717 19,717 Water Proj GMA PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055230 0 6,250 0 6,250 6,250 Water Proj ROLLING HILLS 490 ZONE RESERVO 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055240 0 173,599 0 173,599 173,599 Water Proj PARK AVE WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055245 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WATER RATE STUDY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055255 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Water Proj RESERVOIR RECOATING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055260 30,000 13,476 0 13,476 43,476 Water Proj EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055265 0 229,321 0 229,321 229,321 Water Proj TALBOT 12/24"WATER MAIN" 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055275 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj LARGE METER REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055280 0 29,895 0 29,895 29,895 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECT BUSINESS RELOC 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055285 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Water Proj DOWNTOWN CORE REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055290 500,000 19,396 0 19,396 519,396 Water Proj WATER QUALITY MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055310 0 5,890 0 5,890 5,890 Water Proj CATHODIC PROTECTION MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055320 10,000 13,628 0 13,628 23,628 Water Proj 565 RES RECOAT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055330 0 23,735 0 23,735 23,735 Water Proj CROSS CONNECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055340 0 1,914 0 1,914 1,914 Water Proj UPDATE CONSERVATION PLAN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055370 0 176 (176) 0 0 Water Proj GIS DATA-BASE AND CONVERSION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055380 40,000 24,612 0 24,612 64,612 Water Proj WELL 3 ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055400 0 586,598 0 586,598 586,598 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055410 0 3,577 0 3,577 3,577 Water Proj CORROSION CONTROL FACILITIES 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055430 0 1,516,927 0 1,516,927 1,516,927 Water Proj MT OLIVET WATER QUALITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055440 0 40,995 0 40,995 40,995 Water Proj WATER DISTRICT#90 INTERTIE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055445 0 48,301 0 48,301 48,301 Water Proj PHOTOGRAMMETIC MAPPING OF CITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055450 0 (1) 1 0 0 Water Proj REUSE PILOT PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055470 0 29,171 0 29,171 29,171 Water Proj AQUIFER INSPECTIONS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055475 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj WATER QUALITY DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055480 0 3,186 0 3,186 3,186 Water Proj WATER SUPPLY AVAIL MODEL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055485 0 0 0 0 0 Water Proj COLIFORM MONITORING IMP 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055490 0 28,754 0 28,754 28,754 Water Proj WELL 8 8 9 CHLORINE DELUGE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055495 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 Surf Wtr Proj STORM SEWER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065005 0 8,005 0 8,005 8,005 Surf Wtr Proj SMALL DRAINAGE PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065015 150,000 105,173 0 105,173 255,173 Surf Wtr Proj WETLANDS MOSQUITO ABATEMT PROG 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065020 25,000 7,275 0 7,275 32,275 Surf WV Proj VALLEY STUDY PROJECT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065025 0 (977) 977 0 0 Surf W r Proj NE 27TH-ABERDEEN CONTROL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065045 0 1,017,658 0 1,017,658 1,017,658 Surf Wtr Proj CEDAR RVR FLOOD CONTROL STUDY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065055 2,000 4,008 0 4,008 6,008 Surf WV Proj BLK RIV WATER QUALITY MGT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065065 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj PANTHER CK WETLAND ACQUISITION 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065076 0 84,264 0 84,264 84.264 Surf Wtr Proj STREAM FLOW MONITORING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065080 10,000 1,032 0 1,032 11,032 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDR RIV NONPT ACTN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065085 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDAR RIV BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065090 0 7,898 0 7,898 7,898 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDR RIV SEDIMENT MGT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065095 2,500,000 16,767 0 16,767 2,516,767 Surf Wtr Proj WETLAND MITIGATION BANK PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065119 0 93,459 0 93,459 93,459 H:18dgtdoc1998/Can wd1WRKST98R.XLS Page 11 3/13/98 Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 loirpe RLIDGFT ADJLISTMFNTS v�r� Dept/ 1998 . 1997 Requests! Total 1998 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Surf Wtr Proj MAPLEWOOD CK SEDIMENT POND/FIS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065120 200,000 145,415 0 145,415 345,415 Surf Wtr Proj MAY CREEK BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065125 0 11,886 0 11,886 11,886 Surf Wtr Proj MISSION HILLS(NE 10TH)STORM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065145 0 573,004 0 573,004 573,004 Surf Wtr Proj SW 7TH CAPACITY PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065150 0 1,825 0 1,825 1,825 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD/NE 44TH E 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065160 0 45,892 0 45,892 45,892 Surf Wtr Proj BASIN/SUB-BASIN HYDROLOGIC ANA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065165 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj P-1 CHANNEL/GRADY WY TO SW 16 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065200 0 12,740 0 12,740 12,740 Surf Wtr Proj NE 10TH&MONROE STORM REPLAC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065215 0 217,794 0 217,794 217,794 Surf Wtr Proj CEDAR BASIN PLAN CIP 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065220 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Surf Wtr Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MAPPING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065225 0 1 (1) 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj EASTSIDE G RIVER FLOOD CNT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065230 0 4,754 (4,754) 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj ELLIOT LEVEE REPAIR&HAB ENHC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065235 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE SWM POLICY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065240 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf Wtr Proj RENTON STORM WATER MANUAL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065241 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf Wtr Proj HOUSER WAY STORM SYSTEM REPL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065245 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE AVE S&TOBIN STORM IMPRV 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065250 0 (1,099) 1,099 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj MONROE AVE NE&NE 4TH INFILTR 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065255 0 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 Surf Wtr Proj DEBRIS REMOVAL-CEDAR RVR DELTA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065260 0 0 0 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE WASH/CEDAR RIVER FORUM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065265 18,000 953 0 953 18,953 Surf 1/Vtr Proj SW 43RD ST IMPROVEMENTS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065270 0 218,685 0 218,685 218,685 Surf Wtr Proj SR 167 IMPROVEMENTS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065275 33,000 8,581 0 8,581 • 41,581 Surf Wtr Proj OLYMPIC PIPELINE CULVERT REPL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065280 25,000 18,065 0 18,065 43,065 Surf Wtr Proj SPRINGBROOK CREEK CHANNEL WIDENING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065285 20,000 223,238 2,679 225,917 245,917 Surf Wtr Proj SW 27TH CULVERT IMPROVEMENT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065290 175,000 0 0 0 175,000 Surf Wtr Proj GREEN RIVER ECOSYSTEM STUDY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065295 13,000 0 0 0 13,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 6,026,500 11,650,585 59,738 11,710,323 17,736,823 Ending Fund Balance 421 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 4,563 559,152 (12,599) 546,553 551,116 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 6,031,063 12,209,737 47,139 12,256,876 18,287,939 FUND 402-AIRPORT Beginning Fund Balance 402 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,242,774 591,660 0 591,660 2,834,434 REVENUES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 694,750 0 0 0 694,750 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,937,524 591,660 0 591,660 3,529,184 EXPENDITURES: Airport reimb Str Maint/Street Fund 402 000000 016 5460 0020 91 000007 0 0 13,000 13,000 13,000 Intermittent hrs to control bird population 402 000000 016 5460 0020 12 000000 49,680 0 18,000 18,000 67,680 Tower Water Line Replacement 402 000710 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 7,570 0 7,570 7,570 Sealing/Paint Tower Bldg Exter 402 012021 016 5960 0046 63 000083 2,000 14,968 0 14,968 16,968 Relocate Hydraulic Gate 402 012024 016 5960 0046 63 000111 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Metal Siding-502 Bldg 402 012025 016 5960 0046 63 000112 0 54,227 42,375 96,602 96,602 Structures/Bldg Project 402 012027 016 5460 0020 63 000111 3,500 12,000 0 12,000 15,500 Facilities Project 402 012028 016 5460 0020 63 000112 20,000 1,400 0 1,400 21,400 Airfield Improvement 402 012029 016 5960 0046 63 000113 50,000 0 54,000 54,000 104,000 Structure/Bldg Improvement 402 012030 016 5960 0046 62 000066 50,000 70,000 0 70,000 120,000 Facilities Improvement 402 012031 016 5960 0046 63 000114 0 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 205 Cedar River Flood Reduc Proj 402 012032 016 5960 0046 63 000115 365,000 0 0 0 365,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 445,446 0 0 0 445,446 Total Expenditures 985,626 200,165 127,375 327,540 1,313,166 Ending Fund Balance 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 646,898 • 0 0 0 646,898 Airport Emergency Fund 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000001 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 Airport Maintenance Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000002 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Airport Obstruction Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000003 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 Airport Bldg Replacement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000004 347,755 0 0 0 347,755 Air port Mitigation Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000005 239,082 0 0 0 239,082 Airport Aviaga Easement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000006 260,816 0 0 0 260,816 Airport Hazardous Material Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000007 217,347 0 0 0 217,347 Airport Cedar River Maint Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000008 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,937,524 200,165 127,375 327,540 3,265,064 FUND 403-SOLID WASTE UTILITY Beginning Fund Balance 403 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 204,479 47,208 0 47,208 251,687 REVENUES: DOE 26/39 Grant 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000097 0 41,189 0 41,189 41,189 KC/WR/R Grant Program 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000012 16,000 35,124 0 35,124 51,124 • DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant/1998 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000098 0 0 15,590 15,590 15,590 DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000000 0 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 KC Optional/Business/1997 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000007 0 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 Loc Haz Wst Mgt Prog/Sea-KC Hth 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000002 20,500 2,000 0 2,000 22,500 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 7,152,604 0 0 0 7,152,604 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 7,393,583 143,021 15,590 158,611 7,552,194 EXPENDITURES: DOE 26/39 Grant 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000097 0 0 68,648 68,648 68,648 KC WR/R Grant Program 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000111 17,775 29,597 0 29,597 47,372 KC Optional Special 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000098 3,000 0 5,000 5,000 8,000 Coordinated Prevention Grant 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000070 0 38,995 0 38,995 38,995 H:8dgtdoc1998/CarrytwdtWRKST98R.XLS Page 12 3/13/98 4 _ Exhibit"A" CITY OF RENTON 1998 Dept/ 1 1997 Requests/ Total 1998 DivDescription Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 7,110,446 0 0 0 7,110,446 Total Expenditures 7,131,221 68,592 73,648 142,240 7,273,461 Ending Fund Balance 403 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 262,362 74,429 (58,058) 16,371 278,733 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 7,393,583 143,021 15,590 158,611 7,552,194 FUND 404-GOLF COURSE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 404 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 124,925 94,284 0 94,284 219,209 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 2,317,887 0 0 0 2,317,887 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,442,812 94,284 0 94,284 2,537,096 I EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 2,271,445 0 0 0 2,271,445 Total Expenditures 2,271,445 0 0 0 2,271,445 Ending Fund Balance 404 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 171,367 94,284 0 94,284 265,651 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,442,812 94,284 0 94,284 2,537,096 I FUND 424-GOLF COURSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 424 000000 000 3080 0000 CO 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 I EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 424 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 I FUND 501-EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 501 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,070,478 569,727 0 569,727 1,640,205 REVENUES: Transfer in fm 000/Repl Reserve 501 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000068 0 0 250,000 250,000 250,000 Balance of 1998 Budgeted Revenues 2,571,962 0 0 0 2,571,962 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,642,440 569,727 250,000 819,727 4,462,167 I EXPENDITURES: Balance of 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 2,365,992 0 0 0 2,365,992 Total Expenditures 2,365,992 0 0 0 2,365,992 Ending Fund Balance 501 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 1,276,448 569,727 250,000 819,727 2,096,175 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 3,642,440 569,727 250,000 819,727 4,462,167 I FUND 502-INSURANCE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 502 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 4,181,922 72,001 0 72,001 4,253,923 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 5,341,194 0 0 0 5,341,194 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 9,523,116 72,001 0 72,001 9,595,117 I EXPENDITURES: 1998 Budgeted Expenditures 4,967,722 0 0 0 4,967,722 Total Expenditures 4,967,722 0 0 0 4,967,722 Ending Fund Balance 502 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 4,555,394 72,001 0 72,001 4,627,395 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 9,523,116 72,001 0 72,001 9,595,117 I FUND 601-FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 601 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,873,184 2.215,168 0 2,215,168 6,088,352 REVENUES: 1998 Budgeted Revenues 298,880 0 0 0 298,880 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 4,172,064 2,215,168 0 2,215,168 6,387,232 I EXPENDITURES: 199 Budgeted Expenditures 340,481 0 0 0 340,481 Total Expenditures 340,481 0 0 0 340,481 Ending Fund Balance 601 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,831,583 2.215,168 0 2,215,168 6,046,751 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 4,172,064 2,215,168 0 2,215,168 6,387,232 I TOTAL ALL FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance 24,537,623 31.262.890 0 31,262,890 55,800,513 REVENUES 103,874,933 17,946,089 4,720,429 22,666,518 126,541,451 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 128,412,556 49,208,979 4,720,429 53,929,408 182,341,964 I EXPENDITURES 106,806,380 31,310,068 8,038,321 39,348,389 146,154,769 Opportunity Reserve 0 0 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Ending Fund Balance 21,606,176 17,898,911 (4,517,892) 13,381,019 34,987,195 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 128,412,556 49,208,979 4,720,429 53,929,408 182,341,964 H:113dgtdoc1998/Carrylwd\WRKST98R.XLS Page 13 3/13/58 • City of Renton Finance and Information Services Memorandum DATE: January 28, 1998 TO: All Departments/Divisions FROM: Linda Honeycutt, Finance SUBJECT: 1998 Fringe Benefit Rate - Revised The fringe benefit rate for 1998 will be 45.60%. The rate is calculated using 1997 year-end City wide totals for the following benefits. COMPENSATED TIME OFF AMOUNT % Vacation 1,721,816 6.75% Holiday 1,004,943 3.94% Revised Sick Leave 745,643 2.92% Revised Total Compensated Time 3,472,402 13.61% OTHER BENEFITS AMOUNT Retirement 2,154,709 8.45% FICA 1,750,635 6.86% Medical/Dental 3,539,537 13.87% Other 717,662 2.81% Total Other Benefits 8,162,543 31.99% TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 45.60% If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 2614. 98RATE.XLS memo • CITY OF RENTON 1998 FRINGE BENEFIT RATE CALCULATION GROSS WAGES: 28,986,161.00 VACATION, HOLIDAY, SICK LEAVE: 3,472,402.00 OTHER BENEFITS: 8,162,543.00 NET WAGES: Gross Wages 28,986,161.00 Less Vacation, Holiday, Sick Leave 3,472,402.00 25,513,759.00 VACATION, HOLIDAY, SICK LEAVE BENEFIT RATE: (3,472,402/25,513,759) 13.61% BENEFIT RATE: (8,162,543/25,513,759) 31.99% TOTAL BENEFIT RATE: 45.60% 1/26/98 98RATE.XLS Q CO CO CD Q O c01 c) Q N C) `J` F,- N 0 GD 1- n N O F, ffOO tO O aO.^ O CD CO g O CO GO .. F-- co oh n ~ CO CO tf co O ~ CO c+) n alp; r co N coO N N. co O CCOO N 0 t0 O m 0)) N co o co N in 0 c) Is O) co ava co CO CD N f N 0.T COO o coO CO () 0 coO oi N 0 M N LC) N co Ps CO CO O) n n S C n co CO O co CA CO CO Co O) N co co O co Co Co co O O CO CD " O '- N O CO COO CO C N @ 13 n O0) O n co0 N 0 n CO too co O - O) CA 0 st O CA n OO_ 0 0) n n O N 01 ttoo N N O L O n N O N n 0n N n 0) c01 co n 2 01 co cm to O) r- Cr-) to N 0 n N N 3 0 co COO 3 4 CO 7 N N U) co cc N Q Q y O T O to co CO_ CO n 0 N N N CAts' co con co O) Co N co O) tO CD Q. -7j C.-OO N - n '- co n N N to CO N T N CO O 0) co O co Of co- 0)co O Of N to 13 C CO O CO- C V' 0 V' C N . (O N 3 CO CO 7 .- N 7 CO N to co 7 7 -4 E O C N ' CO CO sf N CO CO .- C coco 0) co N 0)CO CO N CO CA 0 C CO V O r- n O) ° N CO CO 0 v n rn 0 O t n COO CCD 10 n c n N n 0 00) 0 CO f• 0 to O) 0 N CA C9 co 0) co ;:i. co N CD O. Co cri G g 0) CO V Q to u) O Q N CO Q N CO To 7 N 0 C W CD CO O to CO 00 n CO 0 0 O.' 7 CD co to N. co co v COO C 0 y Q co C") co rn to CO COf raOi 16 C CO) CO m d f 2 a r w O 0 (I) O. > N CO Z0 m O to to co CA 0) co COO n to co 0 to Y Cn N N J 0a. N.CO N �O LL N N co U. N COO t/) N F U 3 L C -J J v m U n .0 co CD n v N COD n CN7 CO n = N w X W o) co n co • n co u) o) CO v c) a) LU F am)C C co cc it 10 co = 00 coL O a) QW ` 3s CJ) COO m m F- r J L a. co W 0 _O = H 0 = 6.2 ILI p = ~O PS) CD O LL W c? Q W c) W ,_ c? c) Z G 13 0_ J d Z 5 rn } F- H ti :l >- F- I -a �` >- F'- i T, g a? ' Q m o oQ m o Q cD O D D U > G. - F- S.`. d. H u) d ►- 0 Z CO . Fringe]0enefits 1998 (actual expenditures through 12/31/97> | ------- - ---- L � | / Gross kN��mo ! | -�__---__ __ _ Retirement ! 28,988'101 ! _ --- --- -��--'�-- | - -- ---- W/Pers j 1'250\617 V�o,Yfo�5�xk | VV/Lmoff ! 609'889 | -- 3,472'402 - Fire Pensions ! 284'403 | - - DefemedComp O Net Wages PriorYoarSvcComtu ' O 2G -- - | - -- -------� LmoffU Dim |no O| __ | 2'154`709 / ! ---7 Retirement/NetWo au= 8.45% i _ ����em� �'154^�OB Re Medical/Dental| Medical/Dental 3'539'537 --- -T-- — 7 -------�--- FICA 1,750,835 Prepaid Medical _ 2,272,684 Other Benefits | 717,682 Uniform Medical 355441 8,162,543 Prepaid Dental 634:867 Ins Fund/Medical Benefits 312,5421 Other Benefits Industrial Insurance 429,6921 Life Insurance 95,1681 Unemployment Comp 74,650 Uniform Allowance 55,525 LT Disability 62,6271 717,6621 Vacation 6.7 Holiday Sick 2.92% Total Fringe Benefit 1/26/88 LH 98RATE.XLS summary cc agIae1aeIaeIaeIaeIo 1* 10 IN I�I 1 iZ (0OIco -1 , a Ni ItOIOOcn UM, I 55 1- I I I i 1 } 1� O)�1� to N�Ico co co �t!�tlt�ol T Q a) NLOcocowIO)l(011�I 0) 0 zco toui 11.INI1.IolNILDIi .4- -J N MIr-I jr- e INi -J X I ! H -T� aelaeae ae aeae 1 ae Q cc Z NCfTtNO)101M1N1 C) l ae1 Lo Lo cc; d' 0 .-- .F 1Lo I �II , I I ! j co (DNCOCDO)Ioaoco N 0) O) NCOCONIMN .-- CO I 0) M V OII-: D tD O 0 00 i coco CoMOO) MN O CO10) �- 1 Co CO N d ir'sjOIN' .:1- 1 OD Cr;CO u)CO(0.0) CO 1 i 0) M (0 CI) CO00000I 0N (0001". 0N01 N M .-� , ! ICI • I Z N CO .— MO) CON0)I 1 ODt\i.- NNNN0) I i I aE N M O ct ILD miII\I. ` ii III -i- I I ID I d'[co toQ)�CO N ()Ito!-- I co IC) IUD .-IUDILDIM Cr Ni(DI 0) I0) HI ODI(OI•- OD C))1N.cr 0) - ! j I0 MLDNNICOCD01 '� I ODj00 0) .7IN I0 coO)I co . .Nit° cOi0'cnj ,ct 0) N (D (OCDCIM (O; I i0)IO tol(oILDiO)jco co; I ! •-jM,•.- I.-� ,N! N _ l ! I ! N l l l J o, cc I aelaelae I l ae ae 1 ae Ico Z1 l N1.--IMIN I��.L0 N:' 1 d t0 I.-'Lo d' .- N 11 aj IN100 1� (silo; 4LAINNi. 1 1 ! I -'_ I 1 j , j I 11 I CO!NL00N0 .-, I to o HI co iMI(DIO) co 01010 Lol I QI ICI !(D (Div" CO CCOO N CDD Ito I CC ! 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Lo r cD a co =• !b 0 O Uf = 5 � ? . an o a V! N � c a ? m T ? CD ° n ..CD 0 = y A- r•r a W 0 0. = a) o Q to CD C c CD y o m g =_ O: y * V g 5 r,,-• _ -. -,-- m• --i ,CD 04. co 3 = m 09. a3 o co co •+� oo am ui Z D a_ 'f o v ? = �' CD�I 3 ? OO � ri X cO D (D� C) occ ? n CO O. C CO U) cD O O r ��.. 7 � dp000CDa OO? AA rOO ��NWC) CDCD 0- 21L�D cD fl•� o: •cn o no.a=yD m f = ^. 5oc w D o o M Z 03 •C'-2_co3 < 3vo, '=.0.05FA1_3 = a5moa-o3 moo_ O o m m•N amC0 m M C m 7CO v ° o�ioo m•f Oc n�3 -,° Qao co=1 co = c __,ma o 7.N0- . mc o.,, a O --,{n Imo 70oNS--,- a,.„--=ci > 0 0.-azm rn Wc7c• n �^�o c�m o ac�o ico �j�cn DJ m ° -oawtD o 0CD CD 3 o'm o C) Ao -oo p»O `c pi?.w ZO =C'"0-0C- 3 0 Mc° 0 �c�j'w�Zco� ooNomoCDZ'° �0 O7o•Z Dom- aN0- o0>DCDic.cCDnNmo1joZJ.07.< oao-• w.Z' CZOO m jy m, --mw sv m 3 3 o 3-2 oc'~Som0 • o cn P ov2 o 0 o 3 0ZT y o a_ 0 m * c� m. 3 �o sn93Z c(�� no 3 now step o �roA jZ D o-w m o 0,,z = °1. ZZ 0 03ocDOaCDo30CD ^co'o0W 0• coo ?o -••n.0• no cc, 00 j �• ••A c�D — 3 D—n.3 ° 3.0.cco fD NNNA• Q'N= � 00 A ,<o 0cmi)0 y O° N r•n 0 a= 0 ci.w o o aw W wow- 0 0 o O�o 00 Oo ZcZ 0'�' .-. CD s .� N O n a s w w m CO n • w o CD m Qo N'.00 ao.a�'c�i dip.,• > >'a o CD �o ^n7 o CD WC�sN �m�o •^�iri 3•o m 0 CD m iv =•� m �ac� �D9•na= aw= ooco WC�(� m�3CD <°, oCCDi, p o °KCDc-D mw mQ_, D - xM°CDo om w nco o m CD caooa COcnQ3 ... m ' m .o o , < c a:s omr=mommc mo�-,., cpu Dor 'o 20-n' � o0ocga0oa • co cp _v'aoynw � rom op o00� 3' o . ,� o. m co = 0- Wno (To 3. 33Q3 'Q0� a' c . .coao oStcn o _> o a@ 0 CO • m CD o0omCDco . mD �.co-ODCovfDCCDI Zcoo .o . �(p g.5�009 7�o a Cp�� a- O»� ZV VOi 3a) .. v'c -CD cos Co o•m o.3 _.c -» m 6- iv Nam cc7 C7-.. CCDD 5-co Z- .< CD 0 0.CCC 0 CDC am - 0 0 o� mom moO,, omw z3 m30 coco0 O . 0- <n o_O ` D—'1a r:. OcDcn omO co 9 C - OCD •p0. 3'< °' .- 08C Ulo0N7C 00n�• ,• w.xc CD m w CD o�. c o-CD o - 3 COO- CD o _ d m m o w =0 W cD Wm 1 --ovw <Mo � c icgom coo �mmmo0m � y ' ��. . 2. c' m ?o9cc c°? F°a) cn v�05ag CDoo STA7. s ::: "" 9y less STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 906 Columbia St. SW • PO Box 48300 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8300 • (360) 753-2200 December 18, 1997 CITY OF RENTON TO: Officials of Cities and Towns DEC 2 2 1997 FROM: Susan Roberts, Program Supervisor RECEIVED Safe and Drug-Free Communities Unit CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Final Estimate of 1998 Criminal Justice Funding Allocations to Cities Attached for your information is a spreadsheet showing the final estimate of 1998 allocations of Criminal Justice Funding to Cities, administered by the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED). These funding allocations are estimates. The amount of funding you receive may change due to population changes during the upcoming calendar year. Quarterly Distributions For the program period January 1, 1998, through December 31, 1998, funding distributions will be made at the end of April, July, and October 1998, and January 1999, by the Office of the State Treasurer. To find out exactly how much funding you receive each quarter, ask your Clerk/Treasurer for a copy of your city's "Remittance Advice" sent to you by the Office of the State Treasurer. On the Remittance Advice, the following BARS Codes correspond to the CTED portions of the Criminal Justice Funding: Program Area 1 (Innovative Law Enforcement Strategy) 336.06.22 Program Area 2 (At-Risk Child or Child Abuse Response Program) 336.06.23 Program Area 3 (Domestic Violence Reduction/Counseling) 336.06.24 Program Area 4 (Contract for Majority of Law Enforcement) 336.06.25 If you have any questions,please call Tedd Kelleher at (360) 664-0696, or Susan Roberts at (360) 753-0738. SR:tk Attachment * 00 w. 0 7 0 0 M O, M ,o O O, C O N O N ,O C ,N V O r1 V' N '1 kr,C C nt N 0 O . v O O C 00 M O N N kr,N O, -- — 7 N 00 V V) O N 0 M -- 00 V' O M Vl C 00 M 0, sr) O •�+ 00 00 M V N N 00 V) 00 V o0 00 M o0 oo O 00 GO 00 M V O h V Go V vl Qi U N N •-- 00 00 O N C r 00 N M M N N vl h M 1-7 N M — — N oo G\ G a\ 00 7 id c3 a U mi a ' •_ o W Q tri a• C C C C C C C C 0 0 N C C C C C O C C C C N C 0 0 ,0 C C .4 O ',I- C C C C• N • o0 0 oo N N • ' v) 0 - N o Er o •. - E 2ccot w .Y E c 'n o b c4w0 w Q -boL L A ° LTAo Er U U p - v1 O O vi 'C O v1 C O O C C C O O m 00 ' N C O o0 0 0 C O In r 1 O O O 00 0 0 v1 ✓ : M Vl M O V O N O N 00 01 1-- O N UJ N N - kn T. m O — N C r' V 'C O N N — M O c:1 N N r•, O N V a 00 •-• V'• r1 0o O, M N C — •-- M 0,• — M• N 7 ,J M O N vl M .-. d b0 C A QN .Uv) C o4 C 4" N - -o p 'b 0 -- C =• • 0 0.' 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N 1'� O ,t o0 Pk U O N N N N NN 00 i vi en ^ ^ O O V' ^ N CI- N M M 0O1 D, "a ca 7 '-' O 5 O E O 'n 0 ^ W A A O O O O O CD N O O O O O O O 00 M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 7r O O M O • r1 7r, vi N N V .C .-. -. M M - oo o O 4° .'' E F 'n vUcg V d tZ o a w Q w A 0 w . U U q - O 00 Vl O VI 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 VI O M h M N V1 0 0 0 0 0 vn M 01 Vl Vl O rn 0 0 0 0 0 0 N O M vl V un N 0\ O d 00 M 0\ O d d ^ N 0 0 O \J 00 VT vl E• - 01 00 00 N N .-^ V1 O V' r d O 0\ 00 d M Vl 0\ 'cr O h 'V Gil vT a • .V.. rn .-. en .•. mt^ Vl cl^ M 1: N - . O N D T1 O y U O •C a) Cd u .o O _o g ._ ❑ .r... 'E : 2 *j a) o nn < v, O A Ix U W q a '. o - E u W G ea 0 00 k o v, o0 00 C 0 0 0 0 v o en v, M N en C CD 0 C C v) M 0\ 'n C M C O c C 0 0 Z , .fl N O M v1 v, N as C d 00 M 01 C d d ^ N V .0 O '.0 00 'n L - a1 00 00 N N ^ C 0 d O C 00 d M Q^ d O h `? O^ vn N M r7 d vl M r 10 N d MV 4 O O C - � CL. id D a C C o o p. 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Cn cn cn C cn cn cn c cn Ec' H E= t-H E-- ED H E- E-, H > > 3 3 O\ o C4wlnaOZA4.1A XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X N ..r # O0 w 0 00 — v) M O O r v) O 0 01 r 00 O N r O — r V 01 M 0 CD r 01 C1 O M 00 N N vl O LO 0- 00 N 00 r O M �, M O r 0 V 0- r Cl.. — LO 0 C, O Or N N N M c0 "' M — N M 01 N — — -- M N L V M M N a v C S rn : Q - v o v ao E0E▪ 0 -c .- C..) .0 oA (.] F •- i O (- 0. — En 0 0 0 0 vl O O O O O O co r co O N 0 0 — O O o 0 1-- 0- o °° Cr . , n0 M NNNi O v N _ c3 0O 00 :E 1• — - z - 0 te a+ E = .O c ,-C) dW L. O (LI E. W O E. U p - O v'i O O ' O O v1 O vi 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00 O C • C\ vl 00 'V Cr 0- ON v1 Vl -. 01 N M E O vl v1 01 V ON N N vl -.. 00 0. •2• N M ,-. — 'cf M N To � � C v y U O ko▪ - 'b 7543 g C •E : .) j a) o • d 0 •y cy a: U W Q 0 - —W 'b C as y o co co co co 0 vl CD V1 00 0 0 O1 0 0 0 0 0 v) O 00 0 — .0 .. .D 0- v r 1 GO V' 01 0- O ON kr>N — Cr r M CO _ 01 v1 v1 0, 0- O 0, CDL - -0 — N M 7 — .-. — N • .- U N rod M M h � to. "0o Lel o a) •C - 62doF. is 7 7 = d -o °' E C .n C C C d _n E • = 0 a w w Ca U m o 0 o. ce o E +r C aa — o rn o O1 0 r v) O CY 0 01 0 01 0 0 m O o r.- 0 rn M M M Cr, O r In M cn It) Cr 00 01 r o0 LO I"- al N r N Ln r M — '0 N 'IF M 00 00 r y > — N 01 N M — A N tF v 0 C y coo C C 4' .-C. C y - C 0 0 W (4 0 d n 3 W Ca al E .a p 0 v M O O v r 0 1 oO C1 O O 1 O -1' v1 co r v) O O C1 Lon O 0 bC 00 O1 r r O N '0 M O1 ON 01 en — _ r 00 0 00 — — Cr, r U = cl 00 v1 N — — ON O Cr.„ 00 '1- N N cn vi Cr, a1 tin, O M M Y 0 .y o M N r - - N 1O Cl" — — Cr, M rn — N N N_ OwU N M O C d O V a M Co — t .A O N Q To A U ctl N O W ., 00 c0i - >, ro 0 1 s G u X a. > C cTo a• E `_' O = 0 0 y c ° o c m 3 ctl 3 U ca it' ca 0 0 s - .S .5 0 0 0 U ae k — — 01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a >. a N MD a: Wvna, OZAWCIXXX X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X N CD NC_ ma) a1 O Ca7 �� C CY Yea) Y 0« 0 O'- a) a) O ;v a)• . 8 or ay'O C _ co 0-0 a a) 3 E-0 ° 0 > 0)as �' EZ > i6co� a) o + . Z L a)- in m C C Om O Z L�NM �. wv cn•gEo o ° om a wL OM 0 C7� o �VNo o°CuraOca; 0oimc6m� wJ } NO - 6 CO d7�'0 yN�.0 UN >� aCfY! mLMNCUB ' my2cN mO.CY0O 00 LL w-�L c =p -O y Ct� fl. C °c ° c �� ©� W C 00mOMi U °.m•�1— cC6 E wl�a)V N 8 as N .Lp-.� rn - E UW1-tn0rn O.o a0 N� cs w9.g'ou)- °Uci O d c Wi Vww�Tio °-00aa) a „' ° Enco � cwL=YQSa 76 a� 2�OP ov E al• °o�mo!.o ° °-2 a) cF- E f M o ° di E Z c 1p N c'. 0dQ a�°iz-5 >. 0Z > -0"' Z.d > CCr m-Cco 0 m 3 a Z o ° Z_c.EC m2U Z • N O a)p) >, a) L p> � NO O U U c c_cu U o -_0 N. Ws � E � c o of 69- M 0 c w O O 7 0 O 0) .- c •a) 1- a) 0 -0 a) Z • oo a) .,.c _c c_ O O\ Q. w r-, g 0 _c C _• Oco s~ L bA N • C O O O �� 0 Q c� �/ C O c� Y W ,� C _a as t i .o <• a) CD al 0 C L '2 CO 0 , C o O `o .J J (� • COcA C o = a O Q' o (/� CD m o) U .. �, 4 a) c � o .n u) � w o ` c coC E.— x 3c � Ua•, 3cuo o, o_ a oocu a o E-� c6 c� 0 3 c c U. o (I)ioo2vci o `-) x -o 1 ,e , s _ cc O E y E C O +: a) cc; 3 0 ., a) d • m O O > !n O C C ".- C N U C vi O < �� � Yc� >, 0 o �� � aacm ` >' U i E°' itto c CL0 0 v c \ E LL cmO • ro � � coQ'UmoYLa � 06 m 0 Q -0 c C o.o a c m O C CI) acaCl.= 0. C •cinco •D � `O C' a c� O a) c r ..- Lo ``‘� ,., 1111l1//����' o c a> c) m oao cn \� G.3 Neco i .c 3 � c >. ca s c m s E E a - 'Q� ©••y C •a� � c � H —_c • co cis E _ ( `''•N- a) cci ►� J 03 CO co O - 3 O C = c = 'C o Q- a) m % •cP Z II �y ` a) .0 O O +-• O - - cn -C a) O ��yy••y' ca C Q U -� (A c� F- J (q .� d .Oa �//7•�'••• ii December 1, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 398 r.r Ordinance #4692 An ordinance was read amending Sections 8-1-9.A of Chapter 1, Garbage, Budget: 1998 Utility Rates and 8-4-31.C.1 of Chapter 4, Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code relating to 1998 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4693 An ordinance was read fixing the rates and amount of taxes to be levied, and Finance: 1998 Property levying the same upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in the City Tax Rates of Renton, Washington, to finance the departments and activities of city government, and to provide for the general obligation bond principal and interest redemption requirements for the year beginning on the first day of January 1998. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4694 An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 1998 in the Finance: 1998 Budget total balanced amount of $106,806,380. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Executive Assistant Jay Covington reported that Renton received a resolution Fire: EMS Levy from the City of SeaTac supporting a proposed three-year Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy, and urging five specific jurisdictions to recommend this levy to the King County Council. Assuming a February ballot issue, the last day the County Council can act on this item is December 15th. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A SIMILAR RESOLUTION SUPPORTING A THREE-YEAR EMS LEVY.* Councilman Parker inquired if the Administration will secure the necessary information regarding short- and long-term options for EMS funding. Mayor Tanner replied that he supported an EMS levy unconditionally at this time and would endeavor to produce a proposal that will be acceptable to a majority of the voters. If approved, the levy would fund EMS services for up to three years, during which time local jurisdictions could work to establish an alternate funding mechanism for EMS services. *MOTION CARRIED. Council: MLK Jr. Holiday Noting that last December, the City Council voted to cancel its meeting scheduled on the day designated to observe Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, Councilman Corman suggested that it consider doing the same in 1998. AUDIENCE COMMENT Citizen Comment: Fontes Zanetta Fontes thanked Council for its continued support of the King County - King County Sexual Sexual Assault Resource Center. Assault Resource Center Funding EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 10 MINUTES TO DISCUSS AIRPORT LEASE NEGOTIATIONS. Time: 8:23 p.m. CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4694 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1998 . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I . The Annual Budget for the City of Renton for the year 1998, heretofore prepared and filed with the City Clerk, as modified hereby after due notice and hearing thereof as provided by law, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, adopted, and confirmed as such Annual Budget for the Year 1998, and same by this reference is incorporated herein as if fully set forth, labeled as (A) Expenditures and (B) Resources . Ordinance No. 4693 adopted on December 1 , 1997, fixes the amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1998 . SECTION II. Attachment A defines the total sums for the expenditures hereby allowed and established in each of the funds in said 1998 Budget . Attachment B defines the amendments to the Budget as passed by the City Council . SECTION III. The acts taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to its passage or effective date are hereby ratified and confirmed. SECTION IV. A copy of the Budget as herein adopted shall be transmitted to the Office of the State Auditor, Division of Municipal Corporations, and such other governmental agencies as provided by law. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4694 ftof SECTION V. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, this 1st day of December, 1997 . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of December , 1997 . f Marilyn etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of December , 1997 . C7:214%-"4."—/e' Jess anner, Mayor Approved a to form: CIA41.6"(5 /lik"-€1.°./ Lawrence J. Warre , City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/5/97 (Summary) ORD. 687 : 11/19/97 : as . 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4694 ATTACHMENT A 1998 BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND RESOURCES AND EXPENDITURES Fund Resources Expenditures General Governmental Funds 000 General $33,951,558 $33,754,273 101 Park Fund 7,453,900 7,423,468 103 Street Fund 4,856,251 4,848,846 106 Library Fund 1,192,325 1,192,322 201, 207,212,215 Limited GO 1,816,183 1,816,183 Special Revenue Funds 102 Arterial Street Fund 342,925 320,000 104 CDBG 340,413 340,413 105 Impact Mitigation 292,500 0 118 Paths and Trails 3,400 0 125 1%for the Arts 1,250 1,250 127 Cable Communications 30,250 25,100 213,219 Unlimited GO 1,269,747 1,269,747 220 LID Debt Service 738,467 696,495 221 LID Guaranty 545,000 545,000 Capital Funds 316 Municipal Facilities 4,511,646 4,511,646 317 Transportation 4,285,323 4,294,623 Enterprise Funds 401 Waterworks Utility Fund 21,678,027 21,678,027 421 Waterworks Construction Fund 6,026,500 6,026,500 402 Airport Fund 985,626 985,626 403 Solid Waste Fund 7,189,104 7,131,221 404 Golf Course Fund 2,317,887 2,271,445 Internal Service Funds 501 Equipment Rental Fund 2,571,962 2,365,992 502 Insurance Fund 5,341,194 4,967,722 Fiduciary Funds 601 627,380 340,481 $108,368,818 $106,806,380 3 ORDINANCE NO. 4694 441110 ATTACHMENT B AMENDMENTS 1998 BUDGET Amendment 1. Transfer $77,691 from the Finance Department to the Public Works Department to cover the costs of a position that will be transferred back to the PW Department from the Proposed Budget. Does not change the fund appropriation levels. Amendment 2. Eliminate the Property Tax allocation to the Fire Pension Fund -- $328,500. Does not change the legal fund appropriation levels. Amendment 3. Allocate the Property taxes in Change 2 to the General Fund to cover the costs of Emergency Medical Services levy shortfall. Does not change the legal fund appropriation levels. Provides resources to cover the costs of the budget service level. Amendment 4. Add $5,000 to the Human Services Department budget. This amount will be used in the following ways: $3,000 will be appropriated for King County Sexual Assault Resource Center; and $2,000 will be appropriated for Renton Area Youth Services. Expenditures will legally increase by $5,000. The revenues will come from the property taxes reserved for refunds. This will increase the expenditures to $106,806,380. The General Fund will increase within the total to: $33,754,273. 4 r r.rr' CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4693 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, FIXING THE RATES AND AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED, AND LEVYING THE SAME UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, TO FINANCE THE DEPARTMENTS AND ACTIVITIES OF CITY GOVERNMENT, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REDEMPTION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY 1998 . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington has met and considered its budget for calendar year 1998; and WHEREAS, the City Council, in the course of considering the budget for 1998, has reviewed all sources of revenue and examined all anticipated expenses and obligations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that due to public safety needs, new facility growth and inflationary increases there is a substantial need to increase the regular property tax limit factor above the rate of inflation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I . The limit factor for the regular levy for the calendar year 1998 shall be 4 . 3 percent, excluding the new construction levy amount, of the highest amount of regular property taxes that could have been lawfully levied in City of Renton in any year since 1985 . SECTION II . There is hereby levied a tax on all taxable property, both real and personal, within the City of Renton and 1 .44100 log ORDINANCE NO. 4693 '' subject to taxation under the laws of the state of Washington, on the first day of January 1998, at the rate of three dollars and fifty five cents ($3 . 55) per thousand dollars of assessed value of such property, such tax being levied for the purpose of raising sufficient revenues to finance the various departments and activities of the municipal government of the City of Renton for fiscal (calendar) year 1998 . Where state statute stipulates another rate on a class of personal property, such rate shall apply, and provided that in the event such rate, when extended, would generate taxes in excess of the maximum amount allotted by law, then such rate shall be reduced to the rate that will generate the following: Estimated 1998 Regular General Property Taxes $13,555,026 Estimated 1998 New Construction General Property Taxes $251,604 Estimated 1998 Excess Levy Property Taxes $1,300,000 Total General and Excess Levies $15,106,630. SECTION III . The taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together with estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1998, shall be so appropriated and as finally itemized and classified in the annual budget for the fiscal year 1998 be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969, Extraordinary Session, as amended. 2 r '"' ORDINANCE NO. 4693 SECTION IV. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be transmitted to the Clerk of the King County Council and the King County Assessor' s office and such governmental bodies as provided by law. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five (5) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS 1st day of December , 1997 . yetersen CityClerk Marilyn � APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 1st day of December 1997 . Jess anner, Mayor Approved as o form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/5/97 (Summary) ORD. 689: 11/19/97 : as . 3 Now Amends ORD 4643, 4659 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4692 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AMENDING SECTIONS 8-1-9 .A OF CHAPTER 1, GARBAGE, AND 8-4-31.C.1 OF CHAPTER 4, WATER, OF TITLE VIII (HEALTH AND SANITATION) , OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" RELATING TO 1998 UTILITY RATES FOR ALL CUSTOMER CLASSES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I . Section 8-1-9 .A of Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : 8-1-9 : RATES FOR SERVICES : The following schedule is hereby adopted as the charges to be paid to the City for services rendered for each category: A. Residential Customers : 1 . For garbage cans and/or garbage units : Mini can $5 .65 per month 1 can collected weekly 11 . 95 per month 2 cans collected weekly 19 . 00 per month 3 cans collected weekly 25 . 60 per month 4 cans collected weekly 32 . 65 per month 5 cans collected weekly 39 . 70 per month Each additional can weekly 7 . 05 per month Extra garbage, under 15 gallons 3 .50 per unit Return trip charge 3 . 00 per trip 2 . Senior and/or disabled customers who qualified under section 8-4-31 .0 of this Title for low- income rates prior to August 1, 1994, are eligible for a one dollar forty cents ($1 .40) fee mini-can 1 I ORDINANCE NO. 4692 N*1100 oe service for a seventy five percent (75%) subsidy, or two dollars twenty cents ($2 . 20) for a forty percent (40%) subsidy. For those senior and/or disabled customers who qualify under section 8-4- 31 .0 of this Title for low-income rates after August 1, 1994, are eligible for a one dollar forty cents ($1 .40) fee mini-can service for a seventy five percent (75%) subsidy, or three dollars thirty cents ($3 . 30) for a forty percent (40%) subsidy. For services other than mini-can, the rate schedule above will apply. SECTION II. Subsection 8-4-31 .C. 1 of Chapter 4, Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : 8-4-31.C.1: Low-Income Seniors : A "low-income senior citizen" is defined as a person sixty-two (62) years of age or older who resides in a single-family dwelling that is separately metered for water usage, either as owner, purchaser, or renter, and whose total income, including that of his or her spouse or co-tenant, does not exceed the annual income thresholds for low- income rate eligibility. The annual income threshold for eligibility for low-income rate shall be adjusted each calendar year, proportionate to the increase in the local consumer price index (for urban wage earners and clerical workers) , to a base of the most recent census data available for determining the median household income for Renton. Any household with a disposable income of thirty five percent (35%) or less of the median household income for the City of Renton will be eligible for a 2 % ... ORDINANCE NO. 4692 seventy five percent (75%) rate subsidy. Any single occupancy household with an annual disposable income between thirty five percent (35%) and forty percent (40%) of the Renton median household income is eligible for a forty percent (40%) percent rate subsidy. Any double occupancy household with an annual disposable income between thirty five percent (35%) and fifty percent (50%) of the Renton median household income is eligible for a forty percent (40%) rate subsidy. For the calendar year 1998 those figures shall be fourteen thousand four hundred eighty eight dollars ($14, 488 . 00) per annum or less for a seventy five (75%) rate subsidy and between fourteen thousand four hundred eighty eight dollars ($14, 488 . 01) and sixteen thousand five hundred fifty eight dollars ($16, 558 . 00) for a forty percent (40%) rate subsidy for single occupancy, and for double occupancy households sixteen thousand nine hundred eighty eight dollars ($16, 988 . 00) or less for a seventy five percent (75%) rate subsidy, and between sixteen thousand nine hundred eighty eight dollars ($16, 988 . 01) and twenty thousand six hundred seventy dollars ($20, 670 . 00) for a forty percent (40%) rate subsidy. SECTION III. These rates shall become effective with billings computed on or after January 1 of the year the budget is adopted. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. 3 1 Now ORDINANCE NO. 4692 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of December 1997 . Marily J. etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of December 1997 . Jes Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawr ce J. Warre , City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/5/97 (Summary) ORD. 682 : 11/14/97:as . 4 November 24, 1997 NorRenton City Council Minutes , Page 388 Resolution #3294 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Transit interlocal cooperative agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board Signal Priority Project, for the design and construction of the Renton Transit Signal Priority System. TIB Grant, CAG-97- MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/01/97 for second and final reading: Planning: Center An ordinance was read amending Section 4-31-10.1.D.2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Downtown Upper-Story Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by eliminating upper- Setback Elimination story setbacks for property zoned Center Downtown and located in the Downtown Core Area. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/01/97. CARRIED. Planning: Card Room An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-31-2, 4-31-10.1.C, 4-31-10.2.C, Ordinance Revisions 4-31-10.4.B.2, 4-31-10.5.C, 4-31-11.1.B.2, 4-31-11.2.B.2, 4-31-12.B.2 and 4- 31-16.C.6 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code by adding card rooms as a definition, adding card rooms as a prohibited use in the Mixed Commercial (CM), Community Commercial (CB), Convenience Commercial (CC), and Commercial Office (CO) zones, and adding card rooms as a permitted secondary use in the Arterial Commercial (CA), Light Industrial (IL), Medium Industrial (IM), and Heavy Industrial (IH) zones. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/01/97. CARRIED. Budget: 1998 Utility Rates An ordinance was read amending Sections 8-1-9.A of Chapter 1, Garbage, and 8-4-31.C.1 of Chapter 4, Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code relating to 1998 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/01/97. CARRIED. Finance: 1998 Property An ordinance was read fixing the rates and amount of taxes to be levied, and Tax Rates levying the same upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in the City of Renton, Washington, to finance the departments and activities of city government, and to provide for the general obligation bond principal and interest redemption requirements for the year beginning on the first day of January 1998. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/01/97. CARRIED. Finance:,1998 Budget An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 1998 in the total balanced amount of $106,806,380. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12 01 97. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance # 4689 An ordinance was read amending Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code Legal: Wireless by adding Chapter 38, Wireless Communications Facilities. MOVED BY Communications EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Ordinance ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. November 24, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes •..+ Page 385 Nov MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR INVESTIGATION AND A REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. EDNSP: Hotel/Motel Tax Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Increase for Tourism submitted the recommendation of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee that Council approve a 1% increase in Renton's hotel/motel tax, the proceeds of which would be used for tourism purposes. Refer to Finance Committee; set a public hearing on December 8, 1997, on the proposal. Budget: 1997 Year-End Finance and Information Services Department recomended adoption of 1997 Adjustments year-end budget adjustments in the amount of $2,203,158. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Financial Finance and Information Services Department requested permission to hire the Planning Manager Hiring Financial Planning Manager at step E of the salary range. Refer to Finance at Step E Committee. CAG: 97-, Oakesdale Ave Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommended approval of a SW Construction, The Memorandum of Agreement with The Boeing Company for contributions in Boeing Company the amount of $4,587,645 towards the construction of Oakesdale Ave. SW from SW 16th to SW 31st Streets at a total estimated cost of $11,390,138. Renton's remaining cost share is $3,020,700. Council concur. CAG: 94-114, Cedar Surface Water Utility Division recommended approval of Addendum No. 2-97 River Section 205 Flood to CAG-94-114, agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for cost Damage Reduction sharing of the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Damage Reduction project. The Project, US Army Corps modification requires no budget changes or additional cash contributions on of Engineers Renton's part. Council concur. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Keolker-Wheeler presented a report recommending approval Committee of the Whole of the 1998 Budget as presented by the Executive and amended by the Budget: 1998 Council. The total appropriated in the 1998 Budget will be $106,806,380. The General Fund Budget will be $33,754,273. The amendments to the budget include: 1. Transfer $77,691 from the Finance Department to the Public Works Department to cover the costs of a position transferred back to Public Works from the proposed budget. No budgetary impacts. 2. Eliminate the property tax allocation to the Fire Pension fund -- $328,500. No budgetary impacts. 3. Allocate the property tax changes in the above notation to cover the costs of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy, if necessary. No total budgetary impact. 4. Add $5,000 to the Human Services Department budget. This amount will be used to fund $3,000 in services from the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, and $2,000 for the Renton Area Youth Services. The monies will come from the reserves set aside for property tax refunds. November 24, 1997 *Now City Council Minutes �, Page 386 The 1998 property tax rate will be $3.55 per thousand for the regular property tax levy which is a reduction of five cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 388 for ordinance.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Public Works: Water and concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council authorize the following Wastewater Telemetry transfer of funds for a contract with RH2 Engineering to upgrade the City's System Upgrade, RH2 water and wastewater telemetry system. The transfers are $42,000 in water Engineering, CAG-97- utility accounts and $7,000 in wastewater utility accounts. The transfers are to be included in the 1997 year-end budget adjustments. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the consultant contract with RH2 Engineering. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #153251 - 153737; two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,756,776.58; approval of Payroll Vouchers #156582 - 156860; and 486 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,210,664.81. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Committeee that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute Supplemental CAG: 97-061, Oakesdale Agreement No. 1 with Kato & Warren, Inc. for engineering services to finalize Ave SW (SW 16th to 27th) Phase IA design and plans, specifications and estimates for the Oakesdale Design Engineering Ave. SW roadway extension in the amount of $250,249. MOVED BY Services, Kato & Warren CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Oakesdale Ave Transportation Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the SW Acquisitions, Setting setting of just compensation for parcels to be acquired in connection with the of Just Compensation Oakesdale Ave. SW extension project. The Committee recommended that Council set just compensation as follows: The Boeing Company, $1,975,650; Benaroya, $90,000; Seattle Public Utilities, $17,250; and Drainage District No. 1, $1,400. To meet the required procedures for acquisitions associated with transportation improvement projects, an appraisal must be obtained and reviewed, and just compensation set by the City Council for each parcel needed prior to negotiations to buy the parcels. The appraisals have been received and reviewed, and are determined to be reasonable and appropriate. By agreement, the Boeing parcel will be dedicated at no cost to the City as a contribution to the project at the above-referenced sum. The amounts recommended for compensation are within the project budget. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Transit Transportation Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Signal Priority Project, that Council adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to TIB Grant, CAG-97- execute an agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the design and implementation of the current and subsequent stages of the Renton Transit Signal Priority Program. This project, number ten in the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), is integral to improving overall traffic operations and providing improved transit mobility. The grant is in the amount of $383,600, with matching City funds of $305,500 and King County/Metro Transit contributing $270,000. MOVED BY APPROVED BY ..... ,,, CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Date it� `Y-°I, COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER 24, 1997 APPROVAL OF THE 1998 BUDGET AS AMENDED and APPROVAL OF THE ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE 1998 TAX LEVY LIMIT (Referred November 1ST) The Committee of the Whole recommends approval of the 1998 Budget as presented by the Executive and amended by the Council. The total appropriated in the 1998 Budget will be $106,806,380. The General Fund Budget will be$33,754,273. The Amendments to the Budget include: 1. Transfer $77,691 from the Finance Department to the Public Works Department to cover the costs of a position transferred back to PW from the Proposed budget. No budgetary impacts. 2. Eliminate the Property tax allocation to the Fire Pension Fund -- $328,500. No budgetary impacts. 3. Allocate the property tax changes in above notation to cover the costs of the Emergency Medical Services levy, if necessary. No total budgetary impact. 4. Add $5,000 to the Human Services Department budget. This amount will be used to fund $3,000 in services from the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center; and $2,000 for the Renton Area Youth Services. The monies will come from the reserves set aside for property tax refunds. The 1998 property tax rate will be $3.55 per thousand for the regular property tax levy which is a reduction of 5 cents per$1,000 of Assessed Valuation. /L4-01 - W Kathy Keo er-Wheeler, Council President November 24, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 383 `w �.✓ Don Erickson, Senior Planner, explained that Renton's Code currently does not address card rooms. Rather, this use is regulated by the State Gambling Commission which has issued licenses to two card rooms in Renton. Mr. Erickson described the changes made in the State's 1973 Gambling Act which was amended in 1996 and 1997. Under the changes, card rooms can now have up to 15 tables per establishment with ten players per table. The State now allows card rooms to be a use unto themselves rather than strictly an ancillary activity. Continuing, Mr. Erickson said the Council adopted a moratorium on card room permits and licenses in August to allow the establishment of local regulations controlling and permitting this use. He noted that concerns have been raised regarding this use and where card rooms should or should not be permitted in the City. In response, staff proposes that card rooms be defined as a distinct land use activity. Staff further recommends that future card rooms be limited to areas outside of Renton's downtown or its community (neighborhood) business districts. Mr. Erickson reviewed the staff proposal, which defines card rooms as an ancillary land use activity governed by the provisions of the State's Gambling Act and licensed by the State Gambling Commission. New card rooms would be prohibited in the Mixed Commercial (CM), Community Commercial (CB), Convenience Commercial (CC) and Commercial Office (CO) zones. Staff further proposes that card rooms be permitted as secondary uses only in the Arterial Commercial (CA), IL (Light Industrial), Industrial Medium (IM) and Heavy Industrial (IH) zones. Their location would be restricted to the Valley Planning area south of I-405 and west of SR-167, and they would be allowed only when ancillary to a permitted primary use where food and beverages are served on the premises. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 388 for ordinance.) Finance: 1998 Budget This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing to consider the proposed 1998 City of Renton Budget in the total balanced amount of $106,806,380. Victoria Runkle, Finance & Information Services Administrator, noted a change in the property tax rate affecting the excess levy amount. She explained this was done because the original excess levy amount was calculated using the total assessed value, but because seniors do not pay this full rate, this amount must be increased by some factor. The excess levy rate has now been rounded to $1.3 million. Audience comment was invited. Mary Ellen Stone, PO Box 300, Renton, 98055, representing the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, thanked Council for considering and approving a $3,000 increase in the resource center's 1998 funding allocation. Ms. Stone said each year, KCSARC provides services to about 120 sexual assault victims from Renton, the majority of whom are children. She expressed appreciation for Council's support of this program, which originated in Renton. November 24, 1997 `.. Renton City Council Minutes Page 384 Richard Brooks, 1025 S. 3rd St., Renton, 98055, Executive Director of Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS), also thanked Council for the additional $2,000 in funding to be provided to RAYS next year. Emphasizing that the annual monetary contribution received from the City is vital to RAYS, he said the organization continues to experience greater demands, particularly from younger, low-income clients who cannot afford to pay for services. Adding that RAYS serves approximately 4,500 clients per year, Mr. Brooks said some of the services provided include counseling, the weekly Lighthouse activity center at Nelsen Middle School, a teen health clinic which will be established in cooperation with Group Health, and a family center in Skyway. Mr. Brooks concluded by thanking Council and the City for their long-term commitment to RAYS. Councilmember Nelson thanked the Administration for locating, at her request, the additional funds to provide to these two agencies. THERE BEING NO FURTHER AUDIENCE COMMENT, IT WAS MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 385 for Committee of the Whole report.) ADMINISTRATIVE Executive Assistant Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report REPORT summarizing the City's recent progress toward goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1997 and beyond. Items noted included: * Renton's Fire Prevention Bureau and King County Fire District #40 will hold a half-day fire safety workshop for apartment managers to impart valuable information on fire behavior, common fire causes, prevention, fire protection systems and evacuation planning. * The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State of Washington provided $15,299 in reimbursement for repair of damage to the Maplewood Park bridge incurred during the March, 1997 flood incident. * The City is hosting an awards night on December 11 th at the Senior Center for all of its Special Olympics volleyball and bowling athletes who competed this year. * Renton, The Boeing Company and the King County Executive requested that Governor Gary Locke and Washington State's legislators join the funding partnership for the Cedar River Flood Control project. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sabin Olson, 15807 SE 116th St., Renton, 98059, requested that the City Citizen Comment: Olson - donate an area for development of a skateboard park. Emphasizing that he Skateboard Park in Renton was not asking for money, but only for a piece of property, he suggested that the area beneath I-405 west of the Narco site and north of Renton Ave. S. would be highly appropriate, since it is covered. Mr. Olson claimed that skateboarding does not generate any more injuries than other sports such as basketball or tennis. Mayor Tanner noted that the property referred to by Mr. Olson belongs to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Saying that Mr. Olson made a good presentation on this subject, Councilman Corman agreed that the rate of injuries incurred in skateboarding is probably comparable with that of other leisure sports. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 17, 1997 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Council President; KING PARKER; COUNCILMEMBERS TIMOTHY SCHLITZER, RANDY CORMAN; BOB EDWARDS; TONI NELSON. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN DAN CLAWSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; PAUL KUSAKABE, Assistant Finance Director; SANDY CHASTAIN, Community Relations Specialist; COMMANDER DENNIS GERBER, Police Department. PRESS Katherine Hedland, South County Journal Denis Law, Renton Reporter APPROVAL OF MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 1997, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Community Relations Specialist Sandy Chastain explained that the annual PRESENTATION "Businesses Committed to Kids" award is sponsored by the City of Renton, the "Businesses Committed to Renton Chamber of Commerce, the Renton School District and the Renton Kids" Award Education Association. She introduced Susan Richards, Executive Director of Renton Communities in Schools, in attendance to present this year's award. Ms. Richards said this award is bestowed on a business which has demonstrated a significant level of support for youth and their families. She then announced that the Ivar's Corporation was chosen to receive this year's award, in recognition of its involvement with local DECA and mentoring programs and because while it employs many youth from the Renton community, it emphasizes to its student employees that their education is a priority. Gerry Dufor accepted the award on behalf of Ivar's. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Finance: 1998 Budget in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing to consider the proposed 1998 City of Renton Budget in the total balanced amount of $106,801,380. Victoria Runkle, Finance & Information Services Administrator, said the proposed budget recommends status quo, with the exception of three new firefighters, a fairly aggressive capital plan, some additions for parks maintenance of recreational areas such as the Cedar River Regional Park and the downtown piazza, and an additional custodian for the new city hall. The budget also includes more limited term staff to handle increased building permit applications, and another street maintenance worker. Ms. Runkle added that the recent failure of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy could affect next year's budget. November 17, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 374 *.r Responding to Councilman Edwards, Ms. Runkle said Renton is awaiting word from King County as to how the county proposes that EMS needs be met. Mayor Tanner noted that Renton could pass its budget with a contingency for this purpose in case funding is required. Audience comment was invited. Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, commented that the land value of her residential property increased by 285% over the last year, according to the King County Assessor's Office. On another subject, she said if the City does not recoup its costs to service newly annexed areas, then it should not approve additional annexations. Mayor Tanner concurred that annexing residential areas usually has a negative impact in terms of revenue. THERE BEING NO FURTHER AUDIENCE COMMENT, IT WAS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Executive Assistant Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report REPORT summarizing the City's recent progress toward goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1997 and beyond. Items noted included: * Mayor Tanner has asked King County Executive Ron Sims and the King County Council to participate with Renton and Boeing in funding the Cedar River 205 Flood Control project. * WSDOT has completed paving work on Sunset Boulevard in the Highlands, and lane marking buttons are being installed. * The City's Maintenance Services Division is installing concrete blocks across the driveway at the new city hall to prevent traffic heading north on Benson from cutting through the property to travel west on Grady Way. Responding to Councilman Corman, Mr. Covington confirmed the City's intention to include, as part of the planned traffic improvements for this intersection, a permitted left turn from Benson and Main onto Grady Way. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ruthie Larson, 714 High Ave. S., Renton, 98055, questioned whose Citizen Comment: Larson responsibility it is to maintain the landscaping near the detention pond next to - I-405 S-Curve Project; the sit-in park on Renton Hill. She added that before any turnback City Water agreement is accepted from the State for the I-405 S-Curve project, the City should ensure that the Renton Ave. S. extension is repainted. On another subject, Ms. Larson noted that the City has begun adding a new substance to its tap water to cleanse it. She felt that customers should be given the option of removing this additive from their water, and asked how she could do so herself. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that the City uses chloramine to disinfect the water supplied from the Maplewood aquifer. The chloramine effectively treats the naturally-occuring ammonia in the water. Adding that he was not aware of a low-cost process to remove chloramine from tap water, Mr. Zimmerman emphasized that this substance is not harmful and in fact has been used by many other metropolitan water suppliers for many years. COrvult\;f ‘ti--et cOtteto/Mt. CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 17, 1997 TO: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Jesse Tanner,Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator Cr 2 STAFF CONTACT: Gregg Zimmerman(x-6211) SUBJECT: 1998 Proposed Utility Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) ISSUE: Committee of the Whole requested that a briefing be given on the City's proposed capital improvement projects for the 1998 budget year. Please find attached information and maps relating to the 1998 CIP projects for the Water,Wastewater, and Surface Water Utilities. cc: Jay Covington City Clerk MEMO_CC.DOT/ I CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 1997 TO: Gregg Zimmerman Ron Olsen FROM: Lys Hornsby 4 SUBJECT: Descriptions and Budget for 1998 Water Utility CIPs New 1998 Projects: Mt. Olivet Cathodic Protection (Budget$30,000): Designs and constructs project to replace/repair cathodic protection system on interior of the Mt. Olivet above ground storage tank. Chlorine Leak Mitigation (Deluge System)-Wells PW-8 and PW-9 (Budget$30,000): Designs and constructs deluge systems to contain chlorine gas leaks at Wells PW-8 and PW-9. Maplewood Water Ouality Investigation(Budget$30,000): Looks at water quality issues associated with water from Maplewood wellfield: ammonia,manganese, taste and odor, nitrification of chloramines,precipitation of manganese,mixing with waters from downtown aquifer,Well PW-5A and adjacent systems. Emergency Response Plan Update(Budget$80,000): Update the City water system's emergency response plan. This plan has not been updated for 5 years. Water Rate Study(Budget$10,000): Conduct study to reevaluate the rates and rate structure for the utility. 1998 Projects with 1997 Carryforwards GIS Database Conversion(Budget$40,000, carryforward$30,000): Continue work on the GIS database for the water system. Continue to populate tables. Maplewood Well PW-12 Wellhead (Budget$75,000, carrvforward$240,000): Designs and constructs wellhead for Well PW-12 at the Maplewood wellfield. Needed for system reliability and future peak demands. November 14, 1997 ... Page 2 Maplewood Supply/Water Rights Compliance(Budget$10,000, carryforward$10,000): Monitors water levels in the Cedar River and ground. DOE condition of the temporary withdrawal permits for the Maplewood wells. Required to obtain permanent water rights for the wells. Maplewood/Rolling Hills Transmission Main Spawning Channel(Budget$15,000, carryforward $115,000: Designs and constructs salmon spawning channel on Cedar River adjacent to the Maplewood/Rolling Hills transmission main where it crosses the Cedar River. Mitigation measure required by Department of Fisheries as a condition of their permit to cross the river. Downtown Main Rehabilitation(Budget$500,000, carryforward$24,000): Designs and constructs project to replace 50 plus year old,undersized water mains along South 2nd Street between Whitworth Avenue South and Burnett Avenue South;along Morris Avenue South between South 2nd Street and South 3rd Street;and along Logan Avenue South between South 2nd Street and South 3rd Street. Water Main Replacement(Budget$100,000, $50,000): Continue program to replace old,leaking water mains throughout the City. Aquifer Awareness Program (Budget$20,000, carryforward$8,000): Continue the water Utility's public education efforts and public outreach programs for water quality. Cathodic Protection Monitoring(Budget$10,000, carryforward$30,000) Develop systematic program to install and monitor test stations to monitor for corrosion potential on major water mains. Fireflow/Hydraulic Model (Budget$10,000, carryforward$35,000): Develop in-house hydraulic model of water system and update the fireflow maps. 1997 Projects Continuing Into 1998 Well EW-3 Rehabilitation (Budget$590,000): Designs and constructs project to replace 35 year old well in Liberty Park to eliminate electrical safety problem. Existing well is located in buried vault plagued with leaking problems. Pumps and electrical gear need to come above ground. Existing casing is severely corroded. Project installs new casing nearby to existing well and constructs above ground wellhouse over new casing. Corrosion Control Treatment Facilities (Budget$1,610,400): Designs and constructs new chemical storage and pumping building in Cedar River Park, chemical storage building at Springbrook Springs, chemical distribution and containment piping,pavement for chemical delivery truck access and turn around,miscellaneous storm drainage improvements,and miscellaneous dosing, controls,telemetry and safety equipment installations and modifications at Wells 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9 and Springbrook Springs. Provides chemical treatment of drinking water with sodium hydroxide and orthopolyphosphate to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act Lead and Copper Rule. 4.; Nuor Noe November 14, 1997 Page 3 Intertie with Water District No. 90(Budget$49,000): Designs and constructs emergency intertie with Water District No. 90 to increase system reliability. Cost share with WD 90. Rolling Hills Reservoir and Booster Pump Station(Budget$215,000): Designs 3.0 million gallon above ground reservoir and a booster pump station adjacent to the existing Rolling Hills elevated storage tank on the City owned site at Puget Drive SE and Edmonds Drive SE. Will add storage to address deficiencies in equalizing, standby and fire storage for 350 , 490 and 590 pressure zones. Telemetry System Improvements(Budget$42,000): Upgrades and improvements to the Human/Machine Interface component of the telemetry system; replaces 13 year old autodialer. Adds in-depth system documentation and data analysis and reporting. Coliform Monitoring Stations (Budget$30,000): Designs and installs 15 coliform monitoring stations. Eliminates sampling of water via the plumbing systems of private businesses and residences. Water Reuse Pilot Study(Budget$30,000): Investigates reuse of treated wastewater from the Renton Metro wastewater treatment plant. Pay share of tertiary treatment plant cost over 5 year period. Large Meter Replacement(Budget$20,000): Continue program to replace large inaccurate meters. H:DIV/UfIUW fR/LYS/98CIPBUD/LLH:lf CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 1997 TO: Gregg Zimmerman Ron Olsen FROM: Dave Christense SUBJECT: 1998 Capital Projects and 1997 Carryforward Projects Brief Description for Budget Process New 1998 Projects Oakesdale Stubs - Budget $100,000 (98) This project consists of the installation of sanitary sewer main stubs from the existing Metro mains to the adjacent parcels as part of the City's street project. Talbot Crest,Misty Cove/Baxter,and Earlington Lift Station Rehabilitation - Budget $150,000 (98) The work scheduled for and budgeted in 1998 is to perform an engineering evaluation to determine the feasibility to utilize other existing abandoned stations(Honey Dew, Union 600, Sunset,etc.) for the replacement of this station. If not feasible, then we will begin the design process for replacement with new equipment. South Renton Sewer Replacement Ph II - Budget $1,400,000(98) This project is the continuation (phase 1 is currently under construction)of replacement of old sewer mains in the south downtown area of Renton. It is our intention to complete this work in this area with this phase. 1998 Projects with 1997 Carryforwards Kennydale Lakeline Replacement- Budget$200,000 (97)&$75,000 (98) The money allocated in 1997 and '98 is to begin the design process including a pre-design that will evaluate various options for this facility that runs in the lake from the north end of Coulan park (Lake Washington Flush Station)to the 3900 block of Lake Washington Blvd (Lake Washington No. 2 Lift Station). Lift Station Electrical Rehabilitation - Budget$25.000 (98)& $13,000 (97) This project is the continuation of our effort to update our lift stations to meet the State requirements for"lockout and tagout"and to provide an emergency power connection to all of our existing stations. GIS Database and Conversion - Budget$30.000 (98)& $34.000 (97) The purpose of this project is to provide a means for information regarding the sanitary sewer system as a part of the City's overall GIS. This process will allow information regarding our system to be directly available to both City staff and the public. CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 17, 1997 TO: Gregg Zimmerman Ron Olsen FROM: Ron Straka SUBJECT: Surface Water Utility 1998 Capital Improvement Program The following is a summary of the Surface Water Utility 1998 Capital Improvement Program: 1998 NEW PORJECTS I� 1� Y •9 0 E � • cz r �x . w ' `�Bu . . s a s f a fir} s ® o S s SW 27th St. Complete preliminary design and start $175,000 $0 $175,000 Culvert permitting of the project to replace the Replacement existing SW 27th St. culvert crossing of Project Springbrook Creek. The existing culverts restrict flow and need to be replaced with a new culvert crossing structure to prevent upstream flooding and to improve fish passage. Construction is scheduled for 1999. Green River The project consists of providing $13,000 $0 $13,000 Watershed funding to the Green River Ecosystem Forum Restoration Study being conducted and Ecosystem funded by the Army Corps of Engineers Restoration and the other members of the Project Green/Duwamish Watershed Forum. Funding for project management and project coordination is also included. Small Drainage Complete the permitting, design and $150,000 $132,718 $282,718 Problems construction of the N. 40th St. & Program Meadow Ave. NE Storm System Improvement Project to solve an existing flooding problem in the North Kennydale area. 7 : � R a� � FZ cA (of) ;., z.�.«..sk ... 1998 PROJECTS WITH 1997 CARRYFORWARDS Mosquito Conduct a spraying program in the $25,000 $7,373 $32,373 Abatement Talbot Hill Area to control mosquitoes. Program (Talbot Hill Area) Cedar River Complete phase one of the Masonry $2,000 $15,246 $17,246 Flood Control Dam Flood Operations Study in Study coordination with Seattle and King County. Perform flood hazard monitoring during flood season as needed. Stream Collect data from flow monitoring and $10,000 $731 $10,731 Flow/Water crest gauge stations located in the City Quality (Valley area primarily) for use in the Monitoring design and permitting of Capital Program Improvement Projects. Lower Cedar Complete the design, permitting and $2,500,000 $12,485 $2,512,485 River Sediment construction of the Cedar River Section Management 205 Flood Control Project in Plan coordination with the Army Corps of Engineers to solve flooding of the Renton Municipal Airport, the City Park and Boeing. The 1998 budget request assumes $1.4 million in grant funds from Boeing for the project with the Airport Fund budget providing $365,000 to the project. King County and the State have also been requested to join the funding partnership, which could reduce the Surface Water Utility's share of the project cost. Maplewood Complete the design, permitting and $200,000 $145,106 $345,106 Creek Fish construction of the fish channel across Passage Channel the Maplewood Golf Course to the Cedar River. The project would connect into an existing fish ladder constructed by WSDOT as part of the SR-169 Highway Improvement Project and the recently completed Maplewood Creek Sedimentation Basin project. The project reduces flooding on the golf course and downstream properties while restoring fish passage. r 3 1611 € � 'A@lee � e SR-167/SW 23rd Complete the permitting, design and $33,000 $5,063 $38,063 St. Culvert construction of a new culvert crossing Improvement under SR-167 in coordination with the project WSDOT. WSDOT is expected to fund a majority of the project cost. The Surface Water Utility funding is primarily for the permitting and design coordination with WSDOT. Installation of flow restrictors at the other SR-167 culvert crossing would also be installed as part of the project. Olympic Pipeline Complete the permitting, design and $25,000 $5,173 $30,173 Culvert construction of a culvert to replace an Replacement existing culvert crossing under the Project Olympic pipeline crossing of the SW 23rd St. channel. The culvert would be sized to convey flows from the Panther Creek Wetland area from the proposed new SR-167 Culvert to Springbrook Creek. Springbrook The project includes two phases. The $20,000 $262,195 $282,195 Creek Widening first phase includes the construction of Project (SW 16th channel improvements from the SW St. to SW 23rd 16th St. bridge to the proposed new St.) Oakesdale bridge over Springbrook Creek as part of the Oakesdale Ave Extension Project. The second phase consists of completing the design and starting the permitting for the Springbrook Creek Channel Improvements from the new Oakesdale bridge to SW 23rd St. The project will solve flooding problems in the Renton Valley, improve water quality and enhance fish habitat. Phase two construction is dependent upon funding from the Natural Resource Conservation Service and is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 1999. Lake The project consists of providing joint $18,000 $846 $18,846 Washington/Ced funding to the Lake Washington ar River Forum - Fisheries Restoration Study by the Lake Washington members of the Lake Fisheries Washington/Cedar River Watershed Restoration Forum. Funding for project Study management and project coordination is also included. a i - fl .. %� i� 'fit � � s € •. t && 1 uw: 1997 PROJECTS CONTINUING INTO 1998 Surface Water Complete preparation of the Plan and $0 $7,470 $7,470 Utility present to Council for adoption in late Comprehensive 1997 or early 1998. The Plan provides Plan an overview of current Surface Water Utility programs and identifies future needs. NE 27th Complete the design, permitting and $0 $1,020,559 $1,020,559 Aberdeen construction of a storm interceptor in Drainage coordination with the East Kennydale Improvement Sewer Interceptor Project. The project is partially funded by a Public Works Trust Fund Loan ($621,350). The project is needed to solve local flooding problems due to the lack of storm systems in the area. Panther Creek Complete acquisition of the remaining $0 $87,370 $87,370 Wetland two parcels of property in the Panther Acquisition Creek Wetland for use as part of the Program flood control improvements in the Valley (ESGRW Plan) Lower Cedar Submit the proposed Cedar River Basin $0 $7,898 $7,898 River Basin Plan Plan to Council for review and formal adoption. The City is currently implementing many of the recommendations identified in the Plan. The plan identifies measures to reduce flooding, protect water quality and fish habitat. Wetland Prepare the design and start the permit $0 $136,292 $136,292 Mitigation Bank process for the construction of wetlands on the parcels of land donated to the City by the Glacier Park Co. in the Valley, which would be used to mitigate for wetland impacts from development projects or City projects. Projects that have wetland impacts could purchase credits from the wetland bank instead of creating wetlands on their property. r, ‘rx Vi °• , ‘ L')L ti(fro :=5.de., d�t � �".rw ,,. ". ce,, .,t.' rw'.": .: ,.. �"6� aF.xp �,.a;a: t 5�,�:• ;.,,"s ,.'r .,,'� May Creek Basin In coordination with King County, $0 $10,528 $10,528 Plan complete plan preparation and present recommended plan to Council for adoption. The Basin Plan identifies measures to reduce flooding and to protect water quality and fish habitat. NE 10th & If the fisheries permit issues are $0 $572,117 $572,117 Anacortes Ave. resolved for this project, the permitting, (Mission Hills) design and construction of the project Storm will be completed to solve Improvement neighborhood flooding. If the fisheries Project permit issues cannot be resolved the (NE 5th PI & project would be deferred. The funding Edmonds Ave. for the project would be shifted to the NE Storm NE 5th PL & Edmonds Ave. NE Storm Project -System Improvement Project to solve Alternate Project) flooding problem in that area. Lake Wash. Proceed with the design and permitting $0 $52,838 $52,838 Blvd/NE 44th St. for drainage improvements downstream Exit Storm of 1-405, which would include culvert Improvements replacements under Ripley Lane down to the Port Quendall site. The project includes coordination with the Port Quendall project drainage improvement to ensure adequate capacity is provided for the Gypsy Subbasin Drainage area. NE 10th St. &Complete the design, permitting and $0 $204,707 $204,707 Monroe Storm construction of storm system Replacement improvements at this location to solve a chronic flooding problem that presents a hazard to the public. Cedar Basin Plan The funding for this project will be used $0 $200,000 $200,000 CIP to fund a portion of the Maplewood Creek Fish Channel on the Maplewood Golf Course, which was a recommended project in the Cedar River Basin Plan. SW 43rd St. Complete the construction of storm $0 $90,138 $90,138 Storm system improvements in SW 43rd St. Improvement Construction bid was awarded in 11/97 project and construction is expected to be completed in 1/98. The project will increase the storm system capacity by 20% to reduce flooding in the area. tiA.�.q�yt• +:;• 'R .. Alternative Onsite The study would develop an alternative $0 $60,000 $60,000 SWM Policy approach to meeting state water quality Study treatment and peak flow control standards for new and redevelopment projects. The alternative policy is intended to provide equivalent protection to water quality while not discouraging development and redevelopment projects. The project is needed to bring the City in compliance with the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan and Department of Ecology requirements. Renton The project consists of developing a $0 $60,000 $60,000 Stormwater Renton Stormwater Manual that will Manual establish design standards for all new development, redevelopment and other projects that cause stormwater runoff impacts. The manual is required to have standards that are considered equivalent to the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Manual standards in accordance with the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. Monroe Ave NE Preparation of the preliminary design of $0 $25,000 $25,000 & NE 2nd St. a project to increase the size of an Infiltration existing infiltration system next to the System City shops to solve existing flooding Improvement problems near NE 4th St. & Monroe Ave. NE. As part of the preliminary design other options to solve the flooding problem will be investigated along with basin current and future condition hydrology.. $3,171,000 $3,121,853 $6,292,853 TOTAL FUNDING FROM GRANTS AND LOANS: $2,021,350 (ASSUMED) TOTAL SURFACE WATER UTILITY FUNDING: $4,271,503 (ESTIMATED) If you have any questions regarding the above referenced projects,please contact me at X-5548 H:DOCS:97-1048:RJS:js cc: Ron Olsen wriiiA v .� � aviAiviiA r {� � -_ ,_I •, -z„.„.. --,- aaa r .I) i • Ei amp+ p� I151 R ===_==_== � D =========== mn _ _ �� �,. I' A\Y AY!///! 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I II@ S1HNA , `` € i9 N J_` S Corro%=8 ntrol Facilities c_61, l - I e sSt SE 1911ESt 5,9eNn '" (W96-1997g ^�n _ s PANTHER l_'A ;`i 5E ICE n�y 519eE R - ¢s 199E _\ J� e S 1_A 520aF Y A - aftiai SE LkN A A X+aA- g i C4 _ ] I �� III - = 1PPMa PIS �I PROGRAMS 1997 1 1 998 1999 9 - Wellfield Protection - Mt Olivet Monitoring - Maplewood Water Rights Compliance - Hydraulic Model Development - Aquifer Awareness Program - Fire Flow Mapping Y Capital ry� �• `, �q.�pp� y� /. Water Conservation Compliance Springbrook Fence U�� UTILITY SYSTEMS Improvement Ip9 ® 9 e I e @t Projects - Telemetry Improvements (1997) - Emergency Response Plan Update St + P/B/PW Technical Services — Water Quality Monitoring — GIS Database and Conversion R. MacOsie, D. V'Isneski - Water Rate Study — Coliform Monitoring Stations (1997) F r>J 12 November 1997 Water - Cathodic Protection Monitoring Program - 1998/1999 Steel/Cl/Asbestos Main Replaceme - Cross Connection Program • 1997 ------ City Limits - Large Meter Replacement Program • Multiple year - Aquifer Protection Database • 1998 �'r'� tv g�ram;es• '= 11,11\1•FM\11.FJAM\1 V ._� asR, ======_ - -� D =____ ==_-- = r gmas < i ___________________ a n =_=_______________= g� r_ k a= _ _ I4J:;s 1� e :► � Ik � Q_ • y• r• .. -r:•� 4_:---=-=-=---=-=---=_ ; '1" * ictsit?XSd (D- _ �0rei'age • , *„,, cmsL /e . __ . • _______ _/�t_ _ -____ fi ' •4. _____________________________ ___=______________ _ =____=_—_______ _ .: i , , a NE IDth j s .� � ' ••,I .• so'\ 12�1� r�..A.11 h lR �$1ea '4'\ YiwwYr__:_—=-r_=_---- --- -=--==!->tlC=ill1 6 __ I Fiff x.>,aIR `' '�► ., IS:2E1 sJmaa Al Su a-Ua I ___-_- __— ____—__________________ ___ Z l� if ' sE o+d —r ',.. 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Lb O SEI 1 �`,�,•, 1I S W_ /f/��' � � �r �+ (/p///���`)'I1�1�- tSW30IW 1 • I _ I..aA �LJ_ � i s a •> � ' (/\fie\'\7 '�Qy i 11_ r � ((''II U SE Mg St I �� �4e� v 4 Reha 0 a0, L e--{ • 1 - - Y a a�� \\`SE teas R I s $ $�S `We and Mitigna'tiorr AJN PA le :I • A!e _ I � \,(21Aa s1I_ 4 MaA 4hT1S" SE ' n`J. Ba P ajects �� 1 a L-J�l E= a-e,R �.- (D-.;and Plan i `5... .11. I �f t a r . s g lTbq fl�r I ///�/�./ AJIO•A S � It .IV/ — , ` SE 1791 St « se no e I YTaA --.0)/, �" '_ 9•eere SL pm. / 1 Ilizrom,� •t SE MONA A "A11SEIl9NRa .. feq •I - -T SE MA A 16 . tq up MO0' •• `• SW 43vt I liana� IRgA SE mNR a i ; +T , vsPro �(Clo 4d ) _ _J b �_ — IlmtiA,e1N el -SE Ib 9t "� 'P' 8 r / SEtee91A .88q a, w / '�•jE� i �reaN eY a s St W v a t lA taa St� { - 5 r i _-_t P �`t.J S 1.:..51 SE IMP SI Rr - �r , a - S t9pN St Q S �.A I •\. $ 19pN St t 1 - 1 Y a el' $ S. 4I I !' 519mtl A .Na....'....... __S 5Ste St `\� /� r SE 19mN St :5, _Il SE tad A Y rome A 519W151 - - � � �, a �y 519ea A . . b ,_,IiJ Pi H I s Mi,Eth iR.`+.,' s1aeNNaS � EI�Prg ..A :1:1 �.. e a, Abb., %Ill" A oL tmN A I—I�rl•miS e,•f. .. Surface Water Programs . UTILITY SYSTEMS Surface Water Utd'ity Comprehensive Plan Adoption • Piairw Tedmi MIS Renton Stormwater Manual / Equivalent On Site Policy Program �.'•` R.MacOnie, D.d csld Lake Washington / Cedar River Forum - Lake Washington Fisheries Study map 12 November 1997 Green River Watershed Forum - Ecosystem Study city Limits Capital Improvement Projects Legend 1997 Carry Forward Projects with Adcitional 1998 funding SURFACE WATER UTILITY 1997 Carry Forward Projects 1998 Projects ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-- --''' MIAdrirj 11: _:_:_:_,_,_,_,_,_,::::::::::::::::„v, . _.:„3/4,,,,,,..„.,,,,,,,,,, ,,... , ,,, , ___,_ ..kr" _:_:_:::_:_,„,____________________ :_:_„::::::::::::_:_:_,_:_=„=„ r Mr WM):M 1 ' " ' '' \ ,r,-,,p .„! .__:__,_,_,„,_:_:_,_,_,_._,, 1/4)\A MX ' . .1 1/1al r\_r _,_,_,__,___,_:_::,„ ., ___ • I� / , .. . _, _--- - ___ALL' A. . _ Y(,L - _# 4 SE76TA Iv`I(`! R __ ____—_____ --__ __ s18TA t- _ SE PRR ___ AV SE d 4 --- _--_ _- ____'-- ��SOTR I ------------ seines ,- �. 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A I �dr 741„ 1 S1 AIM4151/40,1 , , ' �� �� SS7#eRI_ �� —_J i 1 9 1IOaksdale - 1 I a 411� ' Stubs : - �i R [ jjb\ trn1 '71Mn SW�5t R,Ti St I .. 44 a �j" 1 s,��.st M _ x, �s Isaa _ ley P _ Llft�xSi 1 I I < !.11--1 �Dp S,e 1.4.110 ` 3 .T • / 11e �.a ISE,FT R II SElfilyd# 6 Li' _ ^�Y xA v Y Istnd R Sv 2mR d' (...:1 ` i N `f SN P.INR V :11�1 59MA Y151YR (((��� (��,�r��) _�A ` tmJ-i' `SE Ie511,, I� Rnt ,F. F�'�"=J Sf III "�'/,.\ glirel i ,synth 51N,,,71,D5,,,,,,IY,891A#I ® :� ; ��`�,E. ..,gy3s11 SITn ... , _. ICIM 43f. �170m s11 g17070m R'fy_ .CF9`4 eft AI _4 , ..,,,,„,, , 1,,,u. SII]1TR , '1 1 It .. i I cs ���111 pe. i•boOdi SE ,�� g 776d St ^ - 1 ST 11t4 , 5•MtlRSEt 1 SE I7T SI g�•4q.. n J\ f If AUVR /� = 5[18TR ` s St se as u J SC IeST A SE n A 4 1e0m sl ■ leiFA! A ISA.ALii 15'Ji? r elO,R irigl -N ,�� -- , , _ . C.$�( I 1170346 1•T(e M .il S p 1 M I, _ 19I_tl.A i tl 1 A,SMnRr�` 1 _� ` 5 R y1n ysl ,' it .% ,slsmnn ``�s� s 00 �s+e'P 1I II �"� 1 SW2,dA _ SSAe# _ I Y/92d St - 9E,fffidn - r X 19bid A SE,92d A SINTA J!-� •.0 tlf ■ -��I '(U�^-LJII�I/`'r�`jy,'��f�JIII c $E 1_TA ... f 195TA - ` r , v i S1_bSt - 5x :I 'ANTHER ; ri 'A A tr g,99m St "� to I-519eT sit 6 a R 1 I S—RAV ,l SE MOT 51 jg ZUN`' iPita ®�Stg ., ) y 5M2.dn � ' l CO ! lI II r 1 I r MIL 3 slmi : f-1r1 City Wide Projects 1997 and 1998 1997 & 1998 (green) ,- • Lift Station Electrical Rehabilitation m 0 0, UTILITY SYSTEMS C a p i t a IIII it Irnpr o v e r i-!i n t Proiects GIS Database and Conversion R. MocOnie, D. Visneeki _n ji •• 12 November 1997 1997 \red/ City Limits Long Range Wastewater Management Plan WASTEWATER 1998 (blue) . egyyvvy-t,hqa 1/ ri City of Renton Transportation Capital Improvement Program Fall 1997 Update Vision Statements for Guiding Renton into the Next Century: •:• Improve the City's Image in the Community and Region •: Encourage and Support Economic Development Encourage and Support Downtown Redevelopment Increase Service Productivity and Innovation Efforts :. Support Annexation efforts initiated within Renton s Potential Annexation Area t. . Oakesdale Avenue: SW 16th - SW31st .t..4-4.:-,.."-..•# i---!.'........4' ' ..".., -'.. ,''' '.r..i''','.' '. ,''.''.. '''.''''''',:.'ii,4a.:, AV;,f sw 171. • "a�'�' ':'` �" f 7� ye„" ' iu. . X NL � }�tw::'mac." dy t:.d"a3. Eff' S,ri .+G _�i'�i��i. g k lTwnCP „kL L d COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION I-405/NE 44th Street Interchange N a • ,R y7 1. -. e, r �, L COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION • I-405/NE 44th Street Interchange ,� , T 1 t.; ,t' , •.. 'i - ' 'may,, ,b:?Net„, t,„ ,�. C a'- '; +✓ ,, -fir�•'1, v, r..= ,.. $- cit..‘,.. ��. �''.":vrr,.,s 1 -4.,: -ram.-•„�.".S— "�` _ t COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION I-405/NE 44th Street Interchange ; , vEtR,r t}" ,r 'ark-, ° ,, 'C a .s c>s O%vn .„. A; 4 1 e 40 ..Fd y- a-* . � e" . •�� , tk , �k xe+„,:4;.. ,- as ►€ -- '�,y`" t - " ,4 it "'" , .2 +w� .r:�Mrt :� :* ram`-- ', .. ~f` ,4 ,. L COMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRO M DUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION 4.0 Final Transit Center :,, . % <_.."t ...4..4.,,,,..1,,,zoi.e7),,:,: ,, i, : , ,. COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION Logan Avenue Improvements i :x:: Not • .a1 : g i - i • IN f 9 IL ILA I1. Rlv4L '{KwVCL" y y;p�uA.K'A 1 L.µ16 1..4.4E , Y.ULl d 1...c:)C3AN C,NC:F.1'l' ;-.FC�-f'I4_ OWN PRODUCTNITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNT &INNOVATION ANNEXATION Logan Avenue Improvements li . /ems F '� r # x5 t ZI COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION Renton Urban Shuttle - RUSH 1 3 — _ `11 ` �1 C yp x ,_ COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPO1 . RT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION *of vow JL :77— 7— fr • m ..„„7 RENTON URBAN SHU FTLEso Metro Route 110 t 7: —ILE Sh rtta.#147PC CI: lip-, 11- - IMF It 1 _ - • COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION Main Avenue • MAIN AV F C. t •te:1 • '1V V\s, , `.• lit ‘ 111, COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. &INNOVATION ANNEXATION r **.r Mein AD,enuea l N-0- p: N .._ ._. ._ ._ .., _. fur. _.. ..... _... .... ' MAIN AVE S -' COMMUNITY ECONOMICDOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. & INNOVATIOPYNNEXATION Main Avenue 1111 N--0. COMMUNITY ECONOMICDOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. & INNOVATIONNNEXATION vile Nisie Windsor Hills Rehabilitation ft I COMMUNITY ECONOMICDOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. & INNOVATIOANNEXATION Windsor Hills Rehabilitation COMMUNITY ECONOMICDOWNTOWN PRODUCTIVITY SUPPORT IMAGE DEV. REDEV. & INNOVATIONNNEXATION w Next Steps for 1999 TIP: Initial Gr t Applications City CIP and JANUARY Public and Agency Project Development Review and Input State and Regional Revisions & Addtnl Processes Applications \41N JUKE Council AO, Adoption City of Renton Transportation Capital Improvement Program Fall 1997 Update isro 'owe RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 3, 1997 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Council President; DAN CLAWSON; KING COUNCILMEMBERS PARKER; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER, RANDY CORMAN; BOB EDWARDS; TONI NELSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; SUSAN CARLSON, Economic Development Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; PAUL KUSAKABE, Assistant Finance Director; TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Recreation Director; CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER, Fire Department; DEPUTY CHIEF ART LARSON, Fire Department; COMMANDER ROB SOFIE, Police Department. PRESS Katherine Hedland, South County Journal APPROVAL OF MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 27, 1997, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Jesse Tanner provided an overview of the 1998 Proposed Budget, PRESENTATION beginning by reviewing the Administration's 1997 major accomplishments, the Executive: 1998 Budget most notable of which was the acquisition of a new city hall. The City also: Overview purchased property in the downtown for a central park (or piazza); completed Fire Station #14 and its training center; finished plans for constructing the new Cedar River Regional Park; entered into agreements to sell City-owned property for the development of high-end housing in the downtown core; completed plans and the basic design of a permanent transit hub in the downtown; and is finalizing a sale of property in the downtown for additional municipal parking. Regarding the state of the City's economy, Mayor Tanner said in the past 12 months, housing units have increased by 360 units or 2.00%. In the same time period, 1,200 new building permits were issued with a total value of $250 million. In the last year, 250 new businesses applied for licenses, bringing the total number of businesses in Renton to 3,306. Turning to revenue trends, the Mayor announced a sales tax increase (in retail sales categories) from $350,000 per month during his first month in office to $500,000 per month now. This represents a 22% increase. New construction and annexations since 1995 total $400 million; although assessed valuations have not kept pace with this number, they have increased. Mayor Tanner reported that he is proposing a $3.55 increase in property taxes per $1,000 of assessed valuation for 1998, rather than the $3.60 allowed. Responding to a question posed earlier by Councilman Schlitzer, Mayor Tanner said unlike property owners, the City cannot appeal property tax November 3, 1997 , Renton City Council Minute:, Page 356 Nm assessments except to the Department of Revenue, which has the responsibility of ensuring that the County Assessor is properly performing its duties. Mayor Tanner then reviewed the primary goals of the 1998 Budget, which are to: assure the good financial condition of the City during 1998; continue to fund initiatives which improve the fiscal health of the City and encourage i economic development; and maintain a consistent and sustainable level of services. The total proposed 1998 Budget is $106,801,380. This reflects funding to maintain current service levels, add facilities and capital investments to assure continuation of services into the future, and ensure safe and effective water utility and transportation systems. Continuing, the Mayor said the proposed budget recommends that eight full time employees (FTEs) be added, as follows: three for the newly-formed Economic Development Department; three firefighters; a technology position in the Information Services Division; and another building custodian for the new city hall. Mayor Tanner noted that only 0.4 position was added in 1997, the first year of his term. By comparison, 108 positions were added in the eight years preceding his term. Mayor Tanner emphasized that he is proposing no increase in water, sewer, or surface water rates. A solid waste rate increase of 4% is proposed only to recover higher pass-through costs. The Mayor then reviewed the proposals relating to the City's Capital Investment Programs (CIP), noting that approximately $6 million is proposed to be spent on utility infrastructure projects in 1998, including the Cedar River dredging project. He added that a major project representing a high priority of the Administration is construction of an access ramp, stairway entrance and elevator access to the new city hall from Grady Way. At this time, the 1998 budget does not assume expenditures for the replacement of Henry Moses Pool. Concluding, Mayor Tanner said the budget adheres to the philosophy of using excess one-time revenues for one-time purposes. The proposed budget will maintain existing services while allowing the City to provide more public safety, street, maintenance and infrastructure improvements. At the same time, the property tax rate will be decreased, no utility rates save the solid waste rate will increase, and the operating and rainy-day reserves will be sufficiently maintained. ADMINISTRATIVE Executive Assistant Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report REPORT summarizing the City's recent progress toward goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1997 and beyond. Items noted included: * U.S. Congressional Representative Jennifer Dunn secured a commitment from the Army Corps of Engineers for the required federal funding needed for the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Control project, scheduled for construction in 1998. * The 90% design has been completed for the downtown-area water main rehabilitation project. * Fire Inspector Becky Gibbs will conduct fire safety training sessions for students at eight elementary schools during the next two weeks. * The second edition of CityView, Renton's video magazine show, will begin airing November 4th. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed November 17 and 24, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. as the dates and time for public hearings to be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton 98055, to consider the following: Proposed 1998 City of Renton Budget All interested persons are invited to attend the hearings and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposals. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 1, 1997, copies of the 1998 preliminary City of Renton budget have been filed with the City Clerk in accordance with RCW 35A.33. Please call 235-2501 for additional information or 277-4453 TDD. Marilyn JP rsen City Clerk Published: South County Journal November 7 and 14, 1997 Account No. 50640 November 3. 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 357 Transportation: Sunset Councilman Parker commented on the carpool lane located in Sunset Blvd HOV Lanes Boulevard north of Maple Valley Highway. This lane allows HOV traffic to either turn left onto Maple Valley Highway or continue straight onto I-405. Mr. Parker noted that because the right-turn to the Renton Community Center and Carco Theatre off of Maple Valley Highway is so close to the intersection with Sunset, non-HOV drivers who want to make this turn are forced to either violate the diamond lane regulations or risk potential mishaps caused by their trying to maneuver into the right-hand lane after turning onto the highway. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman replied that City staff will recommend to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) that this carpool lane be shifted one lane to the right because of the problem described by Mr. Parker. This would direct HOV traffic to I-405 and Bronson Way rather than to Maple Valley Highway. Councilman Parker expressed hope that, in the interim, the City's police officers will be understanding of drivers who violate the HOV lane regulations in this area in the interest of safety. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 97-159, Airport City Clerk reported bid opening on 10/16/97 for CAG-97-159, Airport Building 5-02 Metal Panel Building 5-02 Metal Panel Residing project; three bids; engineer's estimate Residing, L&J $97,305.60; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the Development low bidder, L&J Development, in the amount of $86,689.95 (amount budgeted $65,100). Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. CAG: 97-166, SW 43rd St City Clerk reported bid opening on 10/29/97 for CAG-97-166, SW 43rd Drainage Improvement, Street Drainage Improvement project; eight bids; engineer's estimate RJC Inc $162,080.07; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, RJC Inc., in the total amount of $202,023.15 (amount budgeted $129,800.00). Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 97-149, Roof Community Services Department submitted CAG-97-149, Roof Replacement Replacements (Highlands for the Highlands Gym and Main Library; and requested approval of the Gym & Main Library), project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $18,964.03, Pacific Rainier Roofing commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $2,033.89 to Pacific Rainier Roofing, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Plat: Valley Vue, S 22nd Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of P1 Deed of ROW dedication for right-of-way on S. 22nd Place for a secondary emergency Dedication for Emergency access to the proposed Valley Vue development. Council concur. Access Budget: 1998 Finance and Information Services Department submitted the 1998 Budget in the total balanced amount of $106,801,380, and requested Council to set two public hearings be set on November 17th and November 24th, 1997, to take testimony on the proposed budget. Council concur. Planning: Center Planning & Technical Services Division submitted proposed setback Downtown Upper-Story amendments in the Center Downtown zone that would eliminate upper-story Setback Elimination setback requirements for properties located in the Downtown Core. Refer to Planning & Development Committee. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ...• AI#: i•E.. • SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF: November 3, 1997 Dept/Div/Board....Finance&Information Services Staff Contact Victoria A.Runkle AGENDA STATUS: Consent X SUBJECT: Public Hearing X Submittal of the 1998 Budget Correspondence... Setting forth the dates for the Public Hearings Ordinance on the Budget Resolution Old Business EXHIBITS: New Business Budget Document Study Session Other RECOMMENDED ACTION: I APPROVALS: Legal Dept Set dates for the Public Hearings on the 1998 Budget I Finance Dept Other FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required....0 Transfer/Amendment....0 Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Executive submits the 1998 proposed Budget to the City Clerk, and asks for two public hearings on the budget, on November 17th and November 24th. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To establish the public hearing dates and to have the dates published. 11/UJ/`JI IIL'L UJ:li t'tlA 4LJLJJLJIJ KL'1V1UA-1'11Vtl1Vl,L CUU1 New' �kN�%k�B�k:k****:��k*�k�k�k***** 'row *** TX REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 1357 CONNECTION TEL 912538541006 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID SO CTY JOURNAL ST. TIME 11/05 09:17 USAGE T 00'38 PGS. 2 RESULT OK • The City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South - 9 ; Renton, Washington 98055 Phone: (425) 235-2501 Fax: (425) 235-2513 FAX TRANSMITTAL • Date: /1-5-97 To: SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL - ATTN: KATHY, LEGAL PUBLICATIONS From: RENTON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE - BONNIE WALTON (235-2501) Subject: -No&e oP P A1; . H�•;�g -- 1998 C• y .& s To 6c puh &4 dI ; Nov. 7 d.a /'/ Ill 7 Number of pages excluding cover sheet: