HomeMy WebLinkAbout31_Drainage Report PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT Technical Information Report Longacres Business Center II Renton, WA PREPARED FOR: Ryan Companies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 322-6100 PREPARED BY: COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN 801 Second Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98104 P 206.343.0460 CONTACT / Jeff Peterson, P.E. Tim Brockway, P.E. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT Technical Information Report Longacres Business Center II Renton, WA PREPARED FOR: Ryan Companies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 322-6100 PREPARED BY: COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN 801 Second Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98104 P 206.343.0460 CONTACT / Tim Brockway, P.E. Preliminary Drainage Report Longacres Business Center Phase II Coughlin Porter Lundeen Project Number: P15TBB-004 August 21, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF Contents ......................................................................................................................................... 1 LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................... 1 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................... 1 I. PROJECT OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 1 General Description .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Proposed Drainage System .............................................................................................................................. 1 II. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 3 City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual Core Requirements: .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Special Requirements: ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Project Specific Requirements: ........................................................................................................................ 4 III. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Task 1 – Study Area Definition and Maps ........................................................................................................ 5 Task 2 - Resource Review ............................................................................................................................... 5 Task 3 - Field Inspection .................................................................................................................................. 5 Task 4 - Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions ................................................................... 5 Upstream Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Downstream Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 6 Task 5 – Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems ...................................................................................... 6 IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ....................................... 7 Existing Site Hydrology (Part A) ....................................................................................................................... 7 Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) ................................................................................................................... 7 Performance Standards and Flow Control System (Parts C and D) ................................................................ 7 Hydrologic modeling method ............................................................................................................................ 8 Water Quality System (Part E) ......................................................................................................................... 9 V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ..................................................................................... 9 Standard Requirements (based on KCSWDM and SAO): ............................................................................... 9 On-site Conveyance ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Existing Conditions: .................................................................................................................................... 10 Developed Storm system description: ........................................................................................................ 10 Conveyance / Backwater Analysis: ............................................................................................................. 10 VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES .......................................................................................................... 11 VII. OTHER PERMITS ....................................................................................................................................... 12 VIII. CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 13 Standard Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 13 SOUTHPORT HOTEL IX. BOND QUANTITY, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT .............................. 14 X. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ............................................................................................ 15 Standard Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 15 Figures .............................................................................................................................................................. 27 Appendix A ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 Appendix B ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 Appendix C ....................................................................................................................................................... 30 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 – TIR WORKSHEET FIGURE 2 – PARCEL CONDITIONS FIGURE 3 – SITE LOCATION FIGURE 4 – PROPOSED CONDITIONS FIGURE 5 – DRAINAGE BASIN MAP FIGURE 6 – FLOW CONTROL MAP FIGURE 7 – KING COUNTY IMAP - FLOODPLAIN FIGURE 8 – CITY OF RENTON SOIL SURVEY MAP FIGURE 9 – DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS MAP LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 - EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AREA BREAKDOWN TABLE 2 - DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS AREA BREAKDOWN TABLE 3 – STORMWATER DETENTION WETPOND I. PROJECT OVERVIEW GENERAL DESCRIPTION The following preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) provides the technical information and design analysis required for developing the Drainage Plan and the Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESC) for the Longacres Business Center Phase II. The stormwater design for the project was based on the Development Agreement and supplemental amendments to that document between the City of Renton and The Boeing Company. This agreement has adopted the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) (See Figure 1 – Technical Information Report Worksheet) as the design standard for this site. The Longacres Business Center Phase II project is located at SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW in the City of Renton (See Figure 3 – Site Location). The site is in the NE ¼ of NW ¼ and NW ¼ of NE ¼ of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian. The site will occupy lots 088670-0090, -0100, -0150, - 0160, -0180, -0190, and -0380 for a total of 15.96 acres. Overall, the project will include a 3-story 50,000 square-foot building and a 4-story 39,000 square-foot building and general site improvements including landscaping, a temporary surface parking area, and a perimeter fire lane. The existing site consists of 2.14 acres of impervious area and 13.82 acres of pervious area. The proposed conditions will consist of approximately 12.09 acres of impervious area and 3.87 acres of pervious area. Soils for the area were mapped using the King County Soil Survey maps (See Figure 8 – Soil Survey Map). This project proposes to construct a drainage system with a new network of underground pipes, catch basins, curbs and gutter, to collect surface water runoff throughout the site and direct it to a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. Runoff from the site will be discharged to the north, into the previously developed Longacres Office Park drainage system within the Boeing property. From here the drainage flows into Springbrook Creek and ultimately the Duwamish River. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing site consists of gravel roads and asphalt areas as well as open grassy areas. The existing site consists of mostly open grassy areas as well as some remaining asphalt and gravel areas. See Table 1 for site surface cover information. The site was previously home to the Longacres Race Track outbuilding stable and support services area, which was demolished during the development of the Longacres Office Park. Minimal conveyance systems exist within the project site area. However, the existing pond system is located to the north. PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM This project proposed to construct a drainage system with a new network of underground pipes, catch basins, curbs and gutter, to collect surface water runoff throughout the site and direct it to a detention wetpond located LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 2 on Boeing’s Tract B for both water quality treatment and detention. Water quality will be provided with a permanent wetpond below the required live storage. The runoff will leave the site at the pre-developed rates or less through an outlet in the wetpond and discharge into the South Pond on the Boeing site. Conveyance for the site will be a combination of closed 12-inch to 24-inch pipes and sheet flow. Storm water runoff from the parking areas will be captured by a series of catch basins and routed beneath the Seattle waterline right of way at the site’s northern edge into the wetpond in Tract B. All conveyance on site will be designed according to Chapter 4 of the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 3 II. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY This section will address the requirements set forth by the Core and Special Requirements listed in Chapter 1 of the City of Renton’s Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual. CITY OF RENTON AMENDMENTS TO THE KING COUNTY SURFAC E WATER MANAGEMENT DESIGN MANUAL CORE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Discharge at the Natural Location (1.2.1): All runoff from the site will be conveyed to the natural discharge location (existing wetlands located at Tract B). 2. Off-site Analysis (1.2.2): Refer to Sections III and IV. A Level 1 downstream analysis has been performed. 3. Flow Control ( Refer to Section IV. The project is required to comply with the 1990 KCSWDM per the Development Agreement for the Longacres Office Park. 4. Conveyance System (1.2.4): Refer to Section V. Closed pipe systems have been provided for on- site stormwater conveyance. 5. Erosion and Sedimentation Control (1.2.5): Refer to Section VIII. The project will construct a series of sediment controls to address the specific conditions at the site. 6. Maintenance and Operations (1.2.6): Refer to Section X. The proposed storm drainage system will be owned, operated and maintained by the owner. The wetpond in Tract B will be owned by the Boeing Company with maintenance provided per an agreement to be developed between Boeing and this project’s owner. 7. Financial Guarantees and Liability (1.2.7): The owner and contractor will obtain all necessary permits and bonds prior to the beginning of construction. 8. Water Quality (1.2.8): Refer to Section IV.E. Water quality treatment for runoff from target pollution generating surfaces will be provided by a wet detention pond in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. In lieu of adding a biofiltration system to the water quality control measures, a 50% Factor of Safety was added to the wetpool volume by request from the City of Renton. Water quality treatment for runoff from target pollution generating surfaces that cannot be captured by the site’s conveyance system and routed to the wetpond will be provided by a cartridge system meeting the City of Renton’s requirements. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Special Requirement #1. Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements Section 1.3.1 · Critical Drainage Areas (CDAs): Not Applicable · Master Drainage Plans (MDPs): The Development Agreement in place for the Longacres Office Park governs drainage requirements for this property. · Basin Plans (BPs): The project is located within Black River Drainage Basin. · Lake Management Plans(LMPs): Not Applicable LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 4 · Shared Facility Drainage Plans(SFDPs): Not Applicable · Salmon Conservation Plans (SCPs): Not Applicable · Flood Hazard Reduction Plan Updates (FHRPs): Special Requirement #2. Flood Hazard Area Delineation, Section 1.3.2: See Figure 7 for 100-yr flood zone. Filling is planned for within the 100-yr flood zone. Compensatory volume is being provided in the footprint of the combination wetpond in Tract B, at the elevations above the overflow detention line. Special Requirement #3. Flood Protection Facilities, Section 1.3.3: Not Applicable Special Requirement #4. Source Controls, Section 1.3.4: An Activity Worksheet and Required BMP’s will be provided in the TIR at time of full permit application. Special Requirement #5. Oil Control: Minimal traffic is anticipated in this area. No oil control is required. Special Requirement #6. Aquifer Projection Area: Project is not within an Aquifer Projection Area Zone. Special Requirement #5. Special Water Quality Controls: 50% increase in wetpond volume in lieu of biofiltration. PROJECT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: There are no additional requirements for this portion of the project. Design and construction will abide by requirements set forth in these documents. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 5 III. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS TASK 1 – STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS The Renton drainage basin map was used to verify that the site was fully in the Black River drainage basin (See Figure 4 – Drainage Basin Map). TASK 2 - RESOURCE REVIEW a) Adopted Basin Plans Black River Drainage Basin b) Floodplain/floodway (FEMA) Maps Site is not located in the floodplain (See Figure 7) c) Off-site Analysis Reports N/A d) Sensitive Areas Folio See Figures 7 – King County iMAP e) Drainage Complaints and Studies See Figure 9 f) Road Drainage Problems N/A g) King County Soils Survey: See Figure 8 – City of Renton Soil Survey Map h) Wetland Inventory Maps: No Wetlands present on site i) Migrating Rivers Study N/A j) DOE’s Section 303d List of Polluted Waters k) KC Designated Water Quality Problems No WQ Problems l) City of Renton critical maps: 100-year floodplain extents shown in topo survey. TASK 3 - FIELD INSPECTION Site visits have been made to gather information including an analysis of the discharge from the site. Please refer to Task 4, Downstream Analysis below for more information. TASK 4 - DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Runoff from the site will be conveyed to a new combination wetpond in Tract B to the north, then into an existing storm system that discharges directly to the south pond in the Boeing property. This site’s runoff will be treated and detained in the combination wetpond being constructed with this project. From there the runoff connects into the Boeing property’s drainage system, Springbrook Creek and ultimately the Duwamish River. Upstream Analysis The site is within the Black River and specifically the Springbrook Creek drainage basin. This site is located generally at the high point of the area topography, with a limited area of train track embankment to the west that drains onto this site perimeter. Runoff from this area will be directed north or south as it currently does into offsite areas. To the east is Oakesdale Avenue which is improved and provides no runoff to the site. To the south is the 27th Street corridor which is mostly below the site in the western and eastern portions, with a limited area at the intersection with the site driveway that may end up draining towards this project. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 6 Downstream Analysis The site discharges to the managed stormwater system within the Boeing property which was constructed in anticipation of receiving runoff from this site. That system drains to Springbrook Creek in accordance with the Development Agreement and associated Master Drainage Plan for the Longacres Office Park that was previously permitted by the City and State. Springbrook Creek in turn drains to the Black River and ultimately the Duwamish River and Puget Sound. TASK 5 – MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLE MS Boeing is currently doing an assessment of their internal drainage systems with the intent of determining if it may be possible to accommodate undetained runoff from this project in lieu of constructing the detention in Tract B. The results of that analysis are expected to be known prior to permit submittal for this project. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 7 IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN EXISTING SITE HYDROLOGY (PART A) The existing site totals 15.96 acres and consists of existing asphalt and gravel roads and grassed fields. The site generally slopes to the north with drainage described in Section III Downstream Analysis. These conditions are summarized in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 - EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AREA BREAKDOWN LAND COVER AREA (ACRES) DESCRIPTION Impervious Area 2.14 acres Gravel road Pervious& Landscape 13.82 acres Grass field Total Project Area 15.96 acres Total site area Percentage of Impervious Area 34% DEVELOPED SITE HYDROLOGY (PART B) The developed site hydrology will increase the amount of impervious area by approximately 8.93 acres. A summary of the basin information is shown in Table 2. TABLE 2 - DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS AREA BREAKDOWN LAND COVER AREA (ACRES) DESCRIPTION Impervious Area 11.07 acres Building roof, parking areas, drive aisles, fire lane Pervious & Landscape 4.89 acres Associated landscaping, undisturbed areas Total Project Area 15.96 acres Total site area Percentage of Impervious Area 69% PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM (PART S C AND D) According to Section (and the Flow Control Basin Map) of the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, this project is located within the Peak Flow Control area. However, since this project is within the LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 8 area covered by the Development Agreement for the Longacres Office Park, detention standards are required to meet the 1990 King County SWDM criteria. HYDROLOGIC MODELING METHOD Hydrologic analysis was performed using the computer-modeling program StormSHED3G™, Assembly Version 10.0.5666.34827, using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) methodology. The program models pre-developed and developed runoff conditions using hydrographs for each basin. The computer model parametrically calculates the peak rates and total volumes to produce runoff hydrographs based on characters of the basin (i.e. area, curve number (CN), time of concentration (Tc), etc.). The StormSHED software program enables users to propose conveyance system and/or detention facility to route the hydrographs generated from the basin analysis through. The modeled peak flows and volumes were used in the analysis of the proposed drainage system and to size the flow control outlet structure and detention wetpond. For the proposed project, the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year, 24-hour design storm events were analyzed in accordance with the King County requirements. The proposed system was developed to mitigate peak runoff rates with one detention wetpond to serve the site. The calculated detention facility volume capacity was increased by 30% for the 2-year and 10-year storm events, in accordance with the 2009 KC-SWDM Section 1.2.3. The design volume for the live storage in the wetpond, according to the size of the development is 57,757 CF. A detention pond with dimensions of 130’x130’x10’ and 3:1 side slopes was used in the StormSHED for the calculations. The following table summarizes the resulting detention volumes for different rainfall events: RAINFALL EVENT VOLUME (CF) 2 year 20,779 10 year 31,752 100 year 44,428 The constructed detention wetpond will contain two cells, in accordance with 2009 KC-SWDM Section The two celled pond was modeled as a single unit in StormSHED due to both ponds being hydraulically connected through a berm, in accordance with the 2009 KC-SWDM. The design volume for the live storage will be increased by a factor of safety of 30%. The required volume calculated by StormSHED is 44,429 CF and the required volume, including the Factor of Safety, is 57,757 CF. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 9 WATER QUALITY SYSTEM (PART E) The wetpond must contain a Dead Storage volume equal to or greater than1/3 of the precipitation value of the 2-year, 24-hour event, equaling 23,612 CF, utilizing the 1990 KC-SWDM design criteria. In lieu of a biofiltration swale, an additional 50% factor of safety was incorporated into the Dead Storage volume, in accordance with the Development Agreement. The required Dead Storage volume must be equal or greater than 35,418 CF. The pond design submitted for permit after this initial Site Approval submittal will include the breakout of the cell geometry, though at this time our plans do not yet reflect this. The design surface area at elevation 24,128.5 SF, in accordance with the 1990 KC-SWDM Section 1.3.5, which states the surface area at the top of the dead storage must be equal to 1% of the impervious area contributing to the detention wetpond. The required surface area is 4,826 SF. The following table summarizes the Pre-Developed and Post-Developed runoff peak rates for the wet detention pond: TABLE 3 – STORMWATER DETENTION WETPOND RAINFALL EVENT PRE-DEVELOPED SITE (CFS) DEVELOPED SITE (CFS) RELEASE RATES (CFS) 2 year 1.406 5.4632 1.405 10 year 2.9927 8.5904 2.9937 100 year 5.1051 12.3639 5.1043 V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This section discusses the criteria that will be used to analyze and design the proposed storm conveyance system. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS (BASED ON KCSWDM AND SAO): 1. Facilities must convey the 100-year flow without overtopping the crown of the roadway, flooding buildings, and if sheet flow occurs it must pass through a drainage easement. All stormwater conveyance has been designed such that the 100-year flow is conveyed without overtopping the crown of the roadway (or drive aisle) or flooding any building. 2. New pipe systems and culverts must convey the 25-year flow with at least 0.5 feet of freeboard. (1.2.4-1). The new pipe systems have been designed to convey the 25-year flow with at least 0.5 feet of freeboard. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 10 3. Bridges must convey the 100-year flow and provide a minimum of two feet, varying up to six feet, of clearance based on 25% of the mean channel width. (1.2.4-2)(4.3.5-6). N/A. This project does not propose a bridge. 4. Drainage ditches must convey the 25-year flow with 0.5 feet of freeboard and the 100-year flow without overtopping. (1.2.4-2). N/A This project does not propose a drainage ditch. 5. Floodplain Crossings must not increase the base flood elevation by more than 0.01 feet [41(83.C)] and shall not reduce the flood storage volume [37(82.A)]. Piers shall not be constructed in the FEMA floodway. [41(83.F.1)]. No work is being proposed within the base flood elevation or within the FEMA floodway. 6. Stream Crossings shall require a bridge for class 1 streams that does not disturb or banks. For type 2 and type 3 steams, open bottom culverts or other method may be used that will not harm the stream or inhibit fish passage. [60(95.B)]. There are no new stream (river) crossings associated with the construction of this project. 7. Discharge at natural location is required and must produce no significant impacts to the downstream property (1.2.1-1). The project will discharge to the existing storm system. ON-SITE CONVEYANCE Existing Conditions: Runoff from the existing site is generally conveyed as sheet flow to the north into the Master Drainage Plan designed pond in the Boeing site. Developed Storm system description: Runoff from the building roof will be collected into roof drains and routed directly to the detention wetpond via pipe flow. Site runoff will generally be collected by catch basins and trench drains before being routed to the detention wetpond. Conveyance / Backwater Analysis: A preliminary conveyance analysis has been performed on each sub-basin within the site, per the King County Surface Water Design Manual . See Appendix A for more information. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 11 VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Geotechnical Report – Longacres Phase II, SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington, dated May 19th, 2015; By Terra Associates, Inc. See Appendix B. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 12 VII. OTHER PERMITS This project will require building and demolition permits from the City of Renton and a CSWPPP. The Permit submittal TIR will contain this information in Section 8 for the CSWPPP. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 13 VIII. CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This section lists the requirements that will be used when designing the TESC plan for this site. A copy of the SWPPP will be included in Appendix C at time of Permit submittal. STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Erosion/Sedimentation Plan shall include the following: 1. Facilities required include: Catch basin filter socks. (1.2.5-1). The project will provide sediment protection at existing and proposed catch basins. 2. Timing - For the period between November 1 through March 1 disturbed areas greater than 5,000 square feet left undisturbed for more than 12 hours must be covered with mulch, sodding, or plastic covering. A construction phasing plan shall be provided to ensure that erosion control measures are installed prior to clearing and grading. (1.2.5-1). The TESC plan will include provisions for disturbed areas to be covered in accordance with City of Renton requirements and that all TESC measures are in place before any construction activity occurs. 3. Planning - Plan shall limit tributary drainage to an area to be cleared and graded. Delineate dimension, stake and flag clearing limits (1.2.5-1). The clearing limits will be indicated on the TESC plan. 4. Revegetation - Revegetate areas to be cleared as soon as practicable after grading. (1.2.5-1). Notes addressing this item will be included on the TESC plan. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 14 IX. BOND QUANTITY, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT A Bond Quantity Worksheet, if required, is not included at this time. A Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet outlining the proposed water quality system will be submitted following approval of the plans, if required. Any required Declarations of Covenant, if required, will be included prior to issuance of the permit. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 15 X. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL STANDARD MAINTENANCE Per standards set forth in the King County Surface Water Design Manual, the owner will maintain facilities. Sections of the King County Storm Water Management Design Manual outlining the Operations and Maintenance of these facilities have been included in this section on the following pages. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 16 MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES AT LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II NO. 1 – DETENTION PONDS Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance Is Performed Site Trash and debris Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet (this is about equal to the amount of trash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Trash and debris cleared from site. Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may constitute a hazard to County personnel or the public. Noxious and nuisance vegetation removed according to applicable regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might normally be. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Grass/groundcover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in height. Grass or groundcover mowed to a height no greater than 6 inches. Top or Side Slopes of Dam, Berm or Embankment Rodent holes Any evidence of rodent holes if facility is acting as a dam or berm, or any evidence of water piping through dam or berm via rodent holes. Rodents removed or destroyed and dam or berm repaired. Tree growth Tree growth threatens integrity of slopes, does not allow maintenance access, or interferes with maintenance activity. If trees are not a threat or not interfering with access or maintenance, they do not need to be removed. Trees do not hinder facility performance or maintenance activities. Erosion Eroded damage over 2 inches deep where cause of damage is still present or where there is potential for continued erosion. Any erosion observed on a compacted slope. Slopes stabilized using appropriate erosion control measures. If erosion is occurring on compacted slope, a licensed civil engineer should be consulted to resolve source of erosion. Settlement Any part of a dam, berm or embankment that has settled 4 inches lower than the design elevation. Top or side slope restored to design dimensions. If settlement is significant, a licensed civil engineer should be consulted to determine the cause of the settlement. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 17 Storage Area Sediment accumulation Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10% of the designed pond depth. Sediment cleaned out to designed pond shape and depth; pond reseeded if necessary to control erosion. Liner damaged (If Applicable) Liner is visible or pond does not hold water as designed. Liner repaired or replaced. Inlet/Outlet Pipe. Sediment accumulation Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet pipes (includes floatables and non- floatables). No trash or debris in pipes. Damaged Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipes. No cracks more than ¼-inch wide at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. Emergency Overflow/Spillway Tree growth Tree growth impedes flow or threatens stability of spillway. Trees removed. Rock missing Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in area five square feet or larger or any exposure of native soil on the spillway. Spillway restored to design standards. NO. 4 – CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Structure Trash and debris Trash or debris of more than ½ cubic foot which is located immediately in front of the structure opening or is blocking capacity of the structure by more than 10%. No Trash or debris blocking or potentially blocking entrance to structure. Trash or debris in the structure that exceeds 1/ 3 the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest pipe into or out of the basin. No trash or debris in the structure. Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in volume. No condition present which would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Sediment Sediment exceeds 60% of the depth from the bottom of the structure to the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the structure or the bottom of the FROP-T section or is within 6 inches of the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the structure or the bottom of the FROP-T section. Sump of structure contains no sediment. Damage to frame and/or top slab Corner of frame extends more than ¾ inch past curb face into the street (If applicable). Frame is even with curb. Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or cracks wider than ¼ inch. Top slab is free of holes and cracks. Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., separation of more than ¾ inch of the frame from the top slab. Frame is sitting flush on top slab. Cracks in walls or bottom Cracks wider than ½ inch and longer than 3 feet, any evidence of soil particles entering structure through cracks, or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Structure is sealed and structurally sound. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 18 Cracks wider than ½ inch and longer than 1 foot at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering structure through cracks. No cracks more than 1/ inch wide at 4 the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. Settlement/ misalignment Structure has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the structure at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes. No cracks more than ¼-inch wide at the joint of inlet/outlet pipes. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Ladder rungs missing or unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges. Ladder meets design standards and allows maintenance person safe access. FROP-T Section Damage T section is not securely attached to structure wall and outlet pipe structure should support at least 1,000 lbs of up or down pressure. T section securely attached to wall and outlet pipe. Structure is not in upright position (allow up to 10% from plumb). Structure in correct position. Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight or show signs of deteriorated grout. Connections to outlet pipe are water tight; structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Any holes—other than designed holes—in the structure. Structure has no holes other than designed holes. Cleanout Gate Damaged or missing Cleanout gate is missing. Replace cleanout gate. Cleanout gate is not watertight. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one maintenance person. Gate moves up and down easily and is watertight. Chain/rod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as designed. Orifice Plate Damaged or missing Control device is not working properly due to missing, out of place, or bent orifice plate. Plate is in place and works as designed. Obstructions Any trash, debris, sediment, or vegetation blocking the plate. Plate is free of all obstructions and works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking (or having the potential of blocking) the overflow pipe. Pipe is free of all obstructions and works as designed. Deformed or damaged lip Lip of overflow pipe is bent or deformed. Overflow pipe does not allow overflow at an elevation lower than design Inlet/Outlet Pipe Sediment accumulation Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet pipes (includes floatables and non-floatables). No trash or debris in pipes. Damaged Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipes. No cracks more than ¼-inch wide at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 19 Metal Grates (If Applicable) Unsafe grate opening Grate with opening wider than 7/ inch. 8 Grate opening meets design standards. Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% of grate surface. Grate free of trash and debris. footnote to guidelines for disposal Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. Manhole Cover/ Lid Cover/lid not in place Cover/lid is missing or only partially in place. Any open structure requires urgent maintenance. Cover/lid protects opening to structure. Locking mechanism Not Working Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts cannot be seated. Self-locking cover/lid does not work. Mechanism opens with proper tools. Cover/lid difficult to Remove One maintenance person cannot remove cover/lid after applying 80 lbs. of lift. Cover/lid can be removed and reinstalled by one maintenance person. NO. 5 – CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Structure Sediment Sediment exceeds 60% of the depth from the bottom of the catch basin to the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin or is within 6 inches of the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin. Sump of catch basin contains no sediment. Trash and debris Trash or debris of more than ½ cubic foot which is located immediately in front of the catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the catch basin by more than 10%. No Trash or debris blocking or potentially blocking entrance to catch basin. Trash or debris in the catch basin that exceeds 1/ the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the 3 lowest pipe into or out of the basin. No trash or debris in the catch basin. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate odors that could cause complaints or dangerous gases (e.g., methane). No dead animals or vegetation present within catch basin. Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in volume. No condition present which would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Damage to frame and/or top slab Corner of frame extends more than ¾ inch past curb face into the street (If applicable). Frame is even with curb. Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or cracks wider than ¼ inch. Top slab is free of holes and cracks. Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., separation of more than ¾ inch of the frame from the top slab. Frame is sitting flush on top slab. Cracks in walls or bottom Cracks wider than ½ inch and longer than 3 feet, any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks, or maintenance person judges that catch basin is unsound. Catch basin is sealed and structurally sound. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 20 Cracks wider than ½ inch and longer than 1 foot at the joint of any inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. No cracks more than 1/ inch wide at 4 the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. Settlement/ misalignment Catch basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the catch basin at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes. No cracks more than ¼-inch wide at the joint of inlet/outlet pipes. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Inlet/Outlet Pipe Sediment accumulation Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet pipes (includes floatables and non-floatables). No trash or debris in pipes. Damaged Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipes. No cracks more than ¼-inch wide at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. Metal Grates (Catch Basins) Unsafe grate opening Grate with opening wider than 7/ inch. 8 Grate opening meets design standards. Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% of grate surface. Grate free of trash and debris. footnote to guidelines for disposal Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Any open structure requires urgent maintenance. Grate is in place and meets design standards. Manhole Cover/Lid Cover/lid not in place Cover/lid is missing or only partially in place. Any open structure requires urgent maintenance. Cover/lid protects opening to structure. Locking mechanism Not Working Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts cannot be seated. Self-locking cover/lid does not work. Mechanism opens with proper tools. Cover/lid difficult to Remove One maintenance person cannot remove cover/lid after applying 80 lbs. of lift. Cover/lid can be removed and reinstalled by one maintenance person. NO. 6 – CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment & debris accumulation Accumulated sediment or debris that exceeds 20% of the diameter of the pipe. Water flows freely through pipes. Vegetation/roots Vegetation/roots that reduce free movement of water through pipes. Water flows freely through pipes. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 21 Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Damage to protective coating or corrosion Protective coating is damaged; rust or corrosion is weakening the structural integrity of any part of pipe. Pipe repaired or replaced. Damaged Any dent that decreases the cross section area of pipe by more than 20% or is determined to have weakened structural integrity of the pipe. Pipe repaired or replaced. Ditches Trash and debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet of ditch and slopes. Trash and debris cleared from ditches. Sediment accumulation Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the design depth. Ditch cleaned/flushed of all sediment and debris so that it matches design. Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may constitute a hazard to County personnel or the public. Noxious and nuisance vegetation removed according to applicable regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might normally be. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water through ditches. Water flows freely through ditches. Erosion damage to slopes Any erosion observed on a ditch slope. Slopes are not eroding. Rock lining out of place or missing (If Applicable) One layer or less of rock exists above native soil area 5 square feet or more, any exposed native soil. Replace rocks to design standards. NO. 7 – DEBRIS BARRIERS Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. Site Trash and debris Trash or debris plugging more than 20% of the area of the barrier. Barrier clear to receive capacity flow. Sediment accumulation Sediment accumulation of greater than 20% of the area of the barrier Barrier clear to receive capacity flow. Structure Cracked broken or loose Structure which bars attached to is damaged - pipe is loose or cracked or concrete structure is cracked, broken of loose. Structure barrier attached to is sound. Bars Bar spacing Bar spacing exceeds 6 inches. Bars have at most 6 inche spacing. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 22 Damaged or missing bars Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more than ¾ inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% deterioration to any part of barrier. Repair or replace barrier to design standards. NO. 8 – ENERGY DISSIPATERS Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. Site Trash and debris Trash and/or debris accumulation. Dissipater clear of trash and/or debris. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Rock Pad Missing or moved Rock Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in area five square feet or larger or any exposure of native soil. Rock pad prevents erosion. Dispersion Trench Pipe plugged with sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the design depth. Pipe cleaned/flushed so that it matches design. Not discharging water properly Visual evidence of water discharging at concentrated points along trench (normal condition is a “sheet flow” of water along trench). Water discharges from feature by sheet flow. Perforations plugged. Over 1/4 of perforations in pipe are plugged with debris or sediment. Perforations freely discharge flow. Water flows out top of “distributor” catch basin. Water flows out of distributor catch basin during any storm less than the design storm. No flow discharges from distributor catch basin. Receiving area over- saturated Water in receiving area is causing or has potential of causing landslide problems. No danger of landslides. Gabions Damaged mesh Mesh of gabion broken, twisted or deformed so structure is weakened or rock may fall out. Mesh is intact, no rock missing. Corrosion Gabion mesh shows corrosion through more than ¼ of its gage. All gabion mesh capable of containing rock and retaining designed form. Collapsed or deformed baskets Gabion basket shape deformed due to any cause. All gabion baskets intact, structure stands as designed. Missing rock Any rock missing that could cause gabion to loose structural integrity. No rock missing. Manhole/Chamber Worn or damaged post, baffles or side of chamber Structure dissipating flow deteriorates to ½ or original size or any concentrated worn spot exceeding one square foot which would make structure unsound. Structure is in no danger of failing. Damage to wall, frame, bottom, and/or top slab Cracks wider than ½-inch or any evidence of soil entering the structure through cracks, or maintenance inspection personnel determines that the structure is not structurally sound. Manhole/chamber is sealed and structurally sound. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 23 Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the structure at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes. No soil or water enters and no water discharges at the joint of inlet/outlet pipes. NO. 9 – FENCING Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Site Erosion or holes under fence Erosion or holes more than 4 inches high and 12- 18 inches wide permitting access through an opening under a fence. No access under the fence. Wood Posts, Boards and Cross Members Missing or damaged parts Missing or broken boards, post out of plumb by more than 6 inches or cross members broken No gaps on fence due to missing or broken boards, post plumb to within 1½ inches, cross members sound. Weakened by rotting or insects Any part showing structural deterioration due to rotting or insect damage All parts of fence are structurally sound. Damaged or failed post foundation Concrete or metal attachments deteriorated or unable to support posts. Post foundation capable of supporting posts even in strong wind. Metal Posts, Rails and Fabric Damaged parts Post out of plumb more than 6 inches. Post plumb to within 1½ inches. Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends greater than 1 inch. Any part of fence (including post, top rails, and fabric) more than 1 foot out of design alignment. Fence is aligned and meets design standards. Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in place and holding fabric. Deteriorated paint or protective coating Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling condition that has affected structural adequacy. Structurally adequate posts or parts with a uniform protective coating. Openings in fabric Openings in fabric are such that an 8-inch diameter ball could fit through. Fabric mesh openings within 50% of grid size. NO. 11 – GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Site Trash or litter Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet (this is about equal to the amount of trash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Trash and debris cleared from site. Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may constitute a hazard to County personnel or the public. Noxious and nuisance vegetation removed according to applicable regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might normally be. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 24 Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Grass/groundcover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in height. Grass or groundcover mowed to a height no greater than 6 inches. Trees and Shrubs Hazard Any tree or limb of a tree identified as having a potential to fall and cause property damage or threaten human life. A hazard tree identified by a qualified arborist must be removed as soon as possible. No hazard trees in facility. Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or broken which affect more than 25% of the total foliage of the tree or shrub. Trees and shrubs with less than 5% of total foliage with split or broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or knocked over. No blown down vegetation or knocked over vegetation. Trees or shrubs free of injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported or are leaning over, causing exposure of the roots. Tree or shrub in place and adequately supported; dead or diseased trees removed. NO. 12 – ACCESS ROADS Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Site Trash and debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet (i.e., trash and debris would fill up one standards size garbage can). Roadway drivable by maintenance vehicles. Debris which could damage vehicle tires or prohibit use of road. Roadway drivable by maintenance vehicles. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Blocked roadway Any obstruction which reduces clearance above road surface to less than 14 feet. Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet high. Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10- to 12 foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet or any point restricting access to less than a 10 foot width. At least 12-foot of width on access road. Road Surface Erosion, settlement, potholes, soft spots, ruts Any surface defect which hinders or prevents maintenance access. Road drivable by maintenance vehicles. Vegetation on road surface Trees or other vegetation prevent access to facility by maintenance vehicles. Maintenance vehicles can access facility. Shoulders and Ditches Erosion Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Shoulder free of erosion and matching the surrounding road. Weeds and brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or hinder maintenance access. Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches in height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 25 Modular Grid Pavement Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Damaged or missing Access surface compacted because of broken on missing modular block. Access road surface restored so road infiltrates. NO. 16 – WETPONDS Maintenance Component Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance Is Performed Site Trash and debris Any trash and debris accumulated on the wetpond site. Wetpond site free of any trash or debris. Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may constitute a hazard to County personnel or the public. Noxious and nuisance vegetation removed according to applicable regulations. No danger of noxious vegetation where County personnel or the public might normally be. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oil, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Grass/groundcover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in height. Grass or groundcover mowed to a height no greater than 6 inches. Side Slopes of Dam, Berm, internal berm or Embankment Rodent holes Any evidence of rodent holes if facility is acting as a dam or berm, or any evidence of water piping through dam or berm via rodent holes. Rodents removed or destroyed and dam or berm repaired. Tree growth Tree growth threatens integrity of dams, berms or slopes, does not allow maintenance access, or interferes with maintenance activity. If trees are not a threat to dam, berm or embankment integrity, are not interfering with access or maintenance or leaves do not cause a plugging problem they do not need to be removed. Trees do not hinder facility performance or maintenance activities. Erosion Eroded damage over 2 inches deep where cause of damage is still present or where there is potential for continued erosion. Any erosion observed on a compacted slope. Slopes stabilized using appropriate erosion control measures. If erosion is occurring on compacted slope, a licensed civil engineer should be consulted to resolve source of erosion. Top or Side Slopes of Dam, Berm, internal berm or Embankment Settlement Any part of a dam, berm or embankment that has settled 4 inches lower than the design elevation. Top or side slope restored to design dimensions. If settlement is significant, a licensed civil engineer should be consulted to determine the cause of the settlement. Irregular surface on internal berm Top of berm not uniform and level. Top of berm graded to design elevation. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 26 Pond Areas Sediment accumulation (except first wetpool cell) Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10% of the designed pond depth. Sediment cleaned out to designed pond shape and depth. Sediment accumulation (first wetpool cell) Sediment accumulations in pond bottom that exceeds the depth of sediment storage (1 foot) plus 6 inches. Sediment storage contains no sediment. Liner damaged (If Applicable) Liner is visible or pond does not hold water as designed. Liner repaired or replaced. Water level (first wetpool cell) First cell empty, doesn't hold water. Water retained in first cell for most of the year. Algae mats (first wetpool cell) Algae mats develop over more than 10% of the water surface should be removed. Algae mats removed (usually in the late summer before Fall rains, especially in Sensitive Lake Protection Areas.) Gravity Drain Inoperable valve Valve will not open and close. Valve opens and closes normally. Valve won’t seal Valve does not seal completely. Valve completely seals closed. Emergency Overflow Spillway Tree growth Tree growth impedes flow or threatens stability of spillway. Trees removed. Rock missing Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in area five square feet or larger, or any exposure of native soil at the top of out flow path of spillway. Rip-rap on inside slopes need not be replaced. Spillway restored to design standards. Inlet/Outlet Pipe Sediment accumulation Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet pipes (includes floatables and non- floatables). No trash or debris in pipes. Damaged Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipes. No cracks more than ¼-inch wide at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 27 Figures Figure 1 – TIR Worksheet Figure 2 – Parcel Conditions Figure 3 – Site Location Figure 4 – Proposed Conditions Figure 5 – Drainage Basin Map Figure 6 – Flow Control Map Figure 7 – King County iMAP - Floodplain Figure 8 – City of Renton Soil Survey Map Figure 9 – Drainage Complaints Map BN Inc4th Rainier Lind3rd Cedar River 140thPetrovitskyI-405TalbotParkG r a d y I -5SR 167108th148thInterurban68thBe n s o n84thLogan 9 5 t h 144thDuvall78th 16th WellsAndoverOakesdale27th SR 515Coal Cr eek128th 72nd43rd MercerWest Valley8th May Valley C arr116th 79th 76thPuget6th 164thRenton Issaquah 134th KirklandFairwood Renton Maple ValleyMonroe Southcenter132nd 8 0 t h 204th 41st East Valley34th 89thLangston 5th 200thUnionWilliamsBeacon 154thHoquiamMaple Valley57th9th 30th Forest JonesSeward ParkNewcastle Aberdeen184thBangor 88th 169th SR 900194th CornellHarringtonHardieValleyPelly56th 58th183rd121st 161st62nd168th149th64th Parkside96th63rdGarden186th Strander 87th19th Mill Sunset 176th59thPedestrian156th1 2 th 21st 70th 175thLincoln125th135th Leo 61st31st 155th92nd Dixon 118th24th81st Renton133rd 2nd 166th15th Lakemont160th 1 0 th 1 4 t h Avon Island CrestTukwilaMa u l eNewcastle Golf Club 171stEdmonds39th 1 4 1 s t Martin L King Jr Taft 29th Blaine1 9 2 n d 180th FieldTobin Lakeridge S i dn ey 114th 208th 177th1 9 6 th174th106th53rd38th93rd32nd 83rd L a k e Y o u n g s T r ailShattuck 142nd 82nd 136thCrestwoodAccess112th Licorice 143rd23rd S o o s C re e k W oodsideBronsonHolly 131stNorfolk 138th 104th52ndIndex 159th55thPer i met er 105th1 9 9 t h 178th 6 5 t h 66th 71st Airport BurnettRoyal Hills123rd126thOlympiaM onster 75th Hous erWoodley 190thIsland 7th 28th 167th35th Rosario8 5 t h 1st 33rd 91st IndustryFir Macadam60thS u n n y c re s tAnacortesLynnwoodMinkler Rustic103rd98thLake17 3 r dA c c e s s R d w y LyonsFrager181st22nd 130th 145thRi ver si de158th111thSperryT a ylo r 1 0 2 n d 40th Pasco151st 198th 179thDavisBeacon Coal Mine 2 0 1 s t Baker Ryan Nile110thG re e n R iv e r69th124thOthello MapleAubur n1 8 8 t h 170th137thW abash Avalon 129thAWest Lake Desire Pierce54th Klickitat 193rd Lake Youngs Service 73rd R ailro a d 13th1 9 5 t hMorris1 3 9th 109th3 6 t h 122ndPrivateBoeing117t h120t h157th47thTodd 25th Myrtle Ferndale MainFletcher Juniper Luther 113th20th 209th163rd77thLake WashingtonPowellCedar1 4 6 th 150th 182nd172ndThomasHillside Pilgrim High17thWa t e r s 99thHazelwood42nd OlympicEast Lake DesireShel t onKenyon 206th Triland 1 0 0 t h VashonStevens97th187th OrcasOakOld Petrovitsky 119th 147thRolling HillsLake YoungsRussell6th pl 11th Hazel Windsor45th 165thWallace 202nd 48th 152nd37th JeffersonPine26th 127th Victoria 1 1 5th67th 191st Camas 185th 94thLaurel GlenwoodJericho107thRose Eden 90th Costco WillowBrighton NachesCapri203rd 18th Upland ChristensenSunwoodCedar RidgeHouser Way BypassM o nte r e y Kent BoeingRipleyRenton TC86th Eagle Ridge44th Ilwaco212thKennewick50thSeneca C ounty R oad 66 Meadow GrantLongacres153rd Lim a Arrows mith DaytonQuinceyMidland Ge mMountain View4 6 t h 74th 101st Segale Park B189th WhitmanPrentice 162ndF o u n ta in Center Point207th Warsaw Treck ElmaQueenPark Access S h o re Renton Dist CtChelanLewis 855th Oaksdale197th Gazelle Augusta 136 Talbot CrestKitsapUn n ame d Boei ng Rent onNelsonGe n e Co u l o n Pa r k 4 9 th Ridgecrest V i c t o r Park ViewRedmondMosesTacomaHolyokeRoxbury Smit her sNels BerglundEvergreen L a k e V i e w Raymond R i v e r v i e w P a r k BremertonGrahamSouthcenter Mall W hitw orth Eastwood Cooper Berkshire AptWestwood Duncan Kentridge HS Corporate 95th 1 4 0th 120th 150th1st 119th3rd 139th 7 7 th 7 1 st 184th 1 8 th 144th Lincoln1 8 1 s t118th145thVashonAccess143rd139th65th 1 8 2 n d 114th61st116th 148th64th11th Kirkland10th 147thHoquiam70th105th121st I-584th61stAccess142ndPrivate 172nd137th173rd140th 134th112th 166th1 24t h8th Morris86thPri vateCamas124th 74th 105th74th 142nd 192nd 167th 146th126th 155th 1 6 2 n d AccessWilliams 184th3rd 8 th 178thMonterey81st 208th 74th 184th182nd 166thDayton 193rd127th 177thCamas129th 155th59th131st 130th 54th 88th 4 th 69th 18th 1st Private 152nd170th 5th 76th Access102nd70t h77th92nd 126th 161st105th128th175th 187th 112thAccess11 5 t h 102nd 162nd57th57th9th 170th79thQueen6th83rd 193rd 1 5 4 t h PrivateRedmond35th 116th169th103rd154thMeadow23rd130t h181stPierce133rd121st 105th144th86th 10th 2 2 n d 6 7 th 141st140th71st3rd 1 7 3 r d 116th 199th 113th 184th199th 137th71stAnacortes 104thHarrington1st132nd2nd 151st139thP r i v a t e 81st58th2 0 6 th Glenwood80th114th147th177th Burnett117thPedestrian Private Minkler 104t h140th7th 110th2nd 1 3 5th 186th 94thPrivate165th Access73rd61st Shattuck143r d135th 1 8 0 th 101st68th152nd 175th147thP e d e s t r ia n 196th Access4th WellsMain9th 100th 98thP rivate138th 168th 4 th 124th1 7 1 s t106th2 3 rd 10th 77th1 4 1 st 37th 65th 170th Private146th7th 138th209th 128th119th4th 113th184th I-5 173rd 202nd PrivatePrivate75th 127t hGreen River 123rd 161st143rd 128th18th 3rd72nd Pasco83rd64th1 5 7thPrivateBurnett130th 136th 1st Private160th165th130th92nd 165th168th 121stLake Youngs Trail151st 165thPrivate 179th135th118th145th 198thI-5164th121stPrivate175th 3rd 8th Pelly78thHouser26 th 178thI ndex Jones150thPrivate 117th 141st70th185th21st 106th 136th 113th111th149th 169th120th84th176th 191st 5th 158thPrivate 169th126th 143rd 109th170th134th 5th120th I-5 192ndBlaine 3rd200th 160th200th 1 3 4 t h 78th69th5thLind12th 202nd 206th Private 62nd17th92nd 124th132ndRaymond151st103rd 66th 146th70th 1 8 4 t h 156th1st 1 5 0 t h 87th 3rd 177th102ndAccess Pri v at e157th Private 8th 32nd Green River 171st181st 125th174th57th141stP rivateDayton112th 1 8 9 t h 1 3 3rd 134th 175th 21st 71st Private72nd160th3rd 119th 77th27th119th 204th 126th 3 rdAccess 118th141st 6th 4 t h 23rd 123rdLind190th 4 th Access 87th SR 51583rd1st 198th 164th 7th 7th143rd75th 18thSR 515A cc e ss 135th150th130th52nd68thPrivate 6th 119th Cedar6 t h 129thStevens143rd9th 29th 86th Jones99th 202nd 146thJefferson2nd 144th Index1 5 7 th 172nd 2nd 120 t h78th 160th Private124th 16th180th122nd 70thPrivate 76 th 185th K e n t B o e i n g Morris5 th 141st 169th161st119th21st A c c e s s Access3 6 t h 111th4th77th U n n a me d143rd20th 66th149th56th1 9 1 s tPrivate AccessPriv ate 43rd 160thPierce156th129th Interurban179th 169th1 7 3rd 1st 1 5 t h 124th67th 156th118t h121stElma71st114th 24th 90th121st131st74th 68th 28th 32nd 154th180th 130th 1 81 s t 185th 156thPrivate71st 157th170th 98t hPrivate 142nd204th165th114th 17th Private105th4th 1 3 4 t h 182nd 120th Jones126th21st Pedestrian181st188th 1 8 5th20thPowell183rd178th Jericho136th190th Parkside163rdA cc e s s 2nd 143rd 1 6 7 t h 188th 20th56th 91st 176th 164th172nd174th 136th 171st66 t h 11th129t hAberdeenAccess100th172nd 116th 155th190th55th Sunset 64th132nd1 6 6 th 135th125th56th184th66th 131st13th Private 152nd204th 149th152nd59th80thAccess122nd124th 204th 184th113th113th 27th67th127th199th 148th 23rd 147th1 5 2 n d 105th10th 163rd6 t h 27th 2nd 202nd 5th 162ndAccess 4th 72nd 164th 168th83rd 133rd20th 148th138th59th118th4th127th Pedestrian 1 3 9 t h 4th57th 143rd138th190th114th21st 122nd 1 7 0 t h Interurban 8th 173rd 180th Priv ate 66th124th 115th16th19th81st26th Camas65t h1 3 4th 192ndAndover 161st 39th Access 177th65th180th88th Edmonds Private 28th 84th110th106th122nd4th123rd118th Elma27th 168th148thPrivate 160th27 th 172nd 120th 1st 7th 85th186th 1 6 th 160thPrivate 126th 1 8 9 t h 116th Maple122nd208th 196th54th 141st165th123rd21st Private 166th62nd 7 6 th 6th 172nd 178th85th67th 6th 187th Access 25th Private103rd196thPrivate 10th A cce ssHazel174th 140th 27th 31st 124th 146thBenson180th86th Private 158th 184th 128t h133rd194th I ndex Lyons6th 168th132nd1 49 th 110t h8 0 th 148th190th 112th Access Williams178th 6 6 th 126th74th189th 106th66th96th136th164th78th 145th 1 9 6 thPrivate171st 145thAccess 190th 75th143r d78th 127thHigh1 4 4th Private165th 188th 29th 8th80th 174th72nd 2nd 37th56th 111th164th68thPark133rd150th23rd Private 77th 126th 184th 133rd 117th 10th Access 148th184thLake9th 192nd 120thRyan Access 164th132nd 8 5 t h 122nd120th Olympia5th 1 2 5th Smithers36th 2 n d ThomasMonterey175th 72nd152ndMill171st 65th 144thLangston 87th200th 117th 131st 160th 67th 5th 37th 6 6 t h 131st 1 3 t h Blaine43rd 1 6 7 t h AccessAccess May Valley56th 82ndPrivate 142nd 120th 1st 20th 194th 4th PrivateAccess30th 16th 172nd 137th 7 t h 1 82 nd Private145th 190th 92nd85th7 6th 131st 190th 125th7th 199th80th135th 78thHazelwood Davis82nd164th 179th 4th 76th 126thDayton120th 118th1 4 9th 166th154th172nd68th69th40th 146t h115th82nd184th116th75th123r d5th 9 1 s t Private3rd AccessIndexLake96th 159th 196th 156th1 3 6 t h 1 5 9thPrivate132nd158th76th32nd 109th8 1 st 117th9 8 t h 180th 25 th 160th2ndMill 128th110th 80th110th 1 62 nd 1 4 2 n d Private56th24th 172nd158th140th 167th A c c e s s 193rd Ch e l a n 203rdAccess 163rd 1st P e d estria n 162nd 169th82nd 158thHouser186th 57th 201st 65th 196th 7th Access114th204th 22nd Access1 0 th Private RentonPark18th57th85th10th84th 23rd55th 158t hShattuck160thGrant5th J ones 120th4th 9th 143rd98th113th77th6 th 132nd66th 61st124th201stAccess 132nd A c c e s s Access108thPrivate 166th 184th I- 4 0 5 198th 2 n d 89th158th76th54th81st126th155th 136th64th Access 116th19th 58th160th 76th 160thAccess166th157thTacomaJonesAccess 3rd 108th Mapl e2 1 s t7th 126th167th 6 t h 1 0 t h Private5th 8th 71st 26th Private 194th 144thPrivate 129th Private8thGar den20th Access128th62nd82nd 185th 6th 12th 143rd 114th CedarPrivate71st116th62nd3rd 128th59th7th Access A c c e s s Private120th 139th 92nd174thPrivate96th14th Cedar172nd199th56th138th66th 164th170thSunset 130th7th 168th 9th 10th 1 8 2 n d 157th Access 118th 3 rd 176th 96th182nd 25th 138thAccess 100th 187th 24th 16th 149th 123rd 159 t h May Creek C o al C re e k Unnamed Ma d s e n Cr e e k Springbrook CreekCoal Creek Tributary UnnamedU n n a m e d Coal CreekUnnamedUnnamedUnnamed UnnamedUnnamedUn n a me dUnnamedKing County Kent Tukwila Newcastle Seattle Bellevue King County Mercer Island King County King County SeaTac King County King County King County King County Kent Renton City Limits Potential Annexation Area Basins Black River Duamish Lake Washington East Lake Washington West Lower Cedar River May Creek Soos Creek ´ Surface Water UtilityComprehensive PlanPrinted 10/16/2009 Basin Locations 0 10.5 Miles iMAP The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a survey product. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. Date: 10/10/2013 Source: King County iMAP - Hydrographic Information (http://www.metrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP) Ur AgC AgC Ur InC AmC Wo AmC So An AkF Py Wo AgB RdC BeC AkF No PITS BeC Py Ng Pu Py Py Tu AkF Py BeD SkAgB AgD Bh AkF AgB AkF Pc Py AgD Rh EvC AkF Sk AkF Sk BeD Sk AkF EvD AmC Py AgB Pc An No AmC InD Pu AgD An AmB AmC Py EvB BeC BeC PITS No RdC PITS AgB AmB AgB Rh AmB BeC BeD AgB Pu W AgD AgD BeD Pu AgD No AgD Pu BeD KpC AgD Py So AgD EvC AgD Ma AgB AmB EvC Ma AgD Sm RdE EvC EvC Rh RdC EvB AgD Ng EvCTu EvC Bh AgD EvB AgD AgD Ng RdE AgD AgD AmB BeD AgD EvC Ma EvC EvDEvB Sk Sk AgD Sm EvB EvD EvB RdE KpD AmB InA KpD An Py Ur An Sk EvC Ur Sk EvD An Bh Ur Py An AkF An EvB InC AkF EvC UrBeC An No AkF AkF AnAkF EvB AmB Ur AgC AgB Green RiverGi n g e r C r e e kJohns Creek M a y C r e e k Coal C reek Cedar R i v e r Springbrook Creek Garrison CreekRolling Hills Creek Big Soo s C r e e k Mill CreekHo n e y C r e e k Madsen CreekGypsy Creek P a n t h e r C r e e k Mo l a s s e s C r e e k Maple wood Creek S p r i n g b r o o k C r e e k Bi g S o o s C r e e k May Creek May Cre e k M a y C r e e k Mill CreekC o a l C r e e k Ma d s e n C r e e kCedar RiverSpringbrook CreekCe d a r R i v e r Bi g S o o s C r e e kPanther CreekMay C r e e kMay CreekCoal C r e e k Panther CreekCe d a r R i v e r Madsen CreekMo l a s s e s C r e e kMa p l ew o o d C r e e k Ma d s e n C r e e k Pa n t h e r C r e e kGreen RiverGypsy Cr e e k Panther Creek Groundwater Protection Area Boundary Aquifer Protection Area Zone 1 Aquifer Protection Area Zone 1 Modified Renton City Limits City of Renton Soil Survey Map Public Works Surface Water Utility G. Del Rosario 12/22/2009 ´0 0.5 1 Miles Reference 11-C LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 28 Appendix A Engineering Calculations PRE-DEVELOPED BASIN SUMMARY Friday, August 14, 2015 PRE-DEVELOPED EVENT SUMMARY Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 1/3 2 yr 0.0736 22.00 0.0797 16.27 SBUH 2 yr 24 hr 1.406 8.6667 1.1292 16.27 SBUH 5 year 2.0748 8.50 1.5555 16.27 SBUH 10 year 2.9927 8.50 2.1201 16.27 SBUH 25 year 3.9612 8.50 2.7092 16.27 SBUH 50 year 4.1593 8.50 2.8293 16.27 SBUH 100 year 5.1051 8.50 3.4018 16.27 SBUH All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect RECORD ID: PRE-DEVELOPED Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 16.27 ac DCIA 0.00 ac Pervious CN 86.39 DC CN 0.00 Pervious TC 62.3165 min DC TC 0.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns, parks (50-75% grass) 14.13 ac 86.00 Gravel Roads & Parking Lots 2.14 ac 89.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.3946 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet Woods or forest with light underbrush. 120.00 ft 1.0% 0.4 1.95 in 41.9977 min Shallow Short grass, pasture and lawns (n=0.030) 270.00 ft 0.4% 0.03 4.4099 min Shallow Paved and gravel areas (n=0.012) 635.00 ft 0.17% 0.012 15.909 min Pervious TC 62.3165 min PROJECT RECORD 2 DEVELOPED EVENT SUMMARY Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method 1/3 2 yr 1.2576 8.00 0.4521 15.96 SBUH 2 yr 24 hr 5.4632 8.00 1.9601 15.96 SBUH 5 year 6.8445 8.00 2.459 15.96 SBUH 10 year 8.5904 8.00 3.0922 15.96 SBUH 25 year 10.3494 8.00 3.7328 15.96 SBUH 50 year 10.7022 8.00 3.8616 15.96 SBUH 100 year 12.3639 8.00 4.4689 15.96 SBUH All results based on storm duration of 24.0 hours. This is ok if all precipitations are appropriate for the storm duration. If some design event precipitations are for different duration storms, those results are incorrect RECORD ID: DEVELOPED Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 4.89 ac DCIA 11.07 ac Pervious CN 87.67 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 20.3216 min DC TC 5.6928 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns, parks (50-75% grass) 2.04 ac 90.00 Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 2.85 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 87.6687 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet Short prairie grass and lawns. 105.00 ft 1.0% 0.15 0.00 in 17.2209 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 95.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 0.3729 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 320.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 1.256 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 300.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 1.1775 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 75.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 0.2944 min Pervious TC 20.3216 min PROJECT RECORD 3 DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 8.96 ac 98.00 Commercial & Business 2.11 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 312.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 1.2246 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 625.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 2.453 min Sheet Smooth Surfaces. 98.00 ft 1.0% 0.011 1.95 in 2.0152 min Pervious TC 5.6928 min DETENTION POND CALCULATIONS Friday, August 14, 2015 LPOOLCOMPUTE [Detention Pond] SUMMARY using Puls, 24 hr Storm Event Start of live storage:10 ft Event Match Q (cfs) Peak Q (cfs) Max Depth (ft) Vol (cf) Vol (acft) Time to Empty (hr) 2 yr 24 hr 1.406 1.405 1.1656 20778.8264 0.477 0.00 10 year 2.9927 2.9937 1.7359 31751.9484 0.7289 0.00 100 year 5.1051 5.1043 2.3619 44428.1197 1.0199 0.00 PROJECT RECORD 4 SUMMARY REPORT OF ALL DETENTION POND DATA Event Precip (in) 1/3 2 yr 0.65 2 yr 24 hr 1.95 5 year 2.35 10 year 2.85 25 year 3.35 50 year 3.45 100 year 3.92 BASLIST2 [Developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [2 yr 24 hr] [24.0] [Developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [10 year] [24.0] [Developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [100 year] [24.0] [Pre-developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [2 yr 24 hr] [24.0] [Developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [2 yr 24 hr] [24.0] [Pre-developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [10 year] [24.0] [Developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [10 year] [24.0] [Pre-developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [100 year] [24.0] [Developed] Using [TYPE1A.RAC] As [100 year] [24.0] LSTEND PROJECT RECORD 5 BasinID Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Peak Vol (ac- cf) Area (ac) Method/Loss Raintype Developed 2 yr 24 hr 5.4632 8.00 1.9601 15.96 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Developed 10 year 8.5904 8.00 3.0922 15.96 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Developed 100 year 12.3639 8.00 4.4689 15.96 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Pre- developed 2 yr 24 hr 1.406 8.67 1.1292 16.27 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Developed 2 yr 24 hr 5.4632 8.00 1.9601 15.96 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Pre- developed 10 year 2.9927 8.50 2.1201 16.27 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Developed 10 year 8.5904 8.00 3.0922 15.96 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Pre- developed 100 year 5.1051 8.50 3.4018 16.27 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC Developed 100 year 12.3639 8.00 4.4689 15.96 SBUH TYPE1A.RAC BASLIST [Developed] [Pre-developed] LSTEND RECORD ID: DEVELOPED Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 4.89 ac DCIA 11.07 ac Pervious CN 87.67 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 20.3216 min DC TC 5.6928 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns, parks (50-75% grass) 2.04 ac 90.00 Open spaces, lawns,parks (>75% grass) 2.85 ac 86.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 87.6687 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet Short prairie grass and lawns. 105.00 ft 1.0% 0.15 0.00 in 17.2209 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 95.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 0.3729 min PROJECT RECORD 6 Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 320.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 1.256 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 300.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 1.1775 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 75.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 0.2944 min Pervious TC 20.3216 min DCI - CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Impervious surfaces (pavements, roofs, etc) 8.96 ac 98.00 Commercial & Business 2.11 ac 98.00 DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 DCI - TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 312.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 1.2246 min Int Channel Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 625.00 ft 1.0% 0.012 2.453 min Sheet Smooth Surfaces. 98.00 ft 1.0% 0.011 1.95 in 2.0152 min Pervious TC 5.6928 min RECORD ID: PRE-DEVELOPED Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPE1A.RAC Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 Storm Duration 24.00 hrs Abstraction Coeff 0.20 Pervious Area 16.27 ac DCIA 0.00 ac Pervious CN 86.39 DC CN 0.00 Pervious TC 62.3165 min DC TC 0.00 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns, parks (50-75% grass) 14.13 ac 86.00 Gravel Roads & Parking Lots 2.14 ac 89.00 Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.3946 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet Woods or forest with light underbrush. 120.00 ft 1.0% 0.4 1.95 in 41.9977 min PROJECT RECORD 7 Shallow Short grass, pasture and lawns (n=0.030) 270.00 ft 0.4% 0.03 4.4099 min Shallow Paved and gravel areas (n=0.012) 635.00 ft 0.17% 0.012 15.909 min Pervious TC 62.3165 min HYDLIST SUMMARY [2 yr 24 hr out] [10 year out] [100 year out] LSTEND HydID Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Peak Vol (ac-ft) Cont Area (ac) 2 yr 24 hr out 1.405 10.17 1.957 15.96 10 year out 2.9937 9.17 3.089 15.96 100 year out 5.1043 8.83 4.4655 15.96 STORLIST [Pond] LSTEND RECORD ID: POND Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 10.00 ft Max El. 20.00 ft Void Ratio 100.00 Length 130.00 ft Width 130.00 ft Length ss1 3.00v:1h Length ss2 3.00v:1h Width ss1 3.00v:1h Width ss2 3.00v:1h Consider wetted surface for infiltration Trap Type Node DISCHLIST [Orifice] LSTEND RECORD ID: ORIFICE Multiple Orifice Descrip: Prototype Structure Increment 0.10 ft Start El. 10.00 ft Max El. 20.00 ft Orif Coeff 0.62 Lowest Orif El. 13.50 ft Lowest Diam 6.9258 in Dist to next 1.20 ft D2 8.0273 in Dist to next 0.60 ft D3 7.7461 in Dist to next 0.60 ft PROJECT RECORD 8 Stage Discharge and Routing Table Appended on: Friday, August 14, 2015 10:26:04 AM LPOOLCOMPUTE [Detention Pond] DETAILED using Puls, 24 hr Storm Event Start of live storage:10 ft Event Match Q (cfs) Peak Q (cfs) Max Depth (ft) Vol (cf) Vol (acft) Time to Empty (hr) 2 yr 24 hr 1.406 1.405 1.1656 20778.8275 0.477 2.8333 10 year 2.9927 2.9937 1.7359 31751.949 0.7289 4.8333 100 year 5.1051 5.1043 2.3619 44428.1201 1.0199 6.00 STORAGE CHARACTERISTICS TABLE FOR 2 YR 24 HR NODE Stage (ft) Increm Vol (acft) Storage (acft) Flow (cf) S-Odt/2 S+Odt/2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.039 0.038976 0.411623 0.036142 0.041811 0.20 0.0393 0.078313 0.582123 0.074303 0.082322 0.30 0.0397 0.11801 0.712952 0.1131 0.12292 0.40 0.0401 0.158071 0.823246 0.152401 0.163741 0.50 0.0404 0.198496 0.920417 0.192157 0.204835 0.60 0.0408 0.239288 1.008266 0.232344 0.246232 0.70 0.0412 0.280448 1.089052 0.272948 0.287948 0.80 0.0415 0.321978 1.164245 0.313959 0.329996 0.90 0.0419 0.363879 1.234869 0.355374 0.372383 1.00 0.0423 0.406152 1.301666 0.397188 0.415117 1.10 0.0426 0.448801 1.365199 0.439399 0.458203 1.20 0.043 0.491826 1.425904 0.482006 0.501646 1.30 0.0434 0.535229 2.037103 0.521199 0.549258 1.40 0.0438 0.579011 2.322177 0.563018 0.595004 1.50 0.0442 0.623175 2.55199 0.605599 0.640751 1.60 0.0445 0.667722 2.752442 0.648765 0.686678 1.70 0.0449 0.712653 2.933655 0.692449 0.732857 1.80 0.0453 0.75797 3.100875 0.736614 0.779326 1.90 0.0457 0.803676 3.772163 0.777696 0.829655 2.00 0.0461 0.84977 4.13307 0.821306 0.878235 2.10 0.0465 0.896256 4.437062 0.865698 0.926815 2.20 0.0469 0.943135 4.709155 0.910703 0.975568 2.30 0.0473 0.990409 4.959449 0.956253 1.024565 PROJECT RECORD 9 2.40 0.0477 1.038078 5.193351 1.002311 1.073845 2.50 0.0481 1.086146 5.414207 1.048858 1.123433 2.60 0.0485 1.134612 5.62429 1.095878 1.173347 2.70 0.0489 1.18348 5.825236 1.143361 1.223599 2.80 0.0493 1.232751 6.018279 1.191303 1.274199 2.90 0.0497 1.282426 6.204381 1.239696 1.325156 3.00 0.0501 1.332507 6.384312 1.288538 1.376476 3.10 0.0505 1.382996 6.558701 1.337826 1.428166 3.20 0.0509 1.433894 6.728072 1.387557 1.48023 3.30 0.0513 1.485203 6.892865 1.437732 1.532675 3.40 0.0517 1.536925 7.05346 1.488347 1.585502 3.50 0.0521 1.589061 7.21018 1.539404 1.638718 3.60 0.0526 1.641613 7.363311 1.590902 1.692325 3.70 0.053 1.694583 7.513102 1.64284 1.746326 3.80 0.0534 1.747972 7.659773 1.695219 1.800725 3.90 0.0538 1.801782 7.803522 1.748039 1.855525 4.00 0.0542 1.856015 7.944523 1.8013 1.910729 4.10 0.0547 1.910672 8.082936 1.855004 1.966339 4.20 0.0551 1.965754 8.218903 1.90915 2.022358 4.30 0.0555 2.021265 8.352556 1.96374 2.078789 4.40 0.0559 2.077204 8.484012 2.018774 2.135634 4.50 0.0564 2.133574 8.613379 2.074254 2.192895 4.60 0.0568 2.190377 8.740759 2.130179 2.250575 4.70 0.0572 2.247614 8.866242 2.186552 2.308677 4.80 0.0577 2.305287 8.989913 2.243373 2.367201 4.90 0.0581 2.363397 9.11185 2.300644 2.426151 5.00 0.0585 2.421947 9.232128 2.358365 2.485529 5.10 0.059 2.480937 9.350812 2.416537 2.545336 5.20 0.0594 2.54037 9.467967 2.475163 2.605576 5.30 0.0599 2.600246 9.583652 2.534243 2.666249 5.40 0.0603 2.660569 9.697921 2.593779 2.727359 5.50 0.0608 2.721338 9.810827 2.653771 2.788906 5.60 0.0612 2.782557 9.922418 2.714221 2.850893 5.70 0.0617 2.844227 10.03274 2.775131 2.913323 PROJECT RECORD 10 5.80 0.0621 2.906349 10.141836 2.836501 2.976196 5.90 0.0626 2.968924 10.249747 2.898334 3.039515 6.00 0.063 3.031956 10.356512 2.96063 3.103282 6.10 0.0635 3.095445 10.462166 3.023391 3.167498 6.20 0.0639 3.159392 10.566745 3.086619 3.232166 6.30 0.0644 3.223801 10.67028 3.150314 3.297288 6.40 0.0649 3.288671 10.772804 3.214479 3.362864 6.50 0.0653 3.354006 10.874345 3.279114 3.428898 6.60 0.0658 3.419806 10.974932 3.344221 3.495391 6.70 0.0663 3.486073 11.074592 3.409802 3.562345 6.80 0.0667 3.55281 11.17335 3.475858 3.629761 6.90 0.0672 3.620016 11.27123 3.542391 3.697642 7.00 0.0677 3.687695 11.368255 3.609401 3.765989 7.10 0.0682 3.755848 11.464449 3.676892 3.834804 7.20 0.0686 3.824476 11.559832 3.744863 3.904089 7.30 0.0691 3.893581 11.654424 3.813317 3.973846 7.40 0.0696 3.963165 11.748246 3.882255 4.044076 7.50 0.0701 4.03323 11.841316 3.951678 4.114782 7.60 0.0705 4.103777 11.933651 4.021589 4.185964 7.70 0.071 4.174807 12.02527 4.091988 4.257626 7.80 0.0715 4.246323 12.116189 4.162878 4.329768 7.90 0.072 4.318326 12.206423 4.234259 4.402392 8.00 0.0725 4.390817 12.295989 4.306134 4.4755 8.10 0.073 4.463799 12.3849 4.378504 4.549095 8.20 0.0735 4.537273 12.473172 4.45137 4.623176 8.30 0.074 4.611241 12.560817 4.524734 4.697748 8.40 0.0745 4.685704 12.64785 4.598597 4.77281 8.50 0.075 4.760663 12.734282 4.672962 4.848365 8.60 0.0755 4.836122 12.820127 4.747829 4.924415 8.70 0.076 4.912081 12.905396 4.823201 5.000961 8.80 0.0765 4.988541 12.990101 4.899078 5.078005 8.90 0.077 5.065506 13.074252 4.975463 5.155549 9.00 0.0775 5.142975 13.157862 5.052356 5.233594 9.10 0.078 5.220952 13.240939 5.129761 5.312143 PROJECT RECORD 11 9.20 0.0785 5.299437 13.323495 5.207677 5.391196 9.30 0.079 5.378432 13.405538 5.286107 5.470756 9.40 0.0795 5.457939 13.487079 5.365052 5.550825 9.50 0.08 5.537959 13.568126 5.444515 5.631404 9.60 0.0805 5.618495 13.648689 5.524496 5.712494 9.70 0.0811 5.699547 13.728776 5.604996 5.794098 9.80 0.0816 5.781118 13.808396 5.686019 5.876217 9.90 0.0821 5.863209 13.887556 5.767565 5.958853 10.00 0.0826 5.945822 13.966265 5.849635 6.042008 ROUTING TABLE FOR 2 YR 24 HR EVENT Time (min) Inflow (cfs) AvgI (cf) Stg (ft), S-0dt/2 (acft) S+0dt/2 (acft) Stg (ft) Outflow (cfs) 0.00 0.0007 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.0182 5.6695 0.00 0.00 0.0001 0.0003 0.0013 20.00 0.0579 22.8565 0.0003 0.0001 0.0006 0.0015 0.0063 30.00 0.1014 47.7974 0.0015 0.0006 0.0016 0.0039 0.0162 40.00 0.1463 74.3127 0.0039 0.0014 0.0031 0.0075 0.0308 50.00 0.1895 100.7497 0.0075 0.0027 0.005 0.012 0.0494 60.00 0.2249 124.3201 0.012 0.0043 0.0072 0.0172 0.0708 70.00 0.2652 147.0295 0.0172 0.0062 0.0096 0.0229 0.0944 80.00 0.3043 170.8595 0.0229 0.0083 0.0122 0.0292 0.1202 90.00 0.3331 191.2423 0.0292 0.0106 0.0149 0.0358 0.1472 100.00 0.3585 207.5005 0.0358 0.0129 0.0177 0.0423 0.1741 110.00 0.3813 221.9563 0.0423 0.0153 0.0204 0.0487 0.2007 120.00 0.4019 234.9635 0.0487 0.0176 0.023 0.055 0.2265 130.00 0.4205 246.716 0.055 0.0199 0.0256 0.0611 0.2516 140.00 0.4374 257.3707 0.0611 0.0221 0.028 0.067 0.2756 150.00 0.4528 267.0602 0.067 0.0242 0.0303 0.0725 0.2986 160.00 0.4809 280.1166 0.0725 0.0262 0.0327 0.0781 0.3214 170.00 0.5095 297.1217 0.0781 0.0282 0.035 0.0838 0.345 180.00 0.5236 309.9383 0.0838 0.0303 0.0374 0.0895 0.3683 190.00 0.566 326.8994 0.0895 0.0323 0.0398 0.0953 0.3922 200.00 0.6105 352.9481 0.0953 0.0344 0.0425 0.1018 0.4147 210.00 0.6251 370.6725 0.1018 0.0368 0.0453 0.1087 0.4265 PROJECT RECORD 12 220.00 0.6687 388.1459 0.1087 0.0395 0.0484 0.1162 0.4392 230.00 0.7147 415.0168 0.1162 0.0423 0.0519 0.1248 0.4539 240.00 0.7305 433.5614 0.1248 0.0456 0.0556 0.1339 0.4695 250.00 0.7793 452.9553 0.1339 0.0491 0.0595 0.1436 0.486 260.00 0.8319 483.351 0.1436 0.0528 0.0639 0.1545 0.5045 270.00 0.852 505.151 0.1545 0.0569 0.0685 0.166 0.5241 280.00 0.905 527.0896 0.166 0.0613 0.0734 0.178 0.5446 290.00 0.9609 559.7654 0.178 0.0659 0.0788 0.1912 0.5671 300.00 0.9822 582.9189 0.1912 0.071 0.0843 0.205 0.5886 310.00 1.0741 616.87 0.205 0.0762 0.0904 0.2199 0.6081 320.00 1.1728 674.058 0.2199 0.082 0.0975 0.2373 0.631 330.00 1.20 711.834 0.2373 0.0888 0.1051 0.2562 0.6556 340.00 1.3359 760.771 0.2562 0.0961 0.1136 0.277 0.6828 350.00 1.4829 845.629 0.277 0.1042 0.1236 0.3016 0.7147 360.00 1.5189 900.5343 0.3016 0.1137 0.1344 0.3281 0.744 370.00 1.6839 960.8397 0.3281 0.1242 0.1462 0.3571 0.7759 380.00 1.8621 1063.7818 0.3571 0.1355 0.1599 0.3907 0.813 390.00 1.9065 1130.5655 0.3907 0.1488 0.1747 0.4267 0.8492 400.00 3.4364 1602.8577 0.4267 0.163 0.1998 0.4878 0.9085 410.00 5.1556 2577.5849 0.4878 0.1873 0.2465 0.6006 1.0087 420.00 5.4632 3185.6397 0.6006 0.2326 0.3057 0.7422 1.1208 430.00 4.3526 2944.7413 0.7422 0.2903 0.3579 0.8658 1.2107 440.00 3.0401 2217.7938 0.8658 0.3412 0.3921 0.9461 1.2657 450.00 2.9237 1789.1346 0.9461 0.3747 0.4157 1.0015 1.3026 460.00 2.5788 1650.7662 1.0015 0.3978 0.4357 1.0478 1.332 470.00 2.2117 1437.1713 1.0478 0.4174 0.4503 1.0818 1.3536 480.00 2.1633 1312.4972 1.0818 0.4317 0.4618 1.1083 1.3703 490.00 1.9294 1227.8071 1.1083 0.443 0.4711 1.1298 1.3833 500.00 1.6787 1082.4443 1.1298 0.4521 0.4769 1.1431 1.3914 510.00 1.6427 996.4109 1.1431 0.4578 0.4806 1.1517 1.3966 520.00 1.564 962.0052 1.1517 0.4614 0.4835 1.1582 1.4005 530.00 1.4846 914.587 1.1582 0.4642 0.4852 1.1621 1.4029 540.00 1.4723 887.0704 1.1621 0.4659 0.4862 1.1645 1.4044 550.00 1.4021 862.3157 1.1645 0.4669 0.4867 1.1656 1.405 PROJECT RECORD 13 560.00 1.3267 818.6203 1.1656 0.4673 0.4861 1.1643 1.4042 570.00 1.3164 792.9285 1.1643 0.4668 0.485 1.1617 1.4026 580.00 1.2691 775.6497 1.1617 0.4657 0.4835 1.1582 1.4005 590.00 1.2185 746.2632 1.1582 0.4642 0.4813 1.1532 1.3975 600.00 1.2117 729.0481 1.1532 0.4621 0.4788 1.1474 1.394 610.00 1.1876 719.7814 1.1474 0.4596 0.4761 1.1413 1.3903 620.00 1.1624 704.9866 1.1413 0.457 0.4732 1.1344 1.3861 630.00 1.1593 696.5126 1.1344 0.4541 0.4701 1.1273 1.3818 640.00 1.1366 688.7897 1.1273 0.451 0.4668 1.1199 1.3773 650.00 1.112 674.5806 1.1199 0.4479 0.4634 1.1119 1.3724 660.00 1.1092 666.3635 1.1119 0.4445 0.4598 1.1036 1.3674 670.00 1.0865 658.714 1.1036 0.4409 0.456 1.095 1.362 680.00 1.0617 644.4517 1.095 0.4373 0.4521 1.0858 1.3562 690.00 1.0587 636.1309 1.0858 0.4334 0.448 1.0763 1.3502 700.00 1.0357 628.3481 1.0763 0.4294 0.4438 1.0666 1.344 710.00 1.0107 613.9194 1.0666 0.4253 0.4394 1.0564 1.3375 720.00 1.0075 605.4355 1.0564 0.421 0.4349 1.0459 1.3308 730.00 1.0068 604.2717 1.0459 0.4166 0.4304 1.0355 1.3242 740.00 1.0069 604.0994 1.0355 0.4122 0.4261 1.0254 1.3178 750.00 1.0074 604.3002 1.0254 0.4079 0.4218 1.0155 1.3115 760.00 0.9856 597.9139 1.0155 0.4037 0.4174 1.0054 1.3051 770.00 0.961 583.9777 1.0054 0.3995 0.4129 0.9947 1.2981 780.00 0.958 575.7007 0.9947 0.395 0.4082 0.9838 1.2909 790.00 0.9574 574.6122 0.9838 0.3904 0.4036 0.9731 1.2837 800.00 0.9574 574.4319 0.9731 0.3859 0.3991 0.9626 1.2767 810.00 0.9578 574.5749 0.9626 0.3815 0.3947 0.9523 1.2698 820.00 0.9358 568.0765 0.9523 0.3772 0.3903 0.9419 1.2628 830.00 0.9108 553.9765 0.9419 0.3729 0.3856 0.9309 1.2555 840.00 0.9076 545.5379 0.9309 0.3683 0.3808 0.9198 1.2481 850.00 0.9068 544.3119 0.9198 0.3636 0.3761 0.9088 1.2407 860.00 0.9066 544.0048 0.9088 0.359 0.3715 0.898 1.2334 870.00 0.9068 544.0281 0.898 0.3545 0.367 0.8874 1.226 880.00 0.8845 537.3931 0.8874 0.3501 0.3625 0.8766 1.2184 890.00 0.8593 523.1298 0.8766 0.3457 0.3577 0.8654 1.2104 PROJECT RECORD 14 900.00 0.8558 514.5402 0.8654 0.341 0.3528 0.8539 1.2023 910.00 0.8548 513.1906 0.8539 0.3363 0.3481 0.8426 1.1944 920.00 0.8545 512.773 0.8426 0.3316 0.3434 0.8316 1.1866 930.00 0.8545 512.694 0.8316 0.327 0.3388 0.8208 1.1789 940.00 0.8548 512.8037 0.8208 0.3226 0.3343 0.8103 1.1715 950.00 0.8553 513.0247 0.8103 0.3182 0.33 0.80 1.1642 960.00 0.8558 513.3113 0.80 0.314 0.3257 0.7899 1.1566 970.00 0.8334 506.7664 0.7899 0.3098 0.3214 0.7797 1.1489 980.00 0.8081 492.4677 0.7797 0.3056 0.3169 0.7689 1.1409 990.00 0.8046 483.8022 0.7689 0.3012 0.3123 0.7579 1.1326 1000.00 0.8034 482.3775 0.7579 0.2967 0.3078 0.7472 1.1245 1010.00 0.8029 481.8806 0.7472 0.2923 0.3034 0.7366 1.1166 1020.00 0.8028 481.7201 0.7366 0.288 0.299 0.7264 1.1089 1030.00 0.78 474.8622 0.7264 0.2838 0.2947 0.716 1.1011 1040.00 0.7544 460.3184 0.716 0.2795 0.2901 0.705 1.0928 1050.00 0.7505 451.4691 0.705 0.275 0.2854 0.6938 1.0841 1060.00 0.7492 449.912 0.6938 0.2704 0.2808 0.6828 1.0752 1070.00 0.7485 449.3114 0.6828 0.266 0.2763 0.672 1.0665 1080.00 0.7483 449.0649 0.672 0.2616 0.2719 0.6615 1.058 1090.00 0.7254 442.1181 0.6615 0.2573 0.2675 0.6509 1.0494 1100.00 0.6995 427.4728 0.6509 0.253 0.2628 0.6398 1.0404 1110.00 0.6956 418.532 0.6398 0.2485 0.2581 0.6285 1.0313 1120.00 0.6941 416.9021 0.6285 0.2439 0.2535 0.6174 1.0223 1130.00 0.6934 416.2379 0.6174 0.2394 0.249 0.6065 1.0135 1140.00 0.6931 415.9333 0.6065 0.235 0.2445 0.5959 1.0047 1150.00 0.693 415.8312 0.5959 0.2307 0.2402 0.5855 0.9956 1160.00 0.6931 415.8498 0.5855 0.2265 0.2361 0.5755 0.9867 1170.00 0.6933 415.9408 0.5755 0.2225 0.232 0.5657 0.9781 1180.00 0.6936 416.075 0.5657 0.2186 0.2281 0.5562 0.9698 1190.00 0.6939 416.2345 0.5562 0.2148 0.2243 0.5471 0.9618 1200.00 0.6942 416.4087 0.5471 0.2111 0.2206 0.5381 0.9539 1210.00 0.6945 416.5912 0.5381 0.2075 0.2171 0.5295 0.9463 1220.00 0.6948 416.778 0.5295 0.204 0.2136 0.5211 0.939 1230.00 0.6951 416.9668 0.5211 0.2006 0.2102 0.513 0.9318 PROJECT RECORD 15 1240.00 0.6954 417.1562 0.513 0.1974 0.207 0.5051 0.9249 1250.00 0.6957 417.3453 0.5051 0.1942 0.2038 0.4975 0.918 1260.00 0.696 417.5335 0.4975 0.1912 0.2007 0.49 0.9107 1270.00 0.6732 410.7871 0.49 0.1882 0.1976 0.4825 0.9034 1280.00 0.6473 396.1733 0.4825 0.1852 0.1943 0.4743 0.8955 1290.00 0.6433 387.2037 0.4743 0.1819 0.1908 0.4659 0.8873 1300.00 0.6418 385.5391 0.4659 0.1786 0.1875 0.4577 0.8793 1310.00 0.641 384.8315 0.4577 0.1754 0.1842 0.4498 0.8716 1320.00 0.6406 384.4781 0.4498 0.1722 0.181 0.442 0.8641 1330.00 0.6405 384.3241 0.442 0.1691 0.1779 0.4345 0.8568 1340.00 0.6405 384.2893 0.4345 0.1661 0.175 0.4273 0.8498 1350.00 0.6406 384.3262 0.4273 0.1632 0.1721 0.4203 0.8429 1360.00 0.6408 384.406 0.4203 0.1605 0.1693 0.4135 0.8364 1370.00 0.6409 384.5114 0.4135 0.1578 0.1666 0.4069 0.83 1380.00 0.6412 384.6318 0.4069 0.1552 0.164 0.4006 0.8238 1390.00 0.3865 308.295 0.4006 0.1526 0.1597 0.3901 0.8124 1400.00 0.0974 145.1693 0.3901 0.1485 0.1519 0.3709 0.7911 1410.00 0.0501 44.2507 0.3709 0.141 0.142 0.3467 0.7644 1420.00 0.0297 23.9303 0.3467 0.1314 0.132 0.3222 0.7375 1430.00 0.018 14.2873 0.3222 0.1218 0.1222 0.2981 0.7105 1440.00 0.0109 8.6449 0.2981 0.1124 0.1126 0.2745 0.6796 1450.00 0.0066 5.2309 0.2745 0.1032 0.1033 0.2518 0.6499 1460.00 0.004 3.1651 0.2518 0.0944 0.0945 0.2299 0.6212 1470.00 0.0024 1.9151 0.2299 0.0859 0.0859 0.2089 0.5938 1480.00 0.0015 1.1588 0.2089 0.0778 0.0778 0.1888 0.5631 1490.00 0.0009 0.7012 0.1888 0.07 0.0701 0.1697 0.5305 1500.00 0.0005 0.4243 0.1697 0.0627 0.0628 0.1517 0.4998 1510.00 0.0003 0.2567 0.1517 0.0559 0.0559 0.1347 0.4708 1520.00 0.0002 0.1553 0.1347 0.0494 0.0494 0.1187 0.4436 1530.00 0.0001 0.094 0.1187 0.0433 0.0433 0.1037 0.4178 1540.00 0.00 0.0354 0.1037 0.0375 0.0375 0.0898 0.3695 1550.00 0.00 0.00 0.0898 0.0324 0.0324 0.0776 0.3194 1560.00 0.00 0.00 0.0776 0.028 0.028 0.0671 0.2761 1570.00 0.00 0.00 0.0671 0.0242 0.0242 0.058 0.2387 PROJECT RECORD 16 1580.00 0.00 0.00 0.058 0.021 0.021 0.0501 0.2063 1590.00 0.00 0.00 0.0501 0.0181 0.0181 0.0433 0.1783 1600.00 0.00 0.00 0.0433 0.0157 0.0157 0.0374 0.1541 1610.00 0.00 0.00 0.0374 0.0135 0.0135 0.0324 0.1332 1620.00 0.00 0.00 0.0324 0.0117 0.0117 0.028 0.1152 1630.00 0.00 0.00 0.028 0.0101 0.0101 0.0242 0.0996 1640.00 0.00 0.00 0.0242 0.0087 0.0087 0.0209 0.0861 1650.00 0.00 0.00 0.0209 0.0076 0.0076 0.0181 0.0744 1660.00 0.00 0.00 0.0181 0.0065 0.0065 0.0156 0.0643 1670.00 0.00 0.00 0.0156 0.0056 0.0056 0.0135 0.0556 1680.00 0.00 0.00 0.0135 0.0049 0.0049 0.0117 0.048 1690.00 0.00 0.00 0.0117 0.0042 0.0042 0.0101 0.0415 1700.00 0.00 0.00 0.0101 0.0036 0.0036 0.0087 0.0359 Routing Table for 10 year Event Time (min) Inflow (cfs) AvgI (cf) Stg (ft), S-0dt/2 (acft) S+0dt/2 (acft) Stg (ft) Outflow (cfs) 0.00 0.016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.0674 25.0356 0.00 0.00 0.0006 0.0014 0.0057 20.00 0.1504 65.3286 0.0014 0.0005 0.002 0.0048 0.0197 30.00 0.2348 115.5585 0.0048 0.0017 0.0044 0.0105 0.0431 40.00 0.3028 161.3027 0.0105 0.0038 0.0075 0.0179 0.0737 50.00 0.3745 203.1939 0.0179 0.0065 0.0111 0.0266 0.1096 60.00 0.4418 244.8868 0.0266 0.0096 0.0152 0.0365 0.1501 70.00 0.4912 279.8879 0.0365 0.0132 0.0196 0.0469 0.193 80.00 0.5511 312.6826 0.0469 0.0169 0.0241 0.0577 0.2375 90.00 0.6088 347.9649 0.0577 0.0209 0.0288 0.069 0.2839 100.00 0.6458 376.3626 0.069 0.0249 0.0336 0.0803 0.3305 110.00 0.6773 396.9152 0.0803 0.029 0.0381 0.0912 0.3754 120.00 0.7049 414.6413 0.0912 0.033 0.0425 0.1016 0.4144 130.00 0.7292 430.234 0.1016 0.0368 0.0466 0.1119 0.432 140.00 0.7509 444.0361 0.1119 0.0407 0.0509 0.1224 0.4498 150.00 0.7702 456.3125 0.1224 0.0447 0.0552 0.133 0.4678 160.00 0.7874 467.2806 0.133 0.0487 0.0595 0.1435 0.4859 170.00 0.8281 484.6523 0.1435 0.0528 0.0639 0.1545 0.5045 180.00 0.8723 510.1083 0.1545 0.0569 0.0686 0.1662 0.5246 PROJECT RECORD 17 190.00 0.8946 530.0652 0.1662 0.0614 0.0736 0.1784 0.5454 200.00 0.9664 558.3066 0.1784 0.0661 0.0789 0.1915 0.5677 210.00 1.0432 602.8832 0.1915 0.0711 0.0849 0.2064 0.5905 220.00 1.0706 634.1349 0.2064 0.0768 0.0913 0.2222 0.6112 230.00 1.1472 665.3411 0.2222 0.0829 0.0982 0.2391 0.6333 240.00 1.2282 712.6263 0.2391 0.0895 0.1058 0.2579 0.6579 250.00 1.257 745.5635 0.2579 0.0968 0.1139 0.2778 0.6838 260.00 1.3365 778.0443 0.2778 0.1045 0.1223 0.2985 0.711 270.00 1.4204 827.0734 0.2985 0.1125 0.1315 0.3211 0.7362 280.00 1.4499 861.0912 0.3211 0.1214 0.1411 0.3447 0.7622 290.00 1.5315 894.4042 0.3447 0.1307 0.1512 0.3692 0.7893 300.00 1.6176 944.7307 0.3692 0.1403 0.162 0.3957 0.8185 310.00 1.6475 979.5303 0.3957 0.1507 0.1732 0.423 0.8456 320.00 1.7898 1031.1718 0.423 0.1616 0.1852 0.4523 0.8741 330.00 1.9437 1120.0355 0.4523 0.1732 0.1989 0.4856 0.9064 340.00 1.9834 1178.1106 0.4856 0.1864 0.2135 0.5209 0.9387 350.00 2.194 1253.2006 0.5209 0.2005 0.2293 0.5591 0.9724 360.00 2.423 1385.0942 0.5591 0.2159 0.2477 0.6036 1.0111 370.00 2.4769 1469.9595 0.6036 0.2338 0.2675 0.6511 1.0495 380.00 2.7307 1562.2809 0.6511 0.2531 0.2889 0.7024 1.0908 390.00 3.0062 1721.0816 0.7024 0.2739 0.3134 0.7606 1.1346 400.00 3.0723 1823.5516 0.7606 0.2978 0.3397 0.8228 1.1803 410.00 5.4372 2552.8505 0.8228 0.3234 0.382 0.9225 1.2499 420.00 8.1065 4063.1143 0.9225 0.3648 0.4581 1.0997 1.365 430.00 8.5904 5009.0633 1.0997 0.4393 0.5543 1.3109 2.0683 440.00 6.8887 4643.7244 1.3109 0.5258 0.6324 1.4817 2.5099 450.00 4.854 3522.8063 1.4817 0.5978 0.6787 1.5826 2.7175 460.00 4.6339 2846.3639 1.5826 0.6412 0.7066 1.6431 2.8306 470.00 4.079 2613.8792 1.6431 0.6676 0.7276 1.6886 2.913 480.00 3.4947 2272.1175 1.6886 0.6875 0.7396 1.7146 2.9581 490.00 3.398 2067.8171 1.7146 0.6989 0.7464 1.7291 2.9823 500.00 3.0275 1927.6516 1.7291 0.7053 0.7495 1.7359 2.9937 510.00 2.633 1698.1612 1.7359 0.7083 0.7473 1.7311 2.9856 520.00 2.5652 1559.4744 1.7311 0.7062 0.742 1.7196 2.9664 PROJECT RECORD 18 530.00 2.4371 1500.6912 1.7196 0.7011 0.7356 1.7058 2.9434 540.00 2.3096 1424.0053 1.7058 0.695 0.7277 1.6888 2.9134 550.00 2.2848 1378.3188 1.6888 0.6876 0.7192 1.6705 2.8801 560.00 2.1742 1337.7099 1.6705 0.6795 0.7103 1.6511 2.845 570.00 2.056 1269.0653 1.6511 0.6711 0.7002 1.6293 2.8055 580.00 2.0364 1227.7236 1.6293 0.6616 0.6897 1.6066 2.7645 590.00 1.9619 1199.4793 1.6066 0.6517 0.6792 1.5837 2.7198 600.00 1.8826 1153.3296 1.5837 0.6417 0.6682 1.5598 2.6719 610.00 1.8694 1125.6044 1.5598 0.6314 0.6573 1.5359 2.624 620.00 1.8309 1110.1126 1.5359 0.6211 0.6466 1.5127 2.5775 630.00 1.7909 1086.5514 1.5127 0.6111 0.636 1.4897 2.5283 640.00 1.7844 1072.5994 1.4897 0.6012 0.6258 1.4674 2.4771 650.00 1.7487 1059.9367 1.4674 0.5917 0.616 1.446 2.4279 660.00 1.71 1037.6172 1.446 0.5826 0.6064 1.425 2.3796 670.00 1.7043 1024.3031 1.425 0.5737 0.5972 1.4047 2.333 680.00 1.6688 1011.9366 1.4047 0.565 0.5883 1.3853 2.2802 690.00 1.6302 989.6924 1.3853 0.5569 0.5796 1.3663 2.226 700.00 1.6243 976.3455 1.3663 0.5489 0.5713 1.3482 2.1746 710.00 1.5886 963.8831 1.3482 0.5414 0.5635 1.3311 2.1259 720.00 1.5497 941.4904 1.3311 0.5342 0.5558 1.3144 2.0781 730.00 1.5436 927.9859 1.3144 0.5272 0.5485 1.2984 2.0275 740.00 1.5415 925.5398 1.2984 0.5206 0.5418 1.2844 1.9418 750.00 1.5408 924.714 1.2844 0.5151 0.5363 1.2728 1.8709 760.00 1.5409 924.5351 1.2728 0.5105 0.5318 1.2633 1.8126 770.00 1.5075 914.5294 1.2633 0.5068 0.5278 1.2549 1.7616 780.00 1.4697 893.1523 1.2549 0.5035 0.524 1.247 1.7133 790.00 1.4642 880.157 1.247 0.5004 0.5206 1.2399 1.6698 800.00 1.4624 877.9627 1.2399 0.4976 0.5178 1.2339 1.6332 810.00 1.4617 877.2313 1.2339 0.4953 0.5154 1.229 1.603 820.00 1.4618 877.0526 1.229 0.4934 0.5135 1.2249 1.578 830.00 1.4281 866.9669 1.2249 0.4918 0.5117 1.221 1.5545 840.00 1.39 845.4424 1.221 0.4903 0.5097 1.2168 1.5288 850.00 1.3843 832.2905 1.2168 0.4886 0.5077 1.2127 1.5037 860.00 1.3822 829.9578 1.2127 0.487 0.506 1.2092 1.4824 PROJECT RECORD 19 870.00 1.3814 829.0962 1.2092 0.4856 0.5047 1.2063 1.4646 880.00 1.3812 828.7931 1.2063 0.4845 0.5035 1.2039 1.4499 890.00 1.3473 818.5662 1.2039 0.4835 0.5023 1.2014 1.4348 900.00 1.3089 796.8741 1.2014 0.4826 0.5009 1.1982 1.4248 910.00 1.303 783.5655 1.1982 0.4812 0.4992 1.1944 1.4225 920.00 1.3007 781.1027 1.1944 0.4796 0.4976 1.1906 1.4202 930.00 1.2997 780.1248 1.1906 0.478 0.4959 1.1868 1.4179 940.00 1.2993 779.7143 1.1868 0.4764 0.4943 1.1831 1.4156 950.00 1.2994 779.6239 1.1831 0.4748 0.4927 1.1794 1.4134 960.00 1.2997 779.7237 1.1794 0.4732 0.4911 1.1758 1.4112 970.00 1.3001 779.9366 1.1758 0.4717 0.4896 1.1722 1.409 980.00 1.2664 769.9514 1.1722 0.4702 0.4878 1.1682 1.4066 990.00 1.228 748.3148 1.1682 0.4685 0.4857 1.1632 1.4036 1000.00 1.222 734.9824 1.1632 0.4663 0.4832 1.1575 1.4001 1010.00 1.2196 732.473 1.1575 0.4639 0.4807 1.1518 1.3967 1020.00 1.2185 731.4315 1.1518 0.4615 0.4783 1.1462 1.3932 1030.00 1.218 730.9477 1.1462 0.4591 0.4759 1.1407 1.3899 1040.00 1.1837 720.4988 1.1407 0.4567 0.4733 1.1347 1.3862 1050.00 1.1448 698.5263 1.1347 0.4542 0.4702 1.1276 1.382 1060.00 1.1384 684.9539 1.1276 0.4512 0.4669 1.12 1.3773 1070.00 1.1358 682.2769 1.12 0.4479 0.4636 1.1124 1.3727 1080.00 1.1345 681.11 1.1124 0.4447 0.4603 1.1049 1.3681 1090.00 1.1339 680.5264 1.1049 0.4415 0.4571 1.0974 1.3636 1100.00 1.0994 669.9807 1.0974 0.4383 0.4537 1.0895 1.3585 1110.00 1.0603 647.9026 1.0895 0.435 0.4499 1.0806 1.3529 1120.00 1.0538 634.2356 1.0806 0.4312 0.4458 1.0712 1.3469 1130.00 1.0511 631.483 1.0712 0.4272 0.4417 1.0617 1.3409 1140.00 1.0497 630.2505 1.0617 0.4233 0.4377 1.0525 1.335 1150.00 1.049 629.6075 1.0525 0.4193 0.4338 1.0433 1.3292 1160.00 1.0487 629.2993 1.0433 0.4155 0.4299 1.0344 1.3235 1170.00 1.0486 629.1914 1.0344 0.4117 0.4261 1.0256 1.3179 1180.00 1.0487 629.2039 1.0256 0.408 0.4224 1.017 1.3124 1190.00 1.0489 629.2885 1.017 0.4044 0.4188 1.0085 1.3071 1200.00 1.0491 629.416 1.0085 0.4008 0.4152 1.0003 1.3019 PROJECT RECORD 20 1210.00 1.0494 629.5687 1.0003 0.3973 0.4118 0.9922 1.2964 1220.00 1.0497 629.7361 0.9922 0.3939 0.4084 0.9842 1.2911 1230.00 1.05 629.9115 0.9842 0.3906 0.405 0.9764 1.2859 1240.00 1.0503 630.0912 0.9764 0.3873 0.4018 0.9688 1.2808 1250.00 1.0506 630.2727 0.9688 0.3842 0.3986 0.9614 1.2759 1260.00 1.0509 630.4547 0.9614 0.381 0.3955 0.9541 1.271 1270.00 1.0512 630.6363 0.9541 0.378 0.3925 0.947 1.2663 1280.00 1.0171 620.492 0.947 0.375 0.3893 0.9396 1.2613 1290.00 0.9781 598.5692 0.9396 0.3719 0.3857 0.9311 1.2556 1300.00 0.9717 584.9472 0.9311 0.3684 0.3818 0.922 1.2496 1310.00 0.969 582.2027 0.922 0.3646 0.3779 0.913 1.2436 1320.00 0.9675 580.952 0.913 0.3608 0.3742 0.9041 1.2376 1330.00 0.9667 580.2751 0.9041 0.3571 0.3704 0.8954 1.2316 1340.00 0.9663 579.9236 0.8954 0.3535 0.3668 0.8868 1.2255 1350.00 0.9662 579.7672 0.8868 0.3499 0.3632 0.8784 1.2196 1360.00 0.9662 579.7281 0.8784 0.3464 0.3597 0.8701 1.2138 1370.00 0.9663 579.7597 0.8701 0.343 0.3563 0.8621 1.2081 1380.00 0.9665 579.8335 0.8621 0.3397 0.353 0.8542 1.2025 1390.00 0.9666 579.9325 0.8542 0.3364 0.3497 0.8466 1.1971 1400.00 0.5877 466.2891 0.8466 0.3332 0.3439 0.8329 1.1875 1410.00 0.1552 222.8521 0.8329 0.3276 0.3327 0.8064 1.1688 1420.00 0.0809 70.8314 0.8064 0.3166 0.3182 0.772 1.1432 1430.00 0.0481 38.7111 0.772 0.3025 0.3034 0.7367 1.1166 1440.00 0.0291 23.1526 0.7367 0.288 0.2885 0.7014 1.0901 1450.00 0.0176 13.9908 0.7014 0.2735 0.2738 0.6662 1.0617 1460.00 0.0106 8.4656 0.6662 0.2592 0.2594 0.6316 1.0338 1470.00 0.0064 5.1223 0.6316 0.2452 0.2453 0.5977 1.0062 1480.00 0.0039 3.0994 0.5977 0.2314 0.2315 0.5644 0.977 1490.00 0.0024 1.8754 0.5644 0.218 0.2181 0.532 0.9485 1500.00 0.0014 1.1348 0.532 0.205 0.205 0.5005 0.9208 1510.00 0.0009 0.6866 0.5005 0.1924 0.1924 0.4697 0.8909 1520.00 0.0005 0.4155 0.4697 0.1801 0.1801 0.4398 0.8619 1530.00 0.0003 0.2514 0.4398 0.1682 0.1682 0.4109 0.8339 1540.00 0.0002 0.1521 0.4109 0.1568 0.1568 0.3829 0.8044 PROJECT RECORD 21 1550.00 0.0001 0.092 0.3829 0.1457 0.1457 0.3558 0.7744 1560.00 0.00 0.0347 0.3558 0.135 0.135 0.3296 0.7456 1570.00 0.00 0.00 0.3296 0.1247 0.1247 0.3045 0.7179 1580.00 0.00 0.00 0.3045 0.1149 0.1149 0.2801 0.687 1590.00 0.00 0.00 0.2801 0.1054 0.1054 0.2568 0.6565 1600.00 0.00 0.00 0.2568 0.0963 0.0963 0.2346 0.6273 1610.00 0.00 0.00 0.2346 0.0877 0.0877 0.2133 0.5995 1620.00 0.00 0.00 0.2133 0.0795 0.0795 0.1929 0.57 1630.00 0.00 0.00 0.1929 0.0716 0.0716 0.1735 0.537 1640.00 0.00 0.00 0.1735 0.0642 0.0642 0.1553 0.5059 1650.00 0.00 0.00 0.1553 0.0572 0.0572 0.1381 0.4765 1660.00 0.00 0.00 0.1381 0.0507 0.0507 0.1219 0.4489 1670.00 0.00 0.00 0.1219 0.0445 0.0445 0.1066 0.4229 1680.00 0.00 0.00 0.1066 0.0387 0.0387 0.0925 0.3806 1690.00 0.00 0.00 0.0925 0.0334 0.0334 0.0799 0.329 1700.00 0.00 0.00 0.0799 0.0289 0.0289 0.0691 0.2844 1710.00 0.00 0.00 0.0691 0.025 0.025 0.0597 0.2458 1720.00 0.00 0.00 0.0597 0.0216 0.0216 0.0516 0.2125 1730.00 0.00 0.00 0.0516 0.0187 0.0187 0.0446 0.1837 1740.00 0.00 0.00 0.0446 0.0161 0.0161 0.0386 0.1588 1750.00 0.00 0.00 0.0386 0.0139 0.0139 0.0333 0.1372 1760.00 0.00 0.00 0.0333 0.0121 0.0121 0.0288 0.1186 1770.00 0.00 0.00 0.0288 0.0104 0.0104 0.0249 0.1025 1780.00 0.00 0.00 0.0249 0.009 0.009 0.0215 0.0886 1790.00 0.00 0.00 0.0215 0.0078 0.0078 0.0186 0.0766 1800.00 0.00 0.00 0.0186 0.0067 0.0067 0.0161 0.0662 1810.00 0.00 0.00 0.0161 0.0058 0.0058 0.0139 0.0572 1820.00 0.00 0.00 0.0139 0.005 0.005 0.012 0.0495 1830.00 0.00 0.00 0.012 0.0043 0.0043 0.0104 0.0428 1840.00 0.00 0.00 0.0104 0.0038 0.0038 0.009 0.037 Routing Table for 100 year Event Time (min) Inflow (cfs) AvgI (cf) Stg (ft), S-0dt/2 (acft) S+0dt/2 (acft) Stg (ft) Outflow (cfs) 0.00 0.0284 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.1203 44.6169 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.0024 0.0101 PROJECT RECORD 22 20.00 0.2384 107.6131 0.0024 0.0009 0.0034 0.008 0.033 30.00 0.3717 183.0323 0.008 0.0029 0.0071 0.017 0.0699 40.00 0.5013 261.9179 0.017 0.0061 0.0122 0.0291 0.1196 50.00 0.5928 328.25 0.0291 0.0105 0.018 0.0431 0.1776 60.00 0.6919 385.4143 0.0431 0.0156 0.0244 0.0585 0.2406 70.00 0.7836 442.6327 0.0585 0.0211 0.0313 0.0748 0.308 80.00 0.8439 488.2281 0.0748 0.027 0.0383 0.0915 0.3766 90.00 0.9229 530.021 0.0915 0.0331 0.0452 0.1084 0.426 100.00 0.9985 576.4054 0.1084 0.0394 0.0526 0.1266 0.457 110.00 1.0408 611.776 0.1266 0.0463 0.0603 0.1458 0.4896 120.00 1.0755 634.887 0.1458 0.0536 0.0682 0.1651 0.5226 130.00 1.1076 654.9272 0.1651 0.061 0.076 0.1844 0.5556 140.00 1.1404 674.3942 0.1844 0.0684 0.0838 0.2038 0.587 150.00 1.174 694.3225 0.2038 0.0758 0.0917 0.2231 0.6123 160.00 1.207 714.3019 0.2231 0.0833 0.0997 0.2427 0.638 170.00 1.2387 733.719 0.2427 0.0909 0.1077 0.2626 0.664 180.00 1.3058 763.3557 0.2626 0.0986 0.1161 0.2832 0.691 190.00 1.3753 804.33 0.2832 0.1066 0.125 0.3052 0.7187 200.00 1.408 834.9885 0.3052 0.1151 0.1343 0.3279 0.7437 210.00 1.5135 876.4412 0.3279 0.1241 0.1442 0.3521 0.7704 220.00 1.6257 941.7531 0.3521 0.1336 0.1552 0.3791 0.8002 230.00 1.6628 986.5555 0.3791 0.1442 0.1668 0.4075 0.8305 240.00 1.7724 1030.5749 0.4075 0.1554 0.179 0.4372 0.8594 250.00 1.8887 1098.3333 0.4372 0.1672 0.1924 0.4698 0.8911 260.00 1.927 1144.7072 0.4698 0.1801 0.2064 0.5038 0.9238 270.00 2.0395 1189.9531 0.5038 0.1937 0.221 0.5391 0.9548 280.00 2.1588 1259.4984 0.5391 0.2079 0.2368 0.5772 0.9882 290.00 2.1979 1307.0065 0.5772 0.2232 0.2532 0.6166 1.0217 300.00 2.3125 1353.1121 0.6166 0.2391 0.2702 0.6574 1.0546 310.00 2.4342 1424.0033 0.6574 0.2556 0.2883 0.7009 1.0897 320.00 2.4736 1472.3241 0.7009 0.2733 0.3071 0.7456 1.1233 330.00 2.6756 1544.7646 0.7456 0.2916 0.3271 0.7931 1.1591 340.00 2.8955 1671.3424 0.7931 0.3111 0.3495 0.846 1.1968 350.00 2.95 1753.6427 0.846 0.333 0.3733 0.9021 1.2363 PROJECT RECORD 23 360.00 3.2496 1859.8782 0.9021 0.3563 0.399 0.9622 1.2764 370.00 3.577 2047.9786 0.9622 0.3814 0.4284 1.0308 1.3212 380.00 3.6522 2168.7396 1.0308 0.4102 0.46 1.1041 1.3677 390.00 4.0119 2299.2107 1.1041 0.4411 0.4939 1.1822 1.4151 400.00 4.4034 2524.5872 1.1822 0.4744 0.5324 1.2646 1.8205 410.00 4.4952 2669.5778 1.2646 0.5073 0.5686 1.3423 2.1576 420.00 7.8567 3705.5565 1.3423 0.5389 0.6239 1.4633 2.4676 430.00 11.6648 5856.4583 1.4633 0.59 0.7244 1.6817 2.9005 440.00 12.3639 7208.6108 1.6817 0.6844 0.8499 1.9417 3.9228 450.00 9.9573 6696.3573 1.9417 0.7959 0.9496 2.1468 4.5644 460.00 7.0552 5103.7713 2.1468 0.8868 1.0039 2.2579 4.854 470.00 6.702 4127.1754 2.2579 0.9371 1.0318 2.3147 4.9939 480.00 5.8903 3777.682 2.3147 0.963 1.0498 2.3511 5.079 490.00 5.0419 3279.6605 2.3511 0.9798 1.0551 2.3619 5.1043 500.00 4.8832 2977.5562 2.3619 0.9848 1.0531 2.358 5.095 510.00 4.347 2769.0652 2.358 0.983 1.0465 2.3446 5.0637 520.00 3.779 2437.7992 2.3446 0.9768 1.0327 2.3166 4.9982 530.00 3.6711 2235.049 2.3166 0.9639 1.0152 2.2809 4.9116 540.00 3.4827 2146.1433 2.2809 0.9475 0.9968 2.2434 4.8177 550.00 3.2968 2033.8372 2.2434 0.9305 0.9771 2.2032 4.7172 560.00 3.2562 1965.8917 2.2032 0.9122 0.9573 2.1625 4.6072 570.00 3.0969 1905.9252 2.1625 0.8938 0.9376 2.1221 4.4972 580.00 2.9272 1807.2252 2.1221 0.8757 0.9171 2.0801 4.3765 590.00 2.8959 1746.9178 2.0801 0.8569 0.897 2.0385 4.2502 600.00 2.7886 1705.3325 2.0385 0.8384 0.8776 1.9986 4.1281 610.00 2.6748 1639.0131 1.9986 0.8207 0.8583 1.959 3.9852 620.00 2.6537 1598.5658 1.959 0.8034 0.8401 1.9216 3.85 630.00 2.5978 1575.4728 1.9216 0.7871 0.8233 1.8873 3.6871 640.00 2.5399 1541.3265 1.8873 0.7725 0.8079 1.8567 3.4816 650.00 2.5291 1520.7092 1.8567 0.7599 0.7948 1.8308 3.3076 660.00 2.4777 1502.0392 1.8308 0.7493 0.7837 1.8088 3.1599 670.00 2.4222 1469.9649 1.8088 0.7402 0.774 1.7885 3.0816 680.00 2.4127 1450.4774 1.7885 0.7315 0.7648 1.7688 3.0487 690.00 2.3619 1432.40 1.7688 0.7228 0.7557 1.7492 3.0159 PROJECT RECORD 24 700.00 2.3067 1400.5808 1.7492 0.7142 0.7463 1.729 2.9821 710.00 2.2972 1381.1684 1.729 0.7052 0.737 1.7088 2.9484 720.00 2.2463 1363.0603 1.7088 0.6963 0.7276 1.6887 2.9132 730.00 2.1908 1331.1334 1.6887 0.6875 0.7181 1.668 2.8756 740.00 2.1812 1311.5878 1.668 0.6785 0.7086 1.6474 2.8383 750.00 2.1773 1307.5419 1.6474 0.6695 0.6995 1.6277 2.8027 760.00 2.1756 1305.8713 1.6277 0.6609 0.6909 1.6091 2.7689 770.00 2.175 1305.1792 1.6091 0.6527 0.6827 1.5913 2.735 780.00 2.1277 1290.8228 1.5913 0.645 0.6746 1.5738 2.6999 790.00 2.0741 1260.5635 1.5738 0.6375 0.6664 1.5558 2.6639 800.00 2.0656 1241.9125 1.5558 0.6297 0.6582 1.538 2.6282 810.00 2.0623 1238.35 1.538 0.622 0.6504 1.5211 2.5943 820.00 2.0608 1236.9139 1.5211 0.6147 0.6431 1.5051 2.5623 830.00 2.0603 1236.3068 1.5051 0.6078 0.6362 1.49 2.5291 840.00 2.0128 1221.9237 1.49 0.6014 0.6294 1.4752 2.495 850.00 1.959 1191.5522 1.4752 0.595 0.6224 1.4599 2.4598 860.00 1.9502 1172.7666 1.4599 0.5885 0.6154 1.4447 2.4248 870.00 1.9467 1169.0785 1.4447 0.582 0.6089 1.4303 2.3919 880.00 1.945 1167.5204 1.4303 0.5759 0.6027 1.4169 2.361 890.00 1.9443 1166.7945 1.4169 0.5702 0.597 1.4044 2.3322 900.00 1.8966 1152.276 1.4044 0.5649 0.5913 1.392 2.2993 910.00 1.8425 1121.7436 1.392 0.5597 0.5854 1.379 2.2624 920.00 1.8335 1102.8064 1.379 0.5542 0.5796 1.3662 2.226 930.00 1.8298 1098.9914 1.3662 0.5489 0.5741 1.3544 2.1921 940.00 1.8279 1097.3197 1.3544 0.5439 0.5691 1.3434 2.1609 950.00 1.827 1096.4891 1.3434 0.5394 0.5645 1.3334 2.1323 960.00 1.8267 1096.1358 1.3334 0.5352 0.5603 1.3242 2.1061 970.00 1.8268 1096.0674 1.3242 0.5313 0.5565 1.3158 2.0821 980.00 1.8271 1096.1693 1.3158 0.5278 0.553 1.3081 2.0602 990.00 1.7799 1082.0835 1.3081 0.5246 0.5494 1.3004 2.0382 1000.00 1.7259 1051.7268 1.3004 0.5214 0.5455 1.2921 1.9889 1010.00 1.7169 1032.8399 1.2921 0.5181 0.5418 1.2844 1.9416 1020.00 1.7132 1029.023 1.2844 0.5151 0.5387 1.2778 1.9015 1030.00 1.7112 1027.3158 1.2778 0.5125 0.5361 1.2723 1.868 PROJECT RECORD 25 1040.00 1.7102 1026.4297 1.2723 0.5104 0.5339 1.2678 1.8402 1050.00 1.6621 1011.707 1.2678 0.5086 0.5318 1.2633 1.813 1060.00 1.6076 980.9129 1.2633 0.5068 0.5293 1.2582 1.7815 1070.00 1.5982 961.7261 1.2582 0.5048 0.5269 1.253 1.7499 1080.00 1.5942 957.7059 1.253 0.5028 0.5248 1.2486 1.7227 1090.00 1.592 955.8527 1.2486 0.501 0.523 1.2448 1.6998 1100.00 1.5908 954.8555 1.2448 0.4996 0.5215 1.2417 1.6806 1110.00 1.5426 940.0314 1.2417 0.4983 0.5199 1.2384 1.6605 1120.00 1.4879 909.132 1.2384 0.497 0.5179 1.2342 1.6348 1130.00 1.4783 889.8523 1.2342 0.4954 0.5158 1.2298 1.608 1140.00 1.4742 885.7581 1.2298 0.4937 0.514 1.226 1.5847 1150.00 1.4719 883.8413 1.226 0.4922 0.5125 1.2228 1.565 1160.00 1.4707 882.7869 1.2228 0.4909 0.5112 1.22 1.5484 1170.00 1.4701 882.2243 1.22 0.4899 0.5101 1.2178 1.5346 1180.00 1.4698 881.9565 1.2178 0.489 0.5092 1.2159 1.5232 1190.00 1.4698 881.8663 1.2159 0.4882 0.5085 1.2144 1.5137 1200.00 1.4699 881.8827 1.2144 0.4876 0.5079 1.2131 1.506 1210.00 1.47 881.963 1.2131 0.4871 0.5074 1.2121 1.4996 1220.00 1.4702 882.0812 1.2121 0.4867 0.507 1.2112 1.4944 1230.00 1.4705 882.2217 1.2112 0.4864 0.5066 1.2105 1.4901 1240.00 1.4708 882.3749 1.2105 0.4861 0.5064 1.2099 1.4867 1250.00 1.471 882.5352 1.2099 0.4859 0.5062 1.2095 1.4839 1260.00 1.4713 882.699 1.2095 0.4857 0.506 1.2091 1.4816 1270.00 1.4716 882.8644 1.2091 0.4856 0.5058 1.2088 1.4798 1280.00 1.4719 883.03 1.2088 0.4855 0.5057 1.2086 1.4784 1290.00 1.4243 868.8517 1.2086 0.4854 0.5053 1.2077 1.473 1300.00 1.3699 838.2621 1.2077 0.485 0.5043 1.2055 1.4596 1310.00 1.3605 819.1232 1.2055 0.4842 0.503 1.2028 1.4429 1320.00 1.3565 815.095 1.2028 0.4831 0.5018 1.2003 1.428 1330.00 1.3542 813.1962 1.2003 0.4821 0.5008 1.1981 1.4247 1340.00 1.3529 812.1309 1.1981 0.4812 0.4998 1.1958 1.4234 1350.00 1.3522 811.5399 1.1958 0.4802 0.4989 1.1936 1.422 1360.00 1.3519 811.2337 1.1936 0.4793 0.4979 1.1914 1.4207 1370.00 1.3518 811.0992 1.1914 0.4783 0.4969 1.1892 1.4193 PROJECT RECORD 26 1380.00 1.3518 811.0681 1.1892 0.4774 0.496 1.187 1.418 1390.00 1.3519 811.0991 1.187 0.4765 0.4951 1.1849 1.4168 1400.00 1.352 811.1673 1.1849 0.4756 0.4942 1.1829 1.4155 1410.00 0.8257 653.3174 1.1829 0.4747 0.4897 1.1725 1.4092 1420.00 0.2234 314.7385 1.1725 0.4703 0.4775 1.1445 1.3922 1430.00 0.1173 102.212 1.1445 0.4583 0.4607 1.1057 1.3687 1440.00 0.0698 56.1296 1.1057 0.4418 0.4431 1.065 1.343 1450.00 0.0422 33.5898 1.065 0.4246 0.4254 1.0239 1.3168 1460.00 0.0255 20.2992 1.0239 0.4073 0.4077 0.9827 1.2901 1470.00 0.0154 12.2827 0.9827 0.39 0.3902 0.9418 1.2628 1480.00 0.0093 7.432 0.9418 0.3728 0.373 0.9015 1.2359 1490.00 0.0057 4.4969 0.9015 0.356 0.3561 0.8616 1.2077 1500.00 0.0034 2.721 0.8616 0.3395 0.3395 0.8225 1.1801 1510.00 0.0021 1.6464 0.8225 0.3233 0.3233 0.7841 1.1523 1520.00 0.0013 0.9962 0.7841 0.3074 0.3075 0.7464 1.1239 1530.00 0.0008 0.6028 0.7464 0.292 0.292 0.7096 1.0963 1540.00 0.0005 0.3647 0.7096 0.2769 0.2769 0.6735 1.0677 1550.00 0.0003 0.2207 0.6735 0.2622 0.2622 0.6383 1.0392 1560.00 0.0002 0.1335 0.6383 0.2479 0.2479 0.604 1.0115 1570.00 0.0001 0.0808 0.604 0.234 0.234 0.5703 0.9822 1580.00 0.00 0.0305 0.5703 0.2204 0.2204 0.5377 0.9535 1590.00 0.00 0.00 0.5377 0.2073 0.2073 0.5059 0.9256 1600.00 0.00 0.00 0.5059 0.1945 0.1945 0.475 0.8961 1610.00 0.00 0.00 0.475 0.1822 0.1822 0.4449 0.8669 1620.00 0.00 0.00 0.4449 0.1703 0.1703 0.4159 0.8387 1630.00 0.00 0.00 0.4159 0.1587 0.1587 0.3877 0.8097 1640.00 0.00 0.00 0.3877 0.1476 0.1476 0.3604 0.7795 1650.00 0.00 0.00 0.3604 0.1368 0.1368 0.3341 0.7505 1660.00 0.00 0.00 0.3341 0.1265 0.1265 0.3087 0.7226 1670.00 0.00 0.00 0.3087 0.1165 0.1165 0.2843 0.6924 1680.00 0.00 0.00 0.2843 0.107 0.107 0.2608 0.6616 1690.00 0.00 0.00 0.2608 0.0979 0.0979 0.2383 0.6323 1700.00 0.00 0.00 0.2383 0.0892 0.0892 0.2169 0.6042 1710.00 0.00 0.00 0.2169 0.0808 0.0808 0.1964 0.5759 PROJECT RECORD 27 1720.00 0.00 0.00 0.1964 0.0729 0.0729 0.1768 0.5425 1730.00 0.00 0.00 0.1768 0.0654 0.0654 0.1583 0.5111 1740.00 0.00 0.00 0.1583 0.0584 0.0584 0.141 0.4815 1750.00 0.00 0.00 0.141 0.0518 0.0518 0.1246 0.4535 1760.00 0.00 0.00 0.1246 0.0455 0.0455 0.1092 0.4273 1770.00 0.00 0.00 0.1092 0.0396 0.0396 0.0948 0.3902 1780.00 0.00 0.00 0.0948 0.0343 0.0343 0.082 0.3373 1790.00 0.00 0.00 0.082 0.0296 0.0296 0.0708 0.2916 1800.00 0.00 0.00 0.0708 0.0256 0.0256 0.0612 0.252 1810.00 0.00 0.00 0.0612 0.0221 0.0221 0.0529 0.2179 1820.00 0.00 0.00 0.0529 0.0191 0.0191 0.0458 0.1883 1830.00 0.00 0.00 0.0458 0.0165 0.0165 0.0395 0.1628 1840.00 0.00 0.00 0.0395 0.0143 0.0143 0.0342 0.1407 1850.00 0.00 0.00 0.0342 0.0124 0.0124 0.0295 0.1216 1860.00 0.00 0.00 0.0295 0.0107 0.0107 0.0255 0.1051 1870.00 0.00 0.00 0.0255 0.0092 0.0092 0.0221 0.0909 1880.00 0.00 0.00 0.0221 0.008 0.008 0.0191 0.0786 1890.00 0.00 0.00 0.0191 0.0069 0.0069 0.0165 0.0679 1900.00 0.00 0.00 0.0165 0.006 0.006 0.0143 0.0587 1910.00 0.00 0.00 0.0143 0.0052 0.0052 0.0123 0.0507 1920.00 0.00 0.00 0.0123 0.0045 0.0045 0.0107 0.0439 1930.00 0.00 0.00 0.0107 0.0039 0.0039 0.0092 0.0379 PROJECT RECORD 28 Southport Wetvault Sizing Calculations Following the procedure outlined in of the King County Stormwater Design Manual: Step 1: Identify required wetpool volume factor = 3 ( ) Step 2: Determine rainfall (R) for the mean annual storm 6.4.1., = 0.47" = 0.039′ PROJECT RECORD 29 Step 3: Calculate runoff from the mean annual storm = !0.9 "+ 0.25 &’+ 0.10 &(+ 0.01 )* "= 190,000 + &’= 0.00 + &(= 0.00 + )= 0.00 + =( 0.039 ,)(0.9)(190,000 +) = 6,669 - Step 4: Calculate required wetpool volume .= .=(3)(6,669 -) .= 20,007 - With inside dimensions of 178.5’ x 25’, and a live storage depth of 4.8’, the provided volume of the existing vault is approximately 21,420 CF, so, 21,420 - > 20,007 - 0 )1"232 > 345" 32 Therefore, the existing vault is adequate for reuse as a wetvault to provide basic water quality treatment. Additionally, the existing wetvault must meet the requirements of City of Renton Amendment to KCSWDM Section 6.4.2. PROJECT Southport Hotel DESIGNED BY BGG DATE 04/01/2015 PROJECT NUMBER C140507-01 CLIENT MG2 CHECKED BY BSB SHEET OF LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 29 Appendix B Geotechnical Report, Long Acres Phase II Prepared for Ryan Companies by Terra Associates, Inc. Dated May 19, 2015 LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II 30 Appendix C STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) TO BE INCLUDED AT TIME OF PERMIT SUBMITTAL