HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Minutes 6-17-2019CITY OF RENTON MINUTES - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, June 17, 2019 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall —1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Absent: Councilmembers Present: Carol Ann Witschi Don Persson, Council President Randy Corman Ryan Mclrvin Ruth Perez Armondo Pavone Ed Prince MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER CAROL ANN WITSCHI. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Robert Harrison, Chief Administrative Officer Shane Moloney, City Attorney Megan Gregor, Deputy City Clerk Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Craig Burnell, Building Inspector Commander Karlewicz, Police Department PROCLAMATIONS a) Juneteenth 2019: A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring June 19, 2019 to be Juneteenth 2019 in the City of Renton, encouraging all citizens to join in this celebration. Reverend James Barnett accepted the proclamation with thanks. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. June 17, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES b) Drum Corps Day: A proclamation by Mayor Law was read proclaiming July 6, 2019 to be Drum Corps Day in the City of Renton, urging all citizens to recognize the contributions that the members and staffs of every drum corps have made in their respective communities. David Haining & Ed Petkavich of the Seattle Cascades Drum and Bugle Corps accepted the proclamation with thanks. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Robert Harrison reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2019 and beyond. Items noted were: • The Kennydale Reservoir groundbreaking ceremony will be on Wednesday, June 19 at 10:00 a.m. at 1404 North 30th Street (Kennydale Fire Station 15). The Kennydale Reservoir is a collaborative project between the city and the Renton Regional Fire Authority that will fulfill the need for a reservoir west of 1-405. Completion of the project is anticipated to be summer 2020. • PSE and their tree trimming contractor Asplundh will be doing annual maintenance work on five electrical circuits in Renton this year. This will involve pruning trees close to electrical lines for public safety, fire prevention and safeguarding continuity of electrical service delivery. The following planning areas will be affected: two circuits in the Talbot area, three circuits in the Highlands area, and one circuit in the East Plateau area. All residents in proximity to work areas will be notified by PSE in advance of any work. Electrical power will not be interrupted. Residents can check work areas by going to PSE's website for more information. PSE is hoping to start this season's work in July in the President's Park neighborhood. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Jason Collins, addressed Council regarding concerns related to how business is conducted in the City's prosecuting attorney's office and provided ideas related to how to help the homelessness problem in the City of Renton. Lilia Anderson, Renton, Community Relations Director at Merrill Gardens, relayed information regarding Merrill Gardens in Renton Centre's 6th Annual Fundraiser on July 13, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. to benefit the Puget Sound Honor Flight. Nancy Quinn, Renton, shared concerns related to how vagrants are being dealt with in her neighborhood. Additionally, she also addressed issues related to cars driving over the speed limit on Maple Valley Highway. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of June 10, 2019. Council Concur. b) AB - 2404 City Clerk reported bid opening on June 10, 2019 for CAG-19-152, Lake Youngs Ct. SE Storm & Water Improvement Project, and submitted the staff recommendation to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Oceanside Construction, Inc., in the amount of $501,986.60. Council Concur. June 17, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES c) AB - 2400 Community & Economic Development Department requested approval of a second round of 2019 Lodging Tax Fund allocations, in an amount not to exceed $38,100, as recommended by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Refer to Finance Committee. d) AB - 2401 Community Services Department requested approval to fund the 2019 Neighborhood Project Grants in the total amount of $40,395.52. Refer to Community Services Committee. e) AB - 2402 Community Services Department requested authorization to waive a total of $240 in parking fees for the Return to Renton Car Show on 7/7/2019. Council Concur. f) AB - 2403 Public Works Administration requested authorization to hire a Transportation Maintenance Division Signal/Electronic Systems Technician II at Step E of salary grade a17, effective July 1, 2019. Refer to Finance Committee. g) AB - 2405 Utility Systems Division requested authorization to hire a Utility Systems Civil Engineer III at Step D of Salary grade a29, effective August 1, 2019. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Finance Committee Chair Pavone presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the following payments: 1. Accounts Payable — total payment of $4,376,758.34 for vouchers, 51719, 374145- 374149, 374163-374575; payroll benefit withholding vouchers 6050-6058, 374150- 374162 and four wire transfers. 2. Payroll —total payment of $1,447,825.37 for payroll vouchers which includes 674 direct deposits and 17 checks (May 1-15, 2019 pay period). 3. Municipal Court —total payment of $4,956.20 for vouchers 017440-017452. MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. b) Finance Committee Chair Pavone presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to authorize hiring a Transportation Systems Division Design Section Civil Engineer III at Pay Grade a29, Step E. This position was approved as part of the 2019-2020 biennial budget and is currently budgeted at Pay Grade a29, Step C. Funds to cover the cost of the salary increase are available through salary savings in 2019 and also through specific capital projects. MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. c) Finance Committee Chair Pavone presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to authorize the Administration to compensate Tuan (Caden) Nguyen for the position of Sr. Systems Analyst at Step D of Grade a29 effective June 17, 2019. MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. June 17, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES LEGISLATION Ordinance for second and final reading: a) Ordinance No. 5928: An ordinance was read amending sections 2-4-3, 2-4-4, and 2-4-6 of the Renton Municipal Code, amending Civil Service Commission regulations, and providing for severability and establishing an effective date. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:33 P.M. 1i Megan Gregor, CMC, Recorder Monday, June 17, 2019 June 17, 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Council Committee Meeting Calendar June 17, 2019 June 24, 2019 Monday CANCELLED Council and Committee Meetings, Chair Persson July 1, 2019 Monday 3:00 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Prince - Council Conference Room 1. Title IV, Docket #14 2. Park Ave. Design 3. Emerging Issues in CED 4:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair Pavone - Council Conference Room 1. Willowcrest Townhomes Fee Waiver Request - briefing 2. Allocation of LTAC Funding - 2019 Second Round 3. Signal/Electronic System Technician II at Step E 4. Civil Engineer III in Utilities Hire at Step D 5. Vouchers 6. Emerging Issues in Finance CANCELLED Transportation Committee, Chair Mclrvin 5:00 PM Community Services Committee, Vice Chair Mclrvin - Council Conference Room 1. 2019 Neighborhood Grants 2. Emerging Issues in Community Services 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Persson - Conferencing Center 1. 200 Mill Project 2. Drug Info Show and Tell 3. Emerging Issues *Item already approved 6/10