HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarza 1995M¡l creek, Gorrison creek å'fitfiÎÎL8lå[? sysrem MILL CREEK M June I 995 Comprehensive FisheriesAssessment of the Springbrook,Mill and Garrison CreekWatershed for the City of KentJune 1995Prepared forCity of Kent, Environmental EngineeringPrepared byl+ Rz,^2353 l30th Avenue N.8., Suite 200Bellevue, WA 98008(¿06\ 882-2Æı Final ReportTABLE OF CONTENTSACKNO\ryLEDGMENTSulINTRODUCTIONHabitat CharacterizationV/ater Quality.....Fish Populations........Population SurveyOverwintering SalmonidsSmolt EmigrationAdult Salmon MigrationHatchery AnalysisFisheries AnalysisMacroinvertebrate PopulationsRESULTS AND DISCUSSION.....Habitat Characterization .........V/atershed DescriptionRiparian and Fish Habitat SurveysBlack River Pumping Station.......Water Quality.....General Survey Of Water Temperature And Dissolved OxygenMill Creek USGS Stream Gage.........'Water Quality at the BRPS During the Spawning Migration.............Water SamplesFish Populations........Summer Population SurveyOverwintering Salmonids ........Smolt EmigrationAdult Salmon MigrationHatchery AnalysisMacroinvertebrate Populations ................Factors Limiting Salmon Production11I45667799911lll115263539434852545463657l849399WPCi95PROJECßn09.lcIFINAU.dæ:09/2lr95:03:O4 PMSDCPage iCity of Kent FinølGeneral Recommendations .........Downstream and Upstream Fish PassageHabitat RestorationFish Restorationr0710910s105106111REF.ERENCESPHOTOS 1.33APPENDICESI. Water Quality Test ResultsII. Habiøt Type and Fisheries Datam. Black River Pumping Station Juvenile Fish CatchOctober - November 1994IV. Black River Pumping Station Adult Salmon Fish CatchSeptember 1994 - January 1995wPc:9JPRoJEml7094ClENAL2"dôe09,/21l95:03:& PMst)cPage iiCity of Kent Final ReportACKNO\ryLEDGMENTSThe Harza study team is most grateful to the project sponsors for their support andencouragement throughout this investigation. I would like to acknowledge and thank WilliamV/olinski of the City of Kent for his vision in initiating this study and his continuing leadershipduring the process. Particular thanks are due Richard Chase of the City of Kent; Ron Straka ofthe City of Renton, and Dave Cla¡k of King County Surface Water Management for theircommitment to the goal of restoration of salmonids in this multijurisdictional urban watershed.Their continuing efforts to provide information and make policy decisions that help resolveenvironmental problems in the Puget Sound region are gratifying.Brian Allee, Ph.D.Project ManagerJune, 1995Wrc;95 PROJÉCTSn09{Gf FINAL:Z.dG09/2 l¡95:03:04 f MISDCPage üiCity of Kent FínalFINAL REPORTCOMPREHENST\M FISHERIES ASSESSMENIT OF THESPRINGBROOK, MILL A¡{D GARRISON CREEK\ryATERSHED FOR THE CITY OF I{EIV[.INTRODUCTIONThe City of Kent hired Ha¡za Northwest, Inc. to conduct a comprehensive fisheriesassessment of Springbrook, Mill, and Ga¡rison creeks (SMG) watershed. This report documentsthe results of the multiple year fisheries study and recommends an action plan as part of asalmonid restoration effort.Several field and literature investigations were conducted in order to cha¡actenze thestatus of frshery resources and to assess envi¡onmental factors likely to control production of fishfrom SMG watershed. These investigations focused on fish habitat, fish populations, andmacroinvertebrate populations. The objectives of the hsh habitat investigations were to describephysical aspects of stream and riparian habitat, to describe gross water quality characteristics andpotential pollution sites, and to evaluate physical ba¡riers to fish passage. The objectives of fishpopulation investigations were to determine the species composition and distribution of fishpopulations within the SMG watershed, to estimate the abundance and distribution of spawninganadromous salmonids, to determine the production and emigration timing of anadromoussalmonids, to describe possible interactions between salmon populations in the SMG watershedand those produced by the fish hatcheries in the Green River watershed, and to consider thepotential effect of tribal and commercial fisheries on salmon populations in the SMG watershed.Macroinvertebrate populations were investigated in order to assess the status of trophic levelsupon which fish depend.METHODSH a,b it at C h øraa t e rízøt í onHabitat surveys were conducted throughout the SMG watershed in September 1993,during low-flow conditions, to describe fish and riparian habitat. In areas of potential fishhabitat, defined as stream reaches with continuously wetted channels, aspects of in-channel fishhabitat were examined including habitat type, habitat dimensions, substrate composition, streamCity of KentWPe95PRoJBcñtí094ClFlNAI2 dæ:09/2 U95:03:01 PMsDcPage 1 Finalbank stability, cover, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, discharge, potential pollution sites,and fish passage barriers. Riparian surveys which described the composition of streamsidevegetation were completed in all accessible stream reaches.Springbrook Creek was surveyed from the Black River Pumping Station (BRPS)upstream to the water diversion structures on the North ærd South forks of Springbrook Creek inthe City of Renton municipal drinking-water watershed (Figure 1). The segment of the P-9Channel between its confluence with Springbrook Creek and East Valley Road was alsosurveyed. Mill Creek was surveyed from its confluence with Springbrook Creek upstream to thedetention pond at 104th Ave. SE. The North Fork of Mill Creek was also surveyed from 104thAve. SE downstream to its confluence with the mainstream. All portions of Garrison Creek weresurveyed from its confluence with Springbrook Creek upstream to its va¡ious headwaters.All surveyed stream reaches were walked by a biologist. Potential instream fish habitatwas classified according to habitat type based primarily on standard methods (AFS 1985).Portions of the surveyed habitats that were not delineated into discrete habitat units includedapproximately 1000 feet of Springbrook Creek downstream of Highway 167, about 3,500 feet ofMill Creek immediately downstream of 104th Ave. SE, and the section of the Middle and Southforks of Garison Creek upstream of the confluence of the North Fork with the mainstem ofGa¡rison Creek. The habiøt types identified in this study are listed below:PoolRiffle:Glide:Low Gradient Glide:StepCharacterized by reduced current velocity, often with deeper waterthan surrounding habitat.Shallow habitat where water flows swiftly over completely orpartially submerged substrate to produce surface agitation.Discrete break in channel gradient, such a^s a waterfall or ba¡rier,usually shorter in length than width.An area of slow or swiftly moving, shallow or moderately deepwater, with little or no surface agitation.A type of glide with still to slow moving water with no surfaceagitation and no perceptible gradient.The category of "low gradient glide" is not defined by AFS (1985) but was created tocategonze a habitat type common in the SMG watershed.City of KentWPcr95PROJECTS lto9rclFrNAIJ.doq09/21l95:03:O4 PM SDCPage2 NORÏHWEST, INC.Consulting Engineers & Scientists¡PROJECT NO.June, 1995DATEFigure 1Locotion MopSpringbrook. Mill, Gorrlson Creeks Wotershcdøâ.tNÐ(nBlock RiverRentonPumpingStotionìI(Po ntherLo ke(I))(Eorthworks PorksDetention Pond-<x€<LEGEND-<-(\-, SURVÐIED, HABITAT TYPEDS,}\, SURVEYED, NOT HABITAT TYPEDþtr-< MAcRoTNVERTEBRATE SAMeLE strE-( FISH SAMPLE SITEoo o DISSOLVED OXYGEN SAMPLE SITEFffi<Detention Pond0-(Fffi<oo-<xtr<Itoot3oac)=-(-<oooKentFfr<-(xfr<oooooo-<>€<?.oo>.tr<!ootIoU)outooooooUSGS GAGINGSTATIONc)noo5'oooo-<x{fr<>"tr-<ããuoooStoP9-(-<CHANIoooooo-aoox{fr<-(xtr<Li-la0-)-c+Ox(F<-lo\Þ40/--<>"ffi<ooolrà0)(úLo0)q)¡-(JqoU)¡.L(ıooooooo-<ooNoreeForkv/s*sq)rd)IL,/>1/2SCALE2milesI¡oÞooot, FinalThe total length, mean width, and maximum depth of each unit were measured usingstanda¡d survey equipment or were visually estimated. Total lengths of the longest habiøt units(100 feet to greater than 8,000 feet) were estimated from digitized maps of the watershed.Habitat quality parameters including bottom substrate composition, stream bank søbility,instream cover, and the composition of riparian vegetation were described for each habitat unit.Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and discharge were measured at various sites throughoutthe watershed. Potential pollution sites and fish passage barriers were described whenencountered.In stream reaches where discrete habiøt types were not delineated, fish and riparianhabitat was qualitatively described and the potential for pollution or impediment of fish passagewas assessed.Habiøt cha¡acteristics, including potential pollution sites and frsh passage barriers, werealso qualitatively assessed during 4 surveys for spawning salmonids during medium to high flowconditions in mid November to late December 1993 and again in the winter of 1994.Wøter QualityA summary of previous water quality reports was compiled as part of a literature reviewevaluating existing conditions and previous research in the SMG watershed. This sunìmaryemphasized how the many water quality observations reported in previous studies relate to thegrowth and survival of fish populations in the SMG watershed. Particular emphasis was placedon salmonid populations which are of primary interest in this watershed.Although no comprehensive water quality study was proposed as part of these fisheriesinvestigations, some aspects of water quality were monitored when and where knowledge ofwater quality conditions was important to understanding aspects of local fish populations. Forexample, a general survey of water temperature and dissolved oxygen was conducted onSeptember 13 and 14, 1993 at the critical low flow period of the year. During this generalsurvey, water temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements were taken periodically asbiologists walked upstream surveying habitat. Measurements were taken at places where habiøtconditions changed dramatically including above and below stream confluences, where habitattypes changed dramatically, downstream of tributary culverts, and in areas where water qualitychanged visible. These measurements were made with a hand-held, YSI model 51B, oxygenmeter.City of KentwPc95PRO¡BCTSn09{OIFINAI2iæ:æ/21,95:03 :ß PMSDCPage 4 Final ReportA detailed survey of water temperature and dissolved oxygen was done in Mill Creek inthe vicinity of 76th Ave. S. and S. 222nd St. where low dissolved oxygen levels were suspecteddue to large quantities of iron precipiøte in the water during mid day on September 15, 1993. Atotal of 8 dissolved oxygen measurements and 5 temperature readings were taken upstream anddownstream of this area to determine if inflow at this site was affecting water quality.A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stream monitoring gage (number L2113347) wasinstalled on Mill Creek about 600 feet upstream of the Springbrook Creek confluence, betweenthe train trestles nea¡ S. 182nd St., during the summer of 1994. This gage records watertemperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and water elevations every 15 minutes.Available records, covering the period between September 16 and December 22, 1994 weregraphed, and compared with the requirements of adult salmon that were actively migratingduring this time period.Water temperature and dissolved oxygen were also measured at the BRPS during the1994-95 adult salmon migration. Water temperature was monitored using a Onset Instruments,"Stowaway" enhanced temperature logger which recorded water temperature every 1.6 hours.This temperature logger was installed into the BRPS forebay and recorded temperatures fromSeptember 15 to December 19, 1994. Dissolved oxygen was measured with a hand-held, YSImodel 5lB, oxygen meter. These measurements were taken periodically between September 2and November 18, 1994 at several areas near the pumping station including at the fish ladderentrance, the lower resting pool, the upper resting pool, and outside and inside of a net penplaced below the modified fishway chute (see elsewhere for descriptions of the BRPS andstudies conducted there).Finally, 3 water samples were collected from the P-9 Channel downsfream of Lind Ave.S\M. at the head of the low gradient glide which joins Springbrook Creek, from a point about 100feet downstream of P-9 Channel in Springbrook Creek , and from the BRPS forebay beneath theoutflow of the f,rshway chute, on December 22,1994 between 10:20 and 11:40 a.m. toinvestigate the potential causes of mortality of adult salmon in the BRPS forebay and todetermine if water quality problems might be at least panially responsible for migration patternsobserved during a study of adult salmon migration. These samples were tested at Laucks TestingLaboratories for metals, volatile organic compounds, and oil and petrochemicals.Fish PopuløtíonsFish populations were evaluated using several methods. In the field, population surveyswere conducted during summer low-flow conditions, the emigration of salmonid smolts wasCity of KentWFe9JPROTECn¡næ4OIFINAL2.docrO9/2 tr95:03:Ol PMSDCPage 5 Finalquantified by trapping at the BRPS in the spring of 1994, and surveys of spawning anadromoussalmonids were conducted during the winter spawning season. Records obtained from theV/ashington Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe(MIT) were evaluated to examine temporal overlap and other possible interactions betweenhatchery-produced anadromous salmonids and hsh populations in the SMG watershed.Information regarding the extent and possible effects of various fisheries on populations ofanadromous salmonids from the SMG watershed was obtained from MIT and V/DFW records.Population SunreyFish populations were sampled by multiple-pass electrofishing at 1l habitat units inSpringbrook Creek including one in the lowest reach of the P-9 Channel immediately upstreamof its confluence with Springbrook Creek, 14 habitat units in Mill Creek, and seven in GarrisonCreek. The length of each reach shocked ranged from 10 to 110 feet, and was limited, in part, bythe size of the reach. The Earthworks Park (EWP) detention pond on Mill Creek was sampled bymaking 3 passes with a beach seine. All captured fish were identihed and the total lengths ofsalmonids were measured. Atl fish population sampling was done between September 17 andOctober 8, 1993 with the exception of three habitat units located upstream of the anadromousfish barrier on Springbrook Creek at Talbot Rd., which were sampled on November 12,1993.No significant rainfall occurred before November 12,1993, so these sampling periods wereconsidered to occur during low-flow conditions.Population estimates were calculated according to the Seber-LeCren or Morran-Zïppenpopulation estimators (Seber 1982). Population densities were calculated by dividing thepopulation estimate by the sampled stream a¡ea. In some habitat units population abundancescould not be estimated because the assumptions of the population estimators, including two ormore electrofishing passes and continuously decreasing catch, were not met.Overwintering SalmonidsSome juvenile salmonids were captured in a net pen used to trap adult salmon migratingup the fish ladder at the BRPS (see "Adult Salmon Migration - The 1994-95 Run" for detailsabout this study). The species of these fish was identified, their fork length was measured, andtheir adipose hn was removed to identify these fish if they were captured again. All frn-clippedjuvenile fish were released downstream of the BRPS, below the entrance to the fish ladder.City of Kent1V PC:95PROJECTSt7ûilClF¡NAf 2.dæ:09/2 I /95:03:04 PMltiDcPage 6 Final ReportSmolt EmigrationDuring the 1994 smolt emigration period, a special study was funded jointly by the Citiesof Kent and Renton, and King County, to enumerate and identify the species of juvenile salmonmigrating downstream through the BRPS. Fish passing through the downstream passage facilityat the BRPS, which is the only route for migrating fish to leave the SMG watershed, werecaptured during the period of operation from April 8 to June 16, 1994. A 1,000 cubic foot netpen (10' x 10' x 10') of 0.25 inch nylon mesh was suspended from a floating plastic frame underthe outflow of the downstream passage facility to trap migrating fish. The downstream passagefacility was operated approximately 6.75 hours per day, Monday through Friday, each week fromApril 8 to May 6. the next two weeks, between May 9 and May 20, the facility was operaûedabout 18.9 hours per day, Monday morning until Friday afternoon, and was shut down only whenthe net was being serviced. From }4.ay 23 until June 16, the downstream passage facility wa.soperated approximately 5.6 hours per day, Monday through Friday.For most of the period the downstream passage facility was operated, the net wasserviced once each day at about 1330 hours and all captured fish were processed. During theweek of May 9 to May 13, the net wa^s serviced twice each day, once at about 0700 hours andagain at 1300 hours, to determine if there were diurnal differences in capture or mortality rates.Captured fish were identified, counted, examined for scale loss or other external injuries, andreleased. The fork lengths of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were periodically measuredduring the period the downstream passage facility operated.Adult Salmon MigrationThe adult salmon migration has been monitored since 1983 at the BRPS upstreampassage facility which wa.s designed to automatically count upstream-migating frsh. The fishladder has been operated from early- or mid-September until January 31 each year. Theupstream passage facility has usually been operated 24 hours per day, Monday through Friday,except in the hrst several days of operation each year when the ladder was only operated forseveral hours per day, and except in the 1993-94 and 1994-95 migration seasons when the ladderwas operated24 hours per day, seven days per week. Daily counts of migrating frsh have beenkept since the 1983-84 run. However, the species composition of the salmon run at the BRPS isnot recorded by the automatic counter.City of Kentr,V rc:95PROJECTSío9|C [¡û{Al2.doq09/2 U95:03:ø PMSDCPageT Final ReportThe 1993-94 RunDuring the 1993-94 adult migration period, four bi-weekly surveys for evidence ofspawning anadromous salmonids were conducted between mid-November and late Decemberduring the period when migrating adult anadromous salmonids have access into the SMGwatershed. Representative reaches in the high gradient a¡eas that were most likely to providespawning habiøt in each creek were walked during each survey. These reaches were surveyedfor barriers to fish migration, evidence of redd construction, and holding or spawning adultanadromous salmonids. The sex, state of maturation, and physical appearance of any fish foundwas determined when possible.The 1994-95 RunDuring the 1994-95 adult migration period, a special study was funded jointly by theCities of Kent and Renton, and King County, to enumerate and identify the species of adultsalmon migrating through the BRPS, to conduct basin-wide spawning surveys, to implement apilot volunteer-staffed spawning survey program, and to identiff potential migration bariers. Anet pen was installed in the forebay of the BRPS immediately below the outflow of the frshwaychute which transports migrating frsh to the forebay upstream of the pumping station. This netpen measured 10 feet on each side and was 10 feet deep. Initially, the net pen was fitted with a0.5 inch mesh net but this was replaced by a 0.25 inch nylon mesh net later in the season when itwas apparent that the original mesh size was too large to prevent entanglement of smaller adultfish. The net pen was operated from September 17, 1994, the first day the fish ladder was runduring the 1994-95 migration season, to December 9, 1994, when the salmon run appeared to beending. Operational constraints at the BRPS precluded operation of the net pen for several daysin November,1994. During periods when the trap was not operated, the number of hsh passingthrough the upstream migration facilities was counted with the automatic counter.Adult fish trapped in the net pen were anesthetized, identihed by species and sex,mea.sured for fork length, examined for the presence of wounds or other marks, tagged withuniquely numbered, plastic "spaghetti" tags, and released into the forebay after recovering fromthe anesthetic.Two watershed-wide surveys for adult anadromous salmonids and evidence of spawningwere conducted in the SMG watershed on October 31 and November 16,1994. All streamreaches accessible to adult anadromous salmonids upstream of the BRPS were surveyed onOctober 31 and 5.7 miles of habitat in the transitional and foothills reaches of Springbrook, Mill,and Garrison creeks were surveyed on November 16,7994. Surveyors looked for barriers orCity of KentwPc:95PROJBCTSrr09{clFINAl2.dæ09,/21,95:(B:o{ PMSDcPage 8 Finalobstacles to fish migration, evidence of redd construction, and holding or spawning adultanadromous salmonids. The tag number, sex, state of maturation, and physical appearance ofany fish found was determined when possible.Simila¡ migration and spawning data was collected as part of a volunteer-staffed "SalmonV/atch Program" that was initiated on October 6,1994. Approximately 9 volunteers attended theinitial training session and agreed to periodically survey stream reaches, especially those in thefoothills area of the watershed, for migrating and spawning adult anadromous salmonids.Volunteers were given data sheets to complete each time they conducted a survey or found ñshand were assigned a stream reach to monitor at their convenience.Hatchery AnalysisRecords of the number and size of coho salmon stocked in SMG watershed by theWDFW each year since 1976 were obtained. A WDFW biologist was questioned regarding thestocking strategies and locations and he revealed that no other salmonids had been stocked intothe SMG watershed by that agency.Records of the number and timing of adult fish returning to spawn at the Green RiverHatchery (GRH) since 1976 were also obtained from WDFV/. These records were analyzed andcompared to the abundance and timing of adult fish migration into the SMG watershed at theBRPS.Information on the production of chum salmon (O. keta) at the Keta Creek Hatchery andsteelhead (O. mykiss) at the Green River Trout Pond was obtained from the MIT and WDFW,respectively.Fisheries AnalysisRecords of fisheries catch and timing was provided by MIT and WDFW. This data wasanalyzed and compared to escapement data from the BRPS and the GRH.M ac roína e rt eb r øt e P op ul øt í on sBenthic macroinvertebrates were collected at 30 sites from throughout the SMGwatershed (Figure 1). Eight sites were in Springbrook Creek including 2 riffles and 6 lowgradient glides; 14 sites were in Mill Creek including 7 riffles andT low gradient glides; and 8sites were in Garrison including 6 riffles and2low gradient glides..City of KentWPCT95PROTECTSnoqrcFINAL¿ doe09/21r95r03:04 ruLSDCPage 9 FinølMacroinvertebrates were collected using a 500 micron kick net at 5 points within eachsite totaling about I m2 of substrate surface area sampled per site. At each point, about 0.2 rrÊ ofsubstrate upstream of the kick net was brushed and sti¡red so that any material removed from thesubstrate would drift into the net. Large debris and rocks were sorted out of each sample anddiscarded. The remaining material was preserved in wide-mouth jars with a 95 percent ethanolsolution. In the laboratory, each sample was sorted further under 6X magnifrcation with adissecting microscope and a minimum 400 organisms were identifred to standa¡dized tæronomiclevels. Two samples were disca¡ded due to ineffective sample preservation. Between 30 and 53metrics were used to rate samples, depending on the type of habitat that wa.s sampled using amodified version of EPA's Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (Plafkin 1989). These metrics allowfor description of macroinvertebrate communities ¿rs compared with macroinvertebratecommunities from streams with "optimal" habitalbiotic integrity characteristic of mid-order,montane stream in old-growth forests of western North America.City of KentWFc:95PROJECTSnoqo FINAÍ 2dæ09Æ1i95:03:0{ PMSDCPage l0 FinalRESI]LTS AI\D DISCUSSIONH ab it a,t C h arac t e riz at i onWatershed DescriptionThe SMG watershed is generally located in Renton and Kent, east of the Green River inKing County, 'Washington (Figure 2). Mill and Garrison creeks drain the southeastern portionsof the watershed and flow into Springbrook Creek. Springbrook Creek drains the central easternportion of the watershed and flows into the Black River. The confluence of the Green and Blackrivers forms the Duwamish River which empties into Elliot Bay and the Puget Sound.The SMG watershed covers about 15,763 acres (24 square miles) and can be delineatedinto two distinct topographical areas including the valley floor and the foothill zone. The valleyfloor, located in the western portion of the watershed, is relatively flat and of alluvial origin andcovers about 5,928 acres. The foothill zone, found in the eastern portion of the watershed,consists of rolling and benchy slopes and comprises about 7,554 acres. Elevation in thewatershed ranges between 10 and 525 feet above sea-level. Slope in the watershed ranges from 0to 70 percent. The steepest slopes are in upper Mill Creek, upstream of EV/P in Kent.The geology of the watershed is dominated by the underlying Vashon till deposit whichwas laid down during the Fraser glaciation late in the Pleistocene. The Vashon till consists ofvery dense, consolidated till that ranges in thickness from 6 to 100 feet. As the Vashon glacierreceded, large quantities of meltwater were discharged leaving gravelly and sandy terraces in theuplands of the Springbrook Creek watershed. Pro-glacial lacustrine and sandy outwashsediments are exposed mostly on the slopes of the Kent Valley. Alluvium accumulated in thevalleys in post-glacial times. In the Green River floodplain, the sediments are many tens of feetthick, are mostly silty, and have lenses of sand and peat.The soils in the valley floor are predominantly silt loams with some silty clay loams, fine sandyloams, peat, and fill. This hll material, used to prepare sites for construction, ranges from about3 to 13 feet in thickness, and varies from gravelly sandy loam to gravelly loam in texture. Thepeat soils are primarily located adjacent to Highway 167, south of I-405 and north of SV/ 43rd inRenton. Most of the indigenous soils in the valley floor are poorly drained. The soils in thehillslope zone are dominated by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, which is moderately well-drained. Runoff in the steep ravines of upper Mill Creek and Garrison Creek is rapid to varyrapid, and the erosion hazañ is severe to very severe (Parametrix I992;Entranco et al. 1992).The slippage potential is severe in these ravines.City of KentWrc:95PROJECTSl7094CIFINAL2¡æi09/22195:08:49 NSDCPage 11 2,:(.\'-.1 -\.fI'(tt'CrcsMcw¿1tI!.,l(Ì' o.PJo .\]irB,dscFoothillsFloodplain1/94Harza Northwest, Inc.Be¡levue, WA 98005Ii]4:.lIlI\.\\.Su6€ c'CeqrLEGENDPerennial/ìntermittent lake and stream ............. *] --t-l.-r!f¡¿Swamp; marshSubmerged marsh; land subject to inundation . ,. "*- -,ï'IìoxttoMEEñsr . 5 0 IMILESI 5 0 ISpringbrook Creek Study, Mill Creek Fisheries ProjectFlood Plain Mapl,'ì"4-.Ë'rÈi¡,,III- Thomasi ' .-'--at'I6.'a,a.L.'!IIkageDspdSbs:--- -lî;Jtl'lI=tr l¡:='t ,!,t-ro_rÐfl¿I¡1-r IIt{rr-lIìì.\..t'I .. -. , _ ,.!....Figure 2,ozDr v+rñ"+ Final ReportClimate in the watershed is a mid-latitude, west coast marine-type with cool, relativelydry summers and wet, cloudy winters. Annual precipitation ranges from 30 to 51 inches most ofwhich is rain that falls between October and May. Storm events generally occur between mid-October and mid-January. The frost free season is approximately 150 to 200 days. The meanannual air temperature is about 10"C.Vegetation of the valley floor includes tree species such as black cottonwood (Populustrichocarpa) and red alder (Alnus rubra) in addition to several ornamental varieties. Shrubsinclude blackberry species (Rubus spp.), Douglas spiraea (Spiraea douglasii), salmonberry(Rubus spectabilis), red-osier dogwood (Cornus stoloniþra), and willow species (Salix spp.).Grass species include bentgrass (Agrostis spp.), red fescue (Festuca rubra), and Reedc¿rriarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea). Bulrush species (Scirpus spp.), and rush species (Juncusspp.) a,re also located on the valley floor.Vegetation of the upland zone includes trees such as Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophyllc), western redceda¡ (Thuja plicata), bigleafmaple (Acer macrophyllum), red alder. Understory species include vine maple (Acercircinatum), red elderberry (Sambucus callicarpa), hazelnut (Corylus cornuta), salmonberry,blackberry, salal (Gualtheria shallon), evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum), andserviceberry (Amelanchierflorida), swordfern (Polystichum munitum), bracken fem (Pteridiumaquilinum pubescens), Oregon oxalis (Oxalis oregana), bleeding hearl (Dicentaformosø), andwestern fescue (Festuca occidentalis).The most prevalent land-use in the valley floor is light and heavy industry. Heavyindustry includes aerospace production and light industry includes small manufacturingoperations. Considerable commercial development such as car dealerships, gas stations, andrestaurants are common in the Kent Valley. Highway 167 and major roads such as East andrù/est Valley Highways exist in the valley floor portion of the watershed. Although several smallagricultural operations a¡e still present, commercial and industrial development have replacedagriculture as the most prominent land-use in the valley floor. Residential development in thecities of Kent, Renton, and unincorporated King County have replaced forestry as the mostprevalent land-use in the foothills portion of the watershed. Both residential and industrialconstruction continues to occur throughout the watershed.The most detrimental land-use activities on fish habit¿t in the watershed appears to becommercial, industrial, and residential development. Development in the watershed increasesthe impervious surface aÍeathereby reducing the potential for rainfall and runoff to percolate intothe soil. Major rainfall events currently result in rapid runoff, increased surface erosion, andCity of KentWrc:95PROJECTSn09t(;lF!NAI2.dæ:æ21¡95:03:04 PMSDCPage 13 Finaldegraded water quality. This is evident in the Springbrook Creek watershed during andimmediately after a storm event when water quality degradation is most apparent.Construction activity near riparian zones can denude streamside vegetation resulting indestabilized banks, soil erosion, and degraded water quality. Filling of wetlands can eliminatethe wetland's ability to retain runoff, filter stormwater, and provide fish and wildlife habitat.These rapid runoff events, or "freshets," result in increased creek velocities whichdowncut streambanks and can destabilize streambanks, denude riparian vegetation, and degradewater quality. Bortz (1981) concluded that the most serious condition existing in Kent areastreams was the exteme volumes of storm-water runoff resulting in streambank erosion andstreambed scouring and siltation. Bortz (1981) considered freshets to be most significant onGarrison Creek because its upper sub-basin was relatively large and it had no detention pond. In1993, evidence of severe downcutting was found in Mill and Garrison creeks and low tomoderate downcutting was found in Springbrook Creek.Potential point-source pollution was documented at several sites. These sites included areddish effluent entering Mill Creek from a culvert on the west streambank immediatelyupstream of W. Valley Highway and north of S. 204th Street. The culvert comes from thedirection of a factory. Trees and shrubs a¡e dead on both sides of the creek, both upstream anddownstream of this culvert. Another potential point-source of pollution is in Mill Creekimmediately downstream of 76th Avenue South, where it is presumed that upwelling of reducedsubterranean iron is occurring. Iron oxidation precipitates are forming which has decreased theclarity of the water. The City of Kent is presently conducting a specific study to more fullyunderstand and possibly correct this phenomena.Non-point source pollution occurs throughout the watershed. Activities such asconstruction, road use, livestock grazing , cars washing, and farming can all effect water quality.Homes with improperly functioning septic systems can also degrade water quality. The V/esternProcessing cleanup site on Mill Creek near S. 196th Street maybe considered a potential non-point source of pollution (EPA 1993). Individually, such impacts may not appear significant, butcumulatively, they can result in serious water quality degradation.Springbrook, Garrison, and Mill Creek have historically been dredged throughout thevalley floor portion of the watershed. These sheams were maintained as open canals to facilitaædrainage and reduce flood potential (pers. conìrn., J. Robel,'WDFTV, December 30, 1993).However, instream dredging is currently limited to protect hsh habitat in those portions of thewatershed under King County jurisdiction. Dredging does occur in certain circumstances toCity of KentWrc:95PROJBCISnû94C|FINAll.doe09/2 U95:03:& PMSDCPage 14 Finqlcontrol inva.sive vegetation such as Reed canarygrass and blackberry and to remove streamsubstrate for flood protection. In order to dredge a stream, a hydraulics permit from the WDFWmust be obtained. 'When dredging permits are granted, the dredging must take place duringsummer when no anadromous fish are migrating.A hydraulics permit from the V/DFW is also required for removal of riparian vegetation.If vegetation is removed or if streams are dredged, the WDFW will stipulate mitigation, usuallythe planting of woody riparian vegetation. There have been limited attempts to reestablishriparian woody vegetation as mitigation because very little dredging has occurred in thewatershed in the last 3 years (pers. corlìm., J. Robel, WDFTV, December 30, 1993).Dredging was observed during the Mill Creek stream inventory in September,1993,between the Union Pacihc railroad track and S. 196th Street as part of the cleanup of the ÏVesternProcessing Superfund site. The dredging created vertical cutbanks, denuded streambankvegetation, and appeared to increase instream sedimentation. Also in 1993, dredging took placein Mill Creek along Kennebeck Street from Smith Street to James Street and in Mill C¡eekadjacent to the Western Processing Superfund site. In the latter case, dredging was done toremove potentially toxic substances from the stream bottom. In 1990, dredging occurred in MillCreek near 204th Street as part of the widening of West Valley Highway, in Mill Creek between2l6thand220th Street, and in Garison Creek north of 2l2th Street (pers. comm., J. Robel,'WDFTV, December 30, 1993).Riparian and Fish Habitat SunreysStream discharges at the time of low-flow surveys were 1.27 cfs in Springbrook Creekupstream of the confluence with Ga¡rison Creek, 1.49 cfs in Springbrook Creek upstream of theconfluence with Mill Creek, and 1.42 cfs in Mill Creek upstream of the confluence withSpringbrook Creek. The discharge of Middle and South forks of Garrison Creek upstream oftheir confluence was 0.25 and 0.35 cfs, respectively. The North Fork of Garrison Creek addedanother 0.10 cfs. The total discharge of Garrison Creek into Springbrook Creek was 0.33 cfs.Sprìngbrook CreekRiparian and Channel DescriptionBRPS forebay - The BRPS has created a slack-water pond of approximately 3 acreswhen water surface elevation is held at 0.0. The total acres of impounded water varies dependingon the water surface elevation. For example, when operation rules require forebay levels to beCity of KentwPc:95PRoJECTSn094cIFINÀL2 d@:09/21l95r03rú PMSDCPage 15 Finalheld at 2.0, then the forebay surface area is about 15 acres. This pond appeared to provideoutstanding waterfowl habitat and had several islands. Riparian vegetation of the pond consistedof willow species, Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), cattail (Typha latiþIia), and red alder(Photo 1).BRPS forebay to 16th Street - From the pond to 16th Street, the creek flowed adjacent toValley Parkway in Renton. Riparian vegetation consisted of red alder, willow species,blackberry, and sedges (Carex spp.), along with some recently planted ornamental trees.Conifers were almost completely lacking in the riparian zone. Reed canarygrass, an exotic andinvasive grass, dominated streamside sites void of shade. Although canarygrass can providesome streambank erosion control, it generally offers minimal fish or wildlife habitat and preventssh¡ubs and trees from becoming established. Approximately 20 Canada geese (Brantcanadensis) were observed in the creek and there is evidence of beaver (Castor canadensis)activity. The bottom of the creek could not be seen in places even though maximum depth didnot exceed 4 feet. No large, organic debris (LOD) was present instream (Photo 2).l6th Street to Mill Creek Confluence - Immediately upstream of 16th Street, there was aconstruction site on the right bank (upstream view). A portion of the streambank was denuded ofvegetation at this site and it was likely that soil was eroded during rain events. Upstream of thissite, there were 2 culverts leading into the creek which may have been part of a drainage network(Photo 3). The remnant of a beaver dam was in the middle of the creek, approximately 750 feetupstream from the beginning of this reach, and another was in a nearby tributary (Photo 4).Some willow, alder, and blackberry shrubs were becoming established along sections ofstreambank nea¡ the stand of black cottonwood on the left bank. Much of the reach upstream ofthe cottonwood stand lacked meanders, woody riparian vegetation, and LOD and the creekresembled a drainage ditch. Canarygrass dominates the streambank vegetation. Near the end ofthe reach, ribbonleaf pondweed (Potamogeton epihydrous), a plant which prefers very slow-moving water was identified instream. There was little shade in this reach.Mill Creek Confluence to Highway 167 - Springbrook Creek also resembled a drainageditch in this reach. However, upstream of the Mill Creek confluence, water clarity increasedsignificantly. Portions of streambank had fallen into the creek throughout the reach. There weremany standing dead alder trees adjacent to Springbrook Creek upstream of E. Valley Road anddownstream of the confluence with Garrison Creek (Photo 5). The reason for this mortality wasunclear. There was a lack of instream LOD and boulders, and the substrate was predominantlysilt. Shade was minimal due to the few trees and shrubs, and canarygrass was the dominantriparian vegetation. Water velocities were very slow.City of KentwPC:95PROJECTSn09rclFINAI2.dæ:09/22195:08:53 AMSDCPage 16 Fínal ReportHighway 167 to Talbot Road - There was a 2.5 foot "step" with no plunge poolimmediately east of Highway 167, but this did not appear to be a fish blockage (Photo 6). Thestream flowed adjacent to both S. 192nd Street and a wetland with a considerable population ofJapanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), an aggressive, exotic weed that spreads rapidly inmoist places. The stream flowed through a trout farm with three small ponds. The outlets ofthese ponds may be hsh bariers. Upstream of the trout farm, the creek flowed under TalbotRoad. Downstream of this road crossing, a 30 foot culvert sloped at approximately 100 percent.Talbot Road upstream to water diversion structures - Springbrook Creek upstream ofTalbot Road was all within the a¡ea protected by the City of Renton for municipal water supplyand was comprised of two n¿urow tributaries which joined upstream of Talbot Road. The SouthFork of Springbrook Creek flowed out of a small reservoir and the North Fork of SpringbrookCreek flowed out of a gabion water control structure.Instream Fish HabitatAbout 5.8 miles of potential fish habitat existed within Springbrook Creek (Table 1) ofwhich less than 1 percent consisted of steps and pools, 13 percent riffles, and 83 percent lowgradient glides (Tabte 2). About 4 percent of the habitat was not delineated because it wasinaccessible to surveyors.Alt low gradient glide habitat was located in the valley floor @igure 3). Two riffles werethe only other habitat type found in the valley floor. All other riffles and the steps and poolswere located in the foot hills area.A 30 foot long culvert oriented with a 100 percent slope was located immediatelydownstream of Talbot Road and posed a complete barrier to frsh migration. Hence, anadromoushsh may only access the lower 5.4 miles of Springbrook Creek. V/ithin the a¡ea available toanadromous fish, there wa.s 2209 feet of riffle habitat and28 feet of pool habitat. The remainderof the anadromous fish habitat was comprised of low gradient glides.The 0.4 miles of potential fish habitat upstream of Talbot Road contained 1,965 feet ofriffle habitat and two pools measuring a combined total of 26 feet in length. However, a concretepad and notched weir on the South Fork likely prevents upstream fish movement and may isolateupstream fish populations in two riffles and one pool from those downstream of the concrete pad.City of KentW PcT95PROJECTSnoqcIFINAL2 dæ:09/22195:08:53 AMSDCPage 17 Final ReponTable 1.The length of potential fish habitat and habitat accessible to anadromous fish.Springbrook Mill GarrisonFeet Miles Feet Miles Feet MilesPotential Fish Habitat 30,645 5.8 36,432 6.9 27,456 5.2Habitat Accessible to Anadromous Fish 28,623 5.4 35,096 6.6 27,456 5.2Table 2.Length and percent composition of various habitat types within the area of potential fishhabitat.Springbrook Creek Mill Creek Garrison CreekHabitat Type Length Percent Length Percent Length PercentAll Potential Fish HabitatStepsPoolsRifflesGlidesLow Gradient GlidesHabitats Not Delineated(f030,64540544,r74025,304I,073100.00<1<1130834(fÐ35,09656277,55588626,0230100.00<12223740(fr)27,4560401,42022514,488I1,283100.000<151534tCity of KentW PC:95 PROJBCTSí09lOf FINAIl.doq(x)/22¿95:08r53 AMls¡DCPage 18 5oqox(1ãGtogIxEÈbhiå¡EäÊT6IConfluence withGarrison CreekBarrierngbrookFarmHabitat Datanot availableHwy. 167Habitiat Types5 = Step4 = Riffle3 = Pool2 = Glids41 =LowBRPSforebayGlíde32oq.Þ(ú.=f¡GConfluence withthe P-9 Channel003River MileConfluence withMillCreek15421¡EÀ¡@o\ollÈà(È\oFigurp 3. The disribution of habitat t)?es ¡n Spríngbrook Crcek, Sepæmber. 1993. Final ReportMill CreekRiparian and Channel DescriptionMouth of MiIl Creek to West Valley Highway - The first portion of this reach flowedadjacent to both a Union Pacihc and Burlington Northern railroad track. Reed canarygrass wÍrsthe dominant riparian vegetation although some red alder and cottonwood are present near theupstream end of this reach. Dredging associated with cleanup of the Western ProcessingSuperfund site occurred during the stream inventory between the Union Pacific railroad track andS. 196th Street. Dredging created vertical cutbanks, denuded streambank vegetation, andincreased sediment input into the water (Photo 7). Other construction also occuned near the S.196th Street bridge but none of the activity appeared to be compromising water quality. Justdownstream of the bridge, the left streambank was contoured at approximately a 4:7 slope andcovered with 2 layers of geotextile matting. Boulders were placed where the matting abuts thecreek. The contouring and matting was apparently implemented to control streambank erosion,although most of the construction activity was occurring away from the stream. Downstream ofthis site, an electric fish banier was stretched across both streambanks and through the water toprevent fish from approaching the construction site or the dredging activity (EPA 1993).West Valley Highway to Novac E. Valley Rd. - Areddish discharge was entering thecreek from a culvert on the right streambank immediately upstream of V/. Valley Highway andnorth of S. 204th Street. The culvert came from the direction of a factory west of this site. Treesand shrubs were dead on both sides of the creek, both upstream and downstream of this culvert(Photo 8). Between W. Valley Highway andT2nd Avenue, the creek flowed through anaerospace complex inaccessible to the public. From 72nd Avenue to S. 2l2th Street, the creekresembled a drainage ditch. The streambanks lack integrity and were readily erodible. The creekparallels the Union Pacific Railroad for approximately 2,500 feet where Reed canarygra.ssdominated the riparian vegetation. Between the railroad tracks and 76th Avenue South, thestream flowed through an agricultural zone. Livestock had access to the creek in this arearesulting in eroded, compacted, and denuded streambanks and a high likelihood of water qualitydegradation due to sedimentation, fecal coliform, and increased nutrient inputs. Immediatelydownstream of TíthAvenue South, there was an upwelling of groundwater with highconcentrations of iron. The iron in the groundwater was precipitating upon oxidation whichresulted in decreased water clarity. Low dissolved oxygen levels downstream of this site mayhave partially been due to the upwelling of low-oxygenated water and the removal of dissolvedoxygen from the water during the iron oxidation process. Upstream of this site, the water wasmuch clearer. From 76th Avenue South to Highway 767, the creek continued to resemble adrainage ditch with few riparian trees or shrubs (Photos 9 and 10).City of KentWPC95PROJBCniTû94ClFINAE-doem/21l95:03r04 PMISDCPage2O FinalE. VaIIey Rd. to EWP - The creek flowed under Central Avenue and then adjacent toseveral apartment complexes. One of these apartment complexes was less than 5 feet from thestream. Considerable streambank erosion has occurred adjacent to this apartment complex,resulting in the placement of sandbags to prevent continued erosion (Photo 11). Riparianvegetation was predominantly Reed canarygrass and blackberry. Several large cottonwoodswere adjacent to the creek in Memorial Park, although some of these treès were dying and had tobe removed in the fall of 1993. The park has been popular with ducks which are a source offecal coliforrn, excess nutrients and soil erosion caused by their predilection for eating grÍrss onthe streambank. Some streambank erosion was evident downstream of Temperance Street (Photo12). The stream substrate was sand and silt. Considerable instream garbage was observed. MillCreek flowed under the Senior Center for about 200 feet between Smith and Titus streets.EWP - The creek flowed through a water detention structure with a two-step concretehsh ladder without a defined plunge pool; however, this did not appear to be a f,rsh blockage.Upstream of the water retention structure, two stream channels flowed from a concrete-lineddetention pond (Photo 13). The pond provided habitat for ducks and hsh. The perimeter of thepond lacked trees and shrubs which could improve hsh and wildlife habitat and improveaesthetics. Portions of the riparian zone of Mill Creek in EV/P lacks trees and shrubs andinstream LOD. Upstream of the pond, the creek flowed through a grass freld near the outdoorpavilion. The City of Kent planted over 100 trees in this area to provide shade for Earthday1994.Pavilion in EWP to l04th Avenue SE - The stream flowed through a forested ravine withextensive shade (Photo 14). The remnants of a former dam was entrenched across the stream atthe beginning of this strearn section, but was subsequently removed as part of a fish habitatrestoration project sponsored by the City of Kent. Upstream of the restoration project, the creekflowed adjacent to a wetland. The creek was braided throughout the lower portion of the reach.Riparian trees were predominantly red alder and bigleaf maple. Black cottonwood, westernredcedar, and Douglas-fir were also found sporadically throughout the reach. Salmonberry andvine maple were the predominant shrub species. Most of the LOD was deciduous in origin andless than 50 years old. Almost all of the pools in upper Mill Creek were created by LOD. TheLOD provided excellent cover for fish and detained sand and gravel (Photo 15). Downhill of theroadbank stabilization project on SR 516, twenty boulder-sized cement blocks were locatedinstream, creating a pool. Three large garbage dumps with appliances and auto parts werelocated adjacent to and within the creek in the upper portion of this reach. An ineffective cementcheck-dam was located approximately 2,500 feet downstream of 104th Ave. SE. This damapparently redirected flow against the right streambank resulting in an almost vertical cutbank atCity of KentWPC:95PROJBCTSI(MIFINAL2.dæ:B/21D5:03:ß PMSI)cPage2l Finalleast 30 feet high. The stream currently flowed around the dam. The City of Kent redirected theflow over the dam again in 1995. Just upstream of the check-dam, the stream bed was dry forapproximately 1,500 feet, but resurfaced near 104th Street. Instream structures at this check damand at the lower fish habitat restoration project appeared to be in need of maintenance duringsurveys in the fall of 1994. Problems at these sites included undercutting and rerouting of thestream a¡ound habitat structures and the frlling of pools by fine sediment.Instream Fish HabitatAbout 6.6 miles of potential hsh habitat existed within Mill Creek (Table 1). The 6.6miles of potential habitat was comprised of less than 1 percent steps, 2 percent pools, 22 percentriffles, 3 percent glides, and74 percent low gradient glides (Table 2).All low gradient glide habitat was located in the valley floor (Figure 4). Four rifflestotaling 92 feet in length were the only other habitat type found in the valley floor and wererail¡oad trestles or bridges where the gradient steepens.(Photo 16). All other riffles, steps, poolsand glides were located in the foot hills a¡ea.The presence of juvenile coho salrnon in a pool in the North Fork of Mill Creek indicatedthat anadromous frsh habitat extended up to l04th Ave. SE and possibly farther. However,habitat upstream of 104th Ave. SE was not surveyed.Garríson CreekRiparian and Channel DescriptionMouth of Garrison Creek to Mouth of Middle Fork Garrison Creek - There were some dead,standing alder trees adjacent to the creek at the beginning of the reach. The creek flowedadjacent to Highway 167 through an industrial area for most of the reach. Canarygrass andblackberry dominated the streambank vegetation and there was minimal shade except where redalder was sporadically located. The creek mimicked a drainage ditch. Construction activity hasapparently occurred on the right bank near 196th Street, where there was a sediment screen madeof geotextile material anchored into the streambank to prevent erosion. Water clarity wasrelatively good compa¡ed to lower Springbrook Creek. Water flow was almost stagnantupstream of the confluence with the Middle Fork Garrison Creek. While walking instream, thesmell of sulfur was periodically present as bubbles rose from the silt substrate.City of KentWrc:95PROJECISnoqcFINAIJ òq09/21i95:û3:04 PùISDCPage22 ooX(D¡úÞoaol\)t,I545 = Step4 = Riffle3 = Pool2 = GlideI = Low Grodient Glide32oot-o.ooTEorthwork PorkDetention PondTitus Rd.lConfluencewithSpringbrook CreekHwy. ló740076523River MileFþre 4. The distribution of habitat types in Mill Creek, Sepæmber 1993.ll=ı Final ReportValley Floor Fork of Garrison Creekfrom mouth of Middle Fork Garrison Creek to 88thAve. S - Woody vegetation was significantly lacking in the riparian zone throughout this reach(Photo 17). Some mallards (Anus platyrhynchos) were seen instream. Vehicles were parkedimmediately adjacent to the creek downstream of S. 228th Street, likely preventing theestablishment of vegetation (Photo 18). Upstream of S. 228th Street, the creek flowed throughan agricultural area with row crops. Soil was exposed in this area and there were potentialsurface erosion sites near the creek. Very little instream structure in the form of LOD orboulders was found in this reach. Shade was minimal due to the lack of established trees andshrubs. Water appeared stagnant in some areas upstream of Highway 167.Middle Fork Garrison Creekfrom mouth to SE 2l9th Street - The creek flowed in aculvert under Highway 167 (Photo 19). From the east side of the highway to the confluence withNorth Fork Garrison Creek, the stream was well shaded by alder and blackberry and water wasclea¡er than in mainstem Garrison Creek. The Middle Fork then meandered and braided througha scrub-shrub wetland. The wetland trees include black cottonwood, red alder, bigleaf maple,and pacif,rc willow (Salix lasiandra). Shrubs include pacifrc dogwood (Cornus nuttallii),blackberry, and willow species. Understory vegetation included sedge, rush, and bulrushspecies. Substrate was primarily gravel with some silt, sand, and cobble. Due to the braidedchannels, dense vegetation, and flat terrain, this zone appeared to dissipate high velocity flowsfrom uplands. This area provided some spawning and overwintering habitat for resident andanadromous fish. There were many large, standing snags that provided excellent bird habiøt.Water clarity was excellent. A more distinct, less braided channel was at the end of the reachnea¡ 218th Street.Míddle Fork Garrison Creekfrom SE 218th Street to South Fork Confluence - Thecreek flowed through a recent streambank erosion/fish habitat enhancement project sponsored bythe City of Kent. Approximately 15 trees were planted on the left bank by a homeowner. Mostof the trees were deciduous, non-native species of maple, willow, and cherry. Only one nativeconifer, a western redcedar was included in the planting stock. Red alder was naturallyregenerating along the stream. Several conifer logs were placed into the stream channel andburied into the streambank. Others logs were cabled to anchors buried in the streambank. Mostlogs appeared to be ineffective at forming habitat during low flow conditions but may dissipate 'erosional energy and may have improved fish habitat at higher flows. Some small woodymaterial was anchored against the streambank to prevent erosion (Photo 20). Several bouldersclusters were placed adjacent to the left streambank in the stream channel. lnstream substratewas predominantly gravel with some cobble and boulders. The alluvial soil of the streambank,consisting of gravel and sand, was highly erodible. The remnant stream channels that meanderCity of KentWrc:95PROJECTSíoC(j|FINAE-dæ:(B/2 l/95:03:04 PMltiDCPage24 Final Reportacross the valley floor gave evidence to the once dynamic nature of the creek in this area. Muchof the enhancement project has attempted to confine the channel to minimize streambankerosion. Most of the reach was comprised of riffles and several small pools. One pool ofsignificance was apparently created by previously existing instream LOD. A2 foot diametersanitary sewer pipe crossed the creek perpendicular to the flow and immediately south of 218thStreet and most of the stream flowed under it. 'Water clarity was excellent.Middle Fork Garrison Creekfrom South Fork Confluence to L08th Avenue SE - Thisreach flowed through a steep ravine vegetated with mature maple, alder, cottonwood, Douglas-fir, and western hemlock. Homes were located above the ravine on the left side of the creek.There were several sites with some fish spawning potential. Shade was approximately 90percent. Water clarity was excellent. Some LOD existed, but most of it was alder and maple lessthan 50 years of age. Some of the pools in this reach were created by LOD. Instream substrateconsists mainly of gravel, cobble, and boulders. Streambanks appear generally stable althoughthere were some signs of erosion. Except for a lack of extensive LOD, this reach had good fishhabitat due to the number of pools and the available gravel.North Fork of Garrison Creekfrom mouth to S. 2l2nd St. (second crossing)- In thisstream segment, the North Fork of Garrison Creek crosses under S. 212nd St. nvice. There wereoil absorption mats on top of a pool just downstream of the lower S. 212nd St. crossing. Thesemats may have been placed as a remediation measure from construction activity upstream. Therewas also a silt fence stretched vertically across the stream which may act as a f,rsh migrationbarrier. Just upstream of the lower S.2l2nd St. crossing, concrete-like gravel was dumped nextto the creek. At the same site, the streambank had been denuded of vegetation. V/alkingupstream, the gradient gradually increased to approximately 8 percent. Vegetation was mostlyalder and maple less than 50 years of age. Shrubs such as salmonberry and blue elderberry(Sambucus cerulea) are growing on the streambank. Shade is approximately 80 percent. Therewere many small and large boulders instream, most of which were recruited from thestreambanks. There was some instream gravel. Erosion was more prevalent on streambankswithout a large boulder component. Three extremely large pieces of coniferous instream LODwere present in this reach. Water clarity wa.s excellent. The reach ended at a second culvertunder the upper S. 212nd St. crossing that had a wide, concrete chute which was apparentlydesigned to distribute flows. However, the substrate directly below the chute had erodedvertically at least 3.5 feet and likely prevented upstream fish migration. Upstream of the secondculvert, there was some auto debris in the creek.City of KentWPC:95PROJECTSl7091C lPINAt2.dæro9/2lDJ:01 ;04 PMSDCPage25 FinalSouth Fork Garrison Creekfrom mouth to l00th Avenue SE - The creek flowed througha steep ravine vegetated with mature bigleaf maple, red alder, cottonwood, Douglas-fir, andwestern hemlock. Shade w¿ìs approximately 100 percent. Water clarity was excellent. Verylittle instream LOD existed and instream substrate consisted mainly of cobble, boulder, andbedrock. Signif,rcant portions of the streambank were eroded. This erosion, coupled with theextensive amount of instream bedrock, indicated that this reach may periodically experienceintense freshets during heavy rain events. Mid-way through the reach, several rock gabions werelocated adjacent to the stream. A pipe from above the ravine led into these gabions, possiblydiverting runoff from a subdivision. Homes were located above the ravine on both sides of thecreek. Much of this reach flowed through unincorporated King County and some the homes mayhave had septic systems which could affect instream water quality.Instream Fish HabitatAbout 5.2 miles of potential frsh habitat existed within Garrison Creek (Table 1). Habitattypes were not delineated in approximately 4l percent of this habitat though most of this a¡eawas comprised of riffles with some pools in proportions similar to that in Springbrook Creekupstream of Talbot Road (Table 2). Low gradient glides comprised 53 percent of the 5.2 milesof potential frsh habitat and were all located in the valley floor (Figure 5). The remainder of thedelineated habitat was comprised of 2 riffles, a glide and a small pool.Erosion at the outflow of a culvert under 2l2th Way may block upstream migration offish, especially at moderate to low flows. Other than this, no ba¡riers to fish migration wereidentified in the Garrison Creek watershed. Hence, it is assumed that anadromous frsh habitatextends upstream to the headwaters of Garrison Creek with the possible exception of the NorthFork.Black River Pumping StationFrom 1958 to 1972,whenthe BRPS was constructed in Renton, Washington,approximately 1,000 feet upstream from the confluence of the Black and Green rivers, flows outof the Black River basin were constrained by the Black River Dam. The dam was an earthen,culverted outfall structure located approximately 500 feet downstream of the present BRPS site.The purpose of the dam wa.s to prevent the flows on the Green River from backing up into theBlack River/Springbrook Creek floodplain at high stage. Six 48 inch diameter culverts extendedthrough the dam and were frtted with flap gates.City of KentWPc:95PROJECISn094CÍFINAE.dæ:09/21i95:03:O4 PMSDCPage26 54u€XoYñExøoËã!z¿FIÈBÞTøIHabitat Types5 = Step4 = Ritfle3 = Pool2 = Glide1 = Low Gradient GlideConfluence21zth.wayConfluence of MiddleFork with FloodplainFork of Garrison Creek(Habitat Type notsurveyed in this reach)2.5oCLÞ(E.ËltG32North ForkMiddleConfluence wÍthSpringbrook Creek10o1.5River Mile0.51323.5\=Èà(È\oIIJÞ(XI(tN\¡Figuß 5. The dist¡ibution of habit¡lt tnes in Ganissr Crceh Sepønber 1993. FinqlThe BRPS was built in 1972 by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service and is currentlyoperated and maintained by King County Surface Water Management. It was built to replace theBlack River Dam which had no means to release Black River/Springbrook Creek flood flowswhen the Green River was at high stage.During flood periods in the Green River, the pumping station acts as a dam preventingfloods from backwatering into the Black River and the valley floor portion of the SMGwatershed. Water levels downstream from the pumping station range from - 4.0 to + 21.5 feetMean Sea Level (MSL) depending on tidal conditions in the Duwamish and the level of theGreen River. Upstream water surface elevations a¡e normally held in the range from 0.0 to 2.0feet, but can reach as high as 13.0 feet. A series of eight pumps are positioned within theconcrete structure and can pass flows of up to 2,945 cfs. Two large pumps of nominal 1,028 cfshave not been brought on line.The hydraulic differences from downstream to upstream at the station creates an effectwhere the downstream water surface is often higher than the upstream water surface. In order top¿tss upstream and downstream migrating salmonids around the structure, a unique fish passagesystem has been constructed and is in operation. A combination of a fish ladder and a fishwaychute is used for upstream passage of frsh (Figure 6). Fish migrating downstream are divertedaround the pumps using an air lift pump to raise the fish to the downstream water levels.Upstreørn PøssageUpstream passage facilities are located on the south side of the pumping station (Figure7). The upstream passage facility is normally operated from mid September through January 31of each year. Beforc 1993, the upstream passage facility was usually operated 24 hours per day,Monday through Friday. Operational periods of less than2{ hours were common during the fusttwo weeks of the operating season. ln 1993, the upstream passage facility was operated about 24hours per day, seven days per week.The main components of this facility are a supply pump, denil fishladder, a falseattraction weir, and a fishway chute. Fish enter the denil ladder, swim up and over the false weir,and are then delivered upstream down the frshway chute.City of KentWrcr95PROJECTSn094ClFlNAL2.dæ:09/22l95:08: 55 AMISDCPage28 NORTHWESTrNcLJAP- rEngineers ond ScientistsIIUPSTREAMFISHWAYEXIT=oJLDOWNSTREAMFISHPORTS(ENTRANcE)OPERATINGBUILDINGRESTINGPOOL=oJb_UPSTREAMFISHWAYENTRANDOWNSTREAMFISHWAYEXIFigure6.EILACK RIVER PUMPING PLANTFACILI TY SITE P LANCITY 0F l(El,ItMILL CREEKFISHERIES SruDYjI--l t_:-----lLIPUMPING STATION ]JARZAHH=+=HW.S. EL.PIPE I.E.PIPE I.E.w.s. EL.+15'-DENIL LADDERFISH CHUTEW.S. VARIESAPPROXIMATE W.S.EL. +5'-8"FISH CHUTE EXITLADDER ENTRANCESUPPLY TOFALSE WEIRVATION VISCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0"0 a E t6#3SCATE N F€€TFLOWLADDER ENTRANPUMP P_9DENIL LADDERPUMPING STATIONPUMP P_2-tFLOW-FISH CHUTEFISH CHUTE EXITFALSE WEIPLAN VIEWSCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0"or6SCA€ IN FEEIFigureT.E}LACK RIVER PUMPINGLJ P STR EAM FISH P ASSAGEPLANTFACILITYqil OF KENTMILL CREEKFISHERIES STUDYlIt IPUMP P_1 Final ReportThe supply pump (P-9) is located next to pump P-2 (Figure 7) within the second pumpbay from the south end of the structure. Pump P-9 is an automatically operated pump whichprovides six cubic feet per second (cfs) through a 16 inch diameter supply pipe vertically throughthe bottom of the false weir. The pump is linked to a level switch which controls operationbetween the water surface elevations of + 4.0 ft. and + 72.0 ft. Hence, this pump automaticallyshuts down during low flow and high flow periods. The pump doesn't operate when thedownstream elevation equals 12 feeLThe false weir consists of parallel steel bars bent into a curve and is situated between theladder and the chute at the highest point of the upstream passage facility. The curved bars on thefalse weir provide a smooth surface to limit injury to the fish moving through the system. Flowis adjusted at the false weir between the ladder and the fishway chute, providing 5 cfs to theladder and 1 cfs to the fish chute.Additional flow is necessary to attract fish to the ladder entrance. Pump P-l (Figure 7)provides 75 cfs through the concrete channel which houses the hsh ladder. This primary pump isused to pump normal flow throughout the year. The automatic controls on the P-l pump are setto maint¿in a water surface elevation in the forebay between 0.25 and 0.5 feet.The denil ladder extends from the downstream pool on the south side of the stationapproximately 60 feet horizontally and 14 feet vertically to the resting pool below the false weir.The denil ladder is approximately two feet wide by 3 feet high with "V" shaped steps placed at10 inch intervals along the base of the ladder. The steps provide the disruption in flow whichenables the hsh to "climb" the ladder. This step configuration is used in a type of denil laddercalled an Alaska Steeppass. A sloped screen covers the open area between the ladder and thewall of the concrete flow channel. The screen prevents jumping fish from falling into thechannel and directs them back into the ladder.Fish enter the ladder along the north wall of the entrance channel. The base of the ladderat the entrance is set at elevation 0.0, and rises approximately seven feet in 25 feet to a restingpool. From the resting pool, fish enter the second portion of the ladder through the entrancepositioned at the south wall. This portion of the ladder directs fish another seven feet verticallyand25 feet horizontally to the top resting pool. From the top resting pool, hsh pass over the falseweir and down the hshway chute.The 5 cfs flow in the ladder flows at approximately 2.5 to 3.0 feet per second. Thisvelocity is well within the normal range for this type of ladder and is suitable for adult salmon.These velocities are at the upper limit of sustained swimming speeds for juvenile fish, and likelyCity of KentWrc:95PRoßcTSn09rclPINNlnæ:09/22.¡95:0815? AMSDCPage 31 Final ReportMercer, WDFW, July 14, 1994), the timing of the operation of the upstream passage facilitiesprecludes the upstream migration of some cutth¡oat trout (O. clarki) and steelhead (also seeMetro 1991).The fishway chute begins at the false weir and transports migrating hsh to the forebayupstream of the pumping station (Figure 7). The fishway chute begins at approximate elevation16.0 and drops to elevation 2.0 ín the forebay pool. This creates a potential drop of up to 2.0 feetwhen the upstream water surface is held at 0.0. The chute is an open channel for the first 10 feet,is a closed pipe for approximately 25 feet, and finally ends in an open channel for the remaining25 feet. Open channel sections are 12 inch diameter half round sections at the base, with nineinch vertical sidewalls. The closed 12 inch diameter pipe sections are necessary to pass ñshthrough the south wall of the pumping station. Two 30 degree angles in the closed section areused to align the chute parallel to the forebay south wingwall. The inside of the chute is coatedwith vinyl to protect fish from abrasion.Downstreørn PøssøgeThe purpose of the downstream fish passage facilities is to provide a means of transportfor juvenile fish traveling from their spawning area around the pumping station. Maincomponents of the downstream passage facility are the entrance fishports and associated piping,air lift system, deaeration tank, and transport pipe. The downstream passage facility is operatedfrom early April to mid June of each year, for approximately eight hours each day, Mondaythrough Friday, during the operators shift. Fish traveling through the system enter through thefishports on the upstream side of the dam. They are then transported to the air lift system andinto the deaeration tank. Fish exit the deaeration tank via the bypass pipe to the pooldownstream of the dam.The entrance ports to the system are located at elevation +2.0 and -2.0 and are adjacent tothe fish screens for the pumps on the south half of the structure (Figure 8). Each port consists ofa horizontal six inch square hberglass opening cast into the training walls of the pumps. Thereare four fishports per screen panel, two on each side of the panel. Fish traveling downstreammove across the screens and to the ports located at the sides of the screens. The airlift pumpsdraw flow into the transport pipes which attract fish to the entrance ports. The lower pair offishports are used under normal flow conditions for water'surfaces up to elevation +2.5 fe,et, andare connected to one of the two airlift systems. For water surface elevations greater than +2.5feet, the upper pair of fishports are in operation using the second afulift system.City of Kentwrc:95PROJECTSn094C|FINAl.2.dtr:09/21l95:03:04 PMTSDCPage32 IJARZArNCSTNORTHqiñee.s ond ScieñtistsDEAEREATION TANK<€l<=oJLTOPEL.+'t3'-0"IRCOMPRESSORALDEAERATIONTANK61012,,620SECTION A _ ASCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0"AIR ADDEDEL.-59'- 0"oatr6t+'t+-AIRLIFTSCAT IT FEEI1TOPEL.+r 3'-0"E +0 0APPROXIMA'IE W.S.w.S. VARIES _v_E!. ts'_BFISHWAY EXIT=oJL!AIR LIFT PIPESFISHWAYEXITSECTION B _ BPLAN VIEWSCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0"04trdt+l-:SCAf fr FE€ÎEL.- 39'-0"SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0"0 4 6 16E*¡l¡È¡-SCAIE IN FETCTil OF KENTFigure g.BLACK RIVER .PUMPING PLANTDOWN STREAM FISH PASSAGE FACILITYMILL CREEKFISHERIES SruDYII,,8ttIttII+2'-0" TYP-2'-0" TYP(erurneNcr)SHPOR6ttPUMPING STATIONLElt_I____ IAIR ADDED FinalAfter fish enter the fishports, they descend a vertical fiberglass pipe to elevation - 17.0feet, where they are directed horizontally in a collection pipe towards the airlift. The collectionpipe diameter increases toward the air lift at each intersection with the vertical pipes from thehshport. As the horizontal pipe passes out of the pump housing and into the air lift chamber, itturns vertically 90 degrees and descends to elevation -39.0 feet. At this point frsh go throughtwo more 90 degree elbows, and enter the airlift pump.The airlift pumps raise fish in the system from -39.0 feet, where the air is added, to +13.0feet where the fish enter the deaeration tank. The principal afulift components are a sparge ring, avertical 30 inch diameter fiberglass pipe, and an ai¡ compressor with associated piping. Thesparge ring is the device used to add air to the pipe and is attached at elevation -39.0. The spargering distributes air evenly around 4nd into the pipe. Air displaces water at the base of the verticalcolumn, resulting in the flow of water and fish to the surface in the deaeration tank.The air compressor is positioned adjacent to the east side of the pump chamber. Apressure gage is located on the compressor and can be used to approximate the flow for each ofthe airlift pumps. During operation, an automatic controller regulates air supply to the eachsparge ring based on the water surface in the forebay. As described in the previous section, theafulift pump connected to the lower fishports will operate at normal water surface levels up to 2.5feet. Water surface levels greater than2.5 feet initiate operation of the airlift pump for the upperhshports. The main control of the air compressor is a manual switch located in the controlbuilding.The dimensions of the deaeration tank are nine foot six inches by nine foot six inches byfive foot deep. The water surface of the tank is controlled by a standpipe set at +12' 9" whichmaintains an approximate water depth of one and a half feet. V/ater and fish flow up and overthe edge of the airlift pipe and into the tank. The entrance to the 18 inch diameter fiberglassdownstream transport pipe is located at the west end of the tank. This pipe transports fishapproximately 108 feet horizontally to the fishway exit.The exit pipe invert is set at 10.0 feet elevation, which can vary in height above thereceiving water. The pipe exits the retaining wall adjacent to the upstream passage entrance.During flood events in the Green River, the end can be completely submerged. Backwateringinto the airlift chamber through the transport pipe is prevented when the water surface is above10.0 feet by closing the gate located downstream from the aeration tank. Low flows are notcommon during the downstream migration periods in the spring, but the potential for drops canreach up to 14 feet. Normally, the drop is approximately 6 feet from the invert of the exit pipe tothe receiving water.City of KentWrc:gsPROJSCTS í09lClFINAI2.dæ:09/22l95:08: 5 I AMSDCPage34 FinalAn empirical relationship was developed between data recorded from the compressorpressure gage and the flow out of the bypass. The depth of the flow out of the end of the bypasspipe and in the deaeration tank was recorded in 0.5 psi increments between 19.5 psi and 23 psi.Flow was computed for each reading based on the water surface in the tank and the depth of flowout of the transport pipe. Flows ranged from 3.5 cfs at 20.0 psi to 7 .2 cfs at 23 psi.From these computed flows, approximate transit times of fish traveling through thesystem were calculated at various flows. Times computed were 1L.2,7 .2, and 5.4 minutes forrespective flows of 3.5, 5.4, and 7.2 cfs. These numbers do not consider any time that fish mayhold over in the deaeration tank, which cannot be determined by the data used for thesecalculations. A breakdown of velocities by flow indicate that high velocities occur in the smallerdiameter pipes at the bypass entrance and lower velocities occur in the system after the airliftpump.Water QuølítyWater quality in the SMG watershed has been the focus of several intensive studieswhich have generally addressed water quality on a stream-by-stream basis. The Black RiverBasin Water Quality Management Plan (Renton 1993) addressed aspects of water qualityprimarily in Springbrook Creek including erosion and its effects on sediment loading andsedimentation. Paramenx(1992) monitored water quality in upper Mill Creek during flrst stormevents and reviewed other studies on water quality including the City of Kent Water QualityAssessment (Herrera 1990), the Mill Creek Water Quality Monitoring Report (Parametrix 1990),and the Milt Creek Answer Book (V/ilsey and Ham 1972). Finally, a study by Entranco et al.(1992) summarized studies of chemical water quality parameters and analyses of total suspendedsolids in Garrison Creek that were undertaken as part of a study evaluating proposed stormwatertreatment facilities. Two other reports which have documented water quahty conditionsthroughout the watershed include a study by Bortz (1981) and the City of Kent Five Year'WaterQuality Program, 1992-1996 (Resource Planning Associates and Herreral99l).The Washington State Depa.rtment of Ecology ha.s established numerical standards forspecific water quality parameters in part to protect fish and wildlife resources. Under theWashington Administrative Code 173-201, Springbrook, Mill and Garrison creeks are designatedas Class A (excellent water quality) in conformance to present and potential water uses and inconsideration of the natural water quality potential and limitations in these systems. SpecificClass A standards have been frequently violated in the past including standards for fecalcoliform, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and turbidity as well as acute and chronic toxicityCity of KentWPC:95PROJECTSn094C IFINAI-:¿.dæ:09/2 1,95:03:04 PMSDCPage 35 Finalcriteria for copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, and chromium (Herrera1990; Parametrix 1990, 1992;Renton 1993). Furthermore, low levels of phthalate esters and polycyclic a¡omatic hydrocarbonshave been found and levels of mercury may also have exceeded criteria, but the analysis wasinconclusive because detection limits for the test were higher than the criteria (Parametrix 1990).The effects on fish growth and survival of water quality levels exceeding Staterequirements vary according to the parameter and the level of exceedence. For example, fecalcoliform is not known to affect f,rsh though it can pose a health risk to humans (EPA 1976). Onthe other hand, low dissolved oxygen is known to directly affect the growth and survival of fish.Dissolved oxygen levels above 10 mg/l are optimum for salmon and trout. Dissolved oxygenlevels below 8 mg/l can cause stress in salmon and trout and levels below 4.0 mg/^ can be lethal(Bortz 1981). Dissolved oxygen levels at sample sites in the high gradient portions of Ga¡risonCreek (Entranco et aI. 1992; Resource Planning Associates and Herrera l99l) and Mill Creek(Parametrix 1990, 1992; Resource Planning Associates and Herrera l99I) have often been lessthan optimum whereas dissolved oxygen levels below the lethal limit for salmonids have beendocumented in the lower gradient reaches of Springbrook and Mill creeks (Renton 1993;Resource Planning Associates and Herrera 1991).Water temperature is often a limiting factor in aquatic ecosystems and is directly relatedto health and distribution of aquatic organisms at all life stages (Beschta et al. 1987; Brett 1979)Optimal temperatures for salmonids generally range from about 7 to l9"C and lethaltemperatures are generally in the range of 24 to 25"C, depending on species (Belt 1991). Watertemperatures in excess of 18"C (the Class A standard) have been documented in Springbrook(Bortz 1981; Renton 1993;Resource Planning Associates and Herrera 1991), Mill (Parametrix1990; Bortz 1981; Resource Planning Associates and Herrera 1991), and Garrison (Bortz 1981;Resource Planning Associates and Herrera 1991) creeks although occulrences of thesetemperatures tryere infrequent. Water temperatures outside of the optimal range but below thelethal limit would tend to decrease salmonid viability, especially if the suboptimal conditionspersist.Behavioral changes have been observed in coho salmon, rainbow trout, and other fish asa result of increased turbidity which may increase energy expenditures related to prey capture.For example, an increase in turbidity from 0 to 20 NTU reduces the reactive distance (distancelrsh move to capture prey) of coho salmon by about 52percent (Berg and Northcote 1985). Inrainbow trout, the reactive distance is reduced about 20 percent with an increase from 5 to 15NTU and is reduced by 55 percent with an increase from 5 to 30 NTU (Barrett et aI. 1992).These changes in reactive rates likely reduce fish growth and survival. Furthermore, turbidityCity of KentWPC:95PROJBCTSrr094clFINAlr.dæ:09/21i95:03:04 PMSDCPage 36 Finalcan affect the production of aquatic ecosystems by smothering fish eggs, destroying benthicorganisms, and limiting primary production (Piper et al. 1982).Water quality standa¡ds for Class A streams state that turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTUover background turbidity when the background turbidity is 50 NTU or less, and that turbidityincreases shall not exceed 10 percent when background turbidity is more than 50 NTU. Thesecriteria have been exceeded in lower Springbrook Creek. Mean absolute turbidity values rangedfrom 16 to 42 NTU at five sites in lower Springbrook and Mill creeks while maximum values atthese sites ranged from 104 to 197 NTU (Renton 1993). Extreme turbidity levels such as thesemay severely affect the growth and survival of salmonids and could play a role in the distributionof salmonids within the SMG watershed (Gradall and Swenson 1982).Levels of trace metals such as copper, Lead, zinc, cadmium and chromium have beenfound to exceed V/ashington State's chronic and acute toxicity levels in Springbrook Creek,upper and lower Mill Creek, Garrison Creek, especially during storm flows when levels weretemporarily elevated (Renton 1993;Bortz 1981; Parametrix 1992; Resource Planning Associatesand Herrera l99l). Similarly, levels of these trace metals exceed the levels optimum for thehealth of salmonid hshes (Wedemeyer 1977; EPA 1976). For example, acute concentrations ofzinc known to kill 50 percent of fish tested within 48 or 96 hours (Table 3) have been exceededin Mill and Springbrook Creek (Table 4; Renton 1993; Pa¡ametrix 1990; Bottz 1981). Thissuggests that at least 50 percent mortality of fish could occur in stream reaches of the SMGwatershed that suffer high zinc concentrations if the conditions persist for the length of timespecified in laboratory studies and if fish have no means of escape downstream orupstream.(Table 3). It is possible that even greater fish mortality occurs because zincexceedences persist for longer periods of time (e.g. greater than 96 hours) as indicated byrepeated measurements at the same sites of exceedingly high zinc concentrations. Furthermore,fish mortality may occur in the SMG watershed from chronic exposure to concentrations of othermetals that exists at levels lower than the acute levels listed in Table 3 or because of synergisticaffects experienced by fish when exposed to high levels of more than one metal or other waterquality problems.City of Kentwrc:95PRO,ECñ¡n09{ClFINAL2.doc09/21/95:03:ø PMl!¡DCPage37 FinalTable 3.Concentrations of selected metâls found to acutely affect various salmonids.Acute ConcentrationMetalCopperLeadZincCadmiumChromiumLevelHardness ReferenceEPA 1976EPA 1976EPA 1976ADFG 1983EPA 1976EPAT976EPA 1976EPA 1976EPA 1976ADFG 198330N/AN/ASalmonids96 hr LCSOFryChinook232230.9296 hr LCSOFry (5 month)SteelheadChinook20-2510396 hr TLSOFry (1 month)96 hr TLSON/ACutthroat920-251096 hr TL561a,ëRainbowSalmonids<20N/AN/AFry (1 month)Chinook1896 hr TL5g96 hr TL5gFry (4 month)Rainbow2020-25400-50048 hr TL56N/ARainbowTable 4Reported concentrations of metals at sites within the SMG watershed.Concentration FlowMetalCopperLeadZincCadmiumCreekConditionsReferenceRenton 1993Renton 1993Parametrix 1990Bortz 1981Renton 1993Renton 1993Parametrix 1990Bortz 1981Renton 1993Pa¡ametrix 1990Bortz 1981Parametrix 1990Bortz 1981Bortz 1981Chromium* - Levels were reported to exceed State criteria but no values were given in the reference.Mill CreekN/A,1.Mill CreekN/A*< deæction limitMill CreekN/A1560.0Mill Creekbase flowstorm events19.0-88.0Mill Creekbase flow117.0-t54.0Upper & Lower Springbrook CreekMill CreekN/A*Mill Creekstorm events2.0-14.0storm events8.1-11.7Upper & Lower Springbrook Creekbase flow0.5-0.7Upper & Lower Springbrook CreekMill CreekN/A*storm events4.0-12.0Mill Creekstorm events10.8-r 1.3Upper & Lower Springbrook CreekUpper & Lower Springbrook Creekbase flow2.7-3.9rglrllerCity of KentWrc:95PROJBCTS r¡GXClFlNÀll-doqog/2 1,95:03:(X PMSDCPage 38 Final ReportGeneral Survey Of Water Temperature And Dissolved OxygenWater quality parameters were samples at a number of locations, as described on pages 4-5 and illustrated on Figure 1. Water temperatures throughout the watershed ranged from 13.0 to17.0"C on September 13 and 14,1994. Water temperatures were generally warmer indownstream reaches of the three streams. However, diurnal variation in temperature was greaterthan geographical variation. All water temperatures recorded were suitable for salmonids.Dissolved oxygen levels ranged from a low of 2.6 mgn to a high of 10.4 mg/l onSeptember 13 and 14,1994. Dissolved oxygen levels were highest in the high-gradient reachesof the watershed and were low in the valley floor reaches (Figures 9 to 11). Although dissolvedoxygen levels were relatively high (greater than 5.4 mg/l) in Garrison Creek, low levels ofdissolved oxygen were found at many lower reaches of Springbrook and Mill creeks. Levels ofdissolved oxygen in Springbrook and Mill creeks were 4.0 mg/l or less at 4 out of 18 samplesites.For a discussion of how these levels of water temperature and dissolved oxygen mayaffect the distribution, growth and density of fish in the SMG watershed, see the discussion ofthese factors in the section entitled "Fish Populations - Summer Population Survey" 6th Ave. Sand S 222ndSt.At the downstream side of the 76th Ave. S. road crossing over Mill Creek, orangishprecipitate covered the bottom of the stream downstream for several hundred feet but was mostconcentrated atTíthAve. S. This precipitate had been previously identified as originating fromiron-rich groundwater. This input of groundwater causes a chemical oxygen demand andreduces the dissolved oxygen concentration.Water temperature and dissolved oxygen were measured consecutively from upstream todownstream of this site during mid-day on September 15, 1993. Water temperature remainedconstant among two sites upstream and two sites downstream of the densest iron precipiøæ(Table 5). However, water temperatures increased 1.5"C in Mill Creek from the upper edge tothe lower edge of a cow pasture adjacent to76th Ave. S in the S 220th block.Dissolved oxygen values predictably decrea.sed at the site of the iron precipitate. Valuesdropped from about 9.5 mgll above the site to 7.8 mgll at the site of iron precipitate (Table 5).Dissolved oxygen increased slightly, to 8.8 mg/I, within about 300'downstream and remained atthis level for about the next 1500 feet.City of KentwPC:95PRoJECni7094ClFINAf2.dæ:09¿ll95:03:04 PMSDCPage 39 IÕoXo\=.sà€aSpringbrook Habitat typeID.O. Level5Habitiat Types45 = Step4 = Riffle3 = Pool2 = Glide1 = Low GradGlideConfluence withConfluencethe P-9MillCreek003River MileD LandmarkConfluence withGarison CreekDataBaniercDEtroÐxortoooooFnot32oCLl-.JG.Ë¡¡(ú-1210Eo42Hury. 167105421ÞoqoåoFigure 9. The disribution of habitat types in Garrison Creek, September 1993 \Èà(!.uaIt2l05fau€!og+Ex4(¡ËPE2ÈEñaÈ¡äÊTøI32oot-o=ooâc')Ecoo)xooooU'aoi5I644I20052----l403River Mile¡úÞ(xIoåFigure 10. Dissolved oxygen levels in Mill Creek, September 1993. )Io^o5C"EtroEtxotto¿oo.9o6543232oèl-IJ6+,¡t(!Habitat Types5 = Step4 = Riffle3 = Pool2 = Glide21?tn.way41=LowGlideConfluence ofFork withFork of Garrison001,5River MileGanison Creek Habitat typen Landmarkst D.O. Level(Habitat Type notsurveyed in this reach)2.57011310.523.5ÞoeoèN)ForkMiddleFigure I l. Dissolved oxygen levels in Garrison Creek, September I 993.\Þ FinalMuch larger drops in dissolved oxygen that were not apparently associated with the ironprecipitate atTíthAve. S and S 222nd St. occurred even farther downstream. Dissolved oxygendecreased from 8.8 to 6.1 mg/lin the reach between the downstream edge of the cow pastureadjacent to 76th Ave. S in the S. 220nd block and S 2l2nd St. It dropped further, to 3.1 mdl, bythe time Milt Creek reached the City of Kent Fire Department at 72nd Ave. S. The source ofthese drops in oxygen was not located.Table 5.Water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations in Mill Creek near 76th Ave. S.and S. 2225t. onber 15, 1993.DissolvedOxygenSite200' upstream of 76th Ave. S9.6Upstream edge of 76th Ave. S.9.5Downstream edge of 76th Ave. S.(Site of iron Precipitation)7.8Culvert about 300' downstream of 76th Ave. S.8.8Culvert about 600' downstream of 76th Ave. S.8.8Upstream of cow pasture at76th Ave. S and S. 220th Block8.8Downstream of cow pasture at76th Ave. S and S. 220th Block8.8S. 212nd St.6.1Behind fire department station on7Znd Ave. S.3.rMill Creek USGS Stream GageThe USGS stream gage on Mill Creek was operated continuously since September 16,1994 with a few exceptions. For example, data from December 13 and 14, t994 was not reliableand had to be discarded. Data was last downloaded for use in this report on December 22,1994.The continuous monitoring dissolved oxygen probe at the USGS gage has provided data whichshows that D.O. levels fluctuated widely and the probe has been replaced twice on 12116194 and3116195 (Richard Chase personal communication 1995). During periods of lower flow thedissolved oxygen probe may have had accumulations of particulate and detrital matter thusgiving lower readings (Richard Chase personal communication 1995). However, during theperiod of adult salmon escapement, September to early December the probe was calibrated fivetimes and the observed dissolved oxygen levels did not differ appreciably when before and afterCity of Kent16.3nat7.o15.5nana15.515.515.5WaterTemperafure ('C)IVPC:95PROJ BCISnû'1(l IFINAL2.dæ(x)¡2 li95:03:04 PMSDCPage43 Final Reportcalibration levels were compared (Appendix V). Therefore, the trend in D.O. levels from thecontinuous monitoring probe may be an accurate reflection of the actual D.O. regime.Water quality variables including temperature, dissolved oxygen, specif,rc conductivityand pH were automatically recorded every 15 minutes. Data were condensed by using only datarecorded on the hour. Time series of each variable were graphed to allow visual comparison ofdifferent variables and to assess the absolute levels of each variable. Time series of the percent, saturation of dissolved oxygen were calculated with temperature and dissolved oxygen valuesusing Franson (1989).City of KentWFC95PRO,BCTSn094GlPINAl2dcæ¿U95:ü]:(X PMSDCPage 44 o\Þ(Ia ¡rlô¡ ts.ùq9(D t-F,ıñots !'')V)Ës(Dé3fjlpFtñu,B-(D\o(D\, .Dè<+Þo É..qOpr' ÞÉ(tjÞeôq9)oÊFÞ\O o¡\o i+!¡oooÉFlÐ(D?À)U)Þ(DràoFt(D(DÞfF¡éU)o(Ab.Jo(¡=þ T1lF.gq9=H(n (Þ(D9 r,¡(D5¿ú<(DÊÐFr6HFtlì5H5P'3FEæÞlgcD=xH(DE: C)¿to)oÊ-È\o ^.\oã!¡o(DoFlrDãÀ¡U)É(D)àoFl(D(DtfÞe(/)oCt)oaÞ0qo=ôg.ã40Y ¡+¡Exøot-E2ÈþìtIÈèäIT6EFUÞoeo5lJrWater Temperature ("C)Water Surface(f0UIæt)09n5t9409n9t94wt23t9409t27t94totoy94to/05t94totogt94ton3/94ton7t94lot2u9410t25t9410t29t94tu02t94lu06t94lut0t94tut4/94tut8t94tlt2u94tU26t94tu30t94tuMt94l2t08/94tata94t2^6t9412t20t94ta24t94ta28t9401/01/9501/05/95outgt9509n519409n9t9409t23t9409127t94tololt94t0t05t94tot09/94lon3l94ton1/94l)t2lt94t0t2st94t0/29t94lu02/94tu06t94lut0t94tUt4t94tUt8t94t1t22t94tv26t94tu30t94l2tMt9412t08t94tut2l94l2n6t94ta20t94lu24/94lu28t9401/01/950ltost950uo9t95\s FinalWater surface elevation (stage) was assumed to be proportionate to stream flow.Examination of the stage values during the time period of record @igure 12) indicates thatstream flow was stable or decreasing slowly from the beginning of the record until October 14,1994 when stage increased about 1 foot in response to the first storm of the season. The nextstorm occurred about 1 week later with a smaller freshet following it by about 3 days. Then fromOctober 26 to 28,1994, stage increa.sed dramatically (about 3 feeQ and subsided quickly beforethe next storm. However, stage did not decrease to the initial low-flow levels for the remainderof the period of record because a nearly continuous string of storms kept the stream dischargeelevated.One notable aspect about the hydrograph is that stage decreased relatively quickly aftereach storm event. In less urbanized streams that have more penneable surface areas within theirwatersheds, stage generally decreases more slowly, allowing fish and other aquatic organismsmore opportunity to utilize the increased instream flow (Lucchetti and Furstenberg 1992). Onthe other hand, in streams such as Springbrook Creek, the rapidly decreasing stage may hinderthe movement of adult salmon that migrate into the watershed.Water temperature followed patterns which in some ways reflected the influence of stormevents evident in the hydrograph (Figure 13). Water temperature decreased slowly with somedaily variation from September 16,7994 when average daily temperatures were close to 18oC,until the first storm events. During the first three storm events, water temperature remainedrelatively stable at about 1 1'C but then began decreasing again. Subsequent storm events raisedor lowered water temperature but, overall, it decreased until about December 6 when it reached alow of about 2.5'C. After December 6, water temperature in Springbrook Creek increased untilthe end of the record.Out of approximately 8,750 temperature readings taken at 15 minute intervals at the MillCreek USGS gage,l74 (2 percent) exceeded State water quality criteria. None of theseexceedences occurred later than early October.Dissolved oxygen and the percent saturation of dissolved oxygen also responded tochanges in stage (Figure 14 and 15). Before the first storm event, dissolved oxygen graduallyincreased from an initial value of about 1.5 mg/l on September 16,1994to about 8.0 mgll whichcorresponded to the steady decrease in water temperature. Dissolved oxygen decreaseddramatically to about 3.5 mgll shortly after the first storm. It then fluctuated at low levels forabout two weeks before increasing to higher, but variable levels (from about 4 to 10 mg/l) at theCity of KentWPCg5PROJECTSnoqcFINAt2.dæ:æ/rlD5:m:01 PMSDCPage46 b.Jct1ØdaOEu)ooaÞ -È,(¡a(DFr slO lt,ã8u)<(Þ(D¡oê(Doãx=<xoaIigun c)úora (-)ısÞ=-FlöPB5É5Àt Ê)rr(D\OE*CDi.o o-\O o¡Lh i+'o(DoÉFlrD?ô¡ft)o¡>oFl(D(DtfÞtÞtñã(lQgãV,G(lafru(Þ â'>+1 (hil <¿(Dg2d.996<ts98q5I'o(DUr()-(D\oéEgoneä'Hã\OB-É-Fl€&L¡r Êe(DoÉFl(D3ÞrAÞ(D?c)Ft(D(DÞt(')qoXo¡úÞoqoè\¡. Dissolved Oxygen (%o saturation))l-J (, Þ LÀ O\ -ì q9 \OOOOOOOOOOODissolved Oxygen (mgn)Þo\ooOO N.)o9n5t9409n9t94t9t23194o9t27t94t0l0l19410t05/94toto9t9410t13t94t0n7t94t0/2u94to/25t94tÙt29t94tu02l94tuo6t94tvt0l94lln4t94tUtS/94lu22t94tu26/94tu30t94tuMt94ta08t94law94larct94tu20t94tu24t94tu28t940u0u950l/05/95ouogt95091t519409n919409t2319409t27t94tÙt01t94tot05t94tÙt09t94tot13t9410117194tot2u9410t2519410t29t94lu02/94tu06l94lvt0l94lut4t94tln8t94l1/22194lU26t94tv30/94taMt94tu08t94tatu94lut6/94la20/94tu24t94ta28t9401/0r/950u0st95olt09195\sÈ Final Reportsame time that temperature began to gradually decline after the fust two weeks of storms. Fromabout December 8 to December 13, 1994, oxygen varied widely but at relatively low levels.These anomalous values are difficult to explain in relation to other variables. However,equipment malfunctions cannot be ruled out as a potential cause for these observations.Dissolved oxygen levels did not meet State criteria (8.0 mg/t) approximately 7370 times(84 percent) out of rougtrly 8750 readings taken at 15 minute intervals from September 16 toDecember 22, 1994. Furthermore, the percent saturation of dissolved oxygen, for whichV/ashington State has no criteria, met the criteria specified by the Oregon Department ofEnvironmental Quality (ODEQ 1992) for spawning salmonids of 95 percent saturation onlytwice (< I percent) out of about 8750 observations. Moreover, the ODEQ criteria for non-spawning salmonids of 90 percent saturation was only met 3 times (<1 percent) betweenSeptember 16 and December 22,1994.Specific conductance and pH also seemed to respond to stage changes. Both variablesincreased when stream discharge decreased. During the first few days on record, specihcconductance increased sharply from about 150 to about 275 ¡tS/cm and remained relatively stableuntil October 14,1994 when specific conductance dropped during the first storm (Figure 16).Between the next two storms, specific conductance increased to relatively high levels but withintwo weeks of the seasons hrst storm event, specific conductance reached relatively low valueswith continuous va¡iation due to storm events.Trends in pH were similar to those of specific conductance (Figure 17). The upper levelof pH set by State criteria, 8.5, was exceeded once out of about 8750 observations and the lowerlimit of 6.5 was not met about 4590 (52 percent) times out of about 8750 observations.Water Quality at the BRPS During the Spawning MigrationWater temperature measured at the BRPS with an automatic temperature logger followedsimilar patterns as water temperature mea.sured at the Mill Creek USGS gage (Figure l8). First,there was simila¡ diel variation in temperature with clearly dehned maximums and minimumseven though the difference between maximum and minimum daily temperatures was usually lessthan 2oC. Secondly, seasonal variation also matched results from the Mill Creek USGS gage.'Water temperature was initially high, about 19 to 20"C, but continued to decrease steadily fromSeptember 18,1994 until mid December when it appeared to level out at about 5'C. The affectsof individual storm events could also be seen in the data although these affects were not aspronounced as they were at the Mill Creek USGS gage.City of KentWPC:g5PROJBCTSnûtaclnNAL¿dæ:09¿1 ¡95:03:04 PMlsDCPage 48 Þ Þr,0Ë'iJEuDoCDgô.(Dã (t)óçEö.'- 11¡(¿r C)a)\OXEã+C)o-e'ıEã\OÉ- r-l.DGÞ.\oÞ(Jt É'o(DoÉFltD?Þln(DràôFt(DoñÞtÉU)o(t)(¡QÈt(t(¡oooìq\rllyr dã'\o ni\o51{oLrEÀ)É5ß¡P¡r(D\oÉ-(DioÀ\o Þ)IJ¡ É'oÞ(DoÉFlþTD?Ê)(t)(!?ràroÈl(D(!tçF¡U)o(noctÞoq(DF¡o(noEtlËdoFlÉôi:=a<?ogóÞX408--E2FFIùãLÞIøIruÞ0qo5\ot¡pH-¡\oSpecific Conductance (¡rS/cm)H l.J 1..-) (,383838-wn5t94wn9t9409t23t94wt27t94t0t0lt94tot05t94totogt94lon3t94to¡t1t94tot2u94tot25t94tot29t94tuou94tU06t94tvtot94tltr4t94tvt8t94tv2u94tll26t94tu30t94IAMD4w08t94tuta94tut6t94t2t20t94tu24t94tu28t940l/01/950l/05/95ouwt95wnst9409n9t9409t23t9409t27t94t0t0v9410t05t94tot09t94ton3t94t0n7t94tot2u94tot2st94lot29t94woa94tv06t94lvrot94tur4t94lut8t94tu2a94llt26t94tU30t94tuMt94ta08t94tata94lut6t94tu20t94lu24t94ta2a940l/01/950l/05/950u09t9s\È oç âEBd cqgttu to:!o:tó/¡?@3F lvrünDrú0¿$tiÍoüdç6c¿^\lue) Jo ÁlIJOIJÀO\Temperature ("C)ËËtlJæotJèo\æov ,_â{qda5ãtf-(Dælo€Þ)\og\O -: ÈE' roo Þ (D (D Àttt) (Ð Ê. Þ \o (D (D ?Ê) ctt (D tÚ Þ C) 7çF CÞ >U FO oe U) Fe o o (/)o.o (D ø CD r_.1 (Jr o Þ (! 09n51940911919409t23194 09127194 t0l0u94 t0l0sl94 70t09194 701t3194 tolt7l94 t0t2u94 r0t25194 r0t29t94 tuwg4 tu06194 rUt0t94 17n4l94 rut8t94 tu22l94 17126194 tu30t94 tztMt94 72t08t94 12t72t94 72n6t94 12t20t94 Dtat94 72t28t94 0u0u9s 01/05/95 juwt95 lúa!.1 Final ReponWater temperature exceeded State criteria 142 times (10 percent) out of 1424observations. Most exceedences occurred from September 15 to September 30.Dissolved oxygen was measured at the BRPS 9 times during the 1994-95 adult salmonmigration (Table 6). All but one set of measurements were taken in November, after the peak ofthe spawning migration but while fish were still being trapped in the net pen (see elsewhere fordescriptions of the BRPS and studies conducted there), and when storm events had raiseddissolved oxygen levels at the Mill Creek USGS gage.Table 6Water temperature and dissolved oxygen measured at the Black River Pumping Stationthe 1994 - 1995 adult salmonTemperatureDate and TimeInside NetPen09102/9413:002t.0llll0l94 08:008.51lll0l94 08:458.1lllll/94 08:008.0llll3l94 07:458.0llll4l94 09:009.0lll16194 07:307.0lll17l94 08:007.0I1ll8l94 09:006.0Dissolved oxygen levels were lower than I00Vo saturation at the BRPS. Out of 35 totalmeasurements, 14 did not meet State criteria and only 3 measurements were greater than 10 mg/[.Dissolved oxygen varied predictably within the area near the BRPS. Dissolved oxygen washigher in a¡ea.s with the most water turbulence, such as the entrance and resting pools of the fishladder, and inside the net pen below the fishway chute outflow (Table 6). Dissolved oxygen wa.susually lowest in the forebay outside of the net pen than at any other sampling location, probablydue to the lack of turbulent flows. It appears that the dissolved oxygen levels in the forebay atthe BRPS and in the net pen are higher than were observed at the USGS gagrng station in lowerSpringbrook Creek (Figure 14). It is assumed that reaerationi occurred between these two8.99.510.8556.87.t657. NetPenInsideNet PenOutsideNet PenUpperRestingPoolD.O.: VoSaturationDissolvedCity of KentWPC:95PROJECÎSn094C FINAL2¡,oc09/¿ll95:03:01 PM(¡DCPage 51 Finallocations on an incremental basis as a function of stream distance. Reaeration based upon plantrespiration is not likely during November but is feasible during July in the forebay.For a discussion of how these levels of water temperature and dissolved oxygen mayaffect the survival of migrating adults and the potential affects on their reproductive fitness, seethe discussion of these factors in the section entitled "Fish Populations - Adult SalmonMigration."Water SamplesDuring spawning surveys on December 8, 1994, a thick layer of oil was seen on the watersurface and on riparian a¡eas below the high water mark at the upstream end of the low gradientglide of the P-9 Channel which enters Springbrook Creek and a sharp chemical smell wasobserved at the confluence of the P-9 Channel and Springbrook Creek. In light of theseobservations and the fact that water quality problems could affect salmon migration through thislower reach of the SMG watershed, water samples were collected in the P-9 Channel and inSpringbrook Creek downstream of the confluence with the P-9 Channel. Another water samplewas taken in the BRPS forebay below the fishway chute where some salmon had died in the netpen.Water samples were collected at these sites following routine sampling procedures onDecember 22, L994. These samples were tested for metals, volatile organic compounds, and oiland petrochemicals (Table 7 and Appendix I) and were compared against standards reported instate of w'ashington (1992), EPA (1976), ADFG (1983), and ODEQ 0992).The concentrations of most of the metals tested for were below the detection limit of thelaboratory tests used and were also below criteria reported in the literature. The levels of threemetals including aluminum, iron, and zinc, exceeded at least one of the four standards used forcomparison. The only standard reported for aluminum was 0.01 mg/l (ADFG 1983) and wasexceeded at all three sample sites by levels which ranged from 0.24 to 0.30 mg/l (Table 7).Levels of iron ranging from 0.83 to 1.50 mgf (Table 7) exceeded some standa¡ds at all three sitesincluding the standards of 1.0 mg/l @PA 1976),0.1 mg/t (ADFG 1983), and 0.3 mg/l (ODEQ1992). Levels of zinc ranging from 0.014 to 0.032 mg/l (Table 7) exceeded søndards of 0.005mg/l(ADFG 1983) and 0.0001 mg/l (ODEQI992) but did not exceed standards of 0.064 mg/l(State of Washington1992) and 0.18 mg/l @PA 1976).The concentrations of gasoline, diesel, and oil were below detectable limits and criteriareported in the literature at all three sample sites (Table 7). Similarly, none of the volatileCity of KentWPq95PROJBCTSnoqcFINAL2.dæ09/2 l¡95:03:04 PMSDCPage 52 Final Reportorganic compounds examined were at levels greater than the lowest limit detectable by the testsemployed (Appendix I).Table 7Concentrations of selected pollutants at three locations* in the SMG watershed onDecember 22,1994,ConcentrationP-9 ChannelBRPSHardness as CaCO64Gasoline0.20 uDiesel0.25 Uoil1.0 uAluminum0.25Anti0.006 uArsenic0.020 uBarium0.0140.001 uCadmium0.0002Calcium13Chromium0.001Cobalt0.005 u0.005Iron1.4Lead0.00194.70.t40.0002 uNickel0.002 uPotassium2.4Selenium0.020 uSilver0.003 uSodium7.8Thallium0.020 uVanadium0.005 uZinc0.031* Locations sampled included: the P-9 Channel at the upstream end of the ditch enæring Springbrook Creek,Springbrook Creek about 100 feet downstrearn ofthe P-9 Channel, and the BRPS forebay beneath the outflow ofthe fishway chute.î A "IJ" next to a reported value denotes the lower detection limit of a given test. For these values, theconcentration of the analyte was lower than the stated detection limit.0.0320.0140.005 u0.005 u0.020 u0.020 u6.96.20.003 u0.003 u0.020 u0.020 u2.22.t0.002 u0.002 u0.0002 u0.0002 u0.0560. u1.50.830.0050.0030.005 u0.005 u0.0010.00113.T3,0.0002 u0.0002 u0.001 u0.001 u0.0120.0140.020 u0.020 u0.006 u0.006 u0.30.241.0 u1.0 u0.25 U0.25U0.20 u0.20 u5660.(meil) (me/l)SpringbrookCity of KentwFc:95PRoJECñ¡n094clFlNAlldæ:09¡¿ll95:03 r01 PMSDCPage 53 Finøl ReportFish PopulationsSummer Population SurveyFish were captured in29 of the 32 sampled sites in the SMG watershed in surveys duringthe low-flow period of 1993. Eight species of fish were captured including coho salmon,cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, three-spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), pumpkinseedsunlrsh (Lepomis gibbosus), speckled dace (Rhinicthys osculus),lampreys (I'ampetra spp.), andsculpins (Cottus spp.). Lampreys and sculpins were identified to genus but not species. It islikely that more than one species of each of these genera exist in the SMG watershed (AppendixD.Fish distribution by species varied dramatically between the stream reaches within thelow-gradient, valley floor and reaches in the high-gradient, foothills area (Figures 19 to 27).Threespine stickleback were the most abundant hsh in the low-gradient valley floor whereassculpin, cutth¡oat trout, and coho salmon were the most abundant fish in the high-gradientfoothills areas (Figure 19 to 21). Fish species diversity was greatest in transition reachesbetween the low-gradient valley floor and the high-gradient foothills area (Springbrook CreekRM -3.7, Figure 19; Mill Creek RM - 4.7, Figure 20 and Garrison Creek RM - 0.75, Figure 21).These transition reaches were all low gradient glides which were located in the upstream portionsof the valley floor, just downstream of the high-gradient foothills ateas. Coho salmon, threespinestickleback, lamprey, rainbow trout, and cutthroat trout were conìmon in the transition areas.The distribution of speckled dace, pumpkinseed sunfish, and rainbow trout was limitedFor example, only one speckled dace was captured during all frsh sampling and was caught atone of four riffles located in the valley floor reaches of all three creeks. The low catch ofspeckled dace and the limited amount of valley floor riffle habitat suggests that these fish mayoccur in very limited numbers in the SMG watershed.A total of 26 pumpkinseed sunfish were captured,25 of which were caught in Mill Creekand I in Springbrook Creek, downstream from the confluence with Mill Creek. Severalobservations suggest that these non-native fish a¡e probably radiating from an establishedpopulation in the detention pond at 104th Ave. SE including: 1) pumpkinseed sunfish sampledfrom Mill Creek were all found in the EWP detention pond or reaches upstream, 2) pumpkinseedsunfish were caught in the greatest densities in pool habitat of the North Fork of Mill Creekclosely downstream from the detention pond at l04th Ave. SE, 3) these fish are unlikely toreproduce in the EWP detention pond or stream habitats and are unable to swim upstream fromCity of KentWPC:95PROJACTSrro9KilFI¡iAl2¡loq09/21 /95:03: Ol PMIS¡DCPage 54 Ii3.5o5{11E<FovrrìEx40ôEzs€IèéI3ø¿5G'Eoza.'6trooolr532.2SpringbrookHabitat type¡ LandmarksoPumpkinseedsunfishII Cutthroat troutooCoSampling sites t SculpinThreespinesticklebackRainborv troutLampreyoHabitiat Types5 = Step4 = Ríffle3 = Pool2 = Glide1=LowBRPSforebayCoho salmonHebitat Datanot ava¡lableBanier4owithGaCreekGlideTrout Farmt.532oCLÞ+aaúIã(úJ.withP-9 Channelwith10M¡I¡10.5003MileRiver1542F0ÞoaoUIL,IFigure 19. Fish density by species and habitat type at 10 sample sites in Springbrook Creek, September 1993.\ =a)a<EoYriì3^40PéÈlEzsc!ı9s6BHabitat typeoPumpkinseedsunfish410Shocking sites I ScufpinThree-spinesticklebackI Speckled dace I Cutthroat trout ¡ Coho salmonLampreyo55oooooo03River Mileo32.50.532oclÞvaú.Ë¡t(gI1ñEoz.Ë(t,coott)¡t52042FÚÞoaoL'Io\Figure 20. Fish density by species and habitat type at 11 sample sites in Mill Creek, September 1993.\ oo+¡XoÞIıeô¡FÒEzsIäÈ!4I6IGarrison CreekHabitat typeThreespinesticklebackt LandmarksLampreyooConfluenceo Sampling sitesSculpinCutthroat trout I Coho salmon45oooo4Habitat Types5 = Step4 = Riffle3 = Pool2 = Glide1 = Low GradientConfluence withCreek0.5North ForkMiddle12th. Wayof2Mile3.50.53(rE2's ci=-ocot.u :olr132oCLF9fú.Ë¡¡G(Habitat Type notsurveyed in this reach)2.5100311.53.5RiverFUÞoao(l-tFigure 21. Fish density by species and habiøt typeat7 sample siterin Garrison Creek, September 1993.ll Finqlthe EWP detention pond, and 4) the length frequency distributions of pumpkinseed sunfish inMitl and Springbrook Creeks suggests that multiple year classes of f,rsh are present @iglre22).Rainbow trout were found only in Springbrook Creek in the vicinity of the SpringbrookTrout Farm which rea¡s rainbow trout (Figure 19). The Springbrook Trout Farm is located onSpringbrook Creek just downstream of Talbot Rd. The limited distribution of these fish to thearea near this rainbow trout hatchery suggests that these f,rsh may have been escapees from theSpringbrook Trout Farm. A total of 10 rainbow trout were captured at the three sample sitesbetween the transition area in Springbrook Creek and the barrier to upstream fish passage atTalbot Rd. The total length of these fish ranged from 71 to 339 mm and mean 183 mm. Thevariation in size of these hsh suggests that as many as 5 year classes of trout were sampled. It isunknown whether these hsh reproduce in Springbrook Creek or have all escaped from the troutfarm on single or multiple occasions. However, as will be described below in the "SpawningSurvey" section, a dead, ripe female rainbow trout was discovered during surveys for spawninghsh in December, 1993 in the reach immediately downstream of the trout farm.Coho salmon and cutthroat trout, which were widely distributed throughout the SMGwatershed, inhabited a variety of habitats. Both species inhabited low gradient glides, glides,riffles, pools, and EWP detention pond. Low gradient glides inhabited by these two species wereall located within the transition areas between high-gradient foothills areas and the low-gradientvalley floor. In Mill and Garrison creeks, densities of coho salmon were greater in thesetransition reaches than in other areas or other habitat types except for the EWP detention pond(Table 8). No coho salmon or cutthroat trout were found in any low gradient glide sampling sitethat was downstream of the transition areas. However, in similar low gradient glide habiøt inAuburn's Mill Creek, the MIT has found coho and cutthroat in low gradient glides in April, May,and August (MIT 1994). They suggest that seasonal migration of coho salmon and cutthroattrout within the SMG watershed may explain the absence of these fish from these reaches in lateSeptember/early October and that low gradient glide habitats may not lack value to SMG fishpopulations if these habitats are utilized at other times of the year.Valid population estimates were not available for coho salmon at 5 out of 13 low gradientglides and for cutthroat trout at 3 out of 13 sites. As a result, the mean population densityreported in Table 8 is inflated by three sites which had relatively high numbers of coho andcutthroat. No coho were seen or shocked at nine of the 13 sites and no cutthroat rffere seen orshocked at 11 of the 13 sites, hence the actual mean population density for low gradient glides islikely much lower than is reported in Table 8.City of Kentwrc:gsPROJECTSn09aclFINAI,.dæ:o92 lE5:03:ü PMSDCPage 58 Final3,50ro o r4 a |'o a tr,o () (f 'f) 3 3 g g g g g gR Rñ ó c7) ç .i¡ |l) tr) .O € N l\ (D @ q o = ITolol[engrth (mm)Figure 22. Thetotal-length frequency disribution of pumpkinseed sunfish sampled from Mill andSpringbrmk Creeks, Sepæmber 1993.43,Ee z.soo¿-ôEJ tÃz0.5ró1412ì086420IÊ.2l!oooEzo |r) o lr) o tr) orr) o !Q a tr) e) tr) o |r) a tr) o tlQ añ ı ı ı ı ö = I = I = g: R ñ R ñ ñ ñ R I STotol Lenglh (mm)FigUre 23. Thetotal-length frequency distribution of cuttÌ¡roat trout sampled from Mill and SpringbrookCreeks, September 1993.City of KentWPC g5PROr8CTSlT09lOlFlNAl2lG09/2 lrt5:03:04 PMSDCPage 59 FinalGlide and riffle habitat supported low densities of coho salmon and cutthroat trout (Table8). When present in glide or riffle habitats, these fish were generally found near structural coveror velocity breaks. Pool habitat supported the second highest densities of cutthroat trout andcoho salmon of all habitat types.Densities of cutthroat trout and coho salmon were highest in the EWP detention pondthan in any other habitat type. However, the size of this pond is much larger than other habitattypes sampled. As a result, this single habitat unit supported more cutthroat trout and cohosalmon than existed all other sampled reaches. Out of an estimated total of 27I cutthroat troutliving in the 32 sampled reaches, 210 (77 percent) were in the detention pond. Similarly, theestimated 1,064 coho salmon in the detention pond represented 82 percent of all coho living insampled reaches.Table 8The mean density of coho salmon and cutthroat trout per habitat type in the SMGwatershed derived from Seber-LeCren or Morran-Zippen population estimators during thelow-flow period of 1993.Mean Population Density (NoJm2)Habitat TypeCoho salmonLow Gradient Glide *1.40Glide0.24Riffle0.12Pool0.40EWP detention pond2.97* The mean population density for low gradient glides reported in this table was calculated onlyfor low gradient glides in the transition areas of the SMG watershed. The actual value for all lowgradient glides is likely much lower. See text for explanation.The mean total length (+ standard deviation) of sampled cutthroat trout was 158 mm (t50 mm) and that of coho salmon was 100 mm (t 13 mm). The large variation in the lengths ofcutthroat trout may reflect the presence of as many as 6 year classes within the samples (Figure23). The lengfh frequency distribution of coho salmon suggests that most fish sampled werefrom one year class (Figure 24). However, one fish that measured 160 mm total length may havebeen one year older than the rest ofthe catch.City of Kent0.590.380.110.000.10Cutthroat troutwrc:gsPROJBCNnoqrcFlNAl-2.dæ;09/2185:03:Oa ruSDCPage 60 €^rL:8<ãqE¡¿öx408--!zFÞIùtsÊTøI252050I.c.2oooEfzÃI+IERR838E88RRIIl.t++0olf)l-l--loloí) í)IfIlr)ó1r)sosI¡úÞoeoo\Ienglh (mm)figare24. Ttre toøl-length frrequency distributiør of coho salmon sampled ftom Springbrook, Mll, and Ganison creeks, Sepæmber 1993llFÈ Final ReportThe lengths of hsh varied by creek and stream reach, as determined by ANOVA (a =0.05) performed according to Zar (1984). Salmonids from the EWP detention pond weregenerally larger than fish from other reaches. For example, the total length of cutthroat troutfrom EWP detention pond (172 mm * 40) was significantly larger than that of hsh from theremainder of Mill Creek (119 mm t 56). Furthermore, coho salmon in the EV/P detention pond(109 mm t 10) were signifîcantly larger than coho from Garrison Creek (98 mm + 7),Springbrook Creek (97 mm 13), and the remainder of Mill Creek (90 mm + 9). Coho from MillCreek were significantly smaller than coho from the EV/P detention pond, and Garrison orSpringbrook creeks, although lengths of f,rsh from these latter two creeks were not signifrcantlydifferent. One other notable difference in size was that coho salmon sampled from low gradientglides (93 mm + 9) were signihcantly smaller than coho from other habitat types (101 mm + 13)Atthough the f,rsh sampling in the watershed was not designed specifically for watershed-wide population estimates of coho salmon, it is useful to assume that multiplying the meanhabitat-specific density of coho salmon by the estimated area of each habitat will give anindication of the amount of juvenile coho present in the watershed at the time of sampling.Several assumptions were made when extrapolating population estimates. First, the amount oflow gradient glides which support coho salmon in the transitional area between the foothills andvalley floor is unknown because of the limited number of sites where fish were sample. Becausef,rsh densities were relatively high in the transitional low gradient glides, an incorrect estimate ofthe amount of this type of habitat could significantly influence standing crop estimates. Thestanding crop calculation is based on an estimated total of 1.91 miles of transitional low gradientglides determined by summing all low gradient glide habitat from the habitat units in the valleyfloor with high coho salmon densities upstream to the hrst foothills-riffle in each creek. Second,it was assumed that non-transitional low gradient glides did not support any coho salmon. Third,the undelineated reaches of Springbrook Creek on the valley floor were assumed to betransitional low gradient glide habitats and the undelineated a¡eas of Garrison Creek wereassumed to have the same habitat composition as Mill Creek upstream of the EV/P detentionpond. Finally, it was assumed that population densities in the limited reaches sampled wererepresentative of the rest of the watershed.Based on the above assumptions, the total number of coho salmon juveniles in thewatershed in September 1993 was approximately 14,600 (Table 9).City of Kent\ryrc:95PROJBCTSnoc4clFINAt2.doq09/2U95:03:04 PMSDCPage62 FinalTable 9The total area of anadromous fish habitat in the SMG watershed, the mean density of cohosalmon by habitat type, and an estimated standing crop of coho during the low-flow periodof1993.Total Area Fish Density PopulationHabitat Type (m2) (No. per m2) EstimatePoolRiffle1,098Glide Habitat29Low Gradient Glide0Transitional Low Gradient Glide12,038EWP Detention pond1,064Estimated Standing Crop of Coho Salmon in the SMG'Watershed14,586Poor water quality observed in the SMG watershed during this study and in previousinvestigations negatively affects the ability of rearing salmonids to grow and survive. Forexample, coho salmon generally prefer highly oxygenated water. The State of V/ashington(1,992) specifies that water in the SMG watershed should have dissolved oxygen levels whichexceed 8 mg/l, in part to protect fish such as coho salmon. Laufle et al. (1986) reported thatgrowth and food conversion in salmon decline at levels less than or equal to 4 mgll. Bottz(1981) reports that dissolved oxygen levels below 4 mgL can be lethal to salmonids. Swimmingability of juvenile coho salmon also can drop in unsaturated water (Laufle et al. 1986).Dissolved oxygen, especially in the low gradient glide areas of the watershed, was often lowerthan 8 mg/l and was occasionally less than 4 mg/'. It is probable that these low dissolved oxygenlevels limit the growth and survival of SMG hsh populations.Furthermore, water temperature, heavy metal concentrations, and turbidity levels allfrequently exceeded State criteria. These conditions can create behavioral (Berg and Northcote1985; Barrett et al. 1992; Gradal and Swenson 1982) and physiological (Piper et aI.1982;Beschta et al. 1987;Brett 1979; Bell 1991) problems for salmonids. These factors, especiallywhen the synergistic affects are considered, likely cause changes in fish distribution within thewatershed, poor growth and survival, and direct mortality to salmonid populations.Overwintering SalmonidsEighty-four juvenile coho salmon, 198 rainbow trout, and 4 cutthroat trout were capturedin a net pen used to trap adult salmon migrating up the fish ladder at the BRPS (see "Adult3573582.978,598r.400.0061,7990.24r200.129,1480.40892City of KentwPc:95PRoJECTSnoqclFINAL2.dæ:09/2185:03:04 PMlsDcPage63 Finøl ReportSalmon Migration - The 1994-95 Run" for details about this study). The coho salmon ranged infork length from 1 7 to 24 cm and averaged 14.8 cm, rainbow trout ranged in fork length from 11to 27 cm and averaged 16.9 cm, and cutthroat trout ranged in fork length from 14 to 18.5 cm andavefage 16.4 cm.A total of 50 coho salmon, 197 rainbow trout, and 4 cutthroat trout were fin clipped andreleased downstream of the BRPS fish ladder, just below the fish ladder entrance. Two cohosalmon and2 rainbow trout were recaptured in the net pen.The route through which juvenile salmon and trout entered the net pen is not clearlyunderstood. 'Water velocities in the fish ladder were low enough that juvenile fish could migrateup the ladder and could possibly navigate the approximately I foot jump from the upper restingpool over the false weir into the fishway chute. In fact, the pump station operator hasoccasionally seen juvenile fish jumping over the false weir. However, the net pen also trappednumerous, uncounted stickleback, and occasionally trapped tadpoles. Neither sticklebacks nortadpoles could likely navigate the hsh ladder nor jump over the false weir, and no hsh ortadpoles were likely able to jump over the side of the net pen or go through the 0.25 inch mesh.Finally, some tadpoles were physically damaged with wounds on their bodies or were brokeninto multiple pieces.Some of the above evidence suggests that fish and other aquatic organisms might beentrained into the vertical turbine pump which supplies the fish ladder and fishway chute withwater. On the other hand, the 4 four fin-clipped juvenile salmonids which were recaptured in thenet pen, and observations made by the pump station operator, indicate that at least some juvenilehsh a¡e migrating up the fish ladder. It is not unusual that juvenile coho salmon and other troutmigrate out of large rivers or streams in winter to shelter in back-water or off-channel habiøt(Peterson 1982; Tschplinski and Hartman 1983). [n fact, the MIT has documented thisphenomenon elsewhere in the Green River system (pers. cotrun., R. Malcom, MIT, October 27,t994).The pump intakes at the BRPS a¡e covered with screens with 0.25 inch openings whichwould prevent most fish and aquatic organisms from passing through them if they are in workingorder. Also, the vertical turbine pump used to supply the fish ladder and fishway chute wouldlikely kill a higher percentage of hsh than were observed in the net pen.At this point, insufficient dataexists to conclude where juvenile salmonids, stickleback,and other aquatic organisms trapped in the net pen originated. More research should beundertaken to determine if aquatic organisms are being entrained into the BRPS pumps and toCity of KentWrc:95PROrECTSfroglcFINAL2 dæ:09/2 l¡95:03:04 PM(¡DCPage64 Final Reportdetermine the amount of ha¡m, if any, that is inflicted on aquatic organisms if they pass throughany pumps.Smolt EmigrationNine species of fish were captured and identified in the net pen during the study of cohosmolt emigration at the BRPS (Table 10). The most abundant fish in the catch were threespinestickleback, coho salmon, and rainbow trout. Few cutthroat trout were caught. Th¡ee steelheadwere identihed by their delicate, silvery scales; black tips on the dorsal fin and dorsal and ventrallobes of the caudal fin; obscured pan marks; and clear, uncolored pectoral and pelvic fins.Table 10Species composition and total catch of fish moving through the downstream passage facilityat the Black RiverStation during between8 and June 16, 1994.SpeciesTotal CatchThreespine stickleback1,874Coho salmon1,456Rainbow trout100Lamprey26Pumpkinseed sunfish12Unidentifred salmonids (fry)10Cutthroat trout8Steelhead3Speckled dace1Sculpin1The period of coho salmon smolt emigration began on April 8,1994 and continued untilJune 16, 1994 when the downstream passage facility was deactivated for the season @gure 25).The run reached its peak on May 6,1994 when the maximum daily total catch of 118 cohosalmon occurred. The timing of the run was skewed towards earlier dates. Approximately 7lpercent of all coho had emigrated before the date of the peak catch. Catches of coho salmonsmolts were generally high on Mondays and usually decreased during the latter portion of eachweek (Figure 25), possibly suggesting that fish are concentrated in the forebay of the BRPSduring weekends when the downstream passage facility was not operating. A visual comparisonof coho salmon smolt catch and three physical variables including rainfall, tailrace elevation, andCity of KentÌ{rc:95 PRoJECTsnoqof Í(NAt¿dæ:09/2 I /95:03:04 PMsDCPage 65 Finalthe number of hours the main pumps at the BRPS were operable suggested that none of thesevariables was related to the timing of smolt emigration (Figure 26).Most sampled coho salmon were healthy and showed few signs of physical damageresulting from movement through the downstream passage facility of the Black River.Occasional scale loss on coho salmon was generally confined to less than 5 percent of their bodysurface area. Internal bleeding, evidenced by pinkish fins, and external injuries, including breaksin the flesh, were seen on 18 coho salmon smolts (1.2 percent of the total coho catch). Theseinjuries may have occurred before, during, or after passage through the BRPS.Some additional scale loss, external injuries, and mortality of coho salmon occurred earlyin the trapping operation and was believed to be directly attributable to changes in the netconfiguration resulting from high turbulence and changing river conditions. The hydraulicstresses on the net pen were variable and were a function of tides, the amount of water pumpedthrough the BRPS, and the number and position of the pumps at the time of pumping. Initially,several modification to the net pen were explored to minimize turbulence in the net pen. Finally,a pvc-pipe frame was htted to the net which had the result of minimizing the amount ofmovement by the net and decreasing the chance of injury to the fish. A frsh kill of 62 fish on¡t.fay 4,1994, was a significant proportion of the total mortality of 106 coho salmon. Only 2dead coho salmon were caught after the pvc-pipe frame was installed on May 5,7994.The fork lengths of a total of 286 coho salmon were measured from samples takenperiodically throughout the period of smolt emigration (Appendix III). The mean fork length ofcoho salmon smolts was 133 mm (+ 11 mm). A plot of the length frequency distribution of thesesampled fish suggested that 3 year classes of coho salmon were sampled (Figure 27). One fishthat measured 53 mm and was captured on April 12,1994, was likely to have been a young-of-the year coho salmon fry. The largest fish, 194 mm, may have been a2year old coho salmonsmolt, however, without scale analysis the actual age cannot be determined.Morning and afternoon catches during the four days when the downstream passagefacility was operated continuously and the net was checked ¡vice daily demonstrated no obviouspatterns (Figure 28). On May 10 and May 11, the total catch of fish between 14:15 hr and 7:30hr was higher than the catch from 7:30 h¡ to 14:30 hr. However, on N,day 12 and May 13, theopposite relationship was true.City of KentWrc:g5PROJECTSIût{CIFINAI2 dæ:09/21l95:03:O4 PMSDCPage 66 LgãEeã aûsHd m:co:ç6/r?605.FZ]VNÌdlollolls¡Jaf oìld çó:Jd,l\lue)Jo /qlCl\)oI310qãN!¡Þ¡(Do.À!oÞ c) o c)o oøÀt EII v2 o U) Þ CD tË Þc),r F oÈt FÚ É BE oq(/) Þ Ê1.o g {.D ¿D E æ \o\Ôu) À) o. d o -a \o\Dè Number of Fish8è98 Io o 4181944111194 4114194 4117194 4120194 4123t94 4t26194 4129t94 512194 515194 518194 5111194 5114194 5117194 5120194 5123194 st26t94 5129194 6/1194 614194 617194 6t10194 6113194 6116194 o I TT uoda¿ Tout¿ 89 âEsd a0sr{d t{:t0:sóltz60ilPrlvNuroll0asÞarcù¿tócJ¡{{lue)Jo /qlCt9o8er glil OaãÉ(D (vÞl.J¿'¡Ë.>æoÉJ=EE(J) ti'È9go Éaãä HOo\ r2.oHF\oË\Þo¡=ta) o g oe Ë Et'o EL Ë oe Þ t.D EÚ Þc)tlã (D 9 E. 0a u2 Àt ELo f t ø c¡ Ê9 (l s. ë g È Ê¡ þ. Âtd ôø) o t9Àoo Number of lishI @o4l8l9A41111944114/94 Al17le+ 4lnl94 4t23te[ 4126/94 4tæt94 512/eA 5t5194 518194 5/11194 5t14194 5t17t94 5t20t94 5/23teA 5126194 slnt94 611t94 614194 617194 6t10te+ 6t13/94 6t16t94 +o o oo+o = +o ooo od a Iofoo'oçqs o+]E C 3þ I I a I I ı eg ,â ? x OO Pı88è88\Jıııôbb lJod?V l0ur¿ (leel:hours:hundredlhs of inches) ooXo{ãiå¡Ido¡E52Èt¡ÞÊÈèiåTTaIó05040Meon fork length = .l33 t I lmmt0Fork Length (mm)EplÀoı30.c¡Eazn0I E8ERR8s8E88eeRR839 gq q 9ER 8E€E gRHR\=Èã(!\TtuÞ(Þoo\\ÞFigure 27. The fork-length ftequency disribution of coho salmqr smolts sampled at the Black River Pumping Station , Spring 194. 45403530-cU'ïzsoo.clENazt¿1g.ã'?oö^ÉoË3ECFBùtsstøII Cotcrr from 14:151o 7:30n Cotcfr from 7:30 to t4:30l5t0silol945il119451121945113194DoleFigure 28. A comparison of the catch of coho salmon at the Black River Pumping Station during day-time operating hours and night-time operatinghours, May l0 to May 13,1994.50\ìsÈà(t\'o¡ÉÞOQo-Jo FinalAdult Salmon MigrationPrior to 1994, the species composition of fish migrating up the BRPS fish ladder isunknown. Several anadromous species including coho salmon, steelhead, cutthroat trout, andDolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) have been documented in Springbrook Creek (Jones andStokes 1991). Additionally, several anadromous salmonid species migrate upstream in either theBlack or Green river including fall-run chinook salmon (O. tschawytscha), coho salmon, chumsalmon, steelhead, and sea-run cutthroat trout (pers. comm., S. Mercer, WDFW, July 14, 1994).Anadromous lamprey may also use the fish ladder. V/ithout knowledge of the speciescomposition of these runs it is impossible to determine how many of these fish may have actuallyutilized the SMG watershed. In addition to adult salmonids which have imprinted on the SMGwatershed and are returning "home," it is possible that some fish which migrate up the fish ladderat the BRPS are actually migrating to other areas within the Green River watershed. However,there is no way for adult salmonids to migrate downstream once they have ascended the BRPSfish ladder. Fish that were migrating to other areas in the watershed may not find suitable habitator may be behaviorally disinclined towa¡d spawning in the SMG watershed and, hence, wouldnot contribute to fish populations there.From 1983 to 1993, an average of 120 fish have been counted by the automatic fishcounter in the fishway chute at the BRPS per year. The largest run on record, 291 hsh, occurredin 1992 and the smallest run,47 hsh, was in 1985 (Figure 29).The period of migration has usually extended from mid September to mid December, asshown by the daily composite fish counts summed over the period from 1983-93 (Figure 30).This 1983-93 daily composite was created by summing all frsh counted at the BRPS for eachcalendar day of the migration season from all years. In all years since 1983, the earliest fishpassed through the pump station on September 13 and the last fish passed through on December28 (Figure 30). A low pass filter was fit to the composite data to remove short period variation incounts and to emphasize seasonal variation. The filter consisted of a7 day running mean whichcalculated, for each specific day, the mean fish count for the 7 day period centered on that day.This f,rlter shows that the fish runs at the BRPS have been trimodal, with two main peaks atSeptember 25 andNovember 4 and a smaller peak at December 3 (Figure 30). These multiplepeaks indicate that the fish migration at the BRPS is temporally segregated, suggesting that themigration at the BRPS is comprised of multiple runs of the same species or perhaps more thanone species.City of Kentwrcr95PROJBcninoqclFINAIrdoqæ/2U95:03:ß PMSDCPageTI zLete¿ccsru '():00:f6/l?60ior'IvNlJ0ló0¿sþafotdt6:3d^{lue>I Jo /$¡JNumber of FishsãsËËËo zc 3(t Eq 3t, u,o=9oato:tc Eg-o9=oı ã'eaoc,oO- ery-, .3ı ôc =JJ-.t, \OfotOQø,B4d9 34 -(¡) _èe.\ f¿-o E ctoioo 'r983/84 1984/85 'r985/8ó 1986187 1987188 r 988/89 r989/90 r990/9r 1991192 1992/93 oo + I 1993t94 lou!.4 \o\o(,Þ5 ELe?e¿¡ros¡ld toieo:f ó'r z/óO:æP?.tvNId oñOusÐaroì¿sdJd ¡r{luex Jo Állc ll!o85 =cc2ı-_)+-r<ıo =.Oo@ ^(,)€ (f,) o- 9. ooc +ø (¡8315 0çl5'ã0a ¡r¡ã9(!ËË!ì(Di+è8È.B<CDc)¡OÞËE: tir<ıc, 9.BA çÉ.àáÞ (DY a)Ò â Þ 6t! Þ C¡vl7 o ¡Ë ÉÞ EI oe (t) Þ trLI !h U2:f Þ o.o U)É EI (Dè.o (D (D (D À)a \oæu) o E(, Àt o. Þ\¡ o.Þ C)('t o No. of Fisht\)ts(r(¡¡ÀÀç¡ıi5oc¡o<¡to Io o l-SepSSep9-Sepì3-Sep 17-Sep 2'l-Sep 25-Sep 29-Sep 3-Oct 7-Oct I I-Oct I SOct l9-Oct 23-Oct 27-Oct 3l-Oct 4-Nov 8-Nov l2-Nov 'lôNov 2GNov 24-Nov 28-Nov 2-Dec 6Dec 'lGDec l4-Dec l8-Dec 22-Dec 2êDec 3GDec 3-Jon 7-Jon 'll-Jon 'llJon '19-Jon 23-Jon 27-Jon 3l -Jon lou!.t Final ReportThe 7993-94 RunDuring the 1993-94 salmon migration period, 120 fish were counted by the automatic fishcounter in the fîshway chute at the BRPS. Four adult coho salmon, no actively spawning fish,and no redds (salmon nests) were found during surveys for spawning fish conducted onNovember 17, December 2, December 8, and December 27, 1994 (Table 1 1). All four adult cohosalmon were found in the lower foothills area of Mill Creek and one dead, ripe, adult rainbowtrout was found in Springbrook Creek in the reach downstream of the Springbrook Creek TroutFarm. Two of the adult salmon found were ripe, yet dead. There were no external injuriespresent on either of these fish to suggest obvious causes of mortality. The two live fish seenavoided biologists. Hence, the sex or maturation status of these fish is unknown.Table 11All observations of adult salmon made during 4 bi-in winter 1993.Survey DateObservationNovember I7,1993One dead, ripe female coho salmon in Mill Creek downstream of SmithRoad.December 2,1993One dead, ripe male coho salmon in Mill Creek downstream of EWPdetention dam.December 8, 1993One live coho salmon in Mill Creek upstream of the detention pond in EWPDecember 27,1993One live coho salmon in Mill Creek downstream of EWP detention pond.The substrate of the area in Mill Creek where the 2 live salmon were found wasmarginally suitable for spawning. However, stream flows at the times of these surveys appearedto be too low to provide good spawning habitat.The 1994-9ı RunBRPS Fish CountsA total of 262 upstream migrating adult salmonids were counted at the BRPS during the1994-95 salmon migration season as of January 18, 1995 (Appendix IV). This count representsthe sum of all adult salmonids trapped in the net pen and the number recorded by the automaticcounter in the fishway chute when the net pen was not operated. Of the fish identified in the netpen 14 were chinook salmon and229 were coho salmon.Discrepancies existed between the number of frsh counted by the automatic fish counterand the number of fish trapped in the net pen. Some of these discrepancies were accounted forby obvious mechanical problems with the automatic counter. Out of a total of 29 days when theCity of Kentwrc:95 PRoJECñ;f709lc|FINAI¿dæ:09/2U95:03:04 PMsDCPage74 Finalnumber of fish counted in the net pen and by the automatic counter could be compared, thecounts were identical on only 7 days. Overall, the counter underestimated the number of fishcaught by 8 fish. However, this difference was not consistent. The automatic counteroverestimated the number of fish which migrated past the BRPS on 10 occasions andunderestimated the counts 11 other times. Individual discrepancies in counts were sometimeshigh. For example, on October 27,1994, the automatic fish counter overestimated the number ofmigrating fish by 2I and on November 2,1994, the counter underestimated the number ofmigrating fish by 12.The chinook salmon trapped in the net pen were comprised of 4 males, 4 females, and 6jacks (males <50.8 cm;pers. comm., H. Fuss,'WDFW, January 18, 1995) and the coho salmonwere comprised of 70 males, 118 females, and 46 jacks (males <45.7 cm). Chinook salmonranged in size from 3 1 to 7 4 cm (Figure 3 1) and coho saimon ranged in size from 22 to 69 cm(Figure 32). The average fork length of chinook salmon was 55 cm for males, 61 cm for females,and 39 for jacks. The average fork length of coho salmon was 53 cm for males, 53 cm forfemales, and 34 for jacks.Chinook salmon migrated through the BRPS ea¡lier than most coho salmon (Figure 33).The first chinook were trapped on September l'1,1994 and the last one w¿rs trapped on October22,1994. The period when coho were trapped extended from September 19 to December 9,1994 although two more hsh of unknown species were counted automatically on December 10and December 18, 1994. The peak of the coho salmon migration occurred on October 27, 7994when 49 coho were trapped in the net pen during a24hour period.Out of the 14 chinook salmon trapped in the net pen, 13 were tagged and released and Iwas released untagged. Out of the 229 coho salmon trapped in the net pen, 184 were tagged andreleased, 5 were released untagged, and 40 died while in the net pen. Five different tag colorswere used and were changed roughly once per week to allow spawning surveyors to identify fishfrom a distance by tag color.On November 30, 1994, an experiment was conducted to determine if fish transported byvehicle to EWP detention pond would spawn if provided with immediate access to the spawninggrounds. Four tagged coho salmon (2 females and2 males) were transported by vehicle in a livetank from the net pet to the EV/P detention pond where they were released. The fate of these fishwas then followed with the routine spawning surveys discussed below.City of KentWrc:95PROJECTSn09,lClFlNA0.doq09/2 lD5:03:04 PMSDCPage75 FinalRRñFKgSsSä3$SSç8ilfiHfr€ËS€ËFFork Length (cm)Figure 31. The fork-length frequency disribution of adult coho salmon trapped at theBlack River Pumping Station from September 17 to December 9,1994.41æ o ô¡ s I æ o ô¡ I ç 09 o çf ç \o æ Q (!l s I æ c N tñ ı ö ö ı ó + ì + + <i ñ'.i ñ'ã',ñ Ë \o \0 e \o r\ c- r\Fork Length (cm)Figure 32. T\e forkJength frequency disribution of adult chinook salmon trapped at theBlack River Pumping Station from 17 to December 9,1994.N3632-28(t)tu24lEã20Et6ztz8405J2thtulHliOþz0w Tg5PROJECISnog.cFINAL:¿rcO9r¿ U95:03:Oa PM{|DCPage76City of Kent LLãte¿JxtSI]U to:f O:f 6/lzJóoÐg'IYNt{lf)lloll$.)Üotdtdcd¡l\luâx Jo /trlco Lrr o Number of Fishh.J b.J (,OUìO (rÀ5u¡riourorytoatl(,(, rl (l É (D o U' À9 ö cJo tã (DÞ Þ, E¡ri tÚÞ C)ÞfFä'(D FU 'tt oa U) Þ 8' trÞ v)o 6 -(D \¡ \o\oè o Þ Þ \o \o\o(Jr UÞ (D 09n519409n919409123t94 09t27194 t0l0ll94 70t05t94 10109194 tÛlt3l94 t0ll7l94 r0t21t94 t0t25194 70129194 tu02l94 tu06t94 7ut0t94 tut4l94 tU78194 ty22194 ru26t94 77t30t94 t2tMt94 tzt08t94 t2t72t94 72tr6t94 72t20t94 r2t24t94 12t28t94 01/01/95 01/05/95 01t09t95 II+-- -È--rI+ ItrÈ-la)ıts9 vvCÞOTD(ìô 0 7ç IDut,4 FinalSpawning SurveysOn October 31, 1994 all reaches of the SMG watershed accessible to anadromoussalmonids (about 17.5 miles) were suryeyed for evidence of spawning salmon and to identifypotential obstacles to migration. A similar, comprehensive survey was conducted on November16, 7994 when 5.7 miles of habitat was surveyed in Springbrook, Mill, and Garrison creeks. OnNovember 16,1994, Springbrook Creek was surveyed from 84th Ave. S. upstream to Talbot Rd.,Mill Creek was surveyed from 76th Ave. S. to about 0.5 miles upstream of the EWP detentionpond, the Middle Fork of Garrison Creek was surveyed from Springbrook Creek upstream to theconfluence of the Middle Fork and the South Fork, and the North Fork of Garison Creek wassurveyed from the Middle Fork upstream about 0.25 miles.Additionally, approximately 6.9 miles of stream habitat in Springbrook, Mill, andGarrison creeks were surveyed by trained volunteers periodically from October 8 to December20,1994. A total of 6 different volunteers participated in this "Salmon Watch Program" andmade a total of 22 observations of different stream reaches primarily located in the foothills areaand in the transitional zone between the foothills and valley floor. Approximately equal effort,in number of observations, was made at each creek.A total of I out of 13 tagged chinook salmon (8 percent) and 17 out of 184 tagged cohosalmon (9 percent) were recovered after tagging and release (Table l2). One coho salmon wasseen alive and the remainder of the recovered fish were dead. The single recovered chinooksalmon was found about 4.1 miles upstream from the BRPS in a low gradient glide reach ofSpringbrook Creek near 84th Ave. S. Seven recovered coho salmon were found in the BRPSforebay, I was found in a low gradient glide reach of Springbrook Creek near Oaksdale Avenue,5 were found in a low gradient glide reach of Springbrook Creek near 84th Ave. S, and 4 werefound in Milt Creek in the vicinity of EWP. However, 2 of the 4 coho salmon found in MillCreek in the vicinity of EWP were fish that had been transported to this area by vehicle.On average, recovered salmon were found about 2.6 miles upstream of their release site atthe BRPS. Only the 4 coho salmon found in EV/P and2 coho salmon found in SpringbrookCreek upstream of the Garrison Creek confluence (a total of 3 percent of tagged salmon) wereclose to habitat that is suitable for spawning, and two of these fish had been transported to thishabitat by vehicle. Although salmon carcasses can float downstream after spawning, a reach ofSpringbrook Creek upstream of the locations where salmon were recovered was thickly filledwith aquatic vegetation that would likely have trapped any carcasses which had drifteddownstream from potential spawning gtounds.City of KentWrc:95PROJECTSío&rcFlNAlJd@rDt2t,95:03:04 PMSI)cPage 78 Final ReportOf the seven dead female salmon recovered, 2 had retained all of their eggs, 2 hadbetween 13 and 24 retztned eggs, and the remainder were either empty of eggs or were badlydecomposed. No redds or other evidence of spawning was seen although the high gradientspawning habitats were the areas most intensively surveyed by volunteer observers.Additionally, one live, adult steelhead was captured and examined by a MIT fisheriesbiologist on January 5, 1995 in Mill Creek in EWP upstream of the dam and downstream of thedetention pond. This fish measured about 60 cm and was missing its adipose fin which indicatesit was released from a hatchery. Because this fish was not trapped in the net pen, it is assumedthat it passed through the upstream fish passage facility at the BRPS on one of the days when thefish trap was not in place. It is unknown whether this fish was counted by the automatic counter.Barrier SurveyPotential barriers or obstacles to adult salmonid migration were identified. Trainedfisheries biologists subsequently investigated and photographed each potential obstacle, andassessed the likelihood that adult salmonids would be deterred by the obstacle underconsideration. This section considers only physical obstructions to adult salmon migration.There are also chemical barriers in the form of water quality issues that will be mentioned herebut discussed separately below.The P-9 Channel. There is a beaver dam at the mouth of the P-9 Channel where it joins SpringbrookCreek. This dam appeared to be passable at the flows which existed during thesurvey (Photo 21) but could become a problem if the dam increased in size.. Brush chokes the P-9 Channel between Lind Ave. SV/ and E. Valley Rd. This areamay be passable but fish would probably have to struggle to get through and maybe stopped in the future if the vegetation becomes more dense.¡ A vertical culvert upstream of E. Valley Rd that is covered with a grate is likely toprevent adult salmonids from passing this point (Photo 22).. If fish could pass the vertical culvert at E. Valley Rd., they would be stopped in thewetland upstream of this culvert which has no defined channel.. Potentially serious water quality problems may exist in the lower reaches of the P-9Channel which could limit salmon migration. They will be discussed in the sectionentitled "The 1994-95 Run - Water Quality.".City of Kentwrc:95PROJECTSn094CIFINAI2 dæ09n1¡95:03:04 PMltiDcPage79 FinalSpringbrook Creek. A USGS stream gage located upstream of 84th Ave. S. was improperly groundedupon installation. Stray voltage at 85 volts was measured by Puget Power inSpringbrook Creek and 109 volts were measured in the adjacent stream bank onNovember 2,7994. This problem was corrected after it was discovered. However,the stray voltage may explain why at least 3 dead coho salmon and 1 dead chinooksalmon were recovered in this area. Furthermore, it is possible that this strayvoltage was killing other fish.. The reach upstream of the confluence with Garrison Creek, immediatelydownstream of the auto wrecking yard on S. 192nd St., was choked with grass andbrush (Photo 23). This reach was passable at some flows, as indicated by carcassrecoveries upstream of this area. However, the energy reserves of migratingsalmon could be taxed when attempting to migrate through such an area.. The reach between the auto wrecking yard on S. 192nd St. and the pool below theHwy. 167 culverts was choked with brush and aquatic vegetation . Portions of thisreach were passable at some flows, as indicated by a carcass recovery upstream ofmost of the brush. One area, immediately downstream of Hwy. 167, wasparticularly choked with aquatic vegetation and may not be passable (Photo 24).. The stream over topped its banks upstream of Hwy. 167 , parallel to S. 192nd St.The resulting braided channel, in addition to the vegetation choked originalchannel, may be an obstacle to salmon migration (Photos 25 and26).. The Springbrook Trout Farm diverts Springbrook Creek water into a racewaywhich flows into rainbow trout holding ponds. These drain into Springbrook Creekbut are screened to prevent fish movement between the ponds and the creek. Anoverflow spillway on the raceway is impassable to upstream migration of fish aswell. At higher flow levels, a bypass reach allows some water to flow around theSpringbrook Trout Farm and connects the upstream and downstream portions of thecreek (Photo 27;pers. comrn., D. Gallagher, Springbrook Trout Farm, November18, 1993).. Springbrook Creek flows through a 30 foot culvert that is sloped at approximately100 percent immediately downstream of Talbot Road. This culvert is impassable toall upstream migrating fish at all flows.. A concrete pad and notched weir in the South Fork of Springbrook Creek likelyserves to isolate resident fish populations in Springbrook Creek upstream of TalbotCity of KentWPC:g5PROJECTSí09{CltrNAL2.dær09/2 l/95:03:Ol PMISDCPage 80 FinalRoad from a short reach of habitat downstream of the reservoir at the headwaters ofSpringbrook Creek.. Water quality in the lower reaches of Springbrook Creek may be a barrier to salmonmigration under certain conditions. They will be discussed in the section entitled"The 1994-95 Run - ril'ater Quality.".Mill Creek. The EWP detention dam is equipped with a culvert and notched weir designed toallow anadromous fish passage. During the low-flow (Photo 28) and spawningsurveys (Photo 29), this culvert appeared passable to migrating fish, and indeed,adult anadromous salmonids were found upstrearn of it in 1993 and 1994 and havebeen reported in EWP in previous years (pers. comm. R. Chase, City of Kent,September 13,1993). However, strong doubts about the effectiveness of thisculvert at different flows have been expressed (pers. comm., J. Robel, WDFW,November 19,1993).. Many complexes of woody debris exist in Mill Creek upstream of EV/P in the MillCreek Canyon which may obstruct migrating adult salmonids at some flows.However, none of these appeared to be specific problems and all appeared to bepassable at the flows which occurred during spawning surveys (for examples seePhotos 30 and 31). Water quality in the lower reaches of Mill Creek may be a barrier to salmonmigration under certain conditions. They will be discussed in the section entitled"The 1994-95 Run - Water Quality.".Garrison Creek. The culvert under Highway 167 has been suspected as a passage ba¡rier, especiallybecause of recent construction activities in the a¡ea. This culvert appeared to becompletely passable (Photo 19).. Erosion downstream of a culvert under zlzthWay has likely rendered this concretechute impassable to the upstream migration of fîsh in the North Fork of Ga¡risonCreek.. The Middle Fork of Garrison Creek has no single def,rned channel as it passesthrough a wetlands between zlzthWay and S. 218th St. Braided channel sectionsof this reach may be impassable to migrating adult anadromous salmonids.o A pipe immediately upstream of S. 218th St. has been identified as a potentialbarrier (Photo 32). At the time of the spawning surveys, this pipe was entirelyCity of KentWrc:95PROJECTSn09¡rcFINAlrdæ:09/21l95:03:04 PMßDCPage 81 Fínal Reportpassable; water under the pipe was about L75 feet deep (Photo 33). However,these conditions may change as gravel is transported downstream into this area andas erosion at this site continues.Water QualityPerhaps the most important environmental variable influencing the reproductive successof adult salmon in the SMG watershed was water quality. Detrimental levels of watertemperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and heavy metals likely influenced mortality rates of salmonincluding the high mortality that occurred as far downstream as the BRPS forebay. Even if fishwere not directly killed by poor water quality, it is likely that their ability to migrate and spawnwas affected. Adult salmon have a limited meøbolic energy reserve upon entry into freshwaterwhich is needed for reproductive behavior such as migration to the spawning ground,competition for spawning sites, defending nest sites, and spawning. Poor water quality, such ashigh temperature and low dissolved oxygen, increases the metabolic demands on adult salmonand may leave these fish unable to complete their reproductive behavior. Previous studies withfall chinook in the Duwamish waterway have shown that upstream passage was decreased whendissolved oxygen (D.O.) levels of 4 mg/I and lower were recorded (Salo 1969 and Fujioka 1970).Additionally, decreased swimming stamina and respiratory efhciency occurred in fall chinooksalmon when D.O.levels were below 5 mg/l (Smith et al 1971).Toxic affects of heavy metals may act synergisticalty with other environmental stressorsto further degrade fish health. Low pH can act to increase the amount of metal ions in solutionwhich increases the potential for f,rsh to be affected by the toxic affects of heavy metals.'Water quality data collected at the Mill Creek USGS gage, at the BRPS, and in watersamples taken near the P-9 Channel and in the BRPS forebay, indicate that water quality can bepoor in the SMG watershed during the migration and spawning period. The continuousmonitoring dissolved oxygen probe at the USGS gage has provided data which shows that D.O.levels fluctuated widely and the probe has been replaced twice on 12116194 and 3116195 (RichardChase personal communication 1995). During periods of lower flow the dissolved oxygen probemay have had accumulations of particulate and detrital matter thus giving lower readings(Richard Chase personal communication 1995). However, during the period of adult salmonescapement, September to early December the probe was calibrated f,rve times and the observeddissolved oxygen levels did not differ appreciably when before and after calibration levels werecompared (Appendix V). Therefore, the trend in D.O. levels from the continuous monitoringprobe may be an accurate reflection of actual D.O. regime.City of KentUTPCTg5PROJBCTSn(Jc{CIFINAL2 dæ:092U95:03:04 PMISDCPage82 Final ReportFor instance, chinook salmon entered the BRPS between September I7 and October 22,1994. During this time water temperature reached 19.5"C at the Mill Creek USGS gage andreached 20.2'C at the BRPS. At the same time, dissolved oxygen at the Mill Creek USGS gageaveraged 4.5 mgll and ranged from 0.9 mg/l to 10.1 mg/I. Similarly, percent saturation ofdissolved oxygen ranged from9.2 percent to 86.1 percent and averaged 42.5 percent. Theselevels indicate that conditions in lower Mill and Springbrook creeks were often lethal tosalmonids during this time period and were especially poor from September 15 to October 3,1994 (Figure 14).Clearly chinook salmon entered a hostile environment and it is likely that all chinookwere stressed to some degree if not killed outright. The one tagged chinook that was recoveredupstream of the BRPS was found dead nea¡ the Springbrook Creek USGS gage immediatelyfollowing a 4 day period when dissolved oxygen levels were in the lethal range and when thepercent saturation of dissolved oxygen was about 50 percent of the ODEQ standard for non-spawning salmonids (Figures 14 and 15). The stray electricity from the Springbrook CreekUSGS gage may have affected this hsh or the fish could have been stressed from attempting tonavigate brush choked sections of Springbrook Creek upstream of the recovery site, but thesynergistic affects of poor water quality was a likely contributing mortality factor.Coho salmon which arrived before the beginning of consistently recurring storm eventsfrom October 26 to 28,1994 would have faced the same problems as chinook salmon. In fact,the 3 coho salmon that were tagged before October 26 were recovered either in the lower reachesof Springbrook Creek or in the same vicinity as the one recovered chinook near the SpringbrookCreek USGS gage (Tabl e l2). Although the cause of death of these fish is unknown and the longtime period between tagging and recovery precludes much speculation, it is likely that poor waterquality was a factor.A large proportion (about 40 percent) of the coho salmon run entered the SMG watershedduring the period from Octob er 26 to 28, 1994, during the h¡st large storm of the season. At thistime, most water quality parameters at the Mill Creek USGS gage improved markedly (Figures12to 17) although the dissolved oxygen concentration was still not fully saturated. However,Parametrix (1990) suggested that concentrations of heavy metals in Mill Creek increase duringthe hrst storm event after a dry spell. If this is true, then the coho salmon which entered theSMG watershed during the first storm may have been exposed to concentrations of heavy metalseven higher than normally found in this watershed and were certainly exposed to less thanoptimal dissolved oxygen levels. Synergistic effects between low dissolved oxygen and highCity of KentWPCT5PROJECTSn09l(ìIFINÀL2¡æ:09/2 I /95:03:04 PMSDCPage 83 Finalconcentrations of one or more heavy metals could have put this portion of the coho salmon run injeopardy.The essential point is that dissolved oxygen levels were very marginal for adult salmonduring the period of upstream passage and would seem to be the most likely explanation for thelack of salmon passage above the BRPS. In addition, water temperatures were sub optimal, andlevels of aluminum, iron, and zinc may have been acutely toxic. The synergistic effect of thesethree factors strongly suggest that poor water quality is responsible for the mortality of salmon inthe net pen, in the BRPS forebay and in the low gradient habitat in the SMG watershed.Hatchery AnalysisThe WDFW operates the Green River Fish Hatchery (GRFH) on the Green Riverupstream from the SMG watershed. This facility rears coho salmon and fall chinook salmon. Inaddition to on-site releases of frngerlings, the GRH outplants underyearling juvenile coho salmonwhich are released into other stream systems including the SMG watershed. The operation ofthis hatchery may affect the fish populations of the SMG watershed in a number of waysincluding: 1) coho salmon originating from this hatchery are stocked into Mill Creek and mayconstitute a large proportion of all coho rearing in the SMG watershed, and 2) in addition toreturning adult coho salmon purposefully migrating upstream through the BRPS, it is possiblethat fish returning to the GRH may stray into the SMG watershed by migrating upstream throughthe BRPS at which point they would be trapped within this watershed.Two other fish hatcheries exist in the Green River watershed. The Keta Creek Hatchery,operated by the MIT since the early 1980s, raises chum salmon. From its inception to 1990, thishatchery raised "north bound" chum salmon which reared in the Pacific Ocean and supported anescapement of about 1,500 adult fish. During the past 3 years this hatchery has released about750,000 juvenile chum salmon of Cowling Creek stock. These "south sound" frsh willpresumably rea¡ in Puget Sound and will return to the Green River at ages 3 and 4 years. Duringthe first few years, hatchery managers expect a run size of less than 500 fish (pers. comm., D.Brown, Keta Creek Hatchery, July 14, 1994). These fish return to the Green River from midOctober to mid December and it is possible that individuals could enter the SMG watershed atthe BRPS.The Green River Trout Pond, located near Palmer, WA., is operated by the WDFW andhas been producing steelhead since 1967 (pers. corrun., S. Mercer,'WDFTV, July 14, 1994). Thisfacility releases about 215,000 winter-run steelhead smolts and about 125,000 summer-runsteelhead smolts annually. Few of these fish return to reach the hatchery as most are caught inCity of KentWrc:g5PROJECTSnoqcmNN2.dæ:09/21/95:03:04 PM|I¡DCPage 84 Final Reportrecreational and tribal f,rsheries. Although mid April is the time of peak spawning for GreenRiver winter steelhead, some of these f,rsh enter the watershed as early as mid December andpossibly could enter the SMG watershed during the period the hsh ladder at the BRPS is inoperation (pers. comm., S. Mercer, WDFW, July 14, 1994).Coho salmon underyearling juveniles have been stocked into Mill Creek as early as 1976(Figure 34). Since 1981, an average of 96,000 coho fingerlings have been released into MillCreek annually. ln 1992, after an analysis of fish production potential, the WDFW decided tolimit the number of fish stocked in Mill Creek to 50,000 fish annually (pers. coriln., C. Baranski,WDFW', November 30, 1993). These fish have been mostly derived from Soos Creek stock.However, salmon originating from Voights Creek, a tributary to the Puyallup River, werestocked in 1981, and information on the exact stock used for the 1976 stocking is not available.Coho salmon underyearling juveniles are generally stocked at a fork length of about 45mm in April. Most of the hsh are placed in the EWP detention pond. The remainder of the fishare released into Mill Creek at va¡ious locations as far downstream as the industrial a¡ea of Kent,V/4. The distribution of these hsh is decided by hatchery personnel based on the temperatureand appearance of Mill Creek at the time of stocking. During the period from 1976 to 1987,coho were also stocked in Mill Creek upstream of EWP as far upstream as the plateau at 104thAve. SE (pers. comm., C. Ba¡anski, WDFW, November 30, 1993). Coho fry have also beenstocked in Panther Creek. In 1995 coho fry were distributed in Springbrook and Garrison Creekin addition to Mill Creek.The fate of these stocked coho salmon is unknown. It is likely that many of these f,rshleave the detention pond and migrate to less densely inhabited areas of the watershed. It ispossible that coho salmon found during 1993 surveys in Springbrook Creek, Garrison Creek, andthe North Fork of Mill Creek originated in the EWP detention pond as hatchery releases.Population estimates of coho salmon in EWP detention pond (1064 coho on September L7, 1993,and 785 coho on June 20, 1994) made after stocking indicated that a large proportion of theapproximately 25,000 to 50,000 or more coho stocked annually in this pond no longer residedthere later in the summer and fall.City of KentWPC:95PROJECTSí09lClFlNAL2.dær09/21l95:03:04 PMSDCPage 85 gg âEPd\o\¡o\o\o\o5 coswd rc:€():96, ¡260ÐFrryNrûf )tlo¿$taf otdçóîd¡l\luexJo ÁllcNo. of Fish fi 1000)o BòBBã8568Ë oo 19761977 1978 1979 1980 1 98r 1982 1983 -L -+ +- + + 't984 't985 198ó 1987 1 988 1989 1990 l99r 1992 1 993 lou!.1 1994 Final ReportIn addition, an unknown yet small number of salmonids have been introduced into thewatershed in connection with elementary and/or high school classroom rearing projects. Arepresentative of the WDFW reported that no trout species have been stocked in the SMGwatershed by that agency (pers. comm., P. Snyder, WDFW, April2l,1994).Adult chinook and coho salmon that were released from the GRH as smolts, generallyreturn to the hatchery in late fall and early winter in two distinct, but overlapping, runs (Figure35). Chinook salmon have returned to GRH as early as the week of August 13 and as late as theweek of November 5. However, the main portion of the chinook run during the years 1983 to1991 reached the GRH between September 17 and October 29 (Figure 35). The duration of thecoho salmon run at the GRH lasts longer than the chinook run. Some coho have reached theGRH as early as the week of October I and as late as the week of January 7 . Large numbers ofcoho usually begin reaching the hatchery by the week of October 15 and continue until the weekof December 17 (Figure 35). The 1983 to 1991 daily composite salmon migrations suggests thatthe coho salmon run is bimodal, with a strong early component which reaches the hatchery atabout November 19 and a later component which reaches the hatchery at about December 10.The timing of the adult salmon migration at the BRPS has mimicked that of the runs atthe GRH but has been constrained by the period of hsh ladder operation. The trimodal nature ofthe seasonal distribution of arrival times of salmon at the BRPS has closely matched the patternof run timing of the chinook and coho salmon runs at the GRH (Figure 35). The hrst fish toreach the BRPS a¡rived about 3 days before the fust chinook arrived at the GRH. The fust peakin the BRPS adult salmon run has typically preceded the peak of the chinook run at the GRH byabout 5 days. The lowest point in the trough between the hrst and second peaks in the BRPSrun, and the second peak in the BRPS run, have both preceded the corresponding trough andpeak in the GRH run by 17 to 20 days. Finally, the third peak in the BRPS run and the last f,rshof the BRPS run both have preceded the final peak in the GRH run and the last fish to arrive atthe GRH by about 3 days. The main exceptions to these strong temporal correlations result fromthe fact that a few early chinook have reached the GRH in August when the BRPS fish ladder isnot operating.City of KentWPe95 PROJECTSn09KiIFINAL2.dæ:09/2 U95:03:04 PMIS¡DCPage 87 88 â3€d cosru t0:€0:ç6/t zt@:æFãrvNutot60ll$âiúoùdtdcd¿t\luex Jo ,(tlc O .) ,i¿ãoaXtr5(DF(,B9'è>a)oRdãø'éÂt À¡=ØooPr 3t(Dı Sç5(D4g (D<Èt (l rt!lÀJ ;-{ s.E(t .â.: ã'du,ÉÞ dı93oCDQ EEa. v,3e ã'ã3tÉ '\O C)oôFrÐ tı6?' -(l.ı'u oc (/) E s. CÞ{(Þ C)F c)c3 Ea 6 ç U) o O No. ol Fish (GRH)EEËEËEËE {ooæo-..Eoo3qdaÕþxo-!2. .OdEI {oano- *Eoòq9ıJ)¿O€qF o9 Io o 03-SeplGSep'17-Sep 24-Sep 0l-Oct 08-Oct 1$Oct 22-OcI N-Oct 0$Nov '12-Nov '19-Nov 2&Nov 03-Dec llDec l7-Dec 24-Dec 3l-Dec 07-Jon l4-Jon 2l-Jon 28-Jon I I I o@9€)(no-O.o2.@o'"€ ;o I =@83f! oo ë) 2.)(olsNC¡O(¡ No. of Fish (BRPS) uoda¿ Trut¿ o (¡(r(¡)Ào('ro FinalThe close temporal correlation between the runs at BRPS and those at GRH stronglysuggest that the early portion of the salmon run at the BRPS is comprised mainly of chinooksalmon and the later portion of the run is comprised mainly of coho salmon. This was confirmedin the 1994runwhich documented chinook salmon in the early component of the upstreammigration. These temporal correlations also suggest that fish entering the SMG watershed a¡eprimarily fish migrating to the GRH that stray up the hsh ladder at the BRPS. It is unlikely thatchinook salmon reproduce in the SMG watershed in numbers sufficient to perpetuate runs of themagnitude seen at the BRPS because the habitat of the SMG watershed is not well suited forchinook salmon. No stocking of chinook salmon in the SMG watershed occurs and no chinookjuveniles were captured in either low-flow fish survey samples or in the smolt emigrationsamples. These observations suggest that few or no chinook rear in this system. Although aportion of the BRPS salmon migration may be comprised of GRH coho salmon stocked in MillCreek or naturally spawned hsh that share the same migration timing as their cohorts returning tothe GRH, it is likely that coho returning to the GRH explore the lower reaches of tributaries tothe Green River, including the Black River as far upstream as the BRPS. Additionally, somechum salmon or steelhead reared at Keta Creek Hatchery or the Green River Trout Pond may beascending the BRPS fish ladder. However, the period of steelhead migration extends from midDecember for several months. If steelhead regularly used the BRPS fish ladder then it is likelythat some fish would be counted at the BRPS in January. The fact that no fish have been passedthe BRPS after December 28 during 11 years of operation suggests that few if any steelheadenter the SMG watershed. On the other hand, one live, adult steelhead was captured andexamined by a MIT fisheries biologist on January 5,1995 in Mill Creek in EWP upstream of thedam and downstream of the detention pond suggesting that some steelhead may migrate past theBRPS.The interannual variability in total run size at the BRPS and at the GRH appeared to be atleast slightly related (Figure 36). From 1983 to 1986, the interannual variability in total run sizeunderwent similar fluctuations. Since 1986, this relationship has been less obvious, althoughthere appears to be some correlation between run size at the BRPS and the number of cohostocked in Mill Creek three years earlier (Figure 37).City of KentwPc:95PRorEc I s?09{ClFINAIJdoq09/i¿ t/95:03:04 PMlsDcPage 89 Final Reponr80ró0140120'lm80ó040200- Totol BPRS CountTotolGRH Count3002502ær501æ50- Totol BPRS CountNo. of CohoStocked00(rSTOONç8O.O-ô¡çf)E*EE888SSSSYeor of Counl, Stocking Yeor + 2Figure 37. A comparison between the interannual variation in the total salmon count at the Black Riverpunrping Station and the number of coho salmon fingerlings stocked in Mill CreekZ.S years earlier.4035o30t25ioÉnoEta^olo ctztno-æÉoE,2l¡-octzÃ0olo,o,o.o.oo.o.oô,o,óo.o,@@@o,@@l\@o,r\@€@o.€@tr)@o.|r)@s@o.s@<r)@o.YeoFigure 36. A corrparison between the interannual variation in the total salmon count at the Black RiverPumping Søtion and the tocal of all salmon returning to the Green River Hatchery during the period from1983/84 to 1991192.mr801óo gc.too 31æ8Jr00 Ëul80ãóoË409na¡,Â.æaottocaooE,!2l¡oC'zCity of Kentwrc95 PRoJBCTSr7o9rclFlNAll-dæo9¿ t/95:03:0a ETISDCPage 90 Final ReportFíshery HørvestSeveral commercial, tribal, and sport f,rsheries target Green River salmon and steelheadwhich may impact fish populations from the SMG watershed. Fishery harvest in the Strait ofJuan de Fuca and northern Puget Sound intercept some Green River fish. However, most GreenRiver fish are captured in the area of Puget Sound north of Vashon Island and south of the AppleCove Point-Edwards Point line (Area 10), Elliott Bay (Area 104), and in the Duwamish andGreen rivers (pers. comm., P. Hage, MIT, July 14,1994; pers. comm., T. Tynan, WDFW, July13,1994).Data from the WDFW "Run Reconstruction" models was examined for the periodbetween 1983 and 1993. During this period, a yearly average of 66,223 coho salmon,8,379chinook salmon, and 4,482 chum salmon were caught in Areas 10, 104, and the Duwamish andGreen rivers. This compares with average escapements (number of frsh escaping all fisheries) tothe Green River of 23,0L5 coho, 14,324 chinook salmon, and 503 chum salmon during the sameperiod. These catches and escapements indicate that approximately '74 percent of all cohosalmon returning to the Green River were harvested between 1983 and 1993. Similarly, anaverage of 37 percent of Green River chinook and 90 percent of Green River chum salmon wereharvested.It is likely that these frsheries affect the fish populations from the SMG watershed.However, the escapement of all species of salmon to the Green River has been tairly constantcompared to the variability in BRPS counts (Figure 38). Similarly, the relationship between theraw total salmon catch and BRPS counts was not clear (Figure 38). On the other hand, if thetime series of total Green River salmon catch and the BRPS counts are normalized to be residuals(deviations from the mean) as a percentage of the standard deviation, a relationship between totalsalmon catch and BRPS counts becomes apparent (Figure 39). For most years, when the level ofcatch was above average (denoted by the value 0) or was increasing, the counts at the BRPS werebelow average or decreasing. Similarly, when total salmon catch was below average ordecreasing, the counts at the BRPS were above average or increasing @igure 39). Thiscorrelation was not perfect because many factors other than salmon catch have likely influencedthe number of fish counted at the BRPS.Tribal and sport fisheries for steelhead also take place in the Green and Duwamish rivers.Most of the steelhead returning to the Green River Trout Pond are probably captured in one ofthese fisheries (pers. comm., S. Mercer, WDFW, July 14, 1994). The ability of steelhead toreturn to the SMG watershed has likely been affected by these fisheries.City of KentwPc:9SPROJECTSí094CIFINAll.dæ:09/21l95:03:Ol PMlsiDcPage 91 Final Repon_ BRPS COUNTSGreen RiverSolmonEscopementGreen RiverSolmon Cotch300250200150100500.nGÉaoIoctz140000120000ì0000080000ó00004000020m00cooos, ê,.coø'>tLeooz(Do.ô.c\¡so.ô'Iô,o.@ı@cOo.F\cOo'.O@o,lr)@o,s@o.(f)cOo.DoteFigure 38. A comparison between Green River salmon catch and escapement with fish counts at the BlaekRiver Pumping Station, 1983 to 1993._-____r_ Normolized Green River -----c-- Normolized BRpS CountsSolmon Cotch3-25-21l5+cr)o.o'c\o.o,N@o,scoo.cr)€o.-TIIlL.50-05'l-.l,5-2-2.51t0t^c.9.9oI,I,oocot^ı)ttttoÉYeorFigure 39. Acomparison of normalized Green River salmon catch and normalized fish counts at the BlackRiver Pumping Station, 1983 to 1993.'f)@o.City of KentwFC:95PROJECTSn09{CFG.¡Al2¡bc09/¿U95:03:û1 PlrlBDCPage92 Final ReportM acroina ert ebr øt e P opul øtíonsMacroinvertebrate populations inhabiting the SMG watershed rüere sampled using amodihed version of EPA's Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (Plafkin 1989). As many as 50metrics, or indices of stream quality, were derived from numbers of taxa or individualmacroinvertebrates present in the samples. These metrics were used to characteize manyphysical, chemical, and biological aspects of the stream systems in SMG watershed. For the sakeof brevity, this report will use only the most relevant scores when discussing the status of thestudy samples.Invertebrate densities were very low at most sites. Macroinvertebrate densities at22 ottof 28 sample sites in the SMG watershed were less than 1,000 individualsht:.2 and 17 sites hadless than 500 individuals/m2 (Table 13). In addition, much variability existed within streams andbetween sampling sites. The average densities by creek ranged from 1,102 individualshú inSpringbrook Creek, 522individuals/m2 in Mill Creek, and 353 individualshfi in Garrison Creek.These densities are low compared to values of 2,000 to 10,000 individuals/m2 that are commonlyfound in habitat considered good for salmonid populations. In general, urbanized streams withmoderate nutrient enrichment can have standing crops well in excess of 10,000 individuals/m2.The total taxa richness of the samples was also poor at most sites (Table 13). Theaverage scores for total taxa richness by creek were 23,27, and 24 in Springbrook, Mill, andGarrison creeks, respectively, indicating that the number of distinct taxa identified is low.Unimpacted streams will occasionally have 70 or more taxa in riffle samples, Only 2 sites, ariffle in Springbrook Creek and a riffle in Mill Creek, had more than 30 taxa present. Similarly,EPT taxa richness, which is the number of taxa within the orders ephemeroptera, plecoptera, andtrichoptera, was also very poor at all sites (Table 13). These orders are generally intolerant ofpoor water quality. Twelve of the 28 samples had no EPT tua and24 sites had less than 10 EPTtaxa.The percent dominant taxa is an indicator of taxonomic diversity and is calculated as thepercent of the total number of individuals which are of the most dominant taxa. Stressedcommunities ate often composed of not only fewer taxa but also are overwhelmed by a fewtolerant taxa. Average percent dominant taxa scores for Springbrook, Mill, and Garrison creekswere 33 percent, 32 percent, and 42 percent (Table 13). These values indicate that the diversityof macroinvertebrates was relatively low compared to reference sites in streams with good waterquality, In general, macroinvertebrate communities in low gradient glides were less diverse thanriffle habitats.City of KentWrc:95PROJBCTSnoqcFINAI2 dæ:09/22195:01 r02 PMISDCPage 93 Final ReportFinally, the nurnber of positive indicator taxa was very low and the number of negativeindicator taxa was moderate to high in all streams (Table 13). The absence of many positiveindicator taxa again suggest water quality problems. Ho'rvever, the amount of negative indicatortax is surprising. The moderate to high scores in SMG watershed samples indicates that many ofthe most tolerant taxa were not present, especially in glides. For an unknown reason, even someof the taxa that normally tolerate poor water quality were not present in many samples.An upstream to downstream gradient in metric scores existed in most cases. In rifflehabitat in high-gradient areas of the watershed, bioassessment scores are considerably higherthan those from low gradient glides in the valley floor areas of the watershed. The differencebetween riffles and low gradient glides was particularly noticeable. Figures 40 to 42 illustratethese trends by examining the number of positive and negative indicator taxa.There also appears to be a difference in bioassessment scores between the three creeks.The creeks were ranked as positive (+), negative (-), and neutral (0), based on the rank of theirindividual scores (Table 13). A comparison of these relative ranks shows that SpringbrookCreek had the best macroinvertebrate populations as indicated by 3 out of 6 positive ranks and 3neutral ranks. Mill Creek had the worst macroinvertebrate populations as indicated by 4 out of 6negative ranks and2 neutral ranks. The rank of Garrison Creek macroinvertebrate populationswere variable and generally fell between the other two creeks.Several other key observations were made. A high proportion of the macroinvertebratecommunity was comprised of taxa that are highly intolerant of poor water quality and theremainder are moderately tolerant. Almost no taxa were considered tolerant of poor waterquality. Furthermore, there were few long-lived taxa present. Most taxa present complete theirlife cycle in one year or less.All of these points suggest that these streams are disturbed on a frequent basis. It is likelythat the majority of stream bottom substrates are sorted each winter. This lack of physicalstability in the stream channel limits the ability of the macroinvefebrate community to developand diversify. Another explanation for the low scores and other observations is that toxins maybe present at some sites which limits the production and diversity of the macroinvertebratecommunities there.City of KentWrc:95PROJBCTSn09.lc|FINÀL¿ dæ:09/22195:01:02 PMISDCPage94 --LlI Positive Taxaa)t+,XoÞSpringbrook HabitattypeHab¡tiat Types5 = Step4 = Rlffle3 = Pool2 = Glide1=Lown LandmarkwithNegative TaxaConfluenceGarrison CreekHabitat Datanot availableBarrier90EO70560Gx50 tút-(Èo40 €tz32oCtt-JoËo.úI3020100M¡II4with1003River Mile5421\Ê9ûao\oLtrFìgure4O. The number of positive and negative macroinvertebraæ indicator taxa at 8 sampling locations in Springbrook Crcek, October 1993. 3a)g.ä'logF)ö^.toç3ò2,ÞÊÉÈè!¡?TøI¡0Þ0eo\o654Hobitot TypeNegotive Toxo ! Positive Toxo4r00BOó0oxooo.oE=z32ocLo=.c¡oI-T---T_40-2000052367River Mile\ÞÞñoFigure41. The number of positive and negative macroinvertebrate indicator taxa at 12 sampling locations in Mill Creek, October 1993 f /-\a<!oV+)ñxøoPêÒ5zsE€ùòIIsã6EFÚÞ0eo\o\¡IofForkFork5Habitat TYPeB LanclmarksHabitat Types5 = Step4 = Riffle3 = Pool2 = GlideI = Low Gradient GI Negative Taxa t Positive Taxa212lh.Way(Habitat Type notsurveyed in this reach)100804North ForkMiddlence withGreekof200000.51.522.53.5River MileFigure 42. The number of positive and negative macroinvertebrate ùidicator taxa at 8 sampling locations in Ganison Creek' ocÛober 1993'(ú0oãt-rÈoLof¡=40ãz32oÉLÞflo€.C¡oÀ131\Þ FinalTable 13Bioassessment metric scores for 28 samples taken from Springbrook, Mill and GarrisonCreeks, October 1993.Creek818181797287797980+0ITribHabitatHabitatRiverMileUnit0810t2202742Relative Between-Creeks RankMill CreekHabitatRiverMileRelative Between-Creeks Ra¡kGa¡rison CreekTotalAbundanceTotalTaxaRichnessEPTTaxaRichnessEPTTaxaRichnessPercentDominantTaxaNumber ofPositiveIndicatorsNumber ofNegativeIndicatorsNumber ofNegative0HabitatUnit+TotalAbundanceTotalTaxaRichness0EPTTaxaRichness+PercentDominantTaxaNumber ofPositiveIndicators25a.5b810182029349092999778177817979818l7281798179o0IlabitatUnitHabitatRiverMileTotalAbundanceTotalTaxaRichnessPercentDominantTaxaNumber ofPositiveNumber ofNegativeIndicaûors7481777972'to7276269t2000too2r0031004Relative Between-Creeks RankAverage1142523tto2L.G.G.46.940131471.352t7372t525. l5Riffle3It9.t4319095Riffle3332.04154.6Riffle1643.28924'76259,5302419l42.96L.G.G.4202962.2L.G.G.)46.6201.1L.G.G.238.50t'|59802t20340L.G.G.250.283232l522Average759.8522316906.85Riffle828.4652t4166.27Riffle8t9.95276436.2Riffle1035.67113520795.39Riffle2419.086222265.28Riffle16290t93204.72L.G.G2L.G.G3t.20aa3134.252L.G.G25.r40aa1432.15)L.G.G4r.550t4832.062r.54L.G.G.29.82096840.77L.G.G.634.66118l4to.r2Riffle230.60t9146++0+624353Averagel6332T1593.65Riffle2029.657262203.5Riffle1234.1842423.4RiffleT434.276233.2Riffle2224.319305202.99Riffle3l39.3311292t6Riffle20.5523632.852453.201110502.58L.G.G.228.45228355o.7L.G.G.4City of KentWPCT95PROJEC ISn09(;IFINAU-dæo9/2 U95:03:04 PMlstDcPage 98 FinalFactors Límítíng Sølmon ProductíonLimiting factors analyses often fail to identify a single, specihc condition which limitsthe production of a fish community. This is especially true, in situations like that which exists inthe SMG watershed, where there is a suite of conditions which suppress fish production andwhere existing knowledge of the aquatic ecosystem is relatively limited. However, byidentifying probable limiting factors and then examining each one using the available data, therelative importance of each factor may be determined. The relative importance of limitingfactors can then be used to l) prioritize action plans to ameliorate specific conditions and 2) todesign studies which can single out key limiting factors and can be used to evaluate or monitoractions taken.This section will integrate the most important findings from the investigations outlined inthis report and will use these frndings to evaluate potential limiting factors. Survival rates will becalculated for va¡ious life history stages, and these survival rates will be compared to knowledgeofexisting habitat, fish passage, and fisheries.A hypothetical survival schedule for coho salmon was calculated from: (1) fry tounderyearling, (2) fry to smolt, (3) underyeading to smolt, and (4) smolt to adult. The number offry was a.ssumed to be 50,000 fish which is roughly the number stocked annually by the WDFW.Although it appears that some natural spawning occurs in the watershed, as evidenced by onecoho fry caught in the smolt emigration trap before WDFW stocked Mill Creek in 1994, naturalfry recruitment is not substantial relative to V/DFW stocking. The estimate for the number ofunderyearling juveniles surviving until summer low flow was taken from the population estimateof 14,585 fish. The number of smolts, as counted at the BRPS, wa.s 1,456. The mean number ofadult coho salmon annually passing the BRPS was calculated to be 73 fish. This number wasarrived at by multiplying the ratio of chinook, coho, and chum escaping to the Green Riversystem by the average number of frsh counted yearly at the BRPS. The calculation of survivalrate from smolt to adult is based on the a.ssumption that the mean run size of 73 coho salmonadults was solely comprised of adults produced from smolts leaving the SMG watershed. Asdiscussed above, this assumption is unlikely. However, ba.sed upon these estimates the followingsurvival rates were calculated by way of illustrating the relative magnitude of factors which limitproduction.The estimated life history stage survival rates were29 percent from fry to underyearling,10 percent from underyearling to smolt, 3 percent from fry to smolt, and 5 percent from smolt toadult.City of Kentwrc:95PROrBcIs r¡09lClm!AL2¡oq09/21 /95:03:04 PMSDcPage99 Final ReportThe 29 percent survival rate estimate from fry to underyearling appears low but iscomparable to data from some Oregon coastal streams (Nickelson et. al.1992a). Based upon the50,000 coho salmon fry stocked in April, it is estimated that 71 percent (35,500) died within thefirst 5 months. Several factors may act in concert to cause this low survivaVhigh mortality fromfry to underyearling. First, there is not enough pool habitat and woody debris to sustain the largenumber of fish stocked into Mill Creek. The SMG watershed has very little pool habitat. In thehigh gradient areas of the watershed, the pool to riffle ratio based on habitat area is 1:12 if EWPdetention pond is not counted and is I:7 if it is counted. Both of these pool-to-riffle ratios arelow suggesting that the production of underyearling juvenile coho salmon could be increased ifthere were more pool habitat. High quality rearing habitat has 75 percent pools and25 percentriffles. Conversely, fry to underyearling juvenile survival rates may be increased if the totalnumber of stocked fry was lowered. By itself, limiting the number of fry stocked might notincrease the total number of underyearling juveniles in the system, but it might improve growthor could increase carrying capacity somewhat by decreasing competitive interactions betweenrearing juvenile coho for limited pool habitat. Second, coho salmon fry are stocked in highdensities into a limited portion of the watershed which represents a small proportion of the tot¿lhabitat. High density-dependent mortality of fry may occur initially before the hsh distributethemselves throughout the remaining suitable habitat. Third, summer time survival rates fromfry to underyearling juveniles may be limited by poor water quality and poor feeding conditions.Water quality sampling during this investigation and in previous studies has shown that levels ofwater temperature, dissolved oxygen, and metal concentrations within the SMG watershed canoften exceed acute lethal limits for salmonids, especially within the low gradient glide habitat"Furthermore, macroinvertebrate densities were low throughout the watershed and the types ofmacroinvertebrates found in all low gradient glide habitats indicate that poor water qualitypervades throughout much of these areas.All this data suggests that growing conditions for juvenile coho a¡e poor in all lowgradient glide areas. Furthermore, the observed high densities of slow growing juvenile cohofound in the transition reaches of the valley floor may define the downstream extent ofdistribution because poor water quality conditions in downstream low gradient glides act asbarriers to summer-time migration within the system. Dead coho salmon juveniles wereobserved in the transitional low gradient glides and were seen during habitat and fish surveys in1993 suggesting that coho densities in these reaches may be high because fish are trapped inthese a¡eas and not because these areas are preferred habitat.The estimated survival rate of 10 percent from underyearling juvenile to smolt is low andindicates that a factor which limits coho smolt production is the ability of coho salmon juvenilesCity of KentWrc35PROJECTSn09rcFINAl2.dæ:09/21l95:03:04 PMSDCPage 100 Finøl Reportto survive through the winter period. The lack of refuge pools used to escape high velocity flowsis a major limiting factor for overwintering survival in many streams in the Pacific Northwest.Studies in Oregon consider overwintering side channel habitat to be the main limiting factor(Nickelson et. al. I992b). Furthermore, pools that do exist are shallow (a mean maximum depthof 1.1 feet) and contain little large organic debris (LOD) or cover as compared to preferred poolswith maximum depths of I to 4 feet with much cover (Laufle et al. 1986). Bortz (1981)identihed high winter flow events as an important factor limiting frsh production in the SMGwatershed. These flow events likely limit juvenile survival by forcing juvenile fish to expendmore energy maintaining positions and foraging. Also, these flows have the capacity to moveunstable substrates which degrade existing juvenile coho resting habitat. Finally, the abundance,species composition, and diversity of macroinvertebrate populations is severely constrained bythe resorting and instability of stream substrates as suggested by the low diversity and the lack oflong-lived macroinvertebrate species in the SMG watershed. Generally, high winter flow eventscreate streambed instability which can be a signihcant limiting factor for salmonids duringincubation and juvenile rearing. The result bedload transport and lack of woody debris combineto reduce the opportunities for higher survival.Survival rates frcm fry tc smolt can vary considerably. In a classic study by Salo andBayliff (1953) studying coho salmon in Minter Creek on the Hood Canal they reported survivalsof l0 percent for fish rea¡ed from2 l/2 to 4 months at the hatchery. In several systems studied inOregon, estimated fry to smolt survival rates va¡ied from 2 to l0 percent (Nickelson et al.1992a). In this context, the estimated fry to smolt survival rate of 3 percent in the SMG systemis low but within the natural variability observed. A WDFW report detailing coho smoltproduction provides another comparative measure of the smolt production capability of the SMGsystem (Baranski 1989). Baranski (1989) suggested that Puget Sound streams should be able toproduce about 0.11 to 0.23 coho smolts/m2 and that other studies have documented smoltproduction ranging from 0.10 to 1.57 smolts/m2 (Table 14; Chapman 1965; Hall and Lantz 1969;Crone and Bond 1976; Lister and \ü/alker 1966; Ma¡shall and Britton 1980). Data from twoHood Canal streams, Big Beef Creek and Minter Creek reported values of 0.7 smolts/m2 to 1.7smolts/m2 (Allee 1974, Salo and Bayliff 1958). Smolt production from the SMG watershed wasapproximately 0.01 smolts/m2 if all low gradient glide habitat was counted and was about 0.06smolts/m2 if non-transitional low gradient glide habitat was omitted (this omission assumes thatlow gradient glide habiøt outside of the transitional area.s does not contribute to the productionof coho salmon smolts). Smolt production from the SMG watershed is low based upon datacollected in 1994 and can be explained by the factors identified above.City of KentWPC:95PRO,ECTSno91clFlNALzdæ:09/21,95:Ol:01 PMlsDCPage 101 FinalTable 14Reported estimates of smolt production from other regional watersheds compared to smoltfrom the SMG watershed inl994.ReferenceSMG creeks;all habitatThis report.SMG creeks;omit non-transitional lowThis report.Puget Sound;10 streamsHood Canal;Allee 1974;Beef and Minter creeksSalo and 1958Other systemsChapman 1965;Hall and Lantz 1969; Croneand Bond 1976; Lister andWalker 1966: Ma¡shall andBritton 1980One unique aspect of the life cycle of coho salmon in the SMG watershed is the passageof smolts through the BRPS. This one aspect of their life cycle does not appear to be severelylimiting, although the ratio of the number of smolts which reach the BRPS forebay to the numberwhich enter and pass through the downstream passage facility is unknown. It is possible thatsignificant numbers of fish are prohibited from using this facility during periods when it is not inoperation, most notably on weekends and at night. On the other hand, no fish mortality wasattributed directly to the passage of fish through the downstream passage facility. Also, theincidence of injury was low and can not be directly attributed to operation of this facility.The estimated smolt to adult survival rate of 5 percent is probably higher than expectedbased upon the more typical ocean survival rates of 2 to 5 percent. In addition, it is unlikely thatall of the assumed 73 coho returning annually to the BRPS consist solely of SMG fish. Totalmarine survival rates will vary from year to year due to a variety of environmental and biologicalfactors, not the least of which is temperature and spatial temporal distribution of food supply.The number of returning adults will also be impacted by offshore Puget Sound and in-river tribaland sport fisheries. An estimate of the combined fisheries harvest in Puget Sound (only Areas10, 104, and in-river frsheries) is approximately 74 percent of all returning coho salmon.Exploiøtion is surely a factor in the smolt to adult survival of SMG coho salmon. Harvest rateand other parameters which impact marine survival are a factor in the restoration of salmon in theSMG watershed but not something that can be changed by improving the freshwater habitat.City of KentBa¡anski 19890.10 to 1.570.70 to 1.700.11to of smolts/m2wPC:95PROJECTSn09rcFINAl2.doc09/21 i95:03:Ot PMSDCPage 102 Final ReportWater quality in terms of high temperatures and low D.O. concentration in the summerand fall can clearly limit the physiological capacity for chinook and coho salmon to migratesuccessfully upstream. Previously described studies by University of Washington scientists havedocumented inhibition of upstream movement in a D.O. regime of 4 mgll and lower anddecreased swimming performance at D.O. levels less than 5 mdt (Salo 1969, Fujioka 1970 andSmith et al 1971). As previously mentioned, D.O. levels recorded at the USGS station on MillCreek were on average 4.5 mgll during the September I7 to October 22,7994 time frame. Atthese D.O. levels and with increased metabolic rate as a function of high water temperatures it isfeasible that the 1994 adult chinook salmon migration was compromised first by energyexpended at the fish ladder at the BRPS and secondly by the lower D.O. concentrations in thelower gradient habitat. The adult coho salmon migration occurred when D.O. levels were above6 mgll and water temperatures began to decline, however, this D.O. regime is not conducive tosustained swimming performance (Figure 13 and 14). Under the present water quality regimewithout remedial reaeration the operating hypothesis that the lower gradient glide habitat offers asuitable passageway to the upland high gradient spawning habitat must be rejected.The ability of anadromous salmonids to migrate upstream in the rest of the watershedappcâís tc vali'aanually and may be constrained by a few obvious physical barriers. Forinstance, no obvious physical ba:riers were encountered during spawning surveys in 1993 but afew were found in 1994 such as stream reaches that were clogged with brush or reaches where nosingle dehned channel was present for salmon migration. Additionally, upstream passage at theEV/P detention dam could be a problem at some flows. The fact remains that in two years ofsurveys, less than 2 percent of the upstream migrating anadromous salmonids counted at theBRPS were seen in stream reaches potentially suitable for spawning. V/hile physical barriers tomigration may explain a small proportion of this spawner deficiency, it is likely that waterquatity barriers play a more important role in inhibiting fish from reaching the spawninggrounds. Extremely poor water quality was observed during the adult salmon migration periodduring this study and in previous studies as well. It is possible that salmon are killed or seriouslydamaged by poor water quality before they can reach the spawning grounds.The low number of spawning fish is a major limiting factor to a sustainable, selfperpetuating population of salmon because the available spawning habitat will be underseeded.The fact that no redds and no spawning coho salmon were seen during spawning surveys in 1993but a fry sized coho was caught in the smolt emigration trap before WDFW stocked Mill Creekin 1994 suggests that some natural reproduction occurs but the number of spawning coho is verylow. Fair spawning habitat was present in some reaches although stream beds appeared unstablethroughout the watershed. Furthermore, flows during the spawning surveys seemed too low forCity of KentWFC:95PROJECTSn09{ClFINAl2doc09/21l95:03:04 PMSDCPage 103 Fínalsuccessful spawning. An area in Sprilgbrook Creek downstream of the trout farm often hadmany spawning coho salmon in late December in the early 1970s but has only had a few fish inrecent years (pers. comm., D. Gallagher, Springbrook Trout Fatm, November 18, 1993). I[r.Gallagher felt that the construction of the BRPS was related to the decrease in numbers ofspawning hsh in this area. Clearly, the lack of frry recruitment from naturally spawned coho isthe major limiting factor. It appears that the only significant smolt production is a function of thecoho planting program by the WDFW.City of KentWFC95PROJBCTSnog{ìIFINAø.dæ:09/21i95:03:01 PMSDCPage 104 Final ReponRECOMMENDATIONSMany of the following recommendations call for efforts which will require continuingcommitment to the watershed. The restoration of healthy, self-reproducing salmonid populationsmay take decades. However, substantive steps to insure this restoration can be initiated now. Infact, the direct benefits of key steps necessary to the eventual restoration of healthy salmonidpopulations, such as stream shading by trees planted in riparian zones, may take several years tobe realized and should be implemented as soon as possible. It is important to note that on-goingmaintenance and evaluation will need to be undertaken to insure that current efforts are notwasted and that current fish populations and fish habitat do not decline further before the effectsofrestoration efforts begin to be realized.After conducting a multiple year fisheries evaluation of the SMG watershed it is clear thatthe upland, high gradient habitats represent the best opportunity for spawning and rearing ofsalmon and trout. These upland habitats are critical to the restoration effort but they suffer froma lack of rearing pools to support fish during summer low flow and from a shortage of poolhabitats which provide refuge during high velocity conditions in the winter. Therefore, it isimportant to intervene in this urban watershed and install habitat structures to stabilize streambedmovement, create rearing pools and restore stream channel integrity.Furthermore, it is obvious that water quality problems in the SMG watershed, especiallyin the low-gradient valley floor portion of the watershed, may have a major negative impact onhsh populations. Rearing juveniles and migrating or spawning adults appear to be susceptible toobserved poor water quality. Therefore, it is important to devise ways to improve water qualityconditions throughout the watershed and specifically in the low-gradient valley floor areas thatare critical for smolt and adult migration and could be utilized more by juvenile salmonids forrearing.Genera,l Re e ommendøtion sInitiate a Springbrook, Mill, Garrison Creek Restoration Advisory Committee(SMGRAC). Include representatives from inter-jurisdictional agencies, tribes,University of Washington, Green River Community College, public interest groupsand industry.Develop a tributary and habitat specific watershed restoration plan and schedule forimplementation through the SMGRAC.I2City of KentW rc:95 PRoJECTSn09(jFIN^I2.dc09/21i95:o3:o4 PMsDCPage 105 FinnlDevelop a detailed list of watershed and prioritized hshery action items with timeframe commitments to initiate the restoration process through the SMGRAC.Secure funding partnerships and challenge grants by using this effort as a model forinter-jurisdictional, urban fisheries restoration through the SMGRAC.Organize a SMG stream volunteer network to provide labor on projects to beimplemented within the watershed.Downstreøn. and Upstream Físh PøssageA few minor modifications to the Black River Pumping Station (BRPS) will improve theeffectiveness of passing hsh downstream and upstream. The following recommendations areoffered that may help passage without major cost of construction for new facilities.Install a trap and automatic smolt counting system in the smolt bypass line at theBRPS in the summer of 1996.The downstream smolt bypass system should be operated 24 hours a day duringfish migration periods from May 1 to mid-June. Currently, the facility is onlyoperated during the day shift of the dam operator. Downstream migrating smoltsnormally travel at night, and currently may be stressed due to the limited operatingschedule.The smolt bypass afulift should be operated at2l.5 psi to maintain an adequate flowup the pump and minimizetotal dissolved gas levels in the lift column.Investigate the potential for fish entrainment in the water supply system to the falsewei¡ at the BRPS and correct any problems.Operate the BRPS adult fish ladder 24 hours a day from October to May 1. Do notoperate the BRPS hsh ladder until October or when the water temperatures begin todecline and dissolved oxygen levels increase. Use the Mill Creek USGS gage toidentify when conditions are suitable for upstream migration of adult salmonids.Extending the operation of the fishladder will allow steelhead and seam¡n cutthroatan opportunity for upstream passage.Water quality problems (especially low dissolved oxygen) in the valley floorportion of the SMG watershed appear to be especially critical to upstream adultsalmon migration. Development of methods to augment dissolved oxygen levels isparticularly critical for successful adult salmon migration.34512.34.56City of KentW Pc:95PROJBCTSn094CIFINAL2¡æ:09/22D5:0&59 AMISDCPage 106 FinalConduct annual surveys of the transitional and high gradient areas of the watershedeach fall prior to adult salmon migration and identify any possible fish passagebariers. Work with employees of the drainage district to monitor conditions in thevalley floor portion of the watershed. Check culverts, brush blockages, and area.swhere streambanks are unstable and could possibly be overtopped by higher flows,Remove barriers to upstream migration in the lower watershed each year withoutdamaging habitat that may be critical to other life history stages of salmonids. Forexample, several sites were listed as potential barriers in the "Barrier Survey"section. Most of these barriers would be fixed by removing brush from the mainstream channel. This should be done without disturbing riparian vegetation andwithout disrupting the stream substrate.Restore stream channel integrity for upstream and downstream fish passage in theupland habitat of Garrison Creek, Springbrook Creek and Panther Creek. Forexample, the reach of Springbrook Creek parallel to S. 192nd St. upstream ofHighway 167, the reach of the North Fork of Ga¡rison Creek between 2l2thWayand the confluence with the Middle Fork of Garrison Creek, and the reach of theMiddle Fork of Garison Creek between S. 218th St. and the confluence with theNorth Fork of Garrison Creek all require intervention to keep the main stream flowin the stream channel. Monitor and maintain any restoration efforts seasonally toinsure that varying flow conditions do not decrease the utility of such efforts.Høbítøt RestoratíonAmeliorate poor water quality in the entire watershed with special reference to thevalley floor. Vy'ater quality criteria that need to be addressed include low dissolvedoxygen, high temperatures, high turbidity, and particular heavy metalconcentrations.a) Implement passive or active mechanical aeration in specific stream reaches inthe valley floor portion of the watershed to increase ambient D.O.concentrations.b) Conduct riparian habitat plantings of willow and coniferous vegetation in thelower watershed in order to reduce the thermal loading and to stabilizestreambanks. Restrict the cutting of trees currently shading riparian areas.Focus tree planting in reaches where little or no riparian trees currently existdownstream of Highway 167 . Initiate a seasonal maintenance progtam usingvolunteers to mechanically control competing plants such as blackberries andReed canarygrass, until riparian trees are est¿blished and a¡e not threatened bycompeting plants.789ICity of Kentr¡lFC:95PRO,BCTSn09t(] IFINAI2doe09/22195:0C0 I AMSDCPage 107 FínaI Report2c) Minimize dredging in the low gradient portion of the watershed and stabilizestream channels in the high gradient areas to decrease turbidity.d) Identify and correct potential point source pollution from heavy metals andother toxicants. Identify biological and chemical dissolved oxygen sinks andother point source pollution. For example, identify and correct sources ofpollution in Mill Creek at W'est Valley Highway and S. 240th St., in MillCreek atT6thAve. S., and in the reach of the P-9 channel immediatelyupstream of its confluence with Springbrook Creek.e) Develop an approach to limiting non-point source heavy metal input.Inhibit streambed movement to provide stream channel stability and create instreampools with woody debris for summer low flow rearing and side channel pools ofsufficient depth for high flow overwintering refuge habitat in the upland, highgradient habitats of Springbrook, Mill and Garrison Creeks.a) Control high-velocity, peak-flow events in the foothill a¡eas and increasedischarges during periods of low flow by implementing flexible managementof headwater detention ponds currently used to temporarily store floodwatersand by enforcing construction standards throughout the watershed.b) Use instream habitat structures to stabilize streambeds and to create instreamand side channel pools in the North and Middle forks of Garrison Creek in thewetlands area between S. 218th St., S. zIzrh'Way, and Highway 167. Workwith the City of Renton to implement simila¡ modifrcations to SpringbrookCreek parallel to S. 192nd St. upstream of Highway 167 and in the reachbetween S. 192nd St. and the Springbrook Trout Farm. Monitor and maintainany restoration efforts seasonally to insure that varying flow conditions do notdecrease the utility of such efforts.c) Monitor and maintain previous restoration efforts undertaken in Mill andGarrison creeks seasonally to insure that high velocity flow conditions do notdecrease the utility of such efforts. For example, periodic maintenance may berequired in pool habiøts and instream habitat structures.d) Consider the installation of instream spawning habitats in the reaches ofSpringbrook, Garrison and Panther creeks that were suggested for instreamhabitåt modihcation.e) Expand the use of instream detention ponds similar to the EV/P DetentionPond to the Springbrook and Garrison Creek watersheds in order to increasesummer rearing and overwintering refuge habitat. Use existing detentionponds and evaluate the use of an off-channel pond east of the confluence of theNorth and Middle forks of Garrison Creek. The surface of this pond isapproximately 6 feet above the surface of Garrison Creek. Hence, this pondwould likely require excavation as well as fish passage between it and Ga¡risonCreek.Evaluate the fea.sibility of substrate enhancement in transitional low gradient areas.For example, cleaned gravel removed from the EV/P detention pond could be3w rc:g5PROJBCTSnogßlPINAL2.dæ:0922,/95:0902 AMSDCPage 108City of Kent Final Report4.Fish Restorøti.onplaced into reaches of Mill Creek downstream of Smith St. to enhance substrate inthis area that has relatively high water quality but little physical structure.Evaluate and monitor use of side channel habitat at the Kent lagoon for cohosalmon and resident trout overwintering refuge habitat. Determine numbers ofemigrating coho smolts in the spring.1Until habitat and water quality in the SMG creeks are improved to the point wheresalmonid populations can be self-sustaining, supplementation of anadromoussalmonids by planting of hatchery coho and wild or hatchery steelhead is essential.Our goal was to redistribute coho fry into Springbrook, Mill, Garrison and Panthercreeks and this was done by V/DFW in the spring of 1995.Initiate a pilot salmon adult trap and haul operation in the fall of 7995 at the BRPS.Capture and transport adult male and female coho salmon from BRPS to restinghabiøt in the SMG creeks in closer proximity to spawning habitat and around thepoor water quality in the migration corridor of the lower watershed. Evaluate thereproductive success of this strategy in terms of physical evidence of reddconstruction, presence of spawned carcasses, and abundance of fry in the springbefore WDFW stocks the watershed.Conduct a pilot coho salmon egg basket planting program in constructed artificialredds in selected riffle habitats in the SMG creeks using coho salmon eggs spawnedat the BRPS. Determine the effrciency of this restoration strategy in terms ofintegravel survival, the quality of spawning gravel habitat and fry recruitment.Operate the automatic smolt counting system at the BRPS in the spring of 1996.Sample the smolt catch to determine the species composition, length, weight,condition factor, presence of ma¡ks and physical injury. Determine the coho fry tosmolt survival and total smolt production.Evaluate the coho salmon and steelhead production potential in Panther Creek withreference to upstream and downstream smolt passage in fall of 1995 and spring of1996 respectively.Quantitatively evaluate the 1996 restoration effort by monitoring the fate of markedcoho salmon and steelhead hatchery fry in September of 1996 using index samplingsites as low flow rearing habitats. Implement this sampling program in the SMGand Panther Creeks. Determine the species composition, abundance and mark or234567City of KentWPC:95PROJECTSí094ClFINAt2 doqB¿2¡95r(P05 AMSDCPage 109 Final Repon89tag type of coho salmon and steelhead smolts at the BRPS in the spring of 1997 and1998, respectively. Continue to enlist the help of students and volunteers to assistin SMG fisheries studies.Monitor and sample the salmonid juveniles immigrating into the Kent Lagoon inthe fall of 1996 and document the abundance, species composition length andweight of the downstream smolt emigration in the spring of 1997.Stock the Kent Lagoon with marked Green River Hatchery coho salmon presmoltsin the falVwinter of 1996 and monitor the smolt production by tag or mark type inthe spring of 1997.w rc:95 PROJBCTSnofl C lFlNAf -:¿dæ:092U95:03:04 PMSDCPage 110City of Kent FinalREFERENCESADFG (Alaska Department of Fish and Game). 1983. Fish culture manual. ADFG, Division ofFisheries Rehabilitation, Enhancement and Development. 90 pp.AFS (American Fisheries Society). 1985. Glossary of stream habitat terms. V/.T. Helm (ed.).AFS, Bethesda, Maryland.Allee, B.J. 1974. Spatial Requirements and Behavioral Interactions of juvenile coho salmon(Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdnert). Ph.D. Thesis, Universityof Washington. 160 pp.Baranski, C. 1989. Coho smolt production in ten Puget Sound Streams. State of WashingtonDept. of Fisheries. Tech. Rept. 99. 29 pp.Barrett, J.C., G.D. Grossman, and J. Rosenfeld. 1992. Turbidity-induced changes in reactivedistance of rainbow trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 12l:437-443.Bell, M.C. 1991. Fisheries handbook of engineering requirements and biological criteria. FishPassage Development and Evaluation Program. North Pacific Division Corps ofEngineers, Portland, Oregon.Berg, L. and T.G. Northcote. 1985. Changes in territorial, gill-flaring and feeding behavior injuvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) following short-term pulses of suspendedsediment. Can. J. of Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 42:1410-1417.Beschta, R.L., R.E. Bilby, G.'W. Brown, L.B. Holtby, and T.D. Hofstra. 1987. Streamtemperature and aquatic habitat: Fisheries and forestry interactions. E.O. Salo and T.W.Cundy (eds.). Streamside management: Forestry and hshery interactions. ContributionNo. 57. University of Washington Institute of Forest Resources. Seattle, WA.Bortz, B. 1981. Streambed, habitat, beneficial use and recommendations towards enhancementof Kent stream ecosystems. City of Kent Planning Department. 58 pp.Brett, J.R. 1979. Environmental factors and growth. In: Fish Physiology, Volume VIII. W.S.Hoar, D.J. Randal, and J.R. Brett (eds.). Academic Press, Inc., New York, N.Y.Chapman, D.W. 1965. Net production of juvenile coho salmon in three Oregon streams. Trans.Amer. Fish. Soc. 94:40-52.Chase, Richard 1995. Personal Communication, City of Kent, W'ater Quality Engineer.Crone, R.A. and C.E. Bond. 1976. Life history of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch,inSashin Creek, Southeastern Alaska. Fish. Bull. U.S. 74:897-923.Entranco, Watershed Dynamics, Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc., and Terra Associates,lnc. 1992. Garrison Creek wetland/erosion control facilities. 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Effects of logging on the habitat of coho salmon and cutthroattrout in coastal streams. Oreg. Agric. Exper. Station Tech. Paper No. 2570.Herrera. 1990. City of Kent water quality assessment. Prepared by Herrera EnvironmentalConsultants, Inc. for Resource Planning Associates and the City of Kent Public W'orksDepartment. June 25,1990. 14 pp.Jones & Stokes Associates . I99I. City of Renton critical areas inventory of wetlands andstreams. Bellevue, WA. In association with R.V/. Beck and Associates, Seattle,'WA.Laufle, J.C., G.B. Pauley, and M.F. Shepard. 1986. Species prohles: Life histories andenvironmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Northwest): CohoSalmon. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Biological Report 82(11.48). 19 pp.Lister, D.B. and C.E. V/alker. 1966. The effect of flow control on freshwater survival of chum,coho, and chinook salmon in the Big Qualicum River, Can. Fish. CuLt. 37:3-25.Lucchetti, F. and R. Furstenberg. 1992. Urbanization, habitat conditions and hsh communitiesin small streams of western King County, Washington, USA, with implications formanagement of wild coho salmon. Proc. 1992 Chinook and Coho Workshop. WesternDivision of the American Fisheries Society.Marshall, D.E. and E.W. Britton. 1980. Carrying capacity of coho streams. Canada Dept. Fish.and Oceans, Enhancement Service Branch, Vancouver, British Columbia. ManuscriptReport.32pp.Metro. 1991. Metro Treatment Plant at Renton, WA. Draft supplemental environmental impactstatement. Prepared by Brown and Caldwell et al.MIT (Muckleshoot Indian Tribe). 1994. Specific comments upon the Comprehensive FisheriesAssessment of the Mill Creek, Garrison Creek and Springbrook Creek Systems (DraftFinal Report). In a letter to V/illiam Wolinski, City of Kent, from Chantal Stevens onSeptember ll,1994Nickelson, T.E., J.D. Rodgers, S.L. Johnson, and M.F. Solazzi. I992a. Seasonal changes inhabitat use by juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Oregon coastal streams.Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49:783-789.Nickelson,T.E., M.F. Solazzi, S.L. Johnson, and J.D. Rodgers. 1992b. Effectiveness of selectedstream improvement techniques to create suitable summer and winter rearing habitat forjuvenile coho salmon (Oncorhyncus kisutclz) in Oregon coastal streams. Can. J. Fish.Aquat. Sci. 49:7 90-794.City of KentW rc:95PROJECTSn09{CIFINAIJ dæ:09/21 /95:03:04 PMSDCPage Il2 Final ReportODEQ 1992. Water Quality Criteria Summary; Oregon Administrative Rules. Chapter 340,Division 41 - Department of Environmental Quality. pp4I-45.Parametrix, Inc. 1990. MiU Creek water quality monitoring report: Phase I - October 1989rainfall runoff event. Prepared for the City of Kent Engineering Department. 11 pp.Parametrix,Inc. 1992. Mill Creek erosion control project: Final project report. Prepared for theCity of Kent Engineering Department.Peterson, N.P. 1982. Immigration ofjuvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutcå) into riverineponds. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39:1308-1310.Piper, R.G., I.B. McElwain, L.E. Orme, J.P. McCraren, L.G. Fowler, and J.R. Leonard. 1982.Fish hatchery management. U.S. Fish and V/ildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior. 5I7 pp,Plafkin, J.L., M.T. Barbour, K.D. Porter, S.K. Gross, and R.M. Hughes. 1989. Rapidbioassessment protocols for use in streams and rivers: Benthic macroinvertebrates andfish. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water EPV40l4-89l001.Renton. 1993. Black River Basin water quality management plan. Prepared for the City ofRenton by R.V/. Beck and Assoc., Herrera Environmental Consultants, and Jones andStokes Assoc.Resource Planning Associates and Herrera. 1991. City of Kent water quality program 1992 -1996. Prepared by Resource Planning Associates and Herrera Environmental Consultantsfor the City of Kent.Salo, E.O. and W.H. Bayliff. 1958. Artificial and Natural Production of Silver Salmon(Oncorhynchus kisutcrh) at Minter Creek, WA. Resea¡ch Bulletin #4. V/ashington StateDepartment of Fisheries. 76 pp.Salo, E.O. 1969. Final report for the period June 1, 1965 - September 30 1968, EstuarineEcology Research Project. University of Washington, Fisheries Resea¡ch Institute report,Seattle, WA.Seber, G.A.F. 1982. The estimation of animal abundance. MacMillan Publishing Co., NewYork. 654 pp.Smith. :L.S. , J.B. Saddler, R.C. Ca¡dwell, A.J. Mearns, H.M. Miles, T.V/. Newcomb, and K.C.Watters. 1971. Responses of teleost fish to envi¡onmental stress. EPQ Report No.18050 EBK. Fed. V/ater Qual. Admin. 116 pp.State of 'Washington. 1992. V/ashington Administrative Code: Agency Rules, Volume 3, Title173. The Statue Law Committee.Tschaplinski, P.J. and G.F. Hartman. 1983. Winter distribution ofjuvenile coho salmon(Oncorhynchus kisutcå) before and after logging in Carnation Creek, British Columbia,and some implications for overwinter survival. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.40:452-461.Wedemeyer, G.A. 1977. Environmental requirements for fish health, Pages 4l-55 inProceedings of the International symposium on Diseases of Cultured Salmonids, Tavolek,Inc., Seattle, Washington.Wilsey and Ham. 1972. The Mill Creek answer book. Prepared for the City of Kent by Wilseyand Ham, Ir,c. 42p.City of Kentwrc:95PRoßCTSn09lclFINAI2.dæ:09Æ1i95:01:Ol PMISDCPage 113 Finnl ReportZar, J.H. 1984. Biostatistical analysis, second edition. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,N.J. 718 pp.-tIlCity of KentwPcrs PRoIBCNn09rcFlNAI2¡bq(B¿1i95:03:04 PMISDCPage 1 14II SOTOHd PHOTO 1: Black River Pumping Station BRPS forebay,PHOTO 3: Rolling Hills Creek entering Springbrook Creek upstreamof SW 16th Sr.PHOTO 2: Springbrook Creek near BRPS forebay.PHOTO 4: Beaver dam Springbrook Creek upstream of SW 16th St.Cítt oÍ KentMill Creek Project iTI,{tl-ùt:\',Dl¿t,¡I.\\\,-'< _r-ì{a-J ..'-///PHOTO 5: Dead alders along Springbrook Creek upstream of E. Valley Rd. PHOTO 6: Step in Springbrook Creek upstream of Highway 167.PHOTO 7: The effects of dredging in Mill Creek, downstream of W.ValleyRd.PHOTO 8: Reddish discharge entering Mill Creek from culvert up-stream of W. Valley Rd. and north of S. 204th St.City of KentMill Creek Project l>ll()T0 9: Mill Crcck tlownstrcant oI S. 2l2tlt St.PHOTO l0: Mill Crcck looking upstrcarî at E. Valley Higl'ilO'IO ll: Duok-causcd orosioll in Mill Crgck, upstrcatn oI h'. Valloy lld.City of KentMill Creek Project .lr'\l,l -ü!s,Ì - .., ,o:tìgYÊrs;".t'IIO'l'O l4: Mill Crcck in lltc carryorì upstronlÌì ol'lìarthworks l'ark.,lfrìlt'lIO'I'O l2: Strcambank erosion in MillCreek clownstrearn of Terrtpcrance St. PHOTO l3: Mill Crcok erìtering H,arlhwclrks Park detention poncl.¿{-rCity of KentI'IIOTO l5: Largc urgarric dcbris i¡r Mill Crcck CanyorrMill Creek Project PHOTO 17: Valley Floor Fork of Garrison Creek.PHOTO 16: Tlpical Riffle habitat in the valley floorportion of Mill Creek.{Ë''r¡; tï'i,l',"',,þi*';" .,F" -, . )li ...a"_PHOTO 18: Riparian zone of Garrison Creek downstream of S. 228th St. PHOTO 19: The confluence of the Middle Fork andValley Floor Fork of Garison Creek at Highway 167PHOTO 20: Habitat restoration structures in Garrison Creek upstrearn of S2l8th sr.City of KentMill Creek Project PHOTO 2l: Beaver dam in P-9 Channel at confluence with SpringbrookCreek.PHOTO 22: Yerttcal culvert in P-9 channel upstream ofE. Valley Rd.City of KentMill Creek Project __i ÌPHOTO 23: Springbrook Creek downstream of autowrecking yard on S. 192nd St.ar tq¡PHOTO 24: Springbrook Creek downstream of culvertunderHighway 167.City of KentMiIl Creek Project IIPHOTO 25: Springbrook Creek overbanksupstream ofPHOTO 262 Yegetation choked channel of Springbrook Creek upstream ofHighway 167, along S. 192nd St.PIIOTO 27: Bypass reach of Springbrook Trout Farm. PITOTO 2tl: Notched weir and culvert ât EWP detention dam atlow f'low.PHOTO 30: Woody debris complex in Mill Creek Canyon.rlrymü'Ñça.¿a*JPHOTO 29: Notched weir and culvert at EWPdetention dam at high flow.City of KentMiIl Creek Project ?i¡*,PHOTO 3l: Typical step in Mill Creek CanyonPHOTO 32: Pipe crossing Ga¡rison Creek upstream of S 2l8th St.PHOTO 33: Approximately 1-5 feet of water flowedunder a pipe crossing Garrison Creek at S. 218th St.City of KentMiIl Creek Project I xpuaddy LauTesting laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, IVA 98108 Q)O 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesCLIENT: Harza, Inc.2353 130th Ave.N.E.,Suite 200Be[ [evue, tJA 98005ATTN : Brian Atteellork lD : City 0f KentTaken By : CtientTransported by: Hand DetiveredType : lJaterSAIIPLE ¡DENTI FICATION:SanpteDescri ot i onCertíflcate oftlork Onder# ¿ 94'12-715DATE RECE¡vED = 12/22/94DATE 0F REPORT: 01/06/95CLIENT JoB ID : 7094.G-955CottectionDateÀna lys J. s01020304Station 1Station 2Station 3Trip Btank12/22/91 10:3012122/94 '1025012122/94 11:4012t22/94This report ¡s submined for the exclusive use of lhe person. partnership, or corporalion lo whom rt is addressed Subsequênt use of the name ol this compeny or anymember of its slaf ¡n connection w¡th the advertis¡ng or sale of any producl or process will be granted only on conlract. Th¡s company accepts no responsibility exceplfor the due perlormance of inspect¡on and/or analysis in good faith and eccording lo tho rules ol lhe lrado and ol sc¡ence. ,DPriñtgd on Råcyctld Pao", ÈJ Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q0É) 767-5060 FAX (206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesCLIENT : Harza, Inc.CertfflcaÈe of AnaIYsf.st'lork Order# : 94'12'745GET¡ERAL COI',II,IENTS ON MOOIFIED 8015 TOTAL PETROLEUI4 I{YDROCARBONS (TPH) ANALYSIS:The method, conmonty referred to as ttModified 8015tt, is enptoyed to determinethe concentrations of tor, mediun, and high boil,ing point hydrocarbons in soiIand water sanptes. Because the hydrocarbon sounce in environmentaI sanìPtesís often unknoln, Laucks emptoys an 8015 method modification that atlot¡s onescreening anatysis to examine this futI range.The sarpte is extracted using methytene chtoride, then anatyzed by gaschromatography using a ftame ìonization detector (GC/t¡D). one sanpte in every10 anatyses is setected for additionat spiking and atso for analysis as adupI icate.The standard materiats gasotine, dieset, and [ube oiI are anatyzed to providepattern recognition chromatograms. A mul.ti-point catibration is performed usingdieset fuet and dieset fuet is used as the continuing catibration standard.Resu(ts are quantitated depending on ctient request. one method is toquantitate resutts asrrtotaI hydrocarbons,rrtising the totaI response for thedieset fuet standard to corpute the ca(ibration factor. Totat response isdefined as the totaI integrated area from C7 (totuene) to n-C40. Atternativety,one or [K,re hydrocarbon ranges can be quantitated using gasotine as a standardfor the range totuene to n-C12, dieset as a standard for the range n-C12 ton-C24, and motor oi I as a standard for the range n-C24 to n'C40.tn addition, a quatitative pattern match is made by visuatty examining thesanpte and standard chromatograns. If a match is detected bet¡reen a comon fueland a sarçte, this fact is stated in our report in the sarçte coflments sectionat the bottom of each anal,ytical, report. HoHever, it is not unusual to beunabte to state that a match exists.COI.II4ENTS I.I8O15 ANALYSIS:Sarpte 9412745-01 demonstrated high surrogate recoveries and ras re-extracted,outside of hotding times. Gasotine and heavy oiI range resutts rere betox üDLtevets in both the originat and re-extracted sarç|,e. The diesel range resuttTh¡s report ts submtned for the exctus¡ve use ol the person, partn€rshrp, or corporation to whom lt is addressed. Subsequenl use ol the name ol this company or anymember ol its statf in connection wtth tho advert¡s¡ng or salo'ol any product or process w¡ll be granted only on contract. This company accepts no responslbil¡ty êxceptlor the dug perlormance ol inspectton and./or analysis ¡n good laith and accord¡ng to the rules of the trade and ol science.Prinl.d oñ Rocl¡ded Prpc, $ LauTesting laboratories, Inc.9.10 South Harnev St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q)O 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesCLIENT : Harza, lnc.Certificate of Ànalysisllork o¡der# : 94-1?'745was reported from the re-extract because [evets above the MDL r¡ere detected inthe originaI extract for this range.Sarpl,e 9412745-01MSD demonstrated high surrogate and spike recoveries. Due toinsufficient sanrpte votunes, sanpte -01 coutd not be re-extrâcted for QC. Anl.lS/MSD Has extråcted for sarnpte 9412745-03 and atI surrogate and spikerecoveries ¡ere ín controt.FLAGG I NG:The flagrrUrrindicates the anatyte of interest ¡¡as not detected, to the Iimit ofdetection indicated.ATTACHI.IENTSFottoring presentation of sanpte resutts, the fotloring appendices are attachedto this report:Appendix A:Appendix B:Appendix C:Appendix D:l,tethod Btank and Surrogate Recoveries ReportMatrix Spike/Matrix Spike Dupticate ReportBLank Spike Recovery Reportcha i n- of - custodyUntess otherHise instructed atI sanptes ril.I be discarded on 02/19/95Respectfu[ [y subrni tted,Laucks Ting Laboratories, Inc.This report is submttted for the exclusive use of the person, partnersh¡p, or corporalion to whom rt rs addressed. Subsequent use of the name of th¡s company or enymembet of ¡ts stal ¡n conneclion wtth the advert¡sing of sale ol any product or process will be granted only on conlracl. Th¡s company accepts no fesponslþility exceptfor lho due pêrlormancê ol ¡nspeclron and/or analysis ¡n good faith and according to the rules of the trade and ol science. ñPrint.d m Roctolod Patt Èttl Laulaboratories, Inc.st., seattie, w498108 Q\o 767-5060 FAX (20o 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicescLlEllT : Harza, Inc.TESTS PERF(nllEI ÂTD RESJLTS:AnaLyte UnitsCertificate of AnaIYsJ.sItork order # 94-12-745030201Akmin¡¡ (xethod ó010)Antinrony (llethod ó010)Arsenic (llethod 6010)Barirn (tlethod 6010)Beryttiu (llethod 6010)Cadnir.m (tlethod ó{t10)Catcirn (Xethod ó010)Chr<¡lir.n (Xethod 6010)cobaLt (Hethod ó010)cofeî (xethod ó{¡10)tran (llethod ó{110)Lead (llethod 6010)llagnesitn (Xethod ó010)llanganese (llethod ó010)llercurY (Hethod ó010)llicket Olethod ó{¡10)Potassir¡¡ (llethod ó010)o-240.300-006 u0.0(b u0.020 u0.020 u0.0120.0140-001 u0.001 u0.001 u0.001 u0.0010-0010.005 u0.005 u0.0030.0050-831-50.005 u0-005 u4.74-40.05óo-120.010 u0.010 u0.002 u0.002 u2-12-2o.250.fxb u0.020 u0.0140-001 U Z t'ò.\^r,-o.ooz u , 'lr-'¡-! L' u.i3 ?13-0.0010-005 u0.005mg/Lms/LfIE/Lm9/Lmg/Lm9/ Lm9/Lm9/Lms/ Lmg/LnglLmg/Lm9/Lmg/Lms/Lm9/Lm9/L13.151-4 il*\ \ur,-âtÇo.fxÌ5u ,,(l.Ju,cÐl'l4-7^,cÉlq0.140.010 u0.002 u7^A- rèur.)O .OCOp U " '',:- 'i2-4This report ¡s submrtted lof lhe exclusive use corporat¡on lo whom it rs addressed. subsequent use ol the name of this company or anymember ol its statf ¡n connection w.h the adv o, process witt le trantãJ onty on contract. ih¡s company accepts no responsibility oxceptlor the due performanc€ ol inspection and/or ording lo the rulês ol the trade and of science' .r¡Prinl.d oñ Rocyclcd P6por tt Testing laboratories, Inc. 940 South Harnev St., Seattle, lVA 98108 QjO 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063 Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical Senqices CLIEXI : Harza, ¡rìc. TESTS PERF(trHED AI¡D RESULTS: Ana I yte Uni ts Cert,Lflcate of Àualysls Uork order # 94'12-715 Continued From Above 0.020 u 0.020 u 03020t Seleniun (llethod ó010) Sitver (llethod ó010) Sodit^r¡ (llethod ó010) Thal Lit¡r (llethod ó010) Vanadium (llethod 6O10) Zi¡r (llethod ó010) n9/L 0.020 u m9/L 0.00t u n9/L 6-2 m9/L 0.020 u m9/L 0.005 u ms/ L 0.014 : rI^À. 0.001 u 6.9 0.020 u 0-005 u 0-032 0.001 u -üt.ç ä r) 7.a 0.020 U 0.005 u 0.031 Th¡s repot ts suÞmitted lor the exclusrve use of lhe person, partnership, or corporation lo whom rt is addressed Subsequent use ol the name ol this company or any member of ¡ts staff in conn€ct¡on wrth the advertising ol sal6 ol any product or process w¡ll be granled only on conlract. This company accepts no responsibil¡ty oxcspt for the due performance ol inspectron and/or analysis in good laith and according to the rules of the trade and ol science.oaÈ, Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, \'VA 98108 Q)O 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesREPORT 0N SAI|PLE: 9112715-015Ctient Sanpte lD: Station 1Ana IyteCo[ [ection DateDate ReceivedDate AnatyzedDate Confirmed12/22/94'12/22/9412/22/940't/03/95Test CodeTest MethodRepont Units: 8240 u: Sl't 8240: us/LResul tRèsultSDLAne I vteSDLDich Iorodi f tuoromethane .,.Ch IoromethaneVinyl, chl,orideCh t oroethaneTrichtorof Iuoromethane . - ..Acrotein1,1-Dichtoroethene.Acetone .....Carbon disutfideI'lethytene chtorideAcrytonitri tetrans- 1 ,2-D i ch toroethene .1,1-Dichtoroethane .......VinyI acetatecis- 1,2-Dichtoroethene ...2-ButanoneCh I oroform1 , 'l , 1 - T r i ch I oroethane . . . .Carbon tetrachloride . - -. -1U1U1U1U2U1U3U1U4U1Uzl')2U1U1U1U1U1u1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1u1U1U1U1u1U1u1U1U1U1UUUUuU111111I11I111111111111111213141?211111111Benzene1 ,2-D i ch toroethane.Trichtoroethene ...1,2-Dichtonopropane ......Bronodichtoromethane .....2-ChtoroethyI vinyI ether.cis-1,3-Dichtoropropene ..4-l,lethyt-2-pentanone .....To I uenetrans- 1,5-D i ch toropropene.1,1,2-Trichtoroethane ....Tetrachtoroethene.2- HexanoneDibromochtoromethane .....Ch t orobenzeneEthytbenzenem, p-XyI eneso-XyteneStyrene .Brornoform1 ,1 ,2,2'l etrach t oroethaneTh¡s report ¡s submttted lor the exctusive use of the person. partnershrp, or corporaiion to whom lt is addressed Subsequent use of the name ol this company or anymember of ils statt ¡n connection wtth the adv€rtis¡ng or salg of any product or process wrll be granted only on conlract. This company accepts no responsib¡l¡ty excoplfor lhe due performance of inspectton and/or enalysis in good faith and accord¡ng to the rules of the trade end ol science.Print.d d R6¿1d€d P8*, $ LauTesting laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney Sr., Seattle, WA 98108 Q06) 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesSurrogate recovery report for sanpte 9412745-018SurrogatePercentLimits:llinMâxd4- 1,2-Dichtoroethane .. ....d8-Totuenep-Bromof Iuorobenzene788381969899118117115* = Indicates that recovery is outside controt IimitsTh¡s rêport is subm¡tîed lor the exctustve use ol the person. partnersh¡p, or corporal¡on to whom ¡t is addressed. Subsêquent use of the name of th¡s company or anymember of ¡ts stafl in conn€ct¡on wtth the advsriis¡ng or sale of any product or process will be granted only on contract. This company accepts no respons¡bility êxceptfof rh6 duo pefrormence of inspection and/of anarysis in good feith end accofding ro the fures or the trade and or science' pnnrod ø Rocyd.d på*, $ Testing laboratories, Itîc.940 Soutlr Harnev St., Seattle, \,VA 98108 Q)O 767-5060 FAX Q)O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesREPoRT oN SAÌ'IPLE: 9412745-028Ctient Sanpte ¡0: Station 2CoItection DateDate ReceivedDate AnaIyzedDate Confi rmed12/22/9412t22t9412t23/9401/03/95Test CodeTest MethodReport Units824o_LrsH 8240us/LRêsultSDLAñâ I vteResuttsfltAne I vteDichtorodif tuoromethane ...Chtoromethane .....Vinyl. chtorideBromomethanech t oroethaneTrichtorof tuoromethane ....Acrotein1,1-DichloroetheneAcetoneCarbon disutfidel'{ethytene chtorideAcrytonitri Ie .trans- 1,2'Dichtoroethene .1,1-DichtoroethaneVinyl acetate ..cis-1,2-Dichtoroethene ...2-ButanoneCh t oroform1,1,1-Trichtoroethane ....Carbon tetrachloride .....1U1U1U1U2U1U3U1U4U1U2V?u1U1111213141221111'l111Benzene1,2-Dichtoroethane.......Trichtoroethene1,2-Dichtoropropane ......Bromodichtoromethane .....2-Chtoroethyt vinYI ether.cis-1,3-DichtoroProPene ..4-l{ethyt-2-pentanone .. . ..Totuenetrans- 1,3-D i ch toroProPene.1,1,2-TrichIoroethane ....Tetrachtoroethene .2- HexanoneDibromochtoromethane . ....Ch IorobenzeneEthytbenzenem, p- XyI eneso-XyteneB romof o rm1 ,1 ,2,2-I etrach I oroethane.UUUUUUUU'l1111111111111111I1111UUUUUUUUU1u1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1UThis report is submtned lor the e clusive use of the person. partnership, of corpofat¡on to whom lt ls addfessed subsequent use of the name of this company or anymembêr of its staf in connect¡on wtth the adverlts¡ng of sale of any pfoduct or pfocess wtll be granled only on contfact. Th¡s company accepts no responsib¡lity exceptfor the due performance of inspectton and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of th6 tradê and of sc¡encePrintod on Rocyclod P6*, €! Lauchs@Testhg laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q06) 767-5060 FAX (206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesSurrogate recovery report for sarçte 9412745-028SurrogatePercentLimi ts:Min- l¡lâx-d4-1,2-Dichloroethane ......d8-To I uenep-Bromof tuorobenzene9510199118117115788381* = Indicates that recovery is outside control IimitsTh¡s report ts subm¡tted for thê exclusive use of the person, partnershrp, or corporation to whom lt ls addressed Subsequent use of the name of th¡s company or anymember of ¡ts stal in connection wtth the advert¡sing or sale of any product or process will be granted only on contract. This company accêpts no respons¡bil¡ty exceptfor the due perlormance of ¡nspectton andor analys¡s ¡n good faith and accord¡ng to lhe rules ol the tradê and of sciencê. æP¡ntø on neú:/crcd PaP€r Èf LauTesting laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, IVA 98108 Q061767-5060 FAX (206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesREPORT 0N SAiIPLE: 9412745-038Ctient Sanrple lD: Station 3Co[ [ection DateDate ReceivedDate AnatyzedDate Confirmed12/22/9412/22/9412/23/9401/03/95Test CodeTest MethodReport Units8240 I'lSl'¡ 8240uslLAna I vteResu I ts0LÄnâ I vtePêsul tsDtDichl.orodif Luoromethane . -.Ch IoromethaneVinyI chtorideBromomethane .Ch I o¡oethaneTrichtorofIuoromethane .. " -Acro t ei n1,1-Dichtoroethene.AcetoneCarbon disutfide ........Methytene chtoride ......Acrytonitri Ietrans- 1,2-Dichtoroethene .1,1-Dichtonoethane .. .. . ..VinyI acetatecis-1,2-Dich Ioroethene . , .2-ButanoneCh I oroform1,1,1-Trichtoroethane ....Carbon tetrachtoride .. - - -uuUUUUUUUU2U1U3U1U4U1U2U?u1U1U1U1U1U1U1u1U1U1U1U1U1U'l u1U1U1U1U1U1U1u1U1U11I11111I,|111111,|11I111112131412¿111111,|1Benzene1,2-Dichtoroethane.Trichtoroethene ...1,2-Dichtoropropane ......Bromodichtoromethane .....2-Chtoroethyt vinyt ether.cis-1,3-Dichtoropropene ..4-l,lethyl.-2-pentanone .....Totuenetrans- 1,3-D i ch IoroproPene.1,1,2-Trichtoroethane ....Tetrachtoroethene .2- HexanoneDibromochtoromethane .....Ch Iorobenzenem, p-Xyt eneso-XyteneStyreneBromoform'1, 1,2,2-1 etrach I oroethane.This report ts submttted for the exctus¡ve use ol lhe person. partnershtp, or corporation to whom tt is addressed. Subsequent use ol the name ol this compeny or anymember of its stall in conn€ctton wtth the adverttsing or sale of any product or process w¡ll Þe granted only on contract. This company accepts no responsibility exceptfor the due performance ot inspectton end/or analysis in good faith end according to the rules of the trade and ol sciencePrinlêd on Rocycled Pspo, €! LauTesting laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, !\A 98108 QjO 767-5060 FAX Q06\ 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesSurrogate recovery report for sarpl,e 9412745-038SurrogatePercentLimi ts:Daê^\raFv MinMâId4-1,2-Dichtoroethane .....d8-To I uenep-Bromof luorobenzene ......* = lndicates that recovery is outside control IimitsTh¡s report ¡s submined lor the 6xclus¡ve use ol the person. partnersh¡p, or corporation to whom rt is addressed. Subsequent use of the name ol th¡s company or anymember of ¡ts stalf in conn€ction wtth the advertis¡ng or sale of any product or procsss will Þe granted only on contract. This company accepls no responsibility excoptfor lhe due performancE ol ¡nspection and/or enalysis in good fa¡th and according to the rules of the lrede and of sc¡enco.PrinreddBec-yd€dPe*, {3981011001181'-17115788381 Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q06\ 767-5060 FAX (206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesREPORI 0N SAilPLE: 9412745-04ACtient Sanpte ID: Trip BtankCoI tection DateDate ReceivedDate AnatyzedDate Confirmed1?/22/9412/22/9412t23/9401 103/95Test CodeTest l,lethodReport Units: 8240 !l: Stl 8240: uglLAne I vteResut tSDLAne I vteResut tSDLDichtorodi f Iuoromethane . .Ch I oromethaneVinyI chIoride ....BromomethaneCh IoroethaneTrichtoroftuoromethane . . -.AcroI ei n1,1 -Dichtoroethene .Acetone -. - -.Carbon disuLfideMethytene chIo¡'ideAcrytonitri Ie ....trans- 1,2-Dìchtoroethene .1,1-Dichtoroethane .......VinyI acetatecis-1,2-Dichtoroethene ...2-ButanoneCh I oroform1,1,1 -Trichtoroethane . ...Carbon tetnachtoride . - --,1U11U1U2u1U3u1U4U1U?U2U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1U1u1U1u1U1U1U1U1UBenzene1,2-Dichtoroethane.Trichtoroethene1,2'Dichtoropropane ......Brornodichtoromethane .....2-ChtoroethyI vinyt ethen.cis-1,3-Dichtoropropene ..4-l,lethyt-2-pentanone, ....Totuenetrans- 1, 3-D ich Ioropropene.1,1,2-Trichtoroethane . , ,.Tetrachtoroethene .2- HexanoneDibromochtoromethane,....Chtorobenzene .....Ethytbenzene ..m, p- Xy I eneso-XyI eneBromoformuuuU1U1U1U1 ,1 ,2,2'l etrach I oroethaneTh¡s rsport is submined for the exclusive use of the person, parlnershtp, or corporat¡on to whom rt rs addressed Subsoquent use of the name of th¡s company or anymember ot its staff in connect¡on wtth lhe advertising or sale of any product or process will be granted only on contract. This company accepts no responsib¡lity excepttor the duê perlormancs of ¡nspectton end/or anelys¡s in good faith and eccord¡ng to the rules ol the trade and ol science. ñPrinrsd on Recïcted Påpor Èå Lau@Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, l\A 98108 Qjo 767-5060 FAX (206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical Servicessurrogate recovery report for sanpte 9112745-04ASurrogatePercentL imi ts:Þê.ôvêrv Min- l.lâxd4-1,2-Dichtoroethane ...,..d8-Totuenep-Bromof Iuorobenzene ......r = lndicates that recovery is outside controI timitsThis r€port is subm¡tted for the exctusive use of the person, partnership, or corporat¡on to whom tt is addressed. Subsequent use of the name of th¡s company or anymemþer ol ¡ts stafl in connectton wtth the advertts¡ng or sale of any product or process w¡ll be granted only on contfact. This company accepts no respons¡bil¡ly exceptfor the duê performance of inspeclton and/or analys¡s ¡n good lailh and according to the rulês of the trade and ol science. ñptnrc¿ ø aecyoec P¡pc¡ ÈJ94101100118117115788381 LauTesting laboratories, Itîc.9.10 South Harnev St., Seattle, VVA 98108 Q]O767-5060 FAX Q)O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesREPORT ON SÀIVIPLE:Cl-ient, Samp1e ID:94L2745-oLBStsation tCollection DaÈeDat,e ReceivedDaEe Ãr¡alyzedAnalyÈeL2 /22 /e4L2 /22 /e4L2 /28 /95Te6t. CodeTeEts MethodExtracÈion Method: M80l-5W: MOD 8015: SI{ 3510ResuIt(me¡ /t,\PQLIma /t,lGasoline range, as gasolineDieeel reurge, as dieseloil range, as oilSurrogaÈeSurrogat,e recoveL^f¡ report, for sample 94L2745-OLB,0.20 uo.25 U1.0 uo.20o.251.0LimiEs:¡tin - Max.PercenÈPêa!ôveñ.¡2 -Fluorobiphenylp-Teryheny1 ....90925050150150*= Indicates thaÈ recoverl¡ is out,eide cor¡Ero1 limitsComment,s:This report ts submttted lor lhe êxclusive use of lhe person. padnersh¡p, or corporat¡on to whom it ls addressed. Subsequent use ol the name of this company or anymember ol its staff in connoct¡on w¡th the advert¡sing of sate of any product or pfocôss will be gfanted only on contrect. Th¡s company accepts no fesponsibility excsptfor the due performance or inspecl¡on and/or anarysis ¡n good fairh and according lo the rur.s or the trade end or science priñred on Rocl'ed p!*, €þ Testing laboratories, Inc.9.10 soutlr Harnev st., seaftle, wA 98108 Q\o 767-5060 FAX Q06) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesREPORT ON SÀIvIPLE:Clienc Sample ID:94L27 45 -O2BSEaEion 2CollecÈion DateDate ReceivedDaÈe ÄnalyzedÀriaIyt,eL2 /22 /e4t2 /22 /94L2 /28 /95Teet CodeTeeÈ MethodExtraction Method: M8015!{: MOD_8015: Sl{ 3510ResuIt,(ma /t,\PQLlma /t,\Gasoline range, as gasolineDieset r¿rnge, as dieselOil range, as oil0-20 uo.25 U1.0 u0.20o.251.0Surrogate recoverl¡ reporÈ for sample 94L2745-O2BSurrogaÈePercenEPêr-ôvÊYL¡LimicsvinMâta2 -Fluorobiphenylp-Terphenyl86885050150150* = IndicaÈes that recoverl¡ is ouEeide conÈrol limiusComments:Th¡s report is submitted for the exclusive use of the person, partnsrship, or corporalion to whom it is addressed Subsequent use ol the name of th¡s company or anymember of tts slaf in connection tvtth the advert¡stng or salo of any product or process w¡ll bs granted only on contract. Th¡s company accepts no responsib¡l¡ty excoptlor the due perlormance of inspection and/or analys¡s in good faith and according lo lhe rules ol the trade and of sc¡ence.Pr¡nled m RocycLd Pa*, {l Lauch@Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, \,VA 98108 Q06) 767-5060 FAX QjO 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesREPORT ON SÀ}ÍPLE:ClienÈ Samp1e ID:94L2't45-038St,at,ion 3CoIlectiotl DateDat,e ReceivedDate AnalyzedAr¡aIyEet2 /22 /e4t2 /22 /94L2 /2e /esTest CodeTest MeÈhodExtraction MethodPQL(ma /t)M8015VfMOD 8015sw 3510Reeulttma /t,\Gasoline ra!.çJe, as gasolineDiesel range, as dieselOil range, as oiI0.20 u0.25 U1.0 uo.20o.2s1.0Surrogat.e recovera¡ report for sample 94L2745-O3BSurrogatePercerrt,r,imite :Þêdôarâñ¡MìnMâx2 -Fluorobiphenylp-Terphenyl ....82845050150150* - Indicat.es that recover'l¡ is outside control limiÈsCo¡nrnent,s:Th¡s report is submttted for the e clustve use ol the person, palnership, or corporation lo whom lt is addressed. Subsequent use ol the name of this company or anymember of its statf ¡n conneclion wtth the advel¡s¡ng or sale of any próduct or process will be granted only on contracl. Th¡s company accepts no responsibility excsptfor tho due pðrfomance of inspectton and/or enalysis ¡n good la¡th and according to the rules of lhe tradg and of science.PdntodonRecycledPa*. $ @Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q)O 767-5060 FAX (206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesAppendix AMethod Blank and Surrogate Recovery ReportThis rêport is submttted lor the exctusive use of the person. parlnershtp, or corporalron lo whom it is addressed Subsequent use of the name ol this company or anymember of ¡ls staff ¡n connect¡on with the edvort¡s¡ng or sale of any product or process will be granted only on contract. Th¡s company accepts no r6spons¡bility exceptfor lhe due perlormenca ol inspectron and/or enalysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of sciencô. _PrintodøRævd.dPa*, ÈJ Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, WA 98108 QjO 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical SerqicesBtank NameSamoles Verifiedouality Control Reporttlethod Btanks for lJork order 9412745Test Descriotion8010395 ¡CP t.¡011-38122894 rcP !'l011-3m9/LA method btank can vatidate more than one anatyte on more than one work order. The method btanks in this report mayval,idate anatytes not determined on this rork order, but nonethetess determined in the associated btank.Because they vatidate more than one work order, method btank resutts âre not atways reported in the same concentrationunits or to the same detection timits that are used for sanrpte results.* = btank exceeds controt timitsitver by IcPBariun by IcPCadniun by lcPChromiun by ICPCopper by ICPNicket by ICPLead by ICPZinc by ICPl,langanese by IcPSitver by ICPAtuninun by ¡CPArsenic by IcPBariun by ¡cPBeryttiun by lcPCatciun by ICPCadniun by IcPcobatt by IcPChromiun by IcPlron by ICPMercury by ¡CPPotassiun by IcPtlagnesium by IcPSodiun by IcPNickel, by lcPLead by ICPAntimony by ¡cPSeteniun by ICPThattium by ICPVanadiun by ICPResuI t0.0010 u0.0020 u0.0010 u0.0010 u0.0010 u0.0020 u0.0050 u0.0010 u0.0010 u0.0010 u0.010 u0.020 u0.0020 u0.0010 u0.10 u0.0010 u0.0050 u0.0010 u0.010 u0.010 u0.10 u0.10 u0.10 u0.0020 u0.0050 u0.00ó0 u0.020 u0.020 u0.0050 uUni tsmg/LCont ro ILimit0.00200.00400.00200.00200.00200.00400.0100.00500.00200.00200.0500.0400.00400.00200.200.00200.0100.00200.0500.0500. report ¡s subm¡tted lor the exclus¡ve use ol the person. partnersh¡p, or corporatron lo whom it is addressed Subsequent use of lhe name of this company or anymembef ol ¡ts staf ¡n connection wtth the advert¡sing or salê of any product or pfoc€ss w¡ll be granted only on contfact. Th¡s company accepts no responsibility exceptlor the dug porformance ot ¡nspectton and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rulos of the trade and of science.Pti¡lcó 6 Bsctdad Po*, $ LauTesting laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q)O 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesBtank NameSamlas VerifiedQuality Controt Reportl¡lethod Btanks for lJork Order 9412745Têst DescriDtionResutt UnitsControILimit8010494 csv rJ01ms/L8122294 r.rvo r.r011 -40ug/LA method btank can va[idate more than one anatyte on more than one rork order. The method btanks in this rePort mayvatidate anatytes not determined on this work order, but nonethetess determined in the associated btank.Because they vaLidate more than one rork order, method bl.ank resutts are not atways reported in the same concentrâtionunits or to the same detection Limits that are used for sanpte resutts.* = blank exceeds controt IimitGasotine range, as gasotineDieseI range, as dieseI0i t range, as oi ID i ch Iorodi f L uoromethaneCh I oromethaneVinyt chtorideBromomethaneCh t oroethaneTri ch tonof IuoromethaneAcrotein1,1-DichtoroetheneAcetoneCarbon disul,fidellethytene chtorideAcrytoni tri tetrans- 1, 2-D i ch Ioroethene1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateci s- 1, 2-Dich toroethene2- ButanoneCh Ioroform1, 1, 1 -Trich IoroethaneCarbon tetrachtorideBenzene1,2'DichtoroethaneTrichtoroethene1,2-DichtoropropaneBromodi ch toromethane0.20 u0.25 u1.0 U1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u2.0 u1.0 u3.0 u1.0 u4.0 u1.0 u2.0 u2.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u0.200.2500001. report is submitted lof the exciusive use of the person, partnersh¡p, or corporation to whom ll ¡s addressed subsequent use of the name of this company of anymember of its stafl ¡n connect¡on wtth lhe edvertis¡ng or sale of any próduct or process will be granted only on contract. This company accepts no responsibil¡ty exc€Ptfor the due performance of ¡nspect¡on and/or analysis ¡n good faith and according to the rules ol the tfade and of science.PrinlodonFocïclodP6*, $ Lauck@Testing laboratories, htc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q\O 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesBtank NameSamptes Verifiedauatity Control Reportllethod Btanks for gork Order 9412745Têsf flêseniôtion8122394 csv r,,01Resut t1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 U1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u0.20 u0.25 u1.0 uUni tsm9/LCont ro tLimit1.01.01.0't . vinyI ethercis' 1,3-D i ch Ioropnopene4 -llethy l. - 2- pentanoneTo t uenetrans- 1, 3-D i ch I oropropene1, 1, 2-Tri ch IoroethaneTetrach Ioroethene2- HexanoneDibromochtoromethaneCh torobenzeneEthytbenzenem, p-Xyteneso-xyteneStyreneBromoform1, 1,2,2'f ettach IoroethaneGasotine range, as gasotineDieseI range, as dieseIoi t range, as oi IA method btank can vatidate more than one anatyte on more than one rork order. The method btanks in this report mayvatidate anatytes not determined on this work order, but nonethetess determined in the associated btank.Because they val.idate more than one ¡lork order, method bl,ank resutts are not atrays reported in the same concentrationunits or to the same detection Limits that are used for sanpte resutts.* = btank exceeds control IimitTh¡s reporl is suÞm¡ned lor lhe exclus¡ve use of the person, partnersh¡p, or corporat¡on to whom tt is addressed Subsequent use of the name of this company or anymember of ¡ts statf ¡n connect¡on wtth the advert¡sin9 or sale of any product or process will be grantêd only on contract. Th¡s company accepts no responsibility exceptfor the due perlormenc€ of ¡nspoctton anüor analysis in good laith and according to the rules of lhe kade and ol sciênce.JÙÈ, Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, \,VA 98108 Q\O 767-5060 FAX Q06't 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesouatitY Controt RePortllutti -Cqponent lethod BtanksSurrogate Recoveries for lJork order 9412745Btank NameTest Descriotion801 0494_csv_rJ01s122294 r{vo rJ01l,lodified 8015I'lethod 8240 Vol.ati Ies8122394 csv t01 ttodified 8015i = Recovery exceeds control IimitRecov = Percent recovery of surrogate corpoundLCL = LoHer Controt LimitUcL = Upper controt LimitSurrooate ComooundRecov LcL UcL2- F Iuorobi phenYtp-f erphenyl.d4- 1, 2-D i ch t oroethaned8-Totuenep-Bromof Iuorobenzene2- F Iuorobi phenytp-ferphenyt8ó891011011018?.9050 15050 15078 11883 11781 11550 15050 150Th¡s report is submtned for the exclus¡ve use ol the pefson. partnefsh¡p, or corporation to whom lt is addressed. subsequent use of the name ol th¡s compeny or anymember of ils statf ¡n conneclton with the advertrs¡ng or sale of any próduct or process will be granted only on contract. This company accepls no responsib¡lity exceptfor the due perlormence ol ¡nspection and/or analysis in good faith and accord¡ng to the rules of the llads and of sciencô.Prinl€dqRoc-vdedPrt, €! Testing laboratories, Inc.940 Soutlr Harnev St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q\O 767-5060 FAX {206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesAppendix BMatrix Spike/lvfatrix Spike Duplicate ReportTh¡s report ts subm¡ned lor the exctustve use of the person, parlnership, of corporat¡on to whom lt ls addressed suþsequent use ol the name of th¡s company or anymember of ¡ts staí ¡n connection with the adv€rl¡s¡ng or salo ol any próduct or process will be granted only on contracl. This company accepts no responsiÞility excêptfor tho du6 perlormance of ¡nspection and/or analysis in good fa¡th and according to ths rulês ol the lrade and of sc¡ence.P.intadtrRecïdodPåt, $ LauTesting laboratories, Inc.940 Sourh Harnev st., seattle, wA 98108 Qjo 767-5060 FAX {2061767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical Sersicesar¡atity Contlot Reporttls/llsD Report for tlork Order 9112745Itls/ilsDSamote Fractions Verìfied Samote1-39412759-01Ana IvtePercentRecovery Cont. LimitsMS IiISD RPD LCL UCL RPDMS/MSD NameK010395 rcPUo1K010495 GsWolK122194 Mvol.lo1K122894 tcPulz1-31 -409412745-039412696-019412688-01Si IverBar i unCadni unCh romi unCopperl,langaneseNicketLeadDieseI range, as dieseI1 ,1 -D i ch IoroetheneTrichtoroetheneBenzeneTotueneCh torobenzeneSi IverAtuninunArseni cBariwrBeryt I i unCatciunCadniun \Coba I tChromi un10110810210ó1011041001049411111310610ó11790135919810ó9490918810110910310ó1011071001076510810710?1051148ó112939810893919191050't 761700750n3590n26936 203ó068047517537755019 50282176179250070081375133 16112 16127 141'17 21116 10131 30115 10127 181ó0 50145 10137 10137 10135 11136 10133 16117 27122 't 111? 16132 10150 30127 14115 16117 211-5* = Vatue Exceeds Controt LimitRPD = Retative Percent DifferenceLCL = Lo¡er Control LimitUcL = Upper Control Limit-1 for recovery vatue indicates that recovery coutd not be catcutatedAn MS/llSD pair can val.idate the resutts fon more than one ¡ork order. For this reason, resutts for anatytesnot requested on this rork order may aPpear in this l'ls/MSD report-This report ts subm¡tted lor lhe exclustve use of lhe person, partnership, or corporation to whom it ¡s address€d subsequent use of the name of thìs company or anymomb€r ol ¡ts stafl in connectton w¡th lhe advertis¡ng or sale of any product or pfocess will be granted only on contract' This company accepts no responslb¡l¡ty exceptlor lhe due perlormance of ¡nspectton end/or analysis in good fe¡th and according to the rules of lhe trade and of science'Prinl.doñRecYdodPg*, $ Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St., Seattle, VVA 98108 Q\O 767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical Serviceseuatity Controt ReportHS/HSD Report for tlork Order 9412745l.{S/l,lSD NameSanpte F¡actions Verif iedl,ts/l,lsDSarpI eAna IytePercentRecovery Cont. LimitsI,IS I,ISD RPD LCL UCL RPD¡ ronl.lercuryPotass i unllagnes i unl,langaneseSodi uunNickeILeadAntimonySeteni unThat t iunVanadiunZinc/' 50564175250159150zT70ó9171474172184168150 30115 13123 12.150 22131 30150 29115 10127 18131 29137 24113 10115 17131 20't17979899951029091949491949?10210198979410188919598909488* = Vatue Exceeds Control LimitRPD = Retative Percent DifferenceLCL = LoHer Control LimitucL = Upper Controt Limit-1 for recovery vatue indicates that ¡ecovery coutd not be catcutatedAn ilS/MSo pair can vatidate the resutts for nore than one rork order. For this reason, resutts for anatytesnot requested on this rork order may appear in this MS/tlSD report.This r6poñ ¡s suþm¡tted lor the excluslve use ol the person, partnersh¡p, or corporation to whom lt is addressed. Subsequent use of the name ol this company or anymember of ¡ts staff in connect¡on wtth the adverttsing or sale of any product of process wtll be granted only on contract. This company accepls no responsib¡lity exceptfor lhe due performencs ol ¡nspectton and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules ol the trade and ol scienca.Prinl.dúBecYclcdPa*, $ Lau@Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, \,VA 98108 Q\O 767-5060 FAX Q)O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical SersicesAppendix CBlank Spike Recovery ReportThis report ¡s submtned lor the exctusive uss ol the person, parlnershtp, or corporalion to whom it is addressed. Subsequent usê of the nams of lhis company or anymember of its stafl ¡n connect¡on wrth tho adverl¡s¡ng or sale'ol any próduct or procoss w¡ll be granted only on contract. This company accepts no responsib¡lity exceptfor tho due performance of ¡nspoctton and/or analys¡s in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and ol scienco.Prtnt.dmRecydgdP6t, €¡ Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, WA 98108 Q06\ 767-5060 FAX (206) 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical Sensiceseuatity Control ReportBtank Spike Report for ttork order 9412745Blank Spike NamesDatabaseLab Assisneds010395 IcPtJ0l BS0105tCPIJ01s010495_Gsw01 s0lo4cswLzs122391 csw01 s1223cswtzs122894 rcPrJol Bs1228tCPt 01Frâctions VenifiedAnâlvtê NämeRecov LCL UCL1-312-31-5Bari unCadni umCh romi unCopperLeadl.langaneseNickel.Si IverZincDieseI range, as dieseIDieseI range, as diesetAtuninu¡Ant imonyArseni cBari r¡nBeryt I i unCadni unCatciunCh romi umCoba I tCopperI ronLeadItlagnes i unilanganesel,lercuryNicketPotass i r¡nSeteni unSi lverSodiunThatl,ium969396949',!9¿91889291100969698999810198'10210099104100981011039997981009710076 11270 12775 117Tf 11669 12759 131T7 11550 133ó8 13120 16020 1ó050 14771 13182 12276 11279 13270 12750 15075 11781 115n1ß50 15069 12750 15059 13164 115n 11575 1¿374 13750 13350 15072 113* = Vatue Exceeds ControI LimitLCL = Lover control LimitUCL = Upper Controt LimitA bLank spike can validate the resutts for more than one r¡ork order. For this reason, resuttsfor anatytes not requested on this rork o¡der may apPear in this btank spike report.Th¡s report ts subm¡tted for the exclus¡ve use of the person, parlnersh¡p, or corporatron to whom it is addressed. Subsequent use of the name of th¡s company or anymembef of its stafl ¡n connection wtth the adv€rt¡s¡ng of sale ol any producl of process wtll be granted only on contract. This company accepts no fesponslb¡l¡ty exceptfor the due perfomance ol inspectton and/or analys¡s in good failh and according to the rules of the trade and ol science'Pñnlod on Rocyclod P¡p€r €! LauTesting laboratories, Inc.940 South Harney St., Seattle, \,VA 98108 Q0ö 767-5060 FAX (2061767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical Servicesauality Control ReportBtank Spike Report for gork order 9412745Btank Spike NamesD atabaseLab AssisnedFrections VerifiedAnâtvte NameRecov LCL UCLVanadi umZi nc84 115ó8 13199102* = Vatue Exceeds control LimitLCL = Loxer Control LimitucL = upper controt LimitA bl.ank spike can vatidate the resutts for more than one xork order. For this reason, resuttsfor anatytes not requested on this ¡¡ork order may appear in this btank spike rePort.This repon ts submttt€d lor the exciustve use of the person. partnersh¡p, or corporat¡on to whom ¡t is addressed. Subsequent use ol the name ol this company or anymember of ¡ts staf in conn€ct¡on wtth the advedts¡ng or salo of any próduct or process will be granted only on contracl. This company accepts no responslbility excsplfor the due performance of inspect¡on enüot analys¡s in good faith and according to the fules ol the llade end of scienc". ar.Pdntod on Fsclcl.d P9æ, ÈJ @Testing laboratories, Inc.940 South Harnev St.,Seartle, W498108 Q]O767-5060 FAX (20O 767-5063Chemistry, Microbiology, and Technical ServicesAppendix DChain-oÊCustodyTh¡s report ¡s submitted for the exclusive use of the person, parlnership, or corporât¡on to whom it ¡s addressêd. Subsêquent use of the name of this company or anymsmber ol ils stall ¡n conneclion with the advert¡s¡ng or sale ol any pr;uct or procôss will b9 granted only on contract. This company accspts no responsibility exceptfor rho dug porlormance of inÊpect¡on ånd/or analysis in good lailh and eccording to tho rules of the trade end ol scignce.p¡ntc¿ on Ar,,¡ac¿ eaær $ Ø4/2e/95..ì¡ø9t3eøøtlJ. S. Geologlcal SurveyWashinqtın DlstrictTacoma-Field Office12c-1 Pacific Avenue, SuiteSZOTacoma, Washlngton g,A4O2.ACOMA FIELD OFFICE(296) 593-6520 extensions 1ZZ,125, 126\dmin Section (200) 599-6520 ext.zq4Date:q lzø lesFlromlr¡ar N¡\tg^gUS 4,.¡s, Ør¿oH. d.o- 'Tcc-r^TO:13r,o,.. lt-..Jffice:lest¡nation (fax number):893 -zssf^ lumbor of pagesFAX (206) 5e3-6514Telephone:S?3 '652o €t, tLgcoversheet)( NstswÁw,n QUaLITY MONITORING6.c16.t1CnTl(..41¿Êlo.olo.olO, tlOtolc,zêáIlo,olo.aI 0.6,O.C)c¡2Év,-7.Ò-l,o7017072ôéú1'o-?,oJ.o?,oÊ¡úô2f'661nL.'tc4.32PHc¡IE¡7.6t2."{3.ço4.046,17ÉE¡ÞÈos7.ç¡ÉLÞb€erE21.,17€,83.t?7,øÉcg¡ÊII(J9L3/ø1.322.>3t,4ç7. 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(Vo)19.227.422.237.529.639.53s.831.4139.957.4s8.357.557.158.829.643.357.056.654.52.X¿1.80D.O.(men)3.901.882.743.344.E44.213.343.866.70pfiffirv6.75*'6.+t6.47281276Sp. Cond.(uS/cm)27627426927627523124725423127077t57907567d75I77667.O7.OpH7.07.O7.O7.O6. (ft)9.739.709.789.779.77'9.809.849.849.809.699.7410.5810.66[t.3410.9110.9311.3510.6410.58Page 1 1¡ xlpuoddy i¿Appendix II. River miles, habitat types and units, landmarks, D.o., macroinvertebrates and fish data that were collected from springbrook creekin September 1993RiverMile0. Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradiertt GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradier¡t GlideLow Gradielrt GlideRifÏleRiffleLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradie¡rt GlideLow Gradicnt GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient ClideLow Gradient GlideUnitHabitatII2)333445566778II899l0l0l0llilt212Landma¡kS.w.7 St.Mill Creek34 St.BRPS forebayPanther CreekOaksdale Ave.BridgeW. 16 St.S.W.27 AveP-9 Channcls.w. 16 sr.s.w. 16 sr.s.w. 16 sr.ms/l4.*flmz0.*1.12.20.ó2.3LP**Fish0. IRIVRMILEXLS rlAppendix II (Continued). River miles, habitat types and units, tandmarks, D.O., macroinvertebrates and fish data that were collected from Springbrook Creekin September 1993.RiverMile3. Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradieut GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradie¡rt GlideLow Gradient GlideRiffleRiffleLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gra<licnt GlideLow Cratlicnt GlidcPrnlPoolStePStepRiffleRitfleRiffleUnitHabil¿tt213l3t4t4l4l5l5t6l7t71818191919.219.219.519.519.519.719.719.819.8202020Landma¡k84 Ave S.CreekHwy. 167Hwy.16780 Ave. S.81 Ave. S.mg/l4.05.8DateD.O.9tr6t939n6t93BugsSampledYESCut-throat0.10.0Coho1.00.1Scul-1.80.0PSS*flm¿0.00.0TSS*3.20.0LP*0.80.1RBT*Fish0.10.3Page2RIVRMILE)(LS Appendix II (continued). River miles, habitat types and units, landmarks, D.o., macroinvertebrates and fish data tlnt were collected from Springbrook Creekin September 1993.RiverMile4.ïleRitfleRiffleRitfleRitfleRifflePoolPoolPoolStepStepStepStepRiffleRilfleRifileRifïlePoolPoolPoolUnitHabitåt2t2l222223232424252526262727282828292930303l313838393939LandmarkSpringbrook Trout FarmNorth Fork SpringbrookRd.ms/l10.39.5DateD.O.9n6t939n6t93BugsSampledYESCut-throat0.00.0Coho0.00.0Scul-0.60.0PSS*:Elm20.00.0TSS*0.00.0LP*0.00.0RBT*Fish0.30.0Page 3RIVRMILEXLS RiverMile5.r5.¡kmg/lDateD.OBugsSampledYESCut-throat0.00.0Coho0.00.0Scul-pin0.00.0PSS*frtmz0.00.0TSS*0.00.0LP*0.00.0FishRBT*0.00.0Appendix II (Continued). River miles, habitat types and units, landmarks, D.O., macroinvertebrates and fish data that were collected from Springbrook Creekin September 1993.* PSS = Punrpkinseed sunfish, TSS ='lllreespinestickleback, LP = Lamprey, RBT = Rainbow lrout.Appendix IIRiver miles, habitat andDmacroinvertebrates and fish data that werefrom Mill Creek in19930. Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideRiffleRiffleRiffleLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideI1222334Confluence with Springbrook Creek3.59n4t93Train trestle3.0YES0.00.0*flmzTSS*LP*SD*FishSingle train trestlePage 49n5193RJVRMILEXLS Gradiertt GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradienl GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideRiffleRiffleLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideRiffleRitfleRifÏleRiffleLow Gradient GlideLow Cradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradicnt GlideLow Gradient GlideBike trail68 Ave. S. (WestValleY Rd. S.)Trestle U.S. Fire Dept."Private Roatl" culvert"Private Road" culvert"Private Road" culvert2125.. AveHwy.167Low Gradient GlideNovac LanePage 59n5t93RIVRMILE)(LS Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradienl GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Grarjient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideGlideGlideRiffleRiffleStepStepPoolPoolRiffleRitfleRittleRiffleRiffleRitfleGlideGlidcPoolPoolCentral Ave.ChandlersJames St.Temperance St.Smiù Rd.Titus Rd.7.89n51939.69n5t9310.49n5t939.89n5t9310.49n5t930. 6RJVRMILEJ(LS ii:t{ÏleRiffleRiffleRiflleRitfleRiflleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRilfleRitfteRifÏleRilflePoolPoolPoolRiffleRiffleRiffleRifflePoolPoolRiflleRifflePrxrlPoolRiffleRifflcRifllePool27282829292930303l313232323333343434353536363737383839394040404lDetention Pond2.70.00.0<nlPcxllRiffleRifllePoolPoolRiffleRifflePrxrlPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRitfleRifflePoolPoolRitfleRifflePmlPoolRitfleRilflePool4t42424343MM4545464647474848494950505l5l5252535354545555565657Page 8RIVRMILEXLS,ïleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifllePoolPoolRitfleRifllcPoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRitfleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifIlePoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRifIleRifflePool575858595960606l6162626363&il6565666667616868696970't07l7l727273Page 9RIVRMILE)(LSÏlePoolPoolRifïleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRitfleRifflePcnlPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifflePool7374747575767677777878797980808181828283838484858586868787888889Page ll)RIVRMILEXLSÏleRiffleRifIlePoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRiflleRifIlePrnlPoolRiffle899090909191ot929393949494959595959696979798989999100100l0t101t02102103YESYES0. I tRIVRMILEXLS ri6.ÏleRifïlePoolPoolRifIleRifflePoolPoolRifÏleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRifflePoolPoolRilfleRitflePoolPoolRiffleRiffleRiffleRifflePoolPoolRiffleRitfleRifÏle103104104105105106106107107108108109109110110lllllltt2tt2ll3ll3tt4lt4lr5llslr6ll6tt7tt7ll8118r180.00.0Page l'.) Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradierlt GlideLow Gradient GlideLow Gradient GlidePoolPoolRif fleRiffleRiffleGlideGlideGlideRiffleRifflePoolRifflewith Springbrook CreekHwy.167Along Hwy. 167S.208 St.Confluence of N. Fork with Mid. Fork999999999YES999Downstream of 104 Ave SE0. 0.00.0Detention* PSS = Pumpkinseed sunfish, TSS =Threespi ne stickleback,LP = Lamprey, SD = SPeckled Dace.Appendix II (Continued). River miles, habiøttypes and units, landmarks, D.O.,macroinvertebrates and fish data that were collected from Ga¡rison Creek in September 1993.¡kDateD.O.BugsCut-throatCohoScul-PSS*EtmzTSS*LP*RBT*FishPage l.lYESRIVRMTLEJCS a¡ea. 218t St.91@Restoration area.92@Upper middle fork.93@ Upper south fork.of S. Fork and Mid. Fork.1004228 St.5.79t201937.49t20t93YESYESYESYESYES0.* PSS = PumpkinsccrJ sunfish, TSS =Thrcespinestickleback, LP = Lanlprey, RBT = Rainbow t¡out.@ Arbitrary numbers assigned to habitat units sampled for fish or macroinvefebrates in reaches where individual habitat units were not delineated'Page 14RIVRMILE)(LS Appendix III Appendix III. Juvenile salmon and t¡out caught at the Black River Pumping Station netpenfrom October 7 to November 2I, L994.*10126t94r0t26t94CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoRainbowRainbowRainbowcutth¡oatCuttbroatCohoRainbowRainbow09:3516:00AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAlive12.012.0t2.012.012.513.014.0t4.511.5t2.517.514.018.513.214.116.8t0t2v9411.0t2.0t2.513.014.515.012.0CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCoho10:30AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveDeadt0ll6t94CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCoho09:45AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveDead12.514.515.015.516.012.512:00tOtL4t9413.015.5CohoCohoAliveAlive12:00r0lru9412.,0107 t94t2.513.514.0CohoCohoCohoAliveAliveAliveSpeciesCheck TimeDateStagesFork Læneth (cm)zntgsPage IBRPS3JWJI-S Appendix III (Continued). Juvenile salmon and trout caught at the Black River Pumping Station netpenfrom October 7 to November 21,1994.CohoRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow09:00tU0u94Alive, RecapturedAliveAliveAliveAliveAlivet4.512.¿inbowCohoCohoRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow11:0014:00l0l3u94t0t3u94AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAlive08:30t0130t94AliveAliver3.514.0RainbowRainbow11.¿inbowRainbow08:0015:45t0129t9410129t94AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveCohoCohoCohoCohoRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowCohoRainbowRainbowRainbow08:3014:1510t28t94t0128t94AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAlive12. TimeDateStasesFork L¿nsth (cm)Species2t'ilg5Page 2BRPS3JW.)(LS Appendix III (Continued). Juvenile salmon and t¡out caught at the Black River Pumping Station netpenfrom October 7 to November 21,1994.08:0008:0008:00tu03t94LuMl9411.t05t9416.5r8.518.015.515.5RainbowCutthroatRainbowCohoRainbowAlive, recapturedAliveAliveAliveAliveru0a94ty0y94CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow14:3009:00AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveDeadDeadAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAlive, recapturedAlivet2.012.512.513.514. TimeDateSpeciescmFork2nt95Page 3BRPS3IIw)û-S Appendix III (Continued). Juvenile salmon and trout caught at the Black River Pumping Station netpenfrom October 7 to November 2L,1994.CohoCoho07:45LLlt3t9416.017.0AliveAliveCohoRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow08:00ruLu9414.011.0r4.¿inbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowCutthroat08:00AliveAliveAliveDeadDeadAlive, recapturedAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveCohoCohoRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow08:00LLt08t9416.ó.519.520.0SpeciesCheck TimeDateFork Leneth (cm)Stages2nt95Page 4BRPS3TI.IV)(LS Appendix III (Continued). Juvenile salmon and Eout caught at the Black River Pumping Station neþenftom October 7 to November 2L, L994.08:00tut1t94r9.0r4.016.0CohoRainbowRainbowAliveAliveAlivetut6t94Coho**CohoCohoCohoRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow07r3020. TimeDateFork Leneth (cm)Stases2nt95Pagc 5BRpS3JW.>C-S Appendix III (Continued). Juvenile salmon and trout caught at the Black River Pumping Station netpenfrom October 7 to November 21, 1994.10:00Llt2u94t2.515. TimeDateStagesFork Lensth (cm)2t7t95Page óBRPS3TtJv.)(LS Appendix III (Continued). Juvenile salmon and t¡out caught at the Black River Pumping Station netpenfrom October 7 to November 2L,1994.RainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow10:00tLt2u94AliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAliveAlive19.0r9.019.520.020.520.521.02t.522.0DateFork Lensth (cm)SpeciesCheck TimeStases{' Started adþse finclipped the juveniles.** Coho with fin clipped (hatchery).2t7t95Page 7BRPS3JI.rv,)(LS AI xlpueddy Appendix IV. Summary of Raw Data Collected During the Adult Salmon Study fromSeptember 15, 1994 to January 9, 1995, Black River Pumping Station, Cþ of Kent, V/4.l6:162.541.0N/A49.0N/A52.846.053.754.053.0CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoMFFN/AFMFFFBlue,Blue,207UntaggedBlue,208UntaggedBlue,209Blue,210Blue, 211Blae,2l2Blue,21310126194CohoCohoCohoCoho9:35MMMM55.,202Blue,203Blue,2MBlue,20510:30L0t22t9449.051.031.0ChinookCohoCohoMFMDeadDeadBlue,2019:45t0n6l9427.0s0.031.549.0CohoCohoCohoCohoMFMFDeadYellow, 120Yellow, 121Yellow,I22CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoChinook8:30t0t15¡94MMFFMFFFM30., 114Yellow, 115Yellow, 116Yellow, 117Yellow, 118Yellow, 119DeadDeadDeadChinookCohoCohoCohoCoho12:00L0ll4l94MMFFM4s.050.054.552.530.0Yellow, 108Yellow, 109Yellow, 111Yellow, 112Yellow. 11310:45t0t9l9432.528.2ChinookCohoMMYellow, 106Yellow, 107l0:30t0l7l9452.043.061.0N/ACohoChinookChinookChinookFMMFYellow, 103Yellow, 104Yellow, 105Unøssed12:00r0t5t9449.038,534.0CohoCohoChinookYellow, 101Yellow, 102FMMDead11:55913019431.074.043.0ChinookChinookChinookMMFGreen,305Green,306Green,3079n9t94Coho12:20M54.0Green,304i l:159n7t9465.0ChinookChinookChinookFFMGreen, 301Green,302Green,303SpeciesCheckTimeDateFork Length(cm)Tag Colorand NumberSexStasesBRPSREV.)OS 2t6ß5 t2z02P\lPage I Appendix IV (Continued). Summary ofRaw Data Collected During the Adult SalmonStudy from September 15, 1994 to January 9, 1995, Black River Pumping Station,Cþ ofKent, WA.Ø.052.054.06ó.030.0N/As6.ó0. 1:30r0t27t94DeadBlue,224Blue,225BIue,226Blue,227Blue,228Blue,229Blue,230Blue,23|Blue,233Blue,234Blue, 235UnøggedBlue,236Blue,237Blue, 238Blue,239Blue,240Blue,24lBlue,242Blue,243Blue,244Blue,245Blue,246Blue,247Blue,248Blue,249Blue,250Blue, 251Blue,252Blue, 253Blue,254Blue,255Blue,256Blue,257Blue, 258Blue,259Blue,260Blue,261Blue,262Blue,263MFMFFFFFFMMFMFFMMFFMMFFMFMFMFMMMMFFFFFMMFCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCobo16:00t0t26t94Blue, 214Blue,215Blue, 216Blue,217Blue, 218Blue,219Blue,220Blue,22lBlue,222Btue.223MMFMMFMMFM31. Length(cm)SpeciesCheckTimeDateStagesTag Colorand NumberSexBRPSREV.)OS 2t6195 r2:02P¡.1Page2 Appendix IV (Continued). Summary of Raw Data Collected During the Adult SalmonStudy from September 15, 1994 to January 9, 1995, Black River Pumping Station,Cþ of Kent, WA.CohoCohoCoho11:0010t31,194MMM47.029.047.0Pink,501Pinh 502Pink,5038:301MFFF55.,295B.Ilrc,296Blue,297Blue.29849.8Coho15:4510t29194FBlue.294CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCoho8:0010129194MFMFFFFFMMMMMMFFM28.,300Blue,281Blue,282Blue,283Blue,284Blue,285Blue,286Blue,287Blue,288Blue,289UnøggedBlue,290Blue,291Blue,292Blue,293CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCoho14:15r0t28194FFMMFF69.057.551.057.951.56r.3Blue,275Blue,276Bbrc,277Blue,278Blue,279Blue,280CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCoho8:3010t28194MMMFFMMMMFFM61.0s3.,265Blue,266Blue,267Blue,268Blue,269Blue,270Blue, 271Blue,272Blue,273B.lrc,27411:30t0t27t9449.,264MFFFFFFCheckTimeDatecm)LengthStagesTag Colorand NumberSexBRPSREV.)fl.S 2t6ß5 lZ:o2PMPage 3 Appendix IV (Continued). Summary of Raw Data Collected During the Adult SalmonStudy from September 15, 1994 to lanuary 9,1995, Black River Pumping Station,Cþ of Kent, WA.1CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoMFFMFFFM53.050.04.0s3.,545Pink,546Pink,547Pink,548Pink,549DeadDeadCohoCohoCoho14:30MFMF.052.846.5Pinlq 540Pink,541Pinh 542Pink,543tuzt94CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCoho9:00FMMFMMMMMMMMMFFFsr.069.039.0s2.0s2.060.0s0.,0s3.053.062.0DeadDeadDeadPink 527Pink,528Pink,529Pink,530Pink,531Phk,532Pinh 533Pink,534PinK 535Pink,536Pink,537Pink,538Phk,5399:00luu9467.,515Pink,516Pinlç 517Pinlç 518Pinlq 519Pink,520Pinlq 521Piîk 522Pink,523Pinh 524Pink,525Pink,52614:00t0t31194s8.04.0s0.056.047.0s4.,506Pinlç 507Pink,508Pirik,509Pinlq 510Pinlç 511Pinlç 512Pinlç 513Pink,514t0t3u94CohoCoho11:00FM51.033.0Pink,504Pink,505TimeDateForkSexStagesColorand NumberBRPSREVJCS 216ß5 |2:U2PMPage 4 16:00lu3019454.,405r$/hite,406Whiæ,407White,40810:00tu2u9442.,4047:45tur3t9456.0,,4038:00tut0t9453.03s.,402CohoCohoCohoE:00tuEl9451.0N/A49.0White,401UntaggedFMFDeadIu6t94CohoCohoCoho8:00FFF56.055.0s2.0DeadDeadPink,565tLt5t94CohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCohoCoho8:00FMMMFMMFFF53.,557Pink" 558Pink,559Pink,5ó0Pink,561Pink,562Pinlc,563Pirik,5648:00tu4t9457." 550Pink 551Pink,552Pinlq 553Pinh 554Pinlç 555Pink,556MMMFFMFFDeadCheckTimeDateLengthTagand NumberSexBRPSREV.)fl-S 216195 2:A2PMPage 5 I t I t I I I I I t I t t I I t I I T