HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong Acres Phase II - Supplemental Site ExplorationTERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences August 31, 2015 Project No. T-7159-1 Mr. Joel Wage Ryan Companies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, Arizona 85018 Subject: Supplemental Site Exploration Long Acres Phase II SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington Reference: Geotechnical Report, Long Acres Phase Il, SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW, Renton, Washington, Project No. T-7159-1, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 18, 2015 Dear Mr. Wage: As request, we have performed additional site exploration at the Long Acres Phase H project in Renton, Washington. On August 20, 2015, we observed the soil and groundwater conditions at 6 soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet below current site grades. Four test borings were located in the footprint of the revised west building location with two additional test borings located in the east building area. The locations of the test borings in relation to the previously performed field work are shown on the attached Figure 1. The test borings were advanced using mud rotary drilling methods. Soil samples were obtained at five-foot intervals in general accordance with American Society. for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation D- 1586. Using this procedure, a 2 -inch (outside diameter) split barrel sampler is driven into the ground 18 inches using a 140 -pound hammer free falling a height of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches after an initial 6 -inch set is referred to as the Standard Penetration Resistance value or N value. This is an index related to the consistency of cohesive soils and relative density of cohesionless materials. N values obtained for each sampling interval are recorded on the boring logs. All soil samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described on the attached Figure 2. The boring logs are presented as Figures 3 through 8. Laboratory testing completed on soil samples obtained included determination of the soils in place moisture content. Results of the laboratory moisture contents for the soil samples are shown on the boring logs opposite the samples on which they were performed. 12220 113th Avenue NE, Ste. 130, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 • Fax (425) 821-4334 Mr. Joel Wage August 31, 2015 The soil conditions observed in the test borings are generally consistent with the previous cone penetration tests (CPTs) data and test pit excavations completed for the referenced geotechnical engineering report. These consist of very loose and soft silty sand and silt alluvium to a depth of about 23 feet followed by medium dense to occasionally dense dark gray to black sand alluvium to boring completion. Evidence of groundwater was observed at depths of 5 to I 1 feet below current surface grades during drilling. The supplemental soils data obtained at the test borings by SPT sampling is generally consistent with that indicated by the CPT data. Liquefaction analysis based on the SPT data indicates the alluvium would be subject to the liquefaction phenomenon during a design level earthquake. Site impacts should liquefaction occur would be in the form of building settlement with maximum settlement approaching four inches, similar to that indicated by the analysis using the CPT data and discussed in the referenced report. Based on the results of the supplemental test boring data, we are amending our recommendations for supporting the buildings on augercast piles. Augercast piles, if used, should be advanced to obtain support in the medium dense sand alluvium indicated to be present at depths of 30 to 35 feet below current site grades by the recent test borings. Pile capacity, both vertical compressive and uplift values as well as lateral values outlined in the referenced report would remain the same. With the exception of the recommendations for augercast pile depth as amended above, all other geotechnical recommendations for design and construction as outlined in the referenced report continue to remain valid. We trust the supplemental information presented is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES, INC. Carol IF -31-J6- 1'h I. �,cheppr, Y. P� • Enclosed: Figr W — Exploration Location Plan Figure 2 — Unified Soil Classification System Figures 3 through 8 — Boring Logs Project No. T-7159-1 Page No. ii NOTE: LEGEND: THIS SITE PLAN IS SCHEMATIC. ALL LOCATIONS AND APPROXIMATE TEST PIT LOCATION DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. IT IS INTENDED FOR ®APPROXIMATE CONE PENETRATION TEST LOCATION REFERENCE ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. & APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION REFERENCE: SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY W.H. PACIFIC, AND COLLINS WOERMAN. 400 FEET MAJOR DIVISIONS LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Clean GW Well -graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines. Gravels (less ` GRAVELS than 5% CO) More than 50% fines) GP Poorly -graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines. 2N of coarse fraction N mCn is larger than No. GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixtures, non -plastic fines. a`) > 4 sieve Gravels with GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay mixtures, plastic fines. LU M•Vi fines o �o N ,LO Clean Sands SW Well -graded sands, sands with gravel, little or no fines. N o Z SANDS (less than QM More than 50% 5% fines) SP Poorly -graded sands, sands with gravel, little or no fines. o } of coarse fraction SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures, non -plastic fines. v 2 is smaller than No. 4 sieve Sands with SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures, plastic fines. fines (D ML Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey silts with slight plasticity. J M a) (.N SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit is less than 50% CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity. (Lean clay) D m 'Cn OL Organic silts and organic clays of low plasticity. Z Eo o 04 MH Inorganic silts, elastic. O L o Z SILTS AND CLAYS w Z t C° Liquid Limit is greater than 50% CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity. (Fat clay) LL L N .r O OH Organic clays of high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS N Standard Penetration 2" OUTSIDE DIAMETER SPILT SPOON SAMPLER LU Density Resistance in Blows/Foot Z 2.4" INSIDE DIAMETER RING SAMPLER OR O Very Loose 0-4 SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER as Loose 4-10 = Medium Dense 10-30 = WATER LEVEL (Date) O Dense 30-50 V Very Dense >50 Tr TORVANE READINGS, tsf Pp PENETROMETER READING, tsf Standard Penetration Consistancy Resistance in Blows/Foot LU DD DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot U) Very Soft 0-2 = Soft 2-4 LL LIQUID LIMIT, percent O Medium Stiff 4-8 V Stiff 8-16 PI PLASTIC INDEX Very Stiff 16-32 Hard >32 N STANDARD PENETRATION, blows per foot Terra UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM LONG ACRES PHASE II . Associates Inc. RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Pro No.T-7159-1 1• Date AUG 2015 Figure 2 9 LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Figure No. 3 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client: Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer Z o TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density a Moisture Content % SPT (N) L n E WP I-----x-----I WI 0 Blows/ft • o in 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 ,..... _1 1- I i _ 2 FILL: crushed gravel, fine to medium grained, 3_ moist. (GP) 4- -45.0 45.0 6 5 _ ...__.._......- 6 ne moist. Gray SILT with sand, figrained, Medium Stiff 7- (ML) 8- 9- 9 - - 46.6 1 10- Brown grading to gray/black silty SAND, fine Very Loose x = 11- 711 -IF grained, moist to wet. 12- 13 .._ -.... __ - 14- - 82.1 4 15- Gray SILT with sand interbedded with brown Soft ■ 16- peat, wet. (ML) 17 18 .................................•--...............-•--..--.. _......... 19- -43.0 81 20- Loose * f •' r 21 Gray/black poorly graded SAND, fine to 22 medium grained, wet. (SP) 23- 24- 26.7 2B 25--FMedium Dense • 6 26- 27 27 i 28- 829 29- - 31.5 28 30--F31 Medium Dense 32 33 *Continued on Next Page. 34 35 L Terra Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted 1 I Associates, Inc. as being indicative of other areas of the site. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Figure No. 3 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client: Ryan Companies _ Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A m Pocket Penetrometer i'_ A TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 S Soil Description Relative Density -' - ' ' T Moisture Content % SPT (N) s ;? n E Wp I -----x ----- I WI • Blows/ft • 0 M 10 30 50 70 90 , 1 1 1 A {. J ! ir 10 20 30 40 28.8 36 Medium Dense x s 738 37- 38- 39 26.1 --------------------! ------------- 82 40- Dense ------=, ---------------6-----=. ----- - 41- T -------- -------- --------- ------- -------- 42 43- 44- 27.5 -----T-------------E--------------- 26: 45- Medium Dense ----; • 46 ----- -- ------------------------- 47 - --- 48 49 30.1 ------- ------------2J ' ........ 50- Medium Dense = ...... 611.:.. .... .. 51 52- .. . 53- ------- -------------------------- -- ---- 54- -------- 28.5 '-------- - ------ 24 55- Medium Dense • -------- 56- 57- ------- 58 I 59 - ------ 31.3. ; - -- 26; 60- Medium Dense - ------ ' •--;------ 61- ------- ------------ --------------- 62 63- Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. :.......:.......»..�... _ ....... - Groundwater observed below 11 feet. 4- 64- -- ---- -------- -------- : -------- -------- 65 65 - ---------------- 66- ------- -------------67- 68 69 -------- 70- 0-Note: Note:This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 Figure No. 4 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client: Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer Z o TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density Moisture Content % SPT (N) w a CL E Wp I ----- x ----- I WI Blows/ft • 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 I 1- 2- 3 3 ' 4 3 5- *No sample. Soft • 6 i 1 7- 8- 8- 9 9 _ 45.7 1 ' s i 10 Gray SILT with sand, fine grained, wet. (ML) Very Soft 10 11 i f 12 I I I J. i E 13- 14- *From 15 to 16.5 feet soil is interbedded with £6.8 1 I 15-][15- brown peat. Very Soft 16- 617- 17- 18 1819 19- 55.6 1 20- Very Soft A 0I - 21- 1-22- I 22- 23- 23 ...... ........ ............. ......_................. ----•---...... .................. -........ ? I 24- 28A 9 25- Gray/black poorly graded SAND, fine to Loose X • 26- medium grained, wet. (SP) 27 28- 29- *Occasional shell fragments observed below 25.7 26 30- 30 feet. Medium Dense • 31- 132- 32- 33 33 34- *Continued on Next Page. 35- Medium Dense Terra Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted '' Associates, Inc. as being indicative of other areas of the site. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 Figure No. 4 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client:. Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A m Pocket Penetrometer Z o TSF A Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density 1 1. ' -- Moisture Content % SPT (N) E W x WI • Blows/ft o CU 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 38.3 21 36- 37 ----------------- ---------- ------- -------- -------- ------ ------- 39 - - 32.2 - -----1------- ------ 4 40- Very Loose . ------ -------- 41 41- -------' ------- ---------------- `- -... 42 -------- 43- 44- 28.9 ; - -- ---- - ------ ----- - 16 45-1Medium Dense ----- = '--------------- ---- 46 •------- ------- ------ ---- ------- 47 ------- -------- ------------ -- --- 48 49 37.0 -- T - '. 16 50- Medium Dense ------ ---. --------- ------- 51- _T 52 ................. 53 ----------------I------- 54 *Trace wood fragments observed. 33.0 2n 55-1Medium Dense ----- --------+---- ----------------- 56 ------ -------_-----_---- ---- ----------------------------------- 57 57- 58 59- 31-8 -------- -------- 60- Medium Dense ------' ------- 61 _T 62- 63- Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. Groundwater seepage observed below 10 64- feet. 65- 66- - --- -- ..................... 67- 68- ........ ................... . 69-1 70- Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. T ; : Terra �t Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 Figure No. 5 Project: Long Acres Phase 11 Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client: Ryan Companies _ Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer L TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 S Soil Description Relative Density m Moisture Content % SPT (N) S CL E Wp I-----x-----I WI a Blows/ft e a) m 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 2- 3 Brown/gray SILT with sand, fine grained, wet. (ML) Mottled j 4 Soft 38.3 2 i 5- -6- 6- 7- 7- 8- 8 9 - 36.0 1 10-IBrown silty SAND, fine grained, wet. (SM) Very Loose 11 12- 13- --•----.... -..... -........ -......... -... _.._... ..-............... _.._... � .. 14 1 15- Very Loose 16- Gray/black poorly graded SAND with silt, fine 17 grained, wet. (SP -SM) 18 19- -33-2 10 20- Medium Dense a 21- 1- 22- 22- 23- 23- 24 - ............ 31.8 7 25-T� a 26- Loose 27- Gray/black poorly graded SAND, fine to 28- medium grained, wet. (SP) 29 - 24.8 30 30- 0-31- 31 Dense 32 - 33- 34 "Continued on Next Page. 35 Terra Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted Associates, Inc. as being indicative of other areas of the siteon Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 Figure No. 5 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client: Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged 8y: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer Z o TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density -' t SPT (N) Q Moisture Content % a E Wp I ----- x ----- I WI • Blows/ft • o M 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 25-8 22 36 Medium Dense ------ -- -♦ - ` 37 ------- - - -------- ------------------ ------ --------38 38- 39- - 24.4 -- - - +---- 2s# --- 40 Medium Dense ------I - ----+-------------- 41 --------: --------- ------- -------- 42 - ------- 43- ...:... 44 45- Medium Dense ------------- • - --•----' --•--•- 46- --------- --------------- ------- ------ 47- 47- .... ....... -------- ---------- ------ 48 48 49- 33.8 12 50- Medium Dense ----- • `-------- - 51 -•--- -------- - ---'------- 52- 5253 53- 54- 54-28.7 -28,7 55 Medium Dense •' 56- 6- 57- 57 58 ------- ------ 59- 31.5 -------------- --------- ------- -------- 25 60- Medium Dense ----- -------- - -- a ----------------- 61 61- 62----------------- 63-Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. -----,----------------I--------------- Groundwater seepage observed below 5 feet. 64- 65- :..... .:.....f..... 66 67 68 69 - 70 Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Terra i. Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 Figure No. 6 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client: Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer o TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density 4 - ' aD Moisture Content % SPT (N) CL m Wp I ----- x ----- I WI • Blows/ft ■ m 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 1 2 3 _ Gray/brown SILT with sand, fine grained, wet. Soft (ML) Mottled 4 37.7 4 i 5- * • 6 7- 8 .» ..... .......--_....-.----------------------___..._ 9-1 39.9 1 10- Brown silty SAND, fine grained, wet. (SM) Very Loose x 11- 12- 13- . ............. ...................... 14- -31.5 1 15- Very Loose x 16- • Gray/black poorly graded SAND with silt, fine 17 - grained, wet. (SP -SM) 18 19- 34.4 2 i 20- Very Loose * • I i 21 22- 223... 23- . ....... 24 -..____________.____.... 26-3 12 j j 25 x ■ 26 Medium Dense 27 Gray black, poorly graded SAND, fine to 28 medium grained, wet. (SP) 29- 25,1 34 30 31- :L• Dense 32- 33- 34- "Continued on Next Page. 35 Terra Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted Associates, Inc. as being indicative of other areas of the site. so Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 Figure No. 6 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Client: _Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer ai �1 TSF Consistency/ 2 3 4� 9 Soil Description Relative Density Moisture Content % SPT (N) a CL E Wp I ----- x ----- I WI • Blows/ft • 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 22.9 --7-26 36- Medium Dense .: 37- ------=--- ---•=. ------ - ------- 38 39- 24.5 2g .. --------- 40- - "Occasional shell fragments observed below Medium Dense ! ....... 41- 40 feet. 42- - --- J' --- ----, ...... 43- -------' -------! ---- --'---------- --- 44- 29-5 18 45- Medium Dense ■ 46- . 47 - 48 49 34.7 ---- 15 50 -][Medium Dense ----- -w- ------......• • 51 52 . ...........................--.....-.... 53 54- 31.5 ------------------ ----------------- :23 55-1Medium Dense x -- --- ------ ------------ 56- ..................... . .............. 57 58 - ------------ ------ -----' ------- 59 - ;38.2 ---- -------------- :----;-------- 15 60- Medium Dense ------------s•-;------L------ ------ 61 62- _ ........... ....... 63 Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. Groundwater seepage observed below 5 feet. s 64- �..:.. .. 65- 66- ....... - ... E ------ 68- ----------------------- 69- ------- ---------------' 70- ---' --- Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Figure No. 7 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/21/15 Client: Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer o TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density a Moisture Content % SPT (N) CL E Wp I-----x-----I WI • Blows/ft • Q m 10 30 50 70 90 ..1.... 1..... 1.. L. I 10 20 30 40 I ' 1 2- 3- 34 4— _ 29.5 7 5— Gray/brown silty SAND, fine grained, moist. Loose • 6 - (SM) Mottled 7- 8 9 - 35,9 4 7,10 Very Loose x • i 11- 12- 13 14 Very Loose 33.7 4 15 x • 16— Gray/black poorly graded SAND, fine to 17_ medium grained, wet. (SP) 18- 19— 30.4 11 20— Medium Dense • 21- 22- 2- 23- 23- 24 24- 31.3 31.3 14 25—:EMedium Dense * • 26 27- 72829 28- 29- 31.0 31.0 23 30 Medium Dense • 31 32- 33— '`Continued on Next Page. 34 — 35—..... Terra Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted Associates, Inc. as being indicative of other areas of the site. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering. Geology &I and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Figure No. 7 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/21/15 Client: Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer A TSF o a) Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density n Moisture Content % SPT (N) L S E Wp I -----x ----- I WI + Blows/ft a m m 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 -23 26.3 36- ..... Medium Dense - - ------ '. 38- ------- -------- ------ --- - 39- - 20 ------ 40 Medium Dense ------4------- ----- 41- *Occasional shell fragments observed below --------=-------=------ 40 feet. 42 ......: -... ---------L --------------- 43 ----- ---- - --- - 44- - 37.7 -------; 1----------------- - 5 45- Loose --------- -------•-------- 46 I: -T 47 ... ...... +� 48 .... r------- ..---4950- 49- 50- Medium Dense - • 51- _T52- 25354 53- 54- 32.4 25 55Medium Dense X • 56 57 58 ------=-----'------- ----- 59 - 31-3 ------ 2$ 60 Medium Dense ---------4t------------- 61 }� . _ 62 63 Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. Groundwater seepage observed below 10 64 feet. 566 65- 66- 67 68 -------- 70- 0-Note: Note:This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Terra '7 -.. Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 Figure No. 8 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/21/15 Client: Ran Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJD Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer Z o TSF Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 Soil Description Relative Density a Moisture Content % SPT (N) L a E WP I-----x-----I WI • Blows/ft ■ (1)m 0 fn 10 30 50 70 90 I 1 1 .A 1. 1. 4. A .1 10 20 30 40 I. A .I A- 2- 23 3 Brown poorly graded SAND interbedded with silt, fine to medium grained, moist. 4- (SM) Mottled Loose 29.5 8; 5- K ■ 6- 7- l 8- .. .............. - 9 - -----... .... .... .................. ............... 28.5 7 IF 10- Loose x • 11- 12- Gray/black poorly graded SAND, fine to 13- medium grained, wet. (SP) I 14- Loose 30 7 15 16-T I 17- 718-19 18- 19 24.7 16i 20- Medium Dense Jr • 21- 22- 23- 24- *Trace wood fragments observed at 26 feet. 30.3 : i; ; 25 Loose 26- 6-27- 27- 28- 28 29- 29- Medium Dense 557 �$ 30- 0-31- 31- 32- 32- 33- 33 *Continued on Next Page. 34- 35 - Terra p; Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted F;_.. Associates, Inc. as being indicative of other areas of the site. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 Figure No. 8 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/21/15 Client: Ryan Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: AJQ Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Pocket Penetrometer A TSF o Consistency/ 1 2 3 4 S Soil Description Relative Density —' ' I .I. L a Moisture Content % SPT (N) EL E Wp I -----x ----- I WI • Blows/ft • Q) 0 m 10 30 50 70 90 10 20 30 40 --11. 430 12 �. 36 *From 35.5 to 36.5 soil is interbedded with Medium Dense + ••••. 37 gray silt and brown peat. 38 39 23.6 ---- '-------+--------------- --46 40-1Dense X- ----------------=---• 41 -- ---' --:----- 42 43- 44- 22.4 37 45 Dense ------- ---------------- • 46- .. 47-T - 48 49 *Occasional shell fragments observed below ...... 50 feet. 2a 26 50-150........ Medium Dense ■ • -• ••• 51 52- 53 54 31.9 - ......-...: 9 55 Loose x a -�-•; --',� - 56 ---------- -------'_-------;-... ...... 57------------------ 58 59-- 33.0 --<13---- ------'- -------- 60 Medium Dense x ----- • -------- ------' ------- 61 62 63- Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. - ----- Groundwater seepage observed below 10 64- feet. - - 65 67 68 70 Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology